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BONDS ARE DUEL IN NARROW RANGE Rallies by I. R. T. Loans and Gains of Prime Issues Noticed. Bond Averages on in in in Ralls. Indust. Util. F Bn. Net change. +.lUnc. —.1 +.1 Today, close 93.8 103.2 98.2 72.6 Prev. day... 93.7 103.2 98 3 72.5 Month ago. 93.9 103.3 98 8 71.3 Year ago... 92.1 102.8 101.8 69.2 1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low_ 92.6 102.4 97.8 70.5 1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low_ 86.9 101 8 99.3 67.6 1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high_101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close_111.1 Prev. day. 111.1 Month ago 110.2 Year ago. 112.2 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108,4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. June 9 — Rallies by Interborough Rapid Transit Co. loans and moderate gains by high-grade corporates were bright spots in an otherwise shiftless bond market to day. The improvement in obligations of the Interborough—which operates sub ways and elevated lines in New York City—followed a court order direct ing the receiver to pay the July 1 interest and sinking fund require ments on the refunding 5s. It marked a reversal of the trend Which had carried these and other I. R. T. issues sharply lower over the past few weeks. Gains late in the after noon ranged from 1 to 2 points and Included the 5s and the 7 per cent and 6 per cent notes and their certifi cates. American Water Works 6s, Ana conda 4'jS and Detroit Edison 4'2s moved up fractions to a point or so. Secondary rails dipped, while other corporates were a bit uneven. -• DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. June 9 —Dividends de clared ‘prepared by the Standard Sta tistics Corp.); Initial. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. riod. record, able. London Tin Corn r>rc_ 1937. Extra. Am Ship Bide *1 _ 6-18 6-6 Univ Leaf Tobacco $1 5ii... 7-11 8-2 Air Reduct _ . _ 75c _ 6-30 7-15 Reliance Mfg - 10c __ 7-22 8-2 Special. New Hamp Fire Ins 20c 6-12 7-1 Participating. Mayer O k Co ptc pf 25c _ 5-24 6-1 Increased. Federal Mogul Corp 35c 6-21 7-15 Marchant Calculat'n . 5oc 6-30 7-15 Detroit Steel Prod 5oc . 6-21 6-30 Genl Capital...... 40c__ 6-30 7-10 Arrears. Chi Ry Eq 7% Pf 4334C . _ 6-19 7-1 Interim. Bancamerica Blair 25c 6-14 7-12 Decrease. Amer Stores 25c 6-15 7-1 Deferred or Fassed. Eureka Vacuum Cleaner. National Candy. Regular. Am Dist Tel N J *1.25 6-15 6-21 Do. 7T- Pf SI 75 O 6-15 7-Lo Am Gas A: El 35c Q 6-11 7-1 Do. $6 pf $1.50 Q 7-8 8-2 Am Ship Bidg 50c 7-15 8-2 Do 7'-- non-cum pf *7 A •1-18 6-26 Apponaug Co 25c Q 6-15 7-1 Carnation Co 5<ic S 6-19 7-1 Do. hrr pf $1 25 Q 6-19 7-1 Houston Natl Gas 25c 6-18 6-30 Do. 7rr of 8712C Q 6-ls 6-30 Insurance Co of N Am *L S 6-30 7-15 Marchant Calculation 7v pf 35c S 6-30 7-15 Mayer O A Co ptc pf $2 Q 5-24 6-1 Nat Candy 7 To 1st Df *1.75 Q 6-14 7-1 Do. 7'r 2d pf $1.75 Q 6-14 7-1 New Hamp Ins 40c Q 6-12 7-1 New York A Honduras Rosario Mining 8;>2c 6-15 6-26 Noranda Mines $1.7 5 6-16 6-30 Page Hersev Tubes *1 Q 6-15 7-1 United Aircraft 5oc 1-1 7-15 Universal Leaf Tobac 75c Q 7-14 8-2 Do. S'.C pi S2 Q 6-18 7-1 Western Elec 7 5c 6-25 6-30 Air Reduct 25c Q 6-30 7-15 Aluminum Goods Mfg 25c 6-19 7-1 Canada Sthn Rwy $1.5o SA 6-28 8-2 Florence Stove 5uc 6-18 6-:4 Iowa Sthn Ut 7% pf $1.75 6-11 7-1 Do. 612‘3 pf $1.6212 6-1 1 7-1 Do. 6rr PI $ 1.50 6-1 1 7-1 Mahoning Coal RR $7.50 6-18 7-1 Do. 5rr Pf $1.25 SA 6-18 7-1 Marine Midland 10c Q *1-18 7-1 Reliance Mlg 15c Q 7-22 8-2 i Richman Bros 7 5c Q 6-19 7-1 United Shoe Mach . 6212 Q 6-15 7-6 j NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. June ft (/Pi.—New York Se- 1 curity Dealers' Association: • Quotations as of IS o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bk of Man (l1 a)_ 33 35 Bankers Tr (’). ._ 671 a 39'a Bklyn Tr <4> _ _ 1 ‘I'l 1*S7 Cen Han Bk A Tr <4) . _ J*:3‘i liStPi Chase Nat (1.40) ___ ftO’a 52*2 Chem Bk A Tr (1.80) _ HR12 rt$»2 Commercial ♦ H> . _ 10] 197 Corn Bk A Tr (.80* _ 1034 18Vi Corn Ex Bk A T (3)__ 63 64 Empire Tr <1) _ 30*4 31 Vi First. Nat. 'Bos* (2) _ 51 53 First Natl <100*.._2055 2005 Guaranty Tr il2)__ 320 334 Irving Tr (.60) . __ 1 ft1 * 16’2 Manufacturers' Tr (2* -- 53*a 551 •> Manufacturers' Tr pf (2) f»u'2 5212 I fcatl City (1» 44’2 46> > N Y Trust • 5) __ 120 132 Public (1 1 a) ____ 43*2 4512 Titl GAT. . _ 1.3>a 14,/2 FEDERAL LAND BANKS _ new YORK. June 9 UP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: 4'.a Nov., 1958-38 _103", 104'; 4 %s May, 1957-37 _loi3, 101% 4* May. 1958-38 _ins*, 103 *« Nov., 1957-37 _101% 101% 4s July, 1946-44 _109% 109% t'.s May. 1955-45 _103% 10"% s July. 1955-45 _191% 191% 5f Jan.. 1956-46 _lm% KIP, 1 May. 1956-46 _101% 101% U. S. TREASURY NOTES. NEW YORK. June 9 (/P1.-—Prices quoted In dollars and thirty-seconds: Per Annrox. cent. Month. Year. Bid. Asked, yield. 8%s Sept.. 1937 _100.31 101.1 2%* Feb . 1938 _101.13 101.14 39 8s Mar.. 1938 _101.39 101.31 .41 2%s June. 1938 _103.13 103.14 ,4R 2%s Sept.. 1938 _ 192.9 102.11 63 iVjS Mar.. 1939 _ 190.18 100.20 1 14 2%s June. 1939 _101.24 101.26 1.21 1%S Sept,. 1939 _ 100.4 100.6 1,29 lHs Dec . 19.39 _ 100.3 100.5 1.30 I%S Mar.. 1940 _ 100.16 100 18 1.41 !%S June. 1940 _100 it 100.10 1.43 V,s Dec.. 1940 _ 99.29 99.31 1.51 %» Mar.. 1941_ 99.25 99.27 1.54 %8 June. 1941_ 99 8 99 10 1.56 %s Dec.. 1941 ___ 98.22 98,24 1.53 %a Mar.. 1943 100.6 1 00.8 1.69 V. S. TREASURY POSITION. Bl the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury on June 7: Receipts. 535.825.501.97: expenditures. *51.347.544.75: balance. $1,762,662. 897 81: customs receipts for the month. *10 640.169.42. Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1' *4.555.216.583.37: expenditures. $6. Including $2,659,390, 135.03 of emergency expenditures: excess Of expenditures. $2,430,420,106.80: gross debt. $35,272,618,587.79. a decrease of *1.299.895.25 under the pervious day: Jold assets. $12,098,366,985.58. including 867.031.130.94 of inactive gold. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. June 9 (A*)-—Gold mining is sues reacted at the close of the stock mar ket after showing strength in the early dealings. Foreign bonds and home rails sold higher while the industrial group was somewhat mixed, although steels, shipping shares and tobaccos were in fair demand. Oil shares and trans-Atlantic securities held steady. PARIS.—Industrial stocks were Arm at the close of the Bourse, while the remaind er of the list was mixed. Suez Canal shares moved 400 francs higher and Bank of England gained 75. The coal group move£ Irregularly and rentes finished unchanged to 90 centimes down. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct to The Star. Approximate Transactions Today. US Gov't Bonds_. 360.000 Foreign Bonds_ 1,270,000 Domestic Bonds 5,870,000 TREASURY. All time thown below It daylight gating on which the Exchange It now operating. High. Low. Close 2 Hs 1949-53_ 97.27 97.24 97.26 2*48 1945-47- 102.29 102.23 302.27 2 *4 8 1948-51_ 100.18 100.17 100.17 244sl951-54_ 99.27 99.23 99.25 24*8 1956-59_ 99.18 99.15 99.18 2 7i s 1955-60_ 100.18 100.15 100.17 3s 1946-48- 104.10 104.6 104.10 3.8 1951-65 _ 102.23 102.20 102.23 3 Vis 1946-49_ 104.25 104.23 104.24 3 *4 » 1941- 106.6 106.6 106.6 3V4s 1944-46 _ 106.10 106.10 106.10 3*88 1941-43 Mar 106.16 106.11 106.11 3*is 1943-47_ 106.25 106.25 106.25 3*4sl946-56- 109.25 109.25 109.25 4S 1944-54 - 1 11.21 111.18 111.18 4Vis-3V*s '43-45. 106.15 106.15 106.15 4V4» 1947-52_115.31 115.28 115.31 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2*48 1942-47_101.12 101.12 101.12 38 1947- 103. 103. 103. 3sl949- 102.16 102.16 102.16 3 Vi s 1964- 102.30 102.30 102.30 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2 V* 8 1942-44_ 100. 99.31 100. 2**8 1939-49_ 100.16 100.10 100.16 3s 1952- 102.3 102.3 102.3 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low Close. Abltibl Pa&Pw 5s '53 98% 98% 98% Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s '48 28% 23V, 23% Antioquia 7s'45 A_ 12% 12*4 12% Argentine 4s'72_ 91% 91% 91% Argentine 4%s ’71_101% 101% 101% Argentine 6s'57 A __ 101 100% 100JJ Argentine 6s 59 Oct- 101*4 101 fir 101% Argentine 6s'60 May. 101fg 101 |g 101 jg Argentine 6s'60 Sept 101 101 101 Argentine 6s '60 Oct.. 101* 101* 101* Argentine 6s'61 May. 101 (g 101 |g 101 (g Australia 4 Vjs'56_ 102*, 102% 102% Australia 5s'65_... 107% 107% 107% Australia 5s'57_107", 107", 107", Belgium 6s '55_110 109% 109", Belgium 7s'55_118% 118% 118% Berlin 6s'58 _ 23 23 23 Berlin 6%s'50_ 22% 22% 22% Berlin Elec 6 %s'51_ 25 25 25 Berlin Elec 6 % s '59_22", 22% 22% Brazil 6 %s'26-’57_ 38", 38% 38", Brazil 6%s'27*'57_ 38% 38% 38% Brazil 7s'52_ 38% 38 38% Brazil 8s 41._ 45% 44% 45% Brisbane 6s‘50_103% 103 103 Brlshane 5s'57_ 101% 101% 101% Buenos A C 6s ’60 Apr 101 101 1.01 Buenos A C 6s'60 Oct 101 101 101 Buenos A C 6%s ’55._ 102 101*, 102 Buenos A C 3s 84. __ 60% 59% 60% Beu A 4 % -4 % s’77 Pv. 79 78", 79 Buenos A 4%s'76 Aug 80*, 80 80% Buenos Aires 4%s-4%s'76 April. 80% 80 80% Buenos A4 % s-4 %s'75 82% 82% 82% Buenos A C 6s '61 Tv. 101% 101% 101% Bulgaria 7s'67 _ 26% 26% 26% Bulgai la 7 % s '68_ 28 28 28 Canada 2%s '45_ 99% 99% 99% Canada 3s '67 _ 93% 93% 93% Candaa 3 %s 61_ 99", 99", 99% Canada 4s'60_107% 107% 107", Canada 5s'52_112% 112% 112% Chile 6s '60_ 21 21 21 Chile 6s'61 Jan_ 21 21 21 Chile 6s'61 Febr_ 21 21 21 Chile 6s'61 Sept_ 21% 21 21 Chile 8s’62_ 21 21 21 Chile 6s '63_ 21 21 21 Chile Mtg Bk 6s '61... 17% 17% 17% Chile Mtg Bk 6s'62 18 18 18 Chile Mtg Bk 6%s'57 18 18 18 Chilean Mun E 7s'60. 17% 17% 17% Colombia 6s'61 Jan._ 28", 28*, 28% Colombia 6s '61 Oct-- 28", 28", 28% Col Mtg Bk 7s '47. . 23 23 23 Copenhagen 4 V,s'53_ 97 96*, 96% Copenhagen 5s'52 ... 100% 100 100% Cordoba 7s'37 stpd.— 75 75 75 Costa Rica 7s'51 A_ 33% .33% 33% Cuba 5 V5s '4 5_ 61 60% 60% Denmark 4 %s'62 100% 100', 100% Dominic 2d 5 % s’40 . 78 78 78 Dominic 1st 5 %s'42— 78 78 78 Finland 6s '45 . _107% 107*4 107% Frankfort 6 Vis '63__ 22 22 22 French Gov 7 %s '41- 118 117*, 118 Ger C Bk A 6s '38 . - 38% 38", 38% Ger C Bk A 6s'60 July 34', 34% 34% Ger C Bk A 6s'60 Oct. .34% 34% 34% Ger C Bk A 7s 50 .. 50 50 50 Ger Gen Elec 6%s'40 32% 32% 32% Ger Gov 5 Vjs 65 st . 28% 28 28% Ger Gov 5 V, s'65 un st 26 25% 26 Ger Prv & City Bank con Ag 6Vbs'58 .. 29 28% 28% Ger Rep 7s'49 stpd ... 33 33 33 Oerr.ep7s 49 un st.. 28 27% 28 Greek Gov 6s'6S_ 28% 28% 28% Italy 7s'51 _ 87", 86', 87 Ital P U Crd 7s'52_ 74% 74", 74% Japan 5 Vis’65_ 89", 88% 89% Japan 6 %s’54 100 99", 100 Jugos Mt* Bk 7s ’57_ 40% 40% 40*4 Kreug&Toll 5s '59 cfs 50 50 50 Medelin 6%s'54 _ 11% 11 11 Mex 4s'10-'45 asst _ 5*, 5% 5% Mexico sf 5s '45 asst. 6", 6*, 6*, M ex I re 4 % s ' 4 3 asst. 5', 5% 5% Milan 6 %s '62 .. 73% 73% 73% Minas Gers 6 Vis'58 27*4 27", 27*4 Minas Gers 6 Vi s'59 .. 27", 27% 27% .yw jo U/iiPsaj oo _ iii.i'i iu.v i nu't Norway 48 63 _ 98% 97% 98% Norway 4%s ’65_102% 102% 102% Norway 4%s '56_ 104 103% 104 Norway 6s'44_ 106% 106% 106% Oriental Dev 5 %s'58. 78% 78% 78% Oriental Dev 6s'53_ 85 84% 85 Oslo 4%s '55 _ 100% 100% 100% ranama 5s '63 stp as. 66% 66% 66% Parts Orl Ry 5 Vis '68. 99 99 99 Pernambuco 7s'47_ 24 23% 24 Peru 6s '60_ 20 19% 19% Peru 6s’61_ 20 19% 19% Peru 7s'59_ 21 20% 20% Poland 6s'4b_ 49% 49% 49% Poland 7s'47_ 64% 64% 64% Poland 8s'50 .. _ 47 47 47 Porto Alegre 8s'61_ 28 28 28 Prussia 6 %s 51_ 22% 22% 22% Queensland 7s’41_111 111 111 Rhine W El P 6s ’53__ 23% 23% 23% Rlode Jan 6%s '6S_ 25% 25% 25% Rio de Jan 8s'46_ 29% 28% 29% Rio Grdo Sul 6s ’68__ 26% 26 26 Rio Gr do Sul 7s’66... 