Many Lovely Brides Hold Social Spotlight in the Nation’s Capital
Mrs. Roosevelt Will
Be “Off the Record”
Over the Week End
President’s Wife Hostess Today to Members
of Conference at Greenbelt,
MRS. ROOSEVELT will be in New York Friday for the graduat
ing exercises at the Todhunter School, and from then
until Tuesday, when she will go to Syracuse to attend the
meeting of the woman’s division of the New York State Democratic
Committee, she will be “off the record.” Yesterday she held her
press conference in the morning, and in the evening she made
an address at Ballston, Va., and later spoke on the radio with the
W. P. A. Traveling Theater.
The President’s wife will be hostess this afternoon to the mem
bers of her conference, who will inspect Greenbelt, the resettlement
project, near Berwyn. Mrs. Roosevelt and her writer guests will be
escorted over the town by Mr. Wallace Richards, who has had much
to do with the planning and development of this project. Tea
will be served the visitors in time for Mrs. Roosevelt to be back in
town by 5 o'clock.
Following the dinner in Syracuse Tuesday evening Mrs. Roose
velt will go to North Carolina where she will inspect a similar re
settlement project, Penderlea. She will return to Washington the
end of next week and will hold her next press conference Monday
morning, June 14, at 11 o'clock.
The German Ambassador. Dr. Hans Dicckhoff, and the Coun
selor of the German Embassy, Dr. Hans Thomsen, were among
those attending a dinner given last evening at the Mayflower in
compliment to Prof. Erich Hoffmann of the University of Bonne,
Germany. The International Medical Club of Washington, of
.which Dr. Tomas Cajigas is president, was host at the function.
Prof. Hoffmann will attend the meeting of the American Der
matological Association at Skytop Lodge, Skytop, Pa., tomorrow.
The Polish Ambassador. Count Jerzy Potocki, will return tomor
row from Warsaw, where he spent a month on official business.
Countess Potocka will spend the Summer in Europe, where the
Ambassador will join her later in the season.
The Netherlands Minister and Mme. van Haersma de With
and their daughter, Mile. Nora van Haersma de With, arrived by
motor in Washington yesterday, coming from the Pacific Coast.
They spent some time in the West and made the trip across the
continent by motor, stopping at the large cities and at points of
unusual interest.
The Norwegian Minister, Mr. Wilhelm Munthe cle Morgen
stierne, will return today from New York, where he went for the
dinner given last evening by the Norwegian-Amcrican Chamber
of Commerce and the Norwegian Club of New York in honor of the
rewly appointed American Minister to Norway, Mrs. J. Borden
Senator and Mrs. Claude Pepper have closed their apartment
at the Wardman Park Hotel for several weeks and are visiting in
the South. Senator Pepper left Washington by plane Sunday for
Btarksville, Miss,, where Monday he delivered the baccalaureate ad
dress at the Mississippi State College.
Mrs. Pepper left Monday for her home in St. Petersburg, Fla.,
where she will take part in the double wedding of her sister, Miss
Kathryn Webster, and brother. Mr. Clyde Lomox Webster, June 10.
Mrs. Pepper will be matron of honor for her sister.
Miss Webster will marry Mr. Buddy Moshier, and Mr. Webster
Will marry Miss Arlene Yvonne Cordrey.
Senator James E. Murray of Montana has been joined in his
apartment at the Wardman Park Hotel by his son, Mr. Edward
Senator and Mrs. Alva B. Adams and Senator and Mrs. Edwin
C. Johnson were the. ranking guests at the dinner given last evening
at the Roosevelt Hotel by the members of the Colorado delegation
In Congress and their wives.
Attending the dinner were Representative and Mrs. Fred Cum
mings, Representative and Mrs. John A. Martin, Mrs. Edwin Taylor
(Representative Taylor is out of townt and Representative Lawrence
Lewis. Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. Martin were in charge of ar
Gen. and Mrs. Robert C. Davis, who make their home at the
Berkshire in New York City, are staying at the Carlton Hotel during
their brief visit in Washington.
Miss Janet Grace Johnson, daughter of Senator and Mrs.
Edwin C. Johnson, will leave Washington Saturday for Denver, Colo.
Miss Johnson, who has been a student at Central High School
since she came to Washington in the Fall with her parents, will
return to the East Denver High School, where she will graduate
with her class, of which she was a member until entering school
Senator and Mrs. Johnson will remain in their apartment at
the Roosevelt Hotel until the adjournment of Congress.
Miss Craighill
Engaged to Wed
The Rev. and Mrs. George Peyton
Craighill of Leesburg, Va., have an
nounced the engagement of his
daughter, Elizabeth Wistar, to Mr.
George W. Wickersham, 2d, of Long
Island, N. Y.
