OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 15, 1937, Image 71

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1937-08-15/ed-1/seq-71/

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GRAHAM 1P33 sedan. 8150 cash, good
tires and paint private owner 3316 Mt.
Pleasant st n.w Adams 4334. _
HUPMOBILE 19.36 cnmip; black finish ra
dio excellent condition. 8645. Warfield
Motor Co.. 2525 Sherman ave. n.w.. Adams
LA SALLE 1035 de luxe touring sedan;
built-in trunk mechanically and appear
ance excellent: <575: terms. See Mr.
Barnes. 1729_14Ui st. n w. Decatur 2390
LA SAII F 1936 *>-paas to.n coupe; per
fect black paint excellent tires; you will
find this car had unusual care: 8705.
C C C guarantee. Capitol Cadillac Co
1222 22nd st. n.w. National 3300. Open
evenings closed Sunday.
IiA SALLE 1936 convertible coupe beauti
ful lieht hrnwn paint. 6 disc wheels, brown
leather upholstery clean BurbRivk top ex
cellent Ures. you will find this a very clean
car <845 C C C guarantee. Capitol
Cadillac Co 1222 22nd st n w National
3300 Open evenings closed Sunday.
LINCOLN ZEPHYR sedan 1036; dawn gray j
finish man' worth-while accessories; fa- ;
rrous for power and econom' price reduced i
to <<P5 Warfield Motor Co., 2525 Sher
man ave n w . Adams 8000.
LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1036 sedan, attractive
Brewster green finish, equipped with
custom radio and heater; driven a few
hundred miles b: one careful owner new
car condition in ever- detail, including
tires priced ipw easiest, terms: full guar
antee Triangle Ford Dealers. No. 2
N Y ave. n.w Najional 3982._
LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1937 four-door sedan:
years ahead in modern lines, this is real
c.ass drive this Z“ph: r and see for yourself
wr.y smart buve-s prefer this automobile;
new this year so condition is a reflection
of good care end lov mileage; beautiful
b'.ie broadcloth urhoUterv. electric clock,
twin accessories, white sidewall Goodrich
Eilveriown tires, rear-wheel shields, the
price. <1 045. represents a great saving;
convenient terms Norris. Inc.. Stude
bsker dealers. 201S 14th st. n.w. North
MAFMON sedan cost 84.000. paint tires
and upholster' like new. driven 23.000
miles bargain a: 8150. District .3995.
1709 R I. ave
MARQUETTE 1929 4-door sedan; practi
cally new rubber and runs good. 845.
Manhattan A. o Sc Radio Co.. 1106 7ih
s', n w
NASH t-dr sedan. la*e '.30; 6 wheels: new
t res and ba: :e:y; performance and appear
ance excel, on: 'borough demonstration;
private owner will sacrifice tor 8100 cash.
Columbia *»; t*7-M. Sat. or Sun. 15*
NASH b:e ' v twin ignition 4-door sedan;
cheap. Randolph 2148.
OLDSMOBILE 19.36 4-door touring sedan;
very low mileage; like new in every way;
radio, heater; bargain; consider low trade
find will finance. District i .
OLDSMOBILE 19.36 coach; the black finish
1* like new luggage space in rear. 5 flue
tires and it performs perfectly: you won't
find a nicer one m town: 86.35. Pohanka
(Service 1126 2*Uh st n.w. Dist. 9141.
OLDSMOBILE J935 sedan: radio, luggage
space :n rear, a1 tractive green finish is
luce new. fine tires, seat covers; mechan
ically will pass your most rigid inspection.
8525. Pohanka Service. 1 126 2oth st.
P District 914 1.
CLDSMOBILE 19.36 5-pass, touring coupe.
cyl.; la-gp trunk, excellent dawn gray
paint spotless upholstery, ail good tires
and a_ 'plendid moto'-, this is a very clean
car ?6.3.5 c C. C guarantee. Capitol
Cadillac Co. 1 222 22nd st n.w. National
3 >66 Open evenings, closed Sunday.
OLDSMOBILE 19.34 *8” 5-pass, touring
coupe; radio. la;c® built-in trunk, original
black finish c>an undo. ' m-v that shows
no vi ear. fine tires smooth, quiet motor;
an attractive car that w. I g; e some one
manv miles of satisfactory service; 8376.
