Newspaper Page Text
Sratlffl. BECKER. WILLIAM F. On Wednesday. June 2. 1037. WILLIAM F BECKER, the beloved husband of Margaret E. Becker, father of Charles A . William A. Becker. Mrs. Mary Sita and Mrs. Mar garet. Fultz and brother of Elizabeth C. Becker and Fred F. Becker. Funeral from the residence of his daughter. 1202 G st. n.e.. on Saturday. June 5. at 8 30 am: thence to St. Peters Church, where requiem mass will be offered at o a m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Serv ices bv the W W Chambers Co. South east funeral home. 4 CANNON. MAGGIE. On Wednesday June 103 7 at Freedmen's Hospital. MAG GIE CANNON loving wife of James Cannon, devoted mother of Mrs. Ruth j Graham and Katie Tribble. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. COTTON. ALBERT A. Departed this life on Monday. May 3,1. 1037. at Gallinger Hospital. ALBERTA COTTON, devoted daughter of Nelson Dawson, loving mother of Roberta Cotton. She also leaves to mourn their loss a brother Major Bryant and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Harbour Bros .’ funeral home. 18 K st. n.e. Fu neral Friday. June 4 at 2 P m from the above funeral home. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. DIEGELMANN LEO. On Tuesday. June 1. 1037. LEO DIEGELMANN. beloved hus- j band of Kresend Diogelmann. Funeral from his laie residence. 214 12th st. s.w . on Friday. June -4. at 8:30 Requiem mass at St. Mary’s Church. 0 a m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment St. Mary's Cemetery. 3 DIEGELMANN. LEO. The Holy Name So ciety of St. Mary's Church will meet at the lat-e residence of LEO DIEGEL MANN 214 12th st. s.w.. on Thursday. June 3. 1037. at 8 p.m . to recite the orayers tor the dead FFED DIEGELMANN. President. JOSEPH DIEGELMANN. Secretary. 3 DIXON. JOSEPH. Departed this life on Wednesday June 2 1937. after a short illness. JOSEPH DIXON He leaves to mourn their loss a loving mother Addle Dixcn a wife. Martha Dixon: a daugh ter two sisters, an aunt and a host of other relatives and friends Remains resting at Barnes A Matthews’ funeral home. H14 4th st. s.w , where funeral services will he held on Friday June 4. ; at 13 noon. Rev J H Whiting officiat- j ing. Interment Payne's Cemetery. FERGUSON. MARGARET I On Wednes day’ June 2 1037. at Providence Hos pital MARGARET F FERGUSON, the beloved wife of Frank L. Ferguson, mother of Della Rpy and Dr. Edward E Fercuson. foster mother of Genevieve Rogers and sister of Mrs. David Dougherty and Michael E Rogers. Fu neral from the W W Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 317 11th st s e . on Saturday. June 5. at 8:30 a m : thence to Holy Comforter Church where reouiem mass will be offered for the re pose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. (Trenton. N. J.. papers please copy.) 4 FLEET. NOVELLA L. On Tuesday June 1. 19.37 at the Columbia Hospital. NOVELLA E FLEE! devoted sister of Edna V Burnette and Edmond C. Fleet and Mrs. Vernadme F. Hierst She also leaves other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhines funeral chapel .3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. until 4 pm. Thursday. June there after at her late residence IS 1.3 South 9th st.. Arlington. Va. Funeral Friday. June 4. at 1 n.m from the Mount Zion Baptist Church. Arlington. Va Rev. Jj E Green officiating. Interment 9dd Fellows’ Cemetery. *3 FLEET. NOVELLA F. Members of Quern Esther Chapter No 1 O E. S. are hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late sister. NOVELLA E. FLEET. Friday, June 4 19.37, at 1 Dm. from Mount Zion Baptist Church Arlington, va. MAUD EL5BERRY W M HARRY S THOMPSON W. F. FLMIRA G HENDERSON. Sec. FLEET. NOVELLA. Members of the Bu reau Relief Association are hereby noti fied of the death of NOVELLA FLEET, June ; 1931 ROBERT TATE President ?