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THAPt HmM R!«ISTEREff Large Storage Sale Household Furniture of Every Description. Per sonal Effects. China. Classsrarc. Rric-a-Brac, Pictures. Mattresses. Bed din*. Linens, Draperies. Radios. Ranges. Re frigerators. Electric Fans. Etc. At Public Auction AT SLOAN S 715 13th St. SATURDAY June 5th, 1937 At 10 A M. From the Fidelitv Storaoe Co the Union Storaoe Co. and Others. TEH MS: CASH. C. G. SLOAN & CO.. INC., Aucts. Established J891. If Your Dentist Hurts You Try SbouS/XDR. FIELD I Succeeds . . . IH here Others Failed Many years of ex perience has espe cially fitted me to handle the most difficult cases of dental surgery. With mod ern equipment and meons at hand to alleviate pain, you ore assured careful, conscientious work at all times. Special vio let ray treatment for pyorrhea. I guarantee fit in any mouth. All work done in my laboratory. My special attention given to nervous peisons. r'xtrartions. *1 & *?. Alio G«« Tlatrs _*10 to *';."S Gold Crowns_Sfi no Fillinxs _ __* I up DR. FIELD 406 7th St. N.W. MEt. 9256 Over Woolworth r> A 10c Store & i Ree Leef says lit Just take two teaspoonful* i/J cfCapudlnelnallttlewater. Almost before vou realize It the headache has eased awav and you • re comfortable again Pleasant, to take. No narcotics Equally effective for neuralgic and other pains due to functional causes 'It Sell U. S. Government-Inspected Meats 311 7th St. N.W. 3146 M St. N.W. Phone PM. 2939-Phone WEct 2023 Tues.,Wed., Thurs, Specials WE DELIVER FRI.-SAT. SPECIALS! SIRLOIN 4k 4k OR CUBE "JUC STEAKlb 40 Boned-Rolled 4k 41 BEEF-RIB nCd ROAST ,b&iV FRESH GROUND BEEF >b TENDER CHUCK ROAST >b POCKET m veal 19c ROAST >b I L SHOULDER 4 m VEAL 1 Cc ROAST >b I 3 SMALL M FRESH 1 IJq Shoulders | 3 STORE SLICED BACON,b ROLL Butter,b QUART PEANUT Butter QUART jfc m salad. 95® Dressing £*J NEW Potatoes 10"" 30* —— HEAD Lettuce ■ Open TUI • F.M. (U*or4w« 250,000 to 300,000 Work ers Involved in Move Against C. I. 0/ E5 the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 3.—The Central Trades and Labor Council last night announced the suspension of 46 of its locals affiliated with the Committee for Industrial Organization. The latest move in the local struggle between the C. I. O. and the American Federation of Labor came as the result ; of an order issued by President William 1 Green of the federation in Cincinnati | Saturday. The suspended locals, of which the council had 456 members, were branches of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, the Amal gamated Clothing Workers of America, i the Transport Workers Union, the Bookkeepers and Stenographers Union and the United Textile Workers. The federation said the suspension involved between 250,000 and 300,000 workers. Unanimous Ballot. Vice President John Munholland of ; the Council said its Executive Com mittee was unanimous in its vote for | the suspension. Joseph P. Ryan, presi dent of the Council and of the Inter j national Longshoremen's Association, who has defined Green's order in A. F. of L. jurdisdictional disputes, did not attend the Council meeting. Green's order to suspend the locals affiliated with the C. I. O. was based on an A. F. of L. constitution provision that, locals chartered by unions which have been suspended by the federation are ineligible to belong to the State federation of city central labor unions. The parent unions of the 46 locals all have been suspended from the A F. of L. A strike of 400 armored car guards and drivers who laid down their guns, tying up $1,000,000 in bullion, was partly settled last night when two of the four companies involved signed agreements. Hours and Pay Agreements. The agreements, made with the j United States Trucking Corp. and Brinks, Inc., called for a 44-hour week, with a $45 salary for drivers and $35 for guards, insurance paid by the com pany, and no liability for personal property damaged by the employes. The Transport Workers' Union (C. j I. 0.1 announced the New York City | Omnibus Corp. had expressed willing i ness to have a collective bargaining j election held. In another transportation field, the Parmalee Taxi System posted notices ; that it had