Newspaper Page Text
Dratljfl. BAKER. JAMES. On Sunday. July 75. 193 7 at hts residence. 3434 Kentwood •t. south. Green Valley Station. Arling ton. Va . JAMES BAKER, husband of Annisce Baker. father of Florence. James and Harry Bfker and Leonard Gray. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BEERS. CHARLOTTE I)ANN. On Sunday. July 25. 1937. at her home. 910 Gist ave.. Silver Spring. Md . CHARLOTTE DANN BEERS, the beloved wife of Dr Lloyd Y. Beers. Remains resting at the funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrcy. 7003 Wisconsin ave . Bethesda- Md Funeral services at the above funeral ho ne on Wednesday. July 78. at 7 r> m. Interment private. 27 BRENT. WILLIAM H. All officers and members of the District Grand Lodge. No. 7 N G U O of Chaldeans, are notified of the deaht of our grand mas ter. Brother WILLIAM H BRENT All branches of the order are ordered out to the call meeting Tuesday July 77. 1937. at 7:30 pm., at. Fishermen's Hall. Funeral Wednesday July 78, at 1 pm., from St Paul A. M. E. Church 8th st. between D and E sLs. s w RALPH COATES Deputy Grand Master THELMA BARNES. Grand Fin. Sec. • BRENT. WllLIAM. All officers and members of District Grand Council. No. 3. I O. of Good Samaritan'. ar° re quested to attend call meeting Tues day. July 2 7. lit:;: at 7:30 pm. at Samaritan Hall. 438 is* st s w. to make arrangements for the funeral of Brother WILLIAM BRENT N. G vice chief, nasi D G. chief and present D G. Marshall. BRO. CASSIE PARKER D G Chief. SIS FRANCES GREEN. D G. Sect. * BROOKS. ANNIE. Departed this life Saturday July 74. 1937. at her resi dence 1S37 17th st. n.w.. ANNIE BROOKS, beloved wife of the late Saulsburv Brooks, mother of the late James M. Brooks and Saulsburv. .ir . Roger A and Clarencp Percy Brooks and Gertrude M MacDonald mee BrooksL grandmother of Clarencp J MacDonald. Remains temporarily rest ing at Frazier's funeral home 389 Rhode Island ave n w\. until Monday. July 78. at 5 p m. thereafter at her late residence. Funeral Tuesday. July 2 7, at 2 pm., from John Wesley A. M. E Zion Church. 14th and Corcoran sts. n.w. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery 28 BROWN. DENNIS. On Fridav. Julv 26. I 1967. DENNIS BROWN of 4610 Haves' st. ne Hn is survived by three de voted sisters. Mrs. Dessir Davis. Mrs Lula Barbour and Mrs. Mamie Howard: two brothers- Claude and John Brown many other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the Malvan A- Schey Deanwood funeral horn**. 4 445 Deane ave n.e Funeral from above-named parlors Tuesday, July 27. at 1 pm... Rev Isaac Wright officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. BlHRMEISTER. MARY. Suddenly, on Sunday July 25 1967. ai her residence 4701 49th st. nw. MARY BUHRME1S TER. beloved wife of Valentine Buhr meister Funeral services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 29(>l I4th st n.w, on Tuesday July 27 at 11:60 a m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. CARROLL. JAMES R. Departed this life on Sunday, July 25. 196 7. at 4 5o a.m at his residence 76 P st. n w JAMES R. CARROLL, beloved husband of Elia F. Carroll, father of Martorie Annie. James E George Norman Beniamin L and Ellis W. Carroll. Mazie C. Sandle and Gracp D Brown- brother of Mrs Emily Hawkins and Mrs Hattie Dent He also leaves one son-in-law. two daughters-in-law. otlvr relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W Er nest Jarvis funeral church 1402 U ft n.w. Funeral Wednesday. July 26. at 1 p m . from Allen A M. E Chapel 25th st and Alabama av? s e Rev. Harrison officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. We loved you bur God loved you best And took you home to rest. 27 CALKIN. JASON BRADFORD Suddenly on Saturday July 2 4. 1967. JASON BRADFORD CAUKIN. helov^d husband of Amy Inc-' Caukin and father of Mr* „ Ine? C. Henderson. Services ai the S H H’nes Co funeral hone 2'*nj 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday July 27 at. 2 pm. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. CHEYNEY. CAROLINE R On Saturday Julv 24 1 96 7 CAROLINE R CHEYNEY ace 06 y?ar> beloved wife of Joseph W Cheyney and mother of Aiphonso M and Karl G Newel! and sister of Sophie M Bushby. Anna S Grunewald and oharle* L Rey Funeral from the latp resi dence 2015 Myrtle ave. ne on Tues day. July 27 at 2pm Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery CURTIN. CHARLES OLIVER. ’*>R Sud denly. on Monday. July 26 197.7. ar his residence 606 Kenyon st. n w CHARLES OLIVER CURTIN Sr beloved husband of Annie M Curtin Notice of funeral hereafter. DAVIDSON. MARY J On Sa'urdav. July 24. i 977. at u*'. residence. 