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*Dr. Harris E. Kirk of Balti more to Be Guest Speaker Monday. The first Fall meeting of the Wash ington Interdenominational Minis terial Association, which includes all Protestant ministers of the District of Columbia as well as adjoining ter ritory, will be held in the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, of which V- Rev. J. Hillman Hollister is pastor, on Monday morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, who is president of the association, will preside at the morning session. Dr. John Compton Bali of the Metro politan Baptist Church will conduct the opening devotionals. Right Rev. James E. Freeman. Bishop of Wash ington. will speak briefly on the im I plications of the present world situ ^ ation for Christian unity. The guest speaker for the morning will be Dr. Harris E. Kirk of Balti more. Md„ one of the outstanding scholars of the church in America. Luncheon will be served at the Chevy Chase church when Dr. How ward Stone Anderson of the First Congregational Church will preside and the speaker will be Dean Noble C. Powell of the cathedral. Prelimi nary reservations indicate a record at tendance. The afternoon session will be held immediately following the luncheon, presided over by Dr. Alfred E. Bar '/ rows of the Eastern Presbyterian Church and vice president of the as sociation. The guest speaker will be Dr. Rass H. Stover of Philadelphia, who has developed the largest regular , weekly prayer meeting in the United States and whose Easter morning services in Temple University Stadium have averaged about 75.000 for seevral 5’ears. --- , -- NATIONAL BAPTIST HOLDS RALLY DAY * All Departments of Church to Participate With Special Programs. Rally day will be observed in all the departments of the National Bap tist Memorial Church tomorrow. The pastor. Dr, Johnson will preach on the subject "In All Sincerity-’ in the morning service, at 11 a m. little ones . may be brought for dedication in this * service. At 8 p.m. Rev. A. Lincoln Smith, assistant pastor, will have for the theme of his sermon, --A Wireless Message From Hell.” The Bible School will have a special rally service at 9:45 am. with special messages from Dr. Johnson and Rev. A. Lincoln Smith. The elementary departments will each have a separate rally-promotion day program. The midweek prayer and praise serv ice will be held at the church Thurs day at 8 p.m. It will be the covenant meeting. The Standing Committee will have its first meeting of the Fall on Friday at 7:30 p.m. The Cubs, the Scouts and the choir meet at the church that same evening. - — m - - BOARD OF STEWARDS WILL MEET TUESDAY Women's Missionary Society of * Francis Asbury M. E. South Holds Session Same Day. At the Francis Asbury M. E. Church South the pastor. Rev. Albert P. Shir- ; key, will preach tomorrow at 11 am. on the subject, "What Does God Re- i quire of Us?” At 8 p.m. his theme ! will be "The Sway of Christ Over 1 Men.” Tuesday at 2 p.m. No. 1 Circle of i ■Jlthe Woman's Missionary Society will ; meet with Mrs. Haynie, 1043 Flower j avenue. Takoma Park, Md. At 8 p.m. : Tuesday there will be a call meeting of the Board of Stewards at the church. Tuesday evening at 8 the P. W. ' Jeffries Bible Class will give a party at the church. Admission is a silver j offering in a "black cat.” At the Thursday evening prayer service Rev. Mr. Shirkey's subject is ‘‘The Everlasting Arms.” -• SHILOH TO CELEBRATE ; M ~4th Anniversary to Be Observed Tomorrow. Shiloh congregation tomorrow will ; observe its seventy-fourth anniversary as a regularly organized Baptist j Church. Ever since a small group came from Fredericksburg in 1863 1 and established first a Sunday school and then a church, Shiloh has steadily grown under the pastorates of the Revs. W. Walker, J. A. Tayor, J. M. Waldron and E. L. Harrison, the pres ent pastor. * Tomorrow morning there will be a founders’ day service at which the pastor will be the speaker. At the close there will be a ceremony in honor of the men and women who, after the Civil War, helped strengthen the church. HOME-COMING DAY SET Metropolitan Baptist to Hear Special’ Sermons Tomorrow. Home-coming day will be celebrated tomorrow at the Metropolitan Baptist Church. Special sermons will be de livered by the pastor, Dr. John Comp ton Ball. In the morning he will speak on “My Church and Me.” In the evening his theme will be "The Home on the Range, and the Honje L Beyond the Range of Vision.” Hi In the Bible School promotion day Will be observed with fitting exercises. The Adult Union mets at 6:45 p.m. Mr. T. E. Barnes will have charge of the program. Subject, “Ministers Thoroughly Furnished." The Through the Bible Class meets Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. William Hasker is teacher. “HOW TO PRAY ” TOPIC Dr. J. W. Rustin Announces k, Sermon Subjects. Dr. John W. Rustin, pastor, will speak on “Everyday Religion" tomor - row morning at Mount Vernon Place M. E. Church. South. He will preach on “How to