Newspaper Page Text
Moderate Declines Appear in U. S. Governments. Others Uneven. Bond Averages ‘,’0 10 10 10 | Rails. Indust. Util. P un Net change. Unc. —.2 -f .1 +.2 Today, close 93.7 103.2 98.3 72.5 Prev. day... 93.7 103.4 98.2 72.3 Month ago. 94.0 103.3 99.0 71.2 Year ago... 92.0 102.7 101.7 69.2 1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_ 92.6 102.4 97.8 70.5 1936 high... 98 2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low_ 86 9 101 8 99.3 67.6 1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high—.101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close _111.1 Prev. day. 111.0 Month ago 110 1 Year ago. 112.0 1937 high. 113 7 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 <Compiled by the Associated Press.) B;* the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 8—Moderate declines in United States Government loans contrasted with irregularity In the corporate sector of the bond mar ket today. New York, Susquehanna & Western refunding 5s of 1937, traded for the first time since the week of May 10, dropped 34 points. The road filed reorganization proceedings last week. Down around 1-32 to 4-32 of a point among Treasury issues were the 278s, the 21 -s and the 3'8s of 1952. In the corporate sector small gains were scored by American & Foreign Power 5s. St. Paul 5s, McKesson & Robbins 51 and Pennsylvania gen eral 4s. A little lower were Anaconda 4'»s North Western 4\s, International Paper 5s, Missouri Pacific 5s and Walworth 4s. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK June 8.—Dividends de clared < prepared by the Standard Statistics Oorpj; Extra. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate riod. record, able. g>ralorne Mines ]<>c 6-.'to 7-15 Package Machinery . 25c __ 5-20 0-1 Initial. Amer Bakeries B .50c 6-15 7-1 Davison Chem <Mdi 60c 6-14 6-18 Hinde & Dauch Pap „ ,, _ « 55 cv pf_ 51.25 Q 6-15 «-l Increased. Nachman Spr Filled .‘IT’ac Q 6-15 JJ-25 United Shirt Distrib 12Vac b-12 b-~«J Regular. Adams Royalty Co 5c Q 6-10 7-1 Akron Brass 12* ac Q 6-10 6-*.l Amer Bak A 75c Q 0-15 ^-l Dn 7'r Df 51.75 Q 6-1.> <_-l Bralorne Mines 10c Q 6-00 ,-ln Hinde A Dauch PaD 50c 6-15 O-fJO Kaufman. Ch A 50c Q 6-10 Oceanic Oil 2c O <-•{ A”, Package Mach 50c Q 5-20 6-1 Young. La, Spr & W 7 5c Q 6-18 •-1 NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. June s „pt.—New York Security Dealers’ Association: (Quotations as of o'clock.> Bd Asked. Bk of Man (t' a) --- -- 34‘k Bankers Tr (2) . ------ O'* a Bklyn Tr (4) ,- 'f Cen Han Bk A: Tr (4)- 1 -2 1 ?•] Chase Nat 41.401 on u Chem Bk A: Tr 11.80) - JJt'.a Commercial (8) Ml M' . Cont Bk At Tr ( 80) 1«J. 18'* Corn Ex Bk & T C!) - «2’« Empire TrU) - --- •',,i ‘ 2.’* First Nat (Bos) (2) — - 51 &•' First Natl (100) 2005 2105 Guaranty Tr (12) ... -- 3-8 •M-J Irvinir Tr (.601 15 * ' t? 4 Manufacturers' Tr '2) - 54 a 5:> a Manufacturers’ Tr pf (2) 50'a 5-'a Natl City (1>. -. 4J 40 N Y Trust (5) 128 Ml Public U 121 -- - 4.1 2 45 a Title G Ac T .. 13'.a 14'.a FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. June 6 <&>.—Federal Land Bank bonds: ♦ Us Nov. 1056-36 _ _ __ 103*, 104U ♦ Us May 1957-37 - .._ 101*, 1017, ♦ 5 May. J956-3R . .. 102*, 103 ♦ s Nov.. 1057-37 .- 1013b lOlU ♦s July. 1046-44 - 100'i, lOO;, SUs May. 1055-45 . 107», 102U 3s July. 1055-45 ____ 101 U 101U 3s Jan . 1056-46 . 101U 101U Ss May. 1956-46 . 101U lOlVa CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. June 8 </P>.—Butter. 18.478; easy; creamery, specials (93 score). 30*2 31; extras (92). 30: extra firsts (90-91). 29l4-l-a: firsts (KH-N9). 27,2-2KVi: stand ards <90. centralized carlots). 29Va. Eggs, 22.588; easy; extra, firsts, cars and local. 19: fresh graded firsts, local. 18U: cars. 1R54; current receipts. 17Vi: storage packed firsts and extras. 20. Poultry, live. 2 cars. 80 trucks; ^steady to firm: hens, over 5 pounds. 17‘2; 6 pounds and less. 17: leghorn hens. 13,a; fryers, colored. 221?: Plymouth Rock. 23Vi; White Rock. 25: barebacks. IP; broilers, colored. Plymouth and White Rocks. 21; barebacks IS: Leghorns, under 2 pounds, IS; 2 pounds up 20; Springs, colored. 24*a: Plymouth Rock. 26V2; White Rock. 27: barebacks. 22; roosters. 13: Leghorn roosters. 12: turkeys, hens, 10: toms. 14; No. 2 turkeys. 13; ducks, white and col ored. 41 a pounds up. 13; small, 12; geese. 10. Potatoes. 134: on track. 352; total U. 6. shipments. 755. old stock, weak: sup plies light; demand rather slow; sacked, per hundredweight Idaho Russet Bur banks. U. S No. 1. few sales. 2.00-25: U. 8 No. 2. 1.00-15. North Dakota Early Ohios. partly graded. 1.05. New stock. California stock steady. Southern Cobblers slightly stronger. Southern Triumphs firm, slightly stronger undertone; supplies mod erate. demand fairly good; California White Rose. U. S. No 1. 2.10-25; U S. commercial. 1.92*2-95; Louisiana Bliss Tri umphs. U. S. No i 1.85-2.00, mostly ♦ round 1.95: Cobblers TJ. S No. 1. 1.90 2.00, mostly around 1.90: Russet Burbanks. TJ. S. No 1. 1.85: Alabama Bliss Triumphs. TJ. 8. No. 1. few sales. 1.80; showing de cay. 1.80-65: U S. No. 2. 3.05: Missis sippi Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No 1. best. 1.90-95: showing heated, some decay. 1.75 85: U. S. No. 2 1.05-15. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. June 8 itP).—Gold-mining Shares continued steady, especially Kaffirs, which were active and strong, following Sir John Simon's favorable statement regard ing England's gold policy. Steel and dis tilling issues sold higher and German bonds were also firm. Trans-Atlantic and gilt edged securities remained steady while the tobacco group sold lower. ' PARIS—A mixed tone prevailed in the Bourse today, government bonds and In dustrials declining, with rentes reacting 00 to lit) centimes. Suez Canal moved 375 francs higher and Royal Dutch advanced 3.6 francs. Bank of France shares finished with a loss of 170 francs. U. S. TREASURY POSITION. The position of the Treasury June 6: Receipts. #23,900.970.14; expenditures. #'20,730,379.45: balance. #1.778.184. 