26% 25% 26% Rio Gr do Sul 7s ’67... 26% 26% 26% Rio Gr do Sul 8s'46_ 30% 30% 30% Rome6%s’62 _ 75 74% 74% Roumania 7s '59_ 37% 37% 37% Sao Paulo C 6 %s’57 — 26% 26% 26% Sao Paulo C 8s'52_ 27 27 27 Sao Paulo St 6s’68_ 26% 26% 26'% Sao Paulo St 7s 40... 95% 95 95 Sao Faulo St 8s ’50 ... 32% 32% 32% Saxon St Mtg 7s '45... 21% 21% 21% Siemens & H 6 %s’51. 60 60 60 Serbs 7s'62_ 26 26 26 Serbs 8s '62_ 28% 27% 27% Silesian Bank 6s'47_32% 32% 32% Tokio 5%s’61_ 80% 80 80 Tokio E L Ltd 6s '53.. 81% 81% 81% Ujlgawa E P 7s’45_ 96% 96% 96% Uruguay 6s'60_ 67 66% 66% Uruguay 6s’64_ 67 67 67 Uruguay 8s'46_ 67% 66% 67% Warsaw 7s'58_ 44 44 44 Yokohoma 6s'61_ 85 84% 85 DOMESTIC BONDS. Alleg Corp 6s'44_ 100 99% 100 Alleg Corp 6s 49_ 94 93 93 Alleg Corp 6s'50 stp. 64 62% 64 Alleg & Westn 4s'98 . 95 95 95 Allied Stores 4%s’50. 99% 99% 99% Am & For Pw 6s 2030. 78 77% 79% Amlcecv5s’53_ 95% 95% 95% Am 1 G Ch 5 % s '49_ 106 106 106 Am Inti 6 % s ’49_105% 105% 105% Am T&T3%s’61_ 99% 99% 99% AmT&T3%s’66_ 99% 99% 99% Am T & T 4%s '39- 105 105 105 Am T & T 6 % s 43- 113% 113% 113% Am T F 2%s-5s’38-’50 142 142 142 Am Wat Wks 6s'75— 108 108 108 Anaconda deb «% s'60 106 105% 106 Armour(Del)lst 4s’55 98 97% 97% Armour (Del) 4s’57.. 97% 97% 97% Armstrong Ck 4s’SO. 105% 105% 105% A T&S Fe 4s’09-’55.. 107% 107% 107% A T&S Fe 4s ’60_ 105% 105% 105% A T&S Fs adj 4s ’95 St 106% 106% 106% A T&S Fe gen 4s'96 111 110% 111 A T&S Fe gn 4s ’95 rg 108% 108% 108% A T&S Fe 4%s 4 8 108% 108% 108V,. Atl Coast L 1st 4s ’52 103 102% 103 Atl Coast L clt 4s’62. 94% 94% 94% AtlCLun 4%s’64 92% 92 92 Atl Coast Line 6s’45 106 106 106 Atlantic & D lst4s’48. 48% 48% 48% Atl G & W 1st 6s ’59— 75 75 75 B & O 1st 4s '4S_106% 106% 106% B&O4%s60_ 75% 75 75% B & O 1st 6s ‘48-113% 113% 113% B & O ref 6s ’95 A_85% 84% B & O 6s '96 F84% 84% 84% Hirh. Low. Close. B A O ref 6s 2000 D-_. 84% 84% 84% B & O ref 6s '95 C_ 97% 97% 97% B A O PLEAW V4s’41 103% 103% 103% BtOSwnBs 50_ 105 104% 104% B A O Toledo 4s '59 ... 92 92 92 BangAAroos 4s’51stp 111% 111% 111% Bell T of Pa 5s '48 B.. 118% 118% 118% Beth Steel 3%s'66_ 96% 96 96 Beth Steel 4%s 60_ 104 103% 104 Bos A Me Bs '67. - 83% 83% 83% BosN Y A L4s'55... 26% 26% 26% Bklyn Ed con 3V*s'66 100% 100% 100% Bklyn Man T 4%s'66 88% 87% 88% Bklyn Un El 5s '50 .. 103% 103% 103% Bklvn Un Gas 5s'50.. 94 94 94 Bklyn Un Gas 5s '45.. 113% 113% 113% Bklyn Un G 6s 57 B . 106 105% 106 Bklvn Un G ref 6s'47 118 118 118 Buff RAP con 4%s’57 86% 86% 86% Bush Term con 5s'55. 63% 59% 60% Bush Ter Bldg 5s '60. 64 63", 63% Calif Packing 5s'40._ 105 105 105 Canada So 5s'62 A . 114% 114 114% Can'dian NR 4 >4s '57. 112% 112% 112% Can'dian N 6s'69 July 116 116 116 Can'dian NR5s'69 Oct 118% 118 118 Can'dian XR 5s’70... 118", 118% 118% Can’dian N db 6%s’4 6 124% 124% 124% Can'dian P db 4s perp 94% 94% 94% Can'dian Pao 4%s'60 103% 103 103 Can'dian P 5s'44 cfs. 115 114% 114% Caro Cl A O 6s '52 A__ 110% 110% 110% Car A Gen 5s'50 ww.. 102 102 102 Cent of Ga 5s ’69 C_ 18 18 18 Cent of Ga rf 5%s’59 18% 18% 18% Cent 111 E A G Bs '51.. 102 102 102 Cent of N J 4s'87_ 52 52 52 Cent of N J gen 6s '87 57% 57 57% Cent of XJ rn 5s’87rg. 52% 52% 52% Cent Pac 1st rf 4s'49. 108% 108 108 Centrac6s'60 _ 98% 98% 98% Cent RR B Ga 5s'37.. 88% 88 88 Cert'd deb 5%s'48_ 75% 74% 75 Ches A O 3 %s'96 D_ 98% 98% 98% Ches A O 3 %s '96 E_ 98% 98% 98% O A O gen 4 %s '92 .. 123% 123% 123% | C A O RAA 2d 4s '89.. 110% 110', 110'-, j C A O con 5s ’3 9 _107% 107% 107' ., | Chi A Alt ref 3s’49_ 55 55 55 ; Chi BAQ gen 4s T,8... 112% 112 112% I Chi BAQ ref 5s'71_116 116 116 | Chi BAQI div 3%s ’49 107% 107% 107% Chi A E 111 5s'51 .. 38% 36% 36% Chi A E 111 5s'51 ctfs. 36% 36 36 Chi A E 1st 5s '82 _120% 120% 120% Chi Grt West 4s'59... 42% 42 42 Chi IAL gen 5s'66_ 17 17 17 Chi IAL gen 6s '66_ 16 16 16 C M A St P 4s '89 _ 54% 53% 53% CMAStP gn 4%s'89 C. 58% 58% 58% CMAStP 6s'75_ 29% 29 29 CMAStPAP adj5s2O0O 9% 9% 9% Chi A N’W gen 4s'87 .. 38 38 38 Chi A NW 4 Vis 2037 .. 25% 25% 25% Chi A XW 4%s 2037 C 25% 25 25 Chi A XW 4%s'49 _ 17*, 17 17 CAXW Xr W 6 % s '36 45% 45% 45*; ChlRIAPrf4s 34 . 20% 20% 20% Chi R IAP rf 4s’24ctf. 17 17 17 Chi R IAP gen 4s'88.. 36 34% 34*, Chi R IAP 4 % s ’52- 18% 18% 18% Chi RIAP 4%s’52 ctf 18 18 18 | Chi R IAP 4Vis'60 _ in; 11 \\vt Chi T HAS 1st 5s '60 . 91*, 91% 91", I Chi Un Sta 3%s '63 E 108% 108% 108% j Chi A W In con 4s '52. 104 104 104 ] Chi A W Ind 4 14s'62. 103 102% 103 Cin G A E 3%* '66_ 100% 100% 100% Cin Un Term 5s'57 .. 107% 107*, 107% CCCASt L gen 4s'93 101 101 101 CCCASt L rf 4%s'7 7E 94% 94% 94% i CCCASt L rf 5s 63 D 105ft 105ft 10.5ft I CCCAStLCWAM4s'91 93 93 93 Clev El III 3 %s'65 __ 108% 108% 108% Clev Un Ter 4V2s'77. 102*, 102 102 Clev Un Ter 5s'73 B 106% 106'-; 106*1 Clev Un Ter 6>.is'72A 112% 112% 112% Colo A So 4%s'80_ 62 60 60 Columbia G A E deb oa u - Ajini_ imi't urn iuu I Columbia G&E 6s *61. 99'» 98*. 99 Colum Uy P&L 4s '65 1064 105’, 106'i | Cornel Credit 34s '51 98", 98*, 98*', I Com Inv Tr 3’,is ’51 102'a 102'a 102'a Conn R&L 4%s'51 st. 107 107 107 Conn R Pw 3 s '61 A. 104'i 104'i 104'-i Cons Ed N Y 3 >i s '46. 105’, 105', 105’, i Cons Ed N Y 3’is '56. 104 104 104 Cons Gas NY 4Vis’51 107*, 107*1 107*, Consol Oil 3’is'51 . 101', 101 101’, Consum P un 3’is'65 103*, 103', 103*, C’onsum Pwr 3'is 70 103', 103', 103', Oonsum Pwr 34s'65 106 106 106 Container deb 5s’43 .. 101*. 101*, 101*, Container 6s'46_ 103*, 103*, 103*, Crane Co 3’,is'51 ... 101 100*, 100’, Crown C & S 4s '50 ._ 105*, 105*, 105*. Crown Will P 6s '51.. 105*, 105*, 105*4, Cuba Northn 5’is'42. 49 48*, 48’, Dayton P*L3’/is’60. 104'4, 1044 1044 Del & Hud ref 4s '43 .. 91*, 91'a 91*, Den & R G con 4s'36. 314 31’, 31', Den & R G VV 5s '55 .. 16*, 16*, 16*, Den &. RGW 5s'6*asst 164 16 16 Det Edison 3’is'66.. 104 104 104 Det Edison 4s '65 F 109'a 109*4 109’, Det Edison 4’,is '61 D 114'. 