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Junior Carriers and Few In dustrial Convertibles Score Advances. 4 _ Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. Pan Net change. Unc. —.2 +.1 +.2 Today, close 93.0 102.6 97.9 71.2 Prev. day... 93.0 102.8 97.8 71.0 Month ago. 94.2 102.9 99.8 71.9 Year ago... 91.5 102.4 101.2 68.8 1937 high .. 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 92.6 102.4 97.8 70.5 1936 high .. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 " 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high -.101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bond*. Close-110.3 Prev. day. 110.0 Month ago 109.2 Year ago. 111.8 • 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled bj the Associated Press.) Bj the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 19—The bond market was mixed today, with junior rails and a few industrial convertibles accounting for most gains. American Typefounders convertibles moved up more than 5 on small turn over. There was considerable activity in Great Northern 4s. 1946. and Ches apeake Corp. 5s and each showed a gain of around a point. Studebaker and International Hydro-electric loans were lower. United States Governments were 1 mostly lower, with losses ranging from l-32d to 6-32ds of a point. --« DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. May 19.—Dividend* de clared iprer&red by the Standard Statistics Corp.); Resumed. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate.riod. record, able. Mich Cities Nat Gas 2c __ «-l 6-15 Extra. Monarch Mach Tool-.lflc.. 5-25 6-1 Increased. Milnor Inc 3t)c _ 5-20 5-20 Calumet & Hecla_50c_5-31 6-16 Year End. Dow Chemical _50c_ 5-24 5-28 Interim. Paraffine Cos_¥1.00_»;-io 6-25 United Verde-xSl.oo _. u-4 6-30 Accumulated. Kresge Dept S net pf S20 1-10 1-25 Witts Brew S3.50 pf . 6uc _ 6-25 6-10 Sthn Colo Pwr 'TrCiim pf-¥1.00 .. 5-20 6-15 Wis Pub Serv 6% Df -SI.50_ 6-20 6-10 Wis Pub Serv --51.75.. 6-20 6-10 Wis Pub Serv 1 6!a\ pf-S1.62'a._ 5-20 6-10 Regular. Alb & Susq R R $4.50 S 6-15 7-1 • Amer Enka Corp 7oc 6-1 6-10 Cons biscuit 15c <3 6-1 6-23 Ducruesne Lt 577 ]pf $1.25 <3 6-15 7-15 Kansar Util 7', Df $1.75 <3 6-21 7-1 Lord A- Taylor Co $2.50 Q 6-17 7-1 Magnin I & Co 2oc <3 5-20 (i-15 Phil# Co $6 pf . .$1.60 Q rt-1 7-1 Do $5 pf $1.25 Q 6-1 7-1 Sutherland Pap»r . 4(ic Q s-in 6-30 Upson Co 121 vC 5-15 B ’lard Co-25c.. 6-15 6-SU Cnesapeske Corp_75c <3 6-8 7-1 Ches A Ohio_?(>c Q 6-8 7-1 Cons Gas A El Lt A Pwr Balt _00c Q 6-15 7-1 Cqntln Steel_ __25c Q 6-15 7-1 Ed Bros Stores_x25e .. 5-20 6-25 Fohs Oil _81.00 .. 6-1 6-15 Foote-Burt _20c.. 6-5 6-15 Gen Baking pf _82.00 <3 6-10 7-1 Ken-Rad Tube ,,A”.371ic 5-31 6-10 Kimberly-Clark _25c <3 6-2 7-1 Lone Star Cement_75c Q 6-11 6-30 Mock Judson Voeh--15c 0-4 6-12 Monarch Mach Tool_25c Q 5-25 6-1 Pet Milk _25c (3 0-10 7-1 kPub Serv N J-65c Q 6-1 6-30 Schenley Distill_75c.. 6-16 6-30 United Carbon_$1.00 Q 6-15 7-1 U S Tobacco_81.25 <3 6-1 6-15 U 8 Tobacco pf-¥1.75 Q 6-1 6-15 Vlkmg Pump-25c_8-1 6-15 x—On split-up stock. FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. May 19 (45.—Federal Land Bank bonds: Rat*. Maturity. Bid. Asked. 41/«s Nov.. 195H-.TR_ liiT'a 1(14Va 41'«s May. 1957-37 _ _ llil'j 1(12 4s Mav 195H-3K _1(I2*« m:t'« 4s Nov.. 1957-37 _ mi'« mi3< 4s July. 1013-44 lost I (l!(3rt 314S May. 1955-45 1(12 m23* 3s July. 1955-45 ._ loo* Kill3, 3s Jan. 1053-43 _ mu' mn3A J 3s May. 1959-43 mo'- U)03< CHICAGO PRODUCE. , CHICAGO. May ID (£’>.-—Poultry, live. 2 cars. 47 trucks steady to firm: hens over 5 pounds. 11‘a: 5 pounds and less. 18Va: Leghorn hens. 141a: fryers, colored. 25: Plymouth and White Rock. 27; broil • ers, colored. 23; Plymouth and White Rock. 24: Leghorn. 20-22: bareback fry ers. 21: bareback Springs. 24: roosters. 12: Leghorn roosters. 11: turkeys, hens. 16: toms. 15: No. 2 turkeys. 14: ducks, white and colored. 4>2 pounds up. 16; small. 14: geese. 11: Springs, colored. 26; Plymouth and White Rock. 28. Butter. 14.146. steady, prices un changed. Eggs. 39.309. unsettled: extra firsts, local. 21: cars. 21V2: fresh graded flr^s. local. 20V«: cars. 21: current re ceipts. 193*: storage packed extras. 22 J/2; storage packed firsts. 22V*. Potatoes. 40: on track 203: total U. 8. shipments. 835. Old stock steady: supplies moderate, demand moderate; sacked, per cwt.. Idaho. Russet Burbanks. U. S. No. 1. 2.40-75. according to size: Colorado. Rus set Burbanks. U. 8. No. 1 and party graded. 2.30. New stock U. S No 1. steady de mand moderate: U. 8. No. 2 slightly stronger: demand good, supplies moderate: Louisiana Bliss Triumphs. U. 8. No. 1. 2.20-55; U. S. No. 2. mostly 1.25; Missis sippi. Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1. 2.20: Alabama. Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1. few Bales. 2.25-30; fair condition. 2.10: Cali fornia. White Rose U. S. No. 1. 2.55-65; U. S. No. 2. few sales. 1.50. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. May 19 (45.—Butter. 15. 210. steady. Creamery, higher than extra. 31A4-3'J’2; extra (92 scorel. Sl’/a. Other grades unchanged. Cheese. 253.074. steady to Arm. Prices unchanged. Eggs. 58.233. steady. Mixed colors, mediums. 20-201* Other mixed prices unchanged. Live poultry by freight about steady. Fowls, colored 19. Turkeys. 13-20. Other freight orices unchanged Live poultry—By express, steady to Arm. Broilers Leghorn. 17-20; Rocks 21-25 Reds. 17-20; crosses. 21-24; fowl, colored 10: Leghorn. lH'a-18: ducks. 13: other ex press prices unchanged Dressed Poultry—Irregular Fresh chick ens (boxesl. broilers. 211'i-24- fowl. 33-42 lbs.. 15-20: 48-54 lbs.. 17-22: frozen fowl 33-42 lbs.. 15-20: 48-54 lb 17-22' j^ther fresh and frozen prices unchanged. U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on May 17: Receipts. $20,308,344.87; expenditures. $57,601,805.72; balance. $1,702,171. 