940.59: customs receipts for the month, # Receipts for the fiscal year <since July IV S4.523.303.900.19; expenditures. #«. 939.154.738.13 (includin'* *2.046.019. 773.76 of emergency expenditures): excess of expenditures. *2 415.850.777.94: gross debt. *35.273.928.191.23, an Increase of #9,707.99 over the previous day; gold as sets. *12.060 073.374.00, Including SS34, 738.677.01 of inactive gold. -•-* NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK. June 8 ((P).—Futures Were Irregular today, with the No. 4 contract lower under increased liquidation and selling by European Interests. The No. 3 held steady on covering by trade interests against sales in the outside market. July No. 4 sold off to 1.20 and Septem ber to 1.22V* and ruled around these levels at the beginning of the last hour, or l'A points net lower. No. 3 was 1 point net higher at 2.45 lor July and 2.49 for Sep tember. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. June 8 OP).—Crude rubber futures opened irregular. 1 to 18 lower. July. 18.55-75: September. 18.80-87; De cember. 19.05-07. -• PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA June 8 OR —Dressed a poultry—Fowl, fresh killed In boxes. k& 23. old roosters, dry plckew 15-17. ** BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transactions Today. U S Gov't Bonds.... 650,000 Foreign Bonds_ 1,180,000 Domestic Bonds_ 6,130.000 TREASURY. Ail time ihesn below li daylight levins on which the Exchance !• now operating. High. Low Close. 2 74s 1949-53_ 97.28 97.25 97.25 2 94 s 1945-47- 102.29 102.25 102.27 2»4s 1948-51_ 100.20 100.20 100.20 294s 1951-54_ 99.28 99.25 99.27 294s 1956-59_ 99.21 99.17 99.20 2748 1955-60- 100.22 100.16 100.16 3s 1946-48- 104.10 104.10 104.10 3s 1951-55- 102.27 102.22 102.25 3»4s 1946-49- 104.26 104.26 104.26 3 74s 1949-52_!_ 104.19 104.19 104.19 3 74 s 1941- 106.8 106.8 106.8 3 74s 1944-46 _ 106.13 106.12 106.12 3%s 1940-43June 105.18 105.18 105.18 3 94* 1941-43 Mar 106.16 106.12 106.16 4S 1944-54 . . 111.19 111.19 111.19 4 74S-3 74S'43-45. 106.19 106.15 106.19 4 74 s 1947-52 _116.2 116. 116. FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1949 102.19 102.17 102.19 3 '4 s 1964- 102.31 102.31 102.31 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2’4 s 1942-44_ 100.2 100. 100.2 2 Ai s 1939-49_ 100.15 100.13 100.15 3s 1952- 102.5 102.3 102.5 FOREIGN BONDS. High Low Close. Abltibl Pa&Pw 5s'53 99*4 99>4 9914 Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s ’47 23 23 23 Alpine Mont S 7s’55_. 100 100 100 Antioquia 7s ‘45 A_ 124 124 124 Antioquia 7s '45 B_ 124 124 124 Antioquia 7s'45 C_ 124 124 124 Argentine 4s’72_ 91** 914 91*4 Argentine 44s’71_101** 1014 1014 Argentine 5%s’62... 100H lOOtf 1004V Argentine 6s'57 A... 101 lOORi lOOfi Argentine 6s ’59 Oct.. 101*, 1014 1014, Argentine 6s’60 May. 101« 101» 101H Argentine 6s’60 Sept 101 101 101 Argentine 6s’60 Oct. 101)4 101(4 1015* Argentine 6s'61 Febr 100)4 100fr 100)4 Argentine 6s '61 May. lOlfi 10HJ 10HJ Australia 4 4s’56_ 1024 1024 1024 Australia 5s'55_ 1074 107V* 1074 Belgium 6s’55_110 110 110 Belgium 7s'55_1184 118*4 118*4 Bergen City 5s '60_ 1004 1004 1004 Berlin Elec 64s’51._ 224 224 224 Brazil 64s '26-’57_ 384 37*. 38*, Brazil 64»'27-’57_ 384 374 384 Brazil 7s'52_ 38 37", 38 Brazil 8s 41._ 444 444 444 Brisbane 5s’58_1014 1014 1014 Brisbane 6s'50_ 103*, 1034 103*4 Buenos A C 6s ’60 Oct 1004 1004 1004 Buenos A C 6 4s’55.. 1024 1024 1024 Buenos A C 3s 84_ 594 58*. 594 Beu A 4 4-4*4®’77 Pt 784 784 784 Buenos A 44s’76 Aug 794 79 794 Buenos Aires 4*4s-4%s’76 April. 794 79 794 Buenos A44*'4A*s’75 82 81 82 Buenos A 6s’61 st Pv 87 87 87 Buenos A6 4s’61 st pv 89 89 89 Bulgaria 7 4s’68_ 274 274 274 Canada 24s’44_ 984 984 984 Canada 24s’45_ 994 994 994 Canada 3s’67 _ 934 934 934 Candaa 3t*s 61_ 99** 994 99*. Canada 4s’60_ 107*, 1074 1074 Canada 5s’52- 1124 1124 1124 Chile 6s’60 _ 214 21 214 Chile 6s'61 Sept_ 214 214 214 Chile 6s '63_ 214 214 214 i Chile 7s '42_ 20** 204 204 | Chile Mtg Bk 6s ’61 -. 174 174 17*, j Chilean Mun E 7s’60. 174 174 174 I Colombia 6s'61 Jan . 284 284 284 Colombia 6s'61 Oct_ 28', 284 284 Col Mtg Bk 7s'46 .. 23 23 23 Copenhagen 44s'53. 954 954 954 i Copenhagen 5s'52_ 99*, 99*, 994 Cordoba's 42 prv_ 97 97 97 j Costa Rica 7s ’51 A... 334 334 334 I Cuba 54s '45_ 61 61 61 Denmark 44s'62_1004 100*; 1004 Denmark 54*'55_1014 101’* 101V« Dresden 7s’45_ 20"* 204 20H Estonia 7s'67_ 98 98 98 Frankfort 6 4s'53_ 214 214 214 Ger C Bk A 6s '38 ... 394 394 394 Ger C Bk A 6s'60 July 34'* 344 344 Ger C Bk A 6s'60 Oct. 344 344 344 Ger Gen Elec 6s ’48... 32V* 324 324 GerGov54s 65 st 29 284* 284 Ger Gov 54s’65 un st 254 254 254 Ger Rep 7s'49 stpd... 334 33 33 Grt C El Jap 7s'44.__ 98 98 98 Hungary 7 4s’44_ 584 584 584 Italy 7s’51_ 86 86 86 Japan 5 4 s'65_ 894 88 894 Japan 64s’54_ 1004 994 1004 Kreug&Toll 5s '59 cfs 50 494 50 Mex 4s'10-'45asst sm 54 64 54 ilexica 4s'54 asst_ 54 54 54 Milan 64s’52 73 4 73 4 734 Minas Gers 64s'58_. 274 264 274 Minas Gers 64s'59_ 274 274 27V* Norway 4s 63 _ 984 984 984 Norway 4',*s'65_ 1024 102 1024 Norway 4'is’56_ 1034 1034 1034 Norway 6s'44_106'* 1064 1064 Norw Hy El 64s'67. 1034 1034 1034 Oriental Dev 54s'68. 79 784 79 Oslo 4 4s '55 _ _ _1014 101 1014 Oslo G & E 5s '63_101V* 1014 1014 Paris Orl Ry 54s'68. 99 99 99 Pernambuco 7s'47„_ 234 234 234 Peru 6s'60_ 204 20 20 Peru 6s'61_ 204 204 204 Peru 7s'59_ 21 21 21 Poland 6s'40_ 504 50V* 504 Porto Alegre 74s'66. 27 27 27 Prussia 6s 62_ 23 23 23 Queensland 7s'41_111 1104 111 Rio de Jan 6 4a'53_ 25'4 254 2»V» Rio Gr do Sul 6s'68... 26 26 26 Rio Gr do Sul 7s'66_ 264 254 26V* Rio Gr do Sul 7s'67_ 26V* 264 26'.* Rome 64s'52_ 744 744 744 Roumanla 7s'59_ 374 374 374 Sao Paulo C 6 4s’57_. 26 26 26 Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 954 944 954 Sao Paulo St 8s ’3S.„ 37'/* 37V* 37'/* Sao Paulo St 8s '50.._ 32V* 32 324 Saxon St Mtg 7s '45_ 214 214 214 Serbs 7s'62_ 26 26 26 Serbs 8s '62.._ 28 28 28 Silesia Elec 64s'46.. 