Newspaper Page Text
REPAIRS & SERVICE. __(Continued.)_ PAINTING, papering, plastering, floor fin ishing: estimates cheerfully given. Blue Ridge Decorating Co.. Columbia 0(574. PAINTING, *ou*'> . ’ and screen repairing, floor reflnishlng: experienced workmen. Call Ben's Dec Co North 3582. 2* PAPER. HANGING painting: rooms pa pered. $4 up; no job too small: work guar anteed floors refinished. Atlantic .'57H:i • FA PE.I HANGING AND PAINTING—Spe cial for this week. I will paper 5 rooms and nail with washable and sunfast wall paper for $45. I do my own work, father ifnd sons work guaranteed; highest refer ence furnished. Call any time. Col. Ot>.'5,'j. Or write .'55.'55 Georgia ave. n.w. TAPER HANGING done at once. $4 a room and up including paper, best workman ship; whi;r mechanic. Georgia OO'M. • PAPERING, painting, plastering: special low prices this week; I do and guarantee my work Call Baitz. Columbia 1SS!J. PAPERING PAINTING—Deal direct with mechanic for better work at lowest prices. Call METZ Columbia O.'tiM* any time. PAPERING. " PAINTING. EXTERIOR—INTERIOR. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CO., .‘55OS Georgia Ave. N.W. Adams l.'5U7. Eves.. Atlantic .‘?04fi. Plastering. stucco repaired. Craftex. I cement, waterproof basements, walls, leaky *oofs. After (5. Minnick. Lincoln 4451-W. .'5* HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. PAINTING, papering, roofing guaranteed; reasonable estimates free. M L. Smith. j7"4 Webster n w. Adams 7 1 Os. HOOFING Asbestos or slag. Bird A Son building materials. Ask any architect. Asbestos sidewall, rock wool Insulation. Hoofs repaired and painted. 3-year pay ment plan. AMERICAN RE-ROOFING CO.. 3313 14th Si N W Col. 4551. ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Monthly Terms Guaranteed Work ROYAL CONTRACTING CORP., Graduate Engineers 907 l.'*th St. N.W. National 3S03 Night. Adams S5*’9. HOME IMPROVEMENTS. SPECIAL PRICES THIS MONTH, Painting Plastering Carpentry, Papering Porch Inclosures Oil Burneri Hoofing Free Estimate':. 55.00 MONTH! Y PAYMENTS. Call HOME MODERNIZING CO.. 1009 91 h St Met. 0S54. __EVENINGS CLEV._f>n90.__ P. M. CO. SKILLED MECHANICS—BEST MATERIAL. PAPERING—CARPENTRY —CONCRETE. PAINTING—PLASTERING— ELECTRIC REPAIRS—REMODELING. PHONE FOR FSTIMATE. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CO. •BETTER HOME IMPROVEMENTS." 3503 GA. AYE N W. Adams 1307. Eves.. Atlantic 3040._ "BEAUTIFY! DECORATE! RENOVATE YOUR HOME. Increase its value: deal with a finan cially responsible firm. NO CASH DOWN. START PAYING 30 DAYS AFTER WORK IS COMPLETED. You pay In small monthly sums. Our budget plan has been made to suit your needs. You name the terms. We ll co tmerat# WE FINANCE WHERE OTHERS DON'T. FREE ESTIMATES. Renovate From Basement to Roof. FEDERAL CONTRACTING CO., INC., 913 NEW YORK AVE. N W. NATIONAL 7 4 03 NATIONAL 741fi. Very Reliable. One of the Largest. NIGHT—ADAMS nn.3.3. 4* ■ ■ -- — — BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. r> Cr. S GROCERY STORE, beer license* I $G5n-$:nu weekly; reasonable; terms. Call LincolnJW.’.Y___ 2* f.UNCH ROOM. opp. large Govt, bldgs. «iof\s over 8JO daily; closes 8 pm. no Sundays. Rent only SGu. price onlv $.2,500. Terms ananged. See owner at 174 4 F St. n_w.__ PARTNER to help promote article long awaited necessity for millions all over the •vorli. to be sold to drug and chain stores, i Should be excellent opportunity. Address ; Box 5 2 7-Z .Sr ar_offlce._ i • DELICATESSEN grocery and b^r off sale: owner ill. great opportunity. 2122 isth it_n w_1 • _ Gasoline STATIONS cl) for rent or sale: #ell-established business. See Mr. Gallier, 1218 N. Capitol st_ ROOMING HOUSE, established 8 years. Completely furnished, good furniture. 8 looms. 2 baths, oil burner. Frigidaire. 2-car *araee; $800; terms: lease: low rental. On Irvine st. at I4th n.w. E. A. Garvey. Dist. 4 508. Eve. and Sun.. Geo. GGOO. 1127 Vt. ave.__ _ HOTEL, downtown; 24 run.; rent. $ 14 <); subrent store and 2 garages; long lease; $2.500. Terms. Miss McCown. im»8 h st. MONTGOMERY Building Loan stock. 100 | shares; wish to sell quickly. Address Box 440-X. Star office._ RESTAURANT wanted by private party; can pay cash; must do $00 or more daily; no brokers. George Theodore. 1028 Eye ft. n.w._ &AS 6TATION. Cities Service station at hrerspct.ion of routes U. S. 50 and 211: eo«>d gallonage; greasing. Call West 0418. Mr. O'Brien.___ LOOKING for a bargain In a restaurant ui'h whisky license* See 700 G st. n.w. Fully_ equipped. _ Readv to open ROOMING HOUSE (downtown) 15 rms. oil heat: clean and nicely furnished in s'?™'5 $.225 orice. $l.»!5u. Terms. Miss McCown. lofis h st. Met. 4815. HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY SHOP for sale' S7<m business mo.: $50 rent; heat, hot Wr*ter. incl : $5.non. 1 4 10 Park rd. n w. WANTED—Distributor for Washington section to handle snow ball machines; nmck seller. Address Box 525-K star office.__ _ • BAKERY—Best equipped small bakery in riiv Wonderful opportunity for married to ip,e. No phone. Apply owner, muff 4th st. n.e ___ »>• MENS WEAR owner retiring. self~stock7 fixtures: sales. $55n weekly, terms, trade jor property Georgia 5582. RESTAURANT < whisky license). Rent! •■>• Nice business. $1 Goo down. Capi tal Adjusting A; Finance Co loos h st. CAFETERIA for rent, equipped: good lo~ cation; now open. Owner has other busi ness. See Mr. Cooper, 228 J2th st. s w. ft OO MING HOUSE (Wise. ave. nr. Mt. Alto Hospital) —12 rms.. 5 baths: rent Cl 15: oil heat; income. $225; price $1,050’ Terms. Mrs. Reach. 1008 H st. BOARDING HOUSES—2 large lmuTsesTt ^?co;* circle and Mass, ave.; price and terms to sell. Rooming house. 12 rooms. 2 baths; rent. I heat and hot. water. Rooming house. 15 rooms. 2 baths, rent. ' 'Go price. 51.4(H); downtown; good In come. ROOMING HOUSE. 0 rooms: rent. $50; food location $5(M) down ^avment WASHINGTON BROKERAGE AND FINANCE CO . INC . f>05 New York Ave N.W'. Natl. 2557. • ROOMING HOUSE. Hon 8th st. n.w : rooms. well furni>hed: rent $G5; bargain at $500: cash. $.250 Rooming house. 1 1 rooms, well ananged: best C’apirol lull section: bargain; ln snect at onep. leaving town. Rooming house. 15 rooms. 5 baths; 10th s’., near Dunont circle: income about $‘.oO- asking $1.000; terms Rooming house 12 rooms: near 10th and M sts ; bargain. $875; terms. Oaa and accessory business: rent. $22: . nuo gallons weekly ("independent station!; bargain at 5G50. Lunch, beer: transient street, well equip ped; price. $050; terms. Clears. news. sandwiches and soft drinks: $150 weekly; price. $525. CorifP'-t.. erocery. 1 roon: rent.' $1K good little business: price VTA R M. CURTIS, mu; F ST. N.W., Natl. 0140. HOTEL. 52 ROOMS, 17 BATHS. Oonn. ave. section; rental only $400. left>p. good income; Drice. $7.0on, terms. Capital Adjusting A Finance Co.. 1008 H St N.W. _ Met. 4813 ROOMING AND BOARD ING HOUSES WANTED. | We must have more ROOMING and BOARDING houses at once. Plenty buyers. No listing charge For quick and satisfac tory results, call National 0054. It pa vs. S. WINFIELD, 908 10th N.W. Wash s Largest Rooming House Broker. 1* RESTAURANT 'brand-new*: most beau tiful place in town: whisky: excellent prices: doing $200 daily: owners not res taurant people: will give 10-yr. lease at $200 monthly and sell for $18,500. terms. BOB HOLLANDER, Exclusive Agent for Owner. ^ 1008 H St._N.W._Met. 481.2. APT. HOUSE. 32 ROOMS, 12 BATHS. Near Govt. bldg, downtown; income, $800; rent $20o; lease. $4,800: V2 down. Capita! Adjusting and Finance Co., 1008 H St. N.W. Metropolitan 481 2. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALeT ADDING MACHINES. Burroughs. $27.50; Victor portables, like new. unusual bar gain. Dealer. 