Newspaper Page Text
BANKS, ANGELA MINOR. On Saturday. June* 6. 19oT, at 7 a.m.. at Willlams town. Mass.. ANGELA MINOR BANK8 of 1727 10th st.. n.w.. devoted sister of Mima G Gosney. Blanch Trueheart, william Edward and Beatrice Minor. She ■Iso leaves five nephews and three nieces, ■ host, of other relatives and friends. Stemains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Fun Bra 1 on Wednesday. June 9. at 7 p.m. Irom thp above funeral church. Rev. William D. Jarvis officiating. Interment Charlottsville. Va.. on Thursday. June To at. 3 p.m. BASSFORD, GRACE A. On Monday. June 7 1937 GRACE A BASSFORD (net Forwood'. beloved wife of George L. Bassford Funeral services will be held at her home. 4404 White Oak ave., Baltimore. Md.. on Thursday June 10. 8t 10 a m. Interment Druid Ridge Cem etery. 9 BECKER. ALMA A. On Monday. June 7. 1937. ALMA A BECKER wife of Ear liest Beeker. Services at the S. H Hines Co funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., JVednesday. June 9. at. 1 1 :30 a.m. In term°nt Fort' Lincoln Cemetery. BROWNHILL. SADIE A. On Sundav. June 0 1937. SADIE A. BROWNHILL (nee Wright', beloved wife of Goorce J. Brownhill and mother of Mrs. Roy E. Turner and Mrs. Rita Newbv and grand mother of Irvin B. Miller. Funeral from her late residence 315 14tli st. n.e.. on Wednesday. June 9. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to Holy Comforter Church. 14th and E Caritol sts.. at 9 a.m.. wher* mass will b*» offered for the reoose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. (Cambridge. Md., papers please copy.) 8 BROWNHILL. SADIE A The members of Holy Comforter Sodality are reauosted to meet at the home of the late SADIE BROWNHILL June 8. 1037. at 7:45 t» m . for recitation of the Rosary. ROSE A. DTLLON. Prefect. CATHERINE McCAWLEY. Secretary. BRI’CF. GEORGE. Departed this life on Sunday. June 8. 1937. at 7 45 a m., at Freedmen's Hospital. GEORGE BRUCE He leaves to mourn their loss two sisters. Notr. Barnev and Annie Adams; one brother. Arthur Bruce: four nieces, onp nephpw and a host of other relatives Rnd friends Remains resting at Rarnes A; Matthews’ funeral home. 814 4th st. s w whr-e funeral services will be held on Wednesday June 9. at. 1 p.m. Rev. F F. King officiating. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. 8 Bl’RNETT. LUCY. on Tuesday. June 8. 1937. a* her residence. 1311 Union st. s w , MRS. LUCY BURNETT, wife of *he lat* Reddick Burnett, and beloved mother of Mrs. L ila Jacobs. Mrs. Mamie Logan and U row heart Burnett. Remains rest ing at the McGuire funeral home. No tice of funeral hereafter. • 10 CHAPMAN. NETTIE. Departed this life on Monday June 7. 1937 at 5:45 a.m . NETT IF CHAPMAN of 7 Johnson court n w . beloved wife of Luther Chapman. She is also survived by a devoted son. Edward S?pwart. and other relatives and friends Remains resting at the Malvan A' Schcv funeral home. N J pvp. and R st nw . until Tuesday. June 8 at 5 n m : tbepro to her late residence. Fu neral Wednesday June 9 at l p.m.. from tlte above residence. Relatives and friend' invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. CHAPPELL. KATIE BYA8. On Monday. June 7. 1937. at her home. °8 Metro politan avp Kensington. Md. KATTE BYAS CHAPPELL wife of Ralph H. Chappell. Body resting at Warner E. Humphrey's funeral home. 8474 Georgia avp.. Silver Spring. Md. Services at. First Episcopal Church. Kensington. Md.. on Thursday. June 1<> at 11 a m. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 9 CLEVELAND LEO G. On Monday. June 7. 1937. at Homeonathir Ho-pital. LEO G. CLEVELAND, beloved husband o' Hattie M. Cleveland and father of H°len L. Cleveland. Funeral services a‘ his late residence. 103 <:h sL s.e . on Thursday. June jo, r* 7 n m. Relative and friends invited. Interment Cpd->r Hill Cemetery. Sri vices hv the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 0 COCKERILLF. WARRFN IL On Monday. .Tune 7. 