160.63; customs receipts for the month, #27.291.712.71. ‘ Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1). $4,301,275,427.22: expenditures, #6.610.420.046.12. including $2.500 600. 319.90 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures. $2,309,145,518.90: gross debt. $35,094,850,799.80. a decrease of $1,308,194.86 under the previous day. Gold assets $11,901,390,585.75. including #670.079,499.28 of inactive gold. REICHSBANK STATEMENT. BERLIN. May 19 (48.—The Relchsbank statement as of May 18 shows the fol lowing changes (In thousands of Reichs marks) : Notes in circulation. 4.638.000. de crease. 178.000; gold. 68.485. increase. 53: foreign currency reserves. 5.704. decrease. 63: other bills of exchange and checks. *■4.718.429. decrease 254.767: other dally maturing obligations 736.330. decrease 30.407: advances. 31.681. decrease. 16.570; Investments. 105.164 decrease. 66; ratio of gold and foreign currencies to notes. 1.6 per cent: rate of discount. 4 per cent. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. May 19 (48.—Crude rub ber futures opened steady. 4 to 17 higber. May unquoted; July. 20.92-21.00; Septem ber. 21.05-09- October. 21.10. -• MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL, May 19 (48.—Silver fu tures opened steady. 5 higher. May. 44410b: July. 44.75b; September. 44.66b. b—Bid. *• • l Industrial Rayon Corp.—Plant of this company at Cleveland was cloeed by a strike. ' I BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE mj pn nti wire umt to TO* Itu. TREASURY. All tine shewn balaw Is iirlliU sarins an which tha Exchange Is new agaratins. High Low. 2.65. 254* 194*-58_ 97.15 97.11 97.15 2 548 1945-47_ 102.6 102.4 102.4 2548 1948-51_ 100.12 100.8 100.9 254* 1961-54_ 99.16 91-.12 99.16 254* 1956-59_ 99.13 99.10 96.11 274* 1965-60_ 100.14 100.10 100.12 8* 1946-48_ 103.24 103.23 103.23 3* 1951-65_ 102.13 102.10 102.13 8H* 1946-49_ 104.11 104.8 104.11 3 54* 1946-49 rey. 104.5 104.5 104.5 354* 1949-62_ 104.1 104.1 104.1 354* 1941- 106.12 106.12 106.12 3 54* 1944-46- 105.30 106.30 105.80 3*48 1944-46 reg. 105.24 106.24 105.24 3 54* 1940-43Juna 106.18 106.16 105.18 354* 1943-47_ 106.13 106.12 106.13 8549 1946-56_109.5 109.5 109.6 4s 1944-54_ 110.30 110.30 110.30 454* 1947-52_115.8 116.4 115.4 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1947- 102.21 102.21 102.21 8* 1949- 101.30 101.27 101.30 854* 1964- 102.18 102.16 102.16 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 254* 1942-44.... 99.13 99.13 99.13 2 54* 1939-49_ 100.1 99.30 99.30 3* 1952- 101.21 101.17 101.21 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. 2:66. Abltlbl Pa&Pw 5s’53. 1004 100 1004 Antioquia 3d 7s'57_ 12'* 124 124 Antwerp 6s *68 _1004 1004 1004 Argentine 4VJs '71___ 984 98V, 984 Argentine 6a ’57 A... 1014 10114 10114 Argentine 6s 68 B.__ 100 100 100 Argentine 6s’69 June 100 100 100 Argentine «s'59 Oct. 10114 10114 101'4 Argentine 6s'60 May. 102 10114 10114 Argentine 6s '60 Sept. 10114 1011* 101'4 Argentine 6s '60 Oct 101*4 10H4 10114 Argentine 6s'61 Febr 100*« 100*4 1004 Argentine 6s'61 May. 102 102 102 Australia 4Hs'56_1014 10114 101*4 Australia 5s'55_ 107 107 107 Belgium 6s'55_ 108 108 108 Berlin Elec 6^8'59— 21'4 2114 2114 Brazil 614s'26-’57_ 3714 3614 364 Brazil 614s'27-’o7_ 3714 3614 364 Brazil 7s'52_ 4014 40 4014 Brazil 8s 41 _ 47 4614 464 Breda Ernesto 7s’54_ 7214 724 7214 Brisbane 5s'57_ 10014 10014 1004 Brisbane 6s'50_1024 102*4 102*4 Budapest 6s'62_ 30*» 30*4 304 Buenos A C 3s'84_ 574 574 67*4 Beu A 414-4 *4s'77 Pv. 774 774 774 Buenos A 414s'76 Aug 784 78 78 Buenos Aires 4*4s-4*4g '76 April. 784 784 784 Buenos A414s-4*4 s’75 814 814 814 ! Buenos A C 64s’66_. 101 101 101 ! Buenos A 6s '61 at Pv. 87 87 87 Bulgaria 7s’*7 _ 25 244 25 Bulgaria 74s’68_ 25 25 25 Canada 24s’45_ 994 99 99 Candaa 314s’61_ 994 984 984 Canada 4s'60_1074 1074 1074 Canada 6s'52- 1124 1124 1124 Chile 6s'60 _ 21 204 21 Chile 6s'61 Jan_. 21 204 21 Chile 6s'61 Febr_ 20*4 204 204 Chile 6s'61 Sept-.... $1 204 21 Chile 6s '62-_ 20*4 204 20*4 Chile 6s '63__ 20*. 20*. 20** Chile 7s'42_ 20*» 204 20*. Chile Mtg Bk 6s'61... 18 18 18 Chile Mtg Bk 6s'62 184 184 184 Chilean Mun L 7s '60. 17*. 164 17*» Colombia 6s '61 Oct . 28*. 284 28*4 Copenhagen 44s'53.. 944 944 944 | Copenhagen 5s’52 ... 984 984 984 j Costa Rica7s '51 A___ 334 334 334 ' Cuba 5 4s '45 .. 644 63** 644 j Czechoslovakia 8s‘51 1041*104 104 Denmark 44*’62_ 98 97*4 97*4 j Denmark 54s'55_101*4 101 101*4 I Denmark 6s'42 _1054 1064 1064 ! Dominic 1st 54s'40.. 764 761* 764 i Dominic 1st 5 4s'42 78 78 78 Dominic 2d 5’*s 69ext 784 784 784 I French Gov 74s'41.. 115 115 115 | Ger C Bk A «s'60 Oct. 83% 33% 33% Ger Gen Klee 7s’45 31 30% 31 | Ger Gov 5%s 65 st . 29% 28% 29 j Ger Gov 5%s'65 un St 23% 22% 23% Ger Rep 7s'49 stpd 31** 31 31% , Ger Rep 7s'49 un st._ 25 24% 25 ( Grt C El Jap 7s 44—_ 94% 94 94 Greek Gov 6s'68_ 29% 29% 29% (Haiti 6s'52_ 99 99 99 Italy 7s’51 - 87% 86% 87% Ital PU Crd 7s’52.... 72% 72 72 Japan 5%s’«5_ 84 83% 84 Japan 6%s’64. 97 96% 96% Kars 6s'43 ct st prin. 18 12 12 Kreug&Toll 5s '59 cfs 50% 60% 60% Mex 4s ’10-’45 asst 6% 5% 6% Mexico 5s '45 asst am. 7% 7% 7% Milan 6%s'52 ... 73 72 73 Minas Gers 6%s’59_25% 25% 26% Norway 4s 63 _ 97% 97 97 Norway 4%s’65_101% 101% 101% Norway 4%s’56 ... 103% 103*. 103% N'orw Hy El 5<2s ’57 103% 103% 103% Oriental Dev 5%s'58 75** 75% 76% Oriental Dev 6s’53 .. 81% 80*. 80% Oslo 4 % s *55 - 99% 99% 99% Panama 5% s ’53 . 105% 105’, 105% Paris Orl Ry 5 %s ’68 . 99% 99V* 99% Pernambuco 7s 47_ 23 23 23 Peru 6s '60- 18% 18 18% Peru 6s’61- 18", 18% 18% Peru 7s’59- 19% 19V* 19% Poland 6s’40_ 48 47% 48 Poland 7s'47_ 62 61% 62 Poland 8s 50 _ 46% 46% 46% Porto Alegre 7%s '66. 25% 25% 26% Prussia 6s 52_ 20 20 20 Prussia 6%« '51_ 20 20 20 Queensland 6s’47_109% 109% 109% Rio de Jan «%s'53_ 24V* 23% 24% Rio de Jan 8s'46__ 27 27 27 Rio Gr do Sul 6s '68_ 25% 24% 25% Rio Gr do Sul 7s 26% 26% 26% Rio Gr do Sul 8s'46_ 30 30 30 Roumanla 7s'69_ 36% 36% 36% Sao Paulo St 6s’68... 25% 25 25% Sao Paulo St 7s’40 92% 92% 92% Siemens & H 6%s'61. 