Newspaper Page Text
Draft}*. ADLER. AMELIA THORNE. On Tuesday. May IS. 1037. at Sibley Hospital. AMELIA THORNE ADLER, widow of Rudolph F. Adler. Funeral from her late residence. Silesia. Md., on Thursday, Mav 20. at 1:30 p.m. Services at St. John’s Episcopal Church. Broad Creek. Md . at •* p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment church cemetery. ALLEN. IRENE KIT. Departed this life on Sunday. May JO. 1037. at her resi dence. 1724 New Jersey ave. n.w.. after a brief illness. IRENE KIT ALLEN the beloved daughter of the late Emma and James Allen. She leaves to mourn their loss a aevoted brother. Ned Allen: two nephews, other relatives and friends. Remains resting at her late residence. Funeral Thursday. May 20. at 1 p.m.. from Asbury Church. Interment in Har mony Cemetery. Arrangements by L E. Murray & Son. 19 ARENDES. DELIA. On Wednesday. May 19. 1937. DELIA ARENDES of 010 G st. s.e.. beloved wife of the late John Henry Arendes and mother of Frank H . Wil liam F.. Joseph G. and John H. Arendes. Funeral from the James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e.. on Saturday. Mav 22. at 8:30 am.; thence to St. Peter's Church, where mass will be of fered at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends in vited to attend. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 21 BANNISTER. HERBERT. On Monday. May 17. 193;. at ll:2o am.. HERBERT BANNISTER, devoted son of Andrew Bannister, brother of Harrison and How ard Bannister. Hilda Hall. Hannah Gaither. Heloise Smith and Hester Weaver. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Friday. May 21. at 9 a.m. from the Church of the Incarna tion, Deanwood, D. C. 20 BUCKINGHAM. WILLIAM F. On Tuesday. May 18. 1937. at his residence. .(10 Takoma ave.. Takoma Park. Md.. WIL LIAM F. BUCKINGHAM, beloved hus band of the late Emma W. Buckingham and father ot Hugh and Hariey Buck ingham. Funeral services at his late residence on Thursday. May 20. at 2 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Please omit flowers. COATES. W’ARFIELD. On Monday May 17. 1937. at Casualty Hospital, after a brief illness. WARFIELD COATES the beloved husband of Einora M. Coates <nee Brooks) of 1017 4th st. n.w ; ! brother of Charles Coates. Lenora David son. Mattie Anderson. Gertrude Quill , and May Ella Crabbi .steotather of Nor- . man Brooks of New York City. Many other relatives and fnenas also survive him. Remains resting at Henry S. Washington A: Sons lunerai home 407 N st. n.w.. where funeral services will be held Friday Mav 21. at 1 P.m. Inter ment in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Remains may be viewed after 2 p.m. Thursday. 20* DE LACY. KATHERINE MARY. On Wed nesday May 19. 193,. at Providence Hospital. KATHERINE MARY DE LACY, beloved wife of the late W'illiam H. De Lacy. Notice of funeral later. DOCKENDORF. CLARA D. On Tuesday. Mav is. 1937. at John Hopkins Hos pital CLARA D DOCKENDORF. late residence. Ri\erdale. Md.. beloved wife of William P Dockendort and mother of Helen Tracer of Chicago. 111.. Ralph Hustis of Baltimore and Charles. May. Robert and Vera Dockendorf. Remains resting at Gaschs funeral home. 40 Maryland ave.. H.vattsville. Md. Serv ices at the above funeral home on Friday. May 21. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. 20 DUCLOS. GEORGE E. On Monday. May 17. 1937. it Walter Reed Hospital. GEORGE E. DUCLOS beloved husband of Jennett Duclos. He is also survived by eight daughters and four sons. Fu neral from the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s e en Thursday May 2o. at 2 p.m Rela tives and friends invited to attend In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 19 HAGAN. MARY ANN MASSEY. On Tues day, May IS. 1937. at Children’s Hos pital. MARY ANN MASSEY HAGAN, aged 5. beloved daughter of Marian and Foster Hagan. Funeral from the Episco pal Church of the Epiphany. 1317 G st. n.w.. on Thursday. May 20, at 2 p.m. ! Interment private. HAGENBUCH. GERTRUDE MARY. Sud denly on Monday. May 17. 1937. at Casualty Hospital. GERTRUDE MARY HAGENBUCH of 32 1 South Wells ave.. Edmonston. Md. beloved wife of Paul G. Hagenbuch. mother of Charles. Frank. Paul. jr.. and Phyllis Elizabeth Hagen buch. and sister of Russell R. Keefer of Philadelphia. Pa Frank H. Keefer of Rahway. N J., and Hazel E. Keefer of Princeton N. J. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. suburban funeral home. 91 s Cleveland ave.. Riverdale. Md.. on Thursday. May 20 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 'Woodbury. N. J.. and Wilkes-Barre. Pa . papers please copy ) 19 HANNAN. WILLIAM. Suddenly, on Mon day. May 11. 