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For information, phone District 3300
■ What a relief it is to have
this new insulation between
the walls and over our heads!
Even the rooms upstairs are
cool now when the sun is
blazing. The thing I don't
understand is how we got
along without it for so long.
• And I am almost eager for
winter to come. I know we
will be as warm as toast, and
save lots of fuel.
• It didn't seem any trouble
to put the material in. There
wasn't any muss—I went
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wish you would look into it
—I know you would all be
so much happier.
keeps your house coo/ in summer, ^
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This new thick-insulation method
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Saves 30-50% of fuel bills—saves
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nates wall sweating.
• Sold on easy deferred payment
plan. Let us furnish you an estimate
—without obligation.
1750 Columbia Rd.
Columbia 8440
Task of Reshaping Social
Order Eiefore Them,
Senator Says.
The task of reshaping the social
order in one of the mo6t critical
periods of history is before them, Sen
ator O'Mahoney of Wyoming told 525
graduates of 11 schools and divisions
of Catholic University at the forty
eighth annual commencement exer
cises in the university gymnasium to
"The world will be better or worse
30 years from today, according to the
thinking and acting of the young men
and women of your generation," he
Declaring there is a bond between
Christianity and democracy which
must make the members of their class
the defenders of the democratic ideal,
Senator O’Mahoney added: "Dictator
ships are inherently temporary in
character. They arise from ignorance,
hopelessness, panic, fear."
Eight Graduate With Honors.
Eight District youths received de
gress with honors from the Mast Rev.
Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, apostolic
delegate, who presided and gave the
benediction. The eight students hon
ored are Charles D. Johnson. Ray
mond L. Baker, Henry C. Rexach,
Francis P. Gillian, jr.; John F. Bren
nan, John R. Collins. Joseph A. Dugan
and John P. Stanley.
Stanley, who was graduated mag
num cum laude, also gave the vale
dictory address.
The Invocation and announcements
were made by the Right Rev. Joseph
M. Corrigan, rector of the university,
who reviewed the major events of the
last school year. He expressed thanks
for the financial development of the
university during the last year, but
declared that much more is needed.
Most Rev. Michael J. Curley, Arch
bishop of Baltimore, who was to have
conferred the degrees, is in retreat this
week, the rector said.
Ceremonies began with the pro
cessional at 10:30 o'clock to the music
of Conrad Bernier, university organ
ist, Following the benediction the
whole graduating class joined in sing
ing the ajma mater and the program
ended with the recessional, accom
panied by Bernier.
The following received degrees:
Bachelor of Selenre In Nursing.
Pen well Sister Germaine Joseph
Bachelor Science, Nursing Education.
Beagan. Sister L B Kegel. Sister M L.
Diamond. Sister M. V. McCarron
Donnelly Sister M C. Sister M. C.
vr r Moye. Thelma G.
urn™ 1 „ . . Murtaugh. Rose M.
EyiVn- i?,lsler M. J J- Owen. Sister M R.
Gipe. Fiorenee M. Poser. Lucille E.
Ha^iNins. Sister M. G. Rouse. Helen E
Johnson. Sister E?. M. Ulbrich. Sister M S
Bachelor of Science. Public Health Nursinf.
Gossens. Sister M. Fidelis
Master of Art*.
Dexter. Sister M. R McLaughlin.
Hfuel-. Slster M O. Sister M. C
LeFrois. Sister M. L. Sheehy. Sister M. M.
Master of Science. Nursing Education,
puyot. Sister H McDonnell. Sister L.
Larivee. Sister M.-R.
Master ef Science In Social Work.
Bf*n„alb Hclr!C Ibar Jacobl- Rev. Herman
Bisky. Rev. Hubert A. Joseph
Cassin. Rev. Wm. J. Lambdm. Elmer X.
c ,*lPl!?erlaln Hev. Lauerinan. Rev.
Wilfred Russell Lucian Leo
Curry. Rev. John J O'Keefe. Harold J
DlJhhe. Sister Joseph Rozycki. Jerome j
Loretto Steele. Rev. John L.
Fox. bister Mary E. Walshe. Sister M.