61 61 81 Taiwan Elec 5%s ’71. 74% 74% 74% Tokio 5 % s ’61 _ 76% 76% 76% Toklo E U Ltd 6s ’53.. 79% 78% 78% Ujigawa E P 7s ’45_ 93% 93% 93% Un Stl Wks 6%s’51 C. 26 26 26 Uruguay 6s 60_ 66% 66% 68% Uruguay 6s ’64_ 66% 66% 66% Warsaw 7s 58 _ 43 43 48 Westphal E P 6s *5321 21 21 Wuerteniberg 7s’56 .. 19*. 19% 19% DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4s'47 100% 100 100 Alb&Sus 3%s’46 gtd. 103% 103*4 108% Alleg Corp 5s’44_ 99% 99% 99*4 Alleg Corp 6s 49_ 90% 90% 90V4 Alleg Corp 6s'60 stp. 62 61*4 62 Allied Stores 4 %s ’60. 99% 99% 99% Allied Stores 4%s ’61. 97% 97% 97% Am & For Pw 6s 2030. 78 77% 78 Am Ice cv 5s '63 _ 95% 95% 95% Am 1 GCh 6%s'49-106% 106% 106% Am Inti 6%s '49 - 106% 106% 105% Am T & T 3%s ’61-98% 98 98% Am T & T 3%s '66- 97% 97% 97% Am TAT4%s'39- 105% 105% 105% AmT&T5%s 43 ... 113% 113 113 Am T F 2%s-5s’38-’50 146% 146% 146% Am Wat Wks 6s '75 104 104 104 Anaconda deb 4%s'60 106 106*4 106% Armour & Co 4 % s ’39 102% 102% 102% Armour(Del)lst 4s’65 98 97% 98 Armour (Del) 4S'57.. 97% 97% 97% Armstrong Ck 4s ’60 104% 104% 104% A T&S F RMt dv4s’65 106% 105% 105% A T&S Fe 4s ’05-’65._. 105% 106% 105% A T&S Fe 4s ’09-*55— 105% 105% 106% A TAS Fe adj 4s ’95 St 104% 104% 104% A TAS Fe gen 4s '96.. 110 109% 110 ATASFe4%s'48 .... 108% 108% 108% Atlanta A Blrm 4s ’33 82 32 32 Atl Coast L 1st 4s '68 102% 102% 102% Atl C L un 4 % s ‘64 — 91% 91% 91% Atlantic A D lst4s’4I. 61% 60% 61 Atlantic & D 2d5s’48. 45% 46% 45% Atl Refining deb 5s’37 100% 100% 100% B A O 1st 4s ’41-106% 106% 106% BAO4%s’60_ 77 76% 76% B AO ref 6s'96 A__ 85 86 86 BAOSs'9(F- 88% 83% 83% B A O ref 6s '95 C- 98% 98% 98% B A O PLEAW V4s'41 104 103% 104 BAOSwnBs 50 ... 108*4 103% 108% BangAAroos 4s’51... 106 105 106 Bang&Aroos 4s’51stp 110% 110% 110% Bell T of Pa 5s’43 B 118% 118% 118% Bell Tel of Pa 5s’60 C. 123% 128% 123% Beth Steel 3%s’««... 96% 95% 95% Beth Steel 4%s 60... 103% 103% 103% BosA Me 4%s ’<1 J_ 79% 79 79 Bos A Me 6s’65_ 84 84 84 Bos & Me 6s’*7- 83% 83% 83% Bos N V A L48’55—_ 24 24 24 BotCon M 6%s’34 ct. 26 25% 26 Bklyn C RR 6s 41 90 90 90 Bklyn Ed con 3%s‘66 100 1 00 100 Bklyn Man T 4%s ’6$ 93 92% 92% Bklyn Un El 6s ’50 _ 108% 108% 103% Bklyn Un Gas 6s ’45.. 118% 113% 113% Bklyn Un Gas 6s ’50.. 97% 97 97% Bklyn Un G 6s ’67 B-. 105% 105% 106% k Hlth. Low. 2:55. Buff RAP con 4%s'67. 86% 86% 86% BCRANol S> '34... 22 21 21 Bush Term con 6s‘66. 69% 69% 59% Calif Packing 6s’40— 105% 105% 105% Camag 7s 42 ctfs_ 22% 22% 22% Can’dlan NR 4%s’61. 112% 112% 112% Can’dlan NR 4%s’56. 112% 112% 112% Can’dlan NR 4%s’67. 111% 111% 111% Can’dlan NR 4%s’55.. 116% 116% 115% Can’dlan N 6s’69 July 116% 115% 115% Can’dlan NR6s’69 Oct 117 117 117 Can’dlan Ndb«%s’46 124 124 124 Can’dlan P db 4s psrp 93% 93 93% Can’dian Pac 4%a ’46. 104% 104% 104% Can’dlan Pac 4%8’60. 102 101% 101% Can’dlan P 6s’44 cfs.. 114% 114% 114% Can’dlan Pac 5s’54—. 106% 106% 106% Car A Gen 6s ’60 ww_. 103 102% 102% Cent of Ga con 6s’46. 29 28% 29 Cent of Garf 6%s’69 19% 19% 19% Cent IUE AG 6s’51- 101% 100% 101% Cent of N J 4s’87_ 57 57 57 Cent of N J gen 6s’87. 63% 63% 63% Cent Pac 1st rf 4s ’49. 107% 107% 107% Cent Pac 5s‘60 —_ ... 99% 99 99% Champ PAP 4%s‘50.. 105% 106% 105% ChesapC cv 6s’44_112 111% 111% Ches A O 3%s’96 D_ 96% 96% 96% Ches A O 3%a’96 B—. 96% 96% 96% C A O con 5s ’39_107% 107% 107% Chi A Alt ref 3s'49... 56 55 65 Chi BAQ gen 4s ’58... 109% 109% 109% Chi BAQ 4%s ’77_109% 109% 109% Chi BAQ ref 5s’71_116% 116% 116% Chi BAQl dlv 3%s ’49 106% 106% 106% Chi BAQI dlv 4s’49— 110 110 110 Chi A BUI 5s ’51_ 38 37 37 Chi A E 111 5s ’61 ctfs. 37 37 37 Chi Ort West 4s ’69 .. 44% 43% 43% Chi Ind A L ref 6s’47. 30 30 30 CMAStP gn 4'/4s'89 C. 60 60 60 C M A St P 6s '75 29% 28% 29 CMAStPAP adj5s2000 9% 9% 9% Chi A NW 4%s 2037 .. 26% 26% 26% Chi ANW 4%s 2037 C 26% 26% 26% Chi A NW 4%s’49 ... 18% 17% 17% Chi ANW gen 6s’87- 43 43 43 Chi A NW rf 6s 2037.. 27% 27% 27% CANW Nr W 6%s ’36. 48 48 48 Chi R IAP rf 4s 34 21% 20% 21% ChlRIAPrf 4s’S4ctf. 17% 17% 17V* Chi R IAP gen 4s '88.. 36% 35% 36% Chi R IAP 4 % 8 '52_ 19% 19% 19% Chi R IAP 4%s '60_ 11% 11% 11% Chi Un Sta 3 %s ’51—. 104 103% 104 Chi Un Sta 4s '63 ... 108% 108% 108% Chi A W In con 4s '52. 103% 103% 103% Chi A W Ind 4%s ’62.. 101% 101% 101% Childs A Co 5s ’43 .. 85% 85% 85V* Cln Un T 3 %s D gtd— 103 103 103 Cln Un Term 5s'67 107% 107% 107V* CCCASt L rf 4%s’77E 94 93% 93% CCCASt L rf 5s 63 D .. 105% 105% 105% CCCASt L rf 6s’41 C. 103% 103% 103% OCC A St I, Wh Wat vaney vs iu .... lui nil nil Clev El 111 3%s'65 .. 108% 108 108 Clev Un Ter 474*'77.. 102 101 101% Clev Un Ter 5e ’73 B 105% 10574 105% Clev Un Ter 5 74s'72A 111 110 111 Colo F A X 5s '43_104% 104% 104% Columbia G A E £s *52 May.. 10274 102*4 102% Columbia GAE Es'61. 100% 100% 100% Colum Ry PAL 4s '65 106 10574 106 Cornel Credit 3 %s'51 9874 98% 98% Conn RAL 4 74 s'51 st. 105% 105% 105% Cons Ed NY S74s’46 n 1057* 105 1057, Con* Ed NY 374s’56 n 103 102% 102% Cons Gas NY 474s'51 107% 1077, 107% Consol Oil 3 74e'51 .. 1017, 100% 1017* Consum Pwr 3 74 s’66. 99% 99% 99% Consum P un 3 74s’65 102% 102% 102% Consum Pwr 3 74s ‘TO. 101% 101% 102% Consum Pwr S%s ’65. 105% 105% 105% Container deb 5s'43.. 101% 101% 1017, Crown Will P 6s '51._ 106 104', 106 1 Cuba RR 6s '36 ... 53 53 53 Cuba RR 7 74s'36 ctfs. 60 60 60 Dayton PAL 3%s ’60. 103% 1037, 10374 Del A Hud ref 4s 43.. 91 91 91 Del PA L 4 74 s'69 .. 102 102 102 I Den A R G con 4s "36. 2714 27 27 Den A R G W 5s '55 16% 16 16 Den ARGW 6s'55asst 15% 15 15 DenARGref Es '78.. 24 23% 24 Det Edison 3 74s'66.. 103% 103% 103% Det Edison 4s '65 F._. 109 109 109 Det Edison 6s'52 . 107% 10774 107% Det Rlv Tun 4>4s'61. 113% 113 113% Duquesne Lt 3 74s’65. 10374 1 03% 103% Elec Auto Lite 4s'52. 109 108% 109 El Paso N G 4%s '46. 143 143 143 Erl# cv 4s '53 B_ 82% 82*4 82*4 Erlscons 4s '96_ 99% 99% 99% Erie gen 4s '9*_ 82% 82% 82V, Erie ref 5« '67_ 79% 787* 797*, 1 Erl# ref 6s'75_ 79 787, 79 Falrbks Morse 4s '56. 