Pray” at 8 o’clock. "Promotion Day” will be celebrated ^n the church school, at 9:30 am. Officiates REV. BYRON P. RICHARDSON. The corner stone of the Richardson Memorial Church of Colmar Manor, which, is be ing erected on Daniels and. McAdoo avenues, will be laid tomorrow at 3 p.m. An in teresting program has been arranged. This new non - sectarian church is named for the late Sergt. Vernon C. Richardson, brother of the pastor. Rev. Byron P. Richardson of Wash ington. Sergt. Richardson was active in plaris to erect the church until his death in a traffic accident last March. All of the labor■ on the church is being donated by members of the congregation and friends, many of whom are meinbers of the District of Columbia Fire Department, former associates of Sergt. Richardson. Rev. Mr. Richardson will preside at the dedication of the corner stone. Presbyterian Women to Celebrate Centennial in Three-Day Meeting. Under the leadership of Mrs. Wil liam E. Darby, general chairman, and Mrs. Lewis H. Russell and Mrs. F. E. Edgington, vice chairmen, the Mis sionary Societies of the Presbytery of Washington City are preparing for an impressive three-dav celebration on October 12, 13 and 14 of the founding Df foreign mlsisons. Committees have been in action all Summer and at a meeting this week railed by Mrs. Darby preliminary re ports were given by the chairmen of the subcomimttees. On Tuesday. Oc tober 12. a great pageant, “With Cross and Crown in Every Land.” by Wil liam Chalmers Covert, will be pre sented under the direction of Bess Davis Schreiner. Mrs. Howard C. Waldo is chairman of the Pageant Committee, with Mrs. Charles A. Stott as vice chairman. On Wednesday, October 13, a lunch eon of 1,000 women at the Mayflowr Hotel is being planned under the di rection of Mrs. Mabel D. Miller, chair man. Speakers will include Dr. Wil liam P. Schell, secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, and Rev. Dr. E. C. Sobrepena, moderator of the Gen eral Assembly of the United Evan gelical Church of the Philippines. A retreat on Thursday, October 14, from 11 to 12 o'clock, in the New York Avenue Church, led by Mrs. Irving W. Ketchum, will give opportunity for a tervice of thanksgiving and reconse 'ration of all Presbyterian women for he work yet to be accomplished. Mrs. William R. Rhoades, chairman if the Gift Committee, is planning as aart of the retreat the presentation of he "birthday gift.” Other members of the Centennial Committee are Mrs. J. Claude Keiper, ’resbyterial. president; Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, Mrs. Wilbur La Roe. Mrs. Hillman Holister, Mrs. W. H. Wagner, Mrs. Donald Clement, Mrs. Hugh Smith, Mrs. Henry Richardson. Mrs. Halph Nagle and Mrs. W. R. Hocfer, reasurer. -AYMEN'S MISSIONARY UNIT MEETS THURSDAY liuncheon at Hotel La Fayette Planned—Men and Missions Sunday to Be Arranged. The Laymen's Missionary Movement Committee of the Washington Fed ’ration of Churches will hold a lunch son Thursday at 12:30 p.m. at the Hotel La Fayette. Plans will be announced for the men and missions Sunday, November 14. and for the mass meeting to be held on November 19. The speakers at the luncheon will be Rev. Noble C. Powell, dean of Washington Cathedral, and the Right Rev. Vedanaygam Samuel Azariah, Bishop of Dornakal. one of the leaders of the Christian church in the Orient. ——-• ■ -.. LEWIS MEMORIAL M. P. NEARING COMPLETION Congregation to Hold Joint Serv ice With Calvary Baptist at Night. The new Lewis Memorial Methodist Protestant Church is rapidly nearing completion. In the meantime the congregation is worshiping in the new social hall Miss Lillian De Moss, deaconess of the denomination, will be assisting the pastor in the work for the next few weeks. The minister, Rev. John A. Trader, will preach tomorrow morning on “The Badge of Disciplineship.” In the eve ning the congregation will unite with Calvary Methodist Protestant Church. -- —• PASTOR RETURNS Eev. H. G. Burroughs to Resume His Duties October 3. After an absence of several months, during which the Church of Two Worlds was closed, the Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs has returned to the city and will resume his duties as minister of the church on Sunday evening, Oc tober 3. Services will be held in the ball room of the Hotel Continental. The Board of Trustees will meet at the home of the minister next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. ^ ' * !