Newspaper Page Text
1' CURB LIST TARES Utilities and Oils Mixed, With Swings Limited to Narrow Range. •t th» A*»nei»ted Press. NEW YORK, July 27 —Curb stock* •ee-sawed In quiet trading today. Utilities and nils were uneven and •wings were confined to narrow limits. Electric Bond <fc Share declined nearly a point and United Gas gave up around 's. American Superpower and American Gas <fc Electric were up f fractions. Sunray Oil slid down around and Gulf Oil pushed up a similar amount. Cosden improved a little, while Hum ble Oil dipped around a point. Tilting lower were Fisk Rubber, St. Regis Paper, Crocker Wheeler and . Eagle Picher. Gainers included Tech nicolor, Newmont Mining and Hearns Stores. Remington Rand Declares 35-Cent Interim Dividend Br the Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 27 —Directors of Remington Rand. Inc , office equip ment makers, today declared an in terim dividend of 35 cents on the common stock and the regular quar ■ terty dividend of * 1.12'3 on the 4'2 per cent preferred, both payable Oc tober 1 to stock of record September R On July 1 the company paid an Interim common dividend of 25 cents. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC BONDS High. Lorn- Noon. Al% Power 4%* *87 83% 831 a 83% Ait Power 5s '88 89 88% 89 Alum Co Ltd 5s '4 8 lt»8% 108% 108% Am G A E 5s 7078 ] 08% 108% 108% Am P A L 8s 7t)18 92% 97% 97% Am Roll Mill 5s 48 lo7% 107% 107% Ark-La Gas 4s 51 loi % loi % 101 % Ark P A L fis 58 99% 99% 99% As El Ind 4%s 53 53% 53% 53% As G A E 41 as 49 _ 49 49 49 As G A E fis nO _ 51 51 51 As G A E 5s '88 . 50% 50% 50% As TAT 5 %s 55 A 84 83% 84 • Baldn L 8s 3b xw stp 18o% 180 180 Beth Steel 8s '98 135% 135% 135% Birming Gas 5s 59 .78 78 7 8 Caro Pw A Lt 5s '58 99% 99% 99s* > Cen O LAP 5s 50 A 98% 98% 98% Cent Pw A Lt 5s '58 9'.'% 97% 9’:% Cent St El 5s »s 5 7 5 7 5 7 Cent 8t El 5%s ’54 xw 58 58 58 Cen St PAL 51.- ’53 59 59 59 Cm Str Ry 8.s 55 B 9s% 98% 98% Cities Svc 5s 50 7 3% 731 * 73% Cities 6 Gas 5%s '47 loi % 101 % loi % Cities S Gas Ps 8s 43 J01% 101% 101% Cit. S PA-L 5%s '57 89 88*2 88*a Comw EdlS 5s 53 A .113 113 113 Comw Ed 5s 54 B 113 117% 113 Comw Ed 4 s s] F I oo 108 J08 Comw Ed 3%s '85 H 1 04 % J <»4 % 1 04% Comntv PAL 5s '57 99 99 99 C’ont G A E 5s '58 a 88 85% 8534 Del El Pw 5%s ’59 104 ] 04 ]o4 Denver GAE 5s 19 jo8% 108s* Jus*, East G A F 4s .irt A 87% 87% 87% El Pw A Lt 5s 7030 88 88 88 Erie Light 5s '8? _ 104 304 304 Fed Wat 5%s ’54 mi 80 80 F’orida PAL 5s 54 . 93% 93% 93% Gary EAG 5s 4 4 st xw. 97% 97% 97% Gatineau Pw 5s 58 103% 103% 103% Gatineau P 8s 41 B J01 % 101 % 101 % Gen W WAE 5s 43 A__ 89 89 89 Georgia Pw 5s t>7 __ 98% 98 98 Georgia PAL 5s '78. _ 77% 77% 77% Glen Alden Cl 4s '85 _ 7 7 7 7 7 7 Hail < W F1 8s '4 7 st A _ 98% 98%. 98% 111 Pw A L 5s 58 C 98% 95% 98% HI Pw A Lt 5%s 57__ 93% 93% 93s4 Indiana Ser 5s 83 A _ 89% 89% 89% Ind nap PAL 5s 5 7 A _ 1 o 5 % 105% 105% Inti P Sec 8%s *55 C _ 87 87 87 Inti Pw Sec 7s ’57 E _ 7 7 71% 71% Interst Pw 5s 57_ 55 54s* 55 Interst Pw 8s 57 _ 39% 39% 89% Interst P S 5s ’58 D 87 87 87 Interst PS t%s '58 F _ 7s 7 8 78 Iowa-N LAP 5s '57 A 98% 98% 98% Iowa PAL 1 %S '58 A _ 105% 105% 105*5 low g Pub Sv 5s 57 _ 107 102 107 .Ter C PAL 4%s 8j C _ 105 104% 105 Kan Pw Co 5s '47 A . J00% 100% 100% Kv Util 5s '81 H . __ 88*4 88 8S*4 r\rn Li n ye U l"J *2(1*1 'aim', Lehigh P S Rs OOOR A 1 OR ]053. mfi La Pw * L( Ss '57 105 104’, 105 Midlan VFR fi'2s 40 . SO SO SO Mil GAE 4:2s RT loo3, ion’, ]00’, Miss Pw A L 5s 57 Po1, Po 90 Nat P A L Rs OOOR A 9*1 9" 9° , Nat PAL 5s 0000 R SO SO SO Nevad Cal El 5s 5fi so'2 SO SO', New E GAE 5s *47 _ 703, 7 0 70’, New E GAE 5s 'IS 70 7" 7** New E GAE 5s '50. _ 701, 70'a 70'a New E Pw 5s 'IS _ po7, PO’, 90'2 New E Pw 5>2S '5 4 _ PR PR PR New Or P S fis IP A._ 79’, 7P‘2 7pt2 New Or P S 5s '40 _ p] 91 91 N Y P A Lt 4 1 s RT _ 1 OR lllfi 1 OR N Y S EAG 4 12s so _ 9P3, pp1, ppi. Nor A L A P S'.-s 5H __ P5 P41, 95 No Con U 5'rS IS A 55 55 55 No Tnd P S 5s 'HP D 104 104 104 - Ohio Par 5s '50 B __ 1051, 105'i 1 oflVi Ohio Pa r 4 s '5fi D __ 105 ] 05 Kin Okla N G 4 1 ,-s '51 A 9s1, PS1, PS1, Okla Nat G.i = 5s '4H ]ii:tL lo'!1, lo.'l'. Par P A- L 5s '55 7fl3« 75’, 75>, Penn CPU 5s ;,9 !is12 !!s 12 PS12 Penn El 4s ] F PO 9*’ p*> Penn O E Rs '50 A _ In ' , K'"1, KV’1, Peon G T.A-r 4s si b p.t p.o 93 Peon L A P 5s '79 :fi', I 51, l.Vi Potomac E ILs ’Hi F 107 107 107 Pub Ser N J fis otls 1 on 1:13 1,13 Pub S N I t'as si F Jon1, 1 ni1, 1 on1« Pn* S P A L 5 1 -s '4P A SI', S4 1 2 S4 3, Pug S P A L 5s 5n r S" S’ S’ SEPAL r 00*75 A PS', ps3, ps». Sou Cal Ed .I3,*- HO In;; , In:;', j 11::3, Ifou CalE4.s’R0 1 "I 1 n: ' , in: i4 9ou Caro 5s '57 M’ 91 9*> Son Inri R*- 4s '5! 7 7 7: 77 8td Gas A ¥' Rs 51 70', 7°', 7”, Stand Pa A- Lt Rs 5 7 To3, T111 a 70'* Starret Corn 5s '50 :14 34 34 Texas Elec 5, 1111 101jni'« 1ol a, Tex Pa* A 7 Ss '5R ;u5 j ns 105 Twin CRTS1. - '50 A so sn go , Ulen A* Co Rs 11 iv Illst 5 4 54 54 Unit El N J 4s IP 114 114 114 Unit L A R D 5' s '50 St’i S4 1 i S4'2 Va Fub Ser 5s Sn B PI’2 PI1-, PI*. West T Ut 5- '57 A P.'S', 9”, 931; We U G A E S'.