Newspaper Page Text
Β. & 0. EARNINGS RISE IN HALF YEAR Operating Income in June Falls Below Same Month in 1936. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Net railway operating income of the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. in the first six months of 1937 disclosed a gain of $1.649,605 over the first half of 1936, the company announced today. Operating income totaled $13,763,860, against $12,114.255 a year ago. Freight revenues scored the best gain, reaching $77.290.529, an increase over 1936 of $7,826,158. Passenger revenues rose by $260,955 and im . provement in express business also proved an important factor in the ad vanced revenues, the gam being $131, 549. Operating revenues totaled $88, 011,669, the total gain being $8.545, 643. Operating expenses also climbed during the period, totaling $66,178, 562, an increase of $6,018,705. While the B. & O. had a substan tial gain for the six months, net rail way operating income in June of $2. 019,618 was $458.272 lower than last year. This was caused by higher ex penses and a decrease of $73.094 in freight income. Passenger income was up $57,772 and express over $121. C00. Expenses required $11,422,148, Up $937.635. Ay re* Predicts Trade Jump. Leonard P. Ayres, economist, pre dicted today that the dollar value of holiday trade this year will be about 12 per cent better than a year ago. He made the forecast in the July issue of Advertising Agency. He also ex pects the agricultural income of the country to be the largest in 1937 since 1929. In conclusion, he said: "By next Autumn the advances in wholesale commodity prices that took place this Spring will be reflected in advances in the prices of goods at re tail. Probably about half of the to tal increase m the dollar volue of the holiday trade will be due to price ad vances. and the other half to increased quantities of goods bought. "A general crop failure could change this picture, and so could a continuing period of increasingly wide spread labor trouble. It could be changed by the outbreak of serious war abroad. Nevertheless the present prospects are against any one of these developments, or any combination of them." Jeffreys Joins Gillet Staff. Announcement was made today that Newton Jeffreys, formerly with the Reconstruction Finance Corp., is now associated with Gillet & Co.. Inc., in its local offices in the Woodward Building. Gillet & Co., established in 1920, conducts a general investment securi ties business. Charles R. Connolly, manager of the Washington office, is en officer and director of the firm, having been associated with it since 1928. The main office is at, Balti more. with other branches in Phila delphia and Williamsport. D, C. Brokers Optimistic. Much discussion is heard in Wash ington brokerage offices on the outlook for the early and late Fall seasons. Brokers here, as well as many of their customers, are unusually optimistic. This morning they were pointing to the statements of many of the econo mists in New York banks, who look for steady business improvement from now to the beginning of 1938, basing their views on statistics. The probable larked increase in farm income this Fall is given as one of the best reasons for a further busi ness upturn. This added income will greatly increase buying power all over the country. Early adjournment of Congress is also cited as one of the factors which should be helpful to the stock market. The worst of the Bummer lull is now considered to be over. bankers «m on Vacations. Edward L. Hillyer, a vice president Of the Union Trust Co. and former president of the Washington Stock Exchange, will leave Washington to morrow for New York to sail on the Queen Mary for a vacation tour In Europe. Robert V. Fleming, president of the Riggs National Bank, has been spend ing a few extra days at his Summer home at Rehoboth Beach. C. J. Gockeler, Hamilton National Bank official, spent the week end at Ventnor, near Atlantic City, N. J. He Will go there for his vacation. Joshua Evans, jr., vice president of the Hamilton National, is now on his vacation, passing the time at a resort in Pennsylvania. Richard D. Bond, who represents Poor's Publishing Co. in Washington, Maryland. Virginia and Delaware, is visiting the company's editorial offices at Wellesley, Mass., and attending the firm's annual convention in Boston. Heard in Financial District. The total volume of life insurance iales in the South Atlantic States in June was $59.658.000, a gain of 7 per cent over June, 1936, and $349.936,000 In the first half year, an increase of 11 per cent over 1936. The half-year total for the whol-? country stands at $3.816.351,000, a gam of 8 per cent over the same period last year. Industrial activity in general con tinues to show marked resistance to feasonal and other retarding influ ences and operations in practically Ell lines are holding well above a year ego. says the United Business Service. The service concludes that, while fome further curtailment in business can be expected during the weeks im mediately ahead, business promises to hold well above last year's levels and, •what is more important, the stage is set for a substantial upswing by Fall. Bond dealers here are looking for ward to the Armour & Co. debenture Issue as the most important item on the calendar for the late Summer. Armour stock has recently been un usually strong. Today's Trading on Exchange. Peoples Drug Stores preferred stock sold at 112 on the Washington Stock Exchange today. Potomac Electric Power 5'2 per cent preferred came out on very sales at 112 and two $500 transfers in Capital Traction 5s were recorded at 85, unchanged. Corcoran Fire Insurance Co. stock Is now being quoted without the $50 per share dividend to be paid of sur plus on July 31. Washington Gas Light and Washington Loan & Trust are among other stocks now being quoted ex-dividend. The bid of 103 on the new Columbia Country Club first 4'4s remains un changed, with none offered. 105,867 Visit Sweden. Visitors to Sweden last year num bered 105.867, exclusive of those from other Scandinavian countries. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Prev. JP.T7 stock end Sales— Net Hldh Lnw. Dividend Bate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 84* 63% Acme Steel (4) 5 82 HUVi 82 + 1* 22% 15 Adams Exp (,30κ)-. β 19 19 19 -* 36 28 Addressog (1.40) 2 33 33 33 „. 4% 2 Advance Rumley 2 2% 2* 2% 80* 64'» Air Reduction (la). 3 74 74 74 51-4 2Mi Air-Way El Ap 5 2% 2* 2* - * 15% 11 Alaska Jun (.60a)._ 4 1 IT* 11% 11% 6% 2% Alleghany 23 3* 3* 3* 59*. 34'* Allée pf $30 ww 1 37* 37* 37*+ H 45% 30* Alleg Steel (,80g)... 3 34* 33* 33* -1V« 258*215 Allied Chem (6) 3 238*» 238* 238% + % 31% 20 Allied Mills (' g) — 4 25* 25* 25*-* 21* 15 Allied Stores (,20a). 20 19'/» 19 19 83* 57 Allis-Chalm«rs(lg). 28 70 68% 69* - % 39% 23 Alpha Portland (1). 2 26* 26* 26*+ * 8* 4* Anial [,eath 1 6* 6* 6* 101* 83 AmAgCh Del2'/ig. 1 95* 95* 95* + % 41% 20* Am Bank Note(*g) 11 30* 29* 29%-* 80% 57* Am Brake Sh(Hig) 1 66% 66% 66% 121 90* Am Can (4a) 5 107* 107 107 174 152* Am Can pf (7) 1 156* 156* 156* + Vi 71 46 Am Car & Fy ( %p)_ 3 53 51% 51% - * 32% 28 Am Chain & C(>2g). 9 30% 30 30 -% 23% 13% Am Colortype 10 16* 16 16 + ι* 30% 20* Am Comcl Alco 13 26 24% 24* + % 33% 25 Am Crystal S 216 25* 25V* 25*+ % 13* 5% Am Encaustic Til 12 9* 9* 9* — * 13% 6* Am & Foreign Pow. 125 10% 10* 10%+ * 58* 37 Am & F Ρ $6 pf .. 1 47* 47* 47* +2* 68* 45 Am&ForP\v?ï pf. 8 57 56 56* 38* 18*Am&ForPw 2d pf. 21 28 27 27*— % 11* 5* Am Hide & Leath .. 11 8% 8 8 — % 52% 40% Am Home Fr (2.40). 2 44 43% 44 +1 4% 2* Am Ice 3 3* 3 3 17% 12* Am International 2 15 15 15 + * 58* 37 Am I-ocomotive 8 47% 46* 46% — % 125 101* Am Loco pf . 1 108* 108', 108* + * 29% 18% Am M & Fdy (->ig)_ 8 21 20* 20* 13% 7% Am M & Met (,45g). 2 9* 9% 9%+ % 68% 43* Am Metal ( *g) ... 1 52 52 52 16* 7 AmPow&Lt _ 153 12* 12 12*+ * 72* 40* Am Ρ & L $5 pf (fi ). 5 58% 58* 58',» 87* 49* Am P& 1, $6 pf (fi)_ 8 67* 67* 67* 29* 18% Am Rad & St S(.60) 84 22* 22% 22* 45* 31% Am Roll Mill(l.lOg) 17 36* 36% 36* 36 26% Am Safety Raz (2). 1 29 ' 29 29 29 22* Am Seating ( *g) __ 3 27 27 27 -1 105% 79% Am Smlt & R(2 *8) 21 94* 92* 94 — V< 73* 48% Am Stl Fdrs (lg)14 59 57% 58 -1 56* 37 Am Sugar Ref (2).. 7 46* 45* 45* 25* 21* Am Sumatra (la) 2 22 22 22 187 159% Am Tel & Tel (9) 5 172* 172 17214 τ , 99 73% Am Tobacco (5) ... 1 81 81 81 +1' 99* 74* Am Tobacco Β (5)_. 8 82% 82 82* + '. 150* 128* Am Tob pf (6) 1 136* 136* 136* - >, 20*» 1 1 Am Tvuft l-Mi-c ι Λ ι it * * ■ · * % * * * * Vi 29', 15% Am Wat Wks (,60g) 14% 7'« Am Woolen.. 79 54'» Am Wool pf (2k) 20 «ι, Am Zinc L & S 69% 47% Anaconda ( \g) _ .. 24% 18 Anchor Cap (.30g) 13% 7 Armour 111 ( 55s) .— 70% 54% Armstrong Crk(lg) 2s» 1% Armstrong, July 30 16'* II Arnold Const (*»g). 17% 8% Artloom __ 24% 15% Asso Dry Goods 101 87 Asso 1>G 1st pf (6). 94% 69% Atch Τ & S F Cg).. 55% 44% At lantic Coast Line. 37 27% Atlantic Relin ( 1) __ 18% 15 Atlas Corp (.80 ) 52 '·» 60% Atlas Corp pf (3) 18% 11"» Atlas Tack t%g) 36 » 13'a Auburn Auto 9% 5% Aviation Corp lilt 4% Baldwin Loco (r) „ 9!a 4% Baldwin Loc asd(r) 40'a 20'·* Balto & Ohio 43", 27% Barber Co ( \ig) 32 22 Barker Bros 3.ri't 23% Barnsdall (1) 114 111 Bayuk 1st pf (7) 15% im Beldin-Hem (1) . _ 30' j 18% Bi ndix Aviat ( Π g). 23 ι 20Belief Ln (1.32%g)_ 62"» 47' a Best & Co (212a) _ 105% 73 Bethlehem Stl (li)_ 20 17 Beth Stl 5% pf (1)_. 69% 51'i Bigelow-San 1 ί4 g _ 38 24 Black & Deck (% g). 29:, 22 Blaw-Knox (.45g) .. 32' j 22 Bloomingdale .85g.. 94'a 75 Blumenthal pf 49% 27% Boeing Airpl 48% 37 Bohn Alum (3) 46' a 41% Bon Ami Β (1 %g)._ 28 21Va Borden (1.60) 47 38% Borg-Warner (2) 15'·» 8% Boston & Maine 41 a 1% Botany C M (A) (r). 23't 15 Bridgeport Br .40g_. 59'». 39% Brig^s Mfg (1>2K) 53la 41% Briggs & Strat ι 3) 47 39'» Bristol-My (2.40a)_. 53 18% Bklyn-Man Ciiig;) — 102't 62% Bklyn-Man pf (6) 8 2% Bklyn & Queens 52». 26% Bklyn L'n Gas 2.30g. 24% 16% Brunswick-Bal 25% 14% Bucyrus-Erie 14% 7!» Budd Mfg 98 58 Budd Mfg pf 13 7% Budd Wheel (,20g). 45'» 30% Bui lard Co (1 ) 66 4 50% Bulo\a Watch (4a)_ 18% 171 a Burlington Mills(l) 35% 22% Burr Ad Mch(.65g)_ ll*t 4'-» Bush Term (r) 18·* 12'* Butler Bros (.60) 36% 28% Butler Bros pf(l ) 9=4 41 a Butte Copper & Ζ ... 33*4 17% Byers Co 34% 25% Byron Jack ((lg) 48'. 35% Calif Pack (l%a) 6% 2% Callahan Z-Ld 20!* 12 Calumet & Η ( ■% g)_ 38',t 23% Canada Dry G Ale__ til 55 Canada South (3) 171 a 11H Canadian Pacific 61'a 44 Cannon Mills fig) 1(J6 96 Caro C &o st (5) 9'a 6% Carriers & Gen ,10g. 182% 138 Case ( J J ) 129% 112 Case (J I) pf (7) 100 85 Caterpillar Trac(2) 105 102% Caterpillar Τ pf (5). 41't 26% Celanese (ll2g) 82'a 73% Celotex pf (5) 39'-4 30 Cent Aiuir (IVia) 177 22% 21% 22'» + % 4 10% 10% 101 a - % 7 70 691» «9% - 4 54 15% 14% 15% -r-1% 70 57% 56% 57% 25 23% 23% 23% + % 22 12 11% 12 72 60 59 59% -1% 185 2'a 2% 2% -t- % 1 13% 13% 13% 1 11% 11% 11% τ % 6 17% 17% 17%— % 1 87 87 87 17 85% 84% 84% — % 11 54 53 53 -1 23 30% 29% 30 - % 2 15% 15% 15% 1 50% 50% 50% 1 13% 13% 13% 16 21% 20% 21% 1% 10 i 6'* 6■< f % 5 6% 5% ti -f % 10 5% 5 6 - % 23 29 28% 28% - % ti 32% 32 32 - % 1 25% 25% 25% 15 27% 26··» 26% r % 10» 112% 112% 112% - % 3 12% 12% 12% - % 42 21% 20% 21% -r % 1 20% 20% 20% + % 3 59 5 i 59 -τ 2 31 94% 94 94% - % 1 18'» 18'» 18-4 1 63% 63% 63% -3% 5 27 27 27 8 24% 24 24 - % 150s 24 23% 23% - % 10» 82 82 82 -r-1 11 33% 32% 32% - % 4 43% 43% 43% 40» 44% 44% 44% - Vt 18 25 24s» 24% — % 15 45 44% 44% -t- % 1 10 10 10 — % 3 2% 2% 2% 11 17% 17'a 17% 18 44 43% 44 -*-% 3 50 50 50 τΐ 1 39% 39% 39% -1% 29 25% 25 25 3 69% 68% 68% — % 12 4% 4 4 - % 18 33 32% 32% -r % 1 18% 18% 18% ι- *». 23 17% 17% 17% - % 30 11 10% 10% 210» 86 85 85% τ % 7 9% 9% 9% % 12 38% 38 38 5 55% 54% 54% -1% 3 17% 17 17 — Va 6 28% 28 4 28% ι- % 3 6 5% 5% — % 2 15% 15% 15% -r % 6 31'a 31% 31 % + % j 25 7 % 6 7 m 7 -t % 9 21% 21% 21% 3 30% 29% 29% - % l 36% 36% 36% —1 28 3',* 3% 3% - % 40 15% 14% 15 -r % 62 26 24 » 25 -1% 60» 55% 55% 55% -r % 26 11 «4 11% 11% - I, 1 47% 47% 47% τ 1 % 70a 97% 97% 97% - % 2 ι % 7 % 7 % — % 6 183% 181 183% +2 50» 121 121 121 -1 5 98% 98 98% - % 5 104 104 104 -1 19 37% 37 37% -r l» 20» 76% 76% 76% — % 2 31% 31 a lu - u 107% 41«t 24% *86% ~23% 82 48 90' 3 68"» 18% 3% 7% 6% 19! a 33 41 3% 8% 10% 27% 22'* 15·,), 135% 21»* 92 10% 44»t 113 46H 29'* 25*4 104', 271.4 an 20% 108 39% 46'* 69% 80V» 120 2IV4 4% 75% 45i,4 33% 18'* 49% 108 17% 10** 1% 13% 52*4 13% 37% 37% 5% 69* 25*4 42*4 3% 49 35% 77 71% 10V4 56% 121 114 28*4 100% 47% 25% 3 17% 14% 127 43 ' r>VS (jentral i ilv . 