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LEARN-TO-SWIM Star and Y. M. C. A. Again Sponsor Free Course for Men June 9. Following a custom of past years, the Young Men's Christian Associa tion, in co-operation with The Star, again will conduct a men's learn-to »wim campaign, designed to encourage the District's non-swimmers in en joying this popular Summer sport. The course, as always, will be free and given by experts to any man 18 years of age or over. The first lesson will be given June 9. For the con venience of those wishing to take ad vantage of the opportunity to learn to swim, The Star is publishing a “Can You Swim?" coupon, to be pre sented at the registration desk in the Central Y. M. C. A. Building, 1736 G street, by the learn-to-swim candi dates. Applications from colored per sons will be received at the Twelfth street branch, 1816 Twelfth street, for Instruction there. Six I.essons in Course. For convenience, the swimming les sons will be given at various hours. To complete the course, however, it will be neressary to take all six les sons. Each day s instructions will be devoted to certain fundamentals in swimming, and will be progressive. Classes are to be held June 9, 10 and 11 and continued through June 14, 15 and 16. Each class will be allowed 45 min utes, with 30 minutes to be devoted to actual instruction in the pool. The classes will be held each of the six days at 10 a m., 10:45 a m.. 12:30 p.m., 3:15 pm., 4 p.m., 4 45 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7 p.m.. 7.45 p.m , 8:30 p.m. and 9:15 pm. The candidate may enroll for any one of these lesson periods, pro vided overcrowding does not result. Progressive Instruction. The first lesson will be designed to make the beginner feel at home in the water. The second will be prin cipally for teaching the foundation of the swimming stroke. The kick will be taught in the third lesson and more details of the arm stroke given in the fourth. Combining the arm stroke with the kick will be taught In the fifth lesson, while the sixth will be devoted to instruction in proper breathing for swimming. J. Dallas Shirley, director of aquat ics for the "Y," who has been in charge of the last four learn-to-swim campaigns, will again be in charge of the course. Assisting will be William E. Hutzell, boy's aquatic director for the "Y"; Marinus De Gast, assistant physical director, and Kenneth Ramey, assistant director of aquatics. Aiding this group will be the Y. M. C. A. Swimming Club, led by Ernie Boggs, captain of the champion Y. M. C. A. •wimming team. BOULDER DAM IS SOON TO PAY ON INVESTMENT Reclamation Bureau Says Con tracts Now in Force Will Finance Project in 50 Years. Br the Associated Press. The Reclamation Bureau has reached the point at which it could anticipate repayment of the Govern ment's $114,000,000 investment in Boulder Dam. Declaring that from now on the dam's electric generators would never be idle, the bureau said yesterday that under contracts already in force the full cost of the project would be re paid with 4 per cent interest in 50 years. Several units of the power plant have been in operation since Septem ber 1936, but not until the present, the bureau said, was the Government been in a position to guarantee con tinuous output and levy the full rate of 1.63 mills per kilowatt hour for this power. Until yesterday Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena, Calif., present power purchases, had been paying half a mill per kilowatt hour, the secondary power rate. "OLD-TIMERS” TO DINE Y. M. C. A. Group Holds Annual Banquet Tonight. "OM-tlmers,” those who have been members of the Young Men's Chris tian Association 10 years or more, will hold their eleventh annual re union banquet at 6 p m. today in the Central “Y" Building, 1736 G street. Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes, head of the Methodist Episcopal Curch of the Washington area, will speak. A total of 1.500 years' membership In the “Y” is expected to be rep resented by some 75 members, whose membership will average 20 years each, it is estimated. Charles W. Pimper is chairman of the commit tee in charge of arrangements for Vie affair. CAN YOU SWIM? No? Here's Your Chance to Learn June 9 to 16 UNDER AUSPICES OF The Star and Y. M. C. A. LIMITED TO MEN 18 OR OVER Clip This Coupon and Present at Registration Desk in Lobby of Central Y. M. C. A. Building 1736 G St. N.W. Colored Application Received at 12th Street Branch. 1HI« 12th Street. Skull Warns Motorists. Notices bring placed at pedestrian crossings of Manchester. England, dis play a skull, under which -re figures showing the number of traffic acci dents in the vicinity. Soong Heads Cigarette Firm. T. V. Soong, former finance minister of China, has been elected chairman of the board of directors of China's largest Chinese-owned cigarette man ufacturing company. Among the hundreds of Squibb products offered by your druggist are . ■, SQUIBB TOOTH POWDER SQUIBB COD LIVER OIL SQUIBB SODIUM BICARBONATE SQUIBB MILK OF MAGNESIA SQUIBB MINERAL OIL SQUIBB ASPIRIN THE SUPER CHIEF I New streamlined stainless steel tTain. 