1448 Park rd.. Apt. 7. Col. 4825.___ AUTO RADIO. 10.27 Motorola, floor sam ple. 40 * off for cash only. Apex Elec. Co.. 700 Oth st. n.wr. AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATION for stores or air-conditioning: compressors, motors; also large McCray Refrigerator, perfect conriit.on; a bargain. Henderson Castle, *22oo nnh st._ BED ROOM dining room, davenport suites; breakfast set. studio couch, wicker set. beds, rockers Edelman. 2202 Georgia ave. • BAGGED SAWDUST. 22c bag. delivered; for store floors and many other uses. Phone Atlantic 1400. HECHINGER CO. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES all sizes*, supplies repairing ping-pong tables ana accessories. Conn. 810 Oth st. N.W. Pis, 4711 BRICK. LUMBER AND PLUMBING mate rials at bargain prices from hundreds of wrecking-jobs reconditioned and neatly arranged for your easy selection at Hech lneer’s We quote delivered or undelivered You'll save time as well as money by com ing to any of our four yards. HECHINGER CO.. Used Material Depti. lVh A H Sts N E. 6th k C Sts. 8 W. •©25 Ga. Ave. N.W, 1905 Nichols S.E. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. —By BAER. "WE JUST GOT IT THROUGH THE USED CAR SECTION IN THE EVENING STAR. JOHNS GOING TO TEACH ME HOW TO AIM IT TODAY!" MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. _ (Continued.) BONDED HOUSE PAINT. SPEC I AL~W ED~ NESDAY ONLY. gallon, with this ad lear it out NOW! Pure lead and linseed oil paint made specially for us by - Monad " White, green and -.’a colors. Free delivery. Phone orders always accepted Atlantic Him HFCHINGER CO. 4 STORES L CAMERAS—Special prices on used and new Contax and Leica. Buy. sell and trade used cameras. Robbln’s. r)?!* 14th n w DINING ROOM SUITE, complete modern style: reasonable Call after ;> pm., Adams 4 9.» 1 -\V. DM Spring id n.w. FANS. FANS. FANS—A. c.-d. c. Universal new and used: exchanged, repaired guar anteed: all sizes._Carty._ltins Hth. FANS—G. E. Ht-in. oscillators, d. c . usedT $»».9.» to $9 95: x-in. a. c. osc . ^:.!*5. Apex Elec. Co. 709 9th St ji.w at G FURNITURE for your nome. tor your apts.. for rooming houses or cottages See and save at the 9th St Furniture Exchange. •‘IDi 9th st. n.w Wash.'s largest used furniture store. _W> deljver._Mov ing_done. FURNITURE—Sacrifice dinette ser and bureau, desk, childs breakfast set. doll perambulator, twin bed-, complete; aii practically new. Georgia 559i> FURNITURE—Walnut b. r. set. Sim mons spring and mattress, and other pieces. Miramar. Apt. UHL Potomac otinh. FURNITURE—Here is your opportunity to on fine, new furniture. If you can pay [ cash you don't have to buy old or second hand things. Four Hoots of brand-new furniture at cash prices that will save you many dollars; also budget terms. You owe It to yourself to shop a* this store before you buy. Household Furniture Co.. *3 it • th st. n.w Open Saturday till o pm FURNITURE. ETC.—Wednesday's sale at vveschler's Auction. 91E St NAY., in cludes suites and desirable odd pieces ru2> radios refrigerators etc . by order Krieg s Express^& Storage Co er al CROSLEY REFRIGERATORS. washPr.V iioners, radios: floor models; special price, terms Petworth Hardware Co. 831 Up shur st. n u IRONERS AND WASHERS, many makes; all must ro; any reasonable offer accepted Come early. Procter & Ridgely, 3534 14th n.w. Columbia ioooii. LIVING ROOM SET. 3-piece down: satin wood bed room set. walnut twin-bed-room set. rugs, etc. Columbia 3191. ?SllCK FuRNITURE ' new. used" dess7 chairs. Ill ns cabinets. Washineton Salvage Co., new location. 8nn E n.w, Natl x-.’nii. OFFICE FURNITURE—A large assortment 8Lu,f.'LBSc\s at low hr*ccs. H, Baum * Son. Lift E st. n.w_ PIANOS FOR RENT. $.3 per month and up All rental paid applies on purchase price if you decide to buy later. National 4.30. JKltt's. 1 330 G st._ PIANO, smallest size baby grand, in splan j did condition, $I3S. Very easv terms. National 47:m. Kites.. 1 ::m> G st. PIANO. F.siev. upright, excellent condition; sacrifice. $35._Phone Emerson 33si. PIANO, latest model apartment- upright? used for less than four months and in absolutely new condition. Si do. Full key board. attractive finish. Pay so 5u month ly. National .333'!. Arthur Jordan Piano Co. J399_G st. n.w.. corner 1.3th, PIANO, upright studio model with bench? like new; only 43 inches tall; must sell; bargain. .»1 0 Mass. ave. n.w. PIANOS—We have a few really”good”baby grands that we re closing out at reduced prices; *405 Kimmell at SI.SO; S405 Cable A: Sons, like new. at $.350; SI ,050 Marshall A Wendall at $405: $1,375 Chickering at $550; $1,335 Mason A Hamlin at $00o. All are in splendid condition and are bargains. Very easy terms. National 333.3. Arthur Jordan Piano Co.. 1330 G st.. corner of J 3th. PIANOS—-Used uprights. $5 and $fo cash* Delivery extra or you can haul them yourself. The Piano Shop, 1337 14th st. n.w._ • PUMPS: gasoline electric: 1 single. $5u: 3 double. $05._Phone Decatur 4753. RADIOS—$5.95—Complete clearance sale •>o sets: Philco. Majestic. Crosley. etc : were $14.95 to $0.05: ideal for porch or cottage Apex Elec. Co . 7<iO Oth st. n.w. RADIO-PHONOGRAPH combination ~table model. Majestic, practically new. all wave- ' $35. Shepherd 2445-M REFRIGERATORS—R e b u i I t >rigidaire~ g. E.. Norge and Stewart-Warner. Terms as low as ] <>c a dav. See us before you buv. Electrical Center. 514 10th st. n.w._National 887 2._ REFRIGERATOR .'hi cubic foot, for gro~ eery or delicatessen; triple glass doors; will install complete with new Frisidaire equipment for $475; act quickly; this is a real bargain. Arthur H Todd, 5418 R I . a\>. n.e. Greenwood 1501 REFRIGERATQRS, electric; all sizes new and used, from *50.50 up. p. o. Smith. 4 1 •» H st. n.e. Lincoln 15050. REFRIGERATORS, largest assortment'in town. Kelyinators, G. E,. Frigidaires. Norqes. Majesties. Copelands; also all sizes of commercial compressors. r3 hp to l1* h.p ; guaranteed for 1 year. AAA Electric Service Co., 1215 New York ave. RUGS. Crex de luxe. Hxlo arid 0x12; good condition. Piano. Hallip & Davis, up right ; reasonable for cash. Lady's small mahogany desk. Georgia 140»>. SINGLE BED. springs and mattressrcleani Call North_7:ou;. TYPEWRITERS. Underwood. Roval like ”cw; Portable. $15; sacrifice. Dealer. 144S Park rd.. Apt. 7. Col. 4025. TYPEWRITERS, new portables, for the graduate $1 wppk: dependable rentals. $5 month, del ; sales and expert service, all makes. Call National 812!*. Central Type writer Co . !>2:G st. n.w. RENTAL SERVICE Georgla l8s.t 5 1 <>th n.w Underwmods. $2 mo.; 4 mos In adv., $*;. No deliveries. $1 de Poslt-_. to !* o'clock, evenings only. TYPEWRITERS adding machines and Si&r business machines 0f all makes, rebuilt and fully guaranteed Washing ^selection and lowest prices. United Si.2 14th st n.w National 0005 FANS General Electric All Sizes, All Styles AUTO TIRES At Vi Price. 1st Quality High-Grade Baileyized Tires. 12 Months' Guarantee Safety, Economy, Rugged Beauty. We solicit your charge account. No Down Payment, Months to Pay. 9th and H N.fc. 14th and f N.W. 1741 Johnson Are. N.W., Bet. 14 and 15, R and S. _MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. VACUUM CLEANERS SPECIAL SALE: ALL MAKES UUAH. STANDARD BRANDS ONLY I xs:s 14th ST. N.w. DEC .V.Ydt • VACUUM CLEANER. Apex. s.'Jn nr, model, brand-new, for S'.’ti.OO cash. Apex Elec. Co.. Inn nth st. n.w.. at G. VACUUM CLEANERS rebuilt like new. 1-yr guar.: Electrolux. Hoover. Eureka Beevac V.',c up: give 111 days' free trial! Electrical Center. 51 4 1 Oth st. n.w. VACUUM CLEANERS—Eureka, Air wav. S.'