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I Other Cart Proportionately Low I FREE ADJUSTMENTS! | RESORTS. Travel north to America*! largeit National P»rk via Canadian National Stop at Ja»p*r Fark laodga In tha h*art the Canadian llorkle* C•"•Olio NitleMl Riitvayt, 122-1 HR St, R. W.,Wnk . I. C. FREE—New England Vacation Guide. 4ft big pages. Fully illustrated. Write now for your copy. New England Council, Dept _WS.. Boston. _ ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ATLANTIC CITY—Beautiful ~ residential section. IO 8. Oxford. Ventnor. Charming, comfortable, detached home. 6 doors from ocean: garden, porches. I master bed rooms, 2 hatha, stall shower. maids* rooms, bath, garage. locally. Col. 1661 after 6:30. _ it ’s PEND YOCR VACATION AT THE SEA SIDE—the place to find good food, gen uine hospitality and relaxation at Atlantic City. __ SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES — Enjoy tempting food, sea-water baths; inviting surroundings. HOTEL SENATOR. Atlantic City*_ _ BEACH HAVEN. N. J. YjflMmth^rmt sea water. . . Best fishing Z \ and bathing on New Jersey coast . . Sura C \ relief from Ha\ Fever .. . F’.ve tennis courts. / i OWN juntas' OCEAN CITY. N. j. ~ BISCAYNE Modern. Elevator to street Private bath*. Booklet. Elizabeth Blundln, SWAMPSCOTT, MASS. N.w E.,1,.d« Rc.o/t H.ld Pfiv.lf, b«»<k ...All recreational I ★feature* . .. Booklet i U(M(NT l(NM|D< l [SWAMfUCII MASSA(HIStIIS REHOBOTH BEACH, DEL. DCI 11AVCN Oceau front. American DlLiIA Y LI" plan. Private baths, orchestra. dancing. *22.50 up weekly. GEORGE W. TRAYl.OR. Mgr._ VIRGINIA. __ Shenandoah Allum Springs Hotel, near Orkney Springs. Va. Plenty of country ham and fried chicken. Inner-spring mat tresses. swimming, dancing, etc. Costs less than to stay at home. Call Adams 6718 after 6 P.M. or write Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ross. Bird Haven. Va.__ VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. $otel Cfjalfonte I OCEAN FRONT MODERN' COFFEE SHOPPE I TAP ROOM Clolf. Horseback Tiding surf bathing. Close to all amusements and night clubs. HOMELIKE—REFINED The Pocahontas ON THE VIRGINIA BEACH OCEAN FRONT VIRGINIA Famous for its Southern Cooking All recreational facilities—Bathing. Fish ing Tennis. Golf. Horseback Hiding, etc. Mrs. L. H. Clark, Owner and Mgr._ Virginia Lee Cottage Ocean Front. Remodeled and Enlarged Excellent, table: bathing from hotel. Reas, rat— -Mrs A. L Chandler. Ph. V. B. 782 B UGH PLAZA HOTEL Ocean Front at 22nd St. Corinne L. Mo*by_Tel. V. B. 485 The Avalon Ocean Front at 20th St. American Plan _ Reasonable Rate« Miss Virginia Leggett,. Mgr. ~THE LATHAM HOTEL Ocean Front at 15th St. MODERN—REASONABLE RATES _Mrs. Marv C. Latham._ _ Roanoke Cottage %\a* Modern in Every Respect. Home Cook ing—Plenty of Sea Food. Mrs. R,. H. Gray-Mrsk R. B. Hyatt._. THE ARLINGTON Ocean Front at 13th St. Mrs. Mary S. Payne Mrs. W. P. Glover Reasonable Rat's_Southern Cooking NEW WAVERLY HOTEL—Finest surf bathinr. golf, tennis, riding, all sports; ocean front: every convenience; private baths: booklet.