23 23 23 Silesia Prov 7s'58_ 45 45 45 Sydney 54s'55_ 1054 1054 1054 Taiwan Elec 54»'71- 784 784 784 Tokio 54s'61 _ 804 804 804 Tokio E L Ltd 6s'53.. 81 804 81 Tyrol Hy El 74s'55. 984 974 974 Ujigawa E P 7s '45_ 96 96 96 Un Stl Wk 64s'47 A. 284 284 281* Uruguay 6s'60_ 664 654 66V* Uruguay 6s'64_ 66 66 66 Uruguay 8s'46_ 66 66 66 Warsaw 7s 58_ 45 45 45 Westphal E P 6s ‘53_ 23 23 23 Yokohoma 6s'61_ 844 844 844 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Express 4s'47 100% 100% 100% Alleg Corp 5s'44_ 99% 99% 99% Alleg Corp 6s 49. 94 93% 94 Alleg Corp 5b '60 stp. 63% 63% 63% Alleg Valley 4s'42... 108% 108% 108% Allied Stores 4 %s '61. 97% 97% 97% Am & For Pw 6s 2030. 78% 76% 78 Amlcecv5s'53_ 95% 95% 95% Am 1 GCh 6%s '49_106% 106% 106% Am T&T3%s’61_ 99% 99% 99% Am T&T 3i,4s'66_99% 99 99 AmT&T5%s 43_ 113% 113 113 AmT F 2%s-5s'38-'50 142 142 142 Am Wat Wks 6s ’75.. 107V* 107% 107% Anaconda deb 4%s '60 105% 105% 105% Ann A 1st ex In 4s’95. 64 64 64 Anglo-Chil Nit 7s '67 . 34% 34% 34% ArmourtDelllst 4s'6t 98 97% 98 Armour (Del) 4s'57.. 97% 97% 97% Armstrong Ck 4s '60 . 105% 105% 105% A T&S Fs ad] 4s '95 st 106 106 106 A T&S Fe gen 4S '96.. 110% 110% 110% A T&S F# 4%s 48_ 108% 108% 108% A T&S Ke C A 4%s '62 113% 113% 113% Atla & Ch A L 6s '44 .. 111% 111% 111% Atl Coast L 1st 4s'62 103 102% 102% Atl Coast Lclt 4s '62. 94% 94% 94% AtlC L un 4%s'64 . 92% 92% 92% Atlantic &Dlst4s’4l. 48% I 48% 48% Atlantic & D 2d5s’48 45% 45 45 Atl RenninE deb 5s’37 100* 100* 100* Baldwin Lo 5s’40 asst 104 104 104 B & O 1st 4s 41_ 107 106 106 B & O 4%s’60_ 75% 75% 76% B & O 1st 6s ‘48_114 113% 113% B & O ref 6s '95 A_ 85% 85 85% B&0 6s'96P_ 85 84% 85 B & O ref 6s 2000 D-_ 84% 84% 84% B & O ref 6s '96 C_ 97% 97 97% B&OSwnSs 60_ 105 104% 105 B & O Toledo 4s '59— 93 93 98 Bang&Arooa 4s‘61stp 111% 111 111 Bell T of Pa 6s '48 B 118% 118% 118% Bell Tel of Pa 6s’60 C. 125 125 125 Beth Steel 3 %s‘66... 96% 95% 96% Betb Steel 4%s 60— 104 103% 103% Bos & Me 6a'66- 84% 84% 84% Bos & Me 5s‘67_ 83% 83% $]% BotCon M 6%s’34... 24% 24% 24% BotCon M 6%s '34 ct. 24% 24 24 High. Low. Close. Bklyn Ed con 3 %8'66 101 100% 100% Bklyn Man T 4%s 66 88% 87% 88% Bklyn Un El 5s '60 .. 104% 103% 104% Bklyn UnGas6s'50_. 94% 93% 93% Bklyn Un G 5s '57 B_. 106 105% 105% Buff G E 4 % s'81 B_110 110 110 Buff R&Pcon 4%s'67. 86 86 86 B C R & N 5s '34 ctfs_ 20 20 20 Bush Term con 6s'65. 63% 63% 63% Bush Ter Bldg 6s'60. 65 63% 63% Calif Packing 5s’40 . 105 105 105 Can'dlan NR 4%s '56. 113% 113% 113% Can'dian NR 4%s'57. 112% 112% 112% Can'dlan N 6s'69 July 117 116 117 Can'dian N db 6%s'46 124 124 124 Can'dlan P db 4s perp 94% 94% 94% Can'dlan Pac 4%s '46 105% 106% 105% Can'dlan Pac 4%s '60 103% 103% 103% Can'dian P 6s'44 cfs. 114% 114% 114% Can'dian Pac 5s'64-.. 108 108 108 Caro Cl & O 5s '38 104% 104% 104% Cent of Ga 5s'59 C — 18% 18% 18% Cent Oa Oat 4s '5129% 29% 29% Cent III E&G6s'51__ 102 102 102 Cent N England 4s'61 72% 71% 71% Cent of N J 4s'87_ 52% 52% 52% Cent of N .1 cen 5s '87 58 57U. 57U. Cent Pac 1st rf 4s ’49. 107% 107% 107% Cent Pac 5s'60 _ 98% 98% 98% Cert’d deb 51,4s'48 ._ 77% 79% 77% Cites* O 3‘,4s 96 D._ 98% 98 98 Ches & O 3 %s '96 E_ 98 98 98 C&Ogen 4%s'92 2_. 123 123 123 Chi & Alt ret 3s 49... 55 55 55 Chi B&Q 4%s '77_111% 111% 11 1% Chi B&Q ref 5s'71 ___ 116 116 116 CB&QI div 3 %s ’49 rg 107% 107% 107% Chi & E 111 5s'51. ... 39 38% 38% Chi & E 111 5s'51 ctfs. 36% 36% 36% Chi GL4 C 5s '37_IOOV4 100% 100% Chi Grt West 4s'59_ 42% 42 42 Chi l&L gen 5s'66_ 17% 17% 17% Chi l&L gen 6s'66_ 17 17 17 Chi Ind & So 4s '56 .. _ 104% 104% 104% CM&StPgn 4 %s’89C 58 58 58 CM&StP 4%s '89 E___ 58 58 58 C&l&StP5s’75_ 29% 29% 29% CM&StP&P adj5s2000 9% 9% 9% Chi & NW gen 3%s'87 36% 36% 36% Chi & NW 4%s 2037 25% 25% 25% Chi & NW 4%s 2037 C 25 25 25 Chi & NW 4%s '49 . 17% 17% 17% Chi & NW gen 5s'87 .. 42 42 42 C&NW Nr W 6%s '36. 46% 46% 46% Chi R I&P rf 4s 34 . 21 20% 21 Chi R I&P rf 4s'34ctf. 17% 17 17 Chi R I&P gen 4s'88.. 36 36 36 Chi R I&P 4!i»'52___ 19 19 19 Chi R I&P 4 %s'60 11% 11% 11% Chi T H&S 1 st Ds'60.. 91% 91% 91% Chi T H&S Inc 5s'60. 78% 78% 78% Chi Un Sta 3%s '61 104'% 104% 104% Chi Un Sta 3%s'63 E 108 108 108 Chi Un Sta 4s 63_110 109% 109% Chi & W In con 4s'52 104 104 104 Chi & W Ind 4 %s '62. 102% 102% 102% Cin G & E 3 % s 66 .. 100% 100% 100% Cin Un T 3Vjs D gtd.. 105 105 105 Cin Un Term os'57... 107% 107% 107% CCC&St L gen 4s '93 100% 100% 100% CCC&St L rf 4 % s 7 ,E 94% 94% 94% CCC&St L rf 6s '41 C. 103& 103& 103Ar Clev El 111 3%s'65 .. 108% 108% 108% Clev Un Ter 4 %s'77. 102% 102% 102% Clev Un Ter 5s'73 B. 106% 106% 106% Clev Un Ter 5%s’72A 112% 112 112% Colo K & 1 5s '43_105% 105 105% Colo F& I 5s'70_ 79 79 79 Colo & So 4 % s'80_ 62 61% 61% Columbia G & E 5s '52 May- 100 99% 100 Columbia G&E 5s'61. 99 98% 99 Cornel Credit 3%s'51. 99 99 99 Com Inv Tr 3 %s'51 . 103 103 103 Conn R&L 4 %s’51 st. 107 107 107 Conn R Ptv 3%s'61 A 104% 104% 104% Cons Ed N Y 3%s'46. 105 104% 105 Cons Ed N Y 3%s '06. 104 104 104 Cons Gas NY 4%s'51. 107% 107% 107% Consol Oil 3 %s'51 . 101% 101 101 Consum Pwr 3 %s'70. 103 103 103 Consum Pwr 3% s'65. 105% 105% 105% Container 6s'46_ 104 104 104 Crane Co 3%s'51 _100% 100% 100% Crown C & S 4s'50... 105% 105% 105% Crown Will P 6s '51 . 105% 105% 105% Cuba Northn 5%s'42. 49% 49% 49% Dayton P&L3%s'60. 104% 104% 104% Del & Hud ref 4s 43 __ 91% 91% 91% Den & R G con 4s'36. 31% 31% 31% Den & R G W 5s '55 .. 16% 16 16 Den & R G ref 5s '78.. 25 24% 24% Det Edison 3%s'66.. 104 103% 104 Dul & Ir Rg 5s '37 _ 101% 101% 101% Duquesne Lt 3%s'65 105% 105 105% E T V & Ga cn 5s '56 .. 113% 113% 113% Elec Auto Lite 4s 52. 109% 109% 109% Erie cv 4s'53 A_ 82% 82% 82% Erie cons 4s 1)6_ 100 100 100 Erie gen 4s'96_ 83 82% 83 Erie ref 5s '67_ 79% 79% 79% Erie ref 5s'75- 78% 78% 78% Fairhks Morse 4s '56. 101% 101% 101% Fed Lt&Tr 5s '42_102% 102% 102% FlaECRy6s'74_ 12% 12 12 Gen Am Inv 3s'52_101% 101% 101% Gen Mot Acc3s'45_102% 102% 102% VJ til mui ftLC *» 74 o HH'j lU^i A l" 1 "J Goodrich 4Vis’56_ 100* 1001* 100* Goodrich 6s 45_ 105 104T4 104* Goodyear T&R 5s’57. 