.i.Y: Electrolux or Hoover. SI” ; like new; guar. 1 year. Open to In p.m., also Sundays. We deliver. Decatur ovii4 Standard Brands. i:t:t:t 14th st. n.w. if WASHERS AND 1RONERS many makes? all must go; any reasonable Oder accepted Come early. Procter and Ridgelv. 4 14th n.w. Columbia liinim. WASHING MACHINE. Apex repossessed tti.Ui model, at price: fully guaranteed. Apex Elec Co. lu.'i nth si. n.w.. at G. WASHING MACHINES, rebuilt like new;' 1 -year guarantee. Maytag.. Apex. A B r , ?YV .is ''■> ub- Electrical Center • >14 lutti st. n.w ELECTRIC FANS, a c ana do. usedand new Look at these price- : lii-inch d-c oscillating fans, guaranteed, sii !i;> etch Willie they last: a -c. fan- from S” 95 up. .4 yeais in business your nrotec'ion SUPERIOR LOCK A- ELECTRIC CO.. _‘ * I" I. St. N w , .Metropolitan u 1 ■ l-PIECE RATTAN SET. practtcallv new i a?i?rS'””!iu 1 ,rea;onable. no dealers. De GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Galvanized Srreen Wire* 2 !2C SQ. FT. Copper and Bronze Wire, lie sq. ft. Braided J-P.y Garden Hose. Y -VsC fool. Kentucky Hardware Co., __\ I M St. N.W. _miscellaneous WANTED. JEWELRY—Highest prices paid for diamonds, watches, silver, old gold, dental gold. Schiller Bros . in:? f n.w. .">“ P?VKST7HKhest P'ices paid-for good nooks, old. geographic. Bargain Book Shop. dth st. n.w. Phone District him?. 1* —H'^hest prices paid for mem's pmd„c7Jh.ln* Herman’s. 1172 7th at. n w Phone Metropolitan 117(17 Will call FURNITURE —Would like to purchase some good used household goods: also piano. Cali after (> pm. Met. 77s*;. .}• FURNITURE, bric-a-brac, chinsc glass ware. rugs, silverware, paintings. Highest cash prices paid. Cali Murray. Adams iJiii:__ ________4• FURNITURE, rugs, stoves, household goods etc . positively highest cash prices. For , ftwt_results call_any_time._Dist. 4294. v?r iBKSS,.VOL’Py, OLD golr— sil" ifw'ft PHATJNtnu TEETH. DISCARDED INg^ YEA^ PAY'^W A KAH‘N CASH FOR OLD GOLD. Sliver watches diamonds and old dig carded jewelry Full cash value paid. _SELIKOER'S. SIX F St N.W Furniture—Dist rictT 0474 BOOKS. MISCELLANEOUS. 1_PIECE OR 1.000-—DAY AND NIGHT *>• GOLD—JEWELRY. Highest Cash Pricps Paid I ^Capital Dia. Co.. HOP G N.W., Rm 904 GOLD—DIAMONDS. Highest Cash Prices Paid. _ A _M ARKEL_Room_?11, pi s_F N W. _ WE are in the market for metals, rags, pa per and books: :t(i yrs ' honest serv Fed eral Junk Co. ID.'.") 1st st. n.w. Dist 9594 _DOGS, PETS, ETC. PAPPILLON PUPPY 0 mo. old. female, black with brown trim; beautiful disposi tion: house broken; only $20. Shep. 2408. BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES— *» regis tered males, and females, sir, and S ’b Stud service. 2114 .T.'nd st. s e. ENGLISH SETTER—White and blue ticked" female. ;> mos. old. Registration papers furnished. Bargain if sold immediately. Walnut 8055._ DOGS BOARDED. $2.50 Per Week Individual Runs. Defense Highway Kennels. 2 Miles From _Bladensburg on Defense Highway. _POULTRY & EGGS. BABY CHICKS—Special price on Leghorns. Kocks and Reds; heavy cockerels ST 50 hundred. Leghorn cockerrls *4; special i prices on other breeds; blood tested from well-known hatchery. Wm. James «fc Son. 010 K st. n.w. Met. 0088. _FARM and garden._ LAWNS RENOVATED and cared for by month; soils, sodding and shrubbery. Free esUmates_ Phone_Randolph_54TfL _ DON'T LET your evergreens look shabby. Subsoil fertilization will improve their color and strengthen their growth. Not expensive. For information and estimates address Box 25T-A. Star office. !• _ROOMS FURNISHED. .Tin BUCHANAN—Master bed room, twin beds, next tile bath, shower: pleasant for Summer: unlim. phone; 'a block bus; reas. Columbia 05K‘>. 511(1 MT. PLEASANT ST. NLW.—House keeping: very clean; c.h.w.: comfortable, dulet:_adults only;_conven._trans. N’V? - Apl - *r>—Girl to share apt.; bright, cheerful, beautifully furn.; private room if desired; $2<>. Adams 7520. 1355 VERMONT AVE.—Hall bed rm., near bain, in well-furnished house; $15; gen tleman^ North 5001._ PORTLAND HOTEL. Vermont ave aT Thomas Circle^—§H.50 ween: hotel service: Ir*s” towels daily: your mail and phor.e calls attended to: shower baths; wall: to work. 1 • fk’ir/i AYE- N (at Wash. Circle) — Delightful* furnished rooms for l.h.k.. $5 and $(> weekly. _ 1 • MT PLEASANT. nr~Rock~Creek. 5116 J /th st —Large rm.. next bath, half block car and bus: gentleman; $20. Col. 2075. 2*10 ONTARIO RD. N.W.—Double front f.m-» /Win beds; also gentleman share de lightful front rm. with another: twin beds: 4119 4 th ST. N.W.—Single and double front rooms, near Soldiers’ Home; conven le nt tr ansportati on. Rea so n a b 1 e 16.h> R ST. N.W.. Apt. 51—Well furnished room or share apt. Potomac 2040-J _____2* DUPONT CIRCLE. 2014 P st — Lov^ studio rm. for 2. fine double, l single; g*1—vgLy_des*rable; reas.- cool; a.m l. i4Tr GODEN ST. N.W. <nr. 14th and Pak)—Furnished room, next bath; private home. Adams 1891-J. 415 GALLATIN ST. N.W.—Double bed room. Beautyrest mattress; screened porch closet: next bath. Geo. 4605. 2.81H 15th ST. N.W.—Front rm.. newMy decorated- sleep, or housekeeping; near stores, schools: transp. Columbia 10585. SCOTT CIRCLE. 1508 lOth st. n.w.—At tractive single or double rooms, running water, large closets._ 1455 R. I. AVE. N.W.—Beautiful, cool studio room. 4 large window’s: newly deco rated: adj. semi-bath: suitable for 1 or 1 2 people. Also beautiful suite of rooms, twin beds, private bath. North 9579 or Col. 0125.__]* FURNISHED TRAILER, parked two miles from town on bus line. elec, light, etc. Will rent. $25 per month. Phone Clar endon 854._ 1101 Kith ST. N.W.—Newly decorated single room, running water, from $5 to $7 per week: double room. $8.50' up. 4726 15th ST. N.W.—Nicely 'furnished front room, private bath, shower: every i convenience: home comfort: four In family; ! gentleman._ 1806 LAMONT N.W.—Large, cool, front room, 3 bay windows, double or twin beds; large single; all conveniences. GRALYN (3rd). 3 320 18th st. n.w.—Just opened, completely redecorated and furn., outside, single and doubles. 8howers. 3009 WARDER ST. N.W., off Georgia ave. —-Large room, next to bath; aingle. $15: double. $20. ROOMS FURNISHED. ___(Continued.)_ FURNISHED TRAILER on bus line, electric light, etc.: $25 per month. Phone Clar endon 854._ _._ 1771 MASS. AVE. N.W. —Gentle men nicely furnished single or double room, shower baths, continuous hot water. 2520 11th ST N.W.—Well-furn. rm. with .screened porch, next bath: on car line, unlim phone: 2 gentlemen preferred. _ 1749 J 8th ST. N.W.—Single and double rooms, southern exposure, semi-private bathj_waIking distance._ 4224 loth ST. N.W. — Army officer's widow: twin bed room. pvt. bath, shower; studio r m •P o r c h: J a w n: _ u a r a g t. 1717 EYE ST. N.W.--Beautifully furnished room with private bath; ladies only, $62.50 single. $55 double. NEAR CATHEDRAL AND CONN. AVES— Large, delightfully cool room and bath; det. priv. home- gentleman. Adams 4974. J* 502.1 NEWARK ST.. Cleveland Park Large. single room for refined, quiet, young man;_reasonflble._Cull_Clevelund 8', 1*9. 2620 57th ST. N.W.—Large room with porch, next bath: det. house: near Glover Park :_$2o mo.: garage. $5. Clev. 8854. 1* NEWLY FURN. RMS.! twin beds, .shower! bath unlimited phone; reas. 4527 8th at. n.w._ J402 L ST. N.W.—Large front rm., private bath: maid service, hot. cold water; gen tleman only. !• 1016 MASS. AVE."N W.—First-floor-front room, l.h.k.: other cool, comfortably furn. rooms: single. $5: double. $0. $7.50 2120 P ST. N.W.. THE CHARLOTTE— Large, well furn. room, newly decorated; 2nd floor: $5 weekly._Apt. 9. CONN. AND L—Young ladv to share-at tractive twin bed room, adjoining bath, with another, in exclusive apt ; 24-hour elevator and unlimited phone Met. 4025. ATTRACTIVELY FUR. RM ~ and ~ priv bath in Westchester Apt. Phone Emer son 8'21 _ 3522 L ST. N.W Rooms, with kitchen^ ette. first floor. $7. $9. Cheerful base ment rooms, kitchenettes, running water $o. $7. 