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Many Interesting Festivities Mark Social Calendar Over Week End Mrs. Hull Attended Luncheon Yesterday At Soviet Embassy Party Given as a Surprise to Honor Guest, Mrs. Herrick—Other Diplomatic News. MRS. CORDELL HULL, wife of the Secretary of State, was among the guests yesterday at a surprise birthday anni versary luncheon given in honor of Mrs. John Herrick by Mme. Troyanovsky. wife of the Soviet Ambassador. Mrs. Herrick is better known by her writings as Genevieve Forbes Herrick, and is a former president of the Women’s National Press Club and formerly correspondent for the Chicago Tribune. Others at the luncheon yesterday were Mrs. Henry A. Wallace. Mrs. Daniel C. Roper, Mme. Saito. Mme. Ertegun, Senora de los Rios, Mrs. Harlan Fiske Stone, Mrs. William E. Borah, Mrs. Pat Harrison, Mrs. Sam ,D. McReynolds, Mrs. Donald Richberg, Mrs. Louise G. Caldwell and Mrs. J. Fred Essary. When the honor guest arrived, she was greeted by the other guests with the singing of "Happy Birthday to You.” So overcome was the popular woman scribe that real tears glistened in her eyes and she could scarcely utter a word. The table was beautifully laid with a cake forming the centerpiece and many lovely gifts marking the place of the honor guest. The Italian Ambassador and Donna Matilde de Suvich will entertain at dinner this evening in honor of the Chief Justice and Mrs. Charles Evans Hughes. Senora de los Rios, wife of the Spanish Ambassador, was ■ hostess to a small number of those in the Spanish colony yesterday afternoon when Senor Jose Martinez, favorite Spanish musician, gave a short program of music on the gaita. Tea followed the pro gram. Thursday the Ambassador and Senora de los Rios were hosts at luncheon, entertaining informally at the Embassy. The French Ambassador and Mme. Bonnet returned last eve ning after spending a brief time at Princeton, N. J., where the Am bassador was awarded an honorary degree at the university. The counselor of the British Embassy. Mr. V. A. L. Mallet, re turned last evening from Chicago, where he went the first of the week. Mrs. Mallet, who had expected to leave for the North at the same time, was detained at the last moment and has made no further plans for the Summer. Gen. John W. Gulick. U. S. A., with Mrs. Gulick, are in Washing ton for several days and they are at the Wardman Park Hotel. Mrs. Duenner. wife of Lieut. Col. Robert H. Duenner of Cam bridge, Mass., who has been visiting in Louisville, Ky., where she - rttended the Kentucky Derby, is in Washington for a few days. Mrs. Duenner is accompanied by her mother. Mrs. James P. Nether ion. who will go with her to New' York, where they will be met by. Col. Duenner. who will motor w'ith them to their home in .Cambridge, Mass. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Low'ry B. Stephenson have arrived at the Shoreham and expect to remain for an extended stay. Col. Stephen son, who has been in Shanghai with the United States Marine Corps for the last two and one-half years, has been transferred to Washington. Col. and Mrs. Stephenson visited in Philadelphia a month after arriving from China and before coming to the Capital. M. George Chamot, who is on special mission to this country from Peru, returned to Washington Thursday after several weeks’ stay in London. Suburban Social News Mrs. Paxton Honor Guest at Farewell Luncheon Yesterday. MRS. JOHN B. SHEPARD was hostess at a luncheon and bridge yesterday in honor of Mrs. Edward Paxton, who is to leave next month for Phoenix, Ariz.. where Mr. Paxton has been transferred from his work with the crop estimates division of the De partment of Agriculture. Guests present at the luncheon, in Bddition to Mrs. Paxton, were Mrs. Carl Robinson. Mrs. Joseph Orr, Mrs. Kasson Gibson. Mrs. George E. Far rell, Mrs. Charles Harlan and Mrs. *C. F. Sarle. The luncheon was held at Mrs. Ehepard's home in Somerset, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Wolfe of Silver Spring, Md., were hosts at; dinner last evening at their home. ! Their