Newspaper Page Text
PtruU MINGS August Net Hits $386,136 Compared to $370,480 in 1936 Month. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Total net Income of the Potomac Electric Power Co. in August amount ed to $386,136.05, against $370,480.91 In August, 1936, a gain of $15,655.14, or 4.23 per cent, according to the monthly statement just filed with the Public Utilities Commission. Both the August and eight months’ earnings Indicate marked improvement in gen eral business conditions in Washing ton. The report states that operating revenues in August totaled $1,214, 118.06, which was a gain of $60,295.93, or 5 23 per cent. Operating revenue deductions for expenses called for $752,989.13, an increase in operating costs of $42,976.74. Net revenues from operations alone amounted to $461, 128.93. a. gain of $17,319.19, or 3.90 per cent. The Potomac Electric Power Co.'s statement for the eight months is equally impressive, with operating rev enues reaching $9,737,321.27, an in crease of $432,360.40 over the like period last year, or 4.65 per cent. Rising costs were reflected in oper ating expenses, which amounted to $5,813,058.47, an increase of $148, 603.53, or 2.62 per cent. After all the usual charges for bond Interest, Potomac Power’s net income totaled $3,312,512.17, against $2,938, 093.86 last year, an increase in the eight months of $374,418.31, or 12.74 per cent. Transit's Pick-Up Pleasing. Holders of Capital Transit stock were encouraged by the August report filed with the Public Utilities Com mission. which showed a reduction m ine nei ueuru, irom over sto.uuu to $27,745,23. The reduction amount ed to $15,497.02 and an improvement of 38 8 per cent. The amount of the better showing was not as important as the possibility that it may indi cate an upward trend, shareholders assert. The report revealed an increase of $11,117.05 in operating revenues dur ing the month and a reduction of more than $32,000 in operating expenses. Operating income totaled $27,401.47, against only $7,669.85 in August last year, a jump of 257.3 per cent. De ductions from gross for interest charges required $57,618.47 and put the net income figure on the red Ink side. Revenue passenger traffic was down 7.9 per cent. In the first eight months of this year Capital Transit reported a net income of $84,958.60, against a deficit last year of $38,207.31. making an improvement of $123,165.91. Operat ing revenues were up $450,558.02. Op erating expenses climbed $296,230.16. The increase of more than $154,000 in operating income was a gain of 42.7 per cent. Revenue passengers in the eight months numbered 109,074,808, a de crease of 2.949,862, or 2.6 per cent from last year. Bank Stock Data Compiled. Johnston. Lemon * Co., members of the Washington Stock Exchange, are distributing among their clients a “Manual of Washington Bank Stocks" which they have compiled. This booklet is probably the most eomplete on local bank stocks which has ever been presented here. A brief history, list of officers and directors, three-year fomparison of book val ues, dividends and assets, 10-year price range, and a comparison of reports to the controller of the currency from December 31, 1932. to date are furnished on each of the 22 local banks. The publication covers all of Wash ington's banks now In active oper ation. It is the firm’s intention to publish the booklet annually, as of June 30. Bankers and investors re ceiving the first copies have given the manual high commendation. Broker Join* Insurance Staff. The Washington office of the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. announced today that Frederick S. Lee is the son of Ralph W. Lee, who has been well know, in Washington in the general insurance business for many years. He graduated from West Point in the class of 1922 and re signed from the Army after a few years’ sendee in order to enter the Investment business in Philadelphia. He was later connected with a well-known brokerage firm in Wash ington for several years, when illness tteOfWKcit.fl Vric from antiva business. Mr. Lee returned to active duty in the Army in connection with the Civilian Conservation Corps and commanded a number of these camps for more than four years, resigning In order to make his present con nection. Hardware Tops August Sales. With a gain of more than 13 per cent, hardware led wholesale trade aales in the fifth reserve district in August, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond reported today. Groceries came next with an 8 per cent gain, drugs next, followed by dry goods and shoes, as compared with business In August, 1936. Compared with July of this year, shoes showed an 86 per cent gain, dry goods 73 per cent, hardware 5 per cent, drugs 1 per cent, while gro cery demand was lower than in July, Between January and August of this year grocery sales gained 12 per cent dry goods 4.8 per cent, shoes 12 per cent, hardware 23 per cent and drugs 7 per cent. Stocks on hand at the end of Au gust were considerably higher thar at the end of August, 1936, the re port said. Changes compared with July were mostly unimportant. August collections were the best foi groceries, 118 per cent of receivables dry goods 40 per cent, shoes 33 pel cent, hardware 38 per cent and drugi 77 per cent. NEW FINANCING HOLDS LOW LEVELS IN WEEK By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. September 25 —Neu financing for the week ended Sep term her 23 remained at low levels, aggre gating $15,951,775, it was shown tod a; by a compilation prepared by Poor'i Publishing Co. This compares with a total of $21, 193,750 the previous week and $100. 008,826 for the corresponding week o 1936. A comparative table showed: Week ended Sept. 23. Municipal_$3,339,909* Industrial_ 700.000 __ Stock _ 11,781.775 14,583,66 Public utility_ 41.050.00i Railroad -- —. 