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In the Hunt Country Activities Among the Horse-Lovers of Virginia and Maryland. BY NINA CARTER TABB. POLO team from Harrisburg, Pa., came to Virginia on Sat urday to play the Fauquier Loudoun polo team two games and was defeated in both. On Sat urday at Marshall Field, Harrisonburg was beaten by the Virginians with a score of 8-6. The line-up for Harris burg was Dr. L. T. Hempt (1), Forrest Hempt (2), Smith (3), and Frown felter (4). The Harrisburg team stayed at the Warren Green Hotel in Warrenton on Saturday and its members were en tertained by the Virginia Club with a dinner party in the grill room that night, where both teams and a few guests had a very jolly evening. The Fauquier-Loudon line-up was John Rawlings (1 >. Henry Skmker <2>. Rodney Woodward (3), John Walker (4). On Sunday the same ♦earn, with the exception that Dirk Kirkpatrick played No. 3 position in place of Woodward, played an exciting game on Phipps Goose Creek Field. Fauquier-Loudon won again with a •oore of 8-5. A large crowd attended both contests. The w'eather was per fect and the fields in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Phipps enter tained the players and eome extra gueets at a buffet supper after the gama and the Harrisburg people then j motored back to Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs Jay S Phipps flew down ■ from Long Island yesterday in time to aee the game played on Phipps 1 Field. They are staving at their! house, the Mill, and will fly to! Saratoga tomorrow to take In sev eral days ol racing. Maj. Burt of the Remount Station at Front Royal assisted Dr. Crump as referee of the polo games on Saturday and Sunday. The Fauquier-Loudoun polo team will play in a tournament in Wash ington the end of this week. No game has been arranged to be played here yet, although there may be one. There were a number of cocktail parties and supper parties given after the polo game on Sunday. Among those entertaining were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frost, Mrs. Henry Fairfax, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Phipps, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Wilt shire and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sabin. Henry Skinker of The Plains, one of the best players of the Virginia team, is playing very brilliantly this season. Of the eight goals made in the game on Saturday “Denny" shot seven of them. The Fauquier Loudoun team will go to White Sul phur Springs in August to play several games. '■pwo most delightful dances were given here the past week end. On Friday night the large dance given in Leesburg at the Thomas Balch Library was one of the best parties that has been given here for a long time. The young girls looked so lovely and there seemed to be about two young men for earn girl, which al ways makes s dance a success. Those giving the dance were Misses Janet Harrison. Sarah Harrison, Helen Corbell, Ada Perry Gibson, Clare Briggs. Leila Harrison. Emily Lewis, Fanny Lyon. Mary Owen Lyon, Mary Metzger. Betty Musgrave. Nancy Rogers. Mary Rust, Betsy Rust, Jane Rust, Caroline Rust, Peggy Wilmer, Hebe Waters. Mrs. Mary Bowie Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Winslow Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton, John Alex ander, Billy Baily, Mervin Bly, John Gibson, Sterling Harrison. Powell Har rison, Jr.; Fred Lintner, Miles Leflerts, Frank Littleton, Jr.; Fred Malone, Baylor Metzger, George Martin, Wil liam Martin. Elmon Miller, jr.; Charles White, w. F. Rust, Jr., and W. S. Rust. Chaperoning the dance were Mr*. William Rust, Mrs. Charles Harrison, Mrs. Westmoreland Davis and Mrs. P. A. Wilmer. Mr. and Mrs. George Locke Howe gave a small dance on Saturday night at the stone bungalow they are rent* lng near Middleburg for the 8ummer. A number of their friends motored out from Washington for the party and every one had a delightful time. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bishop of Bos ton are visiting Mr. and Mr*. Reginald Bishop at Mount Defiance, near Mld dleburg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharp, sr., en tertained a number of friends at din ner on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Hay Whitney have opened their lovely house at Saratoga for the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White and Mrs. White's daughter, Miss Bettina Belmont, have taken a house at Sara toga for the racing season and will go there this week. Others from Vlr (ini* who are at the Spa for the open ing day. today, are Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Gilpin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Friendly. Mrs. Randolph Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCombs Bangs. Miss Cynthia Bangs, William Hitt, Mr. and Mrs. Dion Kerr and Mike Kerr. -»- .. Exposition in Colombia. Pereira, Colombia, will hold Its Orand National Exposition from De cember 12, 1936. to January 9, 1938. ARMY WILL TEST GAS CONCOCTED BY STUDENT Iowa State Undergraduate Says Poison Mixture Will De stroy Masks. By the Associated Previ, The Army expressed willingness to day to give "serious consideration" to a poison gas on which J. Leon Prenn, chemistry student at Iowa State Col lege, has been working. Prenn expressed belief yesterday that he has perfected a gas which will destroy gas masks "We are not going to say a miracle doesn't exist until we have watched It perform," said a chemical warfare officer, who added that the Army has no details on Prenn s discovery, but will be glad to look it over if Prenn submits It. I LATEST 1 HEADUNE 8 JXEWS! I NEW FALL HATS 9 and on with the new! g m These are just two of n I t 1 ■'t the many smart dark 4' I v>fl colored hats that I / 7 p| have already arrived 1 * H for Fall! Gay, youth jy ful and conservative BLACK-BROWN m models in head sizes jg 22 and 23. NAVY 1 Second Floor J jy-TW >.