*OLOMON JACKSON Fine. Secy. • FOWLER WALTER. On Tuesday June 1. 1937 at hi' residence. Belt avp.. Bradbury Park Md WALTER FOWLER beloved husband of Minnie O. Fowler and lather of Francis Fowler Funeral from ms late residence on Fridav June 4 at Z r nv Relatives and friends In vited Interment Forestville Epiphany Church Cemetery. 3 GIFFORD. MURRAY I. On Thursdav. .Jur.e 3 1931. at his residence 34*13 Porter st. n.w MURRAY L. GIFFORD beloved husband of Ruberta A. Gifford and brother of Irvine L. Gifford of Philadelphia and Mrs. Edward Weter of Rochester N Y. Remains restinR at the above residence Notice of funeral later. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. GREEN. MAGGIE M. On Tuesday. June 1. 19.37. MAGGIE M. GREEN beloved wife of William E Green. Remains resting at her late residence, lfill G st. se. where funeral services will be held on Friday. June 4. at Z n in Relatives and friends invited. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. HIBBS. KATE. On Wednesday. June 1931. at the Alexandria Hospital. KATE HIBBS aunt of Mrv George Smith and sister of the late John Franklin Hibbs Remains resting at the Wheatley funeral home. Alexandria. Va. Notice of funeral later. JOHNSON. ANNA Departed this life on Monday. May 31. 1937. at Gallinger Hospital ANNA JOHNSON, devoted wife of Alexander S. Johnson, loving daugh ter of Rebecca Harmon. She also leaves to mourn their loss a sister. Mattie Mease of Hopewell. Va • a grandmother and other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at Barbour Bros.’ funeral home 4S K st. n e. Remains can be viewed from Friday noon. June 4. to Saturday. June ft. at 4 n.m.. after which the body will be shipped to Hopewell. Va for funeral. Interment Petersburg Va JOHNSON. JOSEPH H. Entered peacefully into eternal rest Wednesday June C. 1937. at fl 3ft pm at his residence. C09 R M n w . JOSEPH H JOHNSON be loved husband of Marv Elizabeth John son <nee WhitingU the devoted father of J Howell Johnson and Mrs. Naomi Johnson Williams and brother of John William H and Bradlev Johnson. He also leaves many other relatives and friends Funeral on Saturday June ft at 1:30 pm. from the Fhcnezer M E Church 4th and D sts sp Rev F F Kmc officiating Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Remains mav be seen after 3 n.m. Friday at his late residence Arrangements by John T. Rhines & Co. 4 JOHNSON. JOSEPH H. Members of John F. Cook Lodge No 10. F A. A. M . are hereby notified io meet a'. Scottish Rite Temple. 193.3 11th st. n.w.. Saturday. June 5. 19.37. at 17 o'clock noon, to attend the funeral of Brother JOSEPH H. JOHNSON. Funeral services at Eb<snezer M E. Church. 4th and D sts. * e.. promptly at 1:30 pm. By order of IVEY N. LYON W M. ROBERT W. PINKETT. Secretary. 4* j IONES. PAULINE S. Departed this life j Thursday. June 3. 1937. in Gallinee; Hospital PAULINE S JONES, the be loved widow of the late Jesse Jones She leaves to mourn their loss four sis ters. Mrs. Mary C. Beasley. Racheal Sommerville and the Misses Rose and Artie Johnson. four brothers. Rev. George W.. Phillip N . John E. and Wil liam Johnson, and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray k Son. 17th and V sts. n.w. j Funeral notice later. KLOPFER, AGNES M. On« Wednesday. June 7, 1937. at her residence. 929 D at. s.w . AGNES M. KLOPFER 'nee : Kettleri. beloved wife of the late Edwin Dunbar Klopfer. Funeral from her late residence on Friday. June 4. at 2 30 p.m Relatives and friends In vited. Intelment Prospect Hill Ceme- ! tery. Arrangements by P. A. Taltavull. 3 LARODA. JOSEPH On Friday. May 7« 1937 at the Catholic Home JOSEPH Laroda husband of the late Georgia Laroda and friend of Mrs. Anna Neal Remains resting a: 'he W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1437 You st. n.w. Fu neral Friday June 4 at 19 a m from the above funeral church. Interment Harmony Cemetery. MARNS. RUTH. On Wednesday. June 7. 