5‘U J J oth ST. N.W. Well-furnished room, adjoining bath, shower; a.m.i. refined home, gentleman only; reasonable. *-121 G ST. N.W. -Attractively furnished studio room, with or without sleeping porch. $ 12.5(i to $25_monih._ 1447-1449 MASS AVE. N.W.—L.h.k rooms, double ^ week, single $6.25; bed rooms, double so,, single M. 146 1 FAIRMONT N W . elegant-home! 1 li k.. •M.-'s,; 1460 Columbia rd. Wamtu w :i. econule for service. 1 •>•*'> MONROE ST N.W.—Front room nicely furnished: gentlemen. """ H ST N.W. Apt 4 —Large single room, unlimited telephone, steam heat apt conveniences. District 797 6. 50 M ST. N.W. -Congenial girl to share room with another: twin beds, next bath $12 .>0 month. Reference. •*51 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Large 1 h k. room, c ti w . also sleeping room, semi-private bath: convenient downtown LA SALLE 1928 Conn, ave Apt!”990— Large attractive room, with twin beds; next bath DUPONI CIRCLE—Bed room equipped running water, porch; garden, adjoining bath with shower, '.’-story private home gentleman. Potomac 4»>4K. MT. PLEASANT—Single room, all-con veniences *1;,. l x.'i.'j Newton st. n.w Adams 4!*f».:-W. DOWNTOWN APAKIMEN T—La?g e front room, piactically private bath Urge closetj_ *•: l ; gentleman District 40?_\ ,sr,t BT S.E—Large front roomT Kitchenette. Near Navy Yard. Call alter 0 p m. | • J.l ?a.SLST:-. APT- 6*>—STUDIO BED RM~ ^Lli?0prib4N?RME^™R smiCE. Min 18th ST. N.W Attractive bay win dow room Comiortaole ba.sement ioum._s-..,i(i. Gentlemen Columbia 4,x<rj. ur::» lbth ST. NW APT. ad—Verv at tractive room private bath. Ladies only Reference* required ! Cl:-* A ST. S.E.— Front bed-room” and lH!nitle; sas elec., hot water, owner, adults. Lincoln l:.» 1 -G : N ST. N.W. Just oiT Conn, ave limh.? ■r ilblyJfur,llshed double rooms, iwin oeds . and >s. n ! ■i")L)rnIl,L,t,» 1,1 - - Cost n.e —2 newly l».in. rms bath; refined adult family; il0nie- ,Iar8-’ shady lawn and Gianda Seen after Monday. !.|mh?]!EPHERD SI N W.—oile~room! rn mShhlle ro°™' MHSle. P^ValP home. unlimited phone. Gentlemen Adams i • b'f EAST CAPITOL ST- Nr. Capitol completely furnished, spacious room, twill beds, c h.w.;_meals optional__ WANTED—Employed coupie or two eeif tlemen for nice sincle room with kitchen Frr'v“e<e.s; ideal home with Iruit and flJJw" flfSrfni?r CTe-51, Bureau of Engraving bus a. door. Lincoln xhfiu. S^r^E' l0.JS CONN..~Apt~101 4—Large im. for 1 or with or without priv. bath. ian._high-«rade home; don't phone CHASTLETON HOTEL— Am ractively furnished, front, cooi Itith st. room shower: reasonable. ART UR AS. 15ii!t ltith at. n.w.— Two cooi comfortable, attractive rooms, dailv maid service tM-hour elevator service, reason able. Decatur ftnnn. ALLISON ST., near ItltiTn w7—Comfortable rooui. shower bath: private Jewish home, gentleman: uniitn. phone. Adams 07::i. }*'■' PARK RD.—Unusualy attractive large, cool, front, corner room, suitable for J or .1: large private bath: also another smaller room: near cars. Columbia Jit;:-.":. t vin hETE ST’ „N, w—Large, newly furn. twin bed room. S'fo single, or S-.M for two ’2v? HARVAFKJ ST.—Attrac.7 -fnd floor' rex, ba.h. shower: large closet: priva'e home. cool, convenient; phone; RPntlem,',n. )44<’ RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W. Ac: "5 t*1 room , in l*r*e. attractive apt; small 1 aduit family 1" -‘VERMONT AVE N W.— Large, airv outside 2nd floor, adjoining bath, detached ! ho’W/L1 h k :_Ra> range._ Decatur 4*335. I |»22 loth ST S E—Two attrac. room* for ' housekeeping; electric refrigeration, sink range: car*, adults. Reasonable l.-.» E\E ST. N.W. — Ideal for Summer basement, l h k room and kitchenette run ning water_range: ss weekly. 3oo C ST NE.—Clean. coolTh'k rmsTi completely furn.. sink. M and «:>. sleeping room: S3..>0 single. «4 double 2210 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW Pla-a nJ?V»«°«77.A«:»r-aclive*t?tudl0 room for one or two. $?0-$month fnVn’ TV i ^ W—Lovely, cool, newly furnished l.h.k. room. So 50; also front single. S3.5<». 1U"1, 2020 POT. N.W.—Exclusive for gentle - men. Cool corner room, next to bath Met. 41 b i. j • ‘ Me AUSTIN HOTEL, 1927 G M.'nw—Dou ble rooms with private bath: single with running water- plentv of baths ard showers; maids* service: cafeteria in . building: walking distance to town and Crovernmeiit _ departments. lo2v CONN AVE.. Apt7'209—Large, bright, well-furn. room suitable for 2 gentlemen, next bath._ IN FINELY appointed home, facing park: convenient car lines and bus: large corner room, semi-private bath: gentlemen only; 830: garage. Col. 31.Vh • APT 04. LACLEDE. 1223 Vermont ave.— Attractive, quiet bed-living room: walking distance: elevator. Mrs. Haves • 2;’.22 39th ST. N.W.—Lovely room. nexT to bath, for 1 or 3; new house; bus at corner. 25ns CLIFFBOURNE PL. M8th. Col. rd.. oiT Calvert*—Light, clean single room next bath second floor. DOWNTOWN—Beautiful bed-living room running water first floor, adjoining bath, 4 windows. .*>34 3oth M . n.w. • BROOKLAND— Large, cool master bed rm.. private bath. Cont. h. w : private home: near bus and cars. 2804 13th n.e. North • • i i < - j. • DOWNTOWN, i ?7t~ De~ Sales—-Delightful so. fr. bf'd-hv. rm. next semi-bath or cool, quiet, artis. bed_rm.; refs. • CUMBERLAND. Apt. 32. 1332 Mass. ave. —Nicely furnished room next to bath: continuous hot water: rent reasonable • CLEAN, newly decorated, nicely furnished roonisu also l.h.k. rooms in attractive, do tacned bldg., $5 week up. Adults only. 1 4*>(>_Harvard _st ,_n w. _ Garage. • 2°03 14th ST., Apt. 5—Two front rooms, newly papered, painted, adjoining bath; twin beds. Home environment. 3* 1 • MADISON ST. N.W.—Very desirable room for 1 or 2 gent!emon: garage: near bus: no other roomers; breakfast if de sired. Georgia 4004. DOWNTOWN. 1223 12th st. n.w. Apt 34 — Front bed room, cool and neatly fur nished._with home privileges. 3* 1 34 L L ST. N.W.—First floor. l.h.k77oom~ near bath. $5.50. Also large l.h.k. room, privatejbath. SS. 028 m ST. N.W., “The Aristocrat"— Lovely, cool, l.h.k. room; running water, range^_ large_closet. $0.50 weekly. J717 EYE ST. N.W.—Cool, beautifully furnished single and double rooms; ladies only._Some with private baths. 3200 18th ST. N.W.—2 rooms. 1 double. 1 single, nicely furn.. semi-private bath: n private family; available June 5. Co lumbia 2185. 1101 K N.W.—New’ly decorated single room, l.h.k.. living room; maid service; hot ^vater: $4.50 week. • 1932 CALVERT ST7 N.W.—Large, desir^ able l.h.k. room; everything furnished in cludinglinen and silver; $0.50 weekly. 2012 PERRY ST. N.E.—Next bath. 2 large closets, all conveniences, bus at corner. Call after 0. 3000 ALABAMA AVE. S.E.—Wanted, two gentlemen for 2 nice rooms in Ideal home, with fruit and flower garden: Bureau of Engraving bug at door. Lincoln 8050._ 3428 BROWN ST. N.W., bet. Meridian and Newton—2 nicely furnished rooms; near c a r s.b usses. Reason able._ 130 C ST. S.E.. 1 block Congressional Li brary-Large. nicely furnished room, twin beds, large closet, suitable 2 gentlemen; $20_single. $25 double. Atlantic 3236-W. 713 QUINCY ST. N~W.—Attrac., large.' front. 3 windows, newly dec. and furn., twin beds, free phone, conv. transp.: emp. gentile couple or men; refs.; reasonable. , Columbia J)!)SO-J. 1606 17th ST. N.W.—Just renovated, sec- I ond floor, single room, near shower. $20 month. Roommate in large room next to shower, $10 month: unlimited phone; gen tleman: walkingdlstance. THE WESTMINSTER. 