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Various Corporate Liens Up Fractions—Federal Sec tion Improves. Bond Averages | 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F’gn. Net change. +.1 Unc. —.1 —.2 Todav, close 93.0 103.0 *98.3 71.0 Prev. day.. 92.9 103.0 98.4 71.2 Month ago - 94.1 102.9 99.6 71.4 Year ago_ 91.9 102.5 101.5 68.5 1937 high.. 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low 92.6 102.4 98.4 70.5 1936 high.. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low — 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high-.101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Today ...110.0 Prev. day. 110.0 Month ago 108.8 Year ago. 111.7 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low— 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 * New low. (Compiled by tbe Associated Pres*.) By th* Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 15.—The bond market finished the week w'ith a mod erate upturn today. Despite continued low volume of trading various corporate liens reached ahead for fractional gains. U. 8. Governments paced the move ment wdth a number of advances which averaged about ’B of a point. These were evenly distributed through the Treasury' and guaranteed lists. The rail division claimed a fair number of the gains. Leaders were Baltimore & Ohio 4<-s, Chicago & Northwestern 3 Vs. Pennsylvania gen eral 4tis, Southern Pacific 4’2S and Southern Railway 4s. Also a little improved were Ana conda Copper 412 s, Bethlehem Steel 4tis, Goodyear 5s and International Paper 5s. German obligations received some | attention at rising prices. Both the j Young and Dawes plan issues have j ehown life recently, apparently in response to favorable appraisals of Germany’s foreign trade outlook for the current year, as outlined by some economists. Washington Exchange SALES. Washington Railway & Electric pre ferred—10 at 10812, 5 at 108,2. AFTER CALL. Washington Railway & Electric pre ferred—4 at 108. Potomac Electric Power S’i'l'c pre ferred—5 at 110. 5 at 110. Capital Transit Co —8 at 9 >2, 15 at 10. Potomac Electric Power 67i preferred —2 at 109. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked. Amir. Tel. & Tel. 4'as_105'j Anaoostia A Pot. os _ 74 77 Ana. A Pot. Guar, fia_107 _ C. A P. Tel. of Va. 5s_103 Cap Traction R. R. 5s _ _ 00'2 02 City A Suburban 5s _ S2 87 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_112 Pot. Elec. Pow. 3>«s_ 100 3 03 wash. Gas 5s 1058_ _ 105 106'j' Wash. Gas 5s 1060 _ 115 Wash. Rut. A Elec. 4«_105 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Col. Country Club S'2s_ 105 _ w. M. Cold Storage os_100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Ta). A Tel. (0)_164 _ Capital Transit Co _ 0'j 11 t . A W. Steamboat (6). .110 _ Pot Elec. Pow. 6rr pfd <61. *lio Pot. El. P. o'?.rr Df. <5.50)-*100 111 Wish. Gas Lt. Co. (3.60) 78 81 Wash. Ry A El. com. (36)_*700 725 Wash. Ry. A El. pfd. (5>_.*108 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec A Tr. Co (eS) 201 __ Rank of Betfcesda )H.75)__ 34 _ Capital (41 .. _140 _ Com. A Savings (10)_210 Liberty (4) 150 160 Lincoln (16.25) _ 200 Natl. Sav. & Tr. 170 Pr. George* Bk. A Tr. (.50) 17 21 Flgg* ie8)_ 300 330 Riggs pfd. (8) _ 101'/j _ Washington < 6) 130 Wash. Loan A Tr. <eS) . __ 290 300 FIRE INSURANCE. American (6) _110 Corcoran (5) _ _ loo 225 Firemen's (1.AO) __ 20 _ National Union (.60) _ 16 _ TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (.30) _ _ 13 15Vi Real Estate (6) _ 170 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) _ 20 26 Lanston Monotype (t4) _ 02 08 Lincoln 6erv. com (tl.OO). 15 17'/i Lincoln Service ptd. (3.50). 40 51 Merienthaler Lino. (2.00) 455> 47'ii Peoples Drug S. com. (tl.OO) 50 55 Peoples Dr. St. pfd. (6.50) _ 112 Real Est, M.O. pf. (**.70). 434 Eecurity StOTaae (5) _ 115 125 Ter. Ref. A Wh. Corp. (3) 60 Wdwd. A Loth. com. ( + 1.50) 50'i 68 Wdwd. A Loth. Pfd. (7)_115 125 •Ex-dlvldend. ♦ Plus extras, (p) 2% extra, (f) l'a0* extra. (H) 75c extra (*•) 25c paid June 80. 1836. 45c paid December 22. 1936. BALTIMORE STOCKS •Mcfsl Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE May In— •ale*. STOCKS. High. Low. Close. 112 Arundel Oorp _ 22% 22 22 1 Baltimore Trans. 1% 1% 1% 5 Balto Trans nf 5% 5% 5% 90 Black Sc Decker 28% 28% 28% 24 Mfrs Pin 2d pf . 1% 1% 1 % 230 Md A Pa R R 3% 3% 3% lOOMerch A Miners 34% 34% 34% 175 U S Fidel A Guar 23% 22% 22% BONDS. S2000 Balt Trn db 4s A 31 31 31 ANACONDA DISCLOSES NETS OF SUBSIDIARIES By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 15.—Anaconda Copper Mining Co. reported the first quarter profits of three subsidiaries. Chile Copper Co. had net income of $4,643,816 for the quarter, or $1.05 • share of capital stock. Andes Copper Mining Co. had net income of $591,580, or 17 cents a •hare. Greene Oananea Copper Co. showed het income of $581,303, or $1.16 a •hare. There were no comparative figures for the first quarter last year. HEADS FRANKLIN FIRE. NEW YORK, May 15 (/P).—Frank lin Fire Insurance Co. announced to day Harold V. Smith was elected president of the company. He suc ceeds Wilfred Kurth, who was made chairman of the Board of Directors. LONDON TRADE DATA. LONDON, May 15 (TP).—Board of Trade figures for April are as follows: Total imports, £82,870,000; exports of British products, £43,020,000; re-ex ports, £7,270.000; total exports, £50, 290,000; excess of imports, £32,580,000. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK, May 15 MV—Tin steady; spot, and nearby. 55.non; future. 54.75n. Other metal* unchanged, n—Nominal. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. May 15 MV—Silver fu ture* closed steady. 10 lower. No sales; May. 44 95b: July. 44.80b; September, 44.70b. b—Bid. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transaction! Today. U S Gov't Bonds-.