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BONDS LATE IN SESSION U. S. Government Obliga tions Decline as Corpo rates Register Gains. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust tJttl. P an. Net change. +.3 Unc. Unc. Unc. Today, noon 93 4 103.1 98 4 71.7 Prev. day... 93.1 103.1 98 4 71.7 Month ago. 94.1 103 1 98 8 71.2 Year ago... 91.9 102.9 101.7 69.0 1937 high .. 99.0 104 4 102 8 74.7 1937 low... 92.6 102.4 97.8 70.5 1936 high.. 98.2 104.4 103.1 7S.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45 8 40 0 64 6 42.2 1928 high ..101.1 98 9 102.9 100.5 j 10 I»w-Yield Ronds. Noon-110.6 Prev. day. 110 6 | Month ago 109.8 Year ago. 112.2 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4 I 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 ] 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 j (Complied by tne Associated Press.) By the Associaied Press. NEW YORK. June 2.—Bond trading Was somewhat mixed today. United States Government loans ■ were generally lower. Foreign issues, with the exception of Italian 7s. Polish governments, Rome 6!-js and Milan 6'2s were steady and slightly higher. General European unsettlement is , having its effect in depressing these bonds. The domestic list, was somewhat better featured by upward movement , In Chesapeake & Ohio 4' .s of 1952. and a substantial rally In New Haven 6s of 1940. Improvement also was shown in Great Northern 4]2S. Inter national Telephone 5s and American Telephone 3',s. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK June 7.—Dividends de rlarpd. prepared by the Standard Statistics Corp. Increased. Pp- Sfk. of Pav. ■ . , _ Rate riori. record, able. Art Met Con ruction 80r o-i:» 7 -1 Electric Auto-Lite Co SOr. 8-17 7-1 I Fox Peter Brewing __75c Q 8-8 8-'H . Amer Rollins Mill 50c 8-15 7-15 ; Initial. McKeesport Tin Plate .YOc _ 6-10 7-1 Accumulated. Gen Outdoor Advt 6'- Pf - - f 1.50 6-l.Y fi-2.7 DO _ g] 5,0 7-15 7-‘'6 ' Michigan Sugar 6'- pf 50c 6-11 6-21 : F.ntra. Locke Steel Cham 2nc 6-12 6-25 Arrears. Midland Oil $2 pf 25c 6-in 6-1S Interim. Amer Crystal Sugar 75c 6-12 6-25 i Omitted. New York Steam *7 pf. New York Steam $ii pf. Regular. Abraham & Straus Inc. 15c 6-15 6-25 American Cvananud A 15c Q 6-15 7-1 ! Do. B 15c Q 6-15 7-1 I Amer Smelt A- Refin 15c S-6 Do. 7'r 1st pf si.75 Q 7-0 7-IU i Anchor Cap _ 15C_ 6-16 7-1 I Do, SO.nil pf SI.62'. Q 6-1* 7-1 Bankers' Trust N Y Sue Q 6-12 7-1 Bickford's Inc :10c Q o-’" 7-1 Do. 52.50 pf 62'gc Q 6-22 7-1 Black * Decker 25c 6-1K H-.'IO I Bloomingdale Bros 37‘.-c 6-15 6->5 1 Carter J VV _ 20c 6-1 6-l"5 1 Celanese Corp of Am 75c 6-15 7-1 Central Hanover B & T Si Q 6-17 7-1 De Jay Stores 20c O 6-15 7-1 Grand Rapids Yarn 25c Q 6-10 6-50 Ind PAL 6'a'V, pf 51.62'j Q 6-5 7-1 Do. lie; pf 51 5o Q 6-5 7-; Inter! Shoe 50c Q 6-15 7-1 Investors Royalty _l!>c Q 6-15 6-50 Margay Oil _ „ .25c 6-1*1 r-lo Myers PEA- Bro St n-15 6-"6 ' N Y A- Harlem R R S2.50 S 6-15 7-i Do. 107 pf 52 50 8 6-15 7-1 Ohio Brass A 75c 6-K 6-24 _ Go B _ 7 Ac. 8-8 8-24 i s,mn?^r J.C c° 5i . _ 6-16 6-30 ! Sun L'fe Assur Co of Canada 83 7.3 8-13 r-i Tech-Hughes Gold Inc 8-10 7-2 Amer Express $] 30 Q 8-18 7-i City Auto Stamping 13c Q 8-13 7-1 Cooper-Bessemer Co »•> 8-io 7-1 Diesel Wemmer Oilbt 23c Q 8-13 8-*\7 . Flmtkote 23c 8-13 8--’3 I Goldblatt Bros f8oc 8-13 7-f I Goldblatt Bros pf 82'. c Q 8-13 7-1 1 Gulf Oil 23c 8-13 7-1 j C M Hall Lamp 1 Oc 8-in 8-15 Jer Ct PAL 7r pf Si.75 Q 8-in 7-1 Jer Pw A L' Hr pf SI.50 Q 8-in 7-1 . Jer P«vf pf SI.3 7'2 Q 8-in 7-i 1 Locke Sloel Chain 20c 8-12 8-°5 Marine Midland 3712c Q 8-15 8-18 1 Sunshine Mining 7 5c Q 8-15 8-30 •Semi-annual dividend of 1-20 share Common on each share S3 prior preference. Payable in stock at discretion of directors. 1 •'Optional navment of l-30th share 1 •ommon for each share held. -- CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. June 2 ' P* (United States Department of Agriculture'.—Hogs. JH.- I onn. including 6 000 direct; market un- i even; steady to io lower than Tuesday s average, spots off more on medium to Rood grade light lights and pigs: packing sows fully steady; top. 11.75: bulk good and choice 20o-;too pounds, 1145-85: 150- 1 190 pounds, io.5o-ll.50 mostly; hulk good ' packing sows. 10.00-50; light kinds on i butcher order. 10 80-70. Cattle 9.000; calves 2.500: fed steers find yearlings fully steady: good and choice i kinds predominating; largely s'eer run: J very little here of value to sell under j 10.50: mostly 10 50-13.on market: earlv top medium-weight steers. 14.25: few loads held above 15.00: best yearlings. 13 00: very active trade on strictly grain fed light heifers and mixed yearlings, these cattle turning at io.50-12.00. best heifers. 12 .-10; grass cows and heifers dull and *-eak: bulls fully steady, but vealers steady to weak at 9.00 mostly; only selects at 9 50; best weighty sausage bulls, around 6 ,5: several hundred head Texas-bred stock steers, late Tuesdav. 7.50-9.00: most native stockerv 8.25 down to 7.00. Sheep. 6.oon including 3.5oo direct: fat lamb* and Springers active; strong to 25 higher; top native Spring lambs. 12 75: two doubles best California^ 11.25. i four other doubles, 10.7 5: two loads clipped 1 California Spring lambs. straight.: j four doubles shorn Texas lambs. 0.85: load : medium grade 8.25; sheep steady, strong; 1 ihorn ewes. 3.00-4.50. NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK June 2 f*P).