guests were Dr. and Mrs. Ralph P Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dolan rnd Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Heiser. On Thursday evening Mrs. Wolfe enter tained at a birthday party at her home for her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Samuel Wolfe. Earlier in the week Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe, accompanied by , Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Van Wagner end Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Kin singer of Silver Spring spent four days in Baltimore, where they at tended the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of the Masons of Maryland. Mrs. Margaret King of Woodside, Md., is visiting Mrs. Charles Ogsbury at Lime Rock, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Allpress of Silver Spring, Md.. are spending the week end at Edgewater Beach. Md., where they are opening their cottage for the Summer. Mrs. Llovd Gibson of New Rochelle, Y. returned to her home yesterday of ter being the house guest of Mrs. L. W. Petree of Takoma Park for a week. Mrs. Gilson, a former resident of Takoma Park, was entertained Thursday by Mrs. Roy Pierce of Takoma Park at a picnic luncheon for eight in Rock Creek Park. Mrs. S. B. Herrell of Takoma Park gave a breakfast party that morning in honor *cf Mrs. Gilson. Mrs. Mary C. Duley of Silver Spring. Md.. celebrated her 94th birthday anniversary Thursday, when a luncheon and informal reception was held at the home of her son-in law, Mr. John C. Kramer. Spring flowers in w'hich the colors of laven dar and yellow predominated were effectively used throughout the home (find the same color scheme was used in the birthday cake and decorations. Guests at the luncheon included Mrs. Puley’s three daughters, Mrs. Edward Jones and Mrs. Richard Crompton of Silver Spring, and Mrs. M. Drucilla Sweet of Chevy Chase, Md.; a daughter-in-law. Mrs. William Heit muller of Washington, a member of grandchildren and great-grandchil dren and 21 great-great-grandchil dren. The Rev. Horace Croner, pastor of the Emory Church in Brightwood, was also among the guests. Mrs. Duley is the oldest living member of *the Brightwood Church, which is 106 years old. A resident of this community for many years, Mrs. Duley now makes her home with her J son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ramsey of Shepherd Park, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Monday. The preceding evening they were guests at a family party when they had with them their children includ ing Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. J. Alston Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Aldridge. Their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Ramsey who could not be present, sent greetings from their home in Port Arthur, Tex. Republican League Plans Garden Fete The League of Republican Women will hold a bridge and garden party at the home of Mrs. James J. Davis, 3012 Massachusetts avenue Tuesday. Those who have taken tables include Mme. Cantacuzene, president of the league; Mrs. Arthur Vandenberg, wife of the Senator from Michigan; Mrs. Guy D. Goff, wife of the former Sena tor from West Virginia; Mrs. Ralph O. Brewster, wife of the Represent ative from Maine; Mrs. William Castle, Mrs. M. A. Hannay, Mrs. John Gib bons. Mrs. William N. Grlnnell, Mrs. Seth Richardson, Mrs. David Rum bough. Mrs. James R. Mann, Mrs. Sophia Kent Casey, Mrs. William N. Guthrie, Mrs. William Waggener, Mrs. Oscar Jareki, Mrs. Charles Johnston, Mrs. Ellen Rolph, Mrs. Caroline Stephen, Mrs. H. Alvah Strong, Mrs. W. W. Dudley, Mrs. A. L. Hough, Mrs. J. J. Mack, Mrs. George Trowbridge, Mrs. Louis Wight, Mrs. D. E. Yarnell. Arrangements have been made for 100 tables and refreshments will be served. Members of the Entertain ment Committee in charge of the gar den and bridge party are Mrs. Warren R. Austin, wife of Senator Austin of Vermont, chairman; Mrs. William Castle, chairman of the Refreshment Committee; Mrs. Ralph O. Brewster, chairman of publicity; Mrs. Charles Johnson, chairman of