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CURB LIST MOVES ; TO LOWER LEVELS Shares Give Up Fractions to $2 or More at Week’s Opening Session. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 1.—Curb market shares gave up fractions to 2 or more points today. Losers were Aluminum Co., Ar kansas Natural Gas. Cities Service, Electric Bond & Share, Lake Shore Mines, Gulf Oil, Carrier Corp., Cooper Bes semer, Hudson Bay Mining. Pantepec Oil, St. Regis Paper, United Wall Paper. Wayne Pump and Wright Har greaves. Newmont Mining was down about 4. Atlantic & Pacific gained more than a point on announcement the com pany would repurchase employes'stock at $90 a share. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. High Low. Noon. Ala Power 5s '51 _ . 934 934 934 AJum Co 5s '52 . _ 1004 100V, 1064 Am G A E 5s 2028__ 1074 107 1074 Am P A- L 0s 2016 _ 904 904 904 Am Radial 44s '47 . . 1054 1054 1054 Am Roll Mill 5s '48 1024 1024 102s, Am Seat 0s ’36 sip . 105s, 105s, 105s, Ark-La Gas 4s '51 1004 1004 1004 Ark P A- L 5s '50 _ . 974 974 97 4 As El Ind 4 4s '53 _ 50 494 494 As G A E 44s '49 . 43 434 474 As G A Eos ’50 _ 484 47 47 As G A E 5s ’08 _ 47 47 47 As G & E 54s lnv ct _ 77 77 77 As G A E 5 4s 7 7 . 544 54 4 54 4 As T A T 5 4s 55 A. 84 4 84 4 84 4 Bald L 6s ’38 J, Sin . 172 170 170 Bell Te C 5s ’55 A 114 114 114 Bell Te C 5s ’57 B _ 119 119 110 Bell Te C 5s ’00 C _ 119 119 119 Birmlng Gas 5s 59._ 704 70 704 Can No Pw 5s '53 A , 103 loo 103 Can Pac 0s 42 109s, ion 109 Caro Pw A Lt 5s '50 97 4 974 974 Cent 111 P S 5s '56 E . 104 103s, 10.0s, Cen DPS 44s '07 F _ 974 97 97 Cent D1 P S 5s ’68 G _ 101 1004 1004 Cent I P S 4 4s 81 H _ 95 95 95 Cent Pw A Lt 5s 56 0!4 91s, 91s, Cent St El 5s '48 53s, 534 534 Cen St P A L 54s 53 55s, 55s, 55s, Chi Di El 4 4s 70 A 1054 1054 1054 Cities Svc 5s '50 .. 694 69 604 Cities S Gas 54s ’42._ 1110-4 1004 loo4 Cit S P A L 54s 53 04s, 644 644 Cit S P A L 54s 19 65s, 05s, 65s, Comw Edis 5s '53 A... 112 112 112 Comw Ed 4 4s 50 C 111 111 111 Comw Ed 4s 8 F .. 1004 1004 1004 Comw Ed 3s,s '05 H 104 104 104 Com Pb Sv 5s '00 A_ 734 7.04 704 Comw Sb 54s ’48 A 1034 1034 1034 Comuty PAL 5s '57... 994 994 994 Cons Gs of B 5s '39 I074 1074 1074 Con G E L A P 3 4s '71 lol 4 1014 HH4 Cont G A E os 58 A 934 934 934 Det Cit Gs os '50 B . 100 1054 1051, East G A P 4s 50 A 85s, 85 05 El Pw A Lt 5s 2030. _ 83 82 4 83 4 Emp Dis El 5s '52 90s, 00-4 90s, Emp OAR 54s 43__ 81 4 804 so: . Fed Wat 54s '54 714 774 774 Florida P A L 5s '54 904 904 904 Gary EAG 5s '44 sip xw HS4 984 904 Gatineau Pw 5s '50 1004 10114 1004 Gatineau Pw 0s '4 1 _ 101 10) 101 Gen Pb U 0 4s ’50 A 83 83 S3 Georgia Pw 5s '07 00 .00 H91, Georgia PAL 5s '18 _ 73 72 72 Grand Tr We 4s '50 . 00', 004 994 Hall (WFi Os '47 sip 90 99 99 El Pw A L 0s '53 A . 1034 10:14 1034 111 PwAL 54s '54 B .101410141011-1 111 Pw A L 5s '50 C_. 974 964 904 Indnap PAL os '57 A _ 100 106 106 Intern Pw Os '48 A_ 04 04 04 Interst Pw 5s '57_ 53 52 52 Interst Pw 0s '53 . _ 38 37 4 37 Interst P 8 5s '50 D 70 4 79 4 79 4 Interst P S 44s '58 F . 75 74s, 75 lowa-N LAP 5s '57 A._ 1004 loo 100 Iowa-N LAP 5s '01 B . 101 10] 101 Iowa PAL 44s '58 A 100 106 106 Kan Pw Co 5s ’47 A__ 103 102 102 Kentucky Ut 5s 61 05 85 85 Kentucky U 5s '60 I . 82 4 82 4 82 4 Ken U 64s '48 D 994 99'.. 994 Kimberly C os '43 A_102 lol’, 102 Lehigh P S Rs 20-;fi A 102 4 102 4 103>', Libby McNAL 5s '42 .. 104s, 104s, 104s* Long Is Lt 6s '45 . 105 105 105 La Pw A Lt 5s '57 .. 105’a 1054 105Vi Mem P A L 5s '48 A _ 91 91 9] Midlan V RR 5s 43 004 904 904 Mil GAE 44s '67 _ 100 100 100 Minn PAL 44s '78 _ 984 984 904 Miss Pow 5s '55 _ 79 79 79 Miss Pw A L 5s 57 _ 8.5s, 85s, 85s, Miss River P 5s '51 . 1084 1084 1084 Nat P A L fis 2026 A 84 4 83 4 83 4 Nat P A L 5s 2030 B.. 754 75 75 Nat Pb S 5s '78 cod 44s, 44s, 44s, Nebr Pw 44s '81 A._ 108 108 108 Nebr Pw fis 2022 _1 1 7s, 11 7 s, 11 7 4 Neisner Bros fis 48 _ 104 104 104 Nevad Cal Ed 5s '5fi__ S14 014 814 New Ams Gas 5s '4« . 11 7', 11 7 1, 117', New E G A E 5s '47 0S4 ns', 08’, New E GAE 5s IS 084 08 RS’., New E GAE 5s '50 08 4 08 0.8 New E Pw 5s '48 9114 00 90 New E Pw 54s '54 934 91s, 91s, New Or PS fis '4 9 A 7 7 77 77 NY PAO 44s 50 stp 108', 108', 108', NY P A Lt 44s '07 105s, 105 4 105 4 N Y S EAG44S 'SO .lOd'.ioo 10114 No Ind PS 5s ’00 C . 101s, 101s, 101s, No Ind PS 44s '70 E 964 904 904 Norw El 0s '45 sipri . ]u14 1114 1, 1044 Nnrthw P S 5s '57 A 99s, 09s, 99s, Ocden G Co 5s '45 _ 1110s, loss, 108s, Ohio Pub S 5s '54 D _ 103s, 103s, 1034 Okla N G 44s '51 A . 