Newspaper Page Text
b A. & P. Shares Go Down Nearly 6 Points Due to Decision. , * By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 19—Prices swung irresolutely in the curb market today, where light dealings left many shares untraded. Great Atlantic & Pacific was one of the heaviest losers late in the ses sion, dropping nearly 6 points as holders showed nervousness over con sequences of the Supreme Court's ap proval of the Louisiana chain store tax. Gulf Oil lost more than a point and ACuminum Co. was off about 2. Labor problems added to uncertainty over Aluminum's outlook. Moving higher were Carrier Corp., Great Northern Paper and Techni color, each up a point or more, and Creole Petroleum, up a major fraction. Stock Seat Price Eqtiak 1937 Low At 896,000 Level By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 19.—Arrange ments were made today to sell a mem bership in the New York Stock Ex change at $96,000, equaling the low for this year. Price was unchanged from the previous sale. The last occasion on which a seat sold Rt a lower price was December *1, when the transaction was at $89,000, the low for 1936. The highest price this year for a membership was $134,000 on Janu ary 8. BALDWIN CALLS VOTE ON CHANGES IN STOCK By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 19— Baldwin Locomotive Works today called a special meeting of stockholders for June 15 to increase and reclassify the authorized capital stock. Under the plan there would be 125. 251 shares of 7 per cent cumulative preferred of $30 par value and 3.000. , 0(W shares of common of $13 par value. Shareholders also will be asked to increase the company's authroized indebtedness to $33,676,000. fc f # SUGAR DIVIDEND VOTED. NEW YORK. May 19 (^.—Di rectors of Cuban-American Sugar Co. declared a dividend of $2.50 on the preferred stock, payable June 30 to stock of record June 15. A similar payment May 15 was the first distri bution on the stock since 1929. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. Hull. Low. 1:00. Ala Power 5s 46 A loo loo 100 Ala Power 5s 51_ 06 00 06 Ml Power 5s '68 86 86 86 , Alum Co Ltd 6s 4S_loo3, luo', loo3. Am P A L 6s 016 _ B2»« 923a 93s,, Am Radiat 4Us ’47._ 105 105 105 Am Roll Mill 5s ’48 _103*4 103*4 lt>334 Appalach E P 5s 56 ... loo1, loii',4 lud'4 Ark P A L 5s 56 _ 981, OKU BSU As El Ind 41.s '53_ 51Va nlU olU AS G A E 4 Us '40_ 43 42'4 43U As G A E os 50 . ... .. 47' a 47 47 As G A E 5s '08 _ 4 6 45'a 45'i As T A T 5 1 as '55 A _ _ 84 *8 844 84',* Ealdn Lo 6s 38 xw 173 173 173 Ealdn L 6s '38 xw stp. 17.7 173 173 Bell Te' C 5s bo A .... 115 114 •» 115 Bell Tel C 5s '57 B . .. 11 s-h II.8*4 llh*,i Binning Gas 5s '50 . _ tls t;s 68 Broad Rv P 5s '54 A Wo‘2 Pti'2 90>i Bull Ge Ei 5s ‘56 A lo5‘ ■ 165' - li'5'2 Can No Pw 5s '53 A _ _ lo.'t u 103*4 1113*4 Caro Pw A 1/ 6s 'So __ loo's 100 loO Cent I1PS 5s 56 E 104 lot J04 Cen II P S 4'.as 67 F 07 '.4 0 7 07'4 Cent I1PS 5s '68 G 103'. u 11:' 4 111312 . Cjrnt Pw A L; 5s 56 _ 97'„ :u34 03'8 (Tent St El 5'2s 54 _ 5312 53'2 53'.2 Cen S’ PaI. 5' .1 s n3_ 56'4 56 56 Chi Pn T1 5Us '43_162'2 lt)3'a lo3'a Cities Svc 5s ’50 087, 68', OH12 Clt S PAL 5'ls 53_ 653« 65 653« ^'<■6 S PAL 0I2S '40_ On1, 65V2 li.Vj C'omw Edis 5s '53 A_113 113 112 Com* Ed 4s '81 F __ 106 loti 106 Com* Ed 33is '65 H . luii', 10314 lo3'4 Gpmw Sb 5'2s '48 A .. lo.tu lo.'tv, lo:t‘, Comnty PAL 5s 57 . 775a 77',a 77sa Con Gas Ut 65 '43 A St. 76'2 76', 76'2 Oont G A E 5s '58 A . 85'a 85 85'4 4 Detroit C G Hs 47 A106'a 106'i look Det Cit Gas 5s 50 B_lo5sa 105'2 105*2 East G A F 4s '56 A ... 86',» 86 SiiU El Pw A Lt 5s 2030... 83 82'4 S”', El Pas El 5s '50 A_102‘.2 102 10”'2 tEmp Dis El 5s '52 .... 06'2 OH'/a 96'2 Emp OAR .V2S '42_ 897„ 80'4 89'p (Fed Wat 6'a '54 80 80 80 Firest Cot M 5s '48 105 105 105 Florida PAL 5s '54 nu'i Pol, 90'i Oary EG 6s A 44 stp xw its3, 98*2 0834 Gatineau Pw 5s '56 loo3, loo*, loo*, oen Pb Ut 6'as '56 A . S4'2 84'a 84U Georgia Pw 5s '67 __ 94 94 94 Glen Alden Cl 4s '65_ 80'ii 8(Hi 80‘i Gobel Inc 4'us 41 A. _ 78',2 78'- 78U Grand Tr We 4s '50 __ OOU !I9',J 00', Guard Inv 5s '48 A 56V, 56', 56'., Hack Wat 5s '38 109*2 109*2 Kill'-2 Hotl W Ast is ’54 ww 3131 *. 311. Hou Gulf G 6s 43 A 102 102 102 Idaho Pw Co 5s '47 1118'2 108'2 108', 111 North Util 5s 57 . 107 107 107 i!1 L ',is 5:1 A.. 1 "4'4 104', 10414 • U J**' & L p'*s 54 B . nil jni 101 JTI Pw a L ns 5s '56 c _ !>H3, 98', 08*. lil Pw A Lt 5'2S 57 9634 96*4 96*4 Inti Securities 5s '47 . .. HU '2 ini'. mi 'a Interst Pw ns '57 .. 56'a 55', 55',; Interst Pw 6s '52 43 40*, 4 7 Interst P S 5s 56 D 8"'2 S"'2 S”V2 Interst, P 8 4Us '58 p 77k 79 76 Iowa-N LAP ns '57 A 102', lo"U 111'", Iowa Pub Sv ns '57 1 OS', 1 O.'i'S 103'4 Jer C P A L 4'2S 6 1 c 104'2 164 1 2 In I I . Kentucky Ut 5s '61 88 88 88 Kentucky U 5s '69 I 89'j sou 8'H:. Lake Sup Dis :C,s A '66 95 >4 95'- 651,; Lehuh P S 'is 2026 A 103 m27. m:t i.n rw <v os o, _ j nti ‘ 4 jofi% lnii1, Mem PAL 5s 4 s A 97 97 97 Mengel Co 4%s '47._ins ins 199 Mil GAE 4'2s 'ii7 .. in:”, liv;S ln:,34 Minn P A L 5s '55 104 j 04 104 Miss Pow 5s 55 ... Si si si Miss Pw A L 5s '57 R4 84 84 Net PAL (is 2026 A ini's 93% i'.'l'i N»t P A- L 5s 20:10 b S"'2 8"'/, s"'. Nebr Pow 4%s ’SI . _ ins’, 108% 108% New EG A Eos '47 .. H7% HI', R7'/4 New E G A- E 5s 50 _ HI% R7 07 New E Pow os '48 90% 90 90 N*w E Pow 5'is '54 0404 04 NfV Or P S (is '49 A 80 80 so N Y S E A G 41 -s 'So loo7,, 100% 100% Nor A L A P 5Vas 'ofi_93'/, 93V* 93', No Con TJ o*2S '48 A — 47 47 47 Jo Ind P S os Oh' C__ 102% 10"% 10244 No Ind p s 5s 'HO D_. ]02'i 107'i 10""i dgnio Pub S 5s '54 D__ 105V; 105% 105'A r*T P A L 5s '55_ 74 74 74 Penn C LAP 4'is '77__ 94% 93 04 Penn O E 5'is '59 B flfi " 9(1 9R Penn O E fis '50 a_102'/, 102V, io°% ?enn P Svc 5s '54 D_102 10° 10" £9P G,L & C 4s'Si B . 