Hayes. John Joseph Imelda
Helmes. Rev. Joseph
Doctor of Philosophy In Social Science.
Duiaan. Rev. Ray- Murphy. Rev. Albert
mond P Jeremiah
Fanning. Rev. Murphy. Rev. Jas. F.
Humensky. Rev. John O Brien. Rev. Edtv. J,
Master of ArH
Baum. Martha Inez Kelly. Sarah Anne
Brouchaud Ciothtlde Leary, Elynor Susan
i Catherine McNamara. Mary J.
1 Cassidy. E'leen S Morris. Mary Ursula
I Coleman. Helen M. Norton. Mary Leone
! Flmn. Catherine M. O Toole. Eileen Anne
; Foy. Catherine M Sturman. Cecilia V.
j Garstang. Mary L. Wiser. Helen G.
Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering.
I Clune. Martin Joseph Parker. Edelen A
| Ferguson. James Dc Phelan. John J . ,1r.
Bose. 1r. Sample. Bruce H.
Guryansky. Eugene R.Steele. Robert K.
Johnson. Charles D. Wyble. Lloyd E.. Jr.
Bachelor of Architecture.
O'Neil. William Martin
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering.
Baer. Maurice Hughes. Wm. Louis
Bachelor of Civil Engineering.
Dufficy. Maurice J. McGettigan. Joseph
Jordan. Joseph P Patrick
Lix. Joseph Daniel Narctso. Angelo Jas.
McDonald, James M. Parkhlli. Joseph F.
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Baker. Raymond L. Orth. George R.
Doran. Maurice P. Perron. Orien Joseph
Kelly. Joseph p. Rexach. Henry C.
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.
Fehlner. Leo Francis Middleton. Edward L.
Gilliam. Francis Slaughter. Robert
Peter. ,1r. Kemp. Jr.
Hannan Thomas K. Toomey. James E.
Bachelor of Engineering.
Fan.lul. Rfllph E. Hall. George John
Masler of Archlterture.
Cardenal. Julio. 1r. Rambush. V. F E
Dundin. John Edw. Winter. Arch Reese
Bachelor of Aria.
Gutgsell. Sister M A Riley. Sister M. R. F.
Paulonls, Sister M C. Lawless. Sister M P.
Orinas, fibster M. E. Armstrong.
Brown. Sister M. I. Sister M E
McCrave. Sister M. R. Hassett. Sister M
McGinn. Sister M. R. Moran, fibster M. A.
Ralph. Sister M. V. Collins. Sister M. R
Figaniak. Sister M. E. Gillispie Sister M. G.
Grygier fibster M. X. McCarthy.
Lav-niczak. Sister M C
Sister M. J. Maher. Sister M. H.
Puchalik. Sister M L. Mahon. S!ster M. P
Hennes. Sister M. J. Maloney. Sister M. X.
Mayer. Sister M. A. Pelletier. Sister M. A.
Mielke 8ister Hoying. Sister M J.
M. Rose C. Hayes. Sister M. P.
Roshoshil. Siater McCarthy.
M. Armella fibster M. M.
Schillow Sister M J. Dounis. Anastasia
Zoch. Sister M. P Sari. Florence E.
Bachelor of Science in Education.
Encelhardt. Smith. Sister M. C.
Sister M Veronice Tessier. Sister 8t. J.
Probst. Sister M. A. Nalbach. fibster M.
Barhelor of Science.
Drong, Sister M. L. Broncxyk. Sister M. B.
Barhelor of Muaie.
Phillips. Sister M. A. Schatz. 8iste» jj.
Sheahan. Sister M. E. Bolibaugh. ChF*mian
Paul. Sister M. Vanderllp. R. F.
Normal Diploma.
Spifker. Sister M. T. Kuhn. Sister M. M.
Normal Diploma.
Duggan. Sister M. Schmidt. Sister I.
Schaller. Sifter C. Willenring. Sister R.
Graduate Certlflrate in Library Science.
Obermeler. Sister M. Stacco. Brother I.
Bachelor of Arts.
Adamaitls. W. A. Secino. Alfred E.
Antonavage. J. P. Spitzig. J. A.. Jr.