reached an agreement with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and Chauffeurs, an A. F. of L. affiliate, but C. I. O. drivers chal lenged the validity of the agreement in affidavits submitted to the City In dustrial Labor Relations Board, charging coercion of workers. TRIAL'S END SOUGHT LONOKE. Ark., June 3 iTT' —At torneys for Lester Brockelhurst, 23, notified Circuit Judge W. J. Wag goner yesterday they would seek a Supreme Court order to stop the scheduled trial, June 14, of the so called "Midwestern crime tourist,” charged with first-degree murder in the hitch-hike slaying of Victor A. Gates, Little Rock. The notice was served after Judge Waggoner denied the attorneys’ mo tion for a 30-day continuance of the trial. Mister, if you want an undershirt that fits like a potato sack, you don't want Hanes. But if you like it snugging your ribs — with a smooth, spruce, featherweight grip — Hanes is your dish. No matier how much you wash these shirts, you can't loosen their tight elastic-knit. They always look and feel neat and clean-cutl Here's another thing about Hanes: You tuck the tail Snto your shorts in the morning, and find it still there at night — not bunched around your waist. Hanes is too long for that. This is underwear... not blunderwearl When you get around to buying your shorts, be sura to ask for Hanes. Legs, crotch, and seat are cut to keep you free from friction—nothing binds or pulls. Genuine Lastex in the belt. Colors guaranteed fast. See your Hanes Dealer today. P. H. Hanes Knitting Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. a FOR MEN AND BOYS SHIRTS 39* IV BACH SHORTS 39* 55" BACB I fAMSetHAK Unhrtnt Unt«n «uH», tt—cfa. Otom,7Uan4 b* Ole Swimming Pool Closed $500 Will Open It and The Star Will Accept Funds. Three youngsters from Opportunity House look discon solately at an empty swimming pool in the basement of the Y. W. C- A. at 614 E street—with only $500 standing in the umy of filling it up. Right to left: Anthony Vaniglio, Harry Copperthite and Walter Smithy_ —Star Staff Photo. HREE boys from Opportunity House. 915 New Jersey avenue, wanted to go swimming yes terday afternoon—account o' the heat—but the ole swimming pooi down in the basement of the Y. W. C. A . at 614 E street, was closed. "Say,’’ said Anthony Vaniglio, 9. “when is this pool going to be open for business?" Miss Bessie Baker, who ran the pool last year with money the people of Washington contributed, shook her head. “I don't know," she said. Get rid of onts com pletely. Antrol is Quor-i onteed to kill the en tire colony m the nett Sofe oround children or petj. Quick-octing, economicol. Harry Copporthite, another 9-year old youngster, and his buddy, Walter Smith, 9 going on 10, sat on the edge of the pool and hoped. It takes S500 to get the swimming (•AND IT MAKES THEl MOST MARVELOUS I RUSSIAN PRESSING!*J M PUT UP LOTS OF JAM AND JELLY THIS QUICK, EASY CERTO WAY! -irriHuiismi per»ctlyi *^JuST WATCH ME MAKE STRAWBERRY JeLLV • SEE THIS CERTOI HAVE MV HANDS? ITS PURE ' fruit PECTIN —AND IT I MAKES Alt I > FRUITS JELL I perfectly! J YESI HMf M»IH WO«E JEIW WITH THIS EASY RECIPE. strawberry jelly ' 4 cup* (2 lbs.) strawberry juic* 2 tablespoons lemon juice 8 cups (3t^ lbs.) sugar 1 bottle Certo SSsSSS “ £s,*i,v.'sr1u.s from 1 medium W™”-*"™ F£i Paraffin at once. Makes aD 12 glasses (6 fluid ounces each). l\Z;^,.ure^nt.are ONLY Vfe MINUTE BOH1* NOW LOOK! I MINfr *iy JELLY TO A BOIL, ADD CERTO AMD 80IL ONLY /zminute! ill BE through in less than 15 minutes after my fruit was prepared^ HB fINER URVORi _ — ~ UM.M! JUST LIKE THE fresh,ripe fruit! NO flavor OOES off in STiiM-,Tp«RTO! rnTGlASSt^jT^glZl rseE? and BBCAUSENO JUICE BOILED AWAY I GET II GLASSES INSTEAD of 7— V from only 4 COPS OFj^c£y T..t.d r*cip«» »«*?