Newspaper Page Text
General Tone Apathetic De spite Slight Rise in Some Sections. Rjr the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 2 —Some curb Issues moved slightly higher today, al though the general tone was somewhat apathetic. Noticeable among upward movers was Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., United Wall Paper Shcrwin Williams and Lake Shore Mines. Utilities and oils were fractionally higher in most, cases, although Non hern States Pow er &. Gulf Oil did not share in the up ward movement. As trading went into the final hour some activity in such issues as Wayne Pump. Creole Petroleum. American Gas & Electric and International Pe troleum was apparent. 60.000 SHARES OFFERED FOR MIDWEST PIPING Special Dispatch lo The Star. NEW YORK. June 2. — Francis, Bro. & Co. of St. Louis and Macubin, Legg &; Co. of Baltimore are offering at $11 a share 6,000 shares of r.o pat value common stock of Midwest Piping & Supply Co., Inc. The underwriters have an option for one year to pur chase at Sll a share an additional 20.000 shares from the company. Pro ceeds of the financing will be used to repay a $280,000 collateral and mort gage note and bank and other loans, to redeem the 780 shares of preferred stock now outstanding and to provide additional working capital. -• NATIONAL TEA SALES CLIMB 3.4 PER CENT the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 2.— National Tea Co. reported for the four weeks ended May 22 total sales of $4,497,374, com pared with $4,349,416 in the like period last year, a gain of 3 4 per cent. In the preceding four weeks sales were 6.8 per cent above a year ago. For the 20 weeks ended May 22 sales totaled 824.842,790, against 823.502,467 a year .ago, a gain of 5.7 per cent. The com pany has headquarters at Chicago. UNION PACIFIC CHIEF HAILS WHEAT OUTLOOK Es the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 2.—Promise of b good wheat crop as a result of re cent rains in Kansas and Nebraska was predicted by Carl R. Gray, presi dent of the Union Pacific Railroad, who stated gross revenue of the road in May ran 10 to 12 per cent ahead of May last year. The Kansas crop in Union Pacific territory this year Will be greater than last, he said. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. High. low. Noon. A'.a Power os ol 93 93 93 A.a Power 5s __ 8 4 8 1 84 Alum Co 5s ’52 _ 1 .oh*4106*4 M6% Alum Co L/ri os 4 8 M6% 106% lori% Am Ot A E 5s 2028 in: •% i o7 -% 107 % Am PAL hs 2016 _ 90% 90 90% Am Rdchat 4 %s 41 105%M5%M5% AnDalacn E P 5s 50 M6%io6%M6% Ark PAL os '56 97% 97 % 97% As El Ind 4 %'S 53. 50% 50 50 As G A E 4%S ’49 43 43 43 As G A E 5s ’50_ 48 41 4 8 As GAE 5s ’68 41% 41 41% As T A T 0% s 55 A 84 % 84% M% Raid Lo 6s '3S xw 166*2 165% 166*2 Bain L 6s 38 xw sip 166% 166*2 166% Can Pac 6s ’42 M9% M9% M9% Caro PwALt os '56 91 % 96 96 C^n 111 P JS 4 ‘^ '67 F 97% 97 97 % Cent 111 P S 5s ’6.s G lol 101 lol Cent I P S 4 %'S 8l H 96% 95% 1*6 % Cent Pw A Lt 5s 56 92 91% 91 34 Cent St El 5s is 5334 5:5*2 53% Chi Rys 5s ’2 7 cod _ 61 _ 66% 66*2 Cities Svc os 50 61%a 69% 691 s Cities Cvc 5s ’66 71 1 1 7 1 Cities S Gas 5 .•> '42 loo%. ]on% lon% Cit S PAL 5%'.s 52 647a 6334 H3% Cit S PAL 5%s 49 60*2 65>2 65% Comw Edis 5s 53 A 112 112 112 Coin w Ed 5 s '54 B 112 112 112 Comw Ed 4s M F M6% M6% jor,% Com Pb Sv 5« 60 A 13 72%• 7.3 Comw Sm 5%s 'is A M3% lo.3;,4 M3% Comntv PAL 5s 57 99 % 99% 99% Cont GAE 5s ’5s A 84 83*2 83% Crucib'e cil 5s '4o 103'.. 103% 103*2 Det Int Be 6%s 52 8% 8% 8% Det A- In B 6%-s 52 cd 1% 1% 7 *2 Det Int Be 7.-. 52 2% 2% 2% Det Int B2 7s '5 2 cod 2 2 2 East G A F 4 s 56 A 85 81% 84% El Pw A Lt os 2030 .. 83% 82% 82% El Pas El 5s 50 A 102 102 102 Elm WLARR 5s '56 103% 103*2 1<»3% Emp Ds El 5s 52 _ 9 7 97 97 Em.P OAR 5 %'S 4 2 85 83% 83% Firest Cot M 5s ’4 8 _ . . 105 105 105 Florida PAL 5s ’5 4 90 89’2 90 Gatineau Pw 6s ’41 _ lol 101 101 Gatineau P 6s 4 1 B . _ Ml % Ml % 101 % Gen W WAE os '43 A 85*2 85* 85% Georcia Pw 5s '«"»7 9 1 90% 91 Glen Alden Cl 4s 0.5 79% 79% 75»*N Grocery Str 6s '45 88% 88 % 88% Hall '\V-L 6c *47 stp 99 99 99 Hygrade Fd 6s *49 A 79 7 9 7 9 II Pw A L 6s '53 A 1 0338 103 103 El Pw A L 5%s ’54 B 101*4 lol 101 III Pw A* L 5s '56 C 96* 4 95% 96 Indian El C 6s 47 A 97 97 97 Indtan E C 5s 51 C 86 86. 86 Indnap PAL 5s 57 A 106 lo5% 105% Inti P See 6%s '55 C 65 65 65 Interst Pw 5s *57 54*2 53% 54% Inlerst Pw 6s '52 .38 37 37 Interst P S 4%s '58 F 7 4% 74% 74 % Iowa-N LAP 5s 57 A 99% 99 99 Iowa Pub Sv 5s '57 ln.3% 103*% 103*2 Jackson O 5s 42 stp 4ft 4 9 49 Jer C PAL 4%s »;j c 1 04 * 4 1 04 * 4 104 * 4 Jrr C PAL 5s '4 7 C 1 04 * 2 1 04 * 2 104 % Kan Pw Co m 47 A M2 102 102 Ken tj 5%s 55 F 93 9.3 93 Lehich P S 6s 2026 A 103 102% 103 Ltbbv McN A L 5s '42 _ M4% 1 041*4 ] 04 % I-a Pw A Lt 5s '57 105% 105% M5% McCord Rad 6s '4 3 99*2 99% 99% Mrm P A L 5s 4 8 A. 93 93 f»3 Mldlan V R R 5s 43 90% fto «.o Mil G A E 4 %s '67%_ 100 100 loo Minn PAL 5s ’55 __ M2% 102'% 102% Mis Pow 5s 55 7ft 70 79 Miss Pw A’ I 5s '57 86% 86 96% Nat P Ar L 6s 2026 A 85% 84 85% Nat P A L ns 2030 B 7 5% 75 75% Nebr Pw 4%s 8] A MS 107% 107% New E G A E 5s \5o__ #.