Newspaper Page Text
I Shares Hug Narrow Path. Show Late Trend to Higher Levels. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 3 —Stocks hugged a narrow road on the curb exchange today, with a slight inclination up ward in late trading after minor earlier declines. Scattered selling dropped such is sues as Aluminum of America, American Cyanamid, Electric Bond & Share. Pittsburgh Plate Glass and Gulf Oil for lasses of fractions to 3 points. Great Atlantic & Pacific non-voting certificates also yielded a point, after rallying further to around 90. the pnce at which the company offered to repurchase stork from employes following recent market break. Montgomery Ward "A" advanced nearly 3 points and small gains were recorded in American Superpower, Technicolor and United Gas. WHOLESALE MEAT PRICES NARROW Pork Is Notable Exception, With Substantial Gains Re corded in May. By the Associated Pres'. CHICAGO. June 3, — Wholesale prices of most meat cuts, with pork a notable exception, changed very little during May. the Institute of Ameri can Meat Packers said. Wholesale prices of both fresh and ; cured pork items were substantially higher at the end of May than a j month earlier, reflecting the steep ad- ; vanee of about 10 per cent in live . hogs Although prices of one or two of the better steer grades declined slightly, prices of all other cattle advanced 2 | to 7 per cent. Calves were from 13 to 1 17 per cent higher at the end of the j month, but lambs were about 3 per cent lower. Chicago hoc and cattle receip's during the month were the smallest for any May in half a century. The hog run of 223.858 head was the smallest for any month since Septem ber, 1935, while the cattle run of 137,805 head was the smallest since February, 1936. VISIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY. NEW YORK, June 3 (.Tv -The risi ble supply of American grain shows the following changes in bushels: Wheat decreased 1.713.000, corn de creased 441.000, oats decreased 977.000, rye increased 158.000, barley decreased 840.000. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. H ch. Low lpm Ala Power 4 Us 'r,7 7*7 6U 76U Ala Power 5> 6s* 84 84 8 1 Am Cl A E ;>s . M7 i M7 « M7 U Am P A L 6' 5 '! 6 0<i'a 0i"b OoU Am Roi Mill Vs 48 . 105 U H»5U M5U Am Seat *;«. ’oo s;pd !n.V ■ M5U M5U . Appa'.ach E P 5s 50 . MO’* M61* M6»* As El Ind 41 2s ’53 5<i38 50 503* As G A E 4Us 40 44 44 44 As G A E 5s '50 . _ 48 4* 4 8 As G A E 5s ’68 4 7U 47 47 As G A E 5Us ’7 7 55U 55U 55U Bald L 6s .38 xw stp _ 16 1 155 155 Birmine Gas 5s 50 60 60 60 Buff G El 5s 56 A . 1"3U 1"3U M3U Can Pac 6s 45 MOU MOU 100U Caro Pw A’ Lt. 5s '56 06U 06U 96U Cen 11 P S 4 Us 67 F 07 U 07 U 07U Cen’ 111 P S 5s 68 G loi Ml Ml Cent I PS 4 ! ,-s >1 H 96 u 06U 06 U Cent Pw A Lt 5s 56 05 U OP* 05!» Cent S' El 5s M 5:;!4 55 U 55 U Cen- S' El 5 Us '54 53 55U 5-: . Cen S' P A L 5 Us 53 55 Chi J R A U S V 5s 40 l"7'il"l » 1". Cm S' r Rv 6s '55 B Of * 90 U Of* Cities S'< C 5s '5O 7" 60 'm *>9 h Cities S Gas 5' ■> '45 J«»l 101 Ml Co S P A L 5 2s 55 6 1 U 637r 6.4 Clt S P a L 5Us 48 04 4 61 U 64 * Comw Edi> 5s 5 ; A 11'.’ 1 1'-’ 1 15 Com* Ed 5s 54 B 115 115 115, Comw Ed 4s 7s! F M6U lm 4 1 "»■ « Comw Ed 3 Us *• > H Ml 1"4 M4 Com Pb Sv 5s ’60 A 75 U 7 5U 7 5U Comw S 5 Us ‘4 8 A M4UM3 U 3 08 4 Comutv P A L 5s 57 !»!' 00 00 Cont G A E 5s ’.5k A 88 U 83s* 83 4 Crucible Stl 5s '4«» M3' 4 l 08'4 3 "3 4 East G A F 4s 5* A 84 U 84 8414 El Pw A Lt 5s 50311 85 * 81 U 85 Emp OAR 5US 45 86 U 83 S5U Florida P A L 5s 51 8i»U 8<»U 80U Gatineau Pw 5s '56 .Ml MOU Ml Gen Pb U 6 Us 5« A MU 84 84 U Gen W WAE 5s 13A 85U 85U 85U Georgia Pw 5s '67 91U 015* 91 34 Glen Alden Cl 4s '65 7 0U 70U 70U Hall iWF> 6s '4 7 STp 00 00 00 Hotel W Ast. 7s '54 ww* 8 1 8 1 31 Hy?rade Fd fis 40 A 8ti 7o So 111 Pw* A L fls 53 A 1 031 4 1 9.81 4 1 0.31 4 111 PwAL 3Us 54 B Ml Ml Ml 111 Pw A L 5s '56 C 06 * fi63R 063« Indiana Ser 5s 63 A 68_u 6SU 6ki4 Ind nap PAL 5 s 5 7 A M 5 7 r M 5 3 4 3 o 5 3 4 Inters' Pw 5s '57 55 U 5414 55 Inters! Pw 6s 55 80 88 .30 In’erst P S 5s '56 D 8(1 So 80 In! e r5! P s 4 ' . S 5 K F 7 4 " r 74T* 74 7* Iowa Pub Sv 5s '57 104 M8'U M334 Jer C PAL 4 Us ‘61 C M4S« Ml5* M4S* Kan Pw Co 5s 4 7 a 101 '* Ml3* J < 11 3« Kentucky Ut 5s ’61 85 si 84 Kimberly C 5s 4't A M" U M5 U M5U Lehich P S 6s 5056 A MMrIM M4 La Pw A Lt 5s '57 M.VU M53* M53r McCord Rad 6s 18. 00U 09U 09U Mem PAL 5s Is A 05 05 95 Mrntzel Co 4 Us ’4 7 D 1M 1M 110 Mldlan VRR 5s '4 3 91 9 1 9 1 Mil G A E 4 Us '0 7 MO MO 3 00 Minn P A L4Us ‘78 90 OsU 9KU Miss Pw A L 5s '57 8'‘U 86s4 8634 Muns SS 6Us' 3 7 w w cod 6 6 6 Nat PAL 6s 5056 A SOU S«:', SOU Na' P A L 5s 5089 B 7 7 7 5 U 7 7 Na’ Pb S 5s 7 8 cod 4434 4 1U 4 4U Nebr Pw 4Us 'SI A 1 "7 1 r 1 07 ' r 1 07 U Neisnvr Bros 6s ’4S 104 104 104 Ki vad Cal El 5s 56 MU 81 U 81 U New E G A E 5s ’48 67 U 67 67 New E Pw 5« '48 0'I3r 9dU 90*8 New E Pw 5Us 54 !»5 91U 95 New Or P 8 5s 45 KSU 88U 88U Nv P A Lt 4U> 67 105U 105 U 105U NYSE A G 4 Us SO M<»34 J00 34 ]0034 Nor A L A P 5Us '56 03 03 03 No Ind G A* E 6s '55 M7U 107 s* 107 ', No Ind P S 5s '66 C . Ml3* Ml3* 101s* No Ind P S 4Us ’70 E 06 95U 95U Norw El Os 45 stpd M4UM4UM4U North*' P S 5s '57 A OSU 08 U OSU Ohio Pu r 5s 55 B 105 U 105U 105U Ohio Pwr 4 Us '56 D lo53* 195s* M5S* Ohio Pb S 5 Us '6 1 E 66 66 66 Okla N G 4 Us '51 A _ 97 s* 07 U 07 U Par G A E 6s '41 B 117 117 117 Pac Invest 5s 'is a _ 07 07 07 Pac PAL 5s '55 73sr 78 73 Penn C L A P 4Us '77 04 U 03U 04s* Penn El Is ’7 1 F . OoU 99 OOU Penn O E 5Us ’50 B 04U 94s* 94s* Penn W A P 5s 10 3 00U 109 100 Peop G LA C 4 s si B 90 U OOU OOU Pitts Steel 6s 4R 103 U M3U 10.3U Potomac E 4 Us '61 F 107*2 107U 107 U Pub S No 111 5s 56 _ 11 O'2 1 IOU 110U Pub S N I 4 Us ’78 D 103U M3U M8U Pur S PAL 5Us 40 A sou KoU 80U Pur 3 PAL 5s 50 C 77 U 77U 77 U PUR S PAL 4 Us '50 D 7 4 73U 74 Sain An PAS 5s 58 B. M5 ]0434 30434 Shw WAP 4 Us '67 A 1 057* M57* 1057* Shw WAP 4Us 68 B 105U 10534 1053/4 S E PAL 6s 5055 A 04 04 04 Sou Cal E 3Us ‘60 B 1057* 105U 105U Sou Cal E 4s 60 . 