90'2 90 Vi 90'i Fhila El P 5'2S '72_1 10% HO’i 1I0> Pitts Steel fis '48. ... 103% 103% 1037i Potomac E 4%s 'ril F__ 107',2 107% 107V, Pub Ser N J fis ctfs_ 133 133 .133 1 pub S N I 4'is '78 D__ 103'2 103'i J03V. Pub S N I 4%s '80 E_ 103*1 1034? 103V? Pub S N I 4 1 aS '81 F__ 103 103 103 Pub SBC 5' it '49 A. 843, 84*', 84% Ban An P A 8 5s '58 B 104*, 104% 104% Bhw WAP 4'is '67 A— 102*? 102V? 10">? B * P A L fis 2025 A— 97% 97 97 §°u Cal Ed 3%s '45._ 1057, 105% 1057, Sou Cal Id 34,* ’60— 102% 102V, ]0"44 Souw Pb Svc fis '45 A . 102% 102% 10"% ltd GAE fis '35 mat.. 7(1 7(1 7fi Btd GAE cv fis '35 cod. _ 75 74'/, 74V, Std GAE cv fis '35 mat 7(1'A 754, 75% Std G A E fis 35 cod.. 75 75 75 Std O A E fis '51 A_ 74 74 74 Std G A E fis T.H B —_ 74 72 Vi 7"'/, Wand Pw A Lt fis '57_. 72>4 71 71 Texas Elec os 00._102', 102 10" Tex Pw A L os '56_10.V, 105'A 105", Toledo Edis 5s ’(12_102’, 1073, 1073, Twin C Rt 5'is '52 A. 80V, 80 so Ulen'A: C fis ’44 cod at 48 48 48 Unit Lt A Pw fis '75 75'A 75 75VA Udlt LARD 5'as '52 84 84 84 Utah P. A L 4'28 ’44 08% 98% 9844 Va Pub S 5'as '4fl A_99 9s3, 99 W*sh Gas Lt 5s '58 105'a 105'a 105% west T Ut 5s '57. A 94’, 93% 94", We U GAE 5 ‘;s '55 A 105 V, 105 105 WJe-Min LAP 5s '44 10fi3, 100% 108H FOREIGN BONDS. Chile M B fis ’31 mat— 18Vi 18% 18% Danish Con 5%s '55_ 100 100 loo Danzig Port fi'as '52. 55 55 55 Medelin Col 7s '51._ 15 15 15 Mendoz P 4s '51 stp... 95% 95% 95Vi Pted El «%s 'do A 71 71 71 Russian fi%s III cc _ 1% l’A ]", Terni-Soc fi%s 53 A.. «M% 60% 69% Ui^t El Svc 7s '58 A . 71 71 71 ww—With warrants, i. *w—Without warrants. r—New. st (stp)—Stamped, I Negotiability impaired by maturity. 7 Companies reported In receivership. t NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Stax. All tlm* shown below Is darllrht sarins sn which ths Exchange Is now operating. 2:30 Stock and Skies— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Air Device Corp._ 1 24 *4 24 Alabam Pw pi (T) 10« 694 694 694 Alum'n Co of Am 750s 1454 142 142 Alum (Am) pf (6) 200» 1174 1164 1174 A1 umn Goods b25o 1 17 17 17 Aluminum Ltd .. 200e 104 1014 104 Am Airlines. Inc. 1 204 204 204 Am Book Co (4) 10s 65 64 65 Am Box B’d(b4nc) 6 204 20 204 Am Centrifugal 6 4 34 4 Am Clt P&L (Alt 60s S3 88 83 Am CltPAL B a30o 2 34 84 34 AmCynamBtSOc 14 314 804 804 Am & For Pw ww. 1 24 24 24 Am GAB (1.401... 6 824 814 82 Am GAE pf (61... 175« 1104 110 110 Am Gen C’p ia50c) 2 10 94 94 Am Gen C pf (2).. 60s 334 834 334 AmLATItl.10). S 19 184 19 Am Mfg Co <aS).. 25s 60 60 60 Am Maracaibo 14 14 14 14 Am Pot & Ch R24 60s 43 43 43 Am Superpower . 28 14 14 14 Am Superpwr pf_ 9 324 30 30 Anchor Post F_ 3 34 84 34 Angostura (t20e) 1 64 64 64 Ashland OAR t40o 6 64 64 64 Arcturua Radio T. 1 14 14 14 Ark Nat Gas_ 6 74 64 64 Ark Nat G cu pf_ 7 84 84 8*1 Ark Nat Gaa (A).. 41 74 64 64 Asso G A E (A) .. 12 14 24 24 Asso G & E 86 pf 2 18 18 18 Atl Coast FIs b36o 1 84 84 84 Atlas Corp war 8 24 24 24 Atlas Plyw'd( 14: 1 23 23 23 Austin Silver _ 2 24 2 2 Auto Products_ 2 64 6 64 Auto Vot Mch 50c 1 94 94 9*4 Babcox & Wll (4). 26* 118 118 118 Bardstown Dlst_ 8 84 84 34 Barium Stain Stl 2 6 44 6 Barltvw&Sl A11 20 60* 174 174 174 Ba’n L7% 1st pfa7 76* 82 82 82 BeaunitM <b50c)_ 1 174 174 174 Hen unit A1 < v p£ 1 27 27 27 Bellanca Aircraft- 2 6 6 6 Berkey&Gay F Co 6 24 24 24 Berk&GF pur war 8 14 1 14 Bliss Co 1E W) 2 16 154 16 Blua Ridge (bl5c) 18 24 24 24 Blue Ridge cv pf J J 46 46 46 Blumenthal S _ 6 204 20 204 Bourjois (a75c)_ 1 64 64 64 Bowman-Blltmor# 1 14 14 14 Brazil TL&P b90c. 16 234 234 234 Brill Corp (A)- 1 104 104 104 Brill Corp (B)_ 4 4 4 4 Brill Corp pf_ 60t 60 66 65 Brown Co pf 600* 70 684 69 Brown F&W b30c_ 8 144 134 134 Bud N&E of 1 60.. 1 244 244 244 Bunker H&Sull n.. S 28 28 28 | Burma Ltd bl64c 1 44 44 44 | Cables&Wirel'ss A 6 14 .14 14 ■ Cables&Wirel'ss B 1 4 4 4 Calamba Sug tl.60 1 29 29 29 Can H.vdr E 1st pf 60* 76 76 7i, Can Indus Alco A. 2 64 64 54 Can Marconi _ 7 14 14 14 I Carnation Co 41)_ 1 26 26 26 Carnegie Metals.. 2 24 24 24 ! Carrier Corp _ 8 46 454 46 | Catlln Corp ia40c) 1 64 64 64 j Cen Hud G&E 80c 1 164 154 154 . Cent Ohio Stl b30c 3 144 144 144 I Cent I’& Lt 7% pf (b3.06 4 )_26* 84 84 84 Cent & S W Ltll_ 2 3 24 3 Cent States Elec 9 14 14 14 Chesehrough <t4) 50« 1184 1184 1184 Chi Flex Shaft (4) 60» 65 65 65 Chi Riv&M b30c... 1 154 164 154 Chief Con Mining. 13 4 % 4 CniidsCopf_ 25* 87 87 87 Cities Service_ 196 34 24 3 Cities Service pf . 6 494 484 494 City Auto S(T60c) 3 94 94 94 Claude Neon Eta.. 1 24 24 24 I Colon Dev Etd_ 26 64 64 64 • Colon Dev 6% Df.. 2 4 84 34 ! Colo Fuel&lr war. 1 144 144 144 Calts PFA b37Vie. 2 61 60 61 Col G&E cv pf (5). 78* 74 70 704 Columb O&G b2uc. 23 74 74 74 Com with &S war 230 4 4 4 Community PS tl 60* 27 27 27 Compo S il stc tl- 1 154 164 164 Cons Aircraft_ 2 12 22 22 Consol Copper 76 94 9 94 C GELt&P Bo 3.60 2 74 724 724 Cons G Bo pf A(5) 10*114 114 114 Consol Gas L'tU .. 1 24 24 24 Con Ret Strs new. 2 74 74 74 Consol Ret S pf(8 ) 60* 123 122 122 Consol Steal Corp 6 104 94 94 Cont’l G&E pr pf 7 26* 86 85 85 Cont'l Roll * S Ft 2 20 194 194 cuuyci ocosciucr. x X O XO 20 Copperweld rl-20.. 1 83 83 83 Cord Corp ... 