97'. 974 97 4 J*ac G A E Os '4 1 B 1 1 O' a, 1 1 04 1 I 04 Penn C LAP 44s '77 . 0.3',' 03 93 Penn El 4s *7] F 90 89’, 894 Penn O E 54s ’59 B 90 954 954 Penn O E Os '50 A ... 1004 100', 1004 Penn P Svc Os '47 C 1064 106' . 1064 Perm GLAC 4s 'SIB. 904 904 <104 Peop LAP 5s '79 ... 18 17s, 18 Fhlla El P 54s '72 ... 1094 m04 109'i Pitts Coal 6s '49 ... . HIT HIT 107 Pub Ser N J 6s ctfs... . 133 4 133 4 1334 Pub S No 111 5s '56 1 104 1 10', 1 104 Pub S N I 44s 'S11 E 1034 10.3', 1034 Pub S N I 44s '81 F 10.3 4 10.3 4 10.34 Pug S PAL 54s '40 A 794 794 794 Pug S PAL 5s '50 c 764 764 764 Pug 8 PAL 4 4s '50 D . 73 4 72 4 724 Quee GAE 5 4s 53 A 105 105 105 Bate H Wa 44s '79 .__ 1 07 4 1 07-4 1 07 4 Ban An PAS 5s '58 B _ 104s, 104s, 104s', Shw WAP 44s '67 A. _ _ 1024 1024 1024 Bhw WAP 44s ’68 B - 1024 102 1024 B E PAL fis 2025 A ... 94 934 934 Bou Cal Ed 3s,s -fin _ 1 02s, 102s, 1934 Sou Cal 3s,s 00 B 1074 1034 102*4 Bou C*1 E 4.s 'RO 1004 1004 1064 Sou Co Gas Cal 4 4s 'RR 104 104 104 Sonw LAP 5s '57 A 1024 1034 102'', Bouw Pb Svc Rs '45 A 103 1034 102s', Bid GAE fis'fifi B - TO', 704 704 ?tand Pw A Lt fis '57 63 62 62 enn El Pw 5s '56 . 81', 81 81 Texas Elec 5s '60 101 101 101 Tex ”w A L hs '56 1054 1054 1054 Tide Wa' P 5s '79 A 94s, 94s, 944 Twin C R T 5'4s '52 A 79 764 79 Unit LtAPw fis '75 7.3'* 72 4 724 Unit LiAPw 6 4s 74 7 5 75 75 Unit LAR M 0s '73 A .. 72 72 77 Utica GA-E 5s '57 E 107 107 107 Va Pub S 54s '40 A 97 4 90 4 9 0 4 Wash Gas Lt- 5s '58 1054 1054 105s, West News P 6s '1 50 50 50 West 'Pa 5s 7030 98 08 98 West T Ut 5s '57 A . 92 914 914 Wis-Min LAP 5 s 44 107 107 107 Wis PAL 4s '50 A 954 954 954 FOREIGN. Cauca Val 7s '4s. 14s, 14s, 144 Cent Bk Ger '51 B 254 254 25'/, Cuban Te 74s '41 A ion', 994 100'-, Danish Con 5s 53 984 984 984 penm Ml B 5s '72 lx 09 90 99 Erce M El 04s '53 A 70 694 094 Ger Con Mun fis '47 ._ 204 20s, 204 Its! 8u Pw H, fi.3 A 55 544 54s, Pied El fi'?s 'fill A - 71 70 70 Russian 54s '21 mat 14 14 14 Sauda F Ltd 5s '55 A 1104 1104 1104 Teml-Sor 04s '53 A 094 09 004 Unit Ind Corn fis '45 __ 71', 71 71 TT. S. TREASURY NOTES. NYTW YORK. June 1 i/pi.—Prices jauoted rn dollars and thirty-seconds: Per Approx eent. Month. Year. Bid. Asked, yield'. 3’«s Sept.. 1037_ini ini.2 2%s Feb . 1938 ___ 101.15 101.17 ‘.12 3s Mch., 1938 _ 102 102 2 37 2%s June. 1938 _102.13 10° 15 'is 2%s Sept.. 1938 _ 102,11 102 13 'fio 1%" Mch. 1939 _ 109 24 100"R 1 04 2%s June. 1939 _ 102.1 102 3 1 09 l%s Dec., 1939 . inn is inn 17 i m l%s Mch.. 1940 _ion.25 inn 07 j l'/ia June, 1940 _ 100.11 10013 136 lVis Dec. 1940 _100.3 1005 145 l'-is. Mch.. 1941_ 100 1 100 3 1 48 lfti June. 1941_ 99.17 99.19 1 48 lVis Dec . 1941 _ 98.31 99.1 1.47 FOREIGN EXCHANGES. TOW YORK. June 1 m.—Foreign ex efeange mixed: Great Britain in dollars, others in cents Great Britain demand. 4B2%: cables. 4.924,: 60-day bills. 4.91%: France demand. 4 45%: cables, 4.45% Italy demand. 5.26%; cables. 5.26%. Demands—Bt'gium, 16.86: Germany gee 40.13; registered. 20.10; travel. 24.20; Holland. 54.98: Norway. 24 76: 8weden 25.40; Denmark. 22.00; Finland. 2 19 Bwltierland. 22.81: Spain, unnuoted; Portu gal. 4.49V. Greece. 0.91; Poland. 18.97: Cgechoslovakla. 3.49: Yugoslavia 2 34 Austria. 18.75n; Hungary. 19.80: Rumania 0 .5: Argentina 32.87n: Brasil. 8.80%n: Toklo. 28.73: Shanghai. 20.90: Hongkong. 30.46; Mexico City. 27.85: Montreal in 100.00: New York in Montreal 100.00. n—Nominal. TRANSIT REVENUES UP. NEW YORK, June 1 OP).—'The Transit Journal reported revenues of the Industry in the week ended Msy 33 were moderately increased over the •ame week last year, lifting its index 1.73 per cent to 103.73. Inspiration Consolidated Copper Oo.—Company has lowered wages of miners 35 cents a day. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. All timr shown below ii daylight laving an which the Exchange ia now operating. 2 :.30 Stock and Soles— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Aero Supply B 2 4 34 34 Ainsworth b25c_ 4 144 14', 144 Air Investors_ 1 34 34 34 Air Invest cv pf.. 1 27 27 27 Ala Gt South (3). 50s 784 784 784 Alabam Pw pf(7) 140s 68 67 67 Aluminum of Am 250s 148 147 147 Alum Am pf (6)_.100s 1174 1174 1174 Alum Goods b25c. 5 17 17 17 Aluminum Ltd... 100s 111 109 109 Am Box Bd b45c.. 2 20 194 20 Am Centrifugal . S 34 34 34 AmCP&LAww24, 1 344 344 344 Am C F&L B a2flc 3 34 34 34 Am Cynm B t60c. 12 314 314 314 Am & For Pw ww 2 24 24 24 Am G&E (1.40)_ 8 324 32 32 Am G&E pf (6)__. 