Newspaper Page Text
► CURB LIST MS STEADY COURSE Fractional Gains the Rule, With Interest Centered $ on Utilities. *r the Assoclited Près». NEW YORK. July 2β.—The curb market, steered a steady course today with fractional sains the rule. Major Interest centered In the utility divi 4ion. Oils and Industrials were mixed. Electric Bond & Share. Niagara Hudson Power, Standard Power <fe Light and United Light & Power pre ferred "A" leaned forward. Gulf Oil gave up a fraction. Crocker Wheeler advanced around a point. ' Tilting a little higher were American Cyanamid "B," Technicolor. Consoli dated Copper and Arkansas Natural Gm "A." ι ASSOCIATED UNIT MERGED. NEW YORK. July 26 (Special).— Crown Sales & Distributing Corp.. a Delaware corporation, has been merged with Utilities Purchasing & Supply Corp.. the purchasing corporation for Associated Gas & Electric system, it was announced. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS Ala Power 4'^s '67 A]η Power 5s "51 Ala Power 5s 58 . _ _ Ala Power 5s '68 Am Ρ Se L 6s *201 β Am Radiat 4*25 47 Am Roll Mill 5s '4* Appalach Ε Ρ 5s '5ft Ark. Ρ it L 5s '5ft As El Ind 4'aS '5.1 As G Α· Ε 4 ' js 45» A* G & Ε 5s '50 As G Α· Ε 5s 88 As G & Ε 512S '77. Baldn L 6s 'ΛΧ xw srp Bell lei C 5s 55 A Bell Tel C 5s '*<» C Birm El 4»2S '88 Can Pac 6s '42 Caro Pw & Lt 5s '5ft Cen II PS 4'2s '67 F . Cent 111 Ρ S 5s '68 G Cen Ο LAP 5s 50 A Cent Pw <fc Lt 5s 58 Cen'. St El 5' as '54 xw Cen fir PA:L 5'as 5.°, Chi Rys 5s 0 7 cod Cin Str R 5*as '50 A Cities Svc 5s '50 Cities Svc 5s '88 Cities S Gas 5'.·s 4 J Cities S Gas Ρ fts 43 Cit S PArL 5*2* 52 Cit S PAL .Va* 40 Comw Ed *'aS '58 C _ Comw Ed 4^ '<! F Comw Ed 3*4s Ή5 H Com Pb Sv 5s '80 A Cent G Α· Ε 5s '58 A De* roi* C G ft* 4 7 A . Det Cit Gas 5s *50 Β I>r Int B? 6'as '5*2 East G A: Ê 5s 5ft A El Pw A* Lt 5s 2030 Emp OArR 51 2 s '4 2 Florida PA:L 5s '54 Gary EA-G 5c 4 4 st xw Gen Pb U ft12s '58 A Gen W WAE 5* 43 A Seorgia Pw 5s '8 7 len Alden CI 4s 85 Grand Tr W 4s '50 Hall 'WFi ft s '4 7 st Hot Wald Asr 5s 54 HI Pw A: L *s '53 A 111 Pw A: L 5'aS '54 Β HI Pw A? L 5s '58 C Indiana Ser 5s '50 Indnap P<£L 5s '57 A Interst Pw 5s 57 Int erst Pw 6s '52 Interst Ρ S 5s 5ft D Iowa Pub Svc 5s '57 Jackson G ft a '42 stp J*r C Ρ L 4'as 81 C J*r C PA-L 5* '4: Β Kentucky U 5s '8!» I Lehitrh PS fts 2028 A La Pw A· Ll 5s '57 Metrop Edis 4s "7 1 Ε Minn Ρ Ar L 5s '55 Miss Pw A* L 5s '5 7 Ness A· Su L 5* 4 5 Nat Ρ A· L 202H A Nat Pa· L 5s 203Π Β • Na· Pb S 5s '78 rnd Nebr Pwr 4'2e "81 Neisner Bros 8s '4s Nevad Cal El 5s '5ft New Ε GA:E br 50 New Ε Pw 5s '4 8 Ν Y Cent Ε 5'2s '50 NY PA-L' 4'as ft7 Ν Y S EA'G 4'-s '80 Nor A LAP 5'as 5ft No Ind PS 5s '88 C Northw Ρ S 5s '57 A Chio Pw 5s '52 Β Okla Ν G 4 »2S 51 A Okla Nat Ga< 5s 4ft Pac Ρ A- L 5s '55 Pen η C LA: Ρ 4'?s '7 7 Penn Ο Ε 8s '50 A Pen η WAP 5s '40 Peop LA-P 5s '70 Phila El Ρ 5' as '72 Pitts Coal 8s '40 • Pub S No Π1 5s '5ft Pub S Okla 4s 6ft \ Pu? S PA-L 5*. s IP A β Ε PAL 8 s 2025 A 8011 Ca! Ed :P4* '4 5 Sou Γα 1 Ed .V,s *80 ©ou Cal Ε 3*4 s '80 Β Sou Ca! F Is '80 801:w LA:Ρ 5s '5 7 A 8ouw Pb S', C 8s '45 A Std ΟΛΕ 8s '35 ma' 8rd GA'E cv fts 35 cod 8*d GAE cv Ms '35 mat 6td G A-Ε fts '35 cod Srd Gas A El fts '51 8*d Gas A· El 8c 00 Stand Pw A- Lt ο s '57 ©yracuse L 5s '57 Β Tenn El Pw 5s '5ft Τ*»χ*β Elec 5s 'fto Twin C R Τ β»4β '52 A XJlen Ar Co fts "44 IV st TJnit Lt A Pw 6b 7 5 Utah Ρ A L 4'aS 4 4 Utah PAL 6s 2022 A Va Pub Ser 5s '50 Β Wash Gas Lt 5s '58 Wash W A- Ρ 5s *80 West Pa Tr 5s '60 W#>st Τ U* 5s '57 A We U GAE 5'is '55 A High. Low. Noon. I 02 J04*4 01» 40'" 52 5 I 58 1 82 1 2 1 13··» 4 120 1 10 84 H4 08 0814 07 14 OP 4 88' j SKl - 01 1 a 0234 51 2 1 0512 1 "51 a 1 0214 1 02*4 104 *4 104 *4 OS'r 00 53 7 g 537g 40 51 ' 50' 58 162'a 162'a 1 1 3 3 4 1 1 3 3 4 12034120*4 88 88 1 in a 1 10»2 40' 51 ' 50' 58 00'* 00'g o;7. »8'.a 102 102 08'4 00' OK' 1 02 f>*'4 08'4 08'4 03 02 3 4 02 3 4 Λ0 58'4 58'4 59 58 50 fi8 67*4 ft734 04 1 a 04 ' 4 04 1 ; 73'a 72'a 73'4 " 3 ' a 731 a 73*a 101 1 2 Ml '2 101 >2 Ml 34 J01 34 IOP4 Hi) H834 68 j4 60 881 a 68*4 112 112 112 106 1 05"* 1 05 'g J 04 ' 2 104 3e 104 '2 Sft^g »»· 106 104 88 »g 100% 1 001 g 1 04 14 ΙΟΓ4 8 7 '2 88 ' j 80 3 4 03 3 4 07 ! 4 S4 SO 4 8; 85 3 4 80' 1 03'4 07*4 ^4 S0: 06' 88 >2 S0'4 03 3 4 07 ' 4 S4 HO 3 4 07 1 OO -a 08'2 28 1 no OR . -8 lo3% 10.3 00'a 00 08* ftfc' 06»g 68*2 1 o5 ' 2 1 00 A OS 28 103 00'2 06 5 g 68 ' 2 105'a 105 55 54*2 55 30'4 38»2 30'4 82 ' 2 82*2 82 ' 2 1 ο 2 7 n 1 02'r 102'g 50'2 5o12 50'2 104*4 104 4 104*4 105 105 105 S 7 1 2 Ν 712 S 712 105 105 105 1o5 105 105 104 ' 2 104'2 104'2 102*4 102*4 10234 00'4 OO 00 101 101 OO'4 00' 8 1 81 44*4 4 1* ]O0 100 00>2 00» 83'4 8.3 101 00» 4 81 44 *4 1 00 00'2 8.3'4 . . - 72*. 03'4 03'4 03» 4 103'2 10.3'2 1 0.3 *2 J Oft 106 10ft 0P"g 007g 007« 04*4 03*4 04*4 104 104 104 04 ' 2 04»a 04 ' 2 1 05'2 105» ? 105'2 08 ' 4 0S>4 ps>4 10.3*4 103*4 103*4 757g 78 043 » 04*4 102» « m·: '8 100 ]00 16 18*i 111 111 1071 « 107'« 111'? 1 1 1 'a 1017g 101 7* 84'2 84 » i 08 IOO 1 03 102* 107'2 107'2 107' .. 101 '4 101'4 10! ' 10.3' j 74 7 3 74 73 73 78 04 3 1 02 ' 100 1 6s 1 1 1 107 ' 111' 101 7 5 4 1 OS3 1 OH I 03 ' 102 3 10.3 7 \ 7.3 74* 0**i 1 06 1 03 102* J 03' 74 74*4 73 74 72 » 2 107 '4 107'4 86»? 8ft' 2 101 101 SO «0 53'2 53'2 08''4 06»/2 01 V2 105*4 1 05 3 4 10ft 02*4 104*4 74 73 72*4 1 07 1 4 86» 2 101 80 53' a 08' 4 08'2 01 '2 105*4 1 057g 105 = 4 106 108 03 02*4 1 04*4 104*4 OH 1 4 Oft' 7 01 ' 2 105 3 4 FOREIGN BONDS. 24 ' g 24 *g ft.