Newspaper Page Text
CURB LIST STAYS Most Shares Turn Lower, Aluminum Co. Eases Two Points. g, the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 8.—Stocks moved narrowly today in the curb exchange. With losses predominating. Among ( those losing ground were Alumlnutfi Co., off 2; Gulf Oil, off 1; Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., off a major fraction; Pittsburgh Plate Glass, off 114. st,. Regis Paper. United Wall Paper, Leonard Oil and Lake Shore Mines sagged. Niles-Bemont-Pond was in demand, running up 2\. American Gas A Electric. American Light A Traction gained fractions. HUPP MOTOR COMPLETES UNDERWRITING PLANS Bs th* Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 8.—The Hupp Motor Car Corp, Detroit, has com pleted arrangement for the under writing of stock to raise approximately 12.892,000 in additional capital, it was ■ nouneed in Wall Street today. A new line of cars will go into pro duction Immediately, it was said. *-• ‘. GREEN PLAN APPROVED. NEW YORK. June 8 (/Pi.—Creation of 80.000 shares of new first preferred stock was authorized today by stock holders of H. L. Green Co. Of the new stock, it was proposed to issue 40,000 shares to augment working capital and redeem outstanding preferred. The company operates a national store chain. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. Noon. Ala Power 4'as 67 70 70 10 Ala Power 5s 46 A J nit’, loo3, loo’, Ala Power 5s 51. 94’, 94s, 04’, Alum Co 5s '52 . I Oft1, m«', luti'j Alum Co Ltd 5s 48 1061a loft'a loop Am G A E 5s 2028 108 loTI, lot’. Am P A L fts 201 ft HI1, 01 0 1 Am Roll Mill 5s 4* . 3 0.1 lo.l lo.l Am Seat tis .1ft stud 105*, I05'« 105', Anpalach E P 5s 5ft 1 oft1, 106V, loft1, Appaiach Pw 5s '41 108’, 108>, 108', Ark P A L 5s 5ft Oft3, Oft’, 06’, As El Ind 4'aS 5.1 63', 53 53 As G A E 5s 5o 48', 48*, 48' , As T A: T oias 5" A 84’, 84', 84 ‘, Bald Lo 6s 38 xw 1 72 1 72 172 Bald L 6s '38 xw stp 173 113 173 Bell Tel C 5s '55 A 1 1 4’, 1 I 4 ', 11 4’, Bell Tel C 6s '57 B 110 110 110 Can No Pw 5s '53 A I"3 103 103 Can Pac 6s '42 110 llo no Caro PwALt 5s 5« _ 07 oft’. Oft’, Cent 111 P S 5s Srt E 103 lo.l 103 Cen 111 P S 4'aS 'ft7 F 07’, 07’, 97s, Cent 111 P S 5s 'ftft G loi 101 lol Cen O LAP 6s '50 A 00', oo', 00', Cent Pw A Lt os oft. 92 'a 02', 92'a Cent St El 5s '48 54 53'2 53'a Cen 8t PAL 5'as '53 . 531, 53’, 5.1’, Chi Rys 6s '27 cod _ K7 H7 «7 Cities S>'c 5s oil 70 HO5, HO5, Cities S Gas P fts 43 .. lop, loi *, loll, Cit S PAL 5' as 52 _ fto'a tin', rift', Cit 8 PAL 5'as '49 _ MS*, H.5*« 65s, Comw Ed 4s '81 F . loft', loti', loti', Comw Ed 31,s Ho H io4'a 104', 104’, Com Pb Sv 5s 'till A 72s, 72’, 7"’, Comw Eb 5'as '48 A 104 104 104 Cnmnty PAL 6s 57 . 08'a 08'a 08'a Con, Gas of B 6s '30 107’, 107107 Con G,a U' 6a '43 st 78', 78', 78', Cont G A E fts '58 A _ 83’, 83 83’, Eel El Pw 6'as '59 . 3 03 lo.l lo.l txie G G 6'2S "37 A 100'a loo'a 100‘i East G A F 4s 'oft A _ 83’, 83*, 83 ', El Pw A Lt ns 2030 - 8412 83 8413 Emo OAR 6'as 42 _ 8ft', 8ti', 8ti', Fed Wat 5'as '54 . 7ft 7ft 7t; Florida PAL fts '54 80’, 89’, 80’, G EAO os '44 stp XW . 08', 08', 98>, Gatineau P fts '41 B 10!', 101'» 101', Georgia Pw 5s 'ft7_ 8»'a 80', 89', Georgia PAL fts 78 __ 69 68 60 Glen Alden Cl 4s 65 70', 7 0', 70'a Grocery Str fts 45 _ ... 80 80 80 111 Pw A L fts '5'' A 102'a 102'2 102'a 111 Pw A L 5s 'oft C Oti', 05', Oft Indiana Ser 5s '50 H7 ft7 h7 Indnap PAL fts 57 A lt'5’, 105*, loft’, Interc Pw fts '48 a ft', ft', ft', !nterst Pw fts '57 _ 54 5.3', 53’, nterst Pw fts '52 37’, 37'a 37'a nterst P 8 4 ,s 58 F 74’, 7 1’, 74’, Inwa-N LAP fts '57 A 07', 07', 07', J«r C PAL 4'as 'til C . 104*. 104', 104", Kan GAE fts 2022 A 118', 1 18', 1 |8', Kentucky Ut fts 'HI _ 84 s4 84 Kentucky U fts fto I 833, S3', 83’, Ken U 5'as '55 F ._ 05 05 05 Ben U 6'as 18 D 00", 00s, 00s, thigh P 8 tis 2026 A 105 105 105 Lex Util fts '52 103'2 103'a 103'a La Pw A Lt ns 57 1051, loft’, 105', Mil G A E 4'as 67. _ 00 99 99 Minn PAL 4'as '78 08 os os Minn P A L fts 55. 103 10.3 103 Miss Pw A Lt fts 57 . . 87 1 a 87', 87'i Nat P A L fts 202ft A Sft'a 8ft', 86', Nat P A L 5s 2030 B 7 8 77:, 771; Nat Pb 8 5s *78 cod 41’, 4”, 4 4’. Nebr Pw fts 2022 ... 11 7 •*, 11 7 *, 11 7•>, Nevada Cal El 5s '56 . 84 8 4 84 New E GAE fts '47_ 09 684, US’, New E GAE fts 4 8 .. . fix', usu hx>! New E GAE fts 50.. _ 68’, 67’, fts’. New E Pw ns '48 .. oo', OO'a 90’a New E Pw 5'aS '54 _ 92', 92", O'", New Or P S fts 49 A ... 75', 75 7ft N Y P A- Lt 4Vis 67 ... 105’., 105'« 105', N Y 8 EAG 4 ' as '80 . 101’, 10l>, ] 0| Nor A L A P 5'as '56 03 03 93 No Can U ftps '48 A _ 5S'i 55'i 55'i No Ind P SI 5s '66 C . 1 oI *, 1 o 1 ', 1 01 Norw El 6s '45 stpd. 1 04'2 1 04 12 1 "4'2 Northw P 8 5s '57 A Oft', 95", 05', Ohio Pwr 5a '52 B _ 105', 1 05", 1 051, Ohio Pub S fts '5.3 C I08’, Ins’, jos’* Ohio Pub S 5a '54 D 103’, 103’, 103’, Okla P A W fts '48 A._ 00 00 on a Pac PAL 5s '55 _ 76 76 76 Palmer C La 6s '38 102 102 ]o" Efnn £ k * f 4'it* '77. 