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Utilities and Communica tions Improve—U. S. Is sues Remain Steady. Bond Averages 50 in in in Rails. Indust. Util. F'gn. Net change. Une. +.1 +.1 —·2 Today, noon 92.8 103 1 98.2 73 1 Previous day 92 8 103.0 98 1 73.3 Month ago— 91.3 102.3 96.2 72 5 Year ago. .. 93 6 103.4 102 6 69 3 1937 high.— 99 0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low 90.9 102.2 95 8 70.5 1936 high... 98 2 104 4 103 1 73.0 1936 low 86.9 101 8 99 3 67.6 1932 low 45.8 40.0 64 6 42.2 1928 high...101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon 111.2 Prev. day. 111.2 Month ago 110.1 Year ago. 111.6 1937 high. 113.7 1937 low.. 108.4 1936 high. 113.5 1936 low.. 110.2 1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 26.—Prices were mixed as the bond market milled in decisively today. Government obli gations were steady and quiet while the domestic corporate list was uneven. Utilities showed a little improvement and communication issues were better. Columbia Gas & Electric 5s and Inter national Hydro Electric 6s edged up minor fractions. Consolidated Edison } SSs were unchanged, while Utilities Power & Light 5s fell down a bit. Convertibles went lower with stocks. Youngstown 3'-s lost about ·3 points and Studebaker 6s gave ground. Foreign dollar issues were marked by weakness in Japanese loans, which were off as much as 3 points. American Telephone 3'«s and In ternational Telephone 5s tilted forward fractionally and Western Union 5s were unchanged. Carrier liens were irregular with no concerted move either way. IMPORTANT DIVIDEND ACTIONS SCHEDULED By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 26.—Impartant I dividend meetings during the week j Include United States Steel. Consoli- I dated Edison, Borden Co.. Butler I Bros.. Chicago Mail Order, American ! Tobacco, Armstrong Cork. Fairbanks ] Morse. Ingersoll Rand. Westinghouse Electric. Tidewater Aw>ciated Oil, ! Associated Dry Goods. Hazel Atlas \ Glass and Pillsbury Flour Mills. Action on clearing up all arrears on ! the preferred stock has been expected from the U. S. Steel meeting, to be 1 held Tuesday. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK July 26 V —New York Security Dealers' Association (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.' Bid. Asked. Bk Of Man <V/a) . _ _ 32 34 Bankers Tr <2) __ *>'»x2 HS1 a . Bklyn Tr · 4 > 12* 1 33 Cèn Η«ηΒκλ·Τπ4> _ 12* 131 I Chase Nat 11.40) 51'2 53la I Chem Bk Sc Tr (1.80» . . H:l': fi.Vj ; Commercial (8> _ 1H8 104 : Cont Bk Λ: Tr ( 80 > _____ J 7 IS'ji Corn Ex Bk & Τ Ci) _ . 03'4 β4>4 ' Empire Tr ' 1 ) 30 .'{1 First Nat (Bos) (2). __ 5034 52 First Natl «100) 2230 2*:7<» Guaranty Tr (1*2)-.. 321 327 Irvine Tr « «Οι 15'h 16 Manufacturers Tr <2) . _ 53'2 55 Manufacturers Tr pi (2) ό»» 52 1 Natl City <1 ) IT 40 I Ν Y Trust <5> ... 134'2 137*6 Public <ll2a) 43,,2 4 51 ^ | Title Ολ·Τ 11 '2 lV/2\ a—Extras. FEDERAL LAND BANKS NEW YORK. July 26 (&).—Federal Land Bank bonds Rate. Maturity. B:d. Asked. 41 «s Nov 1958-38 10234 Id? | 414S May 1957-37 . . _ 1"1 101 Λ 4s May 195S-38. 1ο23β 1025Η! 4s Nov 1 '.lr>7 -37 1<><»7h lOl'si 4s July 1946-44 _ . ' "'»T« 11 λ 1 3!4S May 1955-45 . . 102T* 103** 3s July 1055-45 . 101>8 ΙΟΙ®*» 3s Jan 1956-46 _ 101 ' « ΙΟΙ3*! 3s May 1950-46 101 ]a 101·' CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO July 2»! <P).—Poultry, live 30 trucks, steady: hen^. 4^ pounds up 20: less than 4*2 pouno*. 1 o12; Leghorn hens. 14: fryers, colored. 20: Plymouth Rock. 22: White Rock 23: barebacks IS: broilers colored. 20; Plymouth and White Rock. 22 barebacks. \~: Leghorn. lH'a; Springs colored. 21: Plymouth Rock. 22'2; White Rock. 24:' barebacks. 10: roosters. 14: Leghorn roosters, 13: turkeys, hens. 15: toms. 14: No. 2 turkeys 13: ducks, white and colored. 4'j pounds up. 12; small. 1 1 ; geesp 1 2 Butter. 13,698. steady: creamery, spe cials (93 score). 31*2-32: extras (92*. 31; extra firsts '90-91). 3034: firsts (88-89), 29V4-30: seconds (84l2-87»; 24-27V2; standards <90. centralized carlots). 31. Eggs. 14.350. weak: extra firsts, local. 19%: cars. 20" 4 : fresh graded firsts, local. 19' « cars. 193«; current receipts. 18»4: storage packed firsts 20'2. Potatoes. 197: on track. 308; total United States shipments. Saturday. 491: Sunday. 52. California stock slightly at ronger. Missouri Cobblers steady, de mand good. Eastern Cobblers dull, de mand slow Western Bliss Triumphs slightly weaker, demand slow: supplies rathrr liberal. Sacked, per cwt.: Califor nia^, White Rose, U. S. No. 1. mostly 2.50: car baker size. 2.25: U S. commercial, car, 2.30: Idaho Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1, 1.50a 1.70; Cobblers. Missouri. U. S No. 1 and partly graded. 1.00a 1.20, mostly 1.15a 1.20: U. S No. 2. few sales. 60a05; Kansas, U. S. No 1 and partly graded, lew sales. 1.05a 1.25; New Jersey. U. S. No 1. few sales. 1.35a 1.40: Delaware, U. S. No. 1. few sales. 1.40: Nebraska. U. S. No. 1 and partly graded, 1,30a 1.35; Oregon Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1, car. 1.70. track sales less than carlots. Idaho Russet Burbanks, U. S. No. 1. 2.50. CRUDE OIL PRICES. TUI-SA Okla.. July 26 </Fi.—Base crude ©il prices Midcontiner.t area—Oklahoma Kansas, gravity scale. i»Kc to $l..i(i; North. North Central and West Central Texas, gravity scale, H8c to $1.20: East Texas. |l *5. West Texas 'Permian Basin*, gravity scale, 84c to $1.<)K; North Louisiana-Ar kansas. gravity scale i*Hc to $1.22. Rocky Mountain area—Salt Creek. Wyo.. gravity êcale. J»8c to $1.30. Eastern area—Pennsylvania grade. Brad ford-Allegany). S2.82: same grade in Southwest Pennsylvania lines. $2.57: same crade in Eureka lines. $2.52: same grade In Buckeye lines. $2.37; Corning. $1.42. π. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury July 2:!: Receipts. $1« 125.387.73; expenditures. SlH.0H8.n3T.71 ; balance, $2.594.1 8((. 