-»'4 30 ' 2 Ger Con Mun 8s '4 7 _ 24'« Get' Con Mun 7 s '4 7 24*g Ital Su Pow 8g '83 A_ 55'4 Maranhao Br 7s *58_ 30'2 Parana Braz 7s '58 wt—With warrents rants η—New. st «stpd»—Stamped ÎNeeotiability impaired by maturity. TCompanies reported in receivership. 24 ' g 24*n 55 »4 30', w—Without war INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK July 2H ιΛ»>.—New York Bpcuritj Dpalers Association Bid Asked. Aetna Cas c:a> . Ρ2'ϊ pria Aetna Ins < 1 HO) __ 4;a, 4p.i* Aetna Life ι sila ι __ _ "91. in' Am Equit it.HOa* . _ 37'» 3P». Am Ins Nwk <>2a) . ρ» ι, 14 Am Reins (,80»> __ 3<>*« 411. Am Reserve < ] a > "rt'2 "8 Am Surety Cî'ji _ ,vnt 541 Automobile ila> _ ^qi. in' Bait Amer f.'iiiai Κ ρ Carolina < 1.30» "4'« Cltr of Ν Υ 11 .20) " *25 Sfivi Conn Gen Llf ,»>0)_ 341, S« Contin Cas (1.201 _ 27 op Fid & Dep <4a) 12K 130 Frank rire < I a > ;?o*« 3«a,. Gen Relnsur <2> _ ;ix', 4ni Glen Falls <1.60> 1. 4,)i, 45,* Globe A Rep (.80a > IP1, *>i li Globe A Rut ...... fiti, «7 Great Amer Ha) . _ _ *>51. Hanover ( 1 .flo 1 34 -1· Hertford Fire <2) __ 75 7S Home Fire Sec 41, sl Home Ins ( I a > 34', 3«iJ Homestead <1> __ 171* in Knickerbocker (.80) __ 1 s 1 Lincoln Fire ._ 4 4i„ Maryland Gas 51, »i' M»ss Bond <3Vs> _ R4 K7 Natl Fire lit β4". ΛΗι· Natl Liberty (20a* pij Vpi? Ν Hampshire (l.eoa) 4P', 5nv, Ν Y Fire (.80*) _ -ni,. 8·>,2 Nor River (li "7 ζ Phoenl* <2a) 84 88 Prnv Wash (1) 331. 3»ii Revere <P> In (1.30) 2H'<2 "8 Rossi» Ins <.60a) 10·« ïi»i St Paul Fire (fla) 20U's "πνί Sprinfleld (4'ja) 1 jes up Bun Life (7'/it) 700 7«i> Travelers (16) 4P0 50η t 8 Pirt (2) S3 53 Westeheater (1.20a) 33'a 354 - * 4 a—AIm extra or extras. t—Dec! a c—Declared or paid so far this year. NEW YORK SUGÀB. NEW YORK. July 2β (ΛΊ.—8utar future· tradlna today was by turns active and •luetlan with prices movint lrrecularly. A firmer tone developed in the afternoon en more favorable reports from Washlni ton concerning prospects for enactment of •utar legislation. Support from interests with Cuban bank 1ns connections and operators was the tradin* feature. September No. 3 contracts rallied from 5 4« to 2.SO and March 2.31 to 2.34. leavlnc prices net 1 to 3 points hiaher. No. 4 contracts were quiet and unchanged to 'j point lower with September at 1.22 •n%March 1.31 'i. Pistol Included in Loot. MIAMI, Fia. (JP).—George V. Ander son slept with a loaded pistol under his pillow so he might deal summarily with burglars. On· ransacked his room before dawn yesterday. The loot: A watch, some cash—and the pistol. f ι NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire direct It nu Ml. 1:30 Stock and 8*1··— Dividend Rat· Add 00. Hiih. Lev. CIom. Arm· Wi vtc (2). 60s 62 82 82 Air Device» S 2H 2«4 2\ Alum Co Am 100» 149 149 149 Alum Co pf (6).. 100» 11« 115S116 Alum Ltd- 100» 115W 115W 11ÔV» Alum Ltd pf (6). S 125 125 125 Am Airlines 1 26'/i 26*4 26'4 Am Box Fd(.95g) fi 21"« 2014 Am Centrifugal . 3 3*» S»4 Am Cit PftL(3h)_ 250* 35 34^ A CP* [,ww!»,h 2 351* 35 ACP*LP(.J0(t). 12 Ô»* SH Am Cyan Β (.60). 11 33H 82H AmEq(.i2'î«) _. 7 fi*» 5t4 Am&KgnP*ar. 11 3H 3S Am G ft El(1.40). 22 38H 37W Am G & Ε pf 16 ) _ 50» 109V» 1091» 109V* Am Opii _ ft 10*i 10\» 10** Am Hard Rub 50* 21'4 21V» A m Laun M (.80) 3 28 26*» Am LftT(1.20a)_. 4 19'* 19S AmMtgCil Zfi* 49 49 Am Maracalbo 17 2 1*4 Am Meter (l^f ) 1 *2 42 Am Seal Kap II 8 7*4 Am Sup Power... 133 2 1'4 Am Sup Γ pf 4 3814 37'-» Anoh Poet F .g 1 3*4 3*4 Aug Wupp ( Ï0*). 3 61* *14 Apex Electric . 2 30 29'-» Arctur Rad Tub·. 7 1*4 H4 Ark Nat Gas S T\ 7»* Ark Nat Ga» A 52 7*4 7s* ArkNatGanpf _ 8 9>4 9 Art Met Wket.80) 1 11>4 *11<4 Ashld OAR(.40) .. 1 5*4 6*4 A* G & El 4 1'» 1*4 As G ft El A 12 3V» 3'» A» G ft El pf 4 24<i 24 AsG&Elxvar .45 ι» 14 At Cet Flsh(.35g) 1 RVi R\* At Cst L Co 2 U·- 40* 54 84 Atlas Corp war _ 6 2ι» 2Mi Austin Silver M.. 5 2H 2'-» Auto V Ma ( Ha).. 1 11 11 Automat Prod S δ1·» ft<4 Raldwn Rub Pi). * 13'» 13H Barium Sta Stl .. 10 5 4»» Bath lW(6%f)_. 1 10'4 10V4 Bellanca Aire S fi», fi Bell Aire 2 16 15*» Berk&Gey Furn.. 28 2>4 2 Birk&GFwir . 2 1 1 Birkfords (1.20) 1 13', 13'» BirdsSFft M( Vi K) 3 14'» 14 Bliss Ε W-- ft 16'-» 16 Blue Ridge (.15e) 3 3 2"» : B1 Ridcvpft3h>. 2 45S 45S 45S j Bow R Bear ( lg>. 1 31S 31*4 31*» • BraxT&L (POg). 2 25'* 25S 25S J BreeieCorp 1 10 10 10 ' Brewster Aero 4 5 4S 5 Bridgpt Mal'if). 2 17S 16S IS7» Brill Β 4 4'* 4S 4*. Brill pf ... _ 50» 52'» 52S 52·/» Br A Ο rpn(.90g) 1 23S 23S 23S Brown Co pf -.100* 78s 78 78 Brn FftW A (2) 2 27 27 27 Brown F Disf 1 6S 6S 6S Fnk HI A Sll'j). 8 29 29 29 fa h ft TV ire Β . 1 '4 '4 '·» Can Hydro El pf. 10» 85S 85S 85'j ran Marc Wire . 1 IS IS IS | Carib Syn (Si)-. 2 I'*' IS 1 (« I Carman Β 2 7>> 7S 7'i Carnegie Met 21 3 2S 3 I Caro P&l,t pfl6). 30» 86S R6S 86S I Carrier Corp 4 58 57s 57S ! Carter J W( .40(5) 1 8S 8'* 8s ! Castle A M ( 2 ) .. 1 42S 42S 42'·» Catalin Am . 17 fis 5*» ' ... ι „ r < - _ \ it-» iitfi fil ! Celane^e lpf(7a) 75» 117 11 fis 116' OnHGAK(.iO)., 1 15S 15'. 15S Cen&SwUt .... 25 4S 3S 3»» iCenStEl - ... 22 IS l'a IS ι Cen St Κ cv pf η . 50* 19 19 19 M'en St El 6% pf.. 300» 18 IfiS 1 7*i I Cherrv Burr (41 25» 79*» 79S 79S Ch RlvftM (30g). 2 17S 17S 17·» Chief Con» . 2 1 SI Child.· pf 25* 81S 81S 8m Cities Service 137 3S 3S 3S CltServpf ... 4 46S 45», 46S Cit Sic Ρ I" pf . 25» 56 56 56 Cit Auto St' 30?) 2 10'■> 10S 10Vj Claude Neon Lt . 3 2S 2S 2S Cle\e Tract 1 14'» 14S 14*» Club AI Uten 2 IS IS 1'4 I Colon .Develop 2 SS SS 5S ColumO&C. .. 12 8S 8** 8S I Comwlth Kd (.\). 2 117s 1161» nen I Comlth A So war. 10 '·» V» S Com P&L 1 pf 25» 39'» 39S 39'·* Cons Cop Mln _ 19 10S 10S 10 ConG«rBB(3 60). 