1037. at Emergency Hos pital. WILLIAM HANNAN of 1521 11th at. beloved husband of the late Angela Hannan <nee Casey'. Funeral will be held from the above residence on Thurs day. May 20. at 9:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Matthews’ Church at lo a.m. Relatives and fnends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 19 HARRIS. EMMA C. On Tuesday. May IS. ' 1937. at her residence. 2352 Champlain st. n.w.. EMMA C. HARRIS, devoted wife of Joseph Harris, mother of Lena Mason, grandmother of Frederick John son. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church 1432 You at. n.w. Funeral Thursday. May 20 at 8 p.m. from the above funeral church. Interment Hanover. Va. 20 HEALY. MSGR. PATRICK J.. S. T. D. On Tuesday. May 18. 1931. at 4 p.m.. at Providence Hospital Msgr. PATRICK J. HEALY. S. T. D professor of church history in the School of Sacred Sciences ! at the Catholic University. Time and place of funeral to be announced later. HOLLAND. BETHIAR A. J. On Tuesday. May 18. 1937. at Emergency Hospital. BETHIAR A J HOLLAND, the beloved wife of William C. Holland and mother of Miss Ethel V. Holland. Miss Beatrice Holland and Mrs. Mattie Fugate of Os wego. Oreg.: late residence. 3547 11th st. n.w. Funeral from the W. W. Cham bers Co. funeral home I4d<) Chapin st. i n.w.. on Thursday. May 20. at 3 p.m. Relatives ard friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 19 HUEBNER. ALICE V. On Tuesday. May 18. 1937. at the residence of her son. Glenn C. Hanson. 1*35 Mass. ave. s.e.. ALICE V. HUEBNER < nep Hanson >. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday. Mav 22. at 1:30 pm . thence to Kendall Baptist Church. 202 9th st. a.w . where services will be held at, 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 21 HUNTER. ELLEN LILLIE. On Monday. May 17. 1937. at the Home for the Aged and Infirm. ELLEN LILLIE HUNTER, wife of the late William Hunter. She leaves a number of good friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w.. until 3 p.m. Wednesday. May 19; thereafter at the W. Ernest Jarvis West End parlor. 28th st. and Dumbarton ave. n.w. Fu neral Thursday. May 20, at 1 p.m. from the West End parlor. Rev. W. A. Jones officiating. Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. HYSAN. LAURA V. On Tuesday. May 18. 1937. at her residence 1214 L st. n.w.. LAURA V.. wife of Leo V. Hysan. Body resting at the Tabler Funeral Home. Inc.. 4217 9th st. n.w.. until Thursday. May 20, where services will be held at 2 p.m.. followed by interment in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited to attend. * IVERY. CECELIA. Suddenly, on Monday. May 17. 1937. at her residence. 404 Florida ave. n.w.. CECELIA, the beloved wife of Walter Iverv. mother of Walter L. and Randolph Ivery. Mamie Paris. Louise Walker and Willette Lucas; grandmother of Vera Watkins Eugene Ivery. Russell and Richard Paris: sister of Mamie Taylor. Many other relatives and friends also survive her. Remains resting at Henry S. Washington Ar Sons’ funeral home. 461 N st. n.w. Funeral Thursdav. May 20. at 1:30 p.m.. from Contee A. M. E. Zion Church. Division ave. and Karl pi. n.e. Relatives and friends invited. * JENKINS. WILL. On Sunday. May 16. 1937. WILL JENKINS, devoted son of Delzora Ruffin, brother of Frank Charles Cater. Noppie Ruffin. Lillian Lee and the late Claud Jenkins. Remains rest ing at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w.. until 7 P.m. Wednesday, May 19. Interment Lewis ton. N. C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK Manager) BMT ?%4i 3034 M St. N.W. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. Ni?i NAtional 2473 V. L. SPEARE CO. Seither the successor to nor connected with to original W R Speare establishment. HAtlon1a?ne2SB2 1009 H St. N. W. WILLIAM H. SCOTT m 409 8th St. 8.E.Lincoln 0830 J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium jth and Mass. Are. N.E. Lincoln 6200 Chamber^ One of the Largest Undertakers tn the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 817 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER expressive floral tributes at MODERATE PRICKS PHONE NAT 0100 Open Evenings _ .... - - and Sundays Cor. 14th & Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece* 1212 P Bt N W_NAtional A278 BURTON’S FLORIST gjR.. BLTD. Funeral Sprays, $2.50 ap HYATTS. 785«iSff SB« AT. 0162 Uratlia. JENKINS. RUTH. On Monday May 17, 1947. at Garfield Hospital. RUTH JEN KINS. devoted daughter of Rosa Jen kins. sister of Arthur. Willie and Roose velt Jenkins and Lois Childs, devoted friend of Lucille Thurston. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1442 You st. n.w. Fu neral Saturday. May 22. at 2 p.m. from the above funeral church. Interment Johnston. S. C. 21 JOHNSON. DENCY ELIZABETH. On Sun day. May H>. 1947. at Oallinger Hospital. DENCY ELIZABETH JOHNSON aged 29 years. She leaves to mourn their less her mother. Mary Dangerfleld: step father. Samuel Dangerfleld; one daugh ter. Louise; one brother. Julian Danger held; one adopted sister. Fannlr G. Folks: four uncles and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services Thursday. May 20. at 1 p.m.. at the Ebenezcr Baptist Church. Occoquan. Va. Services will be conducted by Rev. Hall. Interment family plot. Woodbridge. Va. JORDAN. MARY. On Tuesday. May 18. 1947. MARY JORDAN <nee Bessie Con way). beloved sister of James Conway and Mrs. Alice Burnhardt. Funeral from the residence of her brother. 204 Baker, ave.. Oolmar Manor Md.. on Fri day. May 21. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 20 KEENAN. JOHN. On Tuesday. May 18. 1947. Rt Mount Alto Hospital. JOHN KEENAN of the Park Towers Apart ments. Remains shipped to Pawtucket. R. I. Interment in St. Patrick's Ceme tery. Pawtucket. R. I. KINDALL. DANIEL. On Tuesday. May IK. 1937. at his residence. 1646 Florida ave. n.w., DANIEL KINDALL. beloved husband of Maud Kindall. brother of Arthur Kindall. nephew of Mrs. Willie Reid. Mrs. Nannie Henry. Mrs. Bessie Harris and George Steele, and cousin of Mrs. Ada Jasper and Miss Martha Good. Funeral from his late residence Thurs day. Mav 20. at 2:30 p.m. Friends in vited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. (Wheeling. W. Va.. papers please copy.) Arrangements by McGuire. LAMBERT. BLANCHE ASHBY. On Tues day. May IK. 1937. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Walter G. Campbell. Livingstone Heights. Va.. in her SKth year BLANCHE ASHBY LAMBERT Sur viving her also are a son. M. Ashby Lambert of Raleigh. N. C . and two sis ters Mrs. I. L. Johnson of Washington, D. C.. and Mrs. William Birney of Cul peper. Va. Interment at Culpeper. Va.. Thursday. May 20. at J1 o'clock. No flowers. , • LIEBER. RICHARD HENRY. Suddenly on Tuesday. May 18. 1987, at his residence. 4 1 Hamilton st. n.w RICHARD HENRY LIEBER. beloved husband of Ruth W. Lieber <nee Wrenn). Funeral services at the above address on Thursday. May 20. at 2 D.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. LOCKWOOD. JOHN WILLIAM. On Tues day. May 18. 1037. at Providence Hos pital. JOHN WILLIAM LOCKWOOD, beloved husband of Mildred Lillian Lock wood (nee Van Dusky>. Funeral from his late residence. 3351 Nichols ave. s.e.. on Friday. May 21. at 1:3o p.m. Services at Esther Memorial Church of the Holy Communion. Congress Heights, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 20 McARTHUR. WILLIAM HENRY. On Tues day. May 18 1937. at his residence. 14 26 G st s.e.. WILLIAM HENRY McARTHUR. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e., on Friday May 21. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 21 McARTHUR. WILLIAM H. Attention. I O. §0. F Members of Golden Rule Lodge. No. 21. are reauested to pay their ic snects to our late brother. WILLIAM H McARTHUR. Services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Friday. May 21. 1937 at 2 D.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. A M. HOUFF Noble Grand T R CORDELL. Secretary. McARTHUR. WILLIAM H. Officers and members of Martha Washington Rebekah Lodee are reauested to attend the fu neral of our late brother. WILLIAM H. McARTHUR. Friday. May 21. 11*37. at 2 D.m from the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e. MAE HARDING. Noble Grand. \UVWTP A nTTTTC McDaniels, belle <nee high), on Monday. May 17. 1937. at her residence. 1825 Rl^gs st. n.w.. BELLE MCDANIELS (nee High*. devoted mother of Margaret High. May Butler and Edgar McDaniels. She also leaves one sister, other rela tives and friends. Funeral Thursday. May 20. at 2 D m . from the above resi dence. Rev. Spcttswood officiating In terment Harmony Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. 19 McNAMEE. CHARLES E. On Tuesday. May 18. 1937. at his residence, in Ber wyn. Md.. CHARLES E McNAMEE. aged 00. beloved husbai d of Sarah Elizabeth McNamee Funera. from his late resi dence on Thursday May 20. at 2 P m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 20 MILLER. LOUIS. Departed this life sud denly. Tuesday. Mav 18. 1937 at 4210 Alabama ave. s.e. LOUIS MILLER He leaves to mourn their loss one daughter. Louise Miller: two stepdaughters Mar garet Jackson and Vioie Whitfield: one stepson. Merrill Easton: five sisters Fan nie Williams. Elizabeth Ross. Ella Miller Carrie Miller and Rachel Miller- three brothers. Noah Miller. Edward Miller and Jacob Miller: five sisters-in-law; three brothers-in-law and several other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at Eugene Ford’s funeral home. 1300 South Caoitol st. Notice of funeral later. MILLER. NORMAN JOSEPH. Suddenly on May 19. 