624.17; customs receipts for the month. 830,061.228.53. Receipts for the fiscel year (since July 1i. S316.718.n77.72; expenditures. #513. f>40,229.67. including $14H.H27,955.37 of emergency expenditures; excess of ex penditures. Sin7.221.261.n.V gross deht. $36.661.168.099.55. an increase of $868. 43R.09 over the previous dav: eold ns jets fl2.420.O34.2Hi.5» Including $1, 188.626.978.83 of inactive gold. RAILWAY INCOME. NEW YORK. July 2H uPi.—Net operat ing income (before fixed charges and other Income ι of railroads reporting today for June Included; 1937. 1930. Atchison . 3.783.4H8 1.787.359 Baltimore '& Ohio _ 2,019.(118 2.477.890 Colo. & Southern 145.198 4.147 Louisville A Nash l,349.rtl'i 1.535.077 M.. St. P. ft Marie 237.4I2t .'<73.64If Northern Pacific 1.684.088 544.987 Western Pacific _ 202,05Ut 343.4231 tDeficit. REICHSBANK STATEMENT. BERLIN. July 2H ιΛ^ι.—The Reichsbank «tatemtut as of July 23 shows the follow ing changes >iη thousands of reicfcsmarksl : Notes in circulation. 4.577.000; decrease, «η.000. Gold (ill,074: increase 43. For eign currency reserves, 6.030; increase. 88. Other bills of exchange and checks. 4.664. 074; decrease 150,456. Other daily ma turing obligations. H6H inT; decrease 40. SflS Advances, 36.829; decrease. H5 In ■resfjrents. 104.180; decrease, 35 Ratio ef iold and foreign currency to notes. 1.6 9*r cert. Rate of discount, 4 per cent. BONDS ON Ν. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE ■ι ρητκι wir· airtot to ta· iur. All time shown below l> diyliihl ικτΙηι on which the Exchanc· ii now operatlnc. Approximate Transactions Today. U S Govt Bonds ... 290.000 Foreign Bonds . 910,000 Domestic Bonds... 4,030.000 TREASURY. Hiïh. Low. Close. 2Us 1949-53 98.28 98.25 98.26 2 ^4 8 1945-47 103.8 103.8 103.8 2\s 1948-51 101.23 101.13 101.13 2 11» s 1951-54 100.11 100.11 100.11 2 s 1956-59 100.8 100.8 100.8 2 Tie 1955-60 . 101.9 101.7 101.7 2 % s 1955-60 reg 101.4 101.4 101.4 3s 1946-48 105. 104.30 104.30 3s 1951-65 103.10 103.8 103.10 3HS 1946-49 105.17 105.17 105.17 3%s 1949-52 105.7 105.7 105.7 3^sl941 106.15 106.15 106.15 3 % s 194 4-46 106.29 106.29 106.29 3%s 1941-43 Mar 106.12 106.11 106.11 4s 1944-54 112.10 112.7 112.7 4V«s 1947-52 .... 116.28 116.28 116.28 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2-i;s 1942-47 102.4 102.4 102.4 3s 1947 104. 104. 104. 3s 1949 103.8 103.8 103.8 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 2\is 1942-44 101.26 101.26 101.26 2 %iS 1939-49 101.8 101.5 101.8 3s 1952 102.31 102.29 102.29 FOREIGN 80NDS. HlBh. Low. Close. Abltibt Pa&Pw 5s'53 99'-< 98% 98% Adriatic Elec 78'52._ 79% 79% 79"* Antioquia 7s 45 A 13 13 13 Antioquia 7s '45 Β 13 13 13 Antioquia 7s 45 D 12% 12% 12% Antwerp 6s'58 102 . 102 102 Argentine 4s '72 93% 93 93% Argentine 4%s'71... 101% 101 >i 101'.. Argentine 6s 57 A .. 100% 100% 100% Argentine 6s 61 May. lOlfl, 101 fl, 101 ft Argentine 6s'60 Sept 100% 100 s. 100% Argentine 6s 60 Oct. 100<|? 10048 100H Australia 4%s'56 102% 102% 102% Australia 5s'55 106% 106% 106% Australia 5s'57 106'« 106% 106% Austrian 7s 57 103'3 103'a 103'.a Belgium 6%s'49 109% 109% 109% Belgium 7s 55 117'a 117% 117Va Brazil 6>,is'26-'57 44 43% 44 Brazil 6%s'27-'57 44 43% 43% Brazil 7s'52 44 43% 43% Brazil 8s 41 53'» 52% 53% Brisbane 5s'57 102% 102 102% Brisbane 5s'58 103 102 103 Brisbane 6s'50 102% 102% 102% Buenos A4 Hs-4 ?is'75 83% 83% 83% Buenos A C 6%s '55 .. 102 102 102 Buen A 4%-4%s '77 . 82 81% 82 Buenos A 4^.s 76 Aug 82% 82% 82% Bulgaria 7s'67 26% 26% 26%' Bulgaria 7V4s'68 28 28 28 Canada 2V4s'45 99% 99% 99% rano^a 5o 'C7 Λ" n" Canada 3i4s '61 99% 99*» 99% Canada 4s 60 107 107 107 Canada 5s'B2 113% 113'» 113 Chile 6s 63 20% 2OS 20% Chile 7s 42 . 21 20", 21 Chile Mlg Bk 6s'61.. 17». 17'» 17% Colombia 6s 61 Jan.. 29% 29'» 29% Colombia 6s'61 Oct _ 29% 29'» 29% Copenhagen 4 !2s'53. 99% 99>* 99% Copenhagen 6s'62 100% 100% 100% Costa Rica 7s'51 A 34% 34% 34% Cuba 6 tu s 45 68 67 6 H Denmark G%s '55 101τι 101% 101% Denmark 6s 42 105% 105·»» 105% Ger C Bk A 6s'60 July 40 40 40 GerOov 5^s 65 st 29% 29 29 Ger Gov 5%s'65 un st 28 28 28 Ger Rep 7s 49 stpd 35 35 35 GrtCEl Jap 614s'50- 92% 92 92% Grt C El Jap 7s'44 97% 97% 97% Greek Gov 6s'68 34 34 34 Haiti 6s'52 101 101 101 Italy 7s'51 86% 86 86 Japan 5Hs'6t> 82 81 81 Japan 6%s '54 96% 94% 94% Kreug&Toll 5s'59 cfs 27% 27% 27% Medelln 6%s '54 12% 12% 12% Mexico 5s'45 asst em. 5% 5% 5% Milan 6%s 52 72 72 72 Minas Gers 6*4s '58 30% 30% 30% Minas Gers 6 %s '59 30 29% 30 Monter ideo 6s '59 64 64 64 Norway 4s 63 99% 99% 99'» Norway 4 % a '65 102% 102 102'» Norway 6s 43 105% 105% 105% Norw Mun Bk 5s '70.. 103 103 103 Oriental Dev 6%s'58.' 73% 73% 73% Oriental Dev 6s'53 80 79% 79% Oslo G & Ε 5s '63 101% 101% 101% Paris Orl Ry 5%s'68. 92% 92 92 Paulista Ry 7s '42 92 92 92 Pernambuco 7s '47 27 26% 27 Peru 6s 60 20% 20 20% Peru 6s "61.. 20% 20 20% Peru 7s'59 21% 21% 21% Poland 6s'40 56% 56% 56% Poland 7s'47 73 73 73 Poland 8s '50 53 52% 53 Prague Gtr 7%s '52 99% 97 "99% Rhine W El Ρ 6»'53._ 26 26 26 Rio de Jan 6%s 5S 28% 28% 28% Rio Gr ilo Sul 6s 6 8 _ . 27'* 21 21 ' * RioGrnoSul 7s '66 __ 28 27% 28 Rio Gr do Sul 7s'67 27% 27% 27% Rome6%s'52 74'* 74's 741*. Roumania 7s '59 40% 40% 40% Sao Paulo C 6"as'57.. 27% 27% 27% =ao Paulo St 6s '68.28% 28% 28% Sao Paulo St 7s 40 96 96% 96 5ao Paulo St 7s'56... 32 32 32 Sao Paulo St 8s '36 42 41 42 Serbs 7s '62 ... 28% 28% 28% shin'su Ε Ρ 6 % β '52 85% 85% 55% ■ityria 7s'46. 98 98 98 Sydney 5'.is'55 105% 105 105 Tokio 6'/* s '61 78% 78% 78% Tokio Ε Ε Ltd 6s '53.. 77'n 77% 77% Trondhiem 5%s'67 . 100'., ΙΟΟ'ι 100% Tyrol Hy El 7 % s'65-, 99% 99% 99% Uruguay 6s'60 68% 68% 68% Uruguay 6a '64 68% 68% 68% Vienna 6s'52 99 99 99 UUMt: I H. DUINUi. \iiams Express 4s '48 1014 1014 Mm Exp 44 s '4fi std 102 102 Mb Per VV Ρ 6s'48 ww 67 67 klleg Corp 5s 44 974 964 UleiCorpBs 49 88'/* 88 kllee Corp 6s 80 stp 63 63 killed Stores 448'BO 1004 1004 krn A For Pw Bs 2030 804 80 km Ice cv 5s 63 97 97 km 1 Q Ch 6 V4 β '<9 1064 106** Vm IntlB4s 49 1054 1054 km Τ Α Τ 34ε '61... 