11 3*4 8)4 8*4 Corroon & Reyn... 15 6 6 Coeden Oil Me <d) 6 1*4 1*4 1*4 Creole Petrol t50c 25 84‘j 88*4 84 Crocker-Wh alOc. 2 12*4 12H 12)4 Croft Brewing_ 8 ?4 *4 *4 Crown Cent Pafie 2 2 IX 2 Cro'n C'k Int All). 1 12X 12X 12X I Crown Dr (t)2UC) . 7 8*4 3X 3*4 Crown Drue pf 1*4 25a 22 22 22 ; Cuban Tobacco_ 2 6*4 6V4 6X , Cusi Alex Mining. 21 *4 )4 yk j Dayton Rubber... 1 23X 23X 23X ' Dennison 7% pf... 30a 75 75 75 Derby Oil * Kef _. 8 7)4 6X 7 Detroit Gr 1 new.. 2 3 2*4 8 Del Pap Prod r25o 2 6)4 6)4 6S4 Domln SAC (B) 1 19)4 19X 19X Driver Har pf (7). 10a 111 111 111 Duro Test (40c)_2 6*4 6*4 6*4 Duval Tex 8 aoOe. 1 7*4 7X 7*4 Bag Pit Lead blOc. 4 18 17*4 17*4 East'n G&F Asso. 3 6X 6 6X Eatn G&F As pf 8.160a 42*4 42X 42*4 East G&F p pf 4*4 26a 68)4 68)4 68)4 Easy W M(B)b25o 2 9*4 9X 9X Eisler Elec (a5c)_ 1 2X 2X 2)4 Elec Bond & Sbara 68 16X 16X 15*4 Elec B A S pf <6)_ 1 78 73 73 Blectrol Inc v.t.e._ 1 8X 3)4 8)4 Emp G&F 6% pf 85a 61X 61X 61X Emp G&F 6% % pf 25a 64 64 64 Equity Corp<a2Scj 6 2 IX IX Europ'n El bd rts. 6 X X X Evans Wall Lead. 1 IX IX IX Evans Wall L pf . 60a 26 26 26 Ex-Cell-O (b20c).. 4 21*4 21X 21*4 Fairchild Av al5c. 1 f*4 6*4 6*4 Falstaff Br CIX) 2 8*4 8*4 8*4 Fanny Farm C<1) 1 20X 20X 20X Ferro Enam b75c- 1 88 88 88 Fldello Brewery_ 12 X *4 \ Fisk Rubber _ 1 14 14 14 Fisk Rub pf (6).. 25a 80 80 80 Fla P * L Df . 860a 41X 40 41 Ford Ltd (b21c)._ 2 6X 6*4 6*4 Franklin Ra.v a60o 1 11X 11*4 UX lien Alloys - 8 41$ 41$ 414 Gen Flrepr’f b25c- 1 19 19 19 (Jan Invest Corp _ 1 15$ 11$ 11$ Gen Tire A Rub .. 6 285$ 28 281* Gen TAR pf A (6) 10*104 101 104 Georgia Pw pf (6) 50» 765$ 765$ 765$ Gilbert!AC)pf 8% 40» 891* 391* 891* Glen Alden C (tl) 1 111$ 111* 111* Godchaux S A bl. 160* 43 43 43 Godcnaux S pf (7) 80*101 101 101 Gorham Mf rtc tl 1 281$ 281$ 231$ Grand Natl Films 10 25* 21$ 21$ Gray Tel P 8 (1)-. 7 181* 161$ 18 GrtAAPTntrtS 170» 931* 89 92 Grt A&PT l»t pf 7 10* 1201$ 1201$ 1201$ Great Nor Pap tl. 60» 40 40 40 Greenfield TAD 3 135* 13 135* Gulf Oil (Pa) b26o 6 63 621$ 521$ Hall Lamp (80c)-. 2 454 414 414 Hartman Tobacco. 1 214 2H 214 Hat Corp (B) 80c. 1 115$ 115$ 115$ Hearn Dep S bl 65 2 1414 14 14 Hecla Mining b45o 6 17 1654 17 Helena Rubenat'n 1 71$ 71$ 71$ Heller pf ww 18$ - 60* 24 24 14 Holllnger < t*6c>.. l 1H$ 1114 115$ Hud B M A S bTSc- t 301$ 295$ 295$ Humble 011 (15*) * 751$ 761$ 761$ HuylersDpf et(d) 60* 16 16 16 Illinois Iowa Pow. 1 854 81$ 8}$ 111 Iowa Pw pf 214 8 2954 2*14 291$ 111 Iowa Pw d ctfs. 7 111* 1054 1054 Imp oil Ltd r60c 9 111* 215* 2154 I T GtBAl b84<*C- 4 881* SIH 881$ Ind Pipe Line b30o 2 1114 11)4 11)4 Indiana 8vc 6%pf 20* 22 20 22 Indus Fin T% pf 60* IS It It Ins Co Of No A tt 200* 661$ 66 66 Inti Petrolm 11)4- 11 26 M 86 inti Products 1 •)( 4)4 5)4 Inti Radio (b25c). 28 145$ 145$ 145$ Inti Utt. iB) 1 154 1)4 1)4 Inti Vltamln<60c) 8 614 4 6 Interat PiDeDpf- COO 10)4 914 914 Jacobs(FL)Coil) 4 II 14)4 14)4 JonesA Laugh Stl. 1 101 101 101 Ken RTAL A a75e 7 22 21 21)$ Kingsbury Brew. 2 21$ 21$ 21$ Klnsnton Prod «0e 16 5 6 Kirby Petrol (20c) • IJ$ 1)4 4)$ LakeSb 11(74) „ 14 12 11)4 11)4 Lakey Fy A Mach. 2 6 6 3 Leb Coal AN I0e.. 8 814 g g Leonard Oil_ 8 114 1)4 114 Lion Oil Raf (1)„ 14 21)$ 21 215$ Locke 8tl Cb tIOc. 1 14)4 14)4 14)4 Lockheed Aircraft - t 121$ 12 ■ ISM | k 8:30 Stock and Bala*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hi«h. Low. Cloie. Lone SUr Qas 80o 11 1144 1044 11 Lone island Lt*8 844 844 *44 Louls'a Land 40c— 8 12 1144 12 McCord Red (B)— 1 744 744 744 McWilliams D Ctl < 26 24 24 Marlon Steam Sh 1 1844 1 844 1344 Maas Util Assocla 2 8 8 8 Massey Harris ... 2 12 12 12 Master Elec (1).. 1 28 23 *3 Merritt C A S pf A 26* 6244 6244 6244 Mesa hi Iron __ 2 44 44 44 Mich Bumper__ 8 244 2 2 Mich Qas A Oil... 4 844 844 844 MtdStaPetlA) * 444 4 44 444 Mid Sta Pet vtc B. 2 1 1 1 Mid-W AhrasalOo 8 844 844 844 Midwest Oil (11)_4 10 10 10 Molvbdenum Corp 2 844 844 844 Montr HLtAP 144 660a 2944 29 29 Moody’s pt pf (3). 26b 86 88 86 Mount C Cp a 21c.. 2 1 244 1 24< 1244 Alount Prod (60c). 2 844 6 644 Nat Baking Co ... 2 12 1144 1154 Nat Bellas Hess 11 2 IJ4 IJ4 Nat Bd&Sh (b50c) 60* 65 65 65 Nat Container (1) 2 1244 1244 12*4 Nat Fuel Qas (1) 10 154* 1644 1 544 Nat Leather 1 44 44 44 Nat P A Lt pf (6) 100* 6944 6944 6944 Nat Rub Mch a20o 2 14 1844 1354 Nat Service - 2 44 44 44 Nat Suirar N J (2) 1 26|/4 2544 26'4 Natl Transit b45c. 1 1154 1144 1154 Nat Union Radio.. 1 2U 244 244 Nehel (Oscar) _ 1 1 1 1 NehrPwrnf (7) 60a H144 10944 1 0954 NeptuneM (A Ia60o 1 1654 1554 15'4 Nestle Le-Mur 1 144 144 1V4 New Jer zinc (t2) 100* 76*4 76*4 76>4 New M&A Ldalo 2 254 244 2*4 Newmont Min b76i 1 10.5 105 105 •’ i nirmi uvl;.. 1 13Bi 13*4 1344 N Y Shlpbldg 1 8 8 8 N Y Tel pf (61)) 126. 11144 111*. 111*4 Niae Hud Pwr new 17 12*4 12 12'4 Nlag H Pt A 1 war 2 44 44 44 Niag II P 1st pf 5 . 100« 87)4 87)4 87)4 Niag Sh Md B afiOe 2 12 12 12 Niles-B-P’d b50c_. 2 41)4 4114 41)4 Nipisslng < 6Uc) . 6 2)4 214 214 Noma Elec (b40c) 18 6 6 North Am L * p 12 344 3)4 3'4 North AmUP nf 160. 34 64 61 Nor Cent T O al5c ~2 6*4 5)4 5)4 North n Enrol'i'll lb 44 44 44 Northern P L 75c. .1 11 11 11 North States P A 1 2214 22)4 2214 Nor Tex El 6% pf. 2 2)4 2 2 Ohio Brass B b75c. 60s 6444 64*4 6444 Ohio Oil cupt 16). 1 10SS4 10914 10944 Ohio Pwr pf (6).20. Ill ill 111 OklaNatGas- 2 1114 1114 njg Okie Nat Gaa pf.. 100» 28 28 28 Oldetyme Distil 2 8J4 344 844 PacG&E lslpf 1 Va• 1 2944 2 944 21)44 Pacific Pwr&Lt pf 10» 70 70 70 Pan-Am Air (tl). 