Newspaper Page Text
POSTAL RECEIPTS f'. I • t . May Total Well Above 1936. Hits All-Time Peak for Month. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Indicating further steady improve ment in business conditions in Wash ington, receipts at the City Post Office In May were higher than in May, 1936, and also for any May on record. Receipts at the city office totaled $588,407.43 in comparison with $572, 633 in May a year ago, an increase of $15,774.43 or 2.75 per cent. This was ft direct turnabout from April of this year when postal receipts for the first time since recovery started were alightly lower than in corresponding thonths. The gain of postal returns in May ftnd the first five months of 1937 is In line with reports on bank clearings In the Capital which revealed a pick up of $9,702,227 over May, 1936, and »n advance of more than $81,000,000 In the first five months of the present year compared with the like months a year ago. For their value in reflecting business trends in the Capital, postal receipts In the first five months of 1937 are compared with the same months in 1936: 1937. 1936. January _$577,503 $612,593 February _ 581,899 578,005 March__- 685,946 601,007 April . 615,897 643,837 May .. 588,407 572,633 Roberts Convention Speaker I. J. Roberts, assistant cashier, Riggs National Bank, addressed the national convention of the American Institute of Banking in St. Paul today, accord lng In dispatches, on “Personnel Training for Bet ter Public Rela tions.” Banking is es sentially a busi ness of human relationships, he declared, and the measure of a bank's success is determined by the extent to which it recognizes its obligations to so ciety, the sincer ity and intelli I. .1. Roberts. pence OI IIS enoris \aj mcnt me will of the public. He emphasized the IPord “merit” because public confi dence cannot be bought but must be perned. It cannot be attained quickly OP by artificial methods, he asserted. In recognizing these facts, he added, fcanks have lagged far behind public utility and merchandising organiza §ons, which for many years have em phasized the value of developing Scientific methods for handling their public relations problems. The bitter experience growing out #f the depression aroused the banking profession to the necessity of dispell ing public misunderstanding of the proper functions of banks and of their methods and policies, Mr. Roberts said. In outlining the development of a practical course of procedure, he de picted most fully the methods used by the Riggs Bank in the last two or three years in arousing among the per sonnel a sense of the importance of the problem, and gave an outline of the great number of ways by which a new deal in public relations has al ready been brought about by this bank. Mr. Roberts said the meetings of the entire staff to hear talks by offi cers and other experts have proved so beneficial that the present plan will be made permanent. nanKers uei i^iveiy uicums, The Washington delegation at the American Institute Convention got an unexpected greeting on arrival at St. Paul. There is a strike on In the hotel where they are staying. Means tome long walk-ups, very irregular meals, If any, and a lot of extra ex citement they had not planned for when they made the reservations. They found a large number of pickets parading in front of the hotel, huge [Placards stating that the hotel was unfair to organized labor.. The dele gates are probably finding it a bit dif ficult to concentrate on banking and high finance. Oversubscribed Six Times. Forecasting that the Treasury’s 1800,000,000 note offering would be oversubscribed six times, Secretary liorgenthau announced last night that books on the issue had been closed. Subscriptions placed In the mail be fore midnight will be accepted. Through 5 p.m. yesterday the sub scriptions on the $400,000,000 issue of per cent notes, due September 15, 1939, aggregated $1,788,000,000 and subscriptions on the $400,000,000 offer ing of 1% per cent notes, due March 16. 1942, aggregated $1,843,000,000, Secretary Morgenthau stated. Price Action Significant. A significant feature of the stock taarket in the past month has been the comparative steadiness of prices during a period of adverse news de velopments. . Price steadiness in the face of bad hews is a sign of a technically strong stock market, in the opinion of Brookmine Economic Service. “After » reaction, such as occurred in March ftnd April, apparent symptoms that Stocks are forming a base for a re newed advance are (1) resistance to bed news, and (2) reduced volume of brading whi-h reflects slackening of balling pressure. Both of these tend encies have been in evidence for a Humber of weeks.” , > Capital Transit Stronger. Capital Transit stock sold to the extent of 180 shares on the Washing ton Stock Exchange today at 11. This Is the best price for some weeks. It Closed with 10*a bid and 11*4 asked. Washington Railway & Electric pre ferred again }gd the market in volume of trading, about 60 shares changing bands at 110*4, same as yesterday’s close. Two 100-share lots of Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty preferred moved at 5*4 and 60 more shares SVa Capital Traction 5s were in demand at 88, two $1,000 transfers being re corded at that figure. Heard in Financial District. Both President Roosevelt and Secre tary Morgenthau in private conversa tions with visitors have been stating repeatedly the intention of this Gov ernment to hold Its gold price at $35 per ounce despite contrary rumors, ac cording to persons who have talked with them. State and municipal financing for May aggregated $46,172,286 as com pared with $96,541,554 in May, 1936, according to the Daily Bond Buyer. The total for the first five months of 1937 is $504,717,234, as compared w^th $516,656,075 for the same period last year. •*r TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE K3 a viva* aw aun oaai* All New Tork market! ar« now on dayllaht aavlng time. Prev 1037 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 84% 63% Acme Steel (4)_ 1 73% 73% 73% 22% 15 Adams Express b30< 7 16% 16% 16% — % 80% 67% Air Reduction <tl)_ 4 71% 71% 71V4 — % 5% 2% Air-Way Electric__ 2 2% 2% 2% 15% 11% Alaska Jun <t60c>„ 9 12% 12 12 — V* 5% 2% Alleghany Corp_ 28 3% 3 3 — % 59% 43% Alleg pf ww $30_ 2 44% 44 44% —1 59 43a* Alleg pf ww $40_ 2 43% 43% 43% —1% 258% 218 Allied Chem (6)_ 1 228 228 228 33% 21% Allied Mills (b2)_ 10 23 22% 23 Zt A A Allied Mills (b2 )rts. 87 A % A 21% 15 Allied Stores <b2Uc) 14 17% 17% 17% 85 76% Allied Strs pf (6)_ 5 76 75 75 —1% 83% 57 Allis-Chalm (bl)_ 11 62 61% 62 + a* 8% 4% Amal Leather__ 3 5% 6% 6% 114% 90 Amerada Corp (2).. 