— ■■ ■ 1 1 - ■■ . Activities in Local Churches Baptist Second Baptist. Rev. Albert Thornton, pastor Beu lah Baptist Church, Alexandria, Va.. will preach at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. The Bible School meets at 9:80 a.m.; the B. Y. P. U. at 6:00 p.m. Capital View. The Bible School will meet to morrow at 9:30. Rev. J. C. Griffin will preach at 11 on “Nehemiah Building the Wall.” At 3 p.m. there will be a ba’n- contest. Preaching at 7:30 p.m. tV the pastor. Prayer service Tuesday at 8:00. Teacher's training class from 9 to 10 p.m. Rethesda Baptist. Dr. Rufus W. Weaver, executive secretary of the District of Columbia Baptist, convention, will speak Sun day at 10:45 on "The Tkials of a Growing Church.” Zion. Southwest. Holy communion at morning wor ship. The pastor's subject: "The Dream of Pilate's Wife.” Prayer service. Thursday, the pastor speak ing on: “Thy Will Be Done.” Wisconsin Avenue. Rev. Clarence Ray Ferguson, pastor, will preach at 11 a m. tomorrow on "At the Porter's House.” At 8 p.m. his topic is "Our Redemption Cost.” Friendship Church. A revival is being conducted by Evangelist Isabel Bunday. She will deliver special messages tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m, Takoma Tark. The annual observance of Rally day will take place tomorrow. The Sun day school will have an assembly at 9:45, followed by the morning church service, at which the pastor. Rev. Wil liam E. La Rue, will preach a Rally day sermon on "Religion in Action.” At 7:45 the evening church services will be resumed. A spertal speaker. Clinton N. Howard, superintendent of the International Reform Federation, will give an address on "God and the Constitution. McKinley Memorial. Dr. S Gerriah Lamkins, pastor, will prearh at 11 a m. Rev. R. F. Williams, the evangelist, will prearh at 8 p.m. and conduct revival services all wreek. _ Mount Carmel. W. H. Jernagin. minister, has re turned from the National Baptist Convention at Los Angeles. Calif., where he headed a delegation of 28 persons, and is now engaged in a city wide Fall revival assisted by Rev. T. Timberlake, national evangelist, of Hopkinsville. Ky., who will occupy the pulpit tomorrow. Bethany. Rally day will be held for the church school tomorrow morning. The general superintendent, Wallace Perry, will be in charge. The pastor will speak at both morn ing and evening services. His subjects are "Wounded by the Wrong Kind of Christianity" and "The Blessings of Humility." Mount Zion-Cedar Grove. The pastor will preach tomorrow on "The Rare of Life." The services are as follow’s: Mount Zion, 10 a.m.: Cedar Grove, 11:30 a m. At 3:30 p.m. he will preach at Tra vilah on "The Baptism of the Spirit.” Pet worth Baptist. Rev. Henry J. Smith, pastor Pet worth Baptist Church, who has just returned from a vacation in Vermont, New Hampshire and Canada, has ar ranged a group of sermons on ‘'The Church.” Tomorrow morning, the subject is ‘‘The Resourced Church.” In the evening his subject is "The Ca pacity for Possessions.” Plans for, the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary are under way. It will take place from Novem ber 28 to December 5. The monthly meeting of the Yaden Bible Class will be held on October 6. Rehoboth. Rev. A. H. 8, Johnson will occupy the pulpit tomorrow. The theme of his morning discourse will be “So journers With God.” The military review and wedding, under the leadership of Mrs. Estelle Herbert, will be given Friday evening at 8 p.m. Young people's meetings will begin on the first Sunday in October at 6:30 p.m. and on the same Sunday a special series of sermonic lectures ■will begin at 8 p.m. for the month of October. Mount Beth*>I, Dr. K. W. Roy, the pastor, will preach at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. tomor row. He will conduct the Tuesday night prayer meeting and Thursday night young folks* meeting. Third Baptist. Dr. George O. Bullock will preach on “A Friend at the Throne” at 11 a.m. tomorrow. He will preach on “Com ing up Through the Help of the Lord” at 8 p.m. Prayer meeting, 6:30 to 8 a.m.; Tuesday, 8 to 10 p.m., and Thursday, 8 to 9 p.m., the young people will meet. TcnnuiH rtvciiup. Rev. C. f. Murray, pastor, will preach a special sermon at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Rev. T. E. Hopkins, director of the Junior Church, will preach at 11:20 a.m. At 8 p.m. the Rev. C. T. Murray will preach. Fifth Church. Dr. John E. Briggs, pastor, will preach at both services tomorrow. At 10:40 a.m. will be held the combined promotion and rally day service, fol lowed by a brief sermon by the pastor on “Beginning Again." At 7:45 p.m., as a aermon prelude, Dr. Briggs will speak on “Ireland and the Irish Peo ple,” followed by the sermon on “Do ing Back to It." Tuesday evening the third annual B. Y. P. U. installation banquet will be held at the church at 8:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. A. Lin coln Smith, assistant pastor of the Na tional Baptist Memorial Church. Louis Lucas, president of the Colum biinFederation of B. Y. P. U., will in stall the officers. Chevy Chase. The church will'organize a senior group tomorrow evening. David Hey ward, president of the District Union, will attend. Calvary Baptist Intermediates are sponsoring a meeting for all District Endeavorers on September 30 at 8 o'clock. Dr. Norma P. Dunning, Mary Wanless Hospital, India, outstanding speaker at the Grand Rapids Conven tion, will speak. Brethren First Church. Rev. Homer A. Kent,, pastor, will preach at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow at the last of the unified Summer services