Newspaper Page Text
flratlja. BYERS, EDITH R. On Sunday. May 30, 1987. at Shiloh. N. J.. EDITH R AYERS or Silver Spring. Md.. aged . 70 years, widow oi the late E. J. Ayers. Funeral services will be held at the Shiloh. N J . Cemetery on Thursday. June 3, at 3 P.m. daylight saving time. BROWN, MITTIE. On Monday, May 31. 1037. at Garfield Hospital. MITTIE BROWN, the beloved mother of William Brown of Raleigh. N. C. Notice of fu neral later. Services by Chambers. BRENNER. AMERICES E. On Monday. May 31. 1937. at the State Hospital. Sabillasville. Md. AMERICUS E. BRUN NER. beloved husband oi the late Katie Pawley Brunner and th'e son of the late William and Julia Brunner. He is sur vived by his daughter. Mrs. Mary Phil lips. and the following sisters. Mrs. Isaac Staub. Mrs Charles Butler and Mrs. Clarence Creamer Funeral Thurs day. June 3. at l l a.m.. from his late residence. Barnesville Md. Interment Monocacy Cemetery, Beallsville. Md. ~ BURC H. CLAUDE N. Suddenly. on Sun day, May 30. 1937. at Morris Point. Md . CLAUDE N. BURCH, beloved son of Louis N. and the late Catherine. E. Burch nice Mam. Funeral from his late residence. 13 TO Good Hope road B.e , on Wednesday. June *3. at s :;u a.m ; thence to Si. Theresa’s Church. 18th and V sts. s.e.. where mass will be said at 9 a.m for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 BURCH. CLAI BE N. The members of £t Teresa's Holv Name Society arp notified of the death of Brother CLAUDE N. BUFiCK and are requested to meet at the home of the deceased. l.VM Good Hope road s e . on Tuesday evening. June 1. at 7:30 o'clock, for recitation of the usual prayers. A J McELROY. President. THOMAS J. MYERS. Secretary. CASEY, JOHN. JR. On Sunday. May 30. 1937, at the Alexandra Hospital JOHN CASEY, ir.. beloved son of John Casey, fir.: loving brother of Charles. George and Reginald Casey. He is also sur vived by two sisters. Ada Casey and Mrs. Helen Price, other relatives and many friends mourn his departure. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel 331 North Patrick fit.. Alexan dria. Va. Funeral Tuesday. June 1. at - P.m.. from the Oakland Baptist Church. Seminary. Va. Interment church cemetery. CONWAY. MARY M. Suddenly, on Sun day, May 30. iy;;7. at her home. 93K Va ave. s.w MARY M. CONWAY widow of the late Patrick Conway. Serv ices a! her late residence on Wednesday. June \.\ at 11 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. CONWAY. MARY M. The members of Naomi Rebekah Lodge. No. J. I. O O. F . are .requested to attend the funeral serv ice of our late sister, MARY M. CON WAY on Wednesday. June 1937. )L a.m . at her residence. 93S Va. ave. s.w. SHIRLEY MALINSKI Noble Grand EMMA T. STROBEL. Secretary. • COTTON. ALBERTA. Departed this life on Monday. May 31. 1937 at Gallinger Hospital. ALBERTA COTTON, devoted daughter of Nelson Dawson, loving motner of Roberta Cotton. She also leaves to mourn their loss a brother. Ma'or Bryant, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Barbour Bros.' funeral home 4* K st. n e. No tice of funeral hereafter. GRAZIANO. ROSE. On Monday May 31. IP ;7. POSE GRAZIANO beloved daugh ter of Carmine and Mary Graziano <nee Br;zzi> of Kin Quincy place n.e. Fu rera. will be held from the above resi- t dence on Thursday. June 3 at S.3u a in., thence to Holy Ro-ary Church at ! firri and F sts. n w where mass wiii he cfTerrd at 9 a m. for tlie repose of her foul Interment St Mary s Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. frRFENE. C ARRIE E. On Monday May 7U 1937. at her residence. Maple and Lincoln avev. Takoma Park Md . CAR RIE E GREENE beloved vute of Jamr.s A Greene Funeral from her la e resi- , d*mcp on Thursday. June 3. at'3 p m. | Interment Evei green Cemetery near Biadensburg. Md. Please omit flowers. 3 j CARDING. MARY L. On Sunday. May 30 • •3937. at her residence. 4 D»3 Kansas! ave. nw.. MARY L. HARDING, beloved sister of Etta R Crovo and William G ' Nash. Body resting at the Tabler fu- i hrral home. 4*:17 Ofh st. nw. until! Wednesday. June 3 where services will be heid at 3 p.m . followed by interment In Rock Creek Cemeteiy. • BILTON WILLIAM ST. JOHN. Suddenly .on Satuiday. May 39. 