106 105'. 106 Grt Nr Ry 3Us'67 95 94* 95 Great N Ry 4S 46 G._ 136'i 1341a 136'a Grt N Ry 4s'46 H . 110'i 110'i 110'* Grt NR gen 4 Us’75 D 105*. 105'i 105'a Grt N R gn 4 Us ’77 E 105*. 105'. 105*4 Grt N R gn 5s '73 C... 112 112 112 Green Bay 5s'62 B_ 11 11 11 Gulf M & N 5s 50 ... 99 99 99 Gulf Sta Stl 4Us’61. 96* 96V4 9674 Gulf States Util 4s'66 102H 102 102H Gulf Sta Util 4Us '46 1037* 103H 10374 Hoe (R) 1st mtg'44.. 90*. 90*i 90*i Hudson Coal 5s'52 .. 46* 46H 46'* Hud & Man Inc 6s ’57. 26H 26 26U Hud & Man ref 5s '57. 69'* 68*4 68** 111 Bell Tel 3U»’70— 106Vi 106 106 111 Cent col tr 4s’52_ 87 87 87 111 Cent 4*is'66 _ 72U 72'i 72'i 111 Cent ref 5s’55_ 98H 98'a 98'* ICC&St L N O 4Us’63 78'. 78V* 78'i ICC&St L, N O 5s '63 . 83* 83* 83* Ind'polis U R 5s '65 B 103'* 103'* 103'* Inland Stl 3*48'61 .. 105'* 105'i 10514 Int R T.lst rf 5s ’66 .. 63'a 62'* 63V* I R T 1st rf 5s'66 ctfs 62'* 62'* 62Vi Int RT 6s’32_ 22'a 22 22'* Int RT 7s’32_ 65 64'* 65 Int R T 7s'32 ctfs_ 64 64 64 Interlake Iron 4s ’47_ 991* 98*i 99U Int Agr-cl Gs ’42 stp_. 101V* lOl'/i 10114 Int Grt Nr 6s’52 A __ 34'* 34 34 Int Hydro Elec 6s'44. 77U 77 77** Int Mer Marine 6s ’41 75 74 74 Int Pap 1st 6s ’47 A.. 102*4 101*4 101*4 Int Pap ref 6s’55 _ 98* 98*. 98". Int T&T cv 4Us’39_ 86'* 84*4 861* Int T&T 4s '62_ 70», 69 69V* Int T&T 5s '55_ 751* 74U 74*. Iowa C lst&rf 4s ’61.. 7T4 7% 7*4 James F & C 4s'39 __ 95 9474 95 Jones&L. Stl 4»/*s’61A 102*. 102H 102U Kans C F S&M 4s ’36 53V* 53V* 53V* Kan CFS&M rf4s’36ct 51H 51V4 51Vi Kans C Ter 1st 4s’60. 108*4 108*4 1089. Kans G&E 4Us’80._. 1041* 104 104 Keith’s 6s ’46 _ 98'* 98V4 98Vi Kings County El & Pwrpur moil 6s’97 151% 151% 151% Kresge Found 4s '45-. 103% 103% 103% Laclede Gas 5s '39_ 93% 93 93% Laclede G 5%s'53 C_ 60 60 60 Laclede G 6%s'60 D. 60% 60 60'% Laclede Gas 6s '42 A.. 50% 50% 50% Lautaro Nit 1976s ... 34 33% 34 LehC&N 4%s '54 C 94% 94% 94% Leh ft N E RR 4s ’65. 103% 103 103% Leh Val Coal 5s'64... 57% 57% 57% Leh Val Har 5s •54 ... 100 100 100 Leh V Peon 4s 2003 .. 59% 59% 59V* Leh V Peon 4%s 2003 64% 64% 64% Leh Val Term 5s '41„ 107 107 107 Ligg & Myers 5s '61.. 124 124 124 Loew's 3%s 46 _ 99% 99% 99% Long Isl ref 4s '49 __102% 102% 102% Long Isl rf 4s '49 stp. 102% 102% 102% La & Ark 5s 69 . ... 92% 92% 92% L & Nash 3% s 2003_92% 92% 92% L ft N 1st 4s 2003_ 98% 98% 98% L & N 6s 2003 B_ 109 109 109 L ft N Mo&N 4 % s ' 4 5 _ 110% 110% 110% L & N St L 3s '80_ 87% 87% 87% McKessARob 6%s'50 104 103% 103% Me C RR gn 4%s'60 A 81 81 81 Manati Sug 7 %s '42 57% 57% 57% Man S ljst 7%s'42ctfs 58 67% 57% Manhat Ry 4S'90_ 33% 33% 33% Manhat Ry 4s '90 ctfs 28% 28% 28% Market St Ry 7s'40 A 99 99 99 Met Ed 1st rf 4%s'68 106% 106% 106V Mich Cent 4%s'79_105% 105% 105% Mil El R&L 6s '61_101% 101% 101% Mil El R&S L rf 6s'71 101% 101% 101% Mil Spa ft N W 4s'47_ 36% 36% 36% Minn ft St L rf 4s *49. | 6% 6% 6% Minn ft St L 6s'34ctfs 16% 15% 16% MStPASSMcn 4s 38. 23 22% 23 MStP&SSM cn 5s'38. 20 20 20 MStP&SSM rf 6s'46A 18 18 18 Mo K ft T 1st 4s '90_ 85% 86% 58% Mo K ft T 48 62 B_ 66 65% 66 Mo K ft T 6s '62 A — 76% 76% 76% Mo K ft T adj 6s '67... 68% 68 68 Mo Pac 48'75 .— 18% 18% 18% Mo Pac 6s '77 F- 40 39% 39% Mo Pac 6s 77 F ctfs.. 37 37 37 Mo Pac 6s '78 G_ 39% 39% 39% Mo Pac 5s '80 H- 89% 39% 39% M» Pacific 6s' 81 I- 40 40 40 Mo Pac 5s'81 I ctfs 37 U»7 37 Mo Pac 5 %s '49 A_ 14% r'14% 14% High. Low. Cloie. Mob & Ohio 4%8 ’77_33% 31% 31% Mob & Ohio 6s’3* _. 33% 33 33 Monong PubS 4%s'60 103% 103% 103% Monong Pub S 6s '65. 103 103 103 Mont Pwr 3%s'66 __ 94% 94% 94% Morris & Es 3%s 2000 90% 90% 90% Morrls&Essex 4%s'55 87 86% 87 Morrls&Essex 5s'66. 96% 96% 98% Namm* Sons 6s’43.. 103% 102% 103% Nat Acme 4 %s '46_ 100 100 100 Natl Dairy 3%«'61ww 103% 103% 103% Natl DisPC4%s'45. 106 106 106 Nat R M 4s'77 ssst... 4 4 4 Natl Steel 4s 65 106% 106% 106% New E T&T 1st 5s ’62 123% 123% 123% New Jer P&L, 4%s'60 107% 106% 106% New Orl P S 5s'65 B 93 93 93 New Or Ter 1st 4s '63 91% 91% 91% New Orl T&M 6s’51 B 52 52 52 New Orl T&M 6%s'54 55 55 65 N Y Central 3*4s'52_. 109% 10914 109% NYCentral 3%s’97__ 97% 96% 97% NY Central 3 % s'4 6 102 101% 102 NY Cent con 4s'98 __ 98 97% 98 NY Cent rf 4%s 2013. 89% 89% 89% NY C rf 4%s 2013 n._ 90 89% 90 i'll V.CIll X 1 i) 3 iuld... !7 I 7* U I T4 U i T4 NY Cent cv 6s'44 ... 102% 102% 102% NY C I, Sh 3 % » '98_ 92% 92% 92% NYC Mich C 3%s'98- 89% 89% 89% NYC&St H 4%s'78... 87% 87% 87% NYC&St L 6%s'74 A. 98% 98 98% NY Chi & St H 6s '38- 100% 100% 100% NY Dock 1st 4s‘51_ 58% 55% 55% NY Dock Es'38_ 58 57% 58 NY Dock 5s'38 ctfs . 56 56 56 NY Edison 3%s'65 D. 100% 100% 100% NY Ells ref 3 %s'66- 100% 100% 100% NYC, El H&P4s'4!>._ 113% 113% 113% NY G El H&P 5s '48_, 122% 122% 122% NY H&W 4 %s '73 . 103 103 103 N Y HE Wn 5%s'42. 102 102 102 NY NH & H 4s '56_ 41 40 40 NY NH & H 4s '57_ 23% 23% 23% NY NH & H 4 V-s'67 .. 42% 42% 42% NY NH & H cv 6s '48. 44 43", 43% NY NH & H 6s '48 rg. 42% 42% 42% NY O&W gen 4s '55._ 16% 16 16% NY O&W ref 4s'92 23% 23% 23% N Y Rys 6s '58 A stpd 105% 105% 105% NY Steam Es '56 105% 104% 105% NY Steam 1st 6s’47 . 106% 106 106% NY S&W 1st rf 5s '37. 46 45 46 NY Tel gen 4%8 '39.. 107% 107 107 NY W&B 4%s '46 . 15% 15% 15% Niag Falls P 3%s'66. 103 103 103 Niag H & O 5s '55_107% 107% 107% Niag Sh 5 %s '50_102% 102% 102% Norf So 1st 5s'41_ 81 81 81 Norf So 1st ref 5s'61. 30 30 30 Norf & W 1st 4s '96 116% 116% 116% Nor'n Pac gen 3s 2047 74% 74 74% Nor'n P»c 4s'97 ... 105% 105% 105% Nor'n Pac 4%s 2047.. 98% 98 98 Nor'n Pac Es 2047 D__ 103% 103 103 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 _111% 111% 111% Ohio Edison 4s '65 .. 105% 105% 105% Ohio Pub Svc 7 % s *46 111% 111% 111% Ont Pwr Niag 5s'43.. 111% 111% 111% Oreg RR&N 4s'46_112% 112 112% Oreg W RR 4s '61_107% 107 107% Otis Steel 4%s'62_ 90% 90% 90*. Pac Gas & El 3%s'66 99% 99 99% Pac G & E 3-%s '61... 103% 103% 103% PacG&E4s'64 . ._ 107% 107'* 107% Pac T&T 3%s'66 C .. 