—Raw sugar 1 Was unchanged early today at 3.35 for i spots, with no sales reported. It devel- j oped, however, that late yesterday 38.000 ! bags of Puerto Rico for June shipment ! *old to an operator at this price Futures were steadier with No. 4 con- j tract the more active. It opened 1 to l'2 points higher on increased covering and buying, encouraged bv ! the firmness of London, which was said ! to be due to the abandonment of the■ British profit tax The initial upturn attracted some realizing, however, and there were par- i tial reactions, with July easing from 1 *’1 1 > ! to 1.21 and September from 1.2 41? to 1 24* ! bringing the list'at midday about 1 r->fnt * net higher In the No 3 contract trading was con fined to September at 2 4fi and March at 2 4, or unchanged to 1 point net higher Refined was unchanged at 4.70 for fine granulated, but demand was still light. ■ - -. • FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. Junp 2 t.4h.—Foreign ex - ♦hange steady; Great Britain in dollar* others In cpnts: Gres' Britain drmand 4 92*.: cablp*. 4 AC5.: 60-day bills. 4 91 ’ France dpmand. 4 45b: cables 4 45', Italy, dpmand. 5.26'.: cables 5.26’. Demands: Belgium. 16.85: Germany, free. 40.1.1: registered. 70.25: travel. 24.25: Holland. 54.99; Norway. *’4 77: Sweden. 25.41: Denmark. 72.01: Finland, 2,19: Switzerland 22.8.1*2: Spain, un quoted; Fortugal. 4.49',: Greece .00’,: Poland. 19 00; Czechoslavakia 3.49: Yugo •lavla. 7..14; Austria. 18.75n: Httngary. 19.80; Rumania. .75: Argentina if’ 85n: Brazil. S.SOi.n: Tokio. 78.70: Shanghai. 29 90: Hongkong .10.45: Mexico City. 57.85: Montreal In New York. 100.03U: Hew York in Montreal. »9.9678. n—Nominal. REICHSBANK STATEMENT. BERLIN. June 2 OPi.—The Reichsbank statement as of June 1 shows the fol lowing changes tin thousands of Reichs marks*: Notes in circulation. 4.901.000: decrease. 464 000: told. 68.605: increase. 70: foreign currency reserves. 5.864: de crease. 106: other bills of exchange and checks. 5.055.370: increase. 557.414; other daily maturing obligations.; increase. 24.972: advances. 50.0.19: in crease. 16.620: investments. 104.154: de crease 253- Ratio of gold ana1 foreign currency to notes 1.5 per cent. Rate of discount. 4 per cent. ——-a money market. new YORK. June 2 i/Pt.—Call money steady 1 pet cenl 1,11 d*-v; Prime commer cial caper 1 per cent: time loans stesdy: fin 90 days l'«: 4-fi months. I’, per cent; k.TiVer*’ acceptances unchanged: redis count rate New York Reserve Bank. IV, r cent. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE 1 »y private wire direct to tup star. Approximate Transaction* Today. irSGoVtBondi... 1.000,000 Foreign Bonds_ 1,170,000 Domestic Bonds_f>,800,000 T R E A S U R r. All lime shown helow l» dssltrht steins on i 'lich the Exchange is now sperstinr. Hull. Low. Close. 2 'is 1949-53_ 97.28 97.25 97.25 2\s 1945-47_102.30 102.28 102.28 2\s 1948-51_ 100.19 100.19 100.19 2-\s 1951-54_ 99.27 99.25 99.25 2?, s 1956-59_ 99.22 99.18 99.18 2 ",s 1955-60- 100.23 100.18 100.18 •7s 1946-48_ 104.12 104.7 104.8 73 1951-55_ 102.24 102.21 102.21 3 Iss 1 946-49_ 104.30 104.27 104.27 3 '* a 1941- 106.16 106.11 106.11 3'ts 1944-46 - 106.12 106.10 106.11 3 ss s 1940-43Jun» 105.21 105.21 105.21 3 *8 s 1941-43 Mar 106.16 106.16 106.16 3 as g 1943-47 _ 106.29 106.29 106.29 3^sl946-56- 109.29 109.28 109.28 4s 1944-54 - 1 1 1.15 111,14 1 11.14 U*s-3Us '43-45. 106.16 106.15 106.15 4Us 1947-52- 115.28 115.28 115.28 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3 s 19 472■_- 103. 102.31 102.31 3s 1949- 102.11 102.10 102.10 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2 ’i 3 1942-4 4 _ 99.27 99.24 99.25 2 s* s 1939-49_ 100.9 100.5 100.8 3s 1952- 102. 101.28 101.28 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Abltibl Pa&Pw 5s '53. 100', 100 100 Antioquia 7s‘45 A_ 13 13 13 Antioquia 7s'45 K_ 13 13 13 Antioquia 7s’45 C_ 13 13 13 Antioquia 7s'45 D __ 13 13 13 Antioauia 2d 7s '57 n. 12 12 12 Argentine 4s '72 _ 91', 91 9Hi Argentine 4 >Vs'71_100% 100', 100** Argentine 5Vis '62_100% 100',, 100% Argentine 6s 57 A ._ 101 101 101 Argentine 6s ’69 Oct.. 101", 101*4 101*, Argentine 6s'60 May. 1017, 1017, 1017, Argentine 6s '60 Sept 101 101 101 Argentine 6s'60 Oct 101", 101", 101", Argentine 6s 61 Febr 100", 100", 100", Argentine 6s'61 May 102 102 102 Australia 4 '2s '56_102', 102', 102", Australia 5s'55_ 108 107", 107"* Australia 5s'57_107', 107', 107% Belgium B'is '49_109", 109 109", Belgium 7s '55_118 118 118 Berlin 6s'58 _ 20;» i20% 207, Brazil 6 Vis'26-’57_ 37", 37', 37", Brazil 6*2s '27-'57_ 38 37", 38 Brazil 7s'52- 36", 36", 36V, Brazil 8s 41 _ 451, 43 45 Buenos A C 6'is'55 .. 101", 101', 101', Buenos A C 3s '84. . ._ 58 56', 58 Beu A 4Vi-4s'77 Pv 78*. 78', 78', Buenos A 4'2s'76 Aug 78', 78!, 78!, Buenos Aires 4*ss-4"ss'76 April . 79 79 79 Buenos A4'is-4 »*s'75 81", 81 81"* Buenos A C 6%s'61Pv 102 102 102 Bulgaria 7s'67_ 26 26 26 Canada 2'is'45_ 99 99 99 Candaa 3 V*s'61_ 99' , 99', 99', Canada 4s'60_ 1077, 107!, 107V, Canada 5s'52_112 112 112 Chile 6s '60_ 21", 21", 21", Chile 6s'61 Jan_ 21", 21' , 21*, Chile 6s’61 Febr_ 21", 21", 21", Chile 6s’61 Sept_ 21", 2H, 21", Chile 6s’62_ 21', 21% 21', Chile 6s'63_ 21", 21", 21", Chile 7s '42_ 21', 21 21', Chile Mtg Bk 6s'62 18", 18", 18", Chile Mtg Bk 6"*8'61 18", 18 18", Chilean Mun L 7s '60. 17*, 17", 17% Colombia 6s'61 Oct._ 28"* 28»* 28** Copenhagen 4 Vis'53.. 94", 94 94 Copenhagen 5s'52 _ 99 98", 99 Cordoba 7s '37 stpd._. 75 75 75 Cordoba 7s 42 prv_ 97'* 96'* 96", Costa Rica 7s’51 A... 33", 33", 33", Cuba 5s'14-’49_102', 102V* 1021-* Cuba 5V2s '45_ 61 60', 60", Czechoslovakia 8s'51 104 104 104 Denmark 4 % s'62_ 981, 98', 98'i Denmark 5 V, s '55_101', 101'-, 101', Denmark 6s'42_105", 105*, 105", Dominic 1st 5 >2s ’42.. 78 77", 78 K1 Salvador 8s'48 ct_. 61', 60', 60', French Gov 7 Vs s '41.. 118'* 117 118', Ger C Bk A 6s'60 Oct. 33", 33", 33", GerGov 5V4s 65 it... 26'* 26'-, 26", Ger Rep 7s 49 stpd... 30"* 30', 30% Good H S & I 7s '45 .. 