Newspaper Page Text
0. $. BONDS EASE, OTHERS ARE MIXED Railroad Loans Depressed by Disappointing Carrier Earnings Reports. Bond Averages CO 10 10 10 Rails Indust Util Psn Net ehangp. Unc +.1 Unc —.1 Today noon. 93.0 103 0 98:5 71.7 Prev. day... 93 0 102.9 98.5 71.8 Month ago— 93.8 103.1 98.9 71.2 Year ago... 91.9 103.0 101.6 69.2 1937 high .. 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low... 92.6 102.4 97.8 70.5 1936 high— 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 10i.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40 0 64.6 42.2 1928 high ..101.1 98,9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon _110.5 Prev. day. 110.6 Month ago 109.6 Year ago. 112.1 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104 4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by tne Associated Press.! E5 the AssoctfOcri Press. NEW YORK. June 1 .—IT. S. Gov- ! ernment, German and Italian loans dropped on small volume in the bond j market today as traders withdrew for j appraisal of diplomacy arising out of | bombing of a German warship. Down about 1-32 to 5-32 of a point] were Treasury 2';s, the 2’;S of 1959 ! and the 27as. In the corporate sector rail liens declined under the shadow of disap pointing earnings. Of! fractions to a i point or so were Alleghany 5s of 1949, ' Baltimore &- Ohio 4'2s. Erie 5s, Illinois j Central 4 hs. Southern Railway 4s and Missouri Pacific 5s. Great Northern convertible 4s were ] down about 3 following a decline in thp shares. Resistant were Bethlehem Steel 3 V Goodyear 5s, International Paper. Me- , Kesson & Robbins and Texas Corp. 3 V. In the foreign division German and Italian issues were off fractions to around a point, NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK June 1 f/PV—New York Security Dealers' Association: ^Quotations as of ~ O'clock.> B:d. Asked. Bk of Man MM) _ .t:M :«4M Bankers Tr <*D _ 66 6s Bklyn Trust <4» _ 1M7 Cen Han Bk & Tr <4 » _lls J .* 1 Chase Nat <1 4" > _ „ AOM Chem Bk & Tr <1.80)_ 6AM 67V* Commercial <8* 1 !»‘J 1!»8 Cont Bk & Tr <.80* . _ 1', ISM 1 Corn Ex Bk & Tr <.‘l) _ O.iM 64M : Empire Tr M) _. __ _ .’to ;U j First Nat (Bos 1 <‘D_ AIM o.'iM First Natl <1001 _ __?11 A C1AA j Guaranty Tr MID _:>-".4 ;;:!!» Irving Tr <.60) _ 1AM 16M Manufacturers Tr <‘D A°M 54M 1 Manufacturers Tr pf <*D_AoM .VIM Natl City <1* _ 44 M- 46 M N Y Trust < A) _ 1*:.V. 1\’RM i Public MM> _ 4UM 4AM Title G & T_ i:»M 14M FEDERAL LAND BANKS j NEW YORK. June 1 </?..—Federal Land i Bank bonds 41as Nov., 1958-38_104*8 3 045« 4 Us May. 1957-37 _101 *2 101*4 4s May. 1958-.3S _ lu234 1 <»:»1 n 4s Nov.. 1957-37 _ 1013« 1<»1 U 4s July. 1948-44 _ _ 109U 109 s a oUs May. 1955-45 _102*4 102*2 3s July. 1955-45 _ 100"8 101U 8a Jan. 1956-46 _ 300’* 101U 3s May. 1950-46 _100"1b 101‘a CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO June 1 ifpi.—Poultry, live. 49 trucks, steady; hens, over 5 nounds. lT’fe: 5 pounds and less. 17 *2; Leghorn hens. 1.3*2; fryers, colored. 21; Plymouth Rocks. 22*2i White Rocks. 23: barebacks. ! 19. broilers, colored Plymouth and White ; Rocks. 21: Leghorns IS*.-20: barebacks. 18; Springs, colored. 24: Plymouth Rocks 25* 2: White Rock 20 barebacks. 21: roosters. 13: Leghorn roosters 12: tur keys. hens 15’2: tom^. 14: No. 2 tur- 1 keys. 13: ducks, white and colored 4*2 pounds up 15: small. 1.3: geese 11 Butter. 16.' 18. steady. Creamery spe cials <9.3 score* 30’2-31: extras <92) 30: , extra firsts <90-91 >. 29* 4-12 firsts <88 89 • 21*2-28* *• <90 centralized carlots'.i 29’?. Eggs 41.690 weaker: extra firsts.; local. 2o. cars. 2o* •: fresh graded firsts. | local. 19: cars. 19*.-: current receipts.: 18U: storage-packed txtras. 21: storage packed firsts 2034. Potatoes. 227: on track 32.3: tofal | Vniten States shipments Saturday. 843: j Sunday. 141: Monday. 641: old stock. Idaho Russets slightly weaker, other stock about steady-, supplies moderate demand light: sacked per hundredweight. Idaho Russet Bu"banks. U S. No. 1. few sales. 2.40-45: Maine Green Mountains. U S. No 1. car 2.10: South Carolina Cobblers. 17. S. No. 3. showing heated, fair condi tion. 1 85 New stock. Southern Triumphs slightly stronger, California stock slightly weaker: supplies moderate, demand very good. Louisiana Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1, 3.65-2.00: mostly 1.75-200: washed stock, few sales 1.95-2.25: U. S No. 2. 3.10: Cobblers. U S No. 3. 1.95-2 00; Mississippi Bliss Triumphs. U S. No. 1. 3.80-90: fair condition 3.50-75; U. S No. 2 1.05-3 0; Alabama Bliss Triumphs. tJ S. No. 1, generally fair condition. 1.50 75: showing considerable decay 1.00: U. F No 2. 1.00-15: California White Rose. U. S. No. 1, 2 05-15; fair condition. 2.00. NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK June 1 (/Pi.—Raw sugar was quiet earlv today and prices un changed at 3.35 for spots, with no sales reported. Futures were steadier, particularly in the No. 4 contract, which opened 2 to 4 points higher on increased trade covering end commission house buying promoted by the upturn a: London and uncertainty over political developments abroad. The upturn, however, attracted hedg ing and part of r was lost with Septem ber easing off from 1 24 1.. to 1.23. leaving the list n to points net higher at midday. The No. a contract was less active as traders were inclined to limit commit ments owing to inactivity in the spot market. The undertone, however, was steady. July sold at 2.47 and January. 2.41. or ] point ne* higher. RennPri was unchanged at 4.70 for fine granulated, but business was light. —--• NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK June 1 r.Pu—Eggs. 28,126: 1 weak Mixed color-, special packs. 22- j 2334. standards 2134: storage packed firsts. 21-2114: firsts. 20-2o,2: mediums. 189/4-19: dirties. No. 1. 19-19U; average checks 18-1814 Butter, 14.171: steady. Creamery higher than extra. 31U-32* extra (92 acorn. 31: firsts <88-9] scores). 28-30%: seconds (S1-87 scores’. 23-27,/a: central ized (90 score’ 3(t. Cheese 57.207: firm. State, whole milk flatsjresh. fancy. ]t>V. held, fancy. 