101% 101% 101% Parana’t Pic 3 >4s '47.. 90% 90% 90% Penn Co 4s'63 _. ... 102% 102% 102% Penn P & H 4 % a '51_101 100% 100", Tenn RR3%sw1 .. 109*; 109% 109% Penn P.R 3%s '70 C... 99% 99*4 99% Penn RR 4%s'81 D.. 108 107% 108 Penn RR 4%s '84 . 107% 107'% 107*1 Penn RRgn 4%s'65 Illy, 111% 111% Penn RR deb 4%s '70 103 102"! 103 Penn RR gen 5s'68 118% 117% 118% People GH&C rf 5s'47 113% 113*, 113* Pere Marq 1st 4s'56 .. 93% 93*, 93*i Pere Marq 4 V,s'80 .. 94 93% 9.3" Pere Marq 1st 5s'56 . 102% 102 102 Phelps D 3%s '52 w I 110% 109% 109' Phiia Co 5s '67 ... 99% 99% 99" Phiia Elec 3%s '67 103% 103% 103" Phiia & R C&l 5s'73.. 28% 28 28' Phtla & R C&l 6s '4911'.; 11 11'. Philippine P.v 4s '37.. 19'-* 194 194 Pillsbury F M 6s '43 .. 108'. 10R 108 PCC&St I. 44s'40 A. 109'.1094 1094 PCC&St I. 44s’42 B. 1104 1104 1104 PCC&St L 44s'77 C„ 1074 1074 107'-. Port Gen El 44s '60 594 59 59 PortGEl st5s’35-50ex t 106 106 106 Porto Rico A T 6s'42. 78 78 78 Postal Tel *C 5s'53 264 254 26 Potomac El P 34s'66 1024 1024 1024 Pure Oil (Us ’50 ww 1144 114 114 Pure Oil 4 4 s ’50 drw 1124 1114 1114 Purity Baking 5s’48 . 984 984 984 Reading. Ter C 4s *51.. 91 91 91 Reading P. 4’.*s ’97 A. 106% 1064 1064 Reading R 44s’97 B. 106% 106% 106% Rem-Rand 4 4 s’56ww 107% 107 107 Republic Stl 44s’50. 164 1564 1634 Republic Stl 44*’66. 974 97** 974 Republic Stl 44s ’61. 97 97 97 Republic Stl 54s’54. 119 IIS 118 Rutland Can 4s ’49... 22 22 22 Saguenav Pw 4 %s '6fi 101% 101 101 St .To Rv L T&P 5s'37 9R% 9R 98% St LIM&S R&G 4s'33 78% 78% 78% St L-S Fran 4s'50 A .. 2fi 26 26 St L-S F 4s'50 A ctfs 25% 24% 25% St L-S Fran 4%s'78 . 25 24% 24% St L-S F 4%s'78 cf st. 22% 22% 22% StLSF 5s ’50 B ctfs. 25 25 25 St P M&M ext 5s'43 . 101$ 101$ 101$ San A & A Pass 4s'43 102 101% 102 San An P Svc 6s ’62 A 110 110 110 Seabd A L 4s'50 stp .. 27 27 27 Seabd A L ref 4s'50 _ 15 14% 15 Seabd A L rf 4s'59 cfs 14% 14% 14% Seabd A L.6s'45 A . 18% 18 18 Seabd A L 6s'45 ctfs. 17% 17 17 Seabd A-Fl 6s'35 A ct 8% 8% 8% Sharon Stl cv 4%s'51 109 109 109 Shell Un deb 3%s'51. 99% 98% 98% Skelly 011 4s '51 .. ... 99% 99% 99% Soconv Vav3%s'60 . 105 104% 104% Southn Cal Gas 4s '65 105% 105% 105% Southn Cal G 4%s'61. 107% 107% 107% South Nat G4%s’51_ 99% 99 99 So Pac 3%s 46_100% 100 100% So Pac col 4s'49_ 95% 95% 95% So Pac ref 4s'55_105% 105% 105% So Pac 4%s '68_ 89% 89% 89% So Pac 4%s'69_ 89% 89% 89% So Pac 4 % s '81_ 88% 88% 88% So Pac Ore 4%s'77 rg. 95% 95% 95% So Pac S F Ter 4s '50. 108% 107% 108% So Ry gen 4s'66 A_ 78% 78 78% So Ry 5s'94_ 108 107% 107% So Rv gen 6s 56_ 97 97 97 So Ry 6 %s '66_100% 100 100% So RyM&0 4s'3S... 93% 93% 93% Southw’n G&E 4s '60. 101% 101% 101% Spokane Int 5s'55_ 28% 28% 28% Staley A E 4s 46_104% 104% 104% Stand Oil N J 3s'61 .. 98 97% 97% Studebaker cv 6s'45- 115% 115 115 Swift & Co 3 %s '50_106% 106% 106% Term A St L 4%s'39. 106% 106% 106% Texarkana 5%s '50105 105 105 Texas Corp 3 ’/is '51 . 104% 104 104 Texas & Pac 5s '79 C. 103% 103% 103% Texas* Pac 5s '80 D. 103% 103% 103% Tex & Pac 1st 5s 2000 123 123 123 Third Av ref 4s'60— 50% 50 50% Third Av 1st 5s'37.__ 95 95 95 Third A ad in ex 5s’66 24% 23 24% Tide Wat Oil 3%s’52_ 100% 100% 100% Un El L & P 5s '37 . .. 104% 104 104 Un Oil of Cal 6s'42 A. 117% 117% 117% Union Pac 3%s'70... 97 96% 96% Union Pac 3%s'71 .. 96Vi 96% 96% Union Pac 1st 4s'47 . 113% 112% 113% Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008. 107 106% 106% United Biscuit 5s'50. 109 109 109 United Drug 5s'63_ 97% 97% 97% U S Rubber 6s '47_ 107 106% 106% Utah L&T 6s'44 A.. 99 99 99 Utah P & L 5s '44 ... 100% 99% 100% Util P*L6s'69 ww_. 49% 49% 49% Util P*L6%s'47— _ 50% 50% 50% Vanadium cv 5s '41... 102% 102% 102% Ver Sug 1st 7s’42 ctfs 24 24 24 Va F»v 1st 3%s 66 A.. 105% 105% 105% Va S W con 6s '58_ 96% 96% 96% Wabash 4%s'78_ 32% 32% 32% Wabash 1st 5s'39_ 94 92% 94 Wabash 5s'76 B_ 34% 34% 34% Wabash 5 %s'75_ 34% 34% 34% Walker H&S 4%s'45. 105% 105% 105% Walworth 4s '55 ... 79% 79 79 Walworth 6s ’55 new. 96 96 96 Warner Bros cv 6s‘39 95% 95 95 Warner-Quin 6s'39 . 48% 48 48% West Penn P 3%s '66. 105% 105% 105% W Sb 1st 4s 2061 gtd. 91% 91% 91% West’n Md 1st 4s '52. 104 103% 103% Westn Pac 5s'46 A... 32% 32% 32% West’n Pac 5s’46 A as 32% 32% 32% West’n Un 4%s’50_100% 100% 100% Westn Un 5s '51_102 101% 101% West’n Un 6s'60_101 100% 100% Wheel Steel 4%s '53.. 99% 99% 99% W Sp Stl con 7s ’35 ct 38 38 38 Wilkes B&E 1st 6s '42 17% 17% 17% Wilson * Co 4S '55... 101% 101% 101% Wls C 1st gn 4s '49 ct. 25 26 25 Y’ngstn S&T 3%s'61. 137 137 137 rngstn S&T 4s ’61_101% 101 101% HEAT HURTS TOBACCO. RICHMOND, Va., June 8 OP).—Hot weather and lack of rain following damage to young plants from tobacco mold are embarrassing tobacco grow ers in Southern Virginia, the State Department of Agriculture said. A. T. & T. Affiliate Raises Rate to 75 Cents Per Common Share. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 8.—Directors of Western Electric Co., affiliate of Amer ican Telephone & Telegraph Co., to day declared a dividend of 75 cents on the common stock, payable June 30 to stock of record June 25. The previous payment was 60 cents on March 31. Fairchild Aviation. Fairchild Aviation Corp. announced a special dividend of one share of Fairchild Engine & Airplane Corp. for each share of Fairchild Aviation Corp. stock held, payable June 17 to stock of record June 15. The shares to be distributed were acquired in a recapitalization and transfer of certain properties to Fair child Engine & Airplane Corp., a new company. Fairchild Aviation conducts labora tory and manufacturing operations at Woodside, Long Island, and Los An geles. It specializes in aerial cameras and other instruments. The engine and airplane unit has plants at Hagerstown, Md., and Farmingdale, Long Island. Fairchild Aviation reported unfilled orders amounted to about $1,000,000 on April 30, against $654,000 a year ago. Howe Sound Co. Howe Sound Co., operating non ferrous metal mining properties in British