Newspaper Page Text
FARMS FOR SALE. — (Continued.) A BEAUTIFUL HOME OF s ROOMR~0 20 acres oi excellent land, nice shape right on highway: within i 2 miles of Du trict line in nice condition: beautifi shade, and the price is only $7,500. H. I MITCHELL Herndon. Va . or call 2V Cockerille. Falls Church 5H7-J-2. 1 71 12-ACRE FARM IMPROVED B' dwelling, barn and other outbuilds. Mouti tain view, in upper section of Montgom ery County. Md . 25 in timber, balanc tillable, rich and productive: 1 mile fror hard road. To settle est a:*4. $5,500; wit. Stock and equipment $7,000. Also another farm to sell for a client 421 14 acres near old German town it Montgomery County's richest farm sec tion. with fine large dwelling, barn am other outbuildings. Land very fertile Electricity accessible and on hard road with beautiful view of surrounding conn trv and nearby mountains. Short, drivi from Washington. D. C. Less than $5< per acre. Estimate net share ot crop nearly $7 non for ’his year. JOHN F OXLEY. Attorney. Rockville. Md. Phom 220 FOR~SALE BARGAIN- f5 n - A ORE FAR?. In Maryland. 10 miles from Washington growing crops, stock and implements im eluded. For particulars phone Lin. 7 too. * UNUSUAL MONT. CO FARM- ALL :UU acres close to paved highway, mile Iron! ace. excellent bld-s. At only '■02.50 Others at $55 to $120 On. Coi. .0S05. 52 ACRES AT ROCKVILLE ON HART road, electricity good seven-room house large barn: $ Terms. BUELL M GARDNER, Rockville. Md. Cail Rock ville 2S0. 5 s-ACRE DAIRY FARM. ALL EQUIP mpnt. 55 mile' from Washington, in Car roll County, herd of j] cows, producing $140 worth of milk month: fine dair> house with electric miik cooler. 7-roon: dwelling house, bath, lights, large bani barn, buz wagon shed, other necessary out buildings: this farm has wonderful ele vation. suitable for building site; over looking beautiful valley: wonderful view For furt her information write C. A ROSER. Newr Wind »or. Md. FARM FOR SALE 512 ACRES-HALF cleared. 7 room bungalow: also old Co lonial hou.-e, with well-preserved chimneys excellent ; - nock. hunting and fishing. :•< f'Tcs CREEK LAND meadow. m CORN how electric it? s Lee H.s hwa? 2 mil? est O villi Va net- acre. Owner. A S * ACRE '- 5-ROOM HOUSE IN A-l CON ritfior.; «; e : good ban. and outbuildings v. c,.. stream; h. 1 ele\ r ’ ion; ail gr. road 22 mi Os out. \ :>5 . bal. e.- • . MARTIN T AnnanoaO \ FINE M-ACiJ' FARM 0?,T HARD-SUP laced vo. m ,r Gi, Fa. ., \ a . 12 mile E> C m ■ • ■•'!. y-'enm h.omr, ml heai coulc: hot rn . ... , a . h'tik'.n -. ■ • . o'v: rn. an excellent buy Ci.i Mr R • o ;. . BRODTF. <v COLBERT. INC.» Nat ' 7 ... 1 $Mi 1 BUYS 5n ACRES. * • • • -i! n,a i; ... on coon Ft ate roa.. P .e Monday. Georgia i;lM 44 ACRFs. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. ELEC Iricity. la.'.- ..... beautiful view; fin? e earn; hard road; 20 miles to Washing ton near railroad station; <;>.mui, 10 acres, nicely wooded, flue spring, Pood road: 10 mil to Washington; si mm PE FT. 2125 !; •• > Clarendon 771. * 4VH ACRE'S. HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE LAND 1-5 wooded, balance cl°ared ion acr^ fertilp r:ver-bofom land, improved with beautiful old Colonial brick dwelling, con taining 13 rooms o; the center-hall type in excellent condition with one of the preMies* sp* ‘ into be found in Ya., o» large, well-kept lawn, heavily shaded or hish elevation overlooking the Rapidai Rivor in Culpeper Co.. Va . two barns and renant house cr. good road, clo-e u station, or. line of Southern Rail way. This cannot fee nurlA .ued as a stock farm at the pr:r« of < ’ ' non H. E MIT( HELL. _Herr.nri'. V: Phono l 10-ACRE TRACTS PARTLY WOODED 1 ■'; ntilos from D C. line. The ideal spot lo: the quiet 'v .t.:-: h,oin° -s 7 A * • terms THE MA ?VLAND REALTY „ Ker. H M km Fr- « dent hi.-* i - ■ • St N W N ti< u > u A 1 3 AC REP. 1 j MILE OFF ROCK VILLI! on par-'-; ■ 1 ro.,ri; 12-room re*.’. r ’ < "• ith : U tenant house -'; ! ,:,n-= teims THE MARYLAND REALTY, _ K : . Mi ... dent. _ hi.-* lot •. R-. N W Naional 8Of)A 4n ACRES J2 MILES FROM D C LINE: A-l tobacco so . h -.ut.*’ view over sur rounding! g in need of repap a h -:-h • s ' down THE MARYLAND REALTY. Km: R 7 :!Yk:n. r*res dent hi A ] nth_F- N W Nat one! 8005 BrVESTMENTS IN" HOMES AND “FARMS 14o acres __si I tmh 120 aerps .. .. __si4 non 30o acres __ __ 500 1 000 arrps «:)r. Improved h'eh.ways, sprir.?* stream meadows and Mr- • . from 1 2 *o 2n* mii'rc from rpv. so ;r.n:d communities: good lm proven-.r. • GEORGE V/. SUMMERS _ 1721 H St. M 344R • MARYLAND FARMS. Mon ■ C for d n.o \\ 1'10 cr - .j b . ■ comnle*^ : ct buEdinc . pver-'thing in ft-ciip • .■ n ,d■ ■ ,o- ■ -,-r fi.-tr- veil fenced vprv pro,:; err, p ; ;id' fimv-t Am acres o< g^od w' op it and other timber;* smal' river t *ii:• i h8 acre bordered by r \p;-; good road pnod 7-f'om hot:.'' plectrici: y. Sands Spring School b ss.oon -’h acres, w rh entrance on CoIrsviUf Pike: hich. vuh cond view old house. 7 rooms n r-- • of shade: farm build -.s in fair cond::;np two orchards; about. ]<; miles D C.. >.Y .*>('"i 70 acre-, roiio-g lard, some larcp timber In rear fire urnm about 11 miles D. C. on ersvp] read. ■>:: .VM Howard CounM farms' Only 17 mile D C . on Ashton-Fllicot.* Cry road larcp fronracp on Patuxent River, fine stream through thp farm good, sound dwelling on hillside which will lend itself to rpmodel inc. set of good farm buildings; 125 acres for ?1<i.5im'» 1 Du a ores for ?1150n This farm ha« the rmk ins of a show place 287 acres. 20 m e D C ; good land, hut building in bad shape; large house, worth remod* - . 5 1 1 Colonial housm reduced to So.000. Thi' is an. almost perfect specimen of the old Now England Colonial, and while it ne-d* rrn’" c: rrmney spent on it in re pair.' and modern g. fixing the driveway a*''! in r • -rmitv. n i a very a’ tractive u on-'y," st this price Large rooms, central hall with beautiful stair case.’ lorc distance back from highway. « r ; ' " sold wi 3o Mor land t vai able About ! * * v :>< nor'h of D C. 4 acr v - " , "A ho f. (• n o *a r*e rt tr*pn* <. * rear Oh"1/;' : •• : n plenty ol trees; “'"Virginia farms. MO-acre d v farm on Lee Highway; modern b lox' mo cows: Jnmes equip ment. modern ho ' r. in extra large rooms, ha’h. plenty ot wirer: good fencing; on acres commercial timber. Owner leaving, will make attractive price. 35o-acre blue grass farm?, limestone land, upper Fauquier County, very fine larrns. with good improvements; $S0 per acre: *'On acres. $00 per acre. •1 MO-acre farm. Round Hill section, all under cultivation, except MO acres of woods; attractive, large house good out buildings. good fencing; Sho mm. This is vpry productive land. One has to see it to believe it. Nearly 5<m acre.- of land, old stone Co lonial house, stone slave quarters, stone mea* hnu.-p and other bmldtng*. Land gently ro_ mg on pood road. Fauquier Court. Va. H: e needs many repairs, bm is a b°a'.rifu; old place of historical Interest Price, .