193 7 at Gallmcer I Hospital WILLIAM ST JOHN HILTON, beloved husband of Mrs Eva Hilton, stepfather of Frederick Harris. He > leaves many friends to mourn his de- 1 Parture Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel 3rd and Eye fits. , 0 w , where funeral services will be held ar 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday. June 3. j Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 1 1 JEFFRESS. SI >IE. On Sunday, May 30. ! 1937. at her residence. 1 s 31 Corcoran ’ * fit. nw. SUSIE JEFFRESS. devoted' 4 mother of Marion and Bernice Jeffress. ! fiister of Josephine Blue. She also leaves I • two aunts, one brother, four sisters. ! other relatives and friends. Remains ) resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1433 You st. n.w. Funeral Thursday June 3. at 3 p.m.. from the Good Will Baptist Church. 1 Gth and You sts. n.w.. Rev. J L Pinn offieia'ine. 1 Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. ; Relatives and friends invited. 3 lEI/LEY. MICHAEL c. On Sunday. May .30 1*13?. at Emergency Hospital. MI CHAEL C. KELLEY beloved husband of the late Margaret Kelley. Funeral will be held from Timothy Hanlon s funeral parlor. 044 H st. n.e. on Wednesday. June 2 at g:3u a m. Requiem mass at , St Joseph's Church af 9 a m. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. I lEWIS. ANDREW. On Saturday. May 29. 193T. at his residence. 101*; Whit tine ham pi n e . ANDREW LEWIS devoted husband of Mary F. Lewis, father of Sadie Lewis Mrs. Fannie Clark. Robert. Paul and William A. Lewis. He is also survived by his sister. Mrs. Mamie Cole man: a great uncle, John Lewis; thirteen grandchildren and five great-erandchil- j dren and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 3*9 R I. ave. n w. Re mains mav be viewed after 4 30 p m. Tuesday. June 1. Funeral Wednesday. June 2. at 1 .30 p.m from the above establishment Interment Woodlawn Cemetery, Rev. Hamilton Gaskins offi ciating. 1 fcOVIXGGOOn, LEE J. On Friday May 2*. 1P3T. at Marion. Inri LEE J. LOV INGGOOD brother of Viola Lovinggood. Ada Harris. Bessie Perry. Willie Mae Maxwell. R. S . J. C B. W. and L T. Lovmgeood. Remains resting at Fra zier’s funeral home. .3*9 R. I ave. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. June 2. at 10 a m.. from tne above-mentioned parlors. Pri vate. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 (LUCAS, SAMUEL A. On Sunday. May 30. 1937. Rt Emergency Hospital. SAMUEL A LUCAS, husband of Ella Lucas, father of Mrs. Gertrude Butler. Mrs. Clara Boyd Mrs. Ruth Maxwell. Mrs. Juanita j Little and James Lucas. Remains rest ing at Frazier's funeral home. 3*9 R. I ! ave. n.w. Funeral Thursday. June 3. at I p.m.. from the above-mentionpd par- ! lors. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 2 IfAGINNTSS. ROBERT M. On Sunday. May 30. 1937. at Mount Alto Hospital. ROB ERT M MAGINNTSS beloved husband of Mary Maginnlss (nee Ruskim. Re mains resting at his late residence. 2"0 Quackenhos st. n.w.. where services will * be held on Tuesday. June 1. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 HcTNTOSH. BELLE C. On Sunday May ' 30. 193? at Emergency Hospital. BELLE -C McINTOSH of 3S3*» Vrasey st n.w. i %3dow of Henry B. McIntosh Services * (private) at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral Tiome. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednes day. June 2. at In.30 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. mHl.FR LEE AMOS. SR. Suddenly, on Tuesday June 1. 1937 at his residence fiartreant road. Chillum. Md.. LEE , AMOS MILLER Sr. beloved husband of ..Victoria R Miller and father of Lee Amos, jr : Harry Albert and Edwin Lat imer Miller. Funeral from his late resi dence on Thursday June 3. at 2:30 li m. Services at St Paul's Eniscopal /-Church, Rock Creek Cemetery at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery 2 lltLUCAN. CORDELIA B. Suddenly on JJjMonday. Mav 31. 19:57. at her residence. .495 South Market st . Frederick. Md . CORDELIA B. MULLICAN. beloved wife Oscar T. Mullican Funeral services June 2 at Bethesda. M. E. Church near Browningville. at 2:30. Interment in the adloininiz cemetery. NATOLI. NICOLA. Suddenly, or. Sunday. Mav 30. 