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BIG D. C. MARKET Pepco Chief Sees Huge De mand for Consumer Goods Here. BY EDWARD C. STOVE. The business outlook for Washing ton is “distinctly not unfavorable,” Dr. William McClellan, president of the Potomac Electric Power Co., told Dr. Km, McClellan. a group of Capi tal bankers the other clay. A former educator in the Wharton School of Fi nance, he has been a close stu dent of econom ics for many years. While stat ing that it is ex tremely difficult and unwise to make national p r e d i ctions, so far as Washing ton is concerned the problem is relatively simple, though still uncertain. He explained: “Washington is a huge market town. We barely more than render each other service. The Potomac Electric Power Co. has hardly a single genuine industrial customer on its lines. I know of no volume of goods manu factured here that it is not sold in our own general territory. The great industry of Washington is the Gov ernment, and it is the one industry that increased by leaps and bounds during the depression. Washington is also a tourist mecca. For these three reasons Washington is a consumer goods community. “So far as the banking business is concerned, the volume of genuine commercial loans may never again be what it once was," said Dr. Mc Clellan, explaining this by the state ment that merchants can now get such quick delivery of their goods so that they are no longer obliged to carry large stocks on hand. There is a much larger volume of business due to the wider variety of goods sold, but the stocks are being carried elsewhere, although partially on bank credit. Dr. McClellan suggested that bankers here should “have wide angle eyes” and reach outside the city for some of their future business. He added: “I also believe that if present ten dencies continue, Washington is bound to grow rapidly in population. This is not only because of increased Gov ernment employes, but also because of greatly increased relationship between Government and business. I feel cer tain that Washington business condi tions are liable to be more stable than anywhere in the country,” Dr. Mc Clellan asserted. National Problems Solvable. Turning to the national outlook. Dr. McClellan cited a host of factors which make predictions more diffi-. cult, at the same time expressing general confidence in the future. Taxes are jumping around like Mexi can beans, he says. Labor is no less uncertain. Hours per week and wages are problems. Prices and money policies further complicate the situa tion. He continued: "The underlying moral principle of the labor movement is the adjust ment of personal rights vs. property rights. Any reasonable man is bound to acknowledge that, in view of the growth of highly specialized forms of labor, which prevents mobility, the introduction of non-owning manage ment between labor and the owners of a business and the huge aggrega tions of labor which reduce the in timacy of the employer and employe, collective bargaining may be neces sary for industrial peace in many places. “I am not afraid of what collective bargaining will do to business when It gets into smooth working condi tion. when both sides understand and assume their separate legal and busi ness responsibilities, when the sancti ty of a contract is respected and up held by both parties, and when the ehip-on-tne-shoulder rough necks no longer conduct the negotiations.” Inflation Is Overstressed. Dr. McClellan said there is no sub ject on which there is so much mis conception as there is in prices, money —gold—and inflation. Gold is no longer a necessary basis for money, no matter how desirable it may be or become. Bankers know' better than any one else what a huge proportion of payments are made today without the passage of any money, he said. The talk that inflation is under w'ay Is hardly true. When it comes there will be no doubt as to its existence. Present Government practices may have an inflationary aspect, but they need not produce inflation. Speaking of w'ar threats, the Potomac Power chief said that in the end war always means losses in profits. In discuss ing the 30-hour week, the hours of toil must pay for complete sustenance and also for a huge amount of leisure, he said. Some people talk of a stock market break within the next two years, while others say we are on a steady, per manent rise. The consumer goods Industries are going strong and likely to continue so. After all, the sus tenance and wear and tear of 130, 000,000 people makes a huge total, he asserted. Savings Bank Elects Officers. East Washington Savings Bank Stockholders, at their annual meeting yesterday, elected the following 15 trustees to serve for the ensuing year: John C. W. Ber.l, T. Earle Bourne. Charles A. Carry, James A. Donohoe, Gratz E. Dunkum, Lew'is Flemer, John Ford, W. P. C. Hazen, Edward B. Hughes, jr.; Francis J. Kane, Morris E. Marlow. Henry H. McKee. William N. Payne, jr.; William F. Simpson and Lambert O. Turner. Officers will be elected at the first .meeting of the new board, Tuesday, June 8. Potomac Power Net Mounts. Net earnings of the Potomac Elec tric Power Co. in April reached $404, 9?3.63. an increase of $76,600.42 over April, 1936, or 23.33 per cent, accord ing to the monthly statement filed today with the Public Utilities Com mission. Operating revenues amounted to $1,195,948.60, an advance of more than $39,000. At the same time operat ing expenses were reduced by $22, 707.27, leaving net operating revenues of $480,688.11, up $61,847.86. or 14.77 per cent. Gross revenues were more than 14 per cent higher than in April, 1936, while deductions for interest payments were reduced by $16,600.42. The power company made a very fine showing in the first four months of this year, net earnings climbing to $1,763,676.46, an increase of $249, 365.26, or 16.47 per cent. Operating revenues totaled $4,941,535.87, a gain of $202,927.20 over April of last year. Operating expenses were lower and net operating income up more than 10 per cent. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SMS TEND UP , AT END OF SESSION Selected Motors, Rubbers, Rails, Aircrafts and Spe cialties Favored. Stock Averages 30 15 15 «0 Indus. Rails Util. Btlcs. Net change, -f.2 -r.l Unc. —.1 Today, close 91 8 42 7 41.8 66.9 Prev. day... 91 6 42 6 41 8 66 3 Month ago.. 93.0 46.7 44.2 69.1 Year ago... 81 0 34 0 46.4 60.5 1937 high...101.6 49 5 54.0 75.3 1937 low... 88 5 37.8 40.9 65.4 1936 high.. 99.3 43 5 53.7 72.8 1936 low... 73 4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high ..146.9 153 9 184 3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VIC TOR EUBANK, 4 Associated Press Financial Writer. * NEW YORK. June 3—Late but feeble rallying tendencies appeared in today's stock market with selected motors, rails, rubbers, aircrafts and specialties favored. The recovery pace dragged notably and few issues were able to show’ gains of more than a point in the final hour. There was a wide assortment of small losers and manv of the leaders were virtually unchanged. Dealings were not much ahead of yesterday's snail-like session, which was the most apathetic in two years. Transfers were around 600,000 shares. Tending to wilt the buying urge of speculative and investment forces, brokers said, were fears settlement of the steel strike may 'be long-drawn out. Offsetting this angle, though, was the apparent easing of foreign tension and the continuance of satis factory earnings reports and dividend declarations. Aviation manufacturing stocks met support as orders for both govern mental and commercial planes were expected to touch a r.ew peak this year. Douglas Aircraft was prominent on the upside. Power and light company Issues seemingly were undisturbed by tha President's message to Congress recom mending establishment of seven new "little T. V. A.’s.” The substance of the communication was in line with what most utility officials had looked for. Posting plus signs before the close— some gave ground in the final few minutes—were United States Steel, Youngstown Sheet & Tube, Bethle hem, Chrysler, General Motors, Yel low Truck, Goodrich. Goodyear, United States Rubber, Central Rail road of New Jersey, Atlantic Coast Line, Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, Great Northern. Northern Pacific, Southern Railway, New York Steam preferreds. Celotex, Loew's, Union Carbide. Foster Wheeler, Borg War ner. Philip Morris, Eastman Kodak, Caterpillar Tractor. Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck. About even to a bit higher were American Telephone. Western Union, Electric Power & Light. Public Service of New Jersey, Columbia Gas, Texas Corp.. General Electric, Continental Oil. American Smelting and Cerro de Pasco. Washington Exchange SALES. National Bank of Washington—8 at 130. Mergenthaler Linotype—10 at 46%, 10 at 46%, 25 at 463„. AFTER CALL. I Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty pfd.—100 at 5%, 100 at 5%, 65 at 5%. Potomac Electric Power 5'2% pfd — 10 at 110%. Washington Gas 5s, 1958—$1,000 at 106. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amrr. Tel. A- Tel 4%s_®‘(H%ASked" Anacostia A Pet. 5s _ ?n 73 Ana. A Pot. Guar 5s._107 C. A P. Tel. of Va. 5s _ _ 3115 CaDital Traction 1st 5s_ £8 PO~~ City a Suburban 5s _ 78 £1 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s _ Ho 113% Pot. Elec. Pow. 3Us _ ion 103 Wash. Gas 5s 1958 _ Jn5U 105*4 Wash. Gas 5s I960 _ n 5 Wash. Rwy. A Elec. 4s __ 105U IIII MISCELLANEOUS Chevy Chase Club 1st 4Us. 104 W. M. Cold Storage 5s _ . loo _” STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer Tel. A Tel. (9) __ 1*7 Capita! Transit Co. ]o% ij:, N. A W. Steamboat -6> Ins Pot. Elec, pow ii'r pfd «6) ] Pot. El. P. 51 _ pf. (5.50) linJ2 * Wash Gas Lt Co <3.60»__ 78 81 Wash. Ry. A- El. com. <36) Too Wash Ry A El. pfd. <5» 109% BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer. Sec A Trust Co 'e8) 290 3*5 Bank of Bethesda <h.75)__ 34 Capital <4> . 14n Com A Savings (10)_ 210 1 Liberty <4» ]5<> 100 Lincoln < t<; 25> 2 "> Natl Sav A Tr. 175 Pr. Georees Bk. A Tr. (.50) 17 21 Riggs «e£) 3H» 330 Riffgs ntd (5)_ _ 101% Washington (6) 130 ... Wash Lean A Tr. (eS> 290 300 FIRE INSURANCE. American (6*_ 110 __ _ Corcoran (6) 180 .. Firemen's < 1 00) _ 29 __ National Union (.60) 16 _.I. TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia (.30)_ 12 15% Real Estate (6) _ . 170 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) . 20 25 Lanston Monotype <t4> 9n 99 Lincoln Serv com. (ti.00) *15 ]?% Lincoln Serv. pfd. (3.50) *47% 50U Mergenthaler Lino. (2.00) *46% 463* Peoples Dr St. com. (tl no) 50 54 Peoples Dr. St. pfd. (6.50) *110% Rea) Est. MAG pf (••.70) 5% 5% Security Storage (5) 112 125 Ter Ref A Wh. CorD. (3) 65 Wdwd. A Loth. com. <tl.50) 60 68 Wdwd. A Loth. pfd. (7)___ 115 _ •Ex. dividend. tPlus extras, e—2*7 extra, f—112*7 extra, h—75c extra. ••25c pa?d June 30. 1936; 45c paid De cember 22 1936. DIVIDEND IS ORDERED BY DUTCH PETROLEUM By the Associated Press. THE HAGUE, June 3.—Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. declared a final divi dend of 11'2 per cent, making 16'* per cent for the year, as compared with 10’2 per cent previously. Based on the 100 florin par value subshares on deposit in New York, against which '‘New York shares” have been issued at the rate of three for one, making their par value 33 V3 florin, the dividend would amount to 3.83 florins, or $2.11, based on Wednesday’s closing foreign exchange. STOCK IS LISTED. NEW YORK. June 3 OP).—'The New York Stock Exchange today admitted to the list Wayne Pump Co. capital stock. $1 par, and Western Auto Sup ply Co. common stock, $10 par value. By Private Wire Direct to The Star. All New Tork market* are now on daylifht aavlnr time. Prev 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 84% 63% Acme Steel (4)_ 1 72% 72% 72% -1% 22% 15 Adams Express b30c 9 16% 16% 16% 4% 2% Advance Rumely_ 1 2% 2% 2% — H 80% 67% Air Reduction (tl)_ 6 69% 68% 69% 15% 11% Alaska Jun <t60c)__ 4 12 11% 12 t 5% 2% Alleghany Corp _ 39 3 2% 8 59% 43% Alleg pf ww $30_ 4 46 45 45% P 59 43% Alleg pf ww $40__ 2 44 44 44 58% 43 Alleghany pf xw__ 1 44 44 44 —5% 52% 35 Alleg Corp pr pf- 1 39% 39% 39% - V* 45% 31% Alleg Steel (b80c)_ 1 32% 32% 32% 33% 21% Allied Mills (b2)_ 2 22V* 22% 22% + % A A Allied Mills (b2)rts. 10 ft % ft + ft 21% 15 Allied Stores (L20c) 6 16% 16% 16% — % 85 78 Allied Strs pf (6).2 78 76% 76% — 1% 83% 57 Allis-Chalm <b50c)_ 11 5»% 68% 59% +1 8% 4% Amal Leather__ 2 5% 5% 5% + % 52% 34V* Amal Leath pf (3)__ 1 39 39 39 —IV* 114% 90 Amerada Corp <2)__ 2 94% 94% 94% — % 41% 21Vi Am Bank Note (tl). 