<■«•-Wk M Ml • Mk B YAm is tbt EXACT SIZE y»ur miniature twill bi. .. YOUR FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHS Nothing can ever replace them when once they are damaged or destroyed by time. Bring them in to us before it is too late...let us make beautiful and everlasting Miniatures from your cherished old photographs now, during this July Speeiall HAND COLORED {A QR f„m*n, M w FRAMED MINIATURB ♦ pktt,trapk Regularly 4.95 w in f*d nnditinn. |A fff firr durin* July for *peei*l re- rUTFD your old picture* III 70 Iff11 *toretion work on picture* r R I r If >n our OM Photo lw< Wl * net in good condition ■ ■ ■ l,illhw Contest today■ ■ ■ Air-Cooltd f gDownstairs a yf(am£ - -* —e— V iM y f ■'■• Wash Frocks Chintz Covered Chair Pads Tuetday Only 4 *°r SI Regularly 29c each —Your chairs will look more attractive and certain ly be more comfortable with these gay chintz covered chair pads. Notions—Kann's Street Floor. JACKET BLOUSES 79c —A new low price for these smart Jacket-blouses of ga.v printed pique . . . The swanky three-button fitted style In brown, navy, black and bright colors. Misses' and women's sizes. Neckwear—Kann'a Street Floor. 1500 Boxes of STATIONERY Vn Price —A fine assortment or writ ing papers offering plain white papers, papers with wide top borders or with i bordered edges . . . White, ivory, tan, gray, blue and rose papers . . . Folded sheets In vellum and nov j elty finishes. Orif. SOc to SlM Now 25c to 50c Kann's—Air-Cooled Street Floor. Clearance! Bengaline and Hand Crocheted GLOVES... 44c, 59c, 69c, $1.00 Value« 39c —Regardless of former prices out‘these gloves go at this one low price. All are well known makes ... all are beautiful summer styles ... All cool and chic and white! While you'll find sizes in the lot, vou'll not find all sizes in all styles—Come early. Kann's—Air Cooled—Street Floor. Our Entire Stock $1.95 and $2.45 SUMMER SANDALS *1.39 —White, blue, pink, green and red sandal* . . . of patent leather, gabardine, elkskln, linen and combinations of two fabrics As comfortable a shoe as you can find for the beach, street, house, business and sports. The very things you'll need for your vacation. Now at a clear-away price. Sites 3 Vi to 9 In the lot. Kann a—Air-Cooled Street Floor. v . Misses' ond Women's Sixes —If you know dress values you’ll rush tn and grab several of these lovely cottons . . . They're the type of dresses you’ll live in during the < rest of the summer . . . Cool, chic and charm ing .. . Dotted Swisses, printed batistes, printed voiles, sports cottons . . . frankly feminine or strictly tailored shirtwaist styles . . . Easy to ' tub, easy to pack, easy to wear and certainly easy to buy at this price. Kann’s—Air-Cooled" "Cotton 8hop"—Second Floor. ' .... , l Loretta Young HOLLYWOOD ; DRESSES Of Wrinkle-Proof Spun Rayon «'*■ SO QQ t3.9S jZt . fW —The very same dresses “as seen in Vogue” . . . but at a one-day price that will make history for our inexpensive dress department. You’ll be cool in their soft, refreshing pastel colors and white . . , the lightness of their washable Silco-Shan (Spun rayon Shantung) fabric ... Be charm ing in the smart simplicity of their styles ... Be confident in the knowledge that they're VITAL IZED! Misses' and Women’s sizes. Karin's—Air-Cooled Second Floor *•...... ... ..... . .-v.* . .... Rest-Easy Self Adjusting BEACH CHAIRS *1.98 | —These chairs have everything . . . reinforced seats, kidney back sup Lie Flat, ports. They’re self-ad- I Or Sit-Up justab to five "Rest- 9 S Without Easy'' and comfortable ' r . positions... Easily Vaetting UUt. operated . . . The frames are of durable hardwood, nicely varnished . . . The reinforced wooden foot rest is detachable, and i seats and backs are of j striped canvas . . . Per- | fected locking device . . . Short fold. Chairs every one will enjoy. Ready Made— SLIP COVERS REDUCED! Cno s... $2.99 Originally $4.95 LV. $3.99 Originaly $6.95 —Neatly tailored, good looking covers of plaid linden cloth and of sunfast, tubfast cretonne, with box-pleated . _ flounces on front and two sides. Styles for Studio Couch Coven. Kann s Air- club, wing, button-back, high back, English Reduced to Cooled Third lounge and T-club chairs . . . and for regular $3.99 set Floor. and tee sofas (76 or 84 inches long). Reg. $4.95 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Special ’3.99 —Striped or Chevron pat terns in plain white, tufted on heavy unbleached sheet ing. Single or double bed sizes. Kean’i Air-Cooled Street noor. f A