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f Cdarb of uliattka. #OREMAN. FRANCIS L. The family of the f late FRANCIS L FOREMAN wish to ex , press their sincere thanks and araleful appreciation to the employes of the District Court, relatives, friends and neighbors for their great kindness shown our devoted son during his illness and e also for the beautiful floral tributes and kind sympathy at his death_ ' MR. AND MRS. AUG. FOREMAN. • Seat!?*. AUKWARD. JOHN. Departed this life o Friday May 14. 1937. at 4 n.m.. at , Emergency Hospital after a brief ill « ness. JOHN AUKWARD. He leaves to » mourn a wife, a devoted son. Clifton « Aukward: a daughter-in-law. Catherine; two grandchildren, a brother. Wade Lee. and & nephew. Frazier Croston. Re mains resting at Janifer's funeral home. 1141 22nd st. n.w Funeral Tuesday. May 18 at l o’clock from Mount Zion * M. E. Church. 29th st. between Dum barton ave. and O st. n.w.. Rev. A. H. Whitfield officiating. All are welcome. * Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. ^ARHAM. ELMER LEE. Suddenly, on Frl f day. May 14 1937. ELMER LEE BAR f HAM. the beloved son of Carrie W. Bar ham and brother of Daniel W. Barham. v Mrs. May Cleveland Mrs. Mary Denham v and Mrs. Charles B. Gordon. Funeral * services at the W W. Chambers Co. * Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. • se Notice of time later. 16 BERNHARD. GRACE E. On Friday May > 14, 1937. at Sibley Hospital. GRACE » E. BERNHARD, beloved wile of Eu gene J. Bernhard. Remains resting <s at her late residence. 720 A st. s.e , f until 9 am. Tuesday, May IS. Fu neral services at St. James' Episcopal » Church. 222 8th st. ne„ Tuesday. May 18. at 3U a.m. Interment Rock Creek * Cemetery. 16 •RAGDON. ANNA M. Suddenly, on May * 14. 1937, at her residence. 1401 16th st. n.w . ANNA M. BRAGDON. beloved a sister of Mrs. Louise Schofield of 1401 * 16th st. n.w*. Funeral services at Hy * song's parlors. 1300 N st. n.w.. on Mon *■ day. May 17. at 4 p.m. Interment New Albany. Ind. 17 %ROWN. MARY. On Friday. May 14. f 1937. at the Home for the Aged and . Infirm. MARY BROWN, devoted grand er mother of Abbey Turner. Edna Wood. f. Lawrence. George and Henry Miles. \ She also leaves a number of nieces and f nephews. Remains resting at the W. . Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You ¥ st. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. May 10. at 4r 2 n.m.. from the above funeral church. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. 18 BRUMFIELD. REUBEN M Departed this * life on Wednesday. May 12. 1937. * REUBEN M. BRUMFIELD, beloved son * of I. B and Pearl Brumfield He leaves j to mourn his departure a wife, daughter and sister, and a host of other relatives w and friends. Body resting at Jenifer's M funeral home, at 22nd and M sts. n.w.. until Sunday evening; thereafter at his * late residence. 2130 Ward place n.w. Funeral Monday. May 17. at 1 o'clock. f from his late home. 16* jCLEM JOHN LINCOLN. On Friday. May . 14. 1937. at San Antonio. Tex. JOHN * LINCOLN CLEM, major general. U. S. i A., retired, husband of Elizabeth Sul livan Clem. Services at St. Matthew's ¥ Catholic Church. R. I. ave. near Conn. ave. n.w.. where mass will be offered on p Tuesdav. May 18. at 10:30 a.m. In $ terment Arlington National Cemetery. feOHILL. BION H. On Friday. May 14. * 1WI17. at the Homeopathic Hospital. - BION H. COHILL, the beloved son cf ” the late Henry F and Mary S. Cohill * »nd brother of Mrs. Ada Hartman and , Mrs. Candace Sousa. Funeral front H. * M. Paasett's funeral home. 131 1 Iti, st. j ».e„ on Sunday. May 16, at 2 p.m. Rel atives and friends invited. 16 *t>AVTS. ARTHUR C. On Thursday. May * 13. 1937. at his residence. 1*.T9 10th st. n w ARTHUR C. DAVIS, aged 55 years. £ Funeral services at Hysons's parlors. * 1300 N st. n.w . on Monday. May 17, ‘ at 2:30 p.m. Interment Arlington Na * tional Cemetery. J)AWSON. MARGARET SOMERVELL. On Saturday. May 15. 1937. at her home, f Rockville. Md. MARGARET SOMER v VE2LL DAWSON, daughter of the late John L. and Amelia H. Dawson. Sorv - ices at Christ Episcopal Church on Mon day. May 17. at 3 pm. Interment ? Rockville Union Cemetery. (Baltimore >lr papers please copy.) 16 GREEN. ALBERTA L. Suddenly, on Fri *■ day. May J4. 1937. in New York City. ALBEIRTA L GREEN, beloved daughter of Mr Burton H. and Mrs. Addie A. Lamore. She is also survived by one brother. Donald H Lamore. and two sis ters. Marion J Lamore and Mrs. Estelle R. Mathews. Funeral services on Mon* r day. May 17 at Hysong's parlors. 1300 f N st. n.w.. at 11 a.m. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 16 GROSS. FRANK. On Thursday. May 13. 1937. FRANK GROSS, son of Mary C. Gross and the late Robert Gross, brother of Mary Sewell. Geneva Cole. James. John and Lucille Gross. Remains rest ing at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e.. until Sunday morning: thereafter at his late residence. 