8 6*'4 6314 6,114 Pantepec Oil ._ 822 8)4 7*4 8 Param't Motors_ 2 444 4*4 4*4 Pennroad <a25c).. 11 414 4 4 Penn G&E (A 11 44 2 12 12 12 Penna P&L pf (7) 200s 94 93 93 renna Salt (bl Vi ) 60s 173 172)4 173 Penn Wat &P (4) 1 78 78 78 Pepperell Mfg t6. 75# 134 18214 13214 Phoenix Secur 1 S!4 944 9*4 Pierce Gov (b15c) 1 2714 2714 2714 Pioneer Gold (40ci 1 4)4 414 414 Pitney Bow(ttuc) 6 74* 7*4 7** Plough Inc (1.20). 1 16)4 16*4 16)4 Potrero Sugar . 1 2J4 2)4 244 Powdrell&Al tgOc 1 9)4 9)4 9)4 Premier Gold 112o 8 2)4 2)4 314 Producers Corp 11 44 X % Prudent'l Inr a50o 1 11)4 11)4 lii* Pub Svc Ind pr pt 80s 47 464* 46*4 Pul Sd P&L pf b5 76s 72)4 72)4 72H Pug Sd PAL 16 pf 275s 83)4 82)4 82)4 (Quaker Oats <5)__ 80s 11144 JIU4 11144 Rainbow Lum (A) 1 44 44 *4 Raym’d Cone (tl) 60s 4014 40)4 40)4 Reiter-Foster_ 3 1)4 1)4 114 Inviit 1 II*. ljiz 11< Root retrolm b25c 6 64 6*4 54 Ross la IritlCorp 16 4 4 4 Royal Type b?5o.. 100* 105 105 105 Rustless Ir&Stl * 144 14 14 St Anthony Gold.. 9 4 *4 4 St Regis Paper 16 94 84 8*4 St Regis Paper pf 26* 102 102 102 Scovill Mfg (b50c)250* 414 40*4 4OI4 Segal t.ock AH 8 24 24 24 Selby Shoe (1.60).26j» 224 22 224 Selected Indus 1 24 24 24 Sel Jnd all Cfs 64 360» 1014 100*4 1014 Sel Ind pr pf <64 ) 200* (9 98 4 99 Sent Saf Control 1 4 4 4 Seversky Aircraft 2 44 44 44 Shattuck Den Min IS 174 17 17 Shawin WAP8O0 1 264 264 264 Sherwin W pf (6). 10*110 110 110 Simmons Hd A P_ 2 44 44 44 Singer Mfg Ltd rets (a28 4-5c).. 5 6 6 s Sonctone C lalOe) 2 14 14 14 Southl'd Roy blOc. 2 104 104 104 Spencer Ch S b75c 2 94 94 94 Stand Cap&S tl.60 2 204 204 204 Stand Oil Ky (tl). 7 194 194 194 Stand Oil Ohio tl. 1 36 86 86 Stand Pwr A Lt... 7 3 24 24 Stand P & L < B).. 2 24 24 24 Stand SHALd (4c) 8 4 4 4 Starrett Corn vtc 2 6 6 6 Sterl Alum (b25c) 1 94 94 94 Sterl’g Brew a75o. S 64 64 64 Sterling, Inc t20c. 1 54 54 64 Stinnesr Hugo 1 d_. 8 24 24 24 Stroock & Co (2)_. 1 23 23 23 Sullivan Machine. 2 204 194 204 Sunray Oil <b5c)_. 2 4 34 4 Sunshine Min (I). 2 184 IS 18 Swan Finch- 2 13 124 13 Taggart Corp-' 1 114 114 114 Tasty east (Del) A- 2 14 14 \u Taylor Dlst (10c). 2 84 84 84 Technicolor a60e. 134 284 27 284 Texon Oil * L 6O0. 1 64 64 54 Tllo Roof Inc (1). 1 I64 164 154 Tob Prod Exp 16o. 1 84 84 84 Todd Shlpyd (t2) 60* 614 614 614 Toledo Edls pf (6) 20* 101 101 101 Tonopah M <a6e)_ 6 14 14 14 Tr-Lux DPS t20e. 8 44 44 44 Transwest Oil Co. 6 I14 114 114 Tri-Conti C war . 4 14 14 14 Tubize Chatilllon. 2 264 26 264 Tung-Sol Lamp— 1 64 64 64 Ulen & Co 7 4 % pj 1 84 84 34 United Corp war.. 2 111 Unit Gaa Corp .. 82 94 84 84 Utd Gas war_ 1 24 2 2 Unit Lt&Pwr pf A. 11 64 64 6*4 Ut P&L pf b37 4c. 2 444 434 434 Unit pror Sh alno 2 14 14 14 Unit Shipyards A. 12 7 7 7 Unit Shlpyds U 2 24 24 24 Unit Sboe M t2H. 26* 87 4 87 4 874 U S Foil <B> (1).. 2 134 13 134 U S Play Cards tl 60* 274 274 274 U S Radiator _ 3 12 11*4 12 Unit Verde Ex <1) 60 44 44 44 Unit Wall Paper . 4 4 84 84 Univ Corp’n v.t,c.. 1 64 64 64 Utilities P A L (d) 2444 Util P & L pf (d) 250. 164 144 144 Utility Eq pf b4H 60* 744 744 744 Utilities lndust'l. 8 1 1 1 Venezuela Mex O. 1 64 (4 64 Venezuela Petrol. 2 2 14 14 Wahl Company_ 1 24 24 24 Walker Mining 2 24 24 24 Wayne Pump bl 4 12 464 454 464 Well t n Oil of Del 1 114 114 114 Wntwtb Mfg bloc 8 6 54 6 West Tex Ut pf<6 ) 80* 88 874 88 W Va Coal A Coke 11 44 44 44 Westn Au S b40c_. 4 284 284 284 WU-low Cafeteria 2 4 4 4 WU-low Cafe pf . 1 84 *4 84 Woodley Pet t40c. 8 84 84 84 Wright Hare t40o 6 64 64 64 Tgstn Steel D bl4 1 66 66 66 V ukon Gold (a 1 Sc I 2 3 24 24 Dividend rate* in dollar* based on last quartern or semi-annual carmen! tap. nual rate—not including extra* fAc euraulkted dividends a Paid last year. 5 ?*ld thl* vear. a Companies reported aa being in bankruptcy ora receivership, or being reorganised under the bankruptcy act. or securltlea assumed by suck com panies. HEADS REITER-FOSTER OIL. NEW YORK. May 19 (Special).—J. M. Campbell, formerly vice president of the Alpha Petroleum Oo. and presi dent of the Malta Oil Oo., has been elected president of the Reiter-Foster Oil Corp. of Tulsa, Okla. Campbell succeeds James G. Lyons, who is re tiring to devote himself to his private interests. ASSOCIATION OUTPUT UP. NEW YORK, May 19 OP).—As sociated Gas St Electric System re ported for the week ended May 14 net electric output touted •6,768,006 kilowatt hours, an increase of 14.6 per eent over the hks 1M6 perkXL \ Commercial Co. Earnings Total $501,773, Against $617,778 in 1936. ! By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 19.—Commercial Solvents Corp. reported March quarter net profit of $501,773, equal to 19 cents a share on capital stock, against $617, 778, or 23 cents a share, in March quarter last year. The company, a manufacturer of pigments and other chemical products, has plants in Louisiana, Indiana, Il linois and California. U. S. Leather Co. United States Leather Co. reported for quarter ended April 30 net profit of $445,625, equal after dividend re quirements on 7 per cent preferred stock and on the $4 non-cumulative class "A" stock, to 27 cents a share on the common. This compared with $256,873, or 57 cents a share, or> the class "A" stock in the April quarter last year. rur six mini nix cnuea April ju net profit was equal to $2 a share on class “A" stock, against 43 cents a share of class “A" stock In the like period last year. Company declared a dividend of $3,75 on account of accumulations on the 7 per cent preferred stock, payable July 1 to stock of record June 10. On April 