>-%H 67*2 68 New E Pw 5 %s ’54 90% 90% 90*4 New Or P S 6s '49 A 76% 76% 7 6% N Y P A O 4%s '50 stp 1 08*4 107’* 107% Y P A Lt 4 %s ’6.7 105% 105% 105% N 5 S E A G 4 %s >o__ 10034 100% 100% N Y A W Lt 4s 2004 103% M3 % j03% Nor A L A P 5'.s ’56 93 93 93 No Con U 5* as ’48 A_ 563 . 51» 56 No Ind P S 5s ’66 CL 10l%10i%ioi% No Ind P S 4 %s '7«* E 96% no ;,0 Northw P S 5s '57 A 99% 99% v»% Ok la N G 4%s, ’51 A 97% 97% 97% Pac L A P 5s '42 11 3% 1 1 3% 113% Penn C L A P 4 %s ’7 7 94 937s 93% Penn El 4s ’71 F fto ho fto Penn O E 5%s ’59 B__ 96 .94% 96 Pw Ser Corp 6s '49 99% 99% 9955, Pub S No 111 5s 66 C 105% 105% 105', Pub S N I 4%s '81 F 103% 103% 103% Pug S PAL 5%s 41» A. _ 79'4 79 79»/4 Queen GAE 5%s ’52 A. 104*2 1 04'2 104* Ban An PAS 5s '58 B._ 1047a 104% M4% B E PAL Hs 2025 A 95 04 95 Sou Cal Ed 3%s '60__ 102% 102% 10”% Sou Ind Rv 4s ‘51_ _ 76 75% 751. Souw As T 5s ’til A__ 93% 93% 93% Souw LAP 5s ’57 A _ M1% l(ti% Souw PAL 6s 2022 A 87 86 86, Btd GAE 6s 251 A_ 70 70 70 Sfd GAE 6s '66 B _ 69% 6ft 69 Stand PwALt 6s ’57_ 69 6K% 68% Super cf 111 4 %s ’68__J06 106 106 Texas Elec 5s *60 _ 10) % J01 % ]0] % Tex Pw A L 5s ’56- 105% 105% 105% Tide Wftt P 5s *79 A _ 94% 94 94 Twin C RT 5 % s ’52 A__ 7 9 7 9 7.9 Unit Lt A Pw 6s ’75__ 73 72* 2 73 Va Pub S 5%s '46 A__ 97 96% 97 Va Pub Ser 5s ’50 B__ 91 91 9] West News U 6s '44_ 40% 49% 491.7 West Pa Tr 5s ’60_108% 108% 108’, West T Ut 5s ’57 A__ 91% 91% 913. Wis P & L 4s ’56 A_ 95% 95Ve 95V, FOREIGN BONDS. Cent Bk Ger ’51 B_ 2ft */4 25*/4 25V Cuban Te 7*as '4! A__ 100 100 100 Danish Con 5s *53 _ 99 99 99 Danish Con ft*is ’65 ... 100*2 100Va 100 *■< Denm Mt B 6s '72 ix 99V4 99*/4 99V Erco M El 0*/is ’53 A__ 72 72 72 Ital Su Pw 6s ’63 A_. 53 52>2 53 Rio de Jan 6*/is ’59__ 26 26 26 iw—With warrants, xw—Without warrants, n—New. st <stp>—Stamped. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. TCompanies reported in receivership. --• .. Hoskins Manufacturing Co. declarec a, dividend of 40 cents a share or common stock, payable June 26. Or March 26, 1937, a dividend of $1 s share was distributed. r j NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. All lime ithown below I* daylight saving on which the Exchange la now operating. 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Acme Wvtc (2). 100a 44L 44>4 4414 Aero Supply B .. 3 3% 3*. 3*« Air Device Corp . 5 3 2% 2'd Ala Gt South (3). 50s 7814 781s 78'/a AlaLiam Pw pf(7) 90s 68 68 68 Aluminum of Am 200s 149 146 146 Alum Am pf (K) _ 150s 118 118 118 Alum Goods b25c 3 1614 1614 161s Aluminum Ltd .. 750s 111 107 107 Alum Ltd cvpf 6- 1 12114 121M> 12114 Am Airlines Inc. 2 22 211a 22 Am C PAL A (3) 200s 34 33 33 AmCP&LAww2 \ 1 34 34 34 AmCP&LBalOc 2 37» 34s 3'* Am Cynm B t60c. 17 31*t 31vs 314t AmAForl’www 1 21a 21a 21a Am Kork&ll (tl). 1 19 19 19 Am G&.E (1.40)... 5 32'4 32 32 Am Gen (a50c)... 2 9M 9\ 9»» Am Laund M 80c. 1 25S 25"a 2S"a Am Maracaibo ._ 4 l7* 1*1 I’d Am Superpower . 10 l’a IS, 14* Am Superpwr pf. 1 30 30 30 Anchor Post K 1 3'% 3-1, 3:1t Angostura (tt'OcJ. 2 6’« 6*« 61s Arctimis Kadio.. 5 1', l'» 1'* Ark Nat Gas . 4 7I'» 7'» 7's Ark Nat Gas (A). 6 77» 7% 7*» Ashland Oil t4llc_ 3 6** 6'< 6't Asso G & K (A)__ 11 27k 2% 2M Atlas Corp war .. 7 2"'* 2't 214 Austin Silver_ 6 2 l7* 2 Auto Products 5 6', 6', 61, Auto Vot Mch 50c 3 10', 10',-j 101* Axton-Fisher A_. 130s 31 31 31 Bahcox & Wil 4 _ 75s 122 117 117 Bald L bd rtsld) 12 2 2 Barium Stain Stl 4 4s, 4”, 4”i Bath Iron Wks 1 11'* 11>., 11V, Beil Tel Pa pf 61* 20s 114 114 114 Berkey & Gay ... 3 2”s 2', 2”i Berk & Gay war.. 3 H* U* 11* Bliss (EW) . . 2 14”* 14”, 144* Blue Kidgetblftt) 2 27» 27* 27» Boliack 11C 1st pf 10s 35 35 35 Bow. r Roll B<2> 1 28 28 28 Brazil TL&P b'JOc 2 25 24", 24”, Bridsrpt Mch t,' ’ c 1 17', 171 * 17', Bright Star El B 1 7, 7» Brill Corp (A) 2 10 10 10 j Crown ' *o ],!' 350s 74”, 74 741, : Crown F\ W b:;nc 1 137, l.T* 137, Buckeye P I, (4 I 50s 40 40 40 ! Buff N&K pf 1.60 . 2 231, 23’, 23'; | Bun Ivor Hill & S .. 1 28 28 28 T:i::tv Biscuit ... 1 5 5 5 | Cal.;,'E! Prod Vic 1 ”, ”, ”, ! Can Hydro 1st pf 20s SO SO 80 ! ('an Marconi . i Hi J% 1** Carib Syndib.'iOc) 5 1% 1% 1% Caro L&P pf 16) . 10s 82% 82% 82% Cartier Corp .. 6 47% 46% 47s* Casco Prod b2s* l Si's 311 a 31% (’em Hud (J&E SOr. 3 15% 15% 15% Cent P & L 7 pf (h3.06%> ... 25s 84 84 84 Cent States E! . 18 1% 1% 1 Vi Cent St El 6^ pf 100s 15 15 15 Centrif P t40c 2 5 5 5 Cherry Burl (4) 25s 80 80 80 ("hesebrough (14 ) 50s 117% 117% 117% Chief Con Mining 1 1% 1% 1% , ; Cities Service 22 3% 3 3 | j cities Serv pf . 2 47 47 47 ! (’itits S\c pf BB 10s 46 46 46 ' City Auto <t60c) . 1 9% 9% 9% Clark Con ib50c). 2 36% 35% 36% i Claude Neon Lts. 14 2% 2% 2% Clinchficld Coal . 1 6% 6% 6% Colon Dev Ltd 11 6% 6% 6% Colo Fuel&I war 1 13% 13% 13% Col O & G b20c _ 6 7 6% 7 (’oimvlih Ed is i 4 3 110 109% 109% ; (’oniwltli & S \vr . 70 % % % Community W S. 1 1% 1% 1%' ('ons Aircraft ... 4 25 25 25 ! ■ Consol Copper 16 9% 9% 9%' ; CGEL&PBo .160 6 70% 70 70 i Con Min&Sm t2 100s 80% 79% 79% ('ons Ret Str (n) 1 7%’ 7% 7% < ’ont 1 Oil (Mex) . 2 1 1 1 Conti Roll&i$ Fy. 1 19% 19% 19% (’nok r<t\'ar rfidc 1 16% 16% 16% ; Cooper Bessmer.. 4 24% 24% 24% | Copper Range_ 3 11 11 11 Cord Corp ... 1 3', 3', 3’, I Cosden Oil (d)_ 4 1”, 1'* 11 j Creole Pet title... 2 34', 34 34:4 Croft Brewing _. 3 ”, ”, ”, Crown Dr (b20o). 