1937. at Emorg«ncY Hospital. WARRFN R COCKERILLF be’oved hus band of Katherine S Cnckerille. father of Lyle W. and Warden R Cockerdle. tr. Remains rpu-ir at F. W. Groff's funeral parlors. Fairfax. Ya Services and in termenr a* Episcopal Church. Cenfpr villf. Vr ou Wednesday June n. at t! pm. Relatives and friends invited. CR MGHFM> ' BR %GKFTT). GRANVILLE C. Suddenly on Saturday. June 5 1917. GRANVILLE C. CRAIGHEAD 'BRACK ETT'. devoted grandson of Rev. G C. Brackett, son of Florence and Mack Craighead. He also leaves other rela tives and friend" Remains resting at the W. Fmest Jarvis funeral church. 1417 17 st. n w. May be viewed there from in a m to 5 pro Tuesday. June 8: thereafter at his lr.te residence. R'Joo Clay st. ne Funeral Wednesday June 9 at '2 n.m. from the Mount Bethel Baptist Church. V st. between *7nd and Ird sts. n.w . Rev. K. W. Roy officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 8 EVANS. JANE. On Mondav. June 7. 1917. .TANE EVANS. Wife of the la"e Frank D Evans and mother of Mrs. Bessie E Cook. Funerai services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral horn®. 517 1 1th st. s e. on Wednesday. June 9. at *2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. FINKENHOEFFR. HENRY FRANCIS. On Thursday. June i. 1917. at George Washington University Hospital. HFNRY FRANCIS FINKENHOEFER. aged RR years, beloved husband of Frankie May Fmkenhoefer. member of Columbia Typo graphical Union. No. 101. Services at (he Thos. S. Sereeon Co. funeral home. 1011 7th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. June P at. 2 p.m. Relatives and friends in vited to attend. Interment National Capitol Memorial Cemetery. GRAVES. ABIGAIL C. On Mondav. June 7 1937. at her residence. 2029 Conn five. ABIGAIL C. GRAVES. Funeral services fit her late residence on Wednes day. June 9. at 10:."0 a.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 8 GRAVES. MARY FL1ZABETIT On Mon dav June 7 1937. at her residence. 2113 K st. n w . MARY ELIZABETH GRAVES. Wife of Louis IT. Graves, services at the above residence on Wednesday. June 9. at 8:39 a.m : thence to St. Stephen s Church. 25th st. and Pennsylvania ave. nw. where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. HANLEIN. SOPHIA. On Monday. June 7. 1937 at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. I. T Nathan. 1709 Taylor st. n.w.. SOPHIA HANLEIN. aged 87 years be loved mother of M°yer. Samuel. Isadora. . Joseph H.. Julius Hanlein and Mrs. L. T. Nathan. Funeral will take place from ’ her late residence Wednesday. June 9 at {2:30 p.m. Interment Washington He . brew Congregation Cemetery. HAYNIE. JAMES WILLIAM. On .Sunday. • June fi 1937. at Garfield Hospital. JAMES WILLIAM HAYNIE. a member of 'the John Dickson Home. Services at the , s. H, Hines Co funeral home. 2901 14th st n w on Wednesday. June 9. at 19 » a m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 8 HEALEY. MICHAEL. Suddenly, on Mon day Jurm 7. 1937. at his residence. 41/ Allison st. n.w . MICHAFL HEALEY be loved husband of Delia Healey (nee Con nors) ar.d father of Michael Healey. Jr.: beloved brother of Dan and Elizabeth Heaiev and Mrs. James Collins and John Healey of Limerick Ireland, and uncle of Frank Margaret and Louise Hart mann. Funeral will be held from the shove residence on Werinesdav. June 9. fit R'.'in am. High requiem mass at St. Gabriel's Church at n a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 8 HILLMAN. MARGARET E. On Tuesday, June 8. 199 7. MARGARET E HILL MAN. beloved wife of Louis W. Hillman. Funeral from the James T. Ryan *u peral home. 117 Pa. ave. s.e.. on Thurs day. .Tune 10 at 8 10 a.m.: thence to the Church of the Immaculate Concep tion where mass will be offered at 9 a m Relatives and friend^ invited to attend. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. ^ RKI.LV. .IrRr.MI ill Nri.AKini. un iu"“ day June S. 1P.TT. at 4:4« a m., at his horn'4 Cn^itnl View Forest Glen. Md.. JEREMIAH MCCARTHY K^TA.Y. th« be loved husband of Lula Virginia Kelly^ Remains resting a* the funeral home of Wm Reuben pumnhrey 7 005 Wisconsin aveBethesda, Md. Notice of funeral later. MARSHALL. JOHN BUTLER. Passed away on Sunday. June «. ]0:t7. at his home. 110 Cottage terrace. Cottage Citv. Md.. JOHN BUTTER MARSHALL beloved husband of Daisy Marshall. He Is also survived by one son John B. Marshall: one daughter. Mrs Howard C. Suhivan. and one granddaughter. Marv Louise Sullivan. Funeral from his late resi dence on Tuesday. June R. at 7:00 n m.: thence to Fort Lincoln Cemetery, where services will he held in chanel. 