-a '55 A 1 o I 3 , 104’, 1043, Yadkin Riv P 5s '4 1 Ini’, 1043, 1043, Danish Coo 5'*s '55 1 no*', 1 on5, 1 no3* Danzl* Port H'js '50 fir3, RT3, fir3, ! Oer Con Mini Rs '4 7 _ 041, 04', "41, Ger Con Mun 7s '47 *'43, *’43, *'43« Hanover City 7s *:)9 . ■ ’r,'t *>512 **s 1., Ital Sll Pa* Rs 913 A 5512 fift'i SV-g Medeiin Col 7s '51 14', 141, 141, Nipnon E P H'jS '5.1 SR SR SR Parana Braz 7s '5S 07 "H3i ’7 Potrero Su 7s '47 sip R5 H5 R5 Santa F A 4s '45 st 74 7:U, 7* ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants n—New. at isip 1 — Stamped INegotlability impaired by maturity tComnanies reported in receivership. SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. \ • ^Reported by Cha*. D. Barney A Co I km Tel A Tel .V»s ’4.'! _ ] I®'hi ??*!, Auburn Auto Co 4s«s 39 85 7fi'a Baldwin Loco Works ns "49 103 Calif Packing Corn As '40. 104 104'« 1 • Caro Clinch A Ohio 5* 38 103 103'/4 C A O Rwy As ’39 _ inti1, 1061, Edfs Elec Ilium 4s ’39_ 104'w infis, Gan Pub Serv A'js '39 _ _ ini ]o*M« ! Grand Rap A Ind 4>js '41 108’, 109-’, Houston Oil A’.a* '40_102'.« instil Int Merc Mar Os '41_ T31, 74s, • Int Tel A- Tel 4'ns '39_ 91s, 92 Laclede Gas Light As '39 95'2 95s, Lehigh Valley Coal As '38 94 j, Lehigh Val Ter Ry As '41_ lOA1, 105s, Lone Island Gen 4s 38_ 102', 102'9 I Louts A Nash R R 4s '40. _ 107 107 14 Mich Cent R R 4s 40 104'i 10419 ] Midland R R of N J 5s 40 41s, fio Mil A Northern R R 4'.,s '39 88*2 94 N Y Chi * St L O', notes‘38 99 99'i Hew York Dock 5s '38 _ . 58'2 59s/. , H Y Sus A Western 5s '40 __ 18s;! H Y Tel Co 4'2s '39_107>, 197*2 Pae R R of Mo 4s '38 __ 93*2 98 Penn-Dixie Cement os '41_ 97*2 99 Panna R R Co 4s '43 _109 110 Rio Grande West 4s *39 77 72s. Term RR As St L 4'2s '39 loo1, lor'9 Vanadium Com 5s '41 . 101 102 Vertlentes Sugar Co 7s '42 22 'M1, Wabash Rw y Co 5s '39 . . _ 91 93*s Warner Bros fis '39 _ 95*4 95s, Western N Y A Pa 4s '43 . lose, 1 n9 I Western nion Tel 5s '38 _ 101S 101*4 I -•- I BOSTON WOOL MARKET. BOSTON July 27 f/P> (United States Department of Agriculture!.—A moderate amount of business was transacted on liner Western-grown wools today. Good French combing lengths bulk fine territory clips in original baas brought around 95 to 97 cents, scoured basis. Original lots of similar grades carrying a good percentage of staple combing length! occasionally sold at 97-08 cents. Bulk average to short French combing length! fine original territory woola were 83-96 cents. HEADS TOKIO BANK. ku TOKIO, July 27 (4*).—ToyoUro Yuki, former finance minister, was Appointed governor of the Bank of Japan today, replacing Seihln 1 who has been in ill health. NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wirv direct te tka Mat. 9:30 Stock and j9sim— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Ri«h. Low. Oloav. Acme Wvic (!() 25i 49 49 49 Ainsworth ( St). 2 14 14 14 Air Devices_ 2 25, 2S 2S Air invest_ 1 3S X’* S’* Air Inv war _ 6 B S S AlaPow pf (7)... 10* 74 74 74 AllesA Fisher_ 2 314 *'4 314 Alum Co Am ... 50* 148 148 148 Alum Co pf (6) _ 50» 117 117 117 Alum Gds (l'/jg) 1 16s 16S 16V* Am Airlines_ 4 2fi*» 261* ^6V* Am Beverage_ 2 2 2 2 Am Book (4) 10» 64 64 64 Am Box Bd(.9»g) 1 201* 201* 20'i Am Centrifugal .. 3 3S 3»* 34* AmCitP&LUh). 350s 3hl* 35 85V* ACP4Lww2l,h 1 36 36 36 Am Cyan B (.60). 8 33', 3214 33', Am Eq(.22!*e) .. 1 61* fiv* 5V* Ani&FgnFwar. g 8S 3S XS Am G& El(1.40). 5 375* 365* 371* AmdtEpl («). 26* 109 109 109 Am Gen . 9 105* 10S 1054 Am Hard Rub 50* 211, 211 a 21V* Am Laun M (.80). 6 26'i 26', 261* Am Maracaibo_ 2 1’, 1’* 1T4 Am Seal Kap_ 16 9'* 8S 9 Am Sup Power__ * 7 2 1’* 2 Am Sup P pf-j 2 865* 86** 36** AmSPlpf (*)_.> 1 92S 92'4 92', AnchPoatF. .1 8S 3** 35* Ang Wupp (.201) 2 61* 6** 61* Apex Electric . 1 30V* 30'* 301* Arctur Rad Tube. 1 11* 11* 1'* Ark Nat Gas ... 7 7’, 7V, 71* Ark Nat Gas A .. 26 8'* 7S 8S Ark Nat Gas pf 9 9*» 9'* 9V» Art Met Wkst.80) l lit, id, id, Ashld OAR(.40) . 2 fiT* 6** 5*. As G & El_ 1 i»-4 D* i*. As G 4 El A_ 23 3', 3 3', As G & El pf _ 2 23'4 23’* 23*. AtlasCorpwar 4 2'* 2 2', Atlas Ply <lV*a . 2 26V* 26 26'* Austin Silver M.. 12 2'i 2'» 21, Automat Prod_ 2 SV, 5*, 5V* Auto V Ma(5ja).. X 11 11 11 Axton Fig A- 10* 23V, 2314 23V4 BabcockAW(Sg). 50* 130 129 130 Baldwn Rub (i2). 3 13’, 13’, 13’, Bald Bond rt t r). 2 1** ]*» 1** Barium Sta Stl 7 5 4*» 5 Bath 1 W(6%f) . I 9’* 9’, 9’, Bell TT’a pf(6'*) 10a 115*. 115*, 115*, Berk&Gay Furn.. 3 2', 2 21, Berk&GFwar .31 1 1 BirdsSF&M (’* g) 1 14'*. 14'* 14L Bliss EW . 1 16'-. 16'* 16'* Bliss&Laughi?) 100a 38', 38 38', Blue Ridge t .1 5g) 1 2"* 2** 2»* Blumenthal (Si . 1 19'* 19'* 19’* Bour.iols . 1 5'* 5'* 51* Bow R Bear t lg ). 2 33 32 33 BraxT&L t.90g). 2 2fi'» 26 26'* Brewster Aero . 2 6 4:, 5 Bridgpt Ma( Vig). 2 16’, 16', 16', Brill A _ 5 11 HI** HP* Brown Co pf_ 200s 76'* 76 76 Brown F Hist 1 6', 6', 61, BN&EPpfi 1.60) .. 1 23'* 23'* 23V. Bnk HI A Stl V, ) . 1 28', 28', 28', Burry Bisc (’,g). I 4** 4** 43* Cab & Wire R It*'*1. Can Hydro El pf. 50a 85** 85** 85*. CanlndAlcB _. 1 3’, 3’, 3’* Can Marc Wire 1 D, 15* 1T, Carib Syn (Vjg)_. 2 1** IS IS Carman B _ 18 8 8 Carnegie Met .... 2 S’, 2’, 2”, I Caro PALI pf(6). 60a 86 86 86 I Carrier Corp 8 57 66 56V, | Casco Pr (2 5*g).. 2 28’, 28’, 28’, Celluloid pf 25* 47 47 47 | CP&Rpf(4.81Sk) 75* 88 87 88 j Cen ft Sw Ut_ 7 3', 3H 3S j Cen St El _ __ . 10 IS 1S IS j CenSta Kl 7% pf. 25* 32 32 32 ] Centrif Pi (.401 . l 51* 51, ft1, ChRiv&M (,30g). 4 17S 17V, 17G I Chief Con* _ 2 S ’» T« j Cities Service. .. 30 3G 3S 3G Cit Serv pf ... 