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CLASS WILL MEET Paul Harris of Prevention of War Council to Speak Tomorrow. The Current Problem Class in con nection with All Souls' Church will resume its sessions tomorrow morn ing at 11 o'clock when Paul Harris of the National Council for the Pre vention of War will speak on the sub ject, “America Confronts a World in Conflict.” Speakers for the succeeding weeks are as follows: October 3. Dr. Zladimlr Palic of the Czechoslovakian Legation, on “Czechoslovakia, an Island of Democracy": October 10, Dr. Delos O. Kinsman of American University, on “Where Does Russia Stand?”; October 17. Dr. William Crane Johnstone, dean of the Junior College, George Wash ington University, on “The Confla gration in the Far East”; October 24, Dr. Wesley Gewehr of American Uni versity, on "Germany's International Position," and October 31. Dr. and. Mrs. J. H. Dellinger, on "Southeast-' ern Europe, Where the Tinder Is Al ways Dry." The Comparative Religions Class meeting at the same hour will listen to a talk on “Jewish Religious Festivals and Their Significance." by James R Arnold. At the 11 o'clock morning service the minister. Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, will preach on the subject, “Vicarious Living." -• DR. GOULD WICKEY TOBEGUESTTALKER Rally Day Services to Be Held at Incarnation Lutheran Congregation. The Incarnation Lutheran Congre gation will have as guest preachpf at 11 a m Rally day services Dr. Gould Wickey. executive secretary of the Lutheran Board of Education. The Bible School will hold Promotion day departmental exercises at 9 30. At 6;30 p.m. in the Parish Hall the Young People's Luthier League will hold a fellowship supper. Dr. R, J. Seeger of George Washington Uni versity- will speak. The new officers to be installed are G. William Woltz. president; Barbara Kibbey, vice pres ident: Doris Fraser, recording secre tary: Marguerite Hess, corresponding secretary, and Robert Simms, financial secretary. A council-cabinet meeting is scheduled for October 4; the an nual officers' and teachers' meeting October 7. The twentieth anniversary of the organization of Incarnation congregation and school will be ob served in December. “THROUGH CHURCHES” TOPIC OF DR. HARRIS Foundry M. E. Pastor Will Speak at Two Services Tomorrow. Preaching at both services at Foundry M E. Church tomorrow, Dr. Frederick Brown Harris, minister, will have as his themes "Through the Churches," at 11 a m . and "Remem ber Jesus Christ," at R p.m. Opening the observance of Rally week, all de partments of the Sunday school will meet together in the dramatic hall at 10 a m. "Kasim," a play dealing with Moslem life, will be presented by Harry Horton, Hazel Purdy, Mar tin Haven. Barbara Smith Mary Bila Bostick Charles Parker and John Andrews with Leland Sprinkle serving es organist. There w’ill be a Wesleyan Service Guild tea from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Letts Building, with Miss Julia Chen of China, a student at the American University, as guest speaker. "Our Year's Program" wall be the theme of ; Charles Parker, president, at .the opening meeting of the Hi-League which will follow their tea at 6 p.m. At the same time the Young People's League fellowship tea will be held and Mr. George H. Burke will speak j In the devotional service following, j his subject being "Some Great Moral Codes.” Tuesday afternoon an Autumn tea j will be held by the Foundry Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Socie ties, at the home of Mrs. W. C. Lou dermilk, 4721 Colorado avenue. The Official Board will meet Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock and Dr. Harris will conduct the midweek service at fi p.m. Thursday. -• TOPIC SELECTED Dr. Perkins to Discuss “God in Image of Man.