8 MATHEWS. SAMVEL. DeDarted This life on Tuesday. June 8 1DM7. ai Gallinser Hospital SAMUEL MATHEWS, devoted husband of Elsie Mathews. He also leaves in mourn their loss one daughter. Naomi Mathews one son. John Mathews: mother Elizabeth Mathews: one sister. Gertrude Mathews, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Eu gene Ford's funeral home, l.ino Eouth Capitol st. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS._ Frank Geier’s Sons Co. wi5.NAtional 2473 VTLTSPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W. R Speare establishment NATlona°nt2892 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass Ave N.E Lincoln 8200 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK Manager) Phone West nn9HOft?4 M St N W Established 1841 FUNERAL DESIGNS. BURTON'S aooo^b^^va Beautiful Funeral Sprays AT 7171 OPEN EVENINGS AI. and_SUNDAYS_ , GEO. C. SHAFFER IBXPRESSrVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0108 Open Evening* _ .... r . ■ nd Sunday* Cor. 14th & Eye (SUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piwcwa , 1212 e Sl N W NAtional 4276 V MISS ABIGAIL C. GRAVES DIES OF HEART ATTACK Burial in Eock Creek Cemetery Tomorrow for Woman Long Eesident in City. Miss Abigail C. Graves, 88, for many years a resident of this city, died yes terday of a heart attack at her home, 2029 Connecticut avenue. Miss Graves long had been a mem ber of the Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church and for many years active in its affairs. She leaves a sister, Miss Jennie A. Graves, with whom she lived at the Connecticut avenue address, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a m. tomorrow at the residence. Rev. Dr. William A. Keese. pastor of Metro politan M. E. Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Bratlffl. MCDONALD. EDWIN S. On Sunday June *v 1937. at his home. 1463 W st. n.w.. EDWIN S. MCDONALD, husband of Emma D. McDonald. Services at Warner E. Puraphrey’s funeral home. 8424 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md.. on Wednesday. June 9. at 9 a.m. Inter ment New Cathedral Cemetery. Balti more. Md. McNANTZ. MATILDA ALICE. On Monday. June 7. 1937. at her residence. 2115 P st. n.w.. MATILDA ALICE McNANTZ. beloved daughter of the late Patrick H. and Louise J. McNantz. Funeral from Zurhorst’s funeral parlor. 301 East Cap itol st.. on Wednesday. June 9. at 8:30 a.jn.j thence to St. Matthew's Church. 1125 Rhode Island ave. n.w.. where mass will be said at 9 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 8 MORRISON. NANCY. On Monday. June 7. 1937. at Georgetown University Hos pital. NANCY MORRISON of 1714 Kil bourne piece n.w.. sister of the late Georgiana May Klinsle. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. June 9. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Please omit flowers. POOLE. MARY C. On Sunday. June fl. i 1937. at Mother Jones’ Rest Home. Riggs road, near Hyattsville. Md.. MARY C. POOLE, aged 84 years, beloved wife of I the late Benjamin Thomas Poole. Re mains resting in the home of Mrs. John Poole. Rockville. Md. Requiem mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church. Rockville. Md.. on Wednesday. June 9. at 10 am. Relatives and friends invited to attend, i Interment. Beallsvillc Cemetery. Bealls ville, Md. POYNTON. FRANCIS R On Saturday. June 5. 1937 at Garfield Hospital. FRANCIS B. POYNTON. the beloved husband of Eva M. Poynton and father of Albert F . Jane E.. Winifred M. and Helen F. Poynton. Funeral services at his late residence. 1214 You st. s.e.. on Wednesday. June 9. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to St. James’ Episcopal Church. 