94 03’, 03’1 Penn C P A L 5s '79 100'i 100'a loo1! Penn P Svc «s 47 C loop |06"a loo’a 5,'- !40 "18’, 1 08’, 108’, J?!1 P -L as ,2 ... J 10'a 1 KlVa 1 10'a Phila Rap T fts 62 . 00 88 88 Portland G A C fts 40 7" 70 70 Potomac E 5s '56 E . 107'a 107 ‘i 10717 § H. ? 4'*s 81 P 103 "2 103 Va 103', Pub 8 Okla 4s '66 A . 101", 101 ", lop. Pug S PAL 5"is '49 A . 84', 84’, 84’. Pug 8 PAL ns '50 C . 80 80 80 Pug s PAL 4'as '50 D— 7H’« 7ft’. 7«’, 8t L GAC 6s '47 mat 1 I "i ip, ip! 8 E P A L 65 2025 A__ 94’, 94’, 04’! Sou Cal Ed 3’,s '60. 103", 103 103 Sou Cal E 4s '60... __ loft", 106", 106'i sottw As T fts 61 A.. 93'a 93", 931, l?S,J.FiL ** A ._ 86s, 86".; *86si Std GAE cv fts '.'15 cod.. ft8'2 ti8 68 Std Cl A E Os '51 A - 69 H8'i 08', Super of III 4'as 'H8_. 105’, 105’, loft’; Tenn Pub S 5s '70.. 71", 7171'! Texas Elec 5s '60_101 j 01 101 Tex Pw A L fts '56- 105', 1051, 1051, Tide Wat P fts '79 A__ 95’, 95’, 95’! Twin C R T ft'aS '52 A . 79'* 79'! 79'! tJnit El N J 4s ’49 1 113»-« i unit Lt A Pw 5"aS '59 105a! 104"* 104"! Unit Lt A Pw 6'aS i4 7ft', 76", 7ti’7 Unit LARD ftPs '52 80 79’! 79’! Va Pub 8 5'2s '4ft A 9K’, 9ft’, pft’! Wash Gas Lt, fts '58 . 10ftVa 1 Oft'/i 105'/! Wash WAP fts 'fio 1 04'2 104'a 104"! West News U fts '44 50", 50"! 50"! West Pa 58 2030 _. 97'a 97"! 97"! West Pa Tr 5s '60 . 107'x, 107"! 107v! West T Ut fts '57 A it", (i-l. ,.l, W UG A E ftps '55 A 105", 1051, 10.6"! Wts PAL 4s 56 A 9.5 95 ps * York Rwy Co 5s '37 88*i 88’i 88’., FOREIGN BONDS. Ciuca Val 7» '46 15 15 15 Col Agr M B 7« '46 _ 23 2:1 ";i :ol Agr M B 7s '4 7 23 23 03 Danish Con 5>2s ’55 _lOli*]0l 101 'In R M B 5s '61 st _ 101 a* 10]1 i loit/ ral Su Pw 6s '63 A _ 534, 5,'U4 S3>4 .eon Trletz T'2s '46 23 23 03 llanttag Chll 7s 49 IT1, 17</4 i7Vj *»—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New st (stp>—Stamped {Negotiability Impaired by maturity. tCompanles reported In receivership. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. NIW YORK June 8 UP).—Prices quoted wn dollars and thirty-seconds: Approx ret. Month. Year. Bid. Asked, yield! V* Sep., 1937 _100.31 101.1 25i Feb . 1938 - 101.13 101.15 .35 3 Mch. 1938 _101.31 102.1 38 S’. June, 1938 - 102.12 102.14 ,47 S a Sep. 1938 __ 102.9 102 11 63 1,3 Mch.. 1939 _ 100.18 100.20 1.14 ?'« June. 19.39_ 101.25 101.27 1 19 14. Sep. 1939 _ 100 7 100.9 1 25 Dec.. 1939 _100.4 109.6 1.29 1*. Mch. 1940 __ 100.16 100 18 1 41 }> June. 1940 _ 100.4 100.6 1 43 l'? Dec . 1940 __ 99.29 99 31 1 51 l’x Mch.. 1941 _ 99.27 99.20 1 52 J.a June. 1941_ 99.10 99.12 1.54 ly» Dec.. 1941 _ . 98.24 98.26 1.62 IV* Mch.. 1943 - 100.11 100.13 1.60 -• FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK, June 8 UP).—Foreign ex change mixed: Great Britain in dollars, others in cents. Great Britain—Demand. V*: cables, 4.93V*: 60-day bills. 4.92,',. France—Demand. 4.45V*: cables. 4.45'/*. Italy—Demand. 5.26V*; cables. 6.26V*. Demands—Belgium. 16.86: Germany, tree. 40.05: registered. 21.50: travel, 25.66; 8plJ»nh, 54.99: Norway. 24.79: 8weden, 55.43: Denmark. 22.03: Finland. 2.19: Switzerland. 22.84Vj; Spain, unquoted: Por tugel, 4.48V,: Greece. .91’ Poland 18.97: Czechoslovakia 3.48'2: Yugoslavia. 2.34. Austria. ] 8.75n: Hungary. 19.80. Rumania. J5: Argentina. 32.8?n Brazil. 8.80>*n Tok'0 28.75 Shanghai, 29 66: Hongkong. 30.45: Mexico Cltr. 27.60: Montreal in New e Tory 100.00: New York in Montreal. 100.00. n—Nominal. (H NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct to the Star. All tins shown below la daylight earing an which the Exchange la now operating. 2 .10 Stock and Salaa— Dividend Rote. Add 00. High. Low Close. Acme W vtc <2).. 25s 47% 47% 47% Ainsworth b25c1 14 14 14 Air Device Corp._ 2 2% 2% 2% Air Invest cv pf 3 27 27 27 Ala Pwr pf (6) ... 10a 61% 61% 61% AltbimPw pf(7) 10a 72 72 72 Alliance Invest . 1 3% 3% 3% Aluminum of Am 150s 144% 143 144 Alum Am pf <«)_ 350s 117% 117 117 Alum Tnd (40c) . 50s 7% 7% 7% Am Airlines Inc. 2 22% 22% 22% Am Beverage . 1 2% 2% 2% Am Box B i h4Mc) l 20% 20% 20% Am Centrifugal 11 3% 3% 3% Am C PAL B hide 2 4% 4% 4% AmCynmBtSOc. 9 32% 31% 32% Am&ForPwww 8 2% 2% 2% Am GAE (1.40)_ 8 32% 32 32% Am G&E pf (6).. 325s 109 109 109 Am Gen (a50c> 1 9% 9% 9% Am l.aund M ROc. 1 27% 27% 27% Am D&T 11.20__ 6 18% 18% 18% Am M fg (a3) 25s 48% 48% 48% Am Maracaibo_ 7 1% 1% 1% Am Superpower . 5 1% 1% 1% Am Superpwr pf_ 2 29 28 28 Am Superp 1st 1 92% 92% 92% Arcturus Fladio1 1% 1% 1% Ark Nat Gas .. 2 7% 7% 7% Ark Nat Gas (A). 6 7a, 7% 7% Ark Nat G ru pf .. 19 9 9 Ashland Oil t40c_ 3 6% 6% 6% Asso Gas A Elec- 1 1% la. 1% AssoGAE(A) . 5 2% 2% 2% All Cst Fish b35c. 1 8% 8% 8% Atlas Corp war... 11 2% 2% 2% Austin Stiver_ 2 2 1% 2 Auto Products . S 6% 6% 67, Auto Vot Mch 50o 1 107« 10% 10’. Avery A Son _ __ 1 11% 11% n% Axton-Fisher A.. 60s 32 32 32 Rahcox & Wil 4 . 300* 122 121 122 Raid L bd rts(d) . 4 2 2 2 Barium Stain St 1 1 4a, 4a, 4a; RarlowAS A 1.20. 160* 16*. 16% 16% Bath Iron Wks .. 1 10% 10% in% Bell Aircraft_ 1 13 13 13 RerkeyAGay_ 16 2% 2% 2% Rerk A Gay war.. 4 1 11 Bickfords (1.20). 1 13% ]3% 13% Blue Ridg.»(bl ac) 6 3 3 3 Blue Ridge cv 3 . 