PLUG Beauty Qur Duty
f^//Mr. Pyle NA. 3291 L I
An Avalanche of Snow
Young Set Styles that breathe the very
essence of Summer smartness. De
signed with an uncanny premonition of
what your Summer wardrobe will re
quire for sunshine or moonlight. Scores
of them in every heel height and most
favored materials. Most styles _ 7*75
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Engaged to Marry
Daughter of the former United States Ambassador to Spain and
Mrs. Irwin Laughtin. icho announce her engagement to Lieut.
Hubert Winthrop Chanter, U. S. N.. son of Mrs. Winthrop
Chanter of Geneseo. N. Y„ and the late Mr. Chanter. Lieut.
Chanter is on duty at the Navy Department and is at present
detailed as aide to the White House. —Harris-Eioing Photo.
Weddings of Yesterday
Miss Ida Cannon and Mr. Pixley Married
in Alexandria.
OF INTEREST to congressional
circles Is the wedding of Miss
Ida Cannon, daughter of
Representative and Mrs.
Clarence Cannon of Missouri, and Mr.
William Irwin Pixley. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Clinton Pixley of St. Louis,
Mo., which took place last evening at
8:30 o'clock in Christ Church, Alex
andria. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. Harry Lee Doll, rector of
Christ Church, assisted by the Rev.
James Shera Montgomery, chaplain of
the House of Representatives. Gold
vases filled with white flowers against
a background of palms and ferns
decorated the altar and the church
was lighted with candles in candelabra
at the altar and large candles at each
window of the church.
The bride, who was given in mar
riage by her father, wore a becoming
white satin gown fashioned on
princess lines, with a deep V neck
line and a full bodice, with the shoul
ders puffed and close-fitting sleeves
ending in points at the wrists. The
gown had a row of buttons down the
back and the skirt ended in a long,
full train. Her veil of tulle was two
tiered, one ending at the shoulders
and one extending beyond the end of
2601 Conn. Ave. eiI™,®1'
Col. 9429. EST. 1889
the train, and was held in place by a|
Juliet cap of seed pearls. She wore a
face veil which she threw back as
she left the altar. The bride carried
a shower bouquet of white orchids, 1
white roses and lilies of the valley.
Miss Ruby Melinda Cannon, sister
of the bride, was her only attendant,
wearing a white mousseline de soie
gown over a white taffeta slip and
fashioned with quilted puffed shoul
ders and short sleeves. An aqua rib
bon finished the hem and the top to the
slip ended in a large bow on the bodice
of the gown. She wore a white hair
braid hat with an aqua satin bow in
the front and a ribbon banding run
ning to the bow under the brim, which
ended in the back In streamers. She
carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds
tied with aqua streamers.
Ensign William Randolph Peeler.
U. S. N„ now stationed in Norfolk,
Va , was the best man and the ushers
were Mr. John C. Brown and Mr.
George Y. Harvey of Washington.
A reception followed in the George
Mason Hotel in Alexandria. Repre
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
1 At Loweat Pricea
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Married in Alexandria
Whose wedding took place yesterday In Christ Church, in Alex
andria. Mrs. Pixley, before her marriage, was Miss Ida Eliza
beth. Cannon, daughter of Representative and Mrs. Clarence
Cannon. —Underwood & Underwood Photo.
Residential Social News
Miss Ruth Hitchcock to Be Hostess at
Dinner This Evening.
entertain at dinner this eve
ning in honor of Baroness
von Sehoen and Mrs. English
Gordon of Philadelphia, the latter a
house guest of Miss Hitchcock.
Miss Hitchcock will close her house
on R street in a few days and sail
for Europe.
Mrs. Gordon was the guest for sev
eral days of Mr. and Mrs. Newbold
Noyes before going to visit Miss Hitch
Mrs. A. Geary Johnson of 1718
Nineteenth street and her son. Mr.
A. Geary Johnson, jr., are closing
their house and leaving for East
Gloucester, where they will spend
about five months.
Mr. aud Mrs. Frank W. Dahn will
entertain at a reception tomorrow
evening in their residence, 4008 Le
land street. Chevy Chase. Md . in
"12'' Distinct Services for Toot
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celebration of their silver wedding
Mr and Mrs. Walter J. Venske en
tertained at a Memorial day break
fast Sunday morning. The guests
included Mr. and Mrs. Otto Blanken
horn and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wil
liams of Aurora Hills and Mr. and
Mrs. George P. Sanders and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Farrar of Lyon Park, Va.
Mrs. Thomas Hassett has returned
to her home at 1235 Park avenue,
New York City, after spending a week
with her brother, National Bank Ex
aminer and Mrs. Francis J. Clark of
6805 Georgia avenue northwest.
Mrs. Hersey Munroe has left the
Capital to spend the Summer in New
England. She will spend the greater
(See RESIDENTIAL, Page B-4 >
I 1 ■ — ■— . I _ ■ .