25s 106 106 106 Am Gen (a50c>... 12 94 94 94 Am Hard Rub al. 100s 204 20 204 Am Laund M SOc. 1 26 26 26 Am L&T +1.20_ 8 194 194 194 Am Mfg (a3)_ 25s 494 494 494 Am Maracaibo_ 14 14 14 14 Am Meter (b75c). 1 45 45 45 Am Superpower.. 13 14 IS IS Am Superpwr pf. 3 304 304 304 Angostura (120c). 4 64 64 64 Appalch E P pf 7. 30s 108 106 108 Arrturus Radio.. 6 Hi 14 14 Ark Nat Gas_ 10 7'., 74 74, Ark Xat Gas (A). 16 74 74 74 Ark P & I. pf (7). 10s 764 764 764 Art Met W (SOc)_ 1 124 124 124 Ashland Oil t40r. 7 64 64 64 As E I Lt b36 2-5. 1 114 lit, Hvii Asso Gas * Elec.. 1 14 14 14 Asso G&E (A) 38 24 24 24 Asso G & E t5 pf. 2 204 204 204 Atlas Corp war... 6 24 24 24 Axton-Fisher A.. 40s 31 31 31 | Bald L, bd rts(d). 8 24 24 24 Barlow&S A 1.20. 150* 164 164 164 Barium Stain St 1. 3 44 44 44 Ba n L7Co 1st a?..-25* 80 80 80 Beech Aircraft __ 3 34 34 34 Bell Tel Ba pf 64 20* 114 114 114 Berkey & Gay_ 9 24 24 24 Berk & Gay war _. 9 14 14 14 Bickfords (1.20).. 2 134 13*, 134 Bliss (EW)- 3 15 144 15 Blue Ridge cv 3_. 5 46 46 46 Bohack(HC)_ 25s 7 7 7 Bohack UC 1st pf 10s 36 36 36 Bower Roll B(2)_ 4 284 274 274 Bow n-Bilt 2d pf _ 1 44 44 44 Brazil TL&P b90c 6 24 234 24 Breeze Inc(a75c). 5 104 ]0», 104 Bridgpt Mch b25c 6 174 174 174 Bright Star El B_ , l 4 4 4 Brill Corp (A)-f 1 10 10 10 Brill Corp(B) _ T 1 4 4 4 Brown F*Wb30c 2 14 134 134 Brown F&W A 2_. 1 264 264 264 Brown Co pf . 1050s 74*, 724 734 Buckeye P L (4). 200* 474 474 474 Cable&Wire A_ 1 14 14 14 CanlndAlcoA_ 3 54 54 54 Can Marconi _. 2 1*, 14 14 Carib SyndtbSOc) 10 14 14 14 Carnegie Metals.. 1 24 24 24 CarrierCorp 18 464 454 454 Casco Prod b2 4-• 2 314 30 314 fatlin <a40c) _. 1 6', 6*, 64 < "elanese 1st f7 25* 1224 1224 1224 Celluloid pf . .100* 484 474 48 " Cellul’d 1st pf b2. 10s 100 100 100 Cent Oh Stl b50c 1 154 154 154 Cent r & L, 7% pf (h3.06 4) _ 25s 82 82 82 CentStatesEl_ 6 14 14 14 Centrif P t40c_ 3 54 54 54 Cherry Burl (4) .. 50* 79 784 79 Chesebrou*h(t41. 50s 117 117 117 Chi Flex Shft I 4) 50s 63 63 63 Chief Con Mining 1 14 14 14 Childs Co pf_ 225s 88 874 88 Cities Service_ 24 34 3 3 CitiesServpf_ 1 474 474 474 Cit Sv P&R JS pf. 50* 49 48 48 Cit SvP&L *7 pf. 60s 54 54 54 City Auto <t60c)_ 2 94 94 94 Claude Neon Lts. 3 24 24 24 Cleve Tractor .. 1 13 13 13 Club Aluminum.. 2 14 14 14 Colon Dev Ltd_ 18 64 64 64 Colon Dev 6% pf. 1 44 44 44 Colo Fuel&I war. 1 134 134 13", Colts P F A b75c. 1 6O1.1 604 60V* Col G&E cvpf(o). 25s 69 69 69 Col O & G b20c... 20 64 64 6", Col Piet ( + 1)_100s 33 324 324 Comwlth Dist. ... 2 14 14 14 Comwdth & S wr_, 19 4 4 4 Comuntv PS fl—. 60s 27 264 27 Comp SM stc tl~ 2 15 15 15 Cons Aircraft_ 4 24 24 24 Cons Biscuit S0c_ 16 6 6 Consol Copper _ 11 94 84 94 CGEL&PBoSfiO 3 70 4 704 704 Con G Bo pf A (5). 30s 114 114 114 ConsGasL’til ... 3 24 24 24 Con Min&Sm 12.. 200s 79 79 79 Consol Steel_ 3 104 104 104 Cooper Bessmer.. 5 25 244 244 Copper Range 2 114 11 11 Copperweld 11.20. 1 32", 324 324 Cord Corp ._ 6 34 3 3 Corroon & Reyn.. 5 5", 54 54 CosdenOilid)_ 3 14 1", '14 Creole Pet 150c .. 4 334 33", 33", Crockei-Wh aide. 1 13 13 13 Croft Brewing_ 10 ", ", Crown Cent afic . 4 2 2 2 Crown Dr (b20c>. 15 34 34 34 Crown Drgpf 14 50s 214 214 214 Crystal Oil R pf 300s 94 84 94 Cusi Mex Mining. 17 -fl, 4 4 Darby Pet f50c)_. 6 12V, 12 124 Dayton Rubber _ i 3 234 234 234 Derby Oil & Ref..l 6 64 64 64 Detroit Gask tl-_ # 4 17 164 164 Det Gaspf 1.20._.r 2 174 17", 174 Detroit Gr I (n)..f 12 3 24 24 DetfMichlStove-.'t 1 54 54 54 Det Pap Pr t25c..K 1 64 6-4 64 Distill Ltd h27c . ■ 5 284 284 284 Domin Steel_. ■ 3 184 184 184 Dow Chem (t3)._W 1 129 129 129 Dubelier Conds 2 34 34 34 Duro Test (40c)..Bt 1 54 54 54 Duval Tex a50c_V 18 8 8 Eagle P Ld h20c..‘,r 8 19 184 184 Kastn G&F Asso. 3 6 6 6 Kstn G&F A pf 3 50s 41 44 44 EstnG&F p pf4 4 25s 584 58Vi 584 Estn States Pw 14 4 4 Easy W M B b25c. 1 9 84 9 Eisler Elec ta5c). 12 24 24 24 El Bond & Share. , 60 17 154 164 Elec. B&S pf(5)__ 1 574 574 574 El B & S pf (6)_r 3 70 684 684 El P&L 2d pf A... 20s 57 57 57 Electrol Inc v t c. I 34 34 34 Kmp Pw pt b50c.. 200s 30 294 294 Emsco Peril ... 2 15 15 15 Equity Crp a25c.. 26 2 2 2 Europ'n El bd rts. 3 4 4 • Vi Evans Wall Ld 3 14 14 14 Ex-Cell-O (b20c). 1 21 21 21 Fansteel Metal. 1 14 14 14 Ferro Enam b?5c. 1 384 384 384 Fiat cts (a93 4c). 1 134 134 134 Fidelio Brewery.. I 4 4 4 Fire As Phila t2 . 20* 714 714 714 First N S 1st. pf 7. 