Newspaper Page Text
Shipping News Arrivals and Departures at New York ARRIVALS. Today. II E RE FRANCE—Havre _ _ 1 ;50 P M. LACONIA—Liverpool 8:00 A M. ro\CE—Puerto Rico ... 8:50 A.M. ROBERT E. LEE—Norfolk_4:00 P.M. SANTA LUCIA—Valparaiso- 8:50 AM. ST. MIHIEL—San Juan 8:15 A.M. SEMINOLE—Galveston 0:00 A.M. YUCATAN—Vera Cruz 1 :ilo P.M, YOLENDAM—Rotterdam _ 8:50 A.M. Tomorrow. ACADIA — Nova Scotia 5:00 P.M. AMERICAN FARMER—London 8:50 A.M. < ALAMARES—Port Limon 2:50 P.M. KONIGSTEIN—Antwerp P.M WEST’N WORLD—Buenos Aires Noon SANTA PAULA-—San Francisco 9:00 A.M. Thursday. July 29. AT1.ANTIDA—La Ceiba P.M. CITY OF CHATTANOOGA—Sa vannah 7 :00 A.M. CONTE DI SAVOIA- Naples FT TOWNSIIEND -St. Johns GEO. WASHINGTON—Norfolk 5:00 P.M. PLATANO Puerto Cortez PRES. WII.S'N—San Francisco 10 00 A M. KONIGSTEIN Antwerp 8:00 AM. PRESIDENT GARFIELD—World cruise 0:00 A.M. Saturday. July 51. DE GRASSE Havre DUCHESS OF ATHOLL— Mont real PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT— Hamburg _ SAILING. (Trans-Atlantic.) Today. PMNllILn—Copenhagen 8 50 A M. WEST IRMO—Freetown _ . 8:50 A.M. Tomorrow. RAMBI RG—Hamburg Midnight Qt EEN MARY—Southampton Noon WASHINGTON—Hamburg Noon Thursday. July 29. ft E Di; FRANCE—Havre _ Noon ROBIN GRAY—Cape Town _ Friday. July 50. AMERICAN FARMER London 4 00 P.M BLACK GILL—Rotterdam £ iA J *£ »* A*;; 21 R 0 w Midnight EMILE FRANCQUI—Antwerp KONIGSTEIN-—Antwerp Midnight ; LACONIA—Liverpool 5.00 P.M. MAE ‘Isthmian) -Alexandria SCANMAIL—-Helsinki 5 00 P M \ OLENDAM—Rotterdam Midnight Saturday. August 1. AMERICAN IMPORTER— Liverpool ] 1 00 A M BI'RGENSFJORD Oslo 1 .oo p M CONTE DI SAVOIA—Genoa Noon Cl PRIA—Casablanca ___ LAGAHOIM—Gothenburg __ WEST ISLETA Loureno Marques __ SAILING. (South and Central America, West Indies and Canada.) Today. ANCON -Cristobal 4 on p.M Cl RAC A—Salaverrv Noon KANSAN—Cristobal r: 30 P.M. NEWFOI NDLAND—Liverpool 7.00 P.M. Tomorrow. C \R \RORO—Maracaibo 3 on r M. LIMON -Port Limon l.OOPM. O N OF BERMI DA—Hamilton 3:00 P.M. Thursday. July 29. COAMO—Ciudad Trujillo 3 00 P.M. N'ERISS A—Trinidad . ... 3:00 PM PASTORES—Cristobal _ _ Noon QITRIGCA—Port Limon . __ Noon YlCATAN—Vera Cruz 4:00P.M. Friday, July 30. BONIFACE—Coara _ _ _ LADY HAWKINS Trinidad . ___ M E D E A— Maracaibo S\NTA LI CIA—Valparaiso Midnight ; ATLANTIDA—La Ceibn 11 .nil A M CALAMARES—Santa Marta Noun ' CARINTIIIA- -Bermuda _ . 5.00 P M IM C HESS OF ATHOI.L— St Lawrence Cruise 10-30 pM. < PORT TOWNSEND—St John's J1 (Mi A M. MONARCH OF BERMIDA— Bermuda 3.00 P M. 1 ORIENTE—Havana Noon i PLATANO—Puerto Cortez. Noon PONCE—San Juan Noon P*NT\ P.M'LA—San Francisco Noon WFSTERN WORLD— Buenos Aires Noon -• Four Die in Crossing Crash. ADRIAN, Mich., July 27 i/T1.—Four persons were killed last night when a Wabash Railroad passenger train struck an automobile at Seneca, 14 Wiles southwest of Adrian. The dead: Wesley Wolf. 21. and his wife, 38. of Seneca, and their two nephews. Bobby Lee Shadbolt, 7; Duane Shadbolt. 