2 23% 23V* 23V* — V* 75% 59 Am Bk Note pf (3)_. 20s 63% 63% 63% +2 80% 57% Am Brake Sh <t2) __ 1 61% 61% 61% -2 160 125 Am Brake Sh pf 5%. 30s 132% 132 132 46 121 95% Am Can (T4). . 1 98% 98% 98%-% 71 60% Am Car & Fy (b25c) 8 55% 54% 55%-% 99% 72 Am Chain & C bl %) 2 90% 90% 90% 148 115 Am Chain & C pf 6.. 1 135 135 135 23% 13% Am Colortype _ 1 16 16 16 30% 22% Am Cornel A1 a50e._ 1 23% 23% 23% + V» 33'% 25V* Am Orys Sug b2%_ 3 27 27 27 13% 8% Am Encaustic_ 5 8% 8% 8% I 13% 7% Am & Foreign Pwr. 11 7% 7% 7% 58% 37 Am & For Pw $6 pf_ 4 40 40 40 +3 68% 45 Am & For Pw $7 pf. 5 48 48 48 21 16% Am Hawaiian (1)__ 2 17% 17% 17%+ v* 11% 6% Am Hide & Leather. 1 7% 7V* 7% — % 55% 37% Am Hide & L pf (3). 141 41 41 +% 52% 42 Am Home Pr(t2.40). 3 42% 42Vj 42% 4% 2% Am Ice . _ _ 2 3% 3V* 3% 27% 17% Am Ice pf (2)_ 1 22% 22% 22% — % 17% 13% Am Interntl (a40c)_ 2 13% 13% 13% 58% 42% Am Locomotive_ 5 46 45 45 + % 125 107 AtnLocopf (a3)_ 1 109% 109% 109% +1% 29% 20% Am Mach & F (tl).. 2 21 20% 21 -r % 13% 9 Am Mach & Met 60c. 19 9 9 68% 45% Am Metals <b25c)__ 6 50 49% 60 129% 112 Am Metals pf (6»_ 1 112% 112% 112% + % 16% 8% Am Power & Light.. 31 8% 8% 8% + % 72% 43% Am Pw & Lt pf (5).. 6 48% 48 48%+ % 87% 53 Am Pw & Lt pf (S)_ 3 58 68 58 — % 29% 20% Am Radiator t60c_ 18 21% 21% 21%+ % 45% 31% Am Roll Mill (2) . 38 35 33% 35 f % 36 28 Am Safty Raz (12)_ 2 29% 29% 29%+ % 29 22% Am Seating (a2% )_. 7 25% 25% 25%+ V* 105% 79% Am Smelt & Ref(3). 28 89% 87% 89% + Vi 73% 48% Am Steel Fdry (bl). 19 54% 53 54% — % 115 109% Am Steel F pf (7)_ 30s mjj llljj 1111! 26% 19 Am Stores (2) _ 5 19 18V* 18% — % 143% 125% Am Sugar pf (7)-x 1 124% 124% 124% + % 25% 2Hi Am Sum Tob (tl)_ 1 22% 22% 22% — 1% 187 160% Am Tel & Tel (9)_ 11167 16CV* 166% + % 99 74% Am Tobacco (5)_ 4 77% 76% 77% + % 99% 74% Am Tobacco B (6)7 78% 77% 78 — % 150% 128% Am Tobacco pf (6)_ 2 136 135% 136 +1% 20% 13% Am Type Founders. 14 13% 13\, 13% — % 29% 16% Am Water W (80c)_ 20 18'* 17% 18% — V, 14% 8% Am Woolen _ I 9 9 9 + v* 79 59% Am Woolen pf (b2). 2 62 61% 62 -rl 20 6% Am Zinc & Lead . 8 12% 12% 12'% 69% 47% Anaconda Cop b"5c. 154 53% 52% 53% — V* 97 79 Anaconda Wire bl % 2 82 82 82 — % 24% 18 Anchor Cap (600 ... 2 19% 19% 19'% — % 111 105 Anchor Ct.p pf 6%.. 10s 105 105 105 111 107% Armour(Del)pf(7)_ 1 109 109 109 + % 13% 7 Armour of ill(b35c) 20 11 10% 11 + % 70%. 57% Armstrong Cork(2). 2 63% 63% 63% — % 24% 15% Assoc Dry Goods __ 11 16% 16% 16% — % 101 90 Asso D G 1st pf(6).. 2 89% 89% 89% — % 94% 69% Atcll T & S Fei»2)__ 39 83% 80% 83% +1 101 97% Atch T & S F pf (5)_ 1 99% 99% 99% - % 55% 44'* Atl Coast L1ne(al). 38 50% 48% 60% +1% 29 18 AT.l Gulf & Wst Ind. 4 19 19 19 -.1 37 28 All Refining (tl)__ 7 29% 29% 29% 116% 107 Atl Refin pf (4)_ 1 107% 107% 107% + % 18% 15% Atlas Corp (80c)_ 15 15% 15% 15% 36% 21% Auburn Auto_ 3 22% 22% 22% 9% 5% Aviation Corp Del_ 11 6% 6% 6% + % 114 6 Baldwin Loco (<3 ). _ 26 64 54 6 120 86 Baldwin Loco pf(d) 1 82 82 82 —4 94 54 Baldwin asd (d)_ 13 54 5 5 —4 404 204 Baltimore & Ohio_ 64 304 294 304 — 4 474 334 Baltimore & Oh pf_ 3 344 34 34 —14 45 3S4 Bangor & Ar (2V4)_ 1 42 42 42 434 294 Barber Co (b25c)_ 2 30 30 30 — 4 32 234 Barker Bros _ 3 264 26 264 t24 42 38 Barker Bros pf 2Vi- 40s 384 384 384 354 244 Barnsdal) (1) 15 264 264 264 — Vi 114 1114 Bayuk 1st pf (7)_ 20s 112 112 112 284 224 Beatrice Cream tl— 1 224 224 224 154 12 Belding Hemln (1). 2 12V* 124 124 + Vi 3o's 194 Bendix Aviat’n b50c. 4 204 20V* 204 + 4 234 204 Benef Ind Ln (b95e) 3 21 21 21 + 4 1054 73 Bethlehem SteeKbl 39 844 83 844 + V* 694 514 Bigelow-Sanf'd blVi 1 524 524 624 — 4 38 244 Black & Decker (1). 1 26 26 26 +1 294 22 Blaw-Knox (b45c) _ 1 24 24 24 —4 944 854 Blumenthal pfla21) 30s 82 79 79 -11 494 314 Boeing Airplane_ 16 344 334 344 + Vi 484 404 Bohn Alum & B(3) — 3 424 42 424 + 4 464 414 Bon Ami (B) (2%)- 30s 44 44 * 44 28 234 Borden Co (1.60)_ 28 244 244 244 + V* 47 384 Borg- Warner_ 26 464 444 454 + 7, 23V* 15 Bridgep't Brass(l). 10 17 I64 164 - V* 594 41 Briggs Mfg (t2)_ 5 424 414 42Vi + 4 53 254 Bklyn-Man Tr (4).. 66 254 23 23 —24 1024 72 Bklyn-Man T pf (6). 1 70 70 70 —5 8 34 Bklyn & Queens _ 1 34 34 34 + i„ 524 304 Bklyn Un Gas(l.60) 2 30 30 30 — 4 244 174 Brunswlck-Balke... 3 184 184 184 - V* 254 154 Bucyrus-Erie_ 3 164 164 164. — 4 144 84 Budd (EG) Mfg_ 12 9 84 84 13 8 Budd Wheel b20c_ 5 84 84 84 354 254- Burr Add M (80c)_ 7 254 254 254 — 4 94 44' Butte Cop & Z(a5c)_ 6 54 51, 5.7, + 1* 334 204 Byers (AM) _ 1 224 224 224 +14 344 27 Bvron Jackson (tl). 3 274 274 274 — 4 04 2% Callahan Zinc-Lead 7 34 3% 34— i, 204 12 Calumet&Hec 075c.. 7 14% 144 144 + t* 37% 26 Campbell Wy (T1)_ 13 27% 26% 26% — V* 384 .254 Canada Dry G Ale_ 9 28 274 274 174' 124 Canadian Pacific_ 18 13% 134 134 — 4 184 144 Cap Adm (A > (al).. 1 14% 14% 14'* 35% 344*<'arpenter Stl bl.62. 2 344 344 344 — % Kill 854 Caterpillar Tr ( + 2 >. 9 94 93 93% +14 414 26% Celanese Corp bl 4 - 31 39% 38% 394 — % 1134 1064 Celanese pr pf A(7 ). 4 1134 113 1134 + 4 484 364 Celotex Corp (b40c) 5 42% 414 42% +2% 394 31 Cent Aguire (tlVi). 6 33% 33 33%+ 4 12% 74 Central Foundry_ 1 74 74 74 — 4 41s* 18 Central R R of N J_. 4 21 19v* 21 +2% 144 10% Century Rib M b20c. 1 10 10 10 — Vi 86% 60 Cerro de Pasco <4)_. 10 65% 65 654 82 60% Certain-teed pf (6 >_ 10s 64s* 64% 64% — % 904 77 Chesapeake Crp(3)_ 2 77 77 77 684 544 Ches & Ohio t2.80_ 16 57% 67% 57% — % 134 64 Chi & Est 111 pf (d)_ 19 9 9 4 24 Cht Grt West <d)_ 4 2% 24 24 — 4 12% 8 Chi Ind & L pf <d)_20s 9% 9% 9% — % 32 244 Chi Mall Ord tl%_ 7 254 254 25% 34-2 Ch! Mil St P&P «d>_ 7 24 24 24 74 44 Chi M St P&P pf(d). 