3 46% 46% 46% Bow'n-Rilt 2d pf 2 3% 3% 3% Brazil TLAP b9flo 3 26 24% 25 Breeze Inc (aTjc). 2 11% 11% 11% Brill Corp (A)_ 2 9% 9% 9% RrillCorp(B) _ 1 3% 3% 3% Rrit-ATruR bo 5c 1 31 31 31 Brown Co pf 1350* 84% 82 84% Brown Fenre h!>0 6 14 14 14 1 Bunker Hill A S.. 6 25a; 25% 25% Burcolncwar 1 V, % % Burry Bis (b25c) 1 6% 5% 5% Can Hydro 1st pf 50* 8.7 82% 83 Can Ind Alco A.. 1 5% 5% 5% Can Marconi 1 1% 1% la, Carib Synd(baOc) 1 1% l7, l7, j Carnegie Metals. 3 2% 2% 2% Carrier Corp_ 4 49 48% 49 Catlin (a4()c) .. 2 6", 6% 6% Celanese 1 st+7 _ 50* 124 124 124 Cent Oh Stl bSOc 1 14 14 14 Cent P A I, 7 % pf (h.) 06% ) . 100* 86 86 86 Cent A S W I'tll.. 4 2^, 2% 2a, Cent States El 1 1% 1', 1% Chi Flex Shft (4) 200* 65% 65 65% Chief Con Mining 2 1% 1% 1% Cities Service_ 30 3% 3 3 Cities Serv pf_ 2 47% 47 47% City Auto (t60c). 1 9% 9% 9% Clark Con (boOc). 1 .77 37 37 Claude Neon Lts. 3 2% 2% 2% Cleve Tractor ... 1 13% 13% 13% Club Aluminum.. 1 1 % 1% 1% Colon Dev l,td .. 8 6a, 6*. 6% Colo FuelAl war. 4 14% 14 14% Colts P F A b75c . 2 63’, 63% 63% Col GAE cvpf(5). 25* 66 66 66 Col O A G b20c . 13 7 6% 7 Comwlth Edis t4. 3 109 109 109 ComwlthASwr. 2 % % % Comunty PS tl_ 50* 26 26 26 Cons Aircraft .. 3 23% 23% 23a; Cons Biscuit 60c. 1 5% 5% 5% Consol Copper 25 10% 9% 10% C GEDAP Rn 3.60 2 69% 69 69% Con G Bo pf A f 5). 10*114 114 114 Con MinASm t2 . 50* 80 80 80 Cons Ret Str tn). 6 7'. 7% 7% Consol Steel_ 4 10% 10% 10% Cooper Bessmer.. 3 25 24% 25 Cord Corp 11 3 3 3 Cosden Oil (Meld 2 1% 1% 1% Cosd Oil ( Me )pf d 4 23% 23% 23% Creole Pet t(50c) 4 33% 33% 33», Croft Brewing_ 1 44 tt 14 Crown Cent a6c . 2 2 2 2 Crown Dr (h’Oc). 4 3% 3% 3% Crystal Oil Ref _ 8 % % % Cuneo Press (2)... 1 4(1 40 40 Cusi Mex Mining. 13 % % % Dayton Rub A b.l 100s 30 30 30 i Dennison 7% pf.. ]0s 72 72 72 j Derby Oil & Ref 3 6% 6% 6% ! Det Gra y J ron 4c 1 2% 2% 2% Doniln Steel _ 1 18% 18% 18** Draper (t2.401 80s 81 8ft 81 Driver Harris 1 % 1 "7 37 37 Duro Test (40c). 2 5% 5% 5% Eagle P Ld b20c . 2 20% 19% 20% Eastn G&F Agso. 2 5% 5% .5% Esin Slates Pw . 2 3** 3*. 3% Easy W M B b25c 1 9% 9% 9% Edis Bros Sirs hi 1 20% 20% 20% El Bond & Share. 62 16% 15s* 15% Elec B&S pf (5) _ 1 58 58 58 El Pw Asso bloc. 2 5% 5% 5% El Pw As A bl5c_ 1 5% 5% 5% Elgin X W h50c . 25s 31% 31** 31% Emp G&F 6% pf. 50s 50% 50% 50% Emp G&F 7% pf. 100s 53% 53% 53% Emp G&F 8% pf. 50s 58% 56% 56% Equity Crp a25c.. 7 2 2 2 Eureka PL (4) 50s 35 35 35 Kurop'n El hri rts 1 % % % Ex-Cell-O fb40c) 2 20% 20*. 20% Evans Wall Ld... 1 1'-, 1% 1% Fairchild (aloe). 11 6 5% 5% Falstaff Br 71 %12 9% 9 9 Ferro Enam b75c. 1 38% 38% 38% Fidello Brewery. 8 % % % Fisk Rubber . 3 13% 13% 13% First N S 1st pf 7 10s 112*, 112% 112% Ford (Can) A (1) . 1 23% 23% 23% Fox(P)Brew 80c. 1 10%- 10% 10% Eroedt (20c)_ 1 12 12 12 Gen Invest_ 6 1% 1% 1% Glen Alden (tl).. 8 10V* 10 10% Godchaux Sug B. 1 25% 254 25% Goldfield Consol. 7 % jV % Gorham Inc pf _. 50s 36 36 36 Gorhm vt ex b75c 3 26 25% 25% Grand Natl Flms 1 2% 2% 2% Grand Rap V (1 ). 1 14% 14% 14% Gray Tel P S (1). 2 10% 9% 9V* Grt A&PT nv t6 70s 89% 89% 89% Grt A&PT lstpf7 25s 123 123 123 Greenfield T&D . 4 15% 15 15 Guardian Invest. 1 % % % Gulf Oil (b25c)._ 18 54% 53 53 Haloid Co (tl)_ 1 18 18 18 Hartman Tob__ ; ] 2% 2% 2% Harvard Brew... 4 1% 1% 1% Hat Corp B 80c.1 11 11 11 Hearn D S bl.65.. 3 14% 13% 14% Hecla Min b45c . 4 17% 17% 17% Heller (WE) 140c. 2 8% 8% 8% Hires(CE)A (2) 200s 43% 43% 43% Hoe & Co Inc( A ) 1 25% 25% 25'-* Hollinger G t65c 3 11% 11% 11% Horn & Hard t2. 100* 35% 35% 35% Horn&Hard pf a. 20* 106 106 106 Hud Bay M b"5c. 3 29% 28% 29% Humble 011(1 % ). 2 78% 78 78% Hydro E! S b20c .. 19 9 9 Hygrade Food F_ 2 3% 3% 3% 111 Iowa P d ctfg.. 2 10% 10 10% Imp Oil Ltd T50c- 2 21% 21% 21% IT GtB&Ib84 %c 1 37% 37% 37% Ins Co No Am t2. 50s 65 64% 64% Inti Hy El S pf .. 1 30 30 30 Inti Pete <tl%).. 4 35 34% 34% Inti Radio b25c . 2 13% 13% 13% Iron Fire vtc 1.20 50s 20% 20% 20% Ital Sup'pw d rts. 1 -h -fa + Jacobs Co (b50c) 10 16% 16% 16% J erCn P&L pf 5 % 25s 76% 76% 76% Jer C P&L pf 6 . 10* 82 81% 81% Ken-R T b37%e.__ 1 21 21 21 Kingston Pr 40c.. 2 6% 5 6% Kress SH pf 60c.. 1 11% 11% 11% Kreuger Br (tl).. 1 16 16 16 Lakey Foundry_ 1 5% fi% s% Lake Shore < 14)_ 11 50 49% 49% Leh CoalftN 30c.. 2 8% 8% 8% Leonard Oil ... 17 1% 1 1% j.iion uil iter 20 27% 27% 27% Lockheed Air_ 4 12% 12% 12% • Locke Stl C tSOc.. 2 15 15 15 Lone Star G *0c .. 3 10% 10% 10% Long Island Ltg. 2 3% 3% 3% Long 1 L pf A(7). 90* 83 83 83 Louisana Ld 40c. 18 12 12 12 Lynch Corp (t2)_ 2 41% 41 41% McWUlma D t2 _ 2 24% 24% 24% Marconi (a26%c). 1 8% 8% 8% Mass Util Asso--. 2 3 3 3 Massey Harris .. 2 13% 13% 13% Memp N G (blOc) 2 5 6 5 Merritt Chap * S 2 7% 7% 7% Merritt Chap war 1 1% 1% 1% | Merritt C&S pf A 25s 62 62 62 MesaM Iron_ 6 % % % 1 Mich Bumper__ 1 2% 2% 2% \ 2: :I0 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rat*. Add Oil Hikh. Low. Close. Mich Gaa A Oil... 3 8% 8 8% Mich Sugar_ 2 1 11 Mid Sta Pet (A).. 2 4% 4* 4% Midwest OlHtl). 1 9% 9% 9% Minn MAM b40c_. 