1936 .^v’e Poultry, hv freight, weak. Fowl, colored 1.*; Leghorn 10: roosters. 11: tur keys. 10-20: duck.. 13; chickens unquoted. ---- U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position, of the Treasury May 28: Jteceipts. $15,425,607.22: expenditures. -s8: balance. $1,752,676. 484. *8; customs receipts for the month. $44.610.642.26. .Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1). $4,412,577,715.97: expenditures. $6. / 86.483.629.1« (including $2,575,382 - $-.4.97 of emergency expenditures); excess of expenditures. $2,373,905,913.19 Gross debt. $35,200,773 412.83. an increase of $3,151,264.58 over the previous day: cold essets. $11.983 640,860.44. including $< 52.32 3.438.87 of inactive gold. STEEL QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK. June 1 f/FV—Steel prices per 100 pounds f. o. b. Pittsburgh. Blue annealed sheets, hot rolled. 2.40: galvan ized sheets. 3.80; Clack sheets, hot rolled. 3.15: steel bars. 2.45 -• MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. June 1 •£»).—Silver fu tures opened steady, unchanged to 3 lower. July. 44.67b: September. 44.57b; Decem ber. 44.50b. b—Bid. -• RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK, June 1 i/P).—Crude rubber /utures opened easy. 35 to BO lower. July. 19.85-fin; September. eo.08-12; December, 20.24-25. -« NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, June 1 OP).—Bar silver easier, yB lower at 447g. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transactions Today. U S Gov’t Bonds..., 580,000 Foreign Bonds_ 1,530,000 Domestic Bonds 5,980,000 TREASURY. All time shown below Is daylight saying on which the Exchange ii now operating. High. Low. Close. 2 ',2 s 1949-53_ 97.30 97.24 97.24 2\s 1945-47_ 102.31 102.28 102.28 294s 1948-51_ 100.25 100.22 100.22 2 s 1951-54_ 99.30 99.26 99.27 2«ts 1956-59_ 99.21 99.21 99.21 2 "g s 1955-60_ 100.25 100.21 100.21 3s 1946-48 _ 104.15 104.11 104.1 1 3s 1951-55_ 102.28 102.23 102.23 3 y,s 1946-49_ 104.31 104.26 104.28 3 ’sS 1949-52_ 104.15 104.15 104.15 3US1941 _ 106.20 106.16 106.16 3»is 1944-46 ... 106.14 106.11 106.11 3 s 1940-4 3 June 105.23 105.22 105.23 3:Sis 1941-43 Mar 106.19 106.16 106.19 3'■is 1943-47 . 106.31 106.28 106.31 3'«s 1946-56_ 109.30 109.30 109.30 4s 1944-54 _ 111.19 111.15 111.19 4Vis-3H» ’43-45. 106.20 106.16 106.16 4>as 1947-52 _ 116. 115.28 115.28 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1947_ 102.29 102.29 102.29 3s 1949 _ 102.14 102.10 102.12 3 U s 1964 _ 103. 102.30 102.30 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2Us 1942-44 _ 99.23 99.23 99.23 2-Vs 1939-49_ 100.8 100.6 100.8 3s 1952 _101.3! 101.29 101.29 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low Close. Ahltibi Pa&Pw 5s '63. 99% 99% 99% Akershus 5s'63 . 98% 98", 98% Alpine .Mont S 7s'55 .. 99% 99% 99% Antioquia 7s'45 A 13% 13% 13% Antioquia 2d 7s'57 n. 11% 11% 11% Antwerp 5s'58 _100% 100s, 100% Argentine 4s'72 _ 91 90% 91 Argentine 4 %s ’7 l_100% 100 100% Argentine 5 % s '62_100% 100% 100% Argentine 6s 57 A_101 101 101 Argentine 6s 59 Oct.. 101% 101s, 101% Argentine 6s'60 May. 101% 101% 101% Argentine 6s’60 Sept 101 101 101 Argentine 6s'60 Oct 101% 101% 101% Argentine 6s 61 Febr 100”, 100”, 100% Argentine 6s'61 May. 101% 101% 101% Australia 4 V*.s'56_102% 102% 102% Australia 5s’55_107% 107% 107% Australia 5s'57_107% 107 107% Belgium 6s'55 _108% 108% 108% Belgium 6%s’49_ 109 109 109 Belgium 7s’55 _117% 117s, 117s, Bergen City 5s '60_100'., 100 100% Berlin 6s ’58 _ 21 20% 20s, Berlin 6 Vis’50_ 23 23 23 Brazil 6%s '26-'57_ 37% 37% 37% Brazil 6%s’27-’57_ 37s, 37% 37% Brazil 7s '52_ 37 36% 36% Brazil 8s 41 _ 45% 45% 45% Breda Ernesto 7s'54. 71 70 71 Brisbane 5s'57 101 100”, 100”, Buenos A C 6%s'61Pv 101 101 101 Beu A 4%-4%s'77 Pv 77% 77% 77% Buenos A 4%s'76 Aug 78% 78 78 Buenos Aires 4 '%s-4 ”ss '76 April 79% 79s, 79% Buenos A4 %s-4 Sts'75 80% 79% 80% Bulgaria 7s'67 _ 26 26 26 Bulgaria *%s 68__ 2 i", 27% 27% Canada 2%s ’45_ 99 99 99 Candaa 3%s '61_ 99”, 99% 99”, Canada 4s '60_ 107*, 107', 107% Canada 6s'52_112 112 112 Chile 6s’60 _ 21% 21% 21% Chile 6s'61 Jan_ 21% 21% 21% Chile 6s'61 Febr_ 21s, 21% 21% Chile 6s'61 Sept _ 21% 21% 21% Chile Mtg Bk 6s ’61._. 18s, 18% 18% Chile Mtg Bk 6s '62 . 18%. 18% 18% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s'61 18% 17s, 17% Cologne 6%9 '50 .. 23 23 23 Colombia 6s 61 Jan . 28% 28% 28% Colombia 6s'61 Oct . 28% 28% 28% Copenhagen 4 Vjs'53. 94% 93”, 93% Copenhagen 6s ’52 .. 99% 98% 98% Cordoba 7s ’37 stpd 75 75 7,5 Cordoba 7s 42 prv_ 96*, 96% 96% Cuba 5s’04-’44_ 102% 102% 102% Cuba 5Vis ’45 _ . 60s, 60% 60% Czechoslovakia 8s'51 104 104 104 Czechoslovakia 8s '52 104 104 104 Denmark 41is'62_ 98'4 98R 9814 Denmark 514s'55_101s* 10114 10H4 Denmark 6s'42 _10514 105'* 10514 Dominic 1st 514s ’42.. 78 78 78 Dominic 514s’61 ext— 78s* 78s* 7814 El Salvador 8s'48 ct_. 61ss 6114 6114 Frankfort 614s ’53_ 23 23 23 French Gov 7>4s’41- 117U 116 11714 French G 714s'41un st 11114 1111. 111V* Ger C Bk A 6s'60 July 33'* 33'* 33'* Ger C Bk A 6s'60 Oct. 33'* 33'* 33'* Ger Gov 5'As 65 st . 28'* 26 26'* Ger Gov 514s’65 un st 21"* 211* 211* Ger 1’rv & City Bank con Ag 6'is'58 _ 28s* 28*4 28'li Ger Hep 7s '49 stpd30'a 30'a 30'a Ger Rep 7s 49 un st_24'a 24'* 24'j Grt C El Jap 7s '44___ 98 98 98 Greek Gov 6s'68_ 29'a 29'a 29'a Greek Gov 7s'64_ 34'* 34'* ,'!4'4 Haiti 6s '52 100 100 100 Hamburg St 6s '46_ 22 21'a 21'4 Helsingfors 6 tis'60 105'a 105 105 Hung Con M 712s ’45. 23'a 23' . 2314 Hungary 71*s’44 55 55 55 Irish Free State 5s'60 115'i 1151* 11514 Italy 7s’51 _ 86s* 85s* 85'* Ital P U Crd 7s'52_ 73'a 72'* 7214 Japan 6% s'65_ 86'a 86 86 Japan 614s'54_ 98'* 9714 9814 Kreug&Toll 5s ’59 cfs 48 48 48 Lombard Elec 7s ’52_. 73s* 73'* 7314 Low Austria 7%s '50_ 9714 9711 9714 Mexica 4s '54 asst_ 6 6 6 Milan 614s o2_ . _. 72s* 71s* 71s* Minas Gers 614s’58_26'a 26'* 26'4 Minas Gers 61*s’59.. 26s* 26'* 26s* -N'ord Ry 614s '50_ 10714 106s* 10714 Norway 4s 63 _ 98’2 98 98 Norway 414s ’65_102'* 10214 102'/* Norway 414s'56_104'* 10414 1041* Norway 6s 43_106'a 1061* 1061* Norway 6s‘4*_ 106s* 106s* 1061* Oriental Dev 5'4s’58 77 77 77 Oriental Dev 6s'53 ... 