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June Business Weil Above 1936 Contrasts With Drop Elsewhere. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Business on the Washington Stock Exchange in June showed a marked Increase in both dollar value and volume, compared with the same period in 1938. and disclosed an up ward trend against a downward move ment on most of the other stock exchanges of the country, the Securi ties and Exchange Commission re ported today. The dollar value of all sales on the Washington Exchange in June was $192,098 in comparison with $145,814 in May. the report stated. In the •tock division alone the sales value in dollars amounted to $142,612 against $95,325 in May. while the total number of shares changing ownership was 3.104 against 2.200 In the previous month. In the bond division, the dollar value was not quite up to May. sales Involving a $48,483 turnover against $50,189 in the previous month. The principal amount was $50,500, com pared with $51,000, both months be ing a little behind April. The aggregate gain here contrasts with a sharp Summer drop in business on the Baltimore and Richmond Exchanges. The commission also reported that the dollar value of sales on all regis tered securities exchanges during the first six months of 1937 exceeded the like 1936 period by 5 6 per cent. Stock sales increased 8 2 per cent to $14,383, 537.217, while bond sales totaling $1,919,005,207 were off 10 per rent. The dollar value of sales on all registered exchanges in June alone amounted to $1,168,508,010, a decrease j of 20 per cent from May and 19 per j cent from June a year ago, said the report, adding that total sales on the j exempt exchanges were slightly ahead j of May, the increase being 0.5 per i cent. The fact that business dropped off i on so many other exchanges makes ' the Washington Exchange status t«ie ' more interesting. Gas Light Common Listed. The new Washington Gas Light common stock—390.000 shares without par value—were listed on the Wash ington Stock Exchange today. This stock is a split-up three for one of the old Washington Gas $20 par value stock which has been on the exchange for many years. There were 130.000 j shares of the old stork outstanding. ! the new 390.000 shares taking their j place on the exchange board. The ; last sale in the old stock was made ! fit 78. The opening bid for the new stock today was 25>4 with the stock offered at 27. No sales. The new Washington Gas Light *4 50 preferred stock will be listed on the exchange later, according to plans made by the company when the issue was placed on the market. It is now being sold over the counter, with 97>4 : bid and 9834 asked. 9.874 Accounts Now Insured. Savings of 9.874 persons in eight sav ings. building and loan associations In the District of Columbia are now7 Insured up to $5,000 on each account by the Federal Savings i/wn In surance Corp.. it was reported today by Nugent Fallon, general manager of the corporation. Assets of these insured thrift and home financing institutions total *8.921,194. Other District of Colum bia savings and loan associations have submitted applications for this pro tection for the funds of their inves tors. Unemployment at New Low. The number of persons unemployed In the United States declined from 8.401.000 in April to 9 269,000 in May, a new low for the current recovery movement, according to the Alexander Hamilton. The number of unem ployed persons In May represented a reduction of 2.064,000 from the 11.533.000 persons unemployed in the same month last year and a reduc tion of 7.380 000 from the peak un employment figure of 16,649.000 in March, 1933. Ute number of employed persons roe* In May to a new recovery peak at 43,110.000. Only 5,384.000 fewer paiwona were employed In May than a* the pre-depression high in Sep tember, 1929, when t.he total employ man* figure was 45.494.000. Subscriptions (or Debentures. Hdward C. Baltz, secretary of the Perpetual Building Association and vice chairman of the board of the Winston-Salem Home Loan Bank, said today that the Winston-Salem bank had subscribed for $3,500,000 of the new issue of $28,000,000 Federal Home Loan Banks l’i per cent consolidated debentures, dated July 1, 1937. and maturing July 1, 1938. The new de bentures are priced at 100 3-16, to yield 1.04 per cent. It was said today that banks and corporations seeking short-term paper will be among the principal buyers. The subscription made by the Winston-Salem bank is for the benefit of the building and loan associations in Washington and else where in this district. Pennsy's June Net lx»wer. The Pennsylvania Railroad reports net railway operating income for June at $6,164,913, a decrease of $508,251 over the June. 1936. total. Freight revenues were up $2,262,908 and pas senger revenues $581,475. Railway op erating expenses, however, were also much higher—$3,777,520 over the tame period last year. Today's report revealed a net rail way operating income for the first six months of 1937 as $35,609,199. an in crease over the first half of 1936 of $615,233. Freight revenues were up $24,670,474, reaching $178,182,097. Passenger revenues scored a gain of $2,435,511, while other similar reve nues were higher, making a total gain of over $29,000,000 in operating re turns. Operating expenses cut into the gains heavily, showing an increase of more than $26,000,000 over the like 1086 period. Pianos Feature Convention. Homer L. Kitt of the Homer L. Kitt Co. and Charles P. Rouse of E. F. Droop & Sons Co. are attending the thirty-sixth annual convention and trade show In New York of the music Industries. Particular interest is being focused on the exhibits of pianos because of the great boom in this in dustry which has brought production to the highest point in 10 years. Every other type of musical instrument is also being shown. The Commerce Department reports confectionery sales in June 6 per cent better than a year ago and also much larger In the first half of 1937, com pared with 1936. f TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE By Private Wire Direct to The Star. Prev.lP.37 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Pate Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 55 444 Abbott Lab (1.60a>. 