Columbia, declared an extra dividend of 75 cents on capital stock and regular quarterly dividend of 75' cents, both payable June 30 to stock of record June 21. A similar extra was paid in March. Petroleum Trading. Petroleum Trading Corp., engaged principally in trading of oil securities, declared a dividend of 62 Vi cents on the class A stock, payable June 25 to stock of record June 15. A dividend of 90 cents was paid December 15. Eureka Vacuum Cleaner. Directors of Eureka Vacuum Clean er Co., Detroit, deferred action of the regular quarterly dividend of 20 cents, usually payable July 1. National Candy. National Candy Co, St. Louis, an nounced the dividend on the common stock would be omitted as result c% decreased earnings. The company has been on a $1 annual basis. Arthur G. McKee. Arthur G. McKee & Co., construc tion engineers, declared an extra dividend of 75 cents and the regular quarterly dividend of 25 cents on class B stock, both payable July 1 . to stock of record June 20. In the preceding quarter an extra of 50 cents i was paid. Ontario Mfg. Co. Ontario Manufacturing Co , maker of silver tableware at Muncie, Ind., declared a dividend of 50 cents on the common, payable July 1 to stock of record June 19. The previous pay ment was 40 cents April 1. Washington Produce BUTTER—92 score. 1-pound prints. 35; 14-pound prints. 3fi; tub. 34; 90 score. 1 pound prints. 34 . > 4-pound prints, 35; tub. 33: market strong. MEATS—Choice beef. 19. calves. 15i lfi: veal, lfi. Spring lamb. 22; Fall lamb 18; pork loin. 2fi; frozen pork. 22; fresh ham. 23; smoked ham 26; sliced bacon, 3oa33: slab bacon. 28; compound. 13 Va; lard. 141**. LIVE STOCK—Pigs. 9’h&934: light hogs 10V«al0Va: mediums. JO^ald3^. 220-25( pounds. lOUalO1-?; heavies. 93«alOl.-« sows. sa8'?: stacs. saT'a- calves. ?a9. prices paid snippers, net i.od. wasn ineton. By the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics: EGGS—Market about steady at un changed prices. Current receiDts. 18 to 10 cents; hennery whites. lOVa to 20 cents Government graded and dated white eggs: U. S. extras, large. 24’a cents; U. S. extras, mediums. 20 cents: U. S. standards, large 20’2 cents. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady to firm on SprinR chickens. Heavy sizes bring ing u7 to 1 cent premium. Fowl: Col ored. heavy. 16 to 17 cents: Leghorns. 14 to 15 cents: roosters. 10 cents. Chickens: Crosses. 21 to 22 cents: Rocks. Virginia. 22 to 23 cents; Delaware. 21 *a to 22*2 cents: Leehorns. 2 pound*. 18 cents: less than 2 pounds. 16 cents. Turkeys; Old hens. 16 to 17 cents, old toms. 13 to 14 cents. Fruits and Vegetables. Sales in large lots by original receiver* up to 8 a m. today: APPLES—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. Supplies light; demand light; market slightly weaker. Bushel baskets. U. S. No. 1. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Vir ginia and West Virginia. Winesaps. 2-inch minimum. J.60al.65: 2’4-inch minimum. I. 75a 1 .85. few 2.00: 2’?-inch minimum. 2.00a2.25. few. 2 35; 234-inch minimum. 2.35a2.50; Pippins. 2'4-inch minimum. J. 50a 1.60: 2'-a-inch .minimum. 2.0<)a2.25: cartons. Winesaps. f^ncy. 160s, 2.35a2.50; 112s. 2.65a2.75; Pippins. U. S. No. 1. 160s. 2.25*2.35: 112s. U S No. 1. 2.35 a2.50; Sta^mans fancy. 144s. 2.35a2.50; 112s, 2.60a2.75: Delicious, fancy. 144s. 2.60: 132s. 2.75: 06s. 2.86a3.00. Bushel boxes fancy Romes. 125s. 2.35; 113s. ! 2.35a2.40; 100s and larger 2.50a2.65: Winesaps. 163s. 2.35a2.50: 150s and 138s. 2.40a2.50: 125s. 2.66a2.75; 113s. 2.75a 2.85: 100s. 2.86: Delicious, fancy, 113s, 2.50a2.75: 100s. 2.65a2.85. ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track Truck receipts moderate; supplies light: demand moderate; market steady. Pyramid crates, dozen bunches; New Jersey. Extra Colossal. 2.00a2.26; Colossal. 1.50a2.00: extra fancy. 1.50. CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts moderate; sup plies moderate; demand moderate: market about steady. North Carolina. 112-bushel hampers, pointed type. 65a75; Maryland. lVa-bushel hampers, pointed type. 60a75. CARROTS—One Texas arrived; one broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies light; demand moderate; market strong. California. Western lettuce, crates, 5.75a6.00. Texas, bushel baskets. 2.00. CAULIFLOWER—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. Supplies light: demand moderate: market steady. California, crates. 1.60-1.76. utljr.Ki—no cariox arrivals; two broken cars on track. Supplies light: de mand moderate: market steady. Florida, 10-inch crates, individually washed. 4-10 dozen. 3.75-4.00: California. Vi crates, individually washed. 3-4 dozen. 3.50-3.75. LETTUCE—Two California arrived: one car diverted: eight broken and two un broken cars on track. Supplies moderate; demand moderate: market about steady. California. Western crates. Iceberg type, 5-dozen. 3.75-4.25; poorer lower; d-dozen, 2.00- 2.50: poorer lower. ONIONS—Four Texas arrived: one broken and four unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand moderate; market slightly weaker. Texas, 50-pound sacks. Yellow Bermudas. U. 8. commercial, 1.25- 1.35. PEA8—One California arrived; two broken and one unbroken cars on track. Supplies light; demand moderate: market about steady. Bushel hampers: Cali fornia. Telephones. 2.25-2.60: New Jersey. 1.25- 1.50; few higher; poorer low as 60. Potato Prices Steady. POTATOES—One Maine, two North Carolina arrived: two broken and four un broken cars on track. Old stock: Supplies light; demand light: market steady. Maine. 100-pound sacks Green Mountains. U. S. No. 1. 2.50. New stock: Supplies mod erate: demand moderate: market steady. North and South Carolina, stave barrels. Cobblers. U. S. No. 1. 3.00-3.25: North Carolina. 100-pound sacks. Cobblers. U. 8. No. 1. 1.75-2.00. STRAWBERRIES—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts mod erate: supplies moderate: demand mod erate: market slightly weaker. 