-, 840,000 Foreign Bonds_’, 520,000 Domestic Bonds_2,690,000 TREASURY. All time shown below is daylight laving on which the Exchange Is now operating. High. Low. Close. 2i,2i 1949-53_ 97.17 97.11 97.17 2 U s 1945-4 7_ 102.6 102.6 102.6 2 Us 1948-51_ 100.10 100.5 100.10 2\s 1951-54_ 99.20 99,16 99.20 2%s 1956-59_ 99.17 99.10 99.17 2 7s s 1955-60_ 100.16 100.14 100.16 3s 1946-48_ 103.27 103.23 103.27 3s 1951-55_ 102.11 102.5 102.11 3Us 1949-52_ 104.2 104. 104.2 3 U s 1941. _ 106.11 106.11 106.11 3Us 1944-46 _ 105.27 105.27 106.27 3-%s 1940-43June 105.17 105.17 105.17 3Us 1941-43 Mar 106.19 106.16 106.19 3 % s 1943-47 _ 106.16 106.16 106.16 3 %s 1946-56. _ 109.2 109.2 109 2 4V4S-3 74S '43-45. 106.4 105.28 106.4 4 Us-374 s 43-45rg 105.31 105.31 105,31 4 V* s 194 7-52 _ 115.9 115.4 115.9 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1 947_ 102.22 102.22 102.22 3s 1949 _ 102. 101.29 102. 3 74 s 1964- 102.25 102.20 102.25 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2 U s 1939-49_ 100. 99.29 100. 3s 1952_101.17 101.17 101.17 FOREIGN BONOS. High. Low. Close. Abitihi Fa&Pw 5s'53. 100% 100% 100% Antioquia 7s’45 A_ 14% 14% 14% Argentine 4'is '71_ 98% 98% 98% Argentine 5%s '62_100% 100% 100% Argentine 6s '57 A__. 101% 101% 101% Argentine 6s'69 June 100 100 100 Argentine 6s'59 Oct_. 101% 101% 101% Argentine 6s '60 Sept. 101% 101% 101% Argentine 6s '60 Oct.. 101% 101% 101% Argentine 6s '61 Febr 100% 100% 100% Argentine 6s'61 May. 102 102 101 Australia 5s'55_107% 107 107 Australia 5s'57_106% 106% 106% Belgium 7s'55_117% 117% 117% Berlin 6s'58_ 19% 19% 19% Berlin Elec 6s '55_ 20% 20% 20% Brazil 6%s'26-’57_ 36% 36 36% Brazil 6%s’27-'57_ 36% 36% 36% Brazil 7s '52_ 37% 37% 37% Brazil 8s '41 46% 46% 46% Beu A4%-4%s'77 Pv. 77% 76 77% Buenos A 4%s’76 Aug 77% 77 77% Buenos Aires 4 %s-4%s'76 April. 78% 77% 78% Buenos A4 % s-4 %s'75 80% 80V* 80% Buenos A C 6s'60 Oct 101% 101% 101% Candaa 3%s '61_ 99% 99 99 Canada 4s'60_107% 107% 107% Canada 5s'52_112 112 112 Chile 6s'60. ... 20% 20% 20% Chile 6s’61 Jan_ 21 20% 21 Chile 6s’61 Febr_ 21 21 21 Chile 6s’61 Sept_ 21 21 21 Chile 6s’63_ 21 20% 21 Chile 7s'42. _ 20% 20% 20% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s '57 18% 18% 18% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s '61. 18% 18% 18% Chilean Mun L 7s'60. 16% 16% 16% Colombia 6s'61 Oct.. 28% 28% 28% Copenhagen 5s'52_ 98% 98% 98% Cordoba 7« '42 prv_ 97% 97V* 97% Cuba 5s '04-'44_103% 102% 102% Cuba 5 %s '45_ 62% 62 62% Denmark 4%s'62_ 98% 98% 98% Denmark 6s'42._105% 105% 105% Dominic 1 st 5 %s'42.. 77% 77% 77% Dresden 7s '45_ 20 20 20 Finland 6s'43_ 107 107 107 Ger C Bk A 6s '38 . 43 43 43 Ger C Bk A 6s'60 Oct. 32% 32% 32% Ger Gen Elec 6s'48_ 32% 32% 32% Ger Gov 5%s'65 st... 27% 27% 27% Ger Rep 7s '49 stpd_ 31% 30% 31 Haiti 6s’52. _ 99 99 99 Helsingfors 6%s '60.. 105 105 105 Italy 7s '51. _ _ 86 86 86 Ital P U Crd 7s '52_ 73 73 73 Japan 5%s’65_ 83% 83% 83V* Kreug&Toll 5s'59 cfs 50% 50% 50V* Lombard Elec 7s ’52__ 73 73 73 Milan 6%s'52_ 73 72% 72% Norway 4s '63 _ 97% 97% 97% Norway 4%s'65_101% 101% 101% Oriental Dev 5%s'58. 76 76 76 Peru 6s '60_ 18% 18% 18% Porto Alegre 7 '66. 25% 25% 25% ‘Rio de Jan 6%s '53.23% 23% 23% Rio de Jan 8a 46 „ 26 26 26 Rio Gr do Sul 6s'68... 25 25 25 Rio Gr do Sul 8s '48—. 31 30 31 Rome 6%s '52_ 74% 74% 74% Roumania 7s'59_ 36% 36% 36% Sao Paulo St 8s '50_ 30 30 30 Serbs 8s'62_ 28% 28% 28% Silesia Prov 7s'58_ 43 43 43 Tokio 5%s'61_ 76% 76% 76% Tokio E h Ltd 6s '53— 79% 79 79% Uruguay 6s'64_ 66% 66% 66% Wuertemberg 7s'56— 19% 19% 19% DOMESTIC BONDS. Ala Grt Southn 4s'43. IO6V4 1064 1044 Alb&Sus 34s’46 gtd. 103 103 103 Alleg Corp 5s'44 — 994 994 994 Am & For Pw 5s 2030. 784 784 784 Am Ice cv 5s’53_ 95 95 95 Am I GCh 5 4s'49— 1064 1064 1064 Am T & T 3V4s '61_ 974 974 974 Am T & T 3 4s ’66_ 974 974 974 Am T & T 4 4 * ’ 3 9_1054 1054 1054 AmT&T54s’43_113V4 1124 1124 Anaconda deb 4 4s'50 1054 1054 1054 Anglo-Chil Nit 7s ’67_ 344 344 344 Armour* Co 4 4s'39 1024 1024 1024 Armour(Del)lst 4s’55 974 974 974 Armour (Del) 4s'57.. 974 974 974 A T&S Fe gen 4s '95— 1094 1094 1094 AT&SFe 44s’48—_. 1084 1084 1084 Atl Coast L 1st 4s ’52. 1024 1024 1024 Atl Coast L clt 4s'52. 93% 93% 934 Atl C L un 44s'64-_. 92% 92 92% Atl Coast Line 5s’45. 104 104 104 Atlantic & D lst4s’48. 504 504 504 Atlantic & D 2d5s’48 _. 454 454 454 B&0 44»’60_ 76% 764 764 B&O 1st 5s ’48_114 114 114 B&O ref 5s ’95 A_ 85% 854 85% B&O 5s ’96 F_ 84 84 84 B&O ref 5s 2000 D_ 84 84 84 B&O ref 6s’95 C_ 984 984 984 B&O FLE&W V4 s' 41 1034 1034 1034 Bang & Aroos 5s '43 — 111% 111% 111% Bell Tel of Pa 5s'60 C. 123% 123% 123% Beth Steel 3%s’66— 95 94% 95 Beth Steel 4%s'60_103% 103% 103% Bos & Me 4%s ’61 J_ 79 78% 78% Bos & Me 5s’55_ 83% 83% 83% Bos & Me 5s ’67_ 83% 83% 83% Bklyn Ed con 3%s’66 100% 100% 100% Bklyn Man T 4 %s ’66. 92% 92% 92% Bklyn Pn Gas 5s ’50.. 103% 103% 103% Bklyn Un Gas 5s’45„ 114% 114% 114% Bklyn UnG5s’57B_. 105% 105% 105% Buff R&P con 4%s’57. 86% 86 86% Bush Term con 5s ’55. 60 60 60 Bush Ter Bldg 5s’60- 60 60 60 Can’dian Ndb6%s’46 124 124 124 Can’dian P db 4s perp 92% 92% 92% Can’dian Pac 4%s ’60. 101% 101% 101% Can’dian P 5s ’44 cfs- 114% 114% 114% Can’dian Pac 5s ’54 — . 106% 106% 106% Cent of N J gen 5s’87. 65 63 63 Cent of NJ sn 5s’87rg. 60% 60 60 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s ’49. 107% 107% 107% Cent Pac 5s'60_ 99% 99% 99% Cent RR B Ga 5s ’37_ 90 90 90 Cent Steel 8s’41_123% 123% 123% Champ P&F 4% s’50.. 105% 105% 105% Chesap C cv 5s’44_113 112% 112% Ches&O 3%s’96 D_ 96% 96% 96% Ches & O 3 % s ’96 E_ 96% 96% 96% Chi B&Q gen 4s ’58— 109% 109% 109% Chi B&Q 4%s '77- 109% 109% 109% Chi B&QI div 4s ’49— 109% 109% 109% Chi &E 111 6s’51_ 37% 37 37% Chi Grt West 4s'59_ 43% 43% 43% Chi l&L gen 6s’66_ 18 18 18 C M & St P 5s ’75_ 28% 28% 28% Chi &NW4%s 2037 C 27% 27 27 Chi &NW 4%S’49— 18% 17% 18 C&NW Nr W 6 %s'36. 49 49 49 C&N W D P V 4 %s’47. 51% 51% 51% Chi R I&P rf 4s ’34 — 20% 20% 20% ChiRI&Prf 4s’34ctf. 17% 17% 17% Chi R I&P gen 4s’88.. 