1 937. at her residence. 2199 4th st. n.e.. RUTH MARNS. beloved mother of Mar caiet E Brashear of Washington. D. C.. and Mrs Marv E. Barber of Worcester. Mass. Remains resting at the S H. Hines Co funeral home. 7901 1 4th st. n w . until s a m. Saturday. June 3. Services at her late residence on Satur day. June 5 at 19:39 a m. Relatives and friends invited Interment Kcmp town. Md. 4 Me MURRAY. WILLIAM F. On Wednes day June 7. 1937. at his residence. 1336 Shepherd st. n.w.. WILLIAM F Mr MURRAY the beloved husband of Emma McMurrav and father of Mrs. Zetta Kennon and Mrs William Alan Brett Funeral services will be held at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st n.w.. on Friday. June 4 at 19 a m Funeral private. Inter ment Cedar H.ll Cemcery FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. ™ N Ational 2473 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R. Speare establishment. NAtlona°De28»2 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium fob tnd Mass. Atc. N.E. Lincoln S200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCR Manager) Phone West 009H-inTd M St N W jfotabllrhed 184)JUJH iT.W. FUNERAL DESIGNS GEO. C. !SHAFFER expressive floral tributes at MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0100 Open Evenings _ .... - _ and ^unday»J-or.J4th a Eye GUDE BROb. CO. F!or»l PiecM 1213 F at N W_NAtionai 4270 BURTON'S 4000F,B°.?tISTB,r3. Beautiful Funeral Sprays AT 7171 OPEN EVENINGS «**• ,t<1_and SUNDAYS CEMETERY LOTS. Hot or plots”for sale cedar hill Oaaaetery, will aacrlfice. Aaema 7835-J. Beatfjfl. MICKELS. ISAAC. On Friday. May 2R. 1027. ISAAC MICKELS. Remains rest ing at Frazier’s funeral home. 280 P. I. ave. n.w Funeral Friday. June 4. at 1 p.m.. from the above-mentioned estab lishment. Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. 2 MONTGOMERY, INEZ F. W. On Tuesday. June 1. 1027. Mrs. INEZ F. W. MONT GOMERY of 2212 L st. n.w.. daughter of S Arthur and the late Bessie Francis Wade, beloved wife of Joseph O. Mont gomery and devoted mother of Joseph Wade Montgomery. She also is sur vived by an aunt. Miss Helen Francis, and many other relatives and friends Remains resting at the McGuire funeral home. Funeral Saturday. June A. at 12 oclock. from the above funert* home Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Woodlawn Cemetery. 4* MONTGOMERY, INEZ WADE. The offi cers and members of the Teachers’ i Benefit and Annuity Association are notified of the death of Mrs. INEZ WADE M ONT G OM E R Y J. E SYPHAX. President. J. L. GRAY. Secretary. • PORTER. MARTIN LlTHER Suddenly on Wednesday. June 2. 1027. at his residence. 1217 Mount Olivet rd. n.e MARTIN LUTHTR PORTER, the beloved husband of Ada Payn° Porter. Many nieces, nephews and friends also sur vive him Remains resting at Henry S. Washington A- Sons’ funeral home. 407 N st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. • QUACKENBUSH. T. AUGUSTUS. On Wednesday June 2 1027 T AUGUS TUS QUACKENBUSH. aged fl 0 years, beloved husband of the late Cora Quackenbush Funeral from George W. Wise Co.’s funeral home 2000 M st. n.w . Friday. June 4. at 10 a m. Rela tives and friends Invited. Interment Prospect Hdl Cemetery. 2 RIDER. WILLIAM G. On Wednesday. June 2. 1027. at his residence 142J Foxhall rd. n w.. WILLIAM G. RIDER, father of Joseph A William L. Gertrude E and Adelaide C Rider Funeral from the above residence on Friday June 4 at 8 2o am. thence to Our Ladv of Vic tory Church, on Conduit rd n u\. where mass will be celebrated at 0 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Emmittsburg. Md.. at 1:20 pm. Kini R WILLIAM C.. The Holy Name Soeletv of Our L>«dv of Victory Church. Conduit rd n \v . will meet at the latp residence of WILLIAM G RIDER in Foxhall rri n.w on Thursday June J 1M.I, at 7 JO p in., to recite the prayers for the dead. „„TT j rn JOHN SALON President. PHILLIP SCHLADT. Secretary. ROOK. CHARLOTTE GIBSON. On Thurs day June J 10:5 7. at her residence. P M nw. CHARLOTTE GIBSON ROOK, beloved wife of the late John Rook. Services from the Church of The Epiphany. G st. between l.Jth and 14th sts n.w on Saturday June 5 a! In JO a m. Interment Rock Creek. Cemetery. 