82'4 82'4 8214 Oslo 4 ’a s '55 .. 100’.* 100 100 Panama os'63 stp as. 69 67% 69 Paris Orl Ry 5 Vis'68. 98% 98 98 Pernambuco 7s'47_ 23% 23% 23% Peru 6s'60_ 20% 19% 19% Peru 6s'61- 20% 19% 19% Peru 7s'59 - 20% 20% 20'% Pirelli 7s'52_ 98 98 98 Poland Ss 50_ 46% 46 46% Queensland 7s'41_110% 110% 110% Rhine W El P 6s '53 21% 21% 21% Rio de Jan 6Vis'53 __24% 24% 24'% Rio Gr do Sul 6s '68_ 25% 25 25 Rio Gr do Sul 8s’46_ 30 29% 29% Rome 6 Vis '52 75% 74 74 Saarbrucken 6s'53_ 23% 23% 23% Sao Paulo C 6 Vis’57__ 26 25% 25% Sao Paulo St 6s '68_ 25% 25% 25'% Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 94 93% 94 Sao Paulo St 7s'56_ 27 26% 26% Serbs 7s'62_ 28 27'% 27% Serbs 8s'62. - 28'% 28% 28% Sydney 5 Vis'55_105% 105% 105% Toklo 5'%s '61 _ 79 79 79 Tokio E L, Ltd 6s '53.. 79% 79% 79% Tyrol Hy El 7 Vis'55. 98 98 98 Ujlgawa E P 7s '45 .... 94% 94% 94% Un Stl Wks 6'%s’51 A 28% 28% 28% Uruguay 6s '60 66% 66 66 Venetian MGB 7s'52. 78 78 78 Vienna 6s '52_ 96% 96% 96V4 Yokohoma 6s'61_ 83% 83% 83% DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4s '48 100% 100% 100% Alleg Corp 6s'44--_ 99% 99 99 Alleg Corp 6s 49_ 94 93% 94 Alleg Corp 5s '50 stp 63% 63 63 Allied Stores 4%s '51. 97% 97% 97% Am & For Pw 5s 2030 78% 77% 77% AtnlGCh 5%s '49- 106% 106% 106% Am Inti 5%s '49 - 105% 105% 105% Am T&T 3 % s '61_ 99% 98% 99 Am T&T3%s’66_ 99 98% 98% Am T & T 4%s '39- 104% 104% 104% AmTATSlis 43— 113% 113% 113% Am T F 2%s-5s’38-’50 136% 136% 136% Am Wat Wks 6s ’75 . 106% 105% 105% Anaconda deb 4 %s '60 105% 105% 105% Anglo-Chil Nit 7s'67 35 35 35 Armour(Del)lst 4s’65 97% 97% 97% Armour (Del) 4s '67 . 97% 97 97 Armstrong Ck 4S'60- 105% 105 105% A T&S Fe 4S 05-'5o .. 106% 106% 106% A T&S Fe adj 4s '95 105% 105% 105% A T&S Fe adj 4s '95 st 105% 105% 105% A T&S Fe gen 4s'95 - 110 109% 109% A T&S Fe 4 %s 48 108% 108V* 108'/, A T&S Fe TSCL 4s '58 111 110% 110% Atl Coast L 1st 4s '62 102% 102% 102% Atl Coast L clt 4s'52 93% 93'% 93% Atl C L un 4%s'64 _ 91 91 91 Atl Coast Line 5s'45 104% 104% 104% Atlantic & D lst4s'48 50 48% 48% Atl G & W 1st 6s'59 75 76 75 Atl Refining deb 5s’37 100% 100% 100% Aust & Nor 5s '41_106% 105H 105% B & O 1st 4s 48__ 106% 106% 106% B&O4%s'60_ 75% 75% 75% High. Low. Close. B & O 1st 5s '48 reg... 111% 111% 111% B & O ref 6s 96 A_ 85% 85% 85% B & O 6s '96 F_ 85 84% 85 B & O ref 6s 2000 D._. 84% 84% 84% B & O ref 6s 95 C ... 97% 97% 97% B&O PLE&W V43'41 103% 103% 103% B & O Swn 5s 60 104 103 103 Bang&Aroos cv 4s '51 111 111 111 Bell T of Pa 5s '48 B 118% 118% 118% Bell Tel of Pa 6s'60 C 124% 124% 124% Beth Steel 3%s '66_ 96 95% 95% Beth Steel 4%s 60... 103% 103% 103% Bos & Me 6s '55__ 84% 83% 84% Bos & Me 6s'67 _ 83% 83% 83% Bos N V A L 4s '55... 24% 24 24% Bot Con M 6%s '34_ 24% 24% 24%' Bklyn Ed con 3%s'66 100% 100% 100% Bklyn Man T 4V4s '66 90 88 88% Bklyn Un El 5s '50 _. 105% 105% 105% Bklyn Un Gas 6s'45.. 114 114 114 Bklyn Un Gas 6s'50.. 96 95% 96 Bklyn Un G 6s 67 B . 106 105% 106 Bklyn Un G ref 6s '47 119% 119% 119% Buff R&P con 4%s’57 86 86 86 Buff U&P cn4>4s’57rg 84 84 84 B C It & N cl 5s'34 . 20% 20% 20% Bush Ter Bldg 6s'60. 63 62% 63 Calif G & E rf (is '37_. 101% 101% 101% Calif Packing 5s '40._ 105% 105 105% Camag 7s 42 ctfs_ 22 20% 20% Canada So 6s ’62 A. 113% 113% 113% Can'dian NR 4 Vis ’51. 113% 113% 113% Can'dian Nli 4%s '57. 1121a 112% 112% Can'dian N os'69 July 116% 115% 116V* Can'dian NR5s'69 Oct 117% 117% 1171a Can'dian N db 6%s'46 124 124 124 Can'dian P db 4s perp 94% 93% 93% Can'dian Pac 4%s'46 104% 104% 104% Can'dian Pac 4 Vis '60 103 102% 102% Can'dian P 5s'44 cfs. 115 115 115 Car & Gen 6s '50 ww . 101% 101% 101% Central Fdry cv 5s'41 102% 102% 102% Cent 111 E & G 6s'51 . 100*, 100% 100% Cent N England 4s'61 67% 67% 67% Cent of N J 4s'87 _ 55% 55% 55% Cent of N J gen 5s '87 63 63 63 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s'49. 108 107% 107% Centrac5s‘60 _ 98% 98 99 Cerl'd deb 5Vis'48 . 83 83 83 Champ P&F 4%s '50.. 105% 105% 105% Ches & O 3Vis '96 D_ 96% 96% 96% C & O gen 4%s '92_118% 118% 118% C & O con 5s '39 ..I. 107% 107’, 107% Chi & Alt ref 3s'49.55% 55 55% Chi B&Q gen 4s '58... 111'.., 111% 111% Chi B&Q ref 6s'71... 116% 116 116 Chi B&Q1 div 3%s '49 107% 107% 107% Chi & E 111 5s '51 . 37% 36% 36% Chi & E 111 5s ’51 ctfs. 36% 36 36 Chi Grt West 4s ’59 _. 43% 43% 43% Chi Ind & Lou 4s "47.. 30 30 30 C R1 & St P 4s ’89 . 55% 55% 55% CM&StP gn 4 Vis'89 C 60 60 60 CM&StP 5s '75 . 28** 27% 27% CM&StP&P adj5s2000 9% 8% 8% Chi & MV gen 3 V* s'87 36% 36% 36% Chi & NW 4%s 2037 C 25% 24 21 Chl&NYV 4**s'49.__ 17 16% 16% Chi R l&P rf 4s 34 . 20% 20% 20% Chi Rl&Prf 4s'34ctf. 17 16% 16% Chi R I&P gen 4s '88 . 34% 34 34% Chi R I&P 4%s '52... 19% 19%. 19% Chi R I&P 4%s'60 _ 11*, 11 11’% Chi T H&S 1st 5s'60 . 91% 91% 91% Chi T H&S Inc 5s'60. 78 78 78 Chi Un Sta 4s'44 106 106 106 Chi & W In con 4s'52 103% 103% 103% Chi & W Ind 4Vis '62. 102% 102 102% Childs & Co 5s'43 87% 87% 87’, Choc O G con 5s'52 35 35 35 Cin G & E 3%s '66 ... 99% .‘9% 99% Cin Un T 3%s D gtd._ 104% 104% 104% CCC&St L pen 4s '93 100% 100% 100%. CCC&St L rf 4%s’7 7E 94*, 94", 94% CCC&St L rf 5s 63 D .. 105% 105% 105% CCC&St Lrf 6s'41 C. 103% 103% 103% CCC&StI,CW&M4s’91 94% 94'-, 94% Clev El 111 3% s'65 . 108% 108% 108% Clev Un Ter 4Vis'77. 102 1011,101% Clev Un Ter 6s '73 B 106 105", 106 Clev Un Ter 5Vis'72A 111", 111", 111", Colo & So 4 %s'80_ 62% 62% 62% Colo F& I as 70 _ 78 78 78 Columbia G & E 6s '52 May ._ 101% 101% 101% Columbia G&E 5s'61. 99", 98% 99% Colum Ry I’&L 4s '65 105% 105% 105", Columbus & Tol 4s'55 112 112 112 Cornel Credit 3%s’51 99 99 99 Cons Coal Del 5s'60 . 68% 68% 68%. Cons Ed N Y 3%s '46. 105 104*, 105 Cons Ed N Y 3%s'56. 103% 103% 103% Consol Oil 3%s'51 . 101 100", 101 Consum Pwr 3%s '66 100 100 100 Consum P un 3 Vis'65 103% 103 103% Consum Pwr3%s'70 102’, 102%. 102% Consum Pwr 3 *4s’65. 105*, 105*, 105% Container 6s'46 _ 103** 103*, 103** Crane Co 3 % s '51 _ 99% 99% 99% Crown Will P 6s '51.. 104% 104% 104% Cuba Northn 5%s'42. 49% 49% 49% Cuba RR 1st 5s'62 __ 50 60 50 Dayton P&L 3 Vis '60. 