4 94 93 94 +1% 41% 21% Am Bank Note (tl). 2 23% 23% 23% — V* 75% 59 Am Bk Note pf 43)_10a 63 63 63 +1 804* 67% Am Brake Sh 4t2)_ 1 62% 62% 62%+ % 121 95% Am Can (t4)_ 18 97% 96% 97 174 152% Am Can pf (7)- 1 156's 156% 156% + % <1 50% Am Car & Fy (b26c) 2 56 65% 56 + a* 104% 87 Am Car & Fy pf(b4) 1 87% 87% 87%-3% 32'* 30% Am Chain & C l)50c- 18 32% 31% 31% — % 148 115 Am Chain & C pf 5._ 1 141 141 141 -4 33% 25% Am Crys Sug b2 %.. 16 28% 28 28 — V* ' 13% 7% Am & Foreign Pwr.. 12 8 7% 7% + % 68% 45 Am & For Pw $7 pf_ fi 49 49 49 38% 18% Am & For Pw 2d pf. 1 20% 20% 20% + % il1* b% Am Hide & Leather. 7 7% 7% 7% — Vi 52% 42 Am Home rr(f2.40). 1 43% 43% 43% + % 4% 2% Am ice- 5 3% 3% 3% + V« 27% 17% Am Ice pf (2)- 1 23% 23% 23% +1% 17% 13% Am Internt) (a40c)_ 1 13% 13% 13% + V* 58% 42% Am Locomotive_ 19 46% 46 46% +1% 125 107 Am Loco pf (a3)_ 3 110% 110 110 + % 29% 20% Am Mach & F cT1» 2 20% 20% 20% 13% 9 Am Mach & Met 60c. 19 9 9 68% 45% Am Metals <b25c) __ 11 51 49% 51 +1% 16% 8% Am Power & Light.. 14 8% 8% 8% + Vi 72% 43% Am Pw & Lt pf <5)_. 3 48% 48% 48%—.% 87% 53 Am Pw A Lt pf (6). 3 59 59 59 — % 29% 20% Am Radiator t60c_ 24 22 21% 21% 45% 31% Am Roll Mill (2) 37 36% 35% 35% + % 36 28 Am Safty Raz (T2)_ 1 30 30 30 29 22% Am Seating (a2%). 1 25% 25% 25% - % 58 41 Am Shlpbldg (2)_160s 48% 48 48 +1% 195% 79% Am Sm & Ref (3) ... 25 91% 89% 90%+ % 73% 48% Am Steel Fdy (hi) .. 21 56% 55% 56% +1% 115 109% Am Steel Fdy p£(7)_ 60e 1114! 1114S 11145 26% 17 Am Stores (2) 10 17% 17 17% — % 187^ 160% Am Tel & Teleg (9). 9 168 167 168 + % 99% 74% Am Tobacco tB) 5_ 8 77% 77 77% — 150% 128% Am Tobacco pf <6)_. 1 136% 136% 136% + % 20% 13% Am Type Founders. 16 14% 13% 14% + % 28% 16% Am Water Wks SOc. 27 17% 17 175,+ ^ 14% 8% Am Woolen __ 1 8% 8% 8% — % 79 59% Am Woolen pf (b2). 1 61 61 61 -1% 20 6s, Am Zinc & Lead .. 17 13 12% 12%+ % 69% 47% Anaconda Cop b75c. 108 55% 53% 55 +1% _24% 18 Anchor Cap (60c).29 22% 21% 22% +1% 37% 22 Andes Copper_ 2 20% 20% 20% — 2% 13% 7 Armour of Iil(b35c) 66 11% 11% 11%+""% 99% 81% Armour(Ill)pr pf 6. 2 95% 95 95 +1 70% 57% Armstrong Cork<2). 5 68 67 67 -1% 16% 11% Arnold Const bTOc_ 3 12V* 12% 12% 17% 10 Artloom Corp_ 1 10% 10% 10% — % 24% 15% Assoc Dry Goods... 9 17% 17!* 17%+ % 57% 49% Assoc Invest (3) ... 2 51 51 51 — % 106 93% Assoc Inv pf ww(S) 70s 94 94 94 94% 69% Atch T A S Fe(a2)_. 30 84 83 83 — %i 104 97% Atch T & S F pf<5)_ 1 99% 99% 99%+ % 55% 44% Atl Coast Llne(al). 12 61% 50% 50% — % 37 28 Atl Refining (tl)_ 6 30 29% 29% — % 116'.. 107 Atl Refln pf (4)_ 1 109% 109% 109% + % 18% 15% Atlas Corp (80c)_ 15 15% 15% 151.* 52% 50% Atlas Corp pf (3)— 1 50% 50s* 50% 94 70 Atlas Powder bl%_. 1 73 73 73 + 14 36% 21% Auburn Auto_ 2 22% 22 22% -r % 9% 5% Aviation Corn Del__ 8 6% 6% ~6% -r V* 11% 5% Baldwin Loco (d)_ 16 5% 5% 5% + % 9% 4% Baldwin asd (d)_ 5 5% 5% 5% + v* 48% 20% Baltimore & Ohio... 24 31% 30% 31% +1 47-% 33% Baltimore & Oh pf_ 2 35% 35 35% + % 43% 29% Barber Co (b25c).__ 8 32% 31% 32% -r % 32 23% Barker Bros_ 1 26% 26% 26% - % 35% 24% Barnsdall (1)_ 7 26!, 26% 26% 20!* 14% Bayuk Cigar t75c._. 5 15 15 15 114 111% Bayuk 1st pf (7)_100s 112 112 112 28% 22% Beatrice Cream tl__ 1 22% 22% 22% + % 112 105 Beech-Nut Pkg(t4). 1 109% 109% 109% + % 30% 19% Bendix Aviat'n b50c 12 20% 20 20% — Vs 23% 20% Benef Ind Ln (bD5c) 5 20% 20% 20% 62% 48 Best* Co (2%)- 2 48% 43% 48'-+% 10o% 73 Bethlehem SteeKbl. 27 86% 85% 85% 20 18% Beth 6% pf (1)- 4 18% 18% 18% 129% 113% Bethlehem pf (7)_ 2 114 114 114 + 1. 38 24% Black A-Decker Cl). 1 28% 28% 28% — 1, 29% 22 Blaw-Knox (b45c)_. 13 25% 24% 24% — % 49% 31% Boeing Airplane ... 20 35% 34% 35% + % 48% 40% Bohn Alum & B(3)_ 5 42% 42 4 >% — % 93 85V* Bon Ami A (4)- 70s 88 86% 88 +1% 28 23% Borden Co (1.60)_ 16 24 23% 23% - % 47 38% Borg-Warner <2)_ 16 46% 45% 46 — % 4% 2% Botany Mines A(d). 1 2 2 2 — Vs 23i, 15 Bridgep’t Brass(l). 10 17% 17% 17%+ % 59% 41 Briggs Mfg (hi%).. 35 46% 44% 46 -s-2% 53 21 Bklyn-Man Tr (4).. 21 23% 22% 23 + Vi 102% 59% Bklyn-Man T pf<6)_ 1 67 67 67 — % 24% 17% Brunswlck-Balke__ 2 19% 19% 19% 25% 15% Bucvrus-Erie_ 9 ifiu, 1 ki. ici. *■ 14% 8% Budd (EG) Mfg__ 11 9 8% 8% — % 13 8 Budd Wheel b20c_ 2 8% 8% 8'*— % 45% 31 Billiard Co (b50c)._. 7 35!* 34"* 35 + % 65% 50% Bulova Watch (T4)_ 2 56 55 56 +1 35% 25% Burr Add M (80c)_ 6 26% 26% 26%+ % 11% 7 Bush Terminal_ 31 7 4% 5% —1", 39 26 Bush Terminal deb. 5 25 20 21 —5 45% 24% Bush T Bldg pf cod. 40* 28% 28% 28% — % 18% 13% Butler Bros (60c)._ 3 14 13% 13% — i4 36% 28% Butler pf (1 %)- 1 29% 29% 29%+ V* 9% 4% Butte Cop & Z(a5c)_ 4 5% 5% 5% 33% 20% Byers (AM)_ 2 22% 22% 22%—% 91 67% Byers (A M) pf_ 10» 69 69 69 — % 34% 27 Biron Jackson (tl). 1 29 29 29 48% 37 Calif Packing (1%). 3 37% 37% 37%+ % 6% 2% Callahan Zlnc-Eead. 4 3% 3% 3V* + % 20% 12 Calumet&Hec b75c— 22 15 14V* 14%+ % 37% 26 Campbell Wy (tl)_. 2 27 26% 27 + % 38Vi 25% Canada Dry G Ale_ 43 30% 29V* 30 +1% 17% 12% Canadian Pacific__ 16 13V* 13% 13% — % 61?* 44% Cannon Mllls(b50c) 2 44 44 44 — % 62V* 60 Cap Adm pf (A)(3). 40* 50% 50% 50% 35% 34 Carpenter Stl bl.62. 2 34% 34% 34%+ % 9% 7 Carriers & G (blOc). 1 8!* 8% 8% 176Vi 138 Cased I)Co (4)_ 9 174 170% 174 +4 100 85% Caterpillar Tr (t2)_ 5 94 93% 93% — % 41% 26% Celanese Corp bl%. 42 40% 39% 40%+ % 113% 106% Celanese pr pf A(7). 2 114 114 114 + % 48% 36% Celotex CorpC 40c). 