4 4% 44 4% + 4 6% 34 Chi & N W (d)_ 11 4 4 4 — 4 33 21 Chi Pneumatic Tool. 4 24 24 24 + Vi 704 55% Chi Pn T pf b87%c- 1 65 55 55 -24 3% 24 Chi R 1 & Pao (d) — 3 24 24 24 — 4 104 64 Chi RI&P 7 % nf(d). 1 64 64 64-% 274 18 Chi Yellow Cab (2). 3 174 16 16 -2 15% 124 Childs Co 1 12% 12% 12% + 4 80 464 Chille Copper(b75c) 10s 544 544 544 — % 1354 1064 Chrysler Corp b3%- 31 112V* 1104 1124 +14 21% 184 City Ice & Fuel (2). 2 19 19 19 92 83 City Ice & F pf 64- 20s 84 84 84 98% 78 Cluett Peabody (3). 1 91 91 91 —2 1304 126 Cluett Peab pf (7).. 110s 1324 1324 1324 +2 25% 194 Colgate-P-P( t50c) - 7 19% 194 19% — 4 62% 50 Collins & Aikn (12)- 2 50% 50V* 50% + % 30 19 Colo & South 1st pf. 30s 19 19 19 204 114 Columb G & El(40c) 60 12 11% 12 +4 125% 111 Col Carb vtc <14)_ 3 1144 113% 113% -It* 694 56% Cornel Credit (t4).. 5 624 61% 62V* + IV* 114 100 Cornel Cred pf (44) 1 106 106 106 80V* 634 Cornel Inv T (t4) _ x 3 67 66% 67 +4 214 134 Cornel Solv (t60c)„ 14 13% 134 134 — V* 44 2 Comw & Southern.. 139 24 24 24 75% 47% Comw & Sou pf(3)_ 4 52 51 51 -2 454 35% Congoleum-Nrn(2)_ 2 37 364 364 + % 184 114 Consol Cigar_ 1 124 124 124 — 4 95 834 Con C pr pf ww 6 V4- 250s 884 88 88 494 34 Cons Edis N Y( + 2).. 10 354 35 354 108 103 Cons Ed N Y pf(5)_. 10 103% 1034 1034 5% 3 Cons Film - 1 3V* 3V* 3V* + 4 134 94 Cons Laundries_ 1 10% 10% 10% — 4 174 144 Cons Oil (80c)_ 28 154 154 154 1% % Cons Textile (d)_ 4 % % % 37% 20% Container Corp 1.20. 20 '28V* 27% 28 Contain rts June 28. 125 1 li 1 <L% 21% Conti Baking (A) 3 22% *22 22 —1 5% 2% Conti Baking <B)_ 2 2% 2% 2% 69% 50% Conti Can (3)_ 5 55 64% 54%+ % 25% 19% Conti Diamond 42)_ 1 21 21 21 + % 42% 35% Conti Insur «tl.60)_ 15 36% 36% 36% — % 47% 39% Conti Oil Del (tl)__ 14 43% 42% 43%+ % 71% 54% Corn Prod Ref(t3)_ 5 57 56% 57 —1 10% 6 Coty Ino- 6 7% 7% 7% — % 56% 42% Crane Co_ 8 44 43 44 + % 121 113% Crane Co pf (7)_ 25 116% 116% 116% % Vi Crane Co (rights)_ 380 ft Vi A 105% 103% Crane Co cum pf (5). 22 103% 103% 103% — % 37 29% Cream of Wheat(2). 2 31% 31% 31% 100% 70% Crown Cork & S(2)_ 2 75% 75 75%+ % 47% 40 Crn C&S pf xw 2%_. 1 40 40 40 -1 25% 17 Crown Zellerb _ 10 19% 19% 19% — % 108% 98% Crown Zell cu pf(5). 1 99% 99% 99V* + % 17% 9 Cuba R R pf_ 10s 9% 9% 9% 14 % S% Cuban-Am Sugar_ 4 8% 8% 8% — % 20% 10% Curtis Publishing_ 11 11% 11 11% — % 109% 86% Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 1 86 86 86 - % 8% 5% Curtiss-Wrlght_ 28 5% 5% 5% — 23% 16% Curtiss-W (A)a50c_ 10 18% 18% 18%+% 62 48 Cushman Sons pf_ 20s 49% 49% 49% 24 19 Davega cum pf 1%_ 3 20% 20% 20% — % 137% 104% Deere & Co _ 2 130% 130 130%+% 31% 26% Deere & Co pf 1.40.. 3 27% 27% 27%+ % 68% 41% Delaware & Hudson. 1 42% 42% 42% — % 24% 17% Del Lack & West_ 9 18V* 17% 18 + % 10% 6% Den & R G W pf(d). 2 6% 6% 6% — Vi 146% 113 Detroit Edison (t4). 1112 112 112 -1 36% 28% Diamond Match (tl. 1 29% 29% 29% +1 23 17% Diamond T Mot (1). 1 17% 17% 17% - 1* Prev. 1937 Stock and Bales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 29 20% Distil Corn Sea?_ 2 21% 21% 21% - % 51 38% Dome Mines (t2)_ 13 39% 38% 39 77% 47% Douglas Aircraft_ 68 59% 66% 59 +1% 65 46% Dresser (A) (a3)_ 1 46 46 46 —2% 180% 148% Du Pont deN(b2%). 5 155 154% 165 - % 115% 112 Duauesne 1st 46)_10a 113 113 113 175% 151 Eastman Kodak (8) x 6 169 168 169 +1 16 11% Eitington-Schild __ 8 12 12 12 29 21% El Paso Nat G 1.60.. 4 24% 24% 24%-% 45% 34% Elec Auto Lite 3.20. 17 39% 38% 39%+ % 16 9% Elec Boat <a60c)_ 11 10% 10% 10%+ % 7% 4% Elec&Mus 1 (al8c)_ 5 4% 4% 4% 26% 15% Eleo Pow & Light_ 22 16% 16% 16% - % 87 59 Elec Pw & Lt $6 pf.. 2 62 61 62 +2% 44% 37 Elec Storage Bat (2) 1 37% 37% 37% 2 1 Elk Horn Coal (d)_ 1 1% 1% 1% + % 8 3% Elk Horn Cl pf (d).. 1 4% 4% 4% + % 60 55% Endlcott-John (3)_ 2 56 56 56 —1% 115% 108% Endicott-Jhn pf(5). 20s 108% 108% 108% - % 78% 69 Eng PS $6 pf (b5)_ 1 61 61 61 + % 23% 13% Erie RR_ 6 17% 17% 17%-% 35% 24 Erie HR 1st pf_ 1 25% 25% 25%+ % 28% 18% Erie R R 2d pf_ 1 19 19 19 +% 14% 9% Eureka Vac (80c)_ 1 10% 10% 10%+% 34% 24% Evans Prod (tl)_ 4 24% 24 24 -1 5% 3% Fairbanks Co_ 260s 3% 3% 3% -1% 71% 49% Fatrb'ks-Morse (tl) 3 57% 56% 67%+ % 70 51 % Fajardo Sugar (b2). .3 51% 51% 51% 29% 19% Federal Lt & Trao.. .3 20 19% 20 103 88% Fed Lt & T pf (6)... 40a 88'% 88% 88% 150 66% Fed Min & Smelter.. 1 130 130 130 -6 11% 7 Federal Motor(40c). 4 7% 7 7% 43% 32% Fed'd Dept Str(2) _ 3 34 34 34 +% 45% .36 Fidel Phoenix tl.60. 3 36% .36% 36% - H 41% 32% Firestone T&R (2)_ 3 32% 32% 32%+% 52% 40 First Natl Strs t2%. 2 42 42 42 46% 29% FlintkoteCo (1)_ 2 29% 29% 29%-% 9% 5% Follansbee Bros(d). 9 6% 5 5% + Vi 54% 38% Foster-Wheeler_ 2 43 43 43 +1 18% 10 Francisco Sugar_ 2 10% 10% 10% — % 32% 24% Freeport Sulph (1)_ 6 26% 26% 26% — % 48% 26 Fuller Co 2d pf_ 10a 28% 28% 28% i b 4b Gabriel Co (A)_ 1 fit* 5b 5b 33 22 Gamewell Co__ 30* 25 25 25 ~ 106'* 95 Gannett cy pf f 6)_ 20* 101 100 101 -1 86b 65b Gen Am Trans b 1 b. 2 67 67 67 -1 19b 12b Gen Bakini (t60c)_. 7 12% 12V, 12H - % 153 138 Gen Baking pf (8).. 110* 140 139 140 +2 52V* 39 Gen Cigar < 14)_ 1 40* 40 40 64b 49b Gen Elec (b40c)_ 41 53b 52b 53b + b 44b 36 Gen Foods (2)_ 4 39b 39V* 39b — b 3s* lb Gen Gas & Elec(A). 4 2 2 2 + b 65b 60 Gen Mills (3)_ 1 63b 63b 63b 124 117 Gen Mills pf <6)_ 10* 118b 118b 118b 70b 54V4 Gen Motors (bl Vi)-. 83 55b 54b 55 + Vi 122b 114b Gen Motors pf (5) 1 117b 117b 117b - V* 19 15V* Gen Print Ink Ii30c.. 9 17b 17 17 5b 3b Gen Pub Service__ 3 4b 4b 4b + b 65V* 411* Gen Ry Signal (1)_ 6 44H* 44s* 44b — b 5b 3 Gen Realty & Util_ 3 3b 3b 3b + b 70b 57 Gen Refract (b2)__ 2 59b 59 59 33b 22b Gen Thea Ep(b50c). 1 24 24 24 + b 20b 15 Gillette S Raz (tl)_ 30 15b 15b 15V* - b 29b 20b Glmbel Bros _ 9 24 23V, 24 + b 51b 41 Gllddcn Co (t2)_ 2 45b 45 45b -r b 6T* 4b Gobel (Adolf)_ 3 4b 4s* 4b 8'* 5b Goebel Brew(t20c)_ 5 6b 6V* 6b 50V, 31 Goodrich(BF) b50c_ 9 43V* 42b 43V* 41 87b 79V, Goodrich pf (6)_ 3 81 80s* 80b 4 b 47b 27b Goodyear T & R bl_ 30 38b 37b 38b 4 b 141 100 Goodyear cu pf<5)_ 1 115 115 115 -rl 96 901* Gotham S H pf (7).. 