103", 103*, 103*i Del & Hud ref 4s 43 .. 91% 90*, 90** Den & R G con 4s '36. 27** 27% 27% Den & R G 4 Vis '36 ... 28 28 28 Den & RGW 6s'55asst 16% 15«* 15% Den & R G ref 5s’78_. 23% 22 22 Det Edison 4s'65 F 108% 108", 108% Det Edison 4%s '61 D 113% 113*, 113% Det Edison 5s'52 . 107V, 107% 107% Det Riv Tun 4%s '61. 111% 111%. 111% Dul S S & At 5s '37 . 34 53% 54 Duquesne Lt 3 Vis'65 105 104%- 104 % Elec Auto Lite 4s ’52. 109'; 1084 1094 Brie eons 4s'96_ 994 999, 994 Erie gen 4s '96_ 83 824 83 Erie ref 5s'67_ 794 78** 78*, Erie ref 5s'75 __ 784 78 78 Erie&Pitts 34s’40 B 1054 1054 1054 Fairbks Morse 4s'56. 102 102 102 Fed Lt&Tr int 5s '42.. 1024 1024 1024 Fla E C By 5s ’74 _ 124 124 124 Fla E C Ry 5s'74 etfs 12 12 12 Gen Cable 5 4s '47 1054 1054 1054 Gen Mot Acc 3s '45_ 1024 1014 1014 Gen Mot Acc 3 74 s’51. 1004 1004 1004 Gen Stl Cast 574s ’49. 824 824 824 Goodrich 474s'56_ 1007* 1004 1004 Goodrich 6s'45_ 1054 1054 1054 Goodyear T&R Es'57. 1057* 104** 105 Goth Silk H 5s '46 tvw 98 97 98 Grt Nr Ry 3 7* s'67 93** 93 934 Great N Ry 4s '46 G._ 1324 12914 1304 Grt N Ry 4s '46 H . 1104 110 110 Grt NR gen 44s '75 D 1047* 1044 1044 Grt N R gn 4',4 s '77 E 104 104 104 Grt N R gn 5s '73 C._. 11274 1124 11274 Grt N R 5 4s 52 B_1177* 1174 1177, Green Bay Es'62 B_ 12 114 114 Gulf M & N 5s 50 ... 99 99 99 Gulf M & N 5 74s '50_ 10074 10074 100'/* Gulf Sta Stl 4 74s '61 94 94 94 Gulf States Util 4s'66 1 0 1 74 1 0 1 74 1 01'i Gulf Sta Util 4 4s '46 1037* 1034 103!* Har Ry PC 1 st4s'54 91*, 91*, 91*, Houston Oil 5 4s'40. 102 102 102 Hudson Coal 5s '52 48 47 47 Hudson Co G 1st 5s’49 120 120 120 Hud & Man inc os '57 . 267» 25'* 25'/* Hud & Man ref 5s '57_ 68 664 66'.• Ill Bell Tel 3’4s’70 105% 105% 105% 111 Cent col tr 4s'53.. 80% 80% 80% 111 Cent 4%s'66 73% 73 73 ICC&St L N O 4% s'63 78 78 78 ICC&St L N O 5s'63.. 82% 82% 82% 111 Steel deb 4%s'40.. 106% 106% 106% Inland Stl 3%s'61 . 104% 104% 104% Int R T 1st rf 5s'66 70% 69% 70 I R T 1st rf 6s'66 ctfs 67% 67% 67% Int RT 6s'32 _ 24% 23% 24% Int R T 6s '32 ctfs_ 21% 21% 21% Int RT 7s'32_ 71% 71% 71% Int R T 7s '32 ctfs 69% 69% 69% Interlake Iron 4s'47 96% 96% 96% Int Grt Nr adj 6s'52 A 12% 12% 12% Int Hydro Elec 6s'44 75% 74 74 Int Mer Marine 6s'41 75 75 75 Int Pap 1st 5s'47 A.. 101% 101 101% Int Pap ref 6s'65 _ 99 98 99 Int T&T cv 4%s'39_ 81 80% 81 Int T&T 4 % s '52_ 68% 67 67 Int TAT 5s '55 _L72% 71% 71% Iowa C lst&rf 4s'61.. 7% 7% 7% James F&C 4s'39... 94% 94% 94% Jones&L Stl 4%s'61A 102% 102% 102% Kans C F S&M 4s'36. 56 54% 54% Kan CFS&M rf4s'36ct 50 60 60 Kans C So 1st 3s'50.. 87 87 67 Kans City So ref 5s'60 89% 89% 89% Kans C Ter 1st 4s '60. 108% 108% 108% Kans G&E 4%s'80_104% 104% 104% Keith's 6s'46_ 98% 98% 98% Kings Co El 4s'49._. 101% 101% 101% Kings C L 1st 6%s '54 113% 113% 113% Kresge Found 3% s’47 101% 101% 101% Kresge Found 4s 45_. 104% 104 104% Laclede Gas 5s '39.. i 93% 92% 92% Laclede G 6%s '63 C— 60% 60 60% Laclede G 5%i '60 D_. 69% 69% 59% Lake E&W 2d 5s '41.. 105V* 105% 105% Lake S&M So 3%s '97 101% 101% 101% Lautaro Nit 1975s_ 34% 34’% 34% Leh C&N 4%s '54 A._ 96% 96% 96'% Leh Val Har Bs '64 —. 101 101 101 Leh V NY 4% s'40 gtd 101% 101% 101% Leh V P con 4s 2003 59s* 59s* 59s* Leh V Peon 4 %s 2003 64 64 64 Leh V RR con 5s 2003 71% 71% 71% Ligg & Myers 7s '44_129% 129% 129% Loew’s 3%s’46 _ 99 98% 99 Long Isl ref 4s '49_102% 102% 102% Long Isl rf 4s '49 Stp. 103 103 103 Lori Hard 7s'44.. 127% 127% 127% La & Ark Es 69_ 93% 93 93 Lou & Jeff Bid 4s'45.. 108% 108 108 L & Nash 3 % s 2003_ 92% 92% 92% L & N 1st 4s 2003_ 98% 98% 98% L & N unit 4s ’40_106% 106% 106% L&N 4%s 2003 C_ 106 105 105 L & N 6s 2003 108% 108% 108% High. Low. Close. X, & N Atl K&C 4s '55. 112 112 112 L& N So Mon jt 4s'52 97 97 97 McKess&Rob 5%s'50. 104'% 104% 104% Me C HR clt 4s '45 A_. 104% 104% 104% Manatl Sug 7 Vis '42_55% 55% 55% Manhat Ry 4s'90_ 38% 38 38 Manhat Ry 4s'90 ctfs 33 33 33 Mead Co 6s'45 .. . 104 103% 104 Met Ed 1st rf 4%s '68 106% 106% 106% Mich Cent 4%s '79_ 105 105 105 Mil El R&L 5s'61 .. 101% 101 101% Mil El R&S L rf 6s'71 101% 101 101 Mil No 1st 4%s CX '39. 83 83 83 MStP&SSM cn 4s '38 22 22 22 MStP&SSM fis'38 Rtd 24% 24% 24% Mo K &T 1st 4s '90_ 86 86 86 Mo K & T 4s 62 B_ 65% 65% 65% Mo K & T 5s '62 A_ 75% 75 75 Mo Pac 4s'75 _ 18 17% 17% Mo Pac 5s'77 F_ 40 39% 39% Mo Pac 5s '78 G_ 39 39 39 Mo Pacific 5s' 81 I_ 40 39 39% Mo Pac 5s'81 1 ctfs... 37% 37", 37% Mo Pac 5 V,s '49 A .. 15% 14% 14% Mob & Ohio 4%s’77 . 32 31% 31% Mob & Oh M div 5s'47 44% 44% 44% MononR PubS4Vjs'60 103% 102% 103% MononR Pub S 6s'65. 103 103 103 Mont Pwr 3%s'66 94% 94% 94% Morris&Essex 4%s’55 87% 87 87 Morris&Essex 6s’55. 97% 97 97% Mutual Fuel G 5s ’47. 114% 114% 114% Natl Dairy 3 % s’Glww 103% 103% 103% Natl DIs P C 4%s'45. 105 105 105 Nat R M 1st 4s'51 ext. 3% 3% 3% Nat It M 4s '77 asst... 4% 4 4% Natl Steel 4s 65 106', 106 106 New Jer P&L 4%»'60 106% 106% 106% New OrlGNR 5s'83 A 88% 88% 88% New Orl P S 5s'52 A. 94% 94 94 New Or! P S 5s '55 R 94% 94% 94% New Or Ter 1 st 4s'53. 91", 9»1 % 91% New Orl T&M 5%s’54 54% 54 54',, N Y Central 3 Vis '52.. 109% 108 108% NY Central 3'Vs ’97_96% 96 96% NY Central 3%s'46.. 102 101% 101% NY Cent 4s '42_105", 105% 105% NY Cent con 4s’98 __ 974 96", 974 NY Cent rf 4 Vis 2013. 884 884 884 NY C rf 4 Vis 2013 n._ 884 884 88:4 NY Cent rf 5s 2013_ 964 96 964 NY Cent cv fis'44 ... 104 103 103 NY C L Sh 3 V-s ’98 .. 92 914 914 NY Chi & St I, 4s 46.. 1034 1034 103V, NYC&St L, 44s '78 . 864 864 864 NYC&St L 5Vis'74 A. 984 98V* 984 NY Chi & St L 6s ’38 .. 100 100 100 NY Conn 1st 44s '53. 1094 1094 1094 NY Dock 1st 4s'51 . 61 60'., 61 NY Edison 2',s 65 D. 1004 994 100'4 NY Elis ref 34s'66.. 1004 100 1004 NY O El H&P 4s '49 .. 1134 1134 113", N Y E E Wn 5' s '4 2.. 102 102 102 NY Nil & H 34s '47.. 37 37 37 NY N11 & H 34s'54.. 374 374 374 NY NH & II 3 4s '56_. 384 38', 384 NY N11 & H 4s ’55_ 384 384 384 NY Ml ft H Is‘57 — 254 25 25 NY NH & H 4 4s '67 43 43 43 NY NH & H cl tr 6s'40 62 61 62 NY NH & 11 cv 6s'48 454 45 454 NY NH & H Cons Rys 4s'54 .. 354 344 35V, NY O&W gen 4s'55_ 154 15 15 NY O&W ref 4s 92 .. 