1 company paid $1.75 on account of accumulations. * Pioneer Gold Mines. Pioneer Gold Mines of Btitlsh Co lumbia, Ltd., reported for fiscal year ended March 31 net profit of $914,529. equal to 52 cents a share on capital stock, against $1,500,986, or 85 cents a share, in preceding year. Commercial Alcohol. American Commercial Alcohol Corp. reported for the March quarter net Income of $199,768, before the undis tributed profits tax, equal to 76 cents a capital share. This compares with $161,149. or 62 cents a share, in the like 1936 period. Deductions lor un realized profits on sales, subject to deferred delivery, amounted to $61,000 and $149,000 for the respective quarters. Porto Rican American. Porto Rican American Tobacco Co. I reported for the March quarter a net loss of $103,827, exclusive of the pro portionate net loss of its subsidiary, Congress Cigar Oo„ Inc. This com pares with a net loss of $106 074 on the same basis in the like 1936 quar ter. The company has headquarters at Newark, N. J. L. A. Young Spring. L. A. Young Spring & Wire Corp. reported for the first quarter con solidated net Income of $483,363, equal to $1.18 a share on the common, compared with $427,247, or S1.C4 a share, In the like 1936 period. The company has plants throughout the country and headquarters at Detroit. DOLLAR MOVES HIGHER IN LONDON DEALINGS by the Associated Press. LONDON, May 19—United State* dollars gained one-fourth of a cent on trade buying in the foreign exchange market today and closed 4 94'* to the pound. This contrasted with the overnight New York rate of 4 94>s for sterling. French francs were quoted 110.66 to the pound at the close, against 110.44 yesterday. PARIS, May 19 <£>>.—Rentes, 3 per cent, 64 francs 15 centimes; 44s "A," 69.95; 44s of 1937, 94.00. Exchange on London, 110.70. The dollar was quoted at 22.414 -.__ HEAVY STEEL SCRAP LOWER AT PITTSBURGH By the Associated Press. NEW \ ORK, May 19.—A reduction of $1 a ton in the price of No. 1 heavy melting steel scrap at Pittsburgh was reported today in a dispatch to Dow, Jones & Co. The new quotations were $18.50 to $19. a decline of $5 from the peak touched early In March after scrap had risen to the highest in 12 years. UNITED VERDE MINING ORDERS $1 DIVIDEND By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 19 —United Verde Extension Mining Co. announced today a dividend of $1, payable June 30 to stock of record June 4. The previous dividend of 25 cents was paid on De cember 15, 1936. The company oper ates copper properties in Arizona. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 5s—$500 at 90. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel. & Tel 4%s msii. Aslt*(5' Anacostia ft Pot. 55* Z'~~ 173 A 77 * CDft P T?i' „9U£r' 5s—— 107 _ x * Tel. of Va. o* ins Traction R. R. 5, no City & Suburban 5s ' ro oi Georgetown Gas 1st 6s ~* 112 Pot. Elec. Pow. 31/4. — iml' mi ~ wKij: 8K S*. ^"0:::::: in Wash. Rwy. ft Elec. 4g~:Z:: 105 ZZZZ MISCELLANEOUS Col Country Club 6%s._ 1 ns W. M. Cold Storage is_I 100 ZZ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY SAmer. Tel. At Tel. (9) 183 anital Transit Co_ 10 V*"" . At W. Steamboat (6) _ZI no S’ S01?' 6l~r DM- <6> *iioy. p- t1'*% vt- (5-S0) *110 110% W*!S- g»» Co. (3.60) _ 78 81 * Wash. Ry. a f], com (.TUI *7i* Wash. Ry. ft El. old.’ (SKlnol ZZZZ BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. ft Tr. Co. (e8) 291 non ssuMr-** ,!• - Lincoln (16.25)_ZZZZ 200 180 Natl Sav. & Tr. _ 170 - Bk. ft Tr. (.50) 17 si— RISKS (6°) _ fiflfi sot Riggs old. (5) ZZZZZZZZZZZ 101% 328 Washington (6) ... _130 - Wash. Loan At Tr. (eS)_ 290 300 TOW INSURANCE. American (6) _ HO Corcoran (5) too ' Firemen's (1.80) -ZZ‘* 26 National Union (.60)_I fe - TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (.30) _ loit. i«iA Real Eatate (6) . _.ZZ 170* ____ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) _ 20 "8 Lanston Monotype 04).. . *»o 95 Lincoln Serv. com (tl.OO). 15 17% Lincoln Service pfd. (3.50). 49 fil Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00) *46 48 Peoples Dr. 8tr. com. (11.00) 60 63 Peoples Dr St. old. (6.50) 112 Real Eat M.&G. of. C*.70) 5% " 6y« Security Storage (5) .. _ 115 125 Ter. Rel. At Wh Corp. (3) 60 Wdwd. A: Loth. com. (♦ 1.50) 69% 68 Wdwd. ft Loth. eld. (7)..' 116 125 •Ex-dlvldend. 1 tPlus extras. (t)i% extra. (I) 1%» Wtra. (H) 75e axtn. (••)»5e Mid Juna so. IMS. 46a mm Daoambar S3. 1036. Department Store Sales in the United States as Reported by the _Federal Reserve Board_ ... The 1920-1921 0 decline amounting to 16% lasted ... 14 months Figures are corrected 1 for seasonality and ' therefore show changes in business irrespective of season 'i 1 ^ r.i 1 Tho Doclino from tho Peek Lattod 45 Montht; Amounted to 55 Joints cr-~~ -i ■ T1 April salts J wtrt largtst ■ for tht month — sinct 1931 ri' —T*" *' lLj.50 '35 14 17 OUTLOOK BETTER AT STEEL PLANTS Large Part of Backlogs to Be Carried Over Into Third Quarter. £r the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 19—Barring possible strikes in some independent plants, the steel outlook is viewed more hopefully than was possible a few weeks ago, when new business volume began to decline, Iron Age said today in the weekly review of' the industry. "The drop in new business has not been precipitate, sales of most major producers having been around 75 per qmt of shipments so far this month,” the trade journal said. "In some products, notably plates for railroad equipment and pipe