Barry, Brother B. A. Thralls. Jack
Barry. Brother G. B, Twomey. Brother
Brown. Herbert L. Abdon Edward
Carey Brother E. P. Walsh. Daniel J.
Carroll. Brother Werner. Philip Leo
Alfred Edward Yanchulls. Joseph D.
Clements. Joseph E. Bowling. Chester B.
Colwell. Brother Castelot. John J.
Ambrose H. Denman. Donald J.
Curran. Brother Duke. Frederick H.
Calixtus L. Echle. Harry A.
Dewhurst Brother Feeley, James T.
Basil Jerome Griffin, John J.
Donnelly. Brother Klaus. Donald R.
Barry Michael. Chester P.
Duggan. Brother Nash. WlUrid John
Adjutor P. Nemeth. Steven A.
Dunne Edward F. Philbin. John Joseph
Egan. Edward J. Renner, George E.
Flnneran. Brother Suelzer. Anthony J.
Amelian D. Tully. Terence John
Flynn, Brother B. Turner. William H.
Forde. Brother Brand. Joseph F.
Alfred Casslan Brennan. A. F. J.
Gartland. James F. Bygott. Thomas J.
Gemlo. James A. Carney. Edward J.
Gettier. Brother Corcoran. E. J.
Donatlair A. DufBeld. Joseph F.
Glancy. Brother P. Dunn. Joseph T.
Haggerty. Brother Fredericks
Berard G Brother O. P.
Haugh. Brother Freiler. Robert W.
Azadcs M. Frlel. Edward John
Hayes. Brother Fuqua. John Joseph
Basil Martin Gamgan. A. J.
Heltzel. Paul H. Hay. Brother O. T.
Karpowich. E W. Herkert. Charles H.
Kessler. Henry C. Kelly. John Charles
Kirby. Brother Klrchner.
Bertrand L. Brother Louis P.
Lamoureaux. McCarthy. E. p.
Brother A. O. MacDonald.
Loftus. John A. Brother H. F.
Mottola. Brother McGowan.
Athanasius A. Brother E. W.
Murphy. Brother Mahoney. F. W.
Aelred Joseph Milano. Brothar A.
Murphy. Nell F. O'NelU, James V.
Pa*ano, Samuel A. qp*h. Thomas Y.
This Is One Way of Holding a Convention
After the Veterans of Foreign Wars had opened their annual gathering with a parade last
night, the line broke up and the participants turned to street dancing in Constitution avenue.
___ —Star Staff Photo.
Nizam Bichest Man.
That the Nizam of Hyderabad was
richer than John D. Rockefeller and
Is the wealthiest man in the world are
the claims of observers at Calcutta,
India. At least he had more wealth
at his disposal than the American,
they add. The Nizam's ingots of gold
and collection of gems are estimated
to be worth $900,000,000. and his an
nual income is approximately $17,
500.000. Despite his wealth the Nizam
puts in about 12 hours a day at his
Petrussa. Brother
Felan Francis
Quinn. Brother
Bertram James
Rolling. George L.
Rolston. Brother
Benedict Francis
Ward. Laurence A.
Brother Peter
Wharton. William J.
nacneior or Science.
Anselmo. M. A. Ford. William H.
Arnolsky, £ M Oaus, Bro'lier M
Blandford R. L. Johnson F. E
Brennan. John F. Keenan. R G
Bresnahan. J. J, Kullman. Paul 8.
Brinkman M N. Lauro. Mario A
Chillemi. Frank P. Lleb. Bernard J.
Ciccone. Fmll A. McCormick
Collins. John R. James H . Jr
Cook, Nicholas C. McCulloch G R
Dart. Norman A. McGee. Brother E.
Dolan Brother J. MakoLske. R. A.
Donnelly B P. Mazzuchl. M. S.
Dranginis. Pe'er J. O'Donnell H. J.
Dugan. Joseph A. Quigley T. M
Eustace. E B. Ratke, Henry V
Fahey. William E. Riley. Brother V.
Falcone. John A. Stanley. John P.
Finn, Brother H. Tobin, W J , Jr
Schmarr. Herman R.
Bachelor of Arts In Education.
