Small Advances in Majority,
but Federal Section
Eases Quietly.
I i — ■ ■ . .
Bond Averages
'to 10 in in
Rails. Indust Util. F'gn.
Net change. Unc. —.1 Unc. Unc.
Today close. 92.9 102.7 97.6 72.6
Prev day... 92.9 102 8 97.6 72.6
Month ago.. 93.1 102.9 98.0 72.1
Year ago... 92.5 102.7 101.9 69.9
1937 high... 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7
, 1937 low_ 92.6 102.4 97.4 70.5
1936 high... 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0
1936 low.... 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6
1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2
1928 high—101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5
10 Low-Yield Bonds.
Today_110.9 Prev. day. 110.9
Month ago 110.6 Year ago. 111.9
1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4
1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2
1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8
* f
(Compiled by the Associated Pres*.)
... ■ isi i 1 ■■■■ 11
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, June 19 —The ma
jority of the corporate division pushed
a little higher in the bond market to
day, but United States Government
Issues were in small demand and tend
ed to sag.
Only nominal interest was manifest
and the short session was indecisive
In determining trend. Traders, after
a week of heavy financing, said they
might get, a better line on the market
next- week, when another batch of new
issues is due
low and medium yield loans fared
best among industrials. National Dairy
31«s and Pure Oil 4>4s were up fair
■ fractions and United States Rubber 5s,
Anaconda Copper 4l*s and Interna
tional Telephone 5s added a bit.
A few of the carriers faltered, noma
would-be purchasers finding the week's
merely seasonal advance in freight car
loadings disappointing. Losers in this
field included Northern Pacific 4s. New
York Central 5s. Southern Railway 4s
and Rock Island general 4s.
J Baltimore Markets
( Sprc!*! Despatch to Tht S'tr.
BALTIMORE. Md, June 19 —Pota
toes, new. barrel, 1 65a2 15; 100-pound
sack. POal 25: old. 100-pound sack,
150a2 00; sweet potatoes, bushel, 75a
1 50; yams, bushel. 75al.00; asparagus,
crate, 1 00a3 75; beans, bushel, 50a
100: nearby, bushel, 1 00al.25: beets,
nearby, bunch. 2a3; cabbage pointed
type, hamper. 25a50: nearby, hamper,
40*50: bushel. 25a40: carrots, crate,
8 75afi 00; bushel, 2 50; dozen bunches,
6Ps70; cauliflower, crate, 1.75; celery,
cra’e. 2 00a7 50: com, crate. 1.25a2.00;
cucumbers. bushel, 50al.75; eggplants,
crate. 1 75a2 00; bushel. 1.00al.25: let
tuce. Western. Iceberg, crate, 2 25a
Sic; new. Jersey. B;g Boston crate,
50a65 nearby. Iceberg, bushel, 15a35;
lima beans, bushel. 1.75a2.75; onions,
50-pound sack. 4Pal 25; peas, bushel,
50*2 00. nearby, bushel, 50al 25; pep
pe-s crate 2 75a4.00; bushel. 150a
2 sp-nach. bushel, 50a75: nearby,
bushel. 35*50. squash, nearby, half
bushel 75. tomatoes, lug 1 25a2 40;
apples bet. 2*0a2.75; bushel. 1.00a
2 0‘ blackberries, crate. 1.75a2 25;
cantaloupes, crate 3 00a4 00; cherries,
nearby, sweet, quart. 8&10: Morello,
quart. 4a5' grapefruit, box, 4 00a4.50;
honey bail melons, crate. 3 75a4.50; quart. 15a20; oranges,
box. 2 75*5 00: peaches, bushel, 2 75a
3 50; h«4f bushel, 75a! 25; raspberries,
red. pint. 10*12; strawberries, nearby,
crate. 2.00a3 50; watermelons each,
Live Stork Market.
Cattle—100; compared with Friday
last week; all classes finishing mostly
on steady to strong basis; fed steers
and yearlings 10.50al2.4A; good 770
pound heifers. 1125; good grade cows
to ft 00; plain and medium fat cows,
6 25a7.25: bulk low cutter and cutter
grades, 4.50afi.00; bulk plain and me
dium bulls, 5.50a6 75; few, 7.00; good
grade butcher bulls to 9.50.
Calves—125; compared with Friday
last week; vealers unchanged, closing
. trade firm under lenient sorting; good
grades, 9 00a9 50, mostly; plain and
medium grades, 6.50a8.50; culls down
to 5 50 and occasionally below.
Hogs—50; light supply mostly 10.15
eenfs higher than Friday and unevenly
10 to 40 cents above last Saturday's
levels; good and choice, 170 to 210
pounds, 11.80al2.06, practical top,
12.05; 220 to 250 pounds, ll.40all.80;
560 to 300 pounds quoted 10.75all.40;
140 to 160 pounds, ll.50all.80; 120 to
140 pounds, 10.50all.00; good sows,
F.SOalO.OO; hogs from doubtful areas
not. represented In above prices.
Sheep—175; mostly steady with
Friday last week following stronger
• tendency in Monday's market; choice
rttl arrival* Monday, 13.00; week's
hulk good and choice trucked in
Spring lambs, 12.00al2.50; mostly 70
to 75 pounds averages; buck* 1.00
under ewe and wether sorts; plain
and medium grades, 9.00all.00; fat
shorn slaughter ewes mainly, 3.00a
1.50; few handy weights to 4.00; old,
thin sheep, 1.50.
Grain Market.
-.Opening prices were: Wheat—No.
J, red. Winter, garlicky, spot, domes
tic, 1 33%. Corn—No. 3, yellow, do
' mestic, 1.18; Western delivery st a
premum over this price; cob corn
nominal. Oats—No. 2, white, domes
tic, 60a70; No. 3, 59a69; exoept grain
on track there is an additional charge
of 1 % cents per bushel for storage and
elevation on all sales of oats. Rye—
No. 3, l.lSal.23, Barley—83a88. Hay
and straw unchanged. No market
established as yet for new crop wheat.
! -Hay market holds steady to firm
, under a good demand for timothy and
clover mixed at 17.00a22.00 per ton,
but it takes well-graded No. 1 stock
to bring the price. Poorer grades hard
to sell and market Irregular on all
grades below No. 3 stock.
Dairy Markets.
Uve poultry—Broilers, Rocks, pound,
31a23; mixed colors, 20a22; Leghorns,
15a20: fowl. Rocks, 18al9; mixed col
on, 17al8; Leghorns, 13al5; roosters,
10al2: dusks, 12al4.
Eggs—Current receipts, dozen, 19a
• 30: hennery whites, large, 22a23; me
dium. 21s22; receipts, 198 cases.
'Butter prints, pound, 34a35; good
to fancy, creamery, 32a33; packing
stock, 16; rolls, 16; receipts, 1,663 tubs.
? Sea Food Market.
.Catfish, pound, 5a6; dressed, 8al0;
carp, 3a4; eels, 8al0; haddock, 8al0;
mackerel. 5a6; rock, 10al2; white
perch, 6a8; yellow, 8al0; trout, 4a6;
bhjefish, 10; flounders, 10al2; croak
ers, 4a5; spots, 4a5; hardheads, 4a5;
butterflsh, 5a6; soft crab6, doeen, 90a
1.40: hard crabs, barrel, 3.00a4.00;
dozen, 20a40; crab meat, pound, 25a
*0: shrimp, 15ai8; clams, large, per
10b. 80e90; Cherrystones. 60a65; Little'
Necks, 50; frogs, each, 20a30. I
m-j print* wir* airaot to Til nu.
Approximate Transaction* Today.
U 8 Gov't Bonds..., 110,000
Foreign Bonds__ 1400,000
Domtatle Bonda 2,460.000 ~r
All tlm* clinwR h*l*w I* iarlifht asrlnt
en which th* Etchant* It new ***ratlnt
Hlth. Low. Clot*.