106 106 MB Sou Caro 5s '57. _ 0534 05*2 05Va Std GAE «s ’35 mat 7.3U 73U 73U Stand PwALt 65 57 HO 68 60 Texas Elec 5s 80 ._ 10114 10034 1OO7/* Tex Pw A Lt 5s '56. 105 105 105 Tide Wat P 5s 'TO A 0134 01U 04*4 ►Twin C RT 5 Us '55 A. 70 70 70 Unit Lt A Pw 6s 7 5 73 73 73 Unit LARD 5 Us '55 SOU 80'4 So'-4 Unit L A R M 6s 73 A 7 5 75 75 Utah P A L 6s 5055 A 0.3 03 03 Wash WAP 5s ’60 M4 M3 30.3 West. News U 6s '44 __ 50 50 50 West T Ut 5s '57 A _ 91U 91U OiU We U G A E 5Us '55 A 105V* M5>* 105'* Wis P A L 4s '56 A 05 05 05 Yadkin Riv P fts II 1 OH7* 106U 106U York Rwy Co 5s .37 88 86U 88 FOREIGN. Com Prv B 5Us '37 50 5o 50 Cuban Te 7Us '4 1 A loo MO loo Leon Trietz 7Us '46 _ 5034 20*4 20*4 Mendoz P 4s '51 stp 03 0.3 03 Unit El Svc 7s '56 A To 70 70 ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants n—New st (stpi—Stamped. jiNeeotiability impaired bv maturity. tCompanies reported in receivership. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. June il OPt.—Copper steady: electrolytic spot and future, j 4.<>0. export. 14.30. Tin easier: snot and near by ft«.)2'»-2S: future. 5fi.87t2-5fi.nn. Lead steady, spot New York. d.OO-fi 08: future S.85. Zinc steady. East St. Louis, spot, and future fi.78. Iron aluminum, antimony nulcksilver. platinum and wol framite unchanged. 1 NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. All time shown below Is daylight aavtnr on which the Exchange Is now operating. 2:30 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close. Aero Supply B_ 1 3D 3D 3D Air Dev ice Corp.. 1 2D 2D 2D Air Invest ev pf . 1 27 27 27 Ala Gt South (3). 50s 79 78 79 Ala Pwr pf (6) 10s 62D 62D 62D Alabam Pw p£(7) 20s 71D fi9D 71D Aluminum of Am 150s 145D 144 145D Alum Am pf (6).. 50sll8 118 118 Alum Ind (40o)_ 200s 7D 7D 7D Aluminum Ltd ... 350s 108 107 107 Am Airlines Inc. 3 23 22 D 23 AmCP&LBat’Oo 11 4D 3D 4D Am Cvnrn B t60c. 9 31D 31D 31 Vi Am G&E (1.40)_ 1 32 32 32 Am G&E pf (6) ._ 150s 108', 108D 10RD Am Gen (a50c)_ 1 9D 9*, 9D Am Gen pf (2) ... 60s 32>4 32V. 32V, Am L & T tl.20._. fi 19 18', 18', Am Maracaibo_ 3fi ID 1’, ID Am Superpower.. 9 1', ID ID Am Thred pf 25c. 2 4D 4D 4D Ansostura(t20c)_ 1 fiD fiD 6D Ark N'at Gas _ 2 7v, 7D 7'» Ark N'at Gas (A)_ Ifi 7D 7D 7D Ark N'at G cu pf . 2 9 RD 9 Ashland Oil t40c. 2 fi'« fi'« fiD Asso G & E (AI _ 2 2D 2D 2D Atl Coast La2»t. 130s 52D 51D 52', Atlas Corp w ar... 3 2D 2D 2D Austin Silv er_ 2 ID ID ID Auto Products _ 5 fiD fiD fiD Auto Vot Mch 50c 2 10*t 10D 10D RabcoxAWiU . 25s 1144 1144 1144 Raid X, bri rts(d) _ 16 2 14 14 Barium Stain Stl. 1 44 44 44 Rath Iron Wks _ 5 11 11 11 Beech Aircraft 3 34 34 34 Rellanca. Aircraft 1 54 54 54 Bell Aircraft .3 124 12 12 Bell Tel Ta pf 6 4 10s 114 114 114 Rerkcy A Gay 7 24 24 24 Berk & Gay war.. 2 14 14 14 Bickfords pf 2 4 75s 36 36 36 Bliss (EW) _ 2 144 144 144 Rlue Ridge(b15c) 1 3 3 3 Rlue Ridge cv 3 . 1 464 464 464 Power Roll B(2). 3 284 284 284 Rowmn-Rlt 1st _ 100s 224 22 22 Bow’n-Rilt 2d pf 2 34 34 34 Brazil TRAP hOOc 4 244 24 24 BreezeInc(a7oe> 1 114 114 114 Bridgpt Mch b25c 2 174 174 174 Bright Star El B_ 9 l7, 4 14 Brill Corp < B)__. 1 34 34 34 Brown Copt __ . 300s 744 74 744 Brown FAWbSOc 4 144 134 14*. Brown Forman .18 8 8 Bunker Hill A S . 4 264 26 26 Cable El Prod e tc 2 4 4 4 Cables A- Wire R 1 4 4 4 Can Hydro 1 st pf. 30s SO 79 80 Can Marconi _ 6 14 14 14 Carib Syndlb.50c) 3 14 14 14 Carman A CoR 1 64 64 64 Carnegie Metals. 3 2 2 2 Cam RAP pf(7) . 10s 874 874 874 Carrier Corp_ 2 48 47', 48 ratlin (aide) ... 5 64 64 64 Cclanese 1st t: . 200, 123 122 123 cert A S W rtil- 15 24 24 24 Cent States El_ 6 14 14 14 Cenlrif P t40c . 15 5 6 Cliesebroueb (14) 50s 116', 116', 116’, Chief Con Mining 6 14 14 14 Childs Co tif _ 25s 88 88 88 Cities Service_ 87 34 3 3 Cities Serv pf . 2 464 46 46 Claude Neon I.ts. 3 24 2', 24 ("lev El 1 llu (t2 1 . 141 41 41 cleve Tractor_ 5 134 12', 134 Colon Dev Ltd -. 2 6', 64 64 Colts P E A b75c . 1 604 604 604 Col CAE cvpfio). 25s 68', 6S«, 68', Col O A U b2hc -- 7 74 7 7 Comwlth&Swr 22 4 4 4 Cnmnuty PAL 1st 50s 324 324 324 Cons Aircraft .. 2 25 214 25 Cons Biscuit 60c. 16 6 6 Consol Copper 105 in1, 9 104 C CHEAP Bo 3.60 1 70 70 70 Con Min&Sm t2 50s 79 79 79 Cons Ret Str (n) 1 84 84 84 Cn:is Royal (20c) 2 2', 24 24 Consol St eel . 1 10 10 10 Conti RollAS Ey- 2 194 194 19’, Cooper Bessmer.. 2 24 24 24 Copper Range ... 1 114 11', 114 Cold Corp _ 6 34 3 34 Cosden Oil (d)_ 8 1R. 14. 14 CoMlenpfid) 2 234 23 23 Creole Pet toOc .. 3 344 334 344 Crocker-Wh alOc. 2 13', 13 13 Croft Brewing_ 5 1J 4 4 Crown Cent a6c . 