-is.nno Stone C'•■Ionia: house, very old. in excel lent cone ■ ■ - » dain farm ship ping milk tn r). c CfOod .and. well fenced; nice mpp.riuw and . ream, ivy village; $10 ooo 280 ACRES—$5,500. 50 acres bottom land. 35 acres woods. fclmo t all th® rest under culti. rolling: bcau’tful mow of mountain; . snail river through meadow of an o.d m::. 0 miles from V.'.urptyon. Comforiable • - room house •' fireplaces 1?" e bam. com house, poultry home, orchard. Also small cottage. R. D. LILLIE CO., S64 Carroll S’.- Takoma Park. Geo. nunn $60 PER ACRE. TR acres beautiful rolling farm land; 16 miles out on improved road- water in pach field has lar-e barracks for storing crops: a most beautiful site to build on; this land Is in a high state of cult:\afion. I have other farms up to several hun dred acres. Terms may hr arranged. S T ROBINSON __7tmj_ George;own Rd._ 46 Acres on Sunny Slope Overlooking fertile valley; splendid spring, make dandy pond neat 7-room home, ce mented cellar: good b’-ement barn: lovely shade: 11 miles to c:?\ camlooue price $*2,150 cut to $*2.0(25 picture page 63. free catalogue 1 .ooo bargains STROUT AG’Y M": -n md Tit Ic B c Ph la Pa. BLUE GRASS STOCK FARMS IN VIRGINIA. 375 ACRES—SCS.O00. 350 acres in blue gray or cultivation balance wooded: grows 1*10 bushels of earn per acre; fenced and crons fenced, with a spring in every field. Large bam. dairy, tpnant house and other nece-sary build ings: Id-room dwelling, wnb ba;h. :ic!vs. Ftpam heat. 4 fireola^r'' and wonderful view. Clear of debt and priced a' $ds.cmn: $10,000 cash, balance Si()n ar.d interest per month: 35 miles from Washington. 560 ACRES—$16,000. * About 450 acres in grass or cultivation; 1 mile of concrete road fron’ace: Mo miles from Washington. Good 7-room house and tenant house, large horse barn and stable for steers. Beautiful site for fine home Clear of debt ar.d priced at $16,000: $1 one cash and balance over a period of years VALUATION. $100.000—PRICE $11,000 SK5.000 brick mansion. 15 years old: 1 > rooms. M bath s <,ara heat, electricity and view of miles of splendid countryside: 371 acres in the be^‘ blue "rass section ir Virginia; 55 miles from Washington, ovei hard roads. Price. Sli.ooc: v'm.000 cash balance over a period of year.. 15*: ACRES—«15.000. A small, but very productive farm on s hard mad 55 mPms from W? hincton; 1M mom home, with bath and electricity tenant house and necessary farm buildings in a neighborhood of finp estates. Pricp $15.OOn. $7,500 cash, balance over a perioc of years. (Having owned over I‘2.000 head ol Cattle ourselves, we are well qualified t( help you select your farm.) • MASON HIRST, Annandale. Va.. M the end o{ Columbia Pike. rtoone Alexandria 869-J-l. Closed Sundays A 1 FARMS FOR SALE._ OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES. j Bret tons Bay. 7-room house. 7 baths. : basement, artesian water, electricity, steam • heat (excellent condition): beautiful sand 1 beach: good farm: 04 acres. $171.000. 1 Physician wishing country practice or retired gentleman. S-room house, bath. • steam heat, electricity, peautiful lawn. 1 acre lot: 710 miles Washington, near r prosperous town. $8,000. Wicomico River. high knoll with - gradual slope to river; fine water front; 5 280 acres. $8,000. i 70** years old. 14-room brick house, l excellent tobacco farm: 747 miles Wash ington: 780 acres. $7,000. LELAND . SNIDER. La Plata Md.__ POTOMAC RIVER. 1 05-acre superior water-front tobacco ■ farm. Elevations command marine view' unsmpased on Potomac. Tobacco sales ; have consistently topped Bnlto. market; , 1 ■'•'><» crop brought $4.7400; :ih miles D. C ; sold equipped. For further information, ’ see THEODORE F MENK. Sole Agent. 1.74 70th St. N.W. Potomac 71707-0-5. _ Evenings. Columbia 7 845. _ 173 ACRES—$4,250. Only 14 >2 miles D. C. line, south of Washington, in Prince Georges County, a Mattawoman Valley farm, having both bottom and uplands, suitable stock Riid tooacco farming; 7 houses and 7 barns; buildings need repairs; ;*4 cleared fenced , and CIOs’: tenced into 0 fields; spring-fed streams through all fields, on gravel county road, half cash required THEODORE F MENK. 17 74 20th Si. N.W. Potomac 74707-0-5. _Evenings. Columbia 7 845. • FARMS FOR RENT. MONTGOMERY COUNTY (MD.) —DAIRY farm. 175 acres, part clear, part woodland. Old Georgetown rd. and Grosvenor lane, northeast corner, between Bethesda and Rockville; old house, dairy barn. silo, milk house, pump house, etc.; $745 mo. SHANNON LUCHS CO^ 1505 H St. N.W. National 27445. FARMS WANTED. PRIVATE PARTY WILL * BUY SMALL! : wcll-equ.pped farm, preferably on water. ; near Washington, with small, modern j house; no agents. Box 7482-K, Star. 15* SEASHORE PROPERTY. ! EIXiEWA I ER BEACH MD.. 78 MI. D C.— ! Modern c-rm.. bath cottage: 2 porches; I c u.v . P.m i.; rea-. North Apt. 707. ■ | FOR SALE COBB ISLAND. O-ROOM ! : I c’’ .'gc with large screened-in porch. 1 I front. • ide and rear; splendid loca’ion. } j facing Potomac River. See A. .1 NORRIS. \ realtor. Cobb Island. Md. Washington i ] phone, Columbia twill. WATER FRONT PROPERTY. 1 FOR SALE NEW SUMMER COTTAGES, lo it ion. shady lots; near bathing bnu'h: rorches 3 side.*: payment like rent; ' .specially priced. Inquire at cottage on river front at 11th st. and Beach. Classic Shore. Colonial Beach. Va. FOR RENT BAY RIDGE- MODERN COT i.'-e, a.l conveniences: August 18 to August S8.Y Call Emerson 484 l._ PTNEY POINT -WONDERFUL LOT, 50x 188 directly on Potomac fine salt-water ba'hinw and fishing sacrifice. $400. all ca*h Box 207-H Star EXCHANGE GOOD BUSINESS FORTCLEAR ptopertv. North Beach or vicinity. Box ;:n-Z._Star COTTAGE FOR PENT. MASON BEACH! D'»ale. Md . from August 18 to 30. Call Decat ui 1201 | 'I ROOM" BUNGALOW. FULLY FUR^ ; nnhed. modern bath, eiec . garage: large. ! shadv Ini on West River near Corinthian , i Y eht Club and Camp Kahlert. Sal-3 or , n jeasonable Available Saturday. • GEORGE C HERDER Chalk Point. Md. - Cleveland *.’s8i; or North 2M8. "SCIENTISTS CLIFFS. RESTRICTED" TO j rof< ional furnished cottages, j e-rent: $1 o to $35 weekly. Turn at j ; j- • '■ Republic. Md. 1.8 miles beyond Prince j PI UM POINT BEACH—REST OF MONTH: i p 8 running water and elec.; come . pr -pared to stay. Gregory’s cottage 1 AKE JACKSON HILLS. VA —LOG CABIN: ! y iter and electricity; reasonable. Adams • i CHOICE BEACH LOTS 4-i MINUTES OUT. v... bund o suit. on easy payments. Box 423-K. Stai 15* SACRIFICE BUNG ALOW. EASY TERMS; completely furn.. elec range. Frigidaire. . Wise Qiol-J or Met. 5453._ i $250 DOWN: 83 ACRES WATER FRONT: sandy beach: 4r. miles D. C. line, good : road- high building spot; cedar trees; 50 Lincoln 5976-W. 15* | BAY RIDGE—WATER FRONT COTTAGE? furnished: city conveniences: seven rooms, garage large screened porch; sale at a . bargain or rent for $200 a month smart ing Aug. 29. See PUTMAN, in ad.ioin - tag» D ESTATE! plum POINT. MD.