1937. at 3:30 a.m.. at-Gal linger Hospital, in his 21st year. NOR MAN JOSEPH MILLER, beloved son of Walter A. and Emma A. Miller. Notice of funeral later. • Nl'HN. MARY JANE. On Monday. May 17. 1937. at Providence Hospital MARY JANE, the beloved daughter of Alfred L. and Esther C. Nuhn. residence. 048 Oth st. n.e. Funeral from her late residence on Thursday. May 20. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St. Joseph's Church where mass will be said at. 9 a.m. R°laUves and friends invited. Intprment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Arrangements by Wm. H Sardo & Co 19 OEHMANN. MARIE LOUISE. On Wednes day. May 19. 1937. at her residence. 1253 Lawrence st. n.e.. MARIE LOUISE OEHMANN. beloved wife of Col. John W. Oehmann and mother of Dorothy L. Krause. William B, and John C. Oeh mann. Funeral from her late residence on Fiidav. May 21. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to St. Anthony’s Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Washington Memorial Park Cemetery. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. 20 RAPPA. JOSEPH. On Monday. May 17. 1937, at Sibley Memorial Hospital. JOSEPH RAPPA. beloved husband of Anna Rappa (nee Vaccaro) of 713 10th st. n.e. Funeral will be held from Tim othy Hanlon’s funeral parlors, H41 H st. n.e.. on Friday. May 21. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at Holy Rosary Church at 9 a.m Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. Relatives and friends invited, 19 REIDY. JAMES J. On Tuesday. May 18. 1937. at his residence. 170 North Caro lina ave. s.e JAMES J REIDY. beloved husband of Hannah A. Reidy and brother of Mrs. T. S. Garges and Mrs. J. F. Auk ward. Services will be held at his late residence on Thursday. May 20. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to St. Peter’s Church. 2nd and C sts. s.e. where mass will be said at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Rel atives and- friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 19 ROBINSON, ROGER. On Tuesday May IS. 19.17. at 2:40 p.m., at his residence. 240U Shannon pi. s.e.. Ant. 4. after a brief illness. ROGER ROBINSON, be loved husband of Florence Robinson and devoted father of Lillian Williams. Justina Scott and Minnie Hodges. He also is survived by four grandchildren. Catherine Guy. Roger. Clifford afid Dolores Hodges. Notice of funeral later. SATTERWHITE. JOHN. On Tuesday. May IK. 1937, at Freedmen s Hospital. JOHN SATTERWHITE. devoted husband of Ellen Satterwhite. father of Calvert, Bernice and Charlotte Satterwhite. Re mains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Fu neral Friday. May 21. at 11 a.m. from above funeral church. Interment Rose mont Cemetery. 20 8HEEHY. THOMAS J. Suddenly, on Mon day. May 17 1937. at Homeopathic Hos pital. THOMAS J. SHEEHY. the beloved husband of Marie Elizabeth Sheehy. Funeral from the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Thursday. May 20. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St. Aloysius Catholic Church. North CaDltol and I sts.. where mass will be offered at 9 a.m for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. SILVA. ELLA GUESS. On Sunday May 1H. 1937. at 8:30 n.m . at Garfield Hos pital. Mrs. ELLA GUESS SILVA, beloved wife of John Silva. She also leaves to mourn their loss two sisters. Mrs. Mar tha Smith and Mrs. Mary Yates: one brother. George Terry, and nieces and nephews. Remains resting at Jenifer's funeral home. 1141 22nd st. n.w. Fu neral Thursday. May 20. at 1 p.m., from the above funeral home. Inter ment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. • SMITH EUGENE F. On Monday. May 17. 1937 at his residence. 1432 North Caro lina ave. n.e.. EUGENE F. SMITH, be loved husband of Katherine A. Smith. Funeral from above residence on Thurs day. May 20. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 19 SMITH. EUGENE F. The comrades of Richard J. Harden Camp. No. 2. United Spanish War Veterans, will assemble at 1432 North Carolina ave. n.e.. Thursday. May 20. 1937. at 9:46 a m., for the funeral of our late comrade. EUGENE F. SMITH. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. H. M. MANNING. Commander. H. L. LESLIE. Adtutant. SPEAKER. WILLIAM SILAS. On Monday. May 17. 1937. at his residence. 