2 3'* 3'* 3', i Crystal Oil P, pf . 60s 0", 9”* 9”,; Cusi Mex Mining. 55 H ', ' , Darby Pet (50c).. 2 12 11”, 12 Dayton Rubber . 2 23 23 23 ; Derby Oil & Ref.. 1 6”, 6”, 6”, ! Det Gas pf 1.20 2 17”* 17’, 17V* i , Detroit Gr 1 <n)_. 1 3 3 3 Pet( Midi (Stove.. 1 ft ft ft , Det Pap Pr t25c.. 1 6”, 6”, 6”,: Domin Steel ._ 2 19’, 19 19'? I Dow Chem (f3)__ 2129', 129 320 Eagle P I.d bl’f'r 1 19 19 19 j Estn G&F A pf 3 ftOs 44 44 44 KstnG&F p pflVz 175s 59 58', 59 ! Easy W M B bloc 3 9'. 9', 9', j Eisler Elec (aftc) 10 2', 2', 2', El Bond & Share. 33 17 16”* 16'.. : | K1 B & S pf (6) ... 1 68', 68', 68',: El Sh pf ww(6)._ 50s 79 79 79 | Electrol Inc v t c. 1 3H 3*» 3*« ' l EmpG&F6'7> pf. 50s 50 50 50 j 1 Emp G&F 7% pf - 50s 53 53 53 I | Emp G&F 8 % pf _ 50s 56 56 56 I ErriscoDertl .. 1 14’* 14'-.. 14' i Equity Crp a25c_. 15 2 2 2 Evans Wall Bd 1 l'i 1', l'i I Ex-Cell-O ( b20c). 4 21 20”, 20”,' Fairchild (alftc). 5 6”, 6”* 6”f i Falsiaff Br J1 >2 . 1 9', 9'„ 9'* j Fanny Farm C 1_. 1 20', 20'» 201, Fansted Metal . 1 14', 14', 14'i Ferro Enam b75c. 2 38', 38'» 38', : Fidelio Brewery. 4 ”, ”, ”, Fire As Phila t2 . 30s 7171', 71'i i Fisk Rubber_ 4 14 1.3'i 13', iFlaP&Lpf. ._ 100s 40”, 40',, 40”, j Ford (Can) AO) .1 4 23 227» 227* 1 Franklin R a60c.. 2 ll'i 1U, Ilf* Froedt (20c) 1 1114 ll'i 11',i j Froedt cv pf 1.20. 50s 18 18 IS i Gen Invest . 3 l'i 1”* ; Gen Fireprf b2ftc. 1 18', 18'* 18'* j Gen Tele (b25c).. 1 16', 16'j 16', Georgia Pw pf 6 . 200s 75 75 75 Gilb't AC pf 3'* ._ 50s 39 39 39 ; Glen Alden (tl) .. 2 1114 11 1114 Godchaux A(b3)_ 50s 41 41 41 ! Goldfield Consol.. 10 fc Gorham (A) ... 6 6’* 6’4 6'i Grand Natl Flms 6 2*s 2V* 2”* ! ! Gray Tel P S (1). 5 17 11 ll'i' Grt A&P T n v t 6 _ 70s 89 85 89 j ; Gulf nit (hcr.e'i tx sx*. sx sx Hall Lamp (80c) . 2 4** 4>4 4'4 Hartman Tnh _ ] 214 214 21'* j HatCorpB 80c._. 2 11 11 11 Hazel ti ne hT 5c_ 2 15*4 15*« 15*» Hecla Min b45c 2 17’* 17Vi 17V* Helena Rub'st'n.. 3 7W 714 714 Hewitt Rub b50c. 1 15*4 15** 15** Hollinger G +65c . 3 11** 11** 11«* Holophane(bSOc) 1 20 20 20 H%rders Inc (M ) 150s 16 16 16 i Hud Bay M b"5c_ 6 29** 29 29** j Humble Oil(l >4 ). 2 77v* 77'4 77'-* ! Ilygrade Food P_ 1 3** 3*4 3** ! Illinois Iowa Pw. 6 7** 714 7*4 ! Ill lowaPpf 2>4. 4 3014 30 3014 j 111 Iowa P d ctfs . Ill 11 11 Imp Oil Ltd +50c. 5 21*4 2014 2114 Imp Oil reg t50c. 1 21 21 21 Ind P&L pf 614 100s 92 92 92 Ins Co Xo Am t2 150s 66 65*4 66 Inti Cigar Mfg t2 1 2214 2214 2214 Inti Hy El S pf 1 30 30 30 Inti Pete (M14)_. 6 3514 34*4 34*4 Inti Radio b25c._. 2 14** 14 14 Inti TTtil (B) __ 1 H4 H4 m Inti Util war new 4 ft* 41* fl. Inti Vita (50cl .. I 5V4 514 5*4 Inv Royalty+6c.. 1 J, f, 4 Jer C P&L pf 7 _ 10* 94'4 94'4 9414 Kingsbury Brew. 1 214 2'4 214 Kingston Pr 40c.. 11' 6 41* 5 Koppers pf (6) .. 20s 109 109 109 Lake Shore (14>_ 3 491* 49 49 Lakev Foundry_ 2 fi'4 514 514 Leh Coai&N 30c.. 1 8*4 8*4 8** Leonard Oil _ 5 114 114 m Lion Oil Ref (1).. 14 26*4 26 26*4 Locke Stl C tSOc.. 2 1414 14 1414 Lockheed Air_ 1 12 11*4 11*4 Lone Star G 80c— 4 11 1014 1014 Long Island Ltg. 2 8*4 3*4 3** Long I L pf A(7). 20s 8014 8014 8014 Long I L pf B(6). 150* 67*4 67*4 67** Loudon Packing.. 14 4 4 Louisana Ld 40c. 18 12*4 12 12 Margay Oil a50c_. 3 30 2814 30 Massey Harris_ 2 1214 1214 1214 May Hos pf ww 4 150s 55 55 55 Merritt Chap & S. 11 7*4 6*4 714 Merritt C&S pf A. 150s 62 5674 62 Mesahi Iron_ 1 *4 *4 *4 Mich Bumper_ 2 2** 2*4 2** Mich Gas & Oil... 1 8V* gt/4 81* Mich Sugar _ 11 1 1 Mid Sta Pet (A).. 1 4*4 4** 4*4 Mid Sta P vtc(B) 2 1 1 1 Midwest Oil{11) _ 1 10>4 974 914 Minn M&M h40e.. 60s 3714 37'4 37*4 Molybdenum_ 1 8H 8** g** Monarch MTttl)- 1 24 24 24 I 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Ifont Ward A(7)_ 30s 136 136 136 dontr HH&P 1 % 200s 29% 29 29 llountC ta21c) . 10 12% 12% 12% tlount Prod(60c) 3 6% 6% 6% Vat Bellas Hess. 1 2 1% 1% Vat Bd&Sh boOc. 200s 65% 55 55 v'atl City Hines.. 1 16 16 16 Vat Heather_ 1 # H tt Vat ltub M a20c1 13% 13% 13% Vat Union Kadio. 7 1% 1% 1% V J Zinc U2J- 60s 78% 78% 78% V Y March 18 0c).. o 13% 13% 13% VY P&U pf f7} — 10s 109% 109% 109% V Y Tel pi 16 % ) _ 100s 111% 111% 111% VY Transit T«0c. f 4% 4% 4% Viag Hud Pw tn} _ 3 12 12 12 Mag HP tA) war. 3 ft * ft Mag HP(B)war. 3 1% 1% 1* Mag HP 1st pf 5. 100s 87 87 87 Mag S Aid B a60c 1 11% 11% 11% Viles-Bementi2). n 4/ 46% 47 Mpissing loUc}._ 1 2% 2% 2% Noma El ibloc).. 5 6% 6% 6% North Am U&P_. 2 3% 3% 3% Nor Am U&P pf.. 1008 55% 65% 65% Nll'S 6 % pf b iic. 120s 80% 80 80 No IPS pf b87 %c. 10s 90% 90% 90% N Allaj iBjajuc. 2 42 42 42 Nortlin Euro uil. 6 ft ft ft! Nort Stales P A.. 4 21 21 21 j unto Brass IH) 3 250s 58% 57 58% Jhio i’wr pf (,6)_. 20s llo 110 Hu Jkia-Nat Gas_ 4 13% 13 13% Jkia-Nat Gas pf_. 100s 28% 28% 28% Jldelyine Gist_ g 3% 3% a*t I’an-Ani Air ttl). 1 64 63 63 L'ac G&E 1st 1 V* - b 29% 29% 29% L'ac Elg pt til)- 25s 104% 104% 104% I'antepcC Oil- 33 8% b% 8% 'ennruad (a25c)_ z 3% 3% 3% ,’hila El Pw pt 3. 50s 34 34 34 rTerce Gov blue.. i 24% 24% 24% Pioneer Gold 4Uc- 6 3% 3 v* 31% ■Hit* Forging- 4 19% 19% 19% Pitts Ac E E 04 % . 70s 101% 101% 101% Plough Inc 1.2u— 1 lb lb lb Potrero Sugar_ 3 2% 2% 2% Powd 1 & A1 l)35c- 3 9% 9% y% Premier G t 12c—. 4 2% 2% 2% i’ub F\c Jnd pf ... 