2 50 49% 49% - V. 844 63% Acme Steel (4) . .. 3 82% 814 82%+ % 22% 15 Adams Exp (,30g)_. 7 194 19 19 28% 224 Adams-Millis (2)... 1 24 24 24 - % 80% 644 Air Deduction (la). 12 74% 734 73%-% 15% 11 Alaska Jun (.60a).. 4 12 11% 11% 6% 2% Alleghany... _ 75 34 3 3 -4 45% 30', Alleg Steel (.ROg).. 6 34 33'% 33% + (5 2584 215 Allied Chem (6)_ 7 2394 2384 2394 +% 33% 20 Allied Mills (2g) _ 2 254 254 254 — 4 214 15 Allied Stores (,2fta). 7 2 19% 19 194+ 4 80 74 Allied Strs pf (5) 1 79 79 79 - ", 834 57 Allis-Ghalmers(lg) 15 68% 68% 68% —1 84 4% Amal Leath ... 5 6 54 54 - Vi 1014 83 Am AgCh Del I'-lg. 2 954 954 954 + % 41% 204 Am Bank Note(4g) 2 294 29% 294 — V, 754 59 Am Bank N pf (3) . 1(1r 62% 62% 62'% —1% 80% 57% Am Brake Sh(l %g) 4 66 654 65% -1 121 90% Am Can (4a) _ fi 107% 1064 1074 + 4 174 1524 Am Can pf (7) _. 1 1564 1564 1564 71 46 Am Car A Fy (%g). 3 52 514 514 — Vi 1044 77 Am Car A F pf (4g). 2 79% 78% 78% -2% 32% 28 Am Chain A C(4b)- 10 30 294 294 - 4 23% 13% Am Colortype_ 4 16% 16 16 30% 204 Am Cornel Alco_ 1 25s* 25% 25% + % 33% 25 Am Crystal S 2Sig.. 30 26% 254 26%+ 4 99% 884 Am Crys Sug pf (6). 80s 94 934 93',5 + 4 134 5% Am Encaustic Til _ 10 94 9 9 —4 13% 64 Am A Foreign Pow. 23 10% 10% 104— 4 584 37 Am A F P Jfi pf 1 47 47 47 - 4 684 45 Am A For rw J7 pf 1 55 55 55 — 1% 384 184 Am A For Fw 2d pf. 7 27 264 27 - 4 11% 54 Am Hide A Leath .. 4 7% 7% 7% — V, 62% 40% Am Home Pr (2.40). 1 43% 43% 43% — % 4% 24 Am Ice _ 13 3 3 17% 12% Am International... 2 14% 14% 14% — % 584 37 Am Locomotive_ 21 46% 44% 44% — 24 125 101% Am I.oco pf .. 4 1094 109 109% + % 29% 18% Am M A Fdy (%g). 3 21% 20% 20% - % 13% 7% Am M & Met (.45g). 2 9% 94 94+ 4 68% 43% Am Metal (Vis)_ 10 50 49% 50 —2 164 7 Am Pow A Lt . 44 12 IP, 11% — 4 724 40% Am PA I, $5 pf (5). 4 58 57% 57% — ", 87% 494 Am P A L $6 pf (6) . 2 664 664 664 -1 294 18% Am Rad A St S(.60) 26 224 224 22% — ', 45% 31% Am Doll Mill(l.lOg) 11 36% 36', 36% - % 29 22% Am Seating (Vig).. 3 27% 27 27 58 41 Am Shipbldg (2a) . 100s 50 50 50 105% 79% Am Smlt A R(2%g) 13 93% 93 93% — 4 154 1384 Am Smelt pf (7)_ 1 143 143 143 +1 674 52% Am Snuff (3a) _ 3 56', 56% 56', 8 1 73% 48% Am Stl Fdrs (lg)_ 14 57% 57% 57', — 4 26', 15% Am Stores (1 Vi g) ... 1 17% 57% 17s, + ik 56% 37 Am Sugar Def (2).. 2 454 45', 45', 187 159% Am Tel A Tel (9)... 7 1724 172 172 -% 99 73% Am Tobacco (5) .. 3 SO', 80 804 — >, 99% 744 Am Tobacco B (5).. 4 82% 824 82% - 4 150’, 128V* AmTohpf (6)_ 5 137 136 136 - 4 204 11% Am Type Fdrs 3 144 14 14 294 15% Am Wat Wks (.6Pg) 43 22 21% 21% — % 14% 7% Am Woolen _ 13 10% 10% 10% + % 79 544 Am Wool pf (2k)_ 20 72 69% 72 -r2% 20 6% Am Zinc L A S_ 22 15% 14% ]5% 69', 47% Anaconda (%g) . 34 57% 574 57% 97 79 Anai ond WAV 1 4 g 1 85 85 85 -3 24% 18 Anchor Cap (.30g).. 7 23% 234 23% 111 106 Armour Del pf (7) .. 1 108% 108% 108'* - % 13% 7 Armour 111 (,55s) 43 12 11% 11% — 4 704 54% Armstrong Crk(lg) 82 59% 58% 69 — % 2% 14 Armstrong July 30 403 2% 24 2% — 4 16% 11 Arnold Const (%g). 7 144 13% 144+ 4 17", 8% Artloom 2 114 11 11 — v, 24 4 15% Assn Dry Goods .. 34 18% 17% 18% + ", l°fi 92 Assoc 1 n pf ww(5). 20s 94 94 9t 94% 694 Atch T & S F (2g) . 14 85 84% 85 + % 5.6%. 444 Atlantic Coast Line 8 524 524 62% — ", 41 22 Ail GulfAW Ind pf. 2 24 23% 24 37 27% Atlantic Refin (1)_ 17 30% 30 30 18% 15 Atlas Corp (.80) ... 2 15% 154 15% + 4 52% 504 Atlas Corp pf (3)... 2 504 504 50', on 4 i.vj Aumirn auio __ a zm — % 9% 5s* Austin Nichols_ 1 6% 6% 6% _ i4 9% 5% Aviation Corp _ 12 7 6% 7 -+- % 31'* 4% Baldwin Loco (r) 9 6 5% 6 9% 4% Baldwin Loc asd(r) R 5% 5% 5% 4 % 40% 20% Balto Sr Ohio _ 29 28% 28 28 — % 47% 27% Ralto & Ohio pf_ 2 33 32% 32% — % 43% 27% Barber Co ( V^g)_ 18 32% 32 32 32 22 Barker Bros _ 1 26 26 26 -a- % 42 34 Barker pf C’%)_ 30s 40% 40 40% 4. % 35% 23% Barnsdall (1 ) __ 44 26% 25% 25% -1 105% 101 Beat Cr pf ww < 5)1 103 103 103 — % 114% 105 Beech-Nut P (4a ) _ 1 112% 112% 112% 30% 18% Bendix Aviat (%g>. 9 21% 21% 21% — % 23% 20% Renef. Ln (1.32%g)_ 2 21% 21% 21% % 62% 47% Best & Co (2 %a) . 2 59 58% 59 105% 73 Bethlehem Stl (1k)_ 39 94% 94 94% — % 20 17 Beth Stl 5% pf (1). 1 18% 18% 18% 69% 51% Bigelow-San 1% g . 5 64 63 63 — % 38 24 Black & Deck (% g) 1 27 27 27 29% 22 Rlaw-Knox (.45g) 3 24 24 24 32% 22 Rloomingdale .85g 30s 24 24 24 ■*. t 49*4 27% Booing Airpl _ 34 34 32% 33% - l1 48% 37 Bohn Alum (3). 1 43 43 43 — 1 46% 41% Bon Ami B (1%g)_30s 44% 44 44 28 21% Rorden (1.60) 11 25 24% 24% 4 47 38% Borg-Warner (2)_ 6 44% 44% 44% — ' 15% 8% Boston Sc Maine _ 1 9% 9% 9% — v 4% 1% Botany C M (A) <r) 3 2% 2% 2% 23% 15 Bridgeport Br 40g. 18 17% 17% 17% 4- 1 59% 39% Briggs Mfg (1 % g) _ 13 43% 43% 43% — t 53 18% Bklyn-Man (2%g)_. 19 25 24% 24% — * 102% 62% Bklyn-Man pf (6) _ 1 68% 68'* 68% 8 2% Bklyn & Queens _ 3 4 3% 3% — t 52% 26% Bklyn Pn Gas 2.30g 1 32% 32% 32% — v 50 43'7 Brown Shoe (3) _ 1 45% 45% 45% 4 24 16% Brunswiok-Ral_ 1 18% 18% 18% — 25% 14% Bucyrus-Erie_ 3 17% 17% 17% — 1 14% 7% Rudd Mfg _ 20 10% io% 10% - * 98 58 Budd Mfgpf 100s 84 84 84 —p 13 7% Rudd Wheel (.20g)_ 7 9% 9% 9% — % 45% 30% Bullard <"o (1 ) _ 3 38 38 38 65% 50% Rulova Watch (4a) 24 55% 53% 55% 4 1% 18% 17 Burlington Mills( 1) 1 16% 16% 16% — % 35% 22% Burr Ad Mch(.65g). 9 28% 28% 28% — % 11% 4% Bush Term (r) _ . 2 5% 5% 5% 39 15 Bush T 7 % deb (r) _ 1 20 20 20 4 1 18% 12% Butler Bros (.60) 3 15% 15% 15% 4- % 36% 28% Butler Bros pf(l %) 2 31% 31% 31% 4- V* 9% 4% Butte Copper & Z ... 5 6% 6% 6% -- % 33% 17v* Byers Co _ 8 21% 21 21% — % 34% 25% Byron Jack ((lg) 1 29% 29% 29% — % 48'* 35% Calif Pack (1 %a) __ 3 36% 36% 36% 4- % 6% 2% Callahan %-Ld _ 90 4% 3% 4 4- % 20% 12 Calumet & H (% g) _ 9 15 14% 15 37% 24 Campbell Wy (1) 2 30% 30% 30% — % 38% 23% Canada Dry G Ale__ 26 25% 24% 25% 4- % 17% 11% Canadian Pacific __ 7 IP* 11% 11% 61% 44 Cannon Mills (1 g) . 1 47 47 47 — % 94 6% Carriers * Gen .1 Og 3 74 74 74 -a- 4 1834 138 Case (J I) .. 