20,100,OO' Miscellaneous I3i.noo l.500.00' Total _$16,951,'^jj|f $100,008,82 TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Bt Prirata Wire Direct to The BUr. I Pre». 1837 Stock and Balea— _ Nat |Pre».1837 Stock and Balaa— Nat I Prev. 1037 Stock and Salaa— Nat « otuvk mnu paiBB —' nn High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlrh. Low. Cloas. chss. 85 63% Acme Steel (4)_ 3 60 60 60 -6 22% 13% Adams Exp (.30*).. 8 13% 13 13 - % 36 25 Addressog (1.40)_ 3 25 23 23 -2 4% 1% Advance Rumley__ 3 1% 1% 1% 80v* 60 Air Reduction (la). 4 61% 61 61 + % 5% 1% Air-Way El Ap_ 22 1% 1% 1% + % 15% 9% Alaska Jun (.60a)__ 24 10% 9% 9% — V* 5% 1% Alleghany - 106 1% 1% 1% - % 69% 16 Alles pfJ30ww__ 4 15% 15% 15%+ V* 69 14% Allegpf J40 ww- 3 14% 14% 14%+% 68% 14 Allegpf xw__ g 13% 13% 13% — % 62% 18 Allegprpf- 3 18 17% 17% - V* 45% 24% Alles Steel (1.20g)_ 6 25% 24% 25 + % 27% 12 Allen Indus (1)- 1 ll% 11% 11%-% *58% 183 Allied Chem (6)_ 8 188 185 185% +1% 3*% 17 Allied Mills (2g)_ 9 17 16% 16% — V* 21% 11 Allied Stores (,20a). 64 11% 11 11 -% 85 68% Allied Strs pf (5)_ 2 65 64 64 -4% 83% 62% Allis Chaim (2g)_ 25 53% 62% 62%+ V* 8% 3% Amal Leath__ 8 3% 3% 8% 114% 68 Amerada (2). 8 68% 67% 68 - % 41% 18% Am Bank Note %g_ 3 18 18 18 - % 80% 42 Am Brake Sh (2g)„ 2 44 44 44 +1 121 90% Am Can (4a).. _ 6 93% 92% 83% +1 28 Am Car & Fy (% g). 8 27% 27% 27% -1% 68% Am Car & F pf (4g). 2 50 60 60 -8% 33% 23% AmCh&Cable lg.__ 12 23% 22% 22%-% 112 98 Am Chicle (4a)_ 2 97 97 97 —1 23% 9% Am Colortype- 5 10 9% 9% — % 3U% 17% Am Cornel Alco_ 13 17% 15% 15% -2% 33% 19% Am Crys Sug 3.25g. 2 20V* 20 20 — V* 99% 88 Am Crys Sug pf(6). 20a 88 88 88 13% 6% Am Encaustic Til_ 20 6% fi fi 9% Am European Sec 2 9 8% 8% —1% 13% 4% Am & Foreign Pow. 47 6 4% 4% — % 68% 23% Am & F P »6 pf- 6 23 22% 22% — % 68% 32 Am & For Pw J7 pf. 4 31 29% 29%-2% 38% 12%Am&ForPw 2d pf. 11 12% 11% 11% -1 21 12% Am-Hawallan S (1) 2 13 12% 12%-% 11% 4% Am Hide & Leath .. 27 4% 4% 4%-% 62% 38% Am Home Pr (2.40). 6 38 37 37 —1% 4% 2% Am Ice ... 4 2% 2% 2% 27% 17% Am lee pf (l.50g)._ 2 20% 20% 20%-% 11% 9% Am International_ 8 9% 9% 9% — % 68% 24 Am Locomotive__ 10 24% 23% 23% —1% Am Loco pf.. 1 81 81 81 -1% 29% 16% Am M & Fdy (%g)_ 7 15% 16 15 -1% 13% 6% Am M & Met (.60).. 7 6% 5% 5% - % 68% 37 Am Metal (% g) .... 16 38 37% 37%-% ‘5 60 Am News N Y (3)._ 10a 60 60 60 16% 7 Am Pow & Lt . ... 68 7 6% 6% - % ?9 AmP&LJ5pf (5). 1 40% 40% 40%+% om 11 AmP&L»6pf (6). 4 47 45% 45% -1% 29% 13% Am Rad & St S(.60), 74 14% 14 14%+% 170 153 Am Rad & St pf (7). 10a 156 156 156 4o% 29% Am Rolling Mill (2) 67 30 28 28 -1% ®J Am Roll M crpf 4% 2 88% 86% 86%-% 36 22% Am Safety Raz (2). 2 24 22% 24 +*% 29 19% Am Seating (%g>__ 5 19% 18% 18% -1% 58 ,»5 Am Shipbldg (2a).. 20r 35 35 35 105% 67% Am Sm& Ref (4g)_. 47 69% 67% 67% -1 61% 51 Am Snuff (3a) ._ 2 50% 60% 50% _ % ,3% 32 Am Stl Foun 1.50g_. 26 36% 33 33 — 1, 26% 12 Am Stores (1.50g)_. 3 12 » 12 12 - % 06-, 35% Am Sugar Ref (2).. 3 36 35% 35% — V* 25’a 20 Am Sumatra (la)._ 1 20% 20% 20%-% 18, 156% Am Tel & Tel (9)— 14 157% 156% 156% A”t Tobacco (5)- 1 70% 70% 70% -2% ".. **•*“ iuuavvo o OJ-. 1ft 734 714 73V, +2 204 84 Am Type Fdrs __ 28 84 84 84 -4 294 14 Am Wat Wks (.60s) 44 14'* 134 134 -4 107 88 Am Wat W 1 pf(6)_ 1 85 85 85 -84 144 i Am Woolen _ 21 74 7 7 _ v, 79 454 Am Woolen pf(3k). 2 454 454 454 +4 20 64 Am Zinc L & S . 46 10 94 «,i_ _ v, -94 444 Am Z&Ld pr pf 148 1 46 46 46 -1 694 37 Anaconda (1.25g) . 203 384 374 374 - 4 97 55 Anacond W (2.50g). 4 54 52 52 —3 1 AncfcorCap M5s;,~ 5 *8* 184 184 -4 111 102V, Anchor Cap pf 6 4- 100, 105V* 105'* 1054 + 4 104 44 A P W Paper 14 4 4 -4 46 384 Arch-Dan-M 1.50g.. 1 384 38v, 384 134 7 Armour 111 (,55g)_ 95 84 84 84 - V* 994 794 Arm 111 pr pf (6)—_ 2 774 774 774 -2 <0!, 464 Armst’g Ck (1.50g). 14 48 47 47 164 84 Arnold Const (Tig). 2 94 9 9—4, 174 54 Artloom 10 64 64 64 - 4 244 11 Asso Dry Goode_ 12 114 104 I04 — 4 57V, 46 Assoc Invest (3)_ 3 454 45 45 _ 4 944 544 Atch T & S F <2g)__ 21 564 544 544 -4 554 324 Atlantic Coast Lins 14 33 314 314 —14 29 10 AtlGulf & W Ind._. 3 9 9 9 -1 37 23 Atlantic Refin <1)__ 23 234 234 234 + 4 184 124 Atlas Corp (.SO)_ 26 124 124 124 — 4 524 48 Atlas Corp pf (3) _. 11 48 47 47 -1 94 62 Atlas Powder 2.50g. 4 60 66 56 —6 184 7 Atlas Tack (.50g)__ 3 7 7 7 064 12 Auburn Auto _ 2 134 13 134 +14 94 4 Austin Nichols . ... 4 34 2 2 —2 524 264 Aust Nich pf A(5k) 50» 26 244 244 —24 94 44 Aviation Corp . _. 52 44 4 4 _ v* 234 104 Baldw Lo ctfs w.i._. 62 114 11 11 + 4 40V, 17 Balto&Ohio __ 72 174 154 164 — H* 474 20H Balto & Ohio pf_ 5 21 204 204 4 45 38 Bang & Ar (2 4)_ 1 36 36 36 -3 434 174 Barber Co (4g)- 21 194 174 174 +4 *2 18 Barker Bros_ 1 16 16 16 -3 354 164 Barnsdall (1)_ 42 174 17 17 — 4 20V* 114 Bayuk Cigar .56Vig. 6 114 114 114 _ 4 284 19 Beatrice Cr (la)_ 1 17 17 17 -2 154 104 Beldin-Hem (1)_ 12 10 9 94 _ ^ 304 154 Bendix Aviat .75g39 154 144 144 — 4 2J4 184 Benef Ln (1.324g). 10 18V* 174 18V* — 4 624 45 Best & Co (2 4a) 1 444 444 444 — 4 1054 674 Bethlehm Stl 2.50g. 77 694 674 67V* — 4 1294 103 Beth Stl 7% pf (7)_. 1 103', 1034 1034 + 4 38 19 Black & Deck (la)_. 3 28 18 18 —1 294 154 Blaw-Knox t.70g) _. 22 15 124 14 —14 324 20V* Rlmgdals(1.22!ig). 10s 20 4 204 204 — 4 494 22 Boeing Airpl 32 24V* 224 224 — 4 484 35 Bohn Alum (2.7og). 3 84 34 34 —1 464 41 Bon Ami (B) (2.50) 10» 40 40 40 —1 28 204 Borden (1.60) 14 214 204 214 + 4 504 374 Borg-Warner (2)_ 17 394 364 364 -14 15?* 5*, Boston & Maine ___ 2 6 6 6 — Vi 354 26 Bow er Roll Bg(2g)_ 3 26 254 264 — 4 23V* 124 Bridgpt Brass ,65g.. 32 124 124 124 —4 694 294 Brigss Mfg (2.50g)_ 45 304 29 4 294 — 4 534 41 Briggs & Str(2%g). 2 42 40 40 -4 47 35 Bristol-My (2.40a)_ 1 354 354 354 + 4 63 11 Bklyn-Man (2%g)„ 5 10V* 94 94—14 1024 324 Bklyn-Man pf (6).. 