on the subject, “Thou Art Not Far From the Kingdom of God.” ^ 8 p.m. hi* subject will be, ‘‘The Midnight Cry, or the Parable of the Ten Vir gin*.” The Young People’* Socle tie*, 7 p.m.; midweek prayer service, Wednesday at 8 p.m. Congregational People’* Church. Tomorrow morning Rev. A. P. Plmes will *peak from the topic, ‘'Reading, Writing and Religion.” At 3:30 p.m. there will be a sperial service con ducted by the juvenile organisation of the Order of Tent*. The minister will make the address. Plymouth. The minister, Rev. Arthur D. Gray, tomorrow will begin a brief series of sermons under the general theme, "Some Troublesome Religious Ques tions.” Pieture-vesper service will be held at 7:30 p m. The midweek service Thursday at 8 p.m. Christian Third Church. Rev. c. N. Williams, minister, preaches at 11 a m. tomorrow on "See Ini the Invisible God.” The Bible School meets at 9:45 a.m. Fifteenth Street Church. Education day will be observed at the morning service, 11 o'clock. Ser mon by the minister, Rev. leslie L. Bowers, on "Is Education Enough?" The evening service at 8 o'clock will have a message on "Shall We Abandon the Sunday Evening Service—or WhRt?" Thursday at 8 p.m. a reception will be held for members and friends. The guest speaker will be Rev. Fred Mil ler, minister of the Mount Rainier Christian Church. Episcopal Good Shepherd. The vicar. Rev. Cornelius S. Abbott, will preach at 11 a m. on the topic, "Fear: A Dynamic Stimulant.” The church school resumes activities at 9:45. St. Luke. Dean Noble C. Powell of Washington Cathedral will preach at St. Luke's Church, 8 p.m., annual home-cominb celebration. Services will begin with holy communion at 7 a m., Sunday, with anniversary morning prayer and sermon by the rector at 11 a nt. The Sunday school sponsors a pro gram Monday at. 8, On Tuesday night at 8. the organizations of the church present a musical and literary program. Wednesday night, evening prayer ser vice. A parish-wide rereption and fellowship social will be Friday evening at 8. St. John's Chevy Chase. Rev. Joseph E. Williams, rector, an nounred the following program for tomorrow: 7:30 am., holy com munion; 9:45 am., church school; 11 a m., service and sermon by the rector. Subject: "A Home for Every body." St. John's Sixteenth Street. A youth organization formed by an Executive Committee Tuesday night for persons between ages of 16 and 24, will hold its first open meeting at the parish house of St. John's Churrh, 821 Sixteenth street, Sunday at 6:30 pm., when Dr. Oliver J. Hart will deliver the keynote address. The group plans to apply for mem bership in the Young Peoples Fellow ship of the Diocese of Washington. Trinity. Tomorrow, at 11 a m., the Rev. Reno S. Harp, jr., rector, will preach on "The Christian Venture.” There will be a celebration of the holy com munion at 8 a m. The church school meets at 9:30 am. and the Young People's Society at 6:30 p.m. St. Andrew's. Sunday school reopens tomorrow at 9:30 am., holy communion at R am, morning prayer and sermon at 11 a m. The rector, Rev. Alfred J. Wilder, will preach. Lutheran Zion. "The Fullness of Christ” will be j the subject of the sermon tomorrow by Edward G. Goetz, the pastor. The Luther league will meet, at 7 p.m. Rally day will be observed at all services on October 3. The annual congregational meeting will be held on October 20. Christ Church. The church holds a rally service at 11 a.m. tomorrow. The pastor, Rev. J. Frederic Wenchel, will preach on "The First Christian Church at Jeru salem—A Model and Inspiration for the Churches of All Times.” He will speak to the Bible Class on "Luke and His Gospel.” Arrangements are being made for a high church ritual service to com memorate the sixth anniversary of the dedication of the new church on October 10. St. Mark's. The Sunday school has arranged a special service for the members from the Cradle Roll to the Home Depart ment. ijiuc uc an auui ci» uu me Worship period by George Cornell; "What Kind of a Teacher Should a Successful Boys' Class Have?" by Ever ett Fellinger, and a paper on the Home Department by Mrs. J. B. Gross. Rev. Dr. B. F. Bieber will deliver the prin cipal address. Metropolitan Memorial. American University Sunday will be observed tomorrow with special in vitations to faculty membes and stu dents. The students will assist in the ushering. The minister, Rev. William Andrew Keese, will preach on “The Gods of the Multitude.” A communion service for all young people of the District will be held Monday night, with Dr. G. Ellis Williams, district superintendent, in stalling officers for the new year. St. Mark's. The pastor, Rev. J. Luther Frants, will use as his theme a>. the 11 a.m. service "The Uninvested Talent.” At 9:45 a.m. the Sunday School will ob serve rally day. Rev. Dr. B. F. Bieber will be the principal speaker. Tuesday, 8 p.m., the Missionary So ciety will meet at the Lutheran Home for the Aged. Miss Borjes will be the leader. Wednesday. 