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Most Changes Fractional. New Haven Railroad Loans Ease. Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust Util Fan Net change. —.1 Unc. —.1 +.1 Today noon. 93.3 103.1 98.2 71.7 Prev. day... 93.4 103.1 98 3 71.6 Month ago.. 93.9 103.2 98.8 71.1 Year ago... 91.8 102.9 101.8 69.0 1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_ 92.6 102.4 97.8 70.5 1936 high.. 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high ..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_110.7 Prev. day. 110.7 Month ago 109.9 Year ago. 112.2 1937 high. 1137 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113 5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104 4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by tne Associated Press.) Ev tt.p Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 3.—Mixed to slightly higher prices ruled in the bond market during quiet trading to day. Most changes were fractional, al though New York, New’ Haven & Hartford liens veered sharply, w-ith most swings on the downside late in the session. The 4s of 1957 lost nearly 5 points from its previous sale Tues day, the 3:_s of 1956 dropped more than 1 and the 4’_s 0f 1967 declined more than 2.- Moving against the others, the 3'2s of 1954 gained sev eral points. Most of these ismes had staged sharp runups following the road's filing of a reorganization plan Tuesday. American Water Works 6.s and Wal worth 4s improved a bit. United States Government liens were quiet, with a few more gains than losses showing. Changes, how ever, were extremely small. There was some support for Euro pean loans as the threat of interna tional conflict subsided. French, Ger man, Italian and Japanese issues found moderate backing. -• CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. June .1 i.T .—Poultry, livev *4<> trucks steady, hens, over 5 pounds. 1T 1 . A pounds ana ie- . IT: Leghorn hens. 1 ^. Fryers, colored 22 Plymouth and White Rock 21; barebacks. 1* Leghorn. I*1.’* 2n. Springs, colored '-‘4 Plymouth Rock. 28l2: White Reck 21. barebacks. roosters. J.‘>. Leghorn roo.-ier.-. 12 Turkeys, hens. 18 toms. 11 No. 2 turkeys i:;. Duck*, tehite and colored 41. pounds up. 14; small. 12; geese. 11. Butter. 22.119 ’oadv prices un changed'. 24.9*5: unsettled; prices unchanged Potatoes 95 on track 211 total U 8 shipments. 1.1.*2 old stock about steady. supplies light -demand light: sacked per hundredweight Idaho Russet Burbank' U S N 1 2.25-50 Baker size 2 !»•' U S No 2. 1 .80-75: Michigan Russet Purak U S No 1 l.T". New stock Best quality Southern Triumphs firm, other stock steady: supplies rather light, demand good: Louisiana Bliss Tri umphs U. S No. 1 2.00-25: Cobblers. V S No 1 "’'.i Mississippi Bliss Tri umphs U S No. I 2.00-1" U. S No. 2. few sales 1.15: Alabama Bliss Triumph.' V S. No 1 showing heated spotted sacks. 1 75-2.00: U. S No 2 1.10: California White Rose. U S. No. 1. 1.95-2.05: U. S. Commercials. 1.90. NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK June 3 -T —Raw sugar was tj net anri unchanged early today at 3.35 lor spot with no sales recorded. Futures were a little more active and prices steadier especially the No 4 con tract. on increased trade covering and commission house buying prompted by the steadiness of London and indications of one of the largest foreign refiners was preparing to make liberal purchases abroad. In No. 3 contract price changes were much narrower with some Cuban hedge selling in ’he new crop position* absorbed by trade buying and covering No. 4 con tract at best showed gains of l1 to * a points although there were setbacks under realizing with July reacting from 1 221. to 1.22 and March from 1.34 to 1 33 leav ing the list at midday 1 point net higher. No 3 July rallied from 2 4:'. to 2.44 rh;le March held at 2.30 or net uncharged to l point higher Refined was uncharged af 4 70 for fine iranulated with demand light and limited to nearby requirements. PARIS BANK CHANGES. PARIS Jure 3 <.T’ The Bank of France etarpment for the week ended May 28 (in millions of francs 1. Gold reserve _ 57.358 Unch. Sight balances abroad 13 — 1 gills purchased abroad 1.023 — 4(5 iscounted commercial bills —France 7.987 -4* 804 Temporary advances to state «prior to June 18. 193(51 12.179 —• 12 Temporary advances to stafp (since June 18. t»3< I 7.800 Unch. Advances against securities 3.777 — 05 I Circulation 85.745 -4-398 Total credit to current ac counts 17 920 -4-212 80-day advances against government securities 385 •—129 Rate of discount. 4 per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK June 3 t-V —Foreign ex change easy Great Britain in dollars, Others in cents Gres' Britain demand. 4.92,7: cables. 4 92,7: un-day bills. 4.9012. France demand. 4.45: cables 4 15,V. Italy, demand. 5.28>4: cables 5.20*4. Demands—Belgium. It? S2*«- Germany, free. 40.08 registered. 20.75: travel. 24.05: Holland. 54 981--. Norway. 24.73: Sweden "5 38 Denmark 21.98. Finland. 2.19 Switzerland 22.82: Spain, unquoted: Portugal. 4 49 Greece .91: Poland. 18.97: Czechoslovakia 341': Yugoslavia. 2.34: Austria. !8.75n: Hungary. 19 80: Rumania. .75. Argentina 32.81 n: Brazil. R.RO^n; Tokio. 28 09. Shanghai. 29 9n. Hongkong. 30.44: Mexico Citv 27 85. Montreal in New York, N^w Y'ork in Montreal. 100.00. n — Nominal. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK June .1 UP).—Ecks. "4.SCO: About steady Mixed colors unchanged. Butter 18.558: firmer Creamery, higher than extra. extra (92 score* 31 -3114: firsts <88-91 scores). 2T34-3034: seconds <81-37 scores). 23-27; centralized <90 score1. 30 Cheese. 08.214: firm Prices unchanced. Live poultry, by freight., steady to firm, fowl, colored 19-20: roosters and ducks. 12 Other freight oriels unchanged. Bv express about steady. Fowls col ored, 18-20: roosters. 12: other freight prices unchanged. Dressed poultrv steady. All fresh and frozen prices unchanged. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. June 3 IJP> —Trading was Quiet on the stock exchange today. Lower prices were the rule through most of the list. Renewed rumors of a pending cut in the price of cold depressed minine issues. Oils and the trans-Atlantic group eased. German bonds improved and gilt-edged shares were stead'’ PARIS—The Bourse closed with a heavy tone today. Government bonds weakened, rentes losing 2<> to 7o centimes: Bank of Trance 100 points. Suez Canal dropped 115 points and Royal Dutch 130. ■■ ■— ■ ■ • MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. June 3 (P>.