20s 21 21 21 Pul) S ukla pu7) Ills 101% 101% 101% Pub l l Fee pr pf 200s 1% 1% js. Pug S P&E pf l>o 25s 60% 69 69% I'yrciu Allg b2Uc_ 1 9 » 9% 9% Itaymd Con ttl)- 50s 38% 38% 38% lied Bank . _. 3 14 14 14 lieybani tbluc)_ 15 5 5 lieiler Foster_ 3 1% % PH Itoot Pet tb2ac)-. 2 5*! 5% 5«t Royal Type b75c 100s 105 105 105 Hustless 1 & Stl-. 2 13% 13% 13% liyau Consol- 5 5% 5% 5% St Anthony Gold. 1(1 % % 1, ■R Eawrenee C _ 1 13 13 13 it Lasr'nceC pt. 25s 35 35 35 ■it itegis Paper... 35 8% 8% 8% iarasan United .. 1 5*, 5s* 5% ■icovill tbaOc) ... 1 42'-j 42% 42% iecur Corp Gen... 1 2% 2% 2% Segal Eock & 11— 1 2% 2% 2% ! •ielected Indus __ 5 2% 2% 2% ! ■iel I nd pf b;>7 %c. 1 26 26 26 j 8el in all ctf 5 % _ 50s 102% 102% 102% Sel In pr pft5%) 350s 100% 100 * 100% : Sent Fat Control. 2 % % %j Seversky Air_ 9 4 3% 3% ' Shattuck Den __ 6 18% 18 18% Shawm W&P80c 1 2fi% 26% 26% Sher-Will (Tl) .. 250s 126% 126 126 Simmons H & P . 1 4% 4% 4% Finger Mfg (+ 6) . 10s 305 305 305 Sonotone lalOc). 2 1% 1% 1% Foss Mfg (5Uc) - 1 6% 6", 6% So I’a Oil (tl % ) . 2 43% 43% 43% i So Cal Ed pf C 1 % 4 25% 25% 25%' South Union Gas. 1 3% 3% 3% j Soutl'd Hoy b20c. 6 10% 10% 10% Spencer C S bTac. 1 9% 9% 9% Stand Cap tl.60 — 2 21% 21 21% Stand Dredging . 1 4% 4% 4% Stand Dr cv pf _100s 19% 19% 19% Stand Invpfww 50s 44 44 44 Stand Oil Ky Tl _ 1 19% 19% 19% Stand Oil Ohio tl 1 36% 36%. 36% Stand (> Ohio pf 5 50s 102'* 102'* 102'* 1 Stand P&E (B) 1 3 3 3 j Stand S&L (4o). 2 * * & Stand Stl Sp a2 % 2 19% 19% 19% Starred Corp vtc 3 5% 5% 5% Sterrhi Bro 1st 3 75s 37 37 37 Sterling Inc '20c 3 5'* 5% 5% ! Sunray Oil (bac). 16 4% 4 4 Sunshine Mln(3). 5 20 19', 19% Swan Finch . 2 14 14 14 Swiss Am El pf.. 50s 114 114 114 Taggart Corp ... 1 11% 11% IP) Taylor Dist 30c _ 6 3% 3% 3% Technicolor aoOc. 34 28% 27% 27% Thew Shov a50c . 50s 55% 55% 55% Tilo Roof Inc (1) 1 14% 14% 14% Todd Shipyd t2 _ 100s 70 70 70 Trans-Eux t2n? _ 2 4% 4% 4%' Transwest Oil Co 13 12% 11% 12 Tri-Conti C war_ 6 1** 1% 1% Trunz P S aahe_ IS 8 8 | Tubize Chatil_ 1 25 25 25 i UtdChempf_ 1 52% 52% 52% j Unit Gas Corp_ 26 9% 9% 9% Unit Gas war_ 5 2% 2% 2%' rtd g&e pf (7) . 50s HP, 111% 111% ; Unit L & Pw pf A 2 5', 5% 5% Ut r&E pf b3 7 %c 2 39', 39%. 39 > i US& lntl Sec .. I 1% 1% 1% Uld Shoe M t2% . 25s 89 89 89 US&IS 1st pf b2 % 2 84% 84% 84% US Rub Reclaim 4 6% 6'* 6% US Stores ... 2 ft, ft, ft* Unit Stores vtc _ 4 % % % Unit Yard Kx( 1) _ 20 3', 3% 3% Unit Wall Paper. 3 4 4 4 1'niv Corp vtc . 1 5% 5% 5% Utilities P&E(d). 1 ft, ft, ft, Utilities Indus ._ 2 % % % Valspar vtc_ 1 6% 6% 6% Valspar pf vie_150s 60% 60 60% Venezuela Ilex... 6 6% 6% 6% Venezuela Pet_ 2 2 2 2 1 Waco Aircraft_ 1 5% 5% 54 Walker Mining _. 5 2% 2% 2% Wayne Pmp bl %. 6 46% 46 46% W \'a Coal & C _ 4 4% 4% 4% Westn Auto b40c, 1 27%, 27% 27s, Will-low Cafet'a . 1 % % % Will-low Cafe pf. 1 3% 3% 3% Wolvr Tube b20c. 2 14 14 14 Wright liarg t40c 22 6s, 6% 6s, Yukon Gold (b6c) 1 2% 2% 2% Dividend rates in dollars based on last puartly or semi-annual payment. ’An nual rate—not Including extras. iAc cumulated dividends. a Paid last year, b Paid this year, d Companies reported as being in bankruptcy or in receivership, nr being reorganized under the bankruptcy act. or securities assumed by such com panies. BANK DEBITS SHOW DROP DURING WEEK E.5 the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 2.—Withdrawals from individual and corporation bank accounts in the wreek ended May 26 was 5 per cent below the previous week. Philadelphia alone among the 12 Federal Reserve districts turned in a gain; more than 27 per cent. The downturn was held seasonal by bankers, who pointed out the total was 12 per cent above the same figure last year. Bank debits in 274 leading cities, re ported by the Federal Reserve Board, compared as follows: Week ended May 26_$8,330,030,000 Previous week_ 8,810,349,000 Same period last year... 7,410,174,000 TJ. S. TREASURY NOTES. NEW YORK. June 2 UP).—Prices Quoted In dollars and thirty-seconds. Approx. Month. P C. Year. Bid Asked. yield. Sep. — 3l« 1937 101.1 101.3 Feb-2% 1938 101.15 101.17 .31 Mar.— 3 1938 102 102.2 .36 June— 2% 1938 102.13 102.16 .48 Sep. __ 2'-a 1938 102.11 102.13 .62 Mar.- XV, 1939 100.23 100.25 1.06 June-- 2Vs 193!/ 102 102.2 1.10 Dec.-- 1% 1930 100.12 100.14 1.19 Mar..- 1% 1940 100.22 100.24 1.34 June-- i;/a 1040 100.8 1 00.10 1.39 Dec... IV, 1940 100 100.2 1.48 Mar... IV, 1941 100.31 101.1 1.60 June-lVa 1941 99.14 99.16 1.50 Dec.-. 1V« -941 98.29 98.31 1.48 NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. June 2 UP).—Eds. 78.026 steady. Mixed colors, standards. 21Va-»/4; other mixed colors unchanged. Butter. 30.741. firm. Prices unchanged. Cheese. 652.298. State, whole milk flats, fresh fodders, fancy. Ifl'.V. fresh, grass. l7-17Vi; held, fancy. 1936. 22V»-23. Live poultry, by freight, steady. Prices unchanged. By expreis. steady to firm. Broilers. Leghorn. 15-19; Rocks. 21-24; Reds. 16-19; crosses. 20-23: fowl, colored. 18-19: Leg horn. 16-17; roosters, 11-12; other express prices unehanred. Dressed poultry about steady. Fresh and frozen, old rasters. 14Vs-161/i; other fresh and frosen price* uashanged. Common Stock Payment of 50 Cents Ordered as Profits Rise. By Uie Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 2.