20* 1114 1114 1114 Fisk Rubber_ 2 134 134 134 Fla PAL pf._100s 42 42 42 Fordt Can)A(1)_ 3 234 23 234 Ford Ltd b21e ... 4 64 64 64 Fox(P)Brew 80c. 2 104 104 104 Froedt (20c) _ 2 114 114 114 Froedt cv pf 1.20. 150* 18 18 18 Gen Alloys_ 14 4 4 Gen Fireprf b25c. 1 184 184 184 Gen Invest_ 1 14 14 14 Gen Tele (b25c)_. 1 164 164 164 Gen Tel cv pf (3). 3 48 48 48 Gen Tire & Rub - 3 274 27Vi 274 GenT&Rpf A(fi) 10*101 101 101 Georgia Pw pf 6-. 60s 754 754 754 Glen Alden (tl>— 3 114 11 11 Goldfield Con%ol— 8 D, & 4, Gorham vtc it 1). t 2 244 244 244 Grand Natl Flms. ’ 2 24 24 24 Grand Rap V (1). 1 134 134 134 Gray Tel P S (1). 2 174 174 174 GrtA&PTnvt6-210s 87 85 86 Grt AAPT lstpf7. 60* 1234 1224 1234 Greenfield TAD_ 1 14 14 14 GrocStrProd__ 16 6 5 Gulf Oil (b25c)— 21 554 64 664 Harvard Brew-* 1 14 14 14 HatCorp B 80c-„B 1 11 n n Hearn D S bl.65_.P 4 144 14 14 HeclaMinb46c_."I 1 174 17 17 Helena Rub’st'n-. 2 74 74 74 Heller pf ww 14.100* 23 23 23 Hewitt Rub b50c- 1 154 154 154 Heyden Ch (12) __ 1 40 40 40 Hoe A Co IncCA). 1 26 25 25 Hud Bay M b75c-. 6 29 28 284 Humble Oil(14). 7 774 77 774 Hygrade Food P-. 1 34 34 34 Illinois Iowa Pw. 2 74 74 74 111 Iowa P pf 24_ 8 30 294 294 111 Iowa P d ctfs.. 1 104 104 104 Imp Oil Ltd t50c- 4 204 204 204 Ind Pipe L b30c_ 2 11 11 11 Indus Fin vtc_ 4 1 1 1 Ins Co No Am f2- 60s 65 66 66 Inti HAL Ltd_ 1 24 24 24 IntlHESAwar. 1 4 ** 4 Inti Hy El S pf... 6 30 384 284 Inti Pete*(tl4).. g 7 854 86 85 Inti Product*- 1 64 64 64 , 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlrh. Low. Close. Inti Util (B)_ 3 IS 1% m Inti Vita (50c) ... 1 6y4 6% 6% lnterst P Del pf_40g 9 8% 9 InvRoyalty t6c— 1 ft ft ft Jacobs Co (b50c). 3 15% 15% 15% Jer C P&L pf 6_20s 81 81 81 K-RT&L b376c.„ 1 20% 20% 20% Kinds C L pf B 7. 10s 68 68 68 Kingston Pr 40c— 7 5% 5 5% Kirby Tet (20c)_. , 3 7 7 7 Kirkland L G 6c—S. 1 1% 114 1% Knott Corp blOc—l 1 10% 10% 10% Kreuger Br (tl)-9’ 1 16% 16% 16% Lake Shore (14)- 10 60 48% 48% Lefcourt pf a75c_ 1 13% 13% 13% Leh CoalftN 30c_. 29 8% 8% 8% Leonard Oil_ 4 1% 1% 1% Lion Oil Ref (1)_. 83 26% 25% 25% Lockheed Air_ 6 12% 11% 12 Locke Stic 180c- 2 14 14 14 Lone Star G 80c— 1 10% 10% 10% Long Island Ltg- 2 3% 3% 3% Long I L pf A(7)_ 10a 81 81 81 Louisana Ld 40c_. 33 12% 11% 12% McCord Rad (B)_ 1 84 84 84 Mangel Stores_'3 7 fi11* p 64 Margay Oil a50c_. 4 1 28 » 28 28 Massey Harris... ’ 7 124 124 124 Master Elec (1) 2 244 24 24 Merritt Chap & S. I 64 64 64 Merritt C&S pf A. 60s 654 65V* 654 Mesabi Iron _ 4 H H -ft Mex-Ohlo Oil_ 2 2 2 2 Mich Bumper_ 4 24 24 24 Mich Gas & Oil -. 3 8V* 8V* 8V* Mich Stl T P b25c 4 12V* 12V* 124 Mich Sugar- 3 14 14 14 Mich Sugar pf_g 2 74 74 74 Mid Sta Pet (A)..f 1 44 44 44 Mid Sta P vtctB). 1 14 14 14 Midl'd Stl Prod 2. 1 204 204 204 Midwest Oil(tl)- 10 104 10 10 Minn M&M b40c-450* 364 35 364 Mock Judson 60c_ 2 124 124 124 Molybdenum_ 3 84 84 84 Mont Ward A( 7). 20* 136 136 136 Mount C <a21c) 3 12 114 12 Mount Prod(60c). 2 6'* 64 6V* Nat Auto (bl)_* 2 304 304 304 Nat Baking_* I 134 134 134 Nat Bellas Hess.. J 4 2 14 14 Nat Contnr (1)__ I 2 124 124 124 Natl City Lines., f* 6 16 16 16 NatlCitvLpf ..’1 9 44 44 44 Nat Fuel Gas (1). * 2 15 15 15 Nat Leather-% 1 4j tt 4 Nat Rub M a20c.. * 2 134 134 134 Nat Sugar N J (2). 6 244 244 244 Nat Union Radio. 3 2 2 2 New Hav Cl'lVi_ 1 19 19 19 NJ Zinc (t2)_ 200s 78 774 774 New M&A I.d ale. 2 24 24 24 Newmont (3)_ 2 104 104 104 N Y Tel pf (64)- 200s 1114 1114 1114 NY Shtpbldg_ 1 74 74 74 NY Water Sv pf. 10s 354 354 354 Niag Hud Pw(n)_ 6 124 114 114 Niag S Md B a60c 1 114 114 114 Niag H P 1st pf 5, 25s 86 86 86 Niles-Bemenu 2). 6 474 454 46 N'ipissing (50c)-_ 1 24 2', 24 Noma K1 (b40c).. 1 64 64 64 North Am L&P. 4 34 34 34 Nor Am L&P pf , 200s 554 55 554 No A Ray A bfiOc. 1 414 414 414 Northn Kuro Oil.. 6 4 ft ft 7' : L States P A— 2 214 214 214 Ohio Brs B h75c - 150s 594 58 594 Ohio Oil cu pf ( 6). I 108', 108', 108', Ohio I'wr pf (6J_. 10s 109s, 109', 109", OklaNatGas_ 4 134 124 124 Oldetyme Dist __ 7 34 34 34 PacG&Elst 14- 3 29 s 294 294 Pac P&L pf (7 ) 10s 68 68 68 Pan-Am Air (tl). 1 63 63 63 Pantepec Oil — . 57 8V* 74 84 reninTar Tel 1.60 50i 26 26 26 Pennroad (a25c). 14 4 34 34 ra P&L pf (7)_ 50s 89 89 89 Ta Salt (b3 4 ) - - 25s 176 176 176 Pepperell Mfg tfi. 50s 120 120 120 Perfect Circle t2_ 100s 324 324 324 Phila Co (h45c) — 1 11 11 11 Phoenix Secur_ 2 94 94 94 Pierce Gov hl5c_. 4 254 244 244 Pines Wintfrt(n). 