13 46% 45% 46 +1 82% 73% Celotex Corp pf(5)_. 30* 77 77 77 12% 7% Central Foundry_ 5 7% 7% 7% 107% 100% Cent 111 Lt pf(4V4)_. 20» 103 103 103 +% 41% 18 Central R R of N J_. 1 21 21 21 86% 60 Cerro de Pasco (4)„ 10 69 68% 69 + % 23% 14% Certaln-teed Prd_ 5 16% 16% 16% 60% 35% Champion Pap (tl). 11 59 67% 58% +1% 111 108 Champion P pf (6)_. 50* 108 108 108 -2 68% 54% Ches & Ohio T2.80__. 18 58% 68 58%+ % 4 2% Chi Grt West (d)__ 1 2% 2Vi 2% 18V4 12 Chi Grt West pf (d). 1 12% 12% 12% — % 32 24% Chi Mall Ord tl%— 5 25% 25% 25%-% 7% 4% Chi M St P&Ppf(d). 1 4% 4% 4% 6% 3% Chi & N W (d)_ 7 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% Chi R 1 & Pac (d)__ 2 2% 2% 2% + V* 8% 5% Chi RI&P 6% pf(d). 4 5% 5% 5% — +* 10% 6% Chi Rl&P 7 % pf(d). 2 6% 6 6 — V* 27V* 16 Chi Yellow Cab (2). 3 16 16 16 — % 22% 15% Chlckasha Cott'n 011 2 17% 17 17% 15% 12% Childs Co_ 1 12% 12% 12%—% 135% 106% Chrysler Corp b3%. 27 113% 112 112% 21% 18% City Ice & Fuel (2). 1 19 19 19 + % 92 83 City Ice & F pf 6%. 60* 83% 83% 83% 10% 7 City Stores _ 1 7% 7% 7% 40% 32% Clark Equlp(tl.60). 10 39% 38 39% + % 113 105 Clev El Illu pf 4%_60*107 107 107 44% 35 Clev Graph Br 42)_ 1 42 42 42 +1 132% 126 Cluett Peab pf (7)_. 60* 132 131 131 —1% 170% 122% Coca-Cola (t2)_ 2 161% 161 161%+% 25% 19% Colgate-P-P(t50c)_ 6 20 19% 20 + % 104% 102 Colgate-P-P pf (6)_ 1 103 103 103 62% 50 Collins & Alkn (t2). 1 52% 52% 62%+ % 112% 108% Collins & Aik pf (5). 90* 109 109 109 51% 33 Col Fuel & Iron (bl) 1 33% 33% 33%—% 20% 11% Columb G & El (40c) 24 11% 11% 11% 108 85% Col G & E pf A (6).. 1 84% 84% 84%—1% 39% 31 Columb Pic vtc < 11) 2 33 33 33 — % 69V* 56% Cornel Credit (t4)__ 3 62% 62% 62%+% 80V* 63% Cornel Inv T <t4)._. 6 67% 67 67 —1 120 103% Cornel Inv T pf 4%_ 1 106 106 106 + % 21% 13% Cornel Solv <T60c)__ 8 14% 14 14 + % 4% 2 Comw & Southern.. 75 2% 2% 2% 19% 13% Conde Nast Pub 1 16% 15% 15%+ % 45% 35% Confjoleum-Nrn(2)_ 2 37 37 37 + % 95 83% Con C pr pf ww 6%. 110* 87% 87% 87%—% 94 88 ConCpf xw (6%)._ 10* 87% 87% 87%-% 49% 34 Cons Edls N Y(T2)_ 21 35% 34% 34%-% 108 102% Cons Ed N Y pf(6)_ 4 103% 103 103 — % 5% 3 Cons Film- 5 3% 3% 3% _ ^ 17% 14% Cons Oil (8O0)- 20 16% 16% 15%—% 1% % Cons Textile (d) 4 % % % 13V* 8% Cons Coal (Del) vtc.. 1 10% 10% 10%+ % 37% 20% Container Corp 1.20. 12 29 28% 28%+ % lft Contain rts June 28. 62 1ft lft 1% 37% 21% Conti Baking (A)._ 1 23 23 23 + % 5V* 2% Conti Baking (B)__ 8 3 2% 2% 69% 50% Conti Can (3)_ 15 53% 62% 63% + % 26% 19% Conti Diamond <2)_ 1 21 21 21 42% 35% Conti Insur (tl.60)_ 6 37% 36% 37%+ % 3% 2 Conti Motors__ 7 2% 2% 254 47% 39% Conti Oil Del <tl)„x 11 44% 44% 44% 77 62% Corn Ex Bank (*)__ 60* 64 63 63 —1 71% ,54% Corn Prod Ref(t3)_ 4 68% 68V* 68% - % 10% 6 Coty Inc- 4 7% 7% 7% + % 56% 42% Crane Co- 6 43% 42% 43 + % 105% 102% Crane Co cv pf (5).. 17 102% 102 102% - % % V* Crane Co (rights)_ 666 & % A 121 113% Crane Co pf (7)- 26 116% 116% 116% 37 29% Cream of Wheat (2). 3 32 30% 30%—1% 100% 70% Crown Cork &S(2)_ 2 73% 73% 73%-% 25% 17 Crown Zellerb- 32 20% 19% 20 + % 108% 98% Crown Zell cupf(5). 1 99% 99% 99%-% 81% 61 Crucible Steal- 1 63% 63% 63% 14% 8% Cuban-Am Sugar — 1 8% 8% 8% 127 110 Cub-Am Sugpf(bo). 90*118 118 118 +% 20% 10% Curtis Publishing.. 15 11% 11% 11% 109% 86 Curtis Pub pf <7)_ 2 86% 86% 86%-% 8% 5% Curtlss-Wrlght-. 24 6% 5% 6% - % 23% 16%Curtias-W (A)a50o. 9 18% 18% 18% + % 90% 73% Cutler-Ham (bl)_ 4 80% 79% 80%+1% oLun ma anies— nn High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 24 19 Da vega cum pf 114. 2 20% 20% 20% 137% 104% Deere & Co_ 8 134 132 134 + 1% 31% 26% Deere & Co pf 1.40.. 2 29 28% 29 24% 17% Del Lack & West_ 6 18% 18 18 + % 146% 111% Detroit Edison (t4). 1112 112 112 + % 36% 28V* Diamond Match (tl 2 29 29 29 t 23 17% Diamond T Mot (1). 1 17% 17% 17% 29 20% Distil Corp Seag_ 1 21% 21% 21% — V* 96 84 Distil C Sea pf ww 6. 1 85 85 85 — % 25 19% Dixie Vortex(l%)_ 1 20 20 20 — % 51 38% Dome Mines (t2)_ 14 41% 41 41%+% 77% 47% Douglas Aircraft_ 68 60% 58% 60% +1% 18014148% Du Pont deN(b2%). 14 156 164% 156 -44 135% 131 DuPont deN deb(6). 2 132% 132% 132% +1% 175% 151 Eastman Kodak (8) 5 170 169 170 +1 163 150 Eastman Kod pf(«). 30s 150 150 150 37% 31% Eaton Mfg (2) 2 33% 33% 33%+% 16 11% Eltlngton-Schlld 4 13 12% 12%—% 29 21% El Pasp Nat Q 1.60.. 6 24% 24% 24%-% 45% 34% Elec Auto Lite 3.20. 18 40% 39% 40% +1 16 9% Eleo Boaf (afiOc) _ 4 10% 10% 10%+% 7% 4% Elec&Mus 1 <al8e)_ 1 4% 4% 4% 26% 15% Eleo Pow & Light_ 22 17% 17 17 +% 87 59 Eleo Pw & Lt *6 pf_ 3 66% 66% 66% +2% 92% 62 Elec Pw & Lt *7 pf _ 4 69 69 69 -% 44% 36% Elec Storage Bat (2 x 2 37 36% 37 +1 2 1 Elk Horn Coal (d> 1111 8 3% Elk Horn Cl pf <d)_. 1 3% 3% 3% t 60 65% Endlcott-John (3).. 4 56 56 56 11"* ltib i-udiic aerv__ 1 bs* + v» 23% 13% Erie RR_ 2 17% 17% 17%-% 14% 9% Eureka Vac (80c)_13 9% 7% 8 -1% 34% 23% Evans Prod (tl)_ 2 24 23% 24 +% 6% 3% Exchange Buffet 1 3% 3% 3% 28 20% Fairbanks Co pf_ 20* 24 24 24 + % 71% 49% Falrb’ks-Morse (tl) l 56% 56% 66%+% 70 51% Fajardo Sugar (b2)_ 1 60% 50% 60% —1% Ilia 5% Fed Screw Works 17 7 7 6 3% Fed Water Svc A — 1 *% 3% 3% + % 45% 36 Fidel Phoenix tl.60. 3 37% 37% 37% + % 41% 32% Firestone T&R (2)_ 1 33 33 33 + % 107'% 102 Firestone pf A (6).. 1 104 104 104 + % 52% 40 First Natl Strs t2%. 3 41% 40% 41% +1 46% 29% FllntkoteCo (1)_ 13 31 30% 31 + % 9% 5 Follansbee Bros(d). I 6% 6% 6% + % 135 106 Foster.Wheeler pf.. 10* 112 112 112 +2 32% 24% Freeport Sulph (1)_ 8 26% 25% 25%-% 7% 4% Gabriel Co (A)_ 9 6% 5 5 33 22 Gamewel) Co_ 40* 25% 24% 25% + % 19% 12% Gar Wood Indb25c. 7 12% 12% 12%-% 15% 10% Gen Am lnv(a75c).. 3 12 12 12 — % 86% 65% Gen Am Trans bl%. 1 69% 69% 69%+ % 19% 12% Gen Bakin* (t60c)_. 2 12% 12% 12% 153 138 Gen Baking pf (8).. 20* 139 139 139 -2 14 8% Gen Bronze_ 1 8% 8% 8% — % 32% 22 Gen Cable_ 1 24% 24% 24%-% 65 45 Gen Cable (A)_ 4 49 49 49 +% 64% 49% Gen Electric (bSOc). 48 54% 53% 54%+% 44% 36 Gen Foods (2)_ 6 39% 39 39 3% 1% Gen Gas & Eiec(A). 4 2% 2 2 64% 50 Gen G&E 6% cv pfA 10* 48 48 48 -5 70% 54% Gen Motors <bl%)_. 