*H* 1949-53_ 97.23 97.2,3 97.23
244* 1946-47- 102.20 102.20 102.20
244* 1949-61_ 100.15 100.14 100.15
244* 1961-54_ 99.23 99.28 99.23
2 44* 1955-69_ 99.15 99.15 99.15
244* 1955-60_ 100.15 100.12 100.12
3s 1946-4 4_ 104.6 104.6 104.6
3s 1951-55- 102.16 102.16 102.16
3H* 1946-49_ 104.20 104.20 104.20
3 H# 1941- 106.2 106.2 106.2
344* 1944-46_ 106.4 106.4 106.4
3 44* 19 4 3 -47_ 106.19 106.1# 106.19
4s 1944*54 . 111.8 111.8 111.8
444a-3H*’43-45. 106.11 106.11 106.11
444* 1947-52_ 116.30 116.30 116.30
3s 1949. 102.12 102.12 102.12
244* 1942-44_ 99.30 99.80 99.30
24** 1939-49_ 100.8 100.7 100.7
3s 1952. 101.30 101.80 101.30
Hlth. Low. Clot*.
Abltibt PsApw Sa'5S 9614 9644 96%
Asr Mtg Bk Col 6s’47 23 2.3 23
Antioquia 1st 7s'57.. 11 11 11
Antioquia 3d 7s 57— 1144 1144 11%
Argentina 4s '72_ 914* 91H 9191
Argentine 4Hs'71_100% 10014 100%
Argentina 5Hs'52—. 10OH 100H 100W
Argentine 6s '60 Sept 100H 100H lOOiH
Australia 4*s'56_102* 102* 102*
Australia Ka '58_ 108 107* 108
Australia 5a'6T- 107* 107* 107*
Bavaria R 6*s'41_ 25* 25* 25*
Belgium 7s '65 ..... 118* 118*118*
Berlin El Ry < *s '6*. 24 24 24
Brazil 6*s 26- 57_ 39* 39* 39*
Brazil 6*s'17-'57_ 39V* 39V* 39*
Brazil 7s'52- 39* 39* 39*
Brazil 8s 41 - 45* 46* 45*
Breda Ernesto 7s'84. 71* 71* 71*
Buenos A 4*s'76 Aug 80 79* 79*
Beu A 4*-4*s’77 Pt. 78* 78* 78*
Buenos Aires
4*s-4*s'76 April 80 79* 80
Buenos A4*s-4 9*s'75 82* 82* 824
Canada 2>4s-44- 99* 99* 99*
Canada 3s'*7 __ 98* 93* 93*
Candaa l*s '*1_ 99* 99* 99*
Canada 5s -52-112* 112* 1124
Chile *s'60_. 20* 20* 204
Chile 6s '81 Jan_ 20* 20* 20*
Chile 6s’61 Febr__ 20* 20* 204
Chile 6s '61 Sept_ 20* 20* 20*
Chile 6a ’62--- 20* 20* 20*
Chile 6s *3 - 20* 20* 20*
untie Mtg Bkes'81_ 164 164 164
Chile Mtg Bk 6a '61 ... 164 164 164
Chilean Mun L 7a'60. 17 17 17
Colombia 6»'61 Jan._ 264 264 264
Colombia 6s'61 Oct.. 264 26 4 264
Col Mtg Bk *4S'47.. 23 23 23
Col Mtg Bk 7s'47.. 23 23 23
Copenhagen 4>ji '51.. 984 984 984
Denmark 54s'55_1014 1014 101 Vs
Dominic 1st 54a’45.. 774 774 774
Dresden 7a'45_ 254 254 254
El Salvador Is'41 ct~ *0 60 60
Ger Gov 54s 65 at... 284 284 284
GerGov 54s’65 un at 274 274 274
Ger Rep 7a'49 stpd ... 354 344 35V4
Ger Rep 7a 49 un at_. 80 28’* 30
Hung I, M 74*'ll A. 254 254 254
Italy 7s'51_ 864 S6H 864
Japan 54a'65_ 874 874 874
Japan 64s'54_ 99 99 99
Jugos Mt* Bk 7s’o7_ 394 394 894
Lombard Elec 7s '52.. 734 73'* 734
Mexica 4s'54 asst_ 54 54 54
New So Wales 5a'57. 103 103 103
New So Wales 5a’51. 1034 1034 1034
Norway 4s 62 _ 98'* 984 984
Norway 44s'65_ 1024 1024 1024
Norway 4 4 a'58_ 1084 103'* 1034
Oriental Dev Is'52_ S3 *3 83
Oslo 44a'65..1004 1004 100H
Peru 6s '60_ 18 174 18
Peru Pa '61_ 174 174 174
Peru 7a'59_ 19** 194 1#4
Poland 6s'40_ 51 51 61
Poland 7a'47_ 6* 64 64
Prussia 64a 61_ 2S4 234 234
Rhein Main 7a'50_ *14 814 314
Rio de Jan 44»'6*_ 254 254 254
Rio Gr do Sul 6a 'll— 254 25V* 254
Rome 64a '52 _ 744 744 744
Roumania 7i'69_ 874 374 374
Pao Paulo St 6s'68_ 264 264 264
Sao Paulo St 7a 40—. 95% 954 954
Serbs 7s'62.. 27 27 27
Uruguay 6a'60.„_ 684 684 684
Uruguay 6a '64_ 684 684 684
Westphal E P 6a '51_ 24 24 24
Adams Express Is '47 1 00* 100 1 00*
Alleg Corp 5s '44_ 88* 98* 98*
AlleaCorp 5s 49_ 92* 92* 92*
Alleg Corp 6s ’50 stp_ 63 61% 68
Am ft For Pw 5a 1020 76* 76* 76*
Amleecv5a’52_ 96 96 96
Am 1 GCh 5*s’49_ 106* 106* 106*
Am T ft T 3*a '61_ 99% 99% 99%
Am T ft T 2 *s ’**_ 98* 98* 98*
Am T & T 5%s 41_ 113 112*112*
Anaconda deb 4*a*50 106 105% 105%
Anglo-Chil Nit 7a '57 *1 31 81
ArmourCDalllst 4s'6l 98 97% 98
Armstrong Ck 4a '50. 103* 103* 103*
A T&S Fe gen 4s '95.. 110* 110* 110*
A T&S Fa 4*a ’48._108% 108% 108%
Atl Coast Lelt 4a'll. 93* 93* 93*
AtlCLun 4*8 '44_ 91* 91* 91*
Atlantic & D lst4a’4*. 48 48 48
B ft O 1st 4a '41_ 106* 106 106*
B ft O 4*8 '40_ 71* 71* 71*
B ftO 1st 5s '41_113* 113* 113*
B ft O ref 6s 95 A_ 81% 81% 81%
B&OEs'96F_ 81% 81% 81%
B ft O ref 6s '95 C_ 95* 95 95
B ft O PLEAW V4s*41 103* 103 108
B ft O Swn Is '50 _ 104* 104 104%
Bell T of Pa 6s'4* B 117% 117% 117%
Bell Tel of Pa la'40 C 124% 124% 124%
Beth Statl 2%a'«i_ 96* 96* 95*
Beth Steel 4*a 60_ 103 103 103
Bos ft Ms 4%a '51 J_78% 78 78
Bos ft Ms 58 -67 _ 83 82* 82*
Bklyn Un El 5s *0... 99* 99* 99*
Bklyn Man T 4*a‘56 86* 86* 86*
Bklyn Un Gas 5a'10.. 92 91% 92
Bklyn Un G Is'67 B-. 105* 106* 106*
Buff RftP con 4*s'S7 86* 86* 85*
Calif Packing 6a 40 . 104* 104* 104*
Can dlan NR 4*a'61 113 113 113
Can’dlan NRSs’S9 Oct 117% 117* 117*
Can’dlan P db 4a perp 96* 94* 94*
Can dlan Pac 4*a‘4< 104 104 104
Can’dlan Pac 4*a'60 103* 103* 103*
Can dlan P 5a'44 cfa. 114% 114*114*
Can’dlan Pao Is'54... 108 108 108
Caro Cl ft 0 58'3*-. 103% 103% 103%
Central Fdry cv 6a’41 140* 140* 140*
Cent of Ga con 6s'45. 26 26 26
Cent of Ga 5s'69 C... 16 16 16
Cent 111 BAG 6a’51. 101*101*101*
Cent of N J gen Es’87 62 52 62
Cent Pac 1 at rf 4a'49. 107* 107% 107%
Cent Pac 5s'60_ 98 97* 98
Cert’d deb 6*s'4*-.. 77 77 77
Champ PAF4%s'IO. 105% 106% 106%
Ches ft O I*s ’96 D._ 97* 97% 97*
Chi ft Alt ref Is ‘49_ 63* 53* 63*
Chi BftQgen 4s'll_112 111% 111%
Chi BftQ 4*s "77_111 111 lit
ChIBftQldly|*s‘49 108 108 108
Chi B&Qldlv4a'49.. 112 112 112