prizes; Mrs. Corcoran Thom, chairman of tables; Mrs. Earl Venable, chairman of music, and Mrs. Maurice Thatcher, chairman of fortune tellers. Sorority Dance. The Sigma Tau Sorority will hold its annual Spring dance this evening at the Kenwood Golf and Country Club, following the closed banquet. The Committee on Arrangements is composed of Miss Carl Louise John son as chairman, with Miss Joan Kenealy and Miss Mildred Duckett assisting. Tickets may be obtained from members of the Alpha Chapter or at Kenwood Country Club. Mrs. Herrick Hostess. Mrs. Genevieve Forbes Herrick will be hostess to the Washington Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at her resi dence, 316 Braddock road, Alexan dria, Va. Miss Bertha M. Smith of 912 Nineteenth street is in charge of reservations. Prominent in Arranging Chevy Chase Qarden Tour Mrs. John Alban Selby, shown in the garden of Mrs. William S. Corby, at 9 Chevy Chase cir cle, which will be shorcn in the annual Chevy Chase garden tour, to be held Tuesday for the the benefit of the Montgomery County Social Service League. •—Underwood & Underwood Photo. -------—-— - A Miss Burruss Weds Mr. Savage in Church Miss Dorothea Elizabeth Burruss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey J. Burruss of Richmond, Va, and Mr. John W. Savage, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Savage of Olney. Md.. were married at noon yesterday in Rock Creek Episcopal Church. The Rev. Franklin J. Bohanon, rector of the church, performed the ceremony in the presence of only members of the two families and a few close friends. The bride wore an ashes of roses tailored suit with brown accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Her matron of honor and only attendant was the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. E. Nelson Snouffer of College Park, Md. The best man was Mr, Charles Bun nell of Buffalo, N. Y. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Savage left for a motor trip West. Upon their return they will temporarily make their home in Rockville. Mrs. Savage's mother was formerly Miss Louise Viett of Rock ville. The Civic Theater To Close Season The Washington Civic Theater will bring its season to a close next week with the presentation of a modern comedy, "Fly Away Home.” Local fol lowers of the theater are taking a great interest in this final production at Wardman Park Theater next Tues day. Among those who have made reser vations are Miss Anne Archbold, Mrs. Emile Berliner, Mr. Robert Lincoln O'Brien. Mr. John F. Burlew, Mrs. E. R. Finkenstaedt, Dr. Alan Stone. Mrs. Julius Lansburgh, Mrs. Helen Wagner. Dr. and Mrs. De Witt Croissant, Mrs. Isabelle Farrington, Mrs. Dwight Davis, Mrs. Maude Howell Smith, Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Charley Tyng. Mr. Robert W. Wilson, Mr. Frank C. Bailey, Mr. Paul Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Joseph T. Maguire, Mr. Winsloe Herschel, Mrs. Charles Fairfax, Mrs. Cora Frye, Mrs. Campbell C. Gray, Miss Lucy Howard, Mr. Lawrence Mar tin. Mr. Lee D. Butler, Mr. Oliver Gasch, Mr. B. H. Meyer, Mr. W. W. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Torov sky, Mr. W. H. Bell, Mr. Richard Creyke, Mr. Paul Rapp, Mr. A. J. Rich ards, Mrs. Sally Jones, Mrs. F. B. Lyons, Mrs. A. H. Jackman, Miss Katherine Deitz and Mrs. H. A. Smith. Miss Bloom Hostess. Miss Vera Bloom gave a “patio” party yesterday afternoon in the home of her parents. Representative and Mrs. Sol Bloom, on Columbia road. The house, former home of Charles A. Douglas, is built after a Spanish de sign, boasts an attractive patio where the party was given yesterday after noon. Delicate wistaria vines grow over the glass roof of the patio, the center of which has a fountain, and one side gives a view of the shady lawn. Representative Bloom joined the party late In the afternoon and Mrs. Bloom assisted her daughter. Benefit Tonight. A Spanish fiesta will be held this evening at B o'clock at the Almas Temple, 1315 K street, under the auspices of the milk fund for Span ish war orphans. Mr. Peter Borras is