—Call money steady 1 per cent, all day; prime com mercial paper, l per cent. Time loans steady 00-Po days. 114: 4-0 months. 1 Va per cent. Bankers’ acceptances un changed Rediscount rate. New York Re •erve Bank. 1>2 per cent. -• PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA. June 3 (/Pi.—Live poultry. Spring chickens, fancy Plymouth Rocks. 21-25. ns to weight; cross-breds. 20-24: Reds. 2o-23; Leghorns 11-18. as to weight. Ducks white Pekins. young 3 3: few 14 Dressed poultry. old roosters. 3 4-l61^. -• RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. June 3 i/Pi.—Crude rubber futures opened easy. 22 to 33 lower. July. 20.01b: September. 20.23-24; December. 20 32-35. b—Bid -• MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL, June 3 (/P).—Silver futures opened stead, a higher. July. 44 82b; September. 44.72b. December. 44.72b. b—Bid. ♦ i BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire dlract to Tha Star. Approximate Transactions Today. U S Gov’t Bonds 430,000 Foreign Bonds__ 950,000 Domestic Bonds_5,910,000 TREASURY. All time shown below la daylight Having on which tha Exchange la now operating. High. Low Close. 2Us 1949-53_ 97.27 97.25 97.27 2*.s 1945-47_ 102.29 102.26 102.28 2S«S 1948-51_ 100.19 100.19 100.19 2'Us 1951-54_ 99.27 99.25 99.25 2 Us 1956-59_ 99.21 99.17 99.21 2%s 1955-60_ 100.21 100.18 100.21 3s 1946-48_ 104.9 104.9 104.9 3s 1951-65 _ 102.26 102.20 102.26 3 14 s 1946-49_ 104.26 104.26 104.26 314s 1941 _ 106.14 106.14 106.14 311s 1944-46 ... 106.12 106.10 106.12 3*4s 1940-43June 105.21 105.19 105.21 3 Us 194 1-43 Mar 106.14 106.13 106.14 314s 194 6-56 _ 109.27 109.26 109.27 4s 1944-54 _111.17 111.16 111.17 414 6-3 '43-45_ 106.22 106.15 106.18 4 V*s 1947-52 _116. 116. 116. FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2 U s 1 94 2-4 7_101.22 101.18 101.18 3s 1947- 103.2 103.2 103.2 3s 1949- 102.11 102,11 102.11 314s 1 964_ 103. 103. 103. HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2'is 1942-44_ 99.29 99.24 99.29 2Us 1939-49_ 100.9 100.5 100.9 3s 1952- 102.29 101.28 101.28 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low Close. Abltlbi Pa&Pw 5s '53 994 994 994 Adriatic Elec 7s'52.. 83 83 83 Antioquia 7s '45 A_ 13 13 13 Antioquia 7s'45 C 13 13 13 Antioquia 1st 7s'57 . 12 11*. 12 Antioqula 2d 7s'57 r. 12 12 12 Antioquia .Id 7s 57_ 12 12 12 Argentine 4s'72 _ 914 914 914 Argentine 5 4s 62... 100-4 1004 1004 Argentine 6S 69 Oct. 1014 1014 1014 Argentine 6s '60 May 1014 1014 1014 Argentine Hs'60 Sept 101 101 101 Argentine 6s'60 Oct. 1014 1014 1014 Argentine 6s'61 Febr 1004 1004 1004 Argentine 6s'61 May. 1014 1014 1014 Australia 4 4s'56_102 101 1014 Australia 5s'55_1074 1074 1074 Austrian 7s'67_ 1034 1034 1034 Belgium 6s'55 _ 1084 1084 1084 Belgium 64s ’49_ 110 1094 1094 Belgium 7s'55 _ 1174 1174 1174 Brazil 64s'26-’57_ 374 374 374 Brazil 64s'27-’67_ 37** 374 374 Brazil 7s'52 - 364 364 364 Brazil 8s 41 _ 444 431, 44 Brisbane 5s'57 - 101 1004 1004 Buenos A C 6s’60 Oct 100 100 100 Buenos A C 64s'55 . 1014 1014 1014 Buenos AC 3s 84 . 58 58 58 Beu A 44-44s’77 Pv 784 784 784 Buenos A 4 4s’76 Aug 79 4 784 794 Buenos A 6s'61 st Pv 87 87 87 Candaa 3l;s '61_ 994 994 994 Canada 5s'52_112'. 112 112 Chile 6s'60 _ 214 214 214 Chile 6s'61 Jan_ 214 214 214 Chile 6s'61 Febr_ 214 214 214 Chile 6s '63 _ 214 214 214 Chile Mtg Bk 6s'61... 18** 184 184 Colombia 6s 61 Jan.. 284 284 284 Colombia 6s'61 Oct._ 28*» 284 284 Col Mtg Bk 7s'47 ._ 224 224 224 Copenhagen 4 4*'53. 94** 934 944 Copenhagen 5s'52_ 994 994 994 Cordoba 7s 42 prv_ 964 964 964 Costa Rica 7s ’51 A... 334 334 334 Cuba 54s 45 _ 61 604 61 Denmark 4‘-js'62_ 984 984 984 Denmark 54s'55_1014 1014 1014 Denmark 6s'42 __ 1054 1054 1054 Dominic 1st 54s'42.. 78 774 774 Dominic 5 4s'61 ext. 784 784 784 El Salvador Ss'4 8 ct. 604 604 604 Frankfort 64s '53 . 22 22 22 French Gov 74s '41 . 1194 119 1194 Ger C Bk A 6s'60 Oct 34 34 34 Ger Gen Elec 6 4s'40 324 324 324 Ger Gov 54s 65 st .. 264 264 264 Ger Rep 7s 49 stpd ... 314 314 314 Ger Rep 7s 49 unst- 264 254 254 Greek Gov f.s '68_ 28 284 284 Helsingfors 6%s’60. 105 105 106 Italy 7s ’51 . 85% 85% 85% Ital Crd P W 7s'47 B- 85% 85% 85% Ital P U Crd 7s •52.— 73% 73% 73% Japan 5%s 6a__81% 86% 87% Japan 6%s '54 _ 99 99 99 Jugos Mt» Bk 7s ’57-_ 40% 40% 40% Kreug&Toll 5s'59 cfs 49% 4814 49% Lombard Elec 7s'52.. 73 73 73 Met Wat 5%s'50_ 103 103 103 Milan 6%s '52 _ 72 71% 72 Minas Gers 6 % s '58 __ 25% 25% 25% Montevideo 7s'52 _ 68 67% 68 New So Wales 5s'67. 103% 103% 103% Nord Ry 6%s’50_106% 106% 106% Norway 4s 63 _ 98% 97% 98% Norway 4%s '65_ 103*, 103% 103% Norway 6s 43_ 106 106 106 Norway 6s'44_106% 106% 106% Oslo 4 %s '55_ 99% 99% 99% Panama 5s'63 _ 76% 76% 76% Panama 5s '63 stp as 66*, 66% 66% Panama 5 % s '53 105% 105% 105% Paris Orl Ry 5%s '68 100 100 100 Pernambuco 7s'47_ 23% 23% 23% Peru 6s '60_ 21 20% 20% Peru 6s '61 _ 21 20», 20% Poland 6s'40_ 60 50 60 Poland 7s '47_ 66 65% 65% Poland 8s 50 _ 46% 46% 46% Porto Alegre 7%s'66. 25% 25% 25% Prussia 63 52 _ 22 22 22 Prussia 6%s 51_ 22 22 22 Queensland 6s'47_110% 110 110 Queensland 7s'41_110% 110% 110% Rhine W El P 6s’52„ 22% 22% 22% Rhine W El P 6s’53— 22% 22% 22% Rio de Jan 6%s '53_ 25 24% 24% Rio Gr do Sul 6s'68— 25% 25% 25% Rio Gr do Sul 8s '46—. 30% 30% 30% Rome 6%s 52_ 74 73% 73% Sao Paulo St 7s'40 95% 95% 95% Saxon St Mtg 6%s'46 25 25 25 Serbs "s'62_ 28 27% 27% Serbs 8s'62_ 29 29 29 Shln'su E P 6%s’52.. 85 85 80 Taiwan Elec 5%s'71. 77% 77% 77% Tokio 5%s '61 79 79 79 Tokto E L Ltd 6s'53.. 81% 80". 81 Tyrol Hy El 7%s'55. 98 98 98 Ujigawa E P 7s'45_ 94% 94% 94% Uruguay 6s'60_ 66% 66% 66% Uruguay 6s'64_ 66% 66% 66% Uruguay 8s 46_ 66 65% 66 Vienna 6s'52_ 96% 96% 96% Warsaw 7s'58_ 44% 44*. 44% Yokohoma 6s'61_ 84 83% 83% DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4s'47 100% 100% 100% Adams Express 4S '48 101 101 101 Alleg Corp 5s 44_ 98s, 98% 98% AllegCorpBs 49_ 93s, 93% 93s* AllegCorpBs 50 stp. 62% 62% 62% Alleg Valley 4s'42 109 109 109 Allied Stores 4%s'60 99% 99% 99% Am & For Pw 5s 2030 77% 77 77 Am Ice cv 6s '53 _ 96% 96 96 AmlGCh 5%s 49... 106% 106% 106% Am Inti 5%s 49 _105% 105% 105% Am T & T 3%s '61_ 99% 99 99% Am T & T 3%s 66_ 981* 98% 98% AmT&T4%s 39 — 105% 105 105% Am T & T 5 %s 43 . 113s* 113% 113% Am T F 2%S‘-5s’38-’50 136% 136% 136% Am Wat Wks 6s'75 107 107 107 Anaconda deb 4%s'50 105% 105'% 105% Anglo-Chi] Nit 7s '67 35 35 35 ArmourtDeDlst 4s'55 97s* 97% 97s* Armour (Del) 4s'57.. 97% 97% 97% Armstrong Ck 4s'50. 105% 105% 105% A T&S Fe 4s '60_ 105 105 105 A T&S Fe adj 4s ’95_- 105% 105% 105% A T&S Feadj 4s'95 st 105% 105% 105% A T&S Fe gen 4s'96.. 