Chi ft BUI la '61_ 34* 84* 84*
Cht Grt West 4a'51... 39% 39* 89%
C M * St P 6s'7l. 24* 24 24
CMftStPftP adJ5s2O00 7% 7* 7*
Chi ft NW 4*a 80*7 20* 20* 20*
Chi ft NW 4*a 2017 C 21* 20* 20%
Chl*NW4%a'4S_ 15* 16 16
Chi Rys 1st Is’27_ 66 66 66
Cht R IftP rf 4s 14... 17 17 17
Chi R IftP gen 4a 'll. 34* 33* 34*
Chi R IftP 4*a *62_ 17* 17* 17*
Chi R IftP 4*a '49_ 10* 10* 10*
Chi Un 8ta t*a'11.. 105 104% 104%
Chi Un Sta 8%s’6t E 107% 107* 107%
Chi Un Sta 4a 'll_110 110 110
Chi ft W in eon la’ll 104* 104 104*
Chi ft W Ind 4%s’12. 102 102 102
Childs ft Co la'41_ 88% 88% 88%
Cin Un T 8%s Dgtd. 106 106 106
CCCftStLrf 4*a’77B 92% 92% 92%
Clar UnTer4*a’77. 102* 102 102*
Clay Un Tar la'72 B. 107* 107* 107*
Columbia G ft E dab
la’ll April-101 101 101
Columbia G 4 E Is
•62 May_ 100 1 00 100
Columbia G&E Is '61. 98* 98* 98*
Colum Ry PftL> 4a '61 106 106% 106
Cornel Credit I %S '61 00* 00* 96*
Com Inv Tr 8%s '61.. 101* 101*101*
Conn RftL. 4%s’£l at. 107 107 107
Conn R Pw 2%s '01 A 104* 104* 104*
Cons Ed N T 2 *8 '46 104* 104* 104*
Cons Ed N Y 2 * a ’£6. 108* 108* 103*
Cons Gas NY 4*s'£1 107* 107* 107*
Consol Oil 8*s'11— 100* 100* 100*
> ft
Consum Pwr 2 Ha '70. 10214 10274 102H
Oran* Co JHa ’61_ 100** 1001* 100H
Cuba Northn (Ha '41. 4AH 4AH 4AH
Cuba RR ref 7Ha H6. RAH RAH RAH
Dayton PAL I Ha'»«- 104 104 104
Dal A Hud ref 4*‘4<_. 91 907* 91
Den A R G 4Hs.'3C— 29 2AH 28H
Den A ROW Ra’Slaast 1RH 1RH 1RH
Dan ARGrsf (s‘73.. IIH 21H 21H
Det Edison 3Ha HA.. 103 1027*103
Det Edison 4a HS-F.. 109H 108H 10844
Det Edison 4Ha Hi D 11474 11474 1147*
DuqueeneLt JHe 'AS. 104H 104H 104H
Ed El 111 Bklyn 4a HI. 104H 104H 104H
Erie ov 4s '63 B- 824* 82H 824*
Erie cons 4s’9l_ 99H 99H 99H
Erie fen 4a HI_ 801* 8flH 807*
Erls ref »a'A7_ 74 73H 74
Erlarafla’7t- 74 73H 74
Fed LtATr la '43- 102H 102H 1027*
FlaECRyRa'74_ 11 ]0** 11
Francisco Bus Is HI.. A7 AT A7
Gen Am Inr 6s '83_101 101 101
Gan Cabla IHs‘47 —,1044* 104H 10444
Gen Mot Aeo 374s HI.,101 100H 101
Goodrich 474s HI-,1007* 100H 1007*
Goodrich ls’45- 104H 104H 104H
Goodyear TAR 6a H7 104H 104H 104H
Goth Silk H 6a'4A wir 97 97 97
Grt Nr Ry 3 44s H7 96 96 95
Great N Ry 4a '46 G-. 128 1277* 12774
Grt N Ry 4a'4l H-11044 110 110
Ort N R rf 4 74s HI A 11874 11341 11374
Grt NR sen 4 Ha *76 D 1054* 1067* 105H
Grt N R IH* '63 B_118 1174* 11744
Hudson Coal 6a'53... 44H 447* 44H
Hudson Co G 1st 6s'4l 120 120 120
Hud A Man Inc 6s ’67. 2444 2474 2474
Hud A Man ref 6s'67. AA74 AA7* 6674
III Cent 444s H*_ 6944 6944 694*
111 Cent ref 6a’65_ 98H 98H 98H
111 CACSLANO 6a 51. 109 109 109
Inland Stl 3A4a'll_ 105 105 105
int K i 1*1 ri os o»— mw* nu nu»t
Int RTS*'32_ 204 20'4 204
Int R T 7*'ll- 654 69 654
Int«rlak* Iron 4s ‘47.. 96 954 954
Int Grt Nr 6s '*2 A_ 32 32 32
Int Hydro EI*e 6s'44. 764 764 764
Int Mer Marin* «s'41. 74 734 71
Int Pap ref 6s'95__ 964 954 954
Int TAT ct 4 V4* ’19_ 894 89 89
Int TAT 5s '55_ 734 784 784
Iowa C IstArf 4s ’61_. 64 64 64
Jam*sFAC4s’S9.._ 954 954 954
JonesALStl 44s'61A 1034 103', 1034
KsnsCitv Sor*f Ss’SO 854 854 854
Ki es** Found 3 4*47 984 984 984
leaded* O 6’j * '63 C— 994 904 594
Leh CAN 44*'54 A._ 95 95 95
R*h A N ERR4«’65. 102 1014 1014
Kell V NY 4 4 S'4 0 Atd 101 101 101
Leh V Peon 4 4a 2003 584 584 BR4
Koew’s 3 4*'**_ 9914 99 99
Kortllard 5*'*1_ 1184 1184 1184
LsAArkSs 6»_ 894 894 894
K A Na*h 34* 2001_ 924 924 924
KAN 1st ** 2001_ 984 984 984
LAN unit 4s '*0_ 1074 1074 1074
LAN 44* 2003 C_ 1044 1044 1044
LANS* 2003 B_ 1074 1074 1074
Mannat liy es su- 4,1*
Manitowoc 3Vi*'41--. 37 37 37
Mead Co *s '45_101% 104% 104% 1
Met Ed 1st rf 4 Vi a'61 106% 106% 106%
Mil El RAL6s '«1_100% 100% 100%
Mil E! R&S Lrf Ss'71 101% 101% 101%
Minn * St Lrf 4a'43- 8% 8% 8%
MStPASSM cn 4s '38. 22% 22% 22%
MStPASSM cn Rs ’38 . 18 18 18
MStPASSM Rs'J* *td 24 24 24
Mo K A T Rs '62 A _ 7.8 74% 74%
MoKATadJli'17_ 65 65 65
Mo Pac 4i '78___ 16% 18% 15%
Mo Pao 8a '68 A_ *5% 38% 35%
Mo Pao 8i ’77 F_ 36% 36 36
Mo Pac Rs '77 Fctfs.. 34 34 34
Mo Pac Rs ’78 G_ 35% 35% 35%
Mo Pac 5* 'SO H_ 35% 35% 35%
Ma Pacific 5s' * 1 I_ 35'i 85% 35%
Mo Pac 5 V.a'4S A_ 12% 12% 12%
Mohawk A M la'll—. 88 88 88
Morris A Ea3%S 2000 88 88 88
MorrisAKseex eVfcs'88 84% 84% 84%
MorrisftEsaex Ee’55. 93 92% 93
Namm A Sons 6s'43 103% 103% 103%
Nassau Elec 4s’5l ltd 40% 40 40%
Natl Dairy 3%a'51ww 102% 102% 102%
Natl Steel 4l 65_ 105% 105% 105%
Newark C Cal Ss'48 119% 119% 119%
New E TAT 1st Ri'52 124 124 124
New Orl TAM 5s '54 B 49% 49% 49%
N T Central 2 %a’53_. 107% 107 107%
NT Central 3 Vis'97.. 96% 96% 96%
NT Central 3%i'll.. 102 101% 101%
NT Cent con 4s'9*_ — 97 96% 97
NT Cent rf«V4i2011. 88% 88% 88%
NT Cent rf 8a 2013 .— 96% 96% 96%
NTCMIeh CSVil’M- 91 91 91
NT Chi A St L 4a '4I_. 103% 103% 103%
NTCASt L 4 Vi a ’78_ 88% 85% 85%
NTCASt LSVie'T* A. 97 96% 96%
NT Conn 1st 4Vil'83. 109 109 109
NT Dock 1st 4a'81--_ 85% 88% 55%
NT Edison 3%a'65 D 100% 99% 100%
NT NH A H 48 ’RC_ 38 38 38
NT NH AH 4s'57_ 19 19 19
NT NH ft H 4Via’87_. 41% 40% 40%
NT NH A H cr 81 "41. 42 41% 41%
NT OftW ref 41'92 21% 21% 21%
NTQueens conSVia'88 104 104 104
NT 8team lat 6a'81— 102 102 102
NT 8teim 1st 6a'47.. 105 105 105