102 102 102 Fla E C Ry 5s *74 1374 IS 1374 Fla E C Ry 5s *74 ctfs 13 13 13 Gen Cable 5%s'47_104% 104% 104% Gen Mot Acc 3s '45 ... 102V, 102 102 Gen Mot Acc 374s '51. 100% 10074 1 00*4 Gen Stl Cast 574*'49. 8374 837, 837, Goodrich 4 74*'56_ 9974 99% 99% Goodrich 6s'45_ 105 104% 104% Goodyear TAR 5s'57. 104% 10474 104% Grt Nr Ry 3%s'67 93% 93% 93% Great N Ry 4s 46 G_. 140% 138% 139% Grt N Ry 4s '46 H .. 110% 10974 110 Grt N R rf 4 74* '61 A 112% 112 112>i Grt N R gn 4 74s'77 E 103% 103 103% Grt N R gn 5s '73 C.. 111% 111*4 111% Green Bay 5s'62 B . 1174 111-, 117, Gulf MAN 5s 50. . 97% 97% 97% Gulf States Util 4s'66 101% 101% 101% Gulf Sta Util 4 74s '46 103V, 103% 103% Hoe (R> 1st mtr '44-- 90 89 89 Houston Oil 5%s '40. 102% 102 102 Hudson Coal 6s ‘52 . 45% 45% 45% Hud St Man Inc 5s '57. 30 29% 29% Hud St Man ref 6s '57. 74% 74% 74% 111 Cent col tr 4s‘52_ 86 86 86 111 Cent col tr 4s ‘53.. 81% 81% 81% 111 Cent ref 4s‘55_ 85% 85V* 85% 111 Cent 4%s'66 _ 73% 73 73% ICCASt LNO 4%s'63 77% 77% 77% ICCASt LNO 5s 82% 82% 82% III Steel deb 4%s'40.. 107 107 107 Inland Stl 3\s'61—_ 104% 104 104% Int R T 1st rf 5s ‘55.. 73% 73% 73% Int R T 6s ‘32_ 26% 26% 26% Int R T 6s’32 ctfs_ 21% 21% 21% Int R T 7s ‘32_ 74 74 74 Interlake Iron 4s'47.. 97 96% 86% Int Grt Nr 6s'62 A... 35 34% 35 Int Grt Nr adj 6s'52 A 12% 12% 12% Int Hydro Elec 6s '44. 73 72% 72% Int Pap 1st 5s '47 A... 101% 100% 100% Int Pap ref 6s '55 _ 98% 97% 98% Int TAT cv 4%s '39_ 80 80 80 Int TAT 4%s'62_ 65 64% 65 Int TAT 5s '55 _ 69 68 68% Iowa C lstArf 4s '61.. 7% 7% 7% James F A C 4s'39 _. 96% 9J> 95 JonesAL Stl 4 %s'61A 102% 102 102 Kan CFSAM rf4s'36ct 50 50 50 Kans C So 1st 3s '50.. 86% 86% 86% KsnsCTer 1st 4s'60. 107% 107% 107% Keith's 6s'46 _ 99 98% 99 Kresre Found 4s'45.. 105% 105% 105% Laclede Gas 5s '39.__ 92% 92% 92% Laclede G 5%s‘53 C_. 60% 59% 59% Laclede G 6 %s'60 D. 59% 59% 69% Laclede Gas 6s '42 A. 51 51 51 Lake SAM So 3 %s'97 101 101 101 Lautaro Nltr 6s '64—. 36% 36% 36% Lautaro Nit 1975s_ 31% 31% 31% Leh CAN 4%s '54 A.. 96% 96% 96% Leh Val Coal 6s'33... 97 97 97 Leh V Peon 4s 2003.. 59% 58% 69% Leh V Peon 4%s 2003 63% 62% 63% Leh V RR con 5s 2003 72% 72% 72% Llrr A Myers 5s '61.. 122% 122% 122% Loew’s 3%s '46_ 98% 98% 98% Lonr Isl ref 4s ’49_102% 102 102% Lori Hard 7s '44_127% 127% 127% La A Ark 5s 69_ 92% 92% 92% LA Nash 3%s 2003... 91% 91% 91% LAN 4%s 2003 C_ 104 104 104 Mccrory Strs 5s '61_108% 103% 103% McKessARob 5%»’60 103% 103% 103% Man S 1st 7%s’42ctfs 54 54 54 Manhat Ry 4s *90 .. 34% 34% 34% Marion Sti Shov «s'47 92 92 92 Mead Co 6a'46_103% 108% 103% Met Ed 1st rf 4%a'66 106% 106% 106% Mil El RAL Gs '61 . 102% 102% 102% Mil El RAS L rf 6a’71 101% 101% 101% Mil Spa A N W 4s ’47. 36 36 36 Minn A St L 5s'34ctfs. 16 16 16 MStPASSMcn 4s'88. 24% 24% 24% Mo K A T adj 6s '67_ 67 67 67 Mo Pac 4s '76- 19% 19% 19% Mo Pac 6a'66 A-41% 41% 41% Mo Pac 6a'77 P- 41% 41% 41% Mo Pac 6a 77 P ctfa.. 39 89 89 Mo Pac 6s'78 G ... 41% 41% 41% Mo Pao 5s '78 G ctfa.. 89 39 39 Mo Pac 6s'81 . 41% 41% 41% Mo Pac 5%a '49 A- 14% 14% 14% Mob A Ohio 4 Via'77 30% 30% 30% Monong Pub S 4%s’60 102% 102% 102% Mont Pwr 8%s '66 94% 94% 94% MorrisAEssex 4 Vi s’66 88% 88% 88% Natl Dairy J%s'61ww 104 103% 103% Natl DlaPC4Via'46. 104 104 104 Nat Ry Mex 1st 4s '61 aaat- 3% 3% 3% Nat R M 4 Vi a '26 asst 6% 5% 6% Nat Ry Mex 4%s’67aa 3% 3% 3% Natl Steel 4a 66 . 106 105% 106 NewarkC Gas 5a'48.. 118% 118% 118% New E TAT 1st 6a’58 121 121 121 New Orl A N 4 Via *52. 77 77 77 New Orl PS 6s'52 A.. 96% 96% 96% New Orl P 8 6a'66 B.. 96 95% 95% New Or Ter 1st 4s ‘68. 91% “* New Orl TAM 6s’51 B. 52 High. Low. 2:55. New Orl TAM 6V4s'54 55* 66 66* N Y Central 3*■ '62.. 108* 108* 108* NT Central 3*a’97__ 96 96* 96* NY Central 3%b’46._ 102 101*101* NY Cent oon 4s '93_ 96* 96* 96* NY Cent rf 4*8 2013. 89 88* 88* NY C rf 4*8 2013 n._ 89 88* 88* NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 97* 97* 97* NY Cent cv 6s'44- 104* 104 104* NYCASt h 1st 4b'37_. 101* 101* 101* NYCASt L 4*8 '78... 87 86* 87 NYCASt L 6*s'74 A. 99* 99* 99* NY Chi A St L 6s’38.. lf»0 99* 99* NY Conn 1st 4 *8 '63. 108* 108* 108* NY Dock 1st 4b'61_ 61 61 61 NY Dock 6s'38_ 69 69 59 NY Edison 3*8’65 D. 9914 99% 99* NYEJIsref 3*8'66.. 100* 99* 100* NY G El HAP Bs'48.. 122 122 122 NY NH AH 4*8*67. 43* 43 43 NY NH A H cl tr 68-40 61* 61 61 NY NH A H cv 68-48. 44* 44* 44* NY OAW gen 4s ’65... 1614 15% 16* NY OAW ref 4s 92_ 26 24* 24* NY Steam 1st 6s'47.. 107 107 107 NY Tr Rk 6s '46 stp._ 91* 91 91* NY WAB 4 *8 ’46- 16* 15* 15* NlagSh 5*s-50- 102* 102* 102* Norf So 1st ref 5s *61. 30 29* 30 Norf S 1st rf5s’61 cfa. 28 28 28 Norf A W 1st 4s ’96.. 116* 116* 115* North Am Co 6s ’61... 104 103* 104 North Am Ed 6s-69 C. 102* 102% 102* North Am EM 5*s-63 103 103 103 Nor'n Pac gen 3s 2047 73* 73* 73* Nor’n Pac 4s '97 _ 104* 104* 104* Nort'n Pac 5s 2047 C. 102* 102* 102* Nor'n Pac 5s 2047 D.. 102* 102* 102* Nor’n Pac 6b 2047_111* HO* 110* Ohio Edison 4s ’65_ 106* 105 105 Ont Pwr Nlag 6s "43_110* 110* 110* Oreg VV RR 4s '61_1U5* 105* 105* Otis Steel 4*8'62_ 88* 87* 87* Pac Gas A El 3*s "66. 97* 97* 97* PacG AE3%«-61... 102* 102* 102* Pac G A E 4s '64 .. 106 105* 105* Pac TAT rf 3*8 '66 B 100* 100% 100* Pac TAT 3*8'66 C .. 100* 100* 100% Paramount Pic 6s "65. 100* 100* 100* Park-Lx 6*s-63 ctfs. 48 46* 48 . Penn Co 4s '63 _101* 101* 101* Penn O A D4*s-77._ 105* 105 105 Penn P A L 4*s-81._ 101* 101 101 Penn 3 % s w 1 ... 109% 109% 109% Penn RR 3%s'70 C-_. 98% 98% 98% Penn RR4V«s'81 D... 106% 106% 106% Penn RR 4%s '84 -. 106% 106% 106% Tenn RRcon4%s'60. 117% 117% 117% Penn RRgn 4%s'65_. 110 109% 110 Penn RR deb 4%s’70. 102 101% 102 Penn RR gen 5s'68 116% 116 116 People GLAC rf 5s'47 112% 112% 112% People OUC 6s '43.. 1171, 117% 117% reoria & E Inc 4s '90.. 17 16% 16% Pere Marq 4%s'SO_ 94% 94% 94% Pere Marq 1st 5s'56.. 101 101 101 Phila B&W 4 %s '81__ 109% 109% 109% Phila Co 5s '67 _ 100 99% 99% Phila A R CAI Bs‘78.. 30% 29% 29% Phila & R CAI 6s'49.. 