1331 3rd st. n.w. Funeral Monday. May 17. at 9 a.m.. from Holy Redeemer Church. N. Y. and New Jersey aves. n.w. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 ifcAYES. IRENE VICTORIA. On Friday. May 14, 1937, at her residence. 3341 Nichols ave. s.e. IRENE VICTORIA HAYES tnee Gordon». beloved wife of Harvey Hayes. She is also survived by one son and two daughters. Walter H. Hayes. Mrs. Mary Alice Humphries and Mrs. Edna Irene Hancock Services at Congress Heights Baptist Church on Monday. May 17 at 2 p.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 16 BAYES. IRENE. Officers and members of Kenmore Council No. 23. Daughters of America, are notified of the death of Bister IRENE HAYES. F'uneral Monday. May 17. 1937. at 2 p.m., from her late residence. 3341 Nichols ave. s.e. Mem bers are requested to attend. MYRA FORT Councilor. BERTIE PURDY. Rec. Sec. HAZELOCK. BEATRICE. On Friday. May 14. 1937. at Gallmger HosDital BEA TRICE HAZELOCK. loving daughter of iUlce Hazelock. sister of Charlotte and Leonard Hazelock. granddaughter of Charlotte Bolden. Remains temporarily resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w.. until 6 p.m. Monday.; thereafter at her late residence. 3264 Scott pi. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. May 18. at 2 p.m.. from St. Phillip's Baptist Church. Rev. James officiating. Inter ment Mount Zion Cemetery. 17 HENSON. RICHARD. On Saturday. May 15. 1937. at his residence. 925 Golden ft. l.w.. RICHARD HENSON son of the late Thomas and Luvenia Henson. He leaves to mourn their loss three sisters, two brothers and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. Holmes. Elizabeth. Departed this life on Wednesdav. May 12. 1937. after r long Illness. ELIZABETH HOLMES. She leave* to mourn their loss two devoted aons. Cornelius and Fred Holmes, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Barnes & Matthews' funeral home. 614 4th st. s.w.. where funeral sendee* will be held Monday. May it. at 1 p.m.. Rev. J. Herbert officiating. In terment R-osemont Cemetery. 16 ■ONESTY. MAURICE. Departed this life on Friday. May 14. l!)37. at Piedmont Sanitarium at Burkeville. Va . MAURICE HONESTY, devoted brother of Bertie Honesty and Mattie Brown. He also leave* other relatives and many friends to mourn his departure. Remains rest ing at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. until 11 a.m. Sunday; thence to Galloway Chapel. Falls Church. Va. Funeral from Gallo way Chapel Sunday. May 16, at 2 p.m. Interment church cemetery. 16 l HOWES. ELLA MAE. On Saturday. May 15. 1937. at the Washington Sanitarium. Takoma Park. Md.. ELLA MAE. beloved wife of Charles Richard Howes of Gaithersburg. Md. Remains resting at Gartner's funeral home. Gaithersburg. Md. Funeral services Monday. May 17. ft 2:30 p.m.. at the above*funeral home. Interment in the Baptist Church Ceme tery. Germantown. Md. JONES. MARYT ELIZABETH. On Saturday. May 15. 1937. at Harpers Ferry. W. Va.. MARY ELIZABETH, widow of Franklin L. Jones and mother of Ralph J. Jones of Washington D C . and Charles J. Jones of Buffalo. N. Y. Remains rest ' ing at Dailey's funeral home Funeral services at S’. Peter '; Catholic Church , Tuesday at 10 a.m. Interment Harper’s Cemetery. .•King. Catherine Virginia, on Fri * day. May 14. 1037. at Sibley Memorial * Hospital. CATHERINE VIRGINIA KING . the beloved wife of Beniamin F. King and mother of Frank F. Kina. William E. » King. Harry C. King. Russell a. King. . Andrew C. King. Mrs. William M. * Wood and Mrs. Charles La Mar and sis ( ter of Mrs. Harry P. Mills and Mrs. Alice , French of Kansas City, Mo. Remains * resting at the W. W Chambers Co. j Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e. Funeral services will be held on Monday. May 17. at 8:30 a.m.. at the above fu neral home: thence to Immaculate Con ception Catholic Church, where mass will t be offered at 0 a.m. for the repose of , her soul Relatives and friends are in vited to attend. Interment in Fort Lin coin Cemetery. 16 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. IV. L SPEARE CO. ■either the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment WAtlonalPe28Ba 1009 H St. N.W. ! J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium Sth and Mass. Are. N.E Lincoln 8200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK Man as ar) Established1 >§373034 M St. N.W. « WILLIAM H. SCOTT , 409 8th 8t. BE.Lincoln 0630 l Frank Geier’s Sons Co. Nm NAtional 2473 ;FUNERAL DESIGNS. 1 GEO. C. SHAFFER ; EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTE8 AT .MODERATE PRICKS PHONE NAT MOfl 'sundAT* Cor. 14th fir Eye CUDE BROS. CO. Fiomi pucm 1 1812 P 8t N t NAtlonai 427B t BURTON’S FLORIST ffi. 8lvd. Funeral Sprays, $2.50 up I HYATTS. 785°.%" glSaSVAT. 