39'< hours Chicago to B Los Angeles. From Chicago each Tuesday. Extra Fast—Extra fl Fine—Extra Fare. Completely AIR-CONDITIONED. fl THE CHIEF I Finest, Fastest daily train to California. Standard Pullmans fl only. Extra Fare. Completely AIR-CONDITIONED. fl CALIFORNIA LIMITED I Third in the Santa Fe trio of all-Pullman California trains, fl known to transcontinental travelers for over forty years, and fl without Extra Fare. Completely AIR-CONDITIONED. fl GRAND CANYON LIMITED I A fine fast train for all classes of travel. Carries Dining Car, B also Standard and Tourist Pullmans via Grand Canyon. fl Completely AIR-CONDITIONED. B THE NAVAJO I Only two nights between Chicago and Los Angeles. For fl Coach, Tourist and Standard Pullman passengers. All reg- fl ular cars AIR-CONDITIONED. ■ THE SCOUT | New fast train between Chicago and Los B Angeles. Carries air-conditioned Tourist B Pullmans, Lounge car and Chair cars. fl Also carries Fred Harvey Dining car, serving meals for 90e per day. For rtiervatioDs, d*tail$, mtc., addr»t*-~ G. C. DILLARD, DIst. Pasi. Agent SANT A KE RY. 302 Franklin Trust Rldg. 350ft Chestnut St. at 15th PHILADELPHIA. PA. Bhones: Rlttenhouse 1464-1468 an I ====================== I - - I I THIS OFFER FORYOUR OLD C Y D I D c C STOVE CAT muc c TOWARD THE O A I JUNE D PURCHASE -1 OF A — WINS PUBLICITY PRIZE ON CHRISTMAS SEALS District Tuberculosis Association Places Second—Scrapbook to Go on Display. The District Tuberculosis Associa tion won second prize in a national contest of State associations for the most attractive Christmas seals pub licity as contained in scrapbooks of clippings of news and pictures pub lished during the last campaign, It was anounced yesterday. Minnesota won first place, Wiscon sin third and Texas fourth. The scrap books are now on display in Milwau kee at the convention of the Na tional Tuberculosis Association in progress there. Mrs. Ernest R. Grant, managing director of the District as sociation, who is attending the con vention, was congratulated on the showing of the local organization. The scrapbook with local clippings will be placed on display next week at association headquarters, 1022 Eleventh street. NEWSPAPER WOMEN GIVE HOSPITAL $1,126 CHECK Fund Presented to Mrs. Swanson to Maintain Club's Bed in Children’s Hospital. A check for $1,126.17 was present ed by the Newspaper Women's Club yesterday afternoon to Mrs. Claude A. Swanson, member of the Board of Lady Visitors at Children's Hospital, for the maintenance of the club's bed in the hospital. The presentation was made by Catherine Brooks, chairman of the club's benefit this year, which was the sponsoring of the opening of the Trans Lux Theater. Half of the ben efit fund was given to the hospital, and the other half will go to the club's fellowship fund. In the last five years the club has contributed $2,500 toward the hos pital. -• Behind the Times. FRANKLIN, Nebr. (/P).—’W. M. Bus ter, farmer, near here, had an old fashioned idea. He wanted a buggy whip, but Franklin storekeepers sale j they hadn't stocked them for years. It was ordered by mail. ADVERTISEMENT._ Don’t Cut Corns Shed Them Off Vou should never cut corns! E-Z Korn Remover softens hardest and most troublesome corns. Deadens pain, loosens core, and entire corn ! peels right off. Works fast. Rarely ever fails. Thousands use it. OnlJ ! 35c at drug stores. Every Outstanding Style Success! Every Smart Summer Material! THURSDAY ONLY! 800/Summer HATS • Genuine Panamas • Open Crown Crepes • Fine Baliibuntals • Beautiful Leghorns • Stitched Taffetas j • Fine Fur Felts • Flattering Hair Hats Not a one was made to sell for this low price! We’ve cleared out a special space to make room for this tremendous sale. Everything else has been put in the background to make room for one of the biggest Summer hat promotions we’ve planned . . . and it’s just for one day, so get in early! Complete color selection . . . complete size range, and it will be a complete “sell out,” so be here early! Lonsburgh s—Millinery—Second Floor. | 52-Piece Set Wm. Rogers “Pickwick” Silverplate • 8 Hollowhandle Knives ^ A • 8 Forks 4) I VJ • 8 Teaspoons ^ • 8 Soup Spoons Only 25 sets of this famous silverplate pattern at • a a or s 14.95! And an attractive tarnish-proof wood chest • 8 Butter Spreads is included in the offer. Every piece is reinforced • 2 Serving Spoons at P°ints of wear. The distinctively simple pattern • 1 Su ar Shell ls & per*ect ^blemate for any period of china or “ glasswrare. Please your June brides without unbal • 1 Butter Knife ancing your budget. Lansburgh's Street Floor. / More Miles for Your Money! Newer, Cooler, Stronger Hose! SALE! 5,000 Pairs Men’s Irish Linen Heel and Toe HOSE /| .pairs ^ ^ I Look for the "UN-ADVERTISED SPECIAL*’ »ign» throughout the tore; they point the way to UNUSUAL VALUES! | Exclusive in Washington with Lansburgh's! At last! A REAL improvement in men's socks that considers comfort, coolness and style! These are longer wearing than the average by actual test of the U. S. Testing Co.! Linen is the strongest fibre to do the job you want and it’s also the coolest! Good colors, individual patterns, inspired by the best of imported styles! Regulation or elastic top shorties. Sizes 10 to 12. Light or dark, plain or patterned. Mail and Phone Orders Filled! Call District 7575 0 Lansburgh’s Men's Furnishings—Street Floor. —