95n Shepherd ft r. w MARY J DAVIDSON wife of the late Poland Lee Davidson, sister of J P Matthew. Los A"i2plc~. Calif : R M. Matthew Roanoke. Va . B F. Matthew. Manassas Va . Maftie S. Matthew. Manassas. Va Mrs. Ada C Hoai Roanoke Va Mrs ley Hawkins and Mrs. Laura Monetur-. Washington. D C Services at the S. H. Hines Co funeral home. 29ni 14th st. n.w.. Monday eve ning. Julv 26. at, 8 p.m. Interment. Bristol Va. 26 DAVIDSON- MARY. Mayflower Council No 11. Daughters of America will conduct the funeral services of our late sister. MARY DAVIDSON who died Saturday July 24. 1967. at Hines’ funeral parlor. Monday evening. July 26 at S p.m Members and friends invited ESTHER MILLER Councilor. HATTIE G RUPPART. Rec. Sec CVERETT. LOUIS A. On Sunday. July 25. 1967. at his residence. 226 Pa. ave s.e.. LOUIS A EVERETT, beloved husband of Mary E Everett Funeral from the above residence on Tuesday July 27. at 8 60 a r.i.: thencp to St. Peter's Church. 2nd and C sts s.e.. where mass of re ouiem will be offered a' 9 a.m. Rela tives and fripnri* invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Farnsworth, juli.a e. on Sunday morning July 25. 196 7. at her re>idence. 2161 1st n.w JULIA E FARNS WORTH Widow of Ca’vm Farnsworth and beloved mother of Almmia J. Farns worth Funeral services Tuesday. July 2 7. «• 9:60 am. a* Hysons's parlor*. 1600 N st n.w Fronds invited to at tend. Interment <privnte» Glenwood Cemetery. Fowler arthi r o on s>mdav ,juiy 25. 1 »:>2 a: Casuaitv Hospital ARTHUR O FOWLEF bPlo\ed husband or Nellie A Fowler, father of Arthur L Fowler. Funeral services a* the W W. Cham bers Co funeral home. 1 400 Chapin st n.w.. on Tuesday. July 2 7 at -7 p.m Fu neral services and interment private, j Interment, Pro-pect Hi!! Cemetery. GORMAN. ANNA LOUISE. On Monday ! July 26. 1967. at Georgetown University1 Hospital- ANNA LOUISE GORMAN be loved wife of Thomas J. Gorman (dep uty commissioner of custom* Treasury DeDt ) and mother of Mrs. T R Daugherty and Thomas j. Gorman. 1r. Notice of funeral later. Services by W. W Chamber* Co GREEMVELL. BENNETT. On Saturday. July 24. 1967. BENNETT GREENWELL beloved brother o: the late Mrs. Alice Orbello and Mrs Mary Fay Funeral from the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home 140(i Chapin st. n.w.. on Tues day. July 27. at 9:6o a.m . thence to Shrink of Sacred Heart Church 16th «t. and Park rd. nu. where mass will be offered at 10 a.m. for repose of his soul Friends are invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. BILL. BENJAMIN. Departed this life sud denly Friday July 26. 15137. He leaves to mourn his loss a loving brother Her *Tei^r !wo nieces. Catherine and Helen Hill: five cousins George Haync* Louise Bolden. Joseph Bolden. Alberta and George Garvor. He also leaves a dear friend. Rachael Lary. and a host of other friends. Funeral will be Tues day. July 27 at 1 :60 p.m.. from 605 3rd j st. s.w. All friends invited. Remains ] Gardner &• Poe's funeral home .612 4th st. s.w. until Monday. 4 pm thereafter at his late residence. 305 3rd Rt. S.W. BODGES. ELLEN WILLIAMSON. Oil Run SS?-_Julv 1#»7. at. Sibley Hn«ni*al ELLEN WILLIAMSON HODGES. bel-iv»ri wife of the late Albert Edward Hodces. Shp is survived bv a daughter Mrs Georeie Moralis of Brandywine. Md and a brother. Harry A Williamson of Feir fiount W Va Remains resting at her ato residence. 6S10 60th st . Mount Rainier Md Services at St John's Episcopal Church. Mount Rainier. Md . on Tuesday July 27. at 10 vm jmrr ^rn»»iv «privatr> nj Fort Lincoln Cemetery _riMuniiL miiU/lUK\ V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment. National *2893 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium ♦th and Mass. Ave. N.E._Lincoln BlflO Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A. L. HAYCOCK, Manager! Rhone West 0nn«on,ld M Ci N vtr Established 1841 1V1 St. IN.W. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. ia&jraSS: Nt£ National 2473 Chamber^ One or tne Largest Undertakers in the World 1400* Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 517 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces _1213 R St. N.W._ National *27fl_ BURTON'S Beautiful Funeral Sprara AT 7171 OPEN EVENINGS fltl 1111 and SUNDAYS GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NAT. 010(1 Open Evenings - .... r c . .and Sundays Cor. 14th & Eye a HODGKINS. MARY L. Entered into life eternal on Saturday evening. July 24. 1937. at Charleston. S. C.. MARY L. HODGKINS, widow of Capt. William C. Hodgkins. Funeral and interment at Charleston. July 20. HORSLEY. ROBERT H. On Saturday. July 24. 19.37. at Oteen. N. C. ROBERT H. HORSLEY. Remains will rest at Frazier's funeral home. .389 Rhode Is land ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. INABINETT. WILLER. On Sunday. July 25. 1937 WILLER INABINETT* devoted mother of Louise. Nettie. John and Ben iamin Inabinett: sister of Nettie Si ro man She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. ! 132 You st. n w . from 7 p m. Tuesday. July 2 7 until 5 o.m. Wednesday. July 28. Interment Springfield. S. C. 27 JACKSON. CARRIE. On Saturday. July 24. 1 PIT. CARRIE JACKSON, wife of the late Joseph H. Jackson, loving mother of Moses J Dukes, grandmother of Seymour A Dukes. She also leaves one niece. Lillie Mae King of Mobile. Ala.: j one nephew. Leon Dennis of Birming ham. Ala one daughter-in-law. Mrs. Agnes D. Dukes, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. JACKSON. CARRIE. The officers and members of Columbia Temple No. 4 22. are notified of the death of Daughter | CARRIE JACKSON Session of sorrow Monriav. Julv 20. 19.3 7. at 7:30. Funeral on Wednesday July 28. at 1.30 o’clock, from Union Wes’ev Church. ELEANOR. WALKFR Daughter Ruler. GEORGIANA B HENRY. Fin. Sec. JACKSON. CARRIE. All members of Ex celsior Household No 2302. G U O. of 0 F. are requested to attend the fu neral of Inmate CARRIE JACKSON Wed nesday. Julv 28. 1937. at 1 30 p m., at the Union Wesley A M. F. Zion Church. 2.3rd st between L and M sts. n.w. Wear all vhi'e INMATE SADIF WASHINGTON. M N G INMATE R B WHITE Acting W R. * JAEGLE. JOSEPH A. On Sunday. July 25. 193“ at his residence 710 E st. s.e.. JOSEPH A. JAEGLE. beloved husband of Elizabeth K Jaegle Funeral from his late residenee on Tuesday. Julv 27. a» 1 30 p nt. Relatives and friend* tr»vited to attend. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. JOHNSON CARRIE 'NEF BRANCH). On Bund a v July 75. 193 7 at her residence 7117 M st. n.w.. CARRIE JOHNSON (ppp Branch) devntPri wife of William Johnson, daughter of Rosp W. and John N Branch She leaves to mourn their loss a son William ir ' threp sisters Gertrude RnsaJre and Dorothv end a grandmother Maria Branch Notice of funeral later • KEEGAN HENRY FELIX. Suddenly on Sundav Julv 75 1937. at hi' res’dence. 11«»1 Monroe st nw. HENRY FELIX KEEGAN the beloved husband of Alice H Keecan and brother of Mrs. Cath erine A Ryan Mrs. William Faison John J and Edwin J Keegan. Remains resting at the above address. Funeral services at the above residence on Tues cbv Julv 77. at S.30 am: thence to Sacred Heart Church where mass will be oflired at 9 a m. for the renose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemeterv. Please omit flowers. Services by W. W. Chambers Co LEE. ADA CAMPBELL. On Sunday July 75. 1937. at her reside^c®. 509 South Capitol st.. ADA CA'<PBELT LEE be loved sister of Mrs Emma Dixon, aunt of Elwood Camobel’ Benjamin Robin- ' son and Mrs. Dorothv Robinson. She also leaves ether relatives and many friend-. Remains resting a* th® J*hn T Rhines funeral chaoel 3rd and Eye sts. s w. Notice of funeral later. LITTLE FLORENCE. On Thm-sda" July *'7 1937. a* Oallinver Hospital FLOR ENCE t ITTLE. devotPd wife of Walter Little loving daughter of James and Cora Gallowav Sb® al'o ’eaves four children Walter. Elvira. R®zer and Josephine Little: other relatives and friends Remains resting at th® John T Rhines funeral chap*!. 3rd and Eye sts. s.\« Funeral a' 7 n m Tuesday. Julv 77. from th® A'bury m. E Church. Annapol’s. Md Imernipnt in B’u® Hill Cemetery. Relatives and friends imped. 