0182 KLINE. PAUL OSCAR. Suddenly, on Fri day. May 14. 11137. PAUL OSCAR KLINE beloved husband of Ramelle Palmer Kline and son of Bernard A. and Katie Blanche Kline. He was a member of Columbia Lodge. No. 3. F. A A. M. Remains resting at the resi dence of his parents. 48 Independence ave. s w . until 11 am. Tuesday. May 18. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends are Invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 17 LATIMER. ELIZABETH RANDOLPH. On Saturday May 15, 11137. ELIZABETH RANDOLPH LATIMER, widow of Clar ence E. Latimer, mother of Lieut. Sam uel Edwin Latimer of the U. 8. Navy and sister of Miss Frances Peyton Smith. Remains resting at the S. H. Co. luneral home. 3001 14th st. n.w Funeral services at the above fu ne-al home on Monday. Mav 17. at 2 P.m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. LAVEZZO. AGOSTINO B. On Saturday. May lo 11137. at Georgetown Hospital AGOSTINO B LAVEZZO. the beloved husband of Catherine M. Lavezzo and father of Frank J.. D. John and Angela M. Lavezzo. Funeral from his late resi dence, 31118 M st. n.w.. on Monday. May 1 ,. at 8:30 a m.' thence to Holy Trinity Church. 3tlth and N sts. n.w.. where mass will be offered at n a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. Services by W. W. Chambers Co. 18 LAiNE. AUGUST. On Saturday. May 15. 1937. at 410 Florida ave. n.w.. AUGUST LAYNE. husband of Leonora Layne. He also leaves one daughter and three sis ters of Richmond. Va. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. I43tl You st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. LEHMAN. ANNA. On Saturday. May 15. J937. at Emergency Hospital. ANNA LEHMAN, beloved wife of Frank Lehman, mother of Miss Clara F. Lehman and sister of Mr. William Boege. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. fu neral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Tuesday. May IK. at, 11 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 17 LEHMAN. ANNA. A special meeting of Bethany Chapter. No. *J4. O. E. S.. is called for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late sister. ANNA LEH MAN. at the New Masonic Temple. 13th st. and New York ave. n.w., on Tuesday. May IS. 1937. at 10 am. RUTH D. LEIGHTON Worthy Matron. ALICE W. NEWHARD. Secretary. 17 McCOMB. JAMES HERBERT. On Satur day. May 15. 1937 at Mount Alto Hos-. Pital. JAMES HERBERT McCOMB of 33S Ingraham st. n.w.. beloved husband of Anna C. McComb and father of Mrs. Lloyd R. Ross. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. *1901 14th st. n.w. on Tuesday. May IK at 10 am. Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. 17 MEREDITH. AARON A. On Friday. May 14. 1937. AARON A. MEREDITH, be loved husband of Elsie C. Meredith and father of Margaret R. Meredith. Fu neral from the residence of Mrs. Clara E. Manchester. 19C6 Summit place n.e.. on Monday. May 17. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 16 MILSTED. WILLIAM F. On Friday. May 14. 1937, at his residence. 1K41 Potomac ave. s.e.. WILLIAM F.. the beloved hus band of Alma Milsted and father of Mrs. Mildred Hall. William Milsted and Mrs. Alma Saxty. F'uneral services at H. M. Padgett’s funeral home 131 J1 th st. s.e.. on Monday. May 17. at 11 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Imer ment Congressional Cemetsiy. 16 MIXER. FRED W. On Thursday. May 13. 1937. at 6:55 p.m.. at Soldiers’ Home Hospital. F*RED W. MIXER, junior vice commander of Kit Carson Post. No. 2. G. A R : sergeant. Company G. 7th U. S. Infantry. Funeral Monday May 17. at 10:30 a.m . from tlie Soldiers' Home Chanel Relatives and friends invited. Interment Soldiers' Home Cemetery. 16 Ml NRO. JESSIE. Suddenly, on May 14. 1937. at Georgetown University Hos pital beloved friend. JESSIE MUNRO Remains resting at Hysong's funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w. Funeral arrange ments later. • NAYLOR. SOPHIA On Friday Mav 14. 1937. SOPHIA NAYLOR beloved mother of Mrs. Maitland S. Wright. Services Monday. May 17. at 1 p m., at Hysong's funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w. Inter ment private. 16 NEEL. KATE HOYLE. On Thursday. May 13. 1937. at her home Neelsvilie. Md.. KATE HOYLE NEEL, beloved wife of the late James B Neel. Funeral services Monday. May 17 at St Martin's Cath olic Church. Gaithersburg, Md. at 9:30 a m. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. Barnesville. Md. 16 NOLAN. MARY M. On Friday May 14, 1937. at her residence. 1321 M st. n.w.. MARY M. NOLAN, beloved wife of the late Dennis Nolan. Funeral from the chapel of Frank Geier’s Sons Co. 1113 7th st. n.w. Monday, May 17. at 9:30 a.m. Requiem mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 10 o'clock Relatives and friends Invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 10 PADGETT. FANNIE ELIZABETH. On Sat urday. May 15. 