10* 90b 90b 90b 4 b 4s* 3 Graham-Palgs_ 13 3b 3b 3b 4 b 15 6b Granby Cons_ 4 9b 9b 9b — V* 5b 3b Grand Union ctfs_ 3 3b 3b 3b 27b 19b Grand Union pf blV4 1 19 19 19 - b 47b 34s* Grant ( VVT) 111.40> 1 36b 36b 36b — b 56b 4(>b Grt Northern pf_ 35 63 51b 63 4- b 28', 19 Grt Northn Ore (1)_ 1 20b 20b 20b -r b 421* 34 Grt West Sug t2.40_ 2 35 34b 35 4 % 145b 135 Grt Wst Sug pf(7)_. 10* 137b 137b 137b 39V, 27b Green H L (tl.60)_ 10 28b 27b 28b 41s* 16b 12b Greyhound <t80c)._ 6 13b 13V* 13b — b lib 10b Greyhound pf (55c). 8 10b 10b 10b 4 b 17b lib Gulf Mobile A N_ 1 12 12 12 - V* 20b 13b Hall W F Print_ 11 16b 16 16 31 25b Hamilton VV (b65c) x 4 27 26b 26b -1 105 98 Hanna (MA) pf(5). 20* 100 100 100 -1 8 4 Hayes Body_ 15 5 6 109s* 101 Hazel Atlas G1 05) 1 102b 102b 102b 4 b 15b lib Hecker Prod (t60c) x 7 12b 12b 12b - ft Hinde Dauch _ 1 36 36 36 30b 21 Hollander & Son(l). 4 25b 25b 25b 4 b 43b 31b Holly Sugar 02)_ 6 33 32s* 33 -b 431 336 Homestake 012)—. 240* 385 380 384 44 27b 20'.* Houd-Her B (Tib). 3 21 21 21 17b 12b Houston OH vtc_ 14 15b 15 15b- b 90V, 62b Howe Sound < T3)_ 6 74b 73b 74b 4 b 5b 3 Hudson & Manhat._ 2 3b 3b 3b — l* 15b 8b Hudson & Man pf_ 2 8b 8V* 8b — s* 23b 15b Hudson Motor_ 10 16b 16 16b 4 3 Hupp Motor_ 17 3b 3b 3b 38 22b Illinois Central_ 24 27b 26b 27b — b 22b 12b Indian Rehn (al)_ 1 14 14 14 47b 36V* Indus Rayon (2)_ 3 39 39 39 144 125 Ingersoll-R’d (bib) 2 129 129 129 -1 131b 94 Inland Steel (T4)-._ 8 96b 95 96b 4. % 33V* 17% inspiration Cop_ 37 24b 23b 24 4 b 13b 6b Inter Rap Tr vtc(d) 6 7b 7b 7b— b 64V* 41 Interchem Corp( t2) 4 56b 55b 55b — 2V, 11 lb 107b Interchemical pf (6) 20* 109 109 109 + b 1U, 4b lntercontl Rubber_ 1 7 7 7 — V* 28v, 16V, Interlake Iron_ 19 18b 18 18b 9b 5 Inti Agricultural_ 1 6b 6b 6b 63b 42 lntl Agri pr pf(b3)_ 3 54b 54 54b + Vi 189 149b Inti Bus Mach(t6).. 2 150 149b 149', - b 111b 99b inti Harvester(2 V4). 18 108b 107b 108b + b 16b 8b Inti Hydro El A 8 12 lib 12 4 b 15b 6b Inti Mercantile M..» 3 9b 9b 9b 4 b 73b 55V* Inti Nickel (bl)__ 67 59 58b 58b —lb 24b 16b Inti Paper (A)_ 6 19 18b 19 18 10b Inti Paper (B)_ 7 13b 13 13b-1- b 9b 5b Inti Paper (C)_ l.V 7 6b 7 4 V* 121b 90v* mu Paper pf_ 4 103b 102'., 103b 10 5b Inti Ry Cent Am_140s 6', 6b 6', + b 28s* 25b lntl Salt (T1 H )_ 1 25 25 25 - b 49b 42'-, lntl Shoe (t2)_ 2 43b 43b 43b — v, 15b 9b lntl Tel & Tel_ 9 10b 10b 10b — b 36V* 20b Interstat Dp St b2V4 23 21b 20b 21b +lb lb 1 Inter D S rts June 8 10.5 lb 1 IV, 4 V, 30 25b Island Creek (2) .. 3 28 27s* 28 155 125 Johns-Manv <T3) _. 7 127b 126V, 126b - »« 126 120 Johns-Mansv pf (7). 10* 123b 123b 123b + lb 29 20 Kans City South_ 2 21V* 21 214 + v* 444 324 KansCltv Sopf(al). 1 33 33 33 t4 234 164 Kelsey-H A (»1 4 )_. 2 17V* 17 17 - v* 194 124 Kelsey-H B (alV4>- 1 12 12 12 - 4 694 51 Kennecott Cop bl % x 64 57H 65V* 574 + 4 94 54 Kinney (G R) Co... 1 6 6 6 — Vi 71 47V* Kinney pf (al)_ 60» 58 55 65 -3 294 214 Kresge (S S) b60c-_ 4 214 214 214 +4 474 34 Kress S H <1.»0)_ 1 334 334 334 — 4 24V* 194 Kroger Groo (tl.60) 17 194 184 184 -4 414 25 Laclede Gas pf_ 10« 23V* 23V* 23V* -34 24 184 Lambert Co (2)_ 27 20 184 184 -2 274 17 Lee Rubber (50c)_ 2 24 4 244 244 — 4 34 14 Lehigh Valley Coal. 37 14 14 14-4 184 94 Lehigh Val Coal pf_ 2 10 10 10 — 4 244 164 Lehigh Valley R R.. 6 17V* 17 174 — 4 40 384 hehmanCor'n __. 7 41 404 404 + 4 79 614 Llbbey-Ow-F b75c_ 2 654 654 654 + 4 154 94 Libby McN & L(al). 1 114 114 114 + V* 284 254 Life Saver (tl.60).. 4 26V» 26 26 - Vs 113V* 93 Ligg & Myer* (t4)_ 1 96 96 96 +1 114 944 Ligg & Myers B t4 3 974 974 974 + 4 175 151 Ligg * Myers pf (7). 1 157 157 157 +4 834 59 Lima Locomotive._ 4 674 67 674 +14 61 514 Link Beit <t2)_ 2 63 63 53 - v* 634 434 Liquid Carb (2.60)_ 4 48 474 474 - V* 84 4 644 Loew's Ino (t2)_ 22 804 784 809. +14 34 24 Loft Inc_ 5 24 24 24 + 4 75V* 50V* Lone Star Cem (3).. 6 564 554 564 + 4 104 64 Long-Bell Lumb(A) 2 64 64 64 — 4 434 32 Loose-Wiles (2)_ 3 32 314 314 -4 284 21V* Lorillard P (11.20). 5 22 214 22 + 4 1474 1384 LorjUard P pf (7) 50» 1394 1394 1394 - 4 284 194 Louis G&E A b3"4e 6 214 21 21 —4 99 864 Louis & Nash b24 — 4 88 874 874 414 29V* Ludlum Steel (tl)_* 6 31V* 304 31V* - V* 24% 14% McCrory stores_ b 15% 15% 15%+ Vi 28% 18% McGraw H P b27%e 1 20% 20% 20%+% 42% 32% McIntyre Porcu(2). 4 31 33% 33%+ % 42% 31% McKeesp’t Tin Plate 6 35% 35% 35%+ % 16% 12% McKesson & Rob... 14 13% 13% 13%-% 62% 42% Mack Trucks <tl)_ 2 45 44% 45 58% 44% Macy (R H) »t2)_ 1 44% 44% 44% — Vi 63 45 Magma Copper (2)_ 1 49 49 49 — % 6% 3% Maracaibo Oil Exp_. 2 4 3% 4 + % 14% 10% Marine Mid (t40c)_. 7 10% 10% 10%+% 30% 18% Marshall Field 8 24% 23% 24 - % 29% 23 Martin (Glenn) 17 23 22 23 13% 7 Martin-Parry 2 8% 8 Vi 8% + % 74 54% Masonite (tl) 2 54 53% 64 -1 41% 32% Mathieson Aik (1%) 2 33% 33% 33%+% 66% 51% May Dept St <t3)_ 2 53 51% 53 +1% 15% 9% Maytag Co (a50c)_ 2 10 9% 9% - % 44 35% Maytag pf ww (3)_ 1 35 35 35 — % 45 43% Maytag xw pf (3)._. 20s 35 35 35 —9 34% 25% Mead Corp. _ 3 29 27% 27% -1% 101 93% Mead Corp pf (6)_ 80s 95% 95 95%+ % 86% 70% Melville Shoe (to).. 1 73 73 73 -% 16% 11% Menael Co _ 1 11% 11% 11% 72% 58 Mesta Mach (b2%). 1 61% 61% 61%-% 26% 14% Miami Copper .. 30 18% 17% 18%+ % 35% 27% Mid-Cont Pet (b50c) 2 28 28 28. - % 122 114 Midld Stl 1st pf(8)_ 20s 115 115 115 +1 120 96 Minn-Hon Ros (2).. 4 103% 103 103 -1 124 108 Minn-Hn R pf B(4). 20s 110 110 110 -% 16% 11 Minn Moline Pow... 3 12% 12% 12%+% 101 88% Minn Moline Pw pf. 1 95% 95% 95% — % 6% 3% M St P&S S M Is ln_. 40s 3% 3% 3% - Vi 34 25% Mission Corp (bl)_. 1 26% 26% 26% 9% 6% Mo Kans & Texas ... 3 7% 7 7% + % 34% 24% Mo Kans & Tex pf A 3 26% 26 26% + % 12% 7 Mo Pacific pf <d) . 4 8% 8% 8% 40% 28 Mohawk Carp tl.20. 1 33 33 33 -1% 101 85 Monsanto Ch b75c._ 1 90 90 90 69 48 Montg Ward (t2>_ 41 51% 50% 51% + % 66% 69 Morris* Esx (3%).x 50s 60'% 60% 60%+ Vi 3% % Mother Lode al 2%c. 23 1% 1% 1% + % 38% S0% Motor Prod (bl'%).. 1 31% 31% 31% — % 26 20% Motor Wheel(1.60)_ 1 20% 20% 20% — % 54 40 Mueller Brass (tl)- 6 40% 40% 40% — % 99% 90 Mullins pf (7)- 10s 88% 88% 88% -1% 36% 27% Munsingwear (3)_ 2 28% 28% 28%—1% 20% 11% Murmy Corp(aBOc). 