904 Kearney st. n.e.. WILLIAM SILAS SPEAKER the beloved father of Oeorge E.. Frederick W Raymond M. Speaker, Mrs. Mary E. Proctor. Margaret E. Allen. John Speaker. Mrs. Leana Knode. Mrs. Ella Knode of Sharpsburg. Md.. and Mrs. Gertrude Wrenn of Mlllerton. N. Y. Fu neral services at the above residence on Thursday. May 20. at 10 a.m. Rela tives and friends Invited to attend. In terment Sharpsburg. Md. Services by the W. W. chambers Co. Southeast fu neral home. 19 Deaths. TAYLOR. ANNA M. On Wednesday May It*. 1H-TT. ANNA M. TAYLOR of 617 Savannah st. s.w. Remains resting at the James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e. Notice of funeral later. THOMAS. BESSIE S. Departed this life Tuesday May 18. 1037. after a brief Illness. BESSIE THOMAS, the devoted wife of George R. Thomas. She also Is survived by many friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray * Son. 12th and V st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. THOMPSON. BERTIE. On Wednesday. May 1J). 10.17. at her residence 1714 P st. n w.. Miss BERTIE THOMPSON, daughter of the late Prances Thompson and sister of Malvina Langston of De troit. Mich. Remains temporarily rest ing at the McGuire funeral home. No tice of funeral hereafter. 20 TIBBETS LILLIE BROOKE. On Tuesday M“y Is- UM. at her residence. 2227 ~<*th st n.w . LILLIE BROOKE TIBBETS. wife of the late Francis James Tlbbets and mother of Mrs. George H Grayson. L. Ethel. Anna F. Alice C. Francis J. and Dr. Lyman B. Tlbbets. Funeral services at St. Margaret's Church Conn ave and Bancroft st. n.w.. on Thursday. '-1'. at 2:30 D.m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. TRISE. FRANKLIN A. On Tuesday. May i8V.1 1,1 U„aA,Lh.e„?ome of Mrs. Claude J. Sisk. FRANKLIN A. TRISE. aged 81 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Susy TYise. He is also survived by one sister. Mrs. Molly Trlse. Funeral services at Hysong’s narlors. 1300 N st. n w on Thursday May 20. at 11 a m. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 10 VAUGHN. JAMES W. On Sunday. Mav 10 ^Walter Reed Hospital JAMES W. VAUGHN, beloved husband of Mattie M Vaughn and father of Vivien V. Marion W. and Stanley M. Vaughn- eon of Mary A Vaughn and brother of Lloyd Vaughn. Funeral services at the W W Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Thursday Mav 20 at 2 pm Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 10 WHELAN. GEORGE .1. On Wednesday. Mav 10. 1037. GEORGE J. WHELAN beloved son of Anna Whelan and the late George A Whelan and beloved brother of Miss Grace M Whelan. Harry T. Whelan. Mrs. Claude Bowman and Mrs. Ralph Kersey. Remains resting at the funeral home of Perry A Walsh 20 H st. n.w. Notice of funeral hereafter. In fUr murium. Cl'RRY. ELLEN. In sad but lovine re membrance of mv dear wife. ELLEN CURRY, who dcoarted this life two years ago icday. May If), lil.'fb. Gone but not forgotten HER DEVOTED HUSBAND. JACOB C. CURRY. • DORSEY. JULIA F., AND COLLINS, LUCY. In lovine remembrance of our dear mother. JULIA F. DORSEY who left us seventeen years ago today. Mav Jfl l!i"n and our aur.t, LUCY COLLINS, one year ago. May lb. Jb.'lli. Anniversary mass Friday. May til at St. Cyprian'* Church. We cannot clasp your loving hands. Your sweet smiles we cannot see. But let this little token show We still remember them. LOVING DAUGHTERS AND NIECES MAGGIE COLE AND MARY DICK ERSON • GEDNE1, WILLIAM E. A tribute to the 0>E Mend. WILLIAM e. GEDNEY. who died nine years ago today. May Jfl. lfl'JS. His memory will ever be with us MRS GARLINGER AND FAMILY • GROSHON. MATTIE B. In sad and loving remembrance of our dear mother MAT TIE B. GROSHON. who departed thi.- life eleven years ago today. May lb. lb'Jd. We wish that every one might have had a mol her test like you. So altogether lovable, so sweet to dear, so true. We wish somehow we could express the love the longiiiR We possess to have you back—just you. HER CHILDREN. RULLMANN. SARAH JANE. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear beloved mother. SARAH JANE RULLMANN who left us to go to heaven twenty years ago today. Mav Jb. iblf. Mother. It is a wonderful thing, a mother: other folks can love you. but onlv vour mother understands. She works for you looks after you. loves you forgives vou anything you may do. and then the onlv thing bad she ever does to you is to die and leave vou. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. • brance of our dear husband and father. WILLIAM A VOLLAND who passed away one year ago today. May IP. 1938. Deep in our hearts you are fondly re membered Sweet, happy memories cling to your name: True hearts that loved you with deepest affection Always will love you in death just the same. HIS LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN • WALKER. ELLA. In sad but loving remem brance of my dear mother. ELLA WALKER, who departed this life one year ago today. May 19. 