-- - ■ 11 — 1
By the Way
' Beth Blaine — ■ Li
J^VERY one is “on the move” this time of the year it seems to us!
The lucky persons who have lovely country places are departing
within the next few weeks for the entire Summer; others who have
rather warm apartments or are in hotels are moving into large
houses with gardens in and near the city, while many are off on
cruises. The other evening the Breckinridge Longs told of their
plans to take the North Cape cruise on the Kungsholm, which give»
them a few days in Russia.
Other “movers'’ include the young Robert P. Joyces and
the popular Mariana Sands. The three of them have taken
Bill Donovan’s house at Thirtieth and R streets for the Sum
mer, which we have already told you. The Joyces are already
installed and Mrs. Sands will move there from the 1929 F
Street Club on Friday. We all anticipate many nice evenings
in that beautiful cool garden! Bob Joyce is in the State
Department and Mrs. Joyce is the most exquisite little person,
she looks like a Botticelli, and it seems quite inconsistent to
hear her speak of golf and 7 o'clock in the morning horse,
back riding!
* * * *
MR- AND MRS- ° H- PERRY JOHNSON have had visiting
for the past few months, their daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth
Whitaker. Better known to Washington as "Purdy” Johnson, Mrs.
Whitaker was one of the outstanding debutantes of her year. Soon
after her debut she married Malcomb Whitaker and they went
to live In Paris. She is tall and blond and lived for many years
on the continent, and early in the Fall she will return to Paris,
which will be welcomed news to her many friends there.
Mr. and Mrs. Lenoard Block will sail from Baltimore on
July twenty-third bound for a visit in England where they
will stop with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller of our Foreign
Sennce, at present stationed in London. The Millers have
rented a lovely estate not far from London and have offered
their guest house to the Blocks, who plan to stay a month.
Then they will head for the Emerald Isle, arriving just in
time for the Dublin Horse Show:. While in Ireland they will
stay with Reginald C. Daly of Dublin. The Block juniors
will go along, and later in the Summer will be sent, to pay a
rnsit with Fraulein Schmidt’s family in Germany. Whereupon
Betty and Leonard, free from responsibility, will take a little
’r^n0rL continent, all of which sounds glorious, and we
shall expect to welcome them back in the laic Fall.
Robert "Bob" Hinckley, son of the late Mrs. Robert Hinckley,
was in town for a flying visit last week. Formerly in thp State De
partment, Bob retired several years ago to follow the dictates of a
realtor s career in Florida. We understand that he will return
later in the Summer for a longer sojourn.
B\ JHE WAY. Edward Roosevelt, cousin of the President, who
has done splendid work for the New York World's Fair, is in town
for a few days. He has been appointed New York World’s Fair
Commissioner for Latin America and in the next five months will
visit, by air, twenty-three different South American and Central
American countries!
It sounded like the most thrilling trip and we envied,
him—especially when they spoke of'the climate of Chile
(which is perfect, we hear), flying down to Rio and all the
fascinating things we would love to do. The exposition made
a happy choice in Mr. Roosevelt—he is a splendid linguist
and a most charming person.
Shakespearean Play
Presented Next Week,
The performances of Shakespeare’s
“Love's Labour Lost" will be held in
the gardens of Alva Belmont House
Tuesday and Wednesday nights. June
8 and 9, at 8:30 o'clock, preceded by
an informal buffet supper in the gar
den at 6:30 o'clock.
Senator and Mrs. Carl A. Hatch. Mr
and Mrs. Leander McCormick-Good
heart, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lahey,
Dr. and Mis. E. V. Wilcox. Judre
Henry D. Fruit, Mrs. Porter H. Dale.
Mrs. Burton H. Slocum. Mrs. Andrew
Stewart, Mrs. Nina Ailender, Mrs.
Paul Myron Linebarger. Mrs. Norborne
T. N. Robinson. Mrs. Norman Under
wood. Mrs. Richard Wainwright. Mrs.
Varhel Lindsay. Mrs David L. Wing.
Mrs. Emmet C. Gudger, Miss Alice
Paul, Miss Mary Dean Powell, Miss
Dorothea Stillman. Dr. Miriam Oat
man and Mr. Lewis Lofton Moneyway
are recent additions to the group who
will attend the play.
Parties for the play will come from
outside the city, and among those from
nearby Maryland who will be here
are Dr. and Mrs. L. Emmet Holt of
Roland Park, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Walker of Govans, Md ; Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Weems Forbes of Fallston,
Md., and Miss Mane W Pressman of
Mrs. Levy to Receive.
Mrs. Louis H. Levy will be at home
this evening in the home of her son
in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs.
David Bornet, at 3627 Ordway street
All 13.95, 16.95, 19.95 Values!
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