36% 36% 36% Chi R I&P 4%« ’52_ 19% 19% 19% Chi R I&P 4 %s’60— _ 12% 12% 12% Chi Un Sta 3 %s’51— 104 104 104 Chi Un Sta 3 % s ’63 E. 106% 106% 106% Chi Un Sta 4s ’44_106% 106% 106% Chi Un Sta 4s ’63- 108% 108% 108% Chi & W Ind 4 %s ’62-. 101% 101% 101% CCC&StLrf 4% s’77E 95 94% 94% CCC&StL StL dv4s’90 99 99 99 Clev El 111 3%s ’65_107% 107% 107% Clev Un Ter 4%s’77_. 102% 102% 102% Columbia G & E deb 5s’52 April_103% 103% 103% Columbia G&E 5s '61. 101% 101 101 Colum Ry P&L 4s '65. 105% 105% 105% Cornel Credit 3%s’61. 97% 97% 97% Conn R Pw 3 % s ’61 A. 104% 104% 104% Cons Coal Del 5s’60 _ 70 69% 70 Cons Ed NY 3 %s’46 n 105 104% 105 Cons Ed NY 3%s’56 n 103 103 103 Cons Gas NY 4 %s’51 107% 107% 107% Consol Oil3%s’51.__ 101% 100% 101 Consum Pwr 3 %s’70. 101% 101% 102% Consum Pwr 3 %s ’655105% 105% 105% Hl«h. Low. Close. Container deb 5*'48.. 101% 101% 101% Dayton PAL 8%s'60. 103V* 103% 108% Del A Hud ref 4«'43.. 90% 90% 90% Den A R G con 4s '36. 27 26% 26% Den A RG 4%s'3S.__ 28% 28% 28% Den A RGW 6s’55asst 15% 15%, 15% Den A R G ref 5s'78.. 24% 24 24 Dul A Ir Rg 6s ’37-101% 101% 101% Duquesne Lt 3%s '85. 104 103% 103% Ed El 111 Bklyn 4s ’39. 104% 104% 104% Erie cons 4s'96- 99% 99% 99% Erie gen 4s'96- 82% 82% 82% Erie ref 6s'67- 79% 78% 78% Erie ref 5s '75.. 78% 78% 78% Fed LtATr 5s '42 st— 102% 102% 102% Fed LtATr 6s '42- 102% 102% 102% Fla C A Pen 5s '43- 78% 78% 78% Fla E C Ry 5s '74. 13% 13% 13% Fla E C Ry 6s'74 ctfs. 13 13 13 Francisco Sus 6s’66_. 74% *74% 74% Gen Cable 6%s’4T-104% 104% 104% Goodrich 4%s'56- 99% 99% 99% Goodrich 6s'46- 105 105 105 Goodyear TAR 5s'57. 104% 104% 104% Grt Nr Ry 3%s '67 93% 93% 93% Great N Ry 4s '46 G__ 13S 135% 135% Grt N Ry 4s '46 H-109% 109 109% Grt N R gn 4%s '77 E. 103% 103% 103% Gulf StaUtll 4%s'46. 103% 103% 103% Houston Oil 5%s MO.. 102% 102% 102% Hudson Coal 5s'52_ 46% 46% 46% Hud & Man Inc 5s ’57_ 30% 30 30% Hud & Man ref 5s‘57 _ 75% 75 75 111 Bell Tel3%s'70__. 104% 104% 104% ICC&St L N O 4%s’68 76% 76% 76% ICC&St LN O 5s ’63.. 83% 82% 82% 111 Steel deb 4%s '40.. 107 107 107 Inland Stl 3%s '61 __104% 104% 104% Int R T 1st rf 6s'66.. 74% 73% 74% Int R T 6s '32.._ 27 27 27 Interlake Iron 4s’47.. 98 97% 97% Int Hydro Elec 6s '44. 73% 73% 73% Int Pap 1st 5s'47 A— 100% 100% 1007* Int T&T cv 4%a '39_ 80% 80 80 Int T&T 5s '55- 67% 67% 67% Iowa C lst&rf 4s ’51_ 77* T% 77* Jones&L Stl 4%s*61A 102% 102% 102% Kans C So 1st 3s ’60__ 86% 86% 86% Kans C Ter 1st 4s '60. 107% 107 107% Kresge Found 4s'45.. 105% 105% 105% Laclede G 5%s'53 C.. 60% 601* 60% I.autaro Nit 1975s_ 32 32® 32 Leh C&N 4%s’54 A._. 97 96% 96% Leh O&N 4%s’54 C._. 94% 94% 94% Leh V NY 4%s’40 gtd 1017* 1017* 1017* Leh V P con 4s 2003 _ 59% 59% 59% Leh V Peon 4%s 2003 64% 64V* 64% Leh V' RR con 5s 2003 73% 73 73% Llgg & Myers 7s ’44.. 130% 130 130% Loew’s 3%s ’46 _ 98% 98% 9874 Long Isl ref 4s’49_1017* 1017* 101% La & Ark 5s ’69_ 93% 93V* 93V* L & Nash 3 %s 2003... 90% 90% 90% McCrory Strs 5s’51.. 103% 103% 103% Me C RR clt 4s ’45 A .. 103% 103% 103% Man S 1st 7 %s’42ctfs. 60 60 60 Manhat Ry 4s’90_ 36 35% 36% Mil El R&L 5s ’61_102% 102% 102% MIlElR&SLrf 5s’71. 101% 101% 101% Minn & St L rf 4s ’49_. 5% 5% 5% MoK&Tlst4s’90._. 87 87 87 Mo K & T adj 5s’67... 66% 66 66% Mo Facts’75- 19% 187» 19!* Mo Pac 5s’65 A_ 41 41 41 Mo Tacos’77 F_ 41 41 41 Mo Pac 5s’78 G_ 41 41 41 Mo Pac 5s’81_ 41 41 41 Mohawk &M 4s’91... 89 89 89 Monong Pub S 6s’65.. 103 103 103 Monong Ry 1st 4s ’60. 106% 106% 106% Mont Pwr 3}*s 66_ 94% 94V* 94% Morris&Essex 4% s’55 89% 89 897* Morris&Essex 5s'55_. 97% 97% 97% Namm & Sons 6s'43100% 100% 100% Natl Dairv 3%s’51ww 103% 103% 103% NatlDisPC4%s'45_ 104% 104% 104% Natl Steel 4S’66_105% 105% 105% New E T&T 1st 5s’52. 121 121 121 New Orl P S 5s '52 A- 97% 97% 97% New OrlP S 5s'55 B.. 96 96 96 New Orl T&M 6 % s’54 54 54 54 X Y Central 3%s ’52__ 108% 107% 107% NY Central 3 %s’97_95% 95% 95% NY Central 3%s '46_102% 101% 102 NY Cent 4s'42_ 106 106 106 NY Cent con 4s'98___ 97 96% 97 NY Centrf 4%s 2013. 88 87% 87% NYC rf 4%s 2013 n._ 88 87% 87% NY Cent rf 5s 2013... 97 97 97 NY Cent cv 6s'44_ 105 104 105 NY C L Sh 3%s'98... 90% 90% 90% NYC Mich C 3%s ’98_. 90 89 89 NYC&StL 4 %s'78... 86% 86 86 NYC&St L 5%s '74 A. 99 98% 99 NY Edis ref 3%s'66.. 100 100 100 NY G El H&P as'48.. 121% 121% 121% NY & Green L 5s '46.. 99% 99% 99% NYL& W 1st 4s '73— 97 97 97 NY NH & H 4s '55_ 37% 37% 37% XYNH&H 4%s'67._ 43 42% 43 NY O&W gen 4s'55_16% 16% 16% NY O&W ref 4s'92... 26% 26% 26% NY Putnam 4s'93_ 84 84 84 NY Tel gen 4%s '39.. 107% 107% 107% NY W&B 4%s'46 ... 14V4 13 13% Norf So 1st ref 5s'61. 29 29 29 North Am Co 5s'61... 104 104 104 Nor’n Pac gen 3s 2047 73% 73% 73% Nor’n Pac 4s'97- 104% 104% 104% Nor’n Pac 6s 2047_111 111 111 Ohio Edison 4s '65_ 1044 1044 1044 Ores Sh L 5s'46 gtd__ 1164 1164 1164 Ores W RR 4s '61_1054 1054 1054 Pac Coast 5s’46_ 69 69 69 Pac Gas & El 3 4s'66. 974 974 974 Pac G & E 3 %s'61_102 1014 1014 Pac G & E 4s '64_ 1064 1054 1054 Paramount Pic 6s '55. 1004 1004 1004 Park-Lx 64s'53 ctfs. 444 444 44V* Parmelee 6s'44_ 66 66 66 Penn Co 3 4s '42 C_ 104 104 104 Penn Co 4s'52 E_ 105 105 105 Penn Co 4s'63_1014 1014 1014 Penn Dixie C 6s '41... 994 994 994 Penn Glass & S'60_ 1044 104V* 1044 PennP&L44s'81._ 1014 101 1014 Penn RR 3 4s w i_ 1094 109 1094 Penn RR 34s '70 C_ 984 984 984 Penn RR cn 4s'48 stp 1094 1094 1094 Penn RR 4 4s'81 D__ 1064 106V* 1064 PennRR4%s’84_ 1064 1064 106V* Penn RRgn4%s'65_. 1094 1094 1094 Penn RR deb 4 4s'70. 1014 1014 1014 Pere Marq 1st 5s’56„ 101 101 101 Phila B&W 4 V4 s '77_1144 114V* 1144 Phila Co 5s '67_ 994 994 994 Phila & R CAI 5s ’73_. 304 294 294 Phila * R C&I 6s '49_. 124 124 124 Philippine Ry 4s’37„ 284* 27V* 284 Port Gen El 4%s'60.. 69 584 584 Porto Rico A T 6s'42- 784 784 784 Postal Tel &G 5s'53.. 254 25 25 Pressed Stl Car 5s'51 934 934 984 Pure Oil 44s'50 ww. 1114 1114 1114 Purity Baking 5s'48. 974 974 974 Reading Jer C 4s'51_. 97% 97% 97% Reading R 4%s ’97 A. 107 106% 106% Rem-Rand 4%s'56ww 107% 107 107 Republic Stl 4%s’56. 