96 Cent III Ltpf (4%). 18 Central R R Ν J 11 Central Violeta Sug 60 Cerro de Pasco (4)„ 11% Certain-teed 48% Certain-teed 6% pf. 14'» Checker Cab Mfg 67 ChesCorp(3) 50% Ches&Ohio (2.80a) 8*4 Chi Gt West pf (r)_. 1% ί"hi M St P & Ρ (r) . 3% Chi M St F&P pf(r). 3 Chi & Ν W (r) 9% Chi & X W pf (r) 21 Chi Pneu Tool 35 Chi Pneu Τ cv pf(3) 2 Phi R I & Pac (r) . 3% C R 1 & Ρ 6% pf (r). 4% C R I & Ρ 7% pf (r). 14 Chi Yell Cab(1 %g). 15*4 Chick Cotton Oil 9% Childs Co 94 Chrysler (7g) ? 17% City Ice & F (2) 80 City I&Fpf (6%) 6% City Stores _ 32% Clark Equip (1.60) 102*4 ("lev K1 lllu ρΠ4%) 35 Clev Graph Br (lc). 23*i Cluett Feabody (1). 17% Colgate-Palm (%)-. 102 Colg-Palm pf C6) — 1 Γ> Colo & South . . 15% Colo & South 1st pf 10 Colum G&E (.20g) _ 80 Col G&l·; pf A (6)... 28% Col Pict vtc (la) 38% Columb Pic pf 2 % 56*4 Comcl Credit (4) __ 63% Comcl Invest Tr(4). 103% Comcl Inv Τ pf 4%. 13 Comcl Solv (.60) 2 Comwlth & Sou 46 Com & Sou pf (3)__. 34 Congoleum-Na (2)_. 19% Consol Aircraft 9% Consol Cigar 31% Consol Edison (lg) 99% Consol Edis pf (5)_. 14% Consol Oil ( 80a) __ 4% Consol RR Cuba pf _ % Consol Textile 8% Consol Coal 33 Consol Coal pf 9% Cons Laundries 20** Container (1.20) 18% Contl Baking A 2% Contl Baking Β 50 Contl Can (3) 18% Contl Diam Fib(lg) 35% Contl Ins (1.60a)_„ 2 Contl Motor 39*4 Contl Oil(De!)l%g. 25 Contl Stl(%g) 62% Corn Exchange (3). 54% Corn Prod (3) 6 Coty 40 Crane Co 113% Crane Co pf (7) 100* Crane Co cv pf 18% Crossley Radio 68 Crown Cork (2) 39 Cro'n C'k pf χw 2 ^4 - 16% Crown Zeller 1% Cuba Co 8% Cuba R R pf 7% Cuban-Am Sugar... 109% Cub-Am S pf (10k). 37% Cudahy Pack (2 % ). 9 8*» 20» 100% 3 2 7 20 l. 13',3 76 Va 16 14 70s 53'·, 3 20 1 76'j 20 53's 3 11% 5 5 2 4*« 7 3*4 2 11% 12 25"» 39*« 1 2% 1 5 Mi 1 6 » 14% 3 18'/4 1 11 69 115% 2 18Vi 60> 83% 3 8 8 44% 110» 107· 2 46!/* 11 29% 16 19 1 102*4 10» 17 Va 30» 18% 19960» 10% 4 90 2 29% 1 42 6 62 8 66 1 105% 43 14% 180 3% 4 59*4 5 38% 7 24% 1 12 68 41 2 103 66 16% 6 7% 2 «* 12 9% 260» 40 6 9% 40 30% 3 24 7 3% 15 56% 1 19*4 39'/4 2% 24 49 1 29% 50» 63% 62% 7% 8 50*4 1 116% 2 113% 10 11 20% 84% 1 40 10 18*« 2 1% 20» 11% 13 9% 110» 113 2 37% 8% 100% 20 13 75% 13% 53% 20 76% 53% 11 2 4% 3% 11% 25 39% 2% 5% 6 14% 18 11 113% 18 83% 7% 43% 107 46 28% 18% 102*4 17% 18% 14% 89*4 29% 42 61 65% 105% 14 3 59% 3S 23% 12 40% 103 15% 6% % 8% 38 9% 30 24 3% 55% 19% 39% 2% 48% 29% 63% 62 7% 50% 116% 113 20% 84% 40 18% 1% 11% 9% 112 87% 8*» — % I 100% 20 13% +l*i 75% 14 + % 53% +1% 20 - % j 76 % -4-1 53% +1%I 11 - *4 2 4% 3% + % I 11% 25% + % 39% 2% + 5% + 6 14% + % J 18% -f- % 11 + % I 115 - % I 18 - % 83% - % I 7% 43% - % I 107 - V, I 46% - % 28*4 - % I 18% % j 102% 17% - % I 18% 15% + % I 90 29% - % 42 -1 «2 -i- % I 66 — % 105% - % I 14% + % 3% 59% + % 38% + % 23k - % 12 - % 40% — y4 103 + % 16 6% - % I % 9 - % 38 -2% 9% + % 30% - % 24 3% - % I 66% 19% - % I 39% 2% + % I 49 + % 29% + % 63% 62% + % [ 7% + % I 50^4 116% 113% + % 20% - % 84% + % 40 - % 18% - % 1% 11% + % I 9% + % 112 -1 87% - té % rjcv. j»,w eiucR ana Min— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. H!»h. Low. Close, ch»· 20% 84 Curtis Pub 5 10% 10% 10%- % 109'/» 71 Curtis Pub pf (7)... 3 76'* 75 75 -14 8% fi Curtiss-Wright 65 6% 6!* 6 V* — 4 23% 164 Curtiss-Wright A-_ 10 204 20 20 —Η 62 48 Cushman pf 60» 474 474 47"-4 -64 90% 73H Cutler-Ham (lg)___ 1 744 744 74·.» — 14 184 12% Davega Stores (la). 1 15% 15% 15% + % 24 19 Davega St pf (1% )_ 1 194 194 194 — V, 1434 104% Deere & Co . .. 7 142 140% 141 — 31*« 254 Deore & Co pf(1.40). 8 284 27% 27% — % 29 17% Deisel-Wem-G (1)_. 1 20% 20% 20%— 4 88% 33 Del Λ Hud 3 39 18% 38%-% 244 13% Del Lack & W 15 16% 16 16 — 4 10% 4 Den & Rio G W pf 1 54 51$ 54 1464 110% Detroit Ed (5g) _ 1 1184 1184 1184 + 4 76 4 694 Devoe & Ray A(3a). 1 60 4 604 604 + 4 364 26 Diamond Mat (la).. 11 264 264 264 — 4 404 334 Dlam Mat pf (1 V2a). 2 334 334 334 + V4 23 14% Diam Τ Mot (4g)__ 3 17 17 17 29 204 Dist Corp-Seag 21 23% 22% 23 +4 51 384 Dome Mines (2a) 8 40 394 39% — % 12% 9 Dominion Strs 1 8% 8% 8% — 4 774 474 Douglas Aircraft .. 9 58% 574 574 -14 1594 116 Dow Chem (2.60g)_. 2 1184 118 118 — 4 394 244 Dresser Β (le) 1 27 27 27 —4 1% 4 Dili S S & Atl . ... 1 % n, + 122 112 Duplan Silk pf (8) . 40· 1144 1144 1144 +2 180% 1484 Du Pont de N(2 % g) 6 1634 1624 163 -1 1154 1J0% Duquesne 1st pf (5). 10» J 124 1124 1124 + 4 17 94 Eastern Roll _____ 6 12% 12% 12%+ % 181% 151 Eastman Kodak (8) 3 1804 180 180'a 163 150 Kastman Kn pf (6) . 220· 156 154 156 -2 374 294 Katon Mfg (l?4g)__ 2 364 364 364 + % 16 10% Kitingon Sch .. 3 124 124 124 — 4 454 34% Elec Auto Lt 1.40g.. 3 394 38% 38%— 4 16 94 Elec Boat 6 10% 10% 10% 74 44 Klec & Mus C.l 8e) 10 5 4% 5 + % 26% 14% Klec Pow & Lt 118 23s» 22% 234 -«4 87 584 Klec Ρ & Κ $« pf ___ 2 754 754 754 -24 924 62 KlecP&Lpf 8 81 80 80 -1 8 3 Klk Horn Coal pf . 4 t>4 fil* fil, — % 29 21% Kl Taso N Gs(l.iO). 16 244 244 244 17% 8 Kng Public Service. 4 124 12 12 81 61% Kng PSI ww54k_ 1 61 61 61 — % 9% 4% Kquit Off Bldg 6 5% 54 5% + 23% 134 Krie R R 8 16% 164 164 + 4 35% 194 Krie 1st pf ______ 1 24 24 24 — % 14% 74 Kureka Vacuum Cl. 4 8% 8% 8*. 344 18 KvansProd(l) 3 23 22% 22% + 4 6% 2% Kxchange Buffet 1 34 34 34 5\ 3 Fairbanks Co 10» 3% 3% 3% — >4 28 20% Kairbanks pf 70» 25 244 244 + 4 71% 494 Kairbanks Mrse(la) 10 58% 57% 58% 41 'j"r~ » *-ri / *· <·σ'*4 «iît <»ϊί"4 -+- "» 29". 16% Federal Lt & Trac . 2 214 204 211 j + ι* 11% 6'» Federal Mot (,10g)_ 9 84 7'» 7% — s 114 54 Federal Screw . _ 3 7'* 7% 7ιβ _ i, β 3 Federal Wat Svc Λ. 7 44 4% 41, + ι» 43»» 314 Fédérât D St (l%g) 1 34"* 34s. 34% — ν 45% Se Fid Phoeniz(l.eOa). 