2 33V, 334 33V* + V* 8 2 Bklyn & Queens _ 14 24 2 2 524 244 Bklyn Un Gas 2.30g 9 244 244 244 — 4 50 40 Brown Shoe (3) 3 40 40 40 244 124 Brunsw-Balk ,50g.. 13 124 114 114 — 1 25V* "114 Bucyrus-Erie ,25g— 20 12 114 114+ 4 : 1174101 Bucyrus-B pf (7)_ 10s 101 1014 1014-1 144 64 Budd Mfg _ 71 64 54 64-4 98 674 Budd Mfg pf_ 80s 58 54 54 -4 13 64 Budd Wheel (,20g)_ 22 6 64 54 — 4 454 234 Bullard Co (1) 8 23 224 224 — 4 65V* 39 Bulova Watch (4a). 34 404 354 354 -84 354 224 Burr Ad Mch(.65g). 8 23 4 224 23 — 4 114 34 Bush Term (r)_ ... 13 34 34 34 — 4 39 114 Bush T 7% deb (r)_ 1 11 11 11 _ 184 12 Butler Bros (.60) 13 114 114 114— 4 36V* 26 Butler Bros pf(l%) 2 25 244 244 —14 Qi/. 41/. a e. 10 am a a 33% 12% Byers Co _ 18 12% 11 11 -1% 43% 21 Byron Jack ((lg)__ 3' 20 19 19%-1% 48% 27 Calif Pack <l%a) — 12 27 26 26 -1 6% 2% Callahan Z-L<1 85 2% 2% 2% 20% 9% Calum & Hec l.lOg. 21 10% 9% 9% — % 37% 22% Campbell Wy (1)_ 6 22% 22 22%—% 38% 14% Canada Dry G Ale.. 34 15 14% 14% + % 17% 9% Canadian Pacific.— 91 9% 9 9 — % 61% 37 Cannon Mills l%g_. 1 36 36 36 —1 18% 9% Cap Adm A (%g) _. 8 9 8% 9 _ y, 52% 44% Cap Admin pfA(3). 40s 44% 43 43 -1% 35% 23 Carpenter Stl 1.60g. 3 23 23 23 9% 6% Carriers&Gen ,15g.. 2 5% 5% 5% 191% 127% Case (J I) ... — 17 130% 126 126 -3 100 75 Caterpillar Trac(2) 6 73 72% 72% —2% 41% 26% Celanese (2.25g)_ 31 28% 27 27 -% 48% 28 Celotex (,*0g) _ 4 30 30 30 39V* 29% Cent Atuir <l%a)_ 2 29% 29% 29%-% 12% 4% Central Fdy _ 89 4% 4 4 — % 41% 16 Central RRNJ ... 14 16% 16 16 — % 24% 7% Central Violeta Sug 4 8% 7% 7% — % 14% 6% Cent Rib M (,30g)__ 2 7% 7% 7% - % 86% 50 Cerro de Pasco (4)_. 16 50% 49 60%+ % 23% 7% Certain-teed ... 13 8 7% 7% 82 32 Certain-teed 6% pf. 80s 33 30% 31 -1 63% 35% Champ Pap & F (2). 3 42 42 42 -3% 90% 49% Ches Corp (3) ... 1 49% 49% 49% 68% 38% Ches* Ohio <2.80a) 30 39% 38% 39V* + % 100 90V* Cffes&Opf A (4) _ 1 91 91 91 13% 4 Chi & East 111 pf(r) 7 4% 4% 4% — % 4 1% Chi Gt West (r)_ 1 1% 1% j% _ y* 18% 5% Chi Gt West pf (r)_ 6 6% 6 fi — % 32 19 Chi Mail Or (l%a)_ 1 18% 18% 18% - V* 3% 1% Chi M St P& P (r).. 4 1% 1% 1% 7% 2% Chi M St P&P pf (r). 36 2% 2% 2% 6% 2% Chi & N W (r)_ 6 2% 2% 2% 19% 6% Chi & N W pf (r)_ 1 6% 6% 6% + % 33 15% Chi Pneu Tool - 12 15% 15V* 15%+ % 45 35 Chi Pneu T cv pf(3) 1 35 35 35 —2 3% 1% Chi R 1 & Fac (r) .. 11 1% 1% 1% 8% 2% CRI & P«% pf (r). 3 3 3 3 -% 10% 3% CRI*P7% pf (r). 8 3% 3% 3% - % 22% 15% Chick Cotton Oil_ 3 16% 16% 16% — % 15% 7 Childs Co _ 8 7 6% 6% _ s, 135% 87% Chrysler (7g)- 201 91 87 /87 -2% 21% 14% City Ice & F (2)_ 3 14% 14 14%—% 10% 4V* City Stores __ 6 5 4% 4% — % 48 32% Clark Equip 1.30g._ 4 32% 31% 31% —1% 113 1021* Clev El Illu pf(4%) 50* 107 106% 106% — 1% 48% 33 Clev Graph B l%g. 18 33% 30% 31% -1% 29% 16% Cluett Peabody (1). 9 17% 16% 17V* + % 170% 122 Coca-Cola <3) _ 2 127% 126% 126% 59 66% Coca-Cola A (3)_ 1 67 57 57 26% 13% Colgate-P-P (.50).. 23 13% 13% 13% - % 104% 102 Colg-Palm pf (6).„ 1 102% 102% 102% ’ 62% 85 Collins & Aik (4g)_. 10 35% 35 35 l 112% 106% Collins* Aik pf(5). 50* 100 100 100 -6% 51% 19% Colo Fuel & Ir (Ig) 18 19% 18% 18%-% 27% 11 Colo & South 20* 10% 10% 10%+% 30 13% Colo* South 1st pf 80* 13% 13% 13% + % , 32 23% Col Brdcsts A 1.05g. 1 24% 24% 24% 20% 9 Colum G&E (.30g)_. 90 9% 9 9 39% 19 Col Plct vte (la)_ 4 19 18% 19 1251* 96% Col Carbon (4s)_ 2 95 95 95 -1% 69% 48% Cornel Credit (4a)— 12 48% 47% 47%-1 > 80% 49% Cornel Invest Tr(4) 7 51 60 50 + % 21% 10% Cornel Solv t.60)... 68 10% 10 10% i 4% 1% Comwlth & Sou_ 180 2 1% 1% ' 75% 41 Com * Sou pf (3)_ 7 42 41% 42 ' 19% 8% Conde Nast _ I 7% 7% 7% - 1 i 45% 27 Congoleo#-Nrn(2). 7 28% 27% 28 + I % **••*»• «uu vv, fliiui wow. y,ioap. w c 22 10 ConnRy&Ltpf_30r 10% 10H 10% — % 33% 13 Consol Aircraft__ 7 14 13 13 — % 18% 8% Consol Cigar_ 8 8% 8% 8% — % 95 82 Con Clg p pf ww 6% 30s 82 81 81 —1% 87 76 Consol Cigar pf (7). 20« 70% 70 70 —4% 49% 29% Consol Edt (1.60g)_ 74 30 29% 29%-% 108 99% Consol Edls pf (5)_. 5 100% 100% 100% + % 6% 2 Consol Film___ 9 2% 2% 2% 18% 9 Consol Film pf__ 3 8% 8% 8% — % 17% 11% Consol OH (,80a)_ 107 11% 11 Vi 11%—% 105% 104 Cons Oil pf (6)- 1 104% 104% 104% — % 10% 4% Consol RR Cuba pf. 8 4% 4% 4% — % 1% % Consol Textile (r)_. 16 % % % 13% 7 Consol Coal____ 3 7 6% 6% — % 62% 29 Consol Coal pf__ 1 29 29 29 37% 20 Container <1.20j_ 31 20% 19% 20 — % 37% 14 Conti Baking A_ 14 14% 13% 13%-% 6% 2 Conti Baking B__ 85 2% 2 2% 69% 60 Conti Can (3)_ 7 62 51 61%+ % 25% 11% Conti Diamond l%g 7 11% 11 11 — % 42% 30% Conti Ins (1.60a)... 6 31% 30% 31%+% 3% 1% Conti Motor _ 65 1% 1% 1% 49 36% Conti 011(Del)l%g. 29 37 36% 36%-]% 35% 18 Conti Steel (1)_ 5 18% 17 17 -1 1 77 54% Corn Exchange (3). 260s 64% 64 64 — % 71% 64% Corn Prod (J)_ 9 65% 65 66 — % 10% 5% Coty_ 24 6% 6% 6% - % 56% 34% Crane Co_ 2 35% 35 35 + % 116 100% Crane Co cv pf (B)_. 6 105% 105% 105% - % 37 25 Cream of Wh <2g).. 1 25% 25% 25% 1 28% 13 Crosley Radio_ 3 13% 13% 13%+ % 100% 48% Crown Cork (2) .. ._ 10 50 47% 47%—1% 25% 15% Crown Zeller (%g)_ 33 15% 15% 15% 81% 45 Crucible Steel_ 9 47 45 46% +1% 3 1 CubaCo..._ 28 1% 1 1 17% 6 Cuba R R pf_ 90s <7 6% 6% -1% 14% 6% Cuhan-Am Sugar__ 21 6% 8% 6% — % 43 20 Cudahy Packing__ 10 20 19% 20 — % 20% 7% Curtis Pub _ 17 7% 7 7% 109% 63 Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 2 62 60 60 -3 8% 4 Curtiss-Wright__ 140 4 3% 3% — % 23% 12% Curtiss-Wright A_ 34 12% 12% 12%+ % , 90% 66 Cutler-Ham (2g)__. 3 65% 55 55 -1 143% 99 Deere & Co (2g)... . 21 100 97% 98 -2 31% 24 Deere & Co pf (1.40) 1 24 24 24 -V* 29 17 Deisel-Wrm-G (la) 8 16% 16% 15% -1% 68% 23 Del & Hud . 15 24 23% 23% - % 24% 10% Del Lack &W . 38 10% 10 10 — % 10% 2% Den&Rio GWpf(r). 6 3 2% 3 — % 36% 22% Diamond Mat (la).. 1 22'% 22% 22% — % 40% 33 Diam Mat pf(l%a). 2 33% 33% 33% — % 23 11 Diamond T Mot (1). 6 11 10% 11 — % 29 15% Dlst Corp-Seag 6 15% 15% 15% — % 25 18 Dixie-Vortex (1%). 1 17% 17% 17%-% 46% 28 Doehler Die(1.50g). 3 28 28 28 51 36% Dome Mines(4.50g). 7 40% 39 40 +1% 77% 32% Douglas Aircraft_ 34 35 32% 32% — % 39% 15% Dresser B (le)__ 1 16 16 16 '1% HDulSS&Atl__ 1 % % % 3% % Duluth SS&Atl pf.. 3 % % % - % 8% 2% Dunhill Inti _ 2 2% 2% 2% — % 17% 12 Duplan Silk (1)_ 1 12% 12% 12% + % 180% 140 Du Pont deN(4%g). 