20 Lrnv HAZEL V. On Saturday. Julv °t 1937 at Sabillasvi’le Md.. HAZEL V LUHN beloved daughter of Arthur end B®ssip Luhn Remains resting at Hil tons funeral horn®. Barnesville Md. Funeral services at the Monocacv Ch®p°’ Beallsvillp Md on Tuesday July 77. at JO am Interment church cemetery. MARONFY, MARY CAHILL. On Thursday Julv 77 1'*37. at Em®-g®ncv Ho pital. MARY CA HILL MARONEY of 151 7 S Dakota ave* r. e widow of Edward H Maronev Survived bv her daughters Winefred RO'® arid Marv of this c!tv. and sop Eugene H of Clayton N v . and Ranba®1 J of Marine Crv Mich. R°or.i®m high mass will hr he’d at the Church of the Annunciation WiMl^ms. po**t. Fa . on Monday. July 76 at 9-.30 a m Interment Mount Carmel Cem etery. Williamsport. Pa MAY. BEATRICE L. On Sunday. Julv "5 l'13 7. a’ 11 47 am. a* her residence 44 7 O st n.w BEATRICE L. MAY. b® 1< vpd wife of Julius Mav. Sh* also leaves to mourn their lo«s two daugh ters. Oreatha Swagger and Chape’l Ball: two sisters Alice Rattchffe and Mary Moor®; three brothers. Edward Daniel and Addison Chapman, four grandchil dren and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Geo. B Clarke Co.'s funeral parlor. 1460 Florida ave. n.e.; may be seen after 17 noon Tuesdav, July 77. Funeral Wednesday. July 78. at 1:30 p.m. from Bethlehem Baptist Church. Nichols ave and Summers road a e. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 27 MrGTJIRE. SUSIE. On Friday. Julv 23 1937. at her residence. 4117*2 S Royal at.. Alexandria Va.. SUSIE McGUIRE devoted wife of Ruben McGuire. She also leaves six children, other relatives and friends Remains resting at the John T Rhines funeral home. 771 N Patrick st . Alpxandria. Va.. until 4 pm. Mondav, thereafter a h®r late residence. Funeral at 1 30 p.m Tuesday. Julv 77. from the Zion Baptist Church. Alex andria Va . Rev. Botts officiating. Inter ment in Douglass Cemetery. 26 OWENS. WILLIAM THOMAS. On Su'dav July 75 at 6 a.m at »he home of his daughter. Mrs Claud® V Hy'on 104 McKinlev sh Bethesda M* WILLIAM THOMAS OWENS. fh® be’o^ ed husband of Nannie Green Owens. Funeral s®rvic®s nt 'he above residence Tues day July 77. a? M a m. Interment Rockville Union Cemetery. RAGSDALE. JIMMIE. Suddenly on Wed nesday. July 71. 19.37 JIMMIE RAGS DALE aged 38 years, beloved son of Tbe late John L. and Minnie Ragsdale. Fu neral from the residence of his broth®r. Richard R. Ragsdale. 115 11th st. s.e., on Tuesday. July 77. at 11 a m. Rela tive' and friends invited. Interment Ar-* lington National Cemetery. RHONE, ELLEN. On Saturdav. Julv ®>4. 19.3 7 at 10:40 p.m.. ELLEN RHONE of '.’'tin L st n.w.. aunt of the late Ellen Johnson, sister of Lydia Bui nett, great aunt of Olivia and Alrhonzo Johnson Remains resting at Grices funeral home 1702 17th st. n.w Funeral Wednesday. July 7 8. n 1 p.m . from Ge’hsemane Baptist Church. 22nd st and Virginia ave. n.w. Interment Harmony Cemetery 27* ROBINSON. JOHN P. On Sunday. July 25. 1937. at 2 p.m. at Garfield Hos pital. JOHN P ROBINSON, devoted husband of Annie M Robinson. He is survived also by five daughters. Mrs. Eugenia Stewart Jones. Mrs. Annabelle Tancil. Miss Fannie Robinson. Mrs. Pearl Carrington and Mrs. Julia Ovel ton; three sons. Elmer. Sidney F. and Walt®r R. Robinson, and many friends. Notice of funeral later. STANFORD. OMAR CLINTON. On Sun day. July 75. 1937. at his home Burke. Va.. in his 15th year. OMAR CLINTON, son of Walter H. and B Fern Stan ford. Funeral from Community Church. Burke- Va.. Tuesday. July 77. at 3 p.m Interment Fairfax Cem etery. Fairfax. Va. Relatives and friends Invited. •'■•■■I • ■ *». v/il iviuii* day. July 3*',. 1937. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. MARY ELIZABETH STOREY of 1364 Perry place n.w . beloved x\ ife of W. R. Storey and mother of William W. Storey. Mrs. Rebecca F. Rogers and Mrs. Mary H. Pickens. Services at the S H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. on Wednesday. July 28. at 3 p m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 2 7 TURNER. MARTHA JANE. Suddenly, on Sunday. July 25. 1937. at her resi dence. Falls Church. Va.. MARTHA JANE TURNER wife of Clinton Turner. Remains resting at the John T. Rhinos funeral chapel 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice o* funeral later. TURNER. SAMUEL ROWLAND. On Sat urday July 24. 1937. at his residence. 3-.3 Garland ave.. Takoma Park. Mri.. SAMUEL RQWLAND TURNER, beloved husband of Grace Ann Turner and lather of Samuel R . jr.: George C».. Charles Y,. Edwin S.. Robert C. and Katnryn V. Turner. Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st n.w. on Tuesday July 27 at 1 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 26 TURNER. SAMUEL R. Died Saturday, July 24 J 937. SAMUEL R. TURNER, oast grand of Eastern Lodge No. 7. I. O O. F. Funeral services at S H Hines Co.'s Tuesday. July 27. it l pm. Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery Spe cial meeting of Eastern Lodge. No. 7. Monday. July 26. at 8 p.m.. at Odd Fel lows' Temple. EDGAR W. PITTMAN. Noble Grand INGEMAND O. LUND. Rec. Sec y 26 WHITE. FRANK ALONZO. On Wednesday July 21. 1937. at Union Printers' Home. Colorado Springs. Colo., after a linger ing illness. FRANK ALONZO WHITE, beloved husband of Edith White and father of Harris White and Mrs. Doris Muir. Remains resting at the chapel of fhomas F Murray & Son. 2007 Nichols ave. s e. after 6:30 p.m. Mon day. July 26. Notice of funeral later. 26 In Htcmoriant. BRASEL. CLARENCE E. In loving re membrance of mv dear husband CLARENCE E. BRASEL who departed this life two years ago today. July 26. HIS LOVING WIFE. EMMA BRASEL. • BRASS. MARV A. A tribute of love end devotion to the memory of our dear wife, mother and sister MARY ALICE BRASS, who departed this life seven years ago today. July 26. 19.30. In our hearts she Is fondly remembered. Sweet memories cling to her name: Those who loved her In life sincerely Still love her In death the game. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND. DAUGHTERS AND SISTER, MAUDE. • i Dies C. A. KORBLY. CIVIC LEADER, DIES Co-Author of Federal Re serve Law Was Active in Montgomery. Charles Alexander Korbly, fill, co author of the Federal Reserve act while a member of the House of Rep resentatives from Indiana and in re cent years a Montgomery County civic leader, died in Georgetown University Hospital today after an illness of sev eral weeks. Mr. Korbly, who was born in Madi son, Ind , on March 24, 1871, had a widely varied career before he was elected as a Democratic member of the House from Indianapolis district, a post he assumed on March 4, 1909, and held until March 3, 1915. Served as Editor. He attended the parochial schools of Madison and later studied at St. ■ Joseph's College In Illinois. Follow ing his graduation he became a re- i porter on the Madison Herald and subsequently became editor of that newspaper. ; Admitted to the bar in 1892. he took j up the practice of law at Madison ! and then moved to Indianapolis in I 1895, where he continued in the legal j profession until his election to Con gress. Upon the termination of his second term in the House he returned to Indianapolis to resume the prac tice of law. Mr. Korbly returned to the Capital several years later and made his resi dence on Wiscasset road, Mohican Hills, In Montgomery County, Md. Was Deputy Clerk. The knowledge he gained while serving as a member of the House Banking and Currency Committee and while assisting in writing the Federal Reserve act led hint to write a number of newspaper articles on finance. He was appointed a deputy clerk to the Montgomery County Commission ers several years ago while the board was in control of the Democratic party and held that position until the Fusion party was elected to adminis trative power in the county. He was a member of the District of Columbia Bar Association, the Na tional Press Club and was secretary of the Montgomery County Civic Federation, in which he was a dele gate from the Mohican Hills Citizens' Association. -• LOUIS A. EVERETT FUNERAL TOMORROW Senior Partner in Men's Furnish ings Firm Succumbs to Long Illness. Louis A. Everett, 67. senior partner of the firm of Louis A. Everett &. Son. dealers in men’s furnishings, died yesterday after a long illness at his home, 223 Pennsylvania avenue south east. A resident of this city for about 50 years. Mr. Everett began a men's fur nishing business 37 years ago at its present location. 223 Pennsylvania avenue southeast, where he lived. Later his son. Richard I. Everett, became a partner in the business. Mr. Everett was a member of the Southeast Business Men’s Association. Besides his son, he is survived by his widow. Mrs. Mary E. Everett; another son. Charles A. Everett, this city; three daughters, Sister Mary Angels of the Holy Cross Order. Lancaster, Pa.: Mrs. John L. Fitzgerald, this city, and Mrs. William A. Kelly, Silver Spring, Md.; 21 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 9 a m. tomorrow in St. Peter's Catholic Church. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Jit iHrmoriam. GEORGE. THOMAS LOGAN. In loving remembrance of our dear father and brother. THOMAS LOGAN GEORGE who departed this life four years ago today. July 26. 