NT Tel van 4Vis‘29 107% 107% 107%
NT Trap Rock «a *4 6- 84% 84% 84%
North Am Ed 5a'8IC 102% 102% 102%
isortn Am no umiv* 103*4 I'uive
■Vor’n Pac gen 8a 1047 73% 73% 73%
Nor’n Pae 4a ’97_ 105 104% 104%
Nor'n Paa Ss 2047_111% 111% 111%
Ohio Edison 4s’<5_106% 105% 106%
OrttWBR d ll_ 107 10614 106%
Pae G A E 4a '64_107% 107% 107%
Param’tPic 3%a’47.. 87 87 87
Para Broadway 3s'65 66 86 66
Paramount Pic 8a '85 100% 100%" 100%
Penn Co 4a '68_102% 102%, 102%
Penn Dixie C«s’41_ 100 100 100
Penn PAL 4 %a ’81_101% 101% 101%
Penn RR 3%a w 1_ 107 106% 106%
Penn RR 8 %a ’70 C 80% 99% 99%
Penn RR 4%a '81 D . 107% 107% 107%
Penn RR con 4%e '60. 119% 119%tll9%
Penn RRgn 4%a’65. 111% lllVi.111%
Penn RRdeb4%a'70 102% 102 102%
Penn RR gen Ee’48._ 118% 118% 118%
PereMarq 4%a'80___ 93% 93% 93%
Pare Marq 1st 6a'58.. 102% 102%,102%
Phelps D 2%a’52 w L 108% 108 108
Phlla Co Is 67.._ 97 96% 96%
Phlla Elec 3 %s ’67 __ 102% 102%a«2%
Phlla A R CA1 6» '72.. 25 25 25
Phlla ARCAI 6a’49.. 10% 10% 10%
Philippine Ry4s’87_. -21 21 21
Port Gan El 4%a ’40.. 57 57 57
Postal Tel AC 5a‘58. 24% 24 24%
Praaaed Stl Car 5a *51 95% 95% 96%
Pure Oil 4%s ’60 ww. 112% 112% 112%
Pure Oil 4%a '50 drw 110% 110 110
Pure 011 4%a’50 XW-. 105 105 105
Raadlng JerC4a‘ll.. 96% 95 95
Reading R 4%a ’97 B 106% 106% 106%
Ram-Rand 4% a-Seww 1065, 106% 106%
Republic Stl 4%a'50. 152% 152% 152%
Republic Stl 4%s '56. . 96% 96% 96%
Republic Stl 4%a '61. 95% 95% 95%
RioG W eol 4s’4 9 A.. 36% 36% 36%
R 1 AAL 1st 4%B*84.. 18 18 18
Saguenay Pw 4%a’*8 101 101 101
St LIMAS RAG 4a '88. 78% 76% 78%
St L-8 Fran 4s’60 A.. 23 23 23
8t L-8 F 4%s’78 ef at. 19% 19% 19%
StLS W 1st 4a *8»--_ 84 83 .84
StPKCSL4%a'41. 17% 17% *17%
St P MAM ext 5a '43 __ 101% 101% 101%
StPUnDaprf la ’Tl. 118% 118% 118%
Saabd A L 6a’45 A_15 15 15
Saabd AL6s’45ctfa. 14% 14% 14%
Saabd A-F16a’36 Act 7% 7% 7%
Shell Un deb 3%a ’51. 98% 98% 98%
Socony Vsy 8%a ’50.. 105% 105% 106%
Southn Cal G 4%a'*l 106% 106% 106%
So Colo Pwr «a 47 A. 105% 105% 105%
SoPac3%a‘46_ 99% 99% 99%
So Pac col 4S '49_ 95 95 95
So Pao raf 4a *55_105% 105% 106%
SoPac4%a’«8_ 86 86 86
SoPao4%a‘69_ 86 85 85
So Pao «%s'81- 85% 86% 86%
So Pao Oreg 4%e'77_. 96% 95% 95%
So Pao 8 F Ter 4a '50. 108% 108% 108%
So Ry gan 4a ’56 A_ 75% 75% 75%
So Ry gen (a 58_ 96% 96% 96%
So Ry 8%a'66_ 98 98 9R
Spokar.e Int 5a '55_ 22 22 22
8tand Oil N J Ss '61_ 98 97% 98
Swift A CoS %B '50_106% 106% 106%
Taxarkana l%a'60_105% 105 106
Texas Corp8%a’51_ 104 103% 104
Texas A Pao 6a ’77 B. 102 102 102
Texas A Pae 5a SO D. 102% 102% M2%
Third Ay raf 4a'60_ 48% 48% 48%
Third Ay 1st 5a'87... 92% 92% ,92%
Third A ad In ex Sa’CS 18 17% 18
Tide Wat Oil 8%a*5t. 100H 100% 100%
TolAOhioCSfca’iO. 105 105 105
UnOllof Cal 6a'42 A. 117% 117% 117%
Union Paa lat 4a‘4T.. 118% 112% 112%
UnPaolatrf 4a 2008. 107% 107 107
Un Pac 1st rf (a 2008. 114 114 114
United Drug 5a'68_ 96% 96% 96%
U S Rubbar 6a ‘47_107% 107 107%
Utah PAL 5a'44_100% 100% H>0%
Util P A L ia '59 Ynr— 49% 49% 49%
Util P A L 5%a’47... 50 60 60
Va Ry lit 8%a'66 A_ 104% 104% 104%
Wabash 1st Ss '88_ 92 92 92
Wabaah *%a 'Tl_it I! It
Progress in Wheat Areas Is
Expected to Become
Major Influence.
Associated Preee Market Editor.
CHICAGO. June 19—With rust
spores now Afloat in the air north
ward across the Canadian border black
rust Is expected soon to become the
chief wheat market influence.
Trade leaders here were quoted to
day as predicting that the destructive
fungus will shortly be present in
wheat fields throughout the domestic
Spring crop belt, and that price fluctu
ations will hinge more and more on
rust progress or hindrance. In par
ticular, the possibility of the crops
in Eastern parts of the Dakotas and
of sections of Minnesota being dam
aged has commenced to loom large.
It is especially emphasised that
excessive moisture has been received
in the Red River Valley this Spring,
as well as over a large area of Mani
toba, and has resulted in rank growth.
These conditions are in general re
garded as likely to promote a major
infestation of rust, if much muggy
weather ensues.
Change* Are Small.
Paced by such an outlook after a
week of unusual nervous rapid shifts,
the wheat market, this morning, com
pared to a week ago. was exactly un
changed to of a cent higher, with
corn unchanged to % up: oats H off
to m advanced, rye 'b-S down and
provisions showing 50 to 80 cents
In a setting similar to that of this
year, immense damage from black
rust in wheat took place during 1935
both in the American and Canadian
Northwest Spring crop belts. The
average weight of the wheat then
received at terminal markets was
about the lowest per bushel ever
known. On the other hand, there
mi n ur Jiu ir uuuuti mni nnimiui
and Oklahoma will secure a fairly
good crop of Winter wheat this year,
despite black rust talk.
Less confidence is expressed rela
tive to the Winter wheat, crop outcome
in Nebraska, where harvest operations
are expected to be under way nearly
a month from now.
Big Cut* Predicted.
One leading specialist reports that
in place* the yields of Nebraska Win
ter whpat will likely be curtailed 25
per cent or more, as a consequence
of rust.