1004 994 km Τ & Τ 3 >48 66 100 994 kmT&T44s 39— 1044 1044 km Τ& Τ 54s 43 1124 1124 knaconda deb 44· 'BO 1064 106 knglo-Chll Nit 7s '67 37 37 krmonr(Pel)lst 4s'5S 984 98 Vrmour (Del) 48 "67 974 97s» k TAS F· ad 1 4s '95 at 1054 105 k T&S Fe gen 48 '95.. 1114 1114 k TAS Fe 44s 4 8 1094 1094 ktl Coast L 1st 48 '52 1034 1034 ktl Coast L clt 4b '52. 96 954 Iktl C L un 4 48'64 . 93 93 ttl Coast Line 5a 46. 1044 1044 Β & Ο 1st 4S 48 105 105 Ft A Ο 44s 60 70 694 Β AO let Be 48 1114 1114 Β & Ο ref 5s 2000 D-_ 794 794 Β A Ο 6s '96 F 80 79 Β Α Ο ref 5s 95 A 814 81 Β Α Ο ref 6s 95 C 934 924 Β & Ο PLEAW V4s'41 1034 1034 Β & Ο Swn 58 BO .. 1034 1034 RancAAroos 4s 61 109 1084 Bell Tel of Pa 6s'60 C 1254 1254 Beth Steel 34· «6 ... 964 964 Beth Steel 44s 60... 1044 1044 Bos A Me 5e '67 794 794 Bos Ν Y A L 4s '55... 24!a 244 Bot Con M 64s '34 ... 244 244 Bot Con M 64s'34 ct 234 234 Bklyn Ed con 3 4· '66 1014 1014 Bklyn Man Τ 44· '66 Bklyn Un El 5· '60 . Bklyn Un Gas 5s "50.. Bklyn Un Gas 6s '45.. Brown Shoe 3 4s '50 Buff RAP con 44s'67 Bush Term con 6s '65 CamaR 7e 42 etfe Can'dlan NR 44e '61. Can'dlan NR 44e '66 Can'dian NR 44e '67 Can'dlan NR5s'69 Oct Can'dlan Ν ôs'69 July Can'dlan Ν db 6 4s'46 Can'dlan Ρ db 4s perp Can dlan Pac 44e 46 Çan'dlan Pao 44e 60 Can'dlan Pac Be '54 Carth A Ad 4s '81 gtd. Cent III Ε A G 6s 61 904 90 1034 103 944 944 113 113 1064 1064 834 83V* 06 69 244 24 1134 1134 1134 1134 1124 1124 118 1174 1164 1164 1244 1244 934 934 1044 1044 103 103 107 83 102 Cer.t Ν England 4s'61 69 Cent of Ga 6s '59 C Π Cent Pac 5s '60 984 Cert'd deb 6 4s'48 ... 814 Ches A Ο 3 4s 96 D 98 Chee A Ο 3 4· '96 Β... 98 Ο gen 44· '»S 122 106H 83 1014 69 164 974 81 974 98 1214 -&Ocon5· 39 1064 1064 1014 102 67 964 88 63 1004 804 97 1064 1054 994 100 1044 1124 1064 37 984 974 1054 1114 1094 1034 954 93 1044 105 694 1114 794 97 81 924 1034 1034 1084 1254 964 1044 794 244 244 234 1014 90 1034 944 113 1064 834 69 24 1134 1134 1124 1174 1164 1244 934 1044 103 1064 83 102 69 164 974 814 98 98 122 1064 i Hlïh. Low, Close. Chl & Alt ref 3β'49 61% 51% 51% Chi B&Q gen 4e'58 112% 112% 112% Chi B&Q 4 %e '77 110% 110 110 Chi B&Q ref 5s '71 117 117 117 Chi B&Q1 dlv 3 Ha '49 108% 108% 108% Chi & Ε 111 5s'51 32% 32% 32% Chl & Ε 111 5s'51 ctfe 31'4 31% 31% Chi Grt West 4s '59 __ 39% 39 39 Chl I&L een 5s'66 __ 11% 11% 11% Clil Ind & So 4s '56 ... 103 103 103 C M & St Ρ 4s '89 49% 49% 49% CM&StP en 4%s'89 C 53 52% 62% CM&StP&P adj5s2000 8% 8', 8% C Μ Λ St Ρ 5s '75 25V, 24% 25 Ch) &NW sen 8%s'87 34% 34'4 34% Cht & NW 4%· 2037 23 23 23 Chi & NW 4 % s 2037 C 23% 23 23 Chi & NW 4%s 49... 15% 15% 15% Chl R I&P rf 4s 34 .. 19% 19% 19% Chl R l&P Ren 4s'R8. 32% 32 32% Cht RI&P 4s '88 ctfs.. 31% 31% 3IV4 Cht R l&P 4He '52 18% 18% 18% Chl R f&P 4%s 60 . 10% 10% 10% Chl Τ H&S Inc 5s'60. 78% 78% 78% Chl & W In con 4s '52 104% 104% 104% Chi & W Ind 4 H s '62. 102% 102% 102% ClnG&E3%e66 101% 101% 101% Chl Un Sta 3%s 63 Ε 108% 108% 108% Cin Un Term 5s'57 C. 106% 106% 106% CCC&St L pen 4s '93.. 102% 102% 102% Clev Un Ter 4 %s '77. 102% 102% 102% Clev Un Ter 5· '73 Β.. 107% 107% 107% Colo F & I 5s 10 86 86 86 Columbia G & Ξ 5s '52 May. 101% 101 101% Columbia G&E 5s'61. 99% 99 99 Colurn Ry P&L 4s '65. 106% 106% 106% Cornel Credit 3 % s "61 97 97 97 Conn R Pw 3£s 61 A 104% 104% 104% Cons Ed Ν Y 3 % s ' 46 105% 105% 105% Cons Gas XT 4%s '61 107% 107 107% Consol Oil 3%s'61 . 103% 103% 103% Consum Pwr 3%s '66 100% 100% 100% Consum Ρ un 3%β '65 104 104 104 Consum Pwr 3%s '70. 102% 102 102% Container deb 5s'43.. 101% 101% 101% Crown C & S 4s '50 106 106 106, Crown Will Ρ 6s '61.. 105% 105% 105% Cuba Nortnn 6 %s'42 49 4H% 48% Dayton P&L 3%s '60. 105 104% 104% Del & Hud ref 4s 43.. 90% 90% 90% Del I' & L 4% s'69 ... 102% 102% 102% Den & R G con 4s '36. 27% 27 27% Den & R G 4%s 36 ... 29 28% 29 Den & R G W 5s'55 . 15% 14% 14% Den & RGW 5s'55asst 15% 15 15 Den & R G ref 5s '78 . 21 21 21 Det Edison 3%s '66 104% 104% 104% Det Edison 4%s '61 D 114% 114% 114% Duquesne Lt 3%s'65 106% 105% 105% Elec Auto Lite 4s '52. 109% 109% 109% Erie cv 4s '53 A 82 81 SI Erie «en 4s ' 1'6 80% 80% 80% Erie ref 5s '67 74 73% 73% Erie ref 5s'75 74 73% 73·% Erie Gen Riv 6s'57... 118% 118% 118% Fairhks Morse 4s 56 104% 104 104% Fla EC Ry 6s '74 12% 11% 11% Fond J & R 4s'82 filed 3% 3% 3% Gen Cable 5%s '47 105% 105% 105% Gen Mot Acc 3e 45... 102% 102% 102% Goodrich 4Vis'56 100"» 100% 100% Goodrich 6s 45 104% 104% 104% Goodyear T&R 5s'57. 105 104% 105 Grt Nr Ry 3\s '67 95% 95% 95% Great Ν Ry 49 46 G._ 130 '.29', 129% j Grt Ν Ry 4s 46 Η .110 109V 110 Gt X R gn 4'»s '76 D 106'i 108 106'·* Grt Ν Κ χη 4',is '77 Κ 1054 1105'* Grt Ν R 51-28 62 Β _. 11 7"β li74 117"* Green Bay 5s '62 Β 12 11V 12 | Gulf States Util 4s'66 103 102V 102V j Hoe (R) let mte '44.. 934 93 934 I Hudson Coal 6s'6a __ 474 46', 46V I Hud & Man Inc 6s '5T_ 27 264 27 Hud & Man ref 5s '57. 634 634 634 111 Bell Tel 3%e'70 .. 106 106 106 111 Cent col tr 4s'53 741 a 741 a 744 111 Cent ref 4s'55 82 82 82 111 Cent 4-%s '66 67 66 V 66*4 ICC&Sl L Ν Ο 4]/4s'63 704 70 70 ICC&St L Ν Ο 6s 63.. 7f> 74 74 Inland Stl 3\s 61 . 1054 105 1054 Int RT 1st rf 5s'66 66 64 644 1 R Τ 1st rf 5s'66 ctfs 634 634 634 Int R Τ 6s'32 27 264 26"·, Int R Τ 7s '32 70 69s» 69V Interlake Iron 4a '47- 100', 994 994 Int Grt Nr âs 56 Β 32 32 32 Int Grt Nr 6s'52 A 34 33 33 Int Hydro Elec 63 '44 84 83 84 Int Mer Marine 6s'41 74% 74'. 74'* Int Pap 1st 5s'47 Α.. 102 101V» 101 'a Int Pap ref 6s'65 98", 9S4 98V Int T&T cv 4H* 39 92 91V 91V i Int T&T 44s '62 704 70 70 Int T&T 5s '55 . 76V 76'. 76V4 Iowa C lst&rf 4a'61-, 6 V 6'4 6>, James F & C 4a '39 95V 95' 3 95V Jones&L Stl 4Vis'61A 104V 1044 104V Kans C F S&M 4s '36. 49 49 49 Kans C So 1st 3s 60._ 85 85 85 Kane C Ter 1st 4s'60. 1084 1084 1084 KansGtE4H«'80... 104 104 104 Kinfrs Co El 4s '49 98V 98*$ 98V : Laclede Gas 6»'39 954 054 95k· Laclede G 6%s'53 C-. 