114', 114', Det Edison 5s'52_107', 107', 107b, Dul S S & At 5s '37 . 53'-j 53'a 534 Duquesne Lt 3'is’65 105'-, 105', 105', Elec Auto Lite 4s’52. 109'a 109’, 1094 Erie cv 4s'53 A_ S3 83 83 Erie ref 6s 67_ 79% 79'4, 79*4 Erie ref 5s'75 . _ 78*, 784 784 Erie Gen Riv 6s '57... 1 IS', 118', 118% Erie & Jersey 6s '55 118 118 118 Fairhks Morse 4s '56. 101’, 101’i 101’4 Fed Lt&Tr 5s '42 ... 102'a 1024 1024 Fed Lt&Tr 6s '54 B... 96’, 96’, 96*. Fla E C Ry 5s *74 124 12 124 Fla E CRy 5s *74 ctfs 12 ll*i 11*. Francisco Suf 6s'56.. 70 70 70 Gen Am Inv 5s 52_ 101% 101% 1014 Gen Cable 54s'47.._ 105'i 105 105 Gen Mot Acc 3s '45_102% 102'i 102'i Gen Mot Acc 3%s '51. 101', 101U 101', Gen Stl Cast 64s’49. 834 83 4 834 Ga & Ala 5s '45 _ 334 334 334 Goodrich 4'is'56_ 101 1004 101 Goodrich Ss'45_ 105 104% 105 Goodyear T&R 5s'57. 105% 1054 1054 GrtNrRy 3 %s'67 954 95 95 Great N Ry 4s'4R G.. 1354 1344 1344 Grt N Ry 4s'46 H ... 1104 1104 1104 Grt X R rf 44 s'61 A. 1134 113 1134 Grt NR gen 44s ’75 D 1054 1054 1054 Grt N R gn 4 4s'77 E 1054 105 105 Grt N R 54s'52 B... 1184 1184 1184 Gulf M & N 5s 50 ... 100 99 100 Gulf M & X 54s'50.. 1024 102", 1024 Gulf Sta Stl 44s '61 . 96% 96', 96% Gulf Sta Util 44s '46 1034 1034 1034 Hock Val 4 4s'99 ... 120 1194 120 Hoe <R) 1st mtg'44.. 90% 904 904 Hour B&T 1st 5s'37.. 100'i 1004 1004 Houston Oil 64s '40. 102% 102 102 Hudson Coal 5s'52_ 464 464 464 Hud & Man Inc 6s'67. 264 264 264 Hud & Man ref 5s'67. 68% 68 68 111 Bell Tel 34s'70... 1064 1064 1064 111 Cent col tr 4s’52._ 86% 86% 86% 111 Cent col tr 4s '53_80% 80% 80% 111 Cent ref 4s'55_ 87 87 87 111 Cent 4%s'66_ 724 724 724 111 Cent ref 5s '55_ 984 984 984 111 Cent Lit div 3s'51_ 93 4 93 4 934 ICC&St L N O 44s'63 784 78 784 ICC&St LN O 5s'63.. 83% 83% 83% 111 Steel deb 44S’40 1074 107 1074 Ind'polls U R 5s'65 B 1034 1034 1034 Inland Stl 3%s'61 .. 1054 1054 1054 Int RT 1st rf 5s’66_ 654 63% 654 I R T 1st rf 5s'66 ctfs 644 634 64", Int R T 6s '32_ 234 234 234 Int RT 7s'32_ 674 65 674 Int R T 7s'32 ctfs .... 65 64 65 Interlake Iron 4a'47.. 994 984 98'/, Int Grt Nr 6s '52 A ... 34 34 34 Int Grt Nr adj 6s'52 A 12% 12% 12% Int Hydro Elec 6s'44 78 774 774 Int Mer Marine 6s‘41 764 754 764 Int Pap 1st Bs'47 A_102% 100% 102% Int Pap ref 6s'65 _ 98% 984 984 Int T&T cv 4%s '39_ 87 864 86% Int T&T 4 4s'52_ 70 70 70 Int T&T 5s'65_ 754 744 744 Iowa C lst&rf 4s '61.. 7% 7% 7% James F&C 4s'39... 944 94% 94% Jones&L Stl 4V*s'61A 102% 102% 102% Kans C So 1st 3s'60.. 86% 864 86% Kans Citv So ref 6s’50 88% 88% 88% Kans C Ter 1st 4s '60. 108% 1084 1084 Kans G&E 4 4s'80 1044 1034 1034 Kresge Found 4s'45.. 103% 103% 103% Laclede Gas 6s'39.— 934 92% 92% Laclede G 64s'63 C- 604 60 604 Laclede G 54s'60 D. 60 594 594 Laclede Gas 6s'42 A— 504 50 50 L E & West'n 3s '47_ 994 99 4 994 Lautaro Nit 1975s._ 34 334 34 Leh C&N 4 4s'54 A . 95 95 95 Leh & N E RR 4s '65. 103 103 103 Leh Val Coal 5s'64... 574 574 574 Leh Val Coal 6s'38... 95 95 95 Leh Val Har 5s'54... 100 100 100 Leh V NY 4y,s'40 gtd 102 102 102 Leh V P con 4s 2003 594 59 59 Leh V Peon 44s 2003 64% 64% 64% Lex & E Ry 5s '65_ 120 120 120 Llgg & Myers 5s '51._ 124 124 124 Loew's3 4s'46___99% 99% 99% Lorlllard 5s'51_118% 118% 118% La & Ark 5s 69_ 92 92 92 L&N 1st 4s 2003_ 984 984 984 L&Nunif 4s'40_106% 1064 1064 L. * N 44* 2003 C_104% 104% 104% L&N Mo&N 44s’45. 111 111 111 L& N So Mon Jt 4s'62 97 96% . 97 McCrory Strs 5s ’51._ 103 102%‘ 103 McKess&Rob 64«'60. 103% 1934 1034 MlCRRclt 4s’46 A- 104 104 104 . High. Low. Close. Me C HU gn 4%s'60 A 8114 81V* 81V, Manatl Sug 714s'42._ 671*. 671* 57'/* Man S 1st 7%s'42ctfs 671* 67', 6714 Manhat Ry 4s ’90_ 34 331* 34 Market St Ry 7s’40 A 100 99'4 100 Mead Co 6s’45 . 104*4 104>4 104 V* Met Ed 1st rf 414* '6S 10614 106 106'.* Mich Cent 314s ’52_ 107 107 107 Mil El R&L 5s'61_101*4 10114 10114 Mil El R&S L. rf 6s'71 101** 101 101*4 Mil Spa* N W 4s'47. 36V4 3614 36V* Minn & St L rf 4s '49. 614 6'/* 6V* MStP&SSM cn 4s‘38. 23 23 23 MStP&SSM cn 6s'38. 20 20 20 MStP&SSM 5s'38 gtd 25 25 25 MStP&SSM 644s'49.. 15*4 15*4 15*4 Mo 111 5s'69.— 65*4 6514 6544 Mo K & T 1st 4s'90_ 86 86 86 Mo K&T4s 62 B_ 66 66 66 Mo K & T 4 44s '78_ 69'4 69>4 694 Mo K & T 5s 62 A_ 7714 76** 76** Mo K & T adj 5s'67... 68 68 68 Mo Pac 4s *75_ 18*4 1814 18*4 Mo Pac 6s'77 F_ 40 39 39 Mo Pac 5s 77 F ctfs— 37 37 37 Mo Pac 5s'78 G_ 3914 39 39 Mo Pac 5s '80 H_ 39*» 39*4 39*4 Mo Pacific 5s'81 I_ 40 39*, 39*» Mo Pac 5s'81 I ctrs— 37 37 37 Mo Pac 514s '4 9 A ... 15 144 144 Mob & Ohio 414 s '77_324 32 32 Mob & Ohio 6s'38_ 3314 32'4 3214 Monong PubS4 4s'60 1031* 103'/* 1031* Monong Pub S 6s'65.. 103 103 103 Mont Pwr 31*s’66 ._ 94*4 944 9414 Morris & Es 314s 2000 90*, 90*, 90*« Morris&Essex 6s '55.. 96** 96*» 964 Namm & Sons 6s'43 .. 103% 103% 103% Natl Dairy 3»is’61ww 104 103% 103% Natl Steel 4s 65_106% 106% 106% New E TAT 4%s’61 .. 119% 119% 119% New ET&T 1st 5s’52 123% 123% 123% New Jer PAD 4%s'60 106% 106% 106s, New OrlGNR 5s '83 A 88 • 88 88 New Orl P S 6s '52<A.. 83% 93% 93% New Orl P S 5s'55 B 94 94 94 New Or Ter 1st 4S'53 92 91% 92 New Orl TAM 5s’51 B 52 52 52 New Orl TAM 6%S'54 54% 54 54 N Y Central 3 %s '52.. 109% 109% 109% NY Central 3 %s‘07_97% 96% 97 NY Central 3%s'46.. 102 101% 101% NY Cent 4s '42_ 105 105 105 NY Cent con 4s’98_ 98% 97% 97'% NY Cent rf 4%s 2013. 90% 89% 89% NY C rf 4%s 2013 n._ 90% 90 90% NY Cent rf 5s 2013... 98 97% 97% NY C L, Sh 3%« '98... 92% 92 92 NYC Mich C 3%s'98_. 90 90 90 NY Chi A St L 4s'46.. 103% 103% 103% NYCASt L 1st 4s'37.. 101^ 101 101 & NYCASt L 4%s‘78... 87% 87% 87% NYCASt L 5%s'74 A. 98% 98 98% NY Chi A St E 6s'38.. 100% 100% 100% -\%r Dock 1st 4s '51... 58% 55% 55% NY Dock 5s '38_ 69% 58% 59% NY Edison 3%s‘65 D. 100% 100% 100% NY EJis ref 3%s'66.. 100% 100% 100% NY G El HAP 4s ’49.. 113% 113% 113% NY G El HAP 6s'48._ 122 122 122 NY NH AH 4s'56_ 40 40 40 NY NH A H 4 %s '67 .. 