25 25 25 Greek G 6s '68 pt pd._ 29 29 29 Hamburg St 6s'46_ 21' , 21' , 21' , Hungary 7%s'44_ 56', 56', 56', Italy 7s'51_ _ 85', 85 85 Ital P L'Crd 7s'52_ 72 71** 72 Japan 5Vis '65- 86', 86 86',! Japan 6V2s '54 .. . ._ 98', 98'i 98'* Jugos Mtg Bk 7s'57 __ 40'* 40!, 40!* Kreug&Toll 5s'59 cfs 48 47', 48 Lombard Elec 7s'52.. 73', 73 73 Milan 6V2s'52 _ 71", 71% 71% Minas Gers 6 Vis'59 ._ 257, 25:, 257, New.So Wales 5s '57. 103", 103'* 103", ■New So Wales 5s'58 . 103'* 103'* 103V*! Norway 4s 63 _ 98'* 977, 98 I Norway 4‘is’65_102'* 102', 102'. Norway 4%s'56_ 104 103', 103', Norway 6s 43_106', 106 106 Norway 6s’44_ 106', 106'* 106'i Norw Hy El 5Vis'57. 103", 103** 103", Nuremberg 6s'52_ 22 22 22 Oriental Dev 5V,s'58. 77', 77 771 i Oslo 4 % s '55 _ 100 100 100 * Panama 5s '63 stp as. 67'i 67'* 67',* Panama 5Vis'53 . 105', 105', 105!, Paris Orl Ry 5Vis'68. 100 977, 100 Pernambuco 7s '47_ 23', 23', 23'i Peru 6s'60_ 20** 20'* 20** Peru €s '61_ 20** 20'* 20** Peru 7s'59- 21", 21',* 21% Poland 6s'40_ 49 49 49 Poland 7s'47_ 64 61 64 Poland Ss'50 __ 46'* 46', 46% Prague Glr 7Vis '52_96', 95'* 95V* Prussia 6s 52_ 22 22 22 Queensland 6s'47_110% 110% 110% Queensland 7s '41_110% 1107, 110% Rhinelbe Cn 7s'46_ 27 27 27 Rio de Jan 6 7,s'53_ 25 24% 24% Rio Gr do Sul 6s '68 __ 25% 25% 25% Rio Gr do Sul 7s’66 .. 26", 26% 26", Rome 6 >,s '52 . _ 74 73!* 73% Sao Paulo C 6 Vis'57_. 25% 25% 25% Sao Paulo St 6s'68_ 25% 25% 25% Sao Paulo St 7s 40... 95 95 95 Sao Paulo St 7s'56_ 27% 27% 27% Sao l’aulo St Ss'36_ 36% 36% 36% Sao Paulo St 8s'50_ 31% 31% 31% Serbs 7s '62 .. _ 27% 27% 27% Shin'su E P 6'is '52__ 82% 82', 82% Silesia Prov 7s'58 . .. 44% 44!* 44% Taiwan Elec 5'/2s'71. 77% 77% 77% Tokio os’52 _ 73% 73% 73% Tokio 5Vis'61_ 79 78% 79 Tokio E L Ltd 6s'53 .. 80% 80 80% Tyrol Hy Klee 7s '52.. 95 95 95 UnStl Wk6Vis‘47 A. 28% 28% 28% UnStl Wks 6Vi»’51 A. 28% 28% 28% Uruguay 6s '60_ 66", 66% 66!, Uruguay 6s'64_ 66% 66% 66% Vienna 6s'52_ 96% 96% 9614 Warsaw 7s'5*__ 44 44 44 Yokohoma 6s'61_ 84 84 84 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4s’47 101 100% 100% Adams Express 4s'48 101 101 101 Adams Exp 4Vis’46.. 100% 100% 100% Alleg Corp 5s'44- 99V* 98% 98% Alle* Corp 5s 49_ 94% 94 94 Alleg Corp 5s'60 stp. 63% 63 63 Alleg Valley 4s’42.. . 108% 108% 108% Am A For Pw 5s 2030. 77% 77 77% Am IGCh 6%s'49_ 107 106% 107 Am Inti 5 Vis 49_105% 105% 105% Am T & T 3%s'61_ 99% 99 99% Am T & T 3V»s'66_ 98% 98% 98% Am T & T 4 Vi* '39_ 105 104% 105 Am T & T 5 Vis 43 113% 113% 113% Am T F 2V4s-5s’38-’50 137% 137% 137% Anaconda deb 4Vis'50 105% 105% 105% Armour(Del)lst 4s'55 97% 97 97% Armour (Del) 4s‘67.. 97% 97 97% Armstrong Ck 4S‘50 . 105% 105% 105% A T&S F# adi 4s ’95 St 105% 105% 105% A T&S Fe gen 4s '95.. 109% 109% 109% A T&S Fe 4Vis 4*_108% 108% 108% Atl Coast L 1st 4s‘52. 102% 102% 102% Atl Coast Lclt 4s‘62. 94 93% 94 AtlCEun4ViS‘64 .. 92% 91% 92% Atl Coast Line 5s '45. 104% 104% 104% B & O 1st 4s 41_ 107 106% 106% B & O 4 Vi s ' 6 0_ 75% 75 75% B & O 1st 6s '48_114 113% 114 B & O ref 5s '95 A_ 85% 85 85 B & O 5s '96 F_ 84% 84% 84% B & O ref 5s 2000 D_84% 84 84% B & O ref 6s '95 C_ 97% 97% 97% B&OPLE&W V4s‘41 103% 103% 103% B & O Swn 5s '50_103% 103% 103% B & O Toledo 4s'69_ 93 92% 93 Bang&Aroos 4s'51_106% 106 106% Bang & Aroos 5s '43.. 111% 111% 111% Bel! T of Pa 5s '43 B.. 118% 118% 118% Beth Steel 3%s'66... 95% 95% 95% Beth Steel 4%s 50... 103% 103% 103% Bos & Me 6s‘56_ 84 84 84 Bos & Me 5s'67_ 83% 83% 83% Bos N Y A JL, 4s'55_ 27 27 2.7 v High. Low Close. Bot Con M 6%s’34 ct. 24% 24% 24% Bklyn Ed con 314s'66 100% 100% 100% Bklyn Man T 4%s'66 89% 88% 89% Bklyn Un El 5s ’50 105% 105% 105% Bklyn Un Gas 6s’45.. 114 114 114 Bklyn Un Gas 6s’60.. 96 95% 96 Bklyn Un G 6a'£7 B . 105% 105% 105% Bklyn Un G ref 6s’47 117 117 117 Brown Shoe 3%s'50.. 105% 105% 105% Buff G E 4%s 81 B .. 109% 109% 109% Buff R&P con 4%8'57. 86 86 86 Buffalo R & P 5s '37_100% 100% 100% B C R & N cl 6s ’34 ... 19% 19% 19% Bush Term con 6s'55. 62% 62% 62% Bush Ter Bldg 5s'60. 63% 63 63% Calif Packing 6s'40.. 105 105 105 Camag 7s 42 ctfs_ 23 21% 22 Can'dlan NR 4%s'51. 113% 113% 113% Can'dian NR 4%s'56. 113% 113% 113% Can'dlan NR 4%s'57. 112% 112% 112% Can'dian NR 4%a'55. 116 116 116 Can'dlan N 6s'69 July 116V4 115% 116% Can’dian NR5s'69 Oct 117% 117% 1'7% Can'dian P db 4s perp 94% 94 94% Can'dian Pac 41,4s'46. 104% 104 104 Can’dian Pac 4%s '60 102% 102% 102% Can'dian P 5s'44 cfs. 114% 114% 114% Can’dian Pac 5s'54... 108 107% 108 Caro Cent con 4s'49_74% 74% 74% Caro Cl & O 5s'38_103% 103% 103% Caro Cl & O 6s '52 A.. 110% 110% 110% Cent 111 E&G 5s'61__ 101 100% 100% Cent 111 Lt 3 %s '66_103% 103% 103% Cent N England 4s'61 72% 68% 72 Cent of N J 4s'87_ 55 51% 51% Cent of N J gen 5s '87 62 55 55 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s '43. 107% 107% 107% Cent Pac 5s’60_ 98% 98 98 Cent Steel 8s'41_ 123 123 123 Cert'd deb 5%s'48 . 82 82 82 Ches & O 3%s '96 D._ 96% 96% 96% Ches & O 3%s'96 E._ 96% 96% 96% C & O gen 4 %s '92 120% 120% 120% C & O Big Sandy 4s'44 108 108 108 C&O R&A 2d 4s '89.. 110% 110% 110% i-Kunnsvas 4 1_itm 108 108 Chi & Alt ref 3s'43_ 55% 55% 55% Chi BAQ ref 5s’71__. 116 116 116 Chi BAQ1 div 3%s'49 107% 107 107 Chi A E 111 5s'51_ 37% 37% 37% Chi A E 111 Es‘51 etfs. 36% 36% 36% Chi Grt West 4s'69... 43% 43% 43% C M A St P 4s '89_ 54% 54% 54% C M A St P 5s ’75_ 28% 27% 28 CMAStPAP adj5s2000 0% 8% 9 Chi A MV 4 %s 4 9 _ 17'-, 16% 16'-, Chi A NW Beil 5s ’87_. 41% 41 41 ChlKlAPrf4s 34_ 20% 20% 20% Chi R IAP 4%s’60 _ 11% u n% Chi T HAS Inc 5s’60. 78 78 78 Chi T HAS 1st 6s ’60.. 91% 91% 91% Chi Un sta 3%s'51 .104 lot 104 Chi Un Sta 3%s '63 E. 108 107 108 Chi Un Sta 4s'44_ 106 106 106 Chi Un Sta 4s'63. 108% 108% 108% Chi A W In con 4s'52. 