5 182 180 ISO -34 1294 112 Case (J1) pf (7) 20* 121 120 120 _l 100 85 Caterpillar Trac(2) 4 99 984 99 + 4 414 26% Celanese (14g)_ 17 37% 374 37% -r 4 824 73% Celotex pf (5) ... 30* 764 764 764 394 30 Cent Atuir (14a).. 2 32 32 32 + 4 12% 64 Central Fdv _ R 8% 84 84 — 4 24% 11 Central Violeta Sug 1 14 14 14 + 4 86% 60 Cerro de Pasco (4). 4 754 75 75 — 4 23% 114 Certain-teed . . 3 13% 13% 13% — % 82 484 Certain-teed 6% pf 60s 54 524 524 -1 111 107 Champ P & F pf (6) 20* 109 108% 109 +1 90', 67 ChesCorp (3) 2 764 76 764 684 50% Ches*Ohio (2.80a) 6 534 534 634 + 4 134 64 Chi & East 111 pf (r). 1 7% 7% 7% — 4 18% 8% Chi Gt West pf (r). 1 10% 10% 10% -4 32 244 Chi Mail Or (l%a).. 3 27'* 27 274 + % 34 14 t'hi M St P * P (r) .2 2 2 2 74 34 Chi M St r&Ppf(r). 4 4% 44 4% + 4 6% 3 ChiANW(r) _ 5 3% 34 34 — 4 19V, 94 Chl&NWpf (r)... 1 11% 11% 11% 33 21 (’hi Pneu Tool _ 1 25 4 25 4 254 — 4 3% 2 ChiRl*Pac(r) . 2 24 24 24 8% 3% C R I * P 6% pf (r) 2 54 5 5 -4 104 44 C R I & P 7% pf (r) 2 64 6 6 274 14 Chi Yell Cabling). 4 14% 14% 144+4 15% 9% Childs Co _ 1 10% 10% 10% - 4 1354 94 Chrysler (7g) _ 78 1144 1134 1134 -14 21% 174 City lee & F (2)_ 1 18 18 18 10% 6% City Stores _ . 19 84 8 84 + % 44% 324 Clark Equip (1.60) 7 44% 43% 44 +4 113 102% Clev El lllu pf (4 4 ) 20* 1074 1074 1074 +% 46% 35 Clev Graph Br (lg) 3 45% 45 45 -1% 29% 23% Cluett Peabody (1). 9 284 28 28 — % 25% 17% Colgate-Palm (4). 12 18% 18% 18% — 4 62% 474 Collins* Aik (2a) . 4 564 554 564 -% 51% 31 Colo Fuel & Ir (lg). 2 37 36% 36% — % 30 15% Colo & South 1st pf 10* 184 184 184 20% 10 Colum G*E (.20g) 74 154i 14% 14% - % 394 284 Col Piet vtc (la)_ 1 294 294 294 — 4 125% 111 Col Carbon (4a)_ 1 121% 121% 121% 694 56% Cornel Credit (4)_ 5 61% 614 614— 4 804 63% Cornel invest Tr(4). 6 66 654 65% — % 120 103% Cornel Inv T pf 4%- 1 105 105 105 — % 214 13 Cornel Solv (.60)_ 87 154 14% 154 + % 44 2 Comwlth & Sou_ 192 34 2% 3% 75% 46 Com & Sou pf (3) ... 3 58 67% 58 —14 454 34 Congoleum-Na (2). 1 38% 38% 38% — 4 33% 19% Consol Aircraft 1 23V* 234 234 95 834 Con Cig p pf ww 6% 20* 86 85% 86 49% 314 Consol Edi <1.50g) . 37 404 394 394 -14 108 994 Consol Edispf (5).. 1 1034 1034 103V* + 4 5% 24 Consol Film _ 5 3 3 3 18% 10 Consol Film pf 4 134 12% 12% -IV, 134 94 Cons Laundries 3 10 9% 9% 174 144 Consol Oil (,80a) 45 164 15% 16 10% 44 Consol RR Cuba pf. 4 6% 6% 6% 1% % Consol Textile 1 % % % _ 4 52% 33 Consol Coal pf_ 150* 37% 37 37 -1 37% 20% Container (1.20)_ 37 30% 29% 29% — 4, 54 24 Conti Baking B_ 7 34 34 34 694 50 Conti Can (3) _ 6 56 554 66 — V, 25% 184 Conti Diam Fib(lg) 3 19% 19% 19% — Vi 42% 35% Conti Ins (1.60a)... 12 394 38% 394 3% 2 Conti Motor ... 7 2% 24 2% — M 49 39% Conti 0il(Del)14g. 20 48% 48% 48% - V, 77 624 Corn Exchange (3). 60* 634 634 634 714 54% Corn Prod (3)_ 12 624 614 624 + Vi 10V* 6 Coty - 6 7% 7% 7% — V, 664 40 Crane Co_ 13 50% 50% 504 — Vi 121 1134 Crane Co pf (7)_ 3 116fl 116# 116tf + 4 114 100% Crane Co cv pf_ 1 1144 1144 1144 + V 28% 184 Crossley Radio_ 4 20% 204 204 — V 1004 68 Crown Cork (2)_ 14 844 834 83% - V 254 16% Crown Zeller _ 29 194 18% 18% + V 108% 95V* Crown Zeller pf (5). 4 gfi 95 95 —3 14% 7% Cuban-Am Sugar .. 16 9% 9% 9% 127 109% Cub-Am S pf (10k). 10*113 113 113 +1 20% 84 Curtis Pub_ 3 10% 104 10% 1094 71 Curtia Pub pf (7)_ 1 764 754 764 +' £ Stock and Bales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rale. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge 8% 5 Ourtiss-Wright_ 45 6% 6 6 — v» 2.3% 16% Curtiss-Wright A.. 9 20 19% 19%-% 90% 73% Cutler-Ham (lg) __ 1 75% 75% 75% + % 1814 12% Pavega Stores (1a). 2 16 15% 16 + % 109 99% Payton P&L pf 4%, 10e 102% 102% 102% - % 14.3% 104% Peere & Co 3 141 140 140 -1 31% 25% Peere & Co pf (1.40) 4 28% 27% 27% 29 17% Deisel-Wem-G (1).. 1 21 21 21 + % 58% 33 Pel & Hud _ 1 38 18 38 — % 24% 1,3% Pel Lack & W _ 6 16% 15% 16%+ % 36% 26 Diamond Mat (la) .. 3 27 26% 27 + % 40% 33% Plain Mat pf(1 %a)_ 3 33% 33% 33% 2.3 14% Piam T Mot (%g) _ 1 16% 16% 16%-% 29 20% Pist Corp-Seag _. 3 23% 23 23 46% 35 Poehler Die C (lg). 1 38% 38% 38% _ % 51 38% Pome Mines (2a)_ 5 40 39% 40 + % 12% 8% Dominion Strs ___ 2 9 9 9 + % 77% 47% Douglas Aircraft .. 19 58% 57% 57% + % 159% 116 Dow Chem (2.60g)_. 6 117 115% 117 -1 39% 24% Dresser B (le> __ 1 27% 27% 27%+ % 180% 148% Du Pont de N(2% g) 14 163 162 162%-% 17 9% Kastern Roll . 2 12% 12% 12% — % 181% 151 Kastman Kodak (8) 3 1801* 180% 180% - % 37% 29% Katon Mfg <l%g) 8 36', 35% 36% 16 10% Kitingon Sch .. 1 12% 12% 12% 29 21% K1 Paso N Gs(1.60). 10 24% 24% 24%-% 45% 34% Klee Auto Lt 1.40g .. 9 39 38% 38% — V, 16 9% Klee Boat ... 14 10% 10% 10%+ % 7% 4% Elec.&Mus (.18e)._ 8 4% 4% 4% - % 26% 14% Klee Pow & Lt_ 38 22% 22% 22%-% 92% 62 Klee P & L pf ... 2 79% 78% 78% -1% 44% 32% Klee Stor Bat (2)... 4 36 35% 35',-% 8 3 Klk Horn Coal pf . 3 h% 5 5 — V, 17% 8 Kng Public Service. 1 12 12 12 81 61 Kng P S 1 ww 5%k. 5 62 61 62 -I 1 9-% 4% Kquit Oft Bldg_ 38 5% S% 5% i- % 23% 13% Krie UR _ 5 16 15% 15',-% 35% 19% Krie 1 st pf .. 2 23% 23% 23% - % 80 75% Krie & Pitts (3 %) .. 20s 76% 76% 76%+ % 34% IK Kvans Prod (1) ... 7 22% 22% 22% 6% 2% Kxchange Buffet_ 1 3% 3% 3% 5% 3 Fairbanks Co_ 60s 3% 3% 3% 28 20% Fairbanks pf 100, 23% 23% 23% - % 71% 49% Fairbanks Mrse(la) 2 58% 58% 58% -t- % 70 45% Fajardo Sug (2g) ... 11 51 49% 50% ■ % 11% 6% Federal Mot (.10g). 9 8 7', 8 - % 11% 5% Federal Screw . 2 7% 7% 7% ■+ V, 6 3 Federal Wat Svc A 11 4% 4% 4% 43% 31 % Federat DSt (l%g) 10 35% 34% 35% + % 108% 92% Fed PStrpf (4%) 1 97 97 97 45% 36 Fid Phoenix(1.6tla). 1 39% 39% 39% + % 4 1% 30 Firestone (1 '£.g) . 12 32% 32% 32% — % 52% 39% First Nat Strs(2%) 9 40% 39% 40%+ % 46% 26% Flintkote tl 1 ._ 27 31% 30% 31 9% 4% Follansbee i r) . 6 5% 5% 5% — % 58 47% Food Machine (la) 13 53% 52% 52% - % 128 1118 Food Mach pf (4% ) 740, 119 118% 118%+ V, 54% 37% Foster Wheeler 2 43% 43 43 — % 18', 7% Francisco Sugar __ 15 11 10', 10% + % 32% 24% Freeport Sul tig) . 6 30% 30% 30% — % 48% 25 Fuller 2d pf _ 10. 31 31 31 7% 4% Gabriel A _ 1 5% 5% 5% + % 15% 11% Gair (Robert)_ 16 14% 13% 13% — % 33 22 Gamewell 30. 