2 76S 7fiS 76'·, Cons Gas Util 9 2S 2S 2'. Cons Ret Str* . 2 7»» 7"» 7*» ConsRSpf (S1-. 40» 97 97 97 Cons Steel Corp . 6 10S 10'» 10'·» ContG&Eprpf ( 7 ) 25» 90 90 90 Cooper-Bess 6 21 ' a 21 21^ Cord Corp 6 3*» 3S 3S Cosden Petro . 5 4S 4S 4*·» Creole Per < S S)- 7 3«S 36S 361» Crocker Wh ... ' 9 15'·» 14S 15'* Croft Brewing... * 7 tt tt Crow η C Pet 12 2 2 Crown Drug 3 2S 2"* 2*» Cusi Mex 7 ι» 4 4 Dayton Rub . . 7 24'i 23'» 24 Dennison Mf 1 pf 10» 74S 74S 74S Derby Oil . 7 7S 7S 7S Det PapPd 1 SS SS 5'» Det Stl Pr < \ g >. 1 49 49 49 Divro Tw C(.40). 2 4S 4S 4S I >raperCp< 2.40a). 10» 78 78 78 DubilierCon .. 1 3'j 3S 3S Duro Test (.40) 1 6S 6', 6', DuvalTei 2 8S 8S 8". Eag Pi J,d( 50g). 12 20*. 19'» 19·, East Gas ft F . 3 6', 6S β·* RCAt'6% pf(3)_ 100» 49 49 49 Κ G&Fpr pf(4S ) 200» 62'» 62 62 East Mall Iron __ 25» 19S 19S 19S East Sta Corp . . 4 3S 3S 3S EWashMB(Sï) î 9S #S 9S EI Bond ft Sh . 841 22S 21"» 2IS El BftS »5 pf (5). 2 68H 67 68S El BdftSh pfifi) . 6 77S 77 77 El Pow A» (.15g). 1 7S 7S 7S ElPAsA (.15g). 2 7S 6S 6S El P&L· war 7 2 US 11', ID-, Elect Share " 7 4'4 4S 4S Electro! vtc 2 2S 2*» 2S EmpCH-F »% pf. 50* 53*» 53*» 5.3*» Emsco D&Eq (1). 2 16S 16 16 Equity Corp 10 IS 1"» IS EuropEldebrt 1 4 ή & Evans Wallo. 7 IS IS IS Ex-Cell-O C( 40g) 2 21 20S 21 raiicimtJ λ* s. « ·% Falstaff Brew 1 10s· 10s· 10s» Fidelio Brew 2 Η 4 *4 Fst N'a St 1 pf(7) 10* 112'., 112'j 112'* FiskRub .. 2 13 s, 13'» 13'4 FlaP&Lt|7pf 200» SO 49' j SO I Ford M ran A (1) It 23'j 2Û4 234 Ford M ran Β (1 ) 25* 244 24L» 24'i Fd M Ltd (21.1g) _ 4 64 64 6'» Fruehauf T.3ftg _ 2 21 'a 214 21', Gen Alloys . 14'. 44 4L* Gen Firepfg .5.>g. 2 21 23 23 Gen Τ A Rub 2 254 25 25 Gilbert (AC) - 3 12 11%, 12 Gilb ΑΓΙ pf(3'·,). 20* 39 37 39 Glen Alden( 4 g). 9 94 94 94 Goldfield Con 12 it A A, GorhM vtc( 1 *4 e) 3 314 30'* 314 Grand Nat Films. 92 3** 34 34 Or Rap V (IK _ 1 144 144 141'* Gray Tel Ρ S (1). 1 84 84 84 Gt Α&Ρ ην (6a).. 100* 894 874 894 Gt Nor Pap(la).. 100* 40 39V* 40 GreenT&D 1 15 15 15 Gulf Oil (Hr) 7 684 584 584 Gulf SUt pf 5 4- 25* 77 77 77 Hecla Min (.45g). 10 184 174 184 Hoe( R)&Cο A 1 27 27 27 Holling Gld(.65a) 2 114 114 114 Horn&Hard(2) . 50s 334 334 334 Humble Oi 1 (14) 3 844 844 844 HumRossF(.20g) 1 114 114 114 Hydro Ε Se(.20g) 1 94 94 94 111 Iowa Pow ... 1 84 84 84 111 Iowa Pow pf._ 8 30 294 294 111 I* Ρ div ct ■? 7 114 11 11 Imp Chm 1.197*. 3 94 94 9L» Imp Oil Can (Via) 4 204 204 204 Ind Ter 111 A 1 24 t 24 24 Ind Ser<r 6% pf._ 110s 264 25 264 IndServ7%pf— 20s 294 28 294 Indus Finan pf .. 50s 194 194 194 Int Hyd-Elec pf_. 4 344 344 344 Inter Pet(l%a) 4 354 35 35 Inters Hos(2 4)-. 1 37 37 a7 Inter Prod 4 54 54 84 Inter Rad ( SSf)- 2 144 144 144 InterSRazB 2444 Inter Util A 4 I84 174 184 Inter Util Β 6 14 14 14 Inter Vita (4) ..16 6 6 Int Home E(.44). 1 64 64 64 Ir Fire vte (1.20) 400s 224 224 224 Ital Superpwr A. 1 14 14 14 •TacobsCo (!4B)~ 1 14*» 144 144 Jeannette Gla 3 64 64 64 Kingston Pr(.40 ) 8 5 4 5 4 64 Lakey Fdy êt M-- 2 5l» 54 64 Lefcourt Real 1 24 24 24 Lehigh C*N(.30) 12 94 9 94 Leonard Oil 6 14 14 14 Lion Oil (la) 10 294 284 284 Lit Bros — 4 44 44 4L» Locke S Ch(.ttOs). 1 164 164 164 Lockheed Aire 12 13 124 13 Lone St G(.4Pg) _. β 114 114 114 LonflsLt M 44 „ 44 1 44 2:.10 Stock and Sties— Dividend Rate Add 00. 10» 150i 1 4 1 β 1 2 50» 5 3 Long Is L pf<7) Long I L pf B(6). Loudon Pack Louie LAE(.40)_. Lucky Tiger Lynch Corp(îg).. McCord Rad Β __ Maj Iïad ft Τ Mangel Str* Maes Util Asso... Massey Harris Mead John (3a) . MemphNG(.lOg). Mesabi iron Mich Bumper Mich G & Ο - ... Mid St Pet A vto . Midwest Ο ( Vj g). Minn MAM(.90g> Molybdenum Monroe L Af 32). Mont Ward A 17 ). Mon LHftPO '*) Moore ( Τ ) Dig __ Mount City Cop . Mount Prod (.60). Nat Bellas Hess .. Nat City Li( v»g). Nat Fuel G <1 ) Nat Ρ ft Lt pf (R) Nat. Rub Mch Nat Service pf _ Nat Sag Ret (2).. Nat Trans (.45g t. NavarroOll(.4('a ) NKngPowAsso. 60» Ν J Zinc ( 2a) 350» NYftHRosf ls,g) 50» NY P&Lt pf («>.. NiagHudPow . Ni&K Hud lpf(5). Niag Η 2 pf (5) . Niag Hud A war. NgShMdB(.15g) . Niles-Bem-POg) Nipi'g Mns('ig). Nom* El (.40g) . Nor Am LtftPow. Nor Am L4P pf . Ν Am Ray A ( lg). Nor Burop OH NIPS"% pf (2 H k ) Nor St Ρ A Hlih. Low. OlOM. 79 66'4 3*4 13H IV* 49^ 7 3 '·« 6vt 3>* 10%* 60a 1241j 124 18 5 1 2V4 91* 5>4 10V4 39\ 10 4 7» 66'. 8*i 13 >4 IV* 49 7 8*4 6V4 3 10' ., 20» 140 60» 324 1 1 2 2 2 5 200» 2 1 1 1 1 10* 27 75s 25» 7 2 1 1 1 16 60* I 5 20» 25 3V, 10V* 6H 2 17V* 15*4 76'* 14% 5 21"* 10*4 22 25 SO 30*4 99*, 14' 3 85 65 m 13', 65 2'* 7*, 4», 56', 49 <w 88', 27 2V* » 6'/. 10»* 39*4 10 3»* 140 32'* 3v* 10 6*1 2 17vt 15", 75*4 14', δ 24"* 10'* 22 24 78 30*i 9914 14U 85 65 ** 13'·, 55 2 Ή 7** 4'* 56 49 vi 88'* 26^ 7 3». 6V4 3'* 10V* 124'* 5V* 1 2 V* » 6Vi 10V* 39*4 10 3«» 140 32V* 3V* 10 6*, Okla Nat Gas Ok la Nat Gas pf Oldetyme Dist .. Par Lgtnc pf ( S ) _ Pac Tin spl (2a). Pan-Α m AI r < 1 ) Pantepec OH Parker Pen (2) . Park RftR(.40g)_ renin Tel ( 1 60).. Pennroad ( Ue).. Ta P&Lt pf (7).. Pa Salt < ϋ \ g ) _. Pa Wat A Po < 4)_ PhoenixSec( '» a ). Pierce Gov ,30g . Pioneer Gld(.40 1. Pitney-Bow( 40). Pitt s Y org Pitts Ρ G114 'j g 1 . 7 14"t 14Vi 14' 200* 31 31 31 3*4 1 60» 100» 1 15 60» 2 50* 53 75» 100» 1 2 2 4 3 3 2 104\ 45'4 66'·, 8 21*4 29 26', 4 96*4 174 77 8*4 23' 3"n 7*4 23'4 124 3*. 104 » : 4 5 ■-» 66', 77» 21*4 29 26', 3:« 96V, 174 77 8*. 23', 3*4 7V* 23 124 pua* Val v IPS. Plough ι 1 2" ) - · Polaris Mining: Potrero Sugar _ . Powdrell&Al 3.