1 24 24 24 Pioneer Gold 40c. 3 34 34 34 Pitney Bow t40c_ 2 74 74 74 Pitts BL&E 14— 25s 414 414 414 Pitts Forging — 2 194 19s* 19** Plus * L E b4 130s 1014 101 101 Pleas Val W blOc. 2 14 14 14 riough Inc 1.20._ 1 16 16 16 Totrero Sugar_ 1 2J, 24 24 Premier G tl2c— 8 24 24 24 Producers Corp 16 4 4 4 Propper McC (d). 1 4 4 4 Prosperity Bal 4. 1 134 13V* 13V* rubSvclndpf . 10s 20 20 20 Pug Sd P&I J6 pf. 175s 30 30 03 Quaker Oats (5). 60s 110 109 110 Raymd Con (tl). 100s 39 384 384 Raym'd Con pf 3_ 250s 484 484 484 Red Bank . _ 3 134 134 134 Reed Roll B tsnc. 1 35 35 35 Reliance El b50c- 2 234 23 23 Reiter Foster. __ 11 4 4 Reybarn (blOc) — 4 44 44 44 Reynolds Invest- 4 14 14 14 Rlchmd Radiator. 2 4s* 44 44 Root Tet (b25c)_. 2 6 6 6 Ryan Consol 1 54 54 54 Ryerson&Ray nes 1 44 44 4', Rustless I & Sti— 2 134 134 134 St Regis Paper .. 15 84 84 8s* St Regis Paper pf 75s 100 100 100 Schiff Co new(2). 2 254 254 2514 Scovill (b50c) — 100s 42 42 42 Segal Lock & H— 3 24 24 24 Seizerling Rub_ 2 74 74 74 Selected Indus_ 11 24 24 24 Sel In all 5 Vi . 50s 1014 1014 101'*, Sel In pr pf(54)_ 100s 99s, 994 994 Sefton Leath a50c. 1 8s, 84 84 Seversky Air_ 8 4 34 4 ShattuckDen_ 3 184 174 18 Sher-Will ( + 4)... 100s 125% 125% 125% Sher-Will pf (5).. 20s 110 110 110 Simmons H & P_ 14 4 4 Solar MfgiblOc). * 1 5% 5% 5% Sonotone (alOc)..® 4 1% 1% 1% Soss Mfg (50c)-..* 1 6% 6% 6% SoPaOil (tl%)-.■* 2 44% 44 44 South Union Gas- * 3 3% 3% 3% SoutI'd Roy b20c- 8 10% 10% 10% Stand Dredging . 1 4% 4% 4% Stand Inv pf ww_ 100s 44% 44% 44% Stand Oil Ky tl - 3 19% 19% 19% Stand Oil Ohio tl. 1 36% 36% 36% Stand Pwr & Lt_ 2 3% 3 3 Stand Prod b25c-. 2 18% 18% 18% Stand S&L (4c). 8 fc * * Stand Tube (B) . 3 5% 5% 5% Std WholePh 1.20 50s 19 19 19 Starrett Corp vtc. 5 5% 5% 5% Slerchi Bro 1 st .1. 50s 37 37 37 Sterling Inc+20c. 1 5% 5% 5% Sullivan Machine. 2 21 21 21 Sun Ray Dr t80c_ 1 17% 17% 17% Sunrav Oil (b5c)_ 5 4% 4% 4% Sunshine Mln(3). 8 20% 19% 20 Swiss Am El pf__ 50s 113% 113% 113% TagRartCorp_ 11 11** 11% 11% Taylor Dlst 30c_ 6 3% 3% 3% Technicolor a50c. 38 26% 26% 26% Tech Hughes t40c 2 5 5 5 Texon Oil&L S0c. 2 5% 5% 5% Tob&All Stks bl_ 1 50s 61% 61% 61% Toledo Ed pf 6... 60s 99 98 98 Trans-Lux t20c._ 2 4% 4% 4% Transwest Oil Co. 5 11% 11% 11% Tubize Chatil ... 9 25 24% 24% Tubize C(A)a2%. 1 75 75 75 Tung-Sol Lamp._ 2 6% 6% 6% FnG Can b27 %c. 1 13% 13% 13% Unit Gas Corp_ 45 9% 8% 9% Unit Gas war_ 1 2% 2% 2% Unit Gas pf b3 % . 1 110% 110% 110% Unit L & Pw pf A 2 5% 5% 5% Ut P&L pf b37 %c 2 40 39% 40 Utd Milk P pf t3_ 25s 65% 65% 65% Utd Pr Sh pf (1).. 1 11 11 11 Utd Prof Sh alOC. 2 1% 1% 1% Utd Shipyds B __ l 2% 2% 2% Utd Shoe M t2%. 125s 88% 88 88 U S Foil B (1).__. 4 13% 13% 13% U S& Inti Sec_ 1 1% 1% 1% U S Rub Reclaim. 4 6% 6% 6% U S Stores_ 2 fltfc fir Unit Stores vtc... 1 % % % Unit VerdEx(l). 35 4% 4% 4% Unit Wall Paper.. 10 4% 3% 3% Utilities P&L(d). 1 % H % Utilities Indus_ 1 % % % Valsparvtc_ 2 7 7 7 Valspar pf vtc 50s 58 58 68 Va Pub Svc pf 7_20s 83% 83% 83% Walkar Mining... 1 2% 2% 2*4 Wayne Knit Mills 3 7% 7% 7% Wayne Pmpbl%. 9 46 45% 45% Weisbaum BB 40c 1 8% 8% 8% Wentworth bloc.. 7 5% 6% 5% W Va Coal & C_ 2 4% 4% 4% Westn A E(a25c). 3 8% 8% 8% Westn Cart pf f6. 25s 102% 102% 102% West Tex Ut pf 6. 10s 85 85 85 Wevenburg Shoe. 1 14 14 14 WIUOil-O-Ma50c 1 7% 7% 7% Wilson-Jones n.. 2 21 21 21 Wolvr Tube b20c. 2 14% 14 14 Woodley Pet t40c 1 8% 8% 8% Wright Harg t40c 6 6% 6% 6% Yukon Gold al3c. 2 2% 2% 2% Dividend rates in dollars based on last puartly cr semi-annual payment. tAn nual rate—not Including extra a. -Ac cumulated dividends. a Paid last year, b Paid this year, d Companies reported aa being in bankruptcy or in receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy act or securities assumed by such com panies. Drastic Scaling Down of Debts and Fixed Charges Proposed. By the Associated Press. NEW HAVEN, Conn., June 1—Di rectors of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co., only major Eastern railroad forced into trustee ship by the depression, proposed today a plan of reorganization drastically scaling down debts and slicing fixed charges in half. Edward G. Buckland, chairman, said the plan, filed simultaneously with the Interstate Commerce Com mission in Washington and the United States District Court here, "makes it evident that, except for possible aban donment of unproductive branches, the integrity of the system as a whole is to be maintained." The "New Haven’s" position in the transportation fiejd between Boston and New York, linked to virtually all Southern New England by