16 141 138% 138% -1% 17 7% Eastern Roll _. 7 7% 7% 7% 198 151 Kastman Kodak (8) 7 173% 137 173% +4% 37% 26 Eaton Mfg <l%g)_ 5 26% 26 26% + % 16 6% -Eitlngon Sch _ 26 6% 6% 6% — % 29 21% El Taso Nat G (2) . 16 21% 20% 20% — % 45% 29 Elec Auto L(2.20g)_ 16 29 28% 28%—% 16 7% Elec Boat_ 26 7% 7% 7% — % 7% 4% Elec & Mus (,18e)._ 23 4% 4% 4% — % 26% 13% Elec Pow & Lt_ 122 14 13% 13%—% 87 45 Elec P& L $6 pf_._ 7 45 44 44 -1 92% 46% Elec P&I. nf a axii ax ax — K i 444 30 Elec Stor Rat (2)... 2 30 30 30 X 24 Elk Horn Cl pf (r). 8 24 24 24 —4 174 74 Eng Public Service. 5 74 64 64— 4 94 34 Equit Oft Bldg_ 8 34 34 34—4 234 94 Erie RR_ 9 10 04 94 354 144 Erie 1st pf_ 6 144 13V* 134-14 144 44 Eureka Vacuum Cl. 1 54 64 54 — 4 344 13V, Evans Prod (1)_ 11 14 13V, 134-4 j 64 2 Exchange Buffet_ 4 24 24 24 —4 54 14 Fairbanks Co_ 640, 24 2 2 -4 28 15 Fairbanks pf_ 370* 13 12 13 —3 714 39 Fairbanks Mrse(la) 2 414 41 41 70 38 Fajardo Sugar(3g)_ 1 3X4 384 38V* 294 14V* Federal Lt & Trac.. 6 124 124 124 114 44 Federal Motor_ 11 44 4 4 — V* 114 44 Federal Screw_ 8 44 44 44 6 24 Federal Wat Svc A. 13 24 24 24 — 4 484 234 Fed Dept Strs (2).. 7 23 22 224 -14 1 414 254 Firestone 11 Vig) .. 16 26 254 254 —14 1074 99 Firestone T pf (6) . 1 98 98 98 —1 624 364 First Nat Stra(2 4) 3 364 36 364 + 4 46V* 18 Flintkote (1)_ 21 194 184 18',- 4 58V, 37 Florence Stov 1.50g. 1 364 364 364 — 4 94 24 Follansbee Bros 3 34 3 34 + 4 58 354 Food Mach (2.50a).. 6 37 364 364 + 4 644 22 Foster Wheeler_ 10 23 19 19 -3 184 64 Francisco Sugar_ 4 64 64 64 324 244 Freeport Sul (lg)._ 16 25 244 244 - 4 73 30 Fuller Co pr pf_ 50* 26 25 25 -5 74 24 Gabriel A_ 3 34 3 • 34 - 4 154 74 Gair (Robert)_ 6 74 7 7 —4 394 29V* Gair (Robt) pf (3). 2 30 30 30 33 174 Gamewell .. 250, 18 174 174 — 4 194 84 Gar Wood Ind (4g) 5 84 84 84 -4 15V, 94 Gen Am Inv_ 17 94 84 84 — 4 864 47 Gen Am Tms(lHg) 6 484 47 48 +1 194 94 Gen Baking (.60)... 19 94 9 9 -4 14 *6 Gen Bronze_ 5 54 5 5 —4 324 13 Gen Cable_ 25 134 12 124 -4 65 28 Gen Cable A_ 1 27V, 274 274 - 4 524 28 Gen Cigar (2.50g)__ 4 27 26 26 -2 644 414 Gen Elec (1.20g)___ 143 43 414 414 + 4 444 344 Gen Foods (2)_ 10 344 34 34 —4 3", 14 Gen G& El A_ 23 14 14 14-4 654 57V, Gen Mills (3) _ 1 574 574 574 124 117 Gen Mills pf (6)_ 10,118 118 118 70V4 48 Gen Motors (246). 228 484 464, 46-4—4 J 1224 113 Gen Mot pf (5)_ 1118 118 118 15V* 8 Gen Out Adv_ 14 8 8 8 60V, 33 Gen Out Adv A _ 1 30 30 30 -3 19 134 Gen Prtg Jnk(.60g). 1 134 134 134 -4 110 106 Gen Tr Ink pf (6).. 10, 1054 1054 1054 -14 54 14 Gen Pub Svc _ 7 24 24 24 654 274 Gen Ry Signal (1).. 2 26V, 26 26 -14 54 2 Gen Real & Util_ 34 24 2 2 484 21»* Gen Real & Ut pf_ 1 204 204 204-14 ] 704 344 Gen Refract (2h)_ 5 334 33 33 -14 88 324 Gen Stl Cast pf 20, 30 30 30 -24 I 334 174 Gen Theater Eq ,75g 2 I84 184 184 + 4 384 164 Gen Tire & Rubber. 13 17 16 164-4 1 204 104 Gillette Sef R .75g„ 37 12 114 12 +14 884 694 Gillette wf (5)_ 2 654 65 65 -44 294 124 Glmbel Broe .. .. 23 134 13 13 - 4 904 64 Gimbel Bros pf (6). 3 64 624 62V*-14 1 614 324 Glidden Co (2a) .. 7 324 32 32 -1 584 50 Glidden cv pf (24). 1 45 45 45 -5 64 24 Gobel Adolf.. 13 3 24 3 + 4 84 34 Goebel Brew (,20a). 16 34 34 34 — 4 504 234 Goodrich (BF) lg . 37 234 23 234 -1 474 274 Goodyear T&R 1.50s 92 284 27'/* 274 -14 141 97 Goodyr T&R pf (5). 4 994 97 97 134 6 Gotham Silk H .. 2 7 64 64 — 4 96 74 Gotham Silk pf (7). 30, 74 73 73 -24 44 24 Graham-Paige_ 30 2V* 2 2-4 15 6V* Granby Consol__ 25 6 4 6 6 — 4 ] 64 2 Grand Union_ 16 24 2 2 — V* 274 144 Grand Union pf 2k.. 6 144 14 14 — 4 474 314 Grant (WT) (1.40a) 4 314 31% 314-4 564 36V* Great Nor Ry pf (0 374 36V* 364 - 4 981. IS Crf Mnr fra ft I V. .r* 97 IS 1 lili._ 42% 30 Grt Wst Sug(2.40a) 2 30 30 30 — % 39% 24% Green (HL) (1.60a) 4 23% 23% 23%-% 16% 11 Greyhound (.80)_ 67 11% 10% 10% — V* 4% 1% Guantanamo Sug_ 10 1% 1% 1% 17% 6 Gulf Mob & Nor_ 3 7% 6% 6% - % 69% 30 Gulf Mob & Nor pf.. 1 25% 25% 25% -6 j 20% 9% Hall Print ... 6 8% 8 8 -1% 31 25% Hamilton W <1.25g) 1 25% 25% 25% 58% 31% Harb-Walk (1.60k). 3 32 31% 31% - % j 8 2% Hayes Body .. 2 3% 3% 3% + % 117% 99% Hazel-Atlas G1 (5a). 2 100 100 100 -2 15% 9% Hecker Prod l.60a). 24 9% 9% 9% - % 39% 23% Hercules Mot (1) . 6 24 23% 24 -% 185 125 Hercules Powd (6). 1 124 124 124 -1 135% 125 Hercules Po pf (6). 20. 128 128 128 6% 4% Here P rts Oct 14... 20 5 4% 4% 67% 50 Hershey Choc (3)._ 1 50 50 50 111 95 Hersh cv pf (4a)_ 1 95 95 95 52% 26 Holland Furn 1.60g. 6 24% 24 24 -3 30% 17% Hollander (1)_ 8 16% 16% 16%-% ] 43% 23 Holly Sug (2%g)... 11 23% 23% 23%-% 50% 44% Homestake Min 4%. 13 44% 43% 43% -1% 41 30% Houd-Her A (2%).. 1 31% 31% 31%+% 27% 16% Houd-Her B (1%).. 15 16% 16% 16% - % 73 57 Household Fin (4). 1 55 55 55 —3% ] 94 86 Househld Fin pf (5). 1 87 87 87 17% 9% Houston Oil - 69 9% 8% 8% - % 90% 59% Howe Sound (3a)._. 12 60% 59 69 -2 6% 2% Hudson & Mae ... 8 2% 2% 2% - % 15% 6% Hudson & Man pf__ 1 8% 8% 8% — % 23V* 10% Hudson Motor—__ 3 10% 10 10 — % 4% 3 Hudd Motor_ 25 3% 2% 3% 38 15% Illinois Central- 30 16% 15 15 -V* 47% 28% Indust Rayon (2)._ 10 28% 28 28%—% 131% 93% Inland Steel (4a).8 96 95 96 +2% 33% 15 Inspiration Copper. 67 16 14% 14%—1 6 4% Insuranshar (.10g). 6 4% 4% 4% 13% 5 Interb Rap Tr new. 6 6 4 4 —1 64% 40 Interchem Corp(2)_ 2 35 35 35 —6 11% 4% Intercontl Rubber.. 5 4% 3% 3% - % ] 28% 13% Interlake Iron .40g. 66 14V* 12% 12% — % 9% 3% Inti Agricui 22 3% 3% 3% 63% 32 Inti Agri pr pf (3k). 2 33% 33% 33%-1 1 189 137 Inti Bus Mach (6a). 1 145% 145% 145% +4% 120 86% Inti Harv (2.50a) .. 28 91 88% 88%+% 16% 7% Inti Hydro-Elec A.. 62 7% 6%- 6% - % 15V* 5% Int Mer Marine_ 8 6% 5 5 - % 18% 8% Inti Mining (.45g).. 13 8% 8% 8% - V* 73% 49% Inti Nickel <1.60g). 151 51% 50 50%+% 19% 14% Inti Pap & Pow new 60 15% 14% 14% 68% 58% Inti Pap & P pf new 36 61 68% 68%-% 10 4% Inti Ry Cent Am 70. 