25', 25% 25', - % 19% 11 Gar Wood Ind (%g) 4 13% 13% 13% - % 15% 10% Gen Am Inv 3 lit1, 1.3% 13% 86', 62% Gen Am TrnsO %g) 9 69% 67s, 69% +1% 19% 10% Gen Raking ( 601 .. 2 12', 12% 12s, 153 1.34 Gen Baking pf (8) .. 10, 136 136 136 65 39% Gen Gable A _ 4 54 54 54 — % 52% 34% Gen Cigar (4) 11 36% 36 36 64% 49% Gen Klee (.8"g>_ 57 58% 58 58% + % 44% 36 Gen Foods (2)_ 8 38 37% .38 3% 1 % Gen G Kl A_ 43 2% 2', 2% 65% 60 Gen Mills (3) _ 2 62% 62 62%+ % 70% 48% Gen Motors (1 V,g)_ 56 56% 56% 56% — % 122% 113 Gen Mot pf (5) ... 1 117 117 117 5% 3% Gen Pub Svc . 3 .3% 3% 3% fiS 1 w ill, Can Pv Qionat lO 1 A ‘l 1 „ A '* I _ A'i I _ _ 1 5*. 3 Gen Real A 1'ti 1 ._ 70 4 34 4 a- 4 484 31 Gen Real & Ut pf .. 14 37 364 "64 a- 4 88 48 Gen Stl Cast pf loO* 53 51 53 - 4 33*4 204 Gen Thea Kq (4g)- 4 244 24 24 —4 434 34'a Gen Time 1 n (la)... 1 38 38 38 20', 144 Gillette (4 g) __ 7 144 14 , 144 — 29*, 204 Gimhel Bros 144 234 224 23 a- 4 904 80 Gimhel Bros pr (6) 1 83 83 83 -14 514 40*4 (Hidden Co (2a) _ 3 41 434 41 — 4 64 4 Gohel Adolf 2 44 44 44 — 4 84 54 Goebel Brew ( 20a). 18 54 54 54 — 4 504 31 Goodrich (’-_■*) . .. 10 3838 384 87 4 77", Goodrich pf 1 '») 1 794 794 79', 47*, 27;, Goodyear TAR (1c) 43 11', 4m, 41 — 4 141 100 Goodvr TA-R pf (5) . 1 1234 123*. 123*, -14 4". 3 Graham-Paige 17 4 34 4 54 24 Grand Pnton 3 34 3 34 - 4 27*1 17 Grand Tit pf (14k t 1 194 19*, 19*. -r 4 47', 344 Grant (\VT) (1.40a) 7 394 "94 39*4 56*4 40-4 Great Nor R.v pf 24 514 51*, 51*. — t. 284 174 Grt Xor Ore ct< ** r ) 5 22 '214 214 — 4 424 34 Grt Wst Sur( 2.4 "a) 2 35 35 35 1454 132 Gt West Sue pf(71 20* 135 135 135 T H, 39 4 274 Green (HI.) (1.60a) 9 324 314 324 164 124 Greyhound (.80) __ 6 16 15*4 15** — 4 44 2 Guantanamo Sug_ 10 3 24 3 a- 4 59 40 Guantanamo pf_ 40* 50 48 50 - 5 204 134 Hall Print 19 14*. 134 144 + 4 31 254 Hamilton \V (1 2'>c) 4 30*, 30% 30*, — 4 108 103 HamilWathpf (6). 50« 105 105 105 +14 584 40 Harh-Waik (Ip) ._ 4 45', 45*, 45*, — 4 174 Id*, Hat Corn A (.6or) ._ 1 12 12 12 1064 914 HatCorp pf (64) . 40* 92 91 92 + '3 8 4 Hayes Body 3 5 5 5 1154 100 Hazel-A tlas G1 (5a). 1 115 115 115 - * 15*, 114 Heeker Prod (.60a ) 6 12 11*. 11*. — 185 1 44*, Hercules P..w (3p> 5 1644 1644 164** -8* 1354 125 Hercules I’o pf (6) 10* 133 133 133 +1 111 1024 Hersh cy pf (la) _ 1 104 104 104 -r 1 | 524 354 Holland F (lg) .... 1 434 434 434 -* I 120ta 101 4 Holland F pf (5).._ 50* 1054 1054 1054 304 21 Hollander (1 ) ... 2 254 25'* 254 — * 434 29'* Holly Sug <2%g) ... 3 32', 324 324 + * 504 47V* Homestake (.7.'>g) _ 4 481, 48 484 41 35 Houd-Her A (24 ) .. 1 354 354 354 73 574 Household Fin (4) 1 61*, 614 614 + 94 884 Honsehld Fin pfti). 1 93 93 93 -' 174 124 Houston Oil ... 13 154 154 15*, — '• 90*3 624 Howe Sound (3a) ... 5 82 614 82 — ■* 5*, 24 Hudson & Man__ 4 3 24 2*, — 23V* 134 Hudson Motor_ 3 16 16 16 -r V 4 3 Hupp Motor _ 19 4 3*, 4 38 21 Illinois Central_ 14 25 244 24*, — 1 47*3 3.3 Indust Rayon (2).. 2 374 374 374 — V 144 124 Ingersol Rnd( 14g) 2 131 131 131 -1 j 334 174 Inspiration Copper. 8 254 24*, 244 — V« 6 4', Insuranshar (,10g). 2 5 5 5» .v* inter j'.ap i ran (r). t «'* tv* s1* — »« 284 164 Interlake Iron_ 12 20 194 194-4 9» 5 IntlAgricul . 6 6'* 6 6 189 1464 Inti Rus Mach (fia). 1159 159 159 I 116 994 Inti Harvestr f 2 Vi ). 13 1154 1144 1154 + 4 164 84 Inti Hydro-Elec A . 14 134 134 134 -4 154 64 Int Mer Marine .. 4 94 94 94 -4 184 10 Inti Mining <.30c) . 2 124 124 12S - 4 734 554 Intl Nickel Can(1 g) 39 654 644 654 + 4 244 164 Inti Paper & Tw A.. 1 174 174 174 94 54 Inti Paper & Pw C . 4 64 64 64 1214 90V* Inti Paper & Pw pf. 1 99 99 99 -1 52 314 Inti Silver .. 6 444 434 44 +14 110 88 Inti Silver pf (6k) 20« 99 99 99 154 94 Inti Tel & Tel _. 30 124 114 114 -4 364 204 Interst Dep S 2 4g .. 13 264 26 264 +4 1074 100 Interst Dept pf (7). 10s 1014 1014 1014 — 4 26Vj 17 Intertype (,30g) 1 174 174 174 + 4 155 120 .Tohns-Manville (3). 2 134 1334 1334 - 4 126 120 Johns-Manv pf (7). 30s 124 124 124 35 25 Kaufmn Dep 1.20g_. I 284 284 284 194 94 Kel-Hayes VVh B .. 1 134 134 134 -4 694 51 Kennecott (2g) . 41 614 61 614 — 4 204 144 Kevstone S&W(.60) 3 154 154 154 464 374 Kimberly-Clark (1) 1 404 404 404 -4 94 5 Kinnev (GR) _ 2 6 54 6 +4 71 44 Kinney (G R) pf... 20s 49 48V* 484 -4 354 314 Kinney pr pf _ 10s 334 334 334 - 4 154 84 Kresge Dep Stores. 3 11 104 11 +4 294 204 Kresge (SS) (.60g). 11 24 234 24 -s 4 474 314 Kress (S H) (1.60). 9 36 35 36 +14 244 18 Kroger Groc (1.60). 9 22 214 214 — 4 274 154 Laclede Gas (.50) .. 20s 204 204 204 + 4 24 184 Lambert (2) . 3 194 194 194 - 4 514 32 Lehigh Port C (14) 6 354 34 34 -14 34 14 Lehigh Valley Coal. 3 24 2 2 —4 184 84 Lehigh Val Coal pf. 5 104 104 104 + 4 244 134 Lehigh Valley R R. 4 154 154 154 — 4 434 36 bshnianCorp (la).. 3 41 404 404 — 4 214 144 Lehn & Fink (IV*)— 1 15 15 15 + V* 584 40 Lerner Stores (2a) . 7 424 42 424 79 584 Lib-O-F G1 (.37%g) 15 67 664 67 +4 154 94 Libby McN & Lib 4 124 124 124 284 254 Life Savers (1.60a). 1 284 284 284 113V* 93 Ligg & Myers (4a).. 1 994 994 994 + 4 114 94V* Liggett* M B (4a). 6 101 1004 101 +4 834 59 Lima Loco _ 3 654 65 65 — 4 61 514 Link Belt (2)_ 4 59V* 59 594 +4 264 26 Liquid Carb new_ 10 26 4 254 254 — 4 844 644 Loew's (2a)_ 14 824 814 82 - 4 34 1 Loft _ 8 24 2 24 +4 75V* 50V* Lone Star Cem (3).. 2 554 554 554 104 54 Long-Bell A_ 27 8 74 74 + 4 43V* 28V* Loose-Wll Bis (2) . 1 304 304 304 + V< 110 1054 Loose-WB 5% pf(5) 10s 1064 1064 1064 + 4 284 20 Lorillard (P) (1.20) 3 22 214 22 1474 127 Lorillard pf (7) 10s 1354 1354 1354 + 4 284 194 Lottisv G&E A 14- 5 22 214 214 -4 414 294 Luldum Steel (1)... 1 354 354 354 + V< 36 244 McCall (2) _ 6 25 25 25 244 144 McCrory Strs _ 10 184 174 184 + 4 1064 82 McCrory St pf (6) . 1 87 87 87 +^ 28'/a 164 McGraw-H(.424g). 2 19 184 19 424 324 McIntyre Pore (2).. 3 36 36 36 + Vi 424 314 McKeesport T (2).. 2 37 37 37 16V* 124 McKesson & Rob_ 18 144 134 134 - Vi 474 424 McKess&Rpf (3). 1 444 444 444 19 12V* McLellan Strs(4g) 12 144 14 144 + V 62V* 404 Mack Trucks (1)_ 4 464 46 464 — Vi 58V* 44 Macy (RH) (2a)... 