—AT • cottage electric kitchen, modern • n umbing A\a liable August 18th. $30 $110 a month Apply ANDER . SON S this week end or call Cleveland -.’497. BA • FRONT COTTAGE FOR RENT. North Beach Park: elec., running water. ■ - • pvt. beach; ref. req. Call Wise. ■ ! \RGE CLEAN. MODERN WATER FRONT ce-;age a! Sevan Shore*, nicest salt-water ! beach near D C Rent by week or rest , oj season. Reas Line 0870-W. NEY POINT MD.—5-ROOM FUR r .md cn-rnce: water, electricity; screened rnrch; rent >3u week .-eil cheap ciosc e are. Greenwood 2818. NORTH BEACH COTTAGE AVAILABLE i August 21; furnished: water inside. >15 ; week. Potomac 3274,-J. • FEW SMALL TRACTS OF 2" TO 4 ACRES! Patuxent River. St. Mary’s Co.. Md . high land wooded shore* fine harbors; good Box 431 -K Star. I SEASIDE: CHESAPEAKE BEACH—WATER i -onL cottage elec . city water. lavatory, j septic tank, painted and newly furnished: ! eiass-inctosed porch, new sea wall; read'’ ! to move m: price. $2,000; terms S500 i cash and $25 month. H. A SIMON. 1 1th 1 st.. Chesapeake Beach. Phone North! ; F. ■ ich 34._ ! COTTAGE ON CHESAPEAKE-BAYT-COM . p.eteiV turn ; accommodates S; run. water I ua . Avail. August 1B on Atlantic 05h4-W. ; FOR RENT— BEAUSOLEII, COTTAGE MA I sett s Beach Deale. Md.. S12.5-- »k. Avail ! able August Id. Box ll.’.-K Star. * ; WATER FRONT PROPERTY. (Continued.) HERRING BAY--SM ALL CABIN. 8UI1 able 3 or 4; crabbing, fishing; $12 weel electricity and water; 26 mi.; good quit spot. Route 4. right No. 416. left Bristo right Scars Corner. 1 * ml. left on Nutwe road. 3 mi. Cabin City. Deale Md. MF DOYLE. • FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR REN1 North Beach. Md.—All conveniences; ac commodating 6; available August 2:, North 4026. NORTH BEACH—CLEAN. COMFORTABLE ’Ottage. Call Shepherd 1383 Sunday c after 5 during week. 3EDARHURST COTTAGE. ONE BLOC] from Chesapeake Bay—6 rooms, 2 storj lot 50x100 ft.: all-season constructior price $1,500: terms. Ask for Mr. Hurc LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. 15 10 K _St _N.W._NathJ 1 66. BURNISHED COTTAGE. NEAR WAT El ■ font: available August 22; running wa er, electric range. Walnut 7635._ FOR SALE—COTTAGE. 4 RMS . BATE •unning water, elec., completely furn peauiiful site, overlooking water, at re stricted Herald Harbor, party leavn. -tty. will sacrifice. $2o(M). Call Jackso •1 T9 or write Box 82-J. Star. SYLVAN SHORES. ON SOUTH RIVER ! rooms and bath; large screened pore! ■lectric lights^ Greenwood 3240. • r'AIRHAVEN CLIFFS — COMPLETEL’ urnished cottage: 7 large rooms, bath nodern: perfect condition: 35 miles fror iowntown. sacrifice price; terms. Co umbia 8081. _ • >-ROOM FURN. COTTAGE FOR REN liter Aug. 17; bathing in front of house pleasant, quiet surroundings; lovely view unning w^ter and elec. Call OWNEI nornings or evenings. Shep. 2198. 1 ACRES ON WATER FRONT. ON ~GOO ;oad. $450; terms. At Woodland Poin >ee Andrew Norris, agent, at Cobb Islanc THE MARYLAND REALTY. Kent R. Mullikin. Pres. 915 10th St. N.W._National 80Q5, BEVERLY BEACH. On Chesapeake Bay. ____Address Mayo, Md -ARGE LOT FRONTING 100 FEET 6 he water, only $10n. THE MARYLAND REALTY. Kent R. Mullikin. Pres. _015 loth St N.W._ National 8005. THREE-ROOM BUNGALOW In salt water. *.’7 miles from Washington lathing, boarding, fishing, club housi lores, house deliveries of groceries an ce: free school bus; total price of bungalov ncluding two lots. $390, easy terms. Bo <>-K. Star. -ROOM HOUSE WITH ELECTRIC IT' md hot-water heat, bath and shower o list floor. A rooms nn first floor. 3 be corns and larce glass-inclosed sleeoin 'orch with 13* a< res ol land beautifully situ ited on the Potomac. '*>1.5.50: terms. THE MARYLAND REALTY. Kent R. Mullikin. Pres. PI5 10th St N.W. _ National 8005. St. Clement Shores A picturesque, unfinished cottage near the beach with a little stream and a grove of holly trees. 4 rooms, sleeping gallery, lavatory, city water. Occupy it now and complete it later. Price *950.00. *300.00 cash. *20.00 monthly. j A corner cottage directly on the waterfront, lot HO ft wide 4 rooms, toilet, c'tv water The land alone is valued at *1.050.00 but you ran buy land and enrage for *1.150.00. Moderate terms A completely furn ished cottage of 5 rooms and bath, fireplace built for all season use. Screened porch windows and doors, but not on account of mosquitoes, which, incredibly, are almost un known at S* Clement Shores. You w’ll be delighted with house and furnishings. Price *2.000.00. Special Offer of Lots in the Addition *39.50 for a perfect, level lot HOxlOO ft This entitles you to shore privileges and they are worth more than the price of the lots as the boating fishing and crabbing conditions are fully up to the St. Marys County reputation. R Year by year St. Clement Shores 4 gains in popularity. Its high pres 5 sure water system, remarkable fa I cilities for large or small vessels. I fine harbors, variety of beache-s and I 1t* peculiar freedom from mosqui toes together with its great natural hpautv are r few of the reasons The two-hour drive is by a route well known in the history of Amer ica. Rrar* direction*- (Part nt th rout'' is new vart to avoid road work.) Go hy Pa. Ave. S E across Anncnstia River and to top of first hill, turn riaht hy Branch are. to Maryland road No. 5. which follow to T. B bear left, and ao Ifi.J mi to Patuxent. there riaht | ? mi. to HuahesriUe turn left and foiloic No. 5 throuah Meehan icsvHie to the State Ge.raae. where riaht. .3 mi. to St. Clement Shores. Louis P. Shoemaker 1719 K St. N.W. NA. 1166 I CAPE ANNE | j Oniif 27 Miles From Washington Aj THE COOLEST AND SAFEST BEACH S t ON CHESAPEAKE BAY E tf f AS ® APE ANNE is a new, private and highly- restricted p A! community, featuring the finest salt water bathing and BP fishing. Safe harbor for boats. Here the bay is 14 miles p As wide. Cape Anne is tire fastest growing resort near V.’ash- ft TO ington. A record! 25 houses eold, built and many more |f A!I to be built within the next few weeks! If ^ Beautiful lots, 50 feet by 100 feet E? 00 £ a# wide, with large oak trees and « o$ close to the water for only .... W ^ ^ IMPORTANT! We will build you an attrac- £ A> five cottage for only. tA A QQ $ Tv' Modern; sturdily built; has 2 oed- ** M ■ ■■ww tw T$ rooms, living room with brick fireplace, g B £ m d room, kitchen, complete bathroom w _Pfr^ ' Z "ith fbower, 2 large porches with bronze Sm.„ nown £ iy f.t<'cmng, water and electricity. W .-How to Reach Cape i4nn«w^vw^. f *W. 1 Drive out Pn Ave 5. E. to Upper Marlboro, Md„ through | A* | Upper Marlboro to Wells Corner, then turn right to ,• Aft - ■ Drury, then right on concrete road 2 miles to Bristol,,' C (Look lor Cape Anne signs.) P * 'LduislTsHSSiAKER If f 1719 K St. N.W. NAt'l 1169-1170 £ At Established IS76 S* A 9f A! A Ai Bf A! £ I Ai jfiWJU, v—■ «** yj y sgr..-n=dfv ft I A> ' If | Enjoy Summer Pleasure I the Year-Round in Your 1 Own Cottage at ON CHESAPEAKE BAY, 27 MILES FROM WASHINGTON Choice lots, 50 It. frontage. *100 up. Easy terms. Safe beach for children: 300-foot pier. Good fish- ' off, crabbing and boating. Protected shore front; ew bulkhead. Electricity; good roads. Cottages ma - . H and built on your plans. 