23", 23 23% NY Steam 1st 5s'51.. 106", 106", 106", NY Steam 5s'56 ._ 1064 106", 106", NY Steam 1st 6s'47_ 1074 1071, 107', NY Tel gen 44s'39.. 1074 1074 1074 NY W&B 4 Vis '46_ 174 15 174 Nlag Sh 57is '50 _ 102 102 102 Norf So 1st ref 5s'61. 294 294 294 Norf & W 1st 4s'96— 115", 115", 115", North Am Co 5s '61 104 103", 1034 North Am Ed 5s'57 A 1044 1034 1034 North Am Ed 5s '69 C 102", 102", 102", North Am Ed 5%s'63 104 1034 1034 Nor n Pac gen 3s 2047 74 73", 73", Nor n Fac 4s '97 _ 105", 1054 105", Nor'n Pac 4 4s 2047 _ 96", 96", 96", Nort'n Pac 5s 2047 C. 1034 1034 1034 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 _1114 111 111', Ohio Edison 4S'65 104", 1044 1044 Ohio Pub Svc 7 Vis ’46 1114 1114 1114 Ont Pwr Niag 6s '43 _. 110", 110", 110", Oreg W RR 4s 61_106 106 106 Otis Steel 4 4s 62_ 90 894 90 Pac Gas* El 314s’66 OS'. 97', 98 Pac G & E 3“4s 61_103 102'? 102", Pac G & E 4s 64 . 105', 105', 105', Pac T&T rf 31*s’66 B 100', 100'? 100'? Pan Am PC 6s’40 .. 38', 38', 38', Para Broad way 3s *55 68 68 68 I’aram’t Pic 314 s'47 . 91'? 91'.* 91'4 Paramount Pic 6s'55 100V* 100 100', Parmolee 6s'44_. 68', 67 68', Penn Co 4s ’63_ 1021, 102 102 Penn Dixie C 6s ’41... 100'? 100’? 100’? Penn O & D 4’4s'77._ 104', 1047, 1047* Penn P& L 414s’81._ 100', 100'? 100', Penn RR 374s w 1 ... 109', 109 109', Tenn RR 3 »,s '70 C_ 98s* 98'4 98>4 Penn RR 41is’81 D._ 107 106'? 106>, Penn RR4V,s'S4 ... 10614 106s, 106", Penn RR con 4*4s'60. 118', 118", 118", Penn RR fn 4 '4 s ’65 110', 110'.? 110'? Penn RR deb 414s’70 102'. 101'? 102 Penn RR gen 5s ’68... 117', 117 117 Pere Marq 4’,4s’80 94 94 94 Pere Marq 1st 5s’56.. 101'4 101'j 101'? Phila B&W 4'is'77._ 114 114 114 Phila Co5s’67 ... 100', 100'i 100", Phila Elec 3'?s ’67 . 102', 102'? 102", Phila & R C&l 5s’73.. 28’, 28 28 Phila & R C&l 6s 49.. 12’? 12 12', Philippine Rv 4s '37.. 24 22', 22', PCC&St L, 5s ’70 A . 116 , 116', 116', Port Gen El 4'?s’60_. 59’? 59', 59'? Port G E 5s’35 assd . 106 106 106 Porto Rico A T 6s’42. 78'i 75'i 78', Postal Tel & C 5s ’53 . 25', 24'. 25 Pressed Stl Car 5s ’51 95s, 95 95s* Pure Oil 41*s 50 ww_ 114 112s, 113 Pure Oil 4 ', s ’50 drw 110'? 110 110'? Pure Oil 41is'50xw.. 105', 105'« 10514 Purity Baking 5s’48. 98'? 98'? 98'? Reading Jer C 4s'51.. 94", 94’, 94", Reading R 4'is’97 A. 106", 106', 106", Reading R 4'4s’97 B. 106", 106'? 106'? Rem-Rand 4'4s'56ww 107'? 106'? 106'? Republic Stl 4’,4s’50. 150', 150', 150', Republic Stl 4V4s '56. 97', 97 97k, Republic Stl 414s’61. 97V* 96'i 971* Republic Stl 5',4S’54. 116 116 116 R 1 A&L 1st 4’Vs’34.. 197i 19"i 19’, Rutland RR 414s’41. 25'? 25 25 Saguenav Pw 4 4 s’66 101 100% 101 St LIM&S R&G 4S ’33. 77 77 77 St L Jt M & P 5s V.5_ 82% 82% 82% St L-S Fran 4s'60 A.. 26 26 26 St L-S F 4s'50 A ctfs. 24 24 24 St L-S Fran 4 %s 78 .. 24% 24 24% St L-S F 4%s'7S cf St. 21% 21% 21% St L-S Fran 5s'50 B.. 26% 26'* 26% St L S W 2d 4s '89. _. 65 65 65 St L S W 1st ter 5s'52 51% 51% 51% St P M&M ext 6s '43 _ 101% 101", 101% St P Un Dep rf 5s '72. 118'.* 118% 118% San A & A Pass 4s'43 102 101% 101', San An P Svc 6s'52 A. 110% 110% 110% Scioto Val&NE 4s'80_ 114 114 114 Seabd A L 4s'50 stp_27% 27% 27% Seabd A L 6s'45 A_ 17s* 17 17% Seabd A-Fl 6s'35 A ct 8% 8% 8% Seabd A-F!a6s’35B ct. 7% 7s* 7"* Sharon Stl cv 4 % s'51 100 108% 100 i Shell Un deb 3%s'51. 98% 98% 98% Silesian Am 7s '41_ 71 71 71 Skelly Oil 4s'51_ 99% 99% 99% Socony Vav3%s'50__ 104 103% 104 South Bell T&T 5s'41 105% 105% 105% Southn Cal Gas 4s '65 104% 104% 104% Southn Cal G 4%s '61. 107 106% 106% SoColoPwr 6s 47 A.. 105% 105% 105% South Nat G 4%S'51. 98% 98% 98% So Pac 364s'46_ 99% 99% 99% So Pac col 4 s '49__ 94% 94% 94% So Pac ref 4s'55_105% 105 105% So Pac 4%s '68_ 89% 89 89 So Pac 4%s 69_ 89% 88% 88% So Pac 4Vis 81_ 88% 88 88 So Pac Oreg 4%s'77.. 95% 94% 95% So Pac S F Ter 4s'50. 108 108 108 So Ry gen 4s'56 A_ 78% 78 78 So Ry 6s '94_106% 106% 106% So Ry gen 6s'56_ 97% 97V* 97% So Ry 6%s ’56_101% 100 100 So Ry M& O 4s'38.._ 94 94 94 So Ry St Ldiv 4s'51_. 98% 98% 98% S W Bell Tel 3%s ’64. 105% 105% 105% Southw’n G&E 4s’60. 101% 101% 101% Spokane Int 6s’55_ 28% 28% 28% Staley A E 4s 46_104% 104% 104% Stand Oil N J 3s'61._ 98 97% 98 Studebaker cv 6s’45— 119 117% 117% Swift & Co 3 64s ’50_105% 105’% 105% Tenn C&I RR 5s '51_120% 120% 120% Tenn El Pw 6s 47 A_. 93 92 92 Texarkana 5%s '50... 105% 105 105 Texas Corp 3%s’51_. 103% 103% 103% Texas & Pac 5s '80 D. 103% 103% 103% Third Av ref 4s'60 .. 47% 47% 47% Third A ad in ex 6s’66 23% 22% 23% Tide Wat Oil 3%s’52. 100 100 100 Un Oil of Cal 3%s'52. Ill 111 111 Union Pac 3%s ’70_ 96'% 96% 96% Union Pac 3%s '71 96% 96% 96% Union Pac 1st 4s'47 .. 112% 111% 112% Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008 106% 106% 106% Un Pac 1st rf 5s 2008. 115% 115% 115% United Drug 6s'53_ 97 96% 96% Utd Rys St L 4s '34_ 28% 28% 2864 U S Rubber 5s '47_106% 106% 106% Utah L & T 6s '44 A__ 986* 98% 98% Utah P& L 6s '44_ 98% 98% 98% Util P & L 6s '59 ww. 49% 49% 49% Util P & L 6%« '47_- 506* 50 % 50% Va E * P 1st rf 4s '55. 108% 108% 108% ValrC&C lBt5s’4».. 60 60 60 Va Ry 1st 364s 66 A.. 104% 104% 104% Va S W con 5s '68_ 96 95% 95% t SHARP DROP SEEN IN STEEL ACTIVITY Institute Finds Operations at 77.4 PerCent, Against 91 Last Week. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 1.—The sharp est decline In the Nation's steel oper ations in many months was reported today by the American Iron and Steel Institute In wake of the tie-up of strike-bound plants of some inde pendent producers in the Cleveland, Youngstown and Chicago districts. The operating rate this week, the institute estimated, will be 77.4 per cent of capacity, oompared with 91 per cent last week. For nearly two months the industry had been operating at 90 per cent of capacity or above and set a new high record for tonnage output on the Spring expansion. The drop, the institute said, amounted to nearly 15 per cent. The operating rate, however, was above the comparable rate a year ago, which was 68.2 per cent. A month ago the industry was busy at 91 per cent of capacity. Steel operations had been one of the chief sustaining pillars of the industrial trend recently. The sharp de-cline this week threatened to put a dent in the business curve, which had been holding around the peak of the recovery movement. Washington Produce BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints. 35; 14-pound prints. 