109% 109 109% A T&S Fe 4%s 48 108% 108% 108% A T&S Fe C A 4%s '62 112% 112% 112% Atla & Ch A L 5s’44 .. Ill 111 m Atl Coast L 1st 4s'62 102% 102% 102% Atl Coast L clt 4s'52. 93 93 93 Atl C L un 4%s'64 92 92 92 Atlantic & D lst4s’48 48 48 48 Atlantic & D 2dos’48_. 48 48 48 Atl G & VV 1st 5s'59.. 75 75 75 B&O 1st 4s 48_106% 106% 106% B&0 4%s 60_ 75% 75 75 B & O ref 6s 95 A_ 85% 84% 84% B&0 5s'96F ... 84% 84% 84% B&O ref 5s 2000 D... 84% 84% 84% B&O ref 6s 95 C -. 97% 97% 97% B&OTLE&W V4s'41 103% 103% 103% B&O Swn 5s 50 104% 104s* 104s* Bell T of Pa 5s '48 B. 118% 118% 118% Beth Steel 3%s'66 .. 95% 95% 95% Beth Steel 4 %s 60... 103s* 103% 103% Bos & Me 5s '67 _ 83% 83 83 Bos N ¥ A E4s'65-_. 27 26% 26% Bot Con M 6%s '34 ct 24% 24% 24% Bklyn Ed con 3%s '66 100% 100% 100% Bklyn Man T 4%s'66 89% 88% 88% Bklyn Un El 5s '60 _. 106 105% 105% Bklyn Un Gas 5s'50.. 96 95% 95% Bklyn Un G 5s '57 B .. 106 105% 105% BulT R&Pcon 4%s'67. 85% 85% 85% Bush Term con 6s'55. 63 63 163 High. Low. Close. Bush Ter Bldg 5«'60. 64 64 64 Calif Packing 6s’40.. 105 105 105 Camag 7s 42 ctfs_ 23 23 23 Canada So 5s'62 A... 114 113% 114 Can dlan NR 4%s '51. 113% 113% 113% Can'dian NR 4%s ’56. 113% 113", 113% Can dlan NR 4%s'57. 112% 112% 112% Can'dian NR 4%s'55. 116 116 116 Can'dian N 5s'69 July 116% 115% 116% Can'dian P db 4s perp 94% 93% 93% Can'dian Pac 4%s 60 102% 102% 102% Can'dian P 5s'44 cfs. 114% 114'% 114% Can dian Pac 6s '54... 107% 107% 107% Caro Cl & O 6s'52 A.. 110% 110% 110% Car & Gen 6s'50 ww_. 101 101 101 Cent Ga Chat 4s '51... 31 31 31 Cent Hud G&E 6s'57. 105% 105% 105% Cent 111 E & G 5s '61 . 101% 101 101 Cent N England 4s'61 72 71% 71% Cent of N J 4s'87 _ 51% 50 51 Cent of N J gen 6s '87 56% 55 56 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s '49. 107% 107% 107% Cent Pac 5s'60_ 98% 98 98 Cent Steel 8s '41-122% 122% 122% Ches & O 3%s 96 D__ 96% 96% 96% C & O con 6s '39- 107% 107% 107% Chi B&Q gen 4s '58 .. 111% lllVi 111% Chi B&QI div 3%s'49 107% 107 107% Chi B&QI dlv 4s '49._ 110% 110% 110% Chi & E 111 6s’61_ 39 38 38% Chi Grt West 4s'69 .. 43% 42% 42% Chi Ind & L ref 6s '47. 30% 30% 30% CMAStP gn 4%s’89 C. 58% 58% 68% C M & St P 6s 76_ 28% 27% 28 CM&StP&P adj5s2000 9% 9 9 Chi & NW 4%s 2037 . 25% 24% 25% Chi & NW 4%s 2037 C 25% 24% 25% Chi & NW 4%s '49 _ 17 16% 17 Chi & NW gen 5s'87 .. 41% 41% 41% C&NW Nr W 6%s'36 45 45 45 C&N W D P V 4 % s'4 7 50% 50% 50% Chi R l&P rf 4s 34 .. 20% 20% 20% Chi R l&P gen 4s'88.. 35 34", 34". Cht R l&P 4 %s '62_ 19 18fc 18% Chi R l&P 4%s '60_ 11% 11 ]I% Chi Un Sta 3 %s'61 104% 104% 104''* Chi Un Sta 3%s'63 E 107% 1(17% 107% Chi Un Sta 4s '44 106% 1061. 106% Chi & W In con 4s '52 103% 103% 103!, Chi & W Ind 4 %s '62. 102% 102 102% Childs & Co 5s'43_ 87 87 87 Cin G & E 3 %s'66 ... 100 100 100 CCC&St L, gen 4s '93 100% 100% 100% CCC&St L rf 4%s'77E 94". 94% 94% CCC&St Li rf 5s 63 D 105% 105% 105% CCC&StLCW&M4s’!H 93 93 93 Clev Short L, 4%s '61. 111% 111% 111% Clev Un Ter 4%s'77.. 102 101% 101% Clev Un Ter 6s '73 B .. 106% 106 106 Clev Un Ter 5%s’72A 111% 111% 111% Colo & So 4 %s '80 61 61 61 Columbia G & E deb 6s'52 April _ 100 100 100 Columbia G & E 5s '52 May _ _ __ 99% 99 99 Columbia G&E 5s'61. 98% 98% 98% Colum Ry P&L 4s '65 105** 105% 105% Cornel Credit 3 %s'51 98% 98% 98% Com Inv Tr 3 %s '51 _ 102% 102 102% Conn R&L, 4%s’51 st_ 106% 106% 106% Cons Coal Del 5s '60 . 69 69 69 Cons Ed N Y 3V»s'46 105 104% 104% Consol Oil 3%s'61 . 101% 100% 100% Consum Pwr 3 !*s'66. 100% 100% 100% Consum Pwr 3 %s '70. 103 102% 103 Consum Pwr 3%s 65. 105% 105!* 105% Container deh 5s '43.. 101% 101", 101% Container 6s 46 _ 104 104 104 Crane Co 3 V* s'51_ 99% 99% 99% Crown Will P 6s '51_105% 104% 105!? Cuba Norton 5 %s'42. 48% 48% 48% Dayton P&L 3%s '60. 103% 103% 103% Del & Hud ref 4s 43.. 91% 91% 91% Den G & E 5s '51 __ 108% 108% 108% Den & R G con 4s'36. 29 28% 29 E'en & R G 4 %s '36 . 29 29 29 Den & it G ref 6s'78 .. 23% 23% 23% Det Edison 3%s'66 __ 103% 103% 103% Det Edison 4s'65 F . 108!* 108'? 108!? Det Rlv Tun 4>*s '61. 112% 112% 112% E Tenn lien Es'38 . 102% 102'., 102', Elec Auto l.ite 4s'52. 109'? 1091, 109% El Paso N G 4 %s '51. 102", 102% 102% Erie gen 4s '!»6_ 82' ? 82'? 82'? Erie ref 6s'67_ 78% 78% 78% Erie ref 5s 75_ 77% 77 77% rairbks Morse 4s *56. 101% ini', 101% Fed Lt&Tr 5s’42 ... 102% 102% 102% Fed Lt&Tr os 42 st-- 102% 102% 102% Fed Lt&Tr 6s '54 B_ 98% 98% 98% Fla E C Ry 6s '74 12% 12% 12% Fond J&R4s'82 filed 3% 3% 3% Gen Am Inv 5s'52_ 101% 101% 101% Gen Cable 5%s '47__ 106% 1054* 105% Gen Mot Acc 3s '45_102% 102% 102% Gen Mot Acc 3%s '51. 100% 1004. 100% Gen Stl Cast 5%s'49. 82% 82 82% Goodrich 4 % s'56_100% 100% 100% Goodrich 6s 45_105% 104% 104% Goodyear T&R 5s'57. 105% 105% 105% Grt Nr Ry 3 s* s'67 93% 93% 93% Great N Ry 4s 46 G-_ 132% 129% 132 Grt N Ry 4s 46 H ... 110% 110 110% Grt NR gen 4%s '75 D 105% 105% 105% Grt N Rgn 4%s'77 E 104% 104'* 104% Grt N R gn 6s'73 C— 112 112 112 Grt N R 5%s 52 B___ 118 117% 117% Gulf M & N 6s 50 ... 97% 97% 97% Gulf Sta Stl 4 %s '61.. 94 94 94 Gulf Sta Util 4 %s '46 103% 103% 103% Har Ry P C 1 st4s'54 94 93% 94 Hoe (R) 1st mtg 44 . 89", 89 89 Houston Oil 6 %s '40 . 102% 102% 102% Hudson Coal 5s '52 . 40s, 46 46 Hud & Man Inc 5s'57. 26% 25 25% Hud & Man ref 5s'57. 65% 65% 65% III Bell Tel 3%s'70... 105% 105% 105% 111 Cent col tr 4s'5286% 86% 86% 111 Cent col tr 4s'53.. 79% 79% 79% 111 Cent 44*s'66 ... 73 72 72 111 Cent St L 3%s '51. 95% 95% 95‘* ICC&St L N O 4%s'63 78% 76% 76% ICC&St L N O 6s'63.. 82% 82% 82% 111 Steel deb 4%s ‘40. 106% 106% 106% Inland Stl 3%s '61_105V* 104% 105% Int R T 1st rf 5s '66.. 68% 64% 64% I R T 1st rf 5s ‘66 ctfs 66% 64 64 Int RT 6s’32. _ 23% 22 22 Int R T 6s '32 ctfs_ 21% 20 20 Int RT 7s'32_ 69% 69% 69% Int R T 7s'32 ctfs_ 69% 67% 67% Interlake Iron 4s'47- 97% 97 97% Int Grt Nr 6s'52 A... 34% 34 34 Int Grt Nr adj 6s’52 A 12% 12% 12% Int Hydro Elec 6s'44. 75% 74% 75% Int Pap 1st 5s'47 A.. 101 101 101 Int Pap ref 6s'55 _ 99 98% 99 Int Ry of C A 5s'72_ 83% 83% 83% Int T&T cv 4%s'39... 83 82% 83 Int T&T 4 % s '52_ 68% 68 68% Int T&T 5s '55 _ 74 73% 74 Iowa C lst&rf 4s '61_. 7% 7% 7% James F & C 4s'39_ 94% 94% 94% Jones&L Stl 4%s'61A 103 103 103 KansC F S&M 4s'36. 54% 64 54 Kans C So 1st 3s 50 .. 86V* 86'/* 86% Kans City So ref 6s'50 88% 8814 88% Kans C Ter 1st 4s '60. 108% 108% 108% Kans G&E 4%s'80... 10414 104% 104'i Ky Cent Ry 4s'87_ 109 109 109 Kings Co El 4s '49 ... 101 101 101 Kresge Found 4s'45_. 104 104 104 Laclede Gas 6s'39 _ 921* 92 92 Laclede G 6%s'63 C-. 61 60% 61 Laclede G 6%s '60 D. 60% 59'* 60 Lautaro Nit 1975s ... 