12% 12 12 Philippine Ry 4s'37.. 27% 27 27 PCCASt L 4%s'77 C_. 107 107 107 PCCASt L 5s'75 B .. 116 116 116 Port Gen El 4%s’60.. 58% 58% 58% Porto Blco A T 6s'42. 78% 78% 78% Postal Tel A C 5s'53 26 25% 26 Potomac El P 3%s '66 102 102 102 Pressed Stl Car 5s'51 93 93 93 Pure 011 4%s'50 ww. 112 111% 111% Pure Oil 4%s '50 iw.. 103% 103% 103% Purity Baking 5s'48. 99% 98 99% R-K-O 6s '41..115 115 115 Reading R 4%s'97 A. 107 106% 106% Reading R 4%s'97 B. 106% 106% 106% Rein-Rand 4%s'56ww 108% 108% 108% Republic Stl 4%s’50. 163 152 152 Republic Stl 4%s'56. 97% 97% 97% Republic Stl 4%s ’61. 961. 96% 96% Republic Stl 5%s’54. 115% 115% 115% Roch GAE os’62 E ._ 108% 108% 108% R 1 AAL 1st 4%s’34.. 20% 20% 20% Rutland Can 4s’49_ 21% 21% 21% Rutland RR 4%s'41. 24% 23% 23% Saguenay Pw 4 %s'66 101 100% 101 St LIMAS RAG 4s '33 79% 79% 79% St L-S Fran 4s'50 A . 27 26% 26% St L-S F 4s '50 A ctfs 25 24% 25 St L-S Fran 4%s 78 . 26 26 26 St L-S F 4%s’78 cf st 23 22% 23 St L S F 5a '50 B ctfs. 25% 24% 24% St L S W 1st 4s'89 .. 87 87 87 St L S W gn rf 5s '90 40 38% 40 St L S W 1st ter 5s'52 54% 54% 54% StPKCSL4%s'41_ 20% 20% 20% St P MAM ex 4s'37 .. 100 100 100 St PM&M ext 5s'43.. 101% 101% 101% San A A A Pass 4s '43 101 101 101 San An P Svc 6s '52 A 111% 111% 111% San Diego CGAE4s'65 109 108% 109 Seabd A L 4s '50 stp_. 28% 27 27% Seabd A L ref 4s '59._ 14 14 14 Seabd ALadJ 5s'49.. 9% 9% 9% Seabd A L 6s '45 A .. 18% 17% 18% Seabd A L 6s '45 ctfa. 17% 17 17% Seabd A-Fl 6s’35 A ct 9 9 9 Seabd A-Fla6e’35B ct- 8% 8% 8% Shell Un deb 3%s ’61. 99% 99 99% Socony Vav 3 %s '50 . 105 104% 105 South Bell TAT 5s'41 105% 105% 105% Southn Cal Gas 4s’65 103% 103% 103% So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A. 105% 105% 105% South Nat G 4%s ’51. 98% 98% 98% So Pac 3 % s 4 6 _ 99% 99% 99% So Pac col 4s'49_ 94% 94% 94% So Pac ref 4s'55_105% 105% 105% So Pac 4%s 69_ 89% 88% 88% So I’ac 4%s 81 _ 88% 88% 88% So Pac Oreg 4%s’77.. 96 95% 96 So Rv ffpn 4s ’56 A __ 78r» 78’-j 78"i So Rv 5s'94 _106 105 105’* So Ry gen 6s '56 —. 98% 97% 98% So Rv St L div 4s '51, 98% 98% 98% S W Hell Tel 3%s '64- 104% 104% 104% Southw’n GAE 48'60. 101% 101% 101% Stand Oil N J 3s'6197% 97% 97% Studebaker cv 6s'45„ 119 11712 117% Swift & Co 3% s'50... 107 107 107 Symi GAG 5%s ww__ 140 140 140 Tenn El Pw 6s '47 A— 88% 88 88% Texarkana 5%s'50—. 106 106 106 Texas Corp 3%s'51_103% 103 103% Third Av ref 4s'60— 57% 56% 56% Third A ad in ex 5s’66 28 25 25% Tide Wat Oil 3%s’52- 99% 99% 99% Tol A Ohio C 3%s '60- 103% 103% 103% UnElLAP5%s'54. 103 103 103 Un Oil of Cal 3 %s'52. 110 110 110 Union Pac 3%s '70_ 96% 96% 96% Union Pac 3%s '71_ 96% 96% 96% Union Pac 1st 4s '47 .. 112% 112% 112% Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008. 105 105 105 United Drug 5s '53 ... 97 95% 95% Utd Rys St L 4s'34—. 30% 30% 30% U S Rubber 6s ’47_ 107 106% 106% Utah LA T 5s'44 A— 97 97 97 Utah P & L 5s '44 .. 100% 100% 100% Util P A L 6s '59 ww_ 49% 49% 49% Util P AL5%s'47— 60% 49% 50 Vanadium cv 5s'41.. 102% 102% 102% Ver Sug 1st 7s’42 ctfs 23% 23 23 V CAP 1st 4%s’34 ast 3% 3% 3% Va E A P 1st rf 4s '65 107% 107% 107% Va Ry 1st 3%s'66 A- 104% 104 104% Va S W con 5s '58_ 97 97 97 Wabash 1st 5s'39_ 94% 94% 94% ■Wabash 5s'76 B_ 36% 36% 36% Walker HAS 4%s ’45. 105 104% 105 Walworth 4s '55 80% 80 80 Warner Bros cv 6s '39 95 95 95 Warner-Quin 6s ’39 . 46% 46% 45% West Penn P 3%s'66. 104% 104% 104% W Pa Pw 1st 6s '63 E- 118% 118% 118% W Sh 1st 4s 2061 gtd. 92 91% 91% West’n Md 1st 4s '62- 103% 103% 103% Westn Md 5%s '77 107% 107% 107% Westn NYAPsn 4s'4S 108% 108% 108% Westn Pac 6s '46 A 33% 32% 32% West'n Pac 5s'46 A as 33 32% 32% West’n Un4%s'60 . 100% 100 100% Westn Un cl tr 6s "36. 102% 102% 102% Westn Un Es '61_ 100 99% 100 West’n Un 5s '60_ 99% 99 99 Wheel Steel 4%s'63. 100 99% 100 WSp Stl 1st 7s'35 ct. 32% 32% 32% W Sp Stl con 7s'36 ct 31 31 31 Wilkes BAE 1st Es '42 28% 28% 28% Wilson A Co 4s'55 100 99% 99% WisCent 1st gn 4s '49 25% 25 25 Y’ngstn SAT 4s'61_101% 101 101 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NBW YORK. May 19 MV—New York Security Dealers’ Association: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) _ . Bid. Asked. Bank of Man (1 Vi)_ 33 35 Bankers Tr (2)_ 67 69 Cen Han Bk dr Tr (4).„ 12484 12784 Chase Nat (1.40) 6084 6284 Chem Bk dr Tr (1.80)_ 66 68 Commercial (8) 194 200 Cont Bk dr Tr (.80)_ 1784 1884 Corn Kx Bk & T (3)_ 6384 6484 Bmplre Tr (1) 2984 3084 First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 49 61 First Natl (100) _2160 2200 Guaranty Tr (12) _ 337 342 Irving Tr (.60) 1684 1684 Manufacturers Tr (2) __ 62 64 Manufacturers Tr pf (2). _ 60 62 Natl City (1) _ 4484 4684 N Y Trust (6)_128 131 Public (184) _ 4384 4684 Title O dr T_ 138? 148? MILL CONTRACT LET. NEW YORK, May 19 (JP).—Lewis Foundry St Machine Oo., a subsidiary of Blaw-Knox Co., has been awarded a contract by Dorman Long St Co. of Mlddleborough, England, for a com pletely mechanized three-high mill. i NEW PEAK IS SET Institute Reports All-Time Record of 3,551,950 Barrels Daily. By the Auocuted Preu. NEW YORK, May 19.—Crude oil production continued its record breaking way during the week ended May 15, setting a new historic peak of 3,551,950 barrels daily, the Ameri can Petroleum Institute reported. This was a gain of 63,750 barrels dally over the previous period. The bulk of the Increase was again east of California. The advance in this area was 52,150 barrels daily to 2,897,550. Refinery operations were stepped up to 80 per cent of potential by com panies owning 89 per cent of the in dustry’s capacity. TTiis would indicate 3,135,000 barrels were run to stills daily, against 3,065,000 barrels the week before. Consumption, however, was suffi ciently heavy to cause withdrawals from stocks of finished and unfinished gasoline at terminals, refineries and in transit of 1,091,000 barrels. This cut the total to 80,378,000 barrels. Cracked gasoline production was pushed up from 675,000 barrels daily to 705,000 barrels, reports from 95 per cent of the industry indicated. Imports of crude and refined oils totaled 1,365,000 barrels, compared with 954,000 barrels in the preceding week. Washington Produce BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints. 35: V.