30; tub. 34; 9o score, i pound prints. 34; Ivpound prints. 35; | tub. 33. MEATS—Choice beef. 38a 10; calves. 3 5a 3 6; veal. 10; Spring lamb. 24; Fall lamb 22; pork loin. 28; frozen pork. 23; fresh ham. 23: smoked ham. 25; sliced bacon. ' 3<>a33; slab bacon. 2b; compound. 13la; 1 lard. 14 la. LIVE STOCK—Pigs. fta9V2; light hogs, j O’aalO; mediums lOalo1^; 220-250] pounds. O'aalu. heavies. 9‘4a934; sows. 71aab; stags. 4a0: calves. 6.50a9.50. Prices paid shippers, net f.o b. Wash ington, by the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics: EGGS—Market about steady at un changed prices; current receipts. 18al9; hennery whites. 20a20'a; Government graded and dated white eggs U S. extras, 24'2: u. S. extras mediums. 2u. U S. standards, large. 20* a. LIVE POULTRY --Market weak and un settled: prices lowei on Ro^k chickens fowl, colored heavy, lOalT; Leghorns, Hal.7; roosters. 10; chickens, crosses 21a“2‘ Rocks. Virginia. 22a23: Delaware. 21,aa 2‘-‘2 Leghorns. 2 pounds, lb less than 2 hounds. 16: turkeys, old hens. ]6al7. old toms. 13a 14 Sales in large lots by original receivers up to 8 a m today APPLES—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Supplies moderate, demand mod erate; market steady. Maryland Pennsyl vania Virginia and West Virginia, bushel baskets. U. 8_ No. ] Winesaps. 2-inch minimum. 1.75-1.85; 2* 4-inch minimum. ■ 5: 212-inch minimum 2 35-2 40; 2'3-»-inch minimum. 2.50-2.60. yellow New towns 2,4-inch minimum 1 00-1 ♦;5 ‘’i2. inch minimum 2.25-2.35 7 34-inch mini mum 2-35-2.50; Ben Davis. •. :4-inch mini mum. 1 I0-1.16: *?i2-inch minimum. I.50 , 1 on; 234-inch minimum 1 *; »-1 75 Stay 1 mans. 2*«-lnch minimum 165-3.75 •,)2 1 inch minimum. 2.25-2 35: 234-inch minimum 2 25; few higher. Boxes, fancy. Winesaps. 103s and 15ns. 2 40-2 50: 138s and 325s. 2.50-2 65 Romes. 138s and 125s 2 25-2.35; mis and inOs, 2-35-2.50; 90s and larger 2 50 Staymans. 125s and 113s. 2.35-2.50; extra fancy and fancy. Delicious. 113s. 2.65 2 .5: 100s. 2.75-2.90. Cartons Fancy. Staymans 144s, 2.35-2.50: 112s. 2.50 -65: Delicious. 144s. 2.65-2.75. 112s, 2.75-2.85; 96s 3 Oo. Lowrys. 160s 2 00 '- 20; Golden Delicious. 144s. 2.35-2 50; U. S No. l. Pippins. 112s 2.25-2.35; 160s. 2.25; Winesaps 160s 2.35-2.50; 112s 2.50-2 05; Arkansas Blacks. 112s. 2.25 2.35; 160s. 2.10-2.25 ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrival.*: no cars on track. Supplies moderate, demand moderate: market slightlv weaker. Pyra mid crates dozen bunches New Jersev extra Colossal. 2.00-2.50: Colossal 1 75 2.00; extra fancy. 1.75: fancy. 1.25-1 50 Delaware, medium to large size. 1.25-1.50 Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Transit—10 at 10’r. lOatlO'i. Potomac Electric Power - 512 % pfd —5 at 111. Mergenthaler Linotype— io at 47. 10 at 47, 2 at 47. AFTER CALL. Capital Transit Co—7 at 9si. 11 at 10. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY _ , _ Bid Asked. Amer. Tel. & Tel. 4'3s_I04>3 Anacostia & Pot. 5s _ 70 73 Ana & Pot. Guar os_107 C. & P. Tel. of Va. 5s_105 CaDital Traction 1st 5s_ 88 90 City & Suburban 5s _ 78 81 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_111 113'3 Pot. Elec. Pow. M'.s_100 10.3 Wash. Gas 5s 1958_ 105', 105*4 Wash. Gas os 1900._ __ _ 116 Wash. Rwy, A Elec. 4s __ 105',a I. MISCELLANEOUS. Chevy Chase Club 1st 4>,48.. 104 _ . W. M. Cold Storage os_100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel A Tel. (9) __ 164», CaDital Transit Co. _ 10 10V4 | N. & W. Steamboat (6' .109 _ I Pot. Elec. Pow 6rr ofd <61 110*3 Po El. Po. 513r, Of. (5.50). 110 Wash. Gas Lt Co. (3.00) 78 81 Wash. Ry. A El. com. CIO) .715 Wash. Ry. & Elec. pfd. <5)_ 109 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer. Sec. & Trust Co. <e8) 290 305 Bark of Bethesda (b.75)_ 34 Capital <41 140 150 Com. A Savings (10)_210 Liberty 141 150 100 Lincoln (f6.25) _ 200 _ Natl. Sav. & Tr. 175 Pr Georges Bk. & Tr. (.50) 17 21 Rlegs <e8) .. . __ __ 310 330 Riggs ofd. (5) _ 10iy3 _ Washington i H > 130 Wash. Loan A Tr. (e8)__ 200 300 FIRE INSURANCE. American (6)_110 __ Corcoran (5) 190 215 Firemen’s (1.60) 29 _ National Union (.60). 17 _ TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (.30)_,_ 12 15V4 Real Estate <6> _ 170 _ MISCELLANEOUS. CarDel Coro (2.00) - 20 25 Lanston Monotype < +4 > . 90 95 Lincoln Serv. com. (tl.OO) _ *15 17>4 Lincoln Serv. ofd. (3.60) _ •47,/a 50t4 Mergenthaler Lino. (3.00) . 47 47'i Peoples Dr. St. com. (tl.OO) 47V4 50V4 Peoples Dr. St. pfd. (6.501 *112 Real Est. M.AG. Pf. (**.70) 5V, 5V4 Security Storage (5) . . 112 125 Ter. Ref. & Wh. Oorp. (3) 65 Wdwd. A Loth. com. ( + 1.50) 60 68 Wdwd. A Loth. pfd. (7)_115 - •Ex dividend. tPlus extras, e—274 extra, f—1V474 extra, h—75c extra. **26c paid June 30. 1936; 45c paid De cember 22. 1938. High. Low. Close. Wabash 4%s’78- 32 32 32 Wabash 1 st Es’39—.. 93 92% 92% Wabash 5s ’76 B- 34 33% 34 Wabash 5s’80 D_ 33% 33*4 33% Wabash 6%s 75_ 34 34 34 Wabash 5%s’75 ctfs. 32 f 32 32 Walker H&S 4%s'45. 104*4 104*4 104*4 Walworth 4s '55_ 80 79*4 79*4 Warner Bros cv 6s'39 95% 95 95 Warner-Quin 6s’39— 48 46*4 46*4 Wash WP 1st 6s’39.. 107% 106% 107% West Pa Pw 4s’61 H. 109 109 109 W Pa Pw 1st 5s '63 E. 119 119 119 W Sh 1st 4's 2061 gtd. 91% '91% 91% W Sh 1st 4s 2061 reft. 86% 86% 86% West’n Md 1st 4s *52. 104 103% 104 Westn Md 5%s ^7— 107% 107% 107% Westn Pac 6s ’46 A— 33% 32 33% West’n Pac Es’46 A as 32% 31% 31% West’n Un 4%s’60_101 100** 100*4 Westn Un 5s ’61__101*4 101% 101*4 Wesfn Un 5s’60_100% 100 100 Wheel Steel 4%s’53.. 99% 99% 99% W Sp Stl con 7s’35 ct. 35 35 35 Wilson & Co 4s ’55 . 100*4 100*4 100*4 Wis C 1st &n 4s’49 et- 26 26 26 WtaCS*DT4s’88.. 18% 17*4 17*4 T’nratn SAT 4a’61 101% 101% 101% / World Production Of Zinc and Lead Well Above 1936 By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 1.