__ _ OCEAN VIEW, VA. The MERRIMAC Waterfront—All Conveniences. Special weekly and week-end rates. _ THE MISSES FOREMAN. _ _ Waterfront Hotel i/lCVYICy o and Apartments Suites and 2-to-5-room furnished apart ments by week. European Plan. Reason able rates. ATLANTIC HOTEL •war Attractive, modern, homelike. Directly on Chesapeake Bay Delicious Southern cook ing. Boating. Ashing, bathing._Booklet. _OCEAN CITY, MD. ARARTMENTSSSj COTTAGES-ip^ Phone^f*^* 116^11^809 ^fP^BOARDWALK The Stephen Decatur A modern, restful vacation Hotel, on ♦ he Boardwalk, facing the sea: American Plan, no rooms. 30 baths, free bathing ♦•duties, lockers, parking space. Mary land cookery at its best. Write for rates and Booklet "8.'* EARL E. CONI.EY. Mgr. ATLANTIC Ocean City's Largest. Most C .. .... . Complete Hotel. From $1,541 Dally, $24 Weekly. American Plan. Phone I'M. Dr. C. W. Purnell. Owner-Manager. THE DEL-MAR,.m. Private Baths. MRS. S. I. CAREY. DDC AVrpc ON BOARD WALK DI\C.nrVL,I\J Rooms with hot and eold running water and private bath. Phonejre. C. H. TIMMONS. Prop. THE ROOSEVELT •SSSS^m. Thoroughly Modern. American Plan. _ EDWARD L. THOMPSON. Manager. RinFAII °n Boardwalk, Ocean Front. Modern conven iences. Spacious ocean porches, delicious Meols. Phone 72. C. B. Brookev. Mgr. ADpjfl-rooni ocean front apt. for leaae. HASTINGS HOTEL PrlT«t**rBafh»! Parking Snare. Snerial rates until July 25. _MRS. CHAS. LUDI.AM. 1 Ocesn Front lommander HTiX^Ho.ndlke ■levator Service, SpedalJune Rates. (Open) A Shipping News Arrivals and Departures at New York arrivals. Today. AMUR LEGION -Buenos Aires 4:OOP.M. FORT TO WNSHEND—Halifax. _ $30 AM. Tomorrow. DIXIE—New Orleans M. KONIGSTAN—Antwerp _ M. M. OF BERMUDA—Bermuda __ M. PLATAXO—Santa Marta__ M. PR. HARRISON—World cruise. M. I ROBERT E. LEE—Norfolk _____ M [ ROTTERDAM—Rotterdam _ M. ULI5A—Puerto Barrios __ M. j VULCANIA -Trieste M. ATLANTIDA— La Ceiba_ M. PRES. TAFT—World cruise_ M. Friday. June 4. COLUMBUS—Bremen__ 7:30A.M. I HAMBURG—Hamburg 11 :00 A.M. IROQUOIS—Miami ___11 :00 A.M. ORIENTE—Havana __ _ -pm G. WASHINGTON—Norfolk ' 4:00 P.M. Saturday, June 5. PRES. ROOSFVELT—Hamburg 8:30 A M. RELIANCE—Nassau _ __ A.M. SAILING (Trans-Atlantic.) Today. AQUITANIA—Southampton _ Noon NEW YORK — Hamburg Midnight NORMANDIE—Havre __ Noon SILVER ASH—Beira __ R 3ft AM. SOI THFOLK—Leningrad . 10:00 P M WASHINGTON—Hamburg Noon Tomorrow. No sailings. Friday. June 4. AMERICAN FARMER—London 4:00 PM. CALIFORNIA—Cobh __ Noon KONIGSTEIN—Antwerp . . . Midnight LACONIA—Liverpool 5:00 p.M | STATENDAM—Amsterdam __ «:oo P.M ZARKMBO—Lagos __ 12:30 P.M. Saturday. June 5. AMER1C N IMPORTER—London 4:00 PM. BERGENSFJORD—Oslo 1:00 P.M. BLACK EAGLE—Rotterdam _ 0:00 A.M.’ COLUMBUS—Bremen ___ _ 5:00 P M. EXECUTIVE—Constanza _ 0:00AM. HAMBURG—Hamburg _ . Midnight KI'N'GSHOLM—Gothenburg Noon LANCASTER—Lourenco MarQues 2:00 P M. I.ANCASTRIA—Helsingfors Noon SCANYOIK—Helsinski Midnight VULCANIA—Raguaa _ Noon SAILING (South and Central America. West Indies and Canada.) Today. ADRASTUS—Trinidad _ Noon .ANCON-—Cristobal __ __ _ 4:00P.M. | CARACAS—Maracaibo _3:00 PM. Tomorrow. COAMO—Cuidad Trujillo_3:00 PM. t COLOMBIA —Cristobal __ Noon l NLRISSA—Georgetown__ 3:00 P.M, | ORIZABA—Vera Cruz _ 4:00 P M. PETEN—Port Lnnon _ Noon Friday. June 4. LADY NELSON—Georgetown __ 7:00 P M. LUNA—Maracaibo _ 4:OOP M. SANTA BARBARA—Valparaiso 5:00 P.M. Saturday. June 6. ATLANTIDA—La Ceiba 11:00 A M. FT. TOWNSHEND—St. Johns 11:00 A.M. | OREGONIAN—Pacific ports _ 2:00 P.M. ORIENTE—Havana Noon I PAN AMERICA-—Buenos Aires 2:00 P.M. PLATOVA—Puerto Cortez Noon Q. OF BERMUDA—Hamilton 3:00 P.M, RELIANCE—Nassau 5:00 P.M ROTTERDAM—Nassau 5:00 P.M SAN JACINTO—Puerto Plata . Noon SANTA ROSA—San Francisco _ Noor i . , Traffic Convictions SECOND-OFFENSE SPEEDING. William A. Poole, Maryland. $10. Oscar L. Rand, jr., 1244 Columbia road, $10. FIRST-OFFENSE SPEEDING. Daniel C. Will, jr., Pennsylvania, | $25. James H. Adams, 339 Fifteenth street southeast, $15. Guy L. Hottell, 4000 Cathedral avenue, $15. Juan Granado. Maryland. $10. Randolph S. Bailey, 1839 Fourth street, $10. Raymond A. Lewis, 504 Forty-fourth street northeast, $10. John S. Lunsford. 926 Independence avenue southwest, $10. Bernard Riley, 609 L street south east, $10. Ernest Lyon, Maryland, $10. John L. Meakin, 3934 Livingston street, $10. Claude E. Randall, 308 Seventh street southwest, $10. Samuel Brisker, 7819 Eastern avenue, $10. Lewis J. Ringer, Maryland, $10. Ignatius J. Keane, Maryland, $5. Leonard M. Nevius, 7400 Fourteenth street, $5. Stanley D. Hill, 1312 Thirteenth street, $5. Lewis W. Murphy, Maryland, $5. Oscar Gordon, 318 New York avenue, $5. Hensley E. Bache, 101 E street, $5, Raymond Hawkins, 1225Vi Duncan street northeast, $5. Harold M. McDufle, 427 Tenth street northeast, $5. George D. Holderman, Maryland, $5. Edwin D. Weidemver, Maryland, $5. Curtis Cromwell, Maryland, $5. Robert E. Price, 4517 Brandywine street, $5. Jacob Fur ash, 3701 Macomb street, $5. Robert H. Lynch, 700 Virginia avenue, $5. James D. Fowler, 1507 Sixth street, $5. Guy T. Scott, 4521 Dexter street, $5. Henry P. Bragg, 4414 Chesapeake street, $5. Joel A. Burgess, Maryland, $5. Richard T. Kreuzburg, Maryland, $5. Julian H. Kitchen, 343 F street, $5. Allen McKnlght, 1107 S street, $5. William Little, 1248 Twenty-seventh street, $5. xvoy o miugts, v 11 gi 11 ia, George Williams, 216 H street north east, $5. Myrtle T. Brady, 2603 Eleventh street, $5. Clarence A. Thomas, 1102 C street southeast, $5. Allen Betha, 315 Decatur street, 65, Meredith W. Johnson, 915 East Capi tol street, $5. Elkin Clemons, 428 New York avenue, $5. Joseph H. De Stefano, 1906 Q street southeast, $5. E. Johnson, 612 Third street south east, $5. John P. Hickey, jr., 728 Fifteenth street southeast, 85. Margaret C. Smith, 815 Irving street, 85. John M. Mclsaac. Maryland, 85. John A. Ware, 22 L street. 85. George W. Goodwin, 624 S street, 85. Russell C. Osborn, Maryland, 85. David Gibbons, 414 Luray place, 85. Walter L. Cox, Maryland, 85. W. B. Cowles, 1135 Sixteenth street, 85. Theodore Levy, 4507 Thirteenth street, 85. Donald J. Roberts, 20 S street, 85. Edwin M. Henderson, Virginia, 85. Shelle F. Cleckley, 1019 First street, 85. PERMITS SITPENDED. OR RE VOKED. Emanuel Aaronson, 7914 Orchid street, revoked. Martin J. Berghers, 3112 Rhode Is land avenue northeast. 