-pound prints, .'id; tub 34; 90 score. 1 pound prints, 34; V«-pound prints. 35; tub. 33. MEAT8—Choice beef. 18; calves, 16; veal, id: lamb. 23; pork loin. 27: frozen pork. 23: fresh ham. 22: smoked ham. 25; sliced bacon. 33: slab bacon. 28; com pound. 13‘A: lard. J4'A. . LIVE STOCK—Pigs S'ian**: light hogs. 1 Oa 1 o'/«; mediums. lO'AaloVa: heavies. 9‘,a alo*/»; roughs. 9a9'A; sows, 8'A; calves. dalO: lambs. 9al3. Prices paid shippers, net f.o.b Wash ington, by the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics: EGOS—Market steady on most grades to slightly firmer on hennery whites at a advance on best lots. Current receipts. ISalS’a; hennery whites. 19*20; Govern ment graded and dated white eggs. U. 8. extras, large. 24: U. 8. extras medium. 20; U. S. standards large 20'j. LIVE POULTRY—Market quiet and un changed; fowl, colored, heavy. 16*17; a few at IS; Leghorns. 13*14: chickens, crosses. 23a24'g: Rocks. 25: Leghorns. 2 pounds. ]9a20: less than 2 pounds 17ul8: turkeys old hens. 17: old toms. 14. Frails and Vegetables. Sales in large lots by original receivers up to 8 a m today: APPLES—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track Supplies moderate; demand light: market about steady. Bushel bas kets. U S No. 1—Maryland Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia Ben Davis. 2'A-lnch minimum. 1.15-1.25; 2‘A-inch minimum. 1.40-1.50: 2J4-lnch minimum. 1.50- 1.05; Wlnesaps. 2-inch minimum 1.65-1.<5. 2'.-inch minimum 2.00-2.25: 2‘A-inch minimum. 2.36-2.50; 24,-inch minimum, 2.50-2.05: Staymans. 2’A-inch minimum 1.75-1.85; 2‘A-inch minimum. 1.85-2.00: 244-|nch minimum. 2.00. few higher; Yellow Newtowns. 2‘4-inch mini mum. 1 75-1.86; 2‘a-lnch minimum. 2.25 •; 2J4-lnch minimum 2.50. Boxes. Maryland Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia—Combination extra fancy and fancy; Wlnesaps. 103s. 2.35-2.50: 150s, 2.40-2.50: 136s. 2 50-2.05; 125s 2.65 VI?: ,113S and lQds 2.75 Romes. 138s. -zO-2.35; 125S 2.25-2.35: 113s. 2.35 -■oO.. ltiOs and larger. 2.50. few higher; Staymans 126s. 2.35-2.50; 113s. 2.35 2.Stj: loos. 2.50: Delicious. 113s 2.50 -■‘5. 100S. 2.75. ripe or scalded. 2.00-2.26. Cartons. Maryland. Pennsylvania Virginia and West Virginia—Staymans. 144s. fancy -.35-2.50; 112s. 2.60-2.65; 144s. U. 8. No 1 grade 2.10-2.25: 112s. U. 8. No. 1 grade. 2.26-2.35; Delicious, fancy, 112* 2-85-3.00: U 8. No 1. 112s. - 50-2.75: Wlnesaps fancy. lt.Os 2.50. 112*. 2.50-2.05: 90s. 2.75; Pippins U. 8. No. 1. 160s. 2.25; 112s 2 35 Tr's a'oo^i5^ Lo*Tys' iAncJ- i63s. 2.00; POTATOES—Correction Tuesday's report deduce two Maine arrived. Today—One Idaho 1 South Carolina, 3 Maine arrived; 3 broken and 10 unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate; demand light, market steady; loO-pound sacks. U. S. No 1: Maine. Green Mountains. 2.16-2.25. New stock: Supplies moderate: demand light; market about steady Florida double head barrels. Spaulding Rose. U. 8. No 1 4.50- 4 75; few 5.00. South Carolina, stave-barrels. Cobblers. U. S. No. 1 4.50 4.75: poorer low as 4 25 . CABBAGE—No cariot arrivals; no cars on track Truck receipts light: supplies moderate: demand light, market slightly weaker; Pa-bushel hampers pointed type. North Carolina. 85-1.00, Eastern Shore Virginia 1.00. cars on track Truck receipts light, sup plies moderate, demand light, market steady Pyramid crates dozen bunches: New Jersey, extra Colossal. 2.00-2.60; Colossal. 2.00-2.25: extra fancy. 1.75-2.00; fancy. 1.75. Delaware, large size. 1.75 2. Jo. CARROTS—One California arrived: 2 broken and 1 unbroken cars on track. Supplies light; demand fair; market about steady. California. Weatern lettuce crates. 4.00- 4.25. Texas, bushel baskets, 1.75 C AUI.IP1LOWER — One California ar rived; 3 broken cars on track. Supplies moderate; demand moderate; market about steady. California, crates, 2.00-2.10; poorer, low as 1.85. CELERY—One Florida arrived; 3 bro ken cars on track. Supplies moderate; de mand light: market steady. Florida. 10 Inch crates individually washed. 3-4 dozen. _.26-2.50; few 2.75; poorer, low ;6-l Odosen. 2.50-2.T5; few 3.00; XXs, 2.75-3.00. LETTUCE-—Five California arrived: 9 broken and 7 unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand fair: mar ket slightly weaker. California. Western ?rate!’,Jceber* tTP*- 5 dozen, 3.50-3.75; '‘ Oh. poorer, low as 3.25; a dozen, Onion Friees Steady. No carlot arrivals; 3 broken and 2 un broken cars on track. Supplies moderate; demand fair; market steady. Texas, 60 pound sacks. Yellow Bermudas. U. S commercial. 1.00-1.75. PEAS—No carlot arrivals: 1 broken csr on track. Supplies moderate; demand J?*aruet st,*S?y Bushel hampers; North Carolina. 1.25-1.50. poorer low as 1.00; Calfiornia, telephones, 2.00-2 25, few higher. TOMATOE8—-No carlot arrivals: 1 bro ken car on track. Supplies moderate; de mand light: market steady. Florida, lug boxes, green, ripes and turning, wrapped. 0x6 and larger, 2.50-3.00: few best high as 3.50; 6x7. 2.00-2.50; 7x7 1.25-1.76 MIXED VEGETABLES-—No carlot arrivals; 1 broken car on track, SNAP BEANS—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. Truck receipts light; gup plles moderate; demand fair; market about steady. Georgia and South Caro lina, bushel hampers, green, round and fla,1 J?P* „2,?SL“-75: footer, low as 2.00. LIMA BEANS—No carlot arrivals: one broken and one unbroken car on track. &pp&?.,m.?de£ate:deman<* moderate; mar Jet ,ab°ot steady. Florida. bushel hampers. 4.00- 4.25: few 4.BO. Euuruini—ouppiies light; demand light: market steady. Florida, l'/h-bushel crates. 2.60; few higher. PEPPERS—Supplies moderate; demand light; market steady. Florida, bushel ham pers. green, fancy. 