Ollroy, Raymond P. Thomas, O. E.
Master of Arts.
Baaan. Rev. p. V Kaplan. Leah
Barrett. Sister M. D. Kenealy. Rev. W.
Beiisle. N. H. Kenny. Rev. J. P.
Berthon. Rev. M. Kiernan Rev, E.
Bielouss. Eva O. Koch. Sister M. P
Blubaugh. Sister C. Lawler. Sister M. B.
Borchardt Selma. Lawler. Margaret
Boyle. Rev. J. I Leary. 81ster M E.
Brazzel. Sister K. Lenaway. Sister
Browne. Sister M. D. Mary Albert
Brunner. Rev. F. Long. Rev. T. S
Buchheit, Lorang Sister M. C.
Sister M. Maura Lynch. Rev. D. A.
Buszek. Rev. John J. Lynch. Sister M. H.
Cardin. Sister M. D. MacDonald. Sister
Cartwright. St. Veronica
Sister Mary M. McAndrew. J. L.
Collins. Bernard G. McCarthy. Sister M.
Collins. Eileen E. Edwin
Commlns. Marie C. McDonald. J. R.
Conley. Sister M. S. McGuirl. Sister
Considine. Rev J.J. Mary Maurltla
Cook. Rev. J. A. Maloney Rev. J. T.
Coss, Sister M M. Maloy. Marcella R.
Cox. 8ister M. L. Mazzlotte Sister
Cummings. Mary Martha
Brother S. F Moynlhan. Sister
Curry. Sister R. M. M. Vlctorine
Daly. Rev. John K. Mullen. John M.
Dealy. Sister M B. Mullin. Robert E.
De Luca. Rev. T. O'Leary. Rev. L. M.
Devine. Mary Grace O'Neil John F.
Doherty. Rev. P. D. O Neill James E
Dolan, Sister M. C I. Pety, Sister M. A.
Doyle, Sister M. A. Poja Antonio A.
Drees, Rev. Victor Reidy. Sisier St.
Droit. Sister M. I. John
Duross Sister M. A. Ruhl Urban E
Egan. Rev Richard Schifferll. Dorothy
Engel. Sister M. A. Schlrber, Rev. M.
Fath. Rev. J. J. Schneider. Rev.
Fehrenbach. Edelhard L.
Rev. Charles G. Schuster, Eldon B.
Felin. Sister W. M. Seegers. Sister M A.
Ferrv Maiy M Shailoo. Daniel F.
Fleming. Ella D. Shea. Sister M. A.
Forrest. Sheehan. Sister
Sister Helen de S. M. Francis
Fuehrer Smith. Sister M. E.
Sister M. R. Sommer Sister
Gaflney. Sister M. M Calllsta
Ciotile 8tehltng. bister St.
Giacommi. V. L. John
Gibbons Sister M. Stout. Rev. Dunstan
Michael Sullivan, A.. Jr.
Gillis. Rev. John H. Sullivan. Sister
Glendenning. Sister Mary Christina
Grace Alma Tlbesar Rev. A.
Glenn Sister Luclna Tobin. Sister M E.
Gorcowski. Sister Townsend. Mother
M. Fidelia Katharine
Graham. Sister M. Tuohy. Rev. J. W.
•Ignatia Tye. Rev. John B.
Orimes. Rev. E T. Uht. Rev. Leo A
Qroene. Rev. N. Varnhorn, Mary C.
Guillozet. Rev. Voight. Rev. John
Edmund J. Ward. Rev F. J
Hammes. George Wegemer. Sister M.
Heflernan. Sister Emily
M Fellclta Zech. Brother C.
Hicks. Mother Mary Ziegler. Jesse H.
Agatha Zimmerer. Sister
Hussey. Rev. J. M. M. Fortunata
Master of Music.
Rev. Leo Stephen Cannon
Master of Science.
Cross, Sister M. G. Healy. Rev. Colman
Duman. Rev. M. Koebele. Rev B L.
Fochtman. Mattioli. Irida M.
Sister M. N. Molter. Rev. J. A.
Olbney. Sister M. G. O Shaughnessy. M. T.
Gordon. B. C. Hteinmetz, Rev. F. J.