109 54% 54% 54%-% 15% 8% Gen Outdoor Adv... 2 10% 10% 10% + % 19 15% Gen Print Ink b30c- 12 17% 17% 17% 65% 41% Gen Ry Signal (1).. 1 46% 46% 46%-% 5% 3 Gen Realtv & Util— 2 3% 3% 3% - % 88 56 Gen Steel Caat pf... 70* 68 58 58 +2 20% 15 Gillette S Raz (tl). x 21 15% 15 15% - % 88% 80 Gillette S R pf (5).. 2 81 80% 81 29% 20% Gimbel Bros_ 4 25 24% 25 + % 90% 82% Gimbel Bros pf (6).. 3 84 83% 83% -1% 51% 41 Gllddcn Co <12)_ 8 47 46 47 + % 58V, 61% Glidden cv pf<2%)-. 2 54 54 61 f % 6% 4Vi Gobel (Adolf)__ 1 4% 4% 4% + % 8% 5% Goebel Brew(t20c). 9 6% 6% 6% 50% 31 Goodrich(BF) b50c_ 61 43Vi 42 43%-% 87% 79% Goodrich pf (5)_ 3 81 80% 81 + % 47% 27% Goodyear T & R bl_. 67 40% 39 40% +1% 141. 100 Goodyear cu pf (5).. 6 120V* 118% 120'* 8 3% 4% 3 Graham-Palge_— 7 3% 3% 3s* — % 15 6% Granby Cons_ 3 9% 9% 9% 5% 3% Grand Union ctfs .. 9 3% 3% 3% 47% 34% Grant (WT) (tl.40) 1 37% 37% 37% 56% 40% Grt Northern pf_ 28 54% 53% 54% +1% 28'a 19 Grt Northn Ore (1). 7 21% 21 21'* + % 42'* 34 Grt West Sug t2.40. 3 35% 35 35% + % 39% 27% Green H L. (tl.60)_ 2 30 30 30 16% 12% Greyhound (t80c)„ 15 13% 13% 13% - % 4% 2% Guantanamo Sug_ 1 2% 2% 2% + % 17% 11% Gulf Mobile A N_ 2 11% 11 11 -% 34% 31 Hackensack W b75c 1 30 30 30 -% 31 25% Hamilton W (b65c). 2 27% 27% 27% + % 68% 43 Harb-Walker 412)_ 2 45 44 45 +1 8 4 Hayes Body_ 1 4% 4% 4% — % 109% 101 Hazel Atlas G1 (t6). 1 102% 102% 102% 15% 11% Hecker Prod (t60c). 8 12% 12% 12% — % 135% 125 Hercules Pdr pf (6). 20* 125 125 125 -2 111 102% Hershey Ch pf(t4)_ 1 106% 106% 106%- % 52% 35% Holland Furlal 14)_ 1 40% 40% 40% 30-% 21 Hollander & Son(l). 3 25% 24 25% +1% 43% 31% Holly Sugar (t2)_ 6 33 32% 32%-% 431 336 Ilomestake (tl2)_ 170* 387 382 382 27% 20% Houd-Her B (tl%). 3 21% 21% 21%+% 73 57% Household Fin (4).. 3 60 59% 60 + % 94 88% Househ'ld Fin pf(5) 3 91 90 91 +1 17% 12% Houston Oil vte_ 20 15% 15% 15% 90% 62% Howe Sound (t3)_11 77% 76% 77% +1 23% 15% Hudson Motor___ 12 16", 16 16% + % 4 3 Hupp Motor_— 10 3% 3% 3% 38 22% Illinois Central_ 7 27% 27% 27%+% 67% 45 Illinois Cent pf A_ 1 45% 45% 45%-% 72 62 111 Cent is In (4)_ 20* 64 63% 63% -1% 22% 12% Indian ReOn (al)_ 1 13% 13% 13% - % 4/4 ot>4 tnaus itayon (.)- » 384 384 384 144 125 Ingersoll-R’d (bl4) 3 1324 132 1324 +14 131 Vi 94 Inland Steel 4t4)_ 9 1034 101 103 +2 334 174 Inspiration Cop_ 34 244 234 244 +4 6 44 InsurSh Md (blOc). 13 44 44 44 644 41 Interchem Corp(12> 1 554 554 654 — 4 1114 1074 Interchemical pf(6) 30« 1094 1094 109'-, + 4 114 44 Intercontl Rubber_ 2 74 7 7 —4 284 164 Interlake Iron_ 26 194 194 194 + 4 94 5 Inti Agricultural-— 1 64 64 64 634 42 Inti Agri pr pf(b3). 3 55 544 544 -4 189 1494 Inti Bus Mach(t6)_. 4 1504 150 150 -4 1124 994 In;l HarvestersV4) 64 1124 1114 1114 - 4 162 1444 Inti Harv pf (7)_ 8 1464 1464 1464 -4 164 84 Inti Hydro El A_ 11 12Vi 12 124+4 154 64 Inti Mercantile M_ 8 104 10 104 + 4 184 10 Inti Mining (b30c)_ 5 12 114 12 +4 734 554 Inti Nickel (bl)_ 108 604 594 604 +14 244 164 Inti Paper (A)__ 10 194 194 194 + 4 18 104 Inti Paper <B)_ 4 144 144 144 +4 94 54 Inti Paper (C)_ 11 74 74 74 +4 1214 904 Inti Paper pf_ 8 1054 104 1044 + 4 10 64 Inti Ry Cent Am_ 50» 64 64 64 —4 84 64 Inti Ry Cent Am Ttc 20s 6 6 6 — 4 574 434 Inti Ry C Am pf A— 60» 474 47 47 284 25 Inti Salt (tlH)_ 2 25 25 25 494 424 Inti Shoe (t2)_ 1 44 44 44 +V, 62 314 Inti Silver__ 1 404 404 404 + 4 110 90 lnt Silver pf (b6)_ 10» 93 93 93 154 94 lntl Tel & Tel_ 57 114 104 11+4 364 204 Interstat Dp St b2 4 33 244 234 244 +4 264 174 Intrtype Corp b30c- 1 184 184 184 -4 30 254 Island Creek (2)_ 14 284 284 284 155 125 Johne-Manv <t3)_ 5 129 128 '129 +14 136 1204 Jon&L 7 % pf (bl % ). 10» 122 121 122 . 29 20 Kans City South_ 4 21 204 21 KT 444 324 Kans City So pf(al). 2 33 33 33 234 164 Kelsey-H A (al4>- 1 164 164 164 -4 694 51 Kennecott Cop bl 4- 100 60 68 594 +2 464 384 Kimberly Clark(l)_ 2 40 39 39 -24 94 64 Kinney (G R) Co—_ 1 64 64 64 +4 154 84 Kresge Dept Stores. 1 10 10 10 294 214 Kresge (S S) b60c— 23 214 21 21 -4 24Vi 184 Kroger Groo (tl.«0> 3 184 184 184 24 184 Lambert Co (2)_ 12 194 194 194 274 17 Lee Rubber <60c)_ 5 254 25 254 -4 34 14 Lehigh Valley Coal. 10 14 14 14 244 164 Lehigh Valley R R— 5 174 164 17 424 384 Lehman Cor’n- 4 424 42 424 —4 79 614 Libbey-Ow-F b75c._ 4 68 674 674 - 4 154 94 Libby McN&L(al). 14 114 114 114-4 1134 93 Ligg&Myers <t4)_ 1 994 994 994 +34 114 944 Llgg & Myers B f 4_ 3 1004 1004 1004 + 4 234 184 Lily Tulip (tlH)_ 1 214 214 214 +24 834 59 Lima Locomotive™ 3 67 67 67 —1 534 434 Liquid Carb (2.60)— • 3 49 49 49 + 4 84 4 644 Loew’s Ino (t2)- 9 814 814 814 +4 34 2Vi Loft Inc- 10 24 24 24 754 604 Lone Star Cem (3)_ 8 69 674 59 +14 104 64 Long-Bell Lumb(A) 2 7 7 7 284 214 Lorillard P <tl.20). 7 22 214 22 +4 284 194 Louis G&EAb37H« 3 20 194 194 +4 99 864 Louis* Nash b24- 4 884 884 884 414 294 Ludlum Steel <11)_ 3 324 324 324 +4 1324 130 MacAndrew pf (6)_. lOi 130 130 130 ' 36 264 McCall Corp <t2)_ 4 264 264 264 -4 244 144 McCrory Stores- 6 17 17 17+4 284 184 McGraw H Pb274o. 1 204 204 204 -1 424 324 McIntyre Porcu<2). 2 344 344 344 424 314 McKeesp’t Tin P(2) "'l 364 364 364 -4 164 124 McKesson * Rob—. 24 15 144 15 +4 474 44 McKess & Rb pf (3). 2 454 444 454 19 124 McLellan Strs b75o. 6 134 134 134 + 4 624 424 Mack Trucks <tl)_. 4 47 464 47 +2 684 444 Macy (R H) Ct2)— 6 464 46 464 +4 154 114 Mad Sq Garden b95o 2 12 114 12 -4 63 45 Magma Copper (2)- 1 484 484 484 -4 294 194 Manhat Shirt (1)_ 1 20 20 20 64 34 Maracaibo Oil Exp— 14 4 4 304 184 Marshall Field_ 9 264 26 26 -4 294 22 Martin (Glenn)_ 6 234 234 234 + 4 134 7 Martin-Parry_ 11 104 94 104 + 4 74 50 Masonite (tl)_ 8 61 50 51 +1 664 51V* May Dept St (t3)_ 6 57 67 67 +1 154 94 Maytag Co (a6uc> — 1 94 94 94 -4 344 254 Mead Corp (b50c)._ 2 284 284 284 -4 101 934 Mead Corp pf (6)_ 90s 954 95 95 +1 164 114 Menael Co_ 2 114 114 114-4 474 384 Mengel lstpf (24)- 10» 394 394 394 -14 724 58 MestaMach (b2 4). 1 624 624 624 +4 264 144 Miami Copper_ 6 184 18 184 + 4 354 274 Mid-Cont Pet (b50c) 3 29 284 284 + 4 122 114 Mldld Stl 1st pf(8)_ 30s 114 114 114 120 96 Minn-Hon Ros (2)_ 1 1054 1054 1054 + H 164 11 Minn Moline Pow_ 21 134 134 134 + 4 24 14 M St P&S S Marl*.. 