59 V 59V 59V Lautaro Nit 1975s 35V 344 354 Let) V'alHar6s'54 101 1004 1004 Leh V Ρ con 4a 2003.. 53V 534 534 Leli V Ρ con 4 4s 2003 58'* 57V 57V Leh V RR con 5s 2003 65'$ 65'a 65'a Loevr's 3^9 46 100 100 100 Lon* Isl gen 4s '38 1024 1024 1024 La&Ark5s 69 _ 89V 89V 89V Louisv G&E 34s'66. 102 102 102 L & Ν 1st 4s 2003 99'a 99'» 99',s L & Ν unif 4s '40 107 107 107 L & Ν 5a 2003 Β 109V 109V 109V L & Ν St L 3s '80 89 89 89 McKess&Rob 64s'50 104 103V 103V Man S 1st 7 4s'42ctfs 66V 66V 66% Manhat Ry 4s '90 434 434 434 Manhat Ry 4s'90 ctfs 40 40 40 Marion St) Shov 6s'47 964 964 964 Mead Co 6s'45 .. 105 104V 105 Met Ed 1st rf 4%s '68 1084 1084 IO84 Mich Cent 4',4s "79 1054 1054 1054 Mil El R&L 6s '61 ... 103 103 103 Minn & St L rf 4a'49. 5 5 5 Minn & St L 5s '62 Α.. 44 44 44 MStP&SSM en 4s'38 204 204 204 MStP&SSM rf 6s'46A 17 16 16 Mo 1115s'59 ... 59 5» 59 Mo Κ & Τ 1st 4a '90 87 87 87 Mo Κ & Τ 4s 62 Β 6 14 674 674 Mo Κ & Τ 6s '62 Α 79 784 79 Mo Κ & Τ adj 5a '67 674 67 67 mo i-ac «s ι ο . - — Mo Pac 5s '65 A ctfs_„ Mo Pac 6s *7 7 F — Mo Pac 6s 77 F ctfs— Mo Pac 5s "80 H Me Paciflo 6s· 81 I Mo Pac 6%s 49 A — Mob & Ohio 4%s '"7 Mononp Pub S 4%s'60 Μοηοηκ Pub S 6* '65. Mont Pwr S^> 66 Morris & Es 3 % s 2000 Morris&Essex 4%8'55 MorrlsiiEasei 5s '55 Natl Dairy 3i»s'51ww Natl Dis Ρ C4%S '45. Natl Steel 4s 65 New Ε T&T 41/sS 61 New Ε T&T 1st 5s'52 New OrlGNR 5s '83 A New Orl Ρ S 5s '52 A New Orl Ρ S 6s 65 Β - New Or Ter let 4s '53 New Orl T&M 5s *54 Β New Orl T&M 58*56 C New Orl T&M 5Vi!S'54 NOT&M 5s'54 Β cfs Ν Y Central 3%s '52 NY Central 3%s "97 — NY Central 3%s 46.. NY Cent con 4s 98 - NY Cent rf 4Vis 2013. NY C rf 4%s 2013 n— NY Cent rf 6s 2013 ... NY C L. Sh 3%s '98 - NYC Mich C3',js '98 NY Chi & St L 4s 4β NYC&St L 4%s'78 NYC&St L5HS'74 A. NY Chi & St L 6s 38.. NY Dock 6s '38 NY EJis ref 3%s'66.. NY L.& W 1st 4s '78 — NYL&W4Hs'73 — NY NH & HS^i '56— NY NH ft Η 4s '57 NY NH ft Η 4 f '67 „ NY NH ft H cv 6s'4S. NY O&W Ken 4· 65._ NY O&W ref 4s 9Ϊ — NY Steam 6s '56 NY Steam 1st 6s '47 — NY Tel gen 4He '39„ NY VV&B 414S 46 Nlaft Sh 5Hs 60 Norf So 1st 5s '41. - Norf S 1st rf5s'61 cfs North Am Co 6S 61 North Am Ed 6s 69 C North Am Ed 63 North Cent R414s74 Nor n Pac gen 3s 2047 Nor'n Pac 4s 97 Nor'n Pac 4 %s 2047 .. Nort'n Pac 6s 2047 C Nor'n Pac 5s 2047 D— Nor'n Pae fis 2047 Ogden L.C 48 48 Ohio Edison 3%·'7Î Ohlo Edison «s «6 Ohio Pub Sve 7 m'*· Ont Pwr Nlag 6s '43 — 1 ί V», 37% 39 S?*, 39 39 12% 28 % 105 102% 94 Vi 89% 86'» 95% 104 105?» 106 120 124'4 88 9 7 % 97*4 92% 56% 55 60% 52 108*4 97 h 103% 98% 90 90 99 91% 90*t 104% 85'/» 97'/, 99 60 101 98% 103% 35 20 4m 40 14% 21% 105V* 106 107% 12VS. 103 80 23% 104'-4 103(4 105 120 75 10514 97% 101% 101H 110% 23 23 23 99 98% 99 104% 10414 104% I 109% 109% 109% 112% 112% 112% 11 36 39 37% 38% 39 12% 28% 104% 102'·, 94'·» 89% 86% 95% 103% 105% 105% 119% 124% 88 97 96% 92 54% 55 59 52 108% 97% 103% 98% 89% 89% -98% 91% 90% 104'4 85% 97% 99 59% 101 98 V» 103% 34% 20 40% 40 14% 21% 105% 106 107% 12% 102% 80 23% 104% 103'/» 104% 120 74% 105% 97% 101% 101% 110% 1 '% I 36 39 37% i 39 39 12% 28% I 105 102% 94 ν» I R9t 86' 95% : 104 j 105% 106 119% 124% 88 97% ι 97% 92% 56% 55 60% j 52 108% 97% I 103% ' 98% I 89% I 89% 99 91% ] 90% 104% 85% 97% I 99 60 101 98% I 103% I 34% I 20 41% I 40 14% 21% 105% 106 107% 12% 102% 80 23% 104% I 103% I 105 120 74% 105% 97% 101% 101% 110% Rich. Low. CIoM. OregSh Line6s'4e 118 118 118 Ores W RR 4a 81 106'* 1061» 106% Otis Steel 414· 62 91% 91% 91 Vi PacGasft El 8Η·'ββ 99% 99% 99% PacG&E354«il... 103% 103% 103V. Pao Ο & Β 48 '64 . 107% 107% 107% Pac T&T rf 3 '4 s '66 Β 101% 101% 101 Mi Param't Pic 3 Vie'47.. 95 95 95 Penn Co 4s '63 103% 103 103% [ Penn Dixie C 6s '41 99 99 99 Penn Ρ & L, 4 %e'81 103 102% 103 Penn RR3ii«wl 107% 107% 107% Penn RR 33i· TO C 100',), 100 100 Penn RR 4>,ie'81 D_. 108'» 108% 108'.» PennRR4V4s 84 .. 108% lOKVt, 108% Penn RR pn 4MiS'65_. Ill'» 111% HI*. Penn RR deb 4 Η»'70 103 102% 103 Penn RR ten 6s'68 118'4 118% 118% I People GL&Crf 6s'47 113% 113% 113% | Pere Marq 4Vie '80 __ 96 95V, 96 Pere Marq 1st 5s "66 102% 102V· 102% | rhelps Dodge 3%s '52 119% 119 119 Phila Co 5s 67 ... 99% 99 99% Phila Elec 3% s '67 .. 103% 103% 103% Phllaft RC&l 6β'73_. 23% 23% 23% Phila & R C&l 6s 49.. 11% 10% 10% Philippine Ry 4s'37 .. 24% 24 24 PCC&St L 4',is '42 B. 110% 110% 110% | PCCAiSt L 6s '70 A 118 118 118 Pitts&W Va 4%s'60 C 85% 85% 85% I Port Gen El 4%s '60 63% 62% 63% | Porto Rico A Τ 6s'4 2. 75 75 75 Postal Tel ft C Es'53 21% 21 21% Potomac El Ρ 3*4s'66 103% 103% 103% I Purity Baking 6s'48. 97% 97% 97% | Reading Jer C 4·'51.. 95 95 95 Reading R 4%e B7 A. 106% 106% 106% | Rem-Rand 4V4s"66ww 108% 107% 107% ! Republic Stl 4%·'60. 176 173% 173% Republic Stl 4%e Έ6. 98% 97% 97% | Republic Stl 4 %e "61. 97 96 96 Republic Stl 6%e'64. 118% 118% 118% I Revere Cop 4 *4 s '56 103% 103V. 103% Rio G W col 4s '49 Α.. 35% 34% 34% Rutland RR 4Hs'41. 23% 23% 23% | St Jo Ry It T&P 5s '37 99 99 99 St LIM&S R&G 4s'33 75% 75 75 St L.-S Fran 4s '50 A .. 24% 24 24 St Xj-S F 4s '50 A ctfs. 22 21% 21% St L-S Fran 4%s'78 . 24 24 24 St 1,-S F 4%s'78 cf St. 21% 21% 21% | St L-S Fran 5s'60 B_. 23% 23% 23% St L S W 1st 4s '89 _ 85 85 85 St Ρ Κ CS L414«'41 18 18 18 StP M&M Ρ ext 4s '40 104% 104% 104% I St Ρ Un Dep rf 5s '72 120% 120% 120% | San Λ & A Pass 4e '43 101% 101 101 San Λη Ρ Svc 6s '52 A 110% 110% 110% I Seahd A L ref 4s '69 14% 14% 14% I Seabd A L adj 5s '49 9% 9% 9% Seaod A L# fis '45 A 16'^ 16% 16% Seabd A L 6s 45 ctfe. 15% 15% 15% | Seabd A-Fl 6s'35 A ct 9 8% 8' Sharon Stl cv 4%e '61 106% 106% 106% I Shell Un deb 3%s '61. 99% 99% 99% | Silesian Am "s'41 _. 72 72 72 Socony Vac 3 %s '50 .. 105% 105% 105% South Bell T&T 5s '41 100 100 100 Southn Cal Gas 4s '65 106% 106% 106% | Sn Pnln Pa-r il » lnc mc im Sout h Nat G 4 %S'61. 100% 10(1'.* 100% So Tac 3 46 100 » 100*, 100"·» So Pac col '» '49 f>41 *i 94% 94% So Pac ref 4S '55 10714 106% 107 So Pac 4'is '6S-. 