5, of Medina. Mich. TRAFFIC CONVICTIONS SECOND-OFFENSE SPEEDING. James H. White, Jr., 1116 Fifth street northeast, $10. FIRST-OFFENSE SPEEDING. James C. Russell, 1011 Kenyon street, $5. Clinton D. Lutz, 1114 Eleventh street, $5. Kenneth D. Harrison, Maryland, $5. Jules Alpher, 710 Tenth street northeast, $5. Clifford H. Adams, 1341 Connecticut avenue, $5. Matthew H. McMahon, 2609 Third street northeast, $5. George W. Edner, 1619 Seventeenth street, $5. Benjamin Carter. 921 U street, $5. Raphael Masciori, 1826 Ontario place. $5. Victor W. Meyers, 1126 Eleventh street, $5. Harvey R. Nichol, jr„ 649 E street northeast, $5. Frank H. Murray, 949 Massachu setts avenue. $5. Thomas P. Lynch, 1118 Monroe street northeast, $5. James C. , Miller, 1837 Bennings road northeast, $5. David E. Spatzer, 151 Adams street, $5. Joseph F. Brooks, 3933 Fourteenth street, $5. Elbert Lilly. 1529 Sixth street, $5. Fred E. Rest. 4500 Canal road, $5. Eugene R. Liufferman, Virginia, $5. Louis Smallwood, 24 McCullough street, $5. Walter H. Deane, Maryland, $5. Leonard A. Chase, Maryland, $5. Harrison L. Malmberg, Maryland, $5. Alton B. Alford, 7512 Georgia ave nue, $5. Nathan F. Henderson, Maryland, $5. PERMIT SUSPENSIONS AND REVOCATIONS. William E. Branford, 1903 Seventh street, 30 days. Clarence P. Butcher, 3614 Patterson street, suspended. Dan Cassetta, 1478 Chapin street, suspended. Francis M. Darragh. 2463 Pennsyl vania avenue, suspended. Harvey S. Fearnow, 31 Q street northeast, suspended. Vivian Fincher, 221 F street, sus pended. Oswald P. Gamer, 1026 Kenyon street, revoked. Wilbur M Gerhart, 2827 Twenty seventh street. 30 days. John S. Krauss, 3326 P street, sus pended, John F Jensen, 1447 East Capitol street, 30 days. Jacob Mehlman. 4506 Georgia ave nue. 45 days. George Sklar, 1347 Gallatin street, 30 days. Gilbert N. Tanner, 345 Cedar street, 30 days. Samuel E. Tate, 4615 Jay street northeast, revoked. Henry L. Thomas, 2422 Seventeenth street. 30 days. Delbert R. Williams. 630 Alabama avenue northeast, suspended. Frank J. Lambiasi. Baltimore, sus pended. George J. O'Hare, Hyattsville, 30 days. Flowers for friends who ore Ocean bound GUDE BROS. CO. Natl. 4276 SERVICE ORDERS ARMY. Stuart, Ool. Alexander J., Ordnance Dept., from Washington, D. C., to Aberdeen. Md.. July 23. Case, Col. Rolland W„ Ordnance Dept., from Aberdeen. Md., to Wa tertown, Mass., July 21. Joiner, Maj. Talley D., from Spar tanburg, S. C., to office of the Ad jutant General, Washington, D. C., July 23. Bennison, Capt. Richard T., Quar termaster Corps, from Baltimore, Md., to Ann Arbor, Mich., September 15. Moseley, First Lieut. Eugene L., Quartermaster Corps, from Bolling Field, D. C., to Baltimore, Md. Taylor, First Lieut. Frank Augus tus. from Washington, D. C, to Cam bridge, Mass., August 15. NAVY. Trower, Lieut. (J.g.) Robert S„ 3d, to Norfolk, Va., instead Naval Acad emy. Hatch, Lieut (j.g.) John L„ Medi cal Corps, detached Puget Sound, Wash., to Washington, D. C. Jeffers, Lieut (j.g.) Clark P„ Med ical Corps, detached Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. instead Naval Med ical School, Washington, D. C. Perisho, Lieut (j.g.) Gordon M., Medical Corps, detached Naval Hos pital, Washington, D. C, instead Naval Medical School, Washington, D. C. Ramsey, Rad. Elec. John B., to duty Radio Material School. Anacostia Sta tion, Washington, D. C. ~ - —‘ — DEATHS REPORTED Lawrence Freeman, gg, Saint Elizabeth's Hospital. william R. Sherwood. 76. 334 0 Que «t. Hardson. 73. Garflrld Hospital. William E. Jones. 7 1. 1127 nth st. a.w. Mars-J Davidson. HO, OfiO Shepherd s*. David L. Hardaway. 63, Providence Hos pital. Isaac Tenenbaum, 61, 1100 North Capitol Blanche Carter. 60./Sibley Hospital. Edward M. Decker. fti), Emergency Hospital. Carrie O. Carter. 48. 1720 Ktlbourne pi. Anna M. Martin. 4 1. Garfield Hospital. Robert L. Stone. 34. Gallinger Hosnltal Harel Widdifleld. :i4. Providence Hospital. Infant Paul E. Bartlett. Children s Hospital. Ruth J. Coleman. 78. 1708 Oregon ave. Cora Stewart. 68. 474 O st. Grant Hibkins. 60. Gallinger Hospital Willie Donohoe. 4*’, Freedmen's Hospital. Helmar Stevenson. 4. 42^ Oth at. a.w. __ TRAVEL. steamship" tickets Over all lines Travel Department AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY. _ STEAMSHIPS. BERMUDA VIA FURNESS. $60 up. round trip with private bath on Monarch o( Bermuda and Queen of Bermuda Fre quent ^ailines._Ask_your travel aeent WEST INDIES A CARIBBEAN GUEST CRUISES every week with the Great White Fleet IT and IK days $100 and up. UNITED FRUIT CO . Pier .1. North River. New York or your Travel Agent RESORTS. OCEAN CITY. N. J. AJHIHIRIKJIALKJHIHIHIHICP ^cflafideri A 9*7 Slaton —Jam 19th ta Sipt. 1 Stfa located directly on the ocean*front. Write for deicriptive folder and rote* J. HOWARD SLOCUM, Manager i ; ~ ~i OCEAN CITY, MD. front, modern! season under ___ management. • COLONIAL BEACH, VA. COLONIAL BEACH HOTEL On the broad Potomac. Beautiful, health ful. restful and homelike. Good food, running artesian water in room, private baths, and rates from *13.00 weekly. *3.00 up daily with all meals. Peninsula Greyhound Bus. Frank D. Blackistone. Owner and Manager. THE BREAKERS Apartments accommodating .3 persons *13 per week. Others 4 to 8 persons *30 to *33 per week. Rooms. European plan, *1.33 per day. Reduced rents by the season. Mrs. Cahiii-Bryan. Owner and Manager. * CITY NEWS IN BRIEF TODAY. Meeting, Connecticut Democrats of District, Columbia Theater Building, 1110 F atreet, 8 p.m. Meeting, Hamilton Club, Hamilton Hotel, 8 p.m. TOMORROW. Luncheon, Exchange Club, Lafayette Hotel, 12:15 p.m. Luncheon, Gyro Club, Lafayette Ho tel, 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Rotary Club, Willard Ho tel, 12:30 p.m. Luncheon. Soroptimist Club, Willard Hotel, 1 p.m. Luncheon, Lions