2 14 14 14 Crown Dr (b20c). 2 34 34 34 Crystal Oil Ref .1111 Cusi Mex Mining. 1 4 4 Vi Darby Pet (50c)_. 3 12 ,12 12 Dennison 7 % pf .. 10s 70 70 70 Derby Oil & Ref 5 69 fir. 64 De . Gas pf 1.20 .. 1 174 174 174 Detroit Gr I (n) .. 2 2S 2*, 2*. De;Stl Prdh25e_. 1 50*, 50*, 50*, Do .Idas W I, pf . 75s 34', 34 34 Duval Tex a50c 2 8 8 8 Kaile P Ed h’flc . fi 19’* 184 19', Kailn (I&K Assn 1 5", 5', 5r, Ks 11GAF p pfl325s 59 59 59 Easy \\ MKbKc 1 9S 9S 9', El Rond & Share. 60 16S lfi 16', KIB&Spf (6) . 5 69', 684 684 KFelrnl lurvtc 1 3", 3", 3S El till X \V b.lOi- oils 32 32 32 EmpPw ptb50c- 200s 30 299 29', Frisco Per Tl __ 1 151, 15', 15', Kcuity Crp a25c_. 10 2 2 2 Evans Wall Ed .. 2 1% IS IS Ff.lstaff Br J1'i_ 11 9', 9S 9S Fnnsteel Metal _. 1 13S 13S 13S Ferro Enam b75c_ 2 38', 38S 38H F deiio Brewery.. 2 ti S N F .sk Rubber_ 2 14 14 14 F a PAL pf ..100s 404 40'/, 40', F >rd (Can) A (1) 4 23 S 23 23 Fox(P)Brew 80c. 3 31S 1 O'3 104 Froeut (20c)_ 4 12 11*, 12 Gen Alloys_ 1 3S 3S 3S Gen Invest _ 2 IS l'i IS Gen Rayon Ltd A. 1 IS IS IS Gen Tele (b25c).. 1 16S 16', 16S Gen Tire & Rub ._ 1 27', 27S 27V* Glen Alden (tl)_ 7 11 10S 11 Goldfield Consol.. 17 ', A A Gorham vtc (tl). 3 25 244 25 Grand Natl Flms. 7 2S 2S 2W Gray Tel PS (1). 22 US 10 10 GrtA&PTnvtfi 170s 904 88 88 Grt A APT 3 st pf 7. 50s 1224 1224 1224 Groc Str Prod 15 5 5 Gulf Oil (b25c)_. 6 544 53H 54 Hall I*amp(b20c) 1 4'a 4'a 4'a Hartman Tob _ 1 2V, 2S 2S Hecla Min b45c . 5 17 16*, 36*, Hetler(WE)t40c. 1 8 74 8 Heller pf ww 1 *, 50s 23 23 23 Hewitt Rub boOc 1 15S 15', 15S Hollinger G t65c. 4 IIS 11', IIS Horn&Hard pf 5. 10s 105 105 105 Hud Hay M Mac. 4 29>, 29 29S Humble Oil (1V4 ). 1 76S 76"', 76X Illinois Iowa Pw. 2 7S 7S 7S 111 Iowa P pf 2*4. 4 30 29S 29S 111 Iowa P d ctfs - 3 10S 10S 10S Imp OH Ltd t50c. 8 20S 204 20*, Imp Oil reg toOc. 1 21 21 21 Ind Pipe L b30c . 1 11S 11S 11S Indus Fin 7% pf. 25s 13 13 13 Ins Co No Am t2. 50s 65S 65*; 65S 1 nt 1 H E S A war. 1 U f) 6) Inti Hy El S pf .. 3 29*, 29 29", Inti Pete (tl *4)_. 4 34S 34S 344 Inti Radio h25c._. 1 14 14 14 Inti Util (B) . 14 1*. l'i IS Inti Util war new 2 fi, ft, ft, Inti Vita (50c) 1 5S 5S 5S Iron Fire vtc 1.20 200s 20S 20V, 20Vi Jacobs Co (bSflc) _ 2 16 15b 16 Jones & Laugh St 2 101 100 101 Kingsbury Brew. 1 2'* 2b 2b Kingston Pr 40c.. 1 5 5 5 Kirby Pet (20c).. 1 6** 6b 6b Koppers pf (6 > — 25s 1081* 108V* 108k. Lake Shore (14)_ 5 49b 48b 48b Lakey Foundry_ 2 5b 5b 5b Leh Coal&X 30c.. 16 8b 8b 8s, Leonard Oil_ 6 lb lb lb Lion Oil Ref (1).. 6 26b 26b 26b Lit Brothers 2 4b 41-2 4b Locke Stl C t80c.. 2 14b 14b 14k Lockheed Air_ 3 12b 12 12k Lone Star G 80c._ 6 10b 10b 1014 Long Island Ltg.. 1 3b 3b 3b Louisana Ld 40c. 15 12b 12 12 Lynch Corp (+ 2) _ 2 41b 41b 41 Vi McWillms D 12 .. 4 25b 24b 24k Margav Oil aoOc.. 1 30V* 30b 30k Marion Stm Sh... 2 13 13 13 Massey Harris .. 1 12b 12b 12b Memp X G (blOc) 5 5b 5b 5b Merritt Chap & S 10 7b 7b 7k Merritt Chap war 1 It* lb 1V* Merritt C&S pf A 150* 65 64 64 Mesabi Iron_ 19 b M 4 Mich Bumper_ 3 2b 2b 2Vi Mich Gas & OU_ 1 8b 8b 8k Mich Sugar pf _ 2 7b 7b 7k Mid Sta P vtc(B) 1111 Midwest Oil(tl). 1 9b 9b 94 Minn M&M b4Oc 100* 38 37b 374 Mock Judson 60c. 2 13 13 13 Molybdenum . _ 19 9 9 Monarch MT(tl). 1 23b 23b 23M Mont Ward A<7). 70s 139b 135b 1394 Montr HLAP IV*-100s 29b 29b 29k 2:30 Slock and Sales— Dividend Rste. Add 00. High Low. Close. Mount C(a21c) . 2 12% 12 12 Mount Prod(80e) 8 6% 6% 6% Murray (Oh) b30c. 1 21% 21% 21% Nat Bellas Hess.. 1 1% 1% 1% Nat BdASh b50c. 100a 66 66 56 Nat Contnr (1)_ 3 12% 12% 12% Nat Leather_ 10 H fc H Nat Rub M a20c_ 2 13% 13% 13% Nat Service pf _ 2 4 4 4 Nat Union Radio. 1 1% 1% 1% Nelson (H) < a45c) 1 13 13 13 New Hav Cl 1 % .. 2 18 18 18 NJ Zinc (+ 2) ... 60s 77% 77% 77% NY & Hond b75c. 60r 29 29 29 NY P&L pf (7)... 30s 108 107 107 N Y Tel pf (6%). 100s 111% 111% 111% Niag Hud Pw(n). 5 12 11% 11% Niag HP 1st pf 5 100s 86 86 86 Niag S Jld B afiOo 1 12% 11% 11% Niles-Bement(2). 7 48 47 48 Nlpissing (50c).. 1 2% 2% 2% North Am L & P. 4 3*. 3% 3% Nor Am L&P pf . 700s 55% 54% 55% N Am Ray Rhine 2 42 42 42 Northn Euro Oil.. 1 fc & (k Nort States P A . 1 21 20% 20% Northw Eng b50c 1 27 27 27 Novadel Agne(2) 1 31 [31 31 Ohio Brass (HI 3 25s 68% 58% 58% Ohio Oil an pf (6). 3 108% 108 108% Ohio Pwr pf (6).. 20s 108 108 108 Okla Nat Gas_ 1 13 13 13 Oldetyme Dist .. 7 3% 3% 3% Pac G&E 1st 1 % - 1 29% 29% 29% Pac Ltg pf (6)_ 26s 104% 104% 104% Pac Pub Svc_ 2 6% 5% 5% PantepecOil .. 21 8% 8% 8% Penin’lar T pf(7) 60s 109% 109% 109% Pennroad (B'.’Sc). 24 3% 3"* 3% j Pa P&L pf (6)... 60s 83 83 83 Pa P&L pf (7) . 60s 89 89 89 Perfect Circle t2. 60s 33% 33% 33% Phi la El pf 15)_ 50s 111% 111 111 Phoenix Secnr 5 9% 9% 9% Pitney Bow T40c_ 2 7% 7% 7% Pitts Forging . 6 19*< 19% 19% Pitts & L E 04 % 170s 101% 100% 100% Pitts PI Gl(t>2%) 1 126 126 126 Plough Inc 1.20_ 1 15% 15% 15% Potrero Sugar— 1 2% 2% 2% Premier G 112c ... 1 2% 2% 2** Producers Corp 2 ** % % Prosper!ty Ba 1 % 1 13% 13% 13% PubSvclndpf 20s 23 21% 23 Pug S P&L pf h5 . 25s 68% 68% 68% rug Sd r&I J6 pf. 75s 32 30% 32 Quaker Oats (5)_. 50*110 110 110 Ry&Lt Sec *1.55.. 25* 21 21 21 Reiter Foster . 3 1% 1 1 Reliance El b50c_ 2 22% 22% 22% F.eynclds Invest— 1 1% 1% 1% Root Pet (b25c) _. 