33% 33% 33''* Leh C&N 4%s ’54 A._ 95 95 95 Leh Val Coal 5s'64_ 57% 57% 57% Leh Val Har 5s ’54_ 98% 98% 98% Leh V P con 4s 2003 .. 59V* 5914 59V* Leh V P con 4%s 2003 64 64 64 Leh V RR con 5s 2003 71 71 71 Ligg & Myers 7s’44.. 130 129% 130 Loew’s 3%s ’46_ 99% 99% 99% Lorillard 5s’51_118% 118% 118% Lorillard 7s'44_127% 127% 127% La & Ark 5s 69_ 93% 93 93 L & Nash 3 44s 2003.. 92% 92% 92% L&N 1st 4s 2003 ... 98% 98% 98% L & N 4%s 2003 C- 104!* 104V* 104% L & N So Mon jt 4s’52 97 97 97 McCrory Strs 5s '51 . 103 102% 103 McKess&Rob 6%s’50 104 103% 103% Manhat Ry 4s ’90 ctfs 28% 27% 27% Mead Co 6s'45 .. 103% 103% 103% Met Ed 1st rf 4%s’68 106% 106% 106% Mil El R&L 5s'61 .. 101% 101 101% Mil El R&S L rf 5s'71 101% 101% 101% Minn & St L rf 4s ’49. 5% 6% 6% MStP&SSM cn 4s'38. 22% 21% 22% Mo 111 5 s '59_ 55 65 55 Mo K &T 1st 4s'90_ 85% 85 85% Mo K & T 4s 62 B_ 65% 65% 65% Mo K & T 5s ’62 A_ 75 75 75 Mo K & T adj 5s '67_68% 68 68% Mo Pac 4s'75_ 18 17% 17% Mo Pac 6s '65 A_ 39% 39 39% Mo Pac 5s '77 F_ 39% 39% 39% Mo Pac 5s '78 (5_ 39% 39% 39% Mo Pacific 5s1 81 I_ 39% 39 39% Mo Pac 5s'81 I ctfs_ 36*4 36% 36% Mob & Ohio 4%s '77_31% 31% 31% Mob & Ohio 5s'38 ... 32% 32% 32% Mohawk & M 4s'91... 88% 88% 88% Monong Ry 1st 4s'60 107 107 107 Monong Pub S 4%s’60 103% 102% 102% Mononp Pub S 6s '65. 102% 102% 102% Mont Pwr 3 %s '66 .. 94% 94 94 Mont Tram 5s'41 . 100% 100 100% Morris & Es 3%s 2000 90% 90% 90% Morrls&Essex 6s'55. 97% 97 97 Namm & Sons 6s '43.. 101% 101% 101% Natl Dairy 3%s'51ww 103% 103% 103% Natl Dis P C 4%s'46. 105% 105V4 105% Natl Steel 4e'65 ... 106% 106 106% New OrlGNR 5s '83 A. 88% 88 88 New Orl P S 6s '52 A- 94% 93 94% New Orl P S 6s'65 B-. 93% 92 92 New Or Ter 1st 4s ’68. 92 91% 91% New Orl T&M 6%s'54 54% 64 54% N T Central 8%s ’*3.. 109 10§H 108% Hleh. Low. Close. NY Central 3%s'97__ 96% 95% 96% NY Central 3%s ’46_101% 101% 101% NY Cent con 4s '98 ... 97% 96% 97% NY Cent rf 4%s 2013. 88% 88% 88% NY C rf 414s 2013 n__ 88% 88% 88% NY Cent rf 6s 2013_ 96*. 96% 96% NY Cent cv 6s'44 ... 103 102% 102% NY C L Sh 314s ’98_ 91% 91 91 NYC&St L, 1st 4s'37.. 101 101 101 NYC Mich C 3%s'98. 89% 89 89 NY Chi & St L 4s’46.. 103% 103% 103% NYC&St L. 414S '78... 87 86% 87 NYC&St L. 6%s'74 A. 98% 98% 98% NY Conn 1st 4 14s ’53 . 109% 109% 109% NY Edison 3%s '65 D. 100 99% 99% NY G El H&P 4s '49 . 113% 113% 113% NY&Har 314s 2000 rg 98 98 98 NY I. & W 1st 4s ’73_ 95 94% 94% NY NH & H 314s ’47__ 40% 40% 40% NY NH & H 3%s '64.. 40 39% 40 NY NH & H 3 V>s '56.. 41 39% 39% NY NH & H 4s 56_ 42 40% 40% NY NH & H 4s '57_ 21 20 20% NY NH & H 4 14s '67 43 42% 42% NY NH & H cl tr 6s'40 69% 67 68 NY NH & H cv 6s '48 45% 44% 44% NY NH & H Cons Rys 4s '54 . _ . 40 39 39 NY NH& HCR 4s '56. 40 39% 40 NY O&W gen 4s '55._ 14*1 14 14 NY O&W ref 4s '92 ... 22% 22 22% NY Steam 1st 5s'51_105% 105 105 NY Steam 5s '56 .._105 104% 105 NY Steam 1st 6s'47.. 106 106 106 NY Tel gen 4%s'39._ 107 107 107 NY Tr Rk 6s'46 stp . 90 90 90 NY Trap Rock 6s'46.. 85 85 85 NY W’&B 414S '46_ 16 15% 15% Niag I, & O 5s'55_107% 107% 107% Mag Sh 5%s '50_102% 102% 102% Norf So 1st ref 5s’61. 30 29% 30 Norf S 1st rf5s'61 cfs. 27 27 27 North Am Co 6s 61 103% 103% 103% North Am Ed 5s '57 A 103% 103% 103% North Am Ed 5%s'63 103% 103% 103% Nor’n I’ac gen 3s 2047 73% 73% 73% Nor'n Pac 4s '97 _ 105*. 105% 105% Nor'n Pae 6s 2047 1111, 111% 111% Nor'n Ry(Calif)5s'38 104% 104% 104% Ogden I, C 4s'48_ 22 21% 22 Ohio Edison 4s '65 _ 105 104Vi 105 Ohio Pub Svc 7s ‘47_111% 111% 111% Oreg VV RR 4s 61_1U7 105% 107 Otis Steel 4 Us 62_ 90% 90% 90% Pac Gas & El 3 Vis '66. 98% 98 98 Pac G&E3%s'61_102% 102% 102% Pac G & E 4s 64 . . 106Vi 106 106 Pac T&T rf 3 Vis'66 B 100% 100% 100% Para Broadway 3s’55 68 68 68 Param’t Pic 3 % s '47 . 91% 91 91% Paramount Pic 6s '55. 100% 100 100 Penn Co 4s’63 _102% 102% 102% Fenn Dixie C 6s ‘41_ 100 100 100 Penn O & D 4 % s ’77_105% 105% 105% Fenn P & R 4Vjs'Sl_100% 100% 100% Penn RR 3 Vis w 1 .. 109% in9% 109% Penn RR 3%s '70 C._. 98% 98% 98% Penn RR con 4s’48._. 112% 112% 112% Penn RR 4 Vi s '81 D._ 107V. 107 107% Penn RR 4 Vis 84 106% 106% 106% Penn P. R con 4 % s'60 118% 118% 118% Penn RR gn 4%s '65 110% 110'3 110% Tenn RR deh 4 % s'70 102% 102% 102% Penn RR gen 6s'68 118 117% 117s. People GL&Crf5s’47 114 113% 113% People G L&C 6s '43 118 118 118 Peoria & E 1st 4s ’40_. 90% 90% 90% Pere Marq 1st 5s '56.. 101 101 101 Phila Co 5s'67 _ 100 99% 100 Phila Elec 3%s '67 . 103 102% 102% Phila & R C&i 5s '73- 28% 28 28 Phila & R C&I 6s '4'%. 12 11% 11% Philippine Ry 4s ’37.. 22 19% 20% PCC&St R 4 % s ’4 0 A. 108% 108% 108% PCC&St R 4 1 s'77 C.. 107 107 107 PCC&St R 5s'70 A 116% 116% 116% Pitts&W Va 4 %s'60 C 90% 90% 90% Port Gen El 4 % s'60 . 59% 59% 59% Postal Te] & C 5s '53 25% 25 26% Pressed Stl Car 5s'51 94% 94% 94% Prov Sf c deb 4s'57 . 20 20 20 Pure Oil 4%s 50 ww . 113 in’1. 112% Pure Oil 4 % s '50 drw 110% 109V. 110 Pure Oil 4 Vi s'50 xw . 105% 105% 105% Purity Baking 5s '48 . 98s, 98s, 98% R-K-O «s '41 ... .. 114% 114% 114%. Reading Jer C 4s "51.. 94 93% 93% Reading R 4 %s '97 B 106% 106% 106% Rem-Rand 4 Vi s'56w w 107% 107% 107% Republic Stl 4 Vis '50. 153% 153 153% Republic Stl 4Vis '56. 97% 97% 97%' Republic Stl 4Vis '61. 97 96% 97 Republic Stl 5%s '54 118 118 118 R G VV 1st ex in 4s '39 70% 70 70% Rio G W col 4s '49 A.. 36 35% 35V, R 1 A&R 1st 4 Vis '34.. 19 19 19 Rutland Can 4s'49... 21% 21s, 21% Saguenay Pw 4 %s'66 100% 100% 100% St Jo Ry L T&P 5s '37 98 97 97 St LIM&S R&G 4s'33 78 77% 77% St LIM&SR&G4s’33et 76% 76% 76% St L-S Fran 4s'50 A 26 25% 26 St L-S F 4s '50 A ctfs. 23% 23% 23% St L-S Fran 4 %s'78 .. 24% 24 24% St L-S F 4%s’T8 cf st. 22 22 22 St L S F 6s '50 B ctfs. 24% 24 24% St L S W 1st 4s '89... 86 86 86 St L S W 2d 4s '89_ 63% 63 63 St L S W 1st ter 5s’52 51% 51% 51% St P K C S L 4%s '41. 20 19% 19% St P M&M ext 5s '43 .. 101% 101% 101% St P Un Dep rf 5s'72. 119 119 119 San A & A Pass 4s '43 102 101% 101% Seal'd A L ref 4s '59 _. 14% 14% 14% Seabd A L adj 5s'49 9% 9% 9% Seabd A l> 6s'45 A . 17% 17% 17% Seabd A L 6s 45 ctfs. 16% 16% 16% Seabd A-Fl 6s'35 A ct 8% 8% 8% Sharon Stl cv 4 %s'51 109% 109% 109% Shell Un deb 3%s'51. 99 98% 99 Silesian Am 7s '41_ 71 71 71 Skelly Oil 4s '51 _ 99% 99% 99% Socony Vav 3 Vis'50._ 104% 104% 104% So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A. 105V* 105% 105% South Nat G 4 %s'51. 99 99 99 So Pac 3 % s 46 _ 100 100 100 So Pac col 4s'49_ 95 94% 94% So Tac ref 4s'55_105% 105% 105% So Pac 4 %s '68_ 89% 89% 89% So Pae 4 Vi s '69_ 89'* 88% 89% So Pac 4 % s '81_ 88% 88 88% So Pac Oreg 4%s '77— 95% 95% 95% So Ry gen 4s'56 A_ 78% 78 78% So Ry 5s '94 _106% 106% 106% So Ry gen 6s'56_ 97% 97% 97% So Ry 6 % s '56_100% 100 100 So Ry M & O 4s'38 ... 