Club, Mayflower Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Electrical Institute, Carl ton Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Meeting, Boys’ Guidance Associa tion, Willard Hotel, 4 p.m. Meeting, Philatelic Society, Carlton Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting, Navy Yard Local, No. 250, N. F. F. E, Public Branch Library, Seventh and D streets southeast, 8 p.m. Meeting, Entertainment Committee, District Federation of Federal Em ployes’ Unions, 710 Fourteenth street, 8 p.m. -• MARRIAGE LICENSE? Frank C. Hall tr.. 21. and Zelma Reo Hel ton. 20. both of Alexandria. Va., Rev. Ralph W. Frame. David Levin. 30. and Susan Parker. 28. both of 118 Madison st.; Rev. Aaron Volkman. Wilburn I. Covinaton. 1r.. 29. Ashland Va., and Carolina V. Carter. 23. 1300 Trini dad ave. n.e.; Rev. Frank E. Johnston. 1r. John D. Garvin. 2T. Brackenridge- Pa . and RESORTS. GREAT-NORTHERN RAILWAY Route of the Empire Builder Between Chiraco and Pacific Northwest. POLAND SPRING, ME. F : T ™ Atsncs V. Grav, 24, 1900 P at.; Rev. _ Francis Yarnall. Edward B. Cottrell. 25. 928 14th st.. and Rose Lee Davis, 26, 2307 15th at.; Rev. M. P. German. William N. Horne. 21, 903 M at., and Bar bara F. Browder, 18, 218 C at.; Rev. . C 8. Brices. V. T. Waldrum. 22. 615M, L st.. and Yeenea Cardwell. 18. 1016 49th at. n.e.; Rev. „ E K. Tyler. Harry D. Brown. 49. and Clara Murphy. 37. both of 156 Quander st. s.e.; Rev. D. E. Wiseman. Melvin C. Bosher 26, Richmond. Va., and Mary E. Bond, 24, Ellerson, Va.; Rev. J. H. Dunham. George R. McGraw, 21, and Velma E L. Wicker. 18. both of Altoona, Pa., Rev. S. T. Nickolas. George Shanklin. 23. and Margaret King. 24. both of Amissville. Va.; Rev. Wiley „ Westray. Herman Slater. 31. and Bessie Murray. 35. both of 3102 South st.; Rev. J. T. Harvey. Matthew Dixon. 28. 2422 Eye at., and Henrietta Cole, 24, 2423 Eye st.; Rev. J. T. Harvey. Cyrus A. Wood. 62. and Julia L. De Puy. 52. both of New York City; Judge Nathan Cayton. Crawford L. Kline, 21. and Louise E Powell. 21. both of Williamsport. Pa.; Rev. C 8. Biggs. George W. Sheflett. 21. 1246 Evarts st. n.e., and Hellen L. Taylor, 21, 2130 H st.: Rev. A. F. Poore. Albert 8. Goldblatt, 23. 315 Ta.vlor st.. and Adele Sisco, 21, 906 Gallatin st.; Rev. 8. H. Metz. Albert K. Weymouth, 24. 727 19th st.. and Helen P Kuntz. 25. Keystone Apart ments. Rev. Preeley Rohrer. Arthur M Menard. 27. and Adella M. Perreault, 32, both of 1800 Kalorama rd.. Rev. V. 8. McDonough. James E. Seale. 30. 731 6th at., and Lucille D. Cox. 25, Memphis. Tenn.; Rev. H. M Hennlt. Aubrey E. Jones, 32, 1104 Irving at., and C. O. Pearson. 31. 1916 New Hampshire ave.: Rev. J. H. Marshall. Roland E. Stewart. 22, 40 Pierce at., and Clara E. Satleflelds. 19. 2224 Georgia ave ; Rev. Anthony Williams. Linwood C. Besemer. 20. and Evalyn L. Joyner. 21. both of Philadelphia, Rev, R. L. Gregory. Edmond H. Brill. Jr.. 30. and Mary D. Dombrick, 27. both of Richmond. Va.; Rev. J. H. Dunham. Roosevelt Oliver, 20. 