1607 17th~ST. N.W? Attractive English basement room, twin beds: running water. $8. Nicely fur nished single rooms. $5 and $6; doubles, $7. Showers, elevator. NEAR WARDMAN AND SHOREHAM H<> tels—Large comfortable room for gentle man: in reflncd home; $25. Col. 4532. . 1446 NEWTON N.W.—Strictly clean, sec ond-floor room for l.h.k.. next bath; couple. Reasomble. 2624 UNIVERSITY PL. N.W.—2 rooms »nd porch. 2nd floor, next to bath; Lh.k. Rtftfonabl*. • _ROOMS FURNISHED. 1400 M 8T. N.W.. Apt. 8- Front, over looking Thomas Circle: private ent. $(j. Also single._$4; walking distance. • 2022 10th ST.'"■'N.W.—Cool. twin“"bediO next bath: continuous h. w.. phone; single, $4.50; double. $0 25._Gentlemen. 2220 3 2th 8T. N.W.—Large, clean, cool room, second floor; desk phone; grill priv ileges: $1 h-$2o month._ GEORGETOWN—June 1—2 young men; large room; 4 windows; 2 closets. West 1721 H ST. N.w.. Apt. 1—Studio room* suitable 1. or 2 girls. Call alter 4, Metro politan 5442. 38* K 8T. N.W.—Nicely furnished.~eool7 double fiont room; also single room; un limited phone. J22o. HARVARD N.W.--Sleeping room. I'-’xlO; 2 windows, newly decorated. See janitor. 3* 27 QUINCY PL. N.E.— Nicely furnished room. 1 h k.. sink and range; $25 month. NEAR Kith AND PARK RD.—Front room twin beds, private bath. $20 month; meals optional: garage. Adams 7005. NEAR Kith AND COLUMBIA RD.7 KHO Argonne pi.—Single front room; gentle man: unlimited phone: $10. Alter 5:20. VICINITY J 4 th AND PARK~RD.. 1248 Oak st. n.w.—Single, front: c.h w.. conven ient transportation, references; gentleman; $10._ 1 802 WYOMING AVE. N.W.—Unusually large front room. 2 windows. I.h.k., $5.50. Lovely, cool, two-room apartment $8. • 4222 3 2th ST. N.W . Apt. 4—Attractive room, new twin beds; walking distance, $26 to $20. DOWNTOWN. Alabama Apts. Apt. 607—— Large bay-window room, well lurnished; vacant first._Men. 1450 V ST. N.W.- Well-furnished single room, near bath, in private home. $4 per week. Decatur 2100. 20 CARROLL AVE . Takoma Park -Lftrge. well-lighted baspment room; shower bath, breakfast facilities; only $10.50 a month. Block express bus. 1420 21st ST. N.W., Dupont Circle—Love iy large room ktichenette; also double H'ont.^ twin beds. Clean reasonable. 133G 11th ST. N.W. _Poom and Kitchen. S-li.r.O Per Week. KING-SMITH STUDIOS.-" Very pleasant students’ rooms, suites ami apartments lor Summer months. Ladies only. Meals if desired, li.ji N. Hump. ave. n.w. THE GUEST HOUSE, K st n w. Newiv furn. single and double rooms; reasonable; save carfare; Iie«* nhone. UP PER I>AY. PER PERSON—Two in room •• itii bath and radio by the week. For one Si*; up LAFAYETTE HOTEL, 16th and Eye Sts. I No Telephone Information ROOMS FUR. is UNFUR. ~ DUPONT CIRCLE - Spacious studio room, well ventilated high cpiling: artistic en vironment reasonable; references re quired. North 1 PPL _ HENDERSON CASTLE TJOU J ♦ JtTi st~n wT —Single room, furnished unfur nished. $*:j; swimming and tennis on , propei ty. ROOMS UNFURNISHED. ? ;»; 9th ST. N.E.— rooms, kitchen pri vate bath, poren; Frigidaire, gas and elec tricity furnished; *4n.f>o •h»tn ST. N.W. — Lovely room, next to bath; kitchen privileges; n-*w house, bus at corner. nl*; DEL AFT ELD PL N W.—*J rooms, kitchen and semi-bath; gas, electricity, heat included. NEAR 1 tiih AND PARK RD —Front, single loom, shower bath, M ti a month Adams 1 h.'» 47 Jnth ST. N.W. - I rooms, kit., priv. bath: gas, heat, eiec. refrigeration, no children. ROOMS WANTED. . TWO TO FOUR ROOMS lor light house | keeping in northwest Washington from j Peop e that have no objection to two . children. S:a'e rent. Georae E. Jackson. ! 4K st. n.w. • ROOMS WITH BOARD. “ , isiq KALORAMA RD.—Attractive double and .■'ingle rooms: shady and cool, home ! atmosphere southern cooking. J4"i 16th ST N.W.—Laree second floor, front: new modernistic furniture Also single._Phonjis in rooms. _Se!ected menus. i . 76 MASS AVE. N.W.—A distinctive home for young people in an unsurpassed locat ion ^reasonable 1 n.>4 COLUMBIA RD 53.5*> wk.: single rms.. double. $.»; clean, outside 4 baths; c h wnn-J car lines: gentlemen. Adams_l 0:1 J 3. 1 s *J • J LAMONT ST. N.W.—Large room twin beds, inner-spring matt re- Cool. quiet. Excellent table. Adams .v: :;;._ u CONN. AVE. N.W.—Beautifully iurnishea single room, semi-private bath; excellent_meals ^transportation at door. IT.hi K ST N.W . Lee-Marque—Nicely fur nished single, double rms.. running water, seml-privittp bath: excellent board • ' < •"» LANIER PL < nr. ] *th7~Col~ rd.7— Single room, near bath. Also large room, with shower, for two or three, very de sirable._ ]• I-'kti MASS. AVE. N.W ^30-S36.5iTT pleasant home, cross ventilation, substan tiall_ meals walking distance dents. ;3.*15 14th ST N.W.—Large, corner roomT I Two exposures unlimited phone, m^a's i single. S3T5u double LINGER LONGER—•JOT.! G st. n w — Sin i gie or douhie rooms, available 1st. includ ing desirable, front basement room run | nine water semi-private bath. Reasonable I kT wLANJER Pl: NWCnwrCMh and uoi rd - Beautiful home, delirious meals, | Phone: showers: Ky hospitality; DON ELLEN—Convalescent and invalid I home. Graduate nurse, sum Purdue ave Baltimore._Phone_Tuxedn :cp;n. •'114.> ltith~!?T. N.W.—Beautiful, large, cool room, single or double; excellent meals. Summer rates •l:ins 20th ST~N W—Large. airy front roorru suitable for J; board optional. JEFFERSON ST. N.W.—Oentleman wno would emoy privileges of a lovely new home private family and excellent meals_._Geo. Thu;. lbl!. RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.—Double room and single room, with meals, avail able_immediatelv. ! NEW. AIR-CONDITIONED private home" | colnS8Vm’ °ne double room; $40 up. Lin YOUNG MAN. Government employe, wants to share a master bed room. 4 large win dows. southern exposure, twin beds: pri \Rle lavatory, also adjoining bath and shower. Vicinity Bureau of Standards laiid'’ sT~%ransD- Unllm* Phone. Cleve- , . . f"TERRACE HALL. * J44.. Massachusetts ave. n.w.—Desirable sing.e and double rooms, clean, rool. run wa’er. delicious food, spacious dining room. reasonable rates - * THE LITTLE INN, 1 llith ST. N.W. Summer rates; few desirable vacancies beat offoodys°5eul0|450monthi?1°,1>; o THE CLUB EMBASSY, J3-1 K, *t n.w.—Attractive, cool rooms facme beautiful park. Walking distance of_downtown._Excel!ent_food ce NEWLY OPENED. 1754 Que st. n.w.—Guest house for young men and women, single and large rooms: meals optional, walking distance Dec 5.55. TUDOR CLUB; l77:?, N *L,n w and Conn. ave.—Single, double, triple rms ; rms. with connecting and pvt baths: most conv. location in citv to all Govt, off.ces; excellent meals refined dome atmosphere._Reasonable THE GAM, 1 #.»4 Q st. n.w.—Cool, airy rooms: walk ing distance: nr. bus and car lines: recrea uonal club: meals optional; reasonable Decatur 5755._ 2209 MASS. AVE. N.W. JUST OPENED—HOME FOR REFINED OUESTS. A FORMER EMBASSY ALL NEWLY FURNISHED. FEW LARGE COOL SINGLE AND DOURLE ROOMS STILL AVAILABLE UNUSUALLY GOOD FOOD REASONABLE RATES. WITH OR WITH OUT ROARD LIVE AT AN ADDRESS YOU WILL BE PROUD OF “ WALBRIDGE HOUSE tAND ANNEXES'. lT.IP R FT NW SINGLES DOUBLES PRIVATE BATHS' PHONES IN ALL ROOMS: ELEVATOR’ INNER-SPRING MATTRESSES: IMMAOU: LATELY CLEAN: WIDELY SELECTIVE MENU, GYMNASIUM: PERSONAL LAUN DRY AND DRY-CLEANING SERVICE; KITCHEN OPEN TO INSPECTION COUN TRY CLUB PRIVILEGES—GOLF TENNIS RATES^M" to $55 PER MONTH._ 3149 16th ST.—Double rm. with private bath. COU NTRYBOARD. ^ WOODSTOCK. VA.—Shady "Brook cottage for children. Private tutoring, optional; supervised play. Hope Sine. ,3* APARTM ENTSFURNISH ED. ^ FRANCIS SCOTT KEY APT. HOTEL 20th and F sts n.w.