32-quart crates various varieties: Eastern Shore. Maryland, mostly 2.00-3.00; few higher; New Jersey mostly fine quality. 3.00-5.00. according to condition: Nearby sections. 2.00- 3.00. mostly 2.50. per crate. TOMATOES—Three Mississippi arrived; one broken and four unbroken cars on track. Supplies lairly liberal; demand moderate; market slightly weaker. Mis sissippi. lug boxes, green, ripes and turn ing. wrapped. 6x6 and larger. 2.00-2.25; few best high as 2.60; Texas and Florida, lug boxes, 6x6 and larger, overripe. 1.00 1.75. WATERMELONS—One Florida arrived; one unbroken car on track. Supplies light; demand moderate: market steady. Florida. Tom Watsons. 26-30-pound aver age. 75-1.00 each. CANTALOUPES—Two California arrived; four broken cars on track. Supplies mod erate: demand moderate; market slightly weaker California. Salmon Meats, jum bos. 36s. 5.25-5.50; jumbos. 45s. 5.60 6.75: standards. 45s. 5.00: ponys. 45s and 64s. 4.00; jumbo flats. 8s to 12s, 1.75 2.00. MIXED VEGETABLES—No earlot ar rivals; no cars on track. 8NAP BEANS—No eaglot arrivals; no ears on track. Truck r^glpts light; sup WARD SALES SEE RECORD IN MAY Total 29 Per Cent Above Same 1936 Month at $39,140,008 Mark. B> the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 8.—Montgomery Ward and Co., reported May gross sales totaled $39,140,008, an increase of 29 per cent compared with May, 1936. It was the largest volume for the month in the company’s history. For the first four months of Ward’s fiscal year sales totaled $136,327,259, an increase of 32 per cent, compared with the corresponding 1936 period. This was also a new record for the first four months period. Walgreen Co. Walgreen Co., a drug chain operat ing chiefly in the Middle West, sales in May ro6e to $5,664,845 from $5, 115,428 in May, 1936, an increase of 9.9 per cent. For the five months ended May 30 sales gained 8 9 per cent, totaling $27,247,111, against $25, 031,254 last year. Spiegel, Inr. Spiegel, Inc , Chicago mail order house, reported May sales of $4,916, 782, against $3,729,605 in May, 1936, an increase of 31.8 per cent. For the five months sales totaled $19,948,336, against $14,972,407. Sterchi Bros. For the five months sales of Sterchi Bros, totaled $2,375,278, compared with $2,005,957 in 1936 period. May sales of $718,113 were reported, against $565,622 in May. 1936. The company retails furniture, principally in the South. S. H. Kress & Co. May sales of S. H. Kress & Co. showed a gain of about 7 per cent over last year, totaling $7,006,639, against $6,552,143 In May, 1936. For the five months sales totaled $31,557,193, compared with $30,402,908 last year, a gain of 3 8-10 per cent. -• CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. June 8 OR (United States Department of Agriculture — Hogs. 13.00(1.,lv^,Inr 3.000 direct: market generally •>al() lower than Monday's average; pack ing sows steady: good and choice. 200 :ton pounds. ll.25aJl.50: top. n.55: 160 JJui pounds, mostly 10.6()a 11.40: few Pigs. 10.50 or slightly better; bulk medium to good kinds. 10.00 down to 8.50: most packing sows. 10.10al0.60. Cattle 7,500: calves. 2.500: good to choice medium weights and weighty steers again draggy: I0&15 lower: all yearlings i steady with light heifer and mixed year- ’ lines strong: grassy and shortfed steers, all • weights, bringing higher prices compared 1 with strictly grainfed offerings; fed heifers well sold up on early rounds: best fed 12.16: small package latp Monday. 12,5: cows scarce and steady: cutters sell ing largely at 4.0<ia5.00; with strong weights at 5.75 and choice beef cows ud to 9.50 and better: bulls strong to 15 higher; weighty sausage offerings selling up to //!5: yealers strong to 25 higher at 9.00a 9.,5. few selects. 10.on. Sheep 3.000. including 800 direct: Spring lambs moderately active mostly steady: good and choice 12.60al3.00; yearlings slow: steady to lower good to choice kinds. 9 ooaio.oo; best held higher sheep steady: shorn ewes. 3 U0a4.50, • NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. June 8 t/Pi.—Eggs. 38.707: barely steady. Mixed colors unchanged Butter. 22.540; weak Creamery, extra *92 score), an®4-31: firsts (88-91 score), •2-30’ 2. Other grades unchanged Cheese 377.622; firmer. State, whole milk flats, fresh, grass. 17*2-18: fresh fodders, fancy. lt>Va-17; held, fancy. 1936, I 22 *2-23. Live poultry, by freight, steady. Prices unchanged. w By express, dull to steady. Broilers. Leg horn. 14a 18: Rocks. 19a23: Reds. 16al8. Other express prices unchanged Dressed poultry steady. Fresh and frozen fowls, J6a42 pounds, 16&20. others unchanged. -•— MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. June 8 (Ph—Silver futures | opened steady, jo lower. July. 44.70b. i September. 44.55b; December. 44 6ob. b—Bid plies light: demand moderate: market steady. North Carolina bushel hampers. ! green, flat and round type. 1.25-1.75. ! LIMA BEANS—No carlot arrivals: no ears on track. Supplies light; demand moderate: market slightly stronger. Florida, bushel hampers 3.00-3.25. SQUASH—Supplies light: demand mod erate. market steady. South Carolina, bushel hampers white, wrapped 1.00 1.25: yellow crooknecks. 1.00-1.50. CUCUMBERS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Supplies moderate: de mand moderate: market slightly weaker. £ ♦ ldo *nd South Carolina, bushel bas- ! gets. 2.00-2.50: poorer low as 1.50 CORN—No carlot arrivals: no cars on ‘ track. Truck receipts moderate; gupplies moderate: demand moderate; market ! slightly weaker. Florida, standard-crates, i 6 d°£*J?- 2.00-2.75, mostly 2.25-2.50. PEPPERS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track Supplies light: demand mod erate: market about steady. Florida, bushel baskets, green, 2.00-2.50. poorer low as 1.50. EGGPLANT—Supplies light: demand moderate: market slightly stronger. Flor ida. 1 ^-bushel crates. 2.00-2.50. poorer lower. OKRA—No supplies on the market. ORANGES—Two Florida arrived: 1 car : diverted; four broken and three unbroken i cars on track. Florida, boxes as to aize: ' No. Is 3.00-4.50; No. 2. 