10 6% 5 6% Hossia lntl Corp. 2 A *> H Rustless 1 & S11 __ 3 13% 13% 13% Safety CH&L b4_. 25* 324 324 324 St Lawrence C_ 2 134 13 134 St Regis I’aper_ 8 84 84 84 Schiff Co ( 2 ) _ 2 24 24 24 Scovill (b50c)_ 1 424 424 424 Seizerling Rub_ 6 74 74 74 Selected Indus_ 5 24 2** 24 j Sel In All ctf 5 4 . 50* 1034 1034 1034 Sel in pr pf (5 4 ) 350* 101 101 101 | Seversky Air_ 12 34 34 34 Shattuck Den_ 8 184 I84 I84 | Sher-Will < t 4) ..250* 125 125 125 innns H & P._ 2 4 4 4 Solar A1 fg t blOc)« 1 54 54 54 Sonotone (al0c)_. 1 14 14 14 Soss Mfg (50c)-— 1 64 64 64 So Pa Oil (tl 4 ) - 2 44 44 44 Soutl’d Roy b20C- 3 10 94 94 Spencer C S b75c_ 2 94 94 94 Stand Brewing .. 1 4 4 4 Stand Cap Tl.tiO.. 2 214 214 214 Stand Pr cv pf . 100* 194 194 194 Stand Invpf ww_ 50* 44 44 44 Stand Oil Kv tl - 1 194 194 194 Stand Oil Ohio tl 3 37 364 364 Stand P&L pf . 100* 36 36 36 Stand Prod b25e . 2 194 19 194 Stand S&L(4c)_ 7 4 4 4 Siarrett Corp vtc. 1 54 54 54 Sterl Brew a75c _ 6 64 64 64 Sterling Inc t20c. 1 54 54 54 1 Sunray Oil (b5c). 4 44 4 44 Sunshine Min(3) 5 194 194 194 Superior Port C B 100* 17 17 17 ! Swan Finch _ l 14 14 14 j Swiss Am El pf100* 1144 1144 1144 ; Tajrgart Corp . 2 11 10'* 10*4 | Tampa El (2.24)) 1 36 .36 ,36 Tasty east Del A.. 5 1’* 1 l'» Taylor Dist 30c._ 2 3 j 3** 3’tj Technicolor a50c_ 10 27** 27’^ 27'^ Texon Oil&L 60c_ 1 5‘* 57* 57* Thew Shov a50c . 50s 56** 55V* 56** | Tob&All Stks bl_ 175* 63 62’/* 63 j Tonopah M a6c .11 1 1 Transwest Oil Co. 7 124* 12 12 Tubize Chatil_ 6 24^ 24N 24>/* I Tun^-Sol Lamp_ 1 6^* 6V* 61/* Tung S L, pf «0c — 2 10 10 10 rid Chem pf_ 1 524 524 524 l td Corp w ar_ 2 ! 1 1 Cnit (las Corp_ 15 94 94 94 I'nit Gas pf b34 - 1111 111 111 I'nitL&PwpfA 3 54 54 54 I t P&I, pf bo 7 4 C 2 41 .39 41 I.’td Prof Sh s I0o 2 14 14 14 Ctd Alolass b 11 4 1 74 74 74 l td Shlpyds P _ 7 24 24 24 I.’td Shoe M t2'j 25s 87', 874 87', I’td S Mch pf 1.50 4Or 384 384 384 PS Foil Bill 1 134 13', 13", U S Rub Reclaim. 2 7 64 7 U S Stores _. 2 4 4 4 I’nit Verd Ex(1)_ 6 34 34 34 I’nit Wall Paper. 3 44 4 44 I’tilities P&Li(d). 1 4 4 4 Yalsparvtc. .. 1 64 64 64 Van Nor Ma b4l)c. 4 25 25 25 Venezuela Mex_ 2 64 64 64 Venezuela Pet_ 7 2 14 2 Wentworth bine.. 4 54 54 54 Wolvr Tube b20c_ 1 14 14 14 Wright Hari t40e 1 64 64 64 Yukon Gold (b6c) 1 24 24 24 Dividend rates in dollars based on last Duarily or semi-annual payment. tAn nual rate—not including extras. iAc cumulated dividends. a Paid last year, b Paid this year, d Companies reported as being in bankruptcy or in receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy act or securities assumed by auch com panies. WEATHER HELPS MARYLAND CROPS Warmer Temperatures and Heavy Rains Do Much to Correct Backward Season. Bj the Associated Press. BALTIMORE. June 3.—Warm weath er and heavy rains last, week did much to correct Maryland's backward grow ing season, the United States Weather Bureau said. The bureau's weekly crop report, covering the seven days ending June 1, described last week as “warm, with abundant rain during the first part and with abundant sunshine during the second part.” Sunshine was 10 pier cent above normal. "Grains, other growing crops, grasses, pastures and fruits made rapid progress, and are mostly good to ex cellent” the report said. "Wet fields during the first part of the week inter fered with farming operations.” Wheat is heading or is in head ex cept in the Western Maryland moun tains. Rye is filling out in the south ern counties and blooming in the northern ones. Early potatoes are also blooming, except in the northern counties. Peas are maturing and are being har vested in the southern counties; in the central counties the pods are de veloping; peas are in bloom and pod ding in the northern counties. There is a bad infestation of aphids in the Easton district. In the Allegheny Mountains peach and pear trees are setting fruit and apples have finished blooming. FINANCING INCREASES. NEW YORK, June 3 (^.—Domin ion Securities Corp. reported bond offerings in Canada in May totalled 1113.518,500, compared with $19,651, 500 in the same month last year. Vir tually the entire increase was due to a $113,500,000 Issue of Dominion of Canada bonds. --- • NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. June 3 OP).—Bar «U ver steady and unchanged at *6. STEEL INGOT RATE HIES YEAR’S LOW Strikes Reduce Operations to 771/2 Per Cent Mark During Week. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 3 —Production of steel ingots has declined to the lowest point thus far in 1937 due to strikes at plants of three major pro ducers, Iron Age said today in its re view of the industry. The rate of operation for the coun try at large was given as 77'2 per cent of capacity, against the revised figure of 85 per cent last week. The high for the year was 92.3 in the week ended April 26. "The Youngstown district, where average operations are down to 45 per cent from 84 per cent before the strike, is the hardest hit," the review said. "There has been some diversion of orders from companies affected by strikes to those that are not, but the amount of this so far has not been large. If the strikes are prolonged, as appears to be likely, a further tend ency toward the placing of business with plants that can take such busi ness for reasonably early shipment undoubtedly will develop. Meanwhile many customers' stocks are simple In many cases for some weeks, and Job bers' stocks are also plentiful. "The volume of new steel business had been declining rather sharply just prior to the strike, but specifications against contracts were and still are holding up In good volume. Orders for steel for construction purposes have been outstanding "Despite the influence of the steel strikes, steel scrap prices ^iave shown no further decline at Pittsburgh and Chicago, but a drop at Philadelphia reduces the Iron Age composite price to $17.75, the year's low.” CLEVELAND. Ohio, June 3 <>$>>.