Fohanka Service. 1 126 2nth st. n.w. Dis
trict 9141._
OLDSMOBILE 1937 8-cyl. sedan; Nile
g-epn. radio, white sidewa'l tires, rhrom- !
lum rims 4 u mi>> 8995 Arcade
Fonuae Co 1419 Irving nw.. Adams]
fi575 or iarce lot a: Bladen >urg rd. !
and New York ave r. e Iunroin 8522.
OLDSMOBILE .sport coupe. 1936 perfect
condition: will sacrifice lor quick sale;
12.000 miles_Call Adams 9225. •
OLDSMOBILE 19.36 2-door d. 1 sedan,
built-in trunk: owner mti.v sell. Cost me
>66.5 las* month; need cash. Will take
S525 cash. Lincoln 8325.
OLDSMOBILE 193.3 trunk sedan; new fin
ish. all good tires; reconditioned and fully
guaranteed 8-345 Warfield Motor Co.
-t25_Slitrman ave nw . Ad..ms Sono.
OLDSMOBILE 19.36 5-pass, coupe. 6 cyl : I
o°au‘iful gallant nine pair.' snotles* cio'h
upholstery. excellent t.res and a splendid
motor you wi,i find this clean car priced
^*61 => C C C. guarantee Capitol I
Cadu.ar Co 1222 '.'2nd s:. n.w. Open j
L nr,;r.r> c.^-d Sunriav
OLDSMOBILE 1931 de luxe coach: dark
blue finish. 6 wheels, trunk rack on rear,
good tires, and it runs perfectly; at only
5115. this car is s real bargain. Pohanka
Service, 1126 20th at. n.w. Dlst. 9141._
OLDSMOBILE «932 de luxe fl-cylinder
2-door special today at 5199; new paint:
54 down: balance 514 month. Logan
<Ford). 18th and M sts. n.w._
PACKARD 8 touring sedan. 3.300 miles;
demonstrator price. Call Maj. Conger.
Adams 6138.__
PACKARD 1930 120 four-door touring
sedan; beautiful Brewster green finish:
really an outstanding value and ca . See
us at once, A -P. C. real guarantee;
5749. Arcade-Pontiac Co., direct factory
dealer. 1419 Irving st. n.w. Adams 0575.
or large lot. Bladensburg rd. and New
York _ave. n.e. _ Lincoln 8522.
PACKARD 1935 120 2-door touring sedan;
built-in trunk: Windsor gray finish; ex
tras. new tires: owner-driven: low mile
age; bargain: will accept smaller car; will
finance. 4*31 30th st. n.w.. Apt. 500.
PACKARD 1930 club sedan: standard "*”;
light tan finish: trunk built-in radio;
priced at 51 825. Warfield Motor Co.. 2525
Sherman ave. n w^ Adams *000.
PACKARD sedan 5-pass.; popular size:
very fine condition: 5157: terms. Howard
A Kearney 42<U_Conn. ave. Open today •
PACKARD 1935 two-door sedan in per
fect condition Sell cheap account changed
rlanv Box_488-K. Star _ •
PACKARD 1932 5-pass sedan; 6 disc
wheels trunk rack, white sidewall tires
^ uoholsterv and a splendid motor:
surely rhis care is a buy at 5395 C C C
guarantee Capitol Cadillac Co.' 1222
. .nd st. n w. National 3300. Open eve
nings. closed Sunday,_
modSA^ni 1 i, 5'pass- touring sedarT
i)1?ck paint- excellent tires;
thYc upholstery and a splendid motor;
this_ clean car is certainly real value at
r‘‘. guarantee. Capitol Cadillac
i-2~nd st. n.w. National 3300
Open eveningg. closed Sunday.
PACKARD 1935 super "S" club sedan:
luxurious best describes this beautiful
klf ,you hav«* Packard in vour
blood end ere looking for « bargstn. this
* !Ae car ,for eompped with built-in
irunk. factory built-in radio. 6 wheels,
side mount, luggage carrier all dual
equipment, white sidewall tires, beautiful
upholstery and appointments, and a rich
black finish only found on a fine Packard
original cost was $.1,775; it can't be beii
foi performance; buy it now at *1 105 -
taMng for over $'.\5()(>; convenient terms
Noi riv. Inc.. Siudebaker dealers. 'In! s 14th
.st. 11 w Nnrih .'1949. Open evenings.