1938. Loved in life, remembered in death DEVOTED DAUGHTER. FLORENCE TURNER. WEBSTER. GENEVA JOHNSON. In sad but loving remembrance of our devoted wile and mother. GENEVA JOHNSON WEBSTER, who fell asleep in Jesus' arms eight years ago today May IP. 19*19. Many are the days gone by Since you. dear one. heard us sigh: Yet to us no one has been so near As you. our wife and mother, dear. Sometimes we wonder why you were taken away But we are waiting to meet you some sweet day When life’s burden we shall share no more And we. too. have passed to that great shore. THE FAMILY. • WILLIAMS. GEORGE H. In sad but lov ing remembrance of my dear son. GEORGE H WILLIAMS, who departed this life two years ago today. May 19. 1935. Dear, in my heart you are fondly re membered Sweet, happy memories cling to your name: A true heart that loved you with deepest affection Always will love you in death iust the same. YOUR LOVING MOTHER. • WONDRACK. JOSEPH F. In loving re membrance of our dear father and paDDOo. JOSEPH F. WONDRACK who left us so suddenly one year aeo today. May IP. 1938. to meet our mother. You left us all so suddenly. You didn't sav good-by. But we were clad you didn't suffer long Before you had to die. Your battle is over, the victory you’ve won. You loved your five children and helped every one; Now we’re “down here” with our burdens to bear. But we know you are happy with mother "ud there.” So we cherish the memories we have in our hearts And pray we ll all meet again, never to Dart. HIS DEVOTED CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN. • WONDRACK. JOSEPH F. AND ANNA M. In loving remembrance of JOSEPH F. WONDRACK. who passed away one year ago today. May IP. 1938 and ANNA M. WONDRACK. who passed away July 13. 1934. So sad. so sudden was the call. Their sudden deaths were a shock to all: But God in His wisdom knew what was best. So He took them home to heaven to rest. YOUR LOVING SISTER. BARBARA. * Oho of tho LARGEST UNDERTAKERS IN THE WORLD PARLORS FOR BETTER SERVICE r 3 Funeral Homes Skin Offleo Soathaaot Offiea ,<th iU' OW Eloroeth St. SJ(. Phono OOlaakla MS* ATlanti* STSO Sabarfcan Hob* •IS Clarolaa* At*. Rlrorklot MS. _Phono QrooawoA Uj^_ MSGR. P. J. HEALY. Catholic University Profes sor Recently Was Hon ored by Pope. Msgr. Patrick Joseph Healy, 65, pro fessor of church history in the School of the Sacred Sciences at Catholic University and former dean of the university’s theological faculty, died Msir. Hralr. mie yesi«iuay m Providence Hos pital. Widely known as an educator, Msgr. Healy had been professor of church history at the unlve r s 41 y since 1910. Pre viously — from 1903 to 1905—he had served as an instructor in his tory there, be coming assistant professor in 1905 and associate proiessor in 19U7. He held the asso ciate professorship for three years. Pope Pius XI recently appointed Msgr. Healy a domestic prelate of the papal household. Born in Waterford, Ireland, he was graduated from Catholic University in 1898, receiving the degree of bachelor Shipping News Arrivals and Departures at New York ARRIVALS. Today. BERENGARIA—Cherbourg 1 00 P.M. PAN-AMERICAN—Buenos Aires 1:00 P.M SAN Jl'AN— 10:00 A.M. SEMINOLE—Jacksonville _7:00 AM, GEROLSTEIN—Antwerp _1:00 P.M. Tomorrow. ACADIA—Norfolk 2:00 P.M. BREMEN—Bremen Noon CITY OF CH'NOOGA—Savannah 7:00 A M. FT. TOWNSHEND—St. Johns . 0:00 a.m. PLATANO—Puerto Barrios 0:00 A.M ROMA—Genoa . .11:00 AM SCANSTATFS—Santa Marta. . 6:00 P M TOLOA—Santa Marta _ 8:00 A.M, Friday, May 21. ATLANTIDA—La Ceiba 8:00 AM CHATEAl THIERRY—Cristobal 8:00 AM DEFTSCHLAND—Hamburg 8:00 A M MONARCH OF BERMFDA— Bermuda _ o on A.M NERISS A — Demerara _8:110 A M ORIENTF.—Havana _ 1:00 PM ROBT. E LEE—Norfolk _ 4:00 P.M SHAWNEE— Miami .... 11:00 AM STAY ANGER FJORD—Oslo 8:00 P.M. Saturday. May 22. MARTINIQFE—Jacme] _8:30 AM PRESIDENT HARDING— Hamburg _0:00 A.M. VOLENDAM—Rotterdam _8.00 A.M. PRESIDENT ADAMS— World cruise ..._10:00A.M. SAILING. (Trans-Allan tic.) Today. CLAN ALPINE—Beira _7:30 AM. HANSA—Hamburg Midnight MANHATTAN—Hamburg_I Noon NORMANDIE—Havre _1 00 P.M PADNSAY—Largos ..._0:00 A.M. Tomorrow. BERENGARIA—Southampton . Noon CARINTH1A—London 6:00 PM EXC'HESTER—Tunis Noon Friday. May 21. AMERICAN TRADER — London 4:00 P.M. ALGVALD—Lisbon 7:30 A.M. BLACK FALCON—Antwerp Noon BREMEN—Bremen Midnight GEROLSTEIN—Antwerp _ Midnight TRANSYLVANIA—Glasgow Noon Saturday May 22. AMERICAN SHIPPER— Liverpool __ Noon DCNDRCM CASTLE—St. Helena 7:00 A M ROMA—Naples Noon SAGAPORACK—Helsinki _ 0:00 A.M. ! SAILING. | (South and Central America, West Indies and Canada.) Today. CARABOBO—Maracaibo_3:00 P.M. ESSO ARl'BA—Aruba 5:30 A.M ! ! REPUBLIC—San Francisco_ Noon Tomorrow. 