the road’s 2,000 miles of track, "is in no way impaired by the reorganization," Buckland said. Determination Cited. The veteran board chairman de scribed the "outstanding feature" as “the plain determination of the di rectors to restore the credit of the company to a high plane and reduce fixed charges to such a point as to prevent any recurrence of Its present financial embarrassment.” “Fixed charges have been reduced approximately one-half,” he said. “Adequate meaas have been provided for future financing. So far as com patible with public interest, due recog nition has been given the rights of all creditors and stockholders.” Before it becomes effective, the plan must be approved by the I, C. C. and confirmed by the Federal Court. The half billion dollar railroad, its lines running through one of the most densely populated sections of the country, began reorganization pro ceedings October 23. 1935. After mounting deficits and obligations made it impossible to obtain further loans to ease its precarious financial position. Since then it has been operated under the control of three court-appointed trustees, among them President Howard S Palmer. New Stock Planned. The plan contemplates a new $243. 837,000 funded debt structure under which fixed charges, aggregating $20. 329,920 in 1935, would be whittled down to *9,942.909. New stock would be issued to replace present common and preferred shares. Buckland said recent studies have indicated the reorganization railroad will have an annual Income of *14. 000,000 available for fixed charges, as compared with 1936 income of *12, 227.467. Of the *14.000.000, he said, $12,000, 000 will be available for the fixed in terest of $7,872,172 on funded debt. Directors also advocated the "New Haven" take over by merger three lines until recently operated as part of its system under leases. They are the Hartford Connecti cut Western, the Old Colony and providence, Warren & Bristol Rail roads. It wax also proposed the reorganized corporation assume the lease of the Boston and Providence and retain leases of the Norwich & Worcester, the Providence and 'Worcester and Holyoke & Westfield. --m - . ■ MERCANTILE EXCHANGE OBSERVES ANNIVERSARY P» - he Associated Press NEW YORK, June 1.—Today marks the sixty-fourth anniversary of the New York Mercantile Exchange, origi nally formed as the New York Butter & Cheese Exchange. Under special legislative charter from the State of New York, the organization specializes in the execu tion of spot and future contracts in butter, eggs and graded dressed poul try. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. iReported by Chas. D. Barney A Oo.1 Bid. Offer. Amer Tel A Tel 54s 1943. n.3 1134 Auburn Auto Co 4 4s 1939 _ 67'* 764 Baldwin Loco Works 5s 1946 165 Calif Packing Core 5s 1949 105 1 05 4 Caro. Clinch A Ohio 5s 1936 1034 104 Chesa A- Ohio Rwy 5s J039_ 1074 1074 Edison Elec Ilium 4s 1939 104 4 106’, General Pub Serv 54s 1939 1024 1024 Grand Rap A Ind 44s 1941 10S’, 1094 Houston Oil 54s 1940 102 1024 Inti Mercan Marine Hs 1941 764 764 Inti Tel A Tel 4 4s 1939 __ 614 62 Laclede Gas Light 5s 1939 _ 93 4 934 lafhigh Valley Coal Hs 1936 954 974 Lehigh Val Term Ry 5s 1941 107 106 4 Long Island Gen 4s 1936 1024 1034 Louis A Nash R R 4s 1940 1064 1064 Michigan Cent R R 4s 1940 104 4 1054 Midland R R of N J 5s 1940 55 62 4 Mil A North R R 4 4s 1939 _ 90 N Y. C A St L 05 Notes 1936 100 100 4 New York Dock 5s 1936 60 4 61 N Y. Susq A West 5s 1940. 40 New York Tel Co 4 4s 1939 107', 101 4 Pacific R R of Mo 4s 1936 loo Penn-Dixie Cement Os 1941 190', 101 Penna R R Co 4s 1943 1074 113 Rin Grande West 4s 1939 704 724 Southern Bell T A T 5s 1941 105 4 105 4 Term RR As St L 4 4s 1939 1064 107'2 Vanadium Corp 5s 194 1 10.4 1034 Vertientes Sugar Co 7s 1942. 21 73 Wabash Rwy Co 5s 1939. 974 9.74 Warner Bros. 6s 1939 . 944 96 Western N Y A Pa 4s 1943 107-4 1064 Western Union Tel 5s 1038. 102 1024 Average Daily Closing Price of 50 Leading Stocks on the New York Stock Exchange DOLLARS PER SHARE 160] DOLLARS PER SHARE —rl60 Nov. 10, $14352 Closing Price May 17, 1937, Was Lows! Sinca July 7, 1936 Stock Exchanga Cloiad_ Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. > Dec. ** J %t Tht rtylrjf* T>* 1 GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS CLIMB 23 PER CENT Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 1.