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Dr. Edwards Returns To Conference Is Named Pastor of Union M. E. Church of This City. T}R. JOHN R. TOWARDS, a former pastor In the Baltimore Confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, is returning to the eonferenoe as the newly appointed pastor of Union M. E. Church of thia city, and will deliver his first sermon tomorrow morning and will also preach In the evening. After serving a number of pas torates in the Baltimore Conference, Dr. Edwards, In 1917, became super intendent of the Washington district •f that conference. In 1924, following a period of years as a member of the Board of Foreign Missions of the church, he was elected a correspond ing secretary of that board, to which position he was re-elected in 1928 and 1932. Aa an officer of the board, Dr. Edwards has visited and itudled the mission fields of the church, especially In Europe. North Africa, Japan, Korea and China. Born in Cornwall, England, he came to the United States as a boy and was educated in Dickinson College, where he received the degrees of bach elor of arts and doctor of divinity. He Is a member of the board of Dickin son College and has served in like rapacity for Fukian Christian Univer sity, China; Wast China Union Uni versity, China, and as a member of the co-operating Committee for Christian Education in Korea. He is a member of the Western division of the Ecumin tcal Conference of Methodism. ‘TRUTH” SUBJECT OF DR. STEELMAN Calvary M. E. Discontin ues Evening Services for Summer. Dr. Wank Steelman, pastor of Cal vary M. E. Church, will preach at the 11 o’clock service tomorrow on "The Simple Truth." The Sunday evening services have been discontinued for the Summer, to be resumed again September 19. Also the Thursday evening devotional serv ice will be held for the last time next Thursday. These services will be re sumed September 33. The Calvary Evening W. F. M. S. will hold a picnic at the home of Misses Ruth and Mildred Amies, on Patterson street, Chevy Chase, D. C., next Saturday afternoon. Ueut. Comdr. Edward Webster, president of the Calvary Men a Clam, and Edwin Dice, teacher, Invite all man of the community to attend the aeealone of the Men's Claes each Sun day at 9:40 o'clock. PILGRIMS CHURCH SERIES TO CONTINUE Hie subject of the 11 o'clock service it the Church of the Pilgrims, it Twenty-seoond and P streets on the parkway, will be The Triune God. the Treasure of HU People," Dr. Andrew Held Bird, pastor of the church, an nounces. The topic at « p.m. will be "Power for Peace.” These two sermon* are pert of a series of which the gen eral theme is “Light Prom the Word of God aa Wt Rejoice in the Days of the •pint.” All of the regular service* of the ohureh will be continued throughout Aw summer. Hie young people have a light supper in the church at • p.m. All young people of the city are Invited to attend. Hie midweek service will be each Thursday at S p.m. Dr. Bird will speak nest Thursday evening on the six teenth chapter of the Bptetle to the Romans. —-• COLLEGIAN GROUP GOES TO LAKE INN At Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church tomorrew morning Rev. J. Hillman Hollister will preach on "Who Gets the Spacer’ Members of the collegian group are spending this week end at Capon Lake Inn. Interment, W. Va. Dr. and Mrs. William Blum and Mr. and Mrs. William Olewller are their leaders. Judge Rump of Romney, W. Va., will address the group Sunday morning. A meeting of the Summer Club for funlor and senior high school young people will be et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Gould, «507 Maple avenue. Chevy Chase, Md., Thurs day evening. -• WILL BE DELEGATE Dr. James H. Taylor to At tend Council in Canada. At central Presbyterian Church to morrow Dr. James H. Taylor will preach on "The Testimony of Jesus Concerning Himself’ end tn the eve ning on “Old Testament Characters." Beginning next Tuesday the fif teenth general council of the Alliance •f the