5 39% 39'* 39% — H 41% 31 Firestone (114g) __ 13 33 324 324 — % 524 394 First Nat Strs(2 4 ). 3 40 39% 39·» 46'» 26'» Flintkote ( 1 ) 60 31". 30% 31 + % 94. 4% Follansbee (r) 6 5% 5% 5% 58 474 Food Mach (1) 10 53 52'» 53 + 14 128 108 Food Mach pf (4 4) 290· 118i 117·» 118'i + 21·» 844 37'» Foster Wheeler 5 44 434 4314 — il» 18*. 74 Francisco Sugar __ 8 10'» I0u> 104 + % 321·» 244 Freeport Sul (lg) _ 16 30% 30'» 30% 117 1051» Freeport Sul pf (6). 60· 1121 » 112 1124 —41, 73 45 Fuller Co pr pf 370· 48 46 47", + % 484 25 Fuller 2d pf 190» 31 28 31 -2 15% 11*» flair (Robert) 7 14'» 141, 14'.» + i, 106'» 95 Gannett cv pf (6) 10· 99% 99», 99», -IV» 19% 11 Gar Wood Ind ( %g) 2 13% 13'» 13% + % 15'» 10% Hen Am Inv 2 13'» J3v% 13% 86% 62% Gen Am Trns(14g) β 68 68 68 14 7% Gen Bronze _ 4 8 8 8 — V» 324 20 Gen Cable 13 27 26*» 27 65 39'·» Gen Cable A 4 54% 64 » 54% - IV» 152 129 Gen Cigar pf (7) _.. 20· 128 128 128 —1 64% 40% Gen F.lec (.80g) 30 59 5g., e,^>·, — % 44'» 36 (Jen Foods (2) 10 38% 38 38 — % 3s» 14 Gen G & Kl A ... 32 2'» 2% 2% 70'-» 48% Gen Motors (lV»g>_ 73 57 56% 56'»— % 154 8% Cen Out Adv 2 10% 10i, 10'»- V» 19 15% Gen Print lnk(.30g) 3 16% 16', 16»» -r ι» 5% 3'» Gen I'ub Svc .. 4 3% 3a, 31, 65% 41'.» Gen Ry Signal (1) . 4 45 44% 441,-11', 5% 3 Gen Real & Util __ 104 3% 3'» 3% + % 48% 31 Gen Real & Ut pf ___ 12 36% 35 36'» +2'* 70'» 55 Gi n Refract (2h)__. 2 59'» 59'» 59'» -κ t, 88 48 CenStlCastpf 100» 55 52 52'» -2% 20% 14% Gillette (Hr) 3 15 14% 15 τ V» 88'» 78 Gillette pf (5) 1 78% 78',» 78'» 29% 20% Gimbel Bros 18 23 22% 22% — % 51'» 40% Glidden Co (2a). _ _ 6 44 43», 43%— », 58% 51% Glidden cv pf (2 V4. )- 1 52% 52'» 52%— 4 6% 4 Gobel Adolf . 1 41» 41, 4*t 8'» 5% Goebel Brew (,20a). 5 5% 5% 5», _ ν» 50% 31 Goodrich (4*) 28 38% 38'· 38% 87"» 77% Goodrich pf (5) 4 79'» 79'» 79',— % 47% 27% Goodyear T4R ( lg> 54 42'» 41% 41%— % 141 100 Goodyr T&R pf (5). 5 125 124', 124', 4% 3 Graham-Paige 52 4% 3% 4 15 6% Granby Consol . ... 12 10 9', 10 + % 484 32 Granite Cit Stl (1) 1 36 36 36 -2 47% 344 Grant (WT) (1.40a) 2 40 39»» 39% 56% 40% Great Nor Ry pf 28 52% 51% 51% 284 17% Grt Nor Ore et( ·?» g) 9 22'» 22 22V· —1% 424 34 Grt Wst Sug(2.4ua ) 7 35 35 35 — % 394 27% Green (HL) (1.60a) 4 32'» 32'» 324 — % 16% 12% Greyhound (.80) 23 16% 15% 15%— % 4% 2 Guantanamo Sug 3 2% 2% 2% 4- % 59 40 Guantanamo pf 20· 45 45 45 -4 34% 27 Hack Water (î»g).. 1 29 4 294 294 — 4 20% 134 Hall Print . 1 13-» 131, 137, 31 254 Hamilton W ( 65g). 10 304 30'» 304 -I- % 584 40 Harti-Walk (lg) _. 3 46'» 46V» 46'» — % 17% 104 Hat Corp A (,60g)_. 1 12 12 12 1064 914 Hat Corp pf (64) . 90· 914 914 914 - 4 8 4 Hayes Body. 2 5% 5 5 — 1, 115 10O Hazel-Atlas Gl(5a). 1 1154 115'/» 1154 + 4 J 15% 11% Hecker Prod (.60a). 11 12% 11% 12 39% 24 Hercules Mot (1 ) 1 30% 30% 30», — %j 111 1024 Hershcvpf (4a) 1 103% 103% 103% ! 52% 354 Holland F (lg) 3 44'» 44 44 — % 43'» 29'» Holly Sug ( 2 %g) 9 32 31% 32 —1 50'» 47% Homestakf (.Tjg) . 1 48', 48', 48%— it 27% 18 Houd-Her Β (14) . 11 23% 22% 22% — »» 94 884 Househld Fin pf (5). 3 934 93% 93'» — % 17% 124 Houston Oil ... 21 15% 15'» 15% — 1* 90'» 62% Howe Sound (3a) 10 82», 82 82*. 4 t> H Hudson & Man 23'» 134 Hudson ilotor 4 3 Hupp Motor 38 21 Illinois Central 72 58 111 Cent LL (4) 224 1214 Indian Refining 474 33 Indust Rayon (2)... 144 124 Ingersol Rnd(l4g) 334 17% Inspiration Copper. 6 4% Insuranshar (.10g). 13% 54 Inter Hap Tran (r). 114 4% Intercontl Rubber.. 284 164 Interlake Iron 9'·» 5 Intl Agricul 634 42 Intl Agri pr pf (3k). 189 1464 Intl Bus Maoh (6a). 1154 994 Intl Harvestr (2 4). 162 144v<· Intl Harv pf (7) 167* 84 Intl Hydro-Elec A_. 154 64 Int Mer Marine 18»» 10 Intl Mining (,30s) . 73% 554 Intl Nickel Can(lg) 24"» 164 Intl Paper & Pw Α.. 18 10% Intl Paper & Pw B_. 91» 5% Intl Paper Λ Pw C _ 121*» 904 Intl Paper & Pw pf. 49% 41'» Intl Shoe (2) 52 31% Intl Silver 110 88 Intl Silver pf (6k).. 154 9% Intl Tel & Tel 36V* 20·* Interst Dep S 2 4 g ■ ■ 1074 100 Interst Dept pf (7 ). 30 254 Island Crk Coal (2). 155 120 Johns-Manville (3). 136 1174 Jones &L pf (3Kk) 46 28 Kalam Stove (la) _ 35 25 Kaufmn Dep 1.20g_. 110 96 Keith-A-O pf l*»g . 23% 12% Keisey-Hayes A ... 194 94 Kel-Hayes Wh Β 69% 51 Kennecott (2K) ·. 204 14Vi Keystone S&W(.60) 71 44 Kinney (G R) pf 354 314 Kinney pr pf ,29% 20% Kresge (SS) (.60c). 474 314 Kress (SH) (1.60). 244 18 Kroger Groc (1.60). 274 154 Laclede Gas 24 184 Lambert (2) 514 32 Lehigh Porte (l'A) 3% 1% Lehigh Valley Coal. 184 8% Lehigh Val Coal pf. 24% 134 Lehigh Valley R R_ 434 36 Lehman Corp (la) — 21% 14% Lehn&Fink (14) 58% 40 Lerner Stores (2a) _ 79 684 Libb-Ow-FGl (3g). 15% 9% Libby McN & Lib ... 28% 25% Life Savers (1.60) 114 944 Liggett&MB (4a). 834 59 Lima Loco 61 514 Link Belt (2) 26% 26 Liquid Carb (2.60).. 844 644 Loew's (2a) 34 1 Loft 75V» 504 Lone Star Cem (3).. 10% 6% Long-Bell A 434 284 Loose-Wil Bis (2)_. 28% 20 Lorlllard (P) (1.20) 28% 194 Louisv G&E A IV».. 41% 29V» Luldum Steel (1) — 36 24% McCall (2) 244 14% McCrory Strs__.r__ 544 40% McGraw Elec (2) — 284 164 McGraw-H(.424g). 424 32% Mclntyre Pore (2).. 424 314 McKeesport Τ (2) — 164 12% McKesson & Rob .. 474 42% McKess & R pf (3). 19 124 McLellan StrsOig) 62V» 40% Mack Truck» (1) — 684 44 Macy (RH) (&a) — 63 42 Maima Cop (lHg) 74 3% Manati Sugar (r) 30 14 Manati Sugar pf 214 14 Manati pf ctfs (r)_. 164 64 Man Ry mod gtd(r). 6% 34 M&racaibo Oil 3 3 3 164 15% 15% - 4 4 34 4 254 254 264 - % 62 61 61 15 144 15 - 4 374 374 374 - % 132 132 132 + 4 25% 24% 25 5 5 5 94 9 9 - 4 6% 64 64 + 4 204 194 20 - 4 64 6 6 - 4 50 60 50 - 4 159 159 159 - 4 116 1144 115 - 4 152 152 152 + 1 144 13% 13% - 4 9% 9% 9% - 4 12% 124 124 - 4 65 64% 64** + 4 17% 174 174 - % 13 12% 12% 6% 64 64 — 4 100 100 100 - 4 44 44 44 + 4 42% 42% 42% + % 99 98 99 + 1% 124 12 12 - 4 264 26 26 - % 1014 1014 1014 + 4 284 284 284 - 4 135 134 134 - I 127 126 127 + L 33 33 33 - 4 284 284 284 100 100 100 + 4 164 164 164 - % 13% 134 134 - % 61% 60% 61% + % 15% 154 154 49 49 49 -1 334 334 334 - 4 23% 234 234 W 34% 344 344 - 4 22 21% 22 + 4 214 20 20 194 194 194 + % 354 35% 35% - 4 24 2 24 + 4 10% 104 104 + 4 16 15% 15% - 4 414 41 41 - 144 14% 14% - 4 424 424 424 - 4 67 664 66% - % 12% 12% 12% 284 284 284 + 4 1004 1004 1004 - % 664 654 654 - % 69 58% 69 ' + 4 264 264 264 - 4 824 82 824 - 4 24 2 2 66% 66% 65% - % 74 74 74 30% 304 304 + 4 22 22 22 224 214 22 + % 35% 354 354 - 4 254 25 25 17% 174 174 - 4 49% 49% 49% + % 194 19 19 - 4 35% 354 364 37 364 37 + 4 14% 13% 144 + 4 44% 44% 44% - % 14 14 14 + 4 46% 46% 46% - 4 484 48% 48% - 4 484 484 484 + 4 5% 54 6% + 4 204 184 204 +2% 19 1» 19 +6 11% 11 114 - % 44 44 44 3 6 41 12 20· 2 1 1 21 5 3 4 37 13 1 1 27 1 60 2 6 23 3 2 9 3 2 2 50· 77 10 10· 1 7 50· 1 1 10» 4 4 88 3 10. 