OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, June 09, 1937, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1937-06-09/ed-1/seq-9/

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Thumbnail for A-9

!■ Melvern Pineapple Sherbet |
and Coffee Ice Cream BEACH CHaidc-r- nl
The sherbet Is made with canned 0* ^ g I U/j.i «, " ©^m* ^ //mT I
\« r pineapple ... the Ice cream, with P>"* I **OfuWOO<l From . //W j ■ / I
Washington Coffee. Package I Lie ’way back In It r-iQ_ "•©S ///I 1 H [] 1,1 I
|XyHI |Hi I
X j !Lmes- *»f ana'Ck'! 7Q _J/ MMjwj I
| fttgUmm | I ™ ss3= 98' try I
YMSUSwH§ME$ J I ~ Handee Jugs i x "— -— I
\Vt!rV/ I Holf-Gollon Sil< I G J$95 I
I IIlSW^ °"ly- 98* I ^^1%} For $4.19 I
fITI WfidHlfif II jjJjttI- —n» I
▼▼aim ▼▼earner iw^: -»| itggj /
Needs I Picnic Sets J j « I
lo Help You l^~ W-pr^M
I ■■ B1 ^^l^b HI I B4"^ in horns or offi f^TSS fi I
SsV.. "•*" | g K^?S ^yj I
25c Barnard Floral Talc-I9c
50c Inspiration, glass-29c
50c Mavis Talcum-39c
Cheramy- 20c
Houbigant, assorted-50c
Hudnut Floral Talcum-28c
Evening in Paris, glass-55c
25c Dew Liquid-21c
60c Mum Cream-49c
60c Non-Spi Liquid-49c
35c Quest Powder-31c
60c Odorono Liquid-53c
30c Spiro Powder-23c
50c Odorsweet Liquid_3*>C
60c De Miracle_49c
$1.00 Neet Cream-83c
50c X-Bazin-43c
50c Delatone Cream_42c
60c Evans Cream. -54c
75c Wood Depilatory_65c
55c Zip Perfumed-39c
Libbey Safedge
n 3 Dozen
Dozen $1.00
Sparkling tumblers, in a graceful
shape. The Safedge is guaranteed
not to chip. 9-ounce size.
4-Quart Aluminum I
With Ice "JF Q C
Bridge-g Jg
The bridge keeps ice from
splashing out in the glass.
With hammered band trim.
Evr-Klean Straw
Auto Seat Pads
Single Seat
Type-. .
Flexible straw matting, re
inforced with heavy khaki
cloth. Tape-bound edges.
Assorted Sun Glasses
25c, 39c, 59c, 69c
Drive or walk in the sun without
harm to your eyes. A fine assort
ment of styles and shapes.
All-Rubber Garden Hose
^ Lengths_
Strong—for long life. Pliable—for easy
handling. With brass coupling at each end.
20-Inch Black
Week-End Cases
Holds quite a lot. Sturdy
black rough grain. With
lock and keys.
Liquid or Posts
Large ^ 3 c
Size_JL D
Cleans all kinds of white
shoes. Actually removes
dirt—doesn't cover it up.
Griffin All-white_20c
Pee-Chee -23c
Energine - 21c
Shinola Paste_8c
2-in-l Paste_10c
Carbona, Liquid_23c
Fabray Washable
Window Shades
36 inches ■wide and 6 feet
long. Won't crack, fade Roller
or fray at the edges. Choice Included
of white, buff, ecru, green.
Dundee Bath Towels
29C each 4 for S] 00
Large size, thick-napped, highly absorbent towels—
for home and beach use. In white, with colored
borders. 22 by 44 inches In size.
Straw Slippers
Terry Cloth A D .
Lined_ftfi y Pair
Cool, comfortable woven slippers tor home
and beach wear. With padded heels for even
greater comfort.
75c Ja-pal-mo_49<»
$1.00 Inspiration_79c
Cheromy- 50c*
$1.00 Moret_ 89c
Coty, assorted-SI.00
Houbigant, assorted_SI.65
Hudnut, assorted_SI.00
Evening in Paris-SI.25
Coty, assorted-SI.00
Hudnut, assorted -81.10
$1.00 June Valery_49c
Hudnut Gemey-SI.50
Yardley Lavender_85c
$1.10 Pinaud Lilac_97c
50c Gaby Lotion_47c
$1.00 Gaby Lotion_89c
Norwich, small-35c
Norwich, medium_60c
50c Noxxema Oil_47c
30c Noxxema Oil-27c
I HOME needs
Defh *
f Bomord Perfumed
I Bath Crystals
<>"<1 Water Softener
I 5-Pound P"
B“*-_> 9c
____ flWckl,"' °b”“l™ <»»« ™„Ke of *
-- S££ tamrt - ».
Milk Of ®»“r Stomach . . . W
S«c _ Kellys I
B»w«-29' Preparation I
A1” MUlr laxative. ™,ch- t?;s ,K" e I
taboo c„ *<*« I
£^ry N«pkins I
- - ?9 * f 20e
Fragrant for days. I Modern women, be- I
and ceaseless. I raase they are soft f
^^ ab*orbent and I
comfortable. I
Pacquins Cream Deodorant actu
ally kills underarm odors for .24
hours—doesn't Just "mask" the
odor for a short time, as many
deodorants do. This lovely, new
cream alkalizes (destroys) the
cdor-causing acids in perspira
tion. Remember—-it doesn't “mask"
odor—actually kills it. Doesn't
Interfere with Nature's means of
eliminating body poisons through
Doesn’t Just Mask Them
Made by the makers of famous
Pacquins Hand Cream and Just
as delightful to use.
perspiration. Pacquins Cream De
odorant is smooth as your favorite
face cream. Not gummy, greasy or
crumbly. Won’t cake. Faintly and
pleasantly fragrant. Pacquins
t Cream Deodorant is absolutely
rate. Won't irritate skin or harm
fabrics. Easy to apply. You can
use right before or after shaving.
Perfect for men, too.
I Shave Cream
Tiba .... 23C
Taba ....
The uqlque "email
bubble” lather soaks
tough, waterproofed
beards soft. Qlrea
closer, longer lasting
Balfata Brashlass Sbava
a. 23c a. 37c
Tooth Paste
2 for 3S«
.... 33c
, 2 for «Se
Colgate's penetrating foam washes
away most stains that discolor
teeth ... its gentle polishing
action removes the rest and
brings out the lustre of the
The olive oil In thla popu
lar ahavlng ererfm protect*
your akin a* you (have.
Tuba .
A shave cream and lotion
combined . . . specially
recommended for sensitive
' I Lateit Stylet in I
I Bathing Slipper* I
I 49‘ and 79e 1
1 choice of sandals, the popu- I
1M "fish net" design and I
other attractive styles. The I
1 popular WHITE only.____ I
-N^Stylesand Colon in I
clover leaf Bathing Cops I
GOLF 10“ 19“, M“, 29e
BALLS 1831 I
25e * *•' 69e Agf^Codet
$2.69 dozen I gox £aineraS ,
Tec of! with these balls for I cVear, clean-cut J.Q
5?S! $1‘49 --
!!!■--^McZling! Protect,™
Kilburn Skin Cream
I Take, the Burn Out ot^rn^^
I greaseless^^

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