->c Prpml'r Gld .12a. Prod Corp Prosperity Β Pruden Inν Ρ S Ind IT pr pf Pu ε s Ρ Jôpffi S k Pur Sd Ρ IS pf Québec Pow 11") Π y Λ l.t Soc *"g Ra y m Conc (la » - Rpiter-Fost Reli'ce EAE liS . Rfvnold? Inv RiceSt DC, 3*iS Root Pet f'if) - Rustless I & S Ryan Cons P^yerson A H Saf CHA 1-1 l <g) - St. Regis PaP Samson l'nit.i Savov Oil Scovill Mfg ' 1g) Segal Lock Selected 1 ndus Sel ] ltd (al cl IS'; Sel ]nd pr pf S'a Sentry S Con Sevêrsky Aire Shattuck Penn Shêrwin-Wms 4a Sonotone - - Soss Mfg ( \ - Spencer S 1.05s-· S C Ed Β pf 112 -- Stand Brew Stan CAS 1 «"a - S CAS cv pf 1.60 .. Stand In* pf St Oil K'v U*1 St Oil Ohio (Il _. St Oil Ohio pf 5 . St Pow A T.t St Pow A I- Β Stand Prod ( \ g ) - St Sil-Ii (02g) - Starretl ("or vtc . Sierchi Br Si r Ster Alum Pr 1 g Sterl lnc ι.20a) Sunray oil -1 ~'g _ Super'r Ρ rent Β Swiss-Am El pf Tampa El (2241 Taylor Κ Dlst .30 Technicolor Tech-HG (.«"a) . Tenon Oil (.60) _ Τ oh Pr B*P .15·.. Todd Ship (2) Trans-I.ii* ( .20 ) _ 20 75* 100. 27 .in 75* 50 s 6 . 1 t 1 % 1 « 5 r ι ί 2 1 2 2 so* Slip 1 15 fi 100» 2 1 * 1 ■ 2 1 S S 1 60s 12 1 SO* 82 1 8 fi 1 3 7 3 50* 200s 1 3 19 3 1 100» 3 IS 1.1 «s 2i« 9 S 14 12 5 fi\ 7» 35*» 18', IKS 371, 1 26S 1 'i 11 7'i 14 « 4 S 123' , 9 6 3·, 4fi 2i, 2S 95S 93'a 1i 3'·, 18 135 IS 71·, 10·, 27i, S 21', 21», 44 20'. 36S 103*4 4 S 3»» 18 * 4τι 94 11 51 4 4S 19 U7i, 35 3', 28'·, 4 S ό-S 4 71S 4 S r·» 15 fi 2; « 9-4 2 S 14 12 14 12 56S 5fiS 74 74 34S 34'. 18it 18', 18», IS", 37', 37', 1 1 26S 2fiS IS Γ-, 11 7 S 14 fi 44 119 es 5*. 3S 4fi 2t« 2S 95*4 93', 3S 17', 135 IS 101, 27', i, 20*. 21S 44 20'. 36S 103S 3*» 3 S 18 A 4 S 9', 11 5 4i, 19 117 35 3S 28 4·, ftS 4 7m 4'* 11 7V 14 fi 4* 21 21S 44 201. 36S 103». 3S SS 18 m 4S 9·-, 11 5 S 4S 19 117 Tri-t'ont wir 7 14 14 Tubt*e Chat * 4 224 22 Unit Corp war 30 ]t» li, I'nit Gas 109 10». 104 I'nit Gas war 3 24 24 Unit Gas pf ( 7 ) _ 2 US 115 115 UnitLtAPowA. 88 74 74 7'. I'nit Lt & F cv pf 8 54*« 53 53 Unit Milk Ρ IVii 25» 28 28 28 I'nit Pr Sh (10k) 2 IS 14 14 lTnit Shoe M 24a 50* 87*, 87 87 Unit Sh Mpf 1»4- 10* 41 41 41 US Foil Β (Hg)- 3 13 12'. 12», I'SAlntSPf 1 14 14 1'* US Line* pf 1 24 24 2·. US Play Card la 100a 26', 264 U S Radiator 1 104 10'» US Rub Heel 2 64 β». I'nit Ver Eut 1 se . 1 34 34 Unit Wall Ρ ,15s. 9 4'. 4 UnivPict 1 8 8 UtahPALpf 1 »4k 50s «4 64 Utica GAEpf <7) 20* 92 92 Util PwA Lt (r). 12 Η % Util Ρ A L pf lr). 200* 214 214 Utility Eqnit 2 44 44 Utility A Ind .11 1 Utility A Ind pf.. 14 4 Valspar Corp vtc 2 64 61· Valspar pf vtc 50g 604 604 Venezuei Pet 20 2 2 Walker M in __ 2 24 24 Wayne Knit M .18 8 Weiabni Β Β 40a. 18 8 Wellington Oil . 1 94 94 Wentw'th M .\âg. β 5 44 West Va C A C 2 4 4 West Air Exp 3 94 9 Weyenb'B Sh .20* 1 124 124 Wil-Low Caf (r)_ 3 4 4 4 Wolverine PtC _ 1 44 44 44 Wright Har ,40a. 1 64 64 64 Yukon Gold ,06g . 7 34 34 34 r In bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganixed under the Bankruptcy Act. or aecurities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual dilbursemems based on the lait quarterly or semi-annual declaration On less otherwise noted, special or extra divi dends are not included. a Also extra or extras, e Paid last year, f Payable in stock. «Declared or paid so far thii year, no regular rate. h Cash or stock. k Accumulated dividend paid or declared this year. ww—With war rant*. xw Without warrants, war War rant». WORTHINGTON BACKLOG REACHES 17-YEAR HIGH By the Associated Près*. NEW YORK. July 26—At the highest level in 17 years, unfilled orders of Worth In ([ton Pump & Ma chinery Corp. on July 1 were 81 per cent ahead of last year, H. C. Beaver, president announced. As a result, he said, the principal plants of the company at Harrison and Newark, N. J., and at Buffalo are operating at a high percentage of capacity and the corporation's Holy t>ke, Mass.. plant which was recently reopened, Is rapidly expanding pro· taction· I Quarter's Net Hits $825, 453, Against $1,008,740 in Same 1936 Period. Bt the Associated Pre»«. NEW YORK. July 26—Bendix Avia tion Corp.. South Bend, Ind., maker of parts for the aviation, automotive and marine industries, reported today consolidated net profit for the June quarter of $825,453. after undistributed profits tax. equal to 39 cent* a share, against $1,008,140. or 48 cents a share in the June 1936 qurter. Six months net profit, was $1,631,961, or 7R cents a share, compared with $1,869,560. or R9 cents a share in th· : first half of 1936. Great Northern Railway. Great Northern Railway reported net income for the six month* ended June 30 of $89,866 after charges and taxes, equal to 3 cents a share on 2, 485,587 capital shares, against a net loss of $2,869,036 in the 1936 period. General Mills. General Mills, Inc.. flour manu facturers with principal mills at Minneapolis, Buffalo. Kansas City, Wichita and Chicago, reported con solidated net earnings for the fiscal year ended May 31 of $4,303,389. equal after provision for dividends on the preferred stock to $4 46 a common share. This compared with a net income of $3,602,193 or $3 40 a com mon share in the previous fiscal year. Consolidated Edison. Consolidated Edison Co of New York. Inc . reported net income for the quarter ended June 30 of $8,046, 142 The earnings are after charges. Federal income taxes and subsidiary preferred dividends (exclusive of $150 684 dividends in arrears on New York Steam Corp. preferred stocks held by the public), but before provision for minority interests in affiliated com panies common stocks. They are equal after estimating minority