8th st. between B and C sts. n e . where services will be held at 9 a.m Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment 1n Congressional Cemetery. Services by W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. SCANLAN. FANNIE M. On Mondav June 1. 1937. at Emergency Hospital. FANNIE M. SCANLAN of 1310 Glen ave.. Linden. Md . mother of Mrs Edward H. Shaughnessv Mrs. D. N. Officer of Wash ington. D. C : Carl M.. Jack A. and Ger ald Scanlan of Chicago. Ill . and Mrs. W. F Tinkcom of McNeil Islands. Wash. Funeral services at the S H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. June 9. at 5 p.m. Inter ment private. SMALLWOOD. ROBERT (MACK). On Saturday. Jun« 5. 1937. at Freedmen's Hospital. ROBERT <MACKi SMALL WOOD beloved husband of Nellie Small wood. father of Grace Carter and Percy Smallwood: loving brother of Irene W. Freeman and cousin of Mrs. Alice Myers. He leaves four grandchildren, one niece and three nephews. Remains resting at Ruth Dabney's funeral home. 453 O st. n.w.. until 7 pm. Monday: thereafter at j his late residence. 157 Heckman st. s.e. Funeral Wednesday. June 9. from Miles i Memorial C. M. E. Church. 3rd st be I tween L and M sts. and N Y. ave. n.w.. at 2 p.m Rev. L. Q. Brown officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. S ‘ SMITH. J. Fl'LTON. On Monday. June 7. 1937. a? his residence. 317 nth st. s.e. ; J. FULTON SMITH, beloved husband of I Katherine Parks Smith Funeral from the above residence on Wednesday June ' 9. at 8;30 a.m.: thence to St. Peter's Church. 2nd and C sts. s.e.. where mass ■ will be said at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends arp in vited. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. 8 ! SMITH. J. Fl'LTON. Members of Poto mac Council. Knights of Columbus are notified of the death of Brother J. FUL TON SMITH, on Monday. June 7. 1937. Members will assemble at the home of 1 the deceased. 317 nth st. s.e.. on Tues day. June 8 at 8 n.m.. for prayers. CHAS. J. CONSIDINF. Grand Knight. SMITH. NANNIE ELIZABETH. On Satur day. June r». 1037. at Emergency Hos pital. NANNIE ELIZABETH SMTTH wife of the late Reuben W. Smith of Warrenton. Va. She is survived by seven sons and two daughters. Fu neral services at the W. W. Chambers Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e . on Wednesday. June 9. at 12 noon. Relatives and friends invited. Grave side services and interment in Warren ton Cemetery. Warrenton. Va.. at 2 30 P m. 8 ! STONE. ANNIE L. On Monday. June 7. 1937. ANNIE L. STONE, beloved wife of the late Samuel S. Stone and mother of Halford E. Stone. Funeral from her son’s residence 115 East Broad st.. Falls Church. Va.. Thursday. June 10. af 10 a m. Friends invited Interment Con gressional Cemetery. Washington. D. C. 9 STOWELL. MINERVA. On Saturday June 5. 1937. at her residence. 9 Sycamore ave.. Tekoma Park. Md.. MINERVA STOWELL. She is survived by a great niece. Miss Virginia Grove of Washing ton. D. C. Funeral from the W. W. ; Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 ChaDin st. n.w.. on Wednesday. June 9. at. 2 D.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 8 TAYLOR. JOSEPHINE B. Departed this ! life on Saturday. June 5. 1937. at 12:45 p.m., at her residence. 1409 Hopkins st. | n.w.. JOSEPHINE B. TAYLOR, widow of Charles H. Taylor, mother of Charles R. Edward A. and Virginia Taylor and mother-in-law of Mrs. Ada Taylor. Re mains resting at her late residence aftef 3 D.m. Tuesday. June 8. Funeral from Epiphanv Church. Dumbarton ave. be tween 27th and 28th sts. n.w*.. on Wpd nesday. June 9. where requiem high mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Burial at Holy Rood Cemetery. Rela tives and friends are invited. 8 THOMPSON. CHARLES. On Saturday. June 5. 1937. at Freedmen’s Hospital. CHARLES THOMPSON. Remains rest ing ar Stewart’s funeral home, 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. THOMPSON, LOUISE. On Saturday. June 5. 1937. at Freedmen’s Hospital. LOUISE THOMPSON of HfHb Patterson st. n.e.. mother of Edna Richardson. She is also survived by one sister. Elizabeth Woodward, and other relatives ana friends. Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 8 TURNER. CHARLES H. On Saturday. June 5. 1937. at 10 a.m.. at his resi dence. 2439 M st. n.w., CHARLES H. TURNER. He leaves to mourn their loss one son. William Edward Turner: a •sister. Elizabeth Pinkard: a daughter in-law. Ethel Turner: four nieces and four nephews. Regains resting at Fra zier’s funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w.. until in am. Tuesday. June 8: there after at his late residence. Funeral Wednesday. June 9. at 1 p m., from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. Rev. C. T. Murray officiating. Interment Union Cemetery. 8 ' WEBB. HARRY G. On Sunday. June 6, ip-I'- in his 71st. year. HARRY G. WEBB, formerly of Boston. Mars. Funeral services at Lee's undertaking parlors, •tlh st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. on Wed nesday. June 9, at 2 p m. 9 WEBSTER, JOSEPH. Suddenly, on Sun day. June (i. 1937, at his residence. 1159 Abbey place n.e. JOSEPH WEBSTER, beloved son of Mary B. Webster (nee Parlont and the late John T. Webster Funeral from the chapel of P. A. Talta vun. 4.1(1 7th st. S.W.. on Wednesday. June 9. at 8:30 a.m. Reauiem mass at St. Dominic s Church at 9 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment. Mount Olivet Cemetery. Please omit flowers. H WILLIAMS. ANNIE FISHER. On Mondav. ““P* ;• 1937. at her residence. 3319 st. n.e. after a long illness. ANNIE FISHER WILLIAMS, wife of the lata Arthur J Williams and beloved mother Mrs. Evelyn Carpenter and John J. Williams. Funeral from the above ad dress on Wednesday June 9. at 9:30 a.m.; thence to the Church of Our Savior. 1016 Irving st.. n.e.. where serv ices will be held at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. Itt ffUmortam. DEARBORN. ISABELLE. In loving re membrance of our dearly beloved daugh ter. ISABELLE A. lHAYHOE) DEAR BORN. who departed this life six years ago today. June S. Anniversary mass at St. Dominic's Church. HER LOVING PARENTS, MR. AND MRS GEORGE F. HAYHOZ. HIGGINS. CLARA WORCH. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear wife and our loving daughter. CLARA WORCH HIGGINS who died two years ago today. June S. 1935. Every day brings sweet memories. Every memory brings a tear: Deep within our hearts we cherish Thoughts of one we loved so dear. HER LOVING HUSBAND AND PAR ENTS. • PAULL. WILLIAM LANG. In sad but lov ing remembrance of our dear husband and father. WILLIAM LANG PAULL who departed this life elevc.n years ago to day. June 8 1920. TUI memory fades and life depart! You'll live forever tn our hearts. Time takes away the edge of grief. Your memory turns back every leaf. LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. FLOR ENCE MAE HUGH G. E. AND MA RION ANNA DYER. • POOL FUND NEARS MAY MARK $235 Now Donated to Pro vide Swimming Facilities for Underprivileged. Donations this morning to the fund for reopening the Y. W. C. A. swim ming pool at 614 E street amounted to $113, bringing the total amount of money on hand to $235, That Is almost half the $500 needed to provide underprivileged children of downtown Washington with sanitary swimming pool facilities, where they may enjoy themselves on hot, sultry days. Under the auspices of the Council of Social Agencies, the old swimming pool in the E Street Y. W. C. A. will be reopened just as soon as $500 Is accumulated at The Evening Star. When the cashier opened his mall this morning he was amazed at the quick response of generous Washing tonians. From the enthusiastic let ters accompanying the checks and currency, it is easily seen that two or three more days will put the swimming pool campaign over the top. Then will be brought about a great boon to children in the downtown sector. Check for $50. First check to make its appearance today was one for $50 from Mrs. Hat tie M. Strong. Then came a $25 donation from Miss M. Katherine Tancill, treasurer of the Quota Club, who wrote on behalf of the membership, "We sincerely believe in the work that will be done there and hope that