3 14 14 14 + 4 34 254 Mission Corp (bl)_. 1 28 28 28 +4 94 64 Mo Kans & Texas... 3 7 64 7 344 244 Mo Kans & Tex pfA 6 264 264 264 +4 64 3 Mo Paolflo (d)_ 1 44 44 44+4 124 7 Mo Pacific pf (d)._. 4 84 84 84—4 404 28 Mohawk Carp 11.20. 2 324 324 324 —4 101 85 Monsanto Ch b75c._ 1 90 90 90 69 48 Montg Ward (t2>— 87 644 64 644 + 4 664 59 Morris* Esx (3%). 30s 614 614 614 +4 34 4 Mother Lode al24e. 8 14 14 14+4 384 304 Motor Prod (bl%).. 11 824 314 314 -14 26 20 Motor Wheel(1.80). 4 204 194 204 +4 4 Prey. 1037 Stock end Sales— Met Hlkh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hleh. Low. Close, chse. 54 40 Mueller Brass (tl). 1 40% 40% 40%+ % 39% 24% Mullins B (a50c)_ 2 26 25% 26 + % 99% 84% Mullinu pf (7)- 80* 84% 84% 84% 36% 27% Munsluewear (3)_ 3 28 27% 27%—% 90 70 Murply <G E) 3.20_ 1 72% 72% 72% 20% 11% Murray Corp<a60c). 3 12% 12% 12%+% 24% 17% Nash Kely (1>- 14 18% 18% 18%-% 18% 11% Natl Aviation (al)_ 1 12% 12% 12% 33% 24% Natl Biscuit <1.60). 18 24% 24% 24%—% 103% 96% Natl Bnd&I pf A(5). 1 96 96 96 -1% 38% 29% Natl Cash Res <1>_ 28 35% 34% 35%+1% 26% 21% Natl Dairy Prd 1.20. 27 22V* 22 22% + % 24% 16% Natl Dept Stores... 1 17% 17% 17% 35 27% Natl Dlstlllers(t2)_ 11 31 30% 31 + % 18% 14% Nat’l Gypsum Co_ 6 15 14% 14% — % 44 31% Natl Dead <t60c>_ 9 35 34 34V* + % 171 154% Natl Lead pf A (7)_. 1 158 158 158 +1 14% 8% Natl Pw & Lt <60c). 6 9% 9% 9% + % 94% 70 Natl Steel <t2%)_ 5 78 77 77% 109% 62 Natl Supply Co-- 1 100% 100% 100% - % 12% 6% Natl Tea- 1 6% 6% 6% — y* 41% 28 Newport Ind(b50c). 10 33% 32% 33% +1V* 55'/* 40 NY Central- 64 44% 44% 44% + % 100 83 N Y Chi & St L pf_ 1 88 88 88 -1 31% 25% N Y City Omnibus.. 2 26% 26% 26V* + % 25% 17 N Y Dock pf-130i 18% 18% 18%+% 135 121 N Y & Harlem (6)_30s 122V* 122% 122% +1% 2 1 N Y Investors (d)_ 2 111 9% 3% NY NH & H (d)_ 19 4% 4 4 ' 26% 15 NYNH&Hpf <d)„ 11 15% 15% 15%-% 6% 2% N Y Ontario & W__ 2 2% 2% 2% + % 15% 8% N Y Shipbuilding_ 1 10V* 10% 10% — y* 76% 56 N Y Shlpbldg pf..., 70* 58 66'/* 56%-3 102V* 75% N Y Steam pf <6) ... 330* 96 93V* 94% +1 112% 85 N Y Steam pf A(7)_ 80* 104 103% 103% +1% 4% 2 Norfolk South <d)._ 4 2% 2% 2% 17% 9% North Am Aviation. 33 12V* 12 12 + % 34% 22% North Am Co (b60c) 24 24% 24% 24% — % 104% 97% North Am Ed pf <6). 1 100% 100% 100% 105 93 Northern Cent (4)_ 60* 99% 99 99 *[ 36% 27V* Northern Pacific_ 39 33V* 33% 33% 63% 49 Northwest Tel <3)_ 20* 60 60 50 + % 6% 3% Norwalk Tire & R_ 1 4% 4^ 4*4 22% 17% Ohio Oil <b50c)- 21 19% 19% 19%+ % 73 53% Oliver Farm Equip. 6 67% 67 67% +1% 26% 16V* Omnibus Corp vtc._ 4 16% 16% 16% -y % 19% 12% Oppenheim Collins.. 2 14% 14 14% 45% 33V* Otis Elevator b40c.. 11 39% 39% 39%+ % 24% 14% Otis Steel_ 23 18% 17% 18 + % .* v/nr on cv pi I. 1 79% 79% 79% 28 22 Outboard Mot b7oc_ 1 24% 24% 24% + % 96% 82% Owens-Ill Glass (3). 6 93% 93% 931. _ % 23 17% Pacino Am Fish 1.20 8 19% 19% ]9% 38 28% Pac Gas A Elec <2)_ 9 29% 29% 29%+ % 63% 41% Pao Righting (3)_ 1 1 43 42% 43 152 134'/, Pac Tel & Tel (8)... 120» 137% 136 137% +2% 29% 20% Pac West OH(a65c). 3 23% 23 23%+ % 12% 8% Packard Mot (blSc). 26 9% 9 9 121 60 Panhandle PAR pf_. 70s 106 105 105 — % 28% 17% Paramount Pic__ 21 19% 19% 19% 26% 16% Paramnt 2d pf 60c._ 2 17% 17% 17%—% 8% 4 Park Utah_ 2 4% 4% 4% 44% 37 Parke Davlstbl.40). 6 38 37% 38 + % 29% 23% Parker Rust (tl % ). 1 24% 24V* 24% 7% 4% Parmelee Trans_ 1 4% 4% 4% + % 23% 14% Patino Mlnes(t60c). 11 16% 16% 16% T % 7% 3% Peerless Corp_ 5 6% 6% 6% 64 38% Penick A Ford (bl). 1 41 41 41 103% 87 Penney J C) (4)_ 1 91 91 91 — % 29% 22 Pa Glass ctfs b25c__ 6 27% 26% 27 + % 60V* 39% Penn Railroad (e2). 19 41% 41 41% — % 63 49% Peoples Drug f 11)_ 1 61 51 51 +1% 65% 44V* Peoples Gas Chi__ 1 46% 46% 48% + V* 48% 34 Pere Marquette_ 1 34 34 34 —1 87 73 Pere Marq pr pf a20 2 78% 78 78 — % 21% 16% Petrol Corp(A) b40o 3 17% 17% 17% 13% 7% Pfeiffer Brew b60e.. 1 8% 8% 8% + % 59% 43V* Phelps D b80c x rts. 26 47 45 46% 4r % PhelpsD rts June23. 1370 H ii % 54% 42 Phlla Co 6% pf (3)_ 4 42% 42 42 — % 7% 4% Phlla Rap Tr (d).__ 350s 6 5% 6% + % 14 8% Phlla Rap Tr pf(d). 370* 10 9% 10 +1 3% 1 % Phlla A Read C A I.. 4 1% 1% 1% 84V* 70 Philip Morrlstb3 Si) 4 82 81S* 82 + % 59V* 49% Phillips Petrol'm t2 7 56% 56 66% -r % 33% 28% Pilisbury Flour 1.60 1 30 30 30 18% 10% Pittsburgh Coal_ 1 10% 10% 10%-1 76% 55 Pittsburgh Coal pf_. 5 57 65 67 —3% 20 13% Pitts ScrewAB blSc. 10 14% 14% 14% — % 122 91% Pitts Steel pf- 50» 91% 91% 91%—% 8% 3% Pitts United_ 2 4% 4% 4% 47V* 31% Pitts A W Va- 30s 36% 36% 36% — % 29% 24V* Plymouth Oil b70c._ 6 27% 26% 27%+ % 33% 22% Poor A Co (B)_ 1 25% 25% 25% 11% 5% Porto R Am Tob A.. 1 6% 5% 5% 15% 8 Postal TelAC pf(d). 6 9% 8% 9% + Vi 31% 19% Pressed Steel Car._. 6 21% 21% 21% 65% 55% Proctor A Gam(T2)_ 3 59% 69V* 69V* - % 118% 114% Proc A Gamb pf(5)_ 20« 116 116 116 — % 52% 37% Pub Svc N J 42.60)_ 7 39 38% 38% - V* 112% 100% Pub Svc N J pf <6)„ 4 102% 101% 101% — V* 128', 114 Pub Svc N J pf (6)„ 1 114V, 114% 114% + % (2% 65% Pullman Inc (1 Si ).. 5 57 66% 57 + % 24% 17% Pure Oil- 84 18% 18% 18%-% 112% 108 Pure Oil pf (8)-120s 111% 111 111%+% 23% 15V* Purity Bak < 60c)_ 11 17 16% 17 + % 18% 16 Quaker State O b45c 1 17% 17% 17% + % 12% 8% Radio Corp_ 16 9 8% 8% -— ■* A-- 1 1U«S J Uo 80 65!* Radio 1st pf (3%) 6 68% 68% 68%—% 10% 7% Radlo-Kelth-Or td). 5 8% 8% 8% + % 37% 29 Raybestos M (tlV4) 5 34 33% 34 47 37 Reading RR (2)- 1 39% 39% 39% — % 13% 8% Real Silk Hosiery_ 1 8% 8% 8% 29% 21 Rem-Rand (b55c)4 24V* 23% 24% — % 94% 80 Rem-Rd pf ww 4 V4 1 84% 84% 84% — % 9% 5 Keo Motor Car _ 6 6% 6% 6% 47V* 27% Republics Steel 77 36% 34% 36% +1% 30% 22% Reynolds Met (tl)_ 3 26% 26% 26%+ % 112 102% Reynolds M pf 5%_. 1 105 105 105 -1 34% 20% Reynolds Spr ftl)_ 9 21 19 21 + % 58 49 Reynolds Tob B (3). 11 50% 50% 50% - V* 38 38 Ruberoid Co t60c).. 2 38 38 38 113 106% Safeway Str pf(6)_. 170s 109 109 109 65 43% St Joseph Ld (t2)— 9 59% 69 69%+% 11% 6% St L-San Fr pf <d)„ 1 7% 7% 7% + % 27% 14% Savage Arms b25c_. 