Meanwhile, United States old crop
stocks of wheat are down to the low
est levels in many years, with the
domestic visible supply total expected
to be under 10.000.000 bushels before
new rrop accumulations can take
place in earnest.
Corn traders are anticipating that
foreign competition will fade as the
new domestic corn rrop reaches ma
turity, barring serious rrop losses
that do not now appear probable.
Oats receipts have been small and
In good demand. A feature of the
rye market is that a near record
yield of rye In .South Dakota is looked
Provisions show the effect, of rela
tively scant decrease of Chicago ware
house stocks of lard.
I ' --i
NEW YORK. June 19.—The fol
lowing is today's sunjmary of corpo
ration news, prepared by Stapdard
Statistics Co., Inc., New York:
Arundel Corp.—Common ahare
earnings before Federal taxes, five
months ended May 31, were 86 cents
against 7 cents.
Borden Co.—President announced
that company was liquidating its un
profitable produce divisions.
Oldetyme Distillers Corp.—Common
share earnings, four months ended
April 30, were 14 cents.
Caterpillar Tractor Co.—Common
share earnings, five months ended
May 31, were $2.64 against $1.96.
Veeder-Root, Inc—Common share
earnings, 12 weeks ended March 31,
were $3.78 against $1.50 in 12 weeks
ended March 28, 1936.
Walgreen Co.—Net of company for
first nine fiscal months ending June
30, were estimated at $2,100,000, in
like period of preceding fiscal year net
was around $1,750,000.
Grief Bros. Cooperage Corp.—Class
B share earnings, six months ended
April 30, were $3.07 against $1.35.
Alabama Great Southern R. R.—
Common share earnings, four months
ended April 30, were $1.47 against 11
American Locomotive Co—Appli
cation of Union Pacific R. R. Co. to
I. C. C. for permission to issue equip
ment trust certificates disclosed that
this company will build 20 locomo
tives and tenders for Union Pacific.
Central R. R. of New Jersey—De
ficit, four months ended April 30,
was $489,208 against deficit of $1,
Chesapeake Sc Ohio R.—Common
share earnings, five months ended
May 31, were $1.66 against $1.92.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul Sc
Pacific R. R.—Deficit, four months
ended April 30, was $5,391,$82 against
deficit of $5,544,567.”
Delaware Sc Hudson Co.—Net In
come of Delaware Sc Hudson R. R.
Corp. in four months ended April 30,
was $171,739, equal to 33 cents a com
mon share against deficit of $778,324.
Illinois Central R. R—Deficit, four
months ended April 30, was $1,348,
483 against deficit of $1,486,786.
(Reported by Ohae. D. Barney A Co.)
Rate—Maturity. Bid. Offer.
3V« Bept. 16. 1937.. 10(1 24-32 100 26-32
244 Feb, 1. 1938 __ 101 10-32 101 12-32
3 Mar. 18. 1938.. 10128-32 10130-32
2)4 Juna 8. 1938.. 102 8-32 102 10-32
2)4 Bept. 16. 1938.. 102 7-32 102 9-32
1)5 Mar. 16, 1939.. 100 19-32 100 21-32
2'/. June 16. 1939.. 10128-32 10127-32
144 Dec. 18. 1939.. 100 8-32 100 7-32
144 Mar. 16. 1940.. 100 19-32 100 21-88
1)4 June 16. 1940 . 1006-32 1008-32
1)4 Dec. IS, 1940.. 9931-32 1001-32
IV, Mar. 16. 1941 . 89 27-38 99 89-32
14, June 15. 1941 . §99-32 9811-32
1 Dec. 16. 1041 _ 98 24-32 98 28-32
IV, Bept. 16. 1939 . 100 6-32 100 8-32
144 Mar. 16. 1942.. 100 6-33 100 8-32
Hlrh. Low. Clout.
Walworth 4a ’65_ 78 78 78
Warnar Broacv 6s'39 94>4 94Vi 94'4
Warner-Quin 6a 4844 4844 48*4
Warren Br cv 6a *41._ 55)4 55)4 55V4
Waah WPlatBa1**.. 107)4 107V4 107V,
Waafn Md lat 4a •**_. i03'» io*h 103)4
Weat'n Un 4 44a’E0 .. 99 98)4 99
Weatn Un cl tr Ea ’»». 10144 10144 10144
Westn Un 6a ‘61_ 99)4 98)4 88)4
Waat'n Un Ea’IO_ 99)4 98 98
Wheal Btael 444a'It.. 99)4 99)4 99)4
W SP Stl lat 7a 'IB et. 85 35 86
W Sp Stl con 7s ‘3S et 35 36 85
Wllkss BAE 1st 5a ‘42 16)4 16 16
T’nratn SAT «• •si 101 100)4 10044
Few Oils and Specialties
Also Gain, but Most Ad
vances Are Fractional.
Bt the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, June 19—The laggard
utility share*, along with a few oils
and specialties, moved into higher
ground in the curb market today, but
most of the advances were fractional.
Announcement yeeterday that tha
United States District Court tn Ten
nessee would hear the suit against
the T. V. A. In October wss credited
with a part In the Improvement.
Northern States Power "A," and Utili
ties Light Ac Power “A” added around
a half point each and gains were like
wise recorded for Electric Bond Ac
Share, American Gas Ac Electric and
American Super Power.
Among the specialties Sherwin
Williams Jumped more than a point on
light volume. Others to Improve In
cluded Berkey Ac Gay, Pan-American
Airways, St. Regis Paper, Sunray Oil,
Lion Oil and Pantepec.
Hi*h. Low Close.
Ala Poser 4%* '67 78% 78% 78%
Ala Power 6s '51 —- 96% 95% 95%
Ala Power 6s '68_ 84% 84% 84V.
Alum Co 6s ’5'2 106% 105% 106%
Alum Co Ltd 6s '48 106% 106% 106%
Am PA L 6a 2016 .. 87% 87% 87V.
Ark PAL 6a '56 . _ 96% 96% 96%
As G A E 4%SC'49 ... 44 4.7% 44
As O A E 6s '50 ._ 46% 46 4b
Bald L es .78 aw stp 162% 162% 167%
Bell T C 6S '56 A 1 I 4 % 1 14 % 1 1 4 %
Bell T C 61 '60 C . 121 121 121
Can No Pw 6s 53 A 10.7 102% 102%
Can Pac 6s '42 . 109% 109Va 109’.
Caio Pw A 2l 6a '36 96% 95’. 95%
Cen II P 8 4%* '67 F 96% 96% 96V,
Cen O L A P 6» '50 A . 99 98V* 99
Central Pw 6s '51 D . .8 77% 78
Cent Pw A Lt 51 '66 91% 91% 91%
Cent 81 El 6%i '64 _ 49 48% 49
Cen 3t P A L 5%s 53 .. 5.7% 53% 6.7%
Chi Pn T1 5%s '47 3 O'! % 302% 102%
'Clues 8vc 5s '50 ... 68% 67% 68%
Clt 3 PAL 5%s '52 ._ 6.7’, 67 63%
I Chi. S PAL 6 ’ a* '49 . 64% 64% 64%
Corns' Ed 7%s 65 H 104% 104% 3 04',
i Com Pb Sv 6» '60 A .. 73% 73% 7.7%
: Oomw 8b 5%s '48 A 10.7% 303% 30.7%
! Comma PAL 6s 67 . 98 98 98
! Oont O A E 5s '58 A _ so''. So so
1 Crucible 311 5s '40 307% 303% 10.7%
; East O A F 4S '66 A . 82% 82 82%
I El Pw A Lt 6s 7070 . . 87% 87 87%
El Pas El 5s '60 A _ 302 102 302
Elm WIARB 5s '50 . .. 10.7% 103V, 103%
Emp Dis El 5s '57 .. 94% 64% 94".