26 already com plete;! and occupied. A restricted community. To reach: Out Pa. Ave. se., through Upper Marl boro. Turn right at Wells Corner. Continue to j Drury. Turn right on Southern Maryland blvd. i .1 miles to Bristol. Sharp left to Sears' Corner. Right V, mile to Tracey's Corner. Left through Deale to Churchton. Right to Franklin • Manor Beach. See Charles S. Springer, or agents on property daily Franklin Manor Beach Co. 600 F St. N.W. NAt. 18M / WATER FRONT PROPERTY. WATER FRONT—206 ACRES ON CHE8 7 awake Bav. subdivided and about 150 houses. 2 stores and church in community. 1 V Will sacrifice or exchange for improved 4 . property. An opportunity for a developer, i RANDLE A GARVIN. INC., 1_2515 Penna. Ave. S.E._ Line. 7500. COBB ISLAND: FOR A WATER-FRONT location with good fishing, good crabbing. ; Rood bathing and an excellent boat harbor see Cobb Island. Andrew Norris, agent, on * premises. - Route 5 and 3 via Anacostla and La Plata. , ^ THE MARYLAND REALTY. r Kent R. Mullikin. Pres. 615 10th St. N.W._ _ National 8095._ : OLD CEDAR POINT AT MORGANTOWN— ‘ New Colonial cottage, built for year-round ; occupancy; subsiding and subflooring, com- - . pletely insulated: open fireplace and Heat- I olater. electric lights, bath, large screened \ . porches, artesian water, $2,050; terms. < > LARGE LOTS in attractive setting: * public water supply system with artesian J water piped to your lot. $250 up. $20 i - cash and $lo a month. See agent on p premises. Routes 5 and 3 via Anacostia ( and La Plata. > THE MARYLAND REALTY ) s Kent R. Mullikin. Pres. , i 615 10th St. N.W. _ National 8065. j ST. MARYS COUNTY. MD.—90 ACRES. ' - wooded cliff shore front house, two barns. * . young variety orchard, good variety crop \ soil: price. $5,000. 1 r 115 acres (not on water): State highway. I ft. 2 houses. 2 barns; income. 1930, $2,000. I ! Price only $3,000. S 3 acres overlooking Potomac: 6-r. house, . garage, shade; $3,000. * n 200 a : mile Potomac ft.: colonial house. L. barn, etc: grow any crop: sub. opportunity. ; 750 acres, large Potomac front, colonial * brick mansion. 30 other buildings; 4 ten '• ants capable of producing $10,000 annual. Estate must be sold quick. ) 240 acres. 10.000 ft. short front: brick mansion, private oyster rights; good farm well located. Price. $20,000, offer 33 years selling So. Md. real estate. We sell more St. Marys County real estate than all other local agencies combined. GILBERT DENT. _Phone 115. Leonardtown. Md. GLEN ISLE. * ON SOUTH RIVER. Washington's closest salt water beach. 10 miles from Dist. line by Benning rd. and Central avp : lots 50x125. $loo: $5! month. Bungalows for rent and sale ! ; ZANTZINOER CO., 945 K st. n.w. Na- ' tional 9563 COVE POINT BEACH K The modest prices «V»8 to $7(MM asked for a choice lot. In this desirable connnu- i ;r iiity carry no extras. Title is guaranteed i clear. Representative on premises. Met. j AUCTION SALES. _ ru n nr DOUGHERTY AUCTION RALES. INC. I AUCTIONEERS [i I 1 AUCTION SALE ! j | OF 5 AUTOMOBILES I TUESDAY j August 17th, 7:30 P.M. ] 1 AT = 51 Eye St. N.E. I a u 1 4 1 5 • = _PERSONAL LOAN COMPANIES. | Operating Under Uniform i Small Loan Lava | I 1 Mr. Krali says: "Swing: into high in z >our auto." Mr. Kraft will quickly ad- 5 vance the money you need. Just bring = your title or registration card. We offer = our quickest service on auto loans = Our service abo includes signature and ' - furniture loans. I 5 j z [ 5 I 1E MR. KRAFT S PLAN I 556 loan_renav 53 53 = 5HO loan_ repay M.23 z M 5160 loan_repay $7.04 = $150 loan_repay 510.56 s 5200 loan_repay $14.n$ ~ 5250 loan_repay $17.50 i 5300 loan_ repay $21.11 Monthly payments Include all charges s You receive the full amount borrowed. = No deductions. = ..... . m wm \ fcKRAFT LOANS 4 j 3303 R. I AYE. GRrrnwood 2000 = ; MT. RAINIER. MD. : MONEY TO LOAN. ATTENTION. SALARIED PEOPLE’ YOU can borrow to pay all your bills Consoli date your debts and terms made to suit your budeet. Prompt and courteous service. See S. S. FREEDMAN DOG R. I. n.w. P h o n e N o r t h_( )7<>5._ MONEY TO LOAN ON D C REAL ESTATE at lowest Interest rate. Prompt aervioe. JESSE E. HEISKELL. 1115 Eye st. n.w FIRST-TRUST MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. real estate. hrV interest: quick service. P. J WALSHE. INC . _1107 Eye_St._N.W.__National 6468._ ATTENTION HOME OWNERS—PLENTY of money available for second trust on D. C . Maryland and Virginia property. Low est rates, courteous and prompt, service. Terms to meet your budeet and Income. See S. S. FREEDMAN. DOfi R. I. n.w. Phone North 0705. MONEY WANTED. I WILL GIVE AND commission for I 5950: first, trust on $4.2(10; investment. ’Box 359-K. Star. • l $4,000 AT (V, SECURED BY THE~FIRST i deed of trust on so lots 50x100 near D. C. line in Maryland. Box 239-J Star. TRAILER CAMP. TRAILER CAMP. Blandy s modern 7-acre trailer camp only G miles north of Washington on U. S. 240 or Wisconsin ave. Electric connec tions. running water laundry sinks and shade trees at each trailer parking site. Hot and cold showers. 24-hour service. A delightfully cool, quiet, homelike camp. TRAILERS FOR SALE. TRAILERS—Low as $275 complete. Bring us your problem, regardless of what you can pay dowm Dixie Trailers. Bertsville, Md. Across railroad tracks._15* TRAILER, split coach; sleeps 4; elec., lavatory, refrigerator; sale. $300; or rent. $20 mo._Col. 7000___ “TRAILER, home made. $200. 223 Up shur_st. n.w._ SENSATIONAL trailer homes, sleeps four. $205; save rent, earn money: sell Glider Trailers; catalog free, distributors wanted. Factory. 1824 W, Klnzle. Chicago. 111. ♦ LUGGAGE TRAILERS, boat “and horse trailers: ball hitch: completed, fitted to your, car: reasonable. Greenwood 1029-J.* AUTO CRUISER TRAILERS. 50 Down—$50 Month. 1350 Conn Ave_Potomac 4337. HAYES ALL-STEEL. See your trailer in its natural environ ment at the Spnngbank Trailer Camp. ll2 miles below Alexandria, opposite the Penn Daw Hotel. PRINTCRAFT GARAGE. 924 H Distributor. >_Met. ^1021. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ l TRAILERS t i ! ♦ SALE OR RENT ♦ ♦ Largest display in city. Liberal } T allowance on your old trailer, con- w Y venient monthly terms. ♦ Y Quaker I-Passenger $525 ♦ ♦ Hayes. “Cruiser” Model_665 + ♦ Aladdin. “Mayflower” _ 700 ▲ + American. With Brakes ___ 800 T A Hayes. De Luxe “Crusader” 1.095 Y 4 Prices complete attached to your ▼ Z car. ♦ f Rental by week, month or longer ♦ ♦ at reasonable prices. + ♦ Used trailers from $200 to $600 ▲ + Baggage trailer for sale or rent. ▲ + Also trailer awnings and eauipment. J t SPECIAL ATTRACTION ♦ ♦ Zimair Trailer of Western design, * 4 built in Los Angeles. California. The I 4 favorite trailer among the movie T A stars on display for the inspection T J of the public. J t American Trailer Co., Inc. ♦ 4 4511 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. X 4 clev. seat, orw mi ia r.u. 4 ■ ^ _AUTOMOBILE LOANS. ANNOUNCING fEW AUTO LOAN PLAN. Now you can borrow $25 to $800 In J5 minutes on any car, 1929 to 1937, whether paid for or not. You dc rot have to get indorsers You are not embarrassed by an investi gation. AUTOMOBILE FINANCE COMPANY, 4th & Que N.W.