1937. at her residence. Allentown. Md.. FANNIE ELIZABETH PADGETT <nep Pyles), widow of Robert A Padgett. Services at her late resi dence on Tuesday. May 18. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Bell's Cemetery. Camp Springs, Md. 17 PALOUCEK, BARBARA LEE. On Friday, May 14. 193;. at Children's Hospital. BARBARA LEE PALOUCEK. beloved daughter of Mary and Frank Paloucek. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Monday. May 17. at. 10 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. PLOTTS. MARY H. On Saturday May 15. 1937. at the National Lutheran Home. 18th and Douglas sts. n.e., MARY H PLOTTS. Funeral services at the above address on Monday. May 17. at 11 a.m. Interment Reading. Pa. RANSOME. BAYFIELD. On Thursday. May 13. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital. RAY FIELD RANSOME. husband of Bessie Ransome. beloved father of Dorothy. Mary. William George and David Ran some: brother of Joseph and George Ransome. He also leaves other relatives and many friends Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w . until noon Saturday. May 15: thereafter at his late residence. 468 L st s.w Funeral Sunday May 16. at 1:30 pm from Mount Olive Baptist Church. Arlington. Va. Interment Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. 1ft ROBEY. WALTER L. Suddenly, on Satur day. May 15 1937. at his residence. 814 L st. s e. WALTER L ROBEY beloved husband of the late Virginia M Robey and father of Mary E. St. Clair. Virginia I.. Walter L . Jr., and Daisy P. Robey, and son of Sarah A and the late George W. Robey Funeral from Wm. J. Nalley's funeral home. 522 8t.h st. s.e.. on Mon day. May 17. at 2 o'clock p.m Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. 1ft ROTH. HENRY A. On Friday. May 14. 1937. at his residence. 305 Brook ave., Capitol Heights. Md. HENRY A. ROTH, beloved husband of Fannie A. Roth and father of Mrs. Minnie A. Litz and Myrtle F. Roth. Funeral services at the above residence on Monday. May 17. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Addison Chapel. Seat Pleasant. Md. Services by W. W Chambers Ca’s Southeast funeral home. 16 SCHRECK. HANS L. B. Suddenly, on Sat urday. May 15. 1937. at his residence. 307 Madison st. n.w.. HANS L. B. SCHRECK beloved husband of Cora V. Schreck and father of Leonard B. Schreck. Notice of funeral later. stun, vk iukm may. Departed this life on Thursday. May 1.3. 19.37. at 1304 Montello ave. n.e., VICTORIA MAY SCOTT, beloved wife of William E. Scott, mother of David W. Scott. Roberta V Wood. Beulah S. Mitchell Warren E end the late Sabrinah E. Scott: sister of Wil liam H Perry and Fredella Madden, mother-in-law of Angie L. Scott. James Wood. Dr. I. O. Mitchell and Mary Scott; foster mother of Mary Tyvee. Lloyd. Warren and Harold Scott. She also leaves seven grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at her late residence. Funeral Sunday. May 16. at 1:30 p.m.. from Miles Me morial C. M. E. Church Interment Har mony Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited. Arrangements by Frasier. 16 SINCLAIR. JANET W. On Saturday. May 15. 1937. at her residence 3513 Idaho ave n.w.. Mrs. JANET W. SINCLAIR, mother of Mrs Walter Hartley. B»dy resting at Gawler's 1750 Pa. ave. n.w . until 11:30 a m Sunday. Mav 16. Serv ices at Cornwall N. Y. Interment High land Mills. N. Y.. Tuesday. May 18. TOWNES. PARRIS. On Saturday. May 15. 1937. at his residence. 1471 Irving St. n.w.. PARRIS TOWNES, loving hus band of Rose Townes, devoted father of Parris Townes, tr. He also leaves a father. Milton J. Townes: one sister. Mrs. Grace Jones, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhlnes funeral chaoel. 3rd and Eve sis. s.w. Notice of funeral later. TURNER. RACHAEL. On Friday. May 14. 193,. at her residence 763 Hobart pi. n.w RACHAEL TURNER, devoted friend of John T. Simmons. She also leaves two adopted daughters. Cath erine Johnson and Pemena Berry and a number of relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. No tice of funeral later. WESTWOOD. EMMA. On Saturday. May 15. 1937. at her daughter’s residence. Magruder ave.. East Rtverdale. Md after a brief illness. EMMA WEST WOOD. aged 83 years, .beloved wife of the late Rev. John Westwood of Des Moines. Iowa. She is survived by a son. Rev. Horace Westwood. D. D of Berkeley. Calif., and two daughters. Mrs. Embert Le Lacheur of East River dale Heights. Md.. and Mrs. Fred Mc Whirter of Saginaw. Mich. Funeral from the above residence on Monday. May 17 at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Roulette. Pa. Itt Hbmuriam. BROOKS. M. FREELAND. Sacred to the memory of our dear son and brother. M. FREELAND BROOKS, who left Us suddenly, two years ago today. May 16. 