30 days. Richard J. Colton, 3579 Thirteenth street, revoked. James B. Gordon, 3733 Morrison street, suspended. John A. Johnson, 824 Fifth street 45 days. Sidney Kay, 3002 Rodman street 30 days. Albert King, 3240 M street, 30 days Clyde D. Lyon, 1104 Vermont ave nue, revoked. Charles P. Merillat. 2909 Twelfth street northeast, suspended. Henry L. Mills, 31 Todd place north east, suspended. F Fred D. Reid, 2566 Nichol« avenue southeast, revoked. Abby S. Shafroth, 1545 Thirty-fifth street, 30 days. Helen M. Stretmater, 801 Butternut street, 30 days. Robert Thomas, 5900 Eastern ave nue northeast, revoked. Charlie Whittington, 34 P street northeast, suspended. William A. Marlowe. R, F. D. No. 4, Rockville, Md., revoked. Daniel L. Robertson, Lanhsm, Md., 30 days. -• Marriage Licenses. Harry P. Ischer. 38. and Josephine M. Sluka. 33. both of Baltimore; Rev. J F. Fannon. Richard P. Hoffman. 40 Newport News Va . and Frances O Tucker, Richmond; Rev. S. E. Rose. George M. Dowdy. 29. Quantlco. Va., and Mary B. Joice. 24. Richmond; Rev. A. F Poore. Roger Johnson. 35. Hadley. Mass., and Elsie A Welts. 38, Reno. Nev.; Judge R. E. Mattingly Wilson W. Winbtgler. 4T, and Marv T Coughlin. 33, both of Baltimore; Judge R. E. Mattingly. Martin R, Hayes, 29. and Margaret V. Bupput. 28, both of Baltimore; Rev. J. C. Ball Thomas O. H Patrick. 32. and Laura E. Williams. 2H. both of New Orleans La ; Rev. E C. Smith. Charles Stevens. 22. 1048 Reeves st.. and Temple Weaver. IS. 1913 9th st.; Rev. Sylvester Moss. Newport F. Henry on. and Msrle Green 32. both of 505 20th st.; Rev. E. J. Green. Henry H. Reddick. 25, 1309 Q st and Evelyn E. Anderson, 24. 2137 H st ; Rev. J. T Harvey Coleridge Williams. 22. 1337 Corcoran st , and Mary J Boskervllle, 25. 1445 Swann st.; Rev. J. E. Johnson. Arthur Thomas, 27. 1421 U st.. and Viola Dumas 27, 1740 U st.; Rev. J. E Graham. James H Smith 30. Columbia S. C . and Margaret A White. 20, Toledo. Ohio.; Rev. J. S. Montgomery. Rondell C. Bebelheimer. ‘19. Port Carbon, ; Pa., and Pearl V. Nelthamer, 20, Palo i _ Alto. Pa.; Rev J. H. Dunham. Eugene K. Helneman. 28, and Trene L ! Weiss. 28. both of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Rev | S T. Nicholas. William A. Wine. 44 and Mattie E. Mc Intyre, 30 both of Rectortown, Va.; Rev. H. M. Heilllig. . George W. McGliney. 23. Herndon, Va , j and Anna F Smith. 18. Sterling, Va.; Rev. B. I Barnes. | Oscar B Gllck. 29. 1359 Harvard st.. and Sally L. Goldberg, 24. Youngstown. Ohio; i Judge R. E. Mattingly. I Rockford Riley. :m. Silver Spring Md.. and Marie Oyler, 30 Kennedy-Warren Apart ; ments; Rev. G. H. Bennett. John D. Kohler. 20. 17 73 Lanier pi., and Eleanor D. Kohler, 24, Pittsburgh, Pa.; ! Rev. A A. O'Leary. : Theodore W. Graske. 27. 2929 Connecticut I ave.. and Lula L. McManus. 27, 1010 10th st.; Judge R E. Mattinglv. ; Rodney Hart. 23. 1828 Kilbourne pi. and Dorothy L. Brown. 23. 4117 5th st.; Rei. H J. Smith. ; Christie J. Ponllkes, 27, 04 U at. and | Bessie Courembis. 