3 47 46S 46S | Cit Serv B B pf 20* 40 40 40 j Cit Auto St(.30g) 2 JOS 10i* MS , Claude Neon Lt._ 17 2H 2S 2S ClubAlL'ten _ 1 is is is | Colon Develop_ 1 5», 5*, 5*, Col Fuel* t war . 1 1SS 15', l.Vj ColtsPatFd Sg). 1 68 68 68 I Col G&K pf(5)_ 75* 73S 73S 73S ColumO&G ... 13 8S 8', 8S Comwlth Ed (5) S116S116S116S Comlth & So w»r. 16 (k S S I'ompSMvtoil). 1 15*» 15S 15S Cons Bi*c (.60)... 4 5S 5S 6S Cons Cop Min . 9 MS 1»S 10S Con GAB B(3 60). 2 76 75S 76 Cons Gas Util ... 12 2 2 Cons Steel Corp . 4 10G 10 Ms j fooper-Bess ... 4 2IS 20s 20S Copper P>ange .... 2 11S 11S 11*. Cold Corp .... 52 4G 3S 3S Cosden Petro . 25 5 4G 5 Cosden Petro pf . X 26G 26*, 26G Creole Pet (Sg). 2 36S 36S 36', Crocker Wh ... 3 15 14S 14S Croft Brewing 7 U 4* 44 Crn C Inti Atl)_. 1 13S 13S 13s Crow n Drug_ 3 2S 2*, 2S Cusi Mex_ 10 g 4, g Darby ret (S) .. 1 12S 12», 12S Dayton Rub 6 24 23S 24 Dejay Strs (,80a) 100* US IIS 11S Dennison MI 1 pf. 20* 75*, 75 75S Derby Oil . 1 7S 7S 7S Det Gray Ir (.04). 1 2s* 2S 2*, Det Mich Stove _ 2 4S 4S 4G Det Stl Pr 1 4*g) — 1 47S 47S 47s Rom St A Coal_ 1 21S 21*, 21*, DubllierCon . ... 1 3s 3S 3S Duro Test (.40).. 2 6S 6S 6S Duval Tex_ 2 9 9 9 Eag Pi Rd(.20g)_ 6 19S 19 19S East Gas &F . 1 6S 6 , 6’» K G&F 6% pf(3)- 250* 49 49 49 East Sta Corp 1 S', 3G 3S K Wash MB( >.,g) 1 9S 9', 9S Edis Br Str* (1). 1 20S 20', 20S BIHondASh . 91 21S 20S 21S El BAS 35 pf (5). 2 69*, 69*. 69*, Kl BdA*Sh df * 6 i 2 77*, 771, 77i. KI Pow As (.1eg>. I 6% 6% 6% F,1 P As A (.log). * 6% S', 6% El PAT, war- 1 ]1>, ] |% IK, Elect Share__ I 4% 4% 4% Klectrol vtc_ 6 2% 2% 2% Equity Corp- 1 1% 1% 1% Evans Wallo. ft 1% )% 1% Kx-Cell-O C(.40g) 4 22 21% 22 Fanny Frm( %g > 1 25 25 25 Ferro Ena ml %g) 1 44% 44% 44% Fidello Brew_ 4 % % % Fisk Rub . 3 13% 12% 13 Fat Na St 1 pf(T) 10a 112% 112% 112% Fla P A T.t J" pf 200a 49% 49 49 Ford ftl Can A (1) 4 23% 23% 23% Fd M T,td(.213g). 9 6% 6% 6% F’roedt G(].20g) 3 12 11% 11% Froed tGcvpf 1.20. 150a 17 17 17 Fruehauf T.30g . 3 21% 21% 21% Gen Firepfg ,5og. 2 21 23 2.3 Gen Invest.._ 10 1% 1% 1% Gen Tel (%g)- 1 1«% 16% 16% Gen T A Rub .. 3 25 24% 24% Gen TAR ApffS). 30« 98 98 98 Georg Pow pft«). 100a 76 75% 76 Glen Alden (% g) _ 13 9% 9% 9% GodchauxSAtS*) 50a 41% 41% 41% Gorham vie. 2.25g 7 32% 31% 32% Grand Nat Films 20 3% 3% 314 Gt AAPnv (6s).. 30s 38% 88% 88% Gt Nor Psp(ia).. 60s 40 40 40 GreenTAD- 1 14% 14% 14% Gulf Oil (%g)___ 7 58% 58 58% Hall I,«mp(.20g). 1 4% 4% 4% Hazeltins (3) _ 1 15% 15% 15% Hn D Strs(1.65g) 1 14% 14% 14% Hecla Min ( 45g). S 18% 18 18% Hewitt Rub(%g) 1 15% 16% 15% Hoe (R)ACo A 8 28 26% 28 Holling Gld(.6ea) 4 11% 11% 11% HornAHsrd(2) . 25s 33% 33% 33% Hud BMAS ( % g) . 2 31% 31% 31% Humble Oil (1%) 2 83% 83% 83% HutnRossF(.20g) 8 11% 11% 11% Hygrade Fd- 1 |% 3% 3x4 111 Iowa Pow.. ... 1 8% g% 8% 111 Iowa Pow pf.. 8 28% 28% 28% 1111a Pdivct_ 7 10% 10% 10% 111 Zinc (%g) . 60s 32% 82% 32% lmpChmI.l»7g 1 9% 9% pn. Imp Oil Cant %a) 8 21 20% 20% Ind Ter III A 12% 2% 2% Ind P A I, pf «% _ 100s 95 95 95 Ina C N Am(2s). 150s 70% 70% 70% Int Hyd-Elec pf.. 8 84% 34% 34% Inter Pet(l%a).. 6 35% 35 35 Inter Rad ( 85g)_ 2 14% 14% 14% Inter Util A- 2 17% 17% 17% Inter Util B_ 1 1% 1% 1% Inter Vita (%)... 2 5 5 5 Int Home E(.44). I 6% 6% 6% Inters Pw Del pf. 150a 14 12 12% Ir Fire vtc (1.20) 100s 22% 22% 22% lrv AtrCh (1)— 8 12% 12 12 Ital Superpwr A. 1 1% 1% 1% Jeannette Ola_ 2 6% 6% 6% JerCPAL,pf(7). 80s 89 88 89 Jonea A Lau 8tl.. 1111 111 in Kingston Pr(.40) 7 6% ft ft Kirby Pet- 2 6% 6% 6% Knott Corp(.!0g) 2 13 13 13 Lake Sh M (4*)_. 1 50% 50% 50% Lakey Fdy AM.. 1 6% 5% 5% Lefeourt Real ... 1 2% 2% 2% Lehigh CAN(.10). 28 9% 9% 9% »:30 Stock and Saiaa— Dividand Rata. Add 00. Blah. Low. Claaa. Leonard Oil _ 4 IS IS IS Lion Oil (la)_ 11 29% 28S 29 Lockheed Aire . 7 12S 124 12S Locke S Ch(.SOa) 1 164 16 16 Lore St G(.40g>.. 2 US 1 lit 11S Long 11, pt B(6). 50a 654 654 654 Long la Lt. - 20 4S 4S 4S Long 1* L pf(7).. 10* 781* 784 784 Louis LAE(.40)... 11 13H LIS 13% Lynch Corp(3g). 4 49 49 49 McWill Dred (2). 2 21 20% 21 Ms j Rad AT _ 2 34 34 34 Massey Harris _. 7 10S 104 104 Master Elec (1)_. 2 224 224 224 McCord Rad B ._ 1 7 7 7 Mead John (3*).. 50a 124S 1244 124S Mer-C A S pf A . 25* 64 62‘ 64 Meaabl Iron_ 5 1 4 1 Mich Bumper_ 1 24 2S 24 Mich O AO.. 1 » 9 9 Mid 8t Pet A vtc. 1 54 54 64 Mid St Pet B vtc . 1111 Midwest O (4g). 2 104 104 104 Mock J Vo(.30g). 1 13 IS 13 Molybdenum . 3 94 9S 94 Mont Ward A(7). 60* 141 1404 141 Mon LHAPU4)-250* 324 32S 324 Moodyln pt pf(3) 60* 34 34 34 Mount City Cop . 4 10*. 10% 104 Mount Prod ( 60) 2 64 64 64 Ml St TAT <*)___ 80* 1454 144% 1454 Nat Bellas Hess.. 10 2 14 2 Nat Contnr( 4r). 2 11% 11% US Nat Fuel G(l) 6 15*. 154 154 Nat P A I.l pf (6) 50a 75S 75% 754 Nat Rub Mch_ 2 14% 14S 14% Nat Service 1 4 4 % Nat Hu* Ret (2) .. 2 244 244 244 Nat Trans (,46g ). 4 10% 104 10% Nelson (H) . I 12 12 12 NEngPowAsso. 50* 25 26 25 N J Zinc (2*) . 150* 814 80 814 NewmMin(14g) 2 1094 108 108 NYAHRosllSg) 60* 294 294 294 Niag Hud Pow . 31 14% 144 144 Niag Hud lpf(5). 75* 87 864 864 Niag H 2 pt (5) . 75* 69 69 69 Niag Hud A war.. 3 a a i, Niag Hud B war.. 1 14 14 14 Nipi’g Mns(4g). 10 24 24 24 Noma El (,40g) . 2 74 74 7% Nor Am LtAPow. 7 44 34 34 Nor Am LAP pf.. 60* 56 56 56 NorEuropOll 12 4 4 4 N1PS6 % pf (2 4 k ) 50* 78% 784 7S% Nor Pipe L( % g) . 19 9 9 Nor St PA_ 12 27% 26% 26% O Bra«a Bi 1 4g). 