8 p.m., the quar terly meeting of the Sunday School workers will be held at the church. St. Stephen's Evangelical. At 11 a.m. Rev. Sam H. Koinmann speaks to Luther League members on the subject “I Stretch Out Toward a Goal.” The Luther League newly installed officers will be presented, as follows: President, Leroy Swab; vice president, Lois Basinger; secretary, Anna Gelser; treasurer, Norma Ras mussen. The Luther League service in the basement of the church at 6 p.m. Rally day in the Sunday School October 3. Evening services will be resumed October 3 st 7:30 o’clock. Trinity, flaunt Rainier. Sunday School and Bible Class 9:45 a m. Morning services 11 o’clock. Rev. Edwin E. Pleplow- will preach on "An Exhortation to Timothy, 'Be Not Ashamed of the Gospel.’ ” At 8 p.m. the pastor will continue his sermons ot> “Portraits of Jesus.” The Church Council and Walt her League will meet Monday evening, 7:30. Teacher’s meet ing Thursday, 8 p.m. Methodist Dumbarton. Tomorrow morning Rev. Walter Franklin Atkinson will take as his theme “The Life That Knows No Defeat.” Tire evening worship service will be resumed October 3. The Thursday evening sendee will be resumed Sep tember 30, and will consist of first, a devotional program followed by the exposition of the Sunday school lesson for the following Sunday. The W. H. M. P. will hold a supper Wednesday, at 6.30. Metropolitan A. M. E. Nine-thirty, church school: 11 a m , sermon by Rev. J. C. Beckett, subject “Sinning Against Self.” 6:30 p.m., Allen C. E. League: 8 p.m., a pageant, "Women of the Bible.” Lincoln Road. Rally day wdll be observed Sunday with a program at 9:45 a.m. Nursery, beginners and primary will meet at 11. Rev. Reginald Heber Stone wdll speak j on "The Victory of God” at 11. At I 8 p.m. a dedication service will be held for all church school officers and | teachers, the pastors topic "The Glory of Service.” Wesley M. E. Rev. J. Luther Neff will prearh at 11 on “Guidance In Christian Growth." Young people's meeting, 6 to 8 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal Brlghtwood Tark. The minister. Rev. S. Carroll Coale, will preach on "A Promise for Every Need.” The subject of the children's story is ‘Peter Kelly's Gold.” At 8 p.m. the minister will ! present the second of a series of i evangelistic messages, the subject | being ‘ Fixing the Nets.” The young people will hold their | Epworth League devotional service at ! 6:45 p m. Paul Kelwin will lie the speaker. Calvary M. E. South. Rev. W. D. Keene, pastor, will preach at the .11 o'clock service to morrow on "God's Call for Workers.” There will be an installation service of the officers and teachers of the church school. At 7:15 p.m. the young people will j meet and at 8 o'clock the pastor will j preach on "Does I* Pay to Serve : God?” Thursday evening Rev. Mr. Keene will talk on "Church Growth," ; at the closing prayer meeting of the conference year. St. Paul's. Tomorrow at 11 a m. Rev. WiUtam F. Locke will preach on “The Desires j of Thy Heart." At 8 p m. his subject will be "The Three Christian Graces." i The young people's division meets at 7:15 p.m, Wesley A. M. E. Zion. Tomorrow is Missionary day. At 11 am. the minister will preach on "The Eminence of the Churchwoman." j At 3:30 the program will be con- 1 ducted by the Missionary Society,' with Mrs. Julia West Hamilton as guest speaker. Concord-Cabin John. "The Universal Invitation" will he the subject of Rev. Frank Edwards Sutch tomorrow. At Concord, River road above Wil son lane, Sunday school at 2:15 p.m.; church service at 3 p.m. At Cabin John, Fifth street and Conduit road, Sunday school at 10:15 a m.; church service at 8 p.m. Jones Memorial. At 11 a m. tomorrow Mrs. Augusta E Cain, delegate to the Washington Conference Woman's Home Mis sionary Society annual meeting, will report. The Men's Club meets at 4 p.m. At 8 p.m., sermon by Dr. George E. Curry, pastor of Randall Memorial M. E. Church. Monday, at R p.m., Jones Memorial congregation will visit Simpson Me morial Church. Sermon by Dr. Julius S. Carroll and music by Jones Me morial Choir. Trinity. Dr. Dan L. Ennis, minister, has chosen for his subject tomorrow at 11 a m. "What It Means to Have Faith in God,” and "Living With Ones Self” for the 8 p.m service. The Louise Shelton Bible Class will hold its annual birthday party Tues day at 8 p.m. Prayer meeting will be Wednesday at 8 p.m. Friday, from 5 to 7 p.m., the Butler Class will hold a nennv sUDDer. Gorsuch. Rev. W. Smith Chism will preach at the 11 a m. service and the 7:30 service. The Epworth League will be led by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollen beck and the topic will be “Charting Our Course.” The Ladies’ Aid will hold its first Fall meeting Mondfft at 7:30 p.m. Presbyterian Western. The Tnlla B. Young Bible Class held its’ first Fall meeting on Tues day night with a good attendance. Plans were made for the fall and Winter. Edwin C. Dutton will address the class again tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. All members arid friends are invited. Wallace Memorial. ' ‘‘Two Kinds of