Newspaper Page Text
Sratlffl. BLACKWELL. MARY L. Or. Monday Juni 14. 1937. at. her residence. 552 25th st n e . MARY L BLACK'WELL, devotee wife of Henry Blackwell beloved mothei of Elmer Blackwell. Mrs. Bessie Chiches tfT and Mrs. Celonia Banks, sister ol Hannah Steptoe and Virginia Monroe She also leaves to mourn their loss acver grandchildren and many other relatives and friends Remains resting at the Gen. B. Clarke Co. funeral parlor. Hit Florida ave. n r and nta.v be seen after 12 noon Wednesday. June 16. Funeral from alcove-named parlor. Thursday. June 17. at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 10 BREEN. RAYMOND RANDOLPH. On Tues day. June 15. 1937. at 1213 Taylor st. n e RAYMOND RANDOLPH BREEN, beloved husband of Blanche Becker Breen father of Leo H . William A. and Raymond H. Breen: brother of James Hoyt Breen and Mrs Mabel Moran. Fu neral services at the above residence on Friday June 1*. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St Anthony s Church, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 a m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited Interment Mount Olivet Ceme terv. Services by the W. W. Chambers Co. 17 BROWN. ALBERTA. On Wednesday. June 16 1937. at Gallinger Hosoital. AL BERTA BROWN, devoted mother of Al berta Jackson loving daughter of Mrs. Carrie Minor. She also leaves three sis ters. three brothers and other relatives and friends Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. CHAMPION. WILLIAM. On Tuesday. June 15 1937 at the United States Soldiers' Home Hospital WILLIAM CHAMPION, beloved father of William B and Jane Bartlev Champion. Funeral from the United States Soldiers’ Home ChRpel Friday. June IK. at 10:30 am. Inter ment. in United States Soldiers’ Home Cemetery. Relatives and friends^ in vited. No flowers. 17* HHANEY. CHARLES JOSEPH On Tues day June 15 1037 CHARLES JOSEPH CHANEY, beloved son of Louis and Eleanor Chaney. Funeral from the W W. Deal funeral home. 816 H st. rue. on Thursday. June 17. at 2 P m. Interment Dunkirk. Md. CONNER MINNIE A. On Tuesday. June 15 1937. at her residence. 1534 6th st. n.w MINNIE A. CONNER, daughter of the late Polk and Sarah Conner, rip voted mother of Evelyn Puryear (nee Conner*, the sister of James Mamie and John Conner. The aunt of Emma Sim mons Mary Thomas and Helen Lacey. She also leaves to mourn their loss many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 R I ave n.w. Funeral Saturday. June 19. at K :;0 a m.. from the above-men tioned establishment, thence to Holy Re deems Church, where mass will be offered a* 9 a m. for the repose of her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 18 FORTl’NE. ROBERT. On Tuesday June 15 1937. at his residence. Ml*’ Virginia a * e se. ROBERT FORTUNE. beloved husband of the late Annie Fortune. lov ing brother of Mrs. Charlotte Thomas. Mrs. Lillian Myers Thermon and Ran dolph Fortune. He also leaves other relatives and many friends Remains resting at the John T Rhines funeral chapel 3rd and Eve sts. s u until 4 rm Friday June 18: thereafter a* his late residence. Notice of funeral here af*er. 1R CORDON CORNELIA. Departed this life on Tuesday June 15 1931. at her resi dence .61'’ 3rd M ne. CORNELIA GORDON, wife of the late John Gordon She leaves to mourn their loss one daughter. Blanche Hill: six sons. Wil liam Blane. Vincent. Robert. Fred and George Gordon two sisters. Millie Strauenn and Eunice Rich, one brother. Luscion Gordon, five daughters-in-law. Daisy Ertelle. Jennie. Minnie and Al mmta Gordon- one son-in-law. Louis Hill, and twelve grandchildren. Re mains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. J 3nn South Capitol st.. where funeral services will he held on Thurs day, June It, at 5 pm. Services to be continued at Emmerton. Va . on Friday June 18. where body w ill be interred. R<” Herbert officiating. Rela tives and friends invited. 