1933. Loved in life*, remembered in death DAUGHTER MARGARET. AND BROTH ER. FRANCIS. MILLS. ETHEL. Departed this lifp six years ago today. July 2»i. 1931. ETHEL MILLS, beloved mother of Leon. Richard I.. Ellsworth. William Mills; Mrs. Elsie Atkinson. Mrs. Geraldine Chapman and Mrs. Daisy Muse. THE FAMILY. MOORE. LULA. In loving remembrance of our dear mother and grandmother. LULA MOORE, who departed this life thirteen years ago today. SON AND GRANDCHILDREN. • ORAM. ALTIA M. In memory of our loving wife and mother. ALTIA M. ORAM, who passed to the great beyond five years aeo today. July 26. 1932. There Is only a step between. Peace be to her ashes. EDWARD W. ORAM. MARIE ORAM BLAKE. SPENCER. ANNIE P. Sacred to the mem ory of our dear beloved aunt. ANNIE P. SPENCER, who entered her heavenly home fourteen years ago today. July 26. 1923. The years may wipe out many sorrows. But this they wipe out never. The memory of the happy days When we were all together. HER NIECES. RENIE AND EVA. • THORNTON. JOHN ROBERT. In loving of my dear father. JOHN ROBERT THORNTON, who passed away five years ago today. July 26. 1932. Sunshine passes, shadows fall: Love s remembrance outlasts all. Ana though the years be many or few. They are filled with sweet memories, dear father, of you. LOVING DAUGHTER, JANIE. • Hill ‘Wmhiiujtmi mat Beautiful (^meteru CommonItr Mtoiolrom, Cnlomborinm •n4 Rfrnlrtaf Visit,. HOST TO PAGES TO RETIRE SOON Shannon Tells 46 at Dinner That One Group Runs Congress. Forty-six House pages gathered at the Mayflower last night for their fifth annual dinner, the next to the last which will be given by the host and founder of these events, Repre sentative Joseph B. Shannon of Mis souri. The genial Missourian told his young guests he is quitting Congress next year. "I was 70 in March," he said. “I’m a little tired and need a rest. Besides there's nothing to do nowadays. If it isn't one group running Congress it's another, and the rest of us just sit.” Shannon hopes some one else in the House will take over the dinners he has sponsored. The boys, whose ages range from 12 to 16, gave their friend an ovation and sang, "For He's a Jolly Good Fallow.” Johnny McCabe, for 19 years chief of Republican pages—now forced by exigencies of patronage to borrow a Democratic page when a member of his party needs one—was toastmaster. T. V. Martindalc, chief Democratic page, was kept away by illness. After devouring the Maryland fried chicken and other delicacies, the boys put on their own program. The House was satirized neatly in a number of speeches. Called to speak on "The Workings of Congress," William Paul of Cali fornia launched into an impassioned account of the Golden Gate Bridge. He didn't mention Congress, but he insisted this was as near to the point under debate as most Congressmen come. Earl Morgan. 13. of Alabama, re cited an original poem. There were musical numbers and other special ties, nearly every page contributing something to the entertainment. There was qnly one rule—speeches must be brief. Assistant Secretary of War Johnson also gave a short talk, saying if he had his way. his title would be as sistant secretary for peace. DAVID NOLAN DIES, WAS TAX OFFICIAL Chief of Kansas City Office of In ternal Revenue Bureau Was 55 Years Old. David Nolan. 53. agent in charge of the Kansas City office of the Internal Revenue Bureau and widely Kflhwn as a tax Investigator, died yesterday in Kansas City, officials here were ad vised today. Mr. Nolan had been in declining health for some time and friends at tributed his death in part to worry over the sudden death of his wife in Washington about two years ago He never got over the shock, his friends said. Nolan figured in a number of im portant investigations for the Intelli gence Unit and the Income Tax Divi sion in various sections of the country and was well known in Washington. He was born in Indianapolis. He entered the internal revenue service as a special field agent in 1920. In 1924 he was placed in charge of the Kansas City office, which directs ac tivities in Missouri, Kansas, Okla homa and Arkansas He was stricken fatally after going to his office Wed nesday. MRS. JULIA FARNSWORTH SUCCUMBS HERE AT 84 Widow of Union Veteran Had Been 111 Long—Funeral Serv ices at. 9:30 A.M. Tomorrow. Mrs. Julia E. Farnsworth, 84. widow of Calvin Farnsworth, Union Army veteran and at one time commander of the Department of the Potomac. Grand Army of the Republic, died yesterday after a long illness at her home. 2131 First street. Mrs. Farnsworth was a native of Baltimore, but had been a Washington resident about 60 years. Her husband was employed in the Government here. She leaves a daughter, Miss Almena J. Farnsworth. Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a m tomorrow in Hyson's par lors, 1300 N street. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. --- Sea Waves Harnessed. Capt. Finocchi of Rome has in vented a motor that utilizes the waves of the sea to create electricity. Mar coni is said to have had faith in the invention. The Italian National Research Committee will help finance a plant in Somaliland. Africa, to test the motor on a large scale. FLOWERS _'CUPDHT CIRCLE H0.7000 DOCTORS RECOMMEND Cliamberj AMBULANCES any place J in the city Phone Columbia 0432 One of the Largest Undertaken in the World. ADVERTISEMENT. Avoid Intestinal Fatigue Many people suffering from Intestinal Fatigue, commonly called Constipation, do not know what it is to feel good. One or two E-Z Tablets for a day or two are just what these people need. They have more “pep” and step livelier than in years. Dizziness, tired feeling, headaches, when due to constipation, disappear. Surely makes a difference. See for yourself. You get 60 little E-Z Tablets for 25c. At all good drug stores. JOSEPH A. JAEGLE, 80, FORMER MARINE, DIES Retired From Band in 1910. Funeral Services Set To morrow. Joseph A. Jaegle, 80, retired member of the United States Marine Band, with which he served for many years, died yesterday after a short illness at his home, 710 E street southeast. Mr. Jaegle, who retired from the band in 1910, had played under sev eral famous lead ers and was a close friend of the late Capt. William H. Santelmann. Mr. Jaegle had accompanied the band on its many tours. He played Lhe French horn with the band and the ’cello in the band's orchestra. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth K Jaegle, this city; five nieces and three nephews, who live in Pennsylvania. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at the residence. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery. -• RITES SET TOMORROW FOR WILLIAM T. OWENS Special Dispatch to The Star. BETHESDA. Md„ July 26.—Wil liam Thomas Owens, 67, retired con tractor and lifelong resident of Mont gomery County, died yesterday at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Claude V. Hyson, 104 McKinley street. Bethesda. He had been in poor health for several years. Besides his wife and daughter he Is survived by a son, T. Calvin Owens, Bethesda; two sisters, Mrs. Walter S. Hoye of Luisa, Va , and Mrs.- James A. Hopkins of Waynesboro, Va., and three grandchildren. The funeral will take place at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hyson, burial to be in Rockville Union Cemetery. M Silver Spring Resident Long Prominent in Civic and Club Work. Mrs. Charlotte D. Beers of Silver Spring, one of Montgomery County’s outstanding civic workers and club women, died last night at her home, after a long illness. A native of Canada, Mrs. Beers spent the early part of her life in Rochester, N. Y.. and attended Colum bia University in New York City. She was a graduate nurse and during the World War served in France with the American Red Cross. During Mrs. Beer's residence in Montgomery she has played a prom inent part in civic and woman's club activities. She has also been active in Girl Scout work and in public health movements. Headed Library. Two projects for which she is di rectly responsible are the Silver Spring Public Library and the audiometer now in use in the public and parochial schools of the county. Through her efforts the school board supplemented the audiometer tests with a lip-reading teacher and a semi-monthly clinic for hard-of-hearing pupils. Both projects were begun in the early part of 1931, when Mrs. Beers, as a member of the Woman’s Im provement Club of Silver Spring, pre vailed upon the group to purchase the audiometer and to establish a library. Mrs. Beers was elected president of ] 1 the Silver Spring Public Library As- 1 | sociation w hen it w as organized. Octo- | her 10. 