25s 39** 39% 39% Molybdenum _ 10 91* 9% 9% Monarch MT(fl) 1 23% 23% 23% Mont Ward A<7)_ 10s 137% 137% 137% Mount C(a21c) _ 3 12% 12% 12% Mount Prod(60c) 3 6% 6% 6% Murray (Oh) b30c. 1 21 21 21 Nat Auto (bl) 1 30% 30% 30% Nat Bellas Hesa.. 3 2 1% 2 Nat BdASh baOc„ 50s 55 55 55 Natl City Line* _ 1 15% 15% 15% Nat Pont (b50e)... 4 12% 12% 12% Nat Fuel Gas (1) l 15V* 15% 15% Nat PAL pf («>__ 100* 66% 66% 66% NitRubMelllc.. 2 14 14 14 Nat Trans b45c2 10% 10% 10% New ilav Cl 1 % .. 2 20 19% 20 N Y A Hond bTac. 50s 28% 28** 28% NTTel pf 1414). 75a 111% 111% 111% N Y Water Sv pf _ 40s 34 34 34 Niag Hud Pw(n). 7 11% 11 11 Niag HP 1st pf a 25s 86 86 86 Niag H P(A)war. 10 A % A NiagSMdBaSUc 1 12 12 12 Niles-Bem-P (bl) 12 54% 60% 52% Nipissing (50c) 1 2% 2% 2% Noma El (b40c) 2 6% 6% 6% North Am L&P-. 2 3% 3% 3% Northn Euro Oil. 1 A A A Northern P I. 7ae 1 10% 10% 10% <>nio nr ( H > n.t.ic on* hi*4 hi*, 81*, Ohio Oil cu pf<«) 1 109 109 109 Ohio Pwr pf (6)_. 110* 1084 108 108*, Okla Nat Gas pf._ 50* 28*, 284 284 Oldetyme Dist_ 1 34 3', 34 Fac.GAKpfl.37Vs 2 27 27 27 PacG&E 1st 14- 2 294 294 294 l’ac pf («)___ 50* 105 1044 1044 PaoPubSvc _ 2 54 54 54 Pan-Am Air (tl). 1 04 04 04 FantepecOil ... 40 8 7*, 74 rennroad (a25c). 4 3T» 34 34 Pa PAD pf (7) .100* 90 954 90 Pepperell Mfg t6 25* 1204 1204 1204 Phoenii Secur 3 94 9 9 Pioneer Gold 40e. 3 4 34 34 Pitney Bow T40c_ 1 74 74 74 Fitts Forging 1 19*, 19», 19*. Pitts PI G1 ( b2 4 ) 2 1274 1254 1274 Potrero Sugar . 2 2*, 2*, 2*, PowdrellAA h.15e 1 91, 94 94 ; Premier G tl 2c 2 24 24- 24 Producers Corp . 5 4 4 *, Prosperity Bal 4. 1 134 134 134 Prud't'l Inv a50c. 1 11 11 11 Fug Sd TA1 JS pf. 75* 34 334 334 Pyrene Mfg b20c. 3 11 10*, 11 Raytheon Mf vie. 1 54 54 54 Reed Roll B t80c. 5 34 334 33*, Reiter Foster _ 3 1 1 1 Reybarn (blOc)_. 1 5 5 5 Reynolds Inv est.. 3 14 1', 114 Root Pet (b25c).. 1 54 5-4 54 Rossia Inti Corp 1 Ir Ir li Royal Typw bl 4 50* 101 101 101 Ryan Consol . . 4 0 54 « Safety CPA I, b4_ 25* 128', 1284 1284 St Regis Paper __ 10 gi, 84 g*, Samson United _ 1 5*, 54 s*4 Scovill Mfg (bl) 2 424 424 424 Scrant S B W pf 25* 37 37 37 Segal l.ock A H.. 8 24 24 24 Seizerling Rub._. 4 74 74 74 : Selected Indus... 2 2*, 24 24 Set In alt ct.f 5 4 100* 1034 1034 1034 Sel In pr pf(54). 100* 1014 1014 1014 Seversky Air_ 7 4 4 4 Shattuck Den .. 2 18', I84 184 Shawin WAP 80c 1 27 27 27 Sher-YVIll (t4) .. 100* 1254 125', 1254 Sher-W'ill (Can). 25* 24 24 24 Simmons HAT.. 4 3*, 34 34 Sonotone (alOc).. 0 1», 1*, ]*, So Pa Oil (Tl 4 ) - 2 444 44 444 So Cal Eptpf 14 100* 374 374 374 So Cal Ed pf B 1 4 2 274 274' 274 So Colo Pw pf 4 10* 72 72 72 Spencer C S b75c. 3 94 9', 94 Stand Cap tl.Rft _ 2 20*, 20*, 20*, Stand C S pf 1.SO. 1 22*, 22*, 22*, Stand Dredging.. 1 44 44 44 Stand Oil Ky tl ,. 2 194 194 194 Stand Oil Ohio Tl. 1 384 384 384 Stand Pwr A Lt__ 5 2", 24 24 1 Stand PAL pf .100* 38 3fi 38 ' Stand S A L (4c). 8 j, J J, Starred Corp vtc. 3 54 54 54 Sterchi Bro a30c_ 1 94 94 91, Sterl Alum b35c_ 19 9 9 Sterl Brew a75c . 1 84 84 84 Sterling Inc T20c. 3 5 5 5 Stroock A Co(2) _. 1 23 23 23 Stntz Motor 2 *, *, *, Sullivan Machine 1 204 204 20', Sun Ray Dr tSOe. 2 18 18 18 Sunray Oil (b5c). 3 44 4 44 Sunshine Mind) 5 194 194 194 Superior Port C B 150* 17V, 17V, 17V,1 laggariLorp ... 2 114 104 10!» Tastyeast Det A_. 11 l [ Taylor Dist 30c . 2 34 34 34 Technicolor aide 10 284 284 284 Tech Hughes t4?c 21 54 5 5 j Tex F*L pf (7) . 30, 1044 1044 1044 1 Texon OilAL 6(>c. 3 6 54 6 Thew Shov ajlir 25, 604 604 6O4 Tnh Trod Kxp 15c 1 34 34 34 Trans-Lux t20c . 7 44 44 44 Transwest Oil Co 8 124 124 124 Tri-Conti C war_ 10 14 14 14 TublxeChatil_ 1 244 244 244 Tung-Sol Lamp.. 2 64 64 64 Unexcelled Mfg._ 12 2 2 Utd Air war_ 1 194 194 194 UtdCorpwar_ 7 1 1 1 UnitGasCorp_ 12 94 9', 94 Unit Gas war_ 6 24 24 24 Unit Gas pf b3VJ. 2 1114 1114 1114 i Unit L & Pw pf A 5 54 54 54 ' UtP*Lpfb374c 2 40 40 40 I Utd Shoe Mt24 50s 884 884 884 Utd Milk Prod(2) 25s 25 25 25 Utd S Mch pf 1.50 60s 3Hf, 38 38 Unit Prof S hi Oc 2 14 14 14! U S Foil B (1)_ 2 14 134 14 US Lines pf _ 9 34 34 34 1'nt Ver Kx (hi). 2 34 34 34 Unit Wall Paper. 4 4 34 34 Univ Corp vtc ... 1 5 5 5 l'nivlnaur (1) 50s 194 194 194 UlahT’&LpfST 4c 50s 61 61 61 Util & Indus pf_ 1 3 3 3 Valsparvtc. .. 2 7 7 7 Van Xnr Ma h80c 2 26 4 264 264 Venezuela Pet_ 2 2 14 2 Walker Mining . 3 24 24 24 Wayne Knit Mills 2 74 74 74 Weisbaum BB 40c I 84 84 84 Wentworth bloc. 2 54 54 54 Weyenhurg h20c. 1 134 134 134 Wolverine PC _ 1 44 44 44 Wolvr Tube b20c. 1 14', 14', 144 Woodley Pet TlOc 2 84 8', S', ! Wright Harg + 40c 10 64 64 64, Yukon Gold (b6c) 4 3 24 24 ' Dividend rates in dollars based on last Puartly or semi-annual payment 'An nual rate—not including extras. JAc cumulated dividends 1 Paid last year 0 Paid this year, d Companies reported as being In bankruptcy or in receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy get. or securities assumed by such com panies. AUTO SHIPMENTS HOLD ABOVE 1936 May Volume 11 Per Cent Ahead Despite Drop From April Level. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 8.