103% 103% 103% Chi A W Ind 4 Vis '62. 102% 102% 102% Childs A Co 5s'43_ 87 87 87 Cin G A E 3V4»'66 ... 100 99% 100 Cin Un T 3%s D gtd._ 104% 104% 104% Cin Un Term 5s'67 108 108 108 CCCASt I, rf 4%s'77E 94% 94% 94% CCCASt L rf 5s 63 D .. 105% 105% 105% CCCASt R rf 6s'41 C. 103% 103% 103% Clev El HI 3 %s '65 __ 107% 107% 107% Clev Un Ter 4%s '77_. 101% 101% 101% Clev Un Ter 5s'73 B.. 106% 106% 106% Colo FA 1 5s '43 _104', 104s, 104', Colo A So 4 Vis'80_ 61*4 61% 61% Columbia G A E 5s '52 May _..... 100% 99% 99% Columbia GAE 6s '61. 99% 98% 99 Colum Ry PAR 4s ‘65. 105*. 105% 105% Cornel Credit 3%s '51. 98% 98', 98% Com Inv Tr 3 Vis '51 _ 101% 101% 101% Conn RAR 4%s'51 st. 107 107 107 Conn R Fw 3 %s '61 A. 104', 104% 104% Cons Ed NY 3 Vi s '46. 104% 104% 104% Consol Oil 3%s'51 . 101 100', 101 Consum Twr 3 %s'66. 100 99', 100 Consum Pwr 3%s '70. 103 102% 103 Container deb 5s'43.. 101% 101% 101', Container 6s'46 _ 103*, 103', 103% Crane Co 3*is‘51 ... 99% 98', 99% Crown Will P 6s ’51 . 104', 104', 104% Cuba Northn 5%s ’42. 49% 49% 49% Cuba RR 1st 5s'52 ... 50 50 50 Dayton PAI,3%s'60. 104% 103', 103', Del A Hud ref 4s'43 . 91% 90% 91% Den A R G con 4s'36. 29 28 29 Den ARG4%s'3fi_ 28 27', 28 Ren A R G W 5s’55 . 16 16 16 Den A RG W 5s'55asst 16 16 16 Den A R G ref 5s'78 . 23 23 23 Det Edison 4 %s'61 D 114% 113', 113', Duquesne Rt 3 Vjs'65. 105 105 105 Elec Auto Rite 4s'52. 109% 109V* 109% Erie cons 4s'96_. 99% 99% 99% Erie gen 4s'56_ 82% 82% 82', Erie ref 5s'fi7_ 78*, 78% 78% Erie ref 5s '75 _ 78 77% 77% Erie A Jersey 6s'55.. 117% 117", 117% Falrbks Morse 4s'56. 102 101% 101% Fed RtATr 5s 42 st .. 102% 102% 102% Fond JAG 4s’52 filed. 4 3% 3% Gen Cable 5Vis'47_105% 105% 105% Gen Mot Acc 3s'45 102V, 102 102% Gen Mot Acc 3Vis'51- 100% 100% 100*, Gen Stl Cast 5%s '49. 83 82 82 Goodrich 4 V*s'56_100% 100 100% Goodrich 6s'45_ . 105% 105 105 Goodyear TAR 5s'57. 105% 105% 105% Grt Nr Ry 3 %s '67 93% 931, 93% Great N R.v 4s '46 G._ 132 131 131 Grt N Ry 4s '46 H ... 110% 110 110 Grt N R rf 4V*s'61 A 113 112% 113 Grt Nit gen 4 %s '75 D 105% 104% 105% Grt N R gn 4 %s '77 E 104% 104% 104% Grt N R 5Vis 52 B_118 117% 118 Gulf MAN Os 50_ 99% 99% 99% Gulf Sta Stl 4 Vis'61.. 93% 93% 93% Gulf States Util 4s'66 101% 101% 101% Gulf Sta Util 4Vis'46 103% 103% 103% HarRvPCl utts’M. 93 93 93 Houston Oil 5%s'40- 102% 102% 102% Hudson Coal 5s’52 . — 47 46% 46% Hudson Co G 1st 5s'49 120 120 120 Hud A Man Inc 5s'57. 25% 25 25 Hud & Man ref 5s '57- 66% 65% 66 111 Bell Tel 3%s'70105% 105% 105% 111 Cent col tr 4s'53— 79% 79% 79% HI Cent ref 4s'55_ 85% 85*4 85% I il Cent 4 % s '66 . _ 73% 73 73 ICCASt R N O 6s’63_. 82% 82% 82% 111 Steel deb 4%s'40.. 106% 106% 106% Ind 111 & Iowa 4s'50.. 103 103 103 Inland Stl 3%s'61 — 104% 104% 104% Int R T 1st rf 6s'66 . 69% 68% 68% 1 R T 1st rf 5s'66 ctfs 66% 66% 66% Int R T 7s '32_ 70% 70% 70% Interlake Iron 4s'47— 97 97 97 Int Grt-Nr 6s'52 A—_ 34% 34”* 34% Int Grt Xr 5s'56 B-— 32% 32% 32% Int Hydro Elec 6s'44. 75% 75 75% Int Mer Marine 6s'41 76% 75 75% Int Pap 1st 5s '47 A— 101% 101% 101% Int Pap ref 6s’55 —. 98% 98% 99% Int By of C A 5s'72„. 83 83 83 Int TAT cv 4%s'39_ 83 82 83 Int TAT 4%s'52_ 68% 68 68 Int TAT 5s '55_ 73% 72% 73% Iowa C lstArf 4s’61_. 7*4 7% 7% James F A C 4s'39 — 94% 94% 94% JonesAR Stl 4 % s'61A 103% 102% 103% Kans City So ref 5s'S0 88% 88% 88% Kans C Ter 1st 4s '60. 108% 108% 108% Kans GAE 4%s'80 — 104% 104% 104% Keith's 6s'46_ 99 98% 99 Kings Co El 4s '49_ 101 101 101 Kresge Found 3%s’47 101% 101% 101% Raclede Gas 5s'39 ._ 92% 92% 92% Raclede G 6%s '53 C— 60% 60% 60% Raclede G 5%s '60 D_ 60 58% 59% Raclede Gas 6s '42 A.. 51% 51% 51% Rake SAM So 3%s'97 101 101 101 Rautaro Nit 1975a_ 34 33% 34 Reh Val Har 5s'54 —. 98 98 98 Reh V NY 4y2s'40 gtd 101% 101% 101% Reh V P con 4s 2003— 59% 59% 59% Leh V RRcon 5s 2003 71 71 71 Rtgg A Myers 7s '44— 129% 1297s 129% Roew's 3%s '4 6 _ 99% 98% 99% Rong I?1 rf 4s '49 stp. 103 102% 102% Rorillard 7s '44_127% 127% 127% Ra A Ark 5s 69__ 93% 93% 93% RAN 1st 4s 2003_ 98% 98% 98% R A N unif 4s '40_106% 106% 106% RAN 4%s 2003 C_104% 104% 104% RAN 6s 2003 B_108% 108% 108% McCrory Strs 5s ’51— 103% 103% 103% McKessARob 5%s'50. 104 103% 104 Man S 1st 7%s'42ctfs 55% 55 55 Me C RR clt 4s'45 A- 104% 104 104 Manhat Ry 4s'90_ 35% 35% 35% Manhat Ry 4s'90 ctfs 30% 29% 29% Mead Co 6s’45 _ 103% 103% 103% Met Ed 1st rf 4%s'68 106% 106% 106% Mich Cent 4%s’79_104% 104% 104% Mil El RAR 6s'61_101% 101 101 Mil El RASRrf 6s’71 101% 101 101% Mil No con 4%s'39.— 82 82 82 Minn A St L rf 4s '49_ 5% 5% 5% Mo K A T 1st 4s'90_ 85% 85 85 Mo K AT 4s 62 B_ 65% 65% 65% Mo K A T 5s '62 A_ 75% 75 75 MoKATadJ 5s'67_ 68 67% 68 Mo Pac 4s‘75- 18 17% 17% Mo Pac 5»’65 A_ 39% 39% 39% Mo Pac 5s’77 F_ 40 39% 39% Mo Pac 5s ’78 G_ 39% 39% 39% Mo Pac 5s ’80 H_ 39% 39% 39% Mo Pacific 6s' 81 I_ 40 39% 39% Mo Pac 5 %s'49 A_ 14% 14% 14% Mob A Ohio 6s '38 ... 31% 31% 31% Mob A Oh M div 5s'47. 44% 44% 44% Mohawk A M 4s'91— 89% 89% 89% Monong Pub S 4%s60 103% 103% 103% Mont Cent 6s’37 _100% 100% 100% Mont Pwr 3%a '6*_94% 94 94 Mont Tram 5a’41_100% 100% 100% Morris&Easex 5s ’fi*_ 97% 97% 97% High. Low. Close. Namm & Sons 6s *43_. 100*Vi» 100H 100S Natl Dairy 3»ig'61ww 103*. 1034 1034 Natl Dls P C 44*'45- 105 105 105 Natl Steel 4* 65_106Vi 1054 1064 New Eng RR 4s'45__. 66 654 654 New E T&T 4Vis'61 — 1194 1194 1194 New E T&T 1st 5s '52 1224 122V* 122V. New OrlGNR 6s'83 A. 884 8R4 884 New Orl & N 4 4s'52. 75 75 75 New Orl P S 6s "52 A.. 944 94 94 New Orl P S 6s'55 B .. 94 94 94 New Or Ter 1st 4s'53. 92 92 92 New Orl T&M 6s'51 B 51 52 51 New Orl T&M 5Vi*’54 54 54 54 NOT&M 5Vis'54A ofs. 52 52 52 N Y Central 34s'52.. 1084 1084 1084 NT Central 3 Vis'97964 96 964 NY Central 34s ’4S._ 1014 1014 1014 NY Cent con 4s'98. ._ 974 97 974 NY Cent rf 4 4* 2013. 