1937. at Annapolis Md . NICOt A NATOLI. beloved husband of Josephine. Natoli and father cf Mary Antonino. Rose and Joseph Natoli. Fu neral from his late residence. 1350 Florida ave. n.e.. on Wednesday. June 2. at 8:30 am.: thence to Holy Rosary Church, where mass will be said at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery Ar rangements by Wm. H. Sariio & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. GEO. C. SHAFFER expressive floral tributes at MODERATE PRICES PHONE VAT 0100 Open Evenings _ - . , p _ » n d Sundays COT. 14tH QT Eye Frank Geier’s Sons Co. MKraag "i3 NAtion.i 2473 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connectea with the original W R Speare establishment. NAtlona'l^SSQg 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium eth and Mass Are N E Lincoln 1)200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L HAYCOCK Manager) Phone West wmein-iA M St N W Established 1841 m FUNERAL DESIGNS. (SIDE BROS. CO. Floral Piwcaa _1212 r Bt N W NAtlonai 4270_ BURTON'S 4000 *i?a»!*Blvi. Beautiful Funeral Sprays AT 7171 OP£N EVENINGS a». /Ill and SUNDAYS SYLVESTER l POLI Amusement Industry Mag nate Retired Recently. Had Theater Here. Bs the Associated Press. WOODMONT, Conn., June 1— An attack of pneumonia brought death yesterday to Sylvester Z. Poli, who de veloped a wax-works museum “cham ber of horrors" into a chain of theaters. The amusement industry magnate, retired in recent years, died at Villa Rosa, his Summer home, at 77. Permission to make wax models of seven persons under sentence of death in Chicago as a result of the Hay market riots started Poli in business for himself. From this exhibit grew his chain of theaters, reputedly the largest privately-owned circuit in America. It included houses in Hartford, Bridge port, Waterbury, Springfield, Mass.; Worcester, Mass.; Scranton, Pa.; Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Baltimore and Washington. In 1928, Poli wished to retire, and found a purchaser ror his theater chain in the Fox Theater Corp. The purchase price was reported to be Sratlia. PARKER. ANNIE ]YI. On Saturday. May fydl, a- her residence. 9K K st. n.e. MRS. ANNIE M PARKER, beloved mother ot Mrs. Elizabeth Jenkans and Anna M., William and Albert Parker, ana nunt of William H ana Francos Parker. Funeral from McGuire's fu neral home, lsiu 9th st. n.w. Wednes day. June :1. at s :{o a.m.: thence to Holy Redeemer Cathoiic Church, where requiem mass will be offered at 0 a in. i Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Rrl- ; atives and friends invited. 1* PARKER. ANNIE M. On Saturday. May : al lirr residence. 9S K st. n.e.. j ANNIE M. PARKER, mother of Eliza beth Jenkins. Anna. William and Aloert Parker* grandmother of William, , .tr . and Francis Parker Remains rest- * i:ig at McGuires funeral home, 9th st. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. June from the Holy Redeemer Church, with high mass at 0 a m. • SFFN( ER. GERTRUDE M. On Tuesdav. June ] 1P.V, at .run am GERTRUDE M. SPENCER of Pt'd S st. n.w- , daughter i of the late John W and Mary V Light- j foot, beloved wile of Maurice W. Spencer and devoted mother of Mrs Avis M. Terr.v and Mrs. Gertrude S. Harper Remains resting at the McGuire funeral home. Notice of funeral hereafter 6* TAYLOR. JOSEPH R. On Mondav. May .;]. 19.37. JOSEPH B TAYLOR beloved brother of Na.hamel J Taylor. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co fu neral home. Htu> Chapm st. n.w until Tuesday. June 1 pm. Funeral services and interment. Arcadia. Fla. TOLLIVER, SYLVESTER T. On Sunday, May ;;u. 1 py;. at his residence. 16:31 Rosedaic st. n.e.. SYLVESTER T TOL LIVER. devoted husband of Mrs Nannie Mae Tolliver. He also leaves to mourn their loss two sons. Wellington and Willis Tolliver: three daughters Ida and Florence Tolliver and Mrs. Emma Gilmore: two grandsons. Archill and Louis Gilmore: one sister, Mrs. Marie J. Cole; one brother-in-law. W. Asa Cole; one niece. Ruth Page, and manv other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the George B Clarke Co. funeral home. 1416 Florida ave. n e . until II ; a m Wednesday. June *J: Thereafter at ms late residence, where funeral serv ices will be held Thursday. June .3. at 1 P m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. -J i ' On Monday. May :3J. l.