*’ “God in the Image of Man" will be the sermon subject of Dr. Frederic W. Perkins at Universalist National Memorial Church tomorrow at 11. The Sunday evening group of young people meet at 6. Tuesday the book review luncheon will be held at 1. Thursday the first of the monthly parish dinners will be held from 5 to 7 o'clock. THANK OFFERING ' Bishop Freeman to Speak at Presentation Tuesday. The Fall presentation of the united thank offering will take place on Tues day at the Washington Cathedral at 11 o’clock. Bishop James E. Freeman Trill be the celebrant and speaker. This is the last presentation before the general convention service in Cin cinnati on October 7. Salvation Army The Salvation Army church notices for tomorrow: Washington No. 1 Corps. 606 E street. MaJ. W. E. Graham, officer in charge: 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 8 p.m. Washington No. 2 Corps, 1501 Sev enth street, %Ia.i. James Roberts, offi cer in charge: 11 a,m., 8 p.m.; young people's rally day. Washington No. 3 Corps, 733 Eighth street southeast, Capt. C. William Jaynes, officer in charge; 11 a.m., 7:45 p.m. Washington No. 4 Corps, 1075 Jef ferson street, Capt. Jackson Martin, officer in charge; 11 a.m.. 8 p.m. Washington No. 5 Corps, 715 I street northeast, Charles Tritton, offi cer in charge; 11 a.m., 8 p.m. Men’s social service department, 828 First street, Albert E. Bald win. officer in charge; 11 a.m. R Preacher REV. CAMILLUS BOYD. O. P., who will deliver a series of sermons during novena, starting today at St. Dominic's Church in preparation for the feast of holy rosary. I Rally Day Will Be Held at Sixth Presbyterian Church. Rally day and promotion services for the Sunday church school of the Sixth Presbyterian Church will be held at 9:30 a m. tomorrow. The theme of the service is "The Good Shepherd" and the several departments of the school will contribute to it. Promotion certificates will be granted to those being promoted from the beginners', primary and junior de partments. Teachers and officers of these and newly created classes will be announced. Morning worship at 11 o'clock will be centered about the sermon, "Clean Hands and a Pure Heart," by the pastor. William Pollard will lead the high school young people's group and Edward Salkeld the college age group when they meet at 7 p.m. The session of the church will be hosts to the congregation and the friends of the church Thursday eve ning at an informal social in the chapel at 8 p.m. ALBRIGHT CHURCH PLANS COMMUNION _ I Annual Fall Service to Be Held at 11 O'clock. With Recep tion of Members. The annual Fall service of holy communion will be held at Albright Memorial Evangelical Church tomor- j row at 11 o'clock, with the minister, j George E. Schnabel, in charge. He i will be assisted by Rev. William Bas om. There will be a brief communion meditation and reception of mem bers. The Sunday evening services will be 1 resumed at 7:45 o'clock. The young people will participate in this serv’ee. and there will be a five-minute re view of current religious news cov ering the world field. All young peo- | pie's groups will meet at 7 o'clock. On Tuesday evening there will be a friendly visitation throughout the Al bright parish by 40 visitors. On Wed- j nesday and Thursday a considerable | group of Albright folks will attend the Farther with Christ Mission at Lemoyne, Pa. The regular meeting of the Official Board will be held on Monday night at 8 p.m.. followed by a meeting of the 1 Board of Stewards at 7 p.m. Saturday the annual Fall retreat will he held at the Girls’ Friendly Holiday House near Mount Vernon. Those participating in the retreat are the minister of Albright and his assistant, Rev. William Basom; Rev. Carroll ■ Bailey, Rev. Alfred Thomas and Rev. Carl Young of Baltimore and Rev. Thomas Law Coyle of Sherwood Pres byterian Church. HOLY COMMUNION RITE AT CHRIST LUTHERAN “A Power for Living'’ Will Be Theme for Bethesda-Chevy Chase Church. Holy communion will be celebrated at Christ Lutheran Church at Bethes da-Chevy Chase tomorrow at 11 a m. and the pastor, Rev. Henry J. Whiting, will preach a sermon on "A Power For Living." Services are held in the State Theater. Bethesda, Md., at 3:30 p.m. The pastor will conduct services at the Florence Crittenton Home. At the recent meeting of the Eastern District of the American Lutheran Church. George H. Whiting was elected a lay delegate to the Biennial Conven tion of the American Lutheran