Doctor of Philosophy.
Bussard. Rev. Paul McEniry. Sister B. M.
Cahill. Sister Emily McGarry Sister
Ennis. Sister M. G. F. de Hales
Fives. Rev. D C. McNeil. Rev. A. L.
Gabel. Rev. R. J. Martin. Sister M. A.
Geiger Rev. M. Mendoza. Rev. A. C.
Goebel'. Rev. E J. Muldowney.
Guinan. Sister M. A. Sister M S.
Hannan. Sister M. C. O Donnell. Bro. I. L.
Herron. Sister M C. Pax. Rev W. T.
Houlahan. Rev. F. J. Phillips. Rev L. T.
Klnnavey. Rev. R. J. Sul van. Sister A. 8.
Lahey. Sister F. L. Wall. Bernice V.
Lang. Rev. E. A. Walsh. Mary E
Langan. Eugene E. Welsh. Sister M. M.
Lawlor. Sister A C. Whitmore
Lochner. Sister M. F. Sister M. E.
Bachelor of Law*.
Avignone. Arthur Kriegel. Rev. V. A.
Barron, William J. MacCarthy. Rev. T. N.
Carr. William O. McGann. Harold G.
D'Aquila. Thomas J. McNerney. Joseph M.
Duncan. Thomas N. Orlando. Pompei L.
Goldberg. Abraham Prischmann. H. J.
Kessler. H. C . Jr.
Master of Laws.
Kenney. Edward J. Vinardi. Benard E.
Morrison. Ruth M.
Sclentiae Jurisprudentiae Doetor.
Vance. John Thomas. Jr.
Master of Arts.
Boyle. Rev. F. X. Wheeler. Wilbur F.
Hoban. Rev. J. H. Bowling. Chester B.
Kreilkamp. Karl Buren. Thomas E.
McDonald. Rev. W. J. Doyle. William F.
McKay. Thomas J. Geoghegan A. T.
McLaughlin. Knuff. Justin E.
Rev. J. E. Miller. Louis J.
Meehan. Rev. F X. Pitsch. Thomas J.
O'Connor. R. L Riley. William J.
Ostheimer. Rev. A. L. Rinn. William A.
Shay. Philip W. Sullivan, John Leo
Sullivan. Rev. J. B. Toomey. John D.
Tallon, Hugh J. Welch. Delbert L.
Licentiate In Philosophy.
Killeen. Rev. Sylvester Michael
Doctor of Philosophy.
Oerrity. Bro. B. Raguss. Thomas J.
Linehan. Rev. J. C. Rooney. Miriam T.
O'Donnell. R, r. C. M.
Bachelor in Canon Law.
Boffa. Rev. C. H. Reilly. Rev. E. M.
Childs. Rev. O. F. Ryan. Rev. G. A.
Comyna. Rev. J. J. Rutherford.
Kllgarriff. Rev. J. J. Rev. I. H.
Lyons. Rev. J. H. Sceclna. Rev. T J.
Paro. Rev. Gino Schneider. Rev. E. L.
Parsons. Rev. A. J. Tobin. Rev. B. A.
Licentiate In Canon Law.
Connolly. Rev. N. P. Harrlgan. Rev. R. J.
Donovan. Rev. J. J. Morlarty. Rev. F. E.
Oerst. Rev. A. O. Nolan, Rev. W. E.
Greteman, Rev. F. H.
Doetor in Canon Law.
Brennan. Rev. J. H. Jansen. Rev. R. J.
Brunlnl. Rev. J. B. Kealy. Rev. J. J.
Connor. Rev. M. F. McManus, Rev. J. E.
Oullfoyle. Rev. M. J. Morlarty, Rev. E. J.
Hughes. Rev. J. A. Rainier. Rev. E. G.
Bachelor of Sacred Theology.
Glnsburg. N. D. Wetzel. Rev. B. F.
Licentiate In Sacred Theology.
Dixon. Rev. J. E. Sloane. Rev. C. O'C.
Redding. Rev. J. P.
Doetor In Ssered Theology.
Dowd. ^T. C. F.
Photographs Illustrate Work
Bone on National Shrines in
Various U. S. Sections.