in terests and deducting Consolidated Edison Co. preferred dividend require ments to approximately 47 cents a common share. This compared with $8,849,038 or approximately 54 rents a common share in the June, J936 quarter. Reed Roller Bit Co. Reed Roller Bn Co . Houston. Tex , makers of equipment for the petroleum ! industry, reported profit for the six j months ended June 30 of $1,080,164 ! after charges, but before Federal in come taxes, compered with $951,192 in the first half of 1936. OFFERING OF LIPTON PREFERRED ISSUE DUE ! By ihe Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 26 —Wall street financial circles reported Hallgerten & Co. are expected to offer during the coming week 26.000 sahres of Thomas J Lipton. Inc . fi per cent preferred stock. Î25 par. and 100.000 shares of class "A" stock, with cumu lative dividends at the rate of $1 a year. The company is an American sub sidiary of Lipion. Lid . London, dis tributors of tea and coffee. POWER OUTPUTS RISE. NEW YORK. July 26 —In creases from 3 1 per cent to 18 Λ per cent in tlectric output of 19 major utility systems in the week ended July 17 over the like 1936 week were reported. In the week of July 10 out put of these same companies showed changes varying from a decrease of 8 1 per cent to an advance of 21.1 per cent. 100 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. NEW YORK. July 26 (/P —8t. Joseph Lead Co. reports 100 tons of pig lead from Southeast Missouri mines sold Saturday at $5.85 per hun dred pounds. St. Louis, ί . Washington Exchange SALES. Peoples Dru? Stores pfd.—î at 112. AFTER CALL. Potomac Electric Power S'-a" pfd.—3 at 112. 1 at 112. Capital Traction 5s—$500 at 85, $500 at 85. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY Bid Asked. Amer Tel A- Tel. 4'is ln4J« AnacosTla 4 Pot. 5s 66 Ana. & Pot. Guar 5s KiR 110 C. & P. Tel. of Va 5s . JOS Capital Traction R R. 5s SI K5 City A Suburban .Ss 76 Oeorgetown Gas 1st 6s 112 Pol Eire Po«' 3'<s 10·.' 104 Wash. Gas Ss liiSO Ι05'·« Wash. Gas 5s 1960 llfi Wash. Ry. tc Elec. 4s 108 MISCELLANEOUS Chevy Chase Cluo 1st 4>.8 . 104 COI Country Club 1st 4'«s 10:t W. M. Cold Storane 5s _ . 100 STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer Tel A Tel. («> 172·., Capital Transit Co. 10 11 N. & W. Steamboat ί β ι . 105 _ Pot. Eler Po« pfd. <fi)_ irji2 Pot. El. P. h'i'.o Pf. (5.50) 112 Wash. Gas Lt. com. (3.60). *76 79 Wash. Ry. ft El. com. '30). «PO Wash Ry A El. ptd. (Si 109', BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer. Sec. A Tr Co. <e«> 295 30i Bank of Bethesda ih.751 .'.4 Capital '4> 140 Com. k Savings <e 1 <»» 210 Libert* (4) ISO 160 Lincoln lf6.25) . 201) Natl. Sav. A: Trust 1RS Pr. Georges Bk. L· Tr. (.50). 1* 21 Rises (eR) .126 Riggs Did. (5) b* 1 on Washington 16' Ι·">0 Wash. Loan k Tr. <eS> *275 300 FIRE INSURANCE. American <6> 100 Corcoran (6) . _ *sl25 Firemen's <1.20) - 28 National Union i.60i__ 14'/i TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (.301 11 15'/. Real Estate i6> 170 190 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) ... . 19 25 I Lanston Monotype « + 4 ) _ 85 92 itl.00) 16 1* Limcoln Service Pfd 13 50) 44 5n Mergenthaler Lino. (.2001 43'n 45 Peoples Dr. St. com. i'l 001 47 51 Peoples Dr. St. pfd. (6.50i-. 111 Real Est. M.&G. pfd. (".70) 4*« 5V« Security Storaee (5) .. — 112 125 Ter. Réf. & Wh. Corp. <3)-- 60 Wdwd. & Loth, com (tl.50) 60 6R Wdwd & Loth, pfd (7) __ 116 123W •Ex dividend. b—Books closed. ♦ Plus extras. e—2% extra. f—1 'if» extra. h—75c extra. •*25c paid June 30. 1936: 45c paid De cember 22. 1936. •j—$so to be paid out of surplus July 31. 1937. U. S. TREASURY NOTES. NEW YORK. July 26 ιΛν—Prices quoted in dollars and thirty-seconds. Appro*. Ratf Mth. Year.· Bid, Asked Yield. 31 .s Sept.. 1937 _ 100 23 100.25 •;V»S Feb . 1938 _ 101.7 101.0 .13 3s Mar.. 1938 . 101.24 101.26 .14 2'.s June. 193R _ 102.4 102.6 .30 2VjS Sept.. 1938.. 102.6 102.8 .51 IV,s Mar . 1939 100.30^101 .88 2'«s June. 1939 102.3 102.3 .96 l*»s Sept.. 1939.. 100.20 100.22 1.05 iVs Dec . 1939 .. 100.20 100.22 1.08 l'un Mar. 1940 _ 101 101.2 1.22 IV,* June. 1940.. 100.20 100.22 1.25 ι 1 Va» Dec.. 1940... 100.17 100 19 1.32 l'as Mar. 1941... 100 15 100.17 1 35 l».»s June. 1941...100.1 100.3 1.35 iy,» pec» 1941.. 99.20 99 28 1.3S lHs Mar.. 1942.. 100.25 10p.27 1.6β 1(^2 BREWING FIRMS BOOST PAY ROLLS Job Gain* and Higher Wages to Lift 1937 Total Above 100 Millions. er>fci»l Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. July 26 —The brewing industry's 1937 pay roll for labor will exceed $80,000,000 as a. result of more employment and increases granted to union workers in new con tracts negotiated with labor leaders. This is exclusive of the estimated $25,000,000 which will be paid to salaried employes and officers, which will bring the aggregate pay roll for the year past the $100,000,000 mark. More than 23.000 union brewery workers, in 71 cities, will add an average of $166 40 to their individual pay envelopes this year as a result of new contracts, it has been calculated by various labor officials. This in crease. which averages $3 20 per man weekly, will aei^regate $3,627,624 for the year for the men already affected by the new contracts The total in crease for all brewery workers will be much greater, however, as negotia tions are still pending in 105 other citiee. according to labor leaders. The new increase raises the weekly pay check of the average brewery worker to o\er $35. The term "worker" does not, of course, include