—Factory ehipments by automobile manufac turers in the United 8tates and Can ada totaled 535.000 units in May, the Automobile Manufacturers’ Association estimated. This was 3 per cent under the pre vious month, but 11 per cent above the volume for the same month last year. On the basis of this estimate, the industry's shipments during the first five months of this year amounted to 3,390,034 units—an increase of 12 per cent over the corresponding period of 1936. The association's report covers all major domestic manufacturers except Ford. U. S. ZINC PRODUCTION GAINS DURING MAY By the Associated Press. NTW YORK, June 8 — Domestic Bine production in May totaled 55,012 tons compared with 52,00# in April and 44,833 in May, 1936, the American Bureau of Metal Statistic* reported today. Domestic shipments amounted to 55,201 tons against 56,2QP in April and 43,905 a year ago. $957,688 Balance Com pares With $443,222 in Four Months of 1936. Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 8.—New Eng land Power Association today re ported for the first four months of 1937, a balance of $957,888 after charges, but before Federal surtax, equal to $1.02 a common share. This compared with $443,222, or 47 cents a share, in the like 1936 period. The company, a holding unit of International Hydro-Electric System, has properties in Massachusetts, Ver mont and Rhode Island. F. D. Comerford, chairman, said floods resulted in loss of revenue to subsidiaries, which with increased operating and maintenance expenses reduced net about $250,000. Bank loans, incurred to retire previous in debtedness, were cut $500,000 to $1,750,000 since the year-end, he said. Eastern Steamships. Eastern Steamship Lines. Inc., re ported for the four months ended April 30, loss of $488,253, after charges and ordinary taxes. This compared with loss of $312,584 in the like period of 1936. The company runs ships along the Northeaat Atlantic Coast. Zenith Radio Corp. Zenith Radio Corp., Chicago, re ported for the year ended April 30, consolidated net income of $1,904,074, equal to $3 86 a capital share. This compared with $1,212,752, or $2.46 a share, in the preceding fiscal year. E. F McDonald, jr., president, said directors had decided a substantial part of earnings should be retained for expansion. Universal Pictures. Universal Pictures Co, Inc, and subsidiaries reported for the 13 weeks ended May 1. the second quarter of its fiscal year, consolidated net loss of $105 069 against, net loss of $403,966 in preceding quarter and net loss of $404. 752 in corresponding period last year, * Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 5s—$1,000 at 88. Washington Rwy. U Elec, pfd —10 at 110',, 10 at 110‘4, 4 at 11014, 9 at 110>4. 10 at 1101« Real Estate Mtge. * Guar pfd,—100 at 5'», 100 at 514, 60 at 51,. AFTER CALL. Capital Transit Co —10 at 11, 70 at 11 100 at 11. Capital Traction 5,v— $1,000 at 88 Washington Rwy. & Elec pfd—15 at 110‘«. Bid and Asked Prices. STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amrr Tel. 4 Tel. 4',« jnc>, A,kw! Anscosti* At Pot. 5* tn 73 '» 88 »l '1 103 " '4 106*4 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer. Tel At Tel 19) j AS Capital Transit Co 10', uu, N At W. Steamboat (A' _ ion Pot Elec Pow 17 pf iai no', ii" ' Po Ei. Po 5';'. pf. i5 50) lio ii-i Wash. Gas Li Co Cl.AO) TS 70 Wash. Ry. At E! fnm (.16) Too Wash. Ry * El pfd 151 f 10 110'<i BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES Amer. Sec A Tr Co iek) 290 .105 Bank of Be’hesda <h 15) 14 Capital '4' 140 com. A- Savinas (10) Ubertv '4' 150 I AO * Lincoln <fA25' 200 Nall Sav A- Trust 1A0 Pr. r.eoraes Bk At Tr. (.50) 17 •»! ' Riaas (eS> . 370 305 Rtaas nfd (S' loi Washlntton iA' 110 Wash. Loan A Tr. leSi " 290 300 EIRE INSURANCE American ' A1 _ 110 Corcoran '5' .. 190 21.5 Firemen s (J SO) _ _ _ 2A National Union (.AO) 10 TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (.30) _ _ 12 15'i Real Estate 1 rt) 170 MISCELLANEOUS Camel Corn. (2.00) 20 25 Lanston Monotype t + 4) 90 99 Lincoln Serv. com (tl.OO) • 15 ] 7 > i Lincoln Service pfd. (3.60) *47', 50'4 Meraenthaler Lino. 12.00) *454, 47'i Peonies Dr. S', com. (tl.OO) *49 54 Peoples Dr. St nfd (A.50) *110', Real Est. M.AG pf. (**.70) 5'-, A'i Security Storaae • 5) 115 1"5 Ter Ref. A- Wh. Cnrp (.1) A5 Wdwd. A Loth, eom (11.50) HO1, AS Wdwd. At Loth. pfd. (7) . .. 115 _ •ex. dividend, tPlus extras, e—2", extra f—1'/i% extra, h—75c extra. **25e paid June 30. 1M3A: 45c paid De cember 22. 1930. INVESTING COMPANIES NEW YORK June R f.4>,._New York Security Dealers' Association: (Noon quotations.' . . _. , , _ Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc __ 18.22 IB.38 Am Business Shrs _ 1.18 1 31 Am Gen Eq Inc . _ ] .Of) 121 Am Ins Stocks _ _ 6.25 fi no Bancamer Blair _ 8.825 0 825 Bankers' Nat Inv Corp 3.825 4.25 Basic Industry 5.1 n Broad St Inv ... _ 34 88 37 07 Bullock Fund _ 21 125 22 875 Corporate Trust . _ 2.97 _ Corporate Trust AA_ 2 81 Corp Tr A A mod _ 3 82 ~Z~ ' Coip Tr Accum Ser_ 2 81 ~ Corp Tr Acc Mod _ 3 R2 Cumulative Tr Sh _ fi 38 Depos Bk 8h N Y "A". 