10» 9 3 8 50» 2 4 6 12 9 10 3 1 14 1 4 4 2 3 7 16 15 0 1 4 4 8 7 2 3 1 6 3 4 27 1 1 2 4 3 10 340· 10· 4 1 Prey. 10.17 Stotk and High. Low. Dividend Rate. 14% 9% Marine Midi (.40a). 30% 18% Marshal Field 29% 19(4 Martin (Glen) 13% 7 Martin-Parry _ 41*t 32% Math Alkali (1%) - Ififi 142 Mathe Alkili pf (7). 15% 8 Maytag - .. ._ 44 34 Maytag pf ww (3)__ 34% 25 Mead Corp (%g) 101 9314 Mead Corp pf (6) 8614 67 Melville Shoe (5) 1 β^ί» 914 Mengel 47H 34 Mengel 5% ρξ(2 % ). 72% S8 Mesta Mach (2%g). 2614 14% Miami Copper 35% 25% Mid-Cont Pet (%g). 122 108 Midland Stl 1 pf(S). 124 108 Minn-Hon pf B(4 ) __ 16% 11 Minn-Mol Imp 105% 88'4 Minn-Mol Imp pf _ 6V4 2% Minn StP&SSm I,L. 34 23% Mission Corp ( lg)_. 9% 514 Mo-Kan-Texas 34% 21 Mo-Kan-Tex pf 6% 3 Mo Pacific (r) 12% 6 Mo Pacific pf (r) 40% 28 Mohawk Crp(l.2na) 104 85 Monsanto Ch l' je 69 <8 Montgom Ward (2a) 6614 56 Morris&Esx (3T4) 3% *4 Mother Lode 38% 27** Motor Prod ( 1 U g ) . 26 174 Motor Wheel (1.60). 54 37*4 Mueller Brass (la). 14-4 13% Mulllns Mfg Β 99% 80 Mullinspf(7) 20% 10% Murray Corn 71 58% Myers & Bro (2g)._ 24"-'· 16% Nash-Kelv (]) 47'4 30 Nash Chat & StL... 24 17** Natl Acme ( %g) 18** 11'4 Natl Aviation 33** 22*4 Natl Biscuit (1.60). 33% 25 Natl Bnd & Inv 1.44 38% 29*» Natl Cash Reg( % κ) 26', I81* Natl Dairy Ρ ( 1.20 ) 112 107 Natl Dairy PpfB(7) 24% 15 Natl Dept Strs 35 27'4 Natl Distill (2) 18% 12 Natl Gypsum 44 30% Natl Lead (%) 61% 44 Nat Mal&Stl C(lc). 14H 8% NatlPw&Lt (.60).. 94% 7o Natl Steel (lUe) 39% 31*4 Natl Supply 130 121% Natl Sup pf(l%k). 13% 9!4 Natomas (.80) 41*4 28 Newport Ind (l'4g) 98'» 73% Ν Y Air Br (l%f) . 65'4 34V* Ν Y Central 31% 21 Ν Y C Omnibus 12% 6 Ν Y Dock 25*. 12'4 Ν Y Dock pf .. _. 2 % Ν Y Investors (r)__ 9*4 3*4 NYNH&H(r) . 26'ν 12% Ν Y Ν H & H pf (r). 6% 2% Ν Y Ont & West (r) 15*. 8'4 Ν Y Shipblde 112".4 73 Ν Y Steam $7 pf 17% 9% North Am Aviat 34% 21 North Am ( 6fig) 36s» 25% Northern Pacific 22% 17% Ohio Oil ( % g) 73 53'j Oliver Farm 26% 13 Omnibus 114 95 Omnibus pf (fi) 19"» 12% Oppenheim Col %g. 45l4 33*4 Otis Kiev (,40g) 24*4 14% Otis Steel 28 22 Outboard M (1 %g). 96'i 82% Owens-Ill G1 ! %ρ _ 15% 61·» Par Coast 40 23% Pac Coast 1 st pf 38 28% Pac Gas& El (2)—. 53% 40% Pac Lighting (3) 44% 25 Pac Mills (Ig). ... 29% 20% Pac West Oil (,6f.e). 12% 7% Packard Mot (.lig) 4% 2 Panhandle PAR fri Balea—■ Add 00.~HÎïïï! 10'4 26% 21% 9 37% 14 21 7 2 5 90a 147% 9% 35 28% 95% 75 11% 39% 65% 19% 32% 3 1 1 10a 6 6 30s 5 40 56 50a 115 50a 118 18 14** 2 106% 130s 3% 4 29% 7% 26 3% 7% 36% 102 64 57% 1% 35% 21% 42 13% 89% 13% 64 19% 33 22% 13% 24% 27% 8 34% 32 21** 20a 110% 7 8 5 18 I 4 37 30a 8 10 3 3 4 10a 15 1 15 10a 17 1 14 5 2 8 34 12 13 95 1 11 1 8 7 4 70 2 200a 320» 1 11 9 2 8 40a 13 96 18 30 9 6 70. .3 3 15 1 10 80a 100a 7 4 3 18 30% 14% 38 52% 12 89% 38% 128 9% 34% 76 42% 24 8 19 1 4% 15% 2% 10% 101% 12 29% 31% 20% 67% 16'* 104% 15% 41% 19'» 25% 95% 9 26 3.3% 45'; .32 27 % 9% TôwT 10% 26% 21% 8% 36% 147 9% 35 28% 95% 75 11% 39 65· 18% 32% 114% 118 13% 105 3% 29 7% 25% 3% 7% 36% 101% 63% 57 1% 34% 21% 41 % 13% 89% 13% 64 19 33 21% 13% 24 27% 34 20% 110% IK 30 14 37% 51% 11% 89 38 128 9% 33% 75 41'. 24 7% 17% 1 4% 14*. 2% 10 100% 12 28% 30% 20% 66 15% 104 15% 4 1 ' a 18% 25% 95 8% 26 3.3 45 32 26% 9% 9U Net. Close, chie. 10% + % 26% + % 21% + % 9 + % 37% + % 147 +2 9% - % 35 28% - % 95% - % 75 -1 11% + % 39% +1% 65% + % 19% + % 32% -t- % 114% - % 118 +1% 13% - % 105 +3 3% 4- % 29 7% 25% + % 3% — ** 7% + % 36Vfc + *. 101% - % 63% — % 57 1% 34% -1 21% - % 41% - % 13% - % 89% + % 13% + % 64 — % 19% - % 33 22 13% - % 24% + % 27% - », 34 - % 21 110% 18 - % 30% + s. 14% + % 37% 52% % 11% + % 89 — % .38 - % 128 9*. 3.3% - % 75 -2 41% +1 24 8 -1- % 18% -r % 1 4% - % 14'» -1 2% + % 10% ·*· % 101% τ % 12 29 - *. 30% - Ή 20·, - % 66 -2 15% - % 104% - % 15*» + % 41% - % 19 - *» 25% - % 95% + *% 8% - *» 26 - % 33% - % 45% τ % 32 I 27% - % 9% — % .91,. — u. i 60 Panhandle pf (r) 20» 97 97 97 61% Paraffine (2e) . 1 71'» 71% 71!4 16% Paramount Piet 82 23*» 22s* 22% 15M» Paramount 2 pfi.fiO) 1 20% 20% 20% 25 Park & Tilford (2) 1 25 25 25 4 Park Utah . 23 4% 4'·» 4% 36% Parke Davis(1.4ng). 1 39 39 39 23 Parker Rust-Pr 14. 1 27 27 27 2*4 Parmt lee Trans 11 4 3% 4 6% Pathe Film 12 8s» 8*» 8% 14% Patino Mines 3 16 15*» 15s» 3% Peerless Corp . 5 7% 7 7% 38% Penick & Ford ( 1 c). 2 42 41% 42 85 Penney (J C) (2g) . 3 98 97% 98 5% Penn-Pixie Cement. 6 7% 7% 7% 43'·» Penn-Dixle pf A .. 1 54 54 54 22 Penn G1 S et ( '4g) . 3 28 27 27 34% Penn R R ( i~g) . 22 39% 39 39% 43% Peoples Gas Lt & C. 17 52% 51% 52% -el' 30*4 Pere Marquette 1 33 33 33 -t-H 19 ret Milk (1) __ 1 20 20 20 16% Petro Corp (.40g) 4 18:« 18S 18% + · 7% Pfeiffer Brew(.60g) 1 8% 8% 8% 40 Phelps Dodce 114g. 18 52% 51'* 52% 4% Phila Rap Trans 100» 5% 5% 6'» 8 Phila Rap Trans pf. 20· 8% 8% 8% 1 Phila Read C& I 2 1% 1% 1% 70 Philip Moris(3s»g). 4 93 92 92 4914 Phillips Pet (2a) . 51 64 «3% 63% -r % 44 Phoenix Hoe pf 3 % 40· 49 49 49 —1 10'» Pitts Coal _ 2 li 12 12 12 Pitts Screw (.30») 7 15 14% 14% 24% i'itts Steel 1 27% 27*. 27*, -IV» 84 Pitts Steel pf _ 20» 94 94 94 — % 16% Pitts Term Coal pf. 20» 16 16 16 — Vs 1 3s* Pitts 1'nited 2 5% 5% 5% 97'» Pitts United pf . 10» 122 122 122 24% Plymouth 0ii(.70g) 15 27% 27% 27'» 21% Poor & Co Β .. 7 23 ·, 22', 22'* —I'm 14 Porto H Am Tob Β . 1 1'» U« 1% — 1» 7 Postal Τ & C pf (r). 4 8% 8% 8», 171 a Pressed Steel Car _ 9 20 19% 19% — % 55% Procter & Gam (2a) 7 61% 61% 61% % 36% Pub svc Ν .1 (2.60), 14 44% 43% 44 - % 99% Pub S Ν J J5 pf (5). 