17 GROYD. PERRY A. On Tuesdaw June 15. 1937. a: Providence Hospital Washing ton D C PERRY A. GROYD. aged 64. beloved husband ol Minerva Cowling Groyd Remains resting at Gartner's funeral horn*. Gaithersburg. Md Fu neral services on Thursday. June 17. at 10 a m a: St. Martin's Catholic Church. Gaithersburg. Md. Interment Clop pers. Md. HARRIS, ANNIE. On Wednesday June JO. 1937. at her residence. 916 \v,th st. n.w ANNIE HARRIS the loving mother of James Jackson, devoted sister of Mrs. Mary Waugh Mrs. Clara Smith Mrs. Ltllv Parks and Fred Harris Shr also leaves other relatives and many friends Remains rest in? at the John T. Rhines funeral chanel. -3rd and Eye sts. s w. Notice of funeral later. HILL. ANNA S. On Monday. June 14 1937. a' 8 pm . ANNA S HILL wife of Cant F K. Hill. U 8. N . retired Pri vate interment services in Arlington Na tional Cemetery on Wednesday. June 16. at 10 a m. 16 HOLMES. KATIE. On Monday. June 14 1937. a’ 8 17 D.m at h'-r residence lino Delaware ave s w KATIE HOLMES. She leaves one daughter, two sons, o’her relative- and many friends to mourn her departure Remains rest ing at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. Mrd and Eye sts. s.w . until 11 am. Wednesday thereafter at her la** resi dence Funeral at 7 pm Wednesday June 16 from First Baptist Church. 6th and G sts. s.w. Interment King George County, va. 16 JONES. HENRY. D«rarled this life on Tuesday. June 15. 1937 at Walter Reed Hospital after a brief illness. HENRY , JONES, loving brother of Edna Johnson, j Catherine Mark and Samuel Ferguson 1 He also leaves to mourn their loss one J uncle, three nieces, two nephews, a sis ter-in-law- Mary Ferguson: a devoted friend Margie Davenport, and other rel atives and friend-: Remains resting at Barbour Bros.* funeral borne. 48 K st. n.e Funeral Friday. June 18. at 1 pm., from the above funeral home. Intern ment Arlington National Cemetery. 17 JORDAN. ROBERT A. Departed this life suddenly on Tuesday. June 15. 1937. ROBERT A JORDAN H" leaves to mourn their loss one brother. Charles T Jordan and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st. Notice of funeral later. KELLY. JOSEPH D. On Wednesday. June 16, 1937# at his residence ‘1947 Tilden st. n.w. JOSEPH D KELLY, beloved husband cf Rose Natalie K*lly tnee Fratantuonol and father of Rose Marie and Mary Ann Kelly. Funeral notice later. McDIFFY. ROBERT. Departed this life Tuesday June 15. 19.37 at Gallinger Hospital, ROBFRT McDUFFY. He is survived by a daughter Mrs. Pearl An drew;- a son-in-law Robert Andrews, and a stepson. Beniamin F Scott Re mains resting at Frazier's funeral home M89 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 17 MIDDLETON. CHARLES V.. JR. Sudden ly. on Tuesday June 15. 103! CHARLES V. MIDDLETON. Jr . beloved son of Charles V. md Helena Mae Middleton of Silver Hill. Md. Notice of funeral later. SEITZ. KATE. On Tuesday June 15. 1037. KATE SEITZ, the beloved wife of Wil liam J Seitz and mother of Edwin E. Van Ness and Mrs. Mabell W. Hammer. Funeral services at, the W. W. Chambers Co Southeast funeral home 517 11th st. e on Thursday June 17. at 0 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1G SHORT. MELT. COL. JOHN CLEVES. O. R. C. On Wednesday June 1H 1037. at Emergency Hospital. Lieut. Col. JOHN CLEVES SHORT. O R C.. formerly of Cincinnati. Ohio. Notice of funeral later. SHROPSHIRE. RALPH R. On Tuesday. June 15. 1037. at his residence. 1025 Jockson st. no. RALPH P. SHROP SHIRE beloved husband of Rose Shrop shire 'nee Collins' Funeral from his late residence on Thursday. June 17. at 0:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. An thony's Church a* 10 am Relatives and friends invited to attend. Inter ment. private. SMITH. ANNA. Suddenly, on Monday. June 1 4. 1037 a» St Agnes’ Hospital. Baltimore. Md. ANNA SMITH, beloved wife of the late James V. Smith Fu neral from her late residence. 