43 42% 43 NY NH A H cv 6s '48. 44 43% 43% NY NH A HCR 4s '56. 39% 39% 39% NY OAW ref 4s 92 24 23s, 23s, NYQueens con3%s'65 104s, 104% 104% NY Steam 1st os'51.. 104", 104 104 NY Steam 5s '56_104V, 102 102% NY Steam 1st Cs'47.. 105% 105% 105% NY Tel gen 4%s'39._ 107 107 107 NY WAB 4 %s '46_ 15 15% 15% Nlag Sh 5%s '50_102% 102% 102% Norf So 1st 5s'41_ 81 81 81 Norf A W 1st 4s '96... 116% 116s, 116% North Am Co 5s'61... 103s, 103% 103% North Am Ed Ds '57 A 103% 103% 103% North Am Ed 5s '69 C 103 102% 102s, North Am Ed 5%s'63 104% 104 101 Nor'n Pac gen 3s 2047 75 74% 74% Nor’n Pac 4s'97_106% 105% 106% Nor'n Tac 4%s 2047_98% 98 98 Nor’n Pac 5s 2047 D._ 103% 103 103 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047__ 111% 111% llf% Ohio Edison 4s'65_105s, 105% 105% I Ohio Pub Svc 7 Vjs '46 112 112 112 j Ont Pwr Nlag 5s '43_111s, 111s, 111s, i Oreg RRAN 4s '46_112s, 112s, 112% Oreg W RR 4s 61__ ]U7% 107s, 107s. Otis Steel 4%s'62_ 91% 90% 91%; Pac Gas A El 3 Us'66 99% 99% 99% Pac G A E 4s '64 107% 107% 107% rac TAT rf 3%s'66 B 101% 101 101', Pac TAT 3 %s '66 C 101% ini 101 Para Broad way 3s'55 67% 67s, 67s, Param't Pic 3 %s’47 . 91 91 91 Paramount Pic 6s ’55. 99% 99s, 99% Fark-Lx 6%s ’53 ctfs 48% 48 48% rertn Go 3%s '42 C_105% 105% 105% Penn Co 4s '52 E_107% 106 106 Penn Co 4s'63 _102% 102 102% I renn Dixie C 6s '41_ 100 99% 99% Penn P A L 4%s'81._ 101 100% 100% : Penn RR 3 %s w 1_109% 109% 109% Penn RR3%s’70C_ 99s, 99% 99% Penn RR con 4s'4 8 ... 113 113 113 Penn RR 4 %s'81 D_. 107% 107% 107% Penn RRGis'84. .. 107% 107% 107% Penn RP. con G4s '60. 119 119 119 Penn RRgn4%s'65. 112 111% 111% Penn RR deb 4 %s '70 103 102' , 102% Penn RR gen 5s'68 118% 118% 118% Reople GRAC rf 5s'47 113s, 113s, 113s, Rere Marq 4%s '80 ._ 93s, 93% 93s, Pere Marq 1st 5s’56 . 102% 102 102 Phelps D 3%s '52 w 1. 109s, 109 109 Phila BAW 4%s'77.. 114 114 114 Phlla Co 5s '67 . . _ 100 99% 99s, Phila Elec 3%s '67_]03% 103 103% Phlla A P. CA1 6s'73.. 28s, 27% 27s, j Phila A R CA1 6s'49.. 12 11% 12 Philippine Ry 4s'37.. 19% 19% 19% 1 PGGASt I, 4 % s '4 0 A. 109% 109% 109% PCCASt L 4%s '77 C.. 107% 107% 107s, Port Gen El 4Ha '60.. 59 58s, 58% Porto Rico A T 6s'42. 78 77% 77s, Postal Tel A C 5s '53. 26 26% 25% Potomac El P 3%s '66 102% 102% 102% Pressed Stl Car 5s '51 95 95 95 Pure Oil 41,is'50 ww. 114% 113s, 114 Pure Oil 4%s '50 drw 111% 111% 111% Pure 011 4Us ’50 xw . 105% 105% 105% PureO 4’is’50xw d rn 102% 102% 102% Purity Baking 5s’48. 98s, 98% 98% Reading Jer C 4*'51.. 91% 89% 91% Reading R 4%s'97 A. 106% 106% 106% Rem-Rand 4 4s’56ww 107% 107% 107% Republic Stl 4 %s'50. 164 161 161 Republic Stl 4%s'66. 97% 97% 97% Republic Stl 4%s '61. 97% 97 97 Republic Stl 5%s '54. 118% 118% 118% Revere Cop 4 %s '56 . 103% 103% 103% R G W 1st ex In 4s '39. 76 75 76 Rio G W col 4s '49 A.. 39 39 39 Saguenay Pw 4 % s '66 101 101 101 St Jo Ry L T&P 6s’37 974 974 974 StLIM&S R&G4s’33 79 78% 79 St LIM&SR&G4s’33ct 79 79 79 St L-S Fran 4s '50 A.. 26 26 26 St L-S Fran 4%s'78.. 24% 24% 24% St L-9 F 4%s'78 cf st. 22 22 22 St L S F 5s '50 B ctfs. 25 25 25 St L R M 4 P 5s ’55_ 824 824 824 St P K C S L 4%s’41_ 19% 19% 19% St P Un Dep rf 5s'72. 119 119 119 San A ft A Pass 4s’43 102 101% 101% San An P Svc 6s ’52 A 1104 1104 1104 San Diego CG&E4s’65 109% 109% 109% Schulco 6%s ’46 A_ 26% 26% 26% Schulco 6%s’46 A stp 27 27 27 Schulco 6%s’46 B stp. 27% 274 274 Seabd A L ref 4s '69_15 14% 14% Seabd A L 6s'45 A.__ 17% 17% 17% Seabd A L 6s'45 ctfs. 16% 16% 16% Seabd A-Fl 6s’35 A ct. 8 7% 8 Seabd A-Fla6s’35B ct. 74 74 7V* ^haron Stl cv 4%s’51 109 109 109 Snell Un deb 3%s’61. 994 98% 98% Skelly 011 4s ’51_ 99% 99% 99% Socony Vav 3%s'50_. 104% 104% 104% South Bell T&T 5s ’41 105ft 105ft 105ft So Colo Pwr 6s’47 A.. 105% 105% 105% So Pac 3%s ’46- 100% 100% 100% So Pac col 4s’49_ 96 95% 96 So Pac ref 4s ’55_106 1054 106 So Pac 4%s '68_ 90 89% 89% So Pac 4%s '69- 90 89% 90 So Pac 4 %s '81- 89 88% 88% So Pac Ore 4 % s’"7 rg. 95% 96% 95% So Pac S F Ter 4s '50. 108% 1084 108% So Ry gen 4s ’56 A_ 78% 77% 78 So Ry 5s '94- 108 107% 108 So Ry gen 6s 56- 97 97 97 So Ry 6%s ‘66- 100% 1004 100% So Ry M & O 4s '38- 93% 93% 93% So Ry St L div 4s '51.. 994 994 894 Spokane Int 5s '55_ 28% 28 28 Stand Oil N J 3s ’61._ 98 98 98 Studebaker cv 6s'45.. 116% 115 115 Swift ft Co 3 %s’50_106% 106% 106% Tenn El Pw 6s’47 A_. 91 90% 90% Term As St L 4s’53_. 1084 108V* 1084 Texarkana 5%s’50... 105 105 105 Texas Corp 3 %s’61— 104% 104% 104% Texas & Pac 5s ’77 B. 104% 104% 104% Texas ft Pac 6s'79 C. 103% 103% 103% Third Av ref 4s’60— 51 50% 50% Third Av 1st 5s'37.-. 92% 92% 92% Third A ad In ex 5s’66 24% 23% 23% Tide Wat Oil 3%s’52. 100% 100% 100% Tol & Ohio C 3%s’60. 105% 105% 105% Tol St L& W 4s ’50— 99 99 99 Un El L & P 6s ’37- 104 104 104 Un Oil of Cal 3 %s'52. 110 110 110 Union Pac 3 %s '70... 96% 96% 96% Union Pac SHs’71- 96% 96% 96% Union Pac 1st 4S'4T.. 113% 113% 113% Un Pac 1st rf 4s 2008. 107% 107 107 United Biscuit 5s’60. 108 108 108 United Drug 6s’63_ 97% 97% 97% Utd Rya St L 4s '34_ 27% 274 274 US Rubber 6s'47_107% 106% 107 Utah P ft L 6s ’44_100% 100 1004 Petroleum Institute Finds Daily Average Down 35,550 Barrels. Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 9—Crude oil production slipped back 35,550 barrels daily from last Peek's record peak to a daily average of 3,538,150 barrels, the American Petroleum Institute report today Indicated. The entire decline occurred east of California. Output in that State actually gained slightly. Gasoline stocks, after a long period of what the trade referred to as sub normal Summer reductions, dipped sharply. Supplies at refineries, termi nals and in transit totaled 77,494,000 barrels, a drop of 1,264,000. Reports from 89 per cent of the in dustry's refineries, operating at 81 per cent of capacity, indicated a dally average of 3,195,000 barrels w-as run to stills. This compared with 3,245,000 barrels run into processing during the previous period by the same group of refineries, operating at 83 per cent of potential. Cracked gasoline production gained fractionally, at 740,000 barrels daily during the latest week, against 730,000 barrels the week before. Imports of crude and refined oil totaled 1.108,000 barrels, a decline of 136,000 barrels. HIGHER NET REPORTED BY TRUAX-TRAER COAL Es the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 9—Truax Traer Coal Co. reported today for the fiscal year ended April 30 consolidated net profit of $504,490, after undistrib uted profits tax, or $1 31 a share on 368.863 common shares. This compares with $313,466 of $1.11 a share on 282,175 common shares in the preceding fiscal year. The company has headquarters at Chicago. Washington Produce i _ BUTTER—93 score 1-pound prints. 35: ’♦-pound prints. 36. tub. 3 4 9(» score. 1 pouna prints, 34; 1♦-pound prints. 35; tub. 33: market strong. MEATS Choice beef. IP- calves 15a I 3 6; veal. Mi: Spring iamb. 33. Fall iamb, lx. pork Join. 26; frozen pork 33: fresh ham 33: smoked ham 25 sliced bacon. 3«»a33; slab bacon. 3h: compound, j 312 lard. 1 4 1 2 LIVE STOCK- Pigs. O^aO3*: light hogs. lo'4alO!. mediums. Ki^aHi^, 330-250 pounds. Jo'4alo‘j heavies. 9l2alu. sow*, stags 5aS: calves. 7a9. Prices paid shippers, net fob. Washing ton. By the United States Bureau of Agri cultural Economics. EGGS Market about steady at un changed prices Current, receipts 1* to 19: hennery w hites 19> 2 to 2o. Government graded and dated white eggs U. S. extras, largr 34>2 U. S’ ext ras, mediums, 3". U. S. standards large 3o*2 LIVE POULTRY—Market full steadv at unchanged prices. Fowi: Colored, heavy. 16 to 17: Leghorns. 14 to 15 roosters 10. Chickens Crosses. 21 to 23. Rncks Vir ginia 22 to 33; a few at to 1 premium: Delaware. 3 1 1 2 to 231 .■ Leghorns. 3 pounds, lx less than 2 pounds. 16. Turkeys; Oid hens. J6 to ]7 old toms. 13 to 14. Fruits and Vegetables. Sales In large lots by original receivers up to X am today APPLES--No carlot arrivale: no cars on track Supplies light demand light mar ket steady. Maryland Pennsylvania. Vlr ?Tin‘o and West Virginia, bushel baskets V S No. 1 Winesaps. 2-inch minimum, l.oo-i,60; 2’4-inch minimum. 1.75-1.X5. few 3.00; 3M2-inch minimum. 2.00-2,35, few 2.35: 234-inch minimum. 2.35-2 5(»; Pippins 214-inch minimum. 1 50-1.60: 3M2-inch minimum 3 00-2 35. Cartons: Winesaps. fancy. J 60s. 3 35-2 50; 1 r’s 3.65- 3 75: Pippins U. S No 1 160s •» 35 3 36: 113s. U S No 1. 2.35-2.50; Stav mans. fancv; 144s 2 35-3 50; 1J 2s, 2 60* 3 75. Delicious, fancv 144s. 2.5o 112s, 3 75. 96s 3 X5-3 00; bushel boxes Fa icv Romes 125s, 2.35: 1 13s. 2 35-3.40; 100s! fl,nd Jar8Cr 2.50-2.65. Winesaps. 163s. I 3 3.>-. 50; 15os and 13Xs, 2.40-2 50; 125c 3 65_->: 5; 113 s. 2.75-2.65: 100s. 2X5; Delicious fancy. 113s. 2 50-2.75, 100s 2.65- 2.65. ’ ASPARAGUS—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. Supplies light; demand light: market slightlv weaker. Pyramid crates dozen bunches medium to large Mzrv New J,my 1.50-M.flO; Delaware. 1. -o-l 5o. few higher CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track Truck receipts moderate, sup- i plies moderate demand light; market steady. . 1 r2-bushel hampers North Caro- I lina. pointed tyne. 65-75; Virginia. Nor folk /priori routed tvpe 60-65. c-ARROTS—No carlot arrivals, two bro- 1 ken cars on track Supplies light: de- i mand light; market steady. California ^estern-iertuce crater 5.75-6.00. Texas bushel baskets. 1 X5-2.00. CAULIFLOWER—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Practically no supplies on the market. CELERY—Two California arrived: two broken and tw:o unbroken cars on track Supplies light demand light; market steady. Individually washed; Florida, lo-inch crates. 4-JO-dozen 3.75-4.00. California. 1 2 crates 3-4 dozen. .3 50-3.75. LETTUCE—No carlot arrivals, eight broken cars on track. Supplies moderate demand light: market about steadv West ern crates. Iceberg type California 5 dozen. mostly 3.76-4 00: few higher; P0^rxeTT^l?^‘ *1 «!-dozen. 2.00-2.50. ONIONS—Three Texas arrived: one bro ken and seven unbroken cars on track. Supplies moderate: demand light: market about steadv. Texas. 50-pound sacks Yel low Bermudas. U. S. commercial, 1.35; few higher PEAS—One California arrived: two bro ken and one unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate; demand light; market slightly weaker. Bushel hampers- Cali fornia. Telephones. 2.25-2.35; mostly 2 25 Pennsylvania. 1.50. Potato Prices Steady. POTATOES—One Maine, one North Carolina, one South Carolina arrived; three broken and four unbroken cars on track Old stock Supplies light: demand light: market steady. Maine. 10(i-pound sacks Green Mountains. U. 8. No. 1. 2.50. New stock- Supplies moderate: demand light market slightly weaker. North and South Carolina, stave barrels. Cobblers. U. S. No. I. 2.75-3.00: few higher. North Caro lina. 100-pound sacks. Cobblers. U. S. No. 1, 1.50-1 .65 STRAWBERRIES—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Truck receipts moderate; supplies moderate: demand slow: market dull. .3*..-quart crates, various varieties • Delaware. 2.00-3.00: New Jersey, mostly good quality. 3.50-4.00; nearby sections 50-3 50. according to quality. TOMATOES-—Three Mississippi arrived: three broken and three unbroken cars on track. Supplies fairly liberal; demand light; market steady. Mississippi, lug boxes, green, ripes and turning wrapped 6x6 and larger. 2.00-2.25; Florida and Texas lug boxes. 6x6 and larger, over ripe. 1.00-1.75: Georgia, lug boxes 6x6 and larger green ripes and turning wrapped 2.00-2.25. few 2.50. WATERMELONS-—One Florida arrived: one unbroken car on track. Supplies mod erate: demand light; market weaker. Florida, truck receipts. Tom Watsons —' Pounds average. 