—World pro duction of zinc and refined lead for April and the first four months of 1937 increased over the corresponding 1 periods of 1936, the American Bureau of Metal Statistics reported today. April world zinc production totaled 156,989 short tons, against 131.367 in April, 1936, an increase of 25,622. For the first four months production was up 68,401, compared with the same period last year. The total was 585, 314, against 516,913 last year. Lead production for April totaled 151.597 short tons, against 140,436 in April, 1936. In the first four months production amounted to 586.385, com pared with 540,436 in the same months of 1936, an Increase of 45,841. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. June 1 dp).—New York Security Dealers’ Association: (Noon quotations.) . , Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc _... lx.34 13.51 Am Business Shrs _ l.ix ] .30 Am Gen Eq Inc__ l .lo 1 22 Am Ins Stocks _ 5.35 Bancamcr Blair . _ .. 9 375 10 375 Bankers Nat Inv Corp xd 3.025 4.36 Basic Industry _ __ 5.ox Broad St Inv _ _ 34.xo 37.32 Bullock Fund __ _ 21 r'5 22 X75 Corporate Trust __ _ 2 97 Corporate Trust AA _ 2 x3 _ Corp Tr A A mod _ 3 03 Corp Tr Accum Ser _ 2 m3 I ~~ Corp Tr Acc Mod __ 3 03 Cumulative Tr Sh 0 39 Depos Bk Sh N Y ••A” 2 30 Depos Ins Shrs * A" 3 35 Depos Ins Shrs ' B” __ 3 15 Diversified Tr C 5 05 Dividend 8hrs _ j 93 2 07~ Equity Corp S3 pf _ 3X 50 41 5o Fidelity Fund Inc _ 27.07 23 10 First Boston Corp _ __ 2X 375 29 X75 Fixed Trust Sh A _ 13.07 Fixed Trust Sh B in s4 Found Tr Sh A 4 x5 5 “n* Fund Investors Inc _ 23 X] 25 14 Fund Tr Shrs A _ 0 31 0 xx Fund Tr Shrs B 5 09 Gen Investors Tr xd __ 0.7 7 7.37“ Group Sec Agriculture __ j on 2 no Group Seo Automobile_ 1 41 1.53 Group Sec Building _ 2.07 2 ‘4 Group Sec Chemical _ _ 1.57 j’-fn Group Sec Food __ _ ,97 ] no Group Sec Invest Shrs __ 1 59 1 73 Group Sec Merchandise_ ] .34 140 Group .Sec Mining 1.7n 1 >4 Group Sec Petroleum _ 1 47 Group Sec R R Equip_ 1.53 1 »;»; Group Sec Steel _ 1.93 C om Group Sec Tobacco . __ 1 05 1 15 Huron Holding __ 70 \ 1 o Incorp Investors __ _ 24.X7 2d.74 Instl Sec: Bank Group ].7x 193 Instl Sec: Insurance 1 57 1 09 Investors Fd C I.ic 15 on 10 50 Keyston Cust Fund B-3 2! 4n 23.43 Ma.ior Shrs Corp 3 j ’.5 Maryland Fund xd «_ 9’.4m ]ii>‘ Mass Invest Tr _ 27 M *'9 54 Mutual Invest __ __ J5.9n 17 ;;7 NaMon Wide Sec 4 3m 4 \s Nation Wide Voting 2 01 2 17 Natl Investors _ ... 7.15 7.31 New England Rind _« 3>- 4n i;Vm5 N Y Bk Tr Shrs 375 N Y Stocks Bk Stocks _ . 11 35 12.53 N Y Stocks Bldg Supply 11.ox 12.01 N Y Stocks Elec Equip _ 12.91 13 90 N Y Stocks Insurance in.3.9 11 12 N Y Stocks Machinery _ 13 fox 14 n] N Y Stocks R R Equip 14 5n 15 0,5 N Y Stocks Steel 14‘’i 15 53 North Am Bond Tr ctfs 59.on 03 25 Nor Am Tr Shares 3.77 Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 . 3 49 Nor Am I r Sh 1950___3.43 I” Nor Am Tr Sh 195h _ 3.53 Plymouth Rind Inc st; 97“ Quarterly Income Sh 17.7n 19.4n Selected Am Sh Inc xd _ ] 4 n .’ 15 77 Spencer Trask Fund . 2" 95 2 .’.('5 Stand Am Tr Shrs_ 4 «>5 4 311 Stand Util Inc . _ 77 S3 Super of Am Tr A . _ 4 04 Supe rof Am Tr AA _ 2 7 0 Super of Am Tr B _ 4.IX Super of Am Tr BB _ 2.7n Super of Am Tr C __ 7 X5 Super of Am Tr D _ 7.X.5 Supervised Shrs _ __ 34.1 x 15 4l" Trustee Stand Inv C 3 0(5 Trustee Stand Inv D_ Trustee! Am Bk “B __ ,X9 .99 Trusteed Industry Shrs 1 4x 1 04 Wellington Fund __ 19.11 20 90 INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. June 1 (Jh.—New York Security Dealers Association: , , „ , . Bid Asked. Aetna Cas <2a) __ ni'j y.v,a Aetna Ins (l.tiO)_ 44 41; Aetna Life ( t-i'a) _ _ : s>4 "33 Am Equit u tiua)_ 3S'2 411, Am Reins (,4ngi _ 41'2 4 t'i Am Reserve rial_ 27>.« • *3 Am Surety (2'ai _ &2>a m‘j Automobile 11 a. > _ 2834 3n|„ Balt Amer t.20a)_ 7>4 8'4 Carolina 0.30) __ "3’, "51, City of N Y il.2n) I 240 '•ri Conn Gen Llf (.80)_ 34 0 3)i3« Contin Cas (1 20) _ _ _ 2534 "8 F)d A Dep <4) _ 122 l°d Fireman's Nwk (.30)__ in nij Frank Fire (la) _ 30 3" Gen Reinsur .2)_ 40U 4"'4 Glen Falls (1 OOi _ 4134 4 (3, Globe A Rep (80)_ 20>4 220 Globe A Rut _ 58 5:1 va Great (la) _ 24 Va • ti Hanover il.fim _ _ 32 34 Hartford Fire (2)_ tie3, 7(i34 Home Fire Sec _ 4' a 51 a Home Ins i!a> _ ,Ti34 Homestead (11 _ is mO Knickerbocker ( $0) - _ 1H'4 im4 Lincoln Fire . _ 3s, 4s, Maryland Cas . _ cl i,i4 Mass Bond i.'i’i) _ _ 57'a (In'; Natl Fire (2i _ Ml p] Natl Liberty i."Oa) _ s'4 u'. New Hampshire (l.tiO)_ 4(1 47'a N Y Fire (8na> _ _ 2n'4 Nor River 'll __ 2.V4 ••i;3,4 1 Phoenix (2ai __ _ si s.-, 1 Prov Wash O) 34’4 :;ii34 Revere (P • In (1.30)_ 34 3.V2 Rossia Ins f.OOa)_ 10'4 u14 St Paul Fire (6) _2(to>2 "nr, Springfield dOa)_ 117'a ]"n'2 Sun Life (3^6) _045 805 Travelers (101 _ 455 485 U S Fire (2) . _ 52'4 54'4 Westchester (1.20a)_ 33!4 35V4 a—Also extra or extras, g—Declared or paid so far this year. PAYMENTS ORDERED ON RAIL EQUIPMENTS Ly the Associated Press NEW YORK. June 1.—New York Central Railroad Co. announced it would pay today a total of $4,223,000 installments of eleven 5 per cent equipment trusts originated from 1922 to 1934, inclusive, for the New York Central. Big Four. Michigan Central and Cincinnati Northern Railroads. Of the total $1,397,000 will be for final installments. SAFE INVESTMENTS 6gyJ First Mortgage Notes on very conservatively ap /f) praised new buildings in / ^ and near Washington! denominations $100 up. General Business, Inc., Buildinr Department 3516 Conn. Ave. Cleveland 1303-1304 LOANS FOR BUILDING Low Intoroat Ropay Monthly OlIR Mortgage Loan Plan makes it easier for you to build—easier to carry your property and meet your payments. We have ample funds available for large or small projects. Get the facts. WEAVER BROS Inc REALTORS Montage Lean Correspondent Metropolitan Life Insurance Company WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT 94S* A. & P. DISCLOSES GAIN IN PROFILS $17,084,622 Total Com pares With $16,593,252 in Previous Year. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 1.