1 COAMO—Ciudad Trujillo 3:00 P.M. ; HAITI—Cristobal Noon ! PRESIDENT CLEVELAND— Manila 7:00 P.M. SIBONEY—Vera Cruz _4:00 P.M. VERAGUA—Port Limon_ Noon Friday. May 21. LADY DRAKE—Georgetown 8:00 P.M. 1 MEDEA—Maracaibo 4:00 P.M. SANTA CLARA—Valparaiso _ Midnight Saturday. May 22. ATLANTIDA—La Ceiba _11:00 A M. DAKOTAN—San Francisco _ 1:00 P.M. ! FORT TOWNSHEND— St. Johns __ ..11:00A.M. MONARCH OF BERMUDA— Bermuda __ __ __ 3:00P.M. ! ORIENTE—Havana Noon ! PLATANO—Puerto Cortez_ Noon SAN JUAN—San Juan _ Noon SANTA ELENA—Cristobal_- Noon SOUTHERN CROSS— Buenos Aires __ _3:00 P.M. TOLOA—Santa Marta Noon ; 8ARDINA PRINCE—St. Thomas 10:00 A M. i -- of sacred theology. In 1899 he re ceived the degree of licentiate in sacred theology and In 1903 the degree of doctor of sacred theology. Msgr. Healy was a member of the American Society of Church History, the American Historical Association, the American Political Science Asso ciation, the American-Irish Historical Society and the American Catholic Historical Society. He was the author of “The Valerian Persecution” and “Historical Chris tianity and the Social Question.” Catholic University authorities were awaiting the arrival of relatives be fore completing the funeral arrange ments. THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Pair and con tinued cool tonight; tomorrow fair and slightly warmer; gentle northwest or north winds becoming variable to morrow. Maryland—Pair and slightly cooler, probably slight frost in extreme west portion tonight; tomorrow fair with slowly rising temperature in west and central portions. Virginia—Fair and somewhat cool er, probably light frost In extreme northwest portion tonight; tomorrow fair, slightly warmer in extreme northwest portion. West Virginia—Pair and continued cool, possibly light frost in exposed places in northeast portion tonight; tomorrow fair and warmer. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers clear this morning. Report for Last 34 Hours. Temperature. Barometer. Yesterday— Degrees. Inches. 4 P.m. _ (Hi .10.(U X P.m. _ (ill 39.98 Midnight_ 55 ft).04 Today— 4 am. _ 54 "9.01 8 a m. _ 5K 39.93 Noon - - 154 39.9U Record for Last 34 Hours. (Prom noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest. 70, at 3:30 p.m. yesterday. Year ago 7(i. Lowest. 54. at 1:15 a.m. today. Year ago. 63. Record Temperatures This Tear, j Highest, 03. on April 18. Lowest, 10. on February 28. Humidity for Last 24 Hours. <From noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest. 92 per cent, at 1 a.m. today. Lowest, 25 per cent, at noon yesterday. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today. Tomorrow. High _ 3:30 a.m. 4:23 a.m. Low _. lo:lb a.m 11:12 a.m High ___ 3:51 p.m. 4 45 p m. Low _ 10:34 p.m. 11:25 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Rises. Sets. Sun. today _ 4:53 7:16 Hun tomorrow __ 4:52 7:17 Moon, today 2:16 p.m. 1:36 a.m. Automobile lights must be turned on one-half hour after sunset. Precipitation. Monthly oreciDitation in Inches In the Capital icurrent month to date): Month. 1937. Avge. Record. January _ 7.83 3.55 7.83 37 February_ 3.33 3.27 6.84 ’84 March_ 1.50 3.75 8.84 ’91 April _ 6.85 3.27 9.13 ’89 May __ 1.66 3.To 10.69 '89 June-- 4.13 10.94 ’00 July __ 4.71 10.63 '86 August __ 4.01 14.41 ’28 September___ 3.24 17.45 ’34 October __ 2.84 8.57 ’85 Novemoer __ 2.37 8.69 ’89 December _ _ 3.32 7.56 ’01 Weather in Various Cities. Temp Rain Stations. Baro. H’h.Low.fali. Weath’r Abilene. Tex._ 29.88 92 66 Clear Albany. N. Y. _ 29.90 66 52 0.02 Ram Atlanta, Ga_ 29.96 86 66 Cloudy Atlantic City 29.90 74 54 0.28 Ram Baltimore. Md._ 29.90 74 54 0.01 Cloudy Birmingham 30.00 88 68 Clear Bismarck. N. D. 29.84 68 52 _ Cloudy Boston. Mass. _ 29.92 66 50 Rain Buffalo. N. Y. .29.94 52 4* 0.14 Cloudy Charleston 30.oo ho 72 Cloudy Chicago. Ill 30.18 56 44 0.44 Clear Cincinnati. Ohio 30.10 64 5o o.oh Clear Cleveland. Ohio 30.06 64 46 0.12 Cloudy Columbia. S. C. 29.96 86 66 0.01 Cloudy Denver Colo 29.96 86 60 Cloudy Detroit. Mich. 30.06 58 4o 0-01 Clear El Paso. Tex. 29.78 96 66 _Clear Galveston. Tex. 30.02 So 74 Clear Helena. Mont. 29.68 76 52 ___ Cloudy Huron 8. D. __ 29.98 66 50 Cloudy Indianapolis _ 30.12 62 46 0.40 Clear Jacksonville_30.o4 88 To Cloudy Kansas Citv . _ 29.98 88 56 0.01 Cloudy I,os Angeles . 29.88 72 56 Cloudy Louisville Ky.- 30.10 74 54 0.72 Cloudy Miami. Fla. _ 30.02 82 74 _ Clear Minneapolis 30.14 66 5o_Clear New Orleans. . 30.04 88 72 Clear New York N. Y. 29.92 68 52 0.02 Cloudy Oklahoma City 29.56 88 6b Cloudy Omaha. Nebr. . 