18, 1666 Park rd.; | Rev. A. Laloussls. , George F. Bowerman. 68. the Ontario, and Joy L. Webster. 63. Lincoln, Nebr ; Rev. J. Van Schaick. jr. Alexander McBride. 28, Turner. Mont and Margaret H. Elder. 26, Chevy Chase. I Md.. Rev. C L. Carhait. Harold D. Conner 29 1000 7th st. sw and Alice C. McPherson 23. 907 Varnum I st.- Rev. W A. Emmans. 'Joe S. Davies. 44. 232 1st st. s.e. and ! Hanna Thiele. 3b. 1635 R st.; Rev. A. F Poore. Kenneth E. Tanner. 30. Etlan. Va.. and Evelyn M Compion. 24. Slate Mills. Va.. Rev F. w. Johnson. Ellioue F. Brown. 37. and Clarice Thomas 28. 1020 7th st s.e Rev. W. H. Brooks Thomas P. McRae. 27. 1909 L st. and Pauline Lucas, 25. 1013 2tlth st.; Rev. J. T. Harvey. George E. Angerman. 21. 63 Rhode Island ave . and Catherine L. Morrison, 16. 3023 14th st.; Rev. W. E. LaRue. Michael J. Lynch ir 27. 1118 Monroe st.. and Mary K. Donovan. 27. 2241 Wisconsin ate.; Rev. J. F, Coean Paul C. Sebastian. 32. 2310 Wisconsin ave.. and Hester E Wright. 22. Indian Head Md ■ Rev. W. K. Lyons. Frank S Funk, 30. 716 6th st and Pauline A. Caldwell, 36, 313 D st.: Rev. A. F. Poore Henry We.ver. 36. Philadelphia and Chris tine Philipp, 27, 1326 Harvard st., Rev. J H. Zerhusen Nishe! A. Smith. 32. and Lorraine J. Hub hard. 25. both of 3221 1 1th st., Rev. J. L Henry Joseph H. Skinner. 23. 909 Delafleld pi and Helen L. Sanford. 21, 5327 Illinois ave ; Rev. M. P. German Robert H. Mercer. 24. 501 Turkerman st.. and Lucille H. Lippert. 23. 1352 Ken nedy st.: Rev J. 8. Montgomery. James R. Cox. 23. 1311 Potomac ave. s.e., and Dorothy M. Forgit, 18, 1309A K st. s.e.: Rev. E M. Thompson. Carl M. LofBer, 24. 730 Bonini rd. s.e . and Grace J. Wood, 21. 1414 T st. s.e.; Rev. O. L. Connor. Preston B. Reed. 22. 1521 23rd st s.e.. and Elaine J. Henry. 19. 1593 W st s.e.: Rev. G. M. Cummings. Emanuele M. Cavaliere, 23. 8212 Georgia ave.. and Marguerite A. Caetto, 18. 813 D st.: Rev. W. H. Hoffman Joseph B. Kennedy, 21. 10ft Massachusetts ave . and Minnie A. Coucoules. 23. Jack sonville. Fla.; Rev. W. H. Hoffman. Pete J. Smith. 28. 1132 23rd st.. and Louise W. Jordan. 21, 52 1 st. n e.; Judge R. E Mattingly. Benjamin P. Haynes. 25. Hope. Ark., and Alberta O Schroeder, Manson. Ia.; Rev. E. H. Roach. Lorraine 8. LaRue. 29. 8811 Piney Branch rd.. and Dorothy F. Wilson. 25, Silver Spring. Md ; Rev. W. E. LaRue. Robert L. Simpson. 25, 4517 28th st.. and Virginia C. Kekenes. 23. 4725 Colorado ave.; Rev. E J. Nestor. Elkin C. Wilson. 38. Dodge Hotel, and Mary J. Schmotzer. 32. Chicago; Rev. H. M. Canter. Robert W. Waters, jr.. 23, and Ruth L Jackson. 22. Tttkoma Park. Md.; Rev. C. J. Dacey. William H Russell, jr.. 28. and Eunice M. Jones. .31. both of Bethesda, Md.; Rev. E. J. Connelly. John P. Hughes. 43. Crookston. Minn . and Isobel M. Lambert. 31, 5330 Colorado ave.; Rev. J. 8 Spence. Alfred G. Quarrell 47. 2411 18th st.. and Elizabeth C T. Lowe. 38. 