chairman, and an interesting pro gram has been arranged. Residential Social News Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney Hosts at Dinner This Evening. MR, AND MRS. THOMAS BELL , SWEENEY will entertain at | dinner this evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Yarnell and Mr. and Mrs A. Atwater Kent of Philadelphia, who have come to Washington for the week end. The former United States Ambas sador to Spain and Mrs. Irwin Laugh lin will entertain at a dinner this evening at their residence. Meridian House. A small dance will follow the dinner. The former German Ambassador, Herr Hans Luther, left Albany yes terday by motor, en route to Canada. He is accompanied by his daughters, the Frauleins Luther, and their aunt, Frau Keener, and they will motor to the Pacific coast. The former Am bassador will sail from California for a trip around the world before re turning to Germany, where Frau Koener and his daughters will meet him. The former United States Minister to Denmark, Mrs. Boerge Rohde, ac companied by Capt. Rohde, has re turned from Copenhagen and is now in New York. Mrs. Rohde formerly was Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen. Capt. and Mrs. Rohde were met upon their arrival Thursday from abroad by Mrs. Rohde's daughter, Miss Helen Rudd Owen. Mrs. Eldon King entertained at a luncheon at the Chevy Chase Club. Iris, snapdragons and roses formed the centerpiece for the table. The guests were Mrs. Robert E. Lee, her cousin; Mrs. Francis I. du Pont, Baroness von Below, Mrs. J. Clinton Tribby. Mrs. Charles Kappler, Mrs. Homer Hendricks, Mrs. William Wheatley, Mrs. Bruce Wallace, Mrs. M. Webster Dawley, Mrs. Charles Wright and Miss Marylyn Runes. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Roosevelt and their little daughter, Ruth Chandler, who have been visiting the former's parents, the President and Mrs. Roosevelt, at the White House, left Washington yesterday for their home, in Port Worth, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dodge of 2204 Kalorama Toad will sail today on the Roma for a six-week stay abroad. They will return to Wash ington in July, sailing June 30 on the Queen Mary for this country. Dr. Herbert Wright, professor of international law at the Catholic University of America, has Just re turned from New York, where he at tended the sixteenth meeting of the American Branch of the Interna tional Law Association, to which he was elected a member of the Execu tive Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schlosberg will be at home tomorrow afternoon from 4 until 7 o’clock, at their residence, 5915 Sixteenth street, in honor of the confirmation of their daughter Claire. Mrs. A. Stedman Hills and Mrs. Carl Mpnsees were joint hostesses at a bridge luncheon at the Shoreham today. Oueets were Mrs. John Dale Showell, Mrs. I. Irving Fulton. Mrs. Stacey M. Reed. Mrs. James E. Schwab, Mrs. Tyre Taylor. Mrs. James M. Massett, Mrs. F. Grady Putman and Mrs. Matthew L. Rue. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mabee Compton, who were recently married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Thebaud, White Plains, N. Y.. are at the Cavalier Ho tel in Virginia Beach. The bride is the former Miss Marie Eugenie The baud. The bridegroom is the son of Maj. and Mrs. Ranulf Compton of Madison, Conn. The young couple, who are traveling by automobile, will be guests of the bride's uncle, Mr. Jules Thebaud. in Washington before returning to their Summer home in Madison. Mr. and Mrs. M. Woodard Glenn of Biltmore Forest. Asheville. N. C., are at the Shoreham for several days while in Washington on their wed ding trip. They were married Mon day in Atlanta. Ga.. at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Brandenburg. Mrs. Glenn is the for mer Regina Brandenburg. Dr. Alden G. Newman of Bridgeport, Conn., has Joined Mrs. Newman at the Wardman Park Hotel for the week end. Mrs. Newman has been visiting in Washington for three weeks and with Dr. Newman expects to return to their home on Sunday. Miss Hilda Williams, who has been