160* 59 69 59 Okla Nat Gas ... 7 14 14 14 Pac Pub Svc .. 1 6% 6% 6% Pac Tin spl (!«). 100* 464 45 464 Pan-Arn Air(1)__ 2 664 66 66 PantepecOil _ 6 8 74 8 Park RAR(.40g). 4 294 294 294 Pennroad (%e) .. 6 4 3% 3% Pa PwrAL pf(6). 10* 91 91 91 Pa PA Lt pf (7) .. 25* 96% 964 964 PhoenixSec(%«). 6 8% 8% 8% Pioneer Gld(.40). 2 3% 3% 3% Pitts Forg 4 234 23 23 Pill sALEI 4 % g ) _ 10* 93 93 93 Pills Metallu la 1 144 144 144 Pitts P GI(4 4g ) 2 1234 122S 122% PowdrellAA1.35g. I 9% 9% 9*. Pressed Met (2) . 3 33 33 33 ProdCorp _ 5 V. 4 4 Pr osperity B 2 144 144 14', Pug SP I5pf6%k 125s 734 724 724 Pug Hd P 16 pf... 225* 34% 334 33', Pyrene (,20g). . 4 lu% 104 104 Rainbow I,um B 2 4 4 4 Raym Cone Uaj - 150* 38', 37', 374 Raytheon Mf* . 3 54 54 5', Reed Ro Bit ,80a. 1 36 36 36 Reiter-Fost. .11 1 1 Reli c* KAE 4 g_. 1 26 26 26 Reybarn Inc ,10g. 1 S ft ft Reynold* Inv .7 14 IS IS RiceS DG f.75g) 1 11 11 11 Richmond R*d . 2 4 4 4 RioGrVGvtc 4 ft, s Rttseeks E A ( V, J 1 12', 124 124 Rustless I A S .. 3 14 14 14 Ryan Con* _ 3 8 6 6 Ryerson A H_ ft 44 44 44 St Regis Rap_ 10 84 gv, 8S Savoy Oil . . .. 14 4 4 Scovill .Mfg (lg). 7 47 464 464 Segal Rock .. 3 24 2 2 Seiberling Rub__. 3 64 64 6», Selected Indu* . 20 3 24 .3 Sel Ind tal rt )5 4 . 100* 954 9ft', 954 Sel Ind prpf 54. SO* 934 934 9.34 Sentry S Con _ 1 4 4 4 Seversky Alrc_ 4 34 34 34 Shattuck Denn _. 3 174 174 174 Sherwin-Wms 4a 100* 13ft 13ft 13ft Sherw-Wm» pf n. 20* 109 109 109 Solar Mfg (,!0g). 2 ft*. 54 54 Sonotone _ 10 14 1', 14 Southld Roy ,20g 7 9', 9 , 9', Spencer S 1.(lag . 3 H'S 104 104 Std Cap A S 1.60a 3 22 214 214 S CAS rv pf 1 60 1 22 22 22 Sian Predg rv pf 50* 19 19 19 Stand Inv pf . 50* 43 43 43 St Oil Kv (la) _■ 29 20 20 20 St Oil Neh (4*) 1 11 11 11 St Oil Ohio (1) — 2 3*4 364 364 St Row A Rt _ 21 4 34 4 St Tow A R R _ 1 3', 34 3', Stand RrodfA,*)- 4 1R4 18 184 StSil-R (,02g)_._ 2 4 * i Stand Tithe R 3 74 7', 74 Starrett Cor vie.. 27 54 44 ft Sterling Br ,10g 1 Rt, 6 6 Stroock ft Co 2 ... 1 2'2 22 22 Sullivan Mach 2 21', 21 214 Sunray Oil .l.ftg _ ft 44 41, 4.1, Super'r P Cem B . 7fts 18', 19 184 Swiw-Am El pf.. 450* 1174 117 117 Taggart ....- 2 11 11 11 Tampa El < 2 24). 1 So', 3ft', S!>4 Taslyeaat A . 1 14 11, ]t, Taylor K Dist .30 3 34 34 34 Technicolor . 11 284 28', 284 Tech-H G (.40a) 1 44 44 44 Tenn E P 1st pf 7 2fts 67v, 67', 67'* Tex RAR pf <7) . 30* 103*. 1034 103", Tilo Roof (1 )_ 1 134 134 134 Todd Ship t2> _ 100s 72', 71T« 72', Trans-I,ux (.20). 3 4', 4', 41, Tran sweat Oil _ 1 11 ]l 11 Trl-Contwar_ J3 1", 14 14 TublseChat ..... 1 22 22 22 Tung-Sol Lamp.. 1 6', 64 gt, Pnexcelled M fg.. ' 12 2 2 Union G Can .SO . 1 X 154 IS Lit, Unit Corp war_ 1 p, 14, p, UnitGas. _ 47 104 10 IIP, Unit Gas war_ 4 24 24 2*, UnitLt&PowA. 9 7', 7*, 7s, Unit Lt fk Pw B . 1 7', 74, 74 UnltLttPcvpf 1 624 624 624 Unit Milk P 1g. 60s 29 28', 28', Unit Molas ,182g. 5 8 8 8 UnitPrSh L10g) 7 24 P, 24 Unit Shipyds A._ z 64 64 64 Unit Shipyds B . 3 24 24 24 Unit Shoe M 2>„a 25s 87 87 87 Unit Spec 0.40). 3 134 124 134 USFoilB (%g). 3 13 124 13 U S Play Card la 100» 274 26', 264 U S Rub Red 2 64 64 64 Unit Ver Ext 1g... 1 34 34 34 Unit Wall P .1og. X 4 34 34 Uni v Corp vtc .. 1 44 44 44 I'nivPict 3 74 64 64 UtlewG*® pf (7) 20s 89 89 89 Util P?v Ac Lt (r).. 16 44 4 4 Utility Equit_ 5 44 44 4a, Valsparpfvtc . 60s 61 ,61 61 Van Nor M T 1 *0 1 25 25 26 VenexMexOU_ 4 7 64 64 Venexuel Pet_- X 14 14 p, W'ayne Knit M_ 2 84 8 84 Wellington Oil ... 1 94 94 94 Wentw’th M .log. 2 5 J> 6 West Air Exp_ 3 84 8 84 Wilson Jones . . .. 3 224 224 224 Woolw Lid ,539g. 3 184 184 184 Wright Har .40a. 14 64 64 64 Yukon Gold .06g. 7 34 34 34 r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual diabursements based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration Un less otherwise noted, special or extra divi dends are not included. a Also extra or extras, e Paid last year, f Payable In stock, g Declared or paid so fir this year, no regular rate. h Cash or stock. k Accumulated dividend paid or declared this year, ww—With war rants. xw Without warrants, war War rants LOWER NET REPORTED BY TRUSCON STEEL CO. Br the Associated Press. YOUNGSTOWN. Ohio. July 37.— Truscon steel Co. reported profit from operations for the quarter ended June 30 was <374,442, compared with <386, 413 for the corresponding quarter In 1936. FAILURES TOTAL DOWN. NSW YORK, July 37 (JP).—Business failures for the week ended July 22 stood st 1*8, compared with 152 in the previous week and 141 in the same week a year ago. Dun ft Brad street reported. -7 ALLIS-CHALHERS EARNINGS JUMP $2,636,850 Net Compares With $1,504,897 for Same 1936 Quarter. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 27—Allis-Chalm ers Manufacturing Co, maker* of heavy machinery with main plant at Milwaukee, Wi*., for the quarter ended June 30 today reported net profit of $2,636,850 after charge*, except un distributed profits surtax, equal to $1.49 a common share. This compares with net profit of $1, 504.897, or 85 cents a common share, in I he preceding quarter and $1,334,473, or 99 cents, in the like 1936 quarter. For the first half of 1937 net profit was $4,141,748, nr $2.34 a common share, a record for any six months In the company's history. In the first half of 1936 net profit was $2,088,600, or $1.55 a common share. savage Arm* (orp. Savage Arms Corp., manufacturer of firearms and ammunition, with Its principal plant at Utica, N. Y , reported consolidated net profit today for the quarter ended June 30 of $153,335, before provision for Federal surtax, equal to 91 cents a common share. This compared with $55,016. or 32 cents a common share in the June, 1936, quarter. Square I) (to. Square D Co., Detroit, maker of electrical equipment, reported net profit for the six months ended June 30 of $536,150 before Federal surtax, equal to $1 55 a common share, against $341,055, or 99 cents a share on the current capitalization in the first half of 1936. Bridgeport Bras*. Bridgeport Brass Co., Bridgeport, Conn , manufacturer of brass, copper and other metal alloys, reported indi cated net profit for quarter ended June 30, excluding unconsolidated subsidi aries, of $349 295. equal to 37 cents a share. This compared with $190 011, or 29 cents a share In the June quar ter of 1936. Barnshall Oil Co. Barns ha 11 Oil Co. and subsidiaries, producer, with principal fields in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas and Cali fornia, for the six months ended June 30 reports net profit of $1,256,330 after charges, equal to 56 cents a com mon share, against $1,209,894, or 54 cents in the like 1936 period. I'uuiuin aim. Ludlum Steel. Co. and subsidiaries, with principal plants in New York State, for the quarter ended June 30 reported net profit of *506.087 after charges, equal to *120 a common share, excluding treasury shares, against *271,369, or 55 cents In the like 1936 period. Warren Foundry. Warren Foundry * Pipe Oorp . with plants at Philllpsburg. N J, and Everett. Mass., for the six months j ended June 30 reported consolidated net income of *282.222 after charges ! but before undistributed profits sur : tax. equal to *1 61 a common share. | against *148 490, or 85 cents in the like 1936 period. Atlas Plywood. Atlas Plywood Corp., with plants in the Kast. South and Canada, for the fiscal rear ended June 30. reported profit of *495.188, after taxes, equal, after fixed charges and dividend re quirements on preferred stock, to *3 31 a common share This com pares with net profit of *136.783. or *1 04 a common share, in the preced ing fiscal year. Allegheny Steel. Allegheny Steel Co for the quarter ended June 30 reported net profit of *864,4*9 after charges, except undis tributed profits surtax, equal after preferred dividend requirements to *1 07 a common share, against *610. 805 or SO rents in the like 1936 quar'er. Commonwealth & Southern. Commonwealth & Southern Corp reported consolidated net income for the year ended June 30 of $15,557,021 after taxes, interest and other charges, equal alter preferred dividend requirements to approximately 19 cents a common share. This compared with $10,589,158 or 4 cents a share in the same period last year. National Lead. National Lead Co. reported consol idated net income for the six months ended June 30 of $5,192,266, after de preciation, depletion and Federal taxes, and including about $1,100,000 non-recurring profit, equal after pre ferred dividend requirements to $1.36 a common share. This compared with $2,740,927 or 57 cents a share In the like 1936 period. International Silver. International Silver Co, with prin cipal plants in Meriden. Conn., for the quarter ended June 30 reported comfolidated net income of $165,404 after charges, equal after preferred dividend requirements to 66 cents a common share, against net loss of *19.388 in the like 1936 quarter. NEW RECORD SET AT SAVINGS BANKS Mutual Institutions Disclose De posits at $10,207,803,494, All-Time Peak. By thf Assoclstec. Press. NEW YORK. July 37.—National Association of Mutual Savings Banks announced its member institutions operating in 18 States had on June 30 total deposits of $10,207,803,494, the highest in history. Representing an increase of $106, 729,514 during the half year, the asso ciation said the deposit total was “the largest sum of small capital ever gath ered together in one class of bank ing institutions.” The report added it represented about 20 per cent of bank deposits for the country as a whole. The number of depositors rose to 14,759,246, which was also a record for active accounts. The institutions opened 291.607 dew accounts in the first half of the year. Aggregate assets of the banks rose by $128,735,621 to the record total of $11,588,146,918 on June 30, the asso ciation reported. -- STOCK SPLIT APPROVED. SAGINAW, Mich., July 27 (Spe cial).—Stockholders of the Lufkin Rule Co., at a meeting here, approved an increase in the authorised number of common shares to 500,000 of $5 par value to provide for a split-up of the present common shares on a two-for one basis. ' The stockholders also au thorized the salt of an additional 16, 000 shares of the new common stock, proceeds of which will be applied to the redemption of 21,638 shares of outstanding preferred st&k. HUGE GAIN REVEALED IN TREASURY DEPOSITS By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 27 —Treasury de posits with Federal Reserve banks more than doubled In the week ended July 21. the credits statement of the Reserve Board showed. The upturn was believed to reflect payment of current bills out of Treas ury cash, permitting income to be ac cumulated In Reserve banks. Deposits of the Treasury compared as follows: Week ended July 31_ .