lines, new busi ness of substantial amount has been placed, with considerable construc tion steel in early prospect. Thus, it now appears that a good portion of existing backlogs will be carried over into the third quarter, which will help to sustain operations at a high rate at least through July. "Strike threats against three or four independent companies have ap peared more realistic in view of the two-day shutdown last week at the Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. plants in Pittsburgh and have caused some buyers to urge mills to hasten ship ments, particularly sheets. "With tile resumption of opera tions by Jones & Laughlin at the rate in effect previous to the strike, the industry is estimated to be pro ducing ingots this week at 92 per cent of capacity. “Steel scrap prices have declined still further, reducing the Iron Age composite to $17.92, or beck to the low point of the year of January 4 last.” INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK May 19 ip>,—New York Security Dealers’ Association. (Noon quotations.l . . Bid. Asked. Admin Ed 2nd Inc_ l',.9u 19.14 Am Business Shrs_ 1 i.=> 1.27 Am Gen Ea Inc_ 1.21 Ant Ins Stocks _ 5.25 6.00 Bancamer Biair . _ 1(1.175 11.125 Bankers Nat Inv Corn _ _ .3.625 4 25 Basic Industry _ _ 4 96 Broad St Inv__.3.3 77 .36 12 Bullock Fund __ 2(1.625 22.375 Corporate Trust _ 2.97 Corporate Trust AA _ 2 75 Corp Tr AA mod _ .3.55 Corp Tr Accum Ser_ 2 75 Corp Tr Acc mod 3 55 Cumulative Tr Sh 6 22 Depos Bk Sh N Y A id . _ 2.33 Depos Ins Shrs A __ 3.31 Depos Ins Shrs B _ 3 11 Diversified Tr C _ 4.90 Dividend Shrs _ 1.87 2 02 Equity Corp S3 nf_ 38 25 41 25 Fidelity Fund Inc_ 26 15 28 17 First Boston Corp_ 31.373 32.875 Fixed Trust ShA__12 7d Fixed Trust Sh B_10.62 Found Tr Sh A _ 4 75 5 10’ Fund Investors Inc_ 23 27 24 57 Fund Tr 8hrs A_ 6 05 6.75 Fund Tr Shrs B _ 6 56 Gen Investors Tr _ 6.70 7 28' Group Sec Agriculture_ 1.85 2 00 Group Sec Automobile_ 140 1 53 Group Sec Building_ 2.00 2.16 Group Sec Chemical_ 1.5.3 1 65 Group 8ec Food _ .96 1 05 Group Sec Invest 8hr» „ 1 58 1 72 Group Sec Merchandise_ 1.3.3 1.45 Group 8ec Mining _ 1.62 176 Group Sec Petroleum_ 1.4.3 150 Group Sec R R Equip_ 1.48 1 51 Groun Sec 8teel _ 1.89 2 05 Group Sec Tobacco_ 1.0.3 1 1.3 Huron Holding __ .68 l 05 Incorp Investors _ 24 °,3 Instl Sec. Bank Group_ 1.76 l 90* Instl Sec: Insurance_ 1.56 1 68 Investo .i Fd C Inc _ 15.35 16.30 Keystone Cust Fund B-3 _ 21.38 23 40 Major Shrs Corp__ _ 3 00 Maryland Fund _ 9 55 1046" Mass Invest Tr __ _ _ 27 27 °8 93 Mutual Invest _ 15 5.3 16 97 Nation Wide Sec_ 4 30 4 40 Nation Wide Voting_ 1 95 2 11 Natl Investors 6 93 7 17 New England Fund_17.9.3 19 28 N Y Bk Tr Shrs _ 3.875 N Y Stocks, Bk Stocks __ 11.31 •!'’»» N Y Stocks. Bide 8upply 11.12 12.01 N Y Stocks. Elec Equip 11.65 1° 58 N Y Stocks. Insurance 10.20 11 02 N Y Stocks. Macniner.v __ 12.60 1.3 60 N Y Stocks. R R Equip . 14 02 15 13 N Y Stocks Steel _ 13.85 14 95 North Am Bond Tr ctfs __ 58.875 63 l'>5 Nor Am Tr Shares _ 2 68 Nor Am Tr Sh 1955_ .3 40 Nor Am Tr Sh 1956 _ 3 .34 " Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 _ 3 14 2" " Plymouth Fund Inc_ 85 96 Quarterly Income Sh_17.14 18 78 Selected Am 8h Inc _ 1409 15 58 Spencer Trask Fund_ 20 57 21 ”1 Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 4 00 ~4 "3 Stand Util Inc _ 76 8" Super of Am Tr A_ .3 92 Super of Am Tr AA_ 2 65 - - - Super of Am Tr B_ 4 09 Super of Am Tr BB_ 2 65 Super of Am Tr C_ 7 73 "I Super of Am Tr D_ 7 73 Supervised Shrs _ 13 86 13 07’ Trustee Stand Inv C __ 2 99 Trustee Stand Inv D_ 2 94 Trusteed Am Bk B _ 88 ' or ' Trusteed Industry 8hrs_ 144 160 Wellington Fund _ 19.14 20 99 -. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES.' (Reported by Chas. D. Barney ft Co.) Bid. Offer. Am. Tel. ft Tel. 5%s. *43 ...112% 113 Auburn Auto Co. 4%s. ’39_67% 76% Bald. Lo Works 5s. '40_104 Cal. Pack. Corp. 5s. '40 .105 106 Caro.. Clinch. & Ohio 5s. '38.103% 104% Ches. ft Ohio Ry. 5s. '39_107% 107% Edis. Elec. Illu. 4s. '39_104% 106% Gen. Pb. Stc. 6%s. '39 _102% 102% Or. Rap. ft Ind. 4%s. '41_108 109% Houston Oil 6%s. '40 .._102 102% Int. Mercan. Marine 6s. ’41.. 80 81% Int. Tel. ft Tel. 4%s. '39_ 79 80 Laclede Gas Llaht 6s. '39_ 93 93% Lehleh Val. Coal 6s. '38 _ 97% 99 Lehlth Val. Term. Ry. 6s. '41.108 108% Long Island Oen. 4s. '38 ..102% 103% Lou. ft Nash. R. R. 4s. '40..106% 106% Mich. Cent. R. R. 4s. '40 ___104% 105% Mid. R. R. Of N. J. 5s. '40 .. 50% 61 % Mil. ft Nor. R. R. 4%s. '39 90 96 N.Y.. C. ft 8t. L. 6% notes. '38 99% 100% New York Dock 5s. '38 . .. 68% 60 N. Y.. Sus. ft West. 6s. '40 - 49 N. Y. Tel. Co. 4%s. '39 _107% 107% Pac. R. R. of Mo. 4a. '38_100 100% Pen-Dixie Cement 6s. '41_99% loo Penna. R. R. Co. 4s, '43_107 112 Rio Gr. Western 4s. '39 . 70 72% Sou. Bell Tel. ft Tel. 5s. '41.105% 105% Ter. R.R. A. St. L. 4'sS. '39.106% 107% Vanadium Corp. 5a. ’41 —102 1 02% Vertientes Sug. Co. 7s. ’42_21 24 Wabash Rv. Co. 5s. ’39_94 V* 95 Warner Bros. 6s ’39 - 95 95% West. N. Y. ft Pa. 4s. ’43_107% 107% Wes. Union Tel. 6s. ’38_102 102% MONET MARKET. NEW YORK May 19 m —Call money 1 per cent all day: prime commercial paper 1 per cent: time loans steady: 60 90 days. 1%: 4-6 months, 1% per cent; bankers' acceptances unchanged: redis count rata. Mew York Rosary* Bank.. 1% wer gent. Baltimore Markets Sreclal Dispatch to Th« 8tar. BALTIMORE, Md., May 19—Po tatoes, old, 100-pound sack, 1.25al.90; new, barrel, 2.50a4.25; 100-pound sack, 1.40a2.50; sweet potatose, bush el, 1.00al.50; yams, bushel, 75al.00; asparagus, crate, 1 25a4.00; beans, bushel, 1.50a3.25; beets, crate, 2.50a 2 60; cabbage, pointed type, hamper. 