the highly paid brewmasters, chemists and other technical men. NEW ENGLAND POWER EARNINGS UP SHARPLY Srwui Dnn«trh to The Sur. NEW ΥΟΠΚ. July 26—Consolidated net earnings applicable to Ne* Eng : lar.d Power Association common j share* increased by more than 150 I per cent in the first six months oi ■ 1937, compared with the same period j last year, it was disclosed by Frank 1 D. Comerford, chairman of the board. Consolidated net earnings for the first half of this year ι no' yet audited by independent public accountants), after deduction for preferred dividends at the regular rate, but before pro vision for Federal tax on undistributed earnings, amounted to *1.196 027 com pared with S475,189 in the aame month of 1936. figures give first-half earn ings of $1.28 a share this year against 50 cent* a share a year ago on the outstanding 932.604 common share. DISTRIBUTION ORDERED. NEW YORK. July 26 ι Special ι— Directors of Boston Fund. Inc., have declared a distribution of 18 cents a share, peyable August 20 to stock holders of record July 30 Thus dis tribution is comprised of 12 cents a share representing Investment in come and 6 cents a share represent ing profits realized from the sale of ι securities. INVESTING COMPANIES PTCW YORK. July 20 4V—Ntw York Security Dealers* Association. (Noon quotations > Admin Fd 2nd Inc 102* '2i) W Am Business Shra 1.23 1 30 Am Gen Εα Inc _ 1 00 1 -J Am Ins Stocks 5 2o h.O« Bancamer Bair 0 125 3'»™» Bankers Nat Inv Corp 3.75 4.3/5 Basic Industry 5.24 Boston Fund Inc - 25.4 # ~> z\ British Type Inv. 50 ·'♦; Broad St Inv. 30.30 38.80 Bullock Fund _ 22 50 24.2ο Corporate Trust __ 3.03 Corporate Trust A A 2.80 Corp Tr A A mod 3.75 Corp Tr Accum Ser 2-59 Corp Tr Acc Mod «3 To Cumulative Tr Sh - 0 58 Depos Bk Sh Ν Y A". _ _ ~.38 Depos Ins Shrs Ά' - 3 50 Depos Ins Shrs ■ ΕΓ 3.26 Diversified TrC 5.15 . - Dividend Shrs _ '-1 ' Equity Corp S3 Pf - 3n.50 38,.λ0 Fidelity Fund Inc 28.48 30.08_ First Boston Corp 23.025 2 > Γ.ο Fiscal Fund Bank Shrs _ 5.58 3.8JJ Fixed Trust Sh A - Fiscal Fund Insurance 3.00 4.,4 Fixed Trust Sh Β 3 1.18 Found Tr Sh A n.00 5 35 Fund Investors Inc 24.»- 2.1.8W Fund Tr Shrs A 0 41 <13 Fund Tr Shrs Β - 5>0 4. General Capital Corp 43. ,8 4^.08 Gen Investors Tr _ 7.05 «.J' Group Sec Agriculture _ _ 2.Oh 2.23 Group Sec Automobile - 1.42 1 54 Group Sec Building 2.10 L.2 < Group Sec Chemical - 1.60 1.4 Group Sec Food - 06 1 .0» Group Sec Invest Shrs I.hi 1.*» Group Sec Merchandise . 1.44 }.o« Group 8ec Mining l'* 103 Group Sec Petroleum 1 ·>« 1 «0 Group Sec R R Equip 1·*? VÎU Group Spc Steel 2.1 « *-.3» Group Sec Tobacco J 0» 11* Huron Holding Incorp Investors 2,?"2'i5 % «-»" Inst Sec. Bank Group \.,A 2; Instl Sec. Insurance 1.00 1^3 Investors Fd "C * Inc J5 -I Keyston Cust Fund B-3 __ 21.33 23.54 Major Shrs Corp 3.1'-ο - Maryland Fund _ 0.8» 1JJ..0 Mass Invest Tr 7? U *?2'S2 Mutual Invest 10.?4 Nation Wide Se<? 4*6 4 00 Nation Wide Voting 2.13 =.r Natl Investors. ' ··■»*- - ■ - J New England Fund 1?i5 Ν Y Bk Tr Shrs. -- 4.00 Ν Y Stocks Bk Stocks . 11.40 12.31 Ν Y Stocks. Hide Supply .._ 1 12.80 Ν Y Stocks. Elec Equip __ 12.t, 13.<8 Ν Y Stocks. Insurance __ lO.OO 11.4» Ν Y Stocks. Machinery _ 13.85 14 95 Ν Y Stocks. R R Equip _ 14.20 JV.1S Ν Y Stocks. Steel -- , 17 1 North Am Bond Tr etis.- 60.50 β3.ιδ Nor Am Tr Shares 2.SO Nor Am Tr Sh 19.->.i 3 £? Nor Am Tr Sh 1958 3-53 Nor Am Tr Sh J 9.i8 3.33 - - Plymouth Fund Inc. 8/ n* Quarterly Income Sh 18.13 IP.M Selected Am 8h Inc IS 08 10.44 Selected Income Sh Β·β8 . _ Sovereign Investor» 1.14 1 -5 Spencer Trask Tuai -! , ! ~i 25 Stand Am Tr Shrs 4.1o 4.35 Stand Util Inc 98 106 Super ol Am Tr A 4.;4 Super of Am Tr AA -·9 Super of Am Tr Β 4.3» Super of Am Tr BB - ·9 Super of Am Tr C J-jg 8uper of Am Tr D * 1? 1An(l Supervlsed Shrs *ίίΧ loo" Trustee Stand Inv C 3·}/ Trustee Stand Inv D 31- - - Trusteed Am Bk 'ΊΒ --- 87 -97 Trusteed Industry Shrs.-- l-jjo 1./0 Wellinïton Fund - 19.08 20.93 METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. July 2H ιΛΊ.—Copper steady: electrolytic, apot and future. 14.00; export. 14.25-30. Tin steady, «pot and nearby, 59.12' 2-25: future. 58.fl2'j-75. Lead stead»; New York. spot. β.υ0-β.05: East St. Louia. apot. 5.85. Zinc steady: East St. Louis, spot and future. 7.00. Iron. No. 2. f o b. Eastern Pennsylvania. 25.00: Buf falo. 24.00. Alabama. 20 00. Aluminum, virgin, P9 per cent. Anti mony. «pot. 15.50. Quicksilver. Pt.nn. Platinum, our·. 61.00. ScheeliU, 22.00. nominal. I THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Fair and cooler tonight and tomorrow, probably pre ceded by a thundershower this miter noon; moderate southwest winds shift ing to northwest by tonight. Maryland—Fair and cooler tonight and tomorrow preceded by local thun dershowers this afternoon. Virginia—Fair and cooler tonight and tomorrow, preceded by local thun dershowers in east portion this after noon or early tonight. West Virginia—Fair and cooler to night: tomorrow fair with moderate temperature. Hirer Report. Potomac clear. Shenandoah little muddy at Harpers Ferry. Report fer l ast 4M Heer«. Temperature. Barometer, Saturday— Degree·. Inches. 4 pm an 3004 * ρ m M .30 0.3 Midnight 77 ,30.05 Sunday— 4 am. 8 a m. 75 an ne Noon *6 .30 OC 4 Ρ m. Pl 29.03 s ρ m *4 20 on 1 2 midnight 80 2P sp Toda y— 4am *7 2P *,S 8 a m. 7P 2P Noon 86 29.88 Record fer Last 24 Hour*. /From noon yesterday to noon toda ν > Highest. P2 3 Ρ m. yesterday. Year aeo P4 Lowest, 7T a m. today. Year ato. β®. Reeerd Temperature· This Year. Highest. Ρβ on July 17 Lowest IP. on February 2β. <Frnm noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest, fc7 per cen*. at 6-30 g m Lowest. 