2517 12th st. n.w.. on Thursday. June 17. at 8:30 a.m Requiem mass at, St. Paul's Church at 0 a.m Relatives and friends invited to attend Interment Cathedral Ceme tery, Philadelphia. Pa. — - ! FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ?7L. SPEARE CO. neither the successor to nor connected with the original W Ft Speare establishment. lIAt1ona)ne3892 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium |th and Mass. Avp. N E. « Lincoln 5200 Chamber*, One of the Largest Undertakers In the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 817 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK Manager) Phone West OODH^n-JA M St N W Established 1841 lvl tN.WW. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. tt&rg&gE NTM.NAtional 2473 FUNERAL DESIGNS. geoTcTshaffer EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT. 0106 Open Evenings _ . . , r _ nnd Sundays Cor. 14th u Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Fior>i pemm 1218 P St N w_National *270 BURTON'S eoJVaf^vd. Beautiful Funeral Sprara AT 7171 OPEN EVENINGS Al* 11,1 anfa 8UNDAYS 'JOSEPH 0. KEELV, ilfflER, DIES HERE I_ District Resident Was 37. Funeral Services Set Friday Morning. Joseph D. Kelly, 37, well-known lawyer, died today at his home, 2947 ' Tilden street, after a long illness. ; A native of this city, Mr. Kelly was j educated at the Georgetown Prepara Mr. Kelly. . lory scnooi ana a t Georgetow n University Law School, grad uating from the latter in 1923. He practiced law here with his brothers, E. Rus sell Kelly and William J. Kelly. He had been de fense counsel in . a number of | criminal cases i here and also had defended a num ber of Dolicemen m cases before the Police Trial Boa^jt Mr. Kelly was a member of tnc District of Columbia Bar Association, the Phi Beta Gamma Legal Fraternity and the Washington Lodge of Elks. Besides his two brothers, he leaves his widow, Mrs. Rose Natalie Kelly; twin daughters. Mose Marie Kelly and Mary Ann Kelly, 5; two other brothers. Sratlffl. SMITH. JOSEPH HARRY. Suddenly on Tuesday. June 15. 1P3T. JOSEPH HAR RY SMITH, beloved brother of Mrs. Timothy Sullivan of 11;i Eye st. n.w. and Mazie A and Hugh E Smith. Fu neral from Timothy Hanlon's funeral Parlors 041 H st. n.e on Thursday. June 17. at S .to a m Requiem mass at St Aloysius Church at 0 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. STl'ERMANN. AUGUSTA MARGARET. On Tuesday. June 15. 1P.TT at Garfield Hos ntal. AUGUSTA MARGARET STUER MANN. aced .TP years, of onp Jefferson st. n w\. beloved wife of Leonard Stuer mann mother of Leonard Stuermann. Jr.; daughter of Henry G. and Katie Nau. sister of Miss Frieda Nau. William O and Carl Nau. Funeral services at Hysong’s parlors. 1T00 N st. n.w. on Friday. June is at C pm. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. J 7 THOMAS. NATHANIEL. On Sunday. June IT. 1PT7. in Chicago. 111 . NATHANIEL THOMAS. Remains will r*st at Frazier's funeral home. TSO R. I. avc. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 17 URCIOLO. ANGELO. On Tuesday June 15. 1P.T7. ANGELO URCIOLO. beloved husband of the late Antoinette Urciolo. Funeral from his late residence. .T54T Warder st. n.w.. on Thursday June 17. at Pam Requiem mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception at 0:.TO a m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. WALTON. GEORGE RICHARD. Departed this life life on Monday. June 14 1037. after a nrief illness. GEORGE RICHARD WALTON husband of Mechtilde Bow man Walton son of Barriteer L. H Walton and Mary Nelson Walton, brother of Lillian Walton Smith Eleanor Walton Scott and Sitka Walton Valentine. Body resting at Boyd's funeral parlor 19th and L sts n.w Funeral on Thursday. June IT. at •’ p.m. from above address. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. WILLIAMS, FRANCIS. Departed this life Monday Jure 14. 