—American Rolling Mill Co. declared a dividend today of 50 cents on the common stock, payable July 15 to stock of record June 15. In the previous quarter a dividend of 30 cents was paid. G. M. Verity, chairman of the board, stated the increased dividend was the result of higher earnings in the first quarter and good future prospects. American Rolling Mill Co. is a leading manufacturer of steel and iron sheets, with principal plants lo cated at Ashland, Ky.; Middletown and Zanesville, Ohio; Butler, Pa., and Kansas City, Mo. MacFadden Publications. MacFadden Publications, Inc., de clared a dividend of $3 on account of arrears on the preferred stock, pay able September 21 to stock of record August 31 and a dividend of $3 on the preferred, payable July 15 to stock of record June 30. Chairman of the Board Bernarr MacFadden said net results from magazine and book operations for the first four months of this year before taxes, but after depreciation, are esti mated at $700,000, compared w'ith $520,000 for the like 193b period. L. S. Starrett Co. L. S. Starrett Co. declared a divi dend today of $1.75 on the common stock, payable June 26 to stock of record June 16. In the previous three quarters a regular dividend of 35 cents was paid, w llh extras of 40 cents in March and 25 cents in December. The company is a leading manu facturer of precision tools and in struments, with its principal plant located at Athol, Mass. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK. June d t.T .—New York Security Dealers Association. tNoon quotations.) Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc_ . _ l,.pp ii*.i4 Am Bu.,inc.,s Snrs . _ i ij... , Am Den Eq Inc . _ 1 dim 1 .du Am Ills Blocks f> do 8 nu Bancamer Blair _ n.'i,5 lu;i,5 Bangeis Nat tv Corp _ j.tido 4 13 Basic Industry 4 n;t Broad El Inv __ :t4 r ;;n 411 Bullock Fund .. .. do.75 d'.'.otl Corporate 1 rust . _ d.Ud Corporate Irust AA d - a Corp Tr A A mod .. . _ 35, Corp Tr Acoim Ser . .... d.7N Corp Tr acc moo __ n 57 Cumulative Tr Sh n Depos Bk Sti N Y A d 'Jepos Ins Shi s A _ n :f Depos Ins Shrs B n I ■■ Diversified Tr C 4 »3 Dividend Shrs _ 1 ss "(in Equity Corp >3 pi . ... 3N5ti 4 f 5,, Fidelity Fund Inc ... . dii.oi :a 53 First Boston Corp dN7,i nti "5 Fixed Trust Sh A Id No Fixed Trust Sh B joni Found Tr Sh A 4 ; 5 5 Id Fund Investors Inc dun. "Itr, Fund fr Shrs A 1, in ,17 5 Fund Tr Shrs B 5 nu Den Investors Tr n.nn 7 "5 ’ Group Sec Agriculture I nn " n4 Group Sec Automobile ! lu 1 o" Group Sec Building d 114 •> "! Group Sec Chemical 1 on 7 tin Group Sec Fooa 07 j Group Sec Invest Shrs 1.57 i\-,, Group dec Merchandise 1 3" 1 44 Group Sec Mining 1 hn in" Group Sec Petroleum 1 4ii j 'ftp Group Sec R R Equip I 411 1 h" Group Sec Sieel 1 pn dop Group Sec Tobacco j 115 7Vr> Huron Holding . .711 j m Incorp Investors d-t'u4 do IT Instl Sect Bank Group 1,7 1 1 S3 Instl Sec: Insurance 1 3; 1 np Investors Fd C Inc 15 U" in "5 Kysione Cuat Fund B-3 dl I 7' "5 in Major nhrs Corp n ["3 Maryland Fund _ . u "S jn 17 Mass Invest Tr. _ "7 411 d'i ni Mutual Invest . 15 3n j7 ut Nation Wide Sec _ 4 id 44" Nation Wide Voting_ 1 pn "1" Natl Investors _ 7,n" 7 jp New England Fund.. 1 n on ip'44 N Y Bk Tr Shrs . :i sn » v Stocks. Bk Stocks id.(in' N Y Stocks BJdg Supply 1 I 3d id 30 N Y Stocks, Elec Equip 1 1 Sd 1" 7n N Y Slocks. Insurance 10 17 10 pp N Y Stocks. Machinery id 511 Ki .Vi 2 Y Stocks P. R Equip 14 07 15 IN N Y Stocks. Steel _ J.I.fll North Am Bond Tr ctfs 3N 75 ti.T 00 Nor Am Tr Shares .... " 7" Nor Am Tr Sh 1P55 ti l' Nor Am Tr Sh 1058 _ 3 311 Nor Am Tr Sh ] 1158 _ ;i 1 n Plymouth Fund Inc N5 pr, Quartet ly Income Sh 17 3" 1R P7 Selected Am 6h Inc 1 1 3f 1 5 'in Sprneei Trask Fund do 40 "15 Stand Am Tr Shrs . __ 4110 4 "5 Stand Util Inc _ 7 7N g2 Super of Am Tr A _ p un Super of Am Tr AA _ " 85 Super of Am Tr B " 410 Super of Am Tr BB " 85 Super of Am Tr C ' 7 84 Super of Am Tr D 7 84 Supervised Shrs 13 sp j 5 op Trustee Stand Inv c 3 n" Trustee £. and Inv D " P7 Trusteed Am Bk B ' go Qfl Trusteed Industry Shrs . 1,45 1 hi Wellington Fund 18.nd d(E75 —-•— FEDERAL LAND BANKS BaSk^d°sRK- 2 1Ptder“ ^nd ffisoWW&.M . of;;. 4',s May. 1057-37 .. ..... 101 '1 iiuH 4s May. 1 Png-38- . lOd-U 103', 4s Nov . _ 1013« 1 ni a; 4s July, i»4h-44 jopi; ,;!k .{'iS May. ]P55-4ft._ 102*4 i ()•>i., *,s *July» 1 JOO7# inf»„ 2» • 195H-4H _ 10n7ii 101 1. ■ Is May. 11156-46 . —ItHI’n a HI's CHICAGO PRODUCE. irCFTC£GO\ June 2 up).—Poultry, live, jn trucks, steady; hens, over 5 pounds. A ' *• iPOUPdR Rnd AfSR 171 L^Rhorn ^,.2;J^rrs'r>col,ore5 Plymouth * ^h,,te Rock 23* 2: barebacks. i>i„i,broi eru‘ c?Ior.ed- Plymouth and White Rock. 21: barebacks. 1 K; Leshorn. J8Va-«o* f.PJ‘t,,orrd- ~4- Plymouth Rock. 28V White Rock. 27: barebacks. 21: roosters' Jgi Lee horn roosters, 12; turkeys, hens, lb. toms 14: No. 2 turkeys. 13: ducks coIorcd-1 4'* Pounds up. 15: small. 13; pecse. H. -r’ ~16- steady; creamery spp rials score’. nO’a-.'tl: extras 1112) 3 n ■ e.r'inGi'a.Tfr? ®tRn<Jards (HO centralized carlots) 20V Eggs. 47.485. weak- extrR firsts, local and cars. JH: fresh 'graded eefnf; ?~i' 1 ^1 *: cars- 3 R3i: current re c?'P's- 1‘V storage parked extras, 20V stoiage packed firsts. 20V4. 2 Potatoes. 