88V. 884 884 NY C rf 4Vis 2013 n_ 884 884 884 NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 964 964 964 NY Cent cv 6s '44_ 1024 1024 1024 NY C L Sh 3Vis '98_ 92 92 92 NYC Mich C 3V"S'98_. 89 89 89 NY Chi & St Ij 4s ’46„ 1034 1034 1034 NYC&St Li 4 Vis '78_ 874 864 864 NYC&St L 6 Vis '74 A. 984 984 984 NY Chi & St L 6s'38.. 1004 100 1004 NY Dock Ds'38_ 594 594 594 NY EJis ref 3 Vis'66.. 100 994 994 NY G El H&P 4s'49.. 1134 1134 1134 NY G El H&P 5s'48__ 122 1214 122 NY NH & H 3 Vis *47_. 404 39 404 NY NH & H 3 Vis '56— 42 38Vi 41 NY NH & H 4s '47_ 43 43 43 NY Nil &H 4s '55_ 424 42 42 NY NH & H 4s '66 ... 414 414 414 NY NH & H 4 Vis '67. 46 444 45 NY NH & H cl tr 6s’40 69 634 684 NY NH & H cv 6s'48. 474 454 454 NY NH & H 6s’48 l g 61 61 61 NY NH & H Cons Rys 4s'54 ... _ 40 36 40 NY NH & HCR 4s '56. 40 36 40 NY NH & H Cons Rys 4s '55 .1 & J_ 40 40 40 i vretw gen dd.. is is*1, NY O&W ref 4s 92_ 23% 22 22 NY Putnam 4s '93_. 86% 86% 86% NY Rys 6s'85 asst A. 105 105 105 NY A Rich G 6s '51_ 107 107 107 NY Steam 1st 5s'51_106% 105% 105% NY Steam 5s'56 . 106", 105 105 NY Steam 1st 6s’47_107% 106 106 NY Tel gen 4 % s'39_107 11)7 107 NY WAB 4%s '46 _ 17 16% 16% Nias Balls P 3%s ’66. 102% 102% 102% Nias Sh 5%s’50 .. . 102% 11)2', 102', Norf So 1st ref Os’61. 30 30 30 Norf A W lst4s’96._. 116 116 116 North Am Co 5s ’61... 103% 103% 103% North Am Ed Os ’57 A 103", 103% 103", North Am Ed 5s’69 C 102% 102% 102% North Am Ed 5%s’63 103% 103', 103', Nor'n Pac gen 3s 2047 73% 73% 73% Nor’n Pac 4s'97_105", 105% 105% Nor’n Pac 4%s 2047.. 96% 96% 96% Nort’n Tac 5s 2047 C. 102', 102’, 102% Nor’n Tac 6s 2047_111% 111 111% Ohio Edison 4s ’65 ... 104*, 104% 104’, Ohio Pub Svc 7%s ’46 111’, 1117, 1117, Ont Pwr Nias 5s ‘43_110’, 110’, 111)’, Oreg RRAN 4s'46 ...111 111 111 Oreg Sh Eine 5s’46 ..117 117 117 Oreg Sh I, 5s %6 gtd.. 119 119 119 Oreg W RR 4s 61_1116% 106 106% Otis Steel 4 %s '62_ 90% 89% 90 Pac Gas A El 3%s'66 98% 98 98% Pac G & E 3 ■*, s ’ 61_102% 102% 102% Pact! A E 4s 64 ... 106 105% 106 Pac TAT 3 % s '66 C . 1007, 100% 100% Para Broadway 3s'55 68 68 68 Param’t Pic 3 % s ’47 . 91’, 91 91% Paramount Pic Rs ’55. 100 100 101) Park-Ex 6 % s ’53 ctfs. 46 46 46 Penn Co 4s’63_102% 102', 102% Penn Dixie C 6s ’41 ... 100% lot)', 100% Penn O A D 4>,s’77._ 105*, 105% 105% Penn P A I, 4%s’81__ 1007, 100% 100% Penn RR 3 %s w 1 ... 109% 109 109% Penn RR 3%s’70 C-. 98% 98 98% Penn RR cn 4s ’48 stp 112% 112% 112% Penn RR 4%s’81 D._ 107 107 107 Penn RR 4%s 84 . 106', 106% 106% Penn RR con 4%s ’60. 118', 118', 118', Penn RR gn 4%s '65 110% 110 111)', Penn RR deb 4 %s ’70 102% 101% 102% Penn RR gen 5s ’68 ... 117% 117% 117% People G I.AC 6s’43.. 118 118 118 Pere Marq 1 st 4s’56.. 93% 93% 93% Pere Marq 4%s’80 .. 94’, 94 94 Pere Marq 1st 5s ’5 6.. 101% 101% 101% Phila RAW 4%s’77._ 114 114 111 Phila B&W 4 %s ’81.. 111% 111% 111% Phila Co 5s ’67 _100% 100 100% Phila Elec 3%s ’67 . 102% 102% 102% Phila A R C&l 5s’73.. 28% 28% 28% Phila A R C&l 6s’49.. 12% 12 12 Philippine Rv 4s’37.. 22% 21% 22 PCC&St I, 4 % s ’4 2 B. 109% 109% 109% PCC&St E 5s ’70 A 117 117 117 Pitts&W Va 4%s’60 C 90', 90% 90% Port Gen El 4%s ’60 .. 59% 59 59% Porto Rico A T 6s ’42. 78% 78% 78% Postal Tel A C 5s’53 25% 25 25% Potomac El P 3%s'66 101% 101% 101% Pressed Stl Car 5s'51 95 95 95 Pure Oil 4%s'50 ww_ 113% 113 113% Pure Oil 4%s'50 drw 111 110% 111 Pure Oil 4%s'50 xw .. 105% 105% 105', Purity Baking 5s'48. 99 98’, 99 Reading .Ter C 4n’51.. 94% 94 94 Reading R 4%s '97 A. 106 106 106 Rem-Rand 4 %s’56ww 107’, 107’, 107', Republic Stl 4%s '50. 157 15.5 157 Republic Stl 4%s '56. 97% 97% 97*, Republic Sll 4%s '61. 97% 97 97 Republic Stl 5%s'54. 117 117 117 Revere Cop 4%s '56 . 103*, 103% 103% R G W 1 st ex in 4s’30 70% 69% 69% Rio G W col 4s’49 A . 37 37 37 Roeh O&E 4 %s '77 D. 116% 116', 116% R 1 A&E 1st 4%s’34_. 20 19’, 19% Rutland RR 4%s’41_. 25% 25% 25% Saguenay Pw 4 14s’66 100% 100’, 100% St EIM&-S RAG 48 ’33 78% 78% 78*. St E-S Fran 4s’50 A . 26 25% 26 St E-S F 4s ’50 A ctfs. 23% 23% 23% St E-S Fran 4 %s'78 . 24% 24 24% St E-S F 4>..S’78 cf st. 22% 22% 22% St E S W 2d 4s '89 _. 64 63% 63% St P MAM ext 5s'43 . 101% 101% 101% San A A A Pass 4s '43 102 1017, 102 San Diego CGAE4s’65 108% 108% 108", SantaFe PAP5s’42_. 113', 113', 113', Schulco 6%s’46 A stp. 26% 26% 26% Schulco 6%s’46 B stp. 26% 26% 26% Seabd A E rf 4s’59 cfs 13% 13% 13% Seabd A E 6s’45 A._. 17% 17% 17% Seabd A-Fl 6s’35 A ct 8% 8% 8% Sharon Stl cv 4% s’51 109 109 109 Shell Un deb 3%s ’51. 99 98*, 99 Skell.v Oil 4s ’51 _ 99% 99% 99% Socony Yav 3%s ’50.. 104', 104 104% South Bell T&T 5s’41 105% 105% 105% So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A. 105% 105% 105% South Nat G4Vjs’51. 98% 98*. 98% .-OIHC«l“* B in ... Jim Un"* JIMI So Pac col 7 s'4 9_ 95 95 95 So Pac ref 4s'55_105% 104% 105% So Pac 4 72s '68_ 89% 89 89 So Pac 47,s'69_ 89 89 89 So Pac 4%s '81_ 88% 87% 88% So Pac Oreg 4 74 s '77 _ 95*, 95% 95% So Pac S F Ter 4s’50. 108 108 108 So Ry gen 7s'56 A_ 78% 78% 78% So Ry as '94_106% 106% 106% So Ry gen 6s'56_ 97% 97% 97% So Ry 6 74 s '56_100% 100 100% So Ry St U div 4s'51. 98V* 98% 98% S \V Bell Tel 3 74s '64. 105% 105V* 105% Stand Oil N J 3s '61.. 98 97-% 97% Staley A E 7s 46_104'/, 104% 104% Studebaker cv 6s'45_. 118% 117% 117** Swift* Co 3%s'50_ 106 105% 106 Sym* G&G 5 74s ww_147% 147% 147% Symgn G&G '56 xw... 112% 112% 112% Tenn El Pw 6s '47 A_. 92% 92 92% Term As St L 4s'53__ 109 109 109 Term A St L 4 74 s '39. 107% 107% 107% Texas Corp 3 74*'51— 103% 103% 103% Texas* Pac 5s'77 B. 103 103 103 Texas* Pac 5s'79 C. 103 103 103 Texas & Pac 5s'80 D. 103% 103V4 103% Tex* Pac 1st 5s 2000 121% 121 121 Tex & P MPT 5 74 s '64 109 109 109 Third Av ref 4s 60 49 48 49 Third A ad in ex 5s’66 23% 22% 22% Tide Wat Oil 3 74s’52. 