4% 4% 4% 8% 4% Inti Ry Cent Am et. 100. 4% 4% 4% — % 67% 43% Int Ry Cent Am pf. 20. 43 43 43 -2% 49% 41V* Inti Shoe (2)_ 1 41 41 41 - % 52 30% Inti Silver . _ 2 30 29 29 -1% 110 86 Inti Silver pf (8k).. 20. 81 81 81 -6 16% 7% Inti Tel & Tel .. 107 7% 7% 7% 3 36% 16% Interst Dep 8 2%g. 15 15% 15 15%-1 107% 87 Interst Dept pf <T). 10» 86 86 86 -1 26% 11% Intertype (.30g)_ 1 12% 12% 12%+% 87% 60 Jewel Tea (4) _ 1 60 60 60 155 95 Johns-Manv (3a)_ 8 98 96 97 126 120 .Tohna-Manv pf (7). SO. 123% 123 123 -% 136 106% Jones&Lau pf 5.25k. 10* 105 105 105 -2 29 10 Kansas City Sou . 4 10 10 10 35 22 Kaufmann Dep 1.60^ 1 22 22 22 i«n. ijcw. uiviaena *aa i/o. mgn. iiow. close. eh*e. » 27% 17% Kayser <J) ,1.60s:— 2 18 17% 18 23% 11 Kelsey-Hayes A_ 3 12 12 12 19% 8% Kel-Hayes Wh B_ 2 8% 8% 8% 09% 44% Kennecott (2g)_ 87 45% 44% 44% — % 1 20% 11% Keystone S&W (1). 9 11% 11% 11% — % 46% 80 Kimb-Clark (la)__ 3 29 28% 28% —1% 9% 3% Kinney (G R)_ 2 3% 3% 3% 35% 18 Kinney pr pf- 60s 19 18 18%-% 15% 6% Kresge Dep Stores. 3 7 6% 6% — % 29% 20 Kresge (S S) .90g _ 9 20% 20 23 — % 24% 18 Kroger Groo (1.60). 8 18% 18% 18%-% 24 16% Lambert (2)- 17 16% 16% 15% — % 27% 17 Lee Rub & T (lg) — 9 16% 15 15 -2 61% 20% Lehigh Port C (1%) 7 20% 20 20 — % 3% 1% Lehigh Valley Coal. 10 1% 1% 1% 18% 6 Lehigh Val Coal pf. 6 6% 6% 6% + % 24% 9% Lehigh Valley R R_ 20 9% 8% 8% — % 43% 31% Lehman Corp (la).. 10 31% 31% 31%—1% 21% 12% Lehn & Fink (1%).. 14 12% 12% 12% 58% 35 Lerner Stores (2a). 2 35% 35 35%+ % 79 65% Lib-Ow-Glass <3g). 11 55% 65 55 -V* 15% 9% Libby McN&L 1.40h 18 12% 12% 12%+% 29 25% Life Savers (1.60a). 4 25% 25% 25%-% 14 88% Liggett * M B (4a). 6 90 88 90 +1% 23% 18% Lily TulCup (1%). 3 19 19 19 -% R3% 39 Lima Loco (lg)_ 4 40 37% 37%-1% B3 49 Link Belt (2) .. 2 49 48 49 26% 20 Liquid Carb (1.60a). 13 21 20 20 -1 87% 64% Loew's Ino (Bg)_ 44 66% 65% 65%-% 10 105 Loew’s pf (6%)_ 1 104% 104% 104% - % 3% 1 Loft _ 23 1% 1% 1% + % 76% 38 Lone Star Cem (l)_ 5 38% 38 38 - % 10% 4 Long-Bell A __ 10 4% 4 4 43% 25% Loose-Wil Bis (2) . 1 26 26 26 28% 19% Lorillard (P) (1.20) 21 19% 19 19% + % 28% 17% Loutsv G&E A 1%_. 3 17% 17% 17%-% 99 70 Louisv & Nash(5g). 2 70% 70 70 41% 24% Ludlum Steel (1)_ 8 24 23 23 -1% 36 30 MacAnd & F (2a).2 29% 29 29 —1 36 19 McCall Corp (1.60). 3 19% 18% 19%+ % 24% 12% McCrory Strs 8 12% 12 12 - *. 06% 71% McCrory St pf (6).. 1 71 71 71 - % 28% 14 McGraw-H .57 %g . 2 16 16 16 + % 42% 32% McIntyre Pore (’2).. 8 33% 32% 33 , 42% 26% McKeesport T (2)._ 1 26 26 26 -1% 16% 9% McKesson & Rob .„ 25 9% 9% 9% — % 47% 39% McKessA R pf (3). 3 39% 39% 39% - V* 19 9% Mcl.ellan Strs .95g. 34 9% 9 9 — % 62% 29% Mack Trucks (1).__ 9 29% 2.9 29 — % 58% 36% Macy (R H) (2a)... 14 37% 36% 36%-% 15% 10% Mad Sq Gar (L15g). 3 12 12 12 63 32% Magma Cop (l%g)_ 1 32 32 32 — % 7% 3% Manati Sugar (r)_ 1 3% 3% 3% — % SO 10 Manati Sug pf (r).. 100s 10% 10 10 16% 6% Man Ry mod gtd(r) 8 7 6% 6% — % 39 15 Man Ry gtd ( r)_ 10s 14 14 14 -1 6% 2% Maracaibo Oil _ 15 2% 2% 2% — % 14% 8 Marine Midi (,40a)_ 17 8% 8 8 30% 17% Marshal Field_ 17 18 17 17 -% 29% 14% Martin (Glen)_ 9 16 15% 15% 13% 4% Martin-Parry__ 6 4% 4% 4% — % 74 36% Masonite (la)_ 1 35% 35% 35% -1% 41% 27% Math Alkali (1%) 1 27% 27% 27%-% 66% 47% May Dept Strs (3a). 4 47 46% 46% —1% 15% 6% Maytag _ 2 7 7 7 34% 17% Mead Corp (lg)_ 3 21 20% 21 +1 93% 88 Mead pf B tvw 5.50.. 1 70 70 70 —18 16% 7 Mengel ... 12 7 6% 6% — % 47% 28% Mengel 5% pr(2%). 60s 30 30 30 +1 72% 48 Mesta Mach(3.75g). 4 47% 46 46 —2 26% 11 Vi Miami Copper _ 42 11% 10V4 10% -1 35% 21 Mld-Cont Pet (%g). 17 22% 21% 22%+ Vi 48% 32 Midland Steel (2)_ 1 31 31 31 -1 20 84 Minn-Hon Reg (3)_ 5 83 82 82 -3 16% 8 Minn-Mol Imp 35 8% 7% 7% — % 34 18% Mission Corp (lg).. 10 18% 18% 18% — % 9% 4 Mo-Kan-Texas__ 12 4 3% 3% — % 34% 13% Mo-Kan-Tex nf_ 18 11 1.3 v. 131. — V. 64 2 Mo Pacific (r)__ 14 2 2 2 124 34 Mo Pacific pf (r)_ 18 34 34 34-4 404 23 Mohawk Crpd.20a) 10 234 224 234 + 4 074 85 Monsanto Ch 14? 3 87 864 864 + 4 69 45 Montgom Ward(2a) 108 464 444 444 — 4 46 294 Morrell & Co_ 1 294 294 294 34 4 Mother Lode ____ 43 1 4 1 + 4 3*4 234 Motor Trod (2.50g). 6 234 23 23 — 4 26 17 Motor Wheel <1.60) 8 174 164 164 —4 54 26 Mueller Brass (1a). 5 26 25 25 —1 154 84 Mullins Mfg (B> . 19 84 74 8 —4 364 154 Munsinswear 1.50a. 3 164 154 154 —1 90 67 Murphy (G C) 3.60. 1 67 67 67 —14 084 102 Murphy pf (5)_ 10« 107 107 107 + 4 204 84 Murray Corp_ 32 84 74 74 — 4 244 144 Nash-Kelv (1)_ 55 144 14 14 —4 474 204 Nash Chat & 3tL_ 10* 20 4 204 204 — 4 24 154 Natl Acme (4b)__ 3 154 154 154 — V* 184 7 Natl Aviation_ 9 74 6'* 7 334 22 Natl Biscuit d.60). 57 224 22 224 334 194 Natl Bnd & Inv 1.44 3 21 204 21 +4 69 464 Nat Bond & Sh(lg). 3 47 47 47 +4 384 234 Natl Cash Regdgd 13 234 22 * 224 -4 264 17 Natl Dairy P (1.20). 17 17 164 164 -4 244 10 Natl Dept Strs_ 6 104 10 104 — 4’ 104 54 Natl Dept Strs pf_ 2 54 54 54 35 264 Natl Distill (2)_ 36 264 264 264 38 26 Natl En & Stpg (2)- 1 25 25 25 -1 I84 84 Natl Gypsum _ 6 84 84 84 — 4 44 294 Natl Lead (Vi)_ 12 314 304 304 - 4 144 74 Natl Pw & Lt (.«0)_ 48 8 4 74 74 —4 99V* 70 Natl Steel (2.50a)— 11 764 744 744 + 4 414 24 Natl Supply __ 24 264 254 26 +1 124 54 Natl Tea (,30g)_ 1 54 54 54 134 84 Natomas (.80)_ 1 84 84 84 574 3.3 Neisner Bros (2)_ 2 30 30 30 —2 644 46 Newberry JJ (2.40). 2 45 44 44 —2 37 15 New Orl T & Mi(r) 30* 12 12 12 -3 414 194 Newport Ind (14g) 87 204 19 194 984 474 N Y Air Br (14*)_ 4 48 45 45 -3 554 254 N Y Central .. . 208 264 254 254 - 4 72 28 N Y Chi & St Louta. 4 274 27 274 -14 00 55 N Y Chi & St L pf . 3 56 56 56 + 4 314 21 N Y City Om 2.40g . 10 234 224 23 + 4 254 11 N Y Dock pf „ 300» 114 11 11 -1 2 4 NY Investors (r)_ 12 4 4 4 94 3 N Y N H & H (r) — 9 34 34 34 264 74 N Y N H& H pf (r). 24 8 4 7 4 74 -4 64 14 N Y Ont& West (r) 7 14 14 1*.