1935. Though Thou hast called me to resign What most I prised. It ne'er was mine. I have but yielded what was TTilne. Thv will be done! ERNEST M. M. FRANCES AND M. THEODORA BROOKS • BROWN. MARY WALKER. In remem brance of my daughter. MARY WALKER BROWN, who left me fourteen years ago today. May 16. 1923. You suffered hours, yes hours of pita To wait for cure, but all In vain. LOVING MOTHER. BETTI! W. WALKER. df mm Former Congress Member to Be Buried in Oklahoma Tomorrow. By the Associated Press. COALGATE. Okla., May 15.—Percy L. Gassaway, 52, the colorful rancher who rose to political prominence as Oklahoma's “cowboy Congressman,” died unexpectedly today of a heart attack. Death came in an ambulance on a futile dash to an Ada hospital from his ranch near here. An attempt at artificial resuscitation failed. Pugnacious and outspoken, Gassa way zoomed in^o the public eye dur ing his amazing campaign for fourth district Representative in 1934. In his single term, he was one of the most picturesque figures in Wash ington. He donned cowboy boots and sombrero and rode a horse to the Capitol steps. He was defeated for re-election last year by Lyle Boren, Seminole school teacher. House Called Circus. Once he called the House of Rep resentatives a three-ring circus and said it reminded him of a bunch of Texas steers on stampede. When colleagues protested, he replied: “Well, now, gentlemen, I admit I owe you all an apology for exaggerat ing the situation slightly. I'll take it back. I should have compared you to a dog-and-pony show. But as a judge I once sent a fellow to the electric chair for taking life too seriously, and I want to warn you against it.” Gassaway was amazed when he first entered the halls of Congress. "Why, the wildest Young Democrat convention down in Oklahoma was a Sunday school convention compared to this,” he declared. "Up here we can't even hear ourselves think.” Gassaway often referred to the “fu tility of Congress” and declared only “morbid curiosity’1 led him to cam paign for Congress. Views on Speechmakers. "Some of these young whipper&nap pers get on my nerves,” he said one day. "That fellow talking now is making a speech to take back home. The biggest thing I’ve found up here is a man wondering what to say and how to say it so he can go back home and get re-elected.” April 27, on his last visit to Wash ington, he announced he was "through with politics.” "This politics is the biggest fool thing in the world,” he said. "It cost me a quarter of a million dollars to attempt to serve this State. From now on I’m going to sit on the side lines, cheer my friends and dig hell out of my enemies.” Funeral sendees will be held at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow at the ranch home with burial in Coalgate Cemetery. Honorary pallbearers will include Gen. Baird Markham, New York City. NEWS SADDENS CAPITOL HILL. Congressional Friends of Gassaway Numerous. By the Associated Prese. Capitol Hill heard with sadness yes terday that the one-time cowboy Representative, Percy L. Gassaway, was dead. Singularly, the congressional friends of the picturesque Oklahoman—and he had dozens of them—asked one another the same question—a subject that Gassaway often talked about; "How did he die?” With a touch of the poet about him —old Gas, as he called himself— would often tell his friends in Wash ington that the way he wanted to go in iHenuirtam. BRYSON. FAY LUCINDA. In sad but lov ing remembrance c! our beloved daugh ter and sister. FAY LUCINDA BRYSON who deoarted this life one year ago to day. May 16. 1936. We loved our precious sister And we miss her more each day. But God knew she was suffering. So from us He took her away. We miss your kind and cheery ways. With you we spent our happiest days; We miss you when we need a friend. For on you. dear Fay. we could always depend THE BRYSON FAMILY. • BURROWS. CHARLES R. In loving re membrance of our dear husband and father. CHARLES R. BURROWS, who departed this life five years ago loday. May 16 1932. HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. • MATTHEWS. FRANCES R. In memory of our dearly beloved mother. Mrs. FRAN CES R. MATTHEWS, who deoarted this life thirteen years ago. May 14. 1924. Her memory will live forever. MADELINE AND JOHN. PIERSON. WILLIAM H. AND ELIZA C; IRVING. PRISCILLA. In loving mem ory of my beloved father. WILLIAM H. PIERSON who died November 26. 1902; my devoted mother. ELIZA C. PIERSON, who died July 30. 1927. and of my dear mother-in-law. PRISCILLA IRVING, who died May 16. 