2.75-4.00. GRAPEFRUIT—No carlot arrivals: one j broken car on track. Florida, boxes as to size: No. 1. 3.25-3.75. LEMONS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. California, boxes as to size: No. Is. 10.00-10.50: No. 2. 0.50-1 (».00. •BEETS—Virginia. Norfolk section, crates. 1.00. SPINACH—New Jersey. bushel bas kets. 85. BLACKBERRIES—North and South Carolina, per 32-quart crate. 2.00-2.50. Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY GEORGE 1.B0RGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. Nat’l 0350 REAL ESTATE Financing Refinancing Buying * Selling Leasing Managing if your problem con cerns real estate, talk with Weaver Bros., the firm that knows Washington real estate. We have grown up with the District and have served thousands of prop erty owners in the Dis trict and in nearby Mary land and Virginia. It costs nothing to learn how we can serve you. WEAVER BROS .n< REALTORS MtrtgMt* I*** Ctrrtsfmdtnt Mttrrfhtmn Lift Insurant* Ctmfanj WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT 9486 Tin Mills Rushed ! As Buyers Press j For Full Quotas Er the Associated Press. CLEVELAND. Ohio, June 8—Daily! Metal Trade today say*: The mill operation* are holding at better than 100 per cent of capacity with consumers pressing for all ma terial they are entitled to on con tracts. Bookings for oil country goods are holding up well. Demand for wire continues heavy. Flat rolled steel products are mov ing actively though some slackening in buying is reported. Steelmakers at some points are re ported in receipt of Inquiry from con sumers whose source* of supply have been handicapped by strikes. Diver sion of tonnage from strike-bound mills has been limited, however. -• BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON. June 8 t&i (U. S. Dept. Agr.). —A moderate amount of business was transacted in medium fleeces, but fine wools were quiet in this maiket today. Prices held firm. Tending higher on me dium fleeces. Graded a/*-blood combing Ohio fleeces sold at 4.'i cents in the grease, which was the maximum acceptaole to most holders. Hou.s’s ftsked 4T cents In the grtase for combing quarter-blood Ohio fleeces. *i though some were willing to sell imall quantities at around 42 cents Country packed lots of combing and clothing lengths. and *'4 blood grades together. from various sections of the Middle West sold at around 41 cents lor Ohio and Michigan. 41 cents for choice Missouri. 40 cents for average Missouri and Minnesota tleeces and :I8 cents to SO coots lor the heavier Iowa wools. NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, June 8 (IP).—Bar silver steady and unchanged at 45. iiiiiiPSSWgH :::: J^ror Business ReeordsV ;;;; ; :: ^ and Equipment v;; f FILING 1 SYSTEMS Qhe i I kWalcotMaylor Co. Inc, MILLS BLOG MEtro. 5846 SPLENDID INVESTMENT BUILDING LEASED TO SEARS, ROEBUCK AND COMPANY Lcca'ed n the Capitol City cf a neighboring State, this listing cf'ers a most superior invest ment opportunity. Lease hcs approximately 8 years to run I* is a percentage lease, with mum payment prcv c cn end is estimated to yield about SiS,000 this year Pr.ce cf property, $130,000 Detailed information will be furnished any to auolified purchasers upon personal application to EDMUND J. FLYNN MANAGES BUSINESS PROPERTY DEPARTMENT BOSS b PHELPS 1417 K St. Realtor* NA. 9300 JUMP IN COMMODITY PRICES IS ENVISIONED B> the Associated Press. ITHACA, N. Y., June 8.—A 50 per cent rise in commodity prices if the demand for gold returns to normal was envisioned today by Prof. Frank A. Pearson, Cornell University econ omist and one-time New Deal mone tary adviser. "The cumulative effect of a gradual decline in the hoarding demand for gold, decreased industrial use and in creasing production will ultimately re sult in a striking reduction in the demand for gold,” he wrote in Farm Economics, a Cornell publication. -• TEXTILE INDEX SOARS. NEW YORK, June 8 OP).—Textile World’s index of textile mill activity for the first four months of 1937 in dicated a rate 25 per cent greater than for the similar period of 1936 and 34 per cent over that for the correspond ing period of a ‘‘normal’’ year, taking the 1924-1931 average. 1886 Vtfh/ 1937 51ft Tear '' of Profrfsi DESK LIGHTING mODUCINO STATIONERS 010 E ST- • N - W 8 " i Safe Investments _ First mortgage notes, well secured on con ■Y //* tentatively appraised, V ' ” new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Net. 0271 Bstabliahed Nearly 40 Yeara First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 FASHIONS IN INVESTMENTS The changing economic outlook calls for flexibility in the management of invested funds. Certain condi tions may dictate the purchase of common stocks. Under different circumstances, selected bonds, or pre ferred stocks, or commodities may afford the sound est investment opportunities. To provide a compre hensive service to meet changing conditions, this firm holds membership in 29 exchanges for the execution of orders to buy or sell stocks, bonds or commodities. FENNER & BEANE Members SewYerk Sleek Exchange and ether leading Exchanges Southern Bldg. 15th & H Sts. N.W. National 7000 First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia Homes W QjL Business Apartments ^ J /\J Properties Terms from 3 to 15 years Also Monthly Payment Loans Randall. H.Hagner & Company INCORPORATED Mortgage Loan Cowie sjpondent +A*!u/&cr/: S/fe ^idt/srance ^cmfiany 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone: DEcatur 3600 Shalt 'j-eznt CONSTRUCTION LOANS in District of Columbia or nearby Maryland SIX MONTHS TO ONE YEAR INTEREST COMMISSION 1% Upon completion oi buildings, these loans may be extended on one of several long term ’ monthly payment plans; or for three or five years, without curtails; interest semi-annually. » S H. L. Rust Company 1001 FIFTEENTH STREET NATIONAL 8100