2 102 102 102 + 113% Pub SVC Ν J pf (6)_. 3 114 114 114 -r % 51% Pullman (1%) 14 55(4 53% 53% -1% 16% Pure Oil 94 21% 20% 20% - % 107% Pure Oil pf (8) 10» 109% 109% 109% 15 Purity Bak (,30g) 6 15 15 15 7% Radio Corp ... 47 9% 9% 9% 63 Radio cvpf (3%) 2 69 69 69 6% Radlo-Keith-O (r)_. 12 8% 8% 8% 4- % 13% R R Sec III C Stk . 120» 16 15% 16 + % 29 Ravbest-Man (1%). 2 33% 33% 33%- % 32 Reading Co (2) 3 34 34 34 20 Reis & Co 1st pf 1 21% 21% 21%- % 16% Reliable Strs ( 1 > 1 19% 19% 19%- % 21 Rem Rand (.70g)... 22 26% 26 26 - % 80 Rem R pf ww (4 % ). 1 83% 83% 83% + % 5 Reo Motor . 15 6% 6 6 — % 27% Republic Steel __ 111 39% 38% 38% -1 109 RepStlcvpf (3k) . 2 114% 114% 114% - % 97% Republic St pf A<6) 1 104 104 104 - % 32 Revere Copper Λ Β. 1 37% 37% 37% + % 22% Reynolds Met(l )xr_ 5 25% 24% 25% + % iî Reynolds Met CI) 67 % ij % τ f, 49 Reynolds Tob Β (3) 7 52% 51% 52% +1 30 Ruberoid (.60) 1 36 36 36 31 Safewav Strs (2) 3 35 34% 34% 99 Safeway 6% pf (fi). 20» 104 104 104 + % 104% Safewav 7% pf (7). 10» 109 109 109 43% St Joseph Lead(2a) 2 59% 59% 59% 2% St lj-San Fran (r) .13 3 3 4% St L-San Frn pf (r). 6 6% 6% 6% + % 14% Savape Arms ( %p). 6 23 22% 23 ->-1 38% Schenley Distill ( 3 ). 11 44 43% 43% 4- % 93% Schenley pf (5%) . 1 95 95 95 + % 1% Schulte Ret (r) _ 5 1% 1% 1% 38 Scott Taper ( 1.One). 40» 40 40 40 1% Seaboard Air L· (r). 3 1% 1% 1% + 36% Seaboard Oil (1) 4 44% 44 44 — 6% Seaprave Corp 2 8% 8% 8% — 81 Sears Roeb (3) 17 94% 93% 94% 26 Servel Corp (la) ... 14 30% 30 30% + 29 Sharon Steel (1.20). 2 35% 35% 35%+ % 9% Sharp & Dohme .. 7 11% 10% 10%-% 12 Shattuck FG (.60).. 3 14% 14 14 25% Shell Union (4ε)-- 11 29% 29% 29%+% Prev. 1937 Stock «nd Beles— Net Hlih. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hiih. Low. Close, chg· 105% 102 Shell Un pf (5%) — 1 104Vi 1044 1044 - 4 17% 12 Stiver King (.65ε).. 2 15 14% 14% 68 40 Simmons Ok) 9 604 49% 50Vi + 1% 44 3V4 Slmms Petroleum— 1 34 34 34 + V» 60% 42 Skelly Oil (1 V4K> 2 5914 59V« 594 1024 984 Skelly Oil pf (6) 1 1014 1004 1014 197 854 SiosB-Sheffleld S& I 20» 161 161 161 -1 404 27'/, Smith & Cor (%g)_. 3 3214 324 324 + «4 29% 194 Snider I'ack (1 %*)- 2 214 214 214-4 21% 164 Socony-Vac ( 4g) - 132 214 21% 21% 6% 34 Sou Am G4P (.l»e) 3 4 34 4 64 + 424 324 Sou po Rico Sur (Y) 7 334 334 334 + ι 324 224 Sou Cal Kdis (14a) 13 26% 26 264 65% 40% Sou Pacific 28 504 49% 494 43% 24 Southern rty 10 34 334 34 604 374 Southern Ry pf 4 47% 474 474 +1 114 64 Spalding 6 7 7 7 94 64 Sparks With 15 64 6% 6% 31 17% Spear & Co 1 224 224 224 36 294 Spen-Kell (1.60a) 2 304 304 304 + V. 23% 16 Sperry C'orp (le) 14 194 19 19 344 264 Spicer Mfg. 6 32% 32 32 -1\ 50 44 Spicer pf A (3) 10· 50 50 50 + ι, 28% 194 Spiegel lue ( % g)... 32 24 234 234 — 954 804 Spiegel pf (4 4 ) .. 200· 91 91 91 + » 48% 37% Square DCo B.60g„. 4 46 444 46 -,2*. 164 11% Stand Brands (.80). 36 12% 12% 124— M 14% 54 Stand Gas & El (r). 77 10» 9% 9% — ^ 32% 13 Stand Ο & Κ pf (r) .. 62 24 224 224 —Hi 65 33 Std Oft Κ $6 prpf (r). 4 464 45 454 + V 72% 364 St O&K 7% ρ pf(r) . 11 544 53% 54 50 39»» Stand OH Calif (la) 12 454 45 45 — Vj 50 404 Stand Oil Ind (la) 15 464 46% 46%— >1 76 634 Stand Oil Ν J (la) 25 714 714 714 - *i 75 62% Sterling Prod(3.80) 1 634 634 634 + Vi 21 17 Stewart-Warn( 4a) 10 19 18% 18% — 33% 17 Stone & Web 40 254 25% 25% — Ν 20 12 Studebaker 32 1K% 134 134 - ν 774 65 Sun Oil (la) __ __ 3 684 68 68 - ν 224 174 Sunshine Mng ($) . 14 184 184 184 + 61% 374 Superheater ( 14 ) - 4 444 44 441, ~ χ< 7% 44 Superior Oil 18 5% 54 54 — h 28% 21% Swift ft Co (1.20) _.. 3 24% 24% 24%— * 334 294 Swift Intl (2) _ 4 32 314 32 23"» 154 Symington ww .35*. 4 19 18% 18% 17% 114 Symington xw .35*. 2 144 144 144 + i, 15% 10'* Talcott (.45g) 2 114 114 114— V, 8% 64 Telautograph ( 60), 1 7 7 7 15% 10% Term Corp ( 40 __ 14 13% 134 134 65'4 5(1% Texas Corp Ci) 86 65 61% 64". 4- 1. 9% 6 Texas Oulf Prod 6 74 7% 7s. — 44 33% Tex Gulf Sul (2a) _ 10 40 39% 41) + 1 16% 11% Tex Pac C&O (.40).. 6 14% 14'» 144— 15% 10 Tex Pac Land Tr 15 12% 124 124 + M 48 32 Thatcher ( 4g) 1 36 36 36 13% 94 The Fair 1 104 10' » 104 134 7% Thermoid 4 94 9% 9% — 1, 84 3 Third Ave _ . 3 4 4 4 _ i,j 284 23 Thompson Pr(.90g). 1 25% 25'» 25% — 104 34 Thompson-Slar _ 16 5'·, 54 54 + *, 40% 174 Thompson Starr pf. 1 22 22 22 — '■ 21% 15% Tide-Wat As (.3.jg). 72 20% 20-» 20%+ 1. 98 91% Tide-W As pf (4 4 ). 4 97 97 97 — 284 17% Timken-Det Ax(2e) 11 244 23% 24 — '1 79 55 Timken Roll Β (3) . I 654 65', 654 — '« I"'·, 124 Transamerica ( 4 ). 13 134 13 . 134 22% 13 Trans ft West Air 4 154 14% 154 J 11% 74 Tri-Cont Corp ( 4g) 11 84 8% 8% - >, 12 84 Truax-Traer (.80) . 2 114 11% 114 - 1, 26% 14 Truscon Steel . 1 17% 17 , _ i, 40% 30% 20th Cent-Fox (lg). 6 374 7 4 371, T -, 50 39 20th r-F F pf 1 4. .. 2 464 46 , 4«;. 26% 164 Twin Coach (,30c).. 1 19 19 ift 100', 73 l'nderwood ( 1 % g ).. 2 90 9o ;*o — 1 914 63 I 'n Bag ft Ρ ( 2) .. 2 78 78 78 -l 111 95 Γη Carbide (2.40*> . 12 101% χο] , 1014 — 284 224 Γη Oil of Cal (.8;,Ε). 5 J6 25% 25% 148% 122 Γη Pacifie (6) . 3 132 1314 1314 — 314 244 Γη Tank Car ( 1.β'· ». 1 2*4 284 2*4 + 4 35 4 234 l'nit Aircraft (4g). 1(1 29 4 29 4 29 » — ·■'. 24% 144 1'nit Air Lines . lu 174 \"J\ j-.t _ , 35 29 Tnit-Carr Fast (2). 2 314 314 314 4 84 4 1 "nit Corp 345 «4 «4 fii, 464 324 Tnit «'orp pf (3) 9 414 40>, 40 i 16 10% 1'nit Orujr ( 4 g ) .. 19 124 J2 124 - 1, 264 184 l'nit Dyewnod (la). 1 21 21 21 ξ' - 1» + 1% — % -1% -τ- % _ s. 63 45% 1'nlt Kng & Fy(lg). 2 55% 55 » 5.V4 - 86% 75% I'nit Fruit (3) . 13 77 75 75% — 17 11 Unit Gas Imp (1) 49 14% 11 14 16'* 6% I'nit Paperbd (.30g) 1 10% 10% 10% + 20% 11s» U S Distrib pf 30» 16% ]β ifi 34"< 15% t" S Freight ( 1 %e)_ 1 19 i9 19 137 103% U S Gypsum (2) .. 1119 119 119 -1 23% 15% U S Hoffman Mach. 1 19% 19% 19'. 43s» 28 V S Indus Alco 55 33% 32 33% 151» 61-t U S Leather 4 10% 10% 10'2 22% 13% U S Leather A 5 19\. 19s 19'. 72% 44'» US Pip· (3). - — 2 53% 53% 53% 19% 10 U S Realty & Imp.60 12% 11% 12% 72'» 44% U S Rubber 39 60% 59% 60'* 118 81 % I" S Rubber 1st pf-_ 3 94% 93% 94 * 105 78 I" S Smelt R (6g,l 4 92 92 92 1264 75 IT S Steel _ . 