Fruit” will be the subject of the morning sermon at 11 o’clock by the pastor, Dr. C. E. Haw thorne. At 8 p.m. Dr. Hawthorne will preach on “On Guard.” The Bible School is holding a pic nic and cafeteria lunch this after noon and evening at the Reservoir Grounds under the direction of Roy L. Hunt. Georgetown Church. Rev. Robert M. Skinner will preach tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock on "Did Ye Receive?” The Young People’s Societies will meet at 6:45 p.m. to drive to the home of Helen May Weitzel, 2303 Thirty ninth street, when Miss Weitzel will be the leader of the topic, "Search lights,” at their service. Thursday evening at 8 the midweek prayer service will be held In Cissel ■ Chapel In preparation for world-wide communion Sunday, October 3. Westminster Memorial. Rev. Harry V. Porter will preach at the morning service on "World-Con scious Christians.” The subject oi the evening service in the chapel will be "Christ, the Hope of Life.” Western. At 11 o'clock the church will cele brate in a special service "The Cen tennial of the Board of Foreign Mis sions.” The pastor, Dr. Dunham, will preach. Bethesda Presbyterian. Rev. John L. Parkes will prearh Sunday morning on the subject, "Im pelling Us to God.” In the evening he will speak on "The Song of the Lord.” This Sunday is observed at Rally dav in the Sabbath school. The Young People and Pioneers oi the church will meet at 7 p.m. foi their regular meeting. The Wednesday evening service will he held at 8 o'clock. Rev. Parkes will be the leader. Kenilworth. Church worship at 11:15 o'clock The theme. "We Are All Here Present Before God.” The evening worship at 7:45 o'clock. The theme, "The Lost Horizon.” Thursday evening discussion of the Sunday School lesson. Eckington. Rally day exercises will be held by the Sunday school at 10:45 a m. The pastor, Rev. Henry B. Wooding will speak at 11 o’clock on the topic, "The Eighth Wonder of the World.” At 8 o'clock, the text, "In the Year That King Uzziah Died I Saw Also the Lord.” Central. The pastor, Dr. James H. Taylor, will preach Sunday morning on "The Constitution—the Charter of Our Liberties.” and at night on "Spiritual Certainty." The pastor and Eider Seiden M Ely attended the meeting of the Presbytery of Potomac at Lees burg. Va. Knox. Regular services will be held a* 131R Vermont avenue at. 31 am. and R pm. In the morning the Rev Leslie W. Sloat will speak on "The Missionary Imperative" and in the evening on "The Purpose of the Law.' Metropolitan. During the 11 o'clock service to morrow morning the pulpit will be filled by Dr. J. Lowrey Fendrich nl Salem. W. Va. At the present time Dr. Fendrich is head of the depart ment of speech and dramatics of Salem College. Prior to the time he assumed that position he did ex tensive lecturing throughout the Mid west. Sunday evening the Christian En deavor wiil meet while on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock the members are tendering to Dr. and Mrs. Rohrer a reception upon the occasion of Dr Rohrer's retirement from the pastorate of the church. Other Services Divine Science. Rev. Grace Lightfoot Patch and th< board of trustees announce the Fir si Divine science Church opens Sunday October 3, at the Grafton Hotel ai 11 a.m. Christian Witness League. The 4 o'clock vesper service anc Bible study class will be held at 1321 Vermont avenue tomorrow afternoon In the absence of the director. Rev Arthur G. Slaght, the Rev. W. A Emmons, pastor of the Maryland Ave nue Baptist Church, will be th< speaker. Prayer meeting will be held Monday evening at 8 o'clock at 1829 Sixteentl Street Good Will. The pastor, Dr. James L. Ptnn. wil preach tomorrow morning on "Thi Valley of Humiliation." At 2 p m., hi will conduct services at the Distric Jail. In the evening his subject wil be "The Letter of Life.” / ——— Cleveland Park Community. Rev. Joseph S. Loughran, pastor preaches on "The Need of Convictions' at 11 a.m. The church school wil open at 9:45. Howard F. Baker wil conduct a special class for adults oi the general theme of "Religion an< History.” Metropolitan Wesley A M. E. Zion. The pastor, Rev. David Cecil Lynch announced that the church will observi its annual Missionary day tomorrow His sermon topic at the 11 o'clocl service is “Heat! Light! Power!” Mrs H. Therlkold will be guest preache: at the'3:30 o'clock service. At 8 p.m., Mrs. Alice Matthews, wifi of Bishop W. M. Matthews, will bi guest speaker. These services are un der the auspices of the Missionary Societies. Galbraith A. M. E. Zion. Artius A. Crooke, presiding ride of the Washington district of the A M. E. Zion Church will preach tomor row mornine at 11 o'clock and admin istcr the holy communion. A mission ary pageant: "A Prayer for Missions will be presented in the evening. Memorial United Brethren. The Sunday school meets at 9:4' ta.m. Dr. Simpson B. Daugherty wil preach at 11 on "I Forgot.” Vesper at 7:30 p.m. The church, unanimous ly, through its quarterly eonferene Thursday, voted for the pastor's re turn for the