93% 93% 93% So Ry St L div 4s '51. 98 98 98 S W Bell Tel 3%s '64. 105% 105% lt)5% Southw'n G&E 4s'60. 101% 101 101% Stand Oil N J 3s'61 .. 97% 97% 97% Studebaker cv 6s'45.. 117% 116% 116% Swift & Co 3%s'50 ... 106% 106% 106% Tenn F,1 Pw 6s 47 A__ 92% 92% 92% Term A St L 4 Vis'39. 107 107 107 Texas Corp 3 Vis '51 _ 103% 103% 103% Texas & Pac 6s'77 B 103 103 103 Tex & P MPT 5Vis'64 109 109 109 Third Av ref 4s 60 49 48% 48% Third A ad in ex 5s'66 23 22% 23 Tide Wat Oil 3%s'52. 100% 100 1 00% Un Oil of Cal 3Vis’52 110% 110% 110% Un Oil of Cal 6s 42 A 117% 117% 117% Union Pac 3%s '70_ 96% 96% 96% Union Pac 3 Vis '71_ 96% 96% 96% Union Pac 1st 4s'47 .. 112% 112% 112% United Biscuit 5s'60. 108 108 108 United Drug 6s'53_ 97% 97 97% U S Rubber 5s '47_107% 106", 106% Utah L & T 6s'44 A_98% 98% 98% Utah P & L 5s '44_ 98% 98 98 Util P & L 5s'59 ww_. 49% 49% 49% Util P & L 5%s '47_ 51 50% 50% Vanadium cv 5s'41... 102% 102% 102% Vandal ia 4 s '57 B_111% 111% 111% Ver Sug 1st 7s’42 ctfs 23 23 23 Va E & P 1st rf 4s '55 108% 108% 108% Va Rv 1st 3V*s 66 A.. 104'* 104'* 104% Va S W con 5s '58_ 95% 95% 95% Wabash 1st 6s '39_ 92% 92 92% Wabash 5s'76 B_ 33% 33% 33% Walworth 4s'55_ 80 79 79 Wabash 4V*s'78_ 32 32 32 Warner Bros cv 6s’39 96% 95 95% Warner-Quin 6s'39_ 48% 48 48% Warren Br cv 6s'41_ 62 62 62 Wash Cent 4s'48_101% 101 Vi. 101% West Penn P3%s'66. 104% 104% 104% W Sh 1st 4s 2061 reg. . 86 86 86 West’n Md 1st 4s'52. 104 103"* 103% Westn Md 5%s '77 ... 107 107 107 Westn NY&P sn 4s’43 107% 107% 107% Westn Pac 5s'46 A... 32 32 32 West’n Pac 6s’46 A as 31% 31% 31% West’n Un 4 Vis '50_100% 100% 100% Westn Un 5s'51_102% 102 102% West’n Un 5s '60_100% 1(H) 100 Wheeling & L E 4s'66 107 107 107 Wheel Steel 4 Vis'63. 99% 99% 99% White Sew M 6s'40.. 103% 103% 103% W Sp Stl 1st 7s'35 ct. 35% 34% 33% W Sp Stl con 7s '35 ct 35% 35% 35% Wilkes B&E 1st 5s'42 20% 19'* 19% Wilson & Co 4s '55 101% 101% 101% Wis Cent 1st gn 4s’49 26 26 26 Y'ngstn S&T 4s '61_101% 101 101% BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON. June .'1 WPi.—(United States Department of Agriculture.)—Broad in quiry was received for fleece and territory wools today, but actual trading was slow. Some business was closed on medium grade bright fleece wools. Country packed Ohio and Michigan combing and clothing combined 3* and V4 blood wool was taken by a few buyers at 41 cents in the grease, delivered East. Graded combing 3»-blood Ohio wools were moved in limited Quantities at 42 to 43 cents in the grease, while ‘/4-blood similar wool sold at 41 to 42 cents in the grease. Demand was restricted at these f>rice«. but numerous bids 1 to 2 cents ower were made. * r c . OUTPUT CLIMBS Small Increase Raises Total 12.9 Per Cent Above Year Ago. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 3— Production of electricity in the United States for the week ended May 28 was 2,206, 713.000 kilowatt hours, the Edison Electric Institute reported today. This represented a gain of 4 of 1 per cent over the previous week's figure of 2, 198.646.000 kilowatt hours and an in crease of 12.9 per cent over the same period a year ago. Tlte advance, which was contra seasonal, carried the Associated Press index of power production, with 1929 30 taken as 100, to 119.0, equaling the high figure for the year. Last week the index, which is adjusted for sea sonal and long-term trend, stood at 118.3 and a year ago at 107.9. The range for recent years follows: 1937. 1936. 1935 1934. 1933. High ... 119 0 119.8 105 5 97.4 91.9 Low_ 116.3 102.0 94.1 91.9 80.2 The institute's report showed the following percentage increases in the major geographic areas: New England, 14.1; Middle Atlantic, 14.2; Central in dustrial, 149; west Central, 69; Southern States, 16 8; Rocky Moun tain, 21.2; Pacific Coast, 6 6. Washington Produce BUTTER -02 score 1-pound prints 35; U pound prints. 3fJ; tub 34. 00 score. l Dound prints. 34. 14-pound prints. 35. tub. 33. MEATS—Choice beef. 18a10. calves 15a 10. veal. JH. Spring iamb 24. Fall lamb pork loin 38. frozen pork 23; fresh ham. 23: smoked ham 25: sliced bacon. 3na33: slab bacon. 28: compound j1 a. lard. 1412. LIVE STOCK Pigs 060*2: light hogs. IhaKH*. medium. Kigali: 220-250 pounds. I0al0*4 heavies. 8al<>. sows 8a8*4. stags. 5a;. calves. 7aH*a. Prices paid shippers net fob Washing ton By the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics EGGS- Market irregular Government gracied eggs steady, but nearby ungraded ezgs unsettled. Current receipts, ie to 18* a: hennery whites. ]*>«■» to 2o. Gov ernment graded and dated white eggs U 3 extras large :41 * U S extras me diums. 20 U 3 standards, large. 20sa. LIVE POULTRY —Market about steady at unchanged prices Fowl Colored heavy, ih to l; . Leghorns. 14 to 15; roosters, lo. Chickens Crosses. 21 to 22; Rocks Virginia 22 to 23. Delaware 21* a to 22*2 Legnorns. 2 pounds. 18 less than 2 Pounds, pi. Turkeys. Old hens. 1H to 17: old toms. 13 to 14. Fruits and Vegetables. Saies in large lots by original receivers up to 8 a m. today APPLES—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track Supplies moderate demand moderate, market steady Maryland Penn sylvania Virginia and We*4 Virginia Bushel baskets. U S. No. 1 Winesaps 2 inch minimum. 1 75-1 *5. •:14-inch mini mum. 1.00-2 00: 2*2-inch minimum 2.25 234-inch minimum. 2 5n few 2 do Romes. 2*4-inch minimum 1 do-] do. few 1'5; 3*2-lnch minimum. *: 15-2 25 2L mch minimum 2 25a2 35 Ben Davis *'i4 inch minimum 1 15-135: 3*2-inch mini mum. 1.35-1.50: 734-inch minimum 1 5*» 1 do; yellow Newtowns. 3*4-inch minimum. 1 do-1 .fin: 2*a-inch minimum. 2 00-3 °5 '4-inch minimum 2 35-3 5" Golden De licious 3*4-inch minimum <10-3 75; 7*,. inch minimum 2 50-2 *55. Ganos. ‘.’'4-inch minimum. 1 25; 2*r-inch minimum 1 5o 1 *-5: 734-inch minimum. I do-] 75 car tons: Fancy Staymans 144s. 3 35-2 5". 1 12s. 2 *55-3 75. Delicious 113s 2 2 75: ods 2 75-2.85 48s 1.75-2 00 Al bemarle Pippins, ions. U S No. 1. 2.35 '* 50 1 12s U 8 No 1. 2 35-2 50 l 12s V.m S. No l. 3 50; Winesaps. 1 do? 7.40 - •r,n- 2 05-3 75 Arkansas Blacks ld(K. 3.25-2 35: 112s. 3 35 few 2 50 Golden Delirious. 114s. 2 35-2 50 Lowry? 100?. 1 85-3 00: 112c 2.00-3.25: Boxes Fancy: Winesaps. 103s. 2 25-2 35; 1505 2.35-2.50; 138s 2 50. few 2 00.' 125s 2.00-3 05: ]13s. 2.05-2 75- Romes. ]38* ‘.-•l°-bV25: 125s. 2.25-2.35: 113s. 2 50; 100s and larger. 2 5n. few higher De licious. 125s. 2.75; 113s. 2 85; 100s and larger. 