2 12% 12 12 — % 71 68% Mvers (F E) (bl)_ 1 66% 66% 66%—% 24% 17% Nash Kelv (1)_ 26 18% 18% 18%+% 47% 35 Nashv Chat & St L_. 60s 37 36% 37 +1 24 18 Natl Acme (b25e)._ 2 19% 19 19% +1 18H 11% Natl Aviation (al)_ 1 18% 18% 13% + % Prev. 1P37 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, ehge. 33% 24% Natl Biscuit (1.60). 20 24% 24% 24% — % 167 145 Natl Biscuit pf (7).. 1 153% 153% 153% 43% 38% 29% Natl Cash Reg <1>__ 7 33% 32% 33%+ % 26% 21% Natl Dairy Prd 1.20. 12 22% 22% 22% — % 112% 107% Natl Dairy pf A (7). 10* 108 108 108 112 107 Natl Dairy pf B (7). 20* 109% 109 109 + % 24% 16% Natl Dept Stores... 2 17% 17 17%+ % 10% 6% Natl Dept Strs pf_ 80* 6% 6% 6% 35 27% Natl Distlllers(t2)_ 4 30% 30% 30%+ % 18% 14% Nat'l Gypsum Co_ 1 15 15 15 — % 44 31% Natl Lead <t60c)_ 4 34% 34 34 171 154% Natl Lead pf A (7).. 1 157 157 157 — % 61% 48 Natl Mall & S C b50o 1 50% 60% 50% -1 14% 8% Natl Pw & Lt (60c). 5 9% 9% 9% 94% 70 Natl Steel (t2%) . 2 77% 77% 77%+ % 130 121% Natl Supply pf bl)4 1 127 127 127 12% 7% Natl Tea (60c)_ 3 8% 8 8 + V* 41% 28 Newport Ind(b50c)_ 3 30% 30% 30% 55% 40 NY Central_ 82 44 43 43% 72 41 N Y Chi & St L_ 4 .68 57 57 -1 100 83 NY Chi & St L pf... X 88% 88% 88% + % 31% 25% N Y City Omnibus.. 5 26% 26% 26%+ % 12% 8 N Y Dock_140* 8% 8% 8V* — % 25% 17 N Y Dock pf_150* 17% 17% 17%-% 9% 3% NY NH & H (d)_ 26 4% 4 4 26% 15 NY NH & H pf (d).. 6 17% 17% 17%+% 6% 2% N Y Ontario & W__ 1 2% 2% 2% 15% 8% N Y Shipbuilding:.'.. 1 10% 10% 10% 102% 75% N Y Steam pf (6)... 960* 91 82% 88 -17% 112% 85 N Y Steam pf A(7) 990* 98% 92 96% +4% 17% 9% North Am Aviation. 56 12% 11% 12% + % 34% 22% North Am Co(b"0c). 24 26% 25% 26 — % 57% 51% North Am Co pf (3). 3 53% 53% 53%-% 104% 97% North Am Ed pf (6). 1 100% 100% 100% 105 93 Northern Cent (4)_20s 99 99 99 36% 2714 Northern Pacific ... 50 33 31% 33 + % 53% 49 Northwest Tel (3)_10* 49% 49% 49% 22% 17% Ohio Oil (b50c)_ 32 19% 19% 19% + % 73 63% Oliver Farm Equip.. 5 64% 64% 64% 26% 16% Omnibus Corp vtc_ 3 16% 16% 16% + % 114 99% Omnibus pf (8)__ 10s 100 100 100 + % 45% 33% Otis Elevator b40c.. 5 38% 37% 38 + % 24% 14% Otis Steel_ 20 17% 16% 17%+ % 97 75 Otis Stl cv pf (5%). 1 79% 79% 79% 13% 28 22 Outboard Mot b75c_ 2 24 24 24 — % 96% 82% Owens-Ill Glass (3) 2 94 94 94 23 17% Pacific Am Fish 1.20 8 18', 17% 18%+% 15% 8% Pacific Coast_ 70s 8% 8 8% 40 2.V4 Pacific Coast 1st pf. 40s 2fi% 25% 26% +1% 27% 15% Pacific Coast 2d_ 10s 15% 15% 15% — % 38 28% Pac Gas & Elec (2). 8 29% 29% 29%+ % 53% 41% Pac Lighting (3).__ 7 43 43 43 -% 44% 30 Pacific Mills (bl)_ 1 29% 29% 29% — % 152 134% Pac Tel & Tel (8)... 30s 135 135 135 149 133 Pac Tel & T pf (6)_. 50s 135 135 135 29% 20% Pac West Oil(a65c). 1 23% 23% 23% — Vi 12% 8% Packard Mot (bl6c). 16 9% 9 9 121 60 Panhandle P&R pf.. 50s 106 105% 105% —1% 109% 100 Paraffine Cos pf (4). 50s 99% 99% 99% — % 28% 17% Paramount Pic_ 67 18% 18% 18% + % 200% 126 Paramnt 1st pf (S)_ 2 129 129 129 -6% 26% 16% Paramnt 2d pf 60c_ 9 17% 17 17% + % 8% 4 Park Utah _ 3 4', 4% 4% — %! 44% 37% Parke Davls(bl.40). 2 37% 37% 37% — % 29% 23% Parker Rust (tl %). 5 23% 23% 23% + % 10% 6% Pathe Film Corp_ 2 7% 7 7% -e % 23% 14', Patino Mines(t60c). 6 16 15% 16 -r % 7% 3% Peerless Corp.. . 10 6% 6% 6% — % 64 38% Penick & Ford (bl). 3 40% 40% 40%— % 103% 87 Penney J C) (4)_ 2 90 90 90 —1 121 a 7 Penn Dixie Cement- 6 7% 7% 7% — % 29% 22 Pa Glass ctfs b25c . 1 25% 25% 25% — % 60% 39% Penn Railroad <a2)_ 24 41% 40% 40% — % 65% 44% Peoples Gas Chi_ 4 46 46 46 —1% 48% 34 Pere Marquette _ 1 35 35 35 21% 16% Petrol Corpt A) b40o 4 17% 17% 17% — % 13V* 7% Pfeiffer Brew bROc.. 1 8% 8% 8% — % 59% 43% Phelps Dodge b80c.. 10 46% 46 46% + 4 3% 1 % Thila & Read C & I _. 18 1% 1% 1%— % 84', 70 Philip Morris(b3% > 21 80% 78% 80', +2% 69% 49% Phillips Petrol’m t2 12 55% 65% 65% 74’, 50 Phoenix pf (3%)_ 10s 44 44 44 .7 20% 14% Pierce Oil pf_ 3 15% 15% 15% 33% 28% Pilisbury Flour 1 60 1 29 29 29 + % 20 13% Pitts Screw&B bloc. 9 14 13% 14 122 93 Pitts Steel pf_ 40s 93% 93 93 — % 8% 3% Pitts United_ 1 4% 4% 4% 47’, 31% Pitts &WVa_ 30s 36 35% 354 29% 24% Plymouth Oil b70c_ 5 26% 26 26% j- 4 ll7s 5% Porto R Am Tob A.. 2 5% 5s, 5% j- % 31% 19% Pressed Steel Car_ 4 21V* 20% 21% + % 65% 55% Proctor & Gam( t2). 8 59', 58% 59% .1 52% 37', Pub Sve N J <2.60)_. 3 39% 39', 39% ~ i, 128% 114% Pub Svc N J pf (6).. 2 115 114% 115 + v» 140% 127% Pub Svc N J pf (7)_. 1 126% 126% 126% 72% 55% Pullman Inc (1V4)— 10 56 55% 56 — % 24% 17% Pure Oil_ 120 17% 17% 17% — % 23s, 15% Purity Bak (60c)_ 2 16 16 16 * % 12'* S', Radio Corp_ 39 84 S'* 84 + v, 80 654 Radio pf A <3 4 )_ 5 68 67', 67-4— 4 104 7'* Radlo-Kelth-Or (d). 25 84 74 8 254 14'* R R Sec 111 Cent_ 20s 19 19 19+4 374 29 Ray bestos M <tl4 ) 6 334 33 334 - 4 47 37 Reading RR (2)_ 1 39V* 394 394 -24 224 17 Reliable Stores (1)_. 1 17'* 17'* 174+4 294 21 Rem-Rand (055c)__ 9 244 234 24 — 944 80 Rem-Rd pf ww 4 4 — 1 81 81 81 — 24 94 5 Keo Motor Car_ 19 64 54 64 *""4 474 274 Republic Steel_ 69 344 334 344 + V, 494 33V* Revere Copper__ 2 37 37 37 30'» 22V, Reynolds Met (tl)_. 2 254 25'* 254 — V* 68 49 Reynolds Tob B (3) x 10 50'* 504 50',— 46 31 Safewav Stores!12) 6 344 33'* 34 — 4 66 434 St Joseph Ld (+2) — 6 574 57 57H + 4 51** 404 Schenley Dist bl4_. 4 42s* 42 42 34 IV, Schulte R Sirs <d)_. 1 14 14 14 4. u, 45s* 38 Scott Paper (b65e)_ 30» 404 404 404 24 14 Seaboard AJr E <d)_ 11 14 14 14 84 4', Seaboard A L pf(d). 3 5 4 , 5 + 4 114 74 Seagrave Corp_ l rv, R4 gv* 954 81 Sears Roebuck f3)_ 23 864 86 864 + 4 34 26 Servel Inc (tl)_ 6 29 284 284 — 4 424 29 Sharon Steel (tl.20) 1 314 314 314 14 94 Sharpe & Dohme 6 114 114 114+ 4 174 124 Shattuck F G <60c)_ 1 134 134 134 344 254 Shell Un Oil <a25c)_ 7 29 284 284 —14 1054 102 Shell Un Oil pf 6 4 1 104', 104', 104'* + 4 58 40 Simmons Co (b50c). 8 464 45'* 464 — v* 604 42 Skelly Oil (b50c)_ 4 544 54V, 541, 1, 197 854 Sloss-Shetfleld Stl_ 50, 147 147 147 120 101 Sloss-Sheff pf (6)_ 40» 98 98 98 —3 544 304 Smith lAOl_ 2 314 30v, 314 + 4 294 21 Snider Pkg (bl 4)_ 1 21 21 21 204 164 Socony-Vae (b25c)_ 88 194 18'* 194 — 4 64 3'* South Am G & P 30o. 2 4 34 4 424 334 South Port Sug(t2). 