42 per eent. at 3 p.m. Tide Table·. (Furnished by Umt*d Spates Coast and Geodetic SJurveyj Today. Tomorrow. Hieh 0 40am 10 22 am Low 4 l^i m. 4 .57 a .m. Hip h 1 0 : OP ρ m. 10 5.3pm Low 4 .3* ρ m. 6.14 p.m. The Sun and Meen. Rises. S*ts. Sun todar 5.0.3 . 7.25 Sun tomorrow _ 5 04 7 24 Moon today 54 p.m. 8:1? a.m. Automobile lights must be turned on one hali hour after sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precipitation in ineh^s In the Capital (current month to date;; Month. 1P37. Average. Record January __ _ 7.8.3 .3.55 7 8.3 '.37 Peoruary . 3.-33 .3 27 β 84 March ... 1.5ο .3 75 8 M Ann! _ ... «85 .3 2 7 P. 1:1 Ma ν _ 4 02 .3 :·» 10 «Ρ June 5.21 4 13 10.04 July _ ___ 2.82 4 7 1 10 63 August . . 4.01 14.4] September .3 24 17.45 October _ _ 2 «4 8 57 November 2.-37 8 βΡ December _ _ .3 .32 7.56 01 Weather in Station? Abilene. Tex .. Albany Ν Y Atlanta. G» Atlantic City Baltimore Md Birmingham Bismarck Ν D Boston. Mass Buffalo. Ν. V Charleston. S C Chicago 111 Cincinnati Clevela nd Columbia S C Denver. Colo . Detroit. Mirh j El Paso. Tex I Oahe.uon Tex Helena. Mont Huron. S D Indianapolis •Jacksonville Kans Citv Mo Lo* Angeles Louisville Ky _ Miami. Fla Mpls -8> Ρ New Orleann New York. Ν Y Oklahoma City Omaha Nebr _ Philadelphia Phoenix. Aril _ Pittsburgh Portland. Me Portland Oreg Raleigh Ν C Salt Lake City San Antonio __ San Diego San Prancisco _ St Louis. Mo.. feattle. Wash _ pokane. Wash Tampa Flu WASHINGTON Bar •*U> CP 3 η C Π CO no ;ιη 29 CP ;;o cr» Co CO :h» 30 CO CO Various Cities. Temp Rain - ο H'h Low fall Wea'h'r no ι_η·; :β ο 01 Clear Cloudy 0 66 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloud? 6* Μ 66 M 6 Cloudy Cloudy π.Λβ dear PS KS βο Ο 46 Clear so «4 «c o ;o cloud? 04 M TC C.ft6 Cloudy 04 KO 64 Cloudy Τβ ftR 0.26 Cloud? Cloudy 8C 8R :4 00 PC 7·Λ PC 8c :e 8K PO Τ 8 oo po :o oo In 8C «ο P4 sk :n 6S M 66 06 SB Τ S P6 ΤR ftβ PS ps OO se SO 04 po 14 se Oo S4 .ΊΟ :u . . ... •TO 04 PO 7 6 :io ft s ft « (1 10 PC 62 66 . _ Clear _ Cloudy Clear 0.36 Clear Clear Clear Cloud* 04 H6 64 0 26 Cloudy SH 74 : 4 ft β . 80 78 8S 86 7 4 .06 Ptf 84 lt2 7 s βο po we ;6 SC 1 12 86 158 Cloudy 0.01 Clear Cloud? _ . Cloud? - - Clear - . Clear Cloudy Cloud* S4 88 66 0 58 Cloud* 04 sc 66 OH S6 HO Cloudy Clear PS S6 7 4 0 12 Cloudy .PC 1 00 68 .00 ps 72 74 PO . „ .00 6C ... .or ss 64 ».10 80 ft8 CP.PC Ρ6 76 Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy ΛΟ.ΟΙ 88 74 0.18 Cloud" CP.86 PC 77 Cloudy FOREIGN. »jn Greenwich time, today > Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Rain Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy London. England Paris. France Vienna Austria Berlin. Germany Brest France Zurich. Switzerland Stockholm. Sweden Gibraltar. Spain iNoon Greenwich time toda? Horta <Fa?al>. Azores 7» Cloudy 'Current observations.) tt. Geortes. Bermuda . 8C Clear an Juan Puerto Rico 8C Cloudy Havana. Cuba 76 Cloud? Colon. Canal Zone _ 8C Cloudy ft s ft 7 «4 ft 7 ft 7 ftP 6 3 6P LUMBER PRODUCTION EXCEEDS NEW ORDERS Bt the Asaociated Press. The National Lumber Manufactur ers' Association said today that lumber production for the week ended July 17 was 37 per cent greater than new business booked and 12 per cent greater than reported shipments. During the week 633 mills produced 288,737.000 feet, shipped 250,938.000 feet and booked orders for 210,180,000 feet. Revised figures for the preceding week were: 573 mills. 247.021.000 feet production. 207.455,000 chipped, 197,468,000 booked. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Ch»«. D. Barney k Ce.i Bid. Offer. Am Tel & Tel 5'/i* 1943 Hi", lis Auburn Auto Co 4*«s 3 9.11» ei'j 62Vi Baldw Loco Work» 5a 1940 103 Calif Packing Corp Ss 1940 104 104'. Caro. Clinch & Ohio 5a 193* 103 103v4 Chesap & Ο Rwy 5s 1939 ΙΟβ1» 107'· Edison llec Ilium 4s 1939 KM", 108". Oen Pub Service S'-sS 1939 101 102'« Grand Rap 4 Ind 4'js 1941 10?', 109*,, Houston Ot! 5'jS 1940 _ 102'4 102>/i Intl Mer Marine 6a 1941 , 731· 74*i Intl Tel & Tel 4Vis 1939. Ol'i 92 Laclede Oas Liiht 5s 1939 9ô'a PB Lehigh Valley Coal «» 1938 94'< Lehigh Val Tr R 5· 1941. 10»'* 105»« Long Island Gen 4s 1938 102'/« 102'2 Louis & Nash RR 4s 1940 10? 107'j Mich Cent R R 4s 1940 104U 104Vj Midland R R of Ν J 5s 1940 41J» 60 Milw Si Nor R R 4VjS 1939 89 94 NVClit StL βΤ· notes 38 99 99'j New York Dock 5s 1938 . 58 ", «ο Ν Y Susq i W 5s 1940 __ 18% Ν Y Tel Co 4'ii 1939 . 10î>>· 107'* Pac R R of Mo 4s 1938 97,<4 98 Penn-Dlxle Cement fis 1941 ,9î"a 99 Penna R R Co 4s 1943 109 110 Rio Grande Westn 4s 1939 72 72'n Tr RR Aun St L 4Vis 1939 108% 10?>a Vanadium Corp 6s 1941 _ 101 102 Vertientes Sugar 7s 1942_ 22'4 23*« Wabash Rwy Co 5s 1939 93·/. 93', 1 Warner Bros «s 1939 _ 95 98 Westn Ν Y A Pa 4s 1943 108% 111 V» Western Union Tel 5s 1938 ΙΟΙ'/a 101V» ; Princesse· Elizabeth and Margaret of BnglAad will join the Oiri Quid·*. A - - -I - I Advertising Total Up 15.9 Per Cent From 1936 Levels Special Dispatch to The Star. CHICAGO. July 26 —Retail display advertising for the week ended July 17 hit its fourth largest gain of this year when it jumped to 15 9 per cent ahead of the corresponding week of last yeer. Advertising Age, national advertising newspaper, reported today. These figures, based on tabulations covering retail display advertising carried by all newspapers in 78 Im portant cities, show a total of 17.996. 