—1 room. kit. bath com pletely turn.: linens, silver. Frlgldaire: day week, month. National 5425. __ 3110 MT. PLEASANT ST. N.W.—1 ROOM, complete lor l.h.k.: well-kept home; c.h.w.: attractive quiet: adults only. inzer.'1731; isth st. n.w.—2 r„ kitch" en. bath: attractively furnished; all newly decorated: gas, elec, relrigeration; $58 up. 408 3rd ST. N.W —TWO-ROOM "APT'S." continuous_hot_water: near car lines. ti» FURNISHED APARTMENT "OF "il ROOMS" kitchen and bath, on Connecticut ave PERCY H. RUSSELL CO.. I 7.'; I K St^N.W. TO" SUBLET JUNE 15th TO KEPT 15th7 Apt. til.A. The Kennedy-Warren: complete ly air-cooled, lovely 3-room apartment overlooking Rock Creek_Park. <j* BURTON APTS. 2120 G ST. n7\V7~T room, kitchenette and semi-private bath completely turn.: maid's service: $ln.50 and $11.50 per week: rooma, $5.50 and up. 7 ROOMS. 2nd FLOOR. FRONT; ALL NEW furniture. FriRidaire: rent reasonable; adults only. Call Walnut 74fi'l. 832 RITTENHOUSE ST. N.W.—3 ROOMS, kitchen and bath: beautifully furnished: shower bath, linens, dishes, silver: $ho. 3* 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN PRIVATE BATH, sun porch: a.m l. 1241 Fotomac ave. a.a. Atlantic 0311 114 CM., NEAR SENATE OFF. BLDG — SttauhSS! Di-11 APARTMENTS FURNISHED. __(Continued.)_j PARK LEE. 14120 PARK RD.—MODERN: excellent location: cool, attractive living bed room, spacious dressing room. bath, shower; with and without dinette, kitchen: $42 5U to $55: Frigldalre. elevator. Adarrfe 2282._ •_>• 12th AND COL. RD, THE EMBASSY— Corner apt, attractive, cool, large living room. 2 bed rooms (1 has 4 windows), dinette, kitchen, tile bath. showrer; grand piano; rent all or retain 1 bed room. Summer or longer._Col. (1225. Col._S)20(j. SUBLET. 7 OJ !l GEORGIA AVE. N.W.-—1 rm, kitchen, dinette, sun rm, dress rm.. bath with shower; refrigeration: June Ist Sept. 1st; adults: reasonable, relerences: Apt. 408. _ _ _ 527 OGLE UIORP SI\ NW.—LIVING room, bed room, complete kitchen, porch. 2 closets, semi-private bath, heat. gas. elec, use of unlimited phone. no_children. 3 8.21 LAMONT ST. N.W.’— 1 RM, KITCH en: $25 month: also cool room, twin beds, porch; $7.50: l.h.k 1 101 15th ST. N.W, 8HERMAN~APT. 102—2 room*;, kitchen and bath. $50 •V»o month: Frigidaire. West 2742-J FURNISHED ’ APARTMENT. A.M I, PRI vate bath. 520 8ih st. s.w. Met. 4084. FROM JUNE 15 OR JULY 1 TO SEPT.— Two quiet people, airy, large apt, 2 ex posures. 1001 Crescent pi. Phone Columbia 1480.__ 1 8 2 7 K ST. N w—2 ROOMST SEMI private bath; oil heat, gas and elec, furn., including new refrigerator: $25. 2210 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W, PLAZA —2-room studio apt, furn. or unfurn, $4o-$5o month: Fngidalre. West 2742-J. 1205 KENYON ST. N W.-2-RM. APT.' front bed rm, modernistic twin beds, large kitchen. semi-private bath. completely film.: accommodate 2 adults: $45 month; unlimited phone, cont. hot^water^_ 1751 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W.— Smart ultra-modern apt. for Summer months._2_rooms: $65: very attractive. 1448 N ST. N.W.—LIVING RM, LARGE bed room. priv. bath, porch, kitchen; Kelvlnaior: c.h.w. Walking distance. __ OFFICER S FAMILY LEAVING CITY will sublet furnished fi-r. apt., overlooks garden: cool._ North 752 7._ SUBLET — ARTISTIC APARTMENT. 1 room. bath, large closet, maid service, linens, electricity. National 22dd. ext. 5011. • :ism MILITARY RD. CORNER APT . LIV. room, b-d room, kitchen, bath; comp’etely fmn.; large porches ground; best Chevy Chase location: com. to busses, stores, including gas. light, private phone. GLOVER PARK—COOL APT . 2 ROOMS, kitchen dining room, bath porch, yard; complete1.'- furnished in maple Line. 557s. MT PLEASANT. 1 K5o PARK HD.—THREE rooms, porch, bath: everything Included; $05; two rooms. SJO; one room. sun. 2 FRONT ROOMS GAS ELEC H -W H~. phone; $7.50 week; two adults. 352G 0’i> pi. n.w ]• ARDMORE. 01 5 20th ST N.W — 2 ROOMS’ kitchenette, completely furu shed Frigid aire; ladies or gentlemen $Ls Apt. 1 • ANACOSTIA. 1 Toti GOOD HOPE RD ’ S E —Two lovely rooms cool, clean all corn.; new Electrolux, sink: c h w $55. 2* YOUNG MAN WANTED TO SHARE APT. with three other bovs. 1820 California st., Apt. 52. Phone Decatur 2455 SUBLET. ” SUMMER—2 ROOMS ~ KIT~. bath newly furnished detached home studio living room; $05 including gas. elec _4800 Davenport st n w. _ 1055 CALVERT ST—THIRD FLOOR” •hree rooms, bath: every convenience; set tled adults Second floor. 2 rooms, bath and prill. See not later than 7 p m. DOWNTOWN — BEAUTIFUL FIRST fioor front apartment, one room, kitchen, bath. Frigidaire, d windows. 55 4 20th st. n w. • COOL. ATTRACTIVE 5-RM. APT . NEAR Dupont Circle. Phone Decatur 5757 -J • 2 ROOMS LARGE CLOSET. FRIGIDAIRE. bath $57.5<». Room kitchen. $5m. Em ployed alults. Adams 5222. J 400 New ton st. n.w 112*; 7th ST N.W, 2 ROOMS. FOYERT letge porch, range, private bath, gas and elec.. ss.5o week, also large single fur nished room. $5. week Met. 5:»dd 1 s id KENYON ST N W —LARGE BED living room, kitchen, porch. Frigidaire; alter d. i15 harvard”st7~n w : ladies’ pref Govt, employe to occupy large at tract iv® doubi» room and have u. e of my entire beautiful spacious apt: rent divided, tea'-. Col 0225 or Col. !»20o. 52 d ILLINOIS AVE N w7—H.-W H El EC. and gas included '.’-room front apt., fur nished r<*as children permitted. 2* 15.4 0 E ST. NE 5 CLEAN RMS K.. PRi bath. vard. porch, Frigidaire $45. Cot tage on bav. "4m Atlantic 4187-W. 5* ! u» C ST S.E -1 BLOCK CONGRES smnal Library. 2 outside, large rooms fullv fur 1 h k except linen, semi-bath. ^4•»._ Atlantic 525G-W 11m ST S.E- 2 ROOMS AND PRI vate bath. $45; also sleeping room for 2 young men._ »::> OGLETHORPE ST NW—AIRY RM7 kitchenette, shower, all conveniences; spe cial $55.5<»_couple._ Geo. 48f>;». SUBLEASE —SMALL FURNISHED‘aPART ment. completely furnished bed room, liv ing room, kitchen, bath, foyer, large closet: sublease from June 15 to Oct T; "50 per month can be seen evenings af*er d o’clock. 5511 Davenport st. n.w., Apt. 210 4 * MASS AVE SE—4 RMS., BATH. ELEC, refrigerator; everything furnished adults; references reauired. Lincoln 5025-J. •'>21 TENNESSEE AVE N E —ENTIRE FLT 2 rooms, kitchen, ba'h Frigidaire. Diano, attractively furn : gas and elec : reas • CHEVY CHASE—ONE ROOM KITCHEN? shower bath foyer: everythin? furnished: Frigidaire *>20K Wis ave. Wis 2H.2n. • EUCLID. NEAR 14th- AT COST OF RENT to desirable party for Summer: comp, furn.: ,2 bed rms.. 1. r.. d. r., 2 porches, 2nd_fl Adams n : l«_ 4 •:* EMERSON ST. NW “ROOMS kitchen, bath with showpr. General Elec, refrigerator: reasonable SUBLEASE .2 MONTHS OR~ LONGER ~ Attractive, newlv furnished apt.: suitable for two neople; new building: a* Conn, and California; maid service optional. Call Dec. 1758. Ant. Ml 5 • 4 IP, G N W.—FIRST FLOOR~FRONT7 large rooms newly papeied. con:, hot water. 5U a week. Other rooms, hot water. • 6209 3 2th ST. N.W—.2 AND 4 ROOMS' completely furnished, bright, clean: firs: and second floors: G E refrigerator, com. hot water, use of phone, laundry, quiet couples. !: * : 2 C A L VERT ST - - TO ~ SETTLED couple Lving room, bed room, kitchen porch. 2nd floor: elec. refg ami.; S4" • CAPITOL HILL—2 COOL. SPACIOUS rms. Frigidaire. unusually clean and com fortable: everything furnished. 510 wk. 121 c st. s.e. • j6th ST. N.W-—3sTFLOORT rEAR; beautiful 2 rms.. kit.: Electrolux, bath shower; adults._Adams_l4.27._ m»2 1 CAMBRIDGE PL. N.W.—ROOMS* bath, l.h.k., refrigeration, c.h.w., heat light’, gas. phone: desirable location: adults 7* 1 ;<i7 21st N VV.