2.75-3.00 ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track Supplies moderate- demand moderate: marker steadv Pyramid crates dozen bunches- New Jersey medium to large size 1.50a2.25 small size 1 25 Dela ware medium to large size l 25a! 75 CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals no cars on track Truck receipts moderate sup plies moderate demand moderate market steadv North Carolina 1 ' -bushel ham pers pointed tvpe. 50-05. few higher CARROTS — No carlo* arrivals: one broken car on track Supplies moderate demand moderate mark** steadv Cali fornia. Western lettuce crate? 4 35: Texas, bushel baskets 7 00 CAULIFLOWER—No carlot arrivals: two broken cars on track Supolies moder ate demand fair market about steady California, crates 1 50-1.05 CELERY -No carlot arrivals: one broken and three unbroken cars on track Sup plies moderate demand moderate, muiket steady. Florida 10-inch crates individ ually washed 7l-?-3 dozen 3 50-3 75 4-10 dozen 3 50-3 75. few 4 On Cali fornia '2 crates individually washed 3-4 dozen :t 50-.3 75. LETTUCE—Four California arrived- i eight broken and four unbroken cars on : track Supplies moderate demand mod- ; erate: market about s’eady California i Western crates Icebeic type. 5 dozen, | mostlv fair quality. 3.00-3 5o few best 1 3.75-4.00: 0 dozen 2.00-2 50. Onion Prices Steady. ONIONS—One Texas arrived: one broken and two unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate: demand moderate market steady. Texas. 5"-pound sacks. Yellow Bermudas. U. S. commercial. 1.50- 1.65 PEAS—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track Truck receipts moderate, supplies moderate demand fair: market steady. Bushel hampers: Eastern Shore Virginia. 00-1.00; California. Telephones. POTATOES—One Idaho, three South Carolina arrived three broken and six unbroken cars on track Old stock: Sup plies moderate: demand moderate: mar ket steady Maine. lOo-pound sacks Green Mountains U. S No. 1 2 50 New stock: Supplies fairly liberal: demand mod erate: market steady. South Carolina stave barrels. Cobblers. U S No. 1. 3.00 3.25. few higher, mostly 3.25. STRAWBERRIES—-Truck receipts light" supplies moderate: demand moderate: mar ket about steady: 32-quart crates, various varieties Eastern Shore Maryland. 2 75 ;{ 25: poorer, low as 2.00: nearby sections Maryland and Virginia, mostly 2.75-3 00 poorer low as 2.00. TOMATOES—Two Florida arrived: two broken and two unbroken cars on track Supplies liberal: demand moderate: mar ket steady. Florida, lug boxes, green, npes and turning, wrapped. 6x6 and larger 2.00-2.50: poorer low as 1.50: 6x7 1 00 l f>°. few higher: Texas, lug boxes, green npes and turning, wrapped. 6x6 and larger. 22)0-2.50: 6x7 1.50-2.00. WATERMELONS—No carlot arrivals' one broken car on track. Supplies light demand moderate: market slightly strong er. Florida. Tom Watsons. 32-34 pounds average. 1.00-1.10: 26-30 pounds average. ’ MTXED VEGETABLES—No carlot ar rivals: one broken car on track SNAP BEANS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts moderate: supplies moderate: demand moderate: mar ket slightly stronger. North Carolina, bushel hampers, green flat type, few best. l.nO; mostly fair to ordinary quality. 75 1.00 on green flat and round type LIMA BEANS—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. Supplies moderate demand moderate- market steady. Florida, bu^bel hampers. 2.50-3.25: poorer low as 1.50. EGGPLANT—Supplies light: demand moderate: market steady Florida. l»2- 1 bushel crates, fancy. 2.00-2.25: bushel hamners. fancy. 1.25. SQUASH—Supplies liberal: demand moderate: market stead'-. South Carolina 1 bushel hampers yellow crooknecks and ! wh’tr xvra^^ed 50-75 CUCUMBERS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand moderate: market steady South Carolina bushel baskets, fanev. 2.50-3.00; choic® 1.50- °.00: plains. 1.00-1.25. CORN—No carlot arrivals- no cars on track. Truck receipts moderate: sup Piles moderate: demand moderate: market slightly weaker. Florida, standard crates. 5-dozen 2.50-2.60 on best stock: poorer low as 2.00 OKRA—Florida, bushel hampers, large size 1.50-2.50. ORANGES—One Florida arrived: seven broken and one unbroken cars on track Florida boxes, as to size. No. 1. 3.00-5 00; No 2 2.75-4.00. GRAPEFRUIT—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. Florida, boxes, as to size. No. 1. 3.00-3.25: No. 2. 2.75-3.00. LEMONS—No carlot arrivals: no cars : on track. California, boxes, as to size No 1 7 50-8.Of): No. 2. 6.50-7.00. PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates 2.00-2.50. CANTALOUPES—No carlot arrivals; three broken cars on track. California salmon meats, lumbos. 36s and 45s 5 50 6.00: standards. 45s. 5.00-5.25; ponys. 45s and 54s 4 00-4,25. BEETS — Virginia Norfolk section, crates. 42-dozen bunches. 1.25-1.50. SPINACH—Nearby sections, bushel bas kets. 65. -• G. M. C, GETS ORDER. NEW YORK, June 3 (/P).—General Motors Truck Co. has received an or der for 300 heavy duty trucks, of cab over-engine design, valued at $1,221, 000, from the New York City Depart ment of Sanitation, J. P. Little, vice president of the truck company, an nounced. k Consumption During First Quarter About 9 Per Cent Above 1936. Sr.eclal Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, June 3.—Meat con sumption in the United States in creased during the first quarter of 1937 to an average of 1,102,000,000 pounds monthly, a gain of about 9 per cent over the 1936 average. Packing company earnings for the fiscal year to end October 31, 1937, will probably show improvement over the 1936 results, according to a new report appearing in Poor's Industry and Investment Surveys. For the first six months, ending April 31, 1937, profits were some what higher than in the same months of the 1936 fiscal year. This trend is likely to continue. “By-products are contributing in a fairly large way to packers' profits,” continues the report. "The fertilizer division this year is yielding better earnings, and active shoe production is allowing packers to dispose of hides at profitable levels. “Of unfavorable import is the fact that the industry is faced with the highest labor expense in its history. Following a 7 per cent wage increase last October, a further advance of 9 cents an hour was made in the basic rate in March. In addition, the social security act is inflicting further ex pense on a business already charac terized by a narrow profit margin. “This is of particular importance at this time, when costs of materials also are increasing. It is true that at the present relatively high level of hog prices pork inventories acquired in earlier months are spelling substan tial profits for the packers. How ever, continuation of such profits is not necessarily assured, as higher prices may cause consumer resistance, contraction in the damand for meat and subsequent price cutting.” ----•-— DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. June 3 —Dividends de clared (prepared by the Standard Statistics Corp.