1912. Deep in my heart you are fondly re membered. Sweet, happy memories cling to your name; A true heart that loved you with deepeit affection Always will love you in death just the same. YOUR LOVING DAUGHTER. REBECCA B JACKSON (“PINNIE”). SHIELDS. MARY ELLEN. Sacred to the memory of MARY ELLEN SHIELDS, who departed this life twenty-two years ago today. May 16 1915. iwenty-two years hid hjuij Our loved one was called away. God’s will was for her not to stay. So we can only wait and pray That she will be with us some day. HER SON. ROBERT. AND WIFE. • WILKES. REGINALD P. In sad and lov ing memory of my brother. REGINALD P. WILKES, who died May Id. 1036. Life a ship that’s left its moorings And sails bravely out to sea. So some one dear has sailed away In calm serenity. But there's promise of a greater joy Than earth could have in store. For God has planned a richer life Beyond the unseen shore. HIS DEVOTED SISTER. JUSTINE WILKES GREENE. • WILKES. REGINALD P. In memory of my beloved husband. REGINALD P. WILKES who departed this life one year ago to day. May 16. 1036. • PRISCILLA T. WILKES. * WILSON. GEORGE F. In sad and loving remembrance of our dear son and brother. GEORGE F. WILSON, who de parted this life six years ago today, May 16. 1031. Six sad and lonely years have passed Since from this earth you went away; Each day we think of you And miss your smile so gay. THE FAMILY. • was riding the range against a West ern sunset. Gassaway had his own ideas about how to represent his constituents. He maintained to his intimate friends that his horseback riding and other stunts about the Capital were the best method of bringing to the public’s at tention measures he advocated, or measures he didn’t. “There are 434 Representatives up here besides me,” he’d say, “Why, if I didn't shoot off a few fireworks I could holler all year and nobody would hear me.” The next day he stopped on the steps of the Capitol and went through the motions of frying two eggs in Washington’s Summer sun. Asked what he was trying to prove, he replied he sought to persuade Con gress to adjourn early by graphically illustrating how hot it could get in the Capital. MRS. E. R. LATIMER DIES AT AGE OF 64 Widow of Beal Estate and Insur ance Man, Virginia Native, 111 3 Months. Mrs. Elizabeth Randolph Latimer, 64, widow of Clarence E. Latimer, for merly in the real estate and insurance business here, died yesterday in a local private hospital after an illness of about three months. A native of Richmond, Va., Mrs. Latimer had been a Washington resi dent for 35 years. She formerly was secretary-treasurer of the Board of the Episcopal Home for Children. Her husband, until his death in 1918, was in business here with his brother, Lee D. Latimer. Mrs. Latimer is survived by a son, Lieut. Samuel Edwin Latimer, U. S. N., on duty here at the Bureau of Navi gation, Navy Department, and residing at 2038 Allen place; a sister. Miss Prances Peyton Smith, this city, and a grandson, Samuel Edwin Latimer, jr. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in Hines’ funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street. Rev. Dr. J. H. Hollister, pastor of Chevy Chase Pres byterian Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery. ---- | RISE IS FORECAST IN FARM INCOME May and June Returns to Be Greater Than in 1936, Econ omists Predict. Ey the Associated Press. Government economists forecast yesterday that cash income of farm ers in May and June will be as large or larger than the same months last year. They also said higher prices for farm products and an increase in Government payments to farmers would push cash income for the first half of this year above the same period in 1936. The Bureau of Agricultural Eco nomics also predicted that.— Any surplus wheat produced this year in the United States "should be readily absorbed in foreign markets” because of low world supplies. Corn prices will remain high in re lation to prices of small grains dur ing the Summer because of short com supplies. Prices of hogs and better grades of cattle will advance because of re duced marketings. ■-• D. C. MAN RE-ELECTED TO INSURERS’ BOARD F. F. Leith Remain* on Execu tive Committee by Conven tion's Action, i By the Assoclsted Press. ASHEVILLE, N. C„ May 15 —The ' Industrial Insurers' Conference re elected O. E. Starnes of Asheville president today and selected Jackson ville. Fla., for its 1938 meeting place. Other officers re-elected at the con cluding session of the twenty-eighth annual convention were: Vice president, George R. Kendall, Chicago: secretary treasurer, W. B Clement of Greensboro. Frank P. Sanford of Birmingham and F. F. Leith of Washington, D. C., were re-elected to the Executive Com mittee^ Frazier's —service, quality and reverence In conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete in every detail. Undertakers for col ored U. S. War Veterans. Also for the C. C. C. Camp N. P. 11, Company 1360. Washington, D. C. No Deserving Case Turned Away Parlors and Chapels Free Call NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. John T. Rhinos & Co. 901 3d St S.W. MEt. 4220 LEADING COLORED FUNERAL DIRECTORS Funerals To Fit the Smallest Income PRIVATE AMBULANCE SERVICE Air Cooled for Your Comfort The Funeral Chapel of the Wm. H. Sardo & Co. is com pletely equipped with the most modern air conditioning equipment, in order to insure utmost comfort to its clients. The equipment is such that it affords pure, dust free, washed air both during Summer and Winter. Our chapel provides a cool, comfortable atmosphere that is ideal in which to conduct funeral services. Moreover, there is never any charge made for the use of our chapel with its modem conveniences. WM. H. SARDO & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 412 H St. N.L Lincoln 0524 Hoosier Farmer To Hold His Own 6Funeral9 Today Self-Made Coffin and Sermon Ready; Pall Bearers Paid. BT the Associated Press. COATESVILLE, Ind., May 15.