—15th & H N.E. 3068 M Street (Georgetown). AUTOTRUCKS FORSALE. >ODGE ’35 dual stake. $425; Chav. '30 anel delivery, hydraulic brakes. $445; ’hev. ’35 dual 157" chassis and cab. $435; hev. ’30 stake. $05. Addison Chevrolet. 437 Irving st. n.w._ Adams 54 1 1._ >odge 1934 panel truck; a real beauty; riced extremely low at $290; terms. hyena Motor Co.. 6323 Ga. ave. [• M. C. 1931 *4-ton panel truck; good me hanical condition and appearance excel ;nt rubber; priced right for quick sale. fcLaughlin’s. 3103 R. I. ave. n e NTERNATTONAL ^4-ton truck, driven only MMio miles: going out of business reason Dr selling. Call Laurelj;-F-23 936 G. M. C. T-16 stake; V8 $6 >0 Fere's an exceptional value ready to go; 319. 30 M st. n.e. Met. 6505. Dealer 934 DODGE KCL panel. $219. 30 [ st. n.e. Met. 0505. Dealer. SAVE TIME! TRUST TREW FOR USED ' RUCKS TREW MDTOR CO. Wholesalers and Retailers | 1526 14th St. N.W. 14th and Penn. Ave. S.E. Phone DEcatur 1910 IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIHIilll)^ RECONDITIONED I TRUCKS | Money-Back Caarantee 1937 Ford Pick-up, "60" h.p. | 1935 Ford Pick-up. 1934 Ford Sedon Delivery ~ 1935 Ford Station Wogon 5 1936 Ford 157" Stake = 1936 Ford 157" Cab and Chassis B 1936 Chevrolet Dump B 1936 Ford Dump. 1937 Ford 4-cyl. Dump, B REASONABLE TERMS | Warfield Motor Go. | Sales Service B 2525 Sherman Ave. I N.W. I AD. 8000 B Closed Sun.; Open Eves. ilHmHlHHlIIIHiatUllUlllllHlllimmiHUllimmwnl iiiiiiiuiiffnflmmnnniiitiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimifnminniiiu: 1937 FORD I TRUCKS | 1—Pick Up 131" CAB Cr CHASSIS 157" CAB Cr CHASSIS Less Than 500 Miles 1 FULL GUARANTEE ( See Mr. Sullivan B LOGAN ( Soles (Service B INI 18th St. N.W. 1 Di. 5800 Open Evenings 2 iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii:!i!:iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiini,T= &g fp> §* Washington’s Finest d 1 trucks I gp Every truck advertised—pan |jf els, vans, stakes, cab and g* chassis, pick-ups, sedan de W. liveries—has been thoroughly |£. reconditioned, mechanically, < W& all have excellent or new tires, K new finishes or paint to suit ] customer and are ready to ; * work. Anv reasonable offer \ puts one in your employ on ; the easlr-t of terms. They are ; *-• “Blue Ribbon" guaranteed ears, most with 30-dav. no- i ® cost service, Closed Sundays. C On display beginning Monday "af morning and every night. ■'* ■, IQT Ford Sedan Delivery. *. 01 Black finish. Practically new. | ’ * IQC Ford Sedan Delivery. OO Red finish; perfectly [0- tuned. & IQC Ford V-8 157-ln. Chas- Igi >% »" sis and Cab and stake body. Price cut. a|: IQC Ford ’.-Ton Pick-up. fl; R Ow Black finish. An op- .V i#; portunlty. w-j i IQJ Dodge ’.-Ton Panel. ’t 1 ***• Sturdy, economical. ! m 194 Ford V-8 157-ln. lnsu- JL j **"• lated panel. New motor. j IQJ Ford V-8 157-ln. Stake. ‘j X '*** Closed cab. oversized tires. Perfect. IQJ Ford Hydraulic Dump. * **** Ready for work. IQJ Ford ’.-Ton Panel. ! *»•# s p 1 e n d Id condition. ! Give-away price. j | IQ I Witt-Will 2',-Ton Ex O I press body. Dependable. j IQ I Ford Cab and Chassis. . ’ j s “ ■ Reconditioned. All set. ! j IQ I Ford Hydraulic Dump. $ J V ■ New motor. A real j value. y| IQA G. M. C. l’i-Ton Panel, f ] •• Perfect condition: ready f§ j for your Inspection. *4 IQA Ford l'i-Ton Panel. |p Bargain. Ready for work. 5 IQA Ford Dump Truck—3 to S' 1 select from. All have . rebuilt motors. i 1 IQQ Chev. ’.-Ton Panel, ffl ~ Excellent. Will give | long service. IQA Chev. 1-Ton Express. g A dependable worker. * TRIANGLE Truth Ditplay AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. (Continued.) 1 !)35 FORD SEDA NETT E. $2»8! 30 M st.^n.c._Met. 0505. Dealer._ FORD model T panel delivery; metal body; 5 tires like new; starter, etc.; new' battery; *45._North (1480._ _ FORD V-K, i 034: trunk and body ; ] 57-ln" chassis; dual wheels; bargain. Owner, 5700 Georgia ave.,__Apt. 2. 103H FORD—157-ln. wheel base; stake body; helper springs, dual wheels: .T.’xO Id-Ply tires; extra gas tanks; perfect cond. *050; will finance: consider trading for acreage conv. to Washington. T. Miller, Pist. 5280—Monday a.m. GARAGES FOR RENT. REAR 1316 L N.W . IN BUICK ALLEY: suitable general repair business; S40 mo. National. 41 OH. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. FORD Tudor or coupe 1034 to 1036: cash or terms; must be reasonable. Clarendon WANTED- i mo used cars, under *1 if you have more than one car mail particulars. Garage, rear 38 N. Y. a\e. n.w. _ • CriSH FOR YOUR CAR^—Highest prices paid. Superior Motor Cars Inc., 132(J 14th st. n.w. De 1300. CASH IN 5 MINUTES! If car is paid for will give you full cash price. Or if not paid for will pay off balance and give you cash difference. DEcatur 2390 SEE MR. BARNES, 1729 14th ST. i . ~ ' ' ■ ■ SELL US YOUR OLD CAR We Pay s5 to s5© For old cars regardless of condition. We buy them by weight. Drive in on our scales. If car is not in run ning order our crane will call for same. Washington’s largest auto wreckers. Glasser’s 2nd & Florida Ave. N.E. Dish 3670 _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._ AUBURN 1937 sport coupe. mod»l 8-] 00: new finish: very clean: reconditioned and guaranteed; S-pift. Warfield Motor Co. Sherman ave. n w . Adams sOnn. AUBURN ! 937 .-edan: 4 practically new ' "r'1, unhol'-tery spotless: original black ! pe nt like • pi* : rpy perfee’ mechanlcallv e\ery respec'; radio. recriflee. M4o. or. best ofirr can be seen afte- J 7 pm j Sunday._ 7 3 s. a Gresham pi n.w. owner • j BUICK 1934 3-door: trunk rac--. six ; wheeiK look a? the best-looking ear ! tn r- price class in the city of Wash-I invton. This car formerly owned bv ; not° 1 magnate Co ’ him *1 70n; now a* I oriv 849,'. A -P. C. guarantee Arcade Pontiac Co 1419 Irvin? • nw or large lo* at B:adensbu“g rd. a: New York a\e. n p. Lincoln 8577. BUICK 1931 sedan: privately owned; $150. C P Kane. 3immi Conn^avp. Dec 3000. BUICK 1 four-door touring. model R] sedan: bui’r-m trunk low mileage 88°.v guaranteed; terms. See Mr. Barnes IT”9 14th sL_ BUICK sedan. 1937 good condition 39 Sumner court n w.. National 5891 BUICK 193 1 sport coupe rumble sea* nrw rar finish, clean and exceptionally fine run ning condition. 8335 Warfie’ri Motor Co. Snerman ave n w Adams 8000. BUICK 19::» sedan. A-l cond new bat *ery and tires priv. party. 895. Phore Walnut 2092. BUICK 1931 sport coupe lady owner: fin* sma.. car, well kept throughout. Columbia 1 CADILLAC 193u brougham, trunk” we pare tire*. radio sold for bill >11111 Ap ply Monday. Un.on Garage, rear 371 ::rd 1 • • I CHEVROLET™ 11'.V.S st d~roWcti.” rariio. a! - j trace ve tan metallic fimsli. cream wire! whfp;* good tires ar.d it performs per- i fer-iv. a sp>ndid car and at onlv S315 , ■ • * a real b&rcain. Pohanka Service j 1 1 7<ith s:_nw_District 9141 CHEVROLET 1937 town sedan; driven only 4 ooo mile*, jus: like new throuch o it. S3;5 Pohanka Service, 1123 20th . * nw District 9141 CHEVROLET 1933 master coach, the black finish hasn t a mark, spotless inline cream wire wheels ft tire* are like new. vo'U won t find a nicer one in town. «47 5 Pohanka Service. 