Reformed Churches Holding Aw Presbyterian System will convene in Montreal, Canada. This council meets once every four years and the meeting* are held alternately abroad er in the United States or Canada. Dr. Taylor will be a delegate from the Southern Presbyterian Church. He represented the church at Belfast, Ire land, in 1911. RHODE ISLAND M. P. - Father's Day to Be Ob served Tomorrow. Father1* day will be observed at Rhode Island Avenue M. p. Church, Rev Raymond W. White, pastor, to morrow morning. The pastor, who ha* been recently returned by the executive of the Maryland Annual Conference for another year, will speak on "Father’s Footprints." His evening subject will be "Leisure Hours.” The Men’s Bible Olase will meet at • :4S e.m. and discuss “Joseph’s Kind ness to His Family." The pastor will continue his medita tions on the parables of Jesus Thurs day night. The parables dealing with “The Translation of Hearing Into Doing" will be considered. Bahsbeih Baptist. Rev. Johnson will preach at both services Sunday. In the morning his them* Is "The Inside of the Platter” and in tbs evening "Making Haste.” A 1 New Pastor DR. JOHN R. EDWARDS. Communion Service to Be Observed Pre-Vacation Rites Will Be Held at Grace Lutheran. \ PRE-VACATION service, with holy communion, will be held at Grace Lutheran^ Church Sunday, 11 a m. This service Is held for the special benefit of many who will be absent from the city during the Summer season. Dr. Gerhard K. Lenski will preach on "Living at Your Best." He will be assisted in the administration of holy communion by William Althaus, student of theology. Visiting ministers will be heard during July and August. Members of the congregation are being Invited to attend the annual picnic of the Lutheran Inner Mission Society June 26, In Jolly Acres. SERMON THEMES ARE ANNOUNCED Rev. A. P. Shir key to Preach at Francis As bury Church. Rev. Albert P. Shlrkey will preach at Francis Asbury M. E. Church to morrow at the 11 o'clock service on “The Battle of Life” and at S p.m. on “Words Fitly Spoken.” Mr. Shlrkey, as chairman of the Committee on Evangelism for the Federation of Churches, will leave Monday for the conference on evan gelism at Northfleld, Mass. At prayer sen-ice Thursday at X p m., Miss Ada Klein, who has taught the Jeffries Bible Class and the Carillon Class in the absence of the regular teachers, win speak. REV. W. F. ATKINSON TO START SERIES At the Dumbarton Avenue M. X. Church Rev. Walter Franklin Atkin eon will begin hit fourth year tomor row with a eerie* of sermons on "Vital Belief* Which No One Can Afford to Ignore." The following subjects will be Included: Tomorrow, "The Prob lem of Bln"; June 37, “The Truth of Forgiveness”; July 11, "The Doctrine of the Atonement”; July 18, “Why Did Jeeus Die?" July 31. "The Neces sity of Hi# Death”; August 1, "The Result of His Atonement.” Tomorrow evening the sermon theme will be “Bights, Bounds and Sign# of the Bummer.” On June 34 at the prayer service Miss Soderberg will conduct the de votional service and the minister will speak on the New Testament book, the Bplitle of St. Jamea. This will be the concluding prayer service until the first week In October. AT ZION BAPTIST. Dr. Ellison to Give Father’s Day Talk. Father's day will be observed to morrow In Zion Baptist Church. At 11 a.m. Dr. J. M. Ellison delivers "A Message for Father’s Day.” The women's Bible class and the men's Bible class are sponsoring a tea at the Southwest Community House, Beoond and X streets south west, from S to 8. A program will be presented. The proceeds will go toward the operation of the Vacation Church School. At 3:10 p.m. the choir will Install officers and oonduct a pew rally at the church. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. Arthur D. Gray, pastor of the Plymouth Congregational Church. The installation will be by Dr. Ellison. On June 38 a baby oontest will be conducted at the church by the Orand Rapids Convention Club of the C. X. Society. A meeting of the church member ship will be held June 3S at 8 o'clock. Dr. Pruden Will Preach To Fathers First Baptist Rites Will Be Held Tomor row Morning. TN OBSERVANCE of Pather’a day, Dr. Edward Hughes Pruden, pea tor of the Pint Baptist Church, will taks as his subject tomorrow morning, 'A Maaeag* to Pa then.” in tha eve ning he will apeak on ''Choosing the Best.” Miss Mary Whitlock and group from the Emelian Class will present a pro* gram at the children’s emergency home. Central Union Mission, this evening, and tomorrow Miss Jo Heath er and Mlaa Louis* Tomlinson with a group from the class will visit Ivakota and oonduct services then. A special program will be given by the primary department at the Sunday school ex ercises tomorrow. Tuesday evening Miss Ernie Cunningham and a group from tin B. Y. P. u. will lead services at Central Union Miaalon. Hie Wigs and Queues Dramatic Club will hold Its annual business meeting with election of olfioera Tues day evening end will discuss plane for the proposed Summer work shop simi lar to one conducted by the club last year. At a banquet held at the church last evening the following were in stalled as B. Y. P. u. officers starting July l: President, Ellen Lae; vice president. Carle Baker; treasurer, Aubrey Hampton; recording aecretary, Prances Dr eon; corresponding secre tary, Mary Carpenter; chorister. Dr. Otto K. Behrens; pianist, Mrs. E. H. Pruden; librarian, Nellie Pike. COMMUNION^RITE TO BE OBSERVED Stoles Given by Miss Iva Albaugh to Be Con secrated. Holy communion will be celebrated at St. Paul's Lutheran Church to morrow morning and will be admin istered by the pastor, Dr. Henry W. Snyder. A set of stoles, given by Miss Iva Albaugh in memory of her mother, will be consecrated. At 7 p.m. St. Paul’s will participate with other churches of Chevy Chase in a union service on the lawn of AU Saints Episcopal Church at Chevy Chase Circle. Dr. Henry T. Cocke will preach. The Men’s Club wUl mest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oran villa Y. Custer, 6411 Pulton street, Chevy Chase, Md. The club will sponsor a lawn feto Thursday at the church at which supper will be served from • to 7. The annual picnic of the Inner Mission Society will be held at Jolly Acres Saturday afternoon. “LIFE’S DISCIPLINE” WILL BE SUBJECT “Lift s Discipline'’ is the subject of the morning sermon in Kldbrooke M. >. Church tomorrow. This aervice la In recognition of those who are grad uating from higher institutions of learning. Rev. Walter M. Michael will also preach at the Temple Heights service at 4 p.m„ which will be In charge of Job’s Daughters and the De Molsy of the District of Columbia. The Kpworth League will be ad dressed by Mother Hyam in a mis sionary service at 7 p.m. At the eve ning service the pastor will preach on “Directed Light.” The mid-week service will be held at the Rome for Incurables Wednes day at 7 p.m. ’His annual picnic of the Commu nity I aides’ Bible Glees will be held Thursday at Oak Orove. Bdgewater Beadh. Md. Th* caravan will leave the ehureh at 10 a m. REV. R. M. SKINNER SPEAKS TOMORROW “Invisible Dictator” Is the topic of the sermon by Rev. Robert M. Skinner tomor^pw at ll o'clock In Oeorgetown Preabyterian Church. David Auld and Prsd L. Knoblock win be ordained ee deaeons. The combined young people’s groups meet in Olaael Chapel at <:4« p.m. H. A. Bpilmsn will speak on the “Gov ernment of the Presbyterian Church ” All the women of the ehureh are asked to meet in Ciaeel Chapel at I p.m. Tuesday. The midweek servlet will be held Thursday evaoing. Sevsral members of tike ehureh will be at Hood Collage this week for the annual eomblned meeting of the Balti more Synod and Synedloal. CHOOSES SUBJECTS Rev. W. S. Abernethy An nounces Sermon Themes. Rev. W. 8. Abernethy, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, will preach tomorrow morning on "Christ the Revolutionary” and In the evening on "We Know So Little." The Northwest Union of the W. O. T. U., will sponsor a gold medal story telling contest for junior boys and girls tomorrow at 6 o'clock at the church. Final Service Of Season Is Scheduled Dr. Perkins to Talk on “The Unseen Part ner” Tomorrow. ,,rpH* UNBERN PARTNER" is the sermon theme of Dr. Frederic W. Perkins tomorrow at the Unlvers allst National Memorial Church at 11 o'clock. The service Is the final one until later In the Summer. The church Joins on June 37 with All Souls’ Unltsrlan Church and Mount Pleasant Congregational Church In holding union services dur ing the Summer. The first four serv lcss will be held at Mount Pleasant Church, 1410 Columbia road. The Sunday Evening Group will have its final supper of the season to morrow evening and afterward some of the members will go to see the ex hibit of models and charts illustrat ing slum reclamation In Washington, which Is being held at the Mount Pleasant Congregational Church. They will attend the public meeting at 8 o'clock, at which Miss Sybil Baker will speak. On Monday evening there is to bg a special business meeting of the parish in Perkins Hall. It is expected Ingham Bicknell of Boston, treasurer of the General Convention and the one in charge of the financial interests of the Joint management of the church, will be present. “MAKING OF MAN” IS TIMELY TOPIC Rev. Garner to Preach in Sixth Presbyterian Church. "The Making of a Man." a sermon for father* day, will be preached in the Sixth Presbyterian Church at 11 am. by Her. J. h. Oamer. The young people* societies will meet at 7 p.m. The vacation church eehool teach ers will meet at S p.m. The June meeting of the session will be held Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the minister* study. The Church Council, composed of officers of the Sundsy church school, ths women* organisation, ths young people* societies and all of the mem bers of ths aaasion, the Board of Trus tees and the Board of Deacons, con venes Tuesday st g pm. THEME SELECTED Rev. H. T. Cocke to Dis cuss “A Way of Escape.” Rev. Henry Teller Cocke will speak "A W«T of lbeape” at ths ll o'clock service Sunday In All Saint*’ Episcopal Church. The closing ses sion of ths Sundsy school will bt held at *:30, when swards will be given for perfect attendance during the year. Ths session will be resumed in Sep tamper. The annual picnic of ths Sundsy school will be held Thursday st Oltn Echo Park. The rector will apeak on "Fellow ship” at ths Ohsvy Chess Union Protestant vesper service, to be held on the church lawn st 7 o'clock. Rev ■dward O. Latch will preside. Chevy Chase Presbyterian, Chevy Ouse Baptist, Chevy Chase Methodist, Wes ley M. H. Church. St. Paul’s Lutheran and All Saints’ Episcopal art all co-operating in the aervieee, which will be held always at All Saints’. Guest Talks To National Baptist Flock Dr. Rufus W. Weaver to Occupy Pulpit Tomorrow. 'THE National Baptist Memorial x Church will have aa a guest speaker tomorrow at 11 am. Dr. Rufus W. Wearer, executive secretary of the Baptist Convention of the District of Columbia. Tha theme of hie sermon will be "Should Modern Education Hava a Mew BaaU?” At I o'clock there will be the Wilson Teachers' College baccalaureate aervioe, with sermon by Dr. oove O. Johnson. In the evening there will be a special Bather’s day service, with tha sermon by the assistant pastor, Rev. Alva Lin coln smith. HU subject will be “Ood’a Love Like a Bather’s Love.” There will be the ordinance of baptism. The Judson Couple Class will hold a business meeting Tuesday evening. The midweek service will be held Thursday at 8. On Briday, from 3 to 4:30, regula tions will be taken for the Summer Bible School aeasion, which opens June 33. The school U free to all boys and girls from 3 to 17 years of age The faculty will consist at Rev. and Mrs. Alva Lincoln Smith, Mrs. Joaeph B. Beattie. Mrs. Alice Owens Cabell and Mrs. Harold D. Prothro. The Westervelt Missionary Pamtly win give a program at tha church Bri day at 7:30 p.m. SUMMER SCHEDULE TO BE INAUGURATED The Incarnation Lutheran Church will begin tomorrow its Summer sched ule of two morning services at 6:10 and 11 o'clock. Rev. Henry Mankon, Jr., will spreach at both services. The Adult Bible Class lesson on "Joseph's Kindness to His Kindred” will be taught by Rev. Manken. The Senior Luther League will hold Its last vesper meeting during the Summer at 7:15 p.m. The newly elect ed league officers, who will be installed on September 26, are: William Wolta, president; Barbara KiUbey, vice presi dent; Doris Fraser, recording secre tary; Marguerite Hess, corresponding secretary, and Robert Simms, financial secretary. --•-— MEETINGS SHIFTED Covenant-First Presbyter ians to Gather in Chapel. "Vocation and Vacation” will he the subject of Dr. Albert Joseph Mc Cartney's sermon 8undty at 11 o'clock at the Covenant-First Pres byterian Church. During repairs of the church and the Installation of a new organ the church meeting Is be ing held Sunday morning* during the Summer in the chspel. The midweek worship service Thurs days and the various young people's organisations hsvs adjourned for the Summer months. Llneehi Congregational. Dr. R. w. Brooks will speak tomor row morning on "A Discovery of the Kingdom of Ood.” The Men'* Brotherhood at 10 an. will be ad dreseed by John H. Burr, director of physical education at Howard Uni versity on “Retaining the Bplrlt of Youth." Men and women are in vited. Prayer service will be held Thurs day evening. As a special feature a biblical story, “Mow* tbs Deliverer,” a transcription win be given: the same as was given over WJ8V, May 10. CHILDREN’S DAY SET Metropolitan Memorial M. £. Church Lists Program. Children's day will be observed in the school at Metropolitan Memorial M. B. Church tomorrow morning. The Junior, Intermediate and senior departments ot the school will attend worship In a body at 11 o'eloek. Rev. William Andrew Keeee will preach a atory-aermon "Arms for the Fight." Roper Talk Will Mark Anniversary Mount .Vernon Place Church to Celebrate 18th Year in Building. \fOUNT VRRJfOlV PLACI M. I. CHURCH SOUTH will celebrate the 18th anniversary of the present church building tomorrow at the morning service. Daniel C. Roper, Secretary of Commerce, will speak on “The Future of the Church." Mr. Roper le one of five members of the Board of Stewards who were also members of the board at the time of th* dedication of the new building. "Hie other four ere R. T. Buckingham, A. F. Harlan, B. J. Laws and T. L. Smith. Mrs. W. V. Tudor, wife of the founder of the Mount Vernon Place M. E. Church South, Dr. W. V. Tudor, will be honored at this service. Dr. Tudor established this church in 1888. Dr. John W. Bus tin will apeak on "Can the Church Mold Character?” at the 8 o'eloek service. The Board of Christian Bducation will meet Monday evening. Sheik Raphael Emmanuel, world-wide trav eler, writer, composer and lecturer, will speak on “Bible Lands—Yesterday end Today” at the prayer meeting Thursday at 8 p m. Sheik Smmanuel, in native costume, will tell the story of Mesopotamia, give poems and songs of the Chaldeans. “ZEBEDEE” IS THEME OF. REV. E. 0. CLARK In Chevy Chase Baptist Church to morrow moraine Father's day will be observed with Rev. Edward O. Clark, preaching on "Zebedee," at the 11 o clock service. The church will co-operate with other churches of the community In the Union vesper service, beginning tomorrow evening. Rev. Henry T. Cocke will be the speaker. The serv ice will be held on the lawn of AU Saints' Episcopal Church at 1 o'clock. CHEVY CHASE M. E. __ I Rev. Edward G. Latch to Discuss Faith. Rev. Edward O. Latch, minister of Chevy Chase Methodist Episcopal Church, win have as hie subject at the 11 o'clock service on Sunday "Faith in the Love of Ood ” In the evening members will at tend the Chevy Cheat Union vesper sendee on the lawn of All Saints’ Episcopal Church at 1 o'clock. Dr. Harris Soon to Sail For England _ Preaches Last Time at Foundry M. E. Until Fall. "glHOLD THE SOWER” Is the subject of Dr. Frederick Brown Herrle et Foundry M. X. Church to morrow et il o’clock. At ft p.m. “The House of Rlmmon” will be the subject of his address. I This will be Dr. Harris' last Sunday in Washington until September. He is scheduled to preach In the Marble Collegiate Church, New York City, one week from Sunday, and will aatl for England the following Wednesday to attend the church conference on life and work, to be held at Oxford July 13-36. Hie Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society will have a mite box picnic luncheon at the home of Mrs. E. V. Jones, 0813 Thirty-third street, Chevy Chase. Tuesday. That evening Dr. and Mrs. Harris will have open house for all young people of the congrega tion at the parsonage, 3100 Thirty sixth street. The fifteenth anniversary of the Anti-Cigarette Alliance will be ob served Thursday at ft p.m. at the mid week service Dr. Everett M. Ellison and Dr. W. Sinclair Bowen and Oapt. E. Page Oaston will make addreasea and a motion picture will be ahown. --• SUBJECT GIVEN BY DR. CLINCHY “The Reality of the Peace of God” Will Be Theme Tomorrow. **n»« Reality of the Peace of ood" is the subject of Dr. Auaaell J. Clinchy, minuter of the Mount Pleasant Con gregational Church, tomorrow mom* In*. MUa Sibyl Baker, director of the District playgngintU, will address a public meeting at I p m. on '‘Recrea tion Reeds in Planning for Housing.” This session will close the exhibit In connection with the slum reclamation movement m Washington which has been held at Mount Pleasant during the week under the auspices of the Sunday Evening Club and Brother hood of Servlet. The church school will have its final session at 9:10 a m. At 10:10 the third hour group will conduct a program in the church auditorium showing the development of the Passover, the mass and the com munion, a project under the direction of Mite norenoe Maitland. ='■' ■ ' i NEW YORK AVEIUE Dr. Evans Will Ieliver Communion Addfss. At the New York AvenuePresby terien Church Sunday morlng Dr. Albert Evans, minister in ebige, will deliver a communion addrei at 11 o’clock. At t o'clock the cvetng ves per hour will be observed. 1*8 hour of meditation and song is lMng held each Sunday evening dung the Bummer months. Or. Evans will speak at ta mid week prayer service Thurtdy eve Blag. Lutherans To Rece ive Communion Will Be Givei at Three Servites. - * Theme Announed. ^T THE Lutheran ChureVof the Reformation three service of holy communion will be held Urorrow, beginning with the early sdriee at • :80 a.m. At 11 o'clock t* Oscar P. Blackwelder will use or his theme. "Oan Love Work In World Like Ours?” Holy commimld again win be conducted at the closof this service. The annual Children's day rogram In Sunday achool will be wen at »:I0. An assembly of the entli achool is scheduled. Thomas P. lekmin. general superintendent, will ireside. The Luther League has eleed the following new officers: Presldct, Wil liam Beck; vice president, Helen Flournoy; recording aecretaryOetha leen Scott; corresponding airetary, Mildred Albright; treasurer, Qeorge Jones, and counselor, Joseph ’eaalee. The evening service begh with the musical prelude at 7:t The question period will be resuird. Dr. Blackwelder will preach on te sub ject, "Shadows and Lights.” it |:i$ the third service of holy com union will be held. Christ- Lutheran yBBSWK* tb. is-. TRINITY “ MISSOURI SYNOD 4th and E Ste. N.W. *EV. HUGO M. HENNIG E*y. C. Btnebe. Assistant * :30a.m.—German Serviea. • :48 a.m.—Snnday SehooL 11:00 sjd.—EnfUsh Barrie*. 'THnsas _ /•r ths Lord’s Wort." GRACE REFORMED 'W*# HBNBY m. KANOS. D. D„ Psstsr 0:40 a.m.—Sundar Bahsal 11:00 a.m. and 8 a.m.—Hair Oom munlon. 8:80 pm—Yount PSoplft Soclstr. ~ CONCORDIA Lstknu Enifilkil sstb aad O Sts. N.W. REV. CHARLES ENDERS. Psstsr 8:4i a.m.—Bible Sehoei. PREACHING SCRVICIS, 10:00 s.m.—Carman. 11:18 a.m.—Rnsllsb. GOOD MUSIC EVERYBODY WBLOOMB. -—-p-1 Culfffrttt SWIBBH IDTIfflESR CHURCH Ml 4th I tract N.W. SwadUh Sonrlaa. IM) PM. INCARNAflW JSkdTK,,. (Ihnlul tnii. TTaltoC utkitu Ctirtk) WorMilp, a »o and U a m. 4. 4. ♦ «» <Srattiia ccmcm fllM *4» a m.—Sunday School. Clauai tor all. 11:00 a.m.—"Uttar at Year hut.** Scr* men By Patter. Holy com munion. LUTHER PLACE Memorial Church At Tktnn CircU 11 O'Clsek Service: «ni cniiTuN i man un.« Dr. Ctrl C. tuniiiM filter. See. Urtr j^^ttltrjlttliiul filter. • ;,4fti.m.—Sunder School. 6:00 ».m.—-Intermediate Luther Ltttue. Howard B, Snyder, Pastor Sunday School....... • :40 am. Morals* Sorrioo_11:00 am. Tttpera____ 0:00 pm. .T— Ctttlpr&tt 5TT MARK'S LUTHERAN (MIM0US1 SYNOD) 16tk and Gallatin Sts. N.W. i WENCTUL. Pastor. ll.OS a ss.'—Sermon hr Jter. Clarence iStUeSMMMarnmmm, ST. PAUL’S Oeaa. Ave. aai Everett St. *EY. imt W. RNYDEft. D. D. Pastor • :80 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 7:00 p m.—Union Servlee at All Saints’ Splseopal Church. Keller Memorial Mar via* < Avtaan an* Ninth St. N.E. 8. T. Nlehalas, d. D, Pastor Bible School-9:30 A.M. Morning Worship__11.*00 A.M. Sermon by Rev. L. M. Zimmerman, D. D. Evening Worship... 7:45 P.M. "Blessing the People" Young People's Societies_ 6:45 P.M. The Homelike Church Church of the Reformation Opposite rarwlkikMMN Lifersrr. 211 East Capital Straat DB. O0CAB T. BLACKWBLDBB, faster Dr. Jekn WoMloy, faster lmerttas. l:*o am.—Roly Communion. •AO a.m.—Children's Day In the . Sunday SehooL 11 OO a.m.—Morn Ins Worship. Ser mon. "Can Leva Work in a world Like ourtT" 11 1* am.—Rely Communion. 0:00 pm.—Cronins Worship Bara on. “Shadows and LtskU.’* •:1( am.—Holy communion. Dr. Blaokwoldor will praack. Tka Paklio io oardiatly lari tod. -plLJl-1 A TRUTH CENTER "tiiffiB&ntr ■tin. 11:00 am.—“Tkaatkt Craatlaa" te afcawMA-fies* V"'TL •:!»—'Xaaaana ia ■aaliat.* Paruihal intarrlawa— Tuaa. and Thara., »-»_• jlffghgtfrlMi I Church of the Pilgrims «.i *£« V't^n *. Otft af tka Traakatarlaaa af tka *at*a ta tka Natlaa’a Caaltal. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN WALLACE MEMORIAL Maw Maaataklra Art. aai kaaialak St. J». W. C. C. HawtKoraa, D. D., Mlaiatar 11:00 a m.—Communion karriaa. • :00 a m.—“Blkla Camairai." CHEVY CHASE Cheat Chan Circle Br. 1. IIIImi Helllettr. Mlntetar. • :80 t.m. to 10:80 ».m. tad It aeon— • :«8 a.m.—5hern»S*hKolir Bibla Clam. 11:00 ».m.—■"Wbo Q*»» tb» ImhI" WESTERN ItOC H 8k N.W. HIV. J. HAEVET DUNHAM. D. D. Minister. • 30 t.m.—Sunday School 11 00 a.m.—Sermon. “Sttndlas Br." 7:00 am.—Touns People’t Oroua. GEORGETOWN _ _ (Founded 17W) P Stmt •••. Slat Itreot N.W. BSV. BOSSBT M. SKIM MSB. Mialltsr *.48 t.m.—Church School. 11:00 e.m.—Morning Werthla. .. "nornni.1 bictatos.” • :48 o.m.—Touns People's Groups. SHERWOOD Rkads Island Art. at 22nd St. N.L THOMAS LAW COTLB. Mlalstss. 3 Church Services Each Sunday Wsrthla and Stnaoa at I mu at 11 Bandar "sehafi *at* fi«• a.m. NEW YORK AVENUE CHURCH 13tk «W H ni W. T. Am. Miaistar fat dterfs DR. ALBERT EVANS 0:80 t.m.—Church Bible School. 11:00 t.m.—communion Addrast. 8 48 a.m.—Christian BKdaaror soatatr. 8:00 am J—manias Teaser Hear. J— . jhtjjflhtrt EgUroptl Jfounbrp 16th St. Naar P St. Fratlarick Irawn Harris, D.D. Minister 11 00—"Behel* tb* Sewer." * 00—"Tie Beaee et line. * Jrubglfriwi CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN SMtfean fl aural Aasatbly ldtk sad lreiwf St*. N.W. REV. JAMES H. TAYLOR, D. D., P**t*r S:M am.—Sunday School. 11:00 am. Sarmon by Dr. Taylor. 100 p.m.—Christian SMoaver. I 00 pm.—W*stmln*tar Lassus, t: oo pm.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor. HMHHMHHI FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH lltb and Falnasat Sts. N.W. Jssms H. Mara. Mhriatar 11:00 a.m.—"OeS tat* With Sinners. 4Bi*aS*a*l arer WOL at ll:S0.> *M'*'-;sra km*™* ■Mnaasaa COVENANT. FIRST Cana. At*, at 18th A N St*. N.W. Dr. Albert Jeieph McCartaey R*t. Samuel R. AllUea Miaister* Morning Worship 11 a m. “Vocation and Vacation” Dr. McCartney, Preaahiag Sunday School Throughout th* Summer, 10 A.M. PECK MEMORIAL CHAPEL lfitt MSi^SSmon Stfcioet: "A Sain ing.. T:^'S,miftawl*council. Ganton-TtmpU N*wt«a*Xu. I Bar. B*raarS Bf**>««*». B. B. MBMe •:45 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Sarmon by Dr. MonlmMrr. chaplain of th* u. f. Houaa _g:4» *m—TannV^BSt?'Vj£**tin*«.. 