PACKARD ''-wheel de luxe sedan. I9:tt>
food :ires; mechanically OK. $95 ur
Sanner. 1S55 Calvert st.. Apt. 4
PACKARD little 9 model 9*19 custom de
use sedan; sweetest running little sedan
1,1 town, powerful, economical, average
. * m. P g.. owner sacrifice. $r;5 Co
lumbia 98'! 1. .
PEERLESS 9 5-passenger sedanTgoodcon
°_K; Longfellow °*t.
PEERLESS 192* roadster: 8 wire wheels'
moior recently rebored, fairly new paint
?d tlrps,; nc” ">n *"<1 curtains;
??a^lTIfi^j5th*mW. °y'‘ Aut0 8ervl.ce'
?V,??tCE~w j St,'!,'! brougham, ti wheels^
Urea ,runk' (xc|,litni General
n,es splendid gray paint. Where else can
you get value like this $.T'.V> c ' p c
guarantee Capitol Cadillac Co.' l-’-j" ""nd
'cioseVsunday0nal 330(’' °DPn ‘venln,..
Z\ZU,?P™ dp two-door sedan:
largest trunk: radio; driven 60 milea
only; $n99. saving $136. 4""x Conn*
Cleveland 94_ni. Dealer. x conn.
^ 1933 of luxe sport coupe";
4""i eS °T-Vpr flnc' new; bargain *X’9U.
’ - -1 Conn. Cleveland 8491. Dealer.
PLYMOUTH 1936 sport coupe, rumble
sear equipped with radio and heater, car
has been privately operated and used verv
iirlP:n£?1!rm^1 tirPS and finish: has had
'civ little mileage: a snap at $4.!5. Man
nattan Auto A: Radio Co,^ 1?uh ?th si n.w.
PLYMOUTH 1934 4-door de luxe sedan:
npw pain:, tires good for many thousand
milej;. seat cover.': must see to appreciate;
*34,: your car in trade Willys Washing
ton Ct.. Inc.. 1825 14th st. n.w.
PLYMOUTH de iuxe town sedan. 193.V
ongina black finish like new: built-in trunk
and radio 575 under price: your car a
down 'ayment balance easv. *439 Mandell
Chevrolet. 13’h and Good Hope rd. s.e.
Service that satisfies
PLYMOUTH 193(5 business coupe, de luxe
mode, car like new very low mileage:
. b* 5£?n TUntu ? p m Standard Oil
Station. R. I. and Ravenswood aves..
Hvattsville. Md.
I-T i
PLYMOUTH 1938 de luxe coupe: perfect
throughout: an excellent buy at $425.
Manhattan Auto Sc Radio Co.. 1706 7th
at. n.w._
PLYMOUTH 1034 2-door sedan: original
finish and in excellent running condition;
a swell buy at $295. Manhattan Auto
Sc Radio Co.. 1706 7th st. jn.w._
PLYMOUTH 1035 2-door trunk sedan;
gun metal flnsh; this car speaks for it
self: used in our neighborhood. Col.
Heights section, by an officer at No. 10
precinct. We know it is right; only
$440. and guarantee it as such. A.cade
Portiac Co., direct factory dealer. 1410
Irving st. n.w. Adams 05“5. or large lot
at Bladensburg rd. and New York five.
n.e Lincoln 8522._
PLYMOUTH 1932 sport coupe: priced low
at $150: liberal terms. Owens Motor Co.,
6323 Ga. ave.._
PLYMOUTH 1936 four-door trunk sedan;
black Duco: low mileage; clean as a
brand-new car. We guarantee you a real
honest value: more than your money's
worth or no deal. See It. at. once; $560.
Arcade-Pontiae Co.. 1419 Irving st. n.w.
Adams 0575. or large lot at Bladensburg
rd. and New_York ave. n.e. Lincoln 8522.
PLYMOUTH late 1936 trunk sedan per
fect throughout; must be seen to appre
ciate. Owner. Columbia 10170. Apt. Mil. *
PLYMOUTH 1035 touring trunk sedan: has
factory radio, at $425; also 1935 4-door
sedan. $425: both in best of mechanical
condition. See Mr. Barnes. 1729 14th st.