1.50-1.75; ltk-bushel crates, fancy. 2.50-2.75. SQUASH—Supplies light: demand light; market about steady. Florida, bushel ham pers. white-wrapped and yellow crook necks. 1.50-2.00; South Carolina, bushel hampers, white-wrapped. 2.00-2.50. CUCUMBERS—Supplies moderate: de mand light: market steady. Florida, bushel baskets. 4.50: choice. 3.00-3.50. STRAWBERRIES—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts very light; supplies light: demand light: mar ket steady. 24-quart crates, various va rieties. poor to ordinary quality and con dition. 1.76-2.50: few 2.75 per crate. Eastern Shore Virginia. 32-quart crates, various varieties, poor to ordinary quality and condition. 2.00-2.50; few best. 3.00 per crate. ORANGES—One Florida arrived, three broken and one unbroken cars on track. Florida, boxes. No. 1, 3.00-4.50; No. 2. 2.75-4.00. GRAPEFRUIT—Two Florida arrived, two broken and one unbroken cart on track. Florida. as_to size: Boxes. No. 1. 2.50-3.00; No. 2. 2.00-2.50. LEMONS—No carlot arrivals; one bro ken ear on track. California, as to size; Boxes, No. 1. 6.00-7.00; No. 2. 6.50-6.00. HONEYDEW8—Chile, crates, standards. 2.25-2.50: Jumbos. 2.50-2.76. AVOCADOS—California, crates. 2.00 2 75 PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates. 3.00-3.25. SWEET POTATOE8—North Carolina, bushel baskets Puerto Ricans. 1.66-1.85. SPINACH—Nearby sections, bushel bas kets. 60-65. . BEETS—Texas, bushel baskets. 1.60 1.75. Virginia, hothouse stock, crates. 2.40-2.50. MUSHROOMS—Maryland. 3-pound ear tons. 26-76. STOCK SPLIT APPROVED. NEW YORK. May 19 (^.—Stock holders of Simonds Saw Sc Steel Co. of Boston have voted to split common shares 10 for 1. Public offering of 125,000 shares of common from Treas ury stock is contemplated. A Continental Oil Orders Special of 25 Cents a Share By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 19 —Directors of Continental Oil Co. declared today a "special” dividend of 25 cents a share on the common stock and a similar amount designated as "a dividend." Both are payable June 30 to holders of record June 9. Three months ago a dividend of 25 cents was paid. The company’s properties are mostly In the midcontinent, and headquarters are at Ponca City, Okla. Principal Eastern property is a refinery at Baltimore. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. May 19 OPI <U 8. Dept. Agr.V —Hogs. 8.000. Including 2.500 direct; mar ket 35-50 higher than Tuesday's average; packing sows 25-3* higher; bulk good and choice 200-300 lb.. 11.05-90; top. 12.0(1; comparable 150-190 lb.. 11.00-85 mostly; bulk good packing sows. 10.75-11.10; pigs in limited supply; choice strong weights upward to 11.00 and better. Cattle. 9.000; calves. 1.500: apparently an excessive run good and choice long yearlings and medium weight and weighty steers here, kinds of value to sell at 11 00 upward on yearlings and 12.00 upward on medium weight and weighty steers; under tone weak to 25 lower on bulk of crop gradlne good and better, common and me dium grades scarce and steady; earlv top weighty bullocks. 14.25: few loads. 13.00 i5 but not enough done to make a market: other killing classes fully steady except bulls; his class weak at 0.50 down on »»us“Ke offerings; light weight fed heifers very active at 11.25 down to "•50. .with common and medium grades. 7.00-0.00; stocks continued slow scarce Sheep 4 000. including 1 500 direct: clipped lambs mostly steady: good to choice offerings. 10 ,5-11.25: load medium shorn Texas offejlngs. 0.00: scattered native flfcrJnff lambs strong to higher: extreme top. iZmm 8hee& steady; shorn ewe«. 4.50-5.25 mostly. — - ■ — _ NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK. May If) <48.—.Raw sugar waa easy early today. Following a fur *?«■_ of 2 points late yesterday, when 6 (100 begs of Puerto Ricos sold for prompt shipment at 3 35. there were ad ditional offerings of nearby sugars with no further buying interest. _.Xllur',,7erX ^regular. The No. 3 spot month sold off to 2.41. or 0 points net “Jwer, under liquidation promoted by the circulation of 12 notices. Later deliveries held comparatively steady No. 4 contract £me.r on foverlne and commission London*1* n* ln®ufnced by the firmness of Ju1* No 3 sold off from 2.44 to 2 4.3. while September sold un to 2 45. leaving the market at midday ft points lower for the spot month, but 1 lower to 1 higher for later deliveries No. 4 July sold from {■on,2 ,td *£ld. Seotember frpm j higher * r21, or 3 to 3 - polnt5 net Refined was unchanged at 4 80 for fine granulated, with demand light. --- FREIGHT LOADINGS. -NEW YPR?, M,y ,p (48—Revenue freight carloadlngs on railroads reporting today for the week ended May 15. in cluded : Week Prev. Year ti, „ . May 15. Week Ago 111 Central- .32.013 30.280 20 ”35 N Y Central... 80 842 88.833 77.017 South Pac- 31.332 30.480 27 059 1 Ches A- Ohio 34.227 .33 721 3" l ilk Nickel Plate 15.022 15 400 14177 Norfolk A' West 25.540 25 835 23 08s Pennsylvania 118.980 121.035 lo.l'ofm Pere Marquette 12.070 12.787 11.383 FOREIGN MARKETS. j May. 19 up\.—Pronounced * strength and activity developed in the trans-Atlantic section of the stock market at the close today Oil shares and gold mining issues also sold higher, and to bacco rayon shipping and rubber securi ties were in good demand. Gilt-edged shares and German bonds sold fractionally l°wer. while home rails remained steady. PARIS.—-International securities were firm and higher in the Bourse while the remainder of the list wks mixed. Rentes closed in to .15 centime* lower while Bank France moved up 45 francs and Royal Dutch advanced 125 francs. j — ■ -•—— PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA Pa. May in ijp,.—Live poultry fowls, mixed colors. 20-21* White Leghorns, fancy. 18-10; average, in-17; Soring chickens, fancy. Plymouth Rock i as to weight: crcss-breds. 