*.3,. JOHN VACCARO. beloved husband of Josephine Vaccaro and father of Eck. Chanes and John Vaccaro. 1r ; Mrs MrhtU kl]e\- f'rank McGovern and Mrs. Aloert Recknor. Funeral from his la^e residence. 4 1 V st. n.w.. on Wednes day morning. Jun* -J. at 9:.{o o'clock Keauiem mass at Holy Rosary Church at 1 o clock. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. WALLER. ^ABSALOM. On Monday. May • >J. DMat his residence. tM.36 Wyo ming ave. n.w.. in the 11th year of his ?erH ABSALOM WALLER, the beloved husband of Louise J Waller and lather ?! A. Nelson Waller of Vireinia and -Airs. William Graves Crenshaw :id, of Rye. N y. Remains resting at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home liyni Mth si. n.w.. until li am. Wednesday Fu neral services at the Waller Baptist Church Spotsylvania Courthouse. Va . on Wednesday. June cl. at p m. In terment m church cemetery. WASHINGTON. NAOMI E. Officers and members of Columbia Temple. 4‘2'2. I B P O E. of W . are notified with pro- j found sadness of the death of our finan cial secretary. Daughter NAOMI E. ! WASHINGTON. Session of sorrow Tues- i day. June I. 19,’37. at S p m. Notice of i luneral later. PAULINE ROBINSON. D. R. LOUISE CREW. A. F. S. | YERGA.V. JAMES. Departed this life on Monday May ,‘31. 19.31. at his residence. 4 3 K st. n.e . JAMES YERGAN. devoted j husband of Sally Y’ergan. loving father : of Edwin and Joseph Yergan and 1 Clementine O Banmon. He also leaves I to mourn their loss two sisters. Mrs Eliza Alston and Miss Lizzie Yergan two grandchildren. James Edwin Yer can and Mae O Bannion. and other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at Barbour Bros.' funeral home 4* K st n e. Notice of funeral hereafter. in Hfemartam. CHAPMAN. EDITH CAMPBELL. A tribute 2r>rrt? ™L&U2V,on '2 a dear mother. EDITH CHAPMAN, who entered into eternal rest a year ago. May 31. I In the beautiful month of Msv You so peacefully passed away To a home that is all love and light. To a place that is heavenly bright. Though you left me sad and lonely, too. I will always have sweet memories of you LANDON. * FULTON. HORACE KIMBALL. In loving memory of HORACE KIMBALL FUL ,‘ON, who diPd June 1. 1923 HI£r>T-tHILDREN AND GRANDCHIL DREN. • HAAG. EMMA E. In loving remembrance g.i our dear wife and mother. EMMA E HAAG who departed this life fourteen years ago today. June 1. 1923. Fourteen long years ago today Since our dear mother passed away. She had a smile for every one. A heart as pure as gold. To those who knew’ and loved her Her memory will never grow old THE FAMILY. HAMILTON. PRISCILLA. In memory of beloved mother. PRISCILLA HAM ILTON who slept away five years ago today. June 1. 1932. J, miss you morning, noon and night When burdens press and the way's not bright You were not rich or famous or gifted with art. Oh. Mom. if I could be with you once more. It would soothe my aching heart. YOUR LONESOME DAUGHTER. SARAH L. HAMILTON. • JACKSON. LOUISA. Sacred to the mem of °ur darling mother. LOUISA JACKSON who departed this life one year ago today. June 1. 193d. Deep in our hearts you are fondly re membered. Sweet memories cling to your name: True hearts that loved you with deepest affection Always will love you in death just the same. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN FRANK AND CARRIE JACKSON AND MAT TIE OVERHALL. • KOSACK. SOPHIA H. In memory of my dear mother. SOPHIA H. KOSACK who departed this life June 1. 1927. No one knows how much I miss you. No one knows the bitter pain I have suffered since you have left me. Life has never been the same. In my heart your memory lingers. Sweetly tender, fond and true: There is not a day. dear mother. That I do not think of you. It is ten years that I am lonely. HER LOVING DAUGHTER. CAROLINE G. MORRIS. • LEWIS. VES P. In loving but sad mem ory of my devoted husband. VES P. LEWIS, who departed this life ten years ago. May 25. 