2311 Massa chusetts ave.; Rev. 8. R. Allison, Births Reported. Elmer and Dons Marceron. girl. William and Ethel Walker, girl. Hamilton and Alice Sweeney, girl Nelson and Dorothy 8kogland. boy. George and Margaret Sheaffer. boy, Leo and Mary Janezeck. girl. Hugh and Anna Owens, girl. Edward and Esther Ahearn. boy. Charles and Mabel Potter, boy. Lawrence and Grace Brown, nor. I Howard and Louise Gordon, boy. Bart and Susie Boyd. boy. Deaths Reported. Otto C». Garges. 85. 34 14 Quesada st. Stephen H. Ford. 84. St. Elizabeth s Hos pital. Michael C. Kelly. 81, Georgetown Hos pital. Absalon Weller. 77. 2138 Wyoming ave. Beil McIntosh. 71. Emergency Hospital. Sarah Cook 95. Sibley Hospital. Hillary L. Harris, 55. 322 Maryland ave. n.e Edward A Sutton. 54. 2650 Wisconsin ave. Emily J. Barber. 49. 229 9th st. n e. James M. Swindell. 44 St. Elizabeth's Hos- ! pital. John E Merrill. 42 3921 13th st. Annie M. Parker 59. 9N K st. n.e. Samuel Sinkfleld 47. Oallinger Hospital. Sarah Tucker. 37, Oallinger Hospital. Mary Precia. 33. Oallinger Hospital. I Joseph Hicks, 32. Gallincer Hospital. John Duff 16. Gallingrr Hospital. Service Orders ARMY. Bartley. Maj. Wannie I*. Quarter master Corps. Army Industrial Col lege, to Port Sam Houston, Tex. Hoge, Capt. Kenneth G.. Adjutant General's Department, office the ad jutant general, to Panama Canal De partment; November 3. Wood, First Lieut. Floyd B., Air Corps, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, to Bolling Field, Anacostla. NAVY. Du Bose, Comdr. Laurence T., de tached Naval Academy, to U. 8. S. Brooklyn: July. Fitzgerald, Lieut. Comdr. John J., detached office judge advocate gen eral. Wilson, Lieut. Comdr. Henry E., de tached Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, T. H., to Norfolk Navy Yard, Ports mouth, Va.; July IS. Kitchen, Lieut. Comdr. Cyrus B. fS. C ), detached Bureau S. Ac A., -o U. S. S. Henderson: July. Young, Lieut. Comdr. William B., detached U. S. S. Henderson, to Bu reau S. Ac A.; August. Giffen, Capt, Robert C., detached Two types: for wall or window mount inn:: either style works efficiently. Quietly and economically in dispelling odors and keeping air in rooms vitally fresh A welcome addition lo any room in the house. f>-year guarantee. lIlMiMiAAaHMiiHiHMBMfliir rv/ ou ROUND TRIP FARES AVERAGE LESS THAN MaVe .very penny buy mora pleasure, more travel this vacation than ever before! Go by Greyhound at 1/3 the cost of driving. Greyhound super-coachts brine luxurious new comfort to hi*hway travel. Round Trip Round Trip i NEW YORK PITTSBIRC.H MM A PHILADELPHIA SUM PIRCELI.VILLE SI.1.A attllJ# BOSTON _.SI«.33 CINCINNATI SI Yin 1ITWIIN NORFOLK SlM.A KNOXVILLE SI *£.Y% PRINCIPAL CLEVELAND SLUM HAGERSTOWN L160 CITIIS ““ GREYHOUND TERMINAL 1403 New York Avenue N.W. Phone; National 8000 Give him a Schick Shaver ... the greatest pleasure a man may have in his personal life... • . . shaving comfort forever. Fortunate is the boy who will never know the nuisance of shaving by the old fash ioned methods. The Schick Shaver re moves the first downy hair from a boy’s face and never causes the slightest injury to the skin. No matter how tough his beard grows in later life, the Schick will shave him quickly and closely. Nature need not build up a calloused surface on his