2 33 “ Depos Ins 8hrs "A" _ 3.3R Depos Ins Shrs "B ’_ 3 18 Diversified Tr C_ 6.00 Dividend Shrs _ 1.91 2 06" Equity Corp *3 pf_ 38.26 41.25 Fidelity Fund Inc _ 27.00 28 08 First Boston Corp _2R.R25 30.125 Fixed Trust Sh A_13 11 Fixed Trust Sh B_10. RR Found Tr Sh A _ 4.89 5.15' Fund Investors Inc_ 23.72 25 05 5iin3 If Ahrs A -- 8 20 6.88 Fund Tr Shrs B _ 5.R8 Gen Investors Tr _ _ fi 81 7 40' Group Sec Agriculture_ 1.95 2 11 Group Sec Automobile . 1 42 1 54 Group Sec Building __2 OR 003 Group Sec Chemical _ 1.58 J]72 Groun Sec Food _ .98 1.05 Group Sec Invest Shrs_ 1.58 1 70 Group Sec Merchandise_ 1 34 1 4R Group Sec Mining _ 1.71 1 55 Group Sec Petroleum_ 1.47 i rr Group Sec R R Equip_ 1.62 1 fit Group Sec Steel _ 1 04 o 10 Group Sec Tobacco_ 10« i i« Huron Holding - .68 108 Incorp Investors _ 24.83 26 70 Instl Sec. Bank Group_ 1.72 1 85 Instl Sec: Insurance _ 1.69 1 71 Investors Fd "C” Inc __ 15.55 16 .41 Keyston Cust Fund B 3.. 21 23 23 °3 Major Shrs Corp_ 3 125 Maryland Fund - 9.44 10.34' Mass Invest Tr_ 27 77 °9 46 Mutual Invest _ 15 79 no« Nation Wide Sec _ 4.35 4 45 Nation Wide Voting_ 2 00 » 1 fi Nall Investors . 71- 7 3", 2e^L. 18.50 ib:»o N Y Bk Tr Shrs _ 3.50 N Y Stocks. Bk Stocks_ 11.17 12 06' N Y Stocks Bldg Supply __ 11.69 12 62 • N Y Stocks Elec Equip _ 12 25 13 03 N Y Stocks Insurance __ 10.24 1106 N Y Stocks Machinery ..12.98 14 01 S Z t,.oc£s R R Equip ... 14.41 15 55 N Y Stocks 8teel __ 14.29 15 42 North Am Bond Tr etfs.- 68.75 63 00 Nor Am Tr Shares _ 2.74 Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 _ 3.49 Nor Am Tr Sh 1956_ 3.43 Nor Am Tr 8t 1968_ 3.23 " " Plymouth Fund Inc _ .86 ' 97 Quarterly Income Sh_17.68 19.35 Selected Am Sh Inc_14.43 15.73 Spencer Trask Fund_ 20.70 21.79 Stand Am Tr Bhra- 4.10 4.35 Stand Util Ine . _ .75 .81 Super of Am Tr A_ 4.02 _ Super of Am Tr AA_ 2.69 _ Super of Am Tr B_ 4.16 _ 8uper of Am Tr BB_ 2.69 _ Super of Am Tr C_ 7.78 _ Super of Am Tr D_ 7.78 . __ Supervised Shrs ..._14.13 15.3S Trustee Stand Inv 0 — 3.06 ... Trustee Stand Inv D . §.01 Trusteed Am Bk "B” _^ 8* .98 Trusteed Industry Shrs ..*1.46 1.60 Wellington Fund_18.95 20.78 Short Interest on the New York Stock Exchange at the End of Each Month | I^shaies0 Short York Stock EKlmiy tHlo faj >f Enb M«»Hi thousand I SHAMS a 4nnnr-r-i ... ■ ...—______ I Baltimore Markets 8peel»i Dispatch to Th« Star. BALTIMORE, Md.. June 8 — Pota toes, old, 100-pound sack, 1.50a2.00: new, barrel, 1.50*3.00; 100-pound sack, 1.50*1.75: sweet potatoes, bushel. 100al.50; yams, bushel, 75al.00; as paragus. crate, 1.00a3.25; beans, bushel, 75a2.00, beets, crate, 75al.OO; dozen bunches. 40a50; nearby, bunch, 4a5; cabbage, pointed type, hamper, 30a50; carrots, crate. 5 50; cauliflower, crate, 1.25*1.50; celery, crate, 1.50a 3.50; corn, crate, 2.50; cucumbers, bushel. 1.50*3 00: eggplants, bushel, 1.00al.50: lettuce, Western iceberg, crate. 2.25*4.00; nearby. Big Boston, bushel. 15a25; Iceberg, bushel, 35a50; lima beans, bushel, 2.25*2.75; mush rooms. four-quart basket, 50a 1.00; onions, 50-pound sack. 65*1.25; peas, bushel, 50*2.15; peppers, bushel, 2.25* 3 00; crate, 2.25*3.75; spinach, near by. bushel. 75al.00: squash bushel, 1 00*1.25; tomatoes, lug. 1 00*2.15; ap ples. box, 2 50*2 65. blackberries, crate. 150; cantaloupes, crate, 2 25*5.50; grapefruit, box. 2.25*3.25: oranges, box. 2.50*475; huskleberries. quart, 15a25; peaches, half bushel. 50*1.25; strawberries, crate, 1.75*4.00; water melons, each. 55*65. inir; nariru. Live poultry — Broilers. Rocks, pound. 22*24; mixed colors. 22a23; Leghorns. 15*19; fowl, Rocks. 19; mixed colors. 17a 18; Leghorns. 14a 16; roosters. 10*12: ducks. 12al4. Eggs—Current receipts, dosen. 19; hennery whites, large. 21; medium, 19m 20: receipts. 820 case*. Butter—Print*, pound. 34a35; good to fancy, creamery, 32Iia33t-]: pack ing stock, 18: rolls. 20; receipts, 786 tube. Sea Fm4 Market. Catfish, pound. 3*5; dressed. 7s8; rarp. 2a3; eels, 8al0: haddock. 8al0; herring. 3a4; mackerel, 6*8: rock. 10a 12: white perch. 5*8; yellow, 8*10; trout. 5*6; blueflsh, 8a 10; flounders, 10al2; croakers. 4a5: spots, 4*5; hard heads, 4*5: butterflsh, 5*6: soft crabs, dozen. 60*1.25; hard crabs, barrel, 3.50*4.50; crab meat, pound. 25*45; shrimp, 15*18; clams, large, per 100, 90; Cherrystones. 60a65: Little Necks, 50*55; frogs, each, 15a25. Tobacco Market. Quotations on old stock—Maryland firm leaf, nondescript, 3a4: common, 4*10: medium, 10a30; good to fine, red. 30*40; seconds, common, 3*7; medium, good to fine, 15*35. Live Stork Market. Cattle—125; rowa steady; mostly low cutter and cutter grades at 4.50a6.2S; plain and medium quoted 6.50*7.25; few just good grade, 7.50; bulls tend ing weak to lower, with sizable num ber held over from Monday. Calves—75; vealers steady; good grades mainly 900a9 50; plain and medium grades, 6.50a8.75; culls down toward 5.00. Hogs—300; generally 10 cents lower than Monday's levels; good and choice 170 to 210 pounds, 11.65a 11.80: top. 11.80; 220 to 250 pounds and 140 to 160 pounds, 11.15*11.40; 260 to 300 pounds quoted 10.65*11.15 and over 300 pound weights from 10.15*10.40; 120 to 140 pounds. 