—Great Atlan tic & Pacific Tea Co. reported today for the fiscal year ended February 28 net profit of $17,084,622, equal to $7.31 a common share, compared with $16. 593,252, or $7.08 a share, for the year ended February 29, 1936. Diamond Match. Diamond Match Co. reported March quarter consolidated net income of 5532.078, equal to 44 cents a common snare, compared with 5506,759, or 40 : cents, in the like quarter last year. The company, producer of timber, paper and other products in addition to matches, has properties in the East and West. Vick Chemical Co. Vick Chemical Co. reported March quarter net profit of $941,244, before | undistributed profits surtax, equal to ! $1.34 a share. This compared . with ; $1,016,784. or $1.45 a share, in the like quarter last year. Standard Gas. Standard Gas & Electric Co. and subsidiaries reported for the 12 months ended March 31 consolidated net in come of $4,425,095 against $2,505,602 for the preceding 12 months. For the latest 12-month net income I includrd approximately $2,373,000 of undistributed earnings of subsidiaries 1 applicable to capital stocks held by j Standard Gas & Electric Co. Of this j amount approximately $1,160,000 was j not available for distribution to Stand ard Gas & Electric In the form of I dividends on common stocks of cer tain subsidiaries, due principally to accumulation of dividends in prefer red stocks in prior periods and to re tention of surplus for other purposes. Comparative amounts for the 12 months ended March 31, 1936, were S532.000 and $121,000, respectively. Northern States Power. Northern States Power Co. and sub ' sidiaries, a unit in the Standard Gas j & Electric Co. system, reported for | the 12 months ended March 31 net ! income of $5,251,257, against $4,897. i 357 for the 12 months ended March I 31, 1936. For the March quarter net | Income was Sl.665.824, against $1,605, 383 for the like period last year. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie. Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co. controlled by New York Central Railroad Co., in its 1936 pamphlet re ; port disclosed net income of $4,591, 249, equal to $5.32 a share on capital stock, against $3,245,373. or $3 76 a share, in 1935. Total operating revenues were $22,204,490, against $16,822,332 in previous year. --• FURTHER DROP SHOWN BY TREASURY DEPOSITS Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 1.—Treasury deposits with Federal Reserve Banks i dropped to the lowest level in years during the week ended May 26, the credit statement of the Reserve Board indicated. Bankers saw nothing significant in the decline, pointing out the Treasury policy for many months past has been to keep the total around the $100,000, 000 mark. Treasury deposits compared as fol lows : Week ended May 26.$ 80,000.000 Previous week_ 117.000.000 Same period last year..- 544.000.000 OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel F:les Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1416 Eve St. N.W. Thone NA. 218-4 Real Estate Loans | 5%.51/2% ! Business Property and Resi dence . . . Construction or Re financing Loans • • • [Shannon &luchS Mortgage Loan Correspondents MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345 rfor Business Records'®; and Equipment f BURGLAR CHESTS . ^7'he kWalcott-TaylorCo. Inc MILLS BLDG £ :::TK MEtro.5046 A Ami AUTO-LITE VOTES" Payment on Common Stock Compares With 60 in Last Quarter. Bj the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 1.—ElectrU Auto-Lite Co. has declared a divi dend of 80 cents on common stock, compared with 60 cents paid three months ai?o, payable July 1 to stock of record June 17. The company man ufactures automotive equipment al Toledo, Ohio. Weston Electrical. Weston Electrical Instrument Co. Newark, N. J„ declared a dividend oi 50 cents on common stock, payable July 1 to holders of record June 18, A dividend of 25 cents was paid May 14. Art Metal. Art Metal Construction Co. James town, N. Y„ ordered a dividend ol 60 cents on common stock, payabli i July 1 to stock of record June 19, compared with 40 cents paid April 1, Gorham Manufacturing Co. Gorham Manufacturing Co., silver smiths and goldsmiths, Providences R. I., declared a dividend of 50 cena on common stock voting trust certifi cates, payable June 15 to stock ol record June 1. Company said 25 centi in March. Outdoor Advertising. i General Outdoor Advertising Ca | declared two dividends of $1.50 on pre j ferred stock on account of accumula I G°ns, payable June 25 and July 24 j to stock of record June 15 and July la Hoskins Manufacturing Co. | Hoskins Manufacturing Co., De j troit. announced a dividend of 44 cents on common stock, payable Jum 26 to stock of record June 11. Pre vious payment was $1 on March 26 \ Company manufactures electrical re-' i sistance materials and other equip ment. McKeesport Tin Plate. McKeesport Tin Plate Co., McKees port. Pa., declared a dividend of 51 cents on capital stock, payable July . to stock of record June io. Prior n ! the exchange of two shares of capita' stock for each share held the com pany paid a dividend of $1 on April 1 --—— REAL ESTATE LOANS RESIDENCE and SMALL BUSINESS PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 939* Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties FTKST DEE] OVLY GEORGE 1.B0RGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’l 0350 Safe Investments ^ , First mortgage notes, 1* Qy well secured on eon fl /fj servatively appraised, ^ new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6®o per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Nat. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Years First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 c~>Lctt CONSTRUCTION LOANS in District of Columbia or nearby Maryland SIX MONTHS TO ONE YEAR INTEREST COMMISSION 1% 5% Upon completion of buildings, these loans may be extended on one of several long term monthly payment plans; or for three or five years, without curtails; interest semi-annually. H. L. Rust Company 1001 FIFTEENTH STREET NATIONAL 8100