PLYMOUTH 1037 4-door de luxe sedan;
like new: guaranteed: $675. See Mr.
Barnes. 1729 14th at. n.w. Decatur 2390.
PLYMOUTH 1933. 2nd series, de luxe
coupe: mechanically and appearance ex
cellent; $275; terms See Mr. Barnes. 1729
14th st. n.w. Decatur 2300. _
PLYMOUTH 1036 de luxe coupe: like new:
$405: terms. See Mr. Barnes. 1729 14th
st, n.w. Dccatur 2390._
PLYMOUTH 1935 sedan, good cond.. $200
cash. 1511 W st. s.e.. Apt. 1._*
PLYMOUTH 1936 de luxe sedan; trunk.
Philco radio, dual horn; excellent condi
tion; privately owned: terms. 1401 Co
lumbia rd. n.w . Apt 1 10 Columbia 0470-J.
PLYMOUTH 1037 sedan; very good condi
tion: must sell: $525. Mr. Gordon. Nat.
3402. Apt. 705.
PLYMOUTH coupe. 1032 PB; heater, radio;
excellent condition. $100 cash. Call owner.
Wls. 4854-R. •
PLYMOUTH 1932 PB sport phaeton: new
top; sporty appearance; one of a very few
ears of this type available: $195. War
field Motor Co . 2525 Sherman ave. n.w.,
Adams 8000.
PLYMOUTH '37 4-dr. trunk s*fian; care
fully used; 5.400 miles; $50 down. Open
today. Howard A Kearney. 4201 Conn. ave.
PLYMOUTH 35 2-dr. sedan; carefully
used, perfect condition; $427. Howard A
Kearney. 4201 Conn. ave. Open today.
PLYMOUTH ’35 4-dr. trunk sedan: an un
usual fine car; $457; terms Howard Sr
Kearney. 4201 Conn. ave. Open today. *
PLYMOUTH '36 coupe; privately owned;
| used only occasionally; like new: $577.
Howard Sc Kearney. 4201 Conn. ave. Open
today. _ _*
PLYMOUTH 1932 de luxe coupe: perfect
condition; new paint; $165 or best offer.
618 E st. s.e.____ •
PLYMOUTH 1934 coupe. $325: $25 down;
balance. $21 month; money-back guaran
tee;_Logan (Ford*. 18th and M gig, n.w.
PLYMOUTH 1933 sport coupe: here Is a
superb running car that will be kind to
your pocketbook deep rich maroon finish,
red wheels and stripe: it Is real class: seat
rovers, rumble sear excellent tires, you owe
it to yourself to see this bargain before
i you buy; $'.’75. only $5 down, balance to
i suit you. fVeuart Motors. 6th st. and New
! York a\e n.w. Natl. .'{mill. Open evenings.
PLYMOUTH 1936 2-door sedan; thi* trim
little car la Just one sample of the many
bargains to be had in our huge used-car
selection; very low mileaae for year, its
condition today speaks well for its former
owner; beautiful midnight blue finish, tai
lored seat covers, exceptionally good tires;
drive this car around the block, then tell us
what you think of the motor; you'll buy
it or we miss our guess; $415; terms as
low as $23 monthly. Steuart Motors. 6th
st. and New York ave. n.w. National 3000.
Open evenings.___
PLYMOUTH 1936 two-door sedan, like
new low mileage, trunk, radio; de luxe
equipment; $195. Columbia 10JP9.
PLYMOUTH—Owner will sell late-model
coupe for $395; low mileage; new-car ap
pearance; mechanically perfect. Real op
portunity for cash. 1730 16th st. n.w., 12
to 7._8unday_only. Don't telephone. •
PLYMOUTH. 1932; fine condition; new
tires; real bargain; $145. Clev. 6823.
PLYMOUTH 1936 2-door de luxe touring
sedans; three of these beautiful nearly
new sedans for your choice: their perfect
condition today is a reflection of the usual
care received from former owners; prac
tically new tires; finish on all three is
without a blemish: motors that really per
form; will be sold at bargain price* to
move at once; $545 famous easy terms.