87% 86% 86% SoPac4%s 69 87% 86 , 86% So Pac 4 Vj s 81 85% 85% 85% So Pac Oreg 4 H8 '77 95'» 95 95^ So Ry gen 48 '56 A 70S 7.5 75'* So Ryes'94 . 105*4 IO.V4 105% So Ry gen 6s 66 97 96% 97 So Ry 6 % s '56 100'4 99·» 100% So Ry Μ & Ο 4s '38 92 91% 92 S W Bell Tel 3%s'64. 106 106 106 Southw'n G&E 4s'60. 103 103 103 Staley A Ε 4s 46 105% 105% 105% Stand Oil Ν J 3s '61 98 97% 98 Studebaker cv 63'45. 108'a 108% 108% Swift & Co 3 % s '50 106% 106',a 106', Tenn El Pw 6s 47 A— 95 94% 94% Term As St L 4s '53 . 108% 108% 108% Texas & Pac 6s *79 C. 103% 103', 103% Texas & Pac5s 80 D. 103'» 103'^ 103% Third Av 1st 5· '37 90 90 90 Third A ad in ex 5s'66 18 17 17 Tide Wat Oil 3%s'52_ 100·. 100', 100', Toi St L· & W 4s '50 ... 99% 99'» 99% lTn Oil of Cal 3 % s '52 110% 110% 110% Γη Oil of Cal 6s'42 A 118% 118% 118% L'nion Pac 1st 4s'47 . 114 113% 114 Γη Pac 1st rf 4s 2008 107', 107% 107% Tnited Biscuit 5s'60. 107% 107% 107% United Drug 5s 53 97% 97'* 97% U S Rubber 6s '47 107 106'4 106% rtah L & Τ 5s 44 A.._ 99% 99% 99% U'tah Ρ & L 5s '44 102 4 102*, 102% Util Ρ & L· 6s 59 ww.. 53 52% 52% Util Ρ & L. 5 % ■ '47 52% 52 52 Vanadium cv 5s'41... 101 101 101 Ver Sug 1st 7s'42 ctfs 23 23 23 Va E4 Ρ 1st rf 48 '55. 108% 108% 108% Va Ry 1st 3«is 66 Α.. lOô'a 105% 105% Wabash 4%s'78 29% 29% 29% Wabash 1st 6s 39 91% 91% 91% Wabash 2d 5s '39 70 70 70 Wabash 5s '76 Β 30 30 30 Wabash 5s'80 D ctfs. 28 28 28 Walker H&S 4%»'45. 106% 106 106 Walworth 4s'55 . 81% 81 81% Warner Bros cv 6s'39 95% 95% 95% Wash W Ρ 1st 5s '39.. 106% 106% 106% Westchester L· 5s'50. 120 120 120 West l'enn Ρ 3 '66. 106% 106% 106', W Sh 1st 4s 2061 gtd. 92% 92% 92% West'η Md 1st 4s '52. 102% 102% 102% Westll .Md 6 %s '77 107% 107'. 107% Westn Pac 6s '4 6 A 31% 31% 31% West'n Un 4%s '50 92% 91% 92% Westn Un cl tr 5»'38. 101% 101% 101% WestnUn5s'51 91% 91% 91% West'n Un 5s'60 89% 88% 88'n Wheel Steel 4 %e '66 .. 100% 100', 100% W Sp SU 1st 7s '35 et. 39% 39% 39% Wilson & Co 4s '65 102% 102% 102% Wis Cent 1st gn 4s'49 23 22% 22% ï'nfrstn S&T 3%e '61. 148% 145% 145% ï'ngstn SàT 4s «1 103', 103% 103% ESQUIRE ISSUE OFFERED. NEW YORK. July 26 (Special).— Lawrence Stern and Co., Inc., is making public offering today of 75, 000 shares of capital stock of Esquire Coronet, Inc., at a price of $16 a share. Esquire-Coronet, Inc., is a corporation resulting from the recent consolidation of the companies pub lishing the magazines Esquire, Coro net and Apparel Arts. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. July 26 <iP\.—Eggs. 20.016: weaK. Mixed colors, special packs. 2·ί 26,2: standards. 'Z'Z\u\ firsts. 20J*-21: scc onds. 19-20; mediums. I*1*-3·»: dirties. No. 1. 18>2-34: average checks. 17-17U. Butter. 12,900. steady. Creamery, high er than extra 11 a-iîi21 « : extra < i> J score», .'t 1J4: firsts (88-91). 283«-;u : seconds i*4 87 scores-. 20la-28. Centralized <90 score). .*^)1_'-34 Cheese. 29, 557. steady; State, whole milk flats, fresh fancy. 1!»: fresh specials, 19'?; held, fancy. 19JJU. 23-24. Live poultry, by freight, very slow. Broil ers. Rocks. Leghorn. 19: fowl, colored. 22: Leghorn. J 7; old roosters. 14; turkeys. 11-20: ducks. 1 2. By express, irregular. Broilers. Leg horn 19-20: Rocks. 22-24: Reds. 18-20; crosses. 20-22; fowl, colored. 18-22: Leg horn 15-18: old roosters. 13-14; turkeys, 11-20: ducks. 12. Dressed poultry generally firm. Fresh, chickens, broilers. 1812-20; fryers. 21-26'2: roasters. 22-29; fowl. 36-42 lbs.. 15-20; 48-54 IDS.. 1 7 12-221 „·: 00-05 lbs.. 29' 2 25la: old roosters. 151 ^-1 71 ^ : old turkeys «Northwestern. Western and Southwestern). 15-2.1: ducks 15-17. Frozen. chickens. broilers. 18 ''2-24: fryers. 20-26; roasters. 22-28; fowl. .*16-42 lbs.. 15-20: 48-54 lbs. 17I2-22,2: 60-05 lbs.. 201 2-25'-2; old roosfrs. 1 51 -b-1 Τ1 ^: tur keys (Northwestern and Southwestern). 17 28'2: ducks. 18-18'2. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON. July 26 <$*).—Stocks continued icMve today and closed mostly higher. Gilt-edged isues. industrials and home rails were firm. Trans-Atlantics. oils and mines held steady with Kaffirs higher on Cape Town buying. German bonds ended somewhat easier. PARIS.—The Bourse was irregular at the close today. International issues im proved while industrials and government bonds showed an uneven tone. Bank of France ended 125 points higher. Suez Canal eased slightly. ODD-LOT DEALINGS. By the Associated Press. The Securities Commission reported to day these odd-lot transactions by dealers and specialists on the New York Stock Exchange for July 2.1: 5.44* sales to customers involving: 150.100 shares: 5.493 purchases involving 137.058 shares. MONEY MARKET. · NEW YORK July Cf. (/Pi—Call money steady: 1 per cent all dav: prime commer cial paper, l per cent. Time loans steady; H0-90 davs. iy4: four-six months. l'a per cent: bankers' acceptances unchanged: 30 Oo days. four months. Λ-'i: five six months. »»-A. Rediscount rate. New York Reserve Bank. IV» per cent. RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. July 2β (Λ*).—Crude rubbeT futur» opened «teady. 1 to 11 higher. September, 1* 83-56; December. 18.72-75: March. 18.80-85. ACTIVITY MOUNTS AT STEEL HANTS Institute Finds Operations 1.8 Points Higher at 84.3. Per Cent. Bj the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 26 —Operations in the steel industry for the current week advanced 1.8 points to 84.3 per cent of capacity, compared with 82.5 per cent last week, the American Iron and Steel Institute estimated to day. A month ago operations averaged 75 per cent of capacity, while a year ago the rate was 71.5 per cent. WOOL MARKET IMPROVES QUIETLY DURING WEEK By the Associated Press. BOSTON, July 26 (United States De-partment of Agriculture).—The wool market made quiet but steady Improvement during the last week. Finer Western grown wool received a moderate increase in demand and quotations showed a firming tendency. Fleeces were mostly quiet but asking prices were steady. Graded Ohio fleeces of combing length were quoted at 40 to 42 cents in the grease for fine delaine. 