An exhibit depicting activities of
the Works Progress Administration
in connection with the restoration
and preservation of historical land
marks throughout the United States
has been installed in the lobby of the
Commerce Department Building.
Entitled "America's Cavalcade,’’ the
exhibit is composed chiefly of photo
graphs showing the progress of work
on national shrines, ranging from
the earliest colonies to such recent
points of interest as the birthplace
of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh.
The restorations pictured in the
collection Include the buildings of one
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these famous brews as Peter Ballantine
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became his trademark. Look for the 3
rings of quality, then ask for "Ballantine'sl"
of the earliest Virginia settlements
and a section of the village in which
Abraham Lincoln was born and
No Show Fan.
Jonas Wertman, 83, a Pennsylvania
farmer, has seen only one movie. He
saw his last stage show 61 years ago.
• A’o Money
4 Months to
Misses9 Printed Chiffons
Glorious array of colorful prints . . . gay
youthful styles that are most becoming.
A selection so great that you'll be able to
pick “yours” right out of the group. These
cool chiffons are practical for hot Summer
afternoons. Misses’ sizes 14 to 20.
Air-Conditioned Fashion Center ., . Second Floor
Street Dancing Is Staged on
Constitution Avenue as
Encampment Feature.
Singing, street dancing and a parade
on Constitution avenue last night
opened the eighteenth annual encamp
ment of the District of Columbia de
partment, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Revived by Senator Edward
Johnson and Representative John A.
Martin, both of Colorado, the parade
of an hour began at Fourth street and
Pennsylvania avenue and disbanded
at Constitution avenue and Seven
teenth street. In the line of march
were veterans' units, women's auxili
aries, patriotic organizations and
private clubs. Orand marshal of the
parade was Col. J. M. Walnwright.
Following the parade, Col. Wailach
A. McCathran, department com
mander. announced the winners of the
various unit contests. They were: best
veterans' band, Overseas Band, V. F.
W. , District department; best non
veterans’ bend, Chevy Chase Dairy;
drum and bugle corps, Cooties; V. F.
W. marching unit, Follow Me Post;
non-veterans’ marching unit, Irish
War Veterans: Junior marching unit.
Sons of Washington Post; Ladies’
Auxiliary, Job's Daughters; ladies'
marching unit, Ladies of the Wood
men of the World; colored veterans’
unit, James Reece Europe Post, and
decorated float, "Lady in the Bath
tub" by the Master Plumbers’ Asso
Following announcement of winners,
Constitution avenue above Fifteenth
street was roped off for street dancing
until midnight.
Another feature of the encampment
opening was the company street,
spread along the south side of Con
stitution avenue. This was a re
enactment of a war-time company
street, with one tent for each of the
17 posts composing the District de
partment, V. F. W.
- -•- ■ • - . -
Gordon Bennett Cup Contenders
to Take Off June 20 From
By the Associate Press.
BRUS3ELS, June 16.—Twelve bal
loons representing five countries will
take off here June 20 in the race for
the fifth Gordon Bennett Cup.
The Belgian Royal Aero Club re
ceived notice from William Enyart,
secretary of the Contest Board of the
National Aeronautic Association at
Washington, D. C., that the United
States, six times winner of the an
nual event, probably will have no
entries. No reason was given.
Belgium. Germany and Poland have
entered three balloons each, France
two, Switzerland one.
B. E. Bledsoe Elected by Sons of
Revolution Group.
NEW YORK, June 16 UP).—Benja
min Franklin Bledsoe of Los Angeles
was elected general president of the
General Society of the Sons of the
Revolution yesterday, succeeding John
M. Scott of Philadelphia.
Other officers chosen at the society'!
triennial meeting included general
vice president. Lieut. Col. John S.
Richards of Fall River, Mass , and
second general vice president. Au
gustus C. Bone of Morristown, N. J.
lightning Fires Gas Wells.
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., June 16
f/Pi.—An electrical storm imperiled the
Oklahoma City oil fields yesterday,
when lightning started 15 gas well
fires. Workmen cut off the ga* flows
to extinguish the flames.
1100 12th St. N.W.
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