Coast-In. Inc. 6th and Fla. ave. n.e. Atl.
72QQ. Open evenings._
PLYMOUTH 1936 de luxe 4-door touring
sedan; only $565; this nearly new car
should not be judged by the price alone:
drop over tonight, try It out and convince
yourself that it is a bargain: one look
at its shining black finish, spotless up
holstery. practically new tires and vou'll
agree that it is a swell buy; buy on our
famous easy terms; top for your trade.
Coast-In. Inc.. 6th and Florida ave. n.e.
Open eves._Atlantic 7200._
PONTIAC “6” 1935 2-door touring sedan;
exceptionally fine condition; radio; $465.
Atlantic 4203 after 7 p.m._____
PONTIAC 1931 coach; good paint and
tires and it runs fine. Will give some one
many miles of fine service; $166. Pohanka
Service. 11 2H 20th st. n w. District 914 1.
PONTIAC *'8” 1937 trunk sedan: run only
1,700 miles by one person. $260 off, no
trade. Emerson 7110.
PONTIAC 1935 8»gyl. 2-door sedan; new
Duco finish tires, battery, chassis, gears
are like new: a real special if you ever
saw one: $449. Only at Arcade-Ponttac
Co.. 14 19 Irving st. n.w. Adams 0575
or large lot at Bladensburg rd. and New
York ave. n.e. Lincoln 8522.
PONTIAC 1937 4-door touring sedan; gun
metal finish ear; perfect, like new; new-car
warranty and eervlee. We had to take
tht» back from owner who couldn't make
the grade. You can save what he loat.
See It at once. Call our main office.
Adama 0575. Arcade-Pontlae Co.. 1410
Irving at. n.w.____
PONTIAC de luxe coupe. 1936: original
metallic flnlah like new: large radio; new
ear condition throughout: $100 under price;
Jour car In trade, balance easy; $549
fandell Chevrolet. 13th and Good Hope rd.
a.e. Service that satisfies._
PONTIAC '37 6-cyl. coupe; radio, heater;
9 000 milea; cash, or trade car for equity,
taking up small notes; state particulars.
Box 418-K. Star._15*_
PONTIAC 1935 aport coupe; rumble seat,
built-in radio: $496: terms See Mr.
Barnee, 1729 14th at. n.w. Decatur 2390.
PONTIAC 1931 four-door sedan, forced
to sell: 3 new tirea. heater. $125. Will
demonstrate Box 484-K. Star._•_
PONTIAC 1936 5-:pass. coupe: black paint
excellent tires, spotless upholstery and a
splendid motor, inspect this car and com
pare our price, you will find It a bargain.
C C. C guarantee. Capitol Cadillac Co
1222 22nd st. n w National 3300. Open
evenings, closed Sunday._
PONTIAC coach. 1931; original paint,
good upholstery, good tires, mechanical
condition^cxeeh$ 1 10._Col. 4677.
STUDEBAKER 1937 cruising sedan, planar
suspension, heater, trunk; In perfect con
dition: driven only 5.150 miles by careful
private owner. Original cost. $1,021:
will sacrifice for $786. Terms can be ar
ranged for responsible person. Phone
Temple 4025. Sun, and eyes._
.STUDEBAKER 1934 Dictator cabriolet;
Arabian sand finish: aound motor, clean
all around; $326 cash. Call Wise. 2453.
STUDEBAKER 1934 convertible coupe.
Dictator; excellent green paint, clean Bur
bank top all aood tires and a splendid
motor. Here Is real value In a clean car.
$345 C C C guarantee. Capitol Cadillac
Co . 1222 22nd st. n.w. Nstlonal 3300.
Open evenings, closed Sunday._
REO sedan late 1931: original owner;
exceptionally good condition; sacrifice.
$95, Clev. 6823. Dealer._
ROOSEVELT 1929 sport sedan; original
finish Is good: 0 wire wheels, trunk, good
tires and runs perfectly. $95. Pohanka
Service. 112H 20th st. n w. District 9141.
TERRAPLANE 1932 coach: runs perfectly:
original finish; excellent tires. $140. 1920
Kearney st. n e. North 3H38-R.