in Tallahassee. Fla., for the last month with the Florida State Legis lature, has returned to Washington and is living at the Fairfax Apart ments. Miss Williams'was formerly secre tary to Mr. Cary A. Hardee, former Governor of Florida, in the receiver ship of closed banks in the District ’ of Columbia. Mr. John Barr Foster of Harrisburg, 111., is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Foster, of the La Salle Apartments. Mrs. Carl Flint Redding of Wollas ton, Mass., is spending the week end at the Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rubin will be at home to their friends tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock in their residence on Woodley place, in honor of the confirmation of their daughter, Miss Hannah Rubin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Prank O’Brien have come from their home in Rich mond, Va., and are at the Shoreham for two or three days. They will be Joined today by Capt. and Mrs. Cleve land McCauley of Arnold, Md. Early next week Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien will go with Capt. and Mrs. McCauley to visit them in Maryland. Mr. O’Brien participated in the gold tournament at Indian Spring Club yesterday. Jurists at Springs. Mr. Justice and Mrs. Owen J. Rob erts and Judge and Mrs. D. Lawrence Oroner are spending the week end at White Sulphur Springs, Va., where they went yesterday. Upper left: Mrs. Alfred A. Hoehling in the garden of her residence at 5 Newlands street, which is included in the benefit garden pilgrim age.—Underwood & Under wood Photo. Upper right: Mrs. Conway P. Coe and Mrs. John Barr discussing plans for the tour. They are shown in the garden of Mrs. Whitman Cross, which will be among the beautiful gardens on view Tuesday. —Harris-Ewing Photo. Concert Planned At Pan-American The director general of the Pan American Union, Dr. Leo S. Rowe, and the assistant director, Mr. Pedro de Alba, have issued invitations to a cconcert of Latin American music on the esplanade of the Pan-Ameri can Union Building Thursday eve ning. June 17. at 9 o'clock, when the program will be given by the United States Army Band and assisting artists. Program of Music At A. A. U. W. Set "Spring Sounds,” a program of musical contrasts, will be presented by Beatrice Pinkney Jones at the American Association of University Women club house Monday afternoon following tea. Mrs. A. Remming ton Kellogg will be hostess at tea. A club supper at 6:15 o'clock will pre cede the last business meeting of the year. Mrs. Richard Hogue, presi dent. will preside. New officers will be introduced, and the board will give reports of the year's work. I By the Way— -- 1 Beth Blaine — pRIENDSHIP, the lovely old rambling house of Mrs. Edward Beale McLean, was the scene of a small dinner last evening given in honor of Senator and Mrs. Henry Cabgt Lodge. We say small for we are so thoroughly spoiled by the ease and perfection Evalyn McLean gives dinners of one hundred up to three hun dred—that a dinner of sixty such as last night’s party, with which the average hostess would fret over for weeks, seems to be abso lutely effortless. Never have we seen our hostess look better than last evening in a most becoming black and white satin flowered gown with an overskirt of black net. She wore only diamonds —the great Hope diamond gleaming a deep blue above all the others. There were five tables in the dining room, each one beautifully decorated with a low mass of Spring flowers, and topping them a great crystal globe, in which were magnified two perfect white orchids. Another table had pale lavender ones, and still another the deepest of purple. There were several guests there from New York—Friend ship house guests—including Mr. and Mrs. Goodhue Living ston, sr., and Goodhue Livingston, jr., and his really beau tiful wife, the former Lorna Mackay, tall, distinguished and smart with the world’s most fascinating soft deep speaking voice. Unfortunately, they left for Baltimore today. The Robert Goelcts and Miss Eleanor Young were there. Young Jock McLean, who is a delightful