1 20% 20% 20%—1% 61% 40% Schenley Dist bl%_. 3 42V* 42 42% + % 3% 1% Schulte R Strs (d).. 1 1% i% 1% + % 45% 38 Scott Paper (b65c)_ 60s 40V* 40 40 — V* 2% 1% Seaboard Air L, (d)_ 3 1% 1% 114 8% 4% Seaboard A L. pffd). 1 4% 474 47, 54% 36% Seaboard 011 (1)_ 2 42% 42 42%+ % 95% 81 Sears Roebuck (3)_. 23 89% 89 89%+ % 34 26 Servel Inc (tl)- 13 297, 29% 29’*+ % 42% 29 Sharon Steel (tl.20) 4 32% 32V* 32% 14 9% Sharpe & Dohme 14 11% 11% 11% — % 34% 25% Shell Un Oil (e26c)_ 20 30 28% 30 +1% 105% 102 Shell Un Oil pf 5V4_ 2 105 1047* 10474 — t, 17% 12% Silver King (b65c)_. 4 14% 14% 14%+% 68 40 Simmons Co (b50c). 4 46’* 46% 46%+ % 4% 3% Simms Petrol__ 1 3% 3% 3% — % 60% 42 Skelly Oil (b50c)- 4 55% 55 55 -1% 54% 30% Smith (AO)- 1 31% 31% 31% _ % 20V* 16% Socony-Vac (b25c)_ 84 19te 19% 19% + % 6% 3% South Am G & P 30c 10 3% 3% 3% + % 155 141 Sou Porto R S pf (8) 10s 142 142 142 Prer. 1037 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rata. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 32b 22b So Cal Edison tlH~ 6 24b 24% 24b 65% 42b Southern Pacific_ 20 62 61% 62 + b 43% 24 Southern Ry_ 27 38b 37b 37% + b 60b 45 Southern Ry of_— 9 50% 49b 50% + % lib 8 Spalding (AO)- 2 8% 8% 8% + V* 104b 98 Spang Chal pf (b6)- 10» 99 99 99 9b 6% Sparks-Wlthlng_ 4 6b 6% 5% — b 36 31 Spencer Kell (1.60). 1 31% 31% 31%-% 23% 17 Sperry Corp rtcCal) 7 18 17% 17% — % 50 45% Spicer pf A (3)_ 60a 47b 47b 47% - V* 28% 19b Spiegel, Inc (1)_ 28 20% 19% 20%+% 95b 81b Spiegel cum pf(4%) 150« 85 84 85 + b 48% 37% Square D(B) b60c__ 4 42% 42 42 -b 16% 12% Stand Brands! t80c) 21 12% 12% 12b - V. 14% 6% Stand Gas* El (d). 6 7 7 7 + b 32% 15 Stand G&E $4 pf(d) 4 17% 17% 17% + b 72% 42 Stand G&E 37 pf (d). 2 45 44% 45 60 40% Stand Oil Calif (tl). 20 43% 42% 43 + % 60 42 Stand Oil Ind (tl).. 20 44 43% 44 + Vi 76 63b Stand Oil N J (tl).. 30 66% 65% 65% - b 75 63b Sterling Prod t3.80_ 4 66% 66 66% + % 21 17% Stswart.-Warn t50c. 8 18% 18% 18%+ b 33% 19 Stone* Web(a25c). 10 19b 19% 19% + Vi 20 13% Studebaker Corp- 35 14% 14 14% + b 61% 40b Superheater (1%)„ 3 45 44b 44b— b 7% 4b Superior Oil__ 8 6 4b 5 47% 30 Superior Steel_1 32 32 32 — % 39b 32b Sutherland P tl.60_. 1 35b 35b 35b — b 28% 23b Swift* Co (tl.20)._ 4 23% 23% 23b 33b 30b Swift Internatl (2). 2 30% 30b 30% 23% 15% Symington ww blOa 7 19b 19b 19b + b 17% lib Symington xw blOo. 12 14% 14V* 14% + b 8% 6% Telautograph(60c)_ 1 6% 6% 6% 15% 10% Tenn Corp (al5c)__ 6 12b 12% 12% + b 66b 50% Texas Corp (2)_r. 22 60% 69% 59% — % 9% 6% Texaa Gulf Pr s5c.. 3 7% 7% 7b — 'V* 44 35b Texas Gulf Sul (t2) 14 35% 35b 35b— b 16% 11% Tex Pac C&O blOC-. 6 14% 14% 14% + % 15% 10b Texas P L. T (alOc). 3 11b 11% lib + b 48 35b Thatcher Mfg (11)_ 1 36b 36b 36b + b 13% 8% Thermold Co__ 4 8b 8% 8% 10% 6b Thompson Starrett. 11 6b 5% 5% — % 21% 16% Tide Wat As Oil 80o 31 17 17 17 + b 97b 91% Tide Wat A O pf 4% 1 97 97 97 +b 28b 21b Timken-DetroltCtl) 9 22b 22b 22b 79 59b Tlmk'n-Roll Brg(3) 8 60% 60% 60% + b 17% 12b Transamerica t40c_ 13 13 12b 13 22% 13% Trans Wat Air a25c. 7 15% 14% 15 + % 11% 8 Trl-Cont'l (b25c)_ 5 8b 8b 8b eum o.vv* zum ctnt t ox Di>uc_ 6 37% 37% . 37% + % 17% 9% Twin City RT__ 3 10 9% 10 26% 16% Twin Coach <bl5c)_ 2 19% 191* 19% _ % 100% 76% Und-Ell-Fish bl% — 2 89% 89 89 — % 91% 63 Union Bag & P <2)_. 6 76 75 75 —1 111 95 Union Carb (3.20).. 8 100% 100 100% — % 28% 23% Union Oil(Calif) 1.20 7 24% 24 24 148% 126% Union Pacific (6) 6 140 139% 140 +1% 99% 90% Union Pacific pf(4). 1 92% 92% 92%—% 35% 23% Utd Alrcraft(a50c). 22 26% 25% 26% + % 24% 15% Utd Air Lines a20c_ 24 16 15% 16 + % 117% 113% Utd Biscuit pf (7).. 20s 113% 113% 113% -1% 91 69% Utd Carbon (4)- 1 84 84 84 + % 8% 4% Utd Corp <a20c)_ 110 4% 4% 47; + % 46% 37% Utd Corp pf (3)- 8 38% 37% 37% - % 16 11% United Drug (b25c). 1 12% 12% 12% 9% 5% Utd Elec Coal- 6 6% 6% 6% + % 63 46% Utd Eng A Fy f + 2)_ 4 48% 47% 47% — % 86% 77 United Fruit 4 79% 79 79 _ 1. 17 12% Utd Gas Imp (1)- 28 12% 12% 12%-% 113% 107% Utd G Imp pf (6)... 1 108 108 108 +% 16% 6% Unit Paper’bd b30c. 4 11% 11% n*i - % 20% 11% U S Distributing pf- 10s 16% 16% 16% — % 24% 15% U S & For'n Secur— 2 17 17 17 137 105% U S Gypsum (t2)— 7 109% 109 109%+% 23% 17 US Hoffman- 3 18% 18% 18%-% 43% 32% U S Indus Alcohol— 1 34 34 34 22% 13% tj s Leather)A)vtc- 1 16% 16% 16% — % 72% 51% U S Pipe A Fdry<3). 2 52 52 52 — % 19% 10 U S Realty A Imp_ 6 11% 11% u\ _ % 72% 44% U S Rubber- 34 60 58% 59% + 7, 118 84 U S Rubber 1st pf_ 3 91% 91 91 105 79 U S Smelting tb4)„ 2 88% 88 88 + V« 75% 67 U S Smelt pf (3%)-. 3 68 67% 67%+% 126% 75 US Steel- 178 101% 99% 101% +1% 9% 6% Unit Stk Yds (50c)_ 3 6% 6% 6% — % 8% 3% Utd Stores (A)_ 7 4% 4% 4*, 21 19% Univ Cyclops Stl(l) 1 20% 20% 20-%+ % 86 68 Univ Leaf Tob (+ 3)_ 1 70 70 70 -2 164 142% Univ Leaf T pf (I).. 10s 144 144 144 +1% 4% 2 Util Pw&Lt (A)(d). 8 2% 2 2% + % 2% 1% Vadsco Sales Corp.. 12 1% 1% 1% 39% 26 Vanadium Corp_ 6 29 28% 28%+ % 47 41 Vick Chemical (t2)_ 1 42 42 42 — % 12% 7% Va-Car Chemical.— 7 9 9 9+7, 135 124 Virginia Ry pf (6).. 1 128 128 128 +2 89 70 Vulcan Detin (b3)__ 30s 87 86% 87 +2 122% 117% Vulcan Detin pf (7). 10s 120% 120% 120%+ % 19% 13 Waldorf Sys(tl.20). 5 14 13% 13%—% 49V* 42% Walker (H) (2)- 6 46% 46 46%+ % 19% 19 Walker (H) pf (1).. 6 19% 19% 19% % 18% 11 Vi Walworth Co- 13 15% 15 15'i + », 10% 6% Ward Baking (B)_ 7 6 5% 5% _ ^ 18 11% Warner Bros Piet—. 37 13% 13% 13% 12% 6% Warren Bros (d)_ 3 8% 8% 8% + % 46 33% Warren FdyAP(tl). 1 38 38 38 -1 38% 28% Waukesha Mot <1)_ 1 30 30 30 + % 48% 34 Wayne Pump (2)... 8 47 46% 47 +1 9% 4% Webster Eisenlohr_ 1 4% 41, 47^ _ u 56 43% Wesson O&S (t50c). 6 50 49% 50 +1% 84% 80 Wesson O&S pf (4)- 1 82 82 82 +1 ivz svni h esi renn hi A ( i). 40a 94 94 94 +2 109 92 West Penn El pf (7). 50i 954 95 954 + Vi 304 2614 W"n Auto Sup 1.60.. 8 28 28 28 234 154 Western Md 2d pf_ 2 16 16 16 834 54Vt Westn Un Tel (I)— 15 694 574 594 +1*4 574 414 Westlngh'se A U(1) 9 444 44 444 + r, 1674 1304 Westhse Elec (b2) - 11 1444 143 144»t -24 27V* 194 Westvaco Chlor (1). 2 21 204 21 + V 344 294 Westvaco 5%pf 14. 