the fund will be over subscribed in a short time.” That the work to be done is some thing really worth while for boys and girls is the belief of Dr. Frank T. Shyne of the National Press Building, whose specialty is the treatment of famous athletes and who claims that swimming is the finest form of ath letics available to boys and girls: "Let ’em swim." he writes, along with his check for $5. Swimming 1s one of the best exercises." Other Donations. Aside from those aforementioned, the following donations were received today: Rowena Murdock Godding. $c.00 Mary Patten Godding_5.00 Anonymous __ 5 00 H. W. C. _ 5.00 Mrs. Ida M. Scott . ... .. 5 00 Miss Miriam F. Sherman . 3.CO Mary S. Boyden_ 2.00 L Halley_ 2.00 L. M. D_ 1.00 With the previously acknowledged donations of $122, the $113 that eame into the fund today brings the total to $233. So that if $265 arrives in the next day or so ihe boys and girls of downtown Washington will have their : swimming pool—free of charge. As j one contributor wrote. "We have boys I of our own and know what swimming means.” _ MIDSHIPMEN START ON SUMMER CRUISE 200 Third Class Men Embark for Month's Voyage as Others Study Flying. j B; the Associated Press. ANNAPOLIS, Md., June 8.—The 600 j members of the second (junior) class of midshipmen at the Naval Academy got down to their Summer work yes terday, 200 going on a month's prac tice cruise off the Atlantic Coast. The sea-going group embarked on the gunboat Erie and the destroyers J. Fred Talbot, Claxton, Manley, Jacob Jones, Fairfax and Roper. They will return on July 2. Another third of the class will leave on the vessels on July 6 for a month, and the remaining third will embark early in August. The ships will stop at the Navy proving grounds, Dahl gren, Va.; Newport, R. I., and New London. Conn. The 400 members of the class left at the academy took up the study of aviation, which includes flights in sea planes. Later in the Summer they will be given practical work aboard the submarine R-13. D. E. HEMPSTEAD EXPIRES SUDDENLY Special Assistant to Attorney General Was in Land Division. David E. Hempstead, 67, a special assistant to Attorney General Cum mings, died suddenly today at his apartment in the Kennedy Warren. His death was reported caused by a cerebral hemorrhage, Mr. Hempstead was assigned to the Land Division of the Justice Depart ment. He had been with the depart ment since April 25. 1934. Mr. Hempstead was born in Utah. He is survived by his wbdow. HUCKSTER IS SLAIN Near-Crash of Truck and Car Pre cedes Shooting. NASHVILLE. Tenn., June 8 (/P)— A near collision of a truck and an automobile was blamed today for the fatal shooting of a 38-year-old huckster. R. L. Tarkington. State investigator, said Matt Smith, 68-year-oid railroad foreman, was arrested on a charge of slaying Tillman Temple, driver of the truck, after their two vehicles almost collided at an intersection yesterday. (cdevr Hill ‘Wajliuteftmu tmiBeantiM (emetery Community Maatoleam. Cnlombarlan _ and Koceiylng Vinlli. Frazier's —service, quality and reverence In conducting beautiful funerals un excelled anywhere. Complete In every detail. Undertakers for col ored U. S. War Veterans. Also for the C. C. C. Camp N. P. 11, Company 1360. Washington, D. C. No Deserving Case Turned Away Parlors and Chapels Fret Call NOrth 7795-7796 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. MRS. LOUIS H. GRAVES DIES AT HOME HERE Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Graves, 77, wife of Louis H. Graves, retired plat* printer in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, died yesterday at her home, 2113 K street, after a week's illness. She had lived in Washington 74 years, having come here from her birthplace, in County Roscommon, Ire land. She was the daughter of the late Michael and Mary McCormick. Surviving, besides her husband, are two daughters, Mrs. Lawler J. Kelley of Baltimore and Mrs. Clinton C. Hunter; four sons, George W., Leo H„ Charles F. and Paul A. Graves; a sister, Mrs. Delbert J. Mott; two brothers, Andrew J. McCormick, San Francisco, and Frank M. McCormick, New York, and seven grandchildren. Requiem mass will be said at 9 a.m. tomorrow in St. Stephen's Church, followed by burial in Mount Olivet Cemetery. 