+ 4 154 714 NY Ship bids__ 15 74 64 64 - 4 76V, 45 N Y Shipbildg pf_ 10* 45 45 45 024 634 X Y Steam *6 pf 110* 92 914 92 +2 92 92 N Y Steam $6 pf rfs 140* 92 92 92 124 73 NY Steam $7 pf_ 50* 102 1014 102 +2 44 14 Norfolk Sou (r) 9 14 14 14- 4 72 212 Norfolk & W#st(10) 1 212 212 212 -6 174 74 North Am Avlat_ 203 74 7’ 74 344 20 North Am (,90g)... 60 204 194 194 -4 57V* 484 North Am Co pf (3). I 504 504 504 044 974 North Am Ed pf(6). 1 994 99V* 994 —4 SO5* 18V* Northern Pacific _ 60 19 184 184 — 4 534 364 Northwest Tal (3)_. 20* 34 34 34 -24 64 24 Norwalk T & R__ 4 24 24 24 — 4 224 14V* Ohio Oil (%g)_ 37 144 144 144 -4 73 42 Oliver Farm__ 17 424 40V* 414— 4 264 10 Omnibus .. _ 29 114 11 11 - 4 194 104 Oppenhelm Col Vig- 5 10 10 10 -4' 45V* 284 Otis Elevator .80g._ 8 284 284 284 — 4 244 124 Otis Steel .. 37 124 114 114 -1 28 18 Outboard M (2.50g) 1 18 18 18 034 80 Owens-Ill G1 14g - 10 834 81 81 +1 23 154 Pac Am Fish (1.20). 15 15 144 144 -4 154 44 Pac Coast..._ 10* 54 54 54 + 4 40 154 Pac Coast 1st pf_ 30* 174 17 174 + 4 274 8 Pac Coast 2d pf_ 100* 10 94 10 + 4 38 274 Pac Gas & El (2)_ 4 274 274 274 -4 534 374 Pac Lighting (3)... 3 374 36 36 -14 444 184 Pacific Mills(14g). 5 J9 184 184 +4 in l'ac west uu t.naej. n mv* in in1* + v4 12% 7 Packard Mot(.25g). 114 7 6% 6% - % 4% 1% Panhandle P&R fr) 7 1% 1% 1% + % 21 50(i Panhan P&R pf (r). 120* 54% 52% 53% +1% 90 65 Paraffine (3g)_ 1 50 50 50 -5 28% 16% Paramount Plct_ 156 17% 16% 16% — % 00% 120 Paramount 1 pf (6) 7 119% 119 119% -3% 26% 15% Paramount 2 pf(.60' 26 15% 14% 14% — % 34% 22% Park&Tilford (2). 2 22% 22% 22%-% 8% 3% Park Utah ... 65 3% 3 3 - % 44% 34% Parke Dayis l.SOg . 2 34% 34% 34% — % 29% 23 Parker Rust-Pr 1%. 6 24 23 23 —2 7% 2 Parmelee Trans_ 4 2% 2% 2% 10% 6% Pathe Film _ 18 7% 7% 7% + % 23% 11 Patino Minas_ 22 11% 11 11%+ % 7% 3% Peerless (,30g) ... 14 5% 5 5 64 38% Penlck & Ford l%g- 1 40 40 40 -1% 03% 81 Penney (JC) (3g)._ 5 82 81% 81% + % 6% 2% Penn Coal & Coke .. 3 3 2% 2% — % 12% 4% Penn-Dixie Cement. 15 4% 4% 4% — % 29% 17% Penn G1 S’d ct .50g_. 1 19 19 19 50V* 28% Penn R R (%g) 93 29 28 28 - % 16% 112 PeoplesDpf (6%). 20e 110% 110% 110% -1% 65% 37 Peoples Gas Lt & C. 6 35% 35 35 -2 91 60 PereMarqpf _ 1 55 55 55 -5 21% 13 PetroCorp (,90g)._. 12 13% 12% 12%-% 13V* 6% Pfeiffer Brew ,90g). 12 6% 6 6 — % 59% 32% Phelps Dodge 1 % g. 28 33% 32% 33%+% 64% 38 Phila Co 6% pf (3). 3 39 38 38 -1% 7% 3% Phila Rap Tr (r) ... 10» 3% 3% 3% — % 14 4% Phila Rap Tr pf (r). 90» 6% 5% 6% — % 3% % Phila Read C&I(r)_ 15 % % % 95% 70 Philip Morris (3)... 4 83 82% 82% + % 87% 72 Phillips Jon pf (7).. 10* 72 72 72 64 45% Phillips Pet (2a).40 46% 45 45 -1% 20% 10% Pierce Oil pf _ 3 10 9% 10 - % 33% 26% Pills Flour (1.60)_ 3 25% 25% 25% -1% 00% 81 Pitts C & Ir pf (5)_ 10i 81 81 81 20 10 Fitts Screw (,45g)_. 16 9% 9% 9% — % 43 17% Pitts Steel _ 2 18% 17 17 -1% 22 75 Pitts Steel pf _ 80* 72 72 72 -3 28 16 Pitts Term Coal pf. 30i 14 14 14 -4 8% 2% Pitts United ..._ 20 2% 2% 2% - % 47% 18 Pitts & W Va- 340> 18 17% 18 + % 3 1 Pittston Co _ 3 1 1 1 — % 29% 18% Plymonth Oil 1.05g. 8 18% 18 18 -1 33% 12% Poor & Co B _ 6 12% 12% 12% 11% 3% Porto Ric-Am T A.. 10 3% 3% 3% - % 3% 1% Porto R Am Tob B . 8 1% 1% 1% + % 15% 5 Postal T & C pf (r). 5 4% 4% 4% — % 31% 11% Tress Stl Car. 25g._ 27 11% 11% 11% - % 65% 49% Procter & Gam (2a) 14 50% 49% 50%+% 52% 35% PubSvcN J (2.60). 10 36% 35% 35%+% 72% 37 Pullman (1%)_ 14 37 35% 35% -1% 24% 14% Pure Oil - 137 14% 14% 14%-% 12% 107% Pur# Oil pf (S)- 10*110% 110% 110% 23% 10H Purity Bak (.45g)_. 10 10% 10 10 - % 18% 15% Quaker St Oil (.70*) 1 16 16 16 12% 7% Radio Corp . 331 9 8% 8% l 10% 5% Radio-Keith-O (r). 72 6% 5% 5% - % 25% 9% R R Sec 111 C Stk . 100* 9% 9% 9% - % 37% 29 Raybest-Man(l %g) 1 27% 27% 27% -1% 13% 6% Real Silk - 2 5% 5% 6% - % t 83 60 Real Silk pf- 80* 60% 60% 60%+% . 22% 12V*Feliabl# Strs (1)— 6 12% 12 ^2% + % J « **« l«R. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. High. U>w. Close. eh*e. 29% 16% Rem Rand (1.06g).. 34 17 16% 17 9% 3% Reo Motor_ 42 3% 3% 3% — % 47% 23% Repuhlic Steel_ 193 23% 22V* 23 - % 24 97 Rep Stl cv pf (4%k) 1 88 88 88 -9 49% 19% Revere Copper & B_ 23 19 17% 17%-1% 30% 18% Reynolds Met (1)._ 4 18% 17% 18 — % 58 48% Reynolds Tob B (*). 22 48% 47% 47V4 — % 38 24 Ruberold (.60)_ 2 23% 23 23 -1 9% 2% Rutland pf_ 3 3% 3 3 — % 46 28 Safeway Stra (2)_ 16 28 27% 28 66 43 St Joseph Lead(2a) 4 43% 43 43%+% 4% 1% St L-San Fran (r) 6 IV* IV* 1% 11% 8% St L-San Frn pf (r). 9 3% 3% 3% 27% 14% Savage Armg(.76g). 6 17% 17 17 -1 61% 84 Schenley Distill(3>. 6 34% 34 34 3% 1% Schulte Ret (r) ... 6 1% 1% 1% 23% 8 Schulte Ret S p/(r). 1 7% 7% 7% - % 45% 38 Scott Paper (1.0£«). 120, 38% 38% 88% — % 2% 1 Seaboard Air L (r). 23 1 1 1 8% 3 Seaboard A L pf <r) 8 3% 3% 3% - % 54% 26% Seaboard 011 (1)_ 4 28 26% 28 +1% 11% 6 SeagraveCorp__ 2 6 6 6 98% 72% Sears Roeb (3)_ 65 74% 72% 72%-% 34 19% ServelCorp (la).__ 15 20% 19% 20 +% 42% 25% Sharon Steel (1.20). 9 25% 22% 22% -2% 120 83 Sharon Stl pf (5)_ 1 82% 82% 82%-% 14 7 Sharp & Dohme_ 13 7% - 7 7 65 56 Sharp & Do pf 3%.. 2 55 55 55 -1 17% 9% Shattuck FG (.60).. 3 10 9V* 10 + V* 44 30 Sheaffer Pen 2.25g . 10, 30 30 30 — % 34% 19% Shell Union (%g>._ 16 20 19% 19% 105-% 102 Shell Un pf (5%) ... 1 103% 103% 103% - % 17% 9% Silver King (,90g).. 10 9% 9% 9% — % 68 30% Simmons (lg) _ 13 31% 28% 28%-2% 4% 3 Simms Petroleum_ 2 3 3 3 60V, 35% Skelly Oil (lg) .. 10 36 34V* 36 + % 197 85V* Sloss-Sheffleld S & I 20, 100 100 100 120 96 Sloss-Sheffleld pr($: 40, 103 102 102 -1 64% 20 Smith (AO) . 8 21% 20 20 -1% 40% 21 Smilh * Cor (l%g). 3 20% 20 20 -1 29% 15% Snider Pack (1%*). 2 15'* 15% 15%+ % 23% 16% Socony Vac 50*) .. 134 17% 17 17% 6% 2% Sou Am G&P (.10g) 69 2% 2% 2% 42% 29 South P.R.Sug (2a). 3 29 28% 28%—% 32% 20% Sou Cal Edis (1 %a) 4 20% 20% 20% 65% 29% Sou Pacific _ 83 31% 29% 29%-1% 43% 18% Southern Ry_ 76 18% 17% 17%-1 60% 26% Southern Ry pf_ 17 26% 25% 25%-1% 9% 4% Sparks With_ 71 4% 4% 4% - % 31 12% Spear* Co .. _ 1 13% 13% 13%-% 36 26 Spen-Kell (1.60a)__. 