1927. No one knows how I miss you. No one knows the bitter pain I have suffered since I lost you. Life has never been the same. DEVOTED WIFE. LOUISE LEWIS. • THAI ER. CARRIE E. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear mother, CARRIE E. THAYER, who de parted this life thirty-two years ago today. June 1. 1905. When we're alone we like to stray Along the road of yesterday; To live again in memory The happy days that used to be. As the years go by and we grow older' Mother’s memory is our oinding tie; The sweet remembrance of those happy days When we were all together. Those treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear. Thoughts return to scenes long past Of mother's 'ove and willing hands. Time rolls on but memory lasts. HER CHILDREN. • WILLIAMS. VINIA. A tribute of love to our devoted mother and grandmother Mrs. VINIA WILLIAMS, who departed this life seven years ago. April 19. 1930 at Fredericksburg. Va. If ever a love existed: If ever a sweet flower grew: If ever a soul filled its mission on earth. That, darling mother and erandmoth I LEW?., $30,000,000. When difficulties beset Pox, Poli again acquired his theaters. Loew's interests acquired the chain in November, 1934. The old Poli's Theater here was on the south side of Pennsylvania ave nue, between Fourteenth and Fif teenth streets. It was torn down some years ago to make room for the Gov ernment building program. For many years it had been one of Washing ton’s best known theaters. Cash Income for First Part of Year Is Highest Since 1930. B' the Associated Press. Government experts who keep an eye on the farmer’s purse and its buy ing power predicted today that 1937 may set a new peak in agricultural recovery. The economists based their fore cast on these trends: 1. Cash income of farmers the first part of this year has been the largest since 1930 and may approach $4,000, 000,000 for tire first six months. 2. The ratio of prices received by farmers to prices which they must pay has been most favorable since 1925. 3. Demand for farm products has kept step with the advancing pace of business and industry. 4. There probably are fewer per sons on farms to share these advances. : Population Fluctuations. Experts on agriculture and popula tion pointed out the number of persons on farms decreases when times are good and increases during a depres sion. More farm boys and girls leave for jobs in towns and cities when urban employment increases, they ex plained. Census tables of recent years reflect this trend. The farm population de clined from about 32,000,000 in 1910 to 30.000.000 in 1930. despite the fact that the birth rate on farms is much higher than in cities. From 1930 to 1936, however, the farm population increased more than 1,500.000. Gains in dollar volume of farm in comes are reported by monthly tabu- j lations of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. It said cash faim in come the first four months of 1937 at $2,004,000,000 was 27 per cent, or $554 000.000. above last year and was the highest since 1930. Prices Advance Rapidly. The economists said prices received by farmers for corn, wheat, cotton, live stock and other major products had advanced more rapidly from low points of the depression than prices of the things the farmer must buy— rent, interest, taxes, farm wages and other overhead or farm production costs. The price levels of the pre-war pe riod of 1909-1914 are used by the economists as a standard for their studies. In 1932, they said, the gen eral level of prices received by farm ers was 39 per cent below the price ■level of things the farmer must buy. This unfavorable relationship was reduced to 8 per cent last year, they said, and has averaged less than 3 per cent this year, the most favorable ratio since 1925. BRITISH TO AID NAZIS Two Planes With Nurses Fly to Aid of Injured Sailors. LONDON, June 1 (/Pi.