1937 at Casualty Hos pital. FRANCIS WILLIAMS He leaves to mourn their loss a father wife, two sisters one brother and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Rollins funeral home. 4339 Hunt pi. n.e . until Wednesday. June 13. at 3 pm.: thence at his late residence 111C 4<h st. st Funeral Thursday at 1:30 p m. from St. Paul’s A. IT. M. P. Church 4th and Eye sts. s.e.. Rev R. C Scott officiating. Interment Payne's Cemetery. In iHfmoriant. BAKER. CALEB S. In sad and loving re membrance of mv beloved friend. CALEB S BAKER, who departed this life two years ago today. June 19. 1935. I do not know' the pain you bore, I did not see you die I only know you went away. And did not sav good-by. FROM A FRIEND. • BLAND. JOHN F,. In loving memory of mv dear husband JOHN E BLAND who de parted this life two years ago today. June 13. 1935. In mv heart vnur memory lingers,, You w-prr loving, kind and true; There is not a day that* passes That I do not. think of you. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. ETTA T. BLAND * BROWN. MALTIMORE. In lovine memorv of mv devoted husband. MALTIMORE BROWN who departed this life one year a20 today. June 13. 1939. The facp I loved is now laid low His loving voice Is still: The hand so often clasped in mine Lies now in death’s cold chill. I often sit and think of him When I am all alone. For memorv is the only thing Thar grief can call its own. LOVING WIFE. GERTRUDE E BROWN. • CHRISTIE. DELLA WILLS. Sacred to the memory of our dearly beloved wife, mother and grandmother DELLA WILLS CHRISTIE, who departed this life seven years ago today. June 16. 1930. Mother of ours, the years roll on. Seven long years since you have gone: Yet your dear presence seems ever near To help and to guide us vear by year. THE FAMILY. * EDWARDS. I.EON HORACE. In loving re membrance of mv devoted brother. TJEON HORACE EDWARDS, who departed this life one year ago today. June 16. 1936. I will never forget vou. LOVING SISTER. • EDWARDS. LEON. To sad hut loving re membrance of my d«ar. loving and faith ful son. LEON EDWARDS, who departed this life one year ago today. June 16. 1936. The one T love has gone to rest. His firm, true heart is still: Th^ hands that alwav«= gave me help Now lie in death cold and chill. How sad today is my troubled heart. How dim my eves with tears. For death has robbed me of one I thought was mine for years. Sleep on. my dear, and take vour rest. I loved you dearly, but God loved you best. Gone, but never will be forgotten. SAD AND MOURNING MOTHER. JOS EPHINE JONES * GIBSON. IRVING. We cherish the mem orv of our dear father and. erandfa*her. IRVING GIBSON, who entered the great hevnnd June 16. 1909. LUEBELLE E. BUTLER. ESTHER B. SUTTON. JONES. THE REVEREND BISHOP E. TV W. In loving memory of our dear husband end father, the Reverend Bishop E. D. W. JONES, who left us two years ago today. June 16. 1935. Not gone from memory, not gone from love. But gone to a heavenly home above. And while vou rest in peaceful sleep. Your memory we shall always keep. WIFE. SON AND DAUGHTER. • LANAHAN. JOHN J. In loving remembrance of JOHN J. LANAHAN. who died twenty five years ago today. June 16. 191*2. WIFE AND CHILDREN. • LOGAN. HENRY. A tribute of love to the memory of our devoted husband and fa ther. HENRY LOGAN, who passed Into eternal rest three years ago today. June 16. 1934. A noble life not written up in any book of fame. Among the list of noted ones none ever saw his name. For only his own household knew the victory he had won. And none but they could testify how well his work was done. DEVOTED WIFE. DAUGHTER AND SIS TFR-IN-LAW. EMMA. ELIZABETH BELL AND BLANCH. • QUILL. JOHN J. Sacred to the memory of my dear husband. JOHN J. QUILL, who departed this life two years ago today. June 16. 