—The cointryside buzzed tonight with spec ulation on what eccentric Wade Mill man, 88-year-old wealthy farmer, would say at his own "funeral services” tomorrow afternoon. Millman, who invited all of his friends and expected "thousands,” was noncommittal. As he put finishing touches to his funeral oration he said, "I’ll have something interesting to say.” He would not comment further. Everything was in order for the service at the Canaan Rural Church, northwest of here. His coffin, fash ioned from an oak tree on his farm, was ready. The tombatone, imported from Switzerland, was set up. The pallbearers had been paid $5 each in advance. Millman said he would countenance no ministerial help at his last rites, but pointed out preachers would be welcome if they cared to come. When he announced his funeral plans a few months ago, few of his friends believed he would actually hold the service. But he has gone ahead steadily with his preparations. A few days ago his wife, who said she married him to erase a $600 debt, died after a short illness. Millman was shocked so severely he could not attend her services. He recovered in a few days and plunged again into his own funeral plans. Millman will drive to the services in his rubber-tired buggy, pulled by his 26-year-old faithful horse, John. Asked why he had decided to hold his own services, he said: "I did not want any preacher, or singing at my funeral, so I decided I would take care of the thing myself and get it over with. There won't be any preacher or undertaker when my time comes." 1937 Complete Funerals For the past 80 years many wise families have consulted us before the time of death about their burial problems. We invite you. too. to sit down and discuss the subject with us. No obliaation: such preparations should be made in advance. We never "oversell” our patrons. Prices from «100 up. Air Conditioned Lincoln Lincoln 0468 0372 I U. S. ROAD BUILDERS WILL MEET HERE SOON Leading Safety Experts to Join in Discussion on Reducing Accidents. Fifty of the Nation's leading high way engineers and safety experts will gather here at the annual meeting of the American Road Builders' Associa tion May 27-28 to seek methods of reducing the country's steadily rising death toll. A session of the Commit tee on Safe Highways on the 27th will be one of the high lights of the convention. "Immediate steps must be taken,” said Charles M. Upham. engineer di rector of the association, “if we do not want 1937 to reach an all-time peak in highway deaths. Our Com mittee on Safe Highways believes that highway safety is largely a matter of proper highway engineering. We, as road builders, are going to concern ourselves with the rehabilitation of antiquated roads.” Dr. H. E. Tabler, chairman of Maryland’s State Road Commission, is chairman of the Committee on Safe Highways. “Hankie” Brings $5.50. A gold watch that belonged to Florence Nightingale brought only $17.50 at an auction in London and a handkerchief used by Ellen Terry was sold for $5.50. ESTAB. ItSI 2urlrnrat Funeral Directors (C.'s. ZURHORST. JR.) 301 East Capitol St. Lin. 0468 Lin. 0372 )ranniai2l(SlRlRlia(=irami=ii=ir?nrnr?imnrr.f CALVERT CLUB SUPPER TO BE HELD TOMORROW Catholic Business and Profes sional Men’s Organization Will Meet at 8:30 P.M. Members of the Calvert Club, an organization of Catholic ousintss and professional men, will meet in the presidential suite of the Willlard Hotel tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. A buffet supper and refreshments will be served. Raymond F. Garrity is president and E. E. Downham secretary of the club. Other officers are James E. Colliflower, first vice president; Dr. J. Rozier Biggs, second vice president; Thomas F. McKeon, treasurer, and William H. Collins, Robert W. Mc Chesney, Dr. L. B. Norris, Joseph A. Marr, Dr. Leon A. Martel, Herman A. Schulties, Judge Michael M. Doyle, Thomas R. Fitzgerald, Frederick Stohlman and Dr. James A. Cahill, Jr., members of the board of governors. FLOWERS DUPONT CIRCLE NO. 7000 SINCE 1884 Thos. S. Sergeon Co. (Willson K. Huntemann, successor) Dignity Without ExponM COMPLETE FUNERALS $100 and up FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1011 7th St. N.W. NA. 1090 For information that is honest, Reference that is real— Just ask your neighbor about . The Funeral Home of Deal. . • • -. ....