2 26% 26 26 - % 23% 12% Sperry Corp (,60g). 21 12% 12% 12% — V* 35 23 Spicer Mfg ....._ 6 23 22% 22% - % 28% 15% Spiegel Inc (%g)_ 38 15% 14 14 -IV* 95% 70 Spiegel pf (4%)_ 20, 71 71 71 +1 48% 25 Square DCO <.95g). 6 25 24% 24%-% 16% 10% Stand Brands (.80). 42 10% 10% 10% — % 12V, 2'* Stand Com Tob _ 6 3% 3% 3% + % 14% 5% Stand Gas * El (r). 34 5% 5% 5% - % 32% 11% Stand G&E pf (r). 22 12% 11% 11%-% 65 25% Std G&E $6 prpf(r). 4 27 26 26% + V. 72% 30% St G&E 7% p pf(r). 15 31 30 30 -% 4 2% Stand Invest _ 2 1'* 1% 1% — % 60 36% Stand Oil Calif (la) 88 37 36% 36% - % 50 37 Stand Oil Ind (la).. 25 37% 37 37V* -1 76 55 Stand Oil N J (la).. 65 65% 54% 64% -1 75 61 Sterling rrod(3.80). 1 61 61 61 21 13% Stewart-Warn(%a) 18 13 12 12% -1 17% 12 Stokely Bros 1.20g.. 4 11% 11% 11% — V* 33% 14% Stone & Web_ 56 14% 14 14 — % 2(1 9% Studebaker_ 98 9% 8% 8% — % 77 j 64 Sun Oil (la)_ 6 64% 64 6 4 - % 125 118 Sun Oil pf (6)_ 10, 120 120 120 22% 12% Sunshine Mng (3).. 14 14% 13'* 13%+ V* 61% 32% Superheater (1.7£g) 1 32% 32% 32% — % 7% 3 Superior Oil _ 78 3% 3 3% 47% 20 Superior Steel _ 7 20% 20 20 —1 39% 25 Sutherl d Pap 1.60a. 1 25% 25% 25% - % 28% 19V* Swift & Co (1.20) 10 19% 19% 19%-% 23+ 10 Symington ww ,S5g 15 104 94 94 — V* 174 84 Symington xw .35g_ 10 84 8 8 —4 15+ 84 Talcott Inc (,60a) . 2 84 8 84 — 4 8+ 54 Telautograph (.60). 1 54 54 54 15+ 84 Tenn Corp (4g)_ 22 84 8 84 — 4 654 4 >4 Texas Corp (2) _ 98 464 45 45 — 4 94 14 Texas Gulf Prod_ 65 44 44 44 41 334 Tex Gulf Sul <2a)._ 12 33 324 324 -14 164 94 Tex Pac C&O (.40).. 30 104 10 10 — 4 154 84 Tex Pac Land Tr_ 33 84 84 84—4 64 614 Thatcher pf (3.60).. 1 62 62 62 13»t 64 The Fair_ 1 64 6 6 — 4 134 54 Thermoid_..... 68 54 44 54 — 4 40 40 Thermoid cv pf (3). 1 36 36 36 —4 84 14 Third Avo .. 7 24 24 24 + 4 154 64 Thompson (JR) (4) 1 64 64 64 — 4 284 214 Thomp Prod 1.40g . 8 214 20 20 -14 ](>4 3 Thompson-Star . 22 34 3 3 —4 40*, 124 Thompson Starr pf. 3 124 12 12 — 4 214 154 Tide-Water As(la). 22 I64 154 16 +4 984 884 Tide-W As pf (4%) 1 90 90 90 +1 284 154 Timk-Det Ax .50g . 11 18 I64 174 +14 79 524 Timken Roll B(3a). 5 54 534 534 + 4 17 134 Transamerica Corp 54 134 134 134 — 4 224. 84 Trans & West Air . 20 8*. 84 84+4 274 104 Transue & W(.30g) 9 104 10 104 — 4 114 54 Trl-Cont Corp (fcg) 23 54 5 5 —4 26', 104 Trtisron Steel _ 1 10 10 1ft —1 404 274 20th Cent-P l.SOg_ 13 2« 27 4 274 - 4 50 354 2«th C-F F pf lVi_ 1 344 344 344 —4 174 64 Twin City R T _ 3 64 64 64— 4 94 54 Twin City pf (7k)_20s 53 53 53 -2 264 124 Twin Coach (.30g).. 7 134 13 13 — 4 64 2 Ulen & Co___ 4 24 24 24 —4 [004 684 Und'w'd-El-F 3.25g. 1 684 684 684 184 134 X'n Rag * Pap new 28 15 144 15 + v, 111 844 Union Carbide 3.20g 23 86 844 844 — 4 284 20-4 Un Oil of Cal (.Sag) 21 204 204 204 — 4 1484 1014 Un Pacific (6)... .. 6 102 102 102 314 244 Un Tank Car (1.60). 4 244 244 244 — 4 354 19’, Unit Aircraft (Vxg) 57 204 194 194 — 4 244 104 Unit Air Linas __ 32 114 104 104 — 4 304 20 Unit Biscuit (1.60). 4 204 20 20 91 694 1'nited Carbon (4a). 3 69'+ 69 go —m 84 34 Unit Corp.. 152 34 3 4 34 — 4 46', 324 Unit Corp pf (3)_ 9 344 334 334—4 16 84 Unit Drug (*4g)- 14 81, 84 84 26+ 134 Unit Dyewood (la). 3 124 12 124 —14 94 54 Unit Elec Coal_ 29 64 6 fi — 4 864 64 Unit Fruit (3)_ 4 664 664 664— 4 17 11 Unit Gas Imp (1)__ 27 114 11 11 — 4 164 64 Unit Paperbd (30g) 14 64 fi fit,— *, 24+ 94 U S & Foreign Sac . 25 10 94 10 +4 344 10 U S Freight (14«). 9 104 104 104 — v, 137 75 US Gypsum (2) .. 5 764 76 76 +1 234 11 U S Hoffman Mach. 12 12 114 114+ 4 434 24 U S Indus Alco_ 5 244 24 24 — 4 154 64 U S Leather__ 17 6+ 6 fi — »t 224 11 U S Leather A_ 17 114 104 104 — 4 72V, 35 US Pipe (3)- 1 3.3 33 33 -24 194 74 U S Realty & Imp_ 32 74 64 64 — 4 724 364 U S Rubber 70 374 36 364 — 4 118 694 XT S Rubber 1st pf.. 18 714 70 70 + V, 105 734 U S Sm & Ref (8g) 9 75 734 734 1264 75 U S Steel 213 814 79 4 80 — 4 150 1194 U S Steel pf (7)_ 2 1204 1204 1204 +1 [36 120 U S Tobacco (Sal ... 1 1194 1194 119', — 14 94 44 Unit Stockyds < 4). 5 54 5 6 — t, 84 24 Unit Stores A __ 29 3 24 24 21 164 Univ-Cyclops St(l) 1 154 154 154 -1 86 594 Univ Leaf Tob (3a) 1 63 4 634 634 + 4 L64 1424 Univ Leaf T pf (8). 70s 1474 142 142 -54 44 14 UtllP&LtA(r)_ 38 14 IV, lVi 2% 1 Vadsco _ 7 1 1 1—14 584 39 Vadsco Sales pf_ 10s 37 37 37 —2 394 204 Vanadium Steel_ 28 214 204 204 — 4 444 264 Van Raalte (2V4g)- 4 264 26 2o — 4 47 38 Vick Chemical (2a) 2 40 40 40 +2 12*4 5 Va-CaroChem . 19 54 44 44 — 4 744 344 Va-Caro 6 pf(l%k) 12 35 334 3414— *, 37 15V, Va Iron Coal & C Df 10s 15'. is*, is*. _ 1. 10% 2% Wabash Ry (r)_ 13 3 3 18% 6 Wabash pf A (r)_ 4 5 4% 4% _ % 19% 9 Waldorf Sys(.SOg). 2 9% 9% 9% 33 22 Walgreen (2) 11 22% 21% 22 -Vi 92% 84% Walgreen pf ww 4 % 1 85 85 85 —1 51% 38% Walker H G&W(2) 1 38% 38% 38% -t- % 19% 18% Walker HG&Wpf(l 1 19 19 19 18% 8% Walworth _ 59 9 8% 8% — % 50% 15 WarcPBakingA_ 3 15 14 15 10% 8% Ward Baking B_ 18 3% 3% 3% 18 10 W'arner Bros Piet— 111 10% ]0 10 — % 12% 4 Warren Bros (r) _ 12 4% 4 4 35V* 15 Warren Br cv pf(r) 1 11 11 H —4 4fi 311 Warren Fdy &P(2a) 2 29% 29% 29% — % 38% 22 Waukesha Mot (la) 1 20 20 20 —2 50% 34 Wayne Pump (2a).. 10 34 32% 33% —1% 9% 2% Webster Eisenlohr. 9 2% 2% 2% — % 2% 1 Wells Fargo _ 670s 1% 1% 1% — % 56 32 Wesson O & S (%a) 33 32 28% 30 —2 84% 78 Wes O & S pf (4) 2 75 75 75 -3 103 81 West Penn El pf(6) 50* 95% 95% 95% + % 109 90% W Pen El 7% pf (7) 10* 100 100 100 -1% 115% 110% W Penn P 6% pf (6) 10*114 114 114 +% 123% 118 W Penn P7%pf(7). 10* 121% 121% 121% +1% 30% 23% West Auto Sup 1.60. 2 23 23 23 - % 11% 6 Western Maryland. 12 6 5% 6 23% 9% Western Md 2d pf_ 2 9% 9% 9% 4% 1% Western Pao_ 1 1% 1% 1% — 14 11% 3% Western Pac pf_ 6 4 3% 4 83% 29 West Un Tel 2.25* - 41 31% 30 30 57% 26% Westinghse Air (1) 21 27% 26% 26% 167% 110 Westhse El&M(3g) 32 113 110 110 -1% L70 134 Westhse Elec pf 3g 30* 132 132 132 -3 30% 17% Weston El In ,75g — 1 18 18 18- + Vi 65 37% Wheeling Stl_ 14 37% 36 35 -2% 33% 15 White Motor _ 35 15% 14% 14%-% 18% 12% White Rk MSP 1.40 6 12% 12 12 - % 61* 2% White Sew Mach_ 1 2% 2% 2% — % 46% 21 White Sew M pf- 3 20% 20% 20%-% 6Vi 2% Wilcox Oil & Gas_ 7 2% 2% 2% 6% 4% Willys Overland- 3 4% 4% 4% — % 12% 7% Wilson & Co (V,)— 33 7% 7 7 _% 65% 41 Woolworth (2.40).. 