10.50*10.75; good grade packing sows. 940*9.90; stags quoted from 9.00 down; hogs from doubtful areas not represented In above prices. Sheep—150; not enough done on Spring lambs up until nearly noon time to make market test; Monday's bulk sales good and choice ewes and wethers, I2.50al3.50; odd head fat slaughter ewes steady, from 4.00 down ward. (•rain mantel. Opening prices were: Wheat—No. 2 red Winter, garlicky, spot, domestic, 1.37. Settling prices were: No. 2 red Winter, garlicky, spot, domestic, 1.37. Corn—No. 2 yellow, domestic, 1.23. Western billing at a premium over this price, cob corn nominal. Oats—No. 2 white, domestic, 63,73; No. 3, 62a72, with the exception of grain on track there is an additional charge of 1 */a cents per bushel for storage and ele vation. Rye—No. 2, 1.25al.30. Bar ley. 91a96. Hay market holds steady to firm under a good demand for timothy and clover mixed at 17.00a22.00 per ton, but it takes well-graded No. 1 stock to bring the price. Poorer grades hard to sell and market irregular on all grades below No. 3 stock. -• SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney & Col Bid. Otter. Am. Tel. * Tel. 5%s 1943. 113% 114 Auburn Auto 4%s 1939 70 76% Baldwin Loc. Wks. fis 1940 lOfi California Packing fis 1940 lOfi 10S% Caro., Cl’field Sc O. fia 1938 103% 103’,. Cheia. & Ohio Ry. fia 1939 107% 107% Edit. El. nium. 4s 1939 104% 100% Oen. Pub. Service 6%s 1939 101 102% O. Rapids Sc Ind. 4%s 1941 108% 109% Houston Oil 5%s 1940 . 102 102% Inti. Mer. Marine fis 1941 08 7fi Inti. T. Sc T. 4%* 1939 83% 84 Laclede Oas Light fis 1939 91% 93% Lehigh Valley Coal As 1938 9ft 9ft % Lehigh V. Ter. Ry. fis 1941 107 108V, Long Island Oen. 4s 1938 102% 103% louts. Sc Nashville is 1940 106% 100% Michigan Central 4s 1940. 104% 10AV, Midland of N J. fis 1940 . SI A2% Mllw. Sc North. 4%s 1939 . 90 N.Y.. c ast. L. 0% nts. ’38 100 100% New York Dock As 1938 _ 57% fi9% N. Y.. Busq. * W. fis 1940. 84% N. Y. Tel. Co. 4%s 1939 107 107% Pacific of Missouri 4s 1938 99% Penn-Dixle Cement 0s 1941 99% 100% Penna. R. R. Co. 4s 1943 107% 113 Rio Orande West. 4s 1939 71V. 73% South. Bell T.&T. fis 1941 106V. 105% T. R.R. As. 8t. L. 4%s 1939 100% 107% Vanadium Corp. 6s 1941 . 102 Vs 102% Vertlentes Sugar 7s 1942 24 24% Wabash Rwy. Co. fis 1939 92% 93 Warner Bros. 8s 1939 94 % 96% West. N. Y. & Pa. 4s 1943 107% 108% Western Union Tel. 5 1938 101% 102 MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. June 8 -VP>.—Call money steady: 1 per cent all day; prime commer cial paper. 1 per cent: time loans steady: 80-90 days. IV,: 4-6 months .1% per cent; bankers’ accentances unchanged: redis count rate, New York nuerve Bank, 1% per cent, ^ GENERAL MOTORS SALES DECREASE May Total at 178,521, Against 198,146 for Previous Month. B» the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 8.—Oeneral Mo tor* Corp. announced today sales of its products to domestic consumers in May dropped to 178,521 units from 198,148 In April and compared with 194,828 In May last year. Sales to domestic consumers for the first five months were 717,380 units, against 774,695 for the like period of last year. In motor circles here it was said the decline in salea from April re flected partly a seasonal decrease in demand for cars and partly the effect of unauthorised strikes which shut down various plants at times during May. May sales to dealers in the United States totaled 180.085 units, against 199.532 in April and 197.119 in May, 1936. For the five-month period sales amounted to 718.798. against 792.128 last year. Total May sales, including overseas shipments, numbered 218,654 units, compared with 238,377 in April and 222,803 in May a year ago. Five months' total aales were 894,231 units, against 952,237 in 1936. -• PROFIT IS EXPECTED BY PITTSBURGH STEEL By the Auocleied Pres*. NEW YORK, June 8.—Henry Roe mer, president of Pittsburgh Steel Co , in a letter to stockholders stated the company expected to close the current fiscal year June 30 with a net profit after five years of heavy losses. The letter also discussed the plan of capital readjustment, which will be voted upon June 15. 400 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. NEW YORK, June 8 i>Pi.—fit. Joseph Lead Co. reports 400 tons of pig lead from Southeast Missouri mines sold yesterday at 85.85 per hundred pounds Bt. Louis. Property Management 3 _A* NJOY the relief from worry u ing with details of manage ment of your apartment house and residence properties by placing them in charge of our Property Management Depart ment. j Nominal fee for qualified service. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. Nat’l 2100 Mortgage Loans —■. LARGE INCREASE SEEN IN TRANSIT REVENUES Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, June 8.