—Two Royal Air Force planes will flv non-stop to Gibraltar tomorrow with four army nursing sisters to assist in caring for German sailors injured in bombing of the Deutschland by Spanish govern ment planes Saturday, the air min istry announced. (edsvr Hill V 'cDliaujtmu mtd Beautihd (emetery Community Mausoleum. Cnlambarlan j and Receiving Vaulta. Frazier's —service, quality and reverence in conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete In every detail. Undertakers for col ored U. S. War Veterans. Also for the C. C C. Camp N. P. 11. Company 1360. Washington. D. C. No Deserving Case Turned Away Parlors and Chapels Free Call NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. W.W. CHAMBERS ON* or TH* P™ LARGEST I Undtrtiktrs ■ IN TRK WORM) PARLORS K 9 P0B better SERVICE Chamberj 3 Funeral Homes Main Office 14th and Chapin Sts. N.W. Phone Columbia 0432 Southeast Office Suburban Heme 517 Eleventh St. 8.E. 918 Cleveland Ave. Phone Rlverdale. Md. ATlantie 6700Fhone Greenwood 1921 A 1 ABSALOM WALLER, ATTORNEY, EXPIRES Native of Spottsylvania County, Va., Retired From Prac tice in 1901. Absalom Waller. 77, retired lawyer of the District and Virginia, died yes terday after a long illness at his home, 2136 Wyoming avenue. A native of Spottsylvania County, Va., Mr. Waller was graduated from Mr. Waller. the University of Virginia in 1881 and from George Washington Uni versity Law School in 1887. A member of the bar in the Dis trict and in Vir ginia, he retired from practice in 1901. He twice was a candidate for the Virginia State Senate, the first time in 1901 and again in 1905. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Louise | J. Waller; a son, A. Nelson Waller, Spottsylvania County, and a daughter, Mrs. William Graves Crenshaw, 3d,’ Rye, N. Y. Gen. S. Gardner Waller’, president of the National Guard Asso ciation of the United Slates, is a nephew of Mr. Waller. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in Waller Baptist Church, Spottsylvania County. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The church was built in 1769 by John Waller, one of Mr. Waller's ancestors. Births Reported. Lyle and El«ie Parrntt. girl. Walter and Irene Taylor, boy. --• Deaths Reported. Mary R. Asquith. 88. the Port nor Apts. C. Cotter. ?n. J15 B st. so Lida Q Godfrey. ", l I :» XSTAB, itS7. Zurljorat Funeral Directors <C. 8. Zl'&HOEBT. JE.> 301 Ewt Capitol St. Lifl. NM Lift. 0372 ■■Buk cohdition Ella Phillips. 00. Emergency Hospital Mary A. Conway, 58, front of 1)28 Va. ave. s w. Robert M Maginnlss. 50. 2050 Wis. ave. Anna C. Doyle, 52. 752 0th st. n.e Jane A Lynn. 51. Gallingpr Hospital. Karl Lesncy. 50. Georgetown Hospital. Paul Neese. 48 Gallinger Hospital. Laven Bailey. 28. Emergency Hospital. Zeno Baines. 22. Homeopathic Hospital Marie Cornelius. .'{(5. Gallinger Hospital" Gladys Thompson. 24. Freedmen’s Hospital For Reference ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR $75 No Extras! For a Regular $150 Funeral WASHINGTON’S LOWEST PRICES $75 to $200 and up DEAL Funeral Home Phone Li. 8200-8201 “FAIRFAX” BRAND HOUSE PAINT Have FAIRFAX cleaminr white on the outside of .vour house. A while fhat stays white, because its ALL PAINT. Try a callon NOW. Fairfax Porch and Deck Enamel A splendid quality, deck and floor enamel, easv to anplv and guaran teed to rive excellent results. ’’ tal $1.95 Gallon $3.75 METROPOLITAN 0150 Fairfax Black Screen Enamel Qtiart 50c ri"‘ 30c * rint 25c Applirator 25c 609 C SI. N.W. North Side of C bet. 6th ar,d 7th Free Parking —at Flli*’ Parkin* Lot, f>th and Indian Avenue. Complete 8-Piece "Daren-Twin" Outfit ?—.. This complete outfit consists of a bed davenport that opens into a pair of twin beds or double bed, a mod erne occasional table, 2 modern occasional chairs, modern junior lamp, bridge lamp, end table and smoker. A sensational value for Wednesday only . . . Guoranteed Electric W a s h er, complete $^0-95 with wring er. ^ Keep cool with this new style Electric Fan. 98‘ 4 - Burner Oil Range with large oven. 25-foot Garden Hose. $1.98 6-Piece Revolving Glass "Left-0 v e r" Set and Automatic Electric Light, included with any Ice Refrigerator. Double Door Refrigerater $| 3 95 Protects foods . . . saves ice, new style double door refrigerator with electric light; well in sulated and corked; choice of ivory or green enamel. No Money Down —Easy Terms. r free i PARKING Altman't Lot on Eyo St. betwoon 6th 4 7th ^ FREE ^ DELIVERY ' Anywhere in Mary land and Virginia