44: on track, 239: total U S shipments 924. old stock. slightly c ' supplies light, demand slow; undredweight; Idaho. Russet Burbanks U. S No. 1 few sales 2.35-60; y.-_§- N° -JS; Colorado. Russet Bur,as U- S,NP 1 and partly graded. ;t „2W ^ock: Best quality Southern Triumphs slightly stronger; California stock slightly weaker: supplies moderate demand light; Louisiana. Bliss Triumphs u S' ,No, '• 3.10-2.05: few fine quality, washed, 2.40: U. S. No. 2. 1.10: Alabama. Bliss Triumphs. U S. No. 1. showing heated some spotted sacks. 1.60-80: Cali fornia. White Rose. U. S No. 1. 1.95-2.10; mostly around 2.00: U. S. No. 2. car. egg size. 1.50 M -• U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. onTha_ Position of the Treasury on Mas 2S. Receipts. $22,072,618.02: expend! ' <43.37; balance. $1,753. o4 < .360.0.1: customs receipts for th« month. $46,251,680.85. i \ ***«?fiscal year (since Juls loo expenditures. $6. oSo-qS4"!61’26' including $2,686,359. 702.33 of emergency expenditures; excesi of expenditures. $2,377,264,019.12: grosi So'nia®a-i2or f<n7 9S7.68. an Increase ol $3,034.5<4.85 over the previous day: gold |a*eisA„. *'i-fSti JSS/lOK.a?. Including £<o<.934.658.60 of inactive gold. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. June 2 UP— Early strength ir the stock market was ioat today on real izing. Volume dwindled in late trading The close was somewhat Irregular. Trans Atlantic* were steady. Ollt-edged issuei declined slightly. The mining group wai mixed. European bonds and home raili were firm. PARIS.—Most issues on the Bourst closed firm today. Government bond) were Irregular. Net gains were reglsteret by Bank of Prance, up lflo points: Suei Canal. 280 higher; Citroen. 19 points ad vanced. -a RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. June $ OP).—Crude ruhbei futures opened firm. 46 to 48 higher July 20.49-55. September. 20.65-68; De eember. 20.78-80. Industrial Production of the United States as Reported by the Federal Reserve Board luntv Bated Upon an Index of Total Production in the United States at DEX Calculated by the Federal Reserve Board A .. *»“ APri ~jl 30 Industrial 'Production in 80 I March and April Wat 70 Greatest in History— Except During 60 b Months of 1929 l5Q 1920 '21 '22 ~~r3b^37 B__triyrsatn iw? *9 T>« <Maea» Tutsan ) REMINGTON NEIS 13,516,732 PROFIT Year’s Total Compares With $3,010,288 for Preced ing Period. B: the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 2—Remington Rand. Inc., reported today net profit for the year ended March 31 of $3, 516,732, equal to $1.72 a share com- '■ pared with $3,010,288 or $1 36 a share j in the preceding year, after deprecia tion. interest, amortization of dis count on debentures and Federal in come and undistributed profits taxes. The company manufactures type writers and filing equipment with principal plants located in New Y’ork State and New England. United Aircraft. United Aircraft Corp. and subsidi aries announced net income for the 12 months ended March 31 totaled $2. 285.452, before surtax, equal to 91 cents a share on the $5 par capital stock. The figure is estimated on 2.518,722 shares of stock, which will be outstanding when all exchanges for common stock of United Aircraft fc Transport Corp. have been effected, and compared with $1,926,442, or 7'2 cents a share, for the preceding year. W. F. Hall Printing. W’. F. Hall Printing Co. and sub sidiaries reported for the year ended March 31, 1937, net profit of $701,523, equal to $1.79 a common share. This compared with net lass of $13,200 in the previous fiscal year. The com pany has plants at Dunellen. N. J., and Chicago. Stone A Webster. Stone Webster, Inc. reported consolidated net income for the quarter ended March 31 of $294 074. equal to 14 cents a share. This compares with net income of $251,222. or 12 cents a share in the same quarter of 1936. McIntyre Porcupine. McIntyre Porcupine Mines, Ltd., re ported today net profit for- the year ended March 31 of $3,560,372 after expenses, depreciation, provision for ! taxes, etc., equal to $4 46 a share on i 798,000 shares of capital stock, com pared with $3,582,912 or $4 49 a share I the preceding year. Washington Exchange SALES. Washington Gas 5s, 1958—SI,000 at 105',,. Capital Transit Co.—1C at 101«, 10 at 10'4, 2 at 10. Potomac Electric Power 5'2% pfd.— 2 at 110>2. Riggs National Bank pfd.—5 at 10112. Notice—This exchange, beginning , June 5, will be closed Saturdays dur- ! ing June, July and August. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid Asked. Amer. Tel. & Tel. 4’2s _ ]04,.a Anacostia & Pot. 6s _ 70 73 Ana. Ac Pol. Guar, oa _ 107 C. & P. Tel. of Va. 6s .106 Capital Traction 1st 6s 88 PO City A: Suburban 5s _ 78 81 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s . 110 113>2 Pot. Elec. Pow. .v«s _ ino io:t Wash. Gas 5s 1058 _ 105’« 100 I Wash. Gas 5s 1900 116 j Wash. Rwy. & Elec. 4s .... 105'a _ MISCELLANEOUS. Chevy Chase Club 1st 414*- 104 _ i W. M. Cold Storage os _100 _ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. | Amfr. Tel. A Tel. (9)_ 16R3, Capital Transit Co. _ 10'» 11'4 N. A- W. Steamboat (6) _ 1 OR Pot. Elec, pow R(V pfd. (R)_ llo'~ _ Po. El. Po. S'i* pf. (5.50)_ 110 Wash. Gas Lt. Co. (3.60i__ 1R SI Wash. Ry. A- El. com. (36)_ 700 _ _ Wash. Ry. At El. pfd. (5)__ 109(4 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer. Sec. At Trust Co (eS) 290 305 Bank of Bethesda (h.76>_ 34 _ Caoital (4) -- 140 . Com A Savings (10)_210 Liberty (4) __160 160 Lincoln (ftj.25) 200 - Natl. Sav. & Tr.. . 