—Receipts of the Federal Government so far in the current fiscal year have gained 23 per cent over the comparable period a year ago, reflecting a general im provement in individual and corporate income. General expendituers increased 21 per cent during the same time, while recovery and relief spending declined. Treasury receipts, reported by the daily Treasury statement of May 25, compared as follows on that date: Fiscal year 1937.$4,383,904 178 Fiscal year 1936__ 3,559,888.118 -• CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. June 1 i.P .— (United S’ates Department of Agriculture >— Hors. J 7.non. including 4.000 direct: market around steady with Friday's average: lop. 11.7 5. Diilk good and choice lon-Uon pounds. 11 4o-7o mo.-t 150-1JHI pound*, lo.i.n j 11.00 choice pigs looo-5o. but b ilk me dium to good kinds, h.50-9.75. bulk good packing sows luoo-.Vt; smooth light weights on butcher orders. 3 0.00-70. Cattle. 16 000; calves. 1.000; fed steers and yearlings 15 lower, slow all grades sharing decline but common and medium grade steers and all made* yearlings under most pressure largely steer and yearling : run with medium to good grades predom inating borh local killers and shippers out ! to break the grades of cattle winch were out of line last week compared with strictly good and choice offerings shipper demand | toppy kinds still narrow, however best early j.'joo: largely lo.nn-1750 market: several loads held around 15.on; heifers steady to 15 lower: common an’d medium grades, including grassy Southwestern* of! most; cows slow, steady, bulls active fully steady at H.7 5 down on sausage of fering.* vealers 15 lower mostly 9.00 down: few 9 50: Mockers steady. Sheen 11.non. 5.000 direct: 1 fat lambs and native Snringers opening strong to 15 higher bulk clipped lamb* 9 no-50. half deck chon** M-pound j weight* 10 00 native Spring lambs. 11.50- j 1175 to small killers- a’l bucks out I l.oo discount. 10 double* California S4pnng lam ns sold at in.50 sheep steady, shorn native ewes. 1.50-4.50. -• FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. June 1 (Jp<.—The stock mar ket closed Irregular today, with trading small. Tension over the situation in £#pam relaxed somewhat. Oils were strong. trans-Atlanf ics and industrials quiet. German bonds and gilt-edged issues eased. PARIS—The Bourse . closed w eaker to day with mixed price changes Trading was quiet. Rentes ended slighfIy lower. Bank of France was off Mo points Citroen recovered ?o. Suez Canal showed a further decline of lfio points. —■ ■ • MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK Hunr 1 < V .—Call money steady: ] per cent all day. Prime com- ! mercial paper 1 per cent. Time loans i steady: fiO-OO days P4; 4-fi month*. 1 ’ 2 j per cent Bankers' accep’ un- j changed: rtfi days. «2-,V fiO-MO da's \- , 12: 4 months x-fi months ‘,4*''*. Rediscount rate. New York Reserve Bank, 1 12 per cent. New York Steam Omits Dividends As Costs Increase Er the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 1.—New York Steam Corp. announced today omis sion of dividends on the $6 and $7 preferred stocks due to “higher taxes and operating expenses.” It is a sub sidiary of Consolidated Edison Co. The announcement was the third unfavorable dividend action in the local public utility field since April. Brooklyn Union Gas Co. cut Its quarterly dividend from 75 cents to 40 cents, and Brooklyn & Queens Transit Corp. of the Brnoklyn-Manhattan Transit System omitted the dividend nn the $fi preferred stock. Both blamed increased taxes and operating costs. -• PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA June 1 • 1' .—Live poul try - Fowl. Plymouth Rock, fancy, 'in, mixed colors. IS-IP: While Leghorns, fancy. 17-ls. a\crage. 14-1.old roosters. 1 •" 1 -14: Leghorns, old roosters, I'j-iM, Soring chickens fancy. Plymouth Rock. *: cross nrods. IP- : .’: Rods. *.'<>: Reds, broilers. 1 .*>-1 s1 ^ Leghorns. 10-IP. Ducks. White Pekin, young l:t-1 4. old. 11-1J: mixed colors. ll-l*f. Turkeys, fancy, hens, 1, young toms fancy, i 4-1 f> Dressed poultry—Fowl, fresh killed In Properly Management - -I nrvfli ~ • run i ca*Hirt 1 710 WHAT so many other •*** owners of apartment house and residential properties In Washington do—place them in the hands of our Property Man agement Department. This experienced service effi ciently and economically ren dered. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. Nat’l 2100 Mortgage Loans This announce merit is not and is under no circumstances to be construed as an offer tn sell or ns a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities herein mentioned. The offering is made only by the Prospectus. 