97% 97 97 Republic Stl 4%e’61. 95% 95% 95% Republic Stl 5%s’54. 116% 115 116% Rioh Term Ry 5e’52__ 104% 104% 104% Roch G&E 5s ’62 E— 108% 108% 108% Saguenay Pw 4 %s ‘66 100% 100% 100% St LIM&S R&G 4s '31. 80 80 80 St L-S Fran 4e '60 A_. 27% 27% 27% St L-S P 4a '50 A ctfa. 24% 24% 24% St L-S Fran 4%s'78.. 26 26 26 StPKCSL4%s’41. 22 22 12 San A & A Pass 4s '43. 101 101 101 Seabd A L ref 4s'59.. 14% 14 14 Seabd A L 6s '45 A- 17% 17% 17% Seabd A L 6s '45 ctfs. 16% 16% 16% Seabd A-Fl 6s’35 Act. 9% 9 9% Shell Un deb 3%s '51. 98% 98% 98% Sooony Vav 3%s'50.. 105 105 105 South Bell TAT 6s '41 105% 105% 106% Southn Cal G 4%s '61. 106% 106% 106% So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A_. 106% 105% 105% South Nat G4%s'51.. 98% 98% 98% So Pac 3 % s '46_ 99% 99% 99% So Pac col 4s '49_ 94 93% 93% So Pac ref 4s '55_105% 105 105 So Pac 4%s '68_ 88% 88 88 So Pac 4%s '69_ 88% 88% 88% So Pac 4%s’81_ 88% 87% 88% So Pac Oreg 4%s ’77_. 95% 96% 95% So Ry gen 4s ’66 A_A 78% 78 78 So Ry 6s'94_104% 104 104% So Ry gen 6s'56_ 97% 97% 97% So Ry 6%s '66_100% 100% 100% Spokane Int Es '65_ 31 81 31 Staley A E 4s '46_103% 103% 103% Stand Oil N J 3s '61.. 97% 97 97 Studebaker cv 6s '45_. 120 120 120 Swift A Co 3 %s'50_ 107 107 107 Tenn CAC 6s '44 B_103% 103% 103% Tenn El Pw 6s '47 A_93% 93 93 Term Asso con 5s ’44_ 115% 113% 115% Texarkana 5%s '60_ 106 106 106 Texas Corp 3%s '61— 102% 102% 102% Texas A Pac 5s'79 C_. 102 102 102 Tex A P MPT 6%s '64. 108% 108% 108% Third Av ref 4s'60... 67 67 57 Third A ad In ex 6 s*66. 27% 26 26 Tide Wat 0113% s’52. 99% 99% 99% Tol A Ohio C 3%s '60. 102% 102% 102% UnElLAP6%s'64„ 108 103 108 Union Pac 3 %s'70_ 96 96 96 Union Pac 3%s'71_ 96% 96 96% Union Pac 1st 4s'47.. 112% 112% 112% Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008. 105% 105 105% United Drug Es '53_ 99 98% 98% U S Rubber 5s '47_ 107 106% 106% Utah P A L 5s '44_101% 101 101 Util PAL 5s'59 ww.. 49% 49% 49% Vanadium cv 6s '41_ 102 102 102 V CAP 1st 4%s’34 sst. 3% 3% 3% Va E dg P 1st rf 4s ‘M. 107% 107% 107% High. Low. Clo»e. Va Ry 1st 3%s '66 A-. 103% 103% 103% Wabash 1st 5s'39_ 94% 94% 94% 'Wabash 5s ’76 R ctfs, 32 32 32 Wabash 5 %s’75_ 38 38 38 Walker H&S 4%s’45, 104% 104% 104% Walworth 4s’55_ 80 80 80 Walworth 6s '55 new, 96 95 96 Warner Bros ev 6s'39 95 95 95 Wash Term 3%s’45_. 109 109 109 Westchester L 5s'50.. 118% 118% 118% W Pa Pw 1st 6s '63 E, 117% 117% 117% W Sh 1st 4s 2061 gtd_. 91% 91% 91% West’n Md lst4s’62_. 104% 103% 104% Westn NY&Psn 4s'4S 106% 1067* 106% Westn Pac 5s’46 A,,. 83% 83% 33% West’n Pac 5s’46 A as 83% 33% 33% West’n Un 4%s *50_ 99% 99% 99% Westn Un 6s’61_ 99 98% 99 West’n Un 5s’60_ 99 98% 98% Wheel Steel 4%s’53_. 100% 100% 100% Wis Cent 1st gn 4s'49 25 25 25 Y’ngstnS&T 3%s’Bl. 132% 132% 132% Y’ngstn S&T 4s '61__-_ 101% 101 101% Prices Are About Steady, but Tend to Lose Part of Recent Gains. Trading was fairly active in the large markets the first half of May, reports the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Oarlot supplies were rather heavy, and prioes, while com paratively steady, tended to lose some of the gains made early In the month. Produce shipments increased nearly 1,000 cars the first week of May and continued active the following week, especially for Western lettuce and new potatoes. Movement of old crop po tatoes 1s decreasing about as fast as the new <*op gains. Combined total of potatoes is nearly 4,000 cars per week, close to that of the same time a year ago, but tending to increase with more favorable harvesting weather in the Gulf Coast region. Onion carlot movement is decreas ing, also that of asparagus, spinach, sweet potatoes, apples and grapefruit. Main source of supply for early vege tables is shifting to the second early States. Home-grown receipts of early vegetables are increasing rapidly in Northern market territory, these sup plies taking the place of carlot ship ments of some kinds to a great extent. Potato Position Weak. Prices of potatoes were inclined downward the second week of May, losing some of the gains of the pre vious week, caused by unfavorable weather conditions in the Gulf Coast region. Alabama and Louisiana are now shipping about one-third of the potato supply. Central California is becoming active and the shipments of old potatoes still make up fully one-third of the total, mostly from Maine and Idaho. Southern potatoes advanced during the first 10 days of May, but were declining later in the month, and heavy supplies were in prospect from the Gulf Coast region and from Cal ifornia. South Carolina potatoes have been selling in some Northern markets at $5.7B per barrel, compared with a range of $5 to $6 for Florida Spald ing Rose. Supplies of onions from the old crop are light in central markets and prices have been holding firmly at $1 to $1 50 per 50-pound sack for stock of good quality from Western New York. The trade in old onions has held out unusually long because of the ordinary quality of many Southern arrivals. Southern onions also sell at about* steady prices. Cabbage Supplies Gain. Supplies of cabbage Increased with larger shipments from the Carolinas j and Mississippi, and Eastern markets ; declined sharply, losing 50c or rrv per crate. Early arrivals from East- j em Shore of Virginia were selling in 1 Northern markets at $1.25 to $1.75 per ll'2-bushel hamper. Cabbage from South Carolina and Georgia brought $1.50 to $2.50. Recent trend is downward in Southern producing sections under heavy supplies at country shipping points. Trade in lettuce is being supplied mostly from California. Shipments have been Increasing, quality is ir regular and prices declining from the high levels of early May. Prices of North Carolina lettuce were declining toward the middle of the month with sales in Northern markets at 75c to $1.50 per hamper. Southern cucum bers and other hot weather vegetables have been scarce and high in North ern markets. Shipments of Florida watermelons have begun. Carrots were in better demand at Eastern shipping points and prices held firm at $1.40 to $1.50 per 100 pounds in the Rochester, N. Y„ dis trict. A few sales of bulk stock moved around $30 per ton. Apple Markets Steady. The apple position shows little change. Baldwins of fair to good grade sell at $2 to $2.25 per bushel in the East and Middle West, and around $1.80 at Western New York shipping points. Other varieties range from $1.50 to $2.50 In the large markets. Indications are that most of the apples will be out of Eastern producing sections within two or three weeks. Strawberry prioes again are tending to lower levels, with heavy supplies from the Gulf Coast region and the Southeast. While many of the re ceipts are showing the results of ex cessive rains, quality is generally good and demand has been active. The season has advanced northward to the latitude of Virginia and Ten nessee. North Carolina Klondikes sell at 12c to 18c quart basis in Northern markets and around $3 per 24-quart orate in producing sections. Early sales of Eastern Shore of Virginia berries were from $4 to $5 per crate in Eastern markets. Some rather or dinary lots sold, quart basis, 10c to 13c. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. May 15 UP.—Poultry, live. 22 trucks; quiet. Hens over 5 pounds. IT: 5 pounds and less, 1616; Leghorn hens, 1316: Iryers, colored, 25: White Rock, 27; Plymouth Rock. 27%: broilers, colored. 23; Plymouth and White Rock, 24; Leghorn. 20: bareback chickens. 20-22; Springs, colored, 20: White Rock. 28: Plymouth Rock, 29: roosters. 12; Leghorn roosters. 11: turkeys, hens, 16: toms, 15: No. 2 turkeys. 14; ducks, white and colored. 4>6 pounds up. 16; small. 14: geese, 11. Butter. 16,277; weaker. Creamery, spe cials (93 score). 3016-31; extras (92). 30; extra firsts (90-91). 29-29'i: firsts (88 89). 2716-28; standards (90. centralized carlots). 29. Eggs. 39,088; steady; extra firsts, local. 20%; cars, 21%: fresh graded firsts, local, 20: cars. 20%; current re ceipts. 1916: storage-packed extras, 2216; storage-packed firsts. 22. Potatoes. 108: on track. 838: total United States shipments, 731: old stock. Maine stock, slightly stronger: Idaho Russets, best quality large, steady: fair quality, small, weak: supplies moderate, demand fair: sacked per cwt.. Idaho Rus set Burbanks. U. 8. No. 1. 2.26-85. accord ing to size and quality, mostly 2.46-75: Washington Russet Burbanks, combina tion grade. 2.20-25: Maine Green Moun tains. U. 8. No. 1. few sales. 2.10: U. S. commercial. 2.00: North Dakota Cobblers. U. 8. No. 1 and partly graded. 1.90. New stock, weak, supplies moderate, demand U. 8. No. 1*3.65-90: mostly 2.65-7*. FRACTIONS TO $2 « _ Rallying Power Carried Over From Friday, but Volume Lags. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 15.—Rallying power carried over from the preceding session was sufficient to lift most stocks on the Curb Exchange fractions to about 2 points today. Trading slack ened, however, into a slow drift. Industrials recaptured more of the ground lost earlier in the week. Gulf Oil moved up a point at one time and American Cyanamid B., Lake Shore Mines, Pittsburgh Plate Glass and Wayne Pump were fractionally to more than a point higher. Singer Manu facturing spurted 2’^, on a small trans action. Utilities still lacked steam for a real move. Minor changes up and down were recorded in American Gas & Electric, Electric Bond & Share and Standard Power & Light. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. Close. Ala Power 4%s '87_ 87 81% 81% Ala Power 5s '48 A_197% 18-;% 107% Ala Power 5s '51 _ 98% 98 98% Ala Power 5s '88 _ _ 88% 88% 88% Am G & E 5s 7078 1(18% loo % 100% Am P A L 8s 7(118 __ 9.1% 97% 97% Am Roll Mill 5s '48_107% 107% 107% Ark PAL 5s '68 _ 98% 98% 98% As G A E 4 %s '49 . .. 44 % 44% 44% As GAE 5%s mv ct_ 77' 78% 78% As G A E 5%s '77 _ 55 55 55 As T A T 5%s '55 A 84% 84% 84% Buldn Lo 8s '.'IS ww _ 1 79% 1 79% ] 79% Baldn Lo 8s '78 xw 177% 17 1 177 Bell Tel C 5s '57 B 118 118 11s Beth Steel 8s '98 _ 17.7 177 J.'l.'i Can Pac 8s '47 108% 188% 108% Caro Pw A Lt 5s '58 180', 99% 99% Cen EPS 4%s '87 F 97% 97 97 Cent II P S 5s 'OH G ]ol % HU % loi % Sent Me P 5s '55 D _ 97% 97% 97% en O LAP 5s '50 A 100% 189', Inn', Cent Pw A Lt 5s '58 97% 97% 97% Cent St El 5s 48 54% 54 61 Cent 8t El 5%s '54 64% 54 54% Sent St PAL 5%s 57 58 58 58 hi Pn T1 5%s '47 187% 107% 107% Chi Mid A 111 4%s 58 97% 97’. 97% Chi Rys 5s '77 cod 78 79 79 Ctn atr Rr Hs '55 B 98% 9s% 98% Cities Svc ns '58 89’, 89', 89% Cities Svc 5s '08 7n% 79% 79% Ciiics S Gas 5%s '41 HU % 191 % 19] % Cll S P A L 5'as '57 87 87 87 Clt S P A L 5%s '49 01% 87% 87% Comw Ed 5s '57 A _117 117 117 Comw Ed 4s '81 P 188 188 198 Com Pb Sv 5s '89 A _ 98% 98% 98% Comw Sb 5%s '4 8 A . 19.7% 197% 19.7•< comuty PAL .>s .>7 75% 75% 7 5% Cont GAE 5s 58 A 86% 85% 85% Del El Pw 5 %s ’50 3 6414 lie; % 1 04 1 4 East GAP 4s '56 A 86% 86% 86% El Pw A Lt 5s 4040 84 84% 84 Emp Dis El 5s 54 __ 5*7% 97% 07% Emp OAR 5%s '44 80% 80 80% Erie Light 5s ’67 . 106% ]oo% ] 06% Firest Tire 5s 44 lo4 ] o4 J 04 Florida PAL 5s '54 0n% On On Gary EAG 5s '44 stp xw 08% !*k% 08% Gatineau Pw 5s '56 im ]0n% 3nl Gen W W A E 5s ’44 A 87% *7 % 87% Georgia Pw 5s '67 05% 05% 05% Georgia P A L 5s *78 . 74% 7;’.% 74% Glen Alden Ci 4s '65 sn% sn% Sn% Guard Inv 5s ’48 A 57 57 57 Hack Wat 5s '48 1 no% ino% 1 o0% Hall <WFi 6s '47 stp 1<h» inn inn Hou Gulf G 6s '44 A Jn4 104 104 Hygrade Fd 6s '40 A 70% 70% 70% 111 North Util 5s '57 107 107 107 111 Pw A L 6s ’54 A 1(»5 104% 105 111 Pw A L 5%s ’54 B Joi % mi % 101 34 111 Pw A* L 5s '56 C 00 08% 00 Indnap PAL 5s '57 A ln5% 1 u5% 105% Ind Hv-El 5s ’58 A 04% 04% 04% Inti Pw Sec 7s 54 F 6s% 6s% 68% Interst Pw 5s *57 56% 5534 56% Interst P S 4%s '58 F 7s % 7 8% 78% Iowa Pub Sv 5s '57 1 “4% 104% 104% Kan Pw Cn 5s *47 A . 104% M4% H»4% « Kentucky ut 5s ’6 1 01% 01 01% Lehigh P S 6s 4046 A .104% 104% 104' . Libby McN A L 5s '44 104% 104% lo4% Lone Star G ns '44 3 05 ]05 105 Mem PAL 5s '4« A . 08% 08% 08% Mengel Co 4%s '47 D 1 08 loH%K‘8 Metron Edis 4s ’71 E 301 % 101 % loi % Midi an TOR 5s '44 86% 86% 86% Minn PAL 4%s '78 . 08 08 08 Miss Pw A- L 5s '57 5*0 £0% 80% Nat Pb S 5s '78 cod 4 434 44% 44 % Nebr Pw 4s ’£1 A 1 in 1 lo 1 in Ne'.sner Bro4; 6s '48 3 06 106 lno Nevad Cal Ed 5s 56 80% £0% 80% New E GAE ns '4 7 . 60% 60 60% New E GAE 5s ’48 _ _ 69% »>0% 6034 New E GAE 5s '50_ 60% 60% 60% New E Pw 5s ’48 _ 94% 94% 94% New E Pw 5%s ’54 05% 05 05 NY P A Lt 4%s ’67 _ 106% 106 106*4 N Y S EAG 4%s ’80 106% loo3; ln.i% N Y A W Lt 4s 4004 U>4% 1"4% 1ni% No Ind P S 5s ’66 C— 10.4 104 3 04 Ogden G Co 5s ’45. 107% 1 • »7 34 ]n7% Onio Pwr 4 %s ’56 D _ 105 105 105 Okla N G 4 %s '51. A 5*7 % 07% 07% ■ Pac G A E 6S ’41 B 116% 116% 116% l Pac Invest 5s ’48 A__ 00% 0.0% 00% Pac P A L 5s '55 76 76 76 Penn c LAP 4‘-2S .7 O'. * Hi3, 97 Penn El Is '71 F O.'i O.'l 0.3 Penn P Svc 5s '54 D 103 10.1 loo Pa Wa A: P 412s ‘Ob B 100*2 100 300 Penn Wa A- P 5s *40 loo loo lny Peop G L&C 4s 'bl B 01', On', OP, Pitts Steel Hs 4b __ jn.33, loo , 3o.33, Portland G&C 5s '40 70'.. 70>2 70'2 Po'omac E 5s '56 E_1 07'/, 107'» 107'a Pub S No 111 6s '56 1 In', 110 110 Pub S N I 412s 'SO E . lot J04 104 Pub S»H',s 'H F 103 1 n.3 3 0.3 Pub S N I 4'2S '60 I__ in i’, 104’, 104’, Pub S Okla 4s '60 A loo loo loo Pug S P&L 5' i S ‘40 A SO’’, bO'* bO', Pug S P&L 5s '50 C . so', S.3', S31, Pug S P&L 4'2S '50 D 70'2 7H'a 70'2 Ouebec P C 5s 'Ob A_104', 104', 104', San An P&S 5s '58 B in4'2 104>, lot', Scnpp.s 5'2s '4.3 _ in:3, 1 02", 1 02l* Shw W&P 4'2s 07 A 102’, 1073, 102’, Shw W&P 4 12S '70 D . 102', 10212 102', S E P&L Hs 2025 A 0 71, 07‘2 07 Sou Cal Ed .33,s '45 _106 105’, 100 Sou Cal Ed 33,s 102 102 102 Std G&E 6s '35 cod. . 75 75 75 Std G&E Hs '51 A __ 76 76 76 Std G&E Hs '66 B._ _ 70'k 753, 753k Stand Pw&Lt 6s '57.. 733, 7.3’, 733, Tenn El Pw 5s '56 S4 S3 S3 Tex Pw &• L ns '56_105', 105'T, 105', Tide Wat P 5s '70 A . OH3, no', 00'2 Twin C RT 5'2s ’57 A so’, SO', SO'j Ulen & Co 6s ‘44 III st 4S 4S 4S Ulen & C 6s '4t cod st 4S 4b 4b Un EL&P M 41 2s '57__ 105'i 105'/i 105'., Unit El IJ 4s '40_1 1 ft3, 1 1.33, 1 133, Unit Lt.fPw 5>2S '50 104 104 104 Unit L&R D 5'2s '52_SO 85 b5 Utah P&L 6s 2022 A.- 03 9.3 0.3 Va Pub Ser 5s '50 B_ 9.3', O.'i'i 0.3'', Wash Gas Lt 5s '58_]053, 10S3, 1053', Wash R & E 4s ’51_106', 106', 106', West News U 6s '44_ 58 56'2 50', West Pa 5s 2030.._ 07'4 07'2 97>-2 West T Ut 5s '57 A_ 05 943, 95 We UG&E 5’2S '55 A__ 105'/* 105V* IO0V4 FOREIGN BONDS. Bad Con M 7s '52 __ loy, 10'i 10'i Buen A Prv 7s '52 stp._ 86', 86', 86'„ Russian 6'.is '21 mat._ 13,, 1 3, l3, Stln Hg 2d st£> 4s '40 41 41 41 »»■—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. st istpi—Stamped. ^Negotiability Impaired by maturity. tCompanies reported In receivership. -:-• CHICAGO STOCK MARKET CHICAGO. Mar 15 f/P).—Following is the complete official list of transactions In stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today; Sales. High. Low. Last. 50 Allied Lab . __ 11% 11% 11% 20 Am Pub SVC pf._ 65 65 65 600 Armour Ac Co _ 10% 10% 10% 150 Athey Truss Whl 10% 10'% 10% .350 BerghofI Brew_10% 10% 10% 200 BerghofI Brew_ 6% 6% 6% 500 Borg-Warner_42% 42% 42% 100 Brown F & W i:i% 1.3% 1.3% 50 Brown FAcW'A 'pf 27% 27% 27% 400 Butler Bros_ 14% 13% 14% lOCen 111 Pb Svc pf 66*4 60% 66% 650 Cen Ac 8 W Ut._ 2’. 2% 2% 2050 Chi Corp_ 4% 4% 4% 50 Chi Corp pf_ 43% 43% 43% 30 Chi Rys P C 8 _ 1% 1% 1% 50 Chi Towel _ 76 76 76 150 Chi Yell Cab_ lb 17% lb 350 Cities Serv _ 3% 3% 3% 100 Consumers_ % % % 760 Cord Corp_ 3% 3% 3% 10 Cudahy Pack pf_ 107% 107% 107% 50 Dayton Rubber_22% 22% 22% 750 Decker A- Cohn_ 6% 5% 5% 100 El Household_ 8% 8% 8V« ! •5Q Gardner Denver. 5b7, 58% 58% 750 Gen Finance_ 5% 5% 5% 65!! Q^n Hcmsehold _ 5% 4% 5% 50 Goldblatt _ 37% 37% 37% 50 Gt Lakes Dredge 20 20 20 500 Heileman (G) Br 9 8% 9 2 GO Hupp Mot Car n .. 3% .3% .3% 50 D! Brick . 1.3% 1.3** 13% 50 Hupp Mot Car rt 1-32 1-32 1-32 l?ni Nor Ut pf 101** 101% 101 % 100 Inland Steel rt wi U % (J 150 Jefferson Elec 41 41 41 50 Kellogg Switch __ 9% 9% 9% 10O Ken-Rad T & L__ 20 20 20 150Kerlyn Oil A. _ 6% 6*4 6*4 50 Kingsbury Brew. 2*4 2*4 2*/» 100 Leath & Co_ 9 9 9 SOLeroi Co . __17% 17% 17% 50 Lib-McN k L_ 12% 12*4 12% 100 Lion Oil Ref_21% 21% 21% 100 Marsh Field . 24% 24% 24% lOOMerch & Mfrs A 6*4 5*4 5*4 300 Mid West Corp 9% 9% 9% 100 Mid W Corp war 3% 3% 3% 50 Midland Unit pf 6% 6% 6% 200 Midi Util 6% pf 3% 3% 3**/4 50 Monroe Chem _ 8% 8% 8% 10 Monroe Chem pf. 49 49 49 60 Nat Rep Inv pf. e% 6% 6% 10 No West Ut Pl__ 64 64 64 60 Perfect Circle_ 32 32 32 50 Potter Co_ 4 4 4 100 Process Corp_ 2% 2% 2% 100 Quaker Oats 112 112 112 140 Rollins Hos cv pf 31 30% 31 50 Std Dredg ... 5 5 6 100 Std Dredg pf ._ 18% 18% 18% 50 Sunstrand M Tool 22 22 22 60 Swift Ac Co_ 24 24 24 50 Swift Int _ 31 31 31 150 Utah Radio_ 3% 3% 3% 300 Util Ac Ind «... IV, IV, IV, 250 Walgreen _ 28% 2S% 28% 150 Zenith Rad - 34% 34% 34% Stock sales today, 16,000. NEW YORK CURB MARKET | By private wire direct to the Star. All time shown below Is daylight saying on which tho Exchange is now operating. Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low Close. Air Investors Inc. 14 4 4 Allied Inti Invest. 4 14 14 14 Alum'n Co of Am. 200s 143 142H 143 Aluminum Ltd_100s 1034 1034 1034 Am Airlines. Inc 1 214 214 214 Am Box B'd(b45c) 2 204 204 204 Am Capital (B)._ 8444 AmClt P&L1A) 8 160s 34 334 884 AmCP&L Aww2% 1 344 344 344 Am CltP&L B a30o ? 2 34 34 34 Am Cynam B t60a 14 30 294 80 AmEqit <a22%e). L 1 5 6 6 Am & For Pw ww. r' 1 24 24 24 Am G&E (1.40)_ *4 324 824 324 AmGAEpf <61 ... 50a 1114 111 111 Am Laun’y M 80c. 1 284 2«4 284 Am Maracaibo_ 1 14 14 14 Am Superpower.. 11 14 14 14 Angostura (t20c). 2 64 64 64 Apex Electrlc(al) 1 30 80 30 Appalach E P Pf 7 30a 1084 108 108 Ark Nat Gas_ 9 64 64 64 Ark Nat G cu pf._ 8 84 84 84 Ark Nat Gas (A). 16 74 7 74 Ashland O&R t40o 2 64 6.4 64 Asso G&E (A)_ 14 24 24 24 Atlas Corp war— 6 24 24 24 Atlas Plyw’d(14) 4 224 224 224 Austin Sliver- 4 24 24 24 Auto Product*_ 6 64 64 64 Auto Vot Mch 50c. 1 94 94 94 Babcox & Wll (4). 76a 1184 118 1184 Baldw L bd rts(d) 2 24 24 24 Bardstown Dist... 3 34 34 84 Barium Stain Stl 2 44 44 44 Berkey&Gay F Co 11 24 24 ‘ 24 Berk&GF pur war 10 1 1 1 Bliss Co (E W) . 8 164 16 16 Bower Roll B (2 ) 2 28 4 28 4 284 Brazil TLt&P 40o 3 224 224 224 Breeze C Inc a75c. 1 94 94 94 Brld p't Mch b25c- 6 184 18 18 Brill Corp <A) .19 9 9 Brown F&W b30c. 6 134 134 134 Brown Forman 1 74 74 74 CableH&Wirel'BS B 28 4 4 4 Fan Marconi 1 14 14 14 Carlb Synd (b50c). 1 14 14 14 Carnation Co <1)_. 1 28 28 28 Carnegie Metals.. 1 24 24 24 Carrier Corp .... 3 13 4 42 4 434 Cluster (JW) 80c.. 1 94 94 94 Catlln Corp (a4Uc) 2 7 64 64 Cent & S W UtU... 6 24 24 24 Cent States Elec.. 6 14 14 14 Centrlf Pine t4»e 2 6 5 5 Cham MetWs 180c. 1 17 17 17 Chief Con Mining. 2 4 4 4 Childs Co pf_ 100s 874 874 874 Cities Service_ 26 34 34 34 Cities Service pf 4 50 49 50 Clt Svc P&L J6 pf. 26s 68 68 68 City Auto S(t60c) 8 10 94 10 Claude Neon Lts_. 2 24 24 24 Colon Dev Ltd_ 4 64 64 54 Colo Fuel&lr war. 6 144 13!'* 13*4 Celts PFA b374c 3 614 614 614 Columb O&G bZOc. 18 8 8 Com w 11b A: S viar 5 4 4 4 ! Consol Biscuit 60c 1 54 64 64 Consol Copper 10 84 84 84 C GELt&P Bo 3.60 1 73 73 73 Consol Retail Strs 3 74 74 74 Consol Steel Corp 4 9*4 94 94 [ Oont'l Roll 4 S Ft 1 194 19*; 19*; Cooper R pf AaoOo 1 52 52 52 ] Copperweld b:)0c . 1 31 31 84 ! Cord Corp 2 34 84 34 Coeden nil Me id) 9 1»<; 14 1*-, ' Creole Petrol toOc 1 32 4 324 324 CrocKer-Wh alOc. 2 12V; 124 124] Croft Brewing_ 3 4 4 *; ] Crown Cent P afic. 1 14 14 14 Crown Dr (b20c)_. 2 3*; 34 34 Cusl Me* Mining- 13 4 4 *„ Derby Oil A Ref — 2 61* 6K 61* Det Gas pf (1.20)- 1 174* 17*4 17** : Det Pap Prod t2T.c 1 64* 64* 64*: Det Stl Prod b2Sc- 1 53 53 53 j Dubelier Condens 1 34* 341 3!1 I Sag Tit Lead blOc. 1 1844 1 844 1844! Hast n G&F Asso 1 54* 51* 57* Easy W M(B)b25e 2 94* 94* 97* Elec Bond & Share 41 16*1 1644 1 644 Klee B & S pf (6 ) 2 7 34* 7 3 44 731* El Pwr As< A)a25o 1 54* 5J* 544 Electrol Inc v.t.c.- 1 34* 34* 3** Equity Corp(a25c) 6 24* 2 2 Evans Wall Lead 5 IK 14* 14* Ex-Cel 1 -O (b20c). 1 21 21 21 Ferro Enam b75C-. 3 394* 39** 39** Ftdeilo Bre verv 3 ** Fire As(Phila.)t2 10« 67** 67*. 67»* First N S lstpf 7. 10» 113 113 113 F1sk Rubber 5 14 13s* 14 Ford Ltd al81-10o 1 6*1 64* 6*1 Gen Firepr'f b23c- 1 184* 184* 184* Gen Invest Core 1 11* 14* 11* Gen Teleph (b25c) 2 164* 16** 164* Gen Tire* Rub 6 2.4* 27 27**. Glen Alden C (tl) 5 114* 1144 114*' Goldfield Consol1 1* S V Grand Natl Films. 1 2‘* 241 24* ; Gray Tel P S (1) . 1 16 16 16 Great Nor Pap tl. 100* 40 40 «o j Groc Store Prod 4 5** 541 5** Gulf Oil (Pa) b25o 4 634* 534* 634* Harvard Brewery 3 24* 24* 24* ! Hecla Mining b45o 2 16*1 16*1 16** HeydenCh (T2) - 1 41 41 41 Hudson BM&S tl) * 294* 284* 29 Humble 011 (1 4*) * 7641 76 76 Hussm'n Ligon(tl 1 20 20 20 j Illinois Iowa Pow. 3 94* 94* 94* 111 Iowa Pw pf 2 44 1 291* 294* 294* | Imp Oil Ltd T50c 1 215* 214* 214* I Ins Co of No A 72. 100e 66 65*1 66 i Inti Hy El S cv of 2 2641 2641 2611 I Inti Petrolm tl44- 1 354* 354* 854* ! Inti Utli (B) U 14* 14* 14* j Inti Vitamin(50c) 3 64* 54* 64* Interst PlDellpf. 20s 11 11 11 ltal Superpwr(A). 4 1 1 1 Jacobs (FL) Co (1). 2 14*1 14?* 14*1 Ken RT&L A a75e 1 19 19 19 Kingston Prod 40o 6 54* 5 64* Kirby Petrol (20c) 9 64* 6 6*1 Kirkland L G (6c) 1 14* 14* 14* Koppers pf (6)_100s 109 109 109 Lake Sh M (T*>— 2 624* 5141 5141 Lakev Fy & Mach. 4 64* 641 64* Leh Coal &N 30c- 6 84* 74* 84* Leonard OH_ 2 141 IK IK Lockheed Aircraft 3 12K 124* 124* Long Island Ltg— 2 34* 34* 84* Loudon Packing— 1 34* 34* 34* Louis'a Land 40c.. 10 11K 114* 114* McCord Rad <B)— 2 8 8 8 Massev Harris 1 114* 11K 11K Mead Johnson(t3) 50s 113 113 11 Merritt Chap & S-. 4 6 65* 6 Mesabl Iron- 8 % % A* Mex-Ohio Oil_ 1 25* 25* 25* Mich Bumper- 1 2K 24* 2K Mich Gas & Oil - 8 8J* 8** 84* Mid StaPet vtc B- 4 IK IK IK Midwest Oil (tl)— 1 10 10 10 Miss Rlv F pf (6). 10« 1144* 114K 114K Mock Judson 60c_. 1 124* 125* 12»* Molybdenum Corp 2 94* 94* 9!* Moore Distillery-- 14 4 4 Mount Prod i60c). 4 6H 6K 6K Nat Baklne Co_ X 1154 1154 1154 Nat Bellas Hess . 8 2 154 2 Nat Container (1) 1 1254 12»* 12*4 Nat Leather 3 54 54 54 Nat Rub Mch a20c 1 14 14 14 Nat Service uf- 1 354 354 3 54 Nat Union Radio.. 12 2 2 Nebr Pwrpf (7>— 10. 11154 11154 11154 Neisner Br pf (7). 200* 11554 11554 115*4 New Jer Zinc (t2) 100. 77 54 7754 7 7 54 N Y Tel pf (6 54 ) 3 2 6. 11154 11154 11154 Nias Hud Pwr new 15 125i 1254 1254 Niagara H B war. 12 2 2 Niles-B-P’d b50c_. 1 4054 4054 4044 Niplssins (60c) - 1 254 2 54 2 54 Noma Elec (b40c). 2 6 6 6 North Am L * P 6 354 854 354 North'n Europ OH 12 54 54 54 Ohio Brass B b75o 25. 55*4 55*4 6554 Ohio Oil cu pf (6). 2 108 10754 1075* Ohio Pwr pf <6) — 10. 11054 J1054 11054 Okla Nat Gas pf — 100. 2854 2854 2854 ! PantepecOU ... 24 754 754 754 Pennroad <a26c) 33 454 4 454 I Penna P& L pf (6) 10. 92 92 92 Penna P&L pf (7) 60. 95 95 95 Penna Salt (bl54> 60. 172 172 172 Penn Wat &P (4) 1 78 78 78 PhilaCo (b45c)— 1 1154 H54 H54 Phoenix Secnr 1 954 954 9*4 ; Pioneer Gold (40c; 1 454 4 54 4 54 J Pitney Bow(t40c) 2 754 754 7*4 Plttsbsh Forging 1 2054 2054 2054 Pitts Plate G <bl) 2 115 115 115 Pleas Vail W(b5cl 2 1 54 1 54 1 54 Plough Ino (1.20). 1 1654 1654 1654 Powdrell&Al t60e. 2 1054 10 1054 Producers Corp.-i 7 54 54 54 Put Sd P&L pf b5. 75. 72 71 72 Rainbow Lutn (B) 2 H H 54 Raytheon Mfg vte. 16 6 6 Red Bant .. 1 1454 1454 1454 Reiter-Foster . 6 154 1 54 154 Reybarn Co blOc— 8 6 6 5 Roosevelt Field 1 254 2 54 2 54 Root Fetrolm b25c 2 654 654 rV4 Rustless Ir&Stl 1 145* 1454 1454 St Reels Paner 6 8*4 8*4 854 Samson Unitd C’p 5 654 5*4 654 Scovlll Mfg (b50c)200. 