1130 20th st. nw D st rlct 9141 CHEVROLET 1937 sport coupe rumble sear new paint good tires A-l mechanical coiiditioi. Mo,. >17 down baiance easv. Willvs Washington Co.. Inc.. 1325 I4tn s t n w CHEVROLET 1930 master town sedanT looKs like new good rubber, mechanically perlect. for Quick sale S451; vour ear in trade Willy* Washington Co. Inc . 133.-. ] 4th st. n w CHEVROLET . -doer sedan 1933 “original,: finish like new; low* mileage: $7 5 under price, your car in trade, balance Jo smi. S4.->!». Manaell Chevrolet. 13,th and Good Hope rd. s r Service that satisfies. CHEVROLET de luxe spor* sedan. 1935; original black finish like new: iow mileage; vour car m trade baiance to suit- 875 I under price. *415. Mandell Chevrolet. 13th and Good Hope rd. s.e. Service that satisfies. 1 CHEVROLET coach. 1934. original black ; finish like new low mileage- excellent con dition throughout M»n under price; car No 3. Iii-A t f rins to sun *7v5. Mandell Chev rolet. 13th and Good Hope rd. s.e. Service | that satisfies. CHEVROLET coach, 1932; unusually clean type, excellent condition throughout: ask [ for cav No. 4 72: S5n under price; terms to I suit: 81 s'). Marvell Chevrolet. 13th and i Good Hope rd s e. Service that satisfies. CHEVROLET 1938 master sedan; radio, black finish Is like new. spotless Inside, fine tires performs like a new car: you1* inspection will convince you of the original owner's fine care $495. Pohar.ka Service. 1128 29th st. nw Di'-fri'-t 9141. CHEVROLET J 934 master sedan original brown finish, fine tires, clean inside and it runs perfectly spp this ore and com pare our price of only $27 5. Pohanka Ser\;ce. 1128 28th st. n.w. District 914 1. CHEVROLET 1.935 standard sedan: a real beauty: finish has been Simonized and looks almost new: fine motor: spotless in terior. all good tires: Honestlv Priced at onlv 8379: liberal G M. A C terms ar ranged. Owens Motor Co.. 8323 Ga. rvp. CHEV. 1935 master four-door trunk se dan: actually like new. only 12.909 miles: as good a^ new and new-car guarantee: meet the man who formerly owned this car you won t hestiate to buy v a* only 8495. Areade-Pontiac Co., direct factory dealer 14 19 Irvine st. n.w.. Adams n.575. or large lo* at Bladensburg rd., at New York ave n.e. Lincoln 8522. CHEVROLET 19.34 master de luxe 4-door sedan, heater privately owned: excel, conti.: *335. 1721 Kalorama rd. Col. 91 17. CHEVROLET 1935 sedan, black Fisher body with no-draft ventilation, clean mohair upholstery; smooth economical mmor: all excellent rubber; priced low. with small down payment and easy terms, including our famous Blue Ribbon guar antee and 3n days’ no-cost service. Triangle | Ford Dealers. No. 2 N. Y. ave. n.w. Nat ional .3982. _ CHEVROLET 19.38 master touring sedan with trunk; low mileage: almost like new car: 8559. 1938 Chevrolet master 4-door sedan. 8550 1935 master coupe. 8425. 1935 master town sedan. 8425. 1933 Chevrolet master sedan. $294. See Mr. Barnes 1729 14th st. n.w. Decatur 2399. CHEVROLET 1938 master coupe Nowhere in Washington, Maryland or Virginia can you equal this fine car a: our Honest Price of $485. Finish almost like new: perfect motor spotless interior, five fine tires; knee-action wheels. Fisher no-draft ventila tion. Liberal G. M. A. C. terms. Owens Motor Co. 8323 Ga. ave CHEVROLET 19.31 sport sedan’- Here~ls a car you will be proud to own and drive: A-l throughout. Do not purchase any car until you see this beauty. Honestly Priced at- $190. Liberal General Motors terms. Ownes Motor Co.. 6.323 Ga. ave. _ CHEVROLET 1931 sport coupe; excellent finish, very good rubber. O. K. mechan ically and clean interior; very sporty car that's priced low' at $169. Parkway Mo tor Co.. 3948 M st. n.w. West oiki. CHEVROLET 1934 coupe: one of the best; special today. $297: terms. Howard & Kearney. 42<>1 Conn. ave. Open today^* CHEVROLET 1935 standard coach: heater, original black finish, excell. cond. through out; $308. Deal directly with owner. In quire at Seitz Store^_Oxon Hill. Md._ CHEVROLET 1934 2-door sedan: stands head and shoulders above any car in its class; newly refinished in deep rich black with attractive cream wheels; tailored seat covers: tires that will give you many thou sand miles of safe driving; take a look at this trim little car today, you'll agree that it is a bargain: $295; $5 down, balance easy. Steuart Motors. 8th st. and New York ave. n.w. Natl. 3009. Open evenings. CHEVROLET 1931 coupe: good condition: line tires, low mileage; $130 cash. Phone Shepherd 2808-J. Call Monday. CHEVROLET 19.33 2-door master de luxe sedan, new paint, new tires, clean uphol stery: $285, $5 down, balance $19 per month. No cosigners. Logan (Ford), 18th and M sts. n.w._ CHEVROLET 19.32 Victoria; a real buy at $199; $5 down, balance $13.37 per month. No indorsers. Logan (Ford), 18th and M sts. n.w.___ CHEVROLET 1936 master town sedan; perfect condition: has many extras, in , eluding radio; take small ear In trade; terms; no dealers. Potomae 5875-J. A AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. (Continued ) CHRY8LER coupe, late 1935. excellent condition; driven by lady; best ol care sacriflcei_$4H5. Georgia 192?._ CHRYSLER 1929 4-cLoor sedan In good running order; give-away price. $35; must Mil, Emerson 8487. CHRYSLER "0 ’ J 936 de luxe 4-door tour ing sedan, mercury metallic finish with green wheels (overdrive), all dual equip ment; beautiful upholstery, good tiies and a splendid motor. $695; buv on our fa mous easy payment plan. Coast-Irt. Inc.. 6th and Fia. ave. n.e. (open until JO). Atlantic 7200. _ CHRYSLER 1933 Royal 8 custom sedan, like new and in very fine condition, will sacrifice for $255. 1650 K n.e.. Api. 1. _ • DE SOTO 1937 sedan; 4 months old: less than 3000 miles; my own car and driven by no one else; mue-t sell to person offering best de~l today, can finance and will con sider small car in trade; can be spen at Hawley's Service Station, corner N. Y. and Fin. ave®. n e. DE SOTO 3037 de luxe sport, coupe; with radio; used 3000 miles: best bargain. $699. saving $355. 4221 Conn. Cleveland 8401._Dealer.__ DE SOTC 1035 Airflow 4-door sedan; radio and hearer; like new in evoy way: on sale today at $595: any make car In tradp: no down payment if desired. Lo gan 'Ford). 18th and M sts. n.w._ DE SOTO '37 6-pass. 4-dr. sedan: driven 3 980 miles; $50 down Open today. How ard & Kearney. 4201 Conn. ave. • DE SOTO ’37 convertible special; maroon upholstered to match $50 down Howard A: Kearney. 4201 Conn. ave. today (4.210 miles)._* DE SOTO 19.37 fordor touring sedan, sky tint blue, de luxe equipment, custom radio: $3,800 miles: car perfect: will take small trade must sell at once, due to private affair.