35,000 Shares San-Nap-Pak Mfg. Co., Inc. (A New York Corporation) COMMON STOCK ($1 par value) Price #4.50 per Share Copies of the Prospectus man be obtained from the undersigned Johnston, Lemon 8C Co. Waterman Corporation Washington, D. C. Albany, N. Y. REAL ESTATE LOANS On Improved property in D. C. and 'Arlington County, Va. RELIABLE SOUND “OFFICERS ” WM. A. HETTINGER, PRESIDENT CHARLES KATTELMANN, VICE PRESIDENT WILFRED H. BLANZ SECRETARY GUY M. NEELY, TREASURER NO COMMISSIONS RENEWALS UNNECESSARY ^applications invited for LOANS on improved real estate in Washing ton and Arlington County, Virginia. Rates and terms commensurate with security offered. Before you re finance, huild or remodel—See us. The American has been helping the people of Washington to acquire homes for the past 63 years. Attterirait UmlMttg Assnriatintt 300 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E. ASSETS OVER $9,700,000 telephoto li. mi. UNDER U. 8. GOV’T _ SUPERVISION __ boxes. 20-23: chickens. 24-27: old roost ers. dry picked, 14-lfl: Spring ducks, Long Island 10-17. Both Oklahoma and Texas Report Large Gains During Week. Bj the Associated Pres*. TULSA, Okla., June 1 —The Oil an* Gas Journal reported another new high today in the national production of crude oil, a daily average for tha week ending May 29 of 3,586,806 bar rels. That flgoire was 33,571 barrels high er than the daily average of the pre vious high set Ju6t a week ago. Oklahoma had an increase of 11,050 barrets for an average of 660,775 bar rets daily; East Texas was up 2.696 to 467,653, and all of Texas had an In crease of 8,467, to an average of 1 - 436,864. Louisiana increased its production 5.872 for an average of 248.302 barrels daily, while California production d» dined 500 to a total of 658,500 and Kansas jumped 5.125 to a total of 202,675 barrels daily. Eastern States, including Michigan, had an increase of 2,837, to a total of 163,800 barrels daily. The output of the Rocky Mountain area remained virtually stationary, de creasing 60 to an average of 74,470 I barrels dally. FASHIONS IN INVESTMENTS The changing economic outlook calls for flexibility in the management of invested funds. Certain condi tions may dictate the purchase of common stocks. Under different circumstances, selected bonds, or pre ferred stocks, or commodities may afford the sound est investment opportunities. To provide a compre hensive service to meet changing conditions, this firm holds membership in 29 exchanges for the execution of orders to buy or sell stocks, bonds or commodities. FENNER & BEANE Members Seu York Stock Exchange and other leading Exchanges Southern RIdg. 15th & H Sts. N.W. National 7000 First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia Homes Apartments I „ Business Properties Terms from 3 to 15 years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H.Hagxer & Company INCORPORATED Mortgage Loan Cannc sponoent jfciSvsa-nc£ ffcmfiany 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone: DEcatur 3600 W B. HIBBS & COMPANY MEMBERS NEW ffJBE SfrtCt If CHANGE PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE HEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OT TRADE BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YOKK COTTON EXCHANGE WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANCE HIBBS BUILDING ’* WASHINGTON*D.C, Telephone • Kotionol 0540 | QUESTIONS WAT ARE ASKED ABOUT BANKTNO J ✓ / 1 HHHE hour* daring which a bank la open to i- the public for the transaction of business are usually called, “Banking Hours.” They are only a part of the working day for bank employees. A bank is very much like an efficient house wife who has work to do before a dinner party and work to do after the meats leave. There is much work for employees to do before the bank opens to the public. At the close of “banking hours” window tellers count and balance their cash; bookkeepers prove accounts and tally ledgers; checks are arranged for clearance to other banks and to other cities; conferences are held; officers dictate and aim correspondence, go over reports and tend to many other duties. Our bank does much of its work before and after “banking hours.” Mcl^chlen Banking Corporation Sine. 1891 TENTH AND G STREETS, N. V. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation