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I LEADSFULL LIFE Veteran Who Lives on San Miguel Saved Life of Companion. By the Associated Press. SANTA BARBARA. Calif, July 24. —Herbert S. Lester, “the King of San Miguel Island,” has gone back to his little domain after a fortnight here, to carry on the lonesome but muscle and health building life be gun at the close of the World War. Shellshock made it necessary for Lester .o find a place of peace and quiet for the restoration of his health. The little island of San Miguel off the California coast furnished the an swer. The island has no communication with the mainland, other than a sup ply boat which calls every three months with mail and food. Aside from these infrequent interruptions, Lester spends day after day at the few chores required of the resident manager of the island, and with only his wife for companion. Two children were born—Mary Anne, who is 6. and Betty, who is 3. Several weeks ago Lester and Rob ert L. Brooks, who now leases the island from the Government for sheep raising, and employs Lester, were re pairing a wharf for loading this year's shipment of lambs. Man Injured in Fall. Brooks, standing on a slippery rock w he worked, slipped and fell. A rusty bolt extending from one of the piles caught his leg, and ripped the flesh. Lester had no medical training, but he knew that to save Brooks he must close the wound. He thought of his wife's sewing bas ket. No, that would not do. The fragile needles might break, the thread might not hold. He had one thing stronger—fishline. Placing a common curved sacking needle and a length of fish line in boiling water, he cleansed Brooks’ wound Then he placed stitch after stitch, until the edges of the wound were drawn together. Lester next turned his thoughts to summoning aid. There was only one possibility—the international distress Bignal. Lester ran the American flag —upside down—to the top of the mast of his dwelling. On the twelfth day he sighted the Vacquero. the supply boat owned by R M. Vail—four days ahead of schedule. Arriving at the island, Vail dropped Other business to bring the suffering man to Santa Barbara for hospital care. Here the doctors said Lester had cared with such skill for Brooks' wound that recovery eventually would be complete. Thrills Are Rare. But such thrills as these are rare in Lester's realm. Two years ago George Hammond of Montecito be came acquainted with the Lesters, found a landing place on the island for his plane, and made weekly calls, bringing them mail and periodicals. Little Betty has not seen street ears, automobiles, telephones or mo6t of the myriad things that make up modern life. She has not returned to the mainland since she went to the island with her mother at the age of 3 months. When Mary Anne, the elder, reached the age when school became necessary, Lester built a school, known as the world's smallest, although it boasts a bell—taken from a locomotive. Here, five days a week. Mary Anne has come to the sounding of the bell for the last year to receive instructions from her mother. Some time the educational needs of his children will break up for a time the little "kingdom.” Until then, how ever. Lester intends to stay on, happy and healthv. Americans visiting Sweden last year i totaled 15,417, compared with 9,693 ! in 1935. Shipping News Arrivals and Departures at New York ARRIVALS. Today, ACADIA—Nova Scotia . 8:00 P.M GEORGE WASH GT N-Norfolk 4:00 P M. QIIRIGLA—Port Limon_ Noon Tomorrow. AMERICAN IMPORTER—. Liverpool __ p \r gISSEfftuilfo'W..:::- sSHv ■ • NERISsA—Deme.rara ___ s ;in A M PASTORES—Cristobal _ . g-ao A M- ' i S?iFFojr MdVL\*7-?.0.uth a m p t on _ s 00 A M t£EBc?n —Bermuda.. 0:00 A.M foi rvnIA<irS£,n,.F,2ncl5co-9:00 A.M. ! a OLENDAM—Rotterdam _ A M. Saturday. July 31. PE GRASSE—Havre di thess of atholl— ~ _Montreal PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT— . Hamburg . ... _ f — SAILING. ! (Trans-At Ian tie.) Today. ARGOSY—Orothenberg ,_8:00 A.M. | Tomorrow. ROBIN HOOD—St. Vincent_« Noon Thor,day. July SO. CowRf — Noon ROBIN GRAY—Cape Town___ ( Friday. July 30. £?7rRJCA* fARMER-London 4:00 P.M. I - LL—Rotterdam . _ J CALIFORNIA—Glasgow Midnight 1 —Antwerp. I ‘ PP^JOSTEIN—Antwerp .. Midnight 1 LACONIA—Liverpool 5:00 PM 1 MAE 'Isthmian)—Alexandria!: • fcm^vn!t~Hols‘nki, -5:00 PM i VOLENDAM—Rotterdam . . _ Midnight | Saturday. July 1. AMERICAN IMPORTER— Liverpool ... 11 00. AM BERGENSFJORD—Oslo liOtTP.M! CONTE DI SAVOIA—Genoa __ Noon CYPRIA—Casablanca __ LAGAHOIM—Gothenburg _—I-!’ WEST ISLETA— Loureno Marques _ SAILING. (Sooth and Central America, Weit Indies and Canada.) Today. AMAPALA—La Ceiba _11:00 A.M. COLUMBIAN—Cristobal _2:00 P.M. FOET AMHERST—St. John’s..11:00 A.M. IROQUOIS—Vera Cruz _3:00 P.M. MONARCH OF BERMUDA — Bermuda -3:00 P.M. MUNARGO—Nassau _1:00 P.M MUSA—Puerto Cortez_ Noon ORIENTE—Havana Noon PENNSYLVANIA—San Francisco Noon SAN JUAN—San Juan _ Noon TO LEA—Puerto Colombia_ Noon WESTERN PRINCE— Buenos Aires_ Noon Thursday. July 29. COAMO—Ciudad Trujillo _3:00 P.M. NERISSA—Trinidad _3:00 P.M PASTORES—Cristobal . _ Noon QUIRIGl’A—Port Limon _ Noon YUCATAN—Vera Cruz 4:00 P.M. Friday. July 30. BONIFACE—Ceara LADY HAWKINS—Trinidad_ MEDEA—Maracaibo _ SANT.A Ll’CIA—Valparaiso Midnight ATLANTIDA—La Ceiba _ .11:00 A.M. CALAMARES—Santa Marta_ Noon CARINTHIA—Bermuda _5:00 P.M. duchess of athoi.l— St. Lawrence cruise 10:30 P.M. FORT TOWNSEND—St John’s. 11:00 A.M. MONARCH OF BERMUDA— Bermuda _8:00 PM. ORIENTE—Havana _ « Noon PLATANO—Puerto Oorte*_ Noon PONCE—San Juan . _ Noon SANTA PAULA—San Prindaeo Noon WRATERN WORLD— I Bueno* Aire* _ Noon Took a Chance HERBERT S. LESTER, Cites Belgian King’s Pro posal to Establish Com mercial Equilibrium. By the Associated Press. Secretary Hull, apostle of liberalized world commerce, indorsed yesterday any European-sponsored move to stim ulate economic education and promote world economic rehabilitation. His views were expressed in com ment on the proposal of King Leopold of Belgium to establish an interna tional institute to draft ways for achieving commercial equilibrium and financial stabilizaton. (King Leopold made his suggestion in a letter to Paul Van Zeeland, Bel gian premier, who recently returned to Brussels after conferences here with President Roosevelt and Hull.) Hull explained he had not examined the monarch's proposal in detail and could not express any opinion on its specific suggestions. Generally speak ing, he said, vitally important eco nomic relationships were more de pendent today than ever before on a sound economic foundation, and im partial economic organizations could perform a distinct service to the -world. Hull avoided any intimation that President Roosevelt would—as sug gested in several European quarters— assume the leadership in the economic crusade by calling an economic con ference or organizing an Economic Committee. In answer to questions, Hull said he did not recall that the King's spe cific recommendation had been dis cussed at the White House conferences with Premier Van Zeeland. It was understood at the time of the premier's visit last month that a proposal to set up a committee to survey the world situation was among the numerous topics broached by Van Zeeland. The Secretary emphasized that the United States, in carrying out its re ciprocal trade act program, had preached the value of liberalizing trade restrictions that now hamstring inter national commerce. The United States has negotiated and signed reciprocal trade pacts with 16 nations in which tariff barriers were reduced and other obstacles to the flow of trade removed as far as possible. THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Fair today, > except possibly a thundershower this afternoon: tomorrow local thunder showers: Uttle change in temperature: gentle south and southwest winds. Maryland and Virginia—Fair today ?xcept scattered thundershowers in interior today; tomorrow local thun iershowers; little change in tem perature. West Virginia—Fair in morning and ocal thundershowers this afternoon; tomorrow local thundershowers and slightly cooler. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers ittle muddy late yesterday. Rp-Dort T'ntil l a d m _a_ Ldnight --74 12 noon _ 87 0 a m-. 30 p.m. _7^ Record Until 10 P.M. Saturday D m' 7*st"day. Year ago. 85. xjvegi, 68. h a m. yesterday. Year ago. 65. Ren 1 Temperature* Tlii« Year. Highest. 96. on July . Lowest. 19. on February 28. Tide Table*. Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Htirveyj rifyK Today. Tomorrow. “*.h-9:40 a.m. p.?h- 3.38 a.m. 4.18 a.m. o*h - 9:2, p.m. Jo.Off p.m. ■on - 4:03 p.m. 4:38 p.m. The Sun and Moon. jon. today _sfoT' 7:!^ lun. tomorrow __ 5:03 7 25 loon, today . —8:26 p.m. 7:13 a.m. Automobile lights must ba turned on one lall nour alter sunset. Precipitation. -„-?n,th,Iy oreclpitatlon in inehes in th# .apital (current month to date); Month. 1937. Average. Record. anuary -- ,.83 355 7.Si '37 "etjruary - 3.33 3.27 6.84 '84 ?parrilh-3.73 854 '91 iB=.» h.8o 3.2 7 9,13 '89 4ay - 4.02 3.70 10.69 '89 ■ P® -6 21 4.13 10.94 '00 “ly - 2.82 4.71 10.63 '88 (Ugust. - - 4 01 1441 'Ofl ieptember _ _ 304 {if-; .3? Ictober _ 3' 5gJ .§4 November- — 2.37 869 *9 December - 3.32 7.56 '01 Weather in Various Cities. _ Precip. —Temperature— 7;30 Max. Min. Sat. Sat- Fri. 7;30 7:30 urday.night, p.m. D.m. Asheville. N. C. __ 84 60 74 Atlanta. Ga. _ 90 70 78 Atlantic City. N. J. 84 72 76 Baltimore, Md. _ 92 70 8'’ - Birmingham. Ala.— 90 68 84 3ismarck. N. Dak._ 80 62 73 Boston. Mass_ 92 66 84 Buffalo, N.Y_ 78 72 74 Dhlcago, 111. - 84 70 76 "l03 Binclnnati, Ohio_ 90 66 84 Dheyenne, Wyo. __ 88 56 78 Dleveland. Ohio_ 84 72 76 Dallas. Tex. _ 96 74 94 Davenport. Iowa_ 86 68 78 Denvei, Colo. _ 86 64 84 “ ~ Des Moines, Iowa— 80 68 76 Detroit. Mich_ 84 70 74 "45 Duluth. Minn._ 76 56 64 !o,J El Paso Tex. _ 98 74 98 Dalveston. Tex_ 88 80 84 01 Helena. Mont._ 88 58 88 Huron. S. Dak. — 94 66 82 24 Indianapolis, Ind. _ 88 68 86 Jacksonville, Fla. 88 72 80 1 46 Kansas City. Mo. _ 78 74 74 [12 Little Rock. Ark. _ 94 72 88 Los Angeles. Calil. 82 64 78 ~ ~ Louisvi'le. Ky. . . 92 70 86 ~ Marinette. Mich. 72 56 68 Memphis Tenn. . HO 72 88 Miami. Fla. . 86 80 80 .57 Minneapolis. Minn. 86 60 84 Mobile. Ala . . 88 74 78 .50 Hew Orleans, La. 86 78 86 .03 Hew York. N. Y. .. 86 70 78 north Platte. Nebr. 00 62 00 .43 Dmaha. Nebr. _ 86 70 So .12 Philadelphia. Pa. 88 70 82 Phoenix. Aril. _110 82 108 Pittsburgh, Pa._ 86 66 82 .02 Portland, Me._ 82 66 76 .37 Portland. Oreg. _ 00 62 88 Rapid City, 8. Dak. 88 60 82 .12 Balt Lake City. Utah 08 66 94 3t. Louis. Mo. —_ 92 74 68 Ban Antonio. Tex. _ 98 74 96 — _ tan Diego. Calif. — 76 8S 74 _ Washington, D. C. - 90 84 —. r DIVORCE JAM SEEN IN ENGLISH COURTS More Judges May Be Needed to Handle 22,000 Cases Under New Law. By the Associated Press. LONDON, July 24.—Liberalization of England's divorce laws made it probable today that more divorce court Judges will be needed to handle the impending flood of cases. Regarded by the British press as the biggest change in England's social laws in many years, the new divorce measure led high court lawyers to estimate they would have SO per cent more work to do after January 1, when the law becomes operative. The new law, enacted by the House of Commons Friday, will establish desertion without cause for three or more years, incurable insanity for five years and cruelty as new grounds for divorce. Hitherto, the only ground for divorce In English law was adultery. The formality of royal assent will be given next week. The law was sponsored by A. P. Herbert, author legislator. Lawyers said they believed most of the 22.000 applicants for legal separa tions on grounds of cruelty and de sertion last year will be eligible now for divorce. E. S. P. Haynes, a supporter of the new law, said that only "prodigious expansion" of the King's proctor's staff would make it possible to detect collusion. -• Girls from all parts of Japan re cently held a sword-fighting tourna ment in Hongo. WISCONSIN’S NINE ‘N. R. A.’ CODES DIE Price of Haircuts, Half Soles, Dry Cleaning Now Up to Each Operator. By the Associated Press. MADISON, Wis., July 24.—The price of haircuts, half soles on shoes and dozens of similar services by hereto fore State-regulated trades become a matter of discretion with the opera tors after midnight tonight. That hour formally marks the death of nine codes of fair competition en forced under the State fair trades practice law which the Legislature failed to re-enact. Not only prices which employes oould charge customers, but wages and working conditions of employes, were subject to regulations by the expiring codes. Tradesmen and industries affected were barbers, cleaners and dyers, painters, paper hangers and decorators, shoe repairers, window cleaners, bowl ing parlor operators, highway con structlon contractor*, the crushed stone, sand and gravel industry, con-* :rete and carpenter contractors. The government of Greece has of fered to buy wheat from growers at $1.60 a bushel. m POtomac 5678 "-^Sy M / t^BiW 'Si^ ' cwfw * »k'*l ~~^i - —r=r=^^^w^>^<r I(DEOMmA fu**7i /uTi&^Sic l JiiSl|SSlllSf J Ow Dm/OtUyi^ifei: - --■ •• ■ • N N MONDAY, JULY 26th ^^ flit CcKpOlii I COUPON ★ SPECIAL j 5c TASTYEAST BARS 2 >»> 5c £ I | Coupon ^ yg ! Bo* nf cq_ Ea | | 2t Bars _ K3 | ■ Peoples Drag Stores (S) ” | ’-1 COUPON *• SPECIAL I 50c ROBIN HOOD { 1 L RAZOR BLADES I Package of 50 ‘ t ^ zn* | '■■UUwCoupon_ J § w I | Peoples Drug Stores (Si I-J — — — — • — — j j COUPON -*• SPECIAL j 98c OLYMPIC JUNIOR | Electric. Raror _ j Blade Sharpener 1 I Makes old blades sharp I hew blades sharper. ! With 2Ar I Coupon * P | I Peoples Drug Stores (SI I 1-! . f-—— — — _ , } COUPON ★ SPECIAL j 59c EVER-READY i SHAVING BRUSHES I i Bristles won t come out because | s they are set In rubber. with An* Coupon_ 47C I Peoples Drug Store* <S) : —— — — COUPON if SPECIAL ' I NONPAREILS j i 1 Discs of creamy rich j I rhocola'e — covered with . tmy sugar brads. I | So. 13c pound | | Peoples Drujr Stores (S) I | COUPON ★ SPECIAL 98c KITCHEN ! j SCALES ! Weigh up to C4 pounds . » , | ; are inches high. , I 1 Coupon _ __ 79c! « People* Drug Store* (S> J '-J ! COUPON if SPECIAL | 5c DISH CLOTHS . Large, porous clrM*.at an I extremely low pricr. I i Coupon 6for 17c ! • People* Drug Store* (S) i --1 | COUPON * SPECIAL j I ryum 29c POINSETTIA j RUBBER GLOVES | ■ Protect your hands while doing | | housework and gardening. 1 I Coupon_ 19c-I S People* Drug Store* (g) I i_ i COUPON ★ SPECIAL Queen Anne CARAMALLOWS | * I I Mouth-m*!ting marshmal- ! J low centers wrapped in I I chewy caramel J j Coupon 1 5C P°Und | • People* Drug Store* (S) 1 1-J r-*— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —. COUPON * SPECIAL 65c MANNERS | THEATRICAL | COLD CREAM I ' i Pound Tin I ^ ™th 42c! I — Coupon | j People* Drug Store* | COUPON ★ SPECIAL PEOPLES v": | HYGIENIC SOAP ^£4 , j Bathe with this ‘ clean-smelling’' i soap for protection against • | perspiration embarrassment | ! s.. 3 - ioc w \ j People* Drug Stores (S) j ,— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I a COUPON ★ SPECIAL \ J 50c JERIS SHAMPOO j | |c5; Gets the scalp clean . . . leavea j S® the hair beautifully lustrous. ! | Ljyyi Coupon.. _23CI I Peeples Dru* Store* (S) • ; I-- I I COUPON if SPECIAL | j MELLO-MINTS j I Cream?, roolirtr mouth- s ! melting peppermints. 1 | With « « — I | Coupon 1 1C j ■ People* Drill Store* fSi i 1-1 | COUPON ★ SPECIAL ' COLWOOD PERFECTOS 95c | With Coupon j J People* Drug Store* (S) i k « — — __ ___ __ w ___ _ __ B __ - __ __ ___ ___ —l COUPON ★ SPECIAL 98c WRISLEY PINE i BATH SETS , j i Cologne bath oil. sachet. I I and C cakes of soap 1 ! rith 75c 1 ! Coupon # ^ People* Drug Store* (S) j j i COUPON ★ SPECIAL I a 25c MERCK ZINC | I W STEARATE POWDER I I 1 Prevents chafing Use as an i I unscented body powder. I | \ With f mr I j Coupon_ • / W | > Pennies Dro» Stores (») j I-J COUPON ir SPECIAL r- ! CANADIAN CLUB , CIGARS |'jW/uwi I With Coupon - | j j 1019c **21 " 95c' Peoples Drug Store* (S) I -J COUPON if SPECIAL J RONSON LIGHTERS , (Leather-Covered) ' Flip and It s Lit—Release J and It s Out." Resuiarly «? 4P. I With 0| QQ I Coupon_w Jg | People* Urn* Store* (S) COUPON if SPECIAL _ 25c MUNEZ-WURTH r I CITRATE of MAGNESIA /j£\ j Gentle purgative and laxative with a pleasant lemon flavor. I |Ar Coupon _■ Ww I Peonies Drug Store* (S) ' j ! — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — COUPON ★ SPECIAL i 17c MUNEZ-WURTH | RUBBING ALCOHOL I Pint Bottla I % Coupon_ 1 UC People* Dtp* Store* (S) ________ I COUPON * SPECIAL g-* I 19c WEATHER I* 1 j j THERMOMETERS iffJ | | Ham th»m insid® or outside n? th*' ;-'.S I . hoii>a to kr.ox the correct termer- i| 1 *. ! I ature. 1 L I I whi, ]|c rI| l | Coupon _ _ * * V | j1 | People* Dru? Store* (S) j i COUPON ir SPECIAL I I 49c SQUARE DEAL j | POKER CHIPS j | * i Box of IOO. Red. white and I 1 l blue assorted. 5 With OAr I Coupon_ —•y*' I I J Peoples Dr nr Store* (S) I ] COUPON ★ SPECIAL j i $1.29 KEAPSIT ffi ! I VACUUM BOTTLES X j | Quart Size J Coupon .. 94c || | | Peoples Drur Store* (S) J __J f COUPON ★ SPECIAL 25c MASTER TOOTH BRUSHES I Assorted shapes and colored handles. I Good quality bristles. . With Coupon_ J PooBlrs Dr nr Store* <S> COUPON ★ SPECIAL J 98c CAPITOL I Fountain Syringes I • Two-quarr rize. Comple'e with j 1 I attachments. * ! 67c Peoples Drue Stores (S) s I_J COUPON ★ SPECIAL i 1 79c GOOD HEALTH | VAGINAL DOUCHE I SYRINGES I | Scientifically designed. Gives a full | I I circular spray. I | Coupon__ . 47c j ■ Peonies Drur Store* (S) ' i 1 COUPON ★ SPECIAL I | 10c STREAMLINE EMBOSSED I I PAPER NAPKINS J I Package of 100 I With Coupon s for 13C I Peonies Drue Stores fS) * I________ J . COUPON ★ SPECIAL | I 39c BOKER FORGED | | || STEEL SHEARS ! R. 7. nr s Inch size shears of good I j quality steel. j With l Coupon_ | | Peoples Drag Stores (S) 5 I-—- 1 5 COUPON ★ SPECIAL { 19c WHISK BROOMS I Good duality broorr. straw, j ] strongly bound. j Coupon__ 14c | ! Peoples Drug Stores (S) I ‘-1 j COUPON ★ SPECIAL 1 ! 39c CUBA SEA WOOL I | SPONGES j with j I Coupon_ IjC ■ I I Peoples Drug Stores (S) ' !_1 i COUPON ★ SPECIAL I l 15c CELTIC LINEN \ ENVELOPES I The popular small size. j ■ Of good duality, white I linen. Pack of C4. f I K.„.... 8c ^ j | Peonies Drua Stores (S) | •" — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —| l COUPON * SPECIAL { 39c CELTIC'LINEN I I STATIONERY | I 77 folded sheets of tasteful, | j white linen paper. I \ With I I Coupon_ | ij Peeples Drug Stores (S) | < i | COUPON ★ SPECIAL I 75c Half Pound Jar | N. B. R. BRUSHLESS i SHAVING CREAM j With J Coupon i_ r-1 | « COUPON ★ SPECIAL j j 75c BARNARD EAU DE I I QUININE HAIR TONIC | j pjjjjj^l Coupon..43c | I Peonies Drag Stores (S) i-! ! COUPON ★ SPECIAL j 35c REVELATION TOOTH POWDER ■ For clean, white, sparkling teeth. I Gentle and safe. | With 4C|i | Coupon _ J I Peonlrs Drug Stores (S) j COUPON ★ SPECIAL 55e LADY ESTHER I FACE POWDER j J Clings for hours longer. , i Choice of flattering shades. I wuh lOr 1 i Coupon_ I I Peonies Drag Stores (6) I i—- J 1 /, ! COUPON ★ SPECIAL $1.10 ANGELUS I LIPSTICKS |p I Gop: nn smoothly—and vays on I ( lnde^r.itfly. Lovely shad*. •^rnpt j | Coupon .74c 1 | ! People* Drue Store* iS) I I-1 COUPON ★ SPECIAL S $1.00 KURLASH EYE | LASH CURLERS » Have lashes that curl provocatively | S upward. No heat. « wuh i Coupon- J /V j 1 People* Drug Store* <S) s ___ I --; I COUPON * SPECIAL | 35c PEOPLES PALM & £ I OLIVE OIL SHAVE B j \ CREAM n J [ Provides a smooth, soothing shave. I f « j Coupon._ 15c M • ’ People* Drur Store* (S) I L_l I A COUPON ★ SPECIAL I H Former $2.00 | I |^Lk, Herpicide Hair Tonic j I oanee* s i w-3 nets rid of annoying oandrufT. » with mm** • Coupon- #4® I People* Drtu Storm (8) ■ r — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — J COUPON ★ SPECIAL j 17c PEOPLES QUALITY “ | CASTOR OIL j j Four Ounces ft , T * l wuh lAr- -I ! Coupon- 1UC ^ \ iSjJjr I | Peoples Drur Stores <S| l COUPON ir SPECIAL 1 35c PEOPLES 5-GRAIN CASCARA SAGRADA TABLETS Bottle of 1(H) J J Coupon__ 17c' I 'j ^ -Peoples Drur Stores (S) J COUPON * SPECIAL I 19c Peoples Quality j I SODA MINT TABLETS 1 Bottle of 100 | j With . « J Coupon_ A Sew L People* Dm* Store* (St -1 r | COUPON ★ SPECIAL I j |*gjf 10c PEOPLES BORIC ! ACID POWDER l I _ Four ounces I j ^F With gLft I j Coupon_ | ‘ People* Dtps Store* (S) I COUPON * SPECIAL m j 25c IDEAL n I TOOTH PASTE I ■ Help? counteract mouth acids . . . I I make? teeth sparkle. 'gHl | ! With ffr MU I Coupon_ * A w _II | Peonies Tlrar Stores <S) I I_' I-. | COUPON ★ SPECIAL ' | 50c GOLDEN PEACOCK BLEACH CREAM j with | S Coupon_w • « Peonies Drue Stores <S) l_! r-1 COUPON * SPECIAL | 25c DEW LIQUID | | DEODORANT | Complete protection from per- I j spiration odor. 8 | Coupon __ - 17c | | Peoples Druir Stores : I-- -j I COUPON if SPECIAL 75c PACKERS j SCALPTONE f With vial of healthful oil. In I J case your hair is over-dry. I J * Coupon - ...... 59c | J Peonies Dean Stores (8) f t COUPON ★ SPECIAL j I 60c PINT PEOPLES j I SELF-SHINING FLOOR WAX j Coupon _ 33c I | Peoples Drue Store* (S) I L.—_ ___i I COUPON ★ SPECIAL "J I 35c CLEANSILINE j j DRY CLEANER S With Applicator j ! wuh «Of i * Coupon_ | [ People* Drop Store* (8) I l__ _____________ __ __l 1 COUPON if SPECIAL { 35c PINT P. D. S. I BED BUG KILLER 1 j Sprinkle it in cracks and crevices ■«j. i . to get rid of these Insects. | i W„H 1S_ I j C'*p°n- *®C - ; j I People* Drue Store* (S) J I_ 1 COUPON ★ SPECIAL S 25c NATURE'S REMEDY TABLETS | ® Pleasant little tablets * • . | j mildly laxative. g l with l*Jo i | Coupon_ * - j People* Dear Store* (8) I-, | COUPON ★ SPECIAL I 50c PINT GRAHAM | MILK OF MAGNESIA , Helps neutralize acidity . . . also j mildly laxative. | | Coupon 25c I | Pronin Droit Siorn (S) --. COUPON A SPECIAL ! I 50c PINT PEOPLES | j DOl'BLE DISTILLED i , WITCH HAZEL I With a* — | Coupon_ I | US Pronin Drar Sloras IS) L-1 I | COUPON * SPECIAL 19c Peoples Solution | MERCUROCHROME | Ounce With Applicator t l with f fr ® j Coupon_ a a v ! Pronin Dru Storn (S) 1-1 I-j COUPON ★ SPECIAL ! ft? 25c PEOPLES OIL OF j j CITRONELLA | Three Ounces J 1 j Coupon__ 17c | I I Pronin Drai Storoa IS) ■ •-J ) * *