40: 30-34 pounds average. 60; freight receipts practically no supplies on the market. CANTALOUPES—No carlot arrivals: four broken cars on track. Supplies mod erate: demand light: market steady. Cali fornia. Salmon Meats, jumbos 36s 5 °5 .^oo^ jumbos. 45s 5.50-5.75; standards. 4os. o.00; ponys. 45s and 54s. 4.00; jumbo flats. 9s to 12s. 1.75-2.00. MIXED VEGETABLES-—No carlot ar rivals; no cars on track. High. Low. Close. Util P & L 5s ’69 ww_. 49% 49% 49% Util P&L 5%s'47... 60% 50% 60% V C&P 1st 4%s’34 ast. 3% 3% 3% Va E & P 1st rf 4s '65. 108% 108% 1085, Va Ry 1st 3%s'66 A_. 105% 105 105 Va S W con 6s'68_ 96% 96% 96% Wabash 4%s'78_ 31% 31% 31% Wabash 1st 6s'39_ 94% 93 93 Wabash 6 %s '75_ 34% 33'% 34% Walker H&S 4%s’45. 105% 105V* 105V* Walworth 4s'55_ 80 78% 80 Warner Bros cv 6s’39 95 94% 94% Warner-Quln 6s '39.. 49 48 49 Wash Term3%s’45._ 107% 107% 107% Wash W P 1st 5s '39. 106% 106% 106% West Penn P 3%s'66 106 105% 106 West Ta Pw 4s '61 H. 109 109 109 W Sh 1st 4s 2061 gtd. 91% 91% 91% W Sh 1st 4s 2061 reg. 87 87 87 West'n Md 1st 4s'62. 104 103% 103% Westn Md 5%s'77... 107 107 107 Westn Pac 5s '46 A... 32% 32% 32% West’n Pao 6s’46 A as 32% 32% 32% West'n Un 4%s’50 .. 100% 100% 100% Westn Un cl tr 5s’38. 102 102 102 Westn Un 6s'51_101% 101% 101% West'n Un 5s'60_101 100% 101 Wh & L, E con 4s '49.. 109% 109% 109% Wheel Steel 4%s’53.. 100 99% 99% W Sp Stl con 7s'35 ct 38% 38 38 Wilkes B&E 1st 5s'42 17% 16 16 Wilson & Co 4s '56...101% 101V* 101% Y'ngstn S&T3%s'51_ 13f 134 134 Y’nr«tnS*T4«’61_101% 101 - 101% Plan Announced To Clear Arrears Of Wheeling Steel E» the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 9.—A recapital ization plan designed to wipe out back dividends on the 6 per cent preferred stock and provide funds for other corporate purposes was announced to day following a special meeting of directors of Wheeling Steel Corp. A special meeting of stockholders has been called for July 14 to act on the plan which provides for the cre ation of a new $5 cumulative con vertible prior preferred stock entitled to cumulative dividends at the rate of $5 a share a year. The authorized common shares would be Increased from 500,000 to 1,500,000 and one of the new pre ferred shares plus one-half share of common would be given to present holders of each share of the old pre ferred. The plan further contemplates that the new prior preferred will carry the right of conversion into common dur ing the next 10 years on a sliding scale downward from It* to 1U shares. ■-• CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAOO. June !i (/P, - Poultry, live 52 trucks.; hens steady; chickens easy, hens, over 5 pounds. W2 5 pounds and less, 17*2: Leghorn hens. J I12 Fryers, colored. 11; Plymouth Rock. 11; White Rock. 1'i1 a: barc-backs. j:». Broilers, colored. Plymouth and White Rock, lo; barebacks, 1*. Leg horn. 1 pounds up. IP: less than 1 pounds, 15. Springs, colored. 14'2, Plymouth Rock. 1512 White Rock. 17: barebacks. 11; roosters. 1.1 ; Leghorn roosters. 11. Tur keys. hens, lb; toms. 14: No. 1 turkeys. 1.1. Ducks, white and colored, 4*2 pounds up, i 1 small, J 1 geese, 1 o. Butter, 1H.07*; steady; prices un changed. Eggs, 14.701: steady, prices un changed. Potatoes. 01; on track. 108; total U. S shipments. 1.175 Old stock, steady; sup plies light: demand light Sacked per cwt.. Idaho Russet Burbanks. U S. No. 1, few saies, 1 10-15; fine qualitv large, 1.50; U. S No. 1. few sales. 1 15-15: Michigan Russet Rurals fair quality and condition. 1.40. New s«#ck. California stock sliRhtly weaker; Southern Triumphs firm for best auality; others steady; supplies moderate; emand fair. California White Rose. U. S. No 1. 1.05-10; mostly 1.05-15 U 8 Commercials. I 00; Louisiana Bliss Tri- : umphs. U S No 1 1 *5-1 On; quaioy. ! 1.10; Russet Burbanks. U. 8 No ] 1 75- 1 1.00; North Carolina Cobblers. U S No. j 1. 1 *5. Alabama Bliss Triumph5. U S No 1 showing heated, considerable decay. 1.50- 1 75 U. 8 No 1. showing decay. OO-l 10; ! Mississippi Bliss Triumphs U. 8 No 1 : 1.80-2.00, best mostly l.uu; U. S No. 2 1.15. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK June 0 «/P<.—Eggs. 51.421: unsettled. Mixed colors, sppcial packs. 22- ; 2 •' J12: standards. 21*.a: storage packed' firsts. •2»'2-34. firsts. 20-20'4. mediums 1 *nd dirties. No. l, 18-?4-10: average checks. 1 8 Butter. 17 200: weak. Prices unchanged Cheese 221 "4i*. firm. State whole milk flats, fresh. 17'.-is held, fancy, j -21 2 221 2 fresh fodders, fancy unquoted. Live poultry, by freight, steady to firm. Fowl, colored 21 Turkeys, 11-20. Other freight prices unchanged By express steady to firm Broilers. Rocks. IK-22: Reds 12-lx. Fowl—Col ored. 20-21: old roosters. 12: turkeys. 11 L’o Other express prices unchanged. Dressed poultry steady. Fresh and frozen, old roosters. 15*. ^-17* a. Others unchanged. REICHSBANK STATEMENT. I BERLIN June !» 7’ .— The Reichsbank statement as of June x shows the follow ng cnanges <in thousands of reichsmark.-*: Motes m circulation 4 725 non decrease. 172.000. Gold. 08.7 77- increase. 17 2*. For eign currency reserves. 5.528 decrease. 120 O'her bills of exchange and check 1 700024. decrease. 25x 420 Other daily! maturing obligations. 078.222 decrease j 25 04 1. Advances. 40.805: decrease 0 244'. I Investments 104.152 decrease. 2 Ratio of ! ioid and foreign currency to notes, l.o per i rent. R* e of discount. 4 per cent. Jj% INTEREST CONSTRUCTION LOANS AND STRAIGHT 3-yr. LOANS Prompt Action on Applications Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation 1610 K St. N.W. NAtl. 1403 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS and LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY in the District of Columbia Nearby Maryland and Virginia Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. 