Emp OAR 5%s '42 . 85% R6% 85%
Erie Light 5s '07 104 104 104
Fed Wat 5%, '54 .. 73% 72% 72%
Florida PAL 6a '64 . 89% 89% 89%
Gatineau Pw 6s '56 . 1 01% 101 % 101 %
Gatineau Pw 6s '4 1 _ 101 % 101 % 101 ",
Gatineau P 6s '4 1 B . 101% 101 % 101 %
Oen Bronse be '40 _. 91% 91% 91%
Georkia Pw 5s (17 . 97% 92 97
Georgia PAL 6a *78 .. 7 0% 69 69
Glen Alden Cl 4s '65 . 80 79% 80
Grand Tr We 4s '50 . 100 100 loo
Hack Wat 5a '77 A 1 03". 1 03", 1 03%
Idaho Pw Co 5s '47 __ 308% 108% 108%
III Pw A Lt 6%e '67 _ 93% 93% 9.3V,
Indianan Gas 6a ‘52 67 67 67
Tndnap PAL 5« .67 A . 105% 105% 106%
InU Salt 5s .61 . 107% 207% 107%
Infers! Pm 6s 57 . 62% 52% 52%
Tnterst Pw 6s ’.67 36% 36 3.6
Inters! P 8 6s '.66 D 7 8 78 78
Iowa-N IAP 5s ’67 A 94 94 94
Iowa PAL 4%s '68 A 106". 105% 105%
Tow, Pnh Hi 5. '6 7 103% 10.7% 103’.
Jar C PAL 4%s ’HI C 103% 103% 103%
Kentucky U 5s ’69 I . 61', 81% 81%
Ken U 5%* '55 P . 9'.'% 92% 92%
Ken U 6%s '48 D 98 98 98
Lehigh P 8 6* 2026 A 1n4’a 104% 104%
Lon* Is Lt Hs '45 106% 106!, 106%
La Pw Si Lt 5a '5 7 104% 104 104%
Mem PA L 5s '48 A 90 90 90
Minn PAL 4%s '78 . 97% 97 97%
Miss Pw A I- 5s '57 . 86 86 ,86
Nat P A L «s 2026 A 86 86 86
Nat P A L fis 2030 B 15 75 75
Netsner Bros «s '48 102 102 102
Nevad Cal El 5s '56 85 85 85
New K Q A X 5s '48 _ 66% 66 66
New E Pw 5s 48 . 91 91 91
New X Pw 5%a '54 _ 93% H;% 93%
New Or P S 5a '42 8* 88 88
N Y P A Lt 4%* '67 106% 106% 106%
N Y S E ft G 4%S 'HO 99 99 9»
Nor A LAP 5'a* '56 _ 92 92 92
Nn Ind P 6 5s '69 D 100% 100'* 100%
Norw El 6s '45 sipd 104% 104% 104V*
Ohio Pwr 5s '52 B .106 106 100
Ohio Pwr 4'aS '56 D 106% 105% 105%
Okla P A W 6s 48 A _ 87 87 87
Okla N G 4’ as '51 A 97% 97% 97%
Par Invest 6s '48 A 97 97 97
Penn C LAP 4%s '77 94 03% 93%
Phlla El P 5%s '72 ion*. 109% 109%
Phlla Rap T 6s 62 . 89'* 89% 89%
Potomac E 5a '56 E 107 107 107
Pub Bar N .1 6s etfs 134% 134% 134%
Pub S N I 4';S 'IS D 103 103 J 03
Pug S PAL 5’aS '49 A 81', 81% 81%
Pug S P A L 6a '50 r 77 77 77
Pug 8 P A L 4'aS '50 D 73 73 73
Ban An P A 8 5s 58 B 104% 104% 104%
San Jo L A P 6s '52 B 130 130 130
Scripps 6%s '43 . 102'* 102% 102'*
Shw W A P 4%8 '67 A 102% 102’* 102%
S X P A L 6s 2025 A 93% 93 93%
Bon Cal Ed 3%s 45 106 106 196
6ou Cal Kd 3%s '60 _ 103% 103% 103%
Std G A E 6s '51 A . 67 67 67
Stand Pw A Lt Ha '57 . 63% 62% 63V*
Tenn S Pw 5> 56 82 82 82
Tex Pw A L 5.4 '56 ] 05% 105 105'*
Twin CRT B%* '52 A 76% 76% 76%
Va Pub Bar 6a '46 . 81% 80 80
V* Pub S 5'as '46 A . 92 92 92
West T Ct 5s '57 A 93% #3% 93%
We UGAE 5%s '55 A 105'.* 106% 105%
Wia-Mln LAP 5a '44 106V* 106% 1 ofl>,
Wls PAL 4a '56 A ... 94 94 94
York Rwy Co 5s '37 91 91 91
Com Prr B 5%* '37 . 46% 46% 46%
Denm Mt B 5a '72 lx. 99% 99% 99%
Erco M El 6 %s '63 A . 72 72 72
Gar Con Mun 6a '47 24 24 24
Lima City 6%» '68 .. . 21 21 *1
Maranhao Br 7» '58 . 26% 26% 26%
Medelin Col 7s '61 .14 14 14
Mendoi P 4« '61 stn 90% 90% 90'*
ww—With warrtnts. xw—Without war
r»nt*. n—New. at (atpt—Stamped.
{Negotiability Impaired by maturity,
tCompanies reported In receivership.
- ' - -• ■ —■ -—
CHICAGO. June IP (IP.—Following Is
the complete official list of transactions
in stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange
Sales STOCKS High. Low. Close.
An Advance Alum __ ■'it 7% 7%
AO Aetna B Bearing 11 As 11% 11%
AO Allied Prod . 14% 14% 14%
10(1 Am Pub 8vc pf. _ «.3% 0.3*4 00 Vs
300 Armour ft Co_ 11% 11 11
AO Asbestos Mfg 1*4 1*4 1*4
An Barlow ft Seelig A 18% 18% 1fl%
AO Bliss ft Laughlln. 34% 34% 34%
AO Borg-Warner . .. 44Va 44% 44%
AO Bruce (E L) .. . . 18% 18% 18%
!no Butler Bros 13% 1.3% 13%
lOOen 111 Pb Src pf BA AA BA
AOCenftSWUt 2% 2% 2%
20 Cen Sta P ft L pf A% A% A%
20 Chain Belt 82% 82% 82%
7no Ohl Oorp _ 4 4 4
AOChlCorppf 44 44 44
100 Chi Flex Shaft __ 81 81 81
400 Cities Serr_ 2% 2% 3%
AO Con Biscuit_ A% A% 8%
500 Consumer! _ % Ms %
400 Cord Oorp .. - 2% 2% 2%
in Cudahy Pack pf 107% 107% 107%
20 Dexter On _ 31 11 11
750 Gen Finance 8% 8% 8%
50 Gt Lakes Dredxe 18% 18% 18%
3 50 HUPP Mot .3% 3% 3%
AOInd Pnu Tool rtc 38% 38% 38%
200 Juris (W Bt . 21% 21% 21 %
10O Ken-Rad T ft L. 21 21 21.,
inn Kingsbury Brew I’s 1% 1%
050 Lion Oil Ref . .32 31% 82
lAOMereh A Mfg A 4% 4% 4%
1 nnMlckelberry's Pd. 3 3 3
080 Mid Wast Corp 8 8 8
loo Mid West Cro wr 2% 2% 2%
200 Midland Unit % % %
200 Midland Unit pf • 6 8 ,
IQ Midi Util 7% pi 3% 3% 3%
20 Miller ft Hart pf 3% 3% 3%
SONat-Stand . ... 28% 28*4 28%
AO Penn El 8w A . 18V, 18% 18%
200 Penn Oas ft El . 12 32 12
200 Pines Winter ... 2% 2% 2%
AO Process Corp- 1% 1% 1%
10 Quaker Oats-110 110 110
loo Raytheon Mfg 4% 4% 4%
AO South Bend L 35k 22% 22% 22%
20So'west O ft E Of 88 08 08
700 Utah Radio .... 3V, 3% 3%
AO Util A Ind % % %
300 Util ft Ind pf... 2% 2% 2%
10 Viking Pump . 22% 22% 32%
100 Walgreen 28V, 28% 28%
Stock laleg today—-10 000 share*.
Bond aalca today—None.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
BALTIMORE. Jung 10.—
Bales. STOCKS. High.
80 Arundel oorp-21
27 Consol Gas
100 Houston Oil pf vtc
200 Mar Tex Oil CO—
300 Mar Tex OU A .
A Northern Centra!.
80 U S Fidel ft Ouar.
-,- •
LURAY, V*.. June 1# (Special).—
The Luray Gag & OU Co., a newly
chartered company, filed a certificate
of incorporation here today calling for
a maximum capital stock of $39,000.
WiU Swetnam, formerly of Fairfax,
Is president. Other officers are Will
Ford, vice president, and Philip Lamb,
By private wire direct to the Star.