7 334 33 334 , 324 22v, So Cal Edison tl 4— 7 24', 244 244 Prev. 19.17 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge 65% 42% Southern Pacific_ 35 51% 49% 51% a- % 43% 24 Southern Ry_ 26 37% 36% 37 + % 60% 45 Southern Ry pf_ 3 48% 47 48% +1% 104% 98 Spang Chal pf (b6). 80s 99% 99 99%+ % 9% 5% Sparks-Wlthing ... 6 6 6% 5% -r % 23% 17 Sperry Corp vtc(al) 12 18% 18 18%+ % .34% 28% Spicer Mfg (a3)_ 1 30% 30% 30% +1% 28% 19% Spiegel, Inc (1)_ 12 20% 20% 20% — % 95% 81% Spiegel cum pf (4%) 100s 83% 82% 82% — % 48% 37% Square D (B) b25c . 1 40% 40% 40% — % 16% 12% Stand Brands(t80c) 24 12% 12% 12% 12% 7% Stand Com Tobac .. 1 8% 8% 8% — % 14% 5% Stand Gas & El (d). 9 7 6% 7 + % 32% 15 Stand G&E $4 of (d >. 7 17% 16% 17% — % 50 40% Stand Oil Calif (tl)_ 18 43% 42% 42% — % 50 42 Stand Oil Ind (tl).. 12 46% 43% 44 + % 76 63% Stand Oil N J (tl)_. 28 66% 66 66% + % 48 34% Starrett (SS) (b2%_ 2 44 44 44 + % 21 17% Stewart-Warn t50c. 6 18% 18 18% + % 17% 14% Stokely Bros (tl)_ 5 16% 16% 16% - % 33% 19 Stone & Web(a25c). 13 19% 19'% 19% — % 20 13% STudebaker Corn_ 28 14% 14% 14% — % 61% 40% Superheater (1 %)— 1 41% 41% 41% 7% 4% Superior Oil_ 15 4% 4% ’4«« — % 28% 23% Swift & Co ( + 1.20) .. 10 24 23% 23% 33% 30% Swift Internatl (2). 2 31% 31% 31% + % 23% 15% Symington ww blOo. 4 18% 18 18%+ % 17% 11% Symington xw blOo. 2 13% • 13% 13% t % 57% 50 Talcott (J) pf t2Ids 51 51 51 + % 15% 10% Tenn Corp (al5c)__. 9 12% 11% 12% 65% 50% Texas Corp <2)_ 41 59% 58 , 59 + % 9% 6% Texas Gulf Pr a5c.. 3 7% 7 7 — % 41 35% Texas Gulf Sul (12). 3 35% 35% 35% + % 16% 11% Tex Pac C&O blOc 11 14% 14% 14% — % 15% 10% Texas P L T (alOc). 2 10% 10% 10% 8% 4 Third Avenue 2 3% 3% 3% — % 28% 23 Thomps’n Prod b40o 3 25% 25% 25% + % 10% 5% Thompson Starrett. 3 5% 5% 5% — % 40% 22 Thompson Star pf __ 1 23% 23% 23% + % 21% 16% Tide Wat As Oil 80o 10 17 16% 16% — % 28% 21% Timken-Detroit(Tl) 2 23 22% 23 + % 79 59% Timk’n-Roll Brg<3) 6 60% 60 60 , — % 17% 13 Transamerica I40c_ 43 13 12% 13 22% 13% Trans Wst Air a25c. 4 14 13% 14 + % 11% 8 Tri-Confl <b25c) . 8 8% 8% 8% + % 40% 33% 20th Cent Fox b50o_ 6 37% 36', 37 + *, 17% 9% Twin City R T 1 10% in% 10% + % 26% 16% Twin Coach <bl5c)_ 6 18% 18% 18%+ % 100% 76% Und-Ell-Fish bl %2 90 90 90 + % 91% 63 Union Bag & P (2).. 2 77 76 76 -1 111 95 Union Carb (3.20).. x 15 101% 100% 101 +|J 28% 23% Union Oil (Calif) 1.20 9 24% 23% 23% -r % 148% 126% Union Pacific (6) .. 3 136 135 , 136 — % 99% 90% Union Pacific pf (4). 2 92% 92% 92% 35% 23'% Utd Aircraft(a50c). 19 25% 24% 25% 24% 15% Utd Air Lines a20c_ 21 15% ]5% j;.-. _ > 30% 23V* Utd Biscuit (1.60)_ 1 23% 23% 23 ■, — >' 91 697, Utd Carbon (4)_ 4 53:, ggi, 5,3,a ' 8% 4' j Utd Corp <a20c)_ 41 4% 4+ 4 _ i„ 46% 37% Utd Corp pf (3)- 11 39% 3g«, 39% + .% 16 11% United Drug (b25c). 4 12% 12% 12% -r % 26% 18% Utd Dyewood (1)_ 1 23 23 23 — 1. 9% 5% Utd Elec Coal- 19 6% 6, *6% - % 63 46% Utd Eng & Fy (t2).. 1 47 47 47 + % 86% 77 United Fruit (+3)__ 3 80 80 80 17 12% Utd Gas Imp (1)_ 89 12', T2% 1'% + % 16% 6% Unit Paper’bd b30c. 8 11% jp, 1;% _ 20', 11% U S Distributing pf. 30s 16% 16% 16% 34% 17% U S Freight (tl)_ 2 17 17 17 _ , k 137 105% U S Gypsum (t2)_ 2 107% 107'- 107% -l--" 23% 17 US Hoffman- 4 18% 18% 18% -1% 43% 32% U S Indus Alcohol.. 4 34 33 34 22% 13% U S Leather< A )vtc_ 3 16% 16% 16% — % 72% 51% U S Pipe & Fdry(3). 11 53 52% 53 .4 19% 10 U S Realty & Imp... 6 11% 11 11 _ i 72% 44% U S Rubber- 32 57% 56% 57%+ % 118 84 U S Rubber 1st pf_ 2 89% 89% 89% — 105 79 U S Smelting (b4)._ 2 86 85% 86 126% 75 US Steel- 124 58, 97 90.-+ 1 150 131 U S Steel pf (7)-x 2 135 134% 135 +1. 169 147 U S Tobacco pf (7). 100s 156 156 * 156 + 5s, 9% 6% UnitStk Yds (50c). 8 7 7 7 8% 3% Utd Stores (A)_ 1 4% 41, 4 4% 2% Util Pw&Lt (A)(d). 1 2% 2% 2% 24 14 Vadsco Sales Corp_ 2 14 14 14 394 ’ 26 Vanadium Corp__ 1 274 27 4 27'- — * 47 414 V’lck Chemical (12). 1 41 41 41 '_T* 124 74 Va-Car Chemical_ 4 84 84 8-’» — 1' 744 514 Va-Car C 64 pf hi 4 1 57 57 57 4 115 108 VaEl&Pw of (6) . 30s 111 110'-a 111 +~4 124 61* Va Iron Coal&Coke. 20s 64 64 64—4 104 34 Wabash (d)- 5 6 54 64-4 184 9 Wabash pf (A) (d)_ 8 12 llv. 1144. 1. 494 424 Walker (H) (2)_ 3 45 4.J4 45 184 114 Walworth Co- 17 154 15 15 -4 104 54 Ward Baking (B)_ 3 t> 6 , 6", 18 114 Warner Bros Piet .. 42 134 13 134 -i- 4 14 -4 Warner-Quinlan(d) 2 4 «„ 124 64 Warren Brn.- (d) _ 1 84 84 8 484 34 Wayne Pump (2) . 5 464 46 46 * _ 4 56 434 Wesson O&S < ToOc) 7 474 474 474-, i 1004 87 West Penn El pf(6) 50s 86 86 86 109 92 West Penn El pfi7) 60s 96 95 95 + , 304 264 W'n Auto Sup 1.60 . 2 274 274 274 114 84 Western Alaryland.. 1 84 84 84 — 1 114 74 Western Pacific pf_. 1 74 7.^ + 834 544 Westn Un T«i (31... 20 57 554 564 + s! 57'» 41-, Westingh'se A B(l) 7 43 404 43 + 1674 1304 Westhse Elec (b2)_. 4 139 1384 539 * 344 294 Westvaco 5%pf 14. 1 30 39 3^ 115 90 Wheel & Lake Erie.. 20s 1084 108 108 49 65 38 Wheeling steel .. 2 454 454 454-1, 1104 99 W heel Steel pf b2 4. 1 102 102 100 * — s 33 4 214 White Motor_ 5 274 ‘>34 9~r *. -* 184 144 White Hk A1 S(l.40) 1 15 15 15 H 6-4 44 White Sewing Alach 1 44 4 . 464 274 White Sew Alch pf.. 1 29 29 97* 4- 1' 64 44 Wilcox Oil & Gas... 3 54 51. y 4 124 84 W’ilson & Co (50c).. 10 9 9 9 * _ . 654 444 Wool worth <2.40)_ 12 474 464 47s: + ,* 76 684 Wrlgley W jr (t3)_ 2 69 69 69 _ i’ 624 484 Yale&Towne(T60c). 1 524 524 *11* 374 204 Yellow Tr & Coach.. 2o 254 244 is', i’ 464 374 Young Spr&W(t3). 1 39 39 ^ 1014 754 Ygstn S&T (b75c>_ 5 824 814 824 -r -4 404 31 Zenith Radio (hi)_ 7 331, 33,* aj.' n ’’ 94 54 Zonite Products_ 1 51. c." V." , Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange ll .f'fi A M- 130,000 12:00 Noon. 210 000 ""SHSSSrSr® not Including extras. a Paid last yea' S*n Pnu^a^i rate— d companies repotted In recelvershlnea«r h6c^aJd tdls ye*r x Ex dividend. receivership or being reorganized NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 3.