42-43 cents for staple combing length half blood, 43-44 cents for three-eighths blood and at 42-43 cents for quarter blood. · MONEY IN CIRCULATION CONTINUES TO DECLINE By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 26 —Money In circulation continued to decline in the week ended July 21, the condition statement of the Federal Reserve Board indicated. Banking circles said the setback was seasonal, pointing out cash turn over normally dipped in Summer months. Money in use compared as follows: Week ended July 21 $6,436,000,000 Previous week 6,457,000,000 Same period last year.. 6,153,000,000 , , Washington Produce BUTTER—02 score. 1-pound prints 36; 14-pound prints 37. tub 35; ί-»η score. 1-pound prints. 35: '4-pound prints. 36; tub .'14: market strong. MEATS—Choice beef 22: calves. 17: veal. 1". Spring lamb 23. Fall lamb. 22 : cows. 15: ire-b pork. 30: frozen pork. 24; pork loin 26: fresh hams 24 fresh skinned ham 1!»: smoked hams 27: sliced bacon 37 ; slab bacon. 3«i; compound. 13; lard 15. LIVE STOCK -PiRS. lO^al 1 : light hogs ll,2alls4. mediums 1 1 1 : 220-250 pounds. 1 1 14a 1 1 1 ^. heavies OaJO'a; sows. TaS'a: stacs. 5a6: calves. 7ai». Prices paid shippers net fob. Washing ton By the United States Bureau of Ag ricultural Economics. EGGS -Market *a-cent lower on U S Government graded extras mediums; tone generally steady Current receipts, una 21: hennery whites. 22a23. Government eraded and dated white etcs—U. S extras large 3<» U S. extras, mediums. 24: U. S. standards large. 24l_ LIVE POULTRY—Market fullv steady to firm Market higher on Eastern Shore crosses. Fowl—Colored heavy. 1 Sal ? * : No 2s. 13: Leghorns 12a14: No. 2s. 10; roosters JO. Chickens—Crosses. 22a23; Rocks. Virginia no quotation Leghorns 2 pounds ITal!» Turkeys, old hens. 16 ai7. old toms I3al4. Fruits and Vegetable*. Sales in large lots by original receivers up to s a.m. today; CANTALOUPES — Approximately SOO crates North Carolina by express arrived. Truck receipts moderate: supplies mod erate; demand fair: market steady. North Carolina. Ridgeway section, salmon meats, standards all sizes, labeled. 1.25-1.50, few 1.75: unlabeled 2.Of*-1 25. HONEYDEWS—Three California ar rived. three unbroken cars on track. Sup plies moderate. demand slow: market weak. California. Jumbo crates 6s to Ss 1 25; few 1.50; standard crates Ps and 12s, 1.25: few 1.50. jumbo can'aloupe flats 12s. 75-R5 HONEYBALLS—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track. Supplies light, demand slow: market weak. California jumbos. 27. 2 75; 45s, 3.00; standards. 4 5s. 2.25 2 50 CEI.ERY—No carlot arrivals: no cars on track Supplies moderate; demand slow market weak New York. a:? crates, individually washed. :i-»î dozen 1.50-1.75. few 2.0(i Michigan Highballs. N5-901* 1 2 crates 2.00. LETTUCE--Five California arrjved 10 broken and five unbroken cars on track. Supplies liberal demand slow: market weak. California. Western crates. Iceberg type. 5 dozen 2.75-3.25. ordinary to fair condition 1.00-1.75: New York Eastern crates. Bie Boston tvpe. 2 dozen. 50. ONIONS—Truck receipts moderate: sup plies moderate demand slow market steady 5«>-pound sacks, yellows. U. S No. 1 New Jersey. 85-1.00; Pennsylvania. 75-85. PEAS—One New York arrived: two bro ken and one unbroken cars on track Supplies moderate demand light: market steady. Bushel hampers. Telephones. Colo rado. fair condition. 1.60-1.75: Washing ton. 2.00: few higher; New York, bushel baskets 1 .25. PEACHES—-One South Carolina ar rived. one broken and one unbroken cars on track. Truck receipts liberal; supplies liberal. demand slow; market weak. South Carolina, bushel baskets Elbertas. U S. No 1. 2-inch minimum. 2.25a2.50; Belles and Hileys. U. S. No. 1. 2-inch minimum. 2.25a2.50: fair condition. 2.00; ordinary condition. 1.25: North Carolina, bushel baskets Elbertas and Belles. U. S. No. 1. 214-inch minimum. 2.25a2.50: wasty. 1.50; holdovers, ordinary to fair condition. 1.00a2.00: 1 .«-bushel baskets Elbertas and Belles. U. S No. 1. 2-inch minimum. 1.25al.50: fair condition. 1.00. POTATOES—Truck receipts moderate supplies moderate; demand light: market steady Eastern Shore of Virginia, stave barrels Cobblers. U. S. No. J. 1.75al.85: New Jersey, 100-pound sacks Cobblers. U. S No. 1. 1.20al.25. TOMATOES—Truck receipts moderate: supplies moderate: demand moderate: mar ket steady. New Jersey, l';-quart climax baskets. · : Γ> a 75 WATERMELONS—Boat receipts equiva len to six cars North Carolina and three cars Virginia arrived: freight. one South Carolina arrived, two broken and one unbroken cars on track. Truck receipts liberal: supplies liberal: demand light: market weak. Tom Watsons: South Caro lina. freight receipts. 35-40 pounds aver age. 40a.r>" each: Georgia, truck receipts. 28-30 pounds average. 15a25 each. LIMA BEANS—Supplies moderate: de mand light: market steady. Bushel ham pers: Eastern Shore of Maryland. 1 25a 1.50: fair condition. 1.00: North Caro lina. fa'r condition. 75al.00. CORN—Supplies light: demand light: market steady. Maryland, sacks. 5 dozen. 1.25. SPINACH—Supplies light: demand light: market steady. Pennsylvania. bushel baskets. Savoy type, 1.00; New Zealand type. SO ORANGES—Four California arrived: one car diverted: four broken and four un broken cars on track. California, boxes, 4 no-».Mi. as to grade and size. LEMONS--Cahfornla. boxes. No. 1, 7.50-8.00: No. 2. H.50-7.00. as to size. CARROTS—No carlot arrivals: one bro ken car on track. Pennsylvania bushel baskets, tooped. 1.50: per dozen bunches. 30-35. BLUEBERRIES—New Jersey, cultivated, pints. 15-20: quarts. .30-35. BROCCOLI—Pennsylvania, bushel orates. 1.50. SNAP BEANS—Pennsylvania, bushel bas kets. flat type. !)0-1.00: round type. 1.25. AVOCADOS— Florida crates. 