1034 Oth st.. and Viola C. Anderson, 23. J622 Church st.; Rev. T. L. Travis. Stanly R. Polly. 25. 1920 Biltmore st.. and Sylvia V. McGrath. 21, 2029 Huidekoper Dl.; Rev. Clyde Brown. Howard D. Anthony. 64. and Prances E. Peters. *19. both of 3672 13th st.. Judge R. E. Mattingly. Walter E. Marlow. Jr., 23. 0227 12th at., and Ethel L. Gibson. 24. 6225 12th st.; Judge R. E. Mattingly Harris Berman. 25, 6513 7th st., and Harriet E Levin, 24, 3431 O at.; Rev. M. H. Levinson. BIRTHS REPORTED 3acar L. and Norma R. Anderson, boy. Marshall W. and Katharine N. Baggett, girl. Frederick W. and Lillian M. Bauman, boy. Leonard R and Margafet E. Carr. boy. Jerome and Thelma A. Cosimano. bov William T. and Ruth A. Drinkard girl. Bernard L. and Ruth C. Eberts, girl. Raymond A. and Isabel K. Gilligen. boy. Clarence W. and Naomi Hays, girl Prank B. and Margaret A. Hill. girl. Albert B. and Lanora H. Hunt. boy. Philip P. and Jeannette Keller, boy. Travis J. and Mary C. Long, boy Gus A. and Artemis Patterson, girl. Hugh B and Dorothy B. Provine. boy. James E. and Jean W. Rhodes, girl. Herron L. and Imogene M Sherrill, boy. Patrick F. and Lillian Taylor, girl. John J. and Dorothy C. Thornton, girl. Bernard C. and Bertha M. Trupp. bov Donald J. and Virginia D. Woolley, girl. Joseph B. and Mildred L. Austin, girl. Thomas J. and Mildred C. Baker, boy. Osca#W. and Lillie C Bryan, boy Thomas J. and Gladys M. Chastan*. boy. Frank E. and Gladys B. DeAtley. boy. Olin L. and Helen V. Dyer. boy. Edward J and Veronica V. Flanagan hoF. Woodrow E and Frances E. Haines. Girl I^eonard O and Rebecca E. Hayes, girl. Allen J. and Edith Humps, boy Sidney 8 and Rosaline Kalt/. boy. John J and Helen E. Kelly, girl Charles E. and Marlon B Marshall girl. George H. and Hazel L Posey, boy Daniel and Margaret I. Ragen. bov Joseph H and Nellie E Savage, boy. Rudolph and Laura Strickland, girl Clifton P. and Eleanora E. Thompson. bo» twins. Sduth T and Elaine Trimble, hoy. James R. and Leona F Weedon. girl John W and Margaret R. Wright. g‘rl. John and Catherleen Blalock, girl John and Mary Carroll, bov Alexander and Addle Chandler, girl. William and Thelma Cypress. gl»l. John F and Mildred Davis, bov John and Catherine Green, girl Marcellus and Irene Johnson, girl, Clen and Thomasina Powers, hoy Harry and Elizabeth Ray. boy Golden and Clarice Rogers girl Frank and Phvllis Stewart, boy. Richard and Thelma Brogsdale girl. Raymond and Ruth Carter girl. Robert and Julia Cotton, girl. (P0NTkIp\ > YOURSELF < / ABOUT cigarette PRICES. ONCE you | I THOUGHT A CIGARETTE LOWER'N I I TWO BITS COUtDN'T BE ANy QOOV # V — NOW you CAN GET "TOPS' / ( FOR IOt A PACK. | I THE NEW KINP / V proves it. fr w-m .... mi 1 i 11 ■ m I Once, good cigarettes cost 25 cents—then 15 cents. Today, a dime buys “tops”. The finest quality Turkish and Domestic Tobacco—mellowed, heat treated to suit your throat—wrapped in expensive