— m> Never Any Extra Charges! i That's an iron-clad Deal policy that has the I reputation of 26 successful years behind It. I In advance and according to each patron’s means and requirements the complete cost of each Deal "perfect funeral” is established. Although many extra services are included yet ... no extra charges ever appear! *75 k The DEAL price for a $ISO Funeral Jtlcafr FUNERAL Phone Lincoln 8200 Complete Funerals From $75 to $500 and Ui Milburn T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Amoulanc« Servict 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 North Side of Stanton Park (ede,r Hill ‘WaAliuujtcm HmdBeaulihd (emetery Community Mausoleum Columbaria! and Rcceiyint Vaults. W. WARREN TALTAVULL i The Finest FUNERAL SERVICE | Regardless of the tmount you can afford to spend you get the best In every W WARREN TALTAVULL Funeral 8ervlce. Years of experi ence have taught us how to provide comfort and convenience and to . do so in a courteous understanding manner that fulfills every need. j Under personal management of Francis J. Collins. W. WARREN TALTAVULL FUNERAL HOME 3619 14th St. N.W. Col. 0464 Vi W. W.CHAMBERS On* of tho LARGEST UNDERTAKERS \H THE WORLD PARLORS FOR BETTER SERVICE 3 Funeral Homes Mala Office 14th 4k Chapin Sts. N.W. Phene Colombia 0432 Southeast Office 517 Eleventh St. S E. Phone ATlantie 670S Suburban Home •IS Cleveland At*. Riverdale. Md. Phono Greenwood 1?21 J. F. KELLY, INC. . . . NORTH 1341 . . . 2121 GA. AVE. N.W. LUMBER for any REPAIRS BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES GO MUCH HIGHER prober is the heart of any repair or remodeling job. Don’t take chances on inferior quality lumber—GET THE BEST—IT COSTS NO MORE IN THE LONG RUN. Our yard is filled with choicest lumber for any and every repair work. We specialize in small orders. Buy now . . . lumber prices are going up. Come in or phone your order. If you desire, we’ll recommend a reliable contractor to handle your repair work. Phone U» Now! North 1341. FREE DELIVERY on Any Size Order! MAKE YOUR OWN SCREENS Screen Moulding for making jour O _ own screens. Lin. foot_ Bronte Screen Wire. 16 mesh. 7. I Square foot _ * ® Galvanised Screen Wire. 03/ || Screen Doors, bronte wire, OO PA 2* 1!4". Soft pine. From.... J|| Screen Door 7P ^ Latches _ * Screen Hinges.30c ^ DOORS OF ALL KINDS GARAGE DOORS of ooft JJ75Q n Panel Pine Doors. ti 1ft S.Ssfl.S _ 4 Glass Pine Doors. «C en _ #D.DU VENTIEATOR DOORS. For $7 en homes and apartments_ «p »•«»»» COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE LOCK SETS, each_60c NAILS, pound_5c HINGES, 3V2x3V2_25e HARDWOODS Mahogany Oak Walnut Ash Poplar Cherry All In Stork for ImmeAiats Dellrery. PAINTS IN STOCK We Carry a Complete Stork at DUPONT PAINTS For Any Purpose. Get Our Priees. Free Dellrery. Insulate Now for Comfort This Summer BALSAM WOOL GUARANTEED INSULATION BLANKET Makes your home cooler in Summer—warmer in Winter. Easy to apply and fully guaranteed. Roll 1" thick, covers 125 sq. ft.-$7.50 Roll V2" thick, covers 250 sq. ft.-$10 J. FRANK ELLY s Next to the Ball Park 2121 Georgia Are. Phone NOrth 1341 BUSINESS HOURS WmIi Day*, 7:30 A. M. to 5 P.M. Satardays, 7:30 A.M. to 1 P.M. CELOTEX INSULATING BOARD Makes porehes. cabins, recreation rooms warmer in Winter—cooler in Sommer. An ideal finish for every purpose. Building Board, 5c Sq. Ft. 1,000 Square Feet, $45 Planks and Tile Board 6c Sq. Ft. 1,000 Square Feet, $55 WALLBOARD AND PLYWOOD FIBER WALL BOARD, sq. ft_3l/2c PLYWOOD WALL BOARD, sq. ft_5Uc SHEET ROCK WALL BOARD, sq. ft_5c CELOTEX HARD BOARD, sq. ft_6%c FIR PLYWOOD % in. thick, 24 in. to 48 in. widths, sq. ft_6c We alto carry in ttoch Vfin. to 3%-in. thicknett. MODERNIZE YOUR PORCH NOW Add an extra room—increase the ealue of your property by inclosinr your porch. We have a complete stock of Porch Materials at Reasonable Prices. The best grade of Georgia Pine "tfll/ _ Porch Flooring. Ft...iU/2c | «;.T. 53.75 ea. Porch Rail, red wood. Q _ j Lin. ft... OC Porch Balustrades, red wood. C Each.OC I $1.50 up I Colonial Round $8.00 UP Columns .... y ^ LUMBER FOR EVERY BUILDING NEED For Any Repairing or Remodeling Baft Pine Skeletal. , fi, ft It" _ _81/*c «• 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 Pine, Framinx Cc ft 10 to 16 lenitha. Fene* 65c np 2x4, 2x6, 8x8 Goorile OU. ft Beat Quality || Q. ft Oak Flooring _ - »C II. 8340 «p 21";_33-30 >p Any site order gladly filled and delivered free of cost. SPECIAL MILLWORK!! MADE TO ORDER We have complete woodworking: shop where we can make special mUlwork, mah, doors, cabinet*, mouldinfs. GET OUR PRICES