host, took Mme. Espil into dinner and on his left was Mrs. Borah. The Under secretary of State and Mrs. Sumner Welles were receiving heart-felt congratulations from their many friends on Sumner’s recent appointment as Undersecretary. After dinner we went directly to the ball room where great comfortable chairs and sofas were placed in rows before a movie screen. Imagine our delight to find that they were the pictures of the coronation followed by “Captains Courageous.” We all went in gay and laughing and came out limp from weeping— particularly the ones who have sons! But tears or no tears, we had a superb evening as always at Friendship. It must be because Mrs. McLean, her son Jock and young daughter Evalyn really express sincere friendship in their every day life that the old place has absorbed some of their spirit! jk 3k * * “gURFEITED with riches” would be putting it mildly for the spoiled Washingtonians of the past week who have attended none less than four dances within the past few days, not forget ting the Laughlin dinner dance tonight. And this credited as the “off season” at that! Last night we gathered again in the hos pitable garden of the Curtis Club. Those of us still capable of “tripping the light fantastique” surreptitiouslv donned the old pair of evening slippers and sallied forth bravely. With a smile to every one we arose to "carry on” as Sidney's excellent waltzes enticed us to herculean efforts. Looking cool and fresh in a tailored black and white print, Mrs. Tommy Thomas and the commander joined Mrs. Sidney Cloman and Mrs. George Marye, at whose table was beautiful Mrs. Camperio of Italy, formerly “the beautiful Eleanor Terry" of Washington, sister of Mason Terry. Though Paris may be inclined to regret and attempt to curb the growing popularity of the short-length evening dress, we fear, after having such chic sponsors as Mrs. Clifton Phillips Mrs. Higginson Rogers and Mrs. Morris Clark, that it is here to stay. Later in the evening Lady Lewis, in a chartreuse green gown, joined the party, accompanied by Keppy Schell of the Hungarian Legation and Martha Davidge. who wore a becoming silver fox cape. Mrs. Kent Legare. in a stiffened black tulle, was dancing with Matthews Dick, whose boutonniere of bachelor but tons. w'hich he always wears, brings to mind many amusing anecdotes. Also present was Mr. Osmena. son of the lice president of the Philippines, who arrived on the China Clipper and was brought to the party by Tommy Thomas. Mr. Osmena's dinner jacket caused some comment, since it was maroon color, a very pleasant change from dead black. There was plenty of room to dance last night, since the garden is so perfect a number of the guests sat under the spreading trees in the cool of the evening and never ventured inside. Lawrence Baker was in particularly good dancing form and we add is a “swell” dancer! J. Henri de Sibour must be very pleased with the success of these dances and it is nice to know that we have another to look forward to—Friday night, June 4. Mrs. Compton Plans Annual May Supper Mrs. Wilson Compton will be host | ess for the annual May supper of the Washington Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi Fraternity Tuesday evening in her home at 2900 Cathedral avenue ! Mrs. Compton will be assisted by Mrs. Karl D. Loos, Mrs. George C. Ober, i jr.; Mrs. Frank F. Nesbit, Mrs. Mau rice V Davison, Mrs. Carl Smith Dow and Mrs. R. M. Evans. The supper will be at 6:30 o'clock and will be followed at 8:30 o'clock by a business meeting and the instal lation of officers for the ensuing year. The officers to be installed are the president, Mrs. Rogers M. Fred: vice president, Mrs. Smith Brookhart. jr.: secretaries. Miss Jean Lilly and Mrs. William Dismer: treasurer, Miss Max ine Girts. Woodward & lothrop lO’MPT *vo C Strut* Pho\e DIrtrkt 53 0 0 Girls appear in smart new cottons that are "tops” in chic—and endlessly wearable afterwards. We Sketch one (B) of dirndl influence with 5C.95 square neckline_ 3 From a Group, $3 to 310.95 Girls’ and Junior Misses’ Apparel, Fourth Floor.