French Champagne paper — that’s Domino. Saves you $18 to $36 a year. It pays to try them. DOMINO The Double Mild I 1 i RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J._ UM STRAND J ATLANTIC CITY V I l/tnrts\jlvanuL Jiul. and 1Boardwalk* American & &uropean 9lans « GARAGE ON PREMISES S Jfyottl JJormanbp r“ 149 S. South Carolina Avonuo | Ion Ft. From Boardwalk ; I Elevator to Street Level S I Newly Returnlshed—All^Outaide Rooma I I 91 SO I'p Per Person—With Bath II I ■ Attr.^Wkly. Rales—Ownership-Mat._ HOTEL EDISON ffiggPSa,™ Modern. Running water all rooms. Prl vate_bath._Free parking._$1_up daily. ATLANTIC CITY gfe Convention Hall. Room 119, Atlantic City. The Ambassador ATLANTIC CITY. POLAND SPRING, ME. , ; j V ^ • ’ V '■ * RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITV, N. J. JT An t'nuMual Setting ^ I r ».li i_i Lawn* and Flower* ... I O'"* •■<! Boardwalk ... 1 Bathing Caaino Privilege* ...Famoua Crill ...Carag* Special Weekly Rate^ South Tennessee Ave.—Official AAA Hotel. One of the cleanest and most attractive hotels in Atlantic City. European plan, rooms with or without bath. Innerspring mattresses. New furnishings. Bathing. Garage. Rates as low as tl.60. Phone 4-'»tWO. J, W. Binder. Mgr. POLAND SPRING, ME. ■I- ■ ■ .j,: Vacation PaAodUe. Cool, clear, pine-scented air—3,000 acres to romp over—an 18-hole private golf course at your front door—excellent horses and miles of bridle paths—tennis— bathing and sandy beaches. Two delightful hotels, Poland Spring House—Man sion House—open May to November—wile today/or Booklet. Address either hotel, Poland Spring, Maine. HOME OF THE FAMOUS Poland Water I Our Biggest Sale in 36 Years Of Brand-New Fall 1937 Suits, Topcoats and Overcoats I ~The Bitter Truth We sadly over bought last Spring* in fluenced by rapidly increasing wholesale costs (and they are still rising). We went into the market and placed enormous or ders in addition to our regular commitments. As a result of our op timism we are fright fully overstocked. | Result, this remark able sale. We hope we never have to duplicate it Open a Charge Account Courtesy Parking N.w. Cor. 12th & E St*. Gentlemen, this is no exaggeration. The Mode was established in 1902. We have made a practice of selling only the finest clothing and only reducing it for regular clearance pur poses twice each year. Now we offer hundreds upon hundreds of new Fall suits, topcoats and overcoats at drastically reduced prices. Only fine, modern garments, modeled and tai lored to our customary rigid standards are available. Many distinctive new Fall fashions are present. This is YOUR ONE BIG RARE OPPORTUNITY. Don't miss it. Every garment is a Richard Prince or a Fashion Park $40 Suits and Topcoats $29*85 $45 and $50 Suits, Topcoats and Overcoats $34*85 $50 to $65 Suits, Topcoats and Overcoats $39*85 Store Hours—9 to 6 Saturdays—9 to 3 A $5 deposit will reserve your selection until Nov. 1st ‘Vi i