* Phone Lincoln 6702-J DODGE 1934 4-door de luxe sedan: $347; new paint, new seat covers good rub ber; guaranteed mechanically perfect; your terms are our terms Willys Wash ington _Co . Inc 1625 14th st nw DODGE 11*33 coach; original black finish, custom seat covers, perfect tire*<. heater smooth, quiet motor: a real value at only $'.’95. Pohanka Service. 112*; 20th st. n.w District 914!. DODGE 192* sedan good running order, good tire' *50 cash. 733 No. Abingdon st Arlington._Wal. 2165-M DODGE 1 -t-door touring sedan: black* Duco. tires, battery, motor and every-: thing about f perfect: A -P C. guarantee: a rare bargain at *595. Arcade-Por.t :ac i Co. 1415* Irving st nw Adams 0575 J or large lot at Bladensburc id at New York ave n e Lincoln 8522 DODGE late 1930 trunk coach, low mile- ; a'je; perfect Throughout: have to ■ ee to appreciate Owner Cleveland 3903. • DODGE 1 930 4-door de luxe touring sedan: built-in trunk: low mileage, ifew-car cond tion everv way. *595 terms. See Mr. Barne* . 1729 J *4:h st n w. Deca* ir 2390 DODGE ’33 4-dr. sedan: one of the best: it’s smooth and powerful $327. Howard A Kearney 42*H Conn. ave. Open today • DODGE J 933 de luxe coupe, an exception ally fine car a: a bargain price; beautiful Pray finish •seat covers, all dual equipment good tires, plus tha* famous Dodge economv motor, performance is perfect just drop in and try i* out; *295: can be bough* for a> little a« $5 down Coast-In Inc. 6tn and Fia avp. n.e. Open till 10 pm. Atlan tic 7 2 no. _ DODGE 1933 D P coach 2nd series; original finish: 26 ooo miles: $28.5. 1920 Kearney s' ne. Nor*:; 365*-R_ ESSEX-TERHAPLANE sedan. original paint, excellent condition Mres prac tically new; upholstery clean: car per fect mechanically sacrifice *05 or best nffer 14 T st. n.e., Decatur 6323. Mrs. Herring _ • ESSEX 1931 coupe, excell^n' conn.' *75 1733 20th st. n w\. Apt. 2. North 5898. • ESSEX 1929 sedan $25 sold for bill Ap ply Monday. Union Garage, -car 2 23 3rd I M. n.w ESSEX coach. 1932. $95.00 5 new tire 1 cood motor leaving toun: Mondav only. ! Bernard Numkm. 930 Emerson s;. n v... . Air 111 •_ I FORD 1930 Tudor sedan black baked ' enamel finish, clean Bedford cord interior. ■ splendid V-> motor. 3 fine tires priced low, with small down payment or your ; old car easy terms including our famous ; Blue Ribbon guarantee and 30 days' no- ! cost service Triangle Ford Dealers. 3 j convenient locations. No. 2 N. Y ave. n w . 4th and F’.a a\e. n.e and 17th and R l ave. n.e. National 3982 FORD 1935 rudor sedan, in green, factory finish like new custom radio, upholstery clean and unworn, smooth, efficient motor: excellent tire', priced low. with small down payment and easy terms, including our famous Blue Riboon guarantee and 30 I days’ no-cost service. Triangle Ford Deal er' 17th end R I. ave n.e Natl 3986. FORD 1930 Tudor sedan; rubber excep tionally good, paint like new extra ac cessories mechanically perlpct: guaran teed >419. your car in trade. Will's 1 Washington Co.. Inc.. 1625 14th s* n.w FORD 1933 Tudor sedan: new paint, j good rubber $197 *2 7 down balance easy: see this and you'll buy it. Will's Washington Co . Inc . 1625 J4th st ;.w. j FORD Tudor de luxe sedan. 1934 excel lent condition throughout; car No 646: $7 5 under price terms to suit: *245 Man del! Chevrolet. 13th and Good Hope rd s e. Service thatsatisfies FORD 1936 de luxe Tudor sedan.-, choice of I. both are low-mileage cars and ap pear new new-car mechanical condition, ali dual equipment, custom radios, excei leir '.res tradp your 1931 Ford Chevrolet or Plymouth as down pa'in^n’ easv term-, including our famous B»ue Ribbon guar antee and 30 days’ no-cost service Triangle Ford Dealers. No 2 N Y. ave. n.w. and 4th and Fla, ave. n.e. Natl. 3982. FORD 1935 de luxe Tudor: excellent con dition 27.000 mile', operated by one private owner since purchased new. a good buy. Cali Shepherd 4211-J for ap pointment _ 15* FCRD 1937 “85" de luxe Fordor sedan; trunx. cost $80n new: only 6.000 miles. $550 Dealer. _Co_lumbia 6186-M. FORD 1936 de luxe Tudor touring sedan": built-in trunk. low mileage, carefully drive:. $395 Columbia 2075. Dealer _ FORD 1936 Tudor, the black finish ha'n’* a scratch spotless inside fine tires and it performs like a new car Has had un usually fine care bv original owner. 5245 Pohanka Service. 1126 2oth s:. n.w. Dis trict 9141. FORD 1035 de luxe Fordor touring sedan: radio, in splendid mechanical condition: good appearance price reas. McLaugh lin's 3103 R. I. ave. r. e. I FORD 19.36 de luxe coupe, m excel, con dition. low mileage one owner. Appiy Highway Fruit Stand. So Wash . Ya. FORD 1936 de luxe Tudor sedan radio, heater, used 11.0'Mi miles by Congressional Library official: best value 5399. 4221 Conn. __ Cleveland 8401. Dealer. FORD 1936 de luxe phaeton. 5-passenger, open car; Army-Navy Club member owner since new: most unusual bargain. *499. 4221 Conn._Cleveland 840]. Dealer. FORD 1936 de luxe convertible coupe; black with white tires: best value. $499. 4221 Conn. ^Cleveland $40 iDealer. FORD 1.937 de luxe Fordor sedan, with radio. Carefully driven by company official less Than 3.506; new-car guarantee; *200 ofT new-car price Edmonds Motors Clar endon. Va. Open evenings. Phone Wal nut 7400. __ FORD 1935 Tudor touring sedan, with built-in trunk, very clean tan finish and mohair upholstery, all dual equipment, splendid V-8 motor. 5 very good tires, trade your 1931 Ford. Chevrolet or Plymouth as, down payment: easy terms, including our; famous Blue Ribbon guarantee and 30 J clays' no-cost service Triangle Ford Dealers No 2 N Y. ave n.w. Natl 3982. FORD 1935 coupe, blue finish, with white stripe and wire wheels, spotlessly clean and exceptionally sound throughout, ail ex- ! cellent tires: priced low. with small down payment and easy terms, including our famous Blue Ribbon guarantee and 30 days' no-cost service. Triangle Ford Deal ers. 4th and Fla ave^n.e. National 3985. FORD 1936 Fordor touring sedan, with built-in trunk: has twin horns, tail-lamps and windshield wipers, sand color finish: clean as new inside and out. faultless me chanically. nearly new tires, priced low. with small down payment and easy terms, including our famous Blue Ribbon guar antee and 30 days’ no-cost service. Triangle Ford Dealers. 4th and Florida ave n.e. National 3985. FOR-D model A late J930 Fordor sedan; good condition throughout; cheap transpor- : tarion; $105. Owner._Met. 6465. * | FORD 1934 de luxe 4-door sedan, excellent condition: built-in radio, must sell. $225. Owner. 1707 G st. n.e. • FORD J 936 coupe, gun-metal finish; ex cellent and powerful, economical V-8 mo tor; tires and interior excellent: new-car appearance in every way; 30-day guar antee. Parkway Motor Co., 3040 M st. n.w. West 01 si. i LOOK! 1 ♦ HOW ARE THESE FOR J \ REAL BARGAINS ♦ ♦ AT YOUR TERMS J p '35 Ford Todor .$329 ♦ ♦ ’35 Ford Rumblo Soot p 7 Coupo . 339 4 4 ’34 Chryslor Rumblo « j 4 Soot Coupo. 