772 lines for the wepk reported, against 15.532,752 lines fo» the cor responding week of last year. This gain of 2.464.020 lines reflects the manner in which retail trade has im proved with abatement of strikes In the steel industry, the publication stated. For the first 29 weeks of this year, ended July 17, newspapers in the measured citie· have carried a total of 567.805.874 lines, compared unh 537.437.035 lines in the comparable period of last year, a gain of 30,368, 839 lines, or 5.7 per cent. DOLLAR GOES DOWN IN LONDON DEALINGS Pt th· Associated Prm LONDON, July 26 —The United States dollar derlined 1 7-16 rents in today's foreign exchange market, the drop attributed pertly to renewal ol Par Eastern sales against gold trans actions. The unit was quoted at 4.98\ to the pound at the close compared with a sterling rate of $4 97 in New York Saturday. French franc* were steady at 133 to the pound, against 133 09 Saturday. PARIS. July 26 I/P).—Rentes. 3 per cent, 72 francs 60 rentimes; 412s "A," 7415: 4'2s 1937, 98 97. Exchange on London, 133.00. The dollar wai quoted 26.71. · — BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON July 26 ι*ν <U S Dfpt Azr V —Quotations on domestic wool were Arm todav at levels prevailing late last week Trauine was slow because bids were mostly below holders' ideas of value Views of principal wool holders toward the price situation was strengthened as a result of the recently broadened interest of buyers A number of mills mad® efforts to buy wool* in the country below asking prices en spot wool*. J Λ,—13 OUTLOOK BETTER IN MACHINE IK Possibility of Price Rise Brightens Near Term Earnings Prospects. Br the Associate® Preen. NEW YORK, July 26—The near· term outlook for the machine tool Industry Is brightened by the poesi bility of a rise tn prices, trade ob server* said. Recent labor strife In the Middle West had a doubly unfavorable effect on the Industry. In the first place, it served to brin? higher costs and to cut off raw material supplies Second ly, It caused some contraction in new business. Notwithstanding the fart, domestie buyers have bpen timid about placing new orders, the situation Is not with· out its bright side. "A possible 10 to 20 p»r cent machine tool price advance later this year may result in some decrease In domestic business, but manufacturers presumably could take up the la? by accepting more foreign contracts,'' says Poor's Publishing Co. The National Machine Tool Builders' Associatie index of domestic machine tool orders dropped from a high of 232.5 in April t,o 137 6 in June, or nearly 41 per cent The drop In new business, never theless, did not materially impair sec ond quarter earnings. This. It was argued, was because companies were working at capacity on orders then on hand. As some see it. the months directly ahead may enjoy capacity operations, but heavy business done since 1935 ha* cut Into the large potential de mand A study on obsolescence bv the American Machinist indicated that in 1935 about 65 per cent of the coun try's metal-w-orking equipment was more than 10 year* old. compared with about 48 per cent m 1930 and 44 per cent in 1925. Trade observers sa ν it Is difficult statistically to determine to what ex tent this obsolescence has since been offset. Opinion in some circles is that although progress has been made In satisfying the need for machine tools which accumulated in the depression, much remains to be done. JUNE TRUCK LOADINGS WELL ABOVE YEAR AGO Β» the Associated Pre»». NEW YORK. July 26 —The Amer ican Trucking Associations. Inc . re ported an increase in June truck loadings of 15 8 per cent over the same month lait year, a continuation of the rising trend shown every month so far this year Trurk commodity movement* in June were 3 2 per cent lee* than May. Money for Constriction Loan* and Loans on Existing Properties 5% FIRST DEED OP TRC8T ONLY GEORGE I. B0RGER 643 Indiana At·. N.W. Nat'l 0350 DOLLARS 4000 3500 Federal Income Tax Receipts Incom· tax r*c«ipH for fi»e#l y««rt *nd*d Jun· 30 ci *«ch y*«r, 1920-1937 OOUAtS 4000 1920 '21 22 *23 *24 *25 '26 *27 *21 *29 *30 *31 72 33 '34 35 '36 '37 -Xt.tLL WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT MR. NEWTON JEFFRESS IS NOW ASSOCIATED WITH US 3ILLET «5 CO Mt INVESTMENT SECURITIES WOODWARD BUILDING Notional 2460 8ALTTMORI PHILADELPHIA WILLIAMSPOR Γ fnrat* Wires to Neic York Consider These Facts When You Wish To Arrange A LOANS on Improved or to be improved real eitate— as tow as !7.50 per thousand per month including interest and curtail. . . No commit· tione . . No renewal feet. Let us help you solve your problem with a Perpetual loan. PERPETUAL Building Association it th· largest In Washington, and on· oi the leader* In th· entire United Stat··. PERPETUAL ha· over 55,000 bor rowing and saving· members. PERPETUAL'S Board of Director· keep in close contact with the officer· and materially assist in the speedy handling of loans. PERPETUAL'S regular examinations by the U. S. Treasury Dept. are sup plemented by special C.P.A audits as well as its own Auditing staff. PERPETUAL ha· alway· had · rep· utatlon for sound, fair appraisals. Over 200 borrowers per month wet· advanced loan· last year, totaling over $12.000 000 for the year. PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION 11th & Ε STREETS, N. W. ESTABLISHED 1881 Lirg»»t In Wtihington—Atiet· Over J43.000.000 ARTHUR G. BISHOP MARVIN A CUSTIS EDWARD C. BALTZ Chairman oi The Board President Secretary L ι