TERRAPLANB 1932 2-door sedan; practi
cally new rubber and runa good: a sac
rifice at $55. Manhattan Auto Sc Radio
Oo . 1706 Tth at. n._
TERRAPLANB 1935 2-door; trunk; de
*i«ctric hand; a very clean car; only
?3«0: down; balance, $21 per mdnth.
Logan (Ford), i*th and M sta. n.w.
on sale Monday’
•?a $}}}** 4-cylinder sedan_$294
34 willys 4-cylinder sedan_$224
33 Willys ^-cylinder sedan_$194
, 2 Willys fl-cylinder coach _ $144
,21 Pontiac 8-cylinder sport coupe $144
Nash special 8 coach ___ $84
Austin dual wheel pick-up $144
Every car in fine condition. Backed hy
BU»rente« of satisfaction. At these
DrJSeAi''f3L*re outstanding values
1231 nnth St N.W. Dint. 7534.
r~ -
WltiLYS 1936 aedan. black body with red
trim and wheel*. spotlessly clean; up to
35 mile* per aallon of aa*: 5 very good
tire*; priced low. with small down pay
ment and easy term*. Including our famous
Blue Ribbon guarantee and 30 day* no
coat service. Triangle Ford Dealer*. No. 2
New York ave. n.w. National 3982.
WILLYS-KNIGHT 70-B 1932 enilnV;
compl. overhauled, new rings, clutch, unlv
lolnt new tire* and batt ; here I* a
car of rugged const . gd for 30.000 ml. of
depend, tr.; bg rggln. Ad am* 7950
1987 model: absolutely the latest form
of economical transportation; 60 miles
to gallon of ga*s. light, convenient: park
It anywhere; only 2 weeks old practically
new condition. Ideal for all types delivery
service; traded to us on a new car will
sacrifice to sell at once; onlv *129.
614 bth3t.BE Open Eves.. Atl. 7200.
«niBi?r„-4'<l00Ii aedan: perfect condition
!.V» ™ .kleal ‘P op,Lr,ta You not only
it '1* Drlc; but operattn* cost,
?* * 'L. Equipped with radio, all dual
i perfect lunmetal finish; prac
the* mari.7 t 1'*' i* a ,th' best buy on
LSI today. Bee It tonnht; tomor
$3*5 * b* t0° at*' Convpnl8nt tsrm«.
9th 8t. and New York Ave. N W. Natl. 8000
Open Evenings.
1937 demonstrators' seven (71 to choos*
from; ail series and body styles, driven
bv company officials, all actually driven
leas than l.rnn miles: n»v car warranty
and title: save $75 to *2nn each. Oper
until 10 p.m. Shep 3272 v
Sih'er_Bpring Md Opp B A O 8‘atlon,
$595 °n,y driven 4,000
i J J milps. Fneine is in
perfprt condition. Very eco
nomic a 1. rives splendid m ilea re
on ras and oil. Tire«. up
holster' like new. See this ear
for yourself. And remember,
this prire is more than $100
off the usual list flrure.
1320 14th St. N.W.
^1 nTITlTlIII 11II11 i1;1' il!: i1 i MUlTl jlHHirMII III i i 1111 i 111 III l[L
| Just Released |
| AT A |
| Big Discount |
5 _
1 1937 CHEVROLET 1!
| Sedans & Coaches |
S (With end without trunk) §jj
3 Liberol Trade Allowance 5
2 js;
1 Donohoe Chevrolet i
1 1620 M St. N.W. i
H Dl. 8300. Open Eve*, s j
’36 Ford C 3 O C
Tudor_ «!p 3 W 3
’35 Ford 3 AC
Sedan. ST?
’34 Ford IOC
Sedan_ I Jr 3
’35 Ford *5 O C
Tudor_ A / P
’33 Pontiac | "f C
Sedan _ 1/3
’33 Dodfe m a r
Sedan .. C*t3
’36 Terraplane 3 O C
Sport Couple_ 3 Jr 3
’33 Ford ICC
Tudor 103
1 ’35 Plymouth 3 3 C
i Sedan _ 3 As 3
’30 Peerless ^
Sedan-. 03
’30 Ford m p
j Sedan_„__ / 3
Automobile Wholesalers
Reor 3712 Go. Ave. N.W.