$184 000 000 Previous week .. 90 000.000 Same period last year_ 519.000,000 LARGE LAG REMAINS IN STRUCTURAL STEEL Bf the Assorlittd Press. NEW YORK, July 27 —The Ameri can Institute of Steel Construction reported shipments of fabricated structural steel during June were 59 9 per cent of normal—normal being the average annual volume during 1928 1931—and shipments for the first half of the year were 54 8 per cent of normal. Estimated tonnage for the entire industry for the first six months thts year totaled contracts of 909.313 tons and shipments of 769.560 tons, against contracts of 761.976 tons and ship ments of 692 244 tons in the same period last year. -.—« Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Traction 5s— $1,000 at 85, $1,000 at 85, $1,500 at 85 Potomac Electric Power b'a% pfd—2 at 112. AFTER CALL. Capital Transit Co.—3 at in. Bid and Asked Prices. BONDS. PUBLIC UTILITY _ , Bid Asked Amer Tel A Tel. 4 Us J 04 U Anacostia A Pot 5s 67 Ana. A Pot. Guar. 5* 1<i? C. A P. Tel. of Va 5s _ 105 Capital Traction R R. 5s 85 86 City A Suburban 5' 7 6 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s .112 Pot. Elec. Pow. 3Us n»2 ]04 Wash. Gas 5s 1958 lu.V2 166 Wash. Gas 5s I960_116 Wash. Ry. A Elec. 4s 106 I_ MISCELLANEOUS Chevy Chase Clun j st 4 Us _ 104 _| Co: Country Club 1st 4 Us in:; W. M. Cold Storage os . 100 STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY Amer Tel A Tel (9) J 72 Capital Transit Co in m* N A W. Steamboat *6> 105 Pot. Elec Pow 6^ pfd <6)_ li 2’a Pot El P 5S% pf 1.4501 ill Wash. Gas Lt <new< <1.20»_ *25U 57 Wash. Ry. A El. com <36) 690 W’ash. Rr A El pfd »5» 109’, ill BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Amer. Sec A Tr Co «e8>__ 295 308 Bank of Bethesda th 75*_ 34 i Capital <4 * _ 146 _ Com A Savings (elO)_210 __ ! Liberty <4* 156 166 Lincoln if 6.25* _200 i Natl. Sav. A Trust 188 Pr. Georges Bk. A Tr. (.60)_ 17 21 Riggs 08) __ 326 Riggs pfd. (5)_ b*10rt __ Washington <rtt __ 130 _ Wash. Loan A Tr. 08 * *280 300 FIRE INSURANCE American <6 >_ 100 _ Corcoran (5) . _ *sl25 . __ Firemen's < 1.20)_ 28 National Union f.60)_ 14U _ TITLE INSURANCE Columbia C3(>) _ 11 15U Real Estate <6> ___ _ 170 19u MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Oorp (2.60) 19 25 Lanston Monotype <+4» 85 93 ( + 100) . 16 lt Lincoln Service pfd <3.50) 44 5<» * Mereenthaler Lino. (2 00* 44 45 Peoples Dr. St. com. < + i,nn> 49 52 Peoples Dr. St pfd. t« 50* .111 Real Est. MAG pfd. l*V70) 4U 5U Serurttv Storage <5* 112 125 ! Ter. Ref. A Wfh. Corp <3* .66 _ Wdwd. A Loth, com it 1.50) 60 68 Wdwd A Loth, pfd (7) _ 116 123S •Ex dividend b -Books closed. + Plus extras, e—2U extra, f—JUU extra, h—75c extra. ••25c paid June 30. 1P36. 45c paid De cember 22 19.26 •s-—£50 to be paid out of surplus July 31. 1937. DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED NEW YORK July 77 —Dividends de clared Prepared by the Standard Statis tics Corp. Extra. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. rtod. record, able. Georgia Home Insur lnc 7-2.1 8-7 Merchants Fire Assur.Mc 7-76 S-2 New Bruns Fire Ins 35c . 7-23 S-2 Sher-Willlams $1 __ 7-31 8-16 Increase. Superheater_ $1 10-5 10-15 Interim. Reminatnp Band 35c 9-9 10-1 Omes Equities Me.. 8-3 8-. Special. Food Machinery $1.50 .. 8-14 8-25 Initial. Meter A Frank Inc. 15e 7-31 8-16 Merrimac. Mills 75c _ 8-20 9-10 Accumulated. B'fields Ltd 7* Pf $1.25 .. 6-29 6-30 Wes Pub Svc $1.50 Of A 37U.C 8-13 9-1 Regular. As T * T 7* l*t Pf 49c __ 8-2 8-16 Do. $6 1st pf 47c S-2 8-16 Atlantic Refln 35c Q 8-20 9-15 Bang A Aroost RR 6.'tc Q 8-31 10-1 Do. 5% pf $1.25 Q 8-31 10-1 Barber. Wh 25c Q 8-14 8-31 B'fields Ltd 7% pf. $1 75 Q 6-29 6-30 Canadian Oil _ ]2'.ac Q 7-31 8-16 Do. 8* pf $2 Q 9-20 10-1 Chi Dis E Gen $6 pf $1.60 Q 8-14 9-1 El Paso Elec iTex) $6 of .. .. . _ / _$1.50 Q 9-30 10-15 G*n Box 3c 9-15 10-1 Georgia Home Ins 50c S 7-23 8-2 Gulf St Util $6 pf $1.50 Q 8-31 9-15 Do $5.5(1 pf $1 .17 'j Q 8-31 9-15 Lehigh Peril Cem 3714c Q 10-14 11-1 Do 4% cv pf *1 Q 9-14 10-1 P'ersburg Rig A Reel 40c 8-18 R-l Sherwin-Williams $1 Q 7-31 8-16 Do. 5% pf AAA $1.25 Q 8-14 9-1 Wagner Elec 5«c 9-1 9-20 M A Hanna 25e 9-18 9-30 M A Hanna $5 pf $1.25 Q 8-14 9-1 Penna Glass Sand. 25c 9-15 10-1 Penna Glass Sand $7 pfd $1.75 Q 9-15 10-1 Remington Rand 4'2'v Pfd $1.12's Q 9-9 10-1 Tenn El P Co 5* pf.fl.25 Q 9-15 10-t Tenn El P 6% pf .11.50 Q P-15 10-1 Tenn El P 7.2% of_.$1.80 Q 9-15 10-1 Tenn El P 6% pf_50c M 7-23 8-2 Tenn El P 6% pf_60e M 8-14 9-1 Tenn El P 6% pf ...50c M 9-15 10-1 Tenn El P 7.2* pf...60c M 7-23 8-2 Tenn El P 7.2* pf...60c M 8-14 9-1 Tenn El P 7.2* pf.._60c M 9-16 10-1 EAIL ISSUE PLANNED. Hie Buffalo, Rochester & PIttiburgh Railway Co. asked Interstate Com merce Commission permission today to issue of *4,427,000 of 4'4 per cent con solidated mortgage bonds. Proceeds would be used to retire at maturity next September l a like amount of S per cent general moi^jage bonds. Finished Steel Demand Expected To Turn Upward BJ I he Associated Press. CLEVELAND, Ohio. July 27 —Dally Metal Trade today *aya: The recession In finished steel de mand appears to be nearing bottom. New business has shown no sign of improvement, but active apecifylng on old contracts