—2 LARGE ROOMS. HALL? kitchen. Frigidaire, private bath, beauti fully furnished. DUPONT CIRCLE SECTION—SUBLET for Summer two large rooms, kitchen dinette, high ceilings, cross ventilation’. French windows, large closers: attractive furnishings, etchings, brasses: no more than two persons: $55. QUITE UN USUAL. Norrh .281 S-m. V' 1.220 HARVARD N.W.—2 ROOMS FRONT~ norm and south exposures; S.25.00 monmiy’ Siboo weekly. See janitor. 1.202 COL. RD.— 1 st - FLOOR! FRONT.' .-rm. l.h.k apt.: sink. Frigidaire: SO a week. L.h.k. rm..a week . Frigidaire 001 ].2th N.W —ONE LARGE ROOM KIT : gas. elec., linens. Frigidaire furnished; S45 per month or SI0.50 per week. • FACING PARK—.2 ROOMS, PORCH, BATH? refrigeration: $5o; adults. Ihlo Ingleside terrace, below 1 Nth and Newton n.w. GEORGETOWN — REGISTERED NURSE wisher, refined young lady, preferably nurse to share attractively furn. apt.- conv' transportation: reas. rental. West 0511. 2 ROOMS. KIT. AND BATH; NEATLY furn : S4.2. Gas. elec.. Frigidaire. phone and h w. included. .2050 Que st. n.w THE BRADFORD. 1 NOO K N.W.—ATTRAC tively furn housekeeping apt.; immediate possession: downtown._ Natl. 8420. 1440 FAIRMONT N.W.— 1st FL., FRONT7 },h.k or no; very desirable; S2o mo. Also ■ trd-n. apt , rms.. kit . bath; good condi tion: ¥4(1 mo. Orderly people only; adults. ARCHITECTS NEWLY DEC Z-ROOM and dinette lurn. apt.; Venetian blinds; skyline view over park: $.V> to responsible Party takine immediate possession No. ■'M. V.Vid QUf‘ st n.w. North 407 1 -.1. (KI4 'list ST. N.W.— 1 ROOM AND KITCH enette :;nd-floor apt., month. West ';74:.’-J. JHE rHEARLE 2122 P ST. N.W.—FRONT apartment, living room, bed room, kitchen, bath, hall _Frigidaire. FIRST FLOOR, PRIVATE LAV., USE OF kitchen. Frigidaire: walking distance*. 3 609 19th st. North 0709. 1446 V ST. N.W.7 ACROSS-FROM ST. Paul's Church—2 large rooms. 2 beds, kitchen, cli.w.. $05._ DUPONT CIRCLE. 162(1 19th ST~ Bright, attractive, for 2: equipped for housekeeping: near bath: per week. 124 D ST. S.E —2 LARGE AIRY ROOMS^ nicely furnished, a.m.i.; rent reasonable; c.h.w._ ETHELHURST. 1025 15t h ST. N.W.— Newly furnished, large living room, foyer, kitchen and bath: Apt. 102. • 0 ROOMS. KITCHEN. BATH '“DESIRABLE location, near National Cathedral: June to Sept. 15. Cleveland 6208. between 4 and 6 p m._ _ 1824 BELMONT RD.. APT. 1—LOVELY, cool apt., French windows, maid, one or two girls or couple:_$6 each. • DETACHED HOME. PVT. APT., 2 OR 4 large ft. rms.. pvt. bath adj.: elec, refg.: 2nd fl.: gar._5506 14th st. n.w. Geo. 5910. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM APT." VICINITY Taft Bridge: 2 large bed rooms, large liv ing room, dining room, porch, coolest ex posures., linens, silver; June-October; $85. Adams I 996._ 1226 12th ST. N.W.. APT. 4—1 ROOMT kitchen, bath, new twin beds; ejec. refg.; employed :_$4 4._: 2000 F ST. N.W.—ATTRACTIVE ROOM and kitchen, south exposure; gas and light free. Newly furnished., modern, artis tically arranged: studio couch or bed; $7.50 to $9 weekly.__ 2-ROOM FURNISHED APT.: SEMI-PRI vate bath: heat, light and gas furnished. Call after 5 pm.. 120 12th s.e._ ENTIRE 6rd FLOOR. COOL AND NEWLY decorated: living-bed room, kitchen-dining room. hall, bath, Frlgldaire; block express bus: adults; $40. 66 Carroll ave., Tafcoma Park.____ KEW GARDENS. 2700 QUE ST. N.W.. Apt. 345-A—Cool, comfortable apt one room kitchen, bath; gublet until October 1 APARTMENTS FURNISHED. 4513 7th ST. N.W —LIVING ROOM BED room, kitchen, private bath; cool and clean. Nicely furnished; refrigeration, heat, light*, kas: couple; $45. London Hall Apt. Hotel7~ 1133 13th st. n w—Bed-living room, dress ing room. kit., bath; electricity, gas linen; Frigidaire. By day. week or month; *16 up wkly.; $30 up mo._Natl. PQIQ._4* 2120 P ST. N.W. Room and Kitchen^SIn 50 Per Wk._ 1215 16th ST. N.W. Single rooms, with baths, non-house keeping; Summer rates; maid. elec., linen. res.mgr.__ INTOWN FURN. APT.—$25 3-ROOM HK APT., UNFURH . $55. Fireproof, elevator bldg.: large rooms. ! marble baths. 14*.’4 K st. n.w. NatlJ_5437; 600 22nd ST. N.W. _Cozv, •» Large Rooms. Refrigeration._• 3-RM. FURN. APT.. 60. Modern bldg.t tile bath: neatly furn.; near 10th and Park_rd. Adams 00->. LOW RENT—FURN. APT. MODERN—DOWNTOWN. ] RM . KIT., $50: RMS . KIT.. $05. Convenient, fireproof bldg/ "4-hour ele vator. switchboard service, refrigeration on house current. J 030 R st. n.w. Pot. loon. APARTMENTS FUR. OR UNFUR. 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN BATH. REFRIGERA torj_near bus line. 33o 17th pi. n.e NR. CONDUIT RD. 5026 HUTCHINS PL. ! p w.—2 rms.. kit., bath. Frigidaire. entire , 2nd_floor: $40: adults.__Emer.son 0207. TWO LARGE’ ROOMS. MODERN~ ELEC tric kitcneneite. Darn, cool, orignt. cneer f>il: private, couple preferred. Walnut 74*7.__ 1338 D 8T. N E.—3 ROOM3. CLEAN, comfortable: J2 block off Mt. Pleasant cars reasonable. 2* 1441 HARVARD N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath; adults. 1 Resident manager. Apt 2. CORNER APT. Newly decorated, liko new; 2 rooms, kitchen and bath: see this for price and location: at Rock Creek Park, between Million Dollar and new Calvert St. Bridges. 24lo 20th st. n.w. Resident manager. CONN., AT TAFT BRIDGE' 3 RMS . S5I): FURN.. St;:,: 4 RMS SRS. I Choice location; modern fireproof bldg • 21-hour elevator, secretarial phone service; refrigeration. Phone Potomac r>ox:: SEE THIS APARTMENT." Front apt.. 2 rooms, kit . bath, porch and laundry: Mo. Strictly white and convenient neighborhood. 4408 Georgia ave n.w. janitor. APARTMENTS UNF URN I SIH E d7 5500 ifth ST. N.W.. CORNER Oth AND Kennedy—2 apts. consisting of 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Frigidaire on house cur rent; rent. $55. See janitor, or call Met. 010 RHODE'’ISLAND AVE. N E7^2‘LARGE rooms, kitchen and bath. 3 closets; very reasonable. Call _Decatur I*:?. THE ROY ALTON* APARTMENT. JUS* M st. n.w —Apartments of 5 rooms and bath, well kept, clean, attractive and cen*rally located. Priced right. $*;.». To inspect I see representative on premises or rali agent National 7312. J. A. HAYDEN 1 Woodward Bldg. I INZER 1736 18th ST. N W—2 ROOMS' kitchen, bath, with G. E. refrigeration on house current; $45. 1143 45th PL S E —NEW HOME' 2 rooms, kitchen and bath; gas and electric; reasonable._ 3 LARGE ROOMS AND~KITCHEN7~GAS l:gh\ hear semi-private bath: no ob jection to_chi:dren Atlantic 2707-W _ LlV. RM . BED RM . K B PORCH OR din.; *46.5o $4* 5o and *50. 45 Ga. , ave. and 4326 13th st. Georgia J**;’. DOWNTOWN APARTMENT OF*2 RMS’ kitchen, dinette, bath and unusually large back porch Rent reasonable. PERCY H. RUSSELL CO . 1 Ml K S' N W. 1 NEAR INTERIOR DEPT. —BED ROOM 1 living room, ku . bath: cool apt . $4 5, ! resident mgr.. 210 2415 E st. n u JOHN PAUL JONES APT . 17] 7*0 ST*N W — Efficiency apt. units, with sun parlor and elec range, radio: clec. included in rent. ■ Ren'ai $54.50 and $57 50 CAPITOL HILL. $50—BETTER-HURRY— ‘ Modern de>irabl? 4 rooms, bath. Fngiriair°. (Apt. 1) 716 8th st n.e Adamsj>'; 4027 CONN AVE - 3-RM APT.’ KITCH en bath inclosed porch Frigidaire hot water hear elec, furn ; garage space. Cleveland 3000 2018 13TH ST N W.—4 ROOMS. RECEIPT. i hall kit . bath. 3 expos. $65. Res Mgr Col. 35i 6._ g sr n.w .. •:ii4—: rooms, dinette’. kitchen. bath. shower yard. locker. Klassed-in porrh: refrigerator on house; Insulated. 2nd floor: adults: ssn month. 1* ALTON APTS. 14 1.5 PARK RD. N.W — Bachelor apt. and 3 rms . kit.. loyer. bath with shower: southern expos., cross ventiia Don;_Iree refrigeration:_elevator THE HYGIENE. I lit MASS AVE’nW^ Two rooms, kitchenette and bath $;i" 50 See Janitor JIT MASS. AVE NE-'i RMS. KIT* bath. gas. heat eiec . con h. w Frigidaire: clean auiet: adults: reduced *42 50. • OVERLOOKING ZOO PARK— : RMS’ dlnet’e, kitchenette, bath: Frigidaire. 