Under Petworth Bowlins Alleys
Phone Cel. 9397
YOUR' pick
•3fi FORD X Art


Green oriainai finish.
Low mlleaae.

New top. Tan finish.
A-l rnnnina eondition
Fnllv auaranteed. Perfect in
every detail.

•3« roVTIAC f-DR f a OQ
Beautiful areen finish.
Perfect mechanically.

’35 FORD V-B C3 3C
coupe . _s)>33 j

All Cars Guaranteed
For 30 Days
3040 M Sf. N.W.
4300 Wis. Ave. N.W.
r _ . —
Backed by Horner’s
Famous Guarantee
1936 Dodge Sedan _ _$585
1936 Ford 4-Door Trunk
Sedan __ 495
1936 Buick 41 4-Door
Trunk Sedan _ 775
1936 Buick "48" 2-Door
Trunk Sedan _725
1936 Ford De Luxe Phaeton 495
1935 Chevrolet Coupe _ _ 445
1935 Olds "8" 2-Dr. Trunk
Sedon _ 525
1935 Chrysler "8" 4-Door
Trunk Sedan __ . 545
1935 Olds "8" 4-Dr. Trunk
Sedan _ _ ___545
1933 Buick "67" 4-Door
Sedan 395
1936 Poekord "120" Trunk
Sedan _ 795
1936 Dodge Coupe _ 545
1935 Plymouth Trunk Sedan 495
1936 Pontiac "8" 2-Door
Trunk Sedan_615
1935 Buick 46 Conv.
Coupe — 545
1935 Buick 41 Trunk 5
Sedan -545
1934 Buick 66S Sport
Coupe 465
1930 Hudson Sedan (very
clean)_ 95
1929 Nash Sedan (very
clean) _ 95
1929 Buick Coupe_ 85
Buick Phaeton_T_ 85
Rolls Royce Phaeton_500
1529 14th Natl. 7651
111114th Notl. 9473
3t/V WtTH Confidence
Better Used Car Values
Htust Be Seen To Sell——
An additional showroom was needed to display this huge
stock of recent trade-ins . . . many of which have never
before been shown. All are in perfect condition and
priced to sell immediately.
1936 Chrysler "6" I"'* ~|
(T > 07HX 1937 Packard "6"
j (Tour,n9 Sedon) $7b5 De Luxe 4-Dr. Touring
1936 Dodge Coupe Sedan
| 8595 (Only 8,000 miles) j* 1
| 1936 Plymouth $895 JI
(Touring Sedan) $595
1935 Chrysler "6" ■■■' . ..1
(4-daar Sedan) 8495 1936 Lincoln-Zephyr
' Sedan
1932 Plymouth P. B. (Radio and Heater)
(Rumble Seat) $195 . $845 1
1936 Packard "120" _ _ I
(Touring Sedan) $865 |-1 I
1935 Hupmobile "8" 193* Chrysler Airflow
(Touring Sedan) $495 5
(Overdrive) j j
1936 Na,h $650
(2-Doer Sedan) $475 ^
Friendliest Terms In Town
4500 Wisconsin Av«. 1321 14th St. N.W.
Pot. 4901 Pot. 4900
Open Evenings Closed Sundays
Selling Cars Same Location for Over 27 Years
A i
110 RED HOT(
In ’35 Ford V-8 Tudor. tQJIC '33 Pontlar 1-Door So* MAC n
Car No. 44S4A-’tTW dan. Car No. 4443A
_ . . d«AP '38 Parkard t-Door Toorln* Modrl ^
T 522B 118 Srdan. (Radi, and JTQR |
Car No. 4821 - H.at«). Car No. 5484. 9 •|
’38 Pontlar 4-Door Sr- tfiJR ’38 Pontlar 1-Door Sr- CAQR %
|| dan. Car No. 4705 . 'UfU dan. Car No. 4753 “Btf S5
’34 Pontlar 4-Door Sr- COQR ’81 Pontlar Conrrrtlble • I QC ^
dan. Car No 4405 W999 Conor. Car No, 45R2A . 9 I 99 ^
^ ’31 Chrralrr «-Whrrl £ I 1R ’31 Oakland Srdan. £ I CR
|| Srdan. Car No 4500A ■“ Car No. 41S7A w I W9 ^
I 1325 14th St. N.W. I
TackahdStaiheiBilces! H
71 CARS MUST GO before Sept. 1st ^^B
We Wont take a Single Car With Us!