4 ROSS. WILLIAM H. On Wednesday June *- , 10J‘ at his home Emory Grove. Md. WILLIAM H. ROSS. aeed n7 years, beloved husband of Marv E Ross ana father of Raymond. William. Robert Marv. Rachel and Anna Ross Fur.erai services will be held on Friday. June 4 at ‘l pm at Emory Grove M. E Church. Interment Emory Grove Ceme tery. SCHI ADT. JOSEPH. On Tuesday June 1. 1!‘J ,. at Providence Hospital. JOSEPH SCHLADT beloved husband of Sarah Schladt and father of Mrs. Katherln* Pi obey and Mrs Rose Dingman. Fu neral from James T Clements’ Sons’ funeral home 1*14 1 Wisconsin ave nw on Frida v June 4 at 0 a m.: thence to Holy Trinity Church where mass will bp said at M JO a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Holy Rood Cemetery. SHIRCLIFF. WILLIAM HENRV. On Wed nesday June •; if)J7. in Harrisonburg. Va . WILLIAM HENRY SHIRCLIFF husband of Nellie Wilson Shircliff and father of Bernard W. Shircliff. Services and interment private. SILVERMAN SAM EEL. On Tuesday. June MM, a• Walter Reed Hosoital. SAM UEL SILVERMAN, sergeant U S Armv retired husband of Mable Silverman. Services a: his late residence 14 Cen tral ave . Cottace City. Md on Friday. June 4 at 1 JO p m followed bv in terment. in Arlington National Cemetery at J p m. SIM FRMAW SAMI I L. Members of Gen. M Emmet Urcll Camp No. f>. U. S W V will assemble at. the residence. \\ Central ave . Cot iapp City. Md . Friday. June 4 1! * -1T. at 1 :.°.() p.m. to attend the funeral of our late comrade. Past Comdr. SAMUEL SILVER MAiN. wno cnea ai wei'er Kcea General Hospital. By order of .J WALTER MCDONALD. Commander R F. WASHBURNE. Adjutant. SIMMS. MADELINE (MIT). Departed this life Tuesday. June I. 1 !*;: 7 after a lingering illness. MADALTNE <MIT> SIMMS, daughter of the late Nathaniel and Lethia Simms Slip leaves to mourn their loss a sister Mrs. Lenora Mon •aeue: a sistpr-in-law. Maude Simms: loving nieces. Madge Simnn and Alberta Johnson a devoted friend. William Smith She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting, at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1-132 You st. n.w Funeral Friday. June 4 at 2 p m.. from the above funeral church Rev. McClellan officiating. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. SMITH. REV. JAMES J. Departed this life Thursday. June 3. 1937. at his residence 1259 Irving st. n.w.. Rev. JAMES J. SMITH devoted son of the late Henderson and Margaret Smith. Hp leavps to mourn their loss a loving wife. Anna Smith; four children. Everett. Alvin. James and Ruth Smith: one sist-er Mrs. Mary Brown of Cincin nati. Ohio and many other relatives and friends Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral home New Jer sey ave and R st. n.w. Notice of fu neral later. SNOWDEN. AMANDA. Departed this life on Tuesday. June 1. 1937. at her resi dence. Hyattsville. Md AMANDA SNOWDEN devot.pd mother of Mary Stubbs. She also leaves one si'-’er Mrs. Fli7abeth Johnson two brother.', perms and Basil Oueen Remains resting at Gasch's funeral homp Hvattsville. Md Mass Friday. June 4 a* 9 am at St Jerome « Catholic Church. Hyattsville. Md STENCER. GERTRUDE M. On Tuesday. June 1 1937. ai 3.30 am GERTRUDE M SPENCER of 0<»3 S st n.w . daughter of the la’e John W and Mary V Ligh‘ foot. beloved wife of Maurice W. Spencer and devoted mother of Mrs Avis M. Terry and Mrs. Gertrud0 S Harper Remains resting at her late residence after noon Thursday. Funeral Friday. June 4. at 1 p m.. from Berean Baptist Church. 