- All time ihtva below l« Airtight ctvtng
•a which the. Exchange la new operating,
•lock and Ealai—
Dividend Rale. Add 00. Rich. Low. Cl nee.
Air Device Corp.. 1 244 24b 244
Alum Am pt,<*).. 100* 11444 11414 1141*
Am Airline* Ino. 1 204* 2014 2014
Am Box B'dtt>70c. 1 194* 1944 194*
Am Centrifugal.. 1 34* 344 344
AmCynmBttOc. 1 81 81 81
Am A For Pw ww l 14* 1'4 14*
Am GAB (1.40).. 2 3214 8244 82V*
Am GAE pftfA)_26a 109 109 109
Am Gen (aSOc)_ 1 914 914 914
Am Gen pf (2)... 100* 3114 31t S1V4
Am Superpower.. A 144 It It
Angoatura(t20c). 1 At At At
Ark Nat Qaa_ 4 7 A4* A44
Ashland Oil t40e. 1 614 61* 614
Amo OAE (A) _i 4 2H 2t 2«4
Also G A E |5 pf. 2 191* 19t 191*
Asio O A E war.. 1 A A A
Atl Cot Flab bate. 1 A A A
Atl Coast La214- 60s 6014 6014 6014
Atlaa Corp war_ 1 14* 144 14*
Austin Sliver_ 9 11* 11* 114
Auto VM (tfiOe). 1 11 11 11
Axton-Flaber A._ 80s 29 29 29
Bardatown Diet . 1 214 244 2*4
Barium Stain Stl. 2 414 4t 414
Bell Aircraft_Ji 1 11 11 11
BerkeyAGay_.31 8 2'4 2 2
Berk A Gay war.. ’ 6 1 ft «
Blue Kidge(blOc) 2 214 2*4 2»*
Blue Ridge cv 3.. 1 4A 4« 4A
Botany Conn (d). A 44 t ’4
Bright Star El B. 1 *4 '* »4
Brill Corp (B).._ 1 3'4 3'4 3>4
Brown Co pf_ 100* 79t 79V> 79V4
Buff NAB pf 1 AO 4 23V* 23 23
Burma Ltd blfi'/id 2 4!4 4t 4’4
Can Marconi_ 2 H4 It 1*4
Carlb Synd(bSOc) 4 114 It IS
Carrier Corp. .. 2 47V4 4744 47V4
Parter (JW) *0c. 1 914 9'4 9'4
Catlin (a40c) - 4 fit fit fit
Can Hud GAE SOo 1 1SV4 lfi'4 Ifit
Cent AS W Util.. 1 244 2'4 2'4
CentSteteaEl 14 It 1 1
Cent St El rv pf n 2S* 13 13 13
Cent St El 67. pf 25a 11 11 11
Chief Con Mining 1111
Cities Service_ 25 2t 2*4 2t
Cities Serv pf_ 1 4114 41'4 4U4
Cleve Tractor_ 3 12** 12Vj 1214
Colon Dev 6% pf. 14 4 4
Col O A G b20c _ 2 A'-* A14 A14
Comwlth Edit t4. 1 105 105 105
Comwlth A S wr 2 A A A
Comnuty TAL 1 al 100* 34S 3414 115
Comuntv PS U._ 200* 2544 25'i 25'*
Consol Copper_ 17 94» 9t 9t
ConaOaaUtll_ 1 114 It It
Pone Retail Str*. 17 7 7
Con*ol Steel_ 2 9'4 9t 9'4
A C... 1 1 Hi OAe- OAe.
Creole Pet t (50c) 3 1 354 344 354
Crown Cent aSc . 2 14 14 14
Crown Dr (b20e). 7 24 24 24
Cuil Mei Mining. ft 4 4 4
Darby Pet (50c).. 1 124 124 124
Dennlion 7 % pf .. 10* 63 63 63
Det Gray Iron 4c. 1 24 24 24
Det (Ml ch) Stove. 1 44 44 44
Domin Steel_ 1 18 1ft 1*
Dubelier Condi_ 13 3 3
Eagle P lid b2Pe .. 1 184 1*4 1*4
EatnGAF p pf4% 60* 57 57 67
Filler Elec (45c). 2 24 2 24
El Bond & Share. 16 154 15 15
El Shareholding.. 13 3 3
Emp GAF 7 % pf. »0a 48 48 4«
EmacoDertl_ 1 144 144 144
Equity Crpa25a.. 11 14 14 14
Fidello Brewery.. 1 4k
Ford (Can) A (1)._ 1 224 224 224
Froedert (tftOc).. 1 134 134 134
Gen Alloyi_’ 1 34 34 34
Qen Fireprf b25e. 1 18 IS 18
Gen Tire* Rub.. 2 25 25 25
Glen Alden (tl)— 1 104 104 104
Gorham (A)_ 1 6 ft ft
Gorhm vtc eat tl 4 2ft 26 26
Grand Natl Fima 6 24 * 2
GrtNorFaptl_100a 404 404 404
Gulf Oil (b25c)— * 524 524 524
Hearn DS bl «5— 1 14 14 14
HeclaM!nb45e_ 2 154 154 154
Hoe & Co Inc(A). 1 25 25 25
HollingerG t*5c. 1 114 114 114
Hud Bay M b75c.. 1 284 284 284
Humble 011(1 H). * 75 76 75
Hygrade Food P- 1 34 34 34
Illlnol* Zinc b25e 100a 25 25 25
Imp Oil Ltd t50e. 4 204 204 204
Ind'n T 111 O(B)4 14 14 14
Ind Svc 7% pf_ 10* 19 39 19
Inti HAL Ltd_ 1 24 24 24
Inti Hy El S pf_ 1 284 284 284
Inti Pete (tlH)— 3 344 344 344
Inti Util (B)_ 33 14 14 14
Ital Superpw A.— 2 1 1 1
Jer C PAL pf 4_ 10* 78 78 78
t.-.,. r* r hrui a 91 91 91
Kingston Pr 4Ue_. 1 4'* 44 44
Kirby Pet (20e)-. 1 54 54 54
J*ke Shore <t4)„ 2 494 494 494
Leh Co*lAN JOe- 1 84 84 84
Mon Oil Rtf (tl) 48 324 314 32
Long Island Ltg- 5 34 34 34
Loulsana Ld 40e_ 12 12 12 12
McCord Rad (B)- 17 7 7
Mass Util Asio 3 3 3 8
MempNG(blOc) 18 5 5
Mesabl Iron- 4 4 # ti
Metal Textile 40#. 1 34 34 34
Mich Sugar- 111 1
MidStaPvtc(B) 1111
Minn MAM b40c- 100* 394 394 394
Molybdenum_ 1 84 84 84
Mont Ward A(7). 10* 135 135 135
Montr HLAP14 - 50* 294 294 294
Mount C <s21c)_- 2 10 94 9*.
Mount Prod(SOe). 2 54 54 64
Nat Bellas Hess- « 14 14 14
Nat City L b25c _ 1 164 154 154
Nat P&L pf («>— 150* 66 654 66
Nat Rub Ms20e.. 2 12 12 12
Nat Service- 2 4 4 4
New M&A Ld ale. 1 24 24 24
NT Mereh <*0e)_. 2 13 124 124
NYTelpf(«4>- 25*110 110 1)0
N T Water Sv pf- 70* 29 27 27
NlagHudPw(n). 14 114 11 11
Niag H P(B)war. 1 14 14 14
Noma El (b40c)_. 17 7 7
Nort States PA . 2 184 18V* 184
Novadel Agn»(3). 1 334 334 334
Okla Nat Ga»_* 8 124 124 124
Oldttyme Dist 4 1 34 34 34
PacGAElatlH- 1 29 29 29
PecGAEpf 1.374 1 27 27 27
Pan-Am Air (til- 1 634 634 634
PanttptO Oil_ 14 74 74 74
Ptnnroad (al5c)- 1 34 34 34
Pa PAL pf (7)25* 924 924 924
PennaSaltb3% . 80* 1744 1744 1744
Pepptrtll Mfg t< 100* 123 123 123
Pitts ALEb4Vi- 10* 98 98 98
Pitts Metallurtl. 1 134 134 134
Pitts PI GlCblVi) 1 123 123 123
Premier Q tl2e_ 5 24 24 24
Producers Corp_ 14 4 4
Prov Gas (10c) - 100* 9 9 9
Pub S Colo pf(«). 10* 994 994 994
Root Pet <b25cl- 17 74 64 7
Root Pcvpf 120- 3 13 13 13
Rustless 1 A Stl„ 1 114 114 114
RyersonAHaynes 8 *4 3V* 34
St Regis Paper 8 74 74 74
Scovtll Mfg (bl). 1 414 414 414
Stock and Sale.*—
Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Close.