—Revenue* for the transit industry for the week ended May 29, 1937. based on tele graphic reports received from a repre sentative group of transit operating companies, showed a substantial in crease over last year. Transit Jour nals revenue indicator stands at 107.80, which represents a gain of 7.80 per cent over the corresponding week in 1936. For the week ended May 22. 1937, the indicator was 103.73. Improvement in transit revenues was considerably greater for the latest week than for the week which pre ceded it. The gains reported were general for the whole country and for cities of all sizes. -• EXECUTIVES STUDY ART. BOSTON, June k (/Pi.—Boston de partment stores have turned to the Museum of Fine Arts for aid in apply ing basic principles of art to their choice of homefurnishings and wear ing This week 207 executives and salespeople of nine leading department stores will receive graduation certifi cates for completing a four-month course in basic art principles at the museum. REAL ESTATE LOANS RESIDENCE in* ^ /O SMALL BUSINESS V PROPERTIES. FRED T. NESBIT 1010 TERMOWT m DISTRICT 0301 RAIL EQUIPMENT: Rising Freight Loadings Direct Attention to Car Orders. By the Associated Press. NKW YORK, Junff Advannng freight carloadings have rmre more focused attention nn estimates of rolling stock shortages. In the week ended May 29. carload ings rose 2 per cent to 794.855. a new 1937 high and 22.9 per cent above the like week last year. During depression years railroad* rocked along with aging freight car equipment. Many roads, already heavily burdened with large funded debts, were unwilling to go into the market for new funds. At the same time shrinking freight shipments chopped sharply into rev enues and thus provided another bar rier to spending for rolling stock. Even after the depression faded and revenues swelled, rail systems seemed determined to squeeze the last ounce of use out of old cars. Engineers fop some railroads requisitioned new cars, but the financial men still held purse strings tight. how much the situation has im* proved this year is illustrated by sta tistics of Railway Age. In May 3.903 freight cars were ordered, bringing the 1937 total to 44.563. or about double the total for the same period last year. Industrial momentum and the out look for good crops should give freight loadings a good boost next Fall, Guesses in some circles are that when the Fall seasonal peak is reached In late September or early October the total may run as high as 900.000 cars ; a week or more. This would compare with last year s Fall top of 826,155 in ; the week ended October 17. Should loadings expand the esti mated amount, analysts say. the short age of freight cars would reach about I 100,000 by the Fall peak. HOLDERS INCREASE. NEW YORK, June 8 —Common stockholders of Continental Can Co aggregated 32,751 on June 2, th* largest number in the company's his tory. The average holding was 87 1 shares. At the beginning of 1923 the list of stockholders totaled less than 1,000 names. m m Real Estate Loans A ^’/ryJ/f\ Residential Ui / Ct /U Business Properties * 10 Yrs. Wm. H. Saunders & Co., Inc. 1519 K St. Dist. 1015 Loan Correspondent Provident Mutual Life Ins. Co OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE D«*ks Steel F-Jes Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE 1410 Eye Si. N.W. Phone SA. 2104 [questions that are asked about banking J YES, Federal and state examiner* investi gate loans—and in a very thorough man ner. They frequently spend a* much time— if not more—on loans than in examining any other phase of banking. Since loans constitute a major investment for bank funds the ex aminers carefully scrutinise the loan file. Many questions are asked and much de tailed information about the borrowers is scrutinised. On business loans up-to-date financial statements—usually over a period of years—are required, showing such things as earnings, inventory, debts, management, etc. Recommendations are then made directly to the Board of Directors of the Sank. These examinations constitute a real pro tection to the money of depositors against undue risks. In fact, the primary purpose of these examinations is to assure depositors their money is properly safeguarded. Mcl^achlen Banking Corporation Since 1891 TENTH AND G STREETS, N. V. S.W. Branch, 12th and Maryland Ave. S.W. Member Federal Reserve Insurance Corporation REAL ESTATE LOANS On Improved property in D. C. and Arlington County, Fa. . RELIABLE • SOUND omcEBi —————— WM. A. HETTINGBB, PRESIDENT CHABLES EATTELMANN, VICE PRESIDENT WILFRED H. BLAN1 SECRETARY GUT M. NEELT, TREASURER NO COMMISSIONS RENEWALS UNNECESSARY ^Applications invited for LOANS on improved real estate in Washing ton and Arlington County, Virginia. Rates and terms commensurate with security offered. Before you re finance, build or remodel—See us. The American has been helping the people of Washington to acquire homes for the past 63 years. Atttfriratt Suil&uuj Aaaonatiim 300 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E. ASSETS OVER $9,700,000_ nuraoNa U. MMl — * undeb v. s. oori 8UPKBVIBI0N