>: Extra. Pf' Stk of Pay r> Ratf riQ(i record able. Conn River Dkg $1 50 _ o-l «.;p, Homestake Min s*» 6-If* 6-*’5 Peiroleum Explor 10o __ b-5 0-1*5 Special. Gen T Instruments 25o __ 6-16 7-1 Interim. Amer Felt Co. «] 6-14 I Amer Ague Chem $1 50 __ 6-16 6-30 Initial. Gen Printing Ink 50c 6-17 7-1 Square D Co Cl B 35c . 6-19 6-34) Accumulated. Am Capital $3 pf 75c 6-15 7-1 Ind Hydro El , '7 pf $1.75 6-5 6-15 MacFadden Pub 86 pf $3 8-31 9-2l Increased. Am Acrichem Dei si.50 6-]6 6-30 Gen Am Transp «j.5(i 6-11 7-1 S’arrett L S Co $1.75 6-16 6-26 Peter Fox Brew 25c Q 6-8 6-25 Resumption. Mead Corn 5<»c __ 6-15 6-3o Year End. Royal Dutch 111 '2*7-. Extra. Mueller Brass lOc 6-14 6-°p Peter Fox Brew ..20c .1 6-8 6-26 Regular. Am 8nufT Co 75c Q 6-10 7-1 Am Snuff pf $1.50 Q 6-I0 7-1 Babcock & Wilcox *1 6-19 7-1 Conn River Jkg $1.50 S 6-1 6-30 Coon W B Co 15c 4-10 5-1 Coon W B Co 707 pf $1.75 Q 4-10 6-1 Fanny Farmer Candy Shops 25c 6-15 7-1 Federated Dept 8trs 4's'r Pf Sl.oe^ Q 7-21 7-31 Gen Print Ink so pf .$i 50 Q 6-17 7-1 Gen T Instruments 25c Q 6-16 7-1 General Time Instru ments 607 pf $1.50 Q 6-1*? 7-1 Holland Furn $5 pf $1.25 Q 6-is 7-1 Homestake Min $1 M 6-19 6-25 Houd-Hers $2.50 A 62* 2c Q 6-19 7-1 Houdaiile-Hershey H 7,7 1 .c Q 6-i:i 7-1 MacFadden Pub $»i pf s 6-30 7-15 Petroleum Explor 25c Q 6-5 6-15 Square D Co Cl A pf 55c Q 6-3n S’.arrett L S *5', pf $1.5o Q 6-16 6-26 Wiser Oil 25c Q »?-14 7-1 Allis Chalmers 5(»c Q *>-15 6-30 Am Feit Co Pi $1.50 Q 6-16 7-1 Devoe & Reyn s “A' 75c Q 6-21 7-1 Devoe ,4 Reyn s ‘B 75c Q 0-21 7-1 Devoe A- Reyns pf $1.75 Q 0-21 Fin Co of Pa $2.50 Q 0-19 F A* R Lazarus 25c Q 6-15 6-25 Mueller Brass . 25c Q 6-14 *i-2i» Nat Enameling 5**c Q 0-1 s o-3o Natomas Co 2oc Q 6-12 7-1 North Amer Co . 3<>c Q 6-15 7-1 Reynolds Spring 25c 6-15 6-29 Seaboard Coml Corn 20c Q 6-19 6-30 Srd C Corp new pf 62,.c Q 6-19 6-3*1 Standard Prod . 25c Q 6-15 6-26 Taylor Milling 25c Q 6-10 7-L U S Trust _ $15 Q 6-19 7-1 ■—■-•- t INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK June 3 UP —New York Security Dealers Association: Bid Asked Aetna Cas (2a) _ 80*2 83*2 Aetna In- (1.60) . _ 44 46 Aetna Life (.8()a)_ 28*4 2034 Am Equit (1.60a> __ 38 41*4 Am Reins (.4<>g* __ 4<>1« 42*4 Am Reserve <la> __ 27'4 C8®4 Am Surety (2’a) _ 53*2 55'2 Automobile M a» __ _ 28®4 30*4 Balt Amer (2na) __ _ 7*4 h*4 Carolina il.3m _ 23®4 25*4 City of N. Y (1.20) _ 2414 2534 Conn Gen Life (.80) _ 34 34 3634 Contin Cas (1.20) _ - 2 514 27* 4 Fid & Dep <4> 321*2 125*2 Firemans Nwk (.30) _ in ii*2 Frank Fire (la* _ 30 32 Gen Remsur (2) _ 30®4 42*4 Glen Falls (1.60) _ 42*4 44* 4 Globe & Rep (.80) _ 20 22*2 Globe & Rut _ 56*2 60 Great Amer Ma) _ 24®4 2634 Hanover (1.60) _ 31*? 33’? Hartford Fire (2) _ 6K34 7o®4 Home Fire Sec __ 4'2 5*? Home Ins (1a» _ 33®4 35®4 Homestead <1) _ is ip*2 Knickerbocker (.80) _ 16 is Lincoln Fire __ 37i» 43r Maryland Cas _ 534 6®4 Mass Bond (3*2) _ 57 60 Natl Fire (2) _ 50*4 61*4 Natl Liberty (.20a) _ 8>4 p*4 N Hampshire (1.00) _ 45®4 4 7*2 N Y Fire ( 80a) ..._ 20*4 23* 2 Nor River <1) _ 25* ♦ 2634 Phoenix (2a) _ 81 85 Prov Wash (1) _ 35*4 37* 4 Revere (P> In (1.30)_ 24 25*2 Rossia Ins (.60a) _ 10 11 >2 St Paul Fire (6) _ 200*2 205 Springfield (4’2a) _ 1 1 7*2 12()*2 Sun Life (7'2g) _ 640 600 Travelers M6) _ 455 465 U S Fire (2) _r 52*4 54* 4 Westchester (1.20a) __ 33*2 35*2 a—Also extra or extras g—Declared or paid so far this year. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. June 3 (/P).—New York Security Dealers’ Association (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid Asked. Bank of Man (Ha)_ 32>a 34’2 Bankers Tr (2) _ _ 67 60 Brooklyn Trust (4) 3 26 3 31 Gen Han Bank A Trust (4). 121 J24 Chase Nat (1.40) _ . __ 5<>»a 5*4’a Chem Bank A Tr (1.80) _ 67 60 Commercial <8) _ _ 102 108 Cont Bk & Tr (.80) _ 1634 1S*4 Corn Ex Bk A Tr (3)_ 6334 6434 EmDire Tr (1) _ _ 30 31 First Nat (Boston) (2) _ 50 52 First National (100) 2125 2165 Guaranty Tr (12) xd_ 332 337 Irving Tr (.60) _ 15** 16* a Manufacturers Tr (2) _ 52* 2 54*2 Manufacturers Tr pf (2)_. 50’a 521 Natl City (D __ 44* 3 46*a N Y Trust (5) _ 128 331 Public (1*2) 43 45 Title G & T _ 13'/a 14*/a FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. June 3 (API.—Federal Lank Bank bonds: (Noon Quotations ) Rate. Maturity. Bid. Asked 4 *4s Nov . 1058-38_1 (»4 *« 104 s* 4V4s May. 3057-37 _ 101 *2 101 34 4s May 1058-38_ 3 0294 103** 4 s Nov.. 3 057-37_1013* 10134 4s July. 1046-44 _ 100'4 100s* 3*4* May. 1055-45_ 102*4 102*a 3s July. 1055-45_loo1* 101** 3s Jan.. 1056-46_ 3 001* 101’* 3s May 1056-46 _ 1007» 101** FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK. June 3 (AP).—Revenue freight car loadings on railroads reporting today for the week ended May 20 included Previous May 20. week. Year ago. Burlington _ 22.618 22.508 18.600 Illinois Central. 31.500 31.546 20 516 Norfolk St West.. 27.884 26.568 23.074 Pennsy _123.236 120.624 90,483 New York Phone Total Continues Steady Increase Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 3— A further gain of 13,840 stations on the lines of the New York Telephone Co. in May made the cumulative Increase for the first five months 66,955, the company reported today. The month's gain compared with 11,279 in the like period last year and 7,003 in the 1935 month. In the first five months last year the increase amounted to 13,852. --• May Contracts Establish New Year’s High, Far Above 1936. By the Associated Press. BALTIMORE. June 3.—Construe t,ion activity in the South soared dur ing the month just ended to a new high level for the year. The Manufacturers' Record reported today that contracts awarded during May for new buildings, industrial plants, highway and bridge work and similar work in the 16 Southern States totaled $81,817,000. This figure repre sented a gam of 6 per cent over April and 85 per cent over May of last year. Work started during the five months of this year to date amounts to $348. 