'niiiPMSt A b.8I -mCHursh mGaa AirvISA. EASTERN feUi?lan« At*. u4 Strife Si MJL ALTUt I. BAfeBOWa. ». ». hutir 11:0* • «.—CoaiKUlTn S*rTM*. ft*MO tlMl »rBAIT aMfen. 0:00—BIM* Oofcool. CfYTU SbtoABtii tmi DlAIIl Ktmmrtf St*. N.W. i. mam SAtm. iobmm “THE MAKWGOF A MAN” 0:0* » j*.- Ornfe* Bah—t. T »■_C. A —w.-— Sira (SWEDENBOftQIAN) 11.00 a.m —Morn In* Worship, with Strmoa _tfw toillsi Library. _Patter. Bor. fact Parrrr,_ Kntt-fcrrlarUn raa^miuMji •COME IN" tfa Walrasr*" H "THE CHRISTIAN'S |Tl WEDDING RING" rtfl n A M. 1 fM WOL Broadcast. 2 F.M. IU §ibu school, io ajl rim Tonne Ptople. 7 F.M MLW Tnai. * Fri. Maatlnaa. S p m, ■hV novmxfa ra« ra Oi. Clark Fboccy , Mwitm fij ftwtY BR.Pi.ot Gborhs jgjiWta tpangrijirid (EalaargOBnapflffiljttrrS 1*11 ■ St. W.W.. WaakiartM. ». c. HARRY j. STEIL, Miaiatar Evangelist William H. Nagel It in tht third weeh at hit Evangelistic and Prophetic Bible Conference Hit Mattapat Ara Fandamantal, latpirini and Soul Satins. Everybody Welcome! tpiarnpal WashingtonCathedral St. Thomas’ Church nth at.Bat. rmq Hear Clnli. a*r. ■•ward 8. ffUktaMn. D. B.. Better Sunder Serrlct—8 and 11 a.m. Strm.D—th. kMttr. Thunder, ll :00 a.m.— Cmmunion. BIY. WILLIAM B. MOODY, Boetor __ ROCK CREEK PARISH •by. r. j. bobanan b. b. Wit Countrr Chares Mi th. Cttr. aT. PAUL’S CHUBCH Wifetttr st. and BMk Ortak Church M. SarrMta 8:80 and 11:00 a.m. HOLY COMTOBTEB CHAPEL °E8f*aflfr Spipltattg 1317 G Street N.W. Mr. i ». noun. >. u. ». Itr. UCU1D A. CABTMBLL. B. O. BBT. D. WADI BArrOBD. A. B. " - ' — - - All Souls* Memorial Church CtlMnl uJ Caaa. Atm. N.W. bbt a a a. snaisrr. s«et*r f :Qfl Am.—Roly Communion HfcstMifel/SrSU. T:M Toiio* Fmt1*'i Cluk. 7--5 /. 7 fluUjniitflt Eplarnal I Mount Vernon Pis# I SOUTHERN METHODM’S pREPRESENTATIVE CHUCH ^ MmmOihIIi Are. at Ninth Stff.W. 11:00 a.m.—"The^ Fatara at the 1 ■OB DAvHx 'c. torn .§ 8:00 #.m —"Can the Charefcleld 9 CharaeterT" 1 *». ion w. imm. if . — Unitarian All SOUS* CHURCf SVt Hirvare Miaiittr IWrCMjt • :*• a in.—Church School. U OO. tn.-Uurn^Werjh,,. Wb„ “KEEPING AWAK” ®>art*a Trowbridge Httmann. ua Lewta Atwater, orvanlat. _dfrrtatlan CHRISTIE ©1]t Sialimtal dig THOMAS CIRCLE »a baprasl a. nua I XlnUtar. • :4i a m—Bible School. 1' :S0 a m.—Dr. MlUtr Preaehii. T OO a m—Beenlnt Worahlp. Sfittflf fttmt •th A D 8ta. N.B. CLIFFORD H. JOPE, Mllther WM. CEO. OEAM. AwMnt S:80 a.m.—Bible School. 10:80 a m.—"The SIble Care tar DUaeareremant." T:4S » m —“Frlende True nd Palee.” gptempal » ST. MARGARETS Cana. At*, anl Bancroft Plat, ■BT. HSBBIBTJC££T •MITB. I B„ BBT. O. BERKU.IT GRITTTB TgOa.m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a m —Morning Prayer TheR»» Stewart p. Keeling will preach. Thureday—Holy Communion at 11A.m. CHURCH OFSTTSTEPfEN AND THE INCARNATDN Sixteenth and Newton Straata I.W. The BBT. PACT. D. WILBUR. ■. *. B. Raetar. The Ray. George P. Dudley, B. *„ Rector Bmerltue. Holy Communion_T:gia.m. Church School___#:Iia.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon.. 11:0 a.m. WEEK DATS. TBaradey. • •t. John Baaltet Roly Communion_10:0*am. > ST. JOHN’S CHURCH - ICtk ul H III. *:00 a m.—Roly Communion. j 11:08 ah.—Mornlna hrinf and Ser mon by Dr. Hart. ST. JOHN’S, GEORGETOWN '' 3UI O ST. N.W. BBT. T. BLAND TCCUB. Badar. 7:80 a.m.—Holy Communion. S:S0 a n.—Church School. Comitence mcnt. 11 :QQ a d —Moraine Prayor and Sermon. ST. JAMES’CHURCH BBS Ilk SI. N.B—Td. AH. ITAS „ . tM BIT. A. Q. PLANK Bmdat Maaeoo—7:Si> ana |i Sjranaond Benediction. 7:30 b ib. Dally Mate 7 |.m. Holy Hour TOura.. t a m. —5T. AGNES’— d« One Street N.W. (Pla. Jpo. or North Capitol St. car.) S*T,T. O. ANDBBSON. BBCTOB tandara 7:00 a *.—Low Maaa. 11:00 a s.—Sons Maaa and Sermem. Week Dara. 7:00 a m.—Low Maaa every day. 0:80 ana.—Low Maaa TBuradapa 8 .00 B.d.-*ntercaaalema Prlday. ",