100 100 100 Tol & Ohio C 3?*s '60. 104% 104% 104% Un Oil of Cal 6s'42 A. 117% 117% 117% Union Pac 3%s'70._. 96% 96% 96% Union Pac 3 74s '71— 96% 96% 96% Union Pac 1st 4s '47.. 112% 112% 112% Un Pac 4s '47 reg_109% 109% 109% Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008. 106 106 106 United Drug 5s'53_ 97% 97 97% U S Rubber 6s'47_ 107 106% 106% Utah I, & T 6s 44 A.. 98% 98% 98% Utah P & L> 5s '44_ 98% 98 98% Util P*L6s '69 ww.. 49% 49% 49% Util P & L. 674 ■ ’47_ 50% 50% 50% Vanadium cv 5s'41... 103 103 103 Ver Sug 1st 7s’42 ctfs 23 22 22% Va Ry 1st 3%s 66 A.. 104% 104% 104% Wabash 474s'78_ 32 32 32 Wabash 5s'76 B_ 33% 33% 33% Wabash 1st 5s '39_ 92% 92% 92% Wabash Oma 3 74s'41. 63 63 63 Walker H*S 4 74S'45. 105 105 105 Walworth 4s'65_ 777* 79 79 Warner Bros cv 6s'39 95 94% 95 Wash Term 3 74s'45.. 107% 107% 107% Westchester 1, 5s'50. 119% 1197* 119% West Penn P 3 74s’66 104% 104% 104% W Sh 1st 4s 2061 reg. 86 86 86 West’n Md 1st 4s'62. 104 103% 104 Westn Md 574s'77... 107 107 107 West’n Pac 5s'46 A as 31% 317* 31% West'n Un 4 74*'50 .. 100% 100% 100% Westn Un cl tr 5s '38. 102 102 102 A Continuance of Connally Law Backing State Quotas Urged. By the Associated Press. AUSTIN, Tex., June 2.—The pe troleum industry eyed Washington this week in expectation of House action on extension of the Connally hot oil law. Supporters pressed for immediate congressional approval since the act will expire June 15. The law prohibits movement 1n interstate commerce of oil produced In excess of State allow ances. It Is the only means of Federal control indorsed by officials of Texas and several other producing States. Ernest O. Thompson, chairman of the Interstate Oil Compact Commis sion, urged quick passage. The Texan also requested President Roosevelt to ask Congress to approve extension of the interstate oil compact for two years from next September 1. Authorities of the signatory States— Texas. Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico—consider the com pact a valuable weapon in preventing oil wastage and forestalling Federal control. Producers in districts other than East Texas were keenly disappointed that the 8-cent crude raise given that area 10 days was not general. They attributed the absence of a general in crease to large overproduction this Spring. With record vacation motoring ex pected and several major producing States showing more inclination to hold output In line with demand, some still believe higher prices might be forthcoming. Texas this month set Its basic al lowable as low as the recommendation of the Bureau of Mines lor the first time since last Fall. The allowance was approximately 1,352.000 barrels a day, compared with the bureau's de mand estimate of 1,354.000. Allowed I production will Increase during the month because of well completions. Oklahoma officials voiced determina tion to keep production down virtually to the level recommended by the Fed i eral bureau. ; Washington Produce j — BUTTER—03 score. 1-pound prints. 35: 14-pound prints. 36. tub 34: 00 score. 1 pound prints, 34. U-pound prints. 35, tub. 33. MEATS—Choice beef. 18alO: calves 15a 16. veal. 16; Spring lamb. 34. Fail lamb. 33: poik loin. 38. frozen pork 33; fresh ham 33: smoked ham. 35 sliced bacon. •{,»a33 slab bacon. 38. compound. 13‘2. lard. 14*2. LIVE STOCK—Pigs. 8aS»a light hogs. 8 ‘ _• a8•*4 mediums. 0; 736-750 pound* 8 aaH3^. heavies. 7*2a8. sows. tjatJU; stags. 4a4 12 calve 6a!* Prices paid shippers npt fob Wash ington; by the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics EGGS—Market weak. Receipts heavy and not moving Nearby ungraded eggs. ‘ 2 cent lower Current receipts, lhalb1? hennery whites. 10,2a3o Government graded and dated eRgs U S. extras, large. 412: U. S extras, mediums. 30: U. S. 1 standards largp. 761?. LIVE POULTRY—-Market about steady , at unchanged prices fowl, colored heavy. 16a 17 Leghorns. 14a 15. roosters. 10; I chickens crosses. 3la33 Rocks Virginia 33a*.’3; Delaware 31,2a33,j. Leghorns. 3 1 pounds 1*. less than 3 pounds. 16. tur j keys, old hens. I6al7. old toms. 13al4. Fruits and Vegetable*. I Sale* in large lots by original receivers I up to S a in. today: APPLES—No carlot. arrival*: no cars I on track Supplies moderate: demand ! fair: market about stead'- Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia. Bushel baskets. U. S No. 1. Winesaps. ! 3-inch minimum 1 75-1.85; 3*4-inch ! minimum JOO-3O0: 7*2-inch minimum. I 3 35-3 35: 334-inch minimum 3.50; few 3.65: Romes. 3*4-inch minimum 1.60 1.65; few 1.75: 3'2-inch minimum. 3 15 l 3 *.’5: 3'i-inch minimum. 3 35a3-35: Ben Davis. 3,4-inch minimum. I 15-1.35; 3*2 i inch minimum. 1 35-1.50: 334-inch min j imum. 1.50-1.65 Yellow Newtowns. 3*4 j inch minimum 1 60-1.65; 3'.-inch mini mum. •.’.00-3.35; 734-inch minimum 3.35 3 5(»: Golden. Delicious. 3‘4-inch minimum. 3.00- 3.35: 7‘2-inch minimum 3.50-3 65; Ganos. 7,4-inch minimum 1.35: 3*2-inch minimum. 1 50-1.65; 73«-inch minimum 1.60-1 75 Cartons Virginia West Vir ginia. Pennsylvania and Maryland fancy - Stavmans. 144 s 3.35-3.50: 117*. 3.65 3.75; Delicious. 113s. 3.65-3 75 00« 7.75 ‘- 85. 48s. 1 75-7. t»o; Albemarle Pippins. 160s. size 1. 3.35-7.50; 117s. U S. No. 1. 7.50; Winesaps 160s fancv 3.40-7.50; 11*-S. fancy. 3.65-3.75; Arkansas Blacks. 166s. fancy. 7.35-7 35: 117s. fancy. 3.35: few 7.50; fancy. Golden Delicious 114s. 3 35-3.50; Lowrys. 160s. 1 85-3.00; 117s, 7 "0-7.75 Boxes Fancv. Winesaps 163*. 7.35-3.35* 150s. 7.35-7.50: 138s. 7 50; few 3.60; 135 s. 3.60-3.65: 113* 7.05-7.75: Romes. 138s. 3 10-3.75: 175*. 7.75-3.35* 113s. 3.50: 100* and larger. 