1935. In the beautiful month of June You so Peacefully passed away To a home that is all love and light. To a place that is heavenly bright. Though you left me sad and lonely, too. I will always have sweet memories of you. Anniversary mass at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart. LOVING WIFE. MARY J. QUILL. * WILLIAMS. JOHN. A tribute of love to the sad. but ever sweet memory .of my dear husband. JOHN WILLIAMS, who left me seven years ago today. June IB. 1930. On the hillside gently sleeping. Where the flowers softly wave Lies the one I love so dearly In his lonely, silent grave. Some day I hope to meet you. Some day I know not when. To clasp your hand In a better land. Never to part again. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. GERTRUDE WIL LIAMS. * WYNES. CHARLOTTE COLLINS. Sacred to the memory of our dearly beloved daugh ter and sister, CHARLOTTE COLLINS WYNES. who departed this life three years ago today. June lfl. 1934. THE FAMILY. • WYNES. CHARLOTTE COLLINS. In mem ory of my beloved wife. CHARLOTTE COLLINS WYNES. who departed this life three years ago today. June 16. 1934. HER BELOVED HUSBAJD. H. WYNES. • John B. Kelly, New York, and Robert Emmet, Kelly, this city, and a sister, Miss Mary J. Kelly, this city. Funeral services will be held Friday morning in St. Mary's Catholic Church, the hour to be announced later. Burial will be In Mount Olivet Cemetery. FUNERAL RITES HELD FOR MRS. STEADMAN Services Conducted Here—Burial to Be in Union Cemetery in Leesburg. Funeral services for Mrs. Lillian C. Steadman, 66, who died Monday at her home, 804 Elder street, were held today in Hines’ funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street. Rev. Dr. R. S. Harp, jr„ rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, officiated. Burial was to be in Union Cemetery, Leesburg, Va. Mrs. Steadman was the wife of John M. Steadman, formerly connected with a local transfer company, and the mother-in-law of George Durno, White House correspondent. A mem ber of an old Virginia family, she was active in the Trinity Church Guild, Daughters of the King and Daugh ters of the Confederacy. Mrs. Steadman is survived by three other daughters, Mrs. James Evans, Mrs. Wallace Souders and Mrs. Albert Lynn, all of this city; five sisters, Mrs. Alice Swain and Mrs. Brenner Whit tlesey, this city; Mrs. William Haupt, Baltimore; Mrs. Raymond Weinberger, West Virginia, and Harvey Bartlett, Red Bank. N. J . and a brother, James Meyers, this city. MIAMI WOMAN DIES Pioneer Resident Was Mother of Washington Women. Mrs: Ida Nelson, mother of Miss Gordie Lee Nelson. 2115 O street, and of Mrs. George C. Schaffer, South Arlington Ridge road, Alexandria, died yesterday in Miami, of which she was a pioneer resident, the Asso ciated Press «»ported. Mrs. Schaffer is in Miami, where the funeral and burial will take place. Mrs. Nelson was the widow of Edwin Nelson, Miami's first hardware and furniture merchant. The couple set tled there in 1890. six years before the city was incorporated. ISRf' HP SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES Good on specified fro-nj only— lor details see flyers—consult agent* Of Telephone District 1424 Saturday, June 19 54.75 Wilkes-Barre $5.00 Pittston • Scranton Sunday, June 20 $3.75 New York Newark Sunday, June 27 $3.00 Philadelphia 52.75 Wilmington $3.75 Atlantic City {Atlantic Clty-CMIdran'i Waak. June 94. July 1 Children under 12 accompanied by | adults ere guests of Atlantic City Baltimore $1.35 Every Saturday ■ Sunday $1.50 Daily— Good for 3 day* FOB YOUR SUMMIR VACATION I Attractively priced oil si pen** tours to Niogo*e Foils. The Saguenov. th# Great lakes, the St \ lawrence, Canada. Me«>co. the Not onol Porks 0"d The Wes’ A»k lor •Mustro’ed lo'der* EDUCATIONAL. OPPORTUNITY HELPFUL TRAINING FOR THE SUMMER AN INTENSIVE 8 WEEKS’ COURSE IN SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING For the High School Graduate and College Student REGISTER FOR CLASSES June 28 and July 12 An Aid to Rapid Secretarial Training THE TEMPLE SCHOOL 1420 K St. Na. 3258 RALPH SHROPSHIRE DIES HERE AT 54 Native of Atlanta Formerly Was an Official of Southern Railroad. Ralph R. Shropshire, 54, Washing ton representative of several firms dealing in railroad supplies, died yes terday after a short illness at his home, 1025 Jackson street northeast. Mr. Shropshire formerly was an official of the Southern Railway, at one time being chief clerk to the vice president and later serving as a divi sion freight agent in Augusta,. Ga. He left the railroad five years ago. A native of Atlanta, Mr. Shropshire was a graduate of the Georgia School of Technology. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Rose Collins Shropshire, and a sister, Mrs. Edna Colyar, the latter of Rome, Ga. Funeral services will be held at 10 am. tomorrow in St. Anthony's Catholic Church, following brief serv ices at the residence. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. MRS. EMILY HALLARD DIES IN NEW JERSEY Mother of Mrs. James Waldo Fawcett of Washington Succumbs at 82. Ertdal DispBtch to The Star. PLAINFIELD. N. J„ June 16.—Mrs. Emily Mizzen Hallard, 82, widow of Arthur William Hallard and mother of Mrs. James Waldo Fawcett of Washington, died at her home here early today. She was a natire of Southampton, England, born Janu ary 30, 1855. Living in France as a girl, Mrs. _EDUCATIONAL. Washington College of Law SUMMER SESSION June 21 to July 31, 1937. 7:30 A.M. 5:10 to 7 P.M. Classes in Elementary Law Evi dence Equity. Criminal Procedure Equity PleadinR Common Law Pleadinjr. Sales Bailments. Personal Property and Suretyship. 2000 G St. N.W. MEt. 4585 Summer Classes Start luae 21 aad July " I* Business seeks trained young men and Eight weeks intense, work in shorthand and »YP«W"1 ‘ ing. Graduate lrom regular Secretarial course 3 month sooner. Enroll nowl STRRVER COUEI*E Do You Need More High School Courses For Admission to Bar or C. P. A. Exams? Summer High School Day and Evening Classes Begin June 21 Emerson Institute 1525 16th St. Dec. 0551 SUMMER SESSION Opening Intensive Courses June 28 Gre,M! Shorthand Principles Speed-Building Dictation Review of Shorthand Principles Touch Typewriting Secretarial Procedure Advanced Secretarial Practice Secretarial Accounting Indexing and Filing Methods Technical English Projects Business Correspondence Projects Programs may be arranged for part day all day or evening sessions. Exclusive Placement Service MOUNT PLEASANT SCHOOL FOR SECRETARIES TIVOLI THEATER BUILDING Fourteenth Street at Park Road Telephone Columbia .'1(10(1 What About Price? Funerals cannot be sold in exactly the same manner as merchandise, since the chief item is the service. The family alone names the price, based entirely upon what they wish to pay, what type of service and merchandise they desire. However, we give positive assurance that when the family desires, we are equipped to furnish funerals as low in price as any establishment which advertises price. More impor tant, though, our service is superior in every detail. WM. H. SARDO & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 412 H St. N.E. Lincoln 0524 THE LARGEST FLEET OF/^f f , CARS & ambulancesI hnntl)Cf\ IN WASHINGTON IS CHAMBERS NEW CADILLAC AMBULANCE Don't try to move a tick patient in a plain car. We have tho price down to low, let a profettional do it. $3 To or From City Hotpitalt in the Finett Cart' that are made. DON’T TRY TO GUESS WHAT’S WRONG *NY WHEN SICKNESS COMES . . . GET THE K PLACE DOCTOR. If there it any guetting he it ttill THE a better man than othert, he will guett more 0ITY rightt than wrongt. CALX. THE DOCTOR. FOR AMBULANCES CALL Columbia 0432 Hallard's memories Included stirring scenes Incident to the Franco-Prussian