—Cotton sagged slightly t-odav under July liqui dation and scattered selling promoted by favorable crop advices from the South and nervousness over the Eu ropean political stiuation. Selling was not active and when the market encountered trade price fixing and covering, prices rallied partially from the lows in midafternoon. October, which had dropped from 12.70 to 12.59, sold at 12.63. with prices generally 6 to 8 points net lower. Futures closed steady. 6 to 7 lower. . , High. Low’. Last. July -3 2.75 3 2.6.1 3 2.6!) October _ 32 70 32 5!) 3° 65-66 December _ 12.67 12.57 3 2.61-64 January _ 12,64 12.58 12 63 March _ 12.70 32.61 12 67 May 12.76 12.71 12.71n Soot ouiet: middling. 13.19. n—Nominal. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed easy. 6 to 10 lower. Sales. 95 contracts, including 20 switches. July. 9.89: Sep tember. 9.90: October. 9.87b’ December, 9.86: January. 9.88b. b—Bid. -• DOLLAR GOES HIGHER IN LONDON DEALINGS E* the Associated Press. LONDON, June 3.—As the result of buying with the proceeds of de hoarded gold, the United States dollar gained % cent in foreign exchange transactions today. Closing quotation was 4.92 % to the pound. In compari son, yesterday's final New York ster ling rate was $4.92%. A record offering of £2,533,000 was made in the gold market and absorbed, for the most part, by official exchange control funds. French francs closed at 110.59 to the pound, compared with 110.63 yes terday. PARIS, June 3 (IP).—Rentes, 3 per cent, 62 Yrancs 75 centimes; 41/is “A,” 67.90; 4%s 1937, 92.30. Exchange on London, 110.62. The dollar was quoted at 22.4825. CHICAGO TRADE BOARD TO PUSH REFINANCING Bs the Associated Press CHICAGO. June 3 —Board of Trade members voted overwhelmingly yes terday to assess themselves $150 each for the next four years to carry out a refinancing program for the $10,218,000 first mortgage on the exchange's towering building at the foot of La Salle street. Kenneth S. Templeton, president, said the program will save $1,700,000 over the period to 1948 when the mortgage la dua. Auto Sales Set Record in First Four 1937 Months B5 the Associated Press. DETROIT. June 3.—Retail sales of 1.502,963 passenger cars and trucks during the first four months of 1937, topping the record of any previous corresponding period in the motor car industry, were reported today to the Automobile Manufacturers.' As sociation meeting here. The figures do not include sales of the Ford Motor Co., only producer not a member of the association. The association re-elected as its president Alvan Macauley. president of the Packard Motor Car Co. Highest previous number of sales in the first four months of any year, the association members reported, was 1.480,031 units in 1931. This year's sales were reported as 13 per cent above those for the same period in 1936. Alfred P. Sloan, jr„ chairman of the board of General Motors Corp., was elected first vice president of the as sociation and William S. Knudsen, General Motors president, was named to the A. M. A. Board of Directors. C. & E. I. INCREASES CASH BALANCE SHARPLY Ej the Associated Press. CHICAGO, June 3—C. T. O'Neal, president of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway, told stockholders at the annual meeting the road had a cash balance on May 26 of $2,435,816, a gain of $1,461,498 over last year. The company is in the process of re organization under section 77 of the amended bankruptcy act. The road’s net railway operating in come in 1936 wras $1,658,301, O'Neal said, the largest since 1929. Operat ing revenues the first four months of 1937 increased $474,000, or 9.1 per cent, compared with the correspond ing 1936 period, and net railway op erating income increased 90 per cent to $636,855. STOCK INCREASE VOTED. NEW YORK. June 3 </P).—At a spe cial meeting today stockholders of Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. voted to in crease capital stock authorized to be issued by 162,000 shares of $100 par preferred and 500,000 shares of no-par oommon. CHICAGO GRAIN By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, June 3.—Wheat prices bobbed above and below yesterday’s close in nervous fluctuations today and wound up with two contracts slightly lower. Rains in the Southwest and weak ness of foreign markets offset reports of sever duststorms in some Canadian Spring wheat sections. July rye lost more than 4 cents, due to selling at tributed largely to favorable cron prospects. Wheat closed >4 higher to 78 lower. July, 1.09 ‘s-1.101 g; September. 1 08TS 09'8. and corn was 3sal3s down; July new, 1.22'4aJ8; September, 1.08-08V Oats were unchanged to 5S lower CORN- “ July. new. 1 72 1 "t(. i onT , , July, old ’ ! 4 I-n 8 ’ ';a 4- " September I DS', l.o«**i, J .07*, j oi.OR*! December ,7tP8 ,8n'a 78'. -«i i* OATS— Jut*.. .48'« .4.8 >4 4 " 4 4'n September .:m’, ;t~ i. ;jt';s4 December .87’! -ffa SOY BEAN'S— - “My 1.58*, 1 543; i ^13. October I.PP4 1 1 r,*4 1.1^1 1 151^ December 1.18>3 1 18*4 1.15 1 1*51* RYE— July ,ns'2 cm r>4 o* September st >4", V'„ Vi . December .85 ,8558 .sa' 4 sfi'i LARD— July ___ 12.55 12.55 12.52 1 ' 55 Sect. 17.77 12.8(1 12.75 12 77 October 17.75 1" 77 1" “5 i December 12.(10 12.67 12,'fio 12817 BELLIES— July __ , Hi 4(1 _ . . 16 4(1 Sept- 17.00 . . 17.00 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat, no sales. Corn, No. 4. mixed, 1.27: No. 1, yellow, 1.30; No. 2! yellow', 1.29-30; No. 3. yellow, 1.28-29; No. 4, yelldw, 1.277i; No. 5. yellow’, 1.27 ri; No. 2, white, 1.30; No. 4. white, 1.27'z; sample grade, 1.22-24. Oats, No. 1, white, 51; No. 2, white. 50>2a51; No. 3, white, 49-493,; No. 4. white 4814; sample grade, 45. ‘ No rye, no buckwheat. Soy beans. No. 2. yellow, I.55'4. Barley, feed, 65-70: malting, 1.00-15. Timothy seed. 4 25-50. Clover seed, 23.00-30.00. Baltimore Quotations BALTIMORE. June 3 </? —Wheat. No C red Winter., spot, domestic. 1.38%; June. 1.38%. Winnipeg Prices. WINNIPEG. June 3 <yp*.—Grain range today: Prev. WHEAT—High. Low Close. Close. July _ 1.20% 1.17% 1.17"* 1 10% October 1.137a 1113* J.ll34 1.12% OATS— July_ .64% .52*4 .53% .54'* United Aircraft Corp.—Common share earnings, 12 months ended March 31, were 91 cent*.