41 40*4 41 Segal jgck&H... 8 254 254 254 Stock and 8ales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Law. Close. Selberllng Rubber 1 74 74 74 Sent Saf Control.. <444 Seton Leath *50o.. 19 9 9 Shattuck Den Min 8 '7 16*4 164 Singer Mfg <t6).. 10.2974 2974 2974 Sonotcne C (alOcl 1 14 14 14 Southl'd Roy blOc. 1 104 104 104 Snamsh&Gen rct« 2 •< *4 4 Stand Dr cv pf .. 60s 184 184 184 Stand Inv pf ww 60s 48 48 48 Stand Pwr*Lt .. 3 34 34 34 Stand P* L <B1 - 13 3 3 Stein A&Co <tl). 1 174 17*4 174 Sterling, Inc t20c. 2 64 54 64 Stinnes(Hugo) d_. 2 14 14 14 Sunray Oil (b&c) — 6 4 4 4 Sunshlno Min (I). 6 184 184 184 Taggart Corp- 1 11*4 114 11*4 Tampa El (2.24)— 1 854 86*4 854 Tavlor Dlst <300. 7 3*4 34 34 Technicolor a50e- 27 234 22 4 234 Tech Hughes t40c 2 64 6 5 Thew Shovel a50o 60s 67 67 67 Tllo Roof Ino (1). 1 14*4 14*4 144 Toledo Edis nf <6) 20t 100 100 100 Tublgi* Chatilllnn - 4 264 264 264 Tung-Sol L pf 80c 1 10,4 104 104 Unit Gas Corp_ 20 9 4 84 84 Utd Gas war_ 6 24 2 2 Unit Lt&Pw pf A.. 11 54 64 6*4 l't P&Lpf b374c. 7 444 484!444 Unit Shipyards A. 1 74 74 74 Unit Shlpyds B_ 1 24 24 24 US Lines pf_ 3 2*4 2*4 24 U S Rub Reclaim. 17 7 7 U S Stores_ 6 4 4 4 Unit Verde Er <1) 8 4 34 84 Unit Wall Paper — 17 44 4 44 Univ Corp’n v.t.c.. 1 64 54 64 Venezuela Petrol.. 1 14 14 14 Wag Bak vte h40c. 4 194 19 194 Wayne Pump hi 4 4 444 434 444 Wntwth Mfg bloc 8 54 64 64 W Va Coal & Coke 2 44 44 44 Westn Au S b40c 1 29 29 23 Woodley Pet T40c. 1 84 84 84 Wright Harg t40o 4 64 64 64 Dividend rates In dollars based on last quarterly or semi-annual payment. tAn nual rate—not Including extras tAe cumulated dividends a Paid last vear. b Paid this vear. d Companies reported aa being In bankruptcy or In receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy act. or securities assumed by auch com panies. LEHMAN HOLDERS VOTE FOR STOCK SPLIT-UP By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 15.—A proposed three-for-one split-up of Lehman Corp. capital stock was approved by shareholders at a special meeting. To provide for the change an in crease in authorized stock of the in vestment company to 2,500.000 shares from 2,000.000 shares was voted. OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Tables Chairs Steel Steel Safes Files Cabinets BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Eye 81. N.W Phone NA. 2184 NOTICE To holders of First Mortgage Gold Serial bonds. Nos. 271 to 1 181. inclusive, of total issue of 5450. '»<m. secured by deed of trust dated December s 1024 from RIVERSIDE APARTMENT CORPORATION to William H. West, recorded in Liber 5 42> Folio 103 et. seq. of the Land Records of the District of Columb a. covering certain prop erty therein described, sometimes known as the RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS. 21 15 C Street N.W., Washington. D. C. The American Security & Trust Com pany having been substituted as Trustee by decree entered by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia on August 12. 1031. in Equity Cause No. 53.282. will pay. out of the funds in its possession for such purpose, on and after June 1. I!*:’.;, an interest installment on the bonds above described from De cember 1. 1038. to June 1. 1037. The lawful holders of said bonds must present same accompanied by ownership certificates as re quired by the United States Income Tax Laws and Regulations, to the undersigned substituted trustee. at us principal office. 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue N W Wash ington. D. C in order that the payment of said interest install ment may be stamped thereon AMERICAN SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY. Subvtituted Trustee; By WM. L. BEALE. _ Its Vice President; loth Street and Pennsylvania Ave nue N.W. Washington, D. C. First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia Homes Apartments i Business Properties Terms from 3 to 15 years ’ Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H.Hagner & Company INCORPORATED Mortgage Loan* Coruk swoutst I/jfe ^idt/raruz ^cm/iany 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone: DEcatur 3600 Consider These Facts When You Wish To Arrange A LOANS on improved or to be improved real ettate— as iow as including interest and curtail - . . No commis sions . • No renewal fees. Let us help you solve your problem with a Perpetual loan. PERPETUAL Building Association is the largest in Washington, and one of the leaders in the entire United States. PERPETUAL has over 55,000 box 'rowing and savings members. PERPETUAL'S Board of Directors keep in close contact with the officers and materially assist la the speedy handling of loans. PERPETUAL'S regular examinations by the U. S. Treasury Dept, are sup plemented by special C.P.A. audita as well as its own Auditing staff. PERPETUAL has always had a rep utation for sound, fair appraisals. Over 200 borrowers per month were advanced loans last year; totaling over $12,000,000 for the year. PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 1 lth & E STREETS, N. W. ESTABLISHED 1881 Largeit In Waihington—Aj»et« Over $43,000,000 ARTHUR G. BISHOP Chairman of Tho Board MARVIN A. CUST1S PrtBldtnl EDWARD C. BALTZ Smcritary REAL ESTATE LOANS 5% RESIDENCE and SMALL BUSINESS PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 0303 Money for Construction Loam and Loam on Existing Properties 5% FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Av«. N.W. Nat’l 0350 Jj% INTEREST CONSTRUCTION LOANS AND STRAIGHT 3-yr. LOANS Prompt Action on Application* Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation 1610 K St. N.W. NAtL 1403 Mortgage Loans Business Property $25,000 or Over Residence Property Up to $20,000 Attractive Amortization Plans to Suit Individual Requirements Low Rate of Interett District, Nearby Md. and Va. Robert Peddicord 1713 K St., N.W. Dl. 0010 _ _Office Hours—0-13_ First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100