175 Pr. Georges Bk. At Tr. (.50) 17 21 Riggs (eR) -- _ 310 330 Riggs Dfd. (5) _101 Va _ Washington 16) _ 130 Wash. Loan A Tr. (e8)_ 290 300 FIRE INSURANCE. American <R)_110 Corcoran (6) - 190 215 Firemen's (1.60) _ 29 - National Union (.60). 17 - TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (.30)_ 12 15V4 Real Estate (6) 170 - MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Com. (2.00) --- 20 25 Lanston Monotype (t4) _ 90 95 Lincoln Serv. com. (tl.OO)_ *16 I7t4 Lincoln Serv. pfd. (3.50)*47,4 50V4 Mergpnthaler Lino. (2.00) *4R3/4 47 Peoples Dr St. com. (+ 1 .on) 60 64 Peoples Dr. St. pfd. (6.501 *110>,a - ... Real Est. M AG. pf. (•*.70) 6V. g’A Security Storage (5) __ 112 125 Ter. Ref At Wh. Corp. (3) 65 Wdwd. A Loth. com. (+1.60) 60 68 Wdwd. At Loth. pfd. (7)-115 - •Ex. dividend. (Plus extras, e—2(4 extra, f—1(4(4 extra. h—76c extra. __ „ _ ••25c paid June 30. 1936; 45c paid De cember 22. 1936. FOREIGN BONDS GAIN. NEW YORK, June 2 (Special).— Foreign dollar bonds advanced 1.63 per cent during May according to the Foreign Bond Associates, Inc., Index of 50 representative issues, which stood at 59.35 on May 31, compared with 58.40 on April 30. The 29 European issues in the index rose 2.72 per cent and the five Australasian Issues 1.60 per cent. The 16 South American is sues declined 0.12 per cent. f Baltimore Markets Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. Md.. June 2.—Pota .oes, new, 100-pound sack, l.C0al.90; >arrel. 1.75a3.00; bushel, l.OOal.lO; )ld. 100-pound sack, 1.75a2.25; sweet xitatoes. bushel, 1.00al.50; yams, jushel, 75al.00; asparagus, crate, 1.00a 2.75; beams, bushel. 75al.50; beets, irate, 1.40al.50; cabbage, pointed :ype, hamper, 50a65; carrots, crate, 2.00a4.50; cauliflower, crate, 1.50al.60; telery, crate, 2.50a3.50; corn, crate, 2 00: cucumbers, bushel, 1.25a3.25; Eggplants, bushel, $1.25al.50; lettuce. Western, Iceberg, crate, 1.50a3.00; nearby, Big Boston, bushel, I5a25; Iceberg, bushel, 25a40; lima beans, aushel, 2.00a3.50; mushrooms, 4-quart i nasket. 25a75; onions, 50-pound sack, ! 55al.40; peas, bushel, 75a2.00; nearby, 1 oushel. 1.50al.65; peppers, bushel, 1.50a 1 2.25; crate, 2.50a2.75; radishes, nearby, i bunch, l’4a2; spinach, nearby, bushel, i 30a40; squash, bushel, 50al,00; to matoes, lug, 1.50a2.75; apples, bushel, 1.50a2.50; box, 2.50a2,65; blackberries, quart, 5a 10; cantaloupes, crate, 4.50a 6.25; grapefruit, box, 2.25a3.25; or anges, box, 2 50a4.75; strawberries, crate, l.00a3.00; watermelons, each, 18a30. Dairy Market. Live poultry—Broilers, Rocks, pound, ; 22a24: mixed colors, 22a23; Leghorns,! 16a20; fowl, Rock, 19a20; mixed col-1 ors, 18al9; Leghorns, 14a 16; roosters,! 10al2; ducks, 14al5. Eggs—Current receipts, dozen. 20; j hennery whites, large, 21; medium,' 20, receipts, 1.932 cases. Butter—Prints, pound, 34a35; good to fancy, creamery, 32i2b331-2: pack ing stock, 18; rolls, 20; receipts, 547 tubs. Live Stork Market. Cattle—150; cows and steers fully steady, some steers steady to strong; few loads 875 to 1 018 pounds medium to just good grade steers, 10 90all.00; part load good 980 pounds average, 11.25; some plain lightweights, 9.25; low cutter and cutter grades of cow’s, 4 00a5.50: few plain and medium grades, 6.00a6 50. Calves—50; vealers steady with bulk sales Tuesday; good grades, 9 00a 9.50 mostly; plain and medium, 7.00a 9.00; culls down to 6.00. Hogs—350; weights from around 250 pounds down, steady with Tues day; weightier butchers weak to 25 cents or more lower and dull despite relatively small percentage of weights above 250 pounds; good and choice, 170 to 210 pounds. 11.75al200; prac tical top, 12.00; 220 to 250 pounds. 11.25a 11.60; 260 to 300 pounds quoted from 10 75all.25 and 325 to 350 pounds from 10.25al0.50; 140 to 160 pounds. 11,25a 11.50; 120 to 140 pounds, 10 50al0.75; good grade park ing sows, 9 50al0.00; medium grade, 9.00 down; hogs from •’doubtful” areas not represented in above prices. Sheep—375; Spring lambs slow, steady to 25 cents lower than Tues day: opening sales, good and choice grades, 70 to 75 pounds. 12.00al2.50; bucks out at 1.00 discount; plain and medium grades, 8.50all.00; odd head clipper fat slaughter ewes steady, from 4 00 down. Sea Food Market. Catfish, pound, 3a5; dressed. 7a8; carp. 3a4; eels, 9al9; haddock, 10al2; herring, 3a4; mackerel, 7a8: rock, 12; white perch, 3a5; yellow, 8al0; trout, 4a8: bluefish, 8al0; flounders, 10; croakers, 3a4; spots, 3a4; hardhead, 3a4: butterfish. 6a7; roe shad. 17: split shad, 8: buck shad, 15a 18; soft crabs, dozen. 40a55; hard crabs, dozen. 20a 30; barrel, 3.00a4.00; crab meat, pound, 25a55; shrimp, 12al5; clams large. 100, 90al.25; Cherrystones, 65a 75; Little Necks, 50a60; frogs, each, 15a20. Tobacco Market. Quotations on old stock—Maryland firm leaf, nondescript, 3a4; common, 4al0; medium. 