598,000, a slight decrease from the same period of last year, due largely to a slackening in the pace of Gov ernment construction activity. During May, private building de creased. Industrial projects were off from the preceding month, but were twice as great as during May of a year ago. The outlook for the future in the industrial field was bright. The In dustrial Journal reported that awards in prospects totaled $30,229,000 and that among them were: Louisville, Ky., $1,000,000 bottling unit for Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Portland, Tex.. $1,000,000 refinery for Sinclair Refining Co. Richmond. Va„ $700,000 cigarette plant for Phillip Morris & Co. Smiths Bluff, Tex., $2,125,000 ad dition to the refinery of the Pure Oil Co. St. Ixxiis, $500,000 new’ unit for Owens-Illinois Can Co. Houston, Tex, $500,000 oil tool manufactory for Bryon-Jackson Co. --—» CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO June 3 i/P 'United State* De partment of Agriculture*. Hog-' l" non ire. id nc 5 of to direct. 10-15 lower than \\ f-dnp.sday s average packing sow- fully •Vpady medium grade hogs. 200 pounds down, 15-25 lower early top 11 85. \ery 11M:* late above. 11.50 most good and choice 200-300 poiind>. 11.30-55; few good ar.d choice lHO-100 pound*. 10.85-11 50 bulk good packing sows, in l5-8o. light Kind*; on the butcher order upward to lo 80 or better. Cattle. 5.000: calves 3 500: fed steer* and yearlings about steady yearling; and iignt steers getting best action both local and outside buyers concentrating on steers and yearlings scaling 1.10u pounds down ward; medium weight and weighty offer ings weaK; best medium weight steers around 14.25: largely 10 50-12 50; market with native grassers to Killers. 7.50-9.50 strictly grain fed heifers firm; 900-pound averages up to 12.50; erassy heifers steady but unevenly lower for week whl’e ied heifers are selling at a new high on crop: cows steady: bulls 15-25 higher, vealers 2o higher at 9 00-50: few select* 9 15: medium light offering* 800-50 ,Snd f'‘ed'‘rs slow: both natives and Southwestern? weak to -’a unde- a week aeo. ‘ 8 Shoep^ 11.non includine S.nnn direct tat lambs and Spring lambs active. 10-25 higher native Spring lambs 12 00-13 00 V cecks Idaho Spring lambs first there fiV^nn w1,?r\ wiTh 5 per cenr sort u lFn ,d-.l.ambs- " 50-10.j5: sheep steady OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE npsks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE .HOUSE 1416 Eve St. N.W. Phone NA. 2184 Safe Investments First mortgage notes, well secured on con servatively appraised, new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up, Interest 6% per onrfum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Nat. 0271 Established Nearly so Tears P R O P E R T Y MANAGMEMENT Over Forty Years of Experience First Mortgage Investments TRUST FUNDS find approved investment in our FIRST MORTGAGES The liberal interest is definitely fixed and the security is in im proved real estate. We’ll be glad to consult with you. B. F. SAUL CO. REAL ESTATE National 2100 925 15th St. N.W. MORT GAGE LOANS First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia Homes Business Apartments Properties Terms from 3 to 15 years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall H.Hagner & Company INCORPORATED Mortgage Loan Correspondent 1/rf? insurance (jcmfiany’ 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone: DEcatur 3600 MAINTAIN RISE May Total Remains Neap High April Levels, Re port Shows. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, June 3.—Although several Industrial centers report a slight falling off in activity during the last few days of the month, the total sales for May promise to be close to the high April level, says American Machinist. The continu ance of strike trouble is having a disturbing effect on business con fidence but does not seem to be affect ing sales of production machinery probably because potential buyers look to plant modernization to offset higher labor costs and lowered efficiency. In the East, New England reports a very satisfactory May even though the April level was not reached, and expects a flood of business in June. New York reports no falling off in orders and continuing good prospects. Much the same story comes from Pittsburgh although here there has been a slight recession in orders. Cleveland is seething with labor un rest, practically every plant manage ment having to spend a lot of its valuable time negotiating with this, that or the other union group. Detroit says that the machinery business quieted down toward the end of May but that Important inquiries continue to pour in. Considerable business from the tool and die com panies which are becoming very busy is expected shortly. Toledo comments on the continuing demand for machine tools and says that new programs are coming to light almost daily. Cin cinnati machine tool builders are now placing shop orders for January and some of them report much lost busi ness because of inability to deliver. In St. Louis the labor front is quiet, all of the major strikes having been settled with C. I. O. recognized for bargi iiiing. May was somewhat quieter in orders and June is expected to be still more quiet. Opinions differ in Chicago. Some distributors report a reaction caused by strikes, others say that the high April level has been maintained. Small buyers seem to be more affected than larger ones. Mil waukee has been bothered by labor demands which have set business back all over the city and the sur rounding industrial area. --• LONDON BANK REPORT. LONDON. June 8 bp).—The Bank of England statement for the week ended June 2 Mn thousands of pounds*: Circulation _ _ 475.552 + 883 Bullion _ _ 322 f»nij _ 30 Reserves 46 537 — 368 Public deposits iu.28i —i4.o8*» Private deposits 146.700 4*17.046 Government securities 1**2.*22 8 85o Other securities. 25.4*4 4- 853 Proportion of t.he bank s reserve to li ability is 20.6o per cent, compared with 3n oO last week Rate of discount. 2 per cent. REAL ESTATE LOANS RESIDENCE and SMALL BUSINESS PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 VERMONT AVE. DISTRICT 9392 Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties FIEST DEE1 ONTY GEORGE 1.B0RGER 643 Indiana Are. N.W. Nat’l 0350 FIRST TRUST LOANS Long-term REFINANCING . . Lowest Rates . . 3-Year Con struction Loans. . . 5% BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE CO. Loan Correspondent Jcnn Hancock Mutual Lite int. Co. 1417 K St. N.IV. NV 9309 We Have a Few 6% First Mortgage Notes Available For Further Information Consult [Shannon & luchS| 1505 H St. N.W. Natl. 2345