21-2cT as ' to weight: ducks White Pekin, young 15. i turkeys faney. hens ]7. I Dressed poultry, old roosters, dry-picked t o??u??iL0r over 16-15Vi; under 5 pounds. NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. May 19 (JP).—Bar sil ver easier, off tg at 45. OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files ! Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes “ BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE I4lfl Kyg 81 N.W Phone NA 2184 J)% INTEREST CONSTRUCTION LOANS AND STRAIGHT 3-yr. LOANS Prompt Action on Applications Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation IS10 K St. N.W. NAtL 140S Office Space For Rent 1,300 square feet of exception ally desirable front space in modern elevator building in heart of business and financial district. >ppiy | Wm. J. Flather, Jr. 1508 H St. N.W. No. 1753 CUT YOUR MORTGAGE COST OUR modem mortgage Refinance Plan often meant lower intereat costa for property owners—with a more convenient method of handling principal pay* manta—and a longer period in which to finish paying off your mortgage indebted ness. Aak os for the facta —no red tape or obligation. WEAVER BROS ihc REALTORS Ltmn Ctrrttptndmi Mttnptfbm Lift Inmrmnct Ctmptnj WASHmoTon nutUMtta DISTRICT 94*4 i BY C. & 0. RAILWAY April Net of $2,000,172 Falls Short $249,697 of 1936 Month., By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND. May 18 —The Chesa peake & Ohio Railway has declared a dividend of $1 a share on Its preference stock, series A, payable July 1 to share holders of record June 8. A quarterly dividend of 70 cents was declared on the common stock, payable July 1 to record shareholders of June 8. The carrier late yesterday reported April net income of $2,000,172. after all charges, a decrease of *249,697 from April, 1936. Net income for the first four months was set at *10,277,601, a decrease of *1,230,827. April operating revenues were *10, 030,234, an increase of *167,877. Robert R. Young, one of three men who recently purchased control of the Van Sweringen railroad holdings from George A Ball, Muncie, Ind., glass jar manufacturer, was elected chairman of the board of Chesapeake Corp., important Van Sweringen hold ing company, yesterday. Young, with Frank F. Kolbe. New York, and Allan P. Kirby, Wilkes Barre, Pa., paid $6,375,000 last month Safe Investments ^ . First mortgage notes, l’ well secured on con ■ ■ /fJ servatively appraised, V ' v new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Net. 0271 Established Nearly SO Tears Mortgage Loans Business Property $25,000 or Over Residence Property Up to $20,000 Attractive Amortixation Plans to Suit Individual Requirements Low Rate of Intereat District, Nearby Md. and Va. Robert Peddicord 1713 K St., N.W. Dl. 0010 _Office Hoort—-P-l?_ BEFORE YOU MORTGAGE or refinenee your home or buiiness property LOOK into our plan that offers you a loan, repayable by convenient monthly pay* ments, which, In addition to saving you commissions and renewal charges, also gives you a share in the profits of this Association. NORTHERN LIBERTY BUILDING ASSOCIATION $11 SEVENTH STREET, N. W. Established 46 yean MEMBER OP FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM D. C. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE V. S. BUILDING AND LOAN LEACl'E for Alleghany Corp. Securities, which control the vast railroad system. Chesapeake's usual quarterly divt. dend of 7 cents was declared, payable July 1 to record shareholders of June 8. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. YORK May 1ft op,,—Foreign eg. Change easy Great Britain in dollars. 2 olf". ‘2 ,5,enU, „Pr*»t Britain demand. i ”. 4 '«• cables 4.04’«: MG-day bills. 4.63: JT’ance demand. 4 483«: cables. 4 483,i Italy demand 5.281',; cables b free lf|85: Germany, 4 W:, "fleeced. 1ft 85: travel, si?.?■ !,8: Norway 24 84; S^en 25 48; Denmark. 22.07; Finland, ~.111. Switzerland. 22 84'a- Soaln un 4 5ft Greece 111': Po l32vi. 10dOo°i Czechoslovakia, ft.4ft Yugo 1ft 8ft■'iUSt-ka ,18'5n' Hungary. Rr.vii ',:V Argentina 32.85n; ?o tf-V' u8 ' t: T°klo. 28.82: Shanghai. 22-8'i: Hongkong 30.87: Mexico City, 2, 85. Montreal In New York. lOO.lOlli New York In Montreal. 80.80,’,. * n—Nominal. FIRST TRUST LOANS Reasonable Rates and Commissions Tyler fir Rutherford, Inc. 1812 L Street N.W National 0*78 „ , . Loan Correspondent Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Ce. Money for Constrnction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties 5% • FIRST DEED OF TRCST ONLY GEORGE 1.60RGER 643 Indiana Avc. N.W. Nat’l 0350 Free to Executives 16 Bank and Trust Company Statements A reprint of reports of condi tion of 16 Bonks and Trust Companies of Washington, D. C., os of March 31, 1937, which appeared in The tvening Star. Invaluable reference booklet. Free on reguest to Executives and Investors. Ad dress Advertising Manager, burning S>tar - ■ —•• First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia— Nearby Maryland— and Virginia— Homes .me a* Apartments Business /v/ : Properties Terms from 3 to 15 Years | Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H. Hagner & Co.j Incorporated J MORTGAGE LOAN CORRESPONDENT New York Ltte Insurance Co j 1321 Conn. Ave. N.W. DE. 3600 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia " — Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street NatL 2100 _ - . FIRST ★ 5V»% Bffi“ t I ON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOMEs] VOUR money earns 5Vi% on this 1 sound security. Only a limited number of these desirable notes obtainable — denominations are from $500 to $1,000. [Shannon & luchS] REALTORS Member Institute ot Real estate Management 1505 H St. N.W. NAtionol 2345 -LOANS— ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your appli cation for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. ’ Loans repayable monthly. No charge for appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Co-operative Building Association - j 915 F STREET N.W. Orfftniied 1879 4 >