Church meeting at Sandusky. Ohio, in Octo ber of 1938. The pa-stor was re-elected to the Committee on Parish Educa tion of the Eastern District, American Lutheran Church. The Katharine von Bora Club held Its first meeting of the year and elected the following officers: President. Mrs. E. Emerson Snyder; vice president, Mrs. Grover Brake: secretary-treas urer, Mrs. Henry J. Whiting. MONTGOMERY TO GIVE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TALK Special Religious Services to Be Held This Afternoon Start ing at 4 O'clock. Dr. James Shera Montgomery, chap lain of the House, will deliver the ad dress at special religious services this afternoon at Temple Heights, under the auspices of the Grand Command ery, Knights Templar. The knights will appear in full re galia at the service to begin at 4 o'clock. Dr. Montgomery holds the title of grand prelate of the order. The public will be welcome. “RED CROSS” TOPIC Rev. Dr. H. E. Snyder, pastor of the Church of the Atonement, will preach tomorrow morning on "The Organized Church." In the evening his topic will be "The Red Cross.” The community survey will begin during the first week in October. All plans have been set. •t MION INCIDENT -irst Congregational Pastor Continues Series—School to Be Resumed. "Furnessville: Popoulation 55" is the toplce of Rev. Howard Stone Ander son's sermon tomorrow morning at the First Congregational Church. This is the second in a series of sermons suggested by vacation incidents. Under the superintendence of Mrs. Howard Stone Anderson, the general church school will resume sessions to morrow ot. 9:45 in all departments. Mrs. Martin D. Sehram will have charge of the primary department: Mrs. Paul D. Gable, the Junior de partment, and Mr. Martin D. Sehram, he junior repartment. Mrs. E. C. Al cord is the teacher of the Women's Bible Class, and Rev. J. Arthur Winn cads the Calvin Coolidge Men's Class. A special meeting of both Church ind the First Congregational Society s callpd for Thursday at 7:45 p.m., mmediately following tve midweek ’hurch night dinner and devotional service. The purpose of the meeting is :o consider and act on the recom mendation of the society's committee in rpgard to engaging an assistant minister. The Woodridge Circle will be enter tained at luncheon at 1 o'clock Tues day by Mrs. Phil P. Greenwood, as sisted by Mrs. Harry A. Whiton. at Mrs. Greenwood's home in Cottage j City. SCHEDULE CHANGED ON CHURCH MASSES tmmaculate Conception to Move 11:15 Service to 11:30, With Added Ritual at 11. Rev. John K. Cartwright, pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Con ception, N at Eighth streets, today announced a change In the schedule for masses during the Fall and Win ter season. Beginning tomorrow, mass will be celebrated at 11:30 am. instead of 11:15 as has been the custom for several years. The inclusion of an additional mass at 11 a m. has neces dtated the change. Other Sunday masses throughout he coming season will bp as follows: Printers’ Mass” at 2 a m., 7, 8:15, 5 and 10:15. A mass, offered by Father Cart wright on Mondav at 7:30 am, will rommemorate the memory of the late Father Hurnev, former pastor. REV. EDWARD 0. CLARK ANNOUNCES SERMON 'Unconscious Influence" Will Be Topic at Chevy Chase Bap tist Church. At the Chevy Chase Baptist Church tomorrow the pastor. Rev. Edward O. Clark, will preach on "Unconscious Influence” at the 11 o'clock service. Miss Cathryn Ann Riggleman will lead the Intermediate Christian En deavor Society in a discussion of "How Careful Should We Be About Our Friendships?” at 7 o'clock. Senior young people will meet at the same hour to organize a society. David Hayward, president of the Senior Christian Endeavor Union of the District, will be the guest speaker. J “Watchman, What of the Night?” ! will be the sermon theme of the pas or at, the midweek preaching service rhursday evening at 7:45. -— *-.