thirteenth year. Th< annual conference sessions will be hel< in Mechaniosburg. Pa., October 5-7 with committee meetings all day Or tober 4. The Sunday Board will mee Tuesday at 8 p.m. Prayer servic* Thursday at 8. Potomac Heights Community. Mrs. Albert E. Gingrich formerl; of Saskatchewan, Canada, will addresi the Sunday school at 10 a.m.' on Chris tian work in that province. At 1! o'clock Rev. O. J. Randall will preacl on "Christ's Formula for Testing th< Truth." The Christian Endeavo: Group will meet at 7 p.m. ' Sherwood Church. Homer H. Cummings, superintend' ent of the Sunday school, has set ar attendance goal of 1,000 for the am nual Rally day service at 9:40 a.m tomorrow. H. C. Maynor and th< Sunday school have financed the dis tribution of 5,000 advertisements o: this event. Thomas Law Coyle, minister, wil preach at the two morning service! at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Church of the Brethren. Dr. Warren D. Bowman, pastor preaches tomorrow at 11 a.n^ on “Mul tiplying Spiritual Bread.* «&s aveninf Promoted j REV. ROBERT L. JONES. E L — Rev. R. L. Jones Is Named Director of Rock Creek Parish Unit. Rev. Robert Lewis Jones, new as sistant minister, has been appointed director in charge of Rock Creek Parish Church School. It has close to 500 j pupils. It is fully expected that the school, under its new leader, will make won derful progress during the coming year. A new program will be put into j effect immediately. Rev. Mr. Jones had a useful career i uith vmmtr n#»nnlrs Qt hie fnrmor churrh, Christ Church Cathedral, i Hartford, Conn,, and in the short time he has been here has shown re- ! markable advancement. Already a I campaign has been started in Rock Creek Young Peoples Fellowship for increased attendance. Services will be held tomorrow at 11 ^ o'clock at Rock Creek Church by the Rev. Dr. F J. Bohanan. pastor. Dr. 1 Bohanan will preach the sermon. Communion service will be at 8:30 a m At. 7 p.m. the Young Peoples Fellowship will meet. The Girls Frirndly Candidates will meet Friday | at 3:30 p.m. 1 ___ DR. BURGAN SPEAKS TOMORROW MORNING "Some Overlooked Blessings" Is Topic of Hamline Method ist Pastor. ■'Some Overlooked Blessings” will be the sermon subject of Dr. H. W. Burgan at Hamline Methodist Episco pal Church tomorrow at 11 o'clock. The Epworth League meets at 7 p.m. tomorrow at 5317 Thirteenth street. Miss Dorothy Wright will speak. Next week the league will open its Fall and Winter schedule Sun day evening in the young peoples’ • room. Tuesday at 6 the Church School j will hold its annual get-together and good fellowship dinner. Miss Annabel Spangle, the new director of religious | education, will speak. Rally day serv j ices are October 3. The annual Joash Chest day will j be October 17. LUTHERANS HOLD ANNUAL RALLY DAY Maj. James Asher to Speak at Reformation Church Serv ices Tomorrow. The annual Rally day in Sunday [ school will he observed at Lutheran Church of the Reformation tomorrow morning at 9:30. with Mai. James Asher of the Salvation Army as guest , j speaker. At 11 Dr. Oscar F. Blackwclder will I ! preach on “The Hebrew Prince.'-j 1! Young people meet at 6:45. i j At the evening service Dr. Black I welder will speak on “Crumbs.-' Mon day evening the District Sunday School Association will hold a work ers' conference at Reformation ■ ! Church, beginning at 7:45. Depart ' j mental conferences will be held and Dr. Blarkwelder will make the closing • | address at 9. BEATTY PICKS TOPIC 1 -r_ . ! Georgetown Lutheran Class to Hear Talk on Decalogue. “Bring Me All of Your Questions." | will be the subject Sunday. 11 a m., in Georgetown Lutheran Church. Rev. Harold E. Beatty, pastor. •'The Decalogue-’ will be the theme , of the Bible study at 9:30 a m., con ducted by Joseph C. Wimmer. The ! M.iit u- t... w. J. Frank Letts and Mrs. H. E. Beatty. Margaret Snead will have charge of the Young People's program at 7 p.m , , i when "Luther League day" will he I observed. Mrs. Luther Frantz will . speak. »■ --- - ( Open-Door Church. Tomorrow morning the pastor of the Open Door Church will take for * hts theme “The Mountain of God in • the Pre-Adamic Earth." At 8 p.m. ' there will be a gospel message. The young people's program is at 7 p.m. / topic will be “Christ’s Standard for , Greatness.” Church school at, 9:45 a m. W. O. ’: Grapes, superintendent. Peck Memorial Chapel. 1 The pastor. Rev. Irving W. Ketchum. 