145 118% 116%. 117% 150 126% U S Steel pf (7) .. 3 136% 136 136% 9% 5% Unit Stockyds ( % ). 17 6% 6'» 6% — 8% 3% I'nit Stores A __ 2 5% 5'* 5% 164 142% Univ Leaf Τ pf (R> 10» 155 155 155 +1 108 63 I'nlv Pictures 1st pf 10» 70 70 70 4% 1% Util Ρ & Lt A (r)__. 44 2s» 2% 2% ~ 2% 1% Vadsco 1 1% 1% 1% 39% 24% Vanadium Steel.. 4 29% 29% 29% — 44% 32 Van Raalte (1 %g) . 1 36% 36% 36% 47 40% Vick Chemical (2a). 2 41% 41% 41% — 12*» 7 Va-faro Chem . 5 8% 8% 8% 74% 48% Ya-Caro 6 pfU'2k). 3 57 57 57 - 115 105 Va Kl & Pwr pf t 6 ).. 70» 110% 110% 110% - 12'» 6% Y a Ir Coal &- Coke 10» 8 8 8 -r 37 20% Va Iron Coal & C pf. 10» 22% 22% 22% 10i« 3% Wabash I'.y 'r) . .. 6 5 4% 4"» - 18% 7% Wabash pfAir) . 5 9 8% 8% 19% 12% Waldorf S.vs (1.20). 7 12% 12'. 12% - 33 24% Walgreen (2) 2 28% 28 28% 89 84% Walgreen pf w\v 4 % 1 89 89 8» 51% 42% Walker U G&\\'(2). 7 49% 49% 49% 18s» 11% Walworth 87 16% 15% 15% 10% 5% WanlBakingB ... 5 6% 6: _ 6% + 18 11% Warner Pros t'irt 29 14% 14% 14% — 69% 56 Warn Bros Pic pf... 1 62 62 62 -1 1% % Warner-Quin ι r ) 1 % % % — 12% 6 » Warren Bros (r) . 4 9% 9 9 — 38% 26% Waukesha Mot (la) 2 30% 30% 30% 48% 34 Wayne Pumpd'ïp) 16 48% 47'·» 48% + 56 43% Wesson Ο & S (%a) 5 45 45 45 —1 102 89 W Penn Kl A (7) 20» 93% 93% 93% 109 90% W Pen El "% pf (7) 20» 96% 96% 96% -t 30% 24 West Auto Sup 1.60. 1 28 28 28 11% 7% Western Maryland. 2 8% 8% 8% 11% 5% Western Pac pf . 4 7 7 7 83% 41% West Union Tel (3). 22 51% 50% 51 -t- V 57% 40% Westinghse Air (1). 1 1 44 42s» 42% 167% 130% West El & M (2g) . 12 156% 155 155 -1 170 143 West Ε & M pf (2g) 10» 160 160 160 27% 19 Westvaco Chi (1 ) 2 21% 21% 21%+ \ 34% 29% Westvaco Chi pf 1% 2 30 30 30 - >, 123% 114 Wheel & L Ε pf 5% . 50» 119 119 119 + », 65 38 Wheeling Stl ... 6 54 53% 53% - *, 113 99 Wheel Stl pf 2%k._. 1 112% 112% 112% +2% 33% 20 White Motor 5 24% 24 » 24%- \ 18% 14% White Rk M Sp 1.40. 2 15% 15% 15%-% 6% 3% White Sew Mach.__ 2 4% 4% 4% + % 46% 25 White Sew M pf 5 36% 35 36% 6% 4% Wilcox Oil & Gas 5 5% 5 5 12% 8% Wilson & Co ( %)-_. 12 10 9% 9% 91% 77 Wilson Î6 pf (6) 1 81% 81% 81% 65% 43»» Wool worth (2.40).. 44 48 46% 48 47 30% Worthington Pump. 0 40% 40 40 112% 81 Worthington pf A._ 50» 107% 107% 107% 128 90 Wright Aero 10» 100 100 100 76 65% Wrigley Jr (3a) 2 70% 70 70 — % 37% 20% Yellow Truck 2.3 25% 25 25 -% 46% 35% Youni Spring (3) ... 2 40% 40% 40% 101% 74% Youngstn S&T l%g 31 93% 91 91% -1% 40% J50 Zenith Radio(lUg) 3 37% 36% 36%-% 9% 4% Zonite Prod 9 6 5% 5% Approximate Sales of Stocks on the Ν. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M 290.000 12:00 Noon 460.000 1:00 P.M 600000 2:00 P.M. 700.000 Total Sales for the day, 900,000 s Unit of tradini 10 shtr·» r In bankruptcy or rceivership. or beins reorganized under bankruptcy act. or securities assumtd by such companies. Rates of dividends in the forcEoinsr table are annual dl« bursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual déclara lion. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends arc not Included χ Ex dividend, xr Ex rights, a Also extra or ext ras, e Paid last year, f Payable in stock,, κ Declared or paid so far this year, h Cash or stock, k Accumulated dividend paid or de clared this year. STOCKS HESITANT - Lag of Steels and Motors Contrasts With Gains ot Specialties. Stock Averages •'to IS 1 .=> «0 Indus. Rails. Util. Stks. Net change. —.1 —1 -.2 Une. Today, noon 97 4 41.0 45 3 70.1 Previous day 97.5 41 1 45 1 70.1 Month ago.. 87.9 36.1 39.3 62 6 Year ago 91 3 39 4 52 6 68 6 1937 high...101 6 49.5 54 0 75.3 1937 low 87 9 36 1 39 1 62 6 1936 high... 99.3 43.5 53.7 72 8 1936 low 73.4 30,2 43 4 55,7 1932 low 17.5 8.7 23 9 16 9 1929 high...146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 'Compiled by the Associated Press.) NEW YORK COTTON By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 26—Extreme losses of $1.50 to nearly {2 a bale were registered in cotton today under further general liquidation promoted by favorable crop advices and a dis position to discount a production this season of 14'/2 million bales. December eased from 1.07 to 10.79 and in midaftemoon was selling at 10.90, when prices generally were 22 to 24 points net lower. Future» closed barely ateady. 19 to 27 lower. High. Low. Close. Dctober 11.15 10.84 10.05-07 December 11.07 10.7» 10.00-U2 lanuary i_ 11 07 10.80 10.04 Viarcn 11.1H 10.87 10.08 «ay 11.18 10.Art 11.03 luly 11.10 10.05 11.<«-04 Spot quiet; middling. 11.40. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed !asy. 7 to 0 lower Sales. IIP contracts, ncluding two switches September. 8.00b; Dctooer 8 84: December 8.83b; January. 3.86 March. 8.86. b—Bid. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. La.. July 26 (ΛΊ.—A ittle hedge selling and liquidation caused ι barely steady opening In cotton today ind first transactions showed losses of 1 to 5 points. October opened at 11.13, December at 11.15. January at 11.16, March at 11.25 ind May at 1129. Prices continued to recede In early trad, nc and toward the end of the flrat half hour active positions were 9 to 15 points under the previous close. Early weather advices were favorable. Cottonseed oil opened steady. July. 8 50b; September. R.4»b; October. R.4:!b; December, s.-io. January, 8.41b; March, 8.45b. b—Bid. JOIN COLGATE BOARD. NEW YORK, July 26 OP).—S. B. Colgate, president of Colgate-Palm olive-Peet Co., announced that at the regular directors' meeting on July 21 the following were elected to the board of directors: N. F. S. Russell, president of the United States Pipe <fc Foundry; George W. Merck, president of Merck & Co., and M. Gibson Carey, jr., president of Yale & Towne Co. VISIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY. NEW YORK, July 26 OP).—The visible supply of American grain shows the following changes in bushels: Wheat increased 20,573,000; corn de creased 66,000; oats increased 356.000; rye decreased 301,000; barley decreased 225,000. Chinese Planes Cut Time. Mail and passenger flying time between Peiping and Hongkong, China, has been reduced to 10 hours. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS UP SLIGHTLY IN WEEK Sttcial Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. July 26—New York City bank stocks displayed a firmer tendency during the lait week and closed slightly higher, according to records compiled by Holt, Rose & Troster. The aggregate market value of 16 leading issues on July 23 amounted to $2,032,913.000, compared with $2, 021,054,000 at the close of the pre vious week, an increase of $11,859,000, | or 0.59 per cent. The current average yield of the 16 issues of 3.24 per cent compares with a yield of 3.26 per cent on July 16. The current market value is now 1.47 times the known book value. KROGER VOLUME DOWN. NEW YORK, July 26 (/P).—Kroger Grocery & Baking Co. sales for tire four weeks ended July 17 totaled $18, 667.600, against $18,728,603 in the 1936 period. Company operates a chain store system in Ohio and other Mid western States. The first motorcycle club in Manila, | P. I., hu just been organized. ni » it ι«>κ fcl »Α>Κ. Associated Press Pinancu: Writer. NEW YORK. July 26—Backward ηβίΰ of steels and motors clouded the silver lining of today's stock market and many recent leaders retreated behind minus signs. At the same time a number of spe cialties displayed a disposition to tilt forward and numerous issues held the ground they won last week. The stimulation of good earnings statements and the possibility Congre, s will adjourn shortly, brokers thought, appeared to have faded somewhat. Many traders forsook the heated board rooms for cooler environs ar.d dealings were comparatively slow Utilities lost their buoyancy and ti e majority of the rails were unable to get up steam. A few coppers revived. Transfers were around 900.000 shares. Drooping the greater part of the ses sion. despite an upturn in th:s week's steel mill output, were United States Steel. Bethlehem. Sio-s-Sheffirld, American Steel Foundrie.--. Republic, Otis Steel and Youngstown Sheet Tube. In the rear rank.··, although some stiffened before the close, were General Motors, Chrysler. Yellow Tiuck, Ν. Y. Central, Sou'hern Pacific. Southern Railway, Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck. Douglas Aircraft, Deere, Oliver Farm. Consolidated Edison, North American, Eiectric Power fc Light, Public Service of Ν J . Ameri can Smelting. Canada Dry. Ampriem Locomotive. General Electric. Westing house and Du Pont. Canada dry was a loser following re ports the company would consider a new stock issue. On the up side, a few a point or so, were U. S. Industrial Alcohol. U. S. Realty, Armstrong Cork. Flintkote, General Realty, Simmons Co., Auburn Motors, Cerro de Pasco. Howe S^und, Miami Copper. Texas Corp., Woolwor'.h and Chesapeake &. Ohio. CHICAGO GRAIN By :he Associated Press CHICAGO. July 26 —Big arrivals of wheat in Chicago, the largest in six years, did much to plunge wheat prices downward today 4 cents a bdshel, maximum. Affected, more or less, by the wheat market tumble, corn and oats reached season new low price records. The United States wheat visible supply total increased 20.573.000 bushels, against 13.922.000 a year ago. At the close, wheat was 2'_-234 under Saturday's finish. September, September. 1.15~B-1.16: December, 1.18-1 181 s Corn. l".-4 , down. Sep tember. 96tr-97: December, 72^-T., and oats. 2i8-2\ off. WHEAT— Oper H:£î-, L-ïk- Close July 1 l!i>i 1 Ι»', 1.1K% 1 Sep. ι i:>a ι ι;··», ι 14^4 ι i5"„-i.i Dre 1 1!.3, 1 17 1 IS.IS', CORN— July. i.f·*· J .(ιβ 1 1171, 1 04 ] July old .tin S η. .!·*»« ··!·'« ·»■■·■, .·». ·,-ητ Dre .: t : ι1 « :·: OATS — July *i'' 14 :!u . .3·!', Sep. : 4 t'.' :tn' λ m' - Dcr ::.·Ρ, .32 .32'» SOY BEANS— July 1 Oc:. 1 <>V, l.uV, Dre l u:» 1.05 1 .«141 « I ·ι4·»« RYE— July Sep. . . J3 .S3 M'i SI', Dec >4'» >Γ« ! «.·_·! S LARD— July lis' π po 11 sit 1 1 Sep. 12 nr 12 117 i 1 <15 1 1 f, oct. ic.15 12.π 12. ii2 l' lis; 1 l.s; 11.75 1177 BELLIES— July 3*'P. 1* 75 17 00 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat. No. 1. red. 1.23-23U; No. 1, dark. hard. 1.24: No. 1, hard, I-241 u-25: No. 3. mixed. l.HU-lSU; corn. No 2. mixed. 1.01: No. 1, yellow, 1.05'4-07·\ι : No. 2. white, 1 07-07"4 : 3ats. feed. 31: No. 1, mixed. 30-3114 : No. 1. white. 32-33' 4 : No. 2. white. 32 33: rye, No. 1. 86^-87: No. 2. 84-87'-; *>y beans. No. 2. yellow. 1 25: barley [eed. 53-70 nominal: malting, 71-90 îominal. Raitimore Quotation* BALTIMORE. July 2t> '' —Wheat No :.I^d Winter, garlicky, spot domestic, i.l/3,: July. 1.17a4 Winniper Price*. WINNIPEG. July 2ti ι.ρ - Grain ranee oday WHEAT— Previous Hisli Low Close close 1 .43'.· I ..'in·, 1 3!H, V.44·, *<· 1 ·'·' 1.31 1.31 1 3-,-,-3rt *&ATS- 1·:·1'» »·«*« «--«·· u'y .h2 12 .57■ 2 .57'2 .0212 NSURANCE STOCKS GO HIGHER DURING WEEK îptc'.a! Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. July 26.—Insurance · tocks in the New York City market egistered an improvement during the ast week, according to records com liled by Hoit. Rose & Troster. The aggregate value of 20 leading ire and casualty insurance issues on tuly 23 totaled $615.008.000. com pared with $611.541.000 at the closs „ f the previous week, an increase of 3.467,000, or 0.57 per cent. The current average yield of the 0 issues of 3 69 per cent compares .•ith a yield of 3.70 per cent on July B. The current market value equals 8 per cent of current liquidating alue, unchanged from a week ago. · .ARGE GAINS REPORTED BY DIAMOND Τ MOTOR pc-cial Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. July 26.—For the * ■cond quarter of the year Diamond Motor Car Co. reports a substantial ic»ease over the first quarter, in both ross volume and net profit. Trucks delivered in April, May and Jne totaled 4.156, as compared with 395, and dollar volume stepped up om $3.343.000 to $4.236.000. Net after taxes for the quarter was :99.465.39, equal to 50 cents per ι are. First-quarter earnings were $132 17.64, and the six months' total is # Î32.063.03, which amounts to 83 cents •r share for the 400,000 «hares out anding.