is reported, and with prices being reaffllrmed for fourth quarter, expectations are consumers will begin to order steel for their Fall requirements. The labor situation Is improving and this is tending to remove some of the uncertainty which has con fronted business lately. Deliveries are improved though still extended In many products. Order backlogs are sufficient to support high ingot opera tions through the remainder of the Summer, by which time it is believed a new buying wave will be under way. OTHER NATIONS BOOST CONSUMPTION OF LEAD Ey th# Assocli'.ed Prut. NEW YORK. July 27 —Use of lead in the world outside the United States in April, May and June averaged 108,432 tons a month, against a monthly average of 105.867 tons for the like 1836 period, the American Bureau of Metal Statistics reported today. Foreign copper consumption during | April. May and June averaged 137.090 metric tons a month, against a j monthly average of 105,270 tons for the like 1936 period. World sine consumption a-e^aged 97.773 metric tons per monlh during April. May and June, against an average of 92.657 per month in tne same 1936 period. INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK July 27 .*> —N?w York Security Dealers Association . . Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas (-.a' 92*2 P8‘a Aetna Ins (1.80) _ 473^ 493 Aetna Life *.80a) _ 2P' 4 (ii34 Am Equit (1 81*8» 37 ! 4 ;;p3 Am Ins Nark <‘aa)_ _ \ •> >a 14 Am Reins (.80*» 3P1, 4 1*4 Am Reserve <la* •'« Am Surety (2'a) . _ ftp* 53*4 Aut mobile (la* 2P'4 3p4 Balt Amer * ?i»a) h 9 Carolina 1] 3<li _ _ 24'4 <**>*. City of N Y <1 20*_ 25 *’8,a Conn Gen Life * 80) 34’2 .38 Contln Cas *1.20) "7 ■'<> Fid A Dep «4ai 3 28 j.jn Firemen* Nwk (.30) _ ii'4 j*»a4 Frank Fire *la* 3n*4 .3*’% G«|*Reinsur *2) 38'. 4*)*, Glen Falls « 1 .80* 43*4 45*4 Globe a Rep t.80a) I9'a 21 ’2 Globe A Rut 84'a 8T Great Amer Mu oft*4 °:*4 Hanover (1.80* 33'* 3.Vy Hartford Fire (2) 75 7S Home Fire Sec 4'a 5% ; Home Ins ilu _ _ 34*4 38*4 Homestead <1* ... 17*2 IP Knickerbocker 1 80* . . 35 37 Lincoln Fire 4'. 4»* Maryland Cas _ ft», 8*4 Mass Bond *3la> _ 84 87 Natl Fire (2) . . 84'4 88«4 Nat! Liberty (20a* . . P'4 lo'4 N Hampshire (1.80a) _ 4P,a 50>a N Y Fire ( S**a» __ 2**’4 22>4 Nor River < 1 1 _ _ 28'4 27 *4 Phoenix < 2 a * __ _ 83'a 87 V* Prov Wash *1) _ 33'4 35*4 Revere *P* In *l.30> __ _ 28>a 2« Rossia Ins (,60a* _ in»4 1P4 St Paul Fire (8a*__ 207 212 Springfield *4,aa> _ 1 17 320 Sun Life (T1**) _Ton 750 Travelers (18) _ _ 491 501 U S Fire (2* _ 53*4 55'4 Westchester (1.20a) 331* 35Vi a—Also extra or extras, t—Declared or paid so far this year. ---• RUBBER FUTURES. NEW YORK. July 27 iT -Crude rubber futures opened barely steady, jo to 18 lower. September 18.22-23. December 18.37-40: March, 3 8.45. -• MONTREAL SILVER. MONTREAL. July -7 iR>. —Silver fu tures opened steady, unehsnsed to S lower July. Sixth. September. 44.dob: Decem ber. 44 S6b b—Bid ' - , Several Large Corporations Boosted Compnesations, Report Shows. By the Anson*’.d Press. Several large rorporatioas reported to the Securities Commission today they gave their executives pay raises last year. Philip Morris k Co. paid its presi dent, L. B. McKitterick, *143,699 last year, compared with *101.360 the pre vious year. American Water Works k Electric Co. boasted President H. Hobart Porter from *75.790 to *77, 686. and United Light k Power Co raised President Charles S. McCain from *61.815 to *63.585. Republic Steel Co.'s president. T. M. Girdler, whose anti-union views were aired in a recent congressional hearing, received *174,999 last year The company paid General Manager R. J. Wvsor *84 999, and Vice Presi dent Myron A Wick, *75.000. Other salary reports included: United States Industrial Alcohol Co . New York, C. E. Adams, chairman, *36.859. Consolidated Chemical Industries. San Francisco. Solomon Peiser, pres ident, *28.400. Rike-Kumler Co. Dayton. Ohio, Frederick H. Rike, president, *34.999 DOLLAR GOES HIGHER IN LONDON DEALINGS By 'he Associated Preaa. LON BON. July 27—The United States dollar was in demand in for eign exchange trading todav Thp unit was up 7-16 of a rent at 4 9734 10 the pound in final dealings, com pared with a similar rate for sterling in New York over night. French franc* ended unchanged at 133 to the pound. PARIS. July 27 i/P).— Rentes. 3 per cent, 72 franc* 70 centimes, 4’2s • A." 74 20; 4'2s 1937. 9* 70 Exchange on London, 132 96. The dollar was quoted 26.71. WASHER SHIPMENTS SOAR NEW YORK. July 37 oP.— Ship ment* of household washing machines in the flr*t half of 1937 totaled 94*. 328. highest half-year on record and 10 2 per cent Increase over *61.408 unit* in the same period a year ago June shipment* were 143,073, or 5 2 per cent, above last year. NATIONAL TEA SALES UP. NEW YORK. July 27 </P> —Sales of National Tea Co. for the four weeks anded July 17 totaled *4.631.95*. an increase of 2.08 per cent over *4.504,609 in the like period a year ago. 225 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. NEW YORK, July 27 l/P».