11th and V sts, n.w. Relatives and friends invited Interment at Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. Arrange ments by McGuire. 3* SPENCER. GERTRUDE. Members of the Bureau Relief Association are hereby notified of the death of GERTRUDE SPENCER. June 1, 1937. ROBERT TATE. President. SOLOMON JACKSON. Fine. Secy. • SUTTON. MARY C. On Tuesday. June 1. 1937. MARY C. SUTTON of HI7 Rock Creek Church rd. n.w.. wife of the late John R Sutton and grandmother of Mrs Estelle E. Hutchinson and Mrs. Mary Isabelle A Grinder. Funeral serv ices at the S H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n w.. on Friday. June 4. at. io a m. Interment Rock Creek Cem etery. 3 TAYLOR. ELMER H On Wednesday j June 2. 1937. ELMER H. TAYLOR, be loved son of Edgar H. and Laura L. I Taylor <nee De Mam. Funeral from the chacel of Thomas S. Murray fiz Sen. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e.. on Saturday. June 5 at 1 .30 D.m Services a' Emanuel Episcopal Church. 13th and V sts. s.e.. at 2 n.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. Re mains mav be viewed after 12 o'clock noon Friday. June A. at the a^ove chapel. 4 TOWNSEND. DR. CHARTS O. On Wed nesday. June 2. 1937. at his residence. 4100 50th st. Wnodside. Lons Island N Y.. Dr CHARLES O husband of Mary Louise Townsend and father of Mary Townsend White. Private services at his late residence Friday afternoon. June 4. TURNER. MARY On Wednesday June 2. 1937. at the residence of her son. Don ald L. Turner. 21 Philadelphia ave., Takoma Park. Md . MARY TURNER, beloved wife of J William Turner. Fu neral services will be held at 2 Chats worth ave . Glyndon. Md,. on Friday, June 4. at II a.m. UNDERWOOD CARRIE. On Thursday June 3. 1937 at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. CARRIE UNDERWOOD beloved wife of the late Albert L. Underwood Funeral from her late residence. 2429 Hamlin st. n.e on Saturday. June 5. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Ar rangements by Wm. H. Sardo & Co. 4 WALKER. GEORGE M. Suddenly, on Wednesday. June 2. 1937. GEORGE M. WALKER beloved son of George and Nellie B. Walker, devoted brother of Mrs. Margaret Dodson. Mildred and Ellsworth Walker. He also is survived bv devoted grandnarents. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Walker; two uncles Mr. Richard M. Wilson and Mr. Lorenzo Walker, and other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w.. until 5 p.m. Friday. June 4; thereafter at his late residence. Si 4 Arlington Ridge Arlington. Va. Fu neral Sunday. June 6. at 2 p.m.. from the Mount Zion Baptist Church. Ar lington. Va.. Rev. J. E. Greene officiat ing. Interment Odd Fellow's’ Cemetery. 6 WARD, JOHN J. On Wednesday. June 2. 1937. at Georgetown University Hos pital. JOHN J. WARD, t.he beloved hus band of Nona Ward. Funeral from the residence of his daughter. Mrs. E. L. Koepnick. 1618 Webster st. n.w.. on Friday. June 4 at 8:30 a.m ; thence to Sacred Heart Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 3 WASHINGTON. NAOMI E. On Monday. May 31. 1937. at Providence Hospital. Mrs. NAOMI E. WASHINGTON the daughter of the late William and Mag gie Samuel, stepdaughter of Mrs. Mary Smith Samuel, devoted wife of Talfair Washington, sister of George Hunter Samuel of Cleveland Ohio: Janies II. and Charles P. Samuel and Pearl Col bert. Remains resting at E. W Bundv's funeral home. 621 Fla. ave. n.w. Fu neral Friday June 4. at 1:30 p m., from Florida Avenue Baptist Church. All friends are cordially invited to attend. 3 WASHINGTON. NAOMI E. Members of Ruth Chapter. No. 8. O. E. S.. are here by notified to be present at Florida Ave nue Baptist Church Friday. June 4. 