1931, and held that office continuously for five years. until | she was forced to resign because of ill health. She remained on the Board of Trustees, however, until a few months ago. Survivors Listed. Among other organizations in which Mrs. Beers was active was the East 1 Silver Spring Parent-Teacher Asso elation, of which she was former' president; the Parent-Teacher Asso ciation of the Takoma-Silver Spring Junior High School, the Woman's Improvement Club and the Blair Citi zens' Association, in both of which she served as president; Cissel-Saxon Unit, American Legion Auxiliary; the Silver Spring Chapter of the American Red Cross, the Silver Spring Public Health Lay Committee and Troop No. 51 of the Girl Scouts, of which she was at one time captain. She was also an honorary member of the Horne Interest Club of Forest Glen, Surviving are her husband. Dr. Lloyd Y. Leers, chief of the Dental Di vision of the United States Veterans’ Administration; a daughter, Charlotte; a sister, Mrs. Gilbert Mason of Roch ester, N. Y., and a brother, E. F. Dann of Plainfield, N. J. Funeral arrange ments have not been completed. Grafted Tooth Grows. That a tooth grafted in an 11-year old boy's jaw is growing again is re ported by attendants at the dental hospital in Aalborg. Jutland. The lad’s molar was knocked out in an accident, which broke his Jaw. The surgeon had the tooth grafted into the fracture, and it is now sound and healthy. JAMES CROSSER DIES; SON OF REPRESENTATIVE ~ _ • James Crosser, 21, son of Represen tative Crosser, Democrat, of Ohio, died last night in a Cleveland hospital after a long illness, according to word received here. His father left here Friday and was there when his son died Mr. Crosser had lived in Washing ton at intervals for several years and four years ago was graduated with honors from Central High School Besides his father, he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Isabelle Crosser; a brother, Robert, and two sisters, Miss Barbara Crosser, Cleveland, and Mrs. Justine Sweeney, whose husband. Charles A. Sweeney, is an attorney for the Federal Trade Commission here Funeral services will be held at 2 30 pin. tomorrow in Cleveland. RESORTS. ATLANTIC MTV, N. J. The Ambassador ATLANTIC CITY. OCEAN-CITY~N.—T ‘ * ROOSEVELT INN * Roomv runninc water; meals, excellent table. *17..">0 week *? block from Beach. Bathin* privilege* free, »2 rate for chil dren. Phone I.HOK-W. Quality and Price Joseph Gawler'* Son* has been engaged in provid ing funeral services of the finest character since 1850. Todav these services are offered here at prices to suit every family’s means, as shown by these charges for 1,000 consecutive adult funeral ■ervlces. Price Ranee Number Service*. I.ess than $200_ 128 $201 to $300. 186 $301 to $400. 212 $401 to $500. 194 $501 to $600._ 135 $601 to $900 . 114 More than $900 _ 31 U>00 Joseph Gawlcr-s Sons, Inc. Funeral Directors Since ISS0 Chapel Cremations Alfred B. Gawler Walter A Gawler William A. Gawler Joseph H. Gawler 1*50-2-4-6-8 Pentni. Ave. N.W. NAtional 5512 There's a Good Reason for EVERYTHING Washington F urniture Stores PREFER Jikf JL Advertising Will it be mahogany, walnut, maple or oak .. . Sheraton, Duncan Phyfe or Colonial? This is typical conversation in a Washington furniture store hut . . . you rarely hear about the inside operation of these institutions; here are a few- highlights. Fine woods are gathered from all parts of the world; fine designing and finishing take artists and much time;, furniture can't be made in a minute like a soda-water; vast warehousing facilities are needed; although unit prices of furniture are large as compared with other necessities yet modern financing makes possible its enjoyment at a very small outlay of money. To beautify Washington homes at the least possible cost and at a legitimate profit, Washing ton furniture stores depend upon newspaper ad vertising to a great extent; Washington furniture stores, incidentally, buy MORE lines of Star Advertising than any other; this preference is because Star Advertising brings RESULTS and because THIS is true . . . Star Advertising is the MOST economical to use in Washington. 'jg Phone Rational 5000; your call will bring an Evening Star representative to help you icith your advertising problems; he will show you HOW' to advertise more effectively, more eco nomically and . . . with GREATER results. ADVERTISING in BRINGS RESULTS _ ____4 V . 1