2701 Adams Mill rd . Apt. 500. *5,5. 11 IK lrtth ST. N.W.—ENTIRE FLOOR. 4 I room?, kitchen. bafh* electricity re : frueration included. Ss:> per month Po tomac 5242. _ _ I NEW APARTMENT IN PRIVATEIToMET rooms kitchen ha h' southern expos j ure e>ctric refr.gerator: very rea*. MRS. i GROTE 134 Ingraham st n w. THE LOUISA. 21»* NEW YORK AVE~ N \\~ -—Quiet clean, modern 2-room kitchen | and bath ap- in well-kept building. close downtown elec refrigeration- S3s THE AUGUSTA CORNER N Y. AND N J aves —Delightful, bright clean modern front corner: 3 rms. k. and b. an*, in nicely kept bldg : clo<;e downtown: Frigidaire on house current, every con venience excellent cla ^ tenants v>0; alsoj: rooms kitchen and bath <40 TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN. SEMI-PRIVATE ile’nt. gas and phone included: i *»32.;>0. 1 son B st. se 5004 ILLINOIS AVE NW.— LIVING room, bed room kit., dinette: Frigidaire gas. elec., heat, chk.: priv. home: adults! 17 14 E ST S E.—4 ROOMS COMPLETE for l.h.k.; heat, gas and elec, furnished. 4 14 HAMILTON ST. N W — 3 ROOMS* kitchen and private bath; heat. gas. elec., Frigidaire: adults: 1466 HARVARD ST. N.W.-—LARGE clean, cool. Ist-floor room. S3u mo : smail_room S2o mo.: arranged for 1 h k 2* £504 7th ST N.w—2* RMS. KITCHEN* ba*h Frigidaire: M.i Rright ap’_ 7 BRIGHT. AIRY ROOMS BATH ~A M I on 2nd fl. of corner 05N R sr n e ; M” to responsible tenant. Met. 0041. 213 Colorado Bldg THE WARD 307 S St. N E. 'Near New Tech High School.' 3 rooms, kitchen, bath; newly decorated Frieidaire on house current LINKINS CO 1733 De Sales Sv N W, THE OAKLAND 2008 Columbia rd. n.w. 0 rooms. 3 ev P ° sores, new ly d e c or a t e d. Pot o m a c »»0 7 4. 1862 M TNT WOOD PLACE NW.. THE BriarclifT—Attractive apartment. ronsist mg of three rooms, kitchen, pantry, bath, large porch refrigeration on the house current; three exposures; apartment re cently renovated throughout and is in ex cellent condition: $7 5. AMERICAN SECURITY A TRUST CO. 15th and Pa. Ave. N.W. National 4*15. 1716 H ST. N.W.—3 RMS.. KIT., bath, large porch; hear 587.50 174 4 Col. rd. n.w.—3 rms.. kit., bath, porch heat 57.50 1712 Conn ave. n.w.—2 rms., kit.. bath- heat 55.00 2037 K st. n.w.—2 rms.. kit., bath; heat 55.00 313 H st. n.w.—2 rms.. kit . bath; heat 55.00 4877 Reservoir rd. n.w.—2 rms., kit., bath, porch 47.50 HOUSES. - 3008 New Hampshire ave. n w.—8 rms.. bath 5S0.00 2317 First si. n.w.—8 rms . 7 baths 80.00 PERCY H. RUSSELL CO . Natl. 1581._1731 K St N.W. 3508 10th ST N.W. 1 2 rooms, kitchen and ba*h .542.50 3770 MACOMB ST. N.W. 1 room, kitchen and bath $*2.50 7318 F ST. N.W. 1 room, kitchen and bath. _ .530.00 PHILLIP P PEYSER A CO . 1028 Investment Bide _ __ Dist 3740. 1222-1234 QUEEN ST. N.E.—2 ROOMS kitchen-dinette, bath. 530.50-541.50 per I month New buildings. CHAS A CARLISLE. No. 1 M St. S.W. Lin. 480.Q. 1* APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. __ 'Continued.) COPLEY COURTS Jot 4 17'h PT N' \V -i Continuous switchboard, elevator: relriaer ation and gas free cool corner api . 2 res^-r0”1' kltchen. bath, large closets; 3 RMS. KIT BATH-ELEC-REFRIOTP atinn near Mh and Tiney Branch rd.. $60 month. POTOMAC REALTY CO. _ood.l Oeo_rg;a_Ave_ _Adams 1303, 54 18 1st PL NW APT .’I ‘ .} rms . Kit., din bath, screened porch: $65. 5024 2nd ST. N.W.. APT. 4 8 rms.. lciC din . bath porch $62 50. WAPLE & JAMES. INC.. _1224_1_41h St. N.W. Di t .2247. 1420 COLUMBIA-RD ''—‘ «... „ Exceptional \alues. * Front apartment 2 moms kitch* en large reception hall and batn Vi,.nti-.Front apartment. 2 bed rooms h. ng room reception nail, kitenen and bath. See manager. LARGE APARTMENT-IN~ONE OF THE most exclusive groups: « rooms bu"e- « pantry. 7 bath- balcony. $1 r.n per mon'h LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER - iil? ^ St. N.W. _ National lino. COOL 16th ST. APT. * 2 R X 3 R X., 0 4 R K ***;•; KQ;^0dwrn flpt bldB LarKr room' ' t ipi ba»h: handv to car< store*, pt. 3n:».3 st - near Col. rd. Phone Adams <»047 THE PRESIDENTIAL, ' 102B 16th ST. N.W. ..S'WT.I" c«n£l*Uh* of 1 *o S rooms and 2 baths. This apartment house <. situated in one of the most desirable loca tions in Washington, being within walking distance to downtown ar.d Oovernmer.S Premised mana‘Cr ca THE MARCHETA, 1151 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE NTT. Apartments a\a;*ab]e consisting of J and : rooms, kitchen and hath. E>etno refrigeration on hou?e current. Call resi dent manager. West 0780. THE FLAGLER, TfM 22nd ST N W. Apartment consisting of i room kitchen ar.d bath Downtown location. Call resident manager West 00:»:. THE MUNSEY TRUST CO., .. _ National £080. WILL SUBLET” Vcrw attractive apt. in Cavalier F uel eon. MSI mg ( I reception ha!', large r0. .. WHO dtesslng -oora and Murph" b«"J- pel room. ( .1 ing room, k tchen ai d bate, e'er tric refrigeration A' sacrifice rer.ta of J,” •’V’hfh. lec.a ie until January. Ca.l MR_H1SLE District Piisn. LOW-RENT APTS7~ MODERN—DOWNTOWN. ' R A.*t2: irk v;T; 2 R K *:>; Convenient, fireproof bldg : 'M-hour r e. vatnr. switchboard service, refrigerst on house current li'. in R a- n w. pc inon 1630 LYMAN PL. N.E. ~ 3 rooms, kitchen, bath Z rooms kitchen bath « .r :»<) Hca* hot water ar.d a!*c refrigerat on on house current. 8ee Janitor 2151 CALIFORNIA SfTKWT Z bed room* recep room d. room kitchen, pantry, bath. ga> el er tricity, refrigeration free, elevator service __ __ n() WM. H. SAUNDERS COV'lNC.. _loin K N W. _D;. 1015. cool 'porchTapt. 25 14 OUE ST N W. Modern building (xclu ve. convenier.*; large rnv- ; lights and refr.geration inc’ud ed in ent rmv. p r c.h ; ."><» j rr. kit., din . dr m'» Natl. 54 4-RM. BRIGHT APT.—$40~ Good bldg downtown The Penhur-*. 4S H st n.e Large { closet>. Positively best value to- money 4707 CONNECTICUT AVE. 'Corner Davenport S’ ) Z •? and 4 room.-, wth dinette ard ba*h. plenty of closet space two expo ures; beau.:ful lobby carpeted corridor' elec tric refrigeration tM-hour elevator and switchboard service _Resident Manager. Emerson hQno. KEW GARDENS 2:00 Ouf St. N.W. 0-<? rm, k r, c- bo- .... $45.00 Tao r-r:, k • & be*'-.555.00 ~['-rPe r-pS, k , b C* per;- 575.00 Four rn-s, k, b 0 porch.. $95.00 Completely redecorated. Refrigerator on house current. Secretarial switchboard. Res. Mgr., Mrs. Clark, DEc. 1450. Surrounded By Park§ $59.50 to $62.50 Corner apartment*. 2 room*, kitchea, foyer, dinette and bath. B. F. SAUL CO. NA. 2100 New Building, Apt. 303 1314 Mass. Ave. N.W. $69.50 Per mo. Beautiful 2 room, kit , dinette, bath, opts, includes gas, light, heat, elec, refrig on house current. Elevator and switchboard service. Res. mgr. on premises, or coll BEITZELL GEo. 2198—Sunday. Dlst. 3100—During Week. Hampshire Courts. (Restricted! \>w Hampshire Avr. Gallatin £ First Sis. VW. 1 and 2 bed rooms, large living room, dinette, kitchen, bath, tub and shower. Ample closets. $57.50 to $67.50 1 Minutes to Downtown Spocious lawns surround the nine buildings, gardens and trees. Fireproof, Insulated, Sound proof, Laundry, All Corner Apts., Incinerator, Janitor service, Storage Space. Chillum Height! But ttopt at corner Manarrr. Apt. 101—50,11 First «t until 9 p.m. Randolph 2935 Moiv Available ' NEW APARTMENTS ONE AND TWO BED ROOMS • All outside corner apts. • Electrolux refrigeration. • Restricted Tenants. • Storage spare. ' * Laundry facil ^ C *}.50 * 'cntilating fans. ■ • Cross ventilation; large rooms. • Custom-built kitchen °nd UP cabinets. FREE At TO PARK I AG Representative on Premises Every Afternoon MEADOWBROOK, INC. Tow«r Bldg. MEt. 3944 <€—«1—d m VmA h»)