7.50; few' higher: Delicious. 135s. fancy 0 75: 113s. fane'* " 85: 1 nos end lareer. 3.75-3.00. ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrival*: no cars on track. Supplies moderate demand moderate: market steady. Pyramid crate*, dozen bunches- New Jersey, medium to large size. 1.50-3 75: small size 1.75; Delaware, medium to large size. 1.35-1.75. CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track Truck receipts moderate; sup plies moderate: demand moderate: market steady. North Carolina 1’2-bushel hamp ers pointed type 50-65: few higher. CARROTS—No carlot arrivals; one bro ken car on track Supplies moderate, de mand fair: market steady. California Western lettuce crates. 4.00-4.°5* few I higher; Texas bushel baskets. 3.00. CAULIFLOWER—No carlot arrivals; two broken cars on track Supplies moderate; demand fair: market steady. California crates, best. 1.60-1 75: poorer low' as 1.50. CELERY—One Florida arrived: one bro ken and three unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate demand fair: market steady Florida, 10-inch crates, individ ually washed 3*2-3 dozen 3.50-3.75: 4-10 dozen. 3.50-3.75: few 4 00: poorer low as 7.50: California. *2 crates, individually washed. 3-4 dozen. 3 50-3.75. LETTUCE—Two California arrived: eight broken and two unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate: demand fair market. steady California. Western crates’ Iceberg type 5-dozen, mostly fair quality. 3.00- 3.50: few' higher: 6-dozen. 3.00-3.35. ONIONS—Two Texas arrived: one bro ken and three unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate, demand fair; market steady Texas. 50-pound sacks. Yellow' Bermudas U. S. commercial. 1.50-1 65 PEAS—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. Truck receipts moderate- 1 supplies moderate: demand fair; market 1 steady Eastern Shore Virginia, bushel hampers. 00-1.00: California, bushel ham pers. Telephones 3.00. POTATOES--Three Sofeth Carolina ar rived: four broken and four unbroken cars on track. Old stock: Supplies moderate; demand moderate: market steady. Maine, 100-oound sacks. Green Mountains IT S No. 1 3.40a" 50 mostly 7 50. New'- stock: Supplies fairly liberal: demand slow: mar ket dull. South Carolina, stave barrels. Cobblers. U. 8. No. 1 3.00a3.35 few higher. STRAWBERRIES—Truck receipts light; supplies light: demand fair; market strong er: 74-quart crates, various varieties near by sections Virginia. i.75a3.50 per crate. Tomato Prices Steady. TOMATOES—No carlot arrivals: three broken and one unbroken cars on track SuDplies liberal; demand moderate: market steady. Florida, lug boxes, green, ripes and turning wrapped, fixfi and larger 2 Ona 2.50. poorer lower; Hx7 1.50a2.00- Texas, lu* boxes, green, ripes and turning, wrapped. 6xfi and larger. 2.00a2.50; hx7. 1.50a*:.on. WATERMELONS—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track Sunplies light demand fair: market about, steady Flor ida. Tom Watsons. 32-34-pound average. 1.(10: 2S-30-pound average. SllaSS. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot arriv als: two broken cars on track. SNAP BEANS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track Truck receipts moderate supplies moderate: demand fair: market steady. North Carolina, bushel hampers, green, round and flat types, 1.00. few higher. LIMA BEANS—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. Supplies moderate; demand fair: market slightly weaker. Florida bushel hampers, 2.50a3.00, poorer low as 1.50. EGGPLANT—Supplies light: demand fair; market about steady. Florida l% bushel crates fancy. 2.00a2.25. poorer lower: choice. t.25al.50. SQUASH — Supplies literal: demand slow: market dull. South Carolina, bushel hampers, yellow crooknecks and white wrapped. 50-75. CUCUMBERS-—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Supplies moderate, demand fair; market steady. Georgia and South Carolina, bbshel baskets, fancy. 2.50-3.00: choice. 1.50-2.00. _ High. Low. Close. Westn Un 5s '61_101% 101% 101% West'n Un is '60_100% 99% 100 Wheel Steel 4%s'53 99% 99% 99% Wilkes B&E 1st 5s’42 22% 21% 21% Wilson & Co 4s’55 _ 101% 101 101% WtsC S & D T 4s’36 . 17% 17V* 17% WisCS&DT 4»’36 cfs 17 17 17 Y’ngstn SAT 3%s’51_ 131 130% 131 Y’ntstn S&T 4s ’61_101% 101 101 $193,982,091 Net Com pares With $145,936,803 in Four 1936 Months. Class 1 railroads of the United States in the first four months of 1937 had a net railway operating Income of $193,982,091 which was at the an nual rate of return of 2.89 per cent on their property Investment, accord ing to reports just filed by the carriers with the Bureau of Railway Economics of the Association of American Rail roads and made public today. In the first four months of 1936, their net railway operating income was $145,936,803, or 2.18 per cent on their property investment, and in the first four months of 1930, their net railway operating income was $233, 942,444, or 3.51 per cent on property investment. Property investment is the value of road and equipment as shown by the books of the railways including mate rials, supplies and cash. The net rail way operating income is what is left after the payment of operating ex penses, taxes and equipment rentals but before interest and other fixed charges are paid. This compilation as to earnings for the first four months of 1937 is based on reports from 138 class 1 railroads representing a total of 235,770 miles. Gross operating revenues for the first four months of 1937 totaled $1,382,997,566, compared with $1,221, 113.269 for the same period in 1936, and $1,761,623,106 for the same period in 1930, an increase of 13.3 per cent in 1937 above 1936, but 21.5 per cent I below 1930. Operating expenses for the first four months of 1937 amounted to $1,026,101,346, compared wtih $939. 