14 494 484 494 + •» 63 42 Mattma Cop (14g)_ 2 484 48 48 - Vi 74 34 Manati Sugar (r)— 2 6 6 6 + K 30 14 Manati Sugar pf- 90s 204 204 204 + V( 164 64 Man Ry mod gtd(r) 12 11 104 104 - * i 64 34 Maracaibo Oil_ 6 44 34 34 — Vi 14V* 94 Marine Midi (.40a). 15 104 10V* 104 20 104 Xarket St Ry pf_ 20s 12 12 12 +1V i 39 194 Market St Ry pr pf. 10s 23 23 23 i -514 39 Marlin Rock (2)_ 3 42 42 42 + M i 3OVA 184 Marshal Field_ 91 274 26 27 + a, 294 194 Martin (Glen)_ 21 214 214 214 - V 134 7 Martin-Parry_ 1 94 94 94 + * 74 484 Masonite (la)-- 1 544 544 544 — V 414 324 Math Alkali <1%>— 6 38 37 37 -4 4 664 614 May Dept Str« (3a). 2 634 624 634 i ,T Prev. 3 037 Stock snd Bales— Net Huh. Lew. Dividend Rate. Add 00. HKth. Low. Close. rhge 34% 25 Mead Corp (!5g)- 1 28% 28% 28% — % 16% 9% Mengel __ ... 6 11% 11% 11% - % 47% 34 Mengel 5 % pf (2%). 70s 40% 40 40% +1 72% 58 Mesta Mach (2%g). 1 65% 65% 65% 26% 14% Miami Copper 11 19% 19 19% — V« 35% 25% Mid-Cont Pet (%g). 19 32% 32% 32%+ % 120 96 Minn-Hon Reg (3). 1 117 117 117 t2 124 108 Mlnn-Honpf B(l).. 20s 118 118 118 16% 11 Minn-Mollmp _ 10 14 13% 14 + Vi 6% 2% Minn StP&SSm LL. 40s 3% 3% 3% 34 23% Mission Corp (lg) 2 29 28% 23% — % 9'% 5% Mo-Kan-Texas_ 2 7% 7% 7% + % 34% 21 Mo-Kan-Tex pf_ 5 25% 25 25 — % 6% 3 Mo Pacific (r) 1 3% 3% 3% + % 12% 6 Mo Pacific pf (r) . 6 7% 7% 7% -r % 40% 28 Mohawk Crp(l.20a) 2 36 35’, 36 - % 101 85 MonsantoCh 1 %g 3 101% 101% 101% - % 69 48 Montgom Ward(2a) 41 63% 63% 63% 3Vi % Mother Lode . 1 1% 1% 1% 38% 27% Motor Prod (l%g) . 8 35% 34% 34% 26 17% Motor Wheel (1.60). 1 21% 21'% 21%+ V, 14% 13% Mullins Mfg B new. 2 13% 13% 13%-% 90 67 Murphy (O C) 3.20 .. ! 75% 75% 75%+% 108% 102 Murphy pf (5)_ 10, 107 107 107 20*4 10% Murray Corp _ 8 13% 13% 13% - V, 24% 16% Nash-Kelv (1) ... 11 013'% 19 19V, - % 47% 30 Nash Chat & StL.__ 10, 33 33 33 24 17% Natl Acme ( Vig)... 7 22% 21% 21%-% 18’, 11% Natl Aviation . 8 13% 13 13 - % 33% 22% Natl Biscuit (1.60) 9 24% 24 24%-% 38% 29% Nat 1 Cash Reg( % g) 7 35 34*, 34% 1- % 26% 18% Natl Dairy P (1.20) 17 21% 21 21 112 107 Nall Dairy J’pfB(7) 20s 110% 110% 110% 24% 15 Natl Dept Strs ._ 10 18% 17% 18%+ % 10% 6% Nat 1 Dept Strs pf. ... 3 7% 7% 7% + *4 35 27% Natl Distill (2) .. 3 30% 30% 30'.,- % 38 29 Natl Etl & Stpg (2). 1 3.3 33 33 8 2% 18% 12 Natl Gypsum __ 5 14 13% 13% — % 44 3(1% Natl Lead (% ) . 25 38% 37% 38 8- % 61% 44 Nat Mal&Stl C(1g). 1 52% 52% 52% - % 14*4 8% Natl Pw & Lt (.60). 18 11% 11% 11*,-% 94% 7" Natl Steel (1 Vi g ) — 12 89 88% 88% - % '103. 913 \%.>1 1 A •)%, n — i * 130 121b Natl Sup pf (1 \k) . 2 128 127 128 124 6'4 Natl Tea (.30g)_ 7 8 74 74- 4 134 9% Natomas (.80) _ 5 9% 9% 9% 64% 50 Newberry JJ (2.40) 2 53 524 53 -* 1 37 17 New Oil T & Mxlr). 20s 22 22 22 -1 41% 28 Newport I rid (I % g) 8 33% 33% 334 - % 984 734 N Y Air Br (14f) - 1 744 744 744 - 4 55>4 344 N Y Central _ 87 4 1 40% 40% — 4 31% 21 N Y C Omnibus_ 1 24 24 24 124 6 N Y Dock _ 50s 8 8 8 25% 124 N Y Dock pf _ 100* 184 18 184 4 2 *4 X Y Investors (r) _ 2 1 1 1 9% 3% N YNH&H (r) 5 4% 4% 4% 4- 4 2612 12% N Y N H & H pf (r). 2 14.r 14% 144 -r 4 6% 24 N Y Ont & West (r) 4 24 2% 2% - 4 15% 84 N Y ShipbldK ... 3 11 11 11 t 4 764 55 X Y Shipbildg pf ._ 10* 57 57 57 -2 102% 634 X Y Steam $6 pf ... 10* 89 89 89 -2 312 * 73 X Y Steam >7 pf 160* 101 100% 101 — % 272 236% Norfolk At West (10) 1 242 242 242 -r 1 114 102 Norfolk & W pf (4). 170* 107 106 106 17% 9% North Am Aviat_ 17 124 ID* ID* — 4 344 21 North Am (.60g)_ 24 284 284 28% — % J 57% 48% North Am pf (3)_ 2 55% 554 55% + % 1 36% 25% Northern Pacific_ 44 30% 29% 30% — % 40 26% Norwalk Tire pf_ 2'ts 32% 32% 32% -r3% j 22% 174 Ohio Oil (4g)_ 26 20% 204 20*,- 4 73 534 Oliver Farm_ 15 664 66 66% + % 264 13 Omnibus _ 1 154 154 154 — % I 19% 12% OppenheimCol %g_ 3 16 15% 16 ■+- % 45% 33% Otis Kiev t.40g) 6 41% 41 41% - •% j 24% 144 Otis Steel ... 6 19% 19% 19% 4- % 97 75 Otis Sti 1st pf 5% . 1 87 87 87 t 4 964 824 Owens - 111 C, 1 1 •% g .. 32 98'-.. 95% 984 t 3 *. 23 17 Pac Am Fish (1.20). 1 17% 17% 17% — 4 15% 6% Pac (‘oast _80s 8% 84 8% — 4 40 234 Pac Coast 1st pf 4<>* 26% 26 26% -r % j 32% 20'% Pac Finance (] .RO)_ 2 22% 22 22 38 284 Pac Gas & K1 (2) __ 7 33% 33 33% - % 53 * 404 Pac Fighting (.3)_ 6 454 454 454 4 4% 25 Pac Mills (Ig) - 2 31 31 31 -1 29*4 20 * Pac West Oil (.65e). 2 27% 26% 26% - % 12% 7% Packard Mot <.15g) 16 9% 94 94 ' 44 2 1 ‘aiihand le P& It ir) 1 2% 2% 24 | 121 6o Panhandle pf (r) ... 60* 97 954 954 —14 9o 614 Paraffine »2^) 1 71% 71% 71% 28% 16% Paramount Piet 80 22 * 22% 22% — 4, 26% 154 Paramount 2 pf(.60' 11 20% 2'» 20% - % 8% 4 Park l’tah J1 4% 4% 4% — % 44 * 364 Pa rke Da vis 11 P'g >. 2 38% 3h% 38% - % j 294 23 Parker Kust-Pr 14 - 1 37% 27% 27% t % 7% 2% Parmelee Trans 5 4% 4 4 7 „ 3*S» Peerless Corp . 4 7'. 7 7 — % I 64 38% Penick & Fmd dg). 1 43% 43% 43% t 1% j 103% 85 Penney (J Cl (2c) 3 97% 97% 97%-% 12% ft14 Penn-Dixie Cement. 4 7% 7% 7% — •% 76% 43% Penn-Dixie pf A l 54 54 54 29% 22 Penn G1 S ct ( %g) . 1 27 27 27 50% 34% Penn R R < %g) . 9 39 38% 39 - % 65% 43% Peoples Gas Lt & C- 6 51% 51 51 -1%' 21% 16% Petro Corp (.40g) 5 19 18% 19 -r % 1.3% 7% Pfeiffer Brew(.60g) 2 8% 8% 8% 59% 40 Phelps Dodge 1 *4 g 15 52 * 51% 52% — % ! 14 8 Phila Rap Trans pf 100» 8% 8% 8% -r % 3% 1 Phila Read C & I 1 1% 1% 1% 95% 70 Philip Moris(3 % g)_ 1 92 92 92 1 64 49% Phillips Pet (2a) __ 40 63% 62% 62% — % 20% 1 4'* Pierce Oil pf . 2 16% 16% 16% — %J ! 76’a 52 Pi its Goal pf . 1 53% 53% 53% 4- %j ! 20 12 Pitts Scr»-w (,30k).. 5 15 15 15 -r % ! 122 84 Pitts Steel pf . 130s 93 91 91 -3 8% 3% Pitts I’nited 3 5% 5% 5% | 141 97% Pitts Fnited pf _ 20*121 121 121 -1 47% 29 Pitts&WVa 50* 32%. 32% 32% 4-1% 29% 24% Pl.vrnouthOiK.70g) 17 27% 27% 27% — % 1 j 33% 21% Poor & < V) B 8 22% 22 22% 11% 4% Porto Rie-Am T A _ 1 6% 6% 6% 4- %' 15% 7 Postal T & C pf (r)_ 4 8% 8% 8% — % j 31% 17% Pressed Steel Car 14 20% 19% 20% %; I 65% 55% Procter A; Gam (2a) 2 61% 61% 61% — % i 118% 114% Procter & G pf (5) 10* 117% 117% 117% - % ! 52% 36% Pub Svc N J (2.60) _ 22 4 4 43% 44% t* % , 112% 99% Pub S N J $5 pf (5). 