50 Days for Airmail. The first airmail flight across the United States, made by Galbraith Rogers in 1911, took 50 days and 68 stops. J. FULTON SMITH, 47, RETIRED GROCER, DIES J. Pulton Smith, 47, retired grocer, died yesterday after a long Illness at his home, 317 Sixth street southeast. A native of this city, Mr. Smith for merly was in the grocery business with his father, the late R. E. Smith. He was a graduate of St. John’s College and a member of the Potomac Council of the Knights of Columbu-s and the Holy Name Society of St. Peter's Cath olic Church. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Kath erine Parks Smith; his mother, Mrs. Mary Augusta Smith; three sisters, •STAB, mr. Zurfyflrfit Funeral Directors <a •. zumosst. js.> 301 iMt Capital Si. tte. MjM Un. $m wkekUbair coNDiTioNciammtm Miss Helen Smith, Mrs. C. L. Eclcloff and Mrs. Fred Rose, and a brother, Dr. J. Ernest Smith, dentist. Funeral services will be held at 0 a.m. tomorrow in St. Peter’s Catholic Church. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. For Reference ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR *75 No Extrail For a Regular $150 Funeral WASHINGTON’S LOWEST PRICES $75 to $200 and up DEAL Funeral Homo Phone Li. 8200-8201 THE LARGEST FLEET OF/"1! f CARS A AMBULANCES! IffjIff nPTl IN WASHINGTON IS ^ CHAMBERS NEW CADILLAC AMBULANCE Don’t try to move a sick patient in a plain car. We have the price down so low, let a professional do it. $3 To or From City Hospitals in the Finest Cars that are made. $3 DON’T TRY TO GUESS WHAT’S WRONG *:I- WHEN SICKNESS COMES . . . GET THE IM THf DOCTOR. If there is any guessing he is still , ‘ • better man than others, he will guess more ■ ' * rights than wrongs. CALL THE DOCTOR. FOR AMBULANCES CALL Columbia 0432 Experienced AdvertisersPrefer The Star • OPEN EVERY NIGHT • LIQUIDATING ENTIRE WAREHOUSE STOCK i FINE FURNITURE From Grand Rapids and Other Leading Furniture Centers Rather than move our stock to our larger ware house, we are placing it on sale at sensational reductions. All the furniture in this Liquida tion Sale is regular Moses' stock, some of the finest made in America . . . from Grand Rapids and other leading furniture centers. As this liquidation will end in about a week, immedicte selections are suggested. MODERN WALNUT DRESSER, 48 inches long, with beautifully matched butt walnut veneers. Top drawer with jewelry, kerchief and glove compartments. 30-inch mirror. QR REGULARLY $41.95. NOW_ ywHiaW 2-Piece Modern Living Room SUITE $129 95 Was $264.95 Virginia SOFAS $94 Were $129 Maple Finish Hardwood CHESTS $1495 Were $19.95 2-Piece Frieze Living Room SUITES $98 Were $139 COLONIAL CHE5T of red mohogony with 4 drowers; antique hardware; center drawer guides and dust-proof construc tion. Size 18x34 inches. REGU- 694 OR LARLY $31.95. NOW.._. VRHiVll WALNUT CHEST to match above dresser. Large and roomy. Top has two drawers with drawer divisions. Size 21 >35 COft OR inches. REGULARLY $32.95. NOW QfcWiW USE OUR BUOGET PLAN! TAKE 12 MONTHS TO PAY! When Purchased on Our Budget Plan a Small Carrying Charge Is Added ADAPTATION OF AN OLD SALEM CHEST. Note its beautiful lines, its Queen Anne legs, the reeded pillars at corners, its antique hard ware. Its size is 21x39, and it will match or can be used with either the chest above or bed below. REGULARLY $39.95. gg a DROP-LEAF TABLE, either walnut or mahogany veneers.- Base of gum. Drawer for silver or napkins. Each leaf has 2 self-adjusting supports which add to the stability of the table. Size, closed, S17i95 18x36; open, 36x48 inches. REGULARLY $29.95. NOW If POSTER BED in mahogany veneers and gum. Notice the lines of this bed, the pineapple posts, reeded footboard. Dark Colonial SOQi95 red finish. 4.6 size. REGULARLY $39.95. NOW. 49 W* Mioses Co* 804 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE N.E. -