War and the subsequent Commune. She followed her husband, draftsman and engineer, to Ameic.a in 1893, and the family settled in Plainfield, where it has maintained a residence ever since. Mrs. Hallard w’as active in church and patriotic work until declining health interfered. Surviving relatives include, besides Mrs. Fawcett, a daughter, Mrs. Violet Hallard Ludga^e; two sons, James and Archie; eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are not yet complete. MARION H. EUSTACE, LAWYER, IS DEAD Funeral and Burial for Special Assistant to Attorney Gen eral to Be in Idaho. Marion H. Eustace, special assistant to the Attorney General, died yester day at his home, 4620 Morgan drive, Chevy Chase, Md . after an Illness of six weeks. He was assistant head of the District Court of Litigation, in the tax division of the Justice Depart ment, and had been connected with several important cases, including the COUNSEL CIRCLE "CARLETTA" 25 YRS ON 11th ST. WASHINGTON Personal interviews for success, help and guidance may be arranged by a visit to the Counsel Circle or telephone Carletta. reader Daily. 922 14th St. N.W. MEt. 4993 testing of the agricultural adjustment act in District courts. Mr. Eustace entered the Justice De partment In December, 1933, from Caldwell, Idaho, where he had prac ticed law. He was prominent in the Democratic party there and at one time was assistant attorney general of Idaho. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Jane M. Eustace; a son, Marion Eustace, jr., and a daughter. Romaine E. Eustace. Funeral services and burial will be in Caldwell. 40% of Telephones. The United States with a tele phone density of 13.69 phones per 100 inhabitants has 40 per cent of the world's total of 35,028,000 telephones. Martian, Latin author, mentioned use of the trout fly in Ashing as early as the third century A. D. FLOWERS r0UP0NT CIRCLE JL NO. 7000 Milbum T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Amoulance Service 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 North S'.li of Stanton Park. (edeu~ Hill U mhincjtbiu matBeautihd (emeteru Community Mausoleum. Columbarlac _*nd Receiving Vaults. CHARLES H. DUVALL Funeral services for Charles H. Du vall, 21, driver for a meat-packing firm, who died Sunday in Casualty Hospital of injuries received in a traffic accident, are being held thla afternoon at Chambers’ southeast fu neral home. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mr. Duvall is survived by his widow, Mrs. Irene E. Duvall; a son, Charles R. Duvall, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Duvall. K r * Ryan Service Alzeays Ready to Serve fin every phase of funeral direction Ryan * service is qualified and equipped to advise and guide you. No matter what time of the day 3 or night, we are always ready to serve any | 1 one, any time, anywhere. And Ryan service ^ Is as complete and perfect as experience and skill can make it. Perfectly appointed funeral home. Lady attendant. For complete funeral prices call Atlantic 1700-1701. Ryan l)e Luxe A mhulance Service, the Last H ard in A mhulance Service. Phone A T. 1700. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave.S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 NOW AT George’s RADIOS Featuring Electric Tuning Press the Button—There's Your Station ' MODEL 86K American and foreign re ception. Sunburst dial. Metal tubes. j \" *59” / MODEL 88K World-wide reception. 8 metal tubes ..... $94-95^ PRESS THE BUTTON THERE'S YOUR STATION REMOTE CONTROL A Brand-New Feature on Mast 1938 Model RCA Vic tor Radios. See It in Op eration at Your Nearest George's Stare. MODEL 81 IK Push Button Automatic Tuning 11 tubes. World-wide zp;.„. *15950 ^B A Store Near Your Homo M 814-816 F ST. N.W. ■ 3107-3109 M ST. N.W. ■ 1111 HST.N.E. ■ 2015 14TH ST. N.W. ■ All Storee Open Till 9 P.M. ■ District 1900