1.00-1.50. mostly 1.25: Cuba, ventilated crates, 3.00 4.00. mostly 3.50. BEETS — Pennsylvania. per dozen bunches. 30. PLUMS—California, boxes. Wickson, 2.00-2.25. LIMES—Florida. S boxes, 3.00-3.60; Vi boxes. 1.25-1.75. HUCKLEBERRIES—Virginia, 32-quart crates. I4al5 Per quart. SWEET POTATOES—Alabama, bushel basket», white yams. 1.50: few 1.75. PEPPERS—New Jersey, bushel basket*, 65-75 RADISHES—Ohio. 1 β-quart basket·. bunched. 40-00. APPLES—Bushel baskets. U 6. No. 1, Maryland. Virginia. West Virgioia and Pennsylvania. Starrs. 2'4-inch minimum. 75-85: 2'a-inch minimum. 90-1.00: trans parents. 2-inch minimum. 60-75: 2'«-inch minimum. 85-1.00: William Redsa 2'/4-inch minimum. 75-90: Duchess, 2U-inch mini mum. 60-75. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK. July 26 (Λ>).—Dividends declared: Regular. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate.rlod record, able. Boston Fund 18c 7-30 8-20 Brooklyn Edison $2 Ο 8-6 8-31 Celotex Corp 40c Q 8-6 8-10 Cons Edison Ν Y ...60c Q 8-6 0-15 Humme.-Ross Fiber 20c Q 8-3 8-17 Leath Co $2.50 pf __ 62'ae Q H-Lft 10-1 Manhattan Shirt _ 25c Q 8-10 R-l NY&QKLt&Pw $2 Q 8-30 M14 Ν Y & Qn El Lt pf $1.25 Q 8-23 0-1 Photp Β 7% pi 1 d1-87''2C 8-20 9-1 i Special Dividend Of $1.50 Voted by Food Machinery By the Associates Press. NEW YORK, July 26.—Directors o! Pood Machinery Corp. have declared a special dividend of $1.50 a share on common stock, payable August 25 to stockholders of record August 14. In a letter to stockholders, President J. D. Crummey pointed out this $1.50 dividend, with $1.0t) previously de clared this year, provided the equiv alent of a regular quarterly dividend of 62 ',2 cents a share, or an annual rate of $2.50 Previous regular annual dividend rate was $1.00 a share. Half Year's Net Compares With $3,474,811 for 1936 Months. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 26 —Sun Oil Co., producer, refiner and marketer of crude oil, reported net income for the six months ended June 30 of $4,376, 371, after depreciation, depletion, in terest and Federal income taxes, in cluding provision for surtax on undis tributed profits, equal after preferred dividend requirements to $1 90 a com mon share. This compared with S3, 474.811, or $1.57 a shsre, in the same period last year. Bore-Warner Corp. Borg-Warner Corp.. Chicago, makers of parts for the automobile industry, reported indicated net profit for the quarter enjjed June 30 of $2,132,376. after depreciation and normal Federal income taxes, but before Federal sur tax, equal to 92 cents a common share. This compared with $1,882,763, or SI.59 a share, in the June, 1936, quarter. Mengel Co. Mengel Co., Louisville, Ky., makers of plywood and veneers and domestic lumber, reported net profit for the quarter ended June 30 of $175,869, after depreciation, depletion, interest. Federal and State income taxes, com pared with $71,423 in the June quar ter last year. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO. July 26 P< 'United States Department of Agriculture'.—Hops. i.'J ooo. incÎuumg ,T50o direct, market on Rood and choice hogs generally steady to In higher than Friday λ averake packing sows fully ](» up. spots. 15 or more higher, top. bulk cood and choice l>o-2 0) pounds. 1Ί.', o-l .Tof>; 150-1" υ pounds, 1 ■.'.♦)(»-1 .'{.oo butchers from 2*4<,-'<25 pounds. 11>5-12>5. most good packing sows 10..'i5-l 1 1 o. lightweights on the butcher ord'-r ill 5-;i.Y Cattle, χ ,ικκι. calve.-. 1.500: another fairly active market on fed steers and yearlings; steadv to 25 higher, mainly 10-15 up comparatively little beef in run grnssy and short-fed offerings in fairly broad demand, light heifer and mixed yearlings, both grassy and fed kinds. •-25 higher, a new high on crop practically ail steers selling ar a new hi«h on crop also with 17.00 paid for 1.2K1-pound of ferings; best yearlings. 16.S5: heifer year lings, 15 75: cows. ·_\5 higher most grass I cows. 0.0o-7.50. with cutters. 4 οο-Γ» 50; bulls strong to jo higher, vealers firm; weichtv sausage bulls, 7.«»o down. mo.ct active in. fat beef bulls: vealers. ο 5o-lo.5o; very selects. 11.oo; stocicers and feeders, strong to >5 higher, .scarce, mainly thin natives selline at 0,50-7.50. Sheep 7.000. includine 5.600 direct: Spring lambs active, steady to strong; «ood to choice natives. 10.75-11.25; top paid by all interests; few cho:re yearlmcs. » oo sheep firm at Friday's latp advance; light-wehght ewes quotable from 5.0U-25 heaviers. 4.25 down. · FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. July 26 Ρ—Foreign ex change Arm Great Britain, demand. 4.077e; cables. 4.077r; KO-day bills. 4.065e; France, demand. 3.74*«. cables. •T74V. Italy* demand. 5.26*4. cables, 5.. ♦>14. Demands—Belgium. 16.84%: Germany, free. 40.25: registered. 2H.O0; Travel. 27.00: Holland. 55.2.Ί. Norway. 25.01; Sweden. 25.6»:; Denmark. 22.2·.' Finland. 2.21; Switzerland. 22.07*4: Spain, un quoted Portugal. 4.54: Greece. .OP2: Poland. 18.o:>: Czechoslovakia. .'MO: Yugoslavia. 2.M.V. Austria. lS.sîn: Hun gary. 10.75: Rumania. .74: Argentina. .Ί.Ί.ΙΟη Brazil, s.Ho'^n: Tokio. 20.οθ; I Shanghai. 20.60; Hongkong. 30.52; Mexico City. 27 S5; Montreal m New York. 00 08Γ* New York in Montreal. 100.01 >«. η—Nominal. STEEL QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK, July Qii ·„.ΐ· —S'eel prices ner 100 pounds f o b. Pittsburgh Blue annealed sheets, hot rolled. 2.40; galvanized sheets. :i>o. black sheets, hot rolled, 3.15: steel bars. 2.45. MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. July 26 <P>—Silver futures opened steady, unchanged to 5 higher. July 44.85; September. 44 65; December. 44.60. · NEW YORK BAR SILVER. NEW YORK. July 26 Bar silver steady and unchanged at 44 V MARKETADVANCE BANISHES GLOOM Spending Volume of Present Year Expected to Soar Above 1936 Level. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 26—With the stock market rounding out a solid month of advance Wall Street has become the abiding place of much cheer and good feeling in contract with the gloom and lack of confidence that dominated sentiment through the Spring months. Looking back over the trail to assess the events which released pent up buying in the share list and at the same time provided a new vista of raising profits for Industry, ob servers put their finger first on the subsidence of industrial labor strife, and next on official forecasts pointing to a bumper wheat harvest this year. Clearing of the labor skies was credited with supplying the initial force which brought timid buyers back to the market after a decline which had erased a large part of the gains accumulated in the two-year bull swing. After the turn a lot of momentum was supplied by a batch of surveys on prospective trade and buying {55wer based on the estimated crop yields. Many thought the improved demand for equities linked more closely to the agricultural situation than any other factor, although termination of the struggle on the Supreme Court issue j appeared to put a keener edge on bullish sentiment last week. Last year two golden streams | created a great reservoir of public | spending which was an important | factor in speeding up the tempo of trade recovery. The first was the soldiers' bonus which brought new animation in the trade marts in the ! late Spring. Spending of bonus money continued | to be reflected m activity in consumers' j markets through the Summer, which j was marked by a considerably less j than seasonal recession in most trades, i In the last quarter of the year came the flow of dollars from extra divi dends, wage increases and employ bonuses, representing industry's com- j promise with conditions created by the undistributed profits tax. Optimistic Wall Streeters think the spending volume of the current year ι will far exceed that of 1936 in spite of the heavy contribution made by the bonus. The expected large increase in farm income should prove an effec tive substitute for the $2,000.000.000 grant to the soldiers, it is contended. ! Industrial profits for the first half,1 ω higher in many instances than for the same period last year, appear to ha^f sown seeds for another crop of extrt|> dividends and bonuses for workers, although no one can yet predict the harvest. Wall Street is tuning up its cheering squad for action in case the United' States Steel Board decides to order a, dividend on the common stock at to morrow's meeting. There have been rumors of such action, although general opinion i* that the corporation will pay off the remaining arrears of $1.25 a share on the preferred and wait another three months or so before considering re· sumption of payments on the common. Whenever the dividend comes it will be something of a red letter day in Wall Street. For some reason the stock lies a little closer to the street's emotions than others on the list. SPICER EARNINGS GAIN. NEW YORK. July 26 (IP).—8picer Manufacturing Co., Toledo, parts manu facturer for the automotive industry, reported consolidated net profit for the six months ended June 30 of $719.197, before undistributed profits, surtax, equal to $2 05 a common share,_ compared with $694,716. before Fed eral income taxes, In the like 1938 period. Own Your Home Outright in 20 Years $9.50 per $1,000.00* per month pays all carrying charges and taxes. •Approximate. Consult Shannon & luchS Mortrife Loan Correspondents INVESTORS SYNDICATE 1505 H St. N.W. Notl. 2345' ) η ( ( I caul· < ( ( ( \'\ .... you will find / jj us ready to confer \ with you and ren der every asaist ance in our power. IF YOU CAN PROFITABLY USE MORE MONEY IN YOUR BUSINESS . you will find \ ( The / Washington Loan ^ )and Trust / Company \ » 9th a Γ 17th a β ^ ν Member, Federal Reserve j Il System and Federal Deposit f m Insurance Corporation. y OFFICE FURNITURE WE SELL, BUY OR EXCHANGE Chairs Steel File» Desks Steel Cabinet· Table* Safes BAUM'S FURNITURE HOUSE 14IR Eye St. N.W. Phone ΝΑ. I1M Safe Investments First mortgage not·*, well secured on con servatively appraised, new buildings in Washington and near by Maryland. Denominations of $500 up. Interest 6% per annum. Bradley, Beall & Howard, Inc. Southern Bldg. Phone Nat. 0271 Established Nearly 40 Tean First Trust Loans For Purchasing a Home or RE-FINANCING EXPIRING TRUSTS NO COMMISSION CHARGE NO RENEWALS REQUIRED Terras Arranged on Easy Monthly Payments BU'lOin® 4 iQAH I ASSOCIATION COUNCIL ^O.C. I MATIO/IAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION IusOtR. 5UOLR/1SIOM « I u. ». treasury I Q49 NINTH STREET, Λ| MORTGAGE LOANS ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Up to $20,000 Refinancing and Construction attractive interest rates ROBERT PEDDICORD 1713 Κ St. N.W. DISTRICT 0010 Office Hourt, 9-12 SAVE MONEY on Your Mortgage FINANCE on a Long Term Basis — at 5% Learn how our Mort J g&ge Loan Plans help you cut carrying coats—act up your mortgage on a long-term basis—make it easier to carry your proper ty. Repayments to suit your pocketbook, or if you prefer, monthly, like rent. Up to 20 years to repay. Talk with us. WEAVER BROS IN< REALTORS M'rlfaet Loan Ctrrt/fendml Mrt r oft it tan Lift Iruwanu Ctmpmnj WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT 9416 LOANS— ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY Immediate attention on your appli cation for buying, rebuilding or refinancing. Loans repayable monthly. No charge for appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. Equitable Co-operative Β uilding Association 915 F STREET N.W. Organised 1879 HOME LOANS TO PURCHASE, BUILD OR REFINANCE interest as Low as 5% Easy Monthly Payments as lo& as $7.50 per $1,000. No commissions or renewals. Taxes may be paid monthly. Investigate our economical loan plan. COLUMBIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION 716 11th Street Opposite Palais Royal