1 101% 101% 101% - % 72% 51% Pullman (1%)_ 6 55% 53% 55% -rl% 24% 16% Pure Oil To 20% 20 20% - % 23% 15 Purity Bak (.30g)._ 17 14% 14% 14 2 — % 12% 7% Radio Corp 60 9% 9% 9 % 4- % ! 80 63 Radio cv pf (3%) 4 68% 68 68% - % 10'. 6T* Radlo-Keith-O (r)_. 4 8'. 8'. 8% + '* | .1"'. 29 Raybest-Man <14j). 2 33', 33'. .33', - ", 47 32 Reading Co (2) . . .. 1 34', 34', 34', -r I 4', 2 Reis* Co ... 1 2', 2', 2', j 22", 16', Reliahle Strs (1 ) ... 4 20'. 19', 20',+ S 29'. 21 Rem Rand l.70g) . 23 26'. 25S, 23', j 944* 80 Rem R pf vvw (4',). 3 83', 84 831, -,2'. 9% 5 Reo Motor __ __ 15 6% 6 6 ! 47% 27% Republic Steel 96 38% 38% 38% | 124 109 Rep Stl cv pf (3k) . 1 114 114 114 — % 49% 32 Revere Copper Ar B. 1 36% 36% 36% — % 30', 22' a Reynolds Met (1) . 3 23', 23', 23',- \\ H i! Rey Met rtsA"gl2. 127 ft ', jj — y, 34'* 16', Reynolds Spr (1)_ 2 21T. 21', 217* 4* 67 59', Reynolds Tob (3) . 20, 64 63 63 -1 38 49 Reynolds Tob B (3) 18 32s* 32s. 32**- 4 3m 19 Ritter Dental Cie) 2 21 20', 21 +1 86', 60 Roan Antelope 1.1 lg 1 66 66 66 +1'., 38 30 Ruheroid (.60)_ 3 36 35** 35** - S 46 31 Safeway Strs (2) 12 33 34', .35 + ' 113 99 Safeway 6% pf (6) . 30* 104 103', 103', - s, 65 4.3s* St Joseph Lead(2a) .3 59*, 59', 59', — 4* 4s* 2 s* St I.-San Fran (r) . 1 3 3 3 ID, 4s* St L-San Frn pf (r) 1 6', 6' j — i* 27's ]4'» Savage Arms (Vis). 12 237« 23 23', + ', 51s* 38', Sehenley Distill(3). 4 43', 43', 4.3', — ** 3V* 1', Schulte Ret (r) . 3 1** Is* Is* + '* 45'* 38 Scott Paper (1.05g) 50* 40 40 40 2'* 1'4 Seaboard Air X, (r). 28 1*» 1+* 1'* — t, 84, 4 Seaboard A I, pf (r) 2 54* 5'* o'* — 4, 54', 36H Seaboard Oil (1)_ 4 43 424, 4.3 — a, ID* 6+* SeagraveCorp_ 1 8', 8'* 84, — 4, 95', 81 Sears Roeb (3)_ .30 94', 937, 94',+ 4, 34 26 Servel Corp (la> 10 301* 30 .304* + '•* 42'a 29 Sharon Steel (1.20). 5 35V* .35', 35', 120 95 Sharon Stl pf (5) — 1 103'., 10.1', 10.3',- 4, 14 9'* Sharp & Dohme _ 5 1 1 107* 107, 65 56 Sharp & Do pf 3._ 1 56s* 564* 56'* 4 '* ]7'« 12 Shattnck FG (.60).. 9 144* 14 14'*+ i* Prev. 1937 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge 34% 25% Shell Union (Vig)-- 3 29% 29% 29%-% 105% 102 Shell Un pf (5%) ... 2 104% 104% 104% 68 40 Simmons (lg) _ 6 60% 50 50 -% 60% 42 Skelly Oil (.50g) 4 59 58% 58% - % 197 85% Sloss-Shefficld S & I 40« 165 161 165 +4 64% 27 Smith (AO) .. 1 33 33 33 -2 40% 27% Smith * Cor (%g) . 1 32% 32% 32% 29% 19% Snider Pack (1%*)- 1 21% 21% 21% 21% 16% Socony-Vac (%g) . 41 21% 21% 21% - % 6% 3% Sou Am G&P (,10g) 1 3% 3% 3% 42% 32% Sou Po Ricq Sug (2) 2 34% 34% 34%+ % 155 141 So Porto R S pf (8) 10s 145 145 145 — % 32% 22% Sou Cal Kdis (l%a) 3 26% 26% 26% + % 65% 40% Sou Pacific _ 1 4 49% 48% 49 - % 43% 24 Southern Ry _ 18 33% 32% 33% - % 60% 37% Southern Ry pf_ 1 46% 46% 46'*—1% 11% 6% Spalding 2 7% 7 7 77% 60 Spalding 1st pf_ 60a 61 60 61+1 9% 5% Sparks With _ 3 7 6% 7 •* % 36 29% Spen-Kell (1.60a)_ 1 30% 30% 30% - % 23% 16 Sperry Corp (le)_ 6 19 19 19 34% 26% Spicer Mfg ... 1 32 32 32 28% 19% Spiegel Inc (%g)_ 24 24 23% 24 + % 95% 80% Spiegel pf (4%) .. 90* 91 90% 9) 48% 37% Square D Co B.60g . 5 45% 45 45 -1 16% 11% Stand Brands (.80). 26 12% 12% 12%-% 12% 6% Stand Com Tnh 2 8% 8% 8% 14% 5% Stand Gas & Kl (r). 31 9% 9% 9% 32% 13 Stand G & K pf (r) 18 22% 22% 22%-% 60 39% Stand Oil Calif (la) 12 45 44% 44%—% .60 40% Stand Oil Ind (la) .. 24 46% 46% 46% 76 63% Stand Oil N .I (la) .. 26 71% 71 71%+ % 48 34% Star re tt (I>S) 2 % g 1 40 40 40 il 75 62% St Pi ling Prod (3.80) 2 63 63 63 — % 21 17 Stewart-Warnt Via) 8 I8% 18% 18% -r % 33% 17 Stone & Web_ 20 25 24% 24% - % 20 12 Studebaker ___ ... 32 13% 13% 13% + % 22% 17% Sunshine Mng (3) _ 6 )8% 18% 18% -r % 61% 37% Superheater (1 Vi).. 3 44% 4 4 4 4 — % 7% 4% Superior Oil 27 5% 5% 5% 28% 21% Swift & Co (1.20)_ 5 24% 24% 24% - % 33% 29% Swift Inti (2) . . 1 32 32 32 23% 15% Symington ww ,35g 7 18% 18% 18% 17% 11% Symington iw .35g_ 5 14% 14 14 — % 67" i 481 . > q’ab-nM l.ii n( H. 1 ft« 40 I _ 40’ 1 cot. 15% 10% Tenn Corp ( Vi P)- 3 13% 13% 13,— % 65% 50% Texas Corp (2) ... 57 64% 64% 64% — % 9% 6 Texas Gulf I’rod 4 7% 7% 7% 44 33% Tex Gulf Sul (2a) . 10 39% 39% 39% - % 16% 11% Tex Pac C&O (.4U) .. 2 14% 14% 14% 15% 10 Tex Pac I,and Tr_ 1 12% 12% 12% — % 43 32 Thatcher ( % p J_ 7 38 36 38 J 2 13% 9% The Fair 3 10% 10% 10% - % 93% 85 The Fair pf (7) _ 3o» 85% 85 85 —1 13% 7% Thermoid 17 9% 9% 9% 28% 23 Thompson Pr(.90g) 7 26% 25% 26% + % 10% 3% Thompson-Star . 5 5% 5% 5% 40% 17% Thompson Starr pf . 1 23 23 23 1 21** 15% Tide-Wat As (,35g). 105 2! 20% 21 + % 98 91% Tide-W As pf (4%). 1 97 97 97 28% 17% Timken-Det Ax(2e) 5 24% 21 24 79 55 Timken Roll B (3) . 2 65 65 65 — % 17*. 12% Transamerica ( % ) . 36 13% 13% 13% 22% 13 Trans & West Air 1 15 15 15 - % 11% 7% Tri-Cont Corp (%g) 7 9 8% 8% + % 12 8% Truax-Traer (.80) . 2 11% 11% 11% 40% 30% 20th Cent-Fox dR). 5 37% 36** 36% — •*, 50 39 20th C-F F pf 1 % 1 46 46 46 - % 17% 8% Tw in City RT . 7 10% 10 , 10% — % 94 66 Tw in City pf <7k) 30* 73% 70 70 -6 100% 73 1’nderwood (]%p). 2 90 90 90 91% 63 l'nBas&P(2) _ 3 76% 75 75 -3 111 95 1'n Carbide (2.40* i . 15 101 % 101 % 101 % 28% 22% Cn Oil of Cal (.85*). 15 26 25% 26 + % 148% 122 I n Pacific (6) . 2 130 129' .. 129 -1 99% 90% l'n Pacific pf (4> 1 92% 92% 92% — % 31% 24*i l'n Tank Car (1.60). I 28 i 28% 28% 35% 23% Fnit Aircraft (%g) 31 29% 28% 29% 24% 14% Fnit Air twines ... 2 17% 17% 17 , 4- i, 91 69% Fnit Carbon (4) _ 1 83% 83% 83% —1 , 8'-j 4 Fnit Corp ... 103 6', 6 6% 46% 32% Fnit Corp pf (3) ... 5 41% 41 41% % % 16 10% Fnit Drug ( %r) ... 8 12% 12% 12% 106% 96% Fid Dyewd pf (7) 20* 100 loo ]no 9% 5% Fnit Klee Coal 8 7% 7*, 7% — i, 63 45% 1 nit Knp & Fy (lg). 2 56 55% 56 - % 86% 75 Fnit Fruit ( 3) . 4 76 75% 75 , • 17 11 FnltOasImpd) 28 14* 14 14 24% 15 F S & Foreign Sec . 3 19 18** 19 , % 137 103% F S Gypsum 12) . 1119 119 119 23% 15% F S Hoffman Mach. 1 19 19 19 — % 43*. 28 FS Indus Alco_ 7 34 , 33% 33% 161. R . 1' « I cntRoi- A in. in, i... 224 13'* l'S Leather A 6 19 * 18** 184 — *> 112 89 1’S Lea pf pf 54k . 1 1074 1074 1074 — 24 724 444 V S Pip* (3) __ 1 534 534 534 194 10 r S Realty & Imp _ 67 134 13 134 + 4 724 44 * U S Rubber __ 10 6O4 594 594 — 118 81V* l'S Rubber 1st pf - _ 2 934 92 92 —04 1264 75 r S Steel _ 138 117 * 1164 1164 150 1264 V S Steel pf (7) _ 10 1364 138 136** 4 94 54 Unit Stockyds (Vj). 