— bKAUt LU I rltnAIM PLANS TO RESUME ACTIVITIES Ml Departments of Church to Be Functioning After Services Tomorrow. Services at Grace Lutheran Church tomorrow will mark the resumption of activities in all departments of the thurch. At 9:45 a.m. in the church nail the Bible school will unite in a -ally day service, led by Frank Stutz, superintendent. The school will hear an address by 1 Erich Mees. New teachers will be in Toduced and classes promoted. At 11 a m. the pastor. Dr. Gerhard Lenski. will conduct the service and will preach. His subject will be: "It' Was Decision Day in Israel.” ——————• ST. STEPHEN CHURCH Regular Fall Schedule to Be Ob served Tomorrow. The Church of St. Stephen and the Incarnation will return to the Fall schedule tomorrow. The Sunday school meets at 9:30 a.m. Holy communion will be celebrated at 7:30 and morning prayer and sermon at 11. The regular midweek communion service will be Thursday morning at 10. Carnegie Clan to Feast. The Washington Clan of the Carne g'ie Institute of Technology will hold a steak fry and oyster roast at 4 p.m. today at the home of Bradley Edelblut, Burnt Hills, Md. • iUrtfiniiifit EptHropal §>mith I Mount Vernon Place A (SOUTHERN METHODISM’S! ^REPRESENTATIVE CHURCHf % Ma.sachuaetts Are. at Ninth St. N.W. 4 I DR. JOHN W. RUSTIN. Minuter 4 ^ 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School, p ll :00 a.m.—"Everyday Relirion.'* % ''4 8:00 n.m.—"How to Pray." | DR. JOHN W. RUSTIN. \\ Euattgrliral attMSrformrii 'V 1 Anniversary of Consecration Of Bishop Freeman Observed A —___ Rededication Service Will Be Held at Cathe dral Tomorrow. Many of the approximately 16,000 men, women and children who have been confirmed by the Right Rev. James E. Freeman will assemble In the open air amphitheater on Mount St. Alban tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to attend a rededication service in recognition of the fourteenth an niversary of his consecration as the Third Bishop of Washington. Dr. Freeman was consecrated in Epiphany Church on September 29, 1923. The commemoration service was authorized by the Diocesan Conven tion held last May and has been ar ranged by a committee of clergy and lay member* under the chairmanship of the Very Rev. Noble C. Powell, dean of the Cathedral and warden of the College of Preachers. The music will be provided by the Cathedral choir of men and boys under the direction of Robert G. Barrow, assisted by other Episcopal choirs affiliated with the National Choral Union. Amplifiers will carry the music from the Everett Or gatron and the spoken words from the pulpit to all parts of the amphithea ter, which has a seating capacity of more than 7.500. The Cathedral Guild of Ushers will be in charge, assisted by laymen representing the various parishes. The service which is to be con ducted by Dr. Powell will include a greeting to Bishop Freeman by the Rev. Herbert Scott Smith, D. D., of St. Margaret s Parish, the senior rec tor in the diocese. Following the sermon, which will be delivered by Dr. Freeman, he will lead the large congregation in a re affirmation of the vows they accepted at the time of their confirmation. Attention is invited to the fart that this service will begin at 3:30 p.m. instead of 4 o'clock, the usual hour for Sunday afternoon services in the Cathedral or the amphitheater. The Rev. Edward S. Dunlap will deliver the sermon at the celebration BISHOP FREEMAN. of the holy communion in the Great Choir of the Cathedral at 11 am. Services for the day will heein with celebration of the hoiy communion at 7:30 a m. in the Bethlehem Chapel. TAKOMA LUTHERAN TOPICS ANNOUNCED “Unlimited Possibilities” Is Sub ject of Rev. J. Adrian Peiffer Tomorrow. “Unlimited Possibilities" is the topic of the sermon to be delivered in the Takoma Lutheran Church tomorrow morning by the pastor, the Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer. In the evening he will be the guest speaker at the St. John's Lutheran Church, Ellirott City, Mb., where the Rev. Robert W. Win ters, pastor, celebrates the fortieth anniversary of the congregation. The Junior Luther league will hold its Pall organization meeting on Tues day evening. Rally day for the Sunday srhool has been set for October 3. Election of the officers will be held tomorrow. Plans are being made for the tenth anniversary celebration October 17 to 24. Phil Johnson is general chair man of the committees. A special congregational meeting Wednesday at R o'clock will consider the matter of obtaining a parsonage. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN SCHOOL TO HOLD RALLY 55 Pupils to Be Promoted at Serv ice to Be Given at 11 A.M. Tomorrow. At St. Paul s Lutheran Church to morrow the Sunday school will hold its annual rally day service at 11 o’clock under the direction of Lindley G. Schmidt, general superintendent. Dr. Henry W. Snyder, pastor, will speak on the theme, “Under Two Flags.” Fifty-five pupils will be pro moted to higher grades. Holy communion will b’ celebrated on Friday evening and will be con tinued at the morning and evening services on October 3, when full serv ices will be resumed. In compliance with the request of the National Committee on the Con stitution Sesquicentennial. the fol lowing committee representing this church has been appointed: Dr. Henry W. Snyder, chairman; L. Rus sell Alden. Dr. Harry T. Domer, Charles E. Haupt and Dr. E. B. Wills. iUrtltaMst Eptfimpal l MON METHODIST EPISCOPALCHURCH Twentieth Street just south of Pennsylvania Avenue John R Edwards, minister. 11AM and X P.M. _"A Layman's High Calling.1'_ Waugh Methodist Episcopal Church Third and A Street* N.E. REV. ALLAN F. POORE. Minister. 11:00 s m —Sermon. "The Power Is Thine" 8:00 p.m.—S e r m o n, "The I'nseen _Friend."_ Jfounbrp 16th St. Near P St. Frederick Brown Harrii, D. D., Minister. 11 :0t»—-"Through the Churches.” 8:00—"Remember Jesus Christ.” Lincoln Road Method'll Epiicopal Lincoln Road and You, N.F.. RALLY DAY 0:45 a m.—Church School Rally Program. 11:00 a.m.—Nursery; Beginners; Primary g WORSHIP 11:00 a m —“THE VICTORY OF GOD" 8:<ui s m.—Reception of members 8:00 p.m.—"The Glory of Service." Anthems by the vested choir. Strangers are always welcome at "Lincoln Road." Reginald H. Stone. Minister. • (Ehriflltatt THANKS OFFERING TO BE PRESENTED Women's Auxiliary Will Make Contribution in Bethlehem Chapel Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Dunlap, treasurer of the United Thank Offering for the Wom an's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Wash ington, announced that the offering will be presented at a corporate cele bration of the holy communion in-.the Bethlehem Chapel of Washington Ca thedral on next Tuesday, at 11 a.m Bishop James E. Freeman will be the celebrant and will deliver the sermon After being received at the altar in the Cathedral, the total gift of the church women will be taken to Cin cinnati and included in the national United Thank Offering service to be held on October 7. during the general convention of the Protestant Episcopa Church. It is recalled that when this national service was held in the Ca thedral in 1A2R at the time of the gen eral convention's session in Wash ington. the offering gathered during the previous three years amounted tc SI.100.000. Members of the Women’s Auxiliary in the various parishes make offerings during the three-year period between general conventions in grateful appre ciatlon for blessings they have received knowing that they' will be used for thf work of women missionaries of thf church in all parts of the world. Members of the Woman's Auxiliary and others interested are cordially in vited to attend the service next Tues day morning at 11 a m. ' Hnitrii IJfrrnhtttrriatt WALLACE MEMORIAL New Hampshire Ave. & Rondolph St. N.W. C. E. Hawthorne, D. D., Minister 11:00 a.m.—"Two Kinds of Fruit.’’ S 00 mi,—"On Guard.’’ Jlrrubglrriait CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN Southern General Assembly 16th and Irving St*. N.W. Rev. Jamei H. Taylor, D. D., Pastor 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. It :00 a.m.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor. ^9:00 n.m.—Sermon by Dr. Taylor. . CHEVY CHASE Chew Chase Ctrcle Dr. J. Hillman Hollister. Minister 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 a m. and 12 noon— Church School. 0 45 a.m.—The Clyde Kelly Bible Class 11:00 a m—Morning Worship. “THE MESSAGE FROM THE MOUNT.* 0.00 p.m.