925 15th Street Natl. 2100 REPAY YOUR MORTGAGE LIKE RENT 8% Intaraat No Ranowal Foaa Up to 20 Yaara to Rapay By setting up your mort gage on a long-term basis, you avoid the worry and expense of periodic re newal or refinancing ar rangements. You pay off the principal in monthly installments, like rent, or in any way that is most con venient for you. Tell us about your requirements. Learn how our Mortgage Loan Plans can save you money. WEAVER BROS in< REALTORS Mfrfftft Loan Ctrrttptndmf Mttnpfltun Lift Imuranct Ctmyany WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT 94S* < Week's Drop Leaves Total 10.9 Per Cent Ahead of Year Ago. Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 9.—Production of electricity in the United States for the week ended June 5 was 2.131,092, 000 kilowatt hours, the Edison Electric Institute reported today. This was a decrease of 3.5 per cent from the previous week’s figure of 2,206,713,000 kilowatt hours, but an in crease of 10.9 per cent over the same week last year. The decrease, which was seasonal, left the Associated Press index of power production, with 1929-30 taken as 100, and adjusted for seasonal and long-term trend, unchanged at' 119.0. A year ago It stood at 108.5. The range for recent years follows: 1037. 1P3H. 1935. 1934 1933. High _ Him 11 <1.8 105.5 97 4 91(1 Low _ 116.3 102.0 94.1 91.9 80.2 The institutes report showed the following percentage increases in major geographic regions: New Eng land, 5.4; Middle Atlantic, 108: Cen tral Industrial. 10.3; West Central, 6.8; Southern States, 19 3: Rocky Moun tains, 27.4; Pacific Coast, 7.5. -• PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. PHILADELPHIA Pa . June ft </P --Live poultry. Spring chickens, fancy. Plymouth Hock. 0,4 to :i * a pounds -Jla*J4: cross hreds. 'll4 to pounds. Hia’i*: Reds .'{‘■a pounds or over. ‘jla'L'J: Reds broilers as to size and quality. 17aIP; Leehorns. 1 to 114 pounds, loalb: ducks. White Pekins. young. Mal.V old mall: mixed colors Id: turkeys, fancy hens. Ida 17 Dressed poultry—Chickens, all sections. *14 a if). OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Desks Steel Files Tables Steel Cabinets Chairs Safes BAUM’S FURNITURE HOUSE MIO Ere St. N.W. Phone NA. 2184 Safe Investments ^ First mortgage notes, rTV well secured on con ■ J /fj servotively appraised, new buildings in Weshington and near* by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Net. 0271 Established Nearlr 40 Tears If You Need INSURANCE We are in a position to handle all of your insurance matters in a careful, economical and personal manner. No matter what kind of protection you are seeking, we will be glad to serve you. Only, may we suggest the folly of delaying action? i J. Blaise de Sibour and Company INSURANCE BROKERS 1700 Eye St. N.W. XAtl. 4673 MORTGAGE LOANS ON Centrally Located BUSINESS PROPERTY very attractive interest rates ROBERT PEDDICORD 1713 K St. N.W. DISTRICT 0010 Office Hours, 9-12 Dividend Reduced To 25 Cents by American Stores Es the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 9.—American Stores Co., a Philadelphia concern operating a grocery chain In Middle Atlantic region, declared a dividend of 25 cents, payable July 1 to stock of record June 15. In previous quar» ters company paid 50 cents. —-•— - CHAIN SALES JUMP. ’NEW YORK, June 9 <JP).—Dow, Jones & Co. announced the first 2t chain store and mail order houses te report for May showed total sales of $263,864,357, compared with *230 034,• 296 in May. 1936, an Increase of 15.1 per cent. The April increase was 10J per cent. FIRST TRUST LOANS Reasonable Rates and Commissions Tyler Cr Rutherford, Inc. 1312 L Street N.W. National 0473 Loan Correspondent Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. WANTED Some one to buy "Twin Ooks Es tate" os on investment and let me organize an exclusive club, riding ocodemy, etc. This is an extraordinary opportunity. Best of references. Address Box 74-B l Star Office FIRST TRUST LOANS LONG TERM 5% $6 60 per month per SI,003 includes interest and pay ment on principal Pays loan in 20 yecrs. No renewal. ALSO 3-year strcight loans and construction ioa"S. BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE CO. Loan Correspondent JoJin Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co 1411 K St. N.W. NA. 8100 SPLENDID INVESTMENT BUILDING LEASED TO SEARS, ROEBUCK AND COMPANY Located in the Capital City c‘ a neighbor ng State, thrs listing cffe's c most s_pe"'Cr invest ment opportunity Lea:e has approximate i 8 years to run. If is a pe'centage lease, with minimum pc.ment provision and is estimated to yie'd about S'S 000 this year Price cf property, $130,000. Defa'ed information will te furnished only to qualified purchasers Lpcn persono: application to EDMUND J. FLYNN MANAGER BUSINESS PROPERTY DEPARTMENT BOSS & PHELPS 1417 K St. Rtaltori NA 9300 Real Estate Loans on Improved Property Monthly Payments or Straight 3 year Loans AT 5% INTEREST Consult Real Estate Department AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY Main Office FIFTEENTH STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUI Branch Offices 7th and Mass. Ave., N. W. Eighth and H Sts., N. E. Seventh and E St., S. *. 1140 Fifteenth Sr., N. W. M E. M O t K rtutft Ab Lfcruai i i J bft A 1' v. b VU MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM LOANS— ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your appli cation for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans repayable monthly. No charge for appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. -- Equitable Co-operative B UILDING A SSOCIATION 915 F STREET N.W. t Organized 1879 *