4 6** 64 6** - x. 84 34 Unit Stores A _____ 14 5*% 5 r 4 844 65 Unit Stores pf l 68 68 6S 108 63 Vniv Pictures 1 st pf 10a 68 68 68 —2 44 IS Util P & Lt A (r)_ 34 24 2!* 24— 4 24 14 Vadsro 3 14 14 14 394 244 Vanadium Steel _ 2 294 294 29’a 47 404 Vick Chemical da) 1 414 414 414 + 4 12** 7 Ya-Caro Chem _ 3 84 8 3 84 — '* 115 105 Va K1 & Pwr pf (6) 6o® 110 110 llo — 4 98 70 Vulcan Detin (3g) 20s 80 80 80 -.3 104 34 Wabash Rv <r) 5 4;* 44 4"4 _ 184 74 Wabash pf A (r) _ 5 84 84 8 * 19 h 124 Waldorf Sys (1.20). 2 124 124 12 * 33 244 Walgreen (2) 4 284 284 28 * 89 844 Walgreen pf ww 4 4 2 89 89 8* 514 424 Walker H G&W(2) 12 494 49 494 — *, 18 * 114 Walworth ____ 32 16 154 154 10*4 54 Ward Baking B __. 1 64 64 64 — x, 18 ll's Warner Bros Piet _ 29 144 144 144 l** 4 Warner-Quin <r) Is* 4 4 46 334 Warren Kdv & 14 2a) 1 39 39 39 -3 384 264 Waukesha Mot (la) 3 31 304 31 + 4 484 34 WaynePumpd^g) 2 48 474 474 — 4 56 434 Wesson O & S (4a) 7 444 444 444— : 109 904 W Pen El 7r'o pf * 7) 10s 964 964 964 + *, 1154 1104 W Penn P 6 r'0 pf < 6) 40® 1124 1124 1124 — ; 1234118 W Penn P 7rcpf(T) 30s 121 121 121 -r 1 304 24 West Auto Sup 1.60 7 28 27s* 28 114 74 Western Maryland 3 84 84 84 ■+■ x, 44 2 Western Pac ._ 1 24 24 24 ID* 54 Western Pac pf 2 7 7 7 834 414 West Union Tal (3) 26 514 504 504 — 7. 57** 40 * West.inghse Air (1) 17 43 42 42 — ' 167-4 1304 West El & M <2g) _ 5 155 154 154 * — * 39 354 Weston Klee A d) Sos 374 374 374 -*-1* 65 38 Wheeling Stl 7 54 534 54 + * 113 99 Wheel Stl pf 2 4 k _. 1 112 112 112 - * 334 20 White Motor _ 4 24 234 24 — ' 6-4 34 White Sew Mach_ 10 51* 44 5'* -4- h *64 25 White Sew M pf ___ 2 374 374 374 +1 64 44 Wilcox Oil & Gas_ 9 5 5 5 124 84 Wilson & Co (4)-- 11 10 9 « 94 654 434 Woolworth (2.40) _ 158 50 484 494 + lu 47 304 Worthington Pump 3 40** 404 40** -*• 1124 81 Worthington pf A - 40® 107 107 107 — u 100 764 Wor I* & M pf B_ 2 91 91 91 — 4 128 90 Wright Aero _ 40® 1004 100 1004 + 1, 76 654 Wrigley Jr (3a)_ 1 704 70l* 70’* -t- 4 374 204 Yellow Truck __. 20 25 244 24’* — x4 142 123 Yellow Trk pf (7) __ 10® 125 125 125 -2 46-4 354 Young Spring (3) 4 404 40 404 — x, 1014 744 Youngstn S&T 1 4g 20 91'* 904 90** — 4 115 97** Yngstn S&T pf 5 4 1 100 100 100 + D4 40V* 30 Zenith Radio(l4g) 1 364 364 364 + L 9x* 44 Zonite Prod _ . 5 54 54 54 — L Approximate Sales of Stocks on the X. Y. Stock Exchange, 11:00 A M_ 190,000 12:00 Noon_310.000 1:00 P.M_ 410 000 2:00 P.M. _ 520.000 Total Sales for the day. 740,000 s Unit of trading 10 shar#®. r In bankruptcy or rceivership. or being reorganized under bankruptcy act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual dis bursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declara tion. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends arc not included x Ex dividend, xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, e Paid last year, f Payable in stock, g Declared or paid so far this year, h Cash or stock. k Accumulated dividend paid or de clared this year. DAILY OIL OUTPUT UP 16,075 BARRELS Both Oklahoma and Texas Report Large Increases During Last Week. Bj the Associated Press. TULSA, Okla., July 27—Produc tion of crude oil in the United States increased an average of 16,075 bar rels daily during the week ended July 24, to an average of 3,581,272 barrels daily, the Oil and Gas Journal reported today. Oklahoma had an increase of 6,375 barrels daily to 637,275. East Texas Increased 1,097 to 475,797 and the total State of Texas registered an in crease of 1,537 barrels daily for an average of 1,424,820. Louisiana had a decrease of 225 barrels daily to 259,100, and Califor nia increaed 2,500 barrels daily to 670,750. Kansas’ production was up 7,000 barrels daily to 204,450. Eastern States, including Michi gan, increased production 1,278 bar rels daily for an average of 167,972, i and the Rocky Mountain region had a decrease of 2,530 barrels daily to an average of 74,290 barrels dally. INVESTING COMPANY SHOWS LARGE GAIN Special Dispatch to The Star NEW YORK, July 27 —Report on Fundamental Investors. Inc., for six months ended June 30. certified by independent auditors, shows total net assets, with investments carried at market prices, amounted to $10,697, 776, equal to $22.37 per share of capi tal stock. This compares with $5,591,266, or $22.82 per share, and $2,388,981, or $16.36 per share, on the same dates in 1936 and 1935. Net Income from all sources for first six months of 1937, after expenses and taxes, was $281,423. Investments costing $9,476,543 had market value of $9,835,033 on June 30, 1937, compared with investments costing $3,575,282 with market value of $4,512,138 on June 30, 1936, and investments costing $1,932,634 with market value of $2,142,013 on June 30, 1935. -• DIVIDEND IS ORDERED. NEW YORK, July 27 (Special).— Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corp. has declared a dividend of 25 cents per share on common stock voting trust certificates and a regular quarterly dividend of $1.75 per share on pre ferred stock. Both dividends are pay able October 1 to stockholders of rec ord September 15. Preceding dividend on common, declared May 26 and paid July 1, was 25 cents per share. 4 / PROFIT OF BENEFICIAL INDUSTRIAL LOAN UP Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. July 27—Beneficial Industrial Loan Corp. and subsidiary corporations report for the six months ended June 30, as more fully set forth in its semi-annual report being sent to stockholders, consolidated net in come of $3,511,789. This compares with $2,881,324 for the six months ended June 30, 1936. After payment of dividends on pre ferred stock series A, earnings ap plicable to the 2.314,989 shares of comipon stock outstanding June 30. 1937, were equivalent to $1 35 per share, compared with $1.08 per share on the 2.314.989 shares of common stock outstanding June 30, 1936. M.-K.