1937. at 1:30 p.m.. to attend the funeral of our beloved past, matron. NAOMI E. WASHINGTON. Wear all black. MARY STEWART. W. M. RUBY MINOR. W. P. JOSEPHINE C. BUTTk Sea. SLAIN IN VIRGINIA Man, 83, Apparently Hit by Pestle in Home—Believed Dead a Week. Es the Associated Press. FARMVILLE, Va.. June 3—Ap parently slain by a blow from a heavy iron pestle, Francis J. Martin, 83-year-old farmer recluse, was found dead In the kitchen of his home near Martins Ferry. Prince Edward County Sheriff John A. Clark said the elderly owner of 280 acres containing much valuable timber appeared to have been dead a week before the body was discovered yesterday by William Gaunce, a road foreman. A coroner's inquest returned a ver dict of murder, and officers began examination of clues to unravel the mystery. Martin lived alone on the farm, where several generations of his Scot tish family had lived before him. He Seatlja. WASHINGTON. NAOMI E. Officers and members of Columbia Temple. 4-J? 1. B P'O E of W are notified with pro found sadness of the death of our finan cial secretary. Daughter NAOMI F. WASHINGTON Funeral Friday June 4. at 1::111 pm., from Florida Avenue Baptist Church. Lodges and temples are invited. PAULINE ROBINSON. D. R. LOUISE CREW A F S. WEST. CHARI.ES WII.SON. Departed this Jifo Tuesday June I. id:;: at Mount. Alto Hospital. CHARLES WILSON WEST beloved son of the late Johnson and Lula He leaves to mourn their loss two sisters Mrs. Clara John son and Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker and four brothers. John. Bernard Frederick and Thomas West He also leaves a host of other relatives and friends Re mains resting a’ the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church 14.T* You st. n w. Fu neral • Fndav. June 4. at 1 pm from the above funeral church Rev Warren officiating. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Itt iHrmuriam. ALLEN. ISABELLE V. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear mother ISA BELLE V ALLEN, who departed this life nineteen years ago today June 3. 191b. God gave us a wonderful mother. Dearest mother, it matters not which road we take How dark or lonely it may be: Our only hone is that God will join The road that leads to thee. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. * BLANKENSHIP. ETTA MAE. In loving re membrance of our dea*- daughter and sister. ETTA MAE BLANKENSHIP, who passed away eight years ago toriav. June 3. 1929. THE FAMILY. BUT. OSCAR (i. A tribute of respect to a good friend gentleman and soldier, fc'ERGT. OSCAR G BLUE who an swered the summons of the Supreme Judge Advocate June 3.', COR PL JAMES H SMILER JR. • BLUE. OSCAR G. In ^ad and loving re membrance of our beloved son. husband and father. OSCAR O BLUE who passed away one year ago today. June 3. 1930. One year aco this eventide, Upon your bed you lay. You cast mortality aside And stepped into the day. The dav that knows no storm or stress. Where skies are always fair Where all is light and happiness, 'Tis always day-spring there. Our darling Oscar went the way From pain to sweet release Our hearts are grieved but yet we say; God rest thy soul in peace'" HIS DEVOTED FATHER. MOTHER. BROTHER WIFE AND CHILDREN. * Cl DWORTH. DORA To the memory of our beloved mother. DORA CUDWORTH. who died six years a so June 3 1931. CORA CUDWORTH AND GERTRUDE WAUHOP. • FREEMAN. DANIEL AND JAMES. In re membrance of our beloved brothers. DANIEL FREEMAN, who departed this life June 3. 192U and JAMES FREE MAN. Anri! 2°. 1021 MRS DELI LI A BUNDY. MISS HAR RIETT FREEMAN AND MRS. SARAH WILSON GI'INDON. JENNIE. In loving remem brance of our darling mother. JENNTE GUINDON. who entered into rest five years ago today. June 3. 1932. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last. Life's many trials and sufferings past: In silence you suffered, in patience you bore. Until God called you home to suffer no more • NIXON, SARAH J. In loving remem brance of my dear mother SARAH J NIXON, who departed this life three years ago today. June 3. 1934. As time passes on some forget, but with me it seems lust yesterday: But as for you. so faithful, loving and true There is not a day that pa^es That something does not make me think of you YOUR SON. CLARENCE A NIXON • WALTERS. MARTHA V. In loving remem branre of our dear mo* her and wife. MARTHA V WALTERS who departed this life nine years ago today. June 3. 1 92S. An angel mother from heaven Look*: down af us each day. AnH whispers "Do not grieve Because I have been called away Anri when God calls you to this land I"1 meet you at the brink. With tears of loy I 11 clasp your hands When He connects the link. ' HER DEVOTED HUSBAND. NORMAN WALTERS AND HER LOVING DAUGHTERS MARION REID AND NORRINE BOSTON. MSTAB. 1SS7. Zurlinrst Funeral Directors <c. s. zubhobst. jr.i 301 Ewt Capitol St. Ua. M<8 Un. 0372 WBKKMair conditioneiM■■■■■ W.W. CHAMBERS S3-C2 III LARGEST M ■ UNDERTAKERS M IN THE f WORLD fCARS — HEARSES |& AMBULANCES ■ H ■ FOR BETTER SERVICE 3 FUNERAL HOMES Main OIRce Southeast OIRce 11th A Chapin Sts. SIT Eleventh St. S.E. N.W. Phone Phone Columbia 0432 ATIantie 670* Suburban Borne ®18 Cleveland Ava. Rivcrdale. Md. Phone Greenwood 1821 had been alone for several years, since the death of a brother and sister. He locally was reputed to carry considerable sums of money, and the killer pulled out his pockets. Gaunce went to the home to buy timber, he told the sheriff. Unable to arouse any one, he opened a kitchen window and saw the body of Martin on the floor. There was a half-eaten meal upon the table, and nearby lay the heavy pestle. The farmer’s skull was frac tured, apparently by a blow struck from the rear. KENNEY FUNERAL RITES Army Captain Is Buried in Ar lington Cemetery. Capt. Thomas Kenney, Army Quartermaster Corps, who died Mon day at the Army and Navy Hospital in Hot Springs, Ark., was buried with full military honors today in Arling ton National Cemetery. Chaplain Ora J. Cohee officiated, and honorary pallbearers, all officers of the Quartermaster Corps, were Ma.1. Joseph P. Glandon and Capts. Milton E Wilson, Andrew D. Hopping, Richard G. Rogers, Andre L. Violante and Henry F. Evans. TRIBESMAN KILLS 11 Believing Wife Unfaithful, He "Vows to Slay 24. MANILA, P. I , June 3 (/P).—Con stabulary men pursued today a grief crazed tribesman credited with slaying 11 of the 24 persons he has vowed to kill. In all, 18 have died as a result of the jealous frenzy of Kalinga Boli, who first ran amuck nine days ago in the belief his wife has been un faithful. SCIENCE FRONTIERS BECKON GRADUATES Dr. Woods of American TJ. Tells 76 at Bliss Electrical School of Opportunities. Frontiers to success in the scientific world are wide open for an adven turous spirit, Dr. George Benjamin Woods, dean of the College of Liberal Arts at American University, told the 76 graduates of the Bltss Electrical School, Takoma Park, Md., at gradu ation exercises last night. Assisted by Charles F. Ferry and Eugene W. Bond, President Louis Denton Bliss presented the diplomas. Rev. Ralph Dela Smith, pastor of Woodside Tðodist Church, gave the invocation and the benediction. Those graduated were: Allied, Tollie E l^acy. Lester Bailey. Raymond C. J^edden. Bruce Birchett, Francis R. Luebker Russell Breaden. Richard May. William ir. Bryson. Poser McBride Lawrence Buswrll. Fred L.. jr. McKee George H Caldwell. William R. McXinsey Millard Carico. Langdon Mohr Arthur Carrier Aubrcv Moorhead Ralph Case. Robert jr. Nelson Carroll Casto Chester Nero. Fred Clough. Le Roy D. Pauly, Harrv Cohen, Robert Q Perez Wilbur Colby, Chester H. Pinktn. Charles Cross. Frank Polutnik Michael .7. Cutright. Flovd H Poindexter Samuel Davis. John W. Pullman Thomas M. De Jarld John R Retzke Robert C. Diehl John Edward Rhea David O Eldrertge Raymond Rowlands. James C j