— Daily Metal Trade today says Reflecting furnace suspensions oc casioned by strikes at important Mid western steel plants, steel ingot opera tions have taken a nose-dive since a ; week ago. At midweek the national ingot rate is estimated at about 75 per cent of capacity. This compares with 91 per cent one week ago and 79 per cent prior to Memorial day. Except at points where plants are closed by strikes, production is being maintained at a high pace. Pressure for deliveries is easing, however, and new business is not developing in the volume of the recent pace. Strike cur tailments are most noticeable at Chi- 1 cago, Cleveland and Youngstown. --•'—— INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK June .1 .p —New York Security Dealers' Association. <Noon Quotations ' » • _ . _ . , Bid. Asked Aomin Fd 2nd Inc 1*11 19 Am Business Shrs ] i *; 1^8 Am Gen Eq Inc 1 98 i ««» Am Ins Stocks 5 °ft 8 on Bancamer Blair 9 ;:ft ] o 375 Bankers Nat Inv Corp 3 8-\> 4 -'ft Basic Industry 5 ,,4 Broad Sr Inv 34 32 38 80' Bullock Fund 2o R-; ft 2,‘* 8 ’5 Corporate Trust 2 Oft Corp Tr AA 3 89 Corp Tr A A mod 3 ft:» Corp Tr Aecum Ser 2 80 Corp Tr Acc mod 3 ft9 Cumulative Tr Sh 8 °8 Depos Bk Sh N Y “A" 3 33 Depos Ins Shrs ‘ A" . .3 3.3 Depos Ins Shra • B* .3 13 Diversified Tr C ft.On Dividend Shrs _ 1 *9 0 04' Equity Corp $3 pf 38.50 4 1 50 Fidelity Fund Inc __28 8ft 2*71 First Boston Corp 29 ‘'ft 30 75 Fixed Trust Sh A _ 13 98 Fixed Trus* Sh B JO 7 7 Found Tr Sh A __ 4 *0 ft lft” Fund Investors Inc _ 23 4ft °4 78 Fund Tr Shrs A 8 14 8 88 Fund Tr Shrs B ft 8.3 G*n Investors Tr 8.7 9 7 n9 Group Sec Agriculture 1.89 2.9ft Group Sec Automobile 1.411 1 .53 Group Sec Building 3 93 2.30 Group Sec Chemical 1 50 ] 89 Group Sec Food 9; l.o8 Group Sec Invest Shrs 1.58 1 73 Group Sec Merchandise 1 .33 1 44 Group Ser Mining 1.07 1 si Group Sec Petroleum 1 45 15* Group Sec R R Equip 1.59 1 f,;; Group Sec Steel 1.99 0 98 Group Sec Tobacco ] .95 1.1ft Huron Holding 79 l.lo Incorp Investors 24 4 9 28 33 Inst 1 Sec Bank Group 1 7 1 1.8,1 Instl Sec Insurance 1 57 1 89 Investors Fd ‘C * Inc 1 5 43 18 38 Keyston Cust Fund B-3 2119 23 19 Major Shrs Corp 3 l°ft Maryland Fund 9.34 10 73 Mass Invest Tr _ 27 fto 29 °4 Mutual Invest 1ft 88 17 14 Nation Wide Sec _ 4.33 4 43 Nation Wide Voting __ 1 98 2 14 Natl Investors _ 7.02 7.19 New England Fund 18.29 29 57 N Y Bk Tr 8hrs 3.50 NY Stocks Bk Stocks . 11.19 13.09 , N Y Stocks Bldr Supply 1 1.43 13 34 N Y Stocks Elec Equip 1 1 89 12 84 N Y Stocks Insurance _ 10 14 10 98 N Y Stocks Machinery 12.73 13.74 N Y Stocks R R Equip 14.30 15.33 N Y Stocks Steel 14 on lft.ll North Am Bond Tr ctfs . 58.75 83.00 Nor A Tr Shares 2.7 3 Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 3.4 5 Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 3 39 Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 3.19 Plymouth Fund Inr 85 98 Quarterly Income Sh 1 7 43 1 9 19 Selected Am Sh Inc 14.19 15.47 Spencer Trask Fund 20.4 7 21.55 Stand Am Tr Shrs 4 90 4 35 Stand Util Inc .7 7 _ .83 Super of Am Tr A _ 3.99 Super of Am Tr AA 3.87 Super of Am Tr B 4 14 Super of Am Tr BB 3 87 Super of Am Tr C 7 .7 5 Super of Am Tr D 7.7 5 Supervised Shrs . 13 99 15.21 Trustee Stand Inv C 3 94 Trustee Stand Inv D 2.99 Trusteed Am Bk "B" .88 .98 Trusteed Industry Shrs 1.18 1.83 Wellington Fund 18.98 20.82 ___ I SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. 'Reported by Chas. D. Barney A Co,' Bid. Offer. Amer Tel A Tel fi'2s '43 113'. 113% Auburn Auto Co 43,s '39 07 > * 76% Baldw Loco Works 5s '49 . 105 Calif Packing Corp 5s '40 105 195% Carol Cfteld A O 5s 278 Kin’, 104 Chesap A Ohio Rv 5s '39 107'. 107'2 Edis Elec Ilium 4s '39 194% lo«’» Gen Pub Service 5%s '39 ini 192% Gr Ran A- Ind 4'is '41 108% 109% Houston Oil .412s '49 102% 102% Int Mer Marine fl* 41 7.4 7fi% Int Tel A Tel 4'is '39 89'/, 82% Laclede Gas Light ,4s '39 92% 9.7 Lehigh Valley Coal fis '3R 9.5 9.5'2 Lehigh Val Ter Ry fis '41 197 108% Long Island Gen 4s '38 in"% in.'!3, Lou A Nash R R 4s '40 10fi% 190’, Mich Cent R R 4s 40 104'. 195'. Midi R R of N J fis '40 55 fiff% Milk A Nor R R 4>2s '39 _ 90 N Y C A St L «G notes '.38 1 00 100'', New York Dock fis '38 • 58 59", N Y Susq A West 5s '40 _ 40 New York Tel Co 4'2s 39 197 ]073. Pac R R of Mo 4s '38 90% Penn-Dixie Cement fis '41 _ ino'« inn’, Penna R R Co 4s '4.7 107*, 113 Rio Grande West 4s '.79 70% 79% Sou Bel! Tel A Tel fis '41 _ 105% 1053, Ter R R As St L 4'/jS '39 _ 107 107% Vanadium Corp 5s '41 102% in.3 Vertientes Sugar Co 7s '42 °l 2° Wabash Rwy Co fis .79 9"'. 93% Warner Bros fis '39 94% 95% Western N Y A Pa 4s '43 197% 1983, West Union Tel fis '38 192 102% j • U. S. TREASURY NOTES. NEW YORK. June 3 iff*.