395 T j ’32 Chov. Con. Coupo.. 189 4 p ’34 Ford Tudor DoLuxo 279 ♦ 4 '34 Ply DoLuxo Sudan. 349 p j SOUTHEAST l ♦ MOTOR SALES i t p ♦ 2324 Pouna. Avo. S.E. p AT. 7070 ♦ o AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORD 133b Fordor sedan, with radio; <ept In Wardman Park garage since new driven by most careful driver, outstanding value. $333. 4221 Conn. Clev. 8401. Dealer. FORD 133M Tudor beautiful black, low mileage, spotless interior; truly a fine car for only $443; 30-day written guar antee. Parkway Motor Co 3040 M st. n.w West 01 mi. FORD 1335 Tudor, paint, tires, motor and general condition far above the average; low in price at $333- 30-day guarantee. Parkway Motor Co. 3040 M st. n w FORD J334 Tudor sedan; excellent finish! 5 very good tires. O. K. motor and spotless interior; will give many thousands of miles or carefree transportation. $273; '*!!*?*. * guarantee. Parkway Motor Co.. 3040 M St n w FORD 13.31 Cabriolet; very clean car That's O K. mechanically and in appearance, excellent rubber and top: *105. Parkway Motor Co.. 3040 M st. n.w. Wes? 0181. FORD 1330 Fordor trunk edan; looks and runs like new car. beautiful original finish like new. spotless interior, quiet powerful motor good tires. Honestly Priced at M75. Liberal General Morc-s term'. Owens Mo tor Co r,a. avr. FORD 1334 coupe original grern~finish motor in fine condition, good rubber fo Lmc^ *5‘u4o y:i* cash- no d°a!ers- Phone FORD 1334 coupe de luxe. biack~flnish; beautifully trimmed. Sunday special >247 Howard A: Kearney 42"1 Conn ave • FORD 1335 Tudor sedan good mechanical condition, tires and paint good: *353 can be financed. Call Emerson 311m ir>* FORD 1337 Tudor sedan black HO-horse power motor actually driven only 5 non miles _ on sale at *5H3. Warfield Motor Co . 2o2.> Sherman ave. n w . Adams 8000. FORD '35 convertible coupes and sedans: large selec’ion. Open today. Howard tz Kearney. 42uj Conn ave • FORD '23 coupe carefully used splendid condition: $M7. Howa*d A- Kearney. 4'.'ul Conn. ave._Open today * FORD 1330 de lu^e Fordor. trunk sp 11s new for $820: our price today. *515. Driven only 10.000 miles Any down pav-men* or no down payment. Money-back guai«.' tee. Logan 'Ford', isrh arid M sts n.wT FORD Jf*33 de luxe coupe Fordor ~ar.d Tudor. AI! clean *2 13 each. *4 dov balance $ 1 7 month. No co-signrrr, Lo gan's <Ford • 18th ard M sts n.w.’ ford 1334 coupe clean as new. o- v *'.'33 $* down balance *21 ppr mot.’ .. Locan (Fnrd*. 21st and Va ave. nw FORD model A coach. :n fine condit rn, Georgia •foil FORD J 335 Tudor bought new fine c ; . dr ion: good buy. *2m5. Rear J 233 J n st n.w FORD 1 !•:•*; Tudor 'blue-: verv low rr ape. a re;>l buy at $443 Mosi am will make down payment or we will e with no down payment. Locan «F J 18th and ?vf st* n.w-. ford 1332 convertible coipe n^w top and radio $225 *5 down baianer * u month Locan 'Ford). jvrn and m . r. n FORD 1335 rout® Tudo*- and 1-door ? I In perfect condition: mor.ey-bark guar antee: onlv * M3 each' **'» do-cp hala"c*. $21 month. Login <Forc . 18tl - - m 6 t r a FORD 1334 Tudor radio and heater a real buy: only *-'33 «'* down balan^0. $21 month. Logan (Ford-. 21st and Va. ave n w FORD 1334 Tudor l-doOl l a’1 de luxe 4-door and Tudor have ra^-o. *233 each *3 dowr bal-'rtep rr.oruh No indorsers. Locar. <Ford». 18th a^d M efs. n w fopd i 932 convertible coupe nev tor «100 off no down pnvmeru 1? d® Loean 'Ford* 18?.h and M sts n w FORD 133 R Tudor sedan buil’-:n trur.>; new-ear guarantee; sacrifice* $305. Clev. 8823._Dealer ford 1035 Fordoi dai r gooc $160 finance Included $ down $5 weekly Bet. ]0 and 12 am 22.’' S’. Apt. H>2 • ford lK 38 1 c exceptionally low. 5 (mui mileage. Adams !508 FORD 1035 Tudor de lu e tru k automobile f:*.r- every sii gle way; - a:id paint- v.*fr, ATlf>r.T;c 7237 _ FRANKLIN V-12 13 4-door *edat. equipped with dual r no. »hls powerful at tomobile develops 150-horsepower ti ■ ■.. c wheel air cooled airplane-type motor, ■-,jpfrcha,’2®d: beautiful Brewster pr®®:;. • -. v. : - $ld9 mount wi*h metal cover', fir.® quality up holstery and appoint men * t over 83 o(M) new. will be sold row a* p bargain. "••'U'>: drive it yourself and be convinced: con venter.’ terms Norri' Inc F- idebaker dealers 2"i> 14th st. n.w. Open etenings. North .* 1343._ GRAHAM 1332 4-door sedan beautiful new dark blue finish, cream wheels and stripe mohair upholstery, a sweet run n ns car if there ever was on® drop m today and drive this exceptionally clean car yourself you’ll acree that i* s per fect ar.d a bareatr. ‘*•17.*) on!v v> down, balance easy also 1332 Graham 4-door sedan, metallic era- finish for only $150. C H. J RECKER. INC . Graham Distrib utors. 2115 M st. n.w. <op®.. evenings). DR-rir’ 5787. graham 1333 8-cylindw cabriolet years ahead in beauty and style, this perf®c auromobilp will outelas later ffiod els: truly a sporty car: 6 wire wheels, side mount, new top leather upholstery, rumble seat, trunk rack, rid® control a rich black finish and a motor that is ready for any test only 8 550 ai d a bargain terms as low as month]'- r jj. j BECKER. INC Graham distributor* 2115 M st. nw Open evening' Dic?:ict 57*7 GRAHAM 13.34 4-door sedan is car was years ahead in design *o will compare favorably with m later mode beau tiful new dark blue finish upholstery spotless, tires excellent. dr:\e this bar can ■ just once and learn why owners are so enthusiastic; only 8453 full price, a value that you can’t afford to mi*s C H J BFCKFP INC 2115 M st., Gra ham distributors. District 5787. Op*n evenings. _ 1936—Dodge 4-door Trunk Sedan, S619.00. 1936 Dodge 2-door Trunk Sedan, S589.00. 1936 Dodge 4-door Sedan, $589.00. Select one of these three 1936 Dodges for your motor ing needs. You can be sure you are getting all that can be had in satisfactory trans portation. These cars are in the best condition—finish and interiors like new! They must be in the best mechan ical condition because they are guaranteed by TREW. Liberal trade—easy terms. Remember, No Trew Value Used Car is a reconditioned taxicab or rental car. Select the dealer—then the car. You can “Trust Trew.” THE TREW MOTOR CO., 1526 14th St. N.W. 1 CLEARANCE I | SALE | = Cash Monthly H | '36 Packard Sedan $200 $40.55 | £ '36 Lafayette Sedan $100 $25.03 H | '35 Ford Tudor .... $50 $22.13 1 E '33 Auburn Sedan. $40 $1938 £ E '32 Essex Sedan_$25 $12.00 = E '31 Essex Coach-$25 $ 10.84 £ Trade Your Car | I WARRINGTON I I MOTOR CO. 1 I 203517th St. N.W. ( friimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiniiiiHi1^ '36 CHEVROLET MASTER 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN ) ffdQC In splendid shape ^ mecnanicallv. Has Pad particularly fine care and the encinfe is powerful, easily accel- < erated. very economical on sas and oil. t’pholstery is spotless. Tires like new. F.very one know* the value of a «ood car in this model and here is a real bar gain. See it. drive it, own It. SUPERIORS 1320 14th St. N.W. DECATUR 1300 (Continued on Ifext i