Save More On Summer Needs 25c Espotabs Laxative Tablets 21c 6c Caket Lux Toilet Soaj> 3 ,or 17c SOc Hinds Honey Almond Creom 39c 75c Pint Squibb Mineral Oil 59c 60c Neet Cream Depilatory 40c ISc Amomi Henna Shampoo lie $1.10 Tangee Permanent Lipsticks 74c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 39c 35c Hills Nose Drops 24c Melvern Pineapple Sherbet and Coffee Ice Cream Pint Package 60c Bromo Seltzer_49c 35c Freezone for Corns_24c 60c La Lasine Antiseptic_49c 50c Noxzema Skin Cream_39c 60c Robene Liniment_54c 60c Zonite Antiseptic_42c 50c Cuticura Ointment_39c 75c Agarol Compound_63c 25c Feenamint Laxative_19c 70c Kruschen Salts_59c 60c Lavoptik Eye Wash_49c $1.00 Ovoferrin Tonic_89c 35c Alcorub, pint_25c 30c Sal Hepatica_25c 60c Angelus Rouge Incarnat_49c 40c Bost Tooth Paste_32c 50c Dew Liquid Deodorant_38c 45c Gloco Hair Dressing_32c 35c Cutex Nail Polish_31c 30c Calox Tooth Powder_23c 70c Ponds Face Powder, jar_47c $1.00 Neet Depilatory_83c 53c Wildroot Shampoo_39c $1.10 Angelus Lipstick_89c 25c Johnsons Foot Soap_19c 35c Williams Shaving Cream_29c 60c Kreml Hair Tonic_49c 25c J. fir J. Baby Powder_19c 50c Junis Cream, jar_39c j Al\/itfi I Don't Watch Your Age—Watch Your Skin! For a Limited Time Onlyl bqPEZES ANYWHERE I ^',H6 C0°le Lb cr-rw*^ 1 ROB AN C-24 ^ I Keep Your |X tis 1 Young HVwKAS*-~._^§1 $1'00o"d$2-75(^^^^| Hershey Bars . [ \\ >T "kin . . . makes I % EACH O Cr yjg^ B^B ■ W | lm ^ I look younger, healthier. ■ 4 J B® Im BjMMT V ■ " 1 Use it for ten days, and ™ ^^R 1 watrh your mirror reflert Choice of Milk Chocolate, Almond /V u\ . _ . f t. jC I a smile of satisfaction. Milk Chocolat€ <* Honey-Almond I /KiWwj IVX 8-lNCH 9 | ,Y W | Milk Chocolate. stationary - ■ i -— I ■[■IfSJWlSfl I U V o-hrpezes from this effi- I Latent Styles and Colors Assorted Styles I You. will ^ ensl^«s^r* ^black 1 R fU* I 1 TOM* ^^SssTWi^CJs: 1 Bathm9 Caps othm9 1 ^—^rr-1 10c 25c 39c Sl,ppers 1 convry-AlRE fHKhs 1 So many flattering styles I I I* ■ AM Bttfl \Vk I that you will have a time 1 » w B E l\i m /Vyyv I selecting the one you The popular fishnet * I _ ^ A. W1 ^ 1:1 AVWMl/ jAL I like best. Choice of new style and other I p| mm ^ W% 1 J" I ^ ^ 4 1 C0l0rs! smart styles. 1“ Cl | pf 1 Fun for the Little Ch.ldren .. . Takes the Burn Out of Sunburn! \ 10-INCH 9 j * \;ff uj)My I Sand Sets Kilburn Skin \ OSCILLATING r°r 4Qc Cream I , ith this powerful ^^■pW=fl Only *T7 1 i « won’t feel the heat w money 1 9 pieces, including I You certainly exceptional fan for th 1 bucket, shovel, water | I I fan running. It is with felt pads, ruhbe I rani spivp> small 1 economical to ru - 1 shovel and four sand Soothing, cooling and 1 >lu8- For___\ z£ow,! d,c‘ T.^zr- • • • 1-WESTINGHOUSE l /^|y^v FROST-AIRE 1 --- 1 ELECTRIC FAN l / l/V I 10-lNCH 1 For Your Auto Tri I Make Ice Cream at Home ... I I ^'guarf ^cc Cream STOP-IT Headache Tablets 19c ,~*J Quickly relieves headache, neuralgia, and other minor aches and pains. They're Wonder Soft! Kotex Sanitary Napkins Box ^ 2 for ofl2j^\JG 39c The choice of modern women, because they are soft, safe, and never con spicuous. TABOO The Vanishing Cream That Stops Perspiration For Only ^ More effective than merely de iABAO odorizing ... because Taboo keeps ~~— underarms dry and sweet for ptnoBMisTiOjL days, and ends underarm odor. Fragrant. Relie vet Indigettion, Cat and Sour Stomach ... Father Kelly's Preparation A mild mm ma laxative / j ^ and ant- * ^ ** arid that bnng* you r p 1 i e f from that miserable feeling. Af£l^24-HOUR DEODORANT PDEAMI LONCER.LASTINC! UYlLHITI . DAINTY! Made by the makers of famous Pacquins Hand Cream—and just as de lightful to use_ An amazing new cream kills per spiration odor for 24 hours and more! Pacquins Cream Deodorant alka lizes (destroys) odor-causing acids. Remember—it doesn't “mask” odor —actually kills it. Doesn’t choke off healthy flow of perspiration. Pac qulns Cream Deodorant is smooth, dainty as the most expensive face cream*. Not gummy, greasy or crumbly. Positively will not cake. Easy and quick to apply. Vanishes, leaving underarms smooth, fresh safe from offending day AND night. Paequins Cream Deodorant has no unpleasant chemical smell. Non irritating. Won’t stain even delicate fabrics. Grand for men, too. Come in for Your Jar TODAY! COLGATE Shaving Cream REGULAR—the unls'te. "smalt bubble’’ lather soaks tot -ii. waterproofed beards soft BRU8HLES8—a clean, close, painless shave without brush. Dental Cream to_18e 2 for 35c 33c 2 for 65c Its penetrating foam washes away moet stains that discolor teeth . ,. leaves them sparkling. NOW AVAILABLE! New Urge Size Gemey Face Powder In Exciting New $100 i Summer Shades- J i Lovely women everywhere acclaim I the purity, smoothness .. . the beau tifully blended shades . . . and the delicate fragrance of this petal-soft powder. Have Clear White Eyes! Use EYE-GENE Here's natural 1 eye beauty . . . makes veined, dull eyes sparkle. Soothes tired eyes almost instantly. Stainless! Safe! j Dropper Bottle 49c Comet in Your Favorite Flower Fragrance . . . Cheramy Bath Powder with c Ac Large Puff Let your body delight in a cloud of j fragrant dusting powder. Scented with your favorite flower ..Vio let, Sweet Pea. Gardenia or Car- 4 nation. With fluffy puff. Bartleys D,“nfeeBothTo*els VUICi 22 by 44 inch Size Coplands $2’98 ^C/ 4 for $|00 E3s« ^mms j Oil Silk gj|}y Coverall ffl Aprons y Only 59c V An "‘tractive atjle. in <4 rolnr« *Hh floral 1 p",,frna. Splendid val. UP#. Cubo Seowool Sponges 39c High q u allty I * P o nges I »t a. very m low price. I Shu-Milk * P,tchers I Liquid or Paste 2J/g Quart I isrr 23c 59c I Cleans all kinds of whif€ « I Actually removes ** I I dirt doesn't cover it up. _I I Ash Troys I deslans and I fldaca for ■ iiearettrg. I