1 will conduct the morning service, his topic being “Peter's Adventure Alone and With Christ." The annual Rally day will be ob served by the Sunday school. The guest speaker will be Miss Ellen Dash iel, president of the Story Tellers' League of the District. Herbert C. Tucker will preside. Chrlstadflphian Chapel. Tomorrow at 11:15 a.m. G. B. Tay lor will speak on "The War in the East —Does it Indicate the Second Com ing of Christ?" Yogoda Society. Brachmachari Jotin of Calcutta, India, will speak on "Cosmic Medita tion" tomorrow evening at 1758 Co lumbia road. Tl®. public Is invited. tov. W. S. Abernethy to Talk in Morning on “The Para ble of the Trees.” Rev. W. S. Abernethy, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, will preach tomorrow morning on the subject 'The Parable of the Tree'." He will segin a series of sermons at the eve ning service on the general theme 'Old Texts With New Meanings," the Hrrt, being "Growing Pains.” Rev. Frank E Johnston Jr., min ister's assistant, will return from his vacation and hold the opening serv ice of the Junior Church tomorrow morning at, 11 o'clock in Vaughn Hall. He will bo assisted by L. C. Greene, Rally day will bp observed in the Sunday school departments tomorrow at 9:30 a m. and the follow ing Sunday. October 3. will be Promotion day in the school. Miss Winifred Whitney and Andy Chambers have be^n appointed lead ers of the younger B Y. P. u. groups for the coming year.. The Service Class, taught by Mrs. Francis S. Browne, will hold a supper meeting Monday evening and the Florence M. Brown Class one on Tuesday evening, it, which time they will install their •'fficers. Miss Elsie Green, teacher, and Mrs. Ella May Orr, president, s'ill be in charge. The Vaughn Class Executive Com mittee—both the old and new mem bers—will hold a supper meeting Wednesday evening. Instead of the usual prayer meet iia neiiiee tne uiiuicii will merge 113 ■neeting with one sponsored by the Intermediate C. E. Union of the Dis« trict on Thursday .evening in th$ ’hurrh auditorium, where Dr. Normal Dunning, a medical missionary fron* Wary Wanless Hospital in India, will ie the guest speaker. CHURCH TO PROMOTE GRADES TOMORROW Columbia Heights Christian Church Also Co-operates in Safety Drive. Tomorrow will be promotion dav at he Columbia Heights Christian Church, when, after the lesson period, cromotion will take place from the ower grades up through the school. This will be in charge of the super intendent. Dr. William Hill. The morning topic will be "God * House." The choir, under the direc tion of Mrs. William Collins, will sing Beethoven’s ’’The Heavens Are Tell ing" In co-operation with the safety campaign going on in the city, moving pictures will be shown, the topic being Speaking of Safety.” The conference on the effective church and the kingdom will take place Wednesday at the National City Christian Church, followed by a church conference led by C. M. Yocum of Indianapolis and George Oliver Taylor of Richmond, Vp.. PETWORTH M. E. LISTS SERMON WITH PICTURES Epworth League to Elect Officers, Will Attend Corporate Com munion Rites. Tomorrow evening at Petworth Methodist Episcopal Church the series of picture sermons will he continued. The slides are made from paintings by the great masters in religious art. and include hymn slides for singing from the screen. Morning worship at 11. R/>v. H L. Wood will speak on "The Process of thp Kingdom." At 7 p m. the Intermediate Epworth League mepfs. Officers will be elected. Senior Epworth league meets at 7. The league will attend corporate com munion service for young people at Metropolitan Methodist Church Mon day evening, when Dr. G. Ellis Wil liams, superintendent of the Wash ington district, will install Murrell Lank as district president, together with officers recently elected. -» --- 'WORTHY AMBASSADORS’ TO BE JOPE'S SUBJECT • Alexandria Minister to Talk at Midweek Service at Ninth Street Christian. At the 11 o’clock morning wor ship and communion hour tomorrow, the pastor of the Ninth Street Chris tian Church. Rev. Clifford H Jope, witi preach on the subject "Wmhy Ambassadors Needed.” At the same hour the Junior Church will meet in the Junior Department room under the leadership of Mrs. Margaret Small. The Philo Christo Christian En deavor Society meets at fi p.m. for its snrinl Thf* rrmilar mnotiner low’s at ft:30 with Mr. Cecil Redd as leader. The Forum Christian En deavor Society meets at fi:45 p.m . At the 7:45 o’clock evening service the pastor will preach on the subject "What About Heaven?’’. Rev. Ralph Frame, pastor of the Christian Church at Alexandria, Va., will be the speaker at the midweek prayer service on Thursday evening at 7:30. His subject. “Jesus on the Cross,” will follow’ the general line of topics on the life of Christ being used this month. BIBLE CLASS TO MEET Day's Services Listed at Congress Street M. P. Church. The Harrison Bible Class of Con sress Street M. P. Church will meet tomorrow at 9:45. William N. Payne, 1r., third vice president, presides, Fred R. Stephens in charge of the lesson. Dr. Hirl A. Kester, the pastor, will give r short talk. Dr. Elmer Louts Kayser. George Washington University dean, will speak. The les son theme is “God In tfte Making of i Nation.” Dr. Kester will preach at 11 am. in "Walking in Galilee” and at 8 o.m. on "The Streams of the Bible." Dr. Brooks’ Topic Listed. At the services of Lincoln Con gregational Temple tomorrow morn ng Dr. R. W. Brooks will speak from the subject. "The Christian’* Dilemma in a Realistic World.” The Men's Brotherhood will meet it 10 a.m. B. V. Lawson will discuss 'Being True t^ Ourselves.”