—Rally Day Supper. Gunton-Temple Memorial lOlh and Newton St*. Rev. Bernard Broskamp, D. D., Ministei 0 *5 *.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Rally Day Sermon by Dr Braskamp. Subject. "Why 1 Am for the Chnrch.'* _ , _ Special Music. 3:15 p.m.—Young People's Fellowship Tea. j Thursday. R p m.—Preparatory Service GEORGETOWN (Founded 1780) P Street ne*r 31st Street N.W REV. ROBERT M. SKINNER Ministei fl:*S n.m.—Church School. 11:00 ».m.—Mornlnc Worship. "Did T< Receive?” fl:*Spm—All younx people »t Clsse rChepe). Sixteenth and Kennedy St*. N W. J. HERBERT GARNER. Minister 0:30 A.M RALLY'DAY 11 A.M. “Clean Hands and a Pure Heart” EASTERN Md. Are. A Sixth St. N.E. Alfred E. Barrows, D. D.f Pastor 11:00 a m.—“Christian Fellowship.*' 9:30 a.m.—S. S. Rally Day. 7:45 p.m.—“The Temple Gate.” CHORUS CHOIR National City Christian Pas tor Will Speak at Morn ing Services. In his sermon tomorrow morning Dr. Raphael Harwood Miller, pastor ol the National City Christian Church will speak on "Can the Church Savf Itself?” Rev. Ivan H. Dugan, associate min ister, will speak at the evening service on "Christ and the City.” Alpha Christian Endeavour meet! Sunday evening at 6:30. At the young people's meeting at f p.m. a series of four lessons begin; using the general theme, "With the Church Through the Centuries." Th( young people will have a Fellowshif meeting in the Social Hall Tuesdaj evening at 7:30. “EXPLODING MYTH” DR. PRUDEN’S TOPIC First Baptist Church Pastor tc Attend Board Meeting in New York. “Exploding an Ancient Myth” wil be the sermon subject of Dr. Edwarc Hughes Pruden at the First Baptisi Church tomorrow morning and in the evening he will speak on “The Joy oi Salvation." He will take as the theme of the devotional service Thursday evening. "Confirming Our Faith." Monday and Tuesday Dr. Pruder will be In New York attending the meeting of the Foreign Mission Board of thp Northern Baptist Convention Concern is felt here as to the safety of Rev. Milner C. Brittain, former as ' sistant, pastor of the church, who if now missionary representative of the church at Soochow, China, where, with his wife, he has been teaching Rev. and Mrs. Brittain, the latter a recent bride at the time of their de parture, left here for China two years ago. The tenth season of the Wigs and I Queues Dramatic Club will be inaugu | rated Friday evening wiih an illus ' traced lecture on the “Passion Play of Oberammergau" and the presenta tion of two one-act plays. - s THEME ANNOUNCED "An Adequate God” Is Topic at Takoma Park Presbyterian. Rev. R. Paul Schearrer will preach at the ; l o'clock service tomorrow ir j the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church on "An Adequate God." Evening wor ! ship will not be resumed until the firs’ 1 Sunday of October. Rally day will be observed in th< j church school at 9:40 a m . following ; which the classes will be dismissed foi j their instruction period. yflti-g»rrtarian Baptismol Service M b| 8 P.M. ■ ■ See 'hi* lovely fish* Cfivil- W~'J i dale* in white Mirror* *o B.d ( view. Come early lor .*eBt "SPIRITUAL CONTACT" l 11 A.M. WOL Broadeosf, 9 A M. Blhle 8chool 10 A.M. Young People. TPM Tue«. and Fri. Meetings at 8 P.M. A CiOcPI l, STOREHOlSE „. ._ OPEN FOR ALL |H Do. Clark Fobcey , Minister Piney Br.Ro. dt Georgia Avc.N.W1m| I Prrfibglrrian Church of the Pilgrims On the Parkway at 22nd and P Sts. N.W. Oift of the Presbyterians «f the South to the Nation's Capital. Rev. Andrew R Bird. D. n.. Minister H. C. Cohbs, Assistant. Hivine Worship. 11 a.m, and 1:1.1 p.m. FOURTH . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH a 13th and Fairmont Sts. N.W. I James H. Miers. Minister 3 1 Oil n.m.—“Jesus Only." j 'Broadcast over WOL at 33:30) i 1 s on p.m —“Jesus IP Coming Soon.” J (Monthly Prophetic Study; Hr = e.~ . ' ••,*•..■ | NEW YORK AVENUE CHURCH 13th and H and N. Y. Ave. Miniater in Charge DR. ALBERT EVANS 9:30 a.m.—Church Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—“United for Service." 6:45 p.m.—Christian Endeavor So ciety. 6:00 p.m.—Evening Vesper Hour. WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W. Rev. J. Harvey Dunham, D. D„ Minister p;:ui—Sunday School. 