—St. Jos eph Lead Co. reports 225 tons of pig lead from Southeast Missouri mines sold yesterday at *3 85 per hundred pound*, St. Louis. DOWN SLIGHTLY Quarter’s Net at $23,822, 888, Against $23,978,189 in Same 1936 Period. BT th' Assorisied Fr»s«. NEW YORK, July 27 —E I Dupont de Nemours & Co of Wilmington, Del., reported for the quarter end'd June 30 net income of $23 R22.8R8, equal after dividends on the debenture stock to $2.07 a share or> common stock. This compared with $23 978 - 189 in the June quarter last year, or $2 Ofi a share on a slightly larger num ber of common shares. For the six months egded June 30 net Income was $39,836 234. equal to $3 41 & share on common stock, against $38.691.971. or $3 27 a share in the first half last year. National Gypsum. National Gypsum Co. imported for six months ended June 30 net profit of $509 880, equal after dividend re quirements on preferred stock to 30 cents a share on common stock This compared with $408,382. or 23 cents a share on common stock in the first half last year. M. H. Baker, president, said labor and material costs substantially re duced profit margins during the first half, but estimates for the last half "reflect improvement in both gales and costs." Robert Galr Co. Robert Ga;r Co. reported for the sty months ended June 30 net profit of $671,930. equal after dividend re quirements on preferred stock to *8 cents a share on common stork. Comparable figure for last year was not available. Company produces folding cartons, corrugated paper products and paper board. Barber Co. Barber Co., formerly General Asphalt Co. reported for six months ended June 30. net profit of $402,794. equal to $1.03 a share on capital stock, against $71,567. or 18 cents a shar* in first half last year. For the June quarter, indica-ed n-t profit was $244,078, equal to 62 rents ft share, against $160,038 or 41 rents a share, in June quarter last year. ■Niagara Hudson Power. Niagara Hudson Power Corp. re ported for quarter ended June 30. net income of $3,098 378. compared with *1,394,562 in the ,Junp quarter last year. The latter figure was revised to give effect to major adjustments in the capital structure. For the 13 months ended June .30. net incom* was *9,532.606. against $4 845.70P, which was similarly revised in con nection with the capital adjustment* last year. ( ongeleu m - X a irn. Congnleum-Naim. Inc. and atih sidiarv companies, repor'ed todav net ; income for six months ended June 30 at $1,379,983 equal To $1 11 a rommon share, compared with *1 036 813, or 84 cents a share, in the corresponding period last year. McGraw-Hill Publishing. For the second quarter of the year | McGraw-Hill Publishing Co and sub i sidiaries showed net income of *301 - 209, equal to 50 cents a share on 600 - ; 000 rommon shares, compared with | $204,908. or 36 rents a share on 568 - 099 shares, in the like period last year. PLYWOOD SHARES OFFERED NEW YORK. Ju’v 37 dpi.—Public offering of 38.000 shares of $1 50 cumu lative convertible preferred stock and 53.475 sharps of common stock of the United States Plywood Corp was made todav by a Nation-wide selling group headed by Bond & Goodwin and C B Ewart <fc Co. The preferred stock is priced at S25 a share and the common at $17 a share. Wheat Prices in 1924 Harvest *>»<£* Price, of Wheat on the Chicago Board of Trad# <*£** '“I—;-1-1-\-1--iia 150 _The time to have wheat k when others haven't much. That is the American position , 150 . j. ,n 1737. The crop—one of the largest—estimated at 882 million jushels, is 250 miU -lion bushels larger than last year's. Nevertheless, the price is needy e quarter %• 1*5 140 _bushel higher than in 1936. The price.,___.., |^g h*s 9on* UP despite the larger yield, ® " —because of a reduced carryover, a— 135 I30._,ma^l ef0P 'n Canada, and a bad fail ~ure in Europe.-' ,B 125 120 . J _[120 1937 thus recalls 1924. That year the wheat harvest was 80 “ ' 15 — , . million bushels larger than in 1923, but the price, due to short. 115 11 g crops elsewhere, was 30 cents a bushel higher than the year before. The bulge in farm income brought about a smart- 1 106 J_ - rebound in business in the third quarter of 1924._ IK 100 L_1 - - 1- - - |__ [ _ _ lioo M*y J°n# July August September October 1924 11 pociol!*?**t^:::::: ffl or Businoit Rocordi^ ; '3x1 «nd Equipment > ;: BLANK M BOOKS 1 °lke ® ^WakottlaylorCaliK MILLS BLDG MEtro. 5846 Money for Contraction Loans and Loans on Exisdnf Properties 5% FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLT GEORGE 1.B0RGER 643 Indiana At*. N.W. , Nat’l 0350 Property Management » DOPT the worry-free way and place the management of your apartment house and residential properties in the hands of our Property Manage ment Department. Experienced service; nominal B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. Nat’l 2100 Mortgage Loan* [real estate loans | On Improved property in D. C. and Arlington County, Va. RELIABLE • SOUND , ..... . 1 '"OFFICERS “ ChtriN KaU*linenn__-.Pr<»*tdrnf Arthur C. Beleer_ Vice President Wilfred h. Muni_Secretary Guy M. Neely_Treasurer NO COMMISSIONS RENEWALS UNNECESSARY * ! ^Appjjcafjons invited for LOANS on improved real estate in Washing ton and Arlington County, Virginia. Rates and terms commensurate with security offered. Before you re finance, build or remodel—See us. The American has been helping the people of Washington to acquire homes for the past 63 years. Ammran latliiutg ABsnrialimt 300 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E. _ASSETS OVER $9,700#000_ VK«inPERV?810NV 1 4 ■ —.. ■ .