—Prices Quoted in dollars and thirty-seconds: Approx. G Month. Year. Bid. Asked, yield. 3% Sept.. 1937 . 101 192-2 2% Feb.. 1938- 101-15 101-17 .30 3 Mar.. 1938- 101-31 102-1 .39 2% June. 1938. 192-12 192-14 59 2% Sept.. 19.78_ 102-19 102-12 fl.7 l'i Mar., 1939. 109-21 109-23 1.99 2% June. 1939. 191-29 191-31 1.13 1% Dec.. 1939. 100-8 100-19 1.23 1*. Mar.. 1940 109-1 R 109-20 1 4) 1% June. 1949. 109-9 109-8 .142 1 % Dec., 1940_ 99-30 100 1.50 1% Mar.. 1941 . 99-29 99-31 l.fio 1% June, 1941.. 99-13 99-15 l.fio IV, Dec.. 1941_ 98-27 98-29 1.50 --- REGISTRATION STATEMENTS. By the Associated Press. Registration statements for proposed securities Died today with the Securities Commission included: Dayton Porcupine Mines, Limited. Tor onto. Ontario. S350 noo of SI. par value common stock, for development and work ing capital; underwriter. K. T. MacLaren A Co. , Orders for Railroad Equipment in the First Four Months of Each Year MINGS TAKE THOUSAND CARS New Orders Placed by Railroads for Freight Cars in the First Four hdonths - of Each Year _ NUMBER OP LOCOMOTIVES New Orders Pieced by Railroads for Locomotives in the First Four Months — of Each Year — New York Total Mounts, While Other Centers Shew Decline. Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 3—The bank clearings exhibit for the past week presents a very irregular picture. The total for New York, despite the Dec oration day holiday and the stock market closing on May 29 and May 31, showed a gain over the preceding week, while the outside centers de clined. This was partially due to heavy first-of-the-month settlements. On. the other hand, contrast with the same week of 1936 revealed a de crease for New York, while the total for the cities in the rest of the coun try was higher. Aggregate volume of clearings for 22 leading cities of the United States for the week (five days) ended June 2, according to Dun Ac Bradstreet, amounted to $5,276,296,000. against $5,541,939,000 in the same week (five days i of 1936, This represented a decrease of 4.8 per cent, the first such decline reported since the week of May 5, last. Clearings for New York City aggre gated $3,304,945,000, a loss of'l0 8 per cent from the 193S comparative of $3,704,025,000. At the outside cities the clearings volume for the week was $1,971,351,000. as compared with $1, 837.914,000 last year, or a gain of 7.3 per cent. Besides the drop at New York, de creases from a year ago were reported bv Boston, St. Louis and Omaha, while all other cities showed gams, the largest of which were at Louis ville. Richmond and Atlanta. The week’s clearings represented a loss of $7,845,000 from the preceding weeks total, whereas in the compari son for the similar weeks of 1935 there was a gain of $823,937,000 Bank clearings at leading cities, to gether with percentage losses and gains compared with those of 1936, follow; also, the daily average bank clearings for the months of March, April and May: (Totals in thou*and? * W“ri\ '5 • ppr cer.t; nr ■ change 0 $1^4 340 * 1 Pit .iace;ph:a iii. — 8 : R 7s.n _ j a P;u burgh n snr _ 10 a : Cleveland _ * * ■ ■ . .. Co onnfi . 5.'; Z J •• i Baltimore i Richmond ... _ . j Atlanta _ 47 -J, Z .Z ? New Orleans ■ nf -155 Chicago] 4 > d- roll .. ? Lf’ ,.s - — 0 1 Lou3s’. ..Ip _ •'s 4 ; . 05 t) Minneapolis • 4* _ <** 0 Kansas City h;*R - ** 4 •: t >17 — 0 4 1 Oallas :r< i ns — e 7 Sar. Francisco ].n.n5i.n _ ps Portland, Ore*. _ |«i Seattle -- 34.12 7 .1?. 8 Total ...- SI 971 351 - 7 3 New York.. 3 304 94.5 — ir, * To • a; a _$5. 27 _4 * A* era?p daily: , May . . $957 (421 _ « * 1 Apr:! 5 374 " . March _ 1.0*9 :t 15 _ e 4 U. S. TREASURY POSITION. Bs the Associated Press. The position of the Trca«-::y on Jur* 1 Receipts. v.7 "4.! 71 n t expend;! 1 .-es Alio 44.; ; ; 4. balance x 1 745, customs recelp-.s lor the month. «•; 1s.u 805 on Receipt. for the fiscal year t-mce Juir 1 1 *4 449.82*.988.32. expenditures - e:c ’. .ft.40s.or including a : fi"2 845 - 27fi 35 of emergency expenditures ex cess of expenditures, $■; 3sx 3511 509 7fi gross debt. « (5.211,4 17.940,94 a decrease of *1 390 04fi 74 under the previous dav gold a«se-s *12 «25 190 s«5 34 including «793.S«1.973.*4 of Inactive gold. LONG TERM C rrf Mortgage Loans O °/ovam Monthly Payments of $6 60 on each $1,000 borrowed, include interest and pay off loan in 20 years. • Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. • Amount loaned — up to 66/<3% of appraised value. • Valuable prepayment privi leges. Cher plans of financing first mortgage loans available i H. L. RUST COMPANY tOOl fifteenth St. NAtional 8100 REAL ESTATE LOANS On Improved property in D. C. and Arlington County, Va. RELIABLE • SOUND 1 OFFICERS - WM. A. HETTINGER, PRESIDENT CHARLES KATTELMANN, VICE PRESIDENT WILFRED H. BLANZ SECRETARY GUY M. NEELY, TREASURER NO COMMISSIONS RENEWALS UNNECESSARY pplications invited for LOANS on improved real estate in Washing ton and Arlington County, Virginia. Rates and terms commensurate with security offered. Before you re finance, build or remodel—See us. The American has been helping the people of • Washington to acquire homes for the past 63 years. Ammratt luilbittg Assoriatinn 300 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E. ASSETS