30.00 72 54 Cloudy WASH D C. 29.90 70 54 0.05 Clear Milbum T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Amoulance Servict 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 North Side of Stanton Park .FLOWERS 0UP0NT CIRCLE NO. 7000 Air Cooled for Your Comfort The Funeral Chapel of the Wm. H. Sardo & Co. is com pletely equipped with the most modern air conditioning equipment, in order to insure utmost comfort to its clients. The equipment is such that it affords pure, dust free, washed air both during Summer and Winter. Our chapel provides a cool, comfortable atmosphere that is ideol in which to conduct funeral services. Moreover, there is never any charge made for the use of our chapel with its modern conveniences. WM. H. SARDO & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 412 H St. N.E. Lincoln 0524 FOOTER SPECIAL Until May 22nd . LADIES' COATS except white, plain, It. wt. MEN’S TOPCOATS "%Poo’ Beautifully cleaned CLEANERS AND DYERS Since 1872 1327 Conn. Are. N.W. 1784 Columbia Rd. N.W. Potomac 5870 Columbia 0720 Call and Delivery Service MRS. J. W. OEHMANN DIES; RITES FRIDAY Wife of District Building Inspec tor to Be Buried in Washing ton Memorial Park. Mrs. Marie Hughes Oehmann. 53, wife of Col. John W. Oehmann, Dis trict building inspector, died early today at the family residence at 1253 Lawrence street northeast. Funeral services are to be held at 8 am. Friday in St. Anthony’s Cath olic Church, and interment will be in Washington Memorial Park. She is survived by her husband and three children, William Bennett Oeh mann, Mrs. Dorothy Louise Krause and John Carlton Oehmann, and one brother, William Leroy Hughes. RITES SET TOMORROW FOR EUGENE F. SMITH Star Employe,' 63, Formerly Was President of Columbia Typo graphical Union. Funeral services for Eugene F. Smith, 63, linotype operator for The Star, will be held at 10 a.m. tomor row at his residence, 1432 North E. F. Smith. I Carolina avenue northeast, where he died Monday night. Mr. Smith was three times pres ident of Colum bia Typographi cal Union, No. 101, serving his first term in 1914-15 and his other two terms from June, 1924, to June, 1926. He had b>>en em ployed by The Star since Feb ruary, 19*.4. after previously working at the Government Printing Office. A veteran of the Spanish-American War, he served in that conflict with the old Morton Cadets, which became Company G, District Volunteers. He waf_f native of Georgia, but had been a Washington resident the past 40 years. MRS. MARY ELLA CISSEL DIES AT SISTER’S HOME Leaves Husband, Beal Estate Op erator In Bethesda—Funeral Is Held. Mrs. Mary Ella Cissel, wife of John 8. Cissel, died Monday after a long illness at the home of her sister. Miss Carrie A. Schneider, 1612 Allison street. A native of this city, Mrs. Cissel was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Christian Schneider. Her father was engaged in the electrical supply, business here for many years. Besides her husband, who is in the real estate business in Bethesda, Md., and sister, Mrs. Cissel leaves a daugh ter, Mrs. Herbert A. Ehrman, and two grandchildren. Funeral services are being held to day at the sister's residence, with Rev. Dr. Henry J. Whiting of Christ Lutheran Church, Bethesda-Chevy Chase, officiating, assisted by Rev.'Dr. Edgar Zeigler, assistant at Luther Place Memorial Lutheran Church. Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery. -—-•---. Australia’s first mechanically stoked ship, the Bulubinba, will shortly be put In service. (edevr Hill • nuutBeautihd (emetery Community Mausoleum. Coltunbarlan and Receiving Vaults. me . m The highest type r* of service within jj the means of all ' BECAUSE our service is recognized as being _ one of the finest available in Washington t is no reason why it should be within the ' means of just a few. To all who come to us will be given the same complete, capable, sincerely helpful service regardless of the price that’s paid. Remember to call Ryan Service. Ryan De Luxe Ambulance Service the Last Word in Ambulance Service. Phone Atlantic 1700. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 MiY WASHINGTON IT'S STAR RADIO COl FOR THE NEW 1937 GENERAL ELECTRIC TRIPLE THRIFT REFRIGERATORS 1 SAVE ON I PRICE! SAVE ON CURRENT! 3 SAVE ON UPKEEP! Prices Start At *11650 USE THE STAR RADIO Easy Payment Plan UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY! NO CASH DOWN! I JUST 15c A DAY IN THE ELECTRIC BANK CLOCK Furnished free with every refrigerator pays for a new General Electric VISIT YOUR NEAREST STAR RADIO STORE OR MAIL COUPON FOR COMPLETE DETAILS OF THE STAR RADIO Easy Payment Plan m « j 1 • i .. . __j