30 41 40% 40% - % 47 24% Worthington Pump 3 25% 25% 26% + % 112% 78 W’orthington pf A.. 30* 76 74 74 —4 112 75 Wor P&M pf A atp. 80* 70 70 70 -5 128 70 Wright Aero_ 20* 70 69 69 -1 62% 38 Yale* Towne (.60). 1 37 37 37 -1 37% 15 Yellow Truck_ 94 15% 14 14 -1 46% 32 Youn* Spring (3)_. 2 32 31% 31%—% i01% 54% Ygstwn Sh&T 2.50t 36 66% 65 65 - % 43% 30 Zenith Radlo(l%g) 25 33 31 31 -2 9% 3% Zonite Prod_ 12 3% 3% 3% ipproximate Sales of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M. 660.000 12:00 Noon_ 1,470.000 «Unit of trading 10 shares. r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under ankruptcy act or securities assumed by such companies. x Ex dividend, xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras, e Paid 1st year, f Payable in atock. ■ Declared or paid ao far thta ear. h Caah or atoclg^k Accumulated dividend paid or de Early Gains of Fractions to4 $2 Reduced or Wiped Out Before Close. Stock Averages 30 15 15 00 . Indust. Ralls util. Stocks Net change. —.3 —.3 —.3 —.3 Today, close.*76.3 *27 3 *35.4 *53 7 Previous day 76 6 27 6 35.7 54.0 o Month ago.. 92.3 35.3 41.0 65.0 Year ago... 90.2 40 7 50.9 67.9 1937 high...101.6 49,5 54.0 75.3 1937 low_ 76 3 27.3 35.4 53.7 1936 high.. 99.3 43.5 53.7 72.8 1936 low_ 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 1932 low... 17.5 8 7 23.9 15.9 1929 high.. 146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 •New 1937 low. (Compiled by (tie Aasoelated Preaa.) ___ 4 BY VICTOR EL'BANK. Associated Preaa Financial Writer. NEW YORK, September 25 Attempts to rally the stock market today met with further resistance. Recoveries running to 2 points ap peared shortly after the start, but leaders soon ran into sufficient offer ings to halt the comeback and im provement was canceled in many In stances or converted into fiedines. Activity occasionally was pro nounced, with the ticker tape behind j as speculative forces battled to estab lish positions. Trends were mixed at, the close. The news picture provided little incentive either way. Additional mod erate selling was reported from abroad, based partly on “hot money" discus sions between Britain and authorities at Washington. Some overseas buy ing orders, however, were also in evidence. Although some thought the market had been oversold, others remained skeptical pending a clearer outlook on business, earnings, dividends and poli tics. The Far Eastern war was thought to have been a minor influ ence. Transfers were around 1,300,060 shares. Selling flurries that occurred in the two-hour stock proceedings were at tributed'partly to the fact margin calls went out last night after Fridays | break. While customers have until Monday to put up the cash beforp being sold out. there were those who decided to liquidate at once. Steels led the turn-about in the first hour. Most slipped later. On top the greater part of the time —some gave ground at the last—were 4 Bethlehem Steel, National Steel, Cru cible Steel, International Harvester, American Telephone, Douglas Air craft, Kennecott, American Smelting, National Lead. Phelps Dodge. Gen eral Electric. Allied Chemical, Ameri can Can. Owens-Illinois, J. C Pen ney, Liggett fz Myers “B," Phillips : Morris and Radio Corp, ; NEW YORK COTTON - By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. September 25.—Cotton futures opened steady. 2 to 4 lower on ! easier Liverpool cables, favorable ! weather and continued hedge selling j from the South. October, a.29; De ! rember. 8 19; January, 8.20; March. 8.31: May, 8 40; July. 8 50. An accumulation of overnight hedg ing and some Far Eastern selling were | responsible for further slight losses | following the opening, but Southern ! pressure was noticeably lighter and ! prices soon turned steadier. Therp , i was week end covering and some j trade and Liverpool demand. The fact the cotton was down to | levels which made the Government | loan attractive for most grades of j cotton was believed to have checked | hedging somewhat, j Some traders regarded recoveries of I about 7 to 9 points from the lows as | due to a firmer technical position. December sold up from 8.17 to 8.28 J and shortly after the first half hour * j was 8.25, when the list was 2 to 4 j points net higher. Futures closed steady, unchanged to 6 i higher. High. Low Last, i October __ 8.48 8.28 8.39 1 December _S.3S sir 8 25-26 | January_ 8.36 8 19 8 26 March _ 8.43 8.28 8 33-35 I May _ 8.53 8.38 8.43-44 July _ 8.62 8.49 8 54 Spot steady; middling. 8.59. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed barely steady. 1 to in lower. Sales. 134 contracts, including 4n switches. Octob*’ 7.07. December. 7.20; January. 7 2° March, 7.27. May. 7.36. BALTIMORE STOCKS Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. Septemb-r 25.—. Sales. STOCKS. High. Low Close 157 Arundel Corn jsi, 177, jri, 165 Balto Transit nf .l", 3 3 307 Black & Decker 20', 17',, 17’, 60 Oonsol Pow com 69 69 69 .35 Con Pow S-, pf A 1 13’, 113', 11::'» 13 Fidelity A Dep 1 IS’* 112', 112’, 100 Fidelitv A Guar. 38 .78 38 104 Houst Oil of vtc 18 17’ii 17’, mo Mar Tex Oil Co 27i 27« 27« 500 Mar Tex Oil "A'’ 3 2’, 27« 50 Nor Am Oil High 17« l7, l7, 12 Mer * Miners 197« IP7, 19’, 560 U S Fidel A Guar 171, 17V« 17’, BONDS. 4000 Bal Tran deb 4sA 25'., gS’j 25’, I FIRST TRUST LOANS LONG TERM 5% $6.60 per month per $1,000 includes interest and pay ment on principal. Pays loan in 20 years. No renewal. ALSO 3-year straight loans and construction loans. BOSS & PHELPS MORTGAGE CO. Loan Correspondent John Hancock Mutual Life Ins Co. 1417 S St N.W. NA *3N > h