2 30 30 30 65 38 Wheeling Steel_ 6 48 47 48 + V 234 214 White Dental tl.20— 1 224 224 224 + a, 334 214 White Motor_ 5 244 234 234 184 144 White Rk M S(l.40) 1 15 15 15 64 44 White Sewing Mach 2 44 44 44 6V* 44 Wilcox Oil & Gas... 1 54 54 54+ Vi 12V* 84 Wilson & Co (50c)-. 15 94 94 94 654 44V* Woolworth (2.40) 23 464 454 464 + v 47 324 Worthington Pump. 4 344 34 344-jij 100 774 Worth Pump pf(B). 2 85 85 85 -lu 76 684 Wrigley W Jr (+3) — 1 69 69 69 624 484 Yale&Towne(t60c). 2 53 53 53 374 204 Yellow Tr & Coach— 65 264 254 254 + Vi 464 374 Young Spr&W(t3)_ 1 394 394 394 + M 1014 754 Ygstn S&T (b75c)._ 7 85V* 844 85 +1 115 974 Ygstn S&T pf (5V4). 1 99 99 99 404 31 Zenith Radio (bl)_ 6 334 334 334 +1 9V* 54 Zonlte Products_ 6 54 54 54 — 4 Approximate Sales or Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M-150,000 12:00 Noon_ 220 000 2:00 P.M- 400.000 1:00 P.M_350^000 Total Sales for the Day 600.000 Dividend rate* as slven In the above table are the annual cash payments based on the latest quarterly or half-yearly declaration! s Unit of trading less than 100 shares, t Annual rate_I not Including extras, a Paid last year, b Paid this year d Companies reported In receivership or being reorganized x Ex dividend. CHICAGO GRAIN By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, June 8.—Black rust menace rushed wheat values skyward today, 5 cents a bushel at Minneapolis, the extreme immediate permissible limit. In Chicago the wheat market wildly bounded up around 4 cents just be fore trading ended for the day. Late reports of adverse crop conditions in Canada and in domestic areas South west added impetus to buying. At the close Chicago wheat futures were 2%-3% above yesterday’s finish (July, 1.09(4-(41 September, 1.087/a 1.09), corn %-2V* up (July, 1.mi 1.18; September, 1.03%-1.04), and oats 1(4-1% advanced. WHEAT— Open. Hieh. Low. Close. July - - 1.05% 3 .Oh** 3 .05% 1.09%-% September 3.00% 3.00% 1.05% 3.0834-00 December 1.07% 1.11 1.07% 1.10%-% CORN— July, new 1.14% 1.18% 1.1.1% 1.17%-18 July, old 1.14% 1.14% 1.13% 1.14% September 1.01% 3.04% 1.01% 1.03%-04 December. .74% .77 .74% .76Vi-% OATS— July.._.38 .40 .37% .39%-% September. .34% .30% .34% .36%-% December. .36'% .37% .36% .37% SOY BEANS— July ... 1.47 1.47 1.46 3.46 October. _ . _.... l.ia December 1.09% 1.13 1.09% 1.12 RYE— July_ .84% .89 .84% .88% September. .76% .80 .76% .79% December- .77% .80% .77% .80% LARD— July_ 12.12 32.25 12.12 12.25 Sept.. __ 12.30 12.50 12.30 12.45 October. 12.35 12.62 12.35 12.47 December 11.92 12.15 11.93 12.12 BELLIES— July- - - - 16.25 Sept- - - - 16.90 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat, No. 1 hard, 1.22; com, No. 2 yellow, 1.23-26; No. 3 yellow, 1.22-24; No. 2 white, 1.25; oats, No. 1 white, 45U, cereal; No. 1 white, reg ular, 47; No. 2 white, 45%-46%; No. 3 white, 44%-46'/2; No. 3, white, 44%-%; No rye; soy beans, No. 2 yellow, 1.47%; No. 3 yellow, 1.45; barley No. 1, Illinois, 95; feed, 62-73 nominal; malting, 95-1.03 nominal; timothy seed, 4.25-50 cwt.; clover seed, 23.00-30.00 cwt. _Winnipeg Prices. WINNIPEG. June 8 UP).—Grsln rsnse today: WHEAT— Previous Hlsh. Low. Close. close. July -1.18% 1.12% 1.18% 1.13% Oct. -1.12 1.07 1.11% 1.08Vs-% Dee.—X.H% 1.07 1.10% 1.07% OATS— July -4fl% .82% .64% C , Further Upturn In Production of World Gold Seen B? the Associated Pres*. NEW YORK, June 8 —A continu ation in the upward trend of world gold production was evidenced today in a gain for the first four months of this year in world output, exclud ing Russia, of 712,000 ounces over the comparable period last year, as reported by the American Bureau of Metal Statistics. Production Increased to 9,471,000 ounces, from 8,759,000 in the same months last year. In April, output totaled 2,372,000, compared with 2, 424,000 in March and 2,236,000 in April, 1936. Higher prices for the yellow metal together with lower commodity prices have nearly doubled world output in ounces since 1929. B. & 0. LOADINGS RISE MODERATELY IN MONTH Special Dispatch to Th» Star. BALTIMORE, June 8.—Carloadings on the Baltimore 8c Ohio Railroad for the month of May, 1937, totaled 229, 486, comprising 149,893 cars loaded on line and 79,593 received from con nections. This was an increase of 29.050 cars over the month of May, 1936, when the total was 200,436, con sisting of 129,009 cars loaded on line and 71,427 received from connections, sit also was an Increase of 7,681 cars over the month of April, 1937, when the total was 221,805, of which 143,293 cars were loaded on line, and 78,512 received from connections. For the week ended June 5, total loads were 46,182. For the same week of last year the total was 48,728. During the previous week the total was 53,775. DISTRIBUTION ORDERED. NEW YORK, June 8 (Special).—Di rectors of Carriers 8c General Corp. have declared a quarterly dividend of S cents per share on the common stock, payable July 1 to stockholders of record ^ine 18, 1937. I INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK June 8 dpi.—New York Security Dealers’ Association: • Bid. Asked Aetna Cas (2a) _ 80'* 0314 Aetna Ins (1.60)_ 453, 473' Aetna Life (,80a)_ 28' , "03. Am Equit (1.60a)_ 38 41'.. Am Reins <.40e> _ 4o'2 4-1 Am Reserve (la)_ 27 'a •’«! Am Surety (2'a)_ 53'. 55'; Automobile (la) _ 28’. 301: Balt Amer (,20a)_ 7'. 8'. Carolina (1.30) _ 23’. "51. City of N Y (1.20)_ 24'. 2ft’. Conn Gen Lif (.80)_ 34’. an*. Contin Cas (1.20)_ 25*. 27’. Fid & Dep (4) _ _ 122 125'a Fireman's Nwk (30)__ 10 111, Frank Fire (la)_ 31 33 Gen Reinsur (2)_ 30'. 4i’i Glen Falls (1.60) 431, 451* Globe & Rep (.80)_ 10',, 21'4 Globe & Rut __ 54 58 Great Amer (la)_ 24’. 26l. Hanover (1.60) __ _ 32 84 Hartford Fire (2)_ 70 72 Home Fire Sec_ 4'4 514 Home Ins (la)_ 34'a 301? Homestead (1) _ 18 10'2 Knickerbocker (.80)_ lti 18 Lincoln Fire _ 414 434 Maryland Cas _ 53. 01 Mass Bond (3'4)_ 58 61 Natl Fire (2) _ 60’. «•'*; Natl Liberty (.20) _ 8',4 O'a New Hampshire (1.60a)_ 46’. 4s N Y Fire (,80a)_ 20'. 