65al.25; carrots, crate, 2.75a4.00; cauliflower, crate, 2 00; celery, crate, 1.75a2.50; cucumbers, bushel, 3.00a 4 50; eggplants, crate, 2.00a3.00; bush el, 1.00al.50; lettuce, Western Ice berg, crate, 1.50a4.00; Southern, Big Boston, hamper, 50al.25; Lima beans, bushel, 2.00a3.50; mushrooms, 4-quart basket, 40a90; onions, 50-pound sack, 1.00al.75: peas, bushel, 1 25a2.15; pep pers, crate, 1.75a3 00; bushel, 1.25a 2 00; radishes, nearby red tips, bunch, lal’i; rhubarb, nearby, bunch. 2a4; spinach, nearby, bushel, 30a50; squash, bushel, 1.50al,75; tomatoes, lug. 75a3 50; apples, bushel, 1.50a 2 50; box, 2 50a2.65; grapefruit, box, 2 00a3.25; oranges box, 2 00a4.50; strawberries, quart, 6al2'2. Dairy Market. Poultry — Live poultry. broilers. Rocks, pound. 24a25; mixed colors, 23a24; Leghorns. 20a22; fowl, Rocks. 19a20; mixed colors, 18al9; Leghorns, 15a 17; roosters, I0al2; ducks, 15al7. Eggs—Current receipts, dozen, 19:2; hennery, whites, large, 2012; medium, 1912. Receipts, 1,849 cases Butter—Prints, pound, 34,2a35,2; good to fancy creamery, 33a34; pack ing stock. 16al7; rolls, 19a23. Re ceipts, 1,098 tubs. Live Stock Market. Cattle—175; sales top, medium and low good grades, 1.000 to 1.100 pounds j steers, around 10.50: steady; cows, mostly 25 cents higher than Tuesday | and 50 cents above Monday: good grades scarce; odd head to 8.00 or above; plain and medium grades. 6 50 a7.50: bulk, low cutters and cutters, 4.75a6.25. —u, iraitrs sieaay wnn ior mer sessions this week; good grades, I0.00al0.50 mostly; plain and medium, 7.50a9.50; culls, down to 6.00 or below. Hogs. 400: demand broad at mostly 35 cents higher prices than Tuesday on early rounds today and strong to higher tendency than early at mid session; good and choice 170 to 210 pounds, ll.85al2.10; early top, 12 10; 220 to 250 pounds and 140 to 160 pounds from 11.60a 11.85; heavy weights down to 11.00 or below; 120 to 140 pound weights. 10.75all.25: good packing sows, 10 00a 10.25; hogs from doubtful areas not represented in above prices. Sheep. 275; generally steady- with Tuesday; good and choice grades Spring lambs, mainly from 69 to 78 pounds, 13 50al4 25; railroad deck choice closely sorted on shipping ac count. 14.35; most plain and medium throw-outs, 9.50al2.00; virtually no other classes on offer. Sea Food Market. Catfish, pound. 3a5; dressed, 7a8; carp, 2a3; eels, 9al0; haddock. 8al0; herring. 3a4; mackerel, 8; rock. 10a 12; white perch. 6a8; yellow, 8al0; trout. 5a6: bluefish, 8al0; flounders, 12al5; croakers, 4a5; spots. 4a5; hard head. 4a5; butter fish, 5a6; roe shad, 20a22; split shad. 15al8; buck shad, 15al8; soft crabs, doeen, 70al.35; hard crabs, barrel, 3.50a4.50; crab meat, pound, 25a45; shrimp, 15al8; clams, large. 100, 90: Cherrystones, 60a65; Little Necks, 50a55; frogs, each, 15. Tobacco Market. Quotations on old stock—Maryland firm leaf, nondescript, 3a4: common, 4al0; medium, 10a30; good to fine, red, 30a40; seconds, common, 3a7; medium, good to fine, 15a35. Grain Market. Opening prices were: Wheat. No. 2 red Winter, garlicky, spot domestic. 1-42%: May delivery, 1.42%. Settling prices were: Wheat. No. 2 red Winter, garlicky, spot domestic, 1.42%; May delivery. 1.42%. Corn, No. 2 yellow, domestic. 1.25; Western delivery at a premium over this price. Cob corn nominal. Oats, No. 2 white, domestic, 64a74; No. 3, 63a73; except grain on track, there is an additional charge of 1% cents per bushel for storage and ele vation on all sales of oats. Rye, No. 2, 1.30al 35. Barley, 93a98 Hay—Market holds steady to firm under a good demand for timothy and clover mixed at 17.00a22.00 per ton. but it takes well-graded No. 1 stock to bring the price. Poorer grades hard to sell and market irregular on all grades below No. 3 stock. HOLDERS APPROVE PLAN OF WORTHINGTON PUMP By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 19 —Stockholders of Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp. approved today Its proposed plan of recapitalization by a vote of more than two-thirds of each class of stock. Each share of present class "A” preferred stock, 7 per cent, will receive 1 Vi shares of convertible 4 Vi per cent prior preferred and a like amount of non-convetible 4 Vi per cent preferred, plus lVi common shares. Present class “B” 6 per cent preferred will receive Vi share each of the con vertible and non-oonvertlble stock and % of a share of oommon. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON. May 19 (/FI (U. 8. Department of Agriculture).—Wool was slow In the Boston markei today and nominal quota tions continued to show easing tendencies from levels quoted last week. Quotations were based largely upon asking from got bo! _ ... wars available. I A. & P. IS SILENT , I New Policies Held Likely as Result of Supreme Court Ruling. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 19 —Great At lantic & Pacific Tea Co. officials con tinued silent today on the company's plans for meeting the Louisiana chain store tax. upheld by the Supreme Court, but it was Indicated new poli cies might be adopted in the near fu ture. The decision in the Louisiana case, supporting the right of the State to tax chain store systems on the basis of total number of stores, rather than the number operated within the State, was likely, it was said, to speed up plans for a readjustment of operations to avoid what the management con siders burdensome State taxes. For some time the company has been experimenting with various plans in certain States to reduce tax liability. In parts of the West some stores have been sold to managers, with the com pany serving as a wholesale distributor. Whether this movement would be ex tended or whether the company would seek to get around the tax difficulty by closing a considerable number of units and establishing so-called "su per-markets" could be learned. The company’s non-voting common stock suffered another sharp decline on the New York Curb Exchange today. It sold in small lots down to $89 a share, compared with yesterday's clos ing of $93.87. At this level it was off about $8 a share since Monday and at a new low for 1937. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. NEW YORK. May 19 dpi.—Prices quoted In dollars and thirty-seconds. Per Approx, cent. Month-Year. Bid. Asked, yield. 3'« September 37 101.l 1013 28a February '38 .. 101.14 101.16 45 3 March '38_. 102.2 102.4 ,4( 2’. June ’38 __ 102.12 102.14 .58 2S September '38 102.7 102.0 75 I'a March '30 _ 100.20 100.22 1 12 2S June '30 101.31 1 o" 1 1 13 IS December '30 100.12 loo 14 1 2(1 IS March 40_ 100.23 100.25 1 34 IS June '40 _loo.o loo n i 38 I’a December '40 loo 100 2 1 4‘ IS March '41 . 00.30 100 1 50 IS June '41 00 15 00.17 1.4B l‘.« December '41 08.25 08.2 7 1.5 Week’s Small Gain Lifts Total 12.8 Per Cent Above Year Ago. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 19—Production of electricity In the United States for the week ended May 15 was placed at 2.194.620.000 kilowatt-hours by the Edison Electric Institute today. This represents an advance of 8 of 1 per cent over last week's production of 2.176.383.000 kilowatt-hours and an increase of 12.8 per cent over 1.947, 771-000 kilowatt-hours in the same week a year ago. The seasonal upturn left the Asso ciated Press index of power produc tion, with 1929-30 taken as 100. un changed for the same week at 118.1, compared with 107 8 in 1936. The in dex is adjusted for seasonal and long term trend. The range for recent years follows: 1937. 1936. 1935 1934. 1933. High-119.0 119 8 105.5 97 4 91 9 Low -116.3 102.0 94.1 91 9 80.2 The institute reported the following percentage increases in the major geographical regions of the country: New England, 14.2; Middle Atlantic, 11.0; central industrial, 149; West Central, 6.3; Southern States, 16.2; Rocky Mountain, 24 8; Pacific Coast, 4.2. INSURANCE STOCKS NEW' YORK. May IP ,jp.—New York Security Dealers' Association . . „ /0 Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (2a >_ P7 Aptna Ins (1.80* _ 4 1 48 Aetna Life (.80a*_ °8*4 Am Equit (1 8oa>_ 38>a 4112 Am Reins ( 4ng>_ 4 13. 4334 Am Reserve Mai_ 2834 •-« 1. Am Surety (21-a) _ So>4 .V"14 Automobile (la* _ 2P3 4 303. : Balt Amer (.20a)_ 7*2 r*2 Carolina d.30* _«:ia4 i City of N Y <1.20* _I. 25 Conn Gen Life < 80*__ 3514 37 i Contin Ces (120) _ 2TJ4 •‘■pd 'Fid &. Dep (4*_ 12212 1 •’’7 Frank Fire (la*_ 30 30 Gen Reinsur <2* _ 42 44rk Glen Falls <J.8f*t_ 42 44 ! Globe A Pen (.80* __ 1P>2 -’l3* Globe A Rut _ 58* a 82 Great Am^r Mai _ 2434 08>4 Hanover (1.80* _ 32 32 341, Hartford Fire (2)_ 8834 8S34 Home Fire Sec_ 43a 534 Home Ins Mai_ 34 38 Homestead <1* _ is lpi2 Knickerbocker (.80)_ ]8>4 ]8*4 Lincoln Fire_ \ ■ 4 5 Maryland Cas _ _ 8 734 Mass Bond <332* - _ 57 5P>2 Natl Fire *2) __ _ _ 81* 82 Natl Liberty <.2<»a» _ s*2 pta N Hampshire (1.80*_ 4.'> 3 2 4 7 *4 N Y Fire ( S(»a>_ 2'* 23 | Nor River *1; _ 25 2M3» i Phoenix * 2a *_ 84 88 Prov Wash <1* _ 34 38 Revere <P> In <1.30*_ 2334 25*4 Rossia Ins ».80a)_ 1***2 12 St Paul Fire (8*_ 200 2(»5 Springfield <432a> _ 115 118 Sun Life i334g)_850 7(*0 Travelers (18) _ 457 487 U S Fire (2* 51 53 W*estch*\ster (1.20a*_ 3212 343^ a — Also extra or extras g—Declared or paid so far this year. RAILWAY INCOME. NEW YORK May in i/p\.—Net operat | inp income ibrfore fixed charge' and ■ other incomei of railroads reporting today for the month of April included inn? IMfi Kan C South_S227.910 J'i.iA 507 A Compact, Complete Program of Full INSURANCE May we advise you regarding your needs, and arrange a com plete coverage all in one unified program? We handle all kinds of protective insurance. ■ i J. Blaise de Sibour | and Company 1NSIRANCE BROKERS 1700 Eye St. N.W. NAtl. 4G73 FKEE BOOKLET Home Financing Phone, write or call for your copy of our free booklet showini pictures of attractive homes, many with floor plans, ranginj in price from $6,000 to $18,000, and giving information rela tiveto: 1. Building your home for as little as 20% down (cash or lot). 2. Selecting architect and builder. 3. Planning a home within your means. 4. Combining the first and second trusts into a long term F. H. A. loan. 5. Refinancing to lower interest charges. This booklet, with valuable information, is yours for the asking FREDERICK W. RERENS MORTGAGE LOAN'S Henrich Bldg., 1627 K St. N.W. Phones National 8280-8281 Mortgage loan correspondent for six insurance companies. REAL ESTATE LOANS on Improved Property Monthly Payment Loans or Straight Three Year Loans 5% INTEREST Consult Real Estate Department AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY Main Office: fifteenth st. & Pennsylvania ave. Branch Offices 7tn and Mass. Ave., n. w. Eighth and H Sts., N. E. Seventh and fc. St., s. w. 1140 Fifteenth St., N. W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System