Reran Lac* hi 20. 10a 60** 60** 60S
Segal Lock A H_. 2 1% 14 14
Shattuck Den_ 1 174 17(4 174
Shar-WlU <t4)~. 150* 121 1204 112
SlmmonaHAP.. 2 34 34 34
RoCal Eptpf 14. 20* 364 364 3«4
Southn P L h20c.. 1 64 64 64 I
Spencer C 8 b75c. 1 94 94 94
Stand Brewing... 2 Vi 4 4
Stand Cap tl.RO .. | 21 21 21
Stand inv pf ww. 100* 424 424 424
Stand Oil Ky tl.. 1 194 194 194
Stand OH Ohio tl. 3 344 34 34
Stand Pwr A Lt.. 12 24 24 24
Stand SAL (4c). 2 4 4 4
Stand Stl Sp a24 1 23 23 23
Starchl BroaSOc. 1 84 84 84
Sterchl Bro lat 3. 60* 37 384 37
Stutz Motor_ 1 4 4 4
Sunray Oil (b5c) 7 4 4 4
Superior Port C B 25* 164 164 164 1
Tampa El (2.24)) 3 36 36 36
Taylor Diet 30c . 1 34 34 34 i
Technicolor a50c. 2 264 264 26'« 1
Tech Hughes t40( a 44 44 44
Tob Prod Exp 15e 13 3 3
Trans-Lux t20e.. 1 44 44 4'4 !
Tublze Chstll ... 1 224 224 224 '
Tung-Sol Lsmp.. 1 64 64 64
TungSLpfSOc . 1 94 94 94
Unit Gas Corp_ 11 84 84 84
Unit Gas war_ 6 14 14 14
Unit Gaa pf b34. 1112 112 112 !
Unit Lt A P (A).. 12 64 64 54 I
Utd LAP (B) . 1 64 54 54 |
Ut PAL pf hi 8*. 3 394 39 39
Utd Shlpyds B... 1 24 24 24
US Stores 1st .. 100* 104 10 104
Unit Wall Pb15e. 16 44 4 44 1
Utilities PAL(d). 8 4 4 4
Util PAL pf (d).. 60* 124 124 124
Utility Equities.. . 1 4(4 4'4 44
Util A Indus pf... 6 24 24 24
Valsparvtc _ 1 64 64 64'
Venezuela Mex... 1 64 64 64
Wil-Low Cafe(d) 2 4 *» ",
Yukon Gold (b6c) 1 24 24 24
Dividend r»te« in dollars Based on last
puartly or >emt-annu*l p«nmrm. *An
nual rale—not lncludin; extras •.Ac
cumulated dividends a Paid last ve»r
b Paid this year d Companies reported as
beln* In bankruptcy or in receivership or
I heln* reoraantred under the bankruptcy
1 act or «ecurltlej assumed By *uch com
NEW YORK. June TO Op,—New York
Security Dealers Association
_ Bid Asked I
Bank of Man M’j) __ _ .31 ' 7 .331.3!
Banker* Trust t*J> R.v-t
Brooklyn Trust • 4 > 3 j f> 121 j
Cen Han Bank A- Trust (4> J 2<» j °3
Chase Nat 41.40 > 4P t, j
Chem Bank Ar Trust (l.*n> *4'^ hru :
Commercial tS- jr»j ]p:
Cont Bank * Trust < 15% 171-4
Corn Ex Bk A Tr (3; fi:t\
Empire Trust »l» _ .30 .3]
First Nat <Bos 1 (2) . 5<i*4
1 Flrat Natl <l«n) 1 f»»»n *03t»
! Guaranty Trust fl2) .52 \
; Irvine Trust (.801 15 jr
Manufacturers Tr <2» 5] '■ 7 5.5'j
Manufacturers Tr pf (2) 5n 5*'
National City <]) 4” u 44 1 -
N Y Trust ifi) . ] 2: ’ 2 J ::n»' I
Public M ’ 2' ... 41 43
Title G At T . . . _ ]2’4 13\«
NEW YORK Juni IP — Dividend* dl
clirid ‘pripind bv tht S'sndird 6'im«
I ties Corp ).
Pr- Stk of Pit
. , Rate nod. record ab>
, Millory. T R * Cn. ]nor, «-'fi fl.24
Pined nr Referred.
Bruck Silk Mills, Certunieed Prod. pf
| Gen E Gt Brit ree 7*2°#__ ip.27
j Do. adr. ree. 7\ __ _1 _ ip.37
i Am Dair Md 7% pf 1.75 Q A-15 7-1
Cons Royalty Oil 5c Q 7-15 7-28
j Gen El Gt Brit ree 1 _ 10:57
1 Do., adr reg 1 O'", _ 10.37
i Hartford-Conn Trust 75c Q 8-17 7-1
Indus Tr-Wilm. Del 374c Q 8-15 8-2P
Int Milling 5'%• pf J .25 Q 7-3 7-15
Mallory P R A Co 75c 8-74 8-°p
Nat P Ac Lt pf *1 50 Q 8-2*
3td Screw «2 8-] 7 8-30
Sterling Brewe-* 10c 8-CR 7-15
! Wilmington Trust Q 8-1$ 7-i
LIVERPOOL, June 3J> tj*—Wheat fu
tures moved irregularly today, closing '4d
lower to **d hieher France resold
Danubian wheat to the United Kingdom
and weather reports from the United
States were favorable There wa* some
covering of distant options at the close
Cotton futures closed 5 to 8 points
higher a* nervous short,* covered and
there was scattered foreign buying induced
by reports of weevil complaints in the
United States.
London and Pari* closed.
Desks Steel Files
Tables Steel Cabinets
Chairs Safes
1416 Ere St. N.W. Phone NA. 21M
Money for Comtruction Loam
Loam on Existing Propertie*
first DF.rn or trcst onlt
843 Indiana Are. N.W.
Nat’l 0350
Prompt Action on Applicationt
Real Estate Mortgage
& Guaranty Corporation
1610 K St. N.YV. NAtl. 1103
Centrally Located
very attractive
interest rates
1713 K St. N.W.
Office Hour«, 9-12
r ' -mP no r n~ c n t h - T ] 3CQ
includes -te-est r^d pGy
r'e-1- or pr rc’Dc! Pc s !ccn
in 27 Years. No rc'p'.vc!.
3--,ear stroiaht l?c s cr d
ccnst'jct on loa^s.
Lnan Cnrrnspnndrnt
Jrthn Hanrork Mutual Ltf» Tn« O
1417 K St. N.W. NA. P.70«
in thf
District of Columbia
Nearby Maryland
and Virginia f
Prompt Action
92S ISth Street Natl. 2100
i rr-i - --i- l =====—1-' j =
Property Mortgage
Management Loans
———. ————
Automobile Fire
Insurance Insurance
Fire and Place your Fire and Auto Insurance
with us. In addition to the protee
Automobile tion of strong companies, you'll
have the personal attention of our
! Insurance experienced Insurance Department.
925 15th St. N.W. ncp^ns,,uar, National 2100
I Consider These Facts
I When You Wish To Arrange A
iim ji mm
on improved or to be
improved real eitato—
ai low ai
including intermit and
curtail... No commii
lioni . . No renewal
feet. Let ui help you
lolve your problem
with a Perpetual loan.
im .Ji
PERPETUAL Building Association is
the largest in Washington, and one of
the leaders in theentire United States.
PERPETUAL has over 55,000 bor
rowing and savings members.
PERPETUAL'S Board of Directors
keep in close contact with the
officers and materially assist in
the speedy handling of loans.
PERPETUAL'S regular examinations
by the U. S. Treasury Dept, are sup
plemented by special C.P.A. audits i
as well as its own Auditing staff.
PERPETUAL has always had a rep
utation for sound, fair appraisals.
Over 200 borrowers per month were
advanced loans last year, totaling !
over $12,000 000 for the year.
Largaat In Waihlngton—Aiaata Ovar J43,000,000
Chairman oI Tha Board Prnildnnt Snerntarr
« A