23'4 Nor River (1)_ 2ft’« 27'. Phoenix (2ai_ 82 86 Prov Wash (1)_ _ 36 38 Revere (Pi In (1.30)_ 2 3’4 25'. Rossia Ins (,60a)_ 10'4 13 St Paul Fire (6)_ 200'2 205 Springfield (4'4a> _116'. 1 10'4 Sun Life (7>4g)_ 645 605 Travelers (16)_ 458 468 U S Fire (2)_ 52'4 54'4 Westchester (1.20a)_ 34’,. 36’/. a—Also extra or extras c—Declared or paid so far this year. FREIGHT LOADINGS. NEW YORK. June 8 </Fi.—Revenue freight carloadlngs on railroads reporting today for the week ended June 5 Included June 5. Prev. wk. Yr. ago. Atchison _27,471 10,178 21,112 B. Sc O. - -- . 48.182 51,775 48.728 Chicago * N. W. 28.910 m.SOO 29.515 Rock Island_ 21,991 24.898 18.128 St. Paul . 25,785 29,285 29.755 Southern Pae.._ 15.758 19.112 14.288 Wabash _ 12.043 14.244 13.373 METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. June 8 </Pi.—Copper steady; electrolytic spot and future. 14.00: export. 14.10. Tin easier: spot and nearby. 68.00; future. 66.76. Lead steady: New York spot. 8.00a6.05: East St. Louis spot, 5.85. Zinc steady; East St. Louis spot and fu ture,, 8.75. Iron, aluminum, antimony. autcksllver. platinum and wolframite un hanged. Studebaker Corp.—Sales of passen ger cars and trucks In May totaled 8,577 units, against 8,706 In May, 1938. In live months total was 48,498 units, against 40,011 In like 1936 period. STOCKS MOVE UP I Selected Aircrafts, Coppers, Steels and Specialties Stage Advance. J Stock Averages Net change. Today, close Prev. day_ Month ago. Year ago... 1937 high... 1937 low_ 1936 high... 1936 low_ 1932 low_ 1929 high... 1927 low_ (Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR EUBANK. 4 Associated Press Financial Writer. a NEW YORK, June 8—An upturn in selected steels, coppers, aircrafts and specialties imparted a rallying touch to today's stock market. Whether buying inspiration was found in Great Britain's reassurances she would stick to her non-gold stand ard platform or whether the generally sold-out condition of the list brought belated support, was a matter of argu ment in the board rooms. At any rate the price betterment i was accompanied by no pick-up in trading momentum and the ticker tape dragged from the start. There also were a number of losers at the close, although few issues were especially weak. While business news was on the cheerful side, strikes in steel and other industries tended to accentuate wari ness in the financial sector. But selling on labor developments appar ently had dried up appreciably. Transfers were around 550,000 shares. ana ruooer iutures recovered briskly, but cotton continued under moderate pressure. At Chicago wheat was up 23b to 33b cents a bushel anc corn was s8 to 2'i higher. Although the Treasury's new $800. 000,000 loan was oversubscribed su times, listed Federal securities mads little or no headway. Corporation bonds were mixed. Share gainers of fractions to 1 points included United States Steel, Bethlehem, Inland Steel. Youngstown Sheet & Tube, Republic. American Steel Foundries, Anaconda. Kenne cott, Cerro de Pasco, Howe Sound, Homestake Mining, Allis Chalmers, Electric Auto-Lite, Douglas Aircraft, Boeing, Ohio Oil, General Electric, Westinghouse, American Locomotive, Santa Fe, New York Central, Great Northern. Southern Pacific, Canada Dry, Celotex, National Cash Register, Newport Industries, Champion Paper Wesson Oil, Lone Star Cement, United States Rubber and Goodyear. Narrow to a point or so lower were General Motors, Chrysler, Good rich, American Tobacco ‘ B.” North American. Standard Oil of New Jer sey, American Can, Du Pont, Bush Terminal, Union Bag & Paper. Gil lette. Pennsylvania and Atlantic Coast Line. NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 8.—Cotton was barely steady today under further liquidation following yesterday's sharp break. With prices close to the 12 cent level, however, more active trade buying orders were uncovered. Partial rallies from the lows met renewed offerings. October eased from 12 22 to 12.12 and in midafternoon was selling at 12.17 when prices were generally 10 to 14 points net lower. Futures closed steady, 9 to 12 lower , , High Low. Close. July - J'J"7 1211 12.19-20 October -12.20 12.12 12.19-20 December-12.25 12 10 12 10 January -12.22 12.10 12.10 March _12.31 12 14 12°2 May 12.32 12.19 12.25 Spot quiet; middling. 12.69. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed barely steady. 4 to 10 lower. Sales. 209 contracts, including 16 switches. July, 9.63-64; September. 9 68: Oc tober, 9 64b; December, 9 57b; Janu ary, 9 57b. b—Bid. New Orleana Price*. June s '-FI.—Additional selling entered the cotton market In early trading today and initial transactions were ° 6 points below the previous close Weaker Liverpool cables than expect»d a continuation of yesterday’s selling move ment and a complete lack of buvlng tup port were (he main factors behind the early decline. July contracts opened at 1-15. October at 12.22. December at i.v21’ Ji.rLuary at 1'-’14 and March at l- .ix. Offerings continued in moderate volume after the start and toward the end of the first half hour the market was nervous and active positions were 12 to 13 points net lower. A private authority estimated the cotton acreage at acres, or an in« crease of 14.1 per cent over last year. « £°utt0!ISfPd ,oil opened steady, Julr. P.COb: September. 9.2t)b; October. 9 1Kb; December. 9.18b: January. 9.13b. b—-Bid* ■ - » HELLER & CO. DECLARES 10-CENT EXTRA DIVIDEND. By the Associates Press. CHICAGO, June 8.—Directors of Walter E. Heller & Co., installment bankers, declared an extra dividend of 10 cents on the common stock, in addition to the regular quarterly of 10 cents and the regular dividend of 43 per cent on the $25 par preferred stock. All dividends are payable Jun« 30 to stockholders of record June 19. Inactive Securities We invite the Use of our facilities for Furnishing Quotations and Information on inactive or obso lete Securities. Johnston, Lemon & Co. MEMBERS WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE Southern Bldg. DIit. 3060 r