Evan';. Thomas Jr. Randrin Louis Fisher. Malcolm 1. Schramm Robert R. Forness Andrew W. Scuderi Dominic T. Fries Earl Charles Rhaw Haylett B Gindlesbereer J. B. Shrrmeyer. Vernon Gold. Lewis Smith, Robert J. Gonzales. Art urn. ;id Smith William B Gross G. Alfred Rnvdrr. Glenn Myers Hamilton. Hugh L. Stivers. Forrest R ('Henderson. Robt. N. Swanwick. John jr. ; Hernaiz. Louis O Templeman DavirJ Hinkson. Dougald Thurston. Richard | Hitch Clayton Topor Joseph Hollister Kenneth Updegrave Henry ,7 , Horner, Harold Vandergrift. Carl R. Kaiser. Robert Werdein. Bro Albert i Kellerman. Paul J. Williams. Ro*er G. I Keyes. Gerald Young, John H. Keys, Stanley J. J. WARD RITES TO BE TOMORROW Services in Sacred Heart Church to Follow Observance at Home of Daughter. Funeral services for John J. Ward, 78, president of the Embassy Dairy, Inc., who died yesterday in George town Hospital, will be held at 9 a m. tomorrow in Sacred Heart Catholic Church after brief services at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. L. Koepnick, 1618 Webster street. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Mr. Ward’s death followed an ill ness of about three weeks, resulting from a carbuncle. For many years Mr. Ward was in the dairy business in Chicago, where he formerly was head of the Murphy Ward Dairy. He sold it in 1929 and five years ago came here to purchase the Embassy Dairy. He was a native of Schenectady, N. Y„ and went to Chicago when a young man. He Frazier's —service, quality and reverence In conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete In every detail. Undertakers for col ored U. S. War Veterans. Also for the C. C. C Camp N. p. 11, Company 1360. Washington, D. C. A’o Deserving Case Turned Aicay Parlors and Chapels Free Call NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. was active in several Catholic organl- j zations there. Mr. Ward lived here at 1629 Co lumbia road. Besides his daughter, he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nona Ward; a son. James J. Ward, secretary of the Embassy Dairy, and a brother, James Ward of Chicago. He also leaves nine grandchildren. DR. MYERS NEW HEAD OF TUBERCULOSIS BODY the Associated Pr*ss. MILWAUKEE, Wis., June 3—Dr. J. Arthur Myers, Minneapolis, Minn., was elected president of the National Tuberculosis Association in convention here. yesterday. Dr. layers is pro fessor of medicine and preventive medicine and public health at the University cf Minnesota. President Roosevelt and Dr. H. R. M. Landis, Philadelphia, were re elected honorary vice presidents. Delegates chose Surg. Gen. Thomas Parran, jr., Washington, D. C. and Dr. Chesloy Bush, Livermore, Calif , vice presidents. Dr. Charles J. Hat field, Philadelphia, was re-elected sec retary and Collier Platt, New York, treasurer. New' Executive Committee members chosen were: Drs. J. Burns Amberson, New York; Esmond R. Long, Phila delphia; Paul P. McCain, Sanatorium, N. C ; L. J. Moorman, Oklahoma City; W. Atmar Smith, Charleston, S. C ; ! C. E. A. Winslow. New Haven, Conn., j and Mr. Homer Folks, New York. Italy's new industrial zone at Bol zano is starting production. (Jde,r Hill ncLiluMjtinu hi ait Beaatijul (emetery Com mu nit* Mau«nlf>iim. Colnmbarian and Rrceivinc Vaults. crp ■ L tin Savings as high as $60.00 on brand new last V •*••• .... * «••• ' year's model Electrolux Gas Refrigerators! A limited number of these 1936 models have been drastically \ reduced for quick clearance. Every appliance is in perfect condition and offers you the same inherent advantages as this year's model—beauty, perma nent silent, long life, economy and no moving parts! Visit our showrooms and take advantage of these worthwhile savings . . . but come early, they won't last long! WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY • 4ii Wh st. N. w. . District ssoo