10a30; good to fine, red, 30a40: seconds, common, 3a7; me dium. good to fine, 15a35. Grain Market. Opening prices were: Wheat—No. 2 red Winter, garlicky, spot domestic, 1.41; June delivery, 1.41. Settling prices were: No. 2 red Winter, gar licky, spot domestic. 1.40; June de livery, 1.40. Corn—No. 2 yellow, do mestic, 1.25: Western billing at a premium over this price. Cob corn, nominal. Oats—No. 2 white, domes tic, 65a75; No. 3, 64a74. With the exception of grain on track, there is an additional charge of 1'2 cents per bushel for storage and elevation. Rye—No. 2, I 30al 35. Barley, 93a98. Hay market holds steady to firm under a good demand for timothy and clover mixed at 17.00a22.00 per ton, but it takes well-graded No. 1 stock to bring the price. Poorer grades hard to sell and market irregular on all grades below No. 3 stock. ■ ■ -■ • AIR TRANSPORT INDEX WELL ABOVE YEAR AGO Special Dispatch to The Star NEW YORK, June 2.—The indicator for revenue passenger miles in air transport for April, 1937, stands at 105.5, or 5.5 per cent improved over the corresponding period in 1936, ac cording to the June issue of Aviation. For March the indicator stood at 107. While April’s figure was slightly lower than the previous month, it showed a substantial increase over passengers revenue for April, 1936. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL June 2 </&.—Silver futurw opened steady and unchanged. July, 44.«7b; September. 44.67b; December. 44.50b. b—Bid. May Construction Soars 66 Per Cent Above 1936 Level Ev the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 2.—Engineering construction awards for May showed a 66 per cent increase over May last year reaching $235,012,000, the highest dollar volume of 1937 and the highest for any May sine. 1930. the Engineer ing News-Record reported today. This was also a 36 per cent gain over April For the fourth successive month this year, private contracts held their lead over public, showing a 40 per cent gain over April and 230 per cent over May, 1936. However, public construction was up 31 per cent in May, compared with April and 6 per cent ahead of May last year, being the first month this year that public awards showed a gain over 1936. NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, June 2 (/P —Bar silver steadier, ]8 higher at 45. Safe Investments ^ First mortgoge note*, well tecured on con I) If) servatively appraised, new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Nat. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Tears INWHEATHARVEST Largest Winter and Spring Production Since 1931 Forecast by Experts. Bi the Associated Press. CHICAGO. June 2.—Crop expert* in Chicago forecast today the largest Winter and Spring wheat production in the United States since 1931. The average of six private esti mates, based on personal observation throughout the crop area and on re ports from hundreds of farmers and grain men. indicated a 1937 harvest of 878.000.000 bushels of Winter and Spring wheat. This compared with a crop of - 000.000 in 1936 and an average pro duction of 863.000.000 for the period from 1928 to 1932. The estimates, however, showed erop deterioration occurred during May in the Winter wheat belt. The average of the six production fore casts indicated a Winter crop of 649.000. 000. This was 3,000.000 bush els below the average a month ago and 5.000,000 below the June 1 Gov ernment forecast. A year ago the Government forecast a Winter wheat crop of only 482,000,000 bushels and the final 1936 es imated production was 519,000,000 bushels. The first estimates of United States Spring wheat production this year in dicated a crop of 229,000.000 bushels, compared with the 1936 estimated harvest of 107.000.000, one of the smallest on record because of the serious drought. The average of the estimates also indicated oats production would total 1.149.000. 000 bushels, compared with 789.100.000 last year and 1.105,435 000 in 1935. Rye production was estimated at an average of 47.000,000. compared with 25.554.000 in 1936 and 57 936,000 in 1 1935. A month ago the Government indicated rye production at 43.000.000 bushels. 1 MORTGAGE LOANS ON Centrolly Located j BUSINESS PROPERTY very attractive interest rates I ROBERT PEDDICORD 1713 K St. N.W. DISTRICT 0010 Office Hours, 9-12 REAL ESTATE • LOANS • NO COMMISSION OR RENEWAL FEES Monthly Payments as Lou as £7.50 Per $1,000 Consult us if you wish to obtain money to help you Build, Refinance or Modernize Your Home. ENTERPRISE BUILDING ASSOCIATION 7th St. and Indiana Avenue N.W. MEMBER OF D C BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE MEMBER OF U S BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE LOANS— ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your appli cation for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans repayable monthly. No charge for appraisal if loon is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Co-operative Building Association 915 F STREET N.W. Organized 1879 HOME LOANS TO PURCHASE, BUILD OR REFINANCE interest as Law as 5% Easy Monthly Payments as low as $7.50 per $1,000. No eoTftmissions or renewals. Taxes may be paid monthly. Investigate our economical loan plan. COLUMBIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION 716 11th Street Opposite Palais Royal