skin to protea him from blade-shaving for there are no - blades in the Schick Shaver. He cannot cut or scrape him* self and if he uses nothing but a Schick the hair of his beard will grow naturally in direc tion and color. _ This lowest-cost of shaving There is nothing to sharpen, replace or adjust for wear in the Schick Shaver. Some of them, five years old, are still running and shaving perfectly. So that the Schick pays for itself in saving on blades, brush, soap, cream and lotions—not one of which is needed with the Schick. (The cost of electricity to run the Schick for 365 shaves a year does not amount to a dime.) Give him a Schick Shaver Go to an authorized Schick dealer to-day; Ask him to demonstrate the shaver to you so that, if you give one as a present, you - will have the conviction that you have made the supreme practical gift for any boy or man, SCHICK DRY SHAVER. INC. STAMFORD. CONN. Wen era Dlitributor: Edijet, Inc., Sen Fnndico A D. C. la Canada: Henry Birki fcSont, Ltd., and other —--i —i leading etoree throughout Canada SCHICK* SIMM % e\ Naval Academy, to U. 8. 8. Boise; August 15. JecklLn, Lieut. John J. (8. C.), de tached Air Station, Anacostia, to U. S. S. Saratoga; July. Meade, Lieut. Robert H. (C. E. C.), detached Marine Barracks, Quantieo, Va., to Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, T. H.; June. Sail, Lieut. Herman, detached, U. S. 8. Potomac, to Bureau Ordnance; July 15. McLaren, Lieut. Kenneth M„ de tached Proving Ground, Dahlgren, Va., to Navy Yard, Puget Sound, Wash.; July. Craig, Lieut. Edward C. (C. C.), detached Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, T. H., to Shore Establishments Di vislon; July. ^JJc££imj Jrviiattcms and Jin nouncement^ The imprint of Bre wood under the enve lope flap on your wed ding stationery guar antees the best crafts manship and style at very moderate prices. *3Re<JOGD0 Entjraurr* anfe Tin* "Print*!* 1217 G Strut To the June Brides of 1937 . . . gree'ings, from on institu tion that has served June brides tor many long years. We nr= experienced in your home furnishing problems. We know from brides of other years what gifts whl please you mO't. A tactful hint to prospective guers w : assure you a gift of lasting charm. A few suggestive pieces are pictured. A Chair-A Table or a Lamp... The Bride who wants on unusual chair—something dis tinctive without costliness—will ao well to tel! the expected donor of the delightful selection of Karpen Barrel Chairs in the present Mayer & Co collection Exquisite chairs m damasks, velvets and tapestry at $49.75, $52 50 and $55. And there are e\er so many lovely tables and lamps at litt'e prices. A Secretary for Her New Home Wouldn't a tall Secretary in a choice cabinet wood make a splendid gift? A place to write, a place for books and lots of drawer space. We are showing some charming ones now, ranging in price from $49.75 to $345, with a plentiful assortment in all the popular prices in between. Then, of course, there are hundreds of other appropriate gifts shown. MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and E