203.524 for the same period in 1936, and $1,370,341,285 for the same period in 1930. Operating expenses for the first four months of 1937 were 9 3 per cent greater than in the same period of 1936, but 25 1 per cent below 1930. Class 1 railroads in the first four months of 1937 paid $119,652,292 in taxes, compared with $94,557,412 in the same period in 1936. and $116,253, 004 in the same period in 1930. For the month of April alone, the tax bill | of the class 1 railroads amounted to , $30,734,480, an Increase of $4,937,790, , or 19.1 per cent above April, 1936. Class 1 railroads for the month of | Money for Constrnction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties 5% FIRST DEED OF TRCST ONLY GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat'l 0350 Office Space j For Rent 1,300 square feet of exception ally desirable front space in modern elevator building in heart of business and financial district. Apply Wm. J. Flather, Jr. 1508 H St. N.W. Na. 1753 If your present MORT6A6E is soon Maturing COME IN and let us ex plain how our Mortgage Refinancing Plan can lower your interest costs and set up your principal payments on a more attractive basis. As a property owner, you should know the advantages of the Weaver plan. WEAVER BROS in< REALTORS lean Cerrt<p»nHmt Metropolitan Life Inturance Lompanj WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT 948* April alone had a net railway operat ing income of *47,807,447, which, for that month, was at the annual rate of return of 2.80 per cent on their property investment. In April, 1936, their net railway operating Income was *41,493,455, or 2.43 per cent on investment, and in April, 1930, was *60,882,332, or 3.61 per cent return on investment. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK June 2 np..—New York Security Dealers' Association: (Quotations as of 2 o clock.) Bank of Man (l'/i) 3:?' A*us<1' Bankers Tr (2)_ H7 «ji Brooklyn Tr (4) . 1"K i 11 Ceil Han Bk 4 Tr (4)_120'i J23'l Chase Nat 11.40) . fii .Vi Chem Bk A Tr (1.80) .II 87 80 Commercial (8) ipj inq Corn Bk A Tr ( 801 17 18'i Corn Ex Bk A T CO_I 84 8ft Empire Tr < 1) ... ho'k m'i First Nat (Bos i (2i ftn V’ First Natl (lOOi . _ 2140 "ISO Guaranty Tr (12) ,338 341 Irvimi Tr (.80) . __ I.V, iftt,; Manufacturers' Tr (2) ft.'! Sft Manufacturers' Tr pf (2) ftn1 a ft0'/, Natl City ( 11 4412 18>2 N Y Trust (5) _ 128 131 Public U'a) . 4 312 4ftVi Title G A T 1.312 )4'a VISCOSE NAME CHANGED. NEW YORK, June 2 f/Pi.—Effective today. Viscose Co. will become the American Viscose Corp., the company announced. The concern has plants in Pennsylvania and West Virginia and headquarters at Elmira Heights, N. Y. FIRST TRUST LOANS Reasonable Rates and Commissions Tyler Cr Rutherford, Inc. 1512 L Street N.W. National 0178 Loan Correspondent I Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. F. H. A. LOANS on short notice for building your home or REFINANCING Shannon & luchS] Morttair Loan Correspondents INVESTORS SYNDICATE 1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345 Jj% INTEREST CONSTRUCTION LOANS AND STRAIGHT 3-yr. LOANS Prompt Action on Applications Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation 1610 K St. N.W. NAtL 1403 1937 Credit Sales Expected to Equal Large 1929 Total By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 2.—Combined re tail credit sales for department store* in 1937 are expected to approximate the total for 1929 and reach about *3,770,000.000, the credit management division of the National Dry Good3 Association announced today. —-—• ■■ PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA June 2 (R*<.—Live poul try White Leghorns 1T. few IS: Spring Pickens, cross breds. 19-24. as to weight. Reds .OO.Reds, broilers, as to sire and and over Lesh°rns' S'* ™und. Dressed poultry--Fowl fresh killed. In boxes. 191,2-2J. as to weight. | SAFE INVESTMENTS First Mortrare Note* on very conservatively ap praised new buildinrs In and near Washinfton; denominations SlOO up. General Business, Inc., Buildinf Department 3516 Conn. Ave. Cleveland 1303-1304 OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1118 Ere St. N.W. Phone NA. 2181 Let Us Prepare a Complete Program of INSURANCE Hiving you full coverage and pro tection against all emergencies No mattpr what you may need, we can write it May we serve you? J J. Blaise de Sibour and Company INSURANCE BROKERS 1700 Eye St. N.W. Natl. 4673 First Mortgage Money Foi; CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia j I Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. j 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 REAL ESTATE LOANS on Improved Property Monthly Payment Loans or Straight Three Year Loans 5% INTEREST Consult Real Estate Department AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY Main office: FIFTEENTH ST. & PENNSYLVANIA AVE. Branch Offices 7rh and Mass. Ave., N. W. Seventh and E St., S. V. Eighth and H Sts., N. E. 1140 Fifteenth St., N. W. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System This advertisement is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as an offering of these securities for sale, or an offer to buy, or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any suck securities. The offering is made only by the prospectus. New Issue MIDWEST PIPING and SUPPLY CO., Inc (A Missouri Corporation) 60,000 Shares No Par Value Common Stock PRICE —$11.00 Per SHARE Copies of this Prospectus may be obtained from either of the following FRANCIS, BRO. & CO. MACKUBIN, LEGG & CO. St. Louis, Missouri Baltimore, Maryland Dated June 2, 1937