-T. CHIEF POINTS TO EARNINGS INCREASE Bj the Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 27—Matthew S. Sloan, chairman and president of the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad, ex pressed satisfaction today with the railroad's June statement of earnings. “We more than twice earned adjust ment interest of $56,573 for the month. “Net income after allowing for the monthly proportion of that item was $86,752, against a deficit of $194,119 for June of last year, a betterment of $280,871." "I 0 AT END OE SESSION Store and Specialty Issues Gain, While Many Others Decline. | Stock Averages n i :<o ir, 15 r.n Indus. Ralls. Util Stk Net rhangr. —.1 —.4 —.4 —3 Today, close 97 2 40 5 44 3 69.7 I Prey, day __ 97 3 40 9 45.2 70 0 I Month ago. 83.2 36 4 39 1 62 8 Year ago... 91.2 39.6 52.7 68 6 j 1937 high...101 6 49.5 54 0 75.3 j 1937 low_ 87 9 36 1 39.1 62.6 I 1936 high... 99.3 43.5 53.7 72 8 1936 low_ 73 4 30 2 43 4 55 7 1932 low_ 17.5 8.7 23.9 IS 9 1929 high...146.9 153 9 184 3 157.7 j 1927 low_ 51.6 95 3 61 8 61.8 'Compiled by the Associated Press.) BY VICTOR El BANK. j As ocia'ed Press Financial Wri er. NEW YORK July 27 Merrhand:- - mg and specialty issues pushed to the fore in today's .stork market whi.e many recent leaders cither stood sti.I or drifted lower. Retail store stocks apparently re sponded to signs that .sales at present, ! are running well ahead of last year and that the worst of local tax iegisla I tion affecting this group has been seen. 1 Utilities tilted downward as tl ■ President called a conference of Cw - gressmen to discuss a govemmen' I power and rate program. Motors ar 1 rails were backward, as were steels, a. though early declines of fractions to a point or more were reduced, canceled or transformed into modest advances in late dealings. Trading was extremely slow from the i start. There was a little pick-up in activity in the final hour. Pure weie ; well mixed at the close Transfers . were around 750.000 shares. Buying restraint in the share list was attributed partly to the new outbreak of violence in the Republic Steel strike I and to the more serious turn of affairs I in the Sino-Japanese controversy. Gainers of fractions to 2 points or so at the best were Woolworth, Maey, ! Marshall Field. Gimbel. S. H. Kress, McCrory Stores. Federal Department i Stores, Fajardo Sugar. Ovvens-Illinoi:. I Douglas Aircraft. Boeing. Associated | Dry Goods and Commercial Solvents. On the narrow side to down a point or so were Chrysler, General Motors, Bethlehem, Republic. Goodyear, Good rich, Consolidated Edison. North American. Electric Power fc Light, American Water Works. Western Union. Anaconda. Kennecott. Ameri can Smelting. General Electric, Phil lip® Petroleum. Pure Oil. Texas C t , » New York Central. Southern Pacuic, | Southern Railway. Northern FaritY, Brook'.yn-Manhatun Transit. Barns ' daII. American Locomotive Deere, J. I. Case and Sears. Roebuck I’nrrd States Steel was supported at the finish. CHICAGO GRAIN B.v The Associaieo P: . i CHICAGO. July 27—Apprehension over likelihood of big crop damage in i the Southern Hemisphere, together with enlarged domestic milling de- “ mand, helped hoist Chicago wheat prices late today 4 , rents maximum. Adverse crop reports were aho re ceived from Germany, where the got I ernment was taking steps to control I wheat and rye marketings because of ! small yields. There were likewise per sistent rumors that Great Britain would remove a preferential duty on non-empire wheat. | At the close, wheat was l7s-4'j 1 cents above yesterdays finish: July, jl.22'j: September, l.l8'.-’4; Decern-, | her. 1.20-1.20’*: corn, 1", lower to h higher; September, 97jr-,_.. Decent I ber. 73and oats unchanged to i * 4 up. | WHEAT— Or-fr, H.-h. Lo-.v C's = e July 1 11' i 1 1* * 1 -J: . SeP. 1 I' 1 1' - ! .<■■■, i Dfc. 1.1st, 1 :u . 1 is’, 1 0 a ! CORN — July, npw 1 o;; 4 3 <i,v2 _• 3 »> ; t July, old *■ 1 Se p. .»»r, _«i s ■ ; a; • B Dec .7‘l11 l ; ; ; CATS— July :•><•11 .1 s« , Sep. , ::} . «**»„ Dec. : , . ; , SOY BEANS July 3 Or- 1 0,r> 1 11,1 1 ni’i I M4'» Dec I.04 ] 041* 1 n.r* i ..4 RYE — July .fcn s ,*-»»a »*•> Sep .S'." 4 s*:'4 ’in1, 's' Dcr >4!4 >4' 4 s LARD— j July 11 s:> 11 r»«» 1 ] v - ij 1 Sep 1 1 ;*:> 1 ■: n.i 1 1 n.\ - 'on on. . 1 •:.!>■: ]•: 1.1 1 1:3,, ; Dec- 11.:: 11 ,s; 11:: 11 <•: I BELLIES - j July 3 * A . Sep. 1; (in Cash Wheat Market. j Cash wheat. No. 1 red. 1.23’4al24; No. 1 dark hard, 1.27; No. 2 mixed, 1 16a 1.19; com. No. 1 yellow. 1.04',a 1.05'y, oats. No. l mixed. 28-'4a31; No. 1 white. 32,2a33,j: rye. No. 1, Se'jaSl’j: sov beans, No. 3 yellow, 1.24; barley, new. No. 2 Illinois. 85; feed. 50a60 nominal; malting, 60-85 | nominal: timothy sped, 2 90a3 00. Baltimore Quotation* BALTIMORE. Julv 7 t? -Whca- No. - rod W;nf f r garlicky. ,*po:. dome^'ic. j 1.*10: July. l.h>. Winnipeg Prir**. WINNIPEG. July iT .—Gram range today WHEAT— Prov. Hl«h Low. Clo^r clnsF July l.:«»■'• a 1 :u> l « l October 1 :.V2** 1 '.’H't 1.11 l .11P* Doc i.*:o*2 jj •> i j OATS— 'July 5f>'4 .57U .ott'a .57*a -•-— NEW YORK COTTON By the Associatec Press. NEW YORK. July 27 —Cotton was steadier today as liquidation sub sided and the market responded to a moderate foreign and domestic trade demand. Business was quieter, however, with traders showing an inclination to await developments following thp re cent declined of about $8.50 a bale from the July 9 highs. Rallies of 16 to 21 points by midday were not fully maintained owing to scattered realizing and advances and at the start of the last hour the mar ket was 8 to 14 points net higher. December, which had sold up from 10 95 to 11.09, was quoted at 11 04. Futures closed steady, 22 to 33 higher. High. Low. Close. October 1 1 ill 1 l.ou 1117-10 December . 11.1H 10.05 11.15-17 Janua'y _ 11.20 11.011 11.20 March _ 11.27 11 05 11.27 May _ 11.34 11.10 1131 July 11.36 11.12 11.36 Spot quiet; middling. 11.57. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futu.ea closed steady, 6 to 9 higher. Sales. 122 contracts, including 2 switches. Sep« tember, 8 96: October. 8 90b; I>cpm ber. 8.91b; January, 8.93-94; March, 8.95b. b—Bid. / k