OVER $9,700,000 TELEPHONE U. «M. UNDER V. S. GOV'T SUPERVISION Celotex Profits Jump to $715,931 During Half Year By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 3 —Net income of the Celotex Corp. for the six months ended April 30, 1917. amounted to $715,931, equal after preferred divi dends to $2 39 a share on 268.685 shares of common stock outstanding. This compares with $232,480. or 59 cents a share on the same number of shares of common in corresponding period last year. Net sales for the period amounted to $5,112,608. a gain of 54 per cent over sales of $3,310,199 in the first half of the 1936 fiscal year. THE WEATHER District, of Columbia—Local thun dershowers this afternoon or tonight: not quite so warm tonight; tomorrow fair, gentle to moderate southwest winds, shifting to gentle northwest. Maryland — Local thundershowers this afternoon or tonight; slightly cooler in the interior tonight; tomor row fair. Virginia—Local thundershowers to night and probably tomorrow; not so warm in extreme, north portion to night. West Virginia—Local thundershow ers tonight and tomorrow : not much change in temperature River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers clear at Harpers Ferry, W. Va., this morning. Report for last ?l Hour.. „„ . . Temperature Barometer yesterday— I>Rrees. Incite 4 D m *s ••., s . * P m _ SS -Vp s-; Mldnlsht _ 7” ■'-» ss Today - 4am fir ;p 73 Sam. 77 Noon CP 75 Record for Last Cl Hour.. (From noon yesterday to noon today 1 Hugest. PO. at A Dm. yesterday; year aRo. Pfi *l ♦ * m. today; year Record TcmDcralure. Tlii* Tear HtRhest. n.i. on April is Lowest. IP. on February CK. Humidity for hast ?! Hour.. iFrom noon yesterday to noon today) .Hi? he*<- Per cent. at 4 am today yesterday “h Cent‘ a; 4-‘0 «>.» Tide Table*. (Furnished by United Stares Coast and Geodetic Survey.* Today. Tomorrow. f"*h - am. -- rV » ni- 1" 25 a m - '-•■»! p m. .‘5 54 p m - 9 > p m. 10.29 p.m The Sun and Moon. Q 4 . Rises. Sets. Sun. today 4 4;; •- .-14 Sun tomorrow 4 4.5 - •»«< Moon, today 12:47 a m. i ;w p m. Automobile lights must be turned on one-half hour after sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precipitation in inches In the Capital tcurrent month to datej: Month. 1937. Avge. Record. January -7.83 3.55 7.83 37 February- 3.33 3.37 fi.84 '84 March .. 1.50 3.75 8.84 '81 April - 6.85 3.27 9.13 '89 May - - _ 3.36 3.70 10.69 '89 June- 4.13 10.94 '00 JO'? .- 4.71 10.63 '86 Aueust --- 4.01 14.41 '28 September _ _ 3 -4 17 45 '34 October - 2,84 8A7 '85 Novemoer _ 2,37 8 69 '89 December - 3.33 7.56 '01 Weather in Various Cities. _ Temp Rain Stations. Baro H’h.Low.fall. Weath’r Abilene. Tex. 29.M2 ki* Mu Clear Albany. N Y. 29.7 8 7 8 64 Clear Atlanta. Ga. _ 9<» ms o.ol Cloudv Atlantic City 29.84 89 58 no I Cloudv Baltimore. Md 29 82 M2 MM 0.02 Cloudv Birmingham 29.90 99 72 Cloudy Bismarck. N D. 29.89 ;m 52 Clear Boston. Mass. 29 99 MM 54 Cloudy Bufialo. NY. 29.7M tit 58 0.24 Rain Charleston S C. 29 88 92 7 2 Cloudv Chicago 111 29.88 M2 58 0.01 Cloudv Cincinnati 29.84 99 MM 9 58 Cloudv Cleveland _ 29.82 7 9 M2 0.42 Cloudv Columbia S C. 29.88 9M MS 9 .46 Cloudv Denver Colo. 29 ss M2 59 0.40 Cloudy Detroit Mich 29.80 7M 62 __ Clear El Paso. Tex. 29.89 99 MK _ Clear Galveston. Tex. 29.92 84 76 Cloudy Helena. Mont 29 99 89 4M Cloudy Huron S. D. _ .29.94 74 48 Clear Indianapolis 29.84 88 M4 0 26 Clear Jacksonville 29.92 94 72 9 68 Clear Kansas City 29.98 84 M4 0.94 Rain Los Angeles 29,94 76 69 Cloudy Louisville Ky. !9.S6 99 MS 0.60 Clear Miami. Fla. .30.02 84 74 Clear Mpls-St. Paul._ 29.92 74 56 Clear New Orleans _ 29.98 88 74 Cloudv New York N Y 29 84 78 58 Cloudv Oklahoma City 29.88 88 MM 1 26 Cloudv Cmaha. Nebr. 29.96 74 58 o.Ol Cloudv Philadelphia _ 29.86 84 60 Cloudy Phoenix. Ariz. . 29.80 98 66 Clear Pittsburgh 29.78 84 66 Rain Portland. Me. 29.94 70 52 _ Clear Portland. Oreg 30 in 90 56 Cloudy Raleigh. N.C. 29.81 96 66 1.24 Clear Salt Lake City 29.96 72 46 0.08 Clear San Antonio 29.90 86 72 Clear San Diego. Cal. 29.94 66 58 Cloudv San Francisco. 29.96 70 50 Cloudv St. Louis. Mo. 20.86 86 70 0.06 Cloudv Seattle. Wash. 30.10 80 58 Cloudy Spokane Wash. 29.88 92 62 Clear Tamna. Fla 29.98 92 76 Clear WASH. D. C.__ 29.80 90 67 0.16 Cloudy FOREIGN. (7 a.m.. Greenwich time, today.) Temperature. Weather. London. England _____ 52 Cloudy Paris. France _ 54 Cloudy Vienna. Austria_ 54 Cloudy Berlin. Germany_ 50 Cloudy Brest. France _ 54 Cloudy Zurich. Switzerland _ _ 55 Cloudy Stockholm. Sweden_ 46 Cloudy Gibraltar Spain 62 Cloudy (Noon. Greenwich time today.* Horta (Fayal). Azores 68 Cloudy (Current observations.) St. Georges. Bermuda _ 74 Cloudy San Juan Puerto Rico 82 Cloudy Havana Cuba 78 Clear Colon. Canal Zone_ 80 Cloudy MARKETS CLOSED IN SOUTH. NEW YORK. June 3 UP).—Southern markets observed a holiday today. The New Orleans Cotton Exchange was closed for Confederate Memorial day, while Savannah and Jacksonville naval stores observed Jefferson Davis' birthday. -• CANADIAN REVENUES UP. OTTAWA, * June 3 (Canadian Press).