*; label of every bottle of Certo... A product of General Food*; pool under way, what with one cost and another. So, when The Evening Star learned that the boys and girls of the old downtown neighborhood were standing in need of a swimming pool, a move ment was set under way to get the necessary wherewithal. The Star will receive all donations from the grown ups who want to contribute anything in the way of cash to make a lot of youngsters happy. As Miss Edith Coulson of the Coun cil of Social Agencies expressed it: "About th$ best thing the people of Washington can do for the downtown boys and girls is open up the Y. W. C. A. swimming pool—on E street.” Miss Baker, after her experience of a year ago, when the pool catered to 100 young swimmers a day, claims this to be one of the best philanthropies in all Washington. "That swimming pool is a life saver—in more ways than one,” Miss Baker says—and she knows. It takes about S160 a month to] keep the pool in full operation. That provides for sw'imming instructors, medical examinations, chlorination of the water, towel service, laundry and soap. Last year The Evening Star was instrumental in calling attention to the fact that the boys and girls of down-town Washington were in need of a swimming pool, and in less than a week the necessary $500 were In the till and the water was turned on In the Y. W. C. A. pool. This year the hope is that the pool will be opened on July 1. That gives slightly more than three weeks for all things to be done, the money raised, the pool set in order. Sur rounding walls need a slight dose of paint. The pool must be scrubbed— and made sanitary. Towels must be bought, soap furnished. So, this is the time to get started— and.The Star stands ready to fake care of the funds; to turn them over later to the Council of Social Agencies. SUNDAY, JUNK 6 See Beautiful Fairmount Park ir\ PHILADELPHIA *3.00 Chester $3.00 Wilmington ^2.75 leave Washington 6:30 a m. and 8:10 a m. (ChesterPasien|erswiiluie6;30 o.m. Train.) Choice of 2 trams returning tame day. BALTIMORE $ 1.25 Round Trip Saturdays and Sfindays $ 1.50 Round Trip Daily — Good for 3Doys Detailt from any B & O Ticket Agent or Telephone: District 3300, Notional 7370 KEEP A LIFE-SAVER HANDY TO RESCUE DRINKS FROM DROWNING Your greatest safeguard against flat-flavored highballs is to keep a bottle or so of Canada Dry’s Sparkling Water handy. This extra-lively mixer puts life in any drink. You can leave an opened bottle of Canada Dry’s Water in your refrigerator. Twenty-four hours later, it will still have its sparkle. Or judge it as experts do. Pour Canada Dry’s Water into a champagne glass and note the bril liant, continuous ’’Champagne" Sparkle. The secret? Pin-Point Carbonation, a special Canada Dry process. THE WATER WITH THE “fhampaflMC" SPARKLE NEW LOW PRICES 5C 10c 15c (Piet kettle deposit) Denies Dynamiting Family. WAUKESHA, Wis,, June 3 OP).— John Waszak, Muskego farmer accused of setting a dynamite blast April 18 which wrecked his home and killed his wife and 8 of their 10 children, pleaded innocent yesterday before Cir cuit Judge C. M. Davison. Judge Davison set the trial for June 14. i itHun/ DICK BARTELL, ' scrappy shortstop, N.Y. Giants. BILL TERRY, famous man* ager of the N, Y. Giants. Athletes choose HUSKIES, not only for their delicious new nut-like flavor but also because they pro vide all the valuable food essentials of whole wheat . . . and help build muscle, too! Get a package today! A POST CEREAL-MADE BY GENERAL FOODS SERVE YOURSELF and SAVE! at the big Y 33 £ & P FOOD STORE CO AC GEORGIA DZUD AVENUE SULTANA RED SALMON Ideal for ^ ^ Colorful T U C Salads Can | Jr HEINZ OR CLAPP S Baby Foods 3 ™" 23* HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP -. 2 15c JELLO FREEZING MIX - . . 3 *•“ 25c Wildmere Fresh Eggs,*^ 25c Wutley Margarine _.»»■ ph. 15c Iona Peaches,- bl«»°n*,b 15c Evap. Prunes 2 »*»»• 13c Evap. Peaches_m. I Oc Armour’s rg;r Hash 2 25c Armour’s Corned Beef 2 33c Campbell’STomau>Soup3 ,,n, 20c Wet d% Shrimp_«n 17c Evap. Apricots_2^29c 8 O’Clock Goffee72 uh, 37c S*VS /lBTo^ LAMB *UjZ5^ FRESH HEN JURKEYS* II Fresh FRYERS ' Leghorns Barred Rocks 28c It 35c Tender Flavorsome Chuck Roasts 22ci Smoked lb. 9dfi Homs Lolb Chops "* 33C IfJ'Z, ,l 25c Cap’n John’s Fillets ,,»»■ f7c White Crab Meat_»>■ 43c Croakers - Trout CLhANKD Ih' 8c Boston Mackerel 111 12c Claw Crab Meat_33c I SU.10*- 25' FRESH 4H. PINEAPPLES |UC LEMONS jn„26c^ BEETS 2 9c crispyCELERY 2 bunches 19c f Green Stringleaa BEANS 2 ib» 0c SPINACH 2 it*. 9^ Price* Effective Until Closing Saturday, June 5, 1937 ★ AT THIS STORE ONLY ★