It had to come! One satisfied customer
ajl||l told another and our business increased SSassate
*• f*-45 to the point where we need more room. fillSI
This sale provides a bona fide savings op- IflHH;
portunity on used cars of known quality.
■ Come get your share of these once-in-a- Kj.'/
blue-moon savings. Packard slices up to \'
$205 ofT of regular prices.
Cloird All Day Today! Salr Starti Monday! jBMB
l|jyl 6133-A Packard Limo. 1931 $330 $275
jjn 6295" Packard Con. Sed. 1931 325 '275
if 6227-A Packard Sedan_ 1933 595 525 SB
SBp| 6280 Packard Sedan_11934 750 675 ||||||
mm 6107 iPackard Limo._1935 2000 1795 «^B
HS 63I8~ Packard Sedan 1935 “650 J00 H
9H 6326 Packard Trg. Sed. 1936 895 825 SB
W 6158 iPackard Trg. Cpe. 1936 825j 765 .§0;
SkB. 6380 Buick Sedan_1933 425 375 MBS
.Bp 6378“ Buick Sedan_jl934 J50[]*75
ISfik; 6303 I Buick Sedan i 1935! 650 595 J||||||
mr% 6395 I Chrysler Con. Cpe. 1933 395) 345 ‘•fy*;.;
6353 Chrysler Sedan 1933; 450 395
H 6328“ DodgejSedan 11934 3^0G*®5 H
S* 6292 Dodge Sedan 1935; 550; 495 flBl
m 6228 Dodge R. S; Cpe. 1935 525 "475
. 6337 Ford Tudor ' "1932' 195 150
{fSB 6414 Ford Coupe 1934 295 245
6310 Ford Fordor_1935 395 350
R|8t 6365_Graham Sedan_1933 395 345 BBSi
1B{ 6299“ Graham Sedan 1934 450 375 -|||jf
BB 6368-A Hudson Sedan 1934 450; 395 lgS£
j|g§ 6259-A Nash Sedan 1932 295 260 i^B
B |635l Nash Coupe |1933j 325! 2501 BB
1 racKonam
August, 1937 ... A Red Letter Month in Cherner History!
Unde Joe Takes A
1 t
New-Car, 90-Day or 4,000-Mile Guarantee!
1936 PLYMOUTH 0. L. COUPE$549
1936 FORD 0. L. ROADSTERS495
1936 FORDV-8COUPE...$395
1931 Buiek Sport ffliQ
Roadster .. vlW
1937 Dodge 2-Door C700 1*31 Buiek Cl QQ
Tourin* Sedan . V * Sedan - sPlOU
Z,r^”-$499 TQIIPVC
1935 Oldsmoblle fiJPOft | | fU W I *W
Hrr-.$339 JS d1p”:“;.$619
•zr*'"*'- $399 $519
1935 Ford V-8 $379 3935 H-Ton $349
1935°Ford V-8. COOQ 1835 Chevrolet Hfiti
1934 Pontiac Conr. C07Q 1935 Ford **'Ton C04Q
Coupe .. vO IV Panel __.
1934 Ford V-I COCO 1934 Chevrolet , COOQ
Tudor _ Stake .
1934 Ford V-8 De Low COQO 1934 Ford H-Ton C01Q
Sedan __ Panel -
1938 OMemoMIe COOO 1934 Ford 1M-Ton C41 Q
Sedan .. Pump ^15
1933 Ford V-8 C01 0 1934 Chevrolet 131" COOQ
Tudor.- Cap and Chas. ... OOOD
1933 Ford V-8 $219 1933 GMC 1,i-Ton $239
1932*Chrysler COQO 1933 Ford 1'5-Ton C31Q
Sedan w£tOiJ Pump U
1932 Plymouth Cl 40 1931 Ford '4-Ton CQQ
Roadster_ vlw Panel V0*7
Drive In—No Parking Problem! Phone Drive In~No Parking Problem!
2337 Sherman Ave. N.W. | T™ [l711 Florida Are. N.W.
» a

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