—Revenue Minister J. L. Xlsley today reported a net Increase of $16, 881,247 in Income tax collections for the two months ended with May, 1937, as compared with the same pe riod In 1936. The respective totals were $76,568,978 and $59,687,736. Baltimore Markets Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, Md , June 3—Pota toes, old, 100-pound sack, 1 75a2 15; new, barrel, 1.50a3.00: 100-pound sack, 90al.75; bushel, l.OOal.lO; sweet po tatoes. bushel, 1 00a 1.50; yams, bushel, 75a) 00; asparagus, crate, 1.00a2.75; beams, bushel, 50a 125, beets, crate, 1.40&1.50; cabbage, pointed type, hamper, 25a50; carrots, crate. 2.00a 4 50; cauliflower, crate, 1.50al.60; celery, crate, 2 50a3.50; com, crate, 2 00; cucumbers, bushel, 1.25a3.00; eggplants, crate, 1.75a2.00; bushel, 1.25al.50; lettuce, Western Iceberg, rrate. 1 50a3 00; nearby Big Breton, bushel, 15a2o; Iceberg, bushel, 25a40, lima beans, bushel, 2 00a3.50: onions, 50-pound sack. 65a 1.40; peas, bushel. 50a2.00. nearby, bushel. 1.25al.50; peppers, crate, 2 50a2 75; bushel. 1.50a 2.25; spinach, nearby, bushel. 30a40; squash, bushel, 50a 1.00; tomatoes, lug. 1.25a2.25; apples, box. 2 50a2.65; blackberries, quart, 7al0; grapefruit, box, 2.25a3.25; oranges, box, 2.50a 4.75; strawberries, crate, 1.00a3 50; watermelons, each, 20. Dairy Market. l ive poultry—Broilers. Rocks, pouhd, 22a24; mixed colors. 22a23; Leghorns. 16a20; fowl. Rocks, 19a20; mixed col ors, 17al9. Leghorns, 14al6; roosters, 10a 12: ducks, 14a 15. Eggs—Current receipts, dozen, 19a 20; hennery whites, large, 21; medium, 20; receipts, 2,798 cases. Butter—Prints, pound. 34a35; good to fancy, creamery, 321:a33,2; pack ing stock, 18, rolls, 20; receipts, 2,535 tubs. Live Stock Market. Cattle—475, including 150 hold over. steers and yearlings active, strong to shade higher: spots 25 cents above Monday; bulk medium and good grades scaling mostly from 800 to 1,125 pounds, 10.75a 11.80, fre quent sales plain lightweights, 8.00a 10 00; cows steady to strong; bulk low cutters ancf cutters. 4 25a5.75; ''shelly'' kinds, 4 00 or less; plain and medium grades. 6.00&7.00; few good grade to 7.50 and near choice individual. 8.50; bulls steady; plain and medium grades mostly 6.00a7.00. Calves—275; good grade sealers steady; from 9 00a9 50 mostly; me dium and lesser grades weak to lower; plain and medium, 6.50a8.50, culls j down to 5.00. Hogs—800: slow, steady to mostly 10 cents lower than Wednesdays levels; good and choice grades, 170 to 210 pounds. 11.65a 11.90: practical top. 11.90; 220 to 250 pounds. Il.l5all.80; 260 to 300 pounds. 10.65a 1125; 325 to 350 pounds quoted from 10.15 to 10.50; good grade packing sows listed from 9 40al0.00; hogs from "doubtful' areas not represented in above prices. Sheep—650; Spring lambs weak to 25 cents lower than Wednesday s quo tations: good and choice grades ewes and wethers, 11.50al2 50; bulk sales under 12.00; bucks discounted 100; plain and medium grades largely 8 00 alO 50: few fat slaughter ewes steady from 4.00 down. Grain Market. Opening prices were: Wheat—No. 2 red Winter, garlicky, spot, domestic 1.39; June delivery, 1.39. Settling prices were: No. 2 red Winter, gar licky. spot, domestic, 1.39; June de livery, 1.39. Corn—No. 2 yellow, do mestic, 1.25; Western billing at a pre mium over this price; cob com nom inal. Oats—No. 2 white, domestic 65a75: No 3. 64a74, with the excep tion of grain on track there is an addi tional charge of 1’* cents per bushel for storage and elevation. Rye—No. 2, 1 30al.35. Barley—93a98. Hay market holds steady to firm under a good demand for timothy and clover mixed at 17.00a22 00 per ton, but It takes well-graded No. 1 stock tc bring the price. Poorer grades hard to sell and market irregular on all grades below No. 3 stock Sea Food Market. Catfish, pound. 3a5; dressed, 7a8: carp. 3a4; eels, 9al0; haddock, 3Oa 12; herring, 3a4; mackerpl, 7a8: rock, 12; white perch, 3a5; yellow, 8al0; trout, 4a8; bluefish, 8al0; flounders, 10; croakers, ,3a4; spots, 3a4; hardhead. 3a4: butterfish, 6a7; roe shad, 17; split shad, 8; buck shad, 15al8; soft crabs, dozen, 40a55; hard crabs, dozen. 20a 30; barrel. 3.00a4.00; crab meat, pound, 25a55; shrimp, 12al5; clams, large, 100, 90a 1.25: Cherrystones. 65a 75; Little Necks, 50a60; frogs, each, 15a20. Tobacco Market. Quotations on old stock—Maryland firm leaf, nondescript, 3a4: common, 4al0; medium. 10a30; good to fine, | red, 30a40: seconds, common, 3a7. me , dium, good to fine, 15a35. DECLINE IS REVEALED IN COLLATERAL LOANS Bt the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 3 —Borrowings on collateral bv members of the New York Stock Exchange declined $35. 066.396 last month, a report made pub lic by the exchange showed, i Total borrowings at the close of j business May 29 were $1.152.212 988. compared with $1,187,279,384 on April i 30. Money borrowed on United States Gorrmment securities, included in the • latest figures, was $31,336,550, against $34,256,650 a month before. The low point, on stock exchange 1 brokers' loans in recent years was | reached tn July. 1932. when the total j was $241,599,943. The record high was ! $8,549,383 979 on September 30, 1929. ._._ DRUG SALES CLIMB. I NEW YORK. June 3 <A>) — McKees i son &• Robbins, chemists, reports net I sales of $56,627,145 in the first four | months of 1937. an increase of 18 03 ! per cent over the similar period for 1936. . - %-. Vick Chemical Co.—March quarter common share earnings were $1.34, against $1.45.