11:00—“The Centennial of Foreign Mis sions.” Service under the aus pices of the Missionary Society, , ;00—The Young People. Robert E. Lee. Louis Pasteur and Abra ham Lincoln attended church regularly. Why shoudn't. we? If not attending else where. be sure to visit Sherwood Church. SHERWOOD Rhode Island Ave. at 22nd St. N.E. THOMAS LAW COTLE, Minister. 2 Church Services Each Sunday Morning Mornlni Worship at 0 am. and 11 a.m. Sunday 8chool at fl:4S. PECK MEMORIAL CHAPEL Pa. Ave., *J8th and M Stv N.W. IRVING W. KETCHUM. Minister. P:45a.m.—S. S. Rally Day. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon. “Peter's Adventure” Wednesday. * p m.—Ladies' Missionary. The Public Invited. REV. J. H. MIERS PICKS “JESUS ONLY” ASj TOPIC Other Services at Fourth Presby terian Listed at 7 and 8 P.M. Tomorrow at 11 am. Rev. James H. Miers, minister of Fourth Presby terian Church, will preach on "Jesus Only.” At 7 p.m. there will be a study of "Christ, Man and Woman in God's Creative Act.” At 8 p.m. the minister will give his monthly prophetic study with a frank interpretation of Christ's sec ond advent teaching. The subject of this meeting will be "Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon.” Monday at 7:45 p.m. the minister will give a talk on “Abounding law lessness and Cooling Love.” Thursday there will be the regular session meet ing previous to the sacrament of the Lord's supper and its observance the following Sunday. New members will be received. . ■ , !■ ♦ SERVICE IN THEATER Lutheran Congregation to Meet at Palm, in Del Kay. Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Alexandria, Va., will hold its serv ice tomorrow at the Palm Theater, 1010 Vermont avenue, in the Del Ray section. The service is at 11 o'clock preceded by the Sunday School ses sion at 9:45 a m. The pastor, Rev. Albert F. Harkins, will discuss the subject of "Christ and Modem Youth" in his sermon. -• “PROSPEROUS LIFE” Dr. Frank Steelman Will Preach on Topic Tomorrow. "The Prosperous Life” will be the subject of the sermon tomorrow morn ing at Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church. The minister. Dr. Frank Steelman, will preach, and again at the evening service, when his subject will be “The Scrutiny of God.” Theodore La France will conduct the devotional service, under the auspices of the Men's Class, at the ! Home for Incurables Sunday at 3 p.m. •3Cutljrrait ST. MARK’S LUTHERAN 8th and Independence Ave. S.W. Rer. J. Luther Irani/ Pastor „ Rally Day m £ £ ard Church P 4 -* a m—Address bv Dr R F Richer. 11.00am—"The I ninvesied Talent." _ The Holy Communion Or* ::rd ST. MATTHEW’S LUTHERAN Kentucky Ave. at St. S.E. Rev. Then. P. Lricke. 0 to am.—Rundav School 11 QO a m -—"ChnoMni: % Rnad.” CHRIST LUTHERAN RFTHF.SnA-CHrVY CHASE STATF THEATFB. RFTHFSD A. MT>. RFV. HENRY J. WHITING. Taslor. 0 ts » m.—Church school. 11 uOg.m.-—‘‘A Pnwrr fnr living.'1_ TRINITY MISSOIFJ STNOO 4th and E Sts. N.W. REV. HUGO M. HENNIG Rev. C. Stuebe, Assistant 8:30am.—Gprma n Service. 9:4Sa.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—English Service: "Legal ism." TOPICS ANNOUNCED Rev. R. W. White to Talk on “Christian Facing; Trouble.” *'A Christian Facing Trouble” will be the subject of Rev. Raymond W White, pastor of Rhode Island Avenut Methodist Protestant Church, tomor< row morning. In the evening hi will speak on the topic, "A Life ol Poise." The Men’s Bible Class will meet at the Sunday school hour, 9:40 am The pastor will lead th® class In a dis cussion on "God in the Making of t Nation.” The Parables of Jesus ari being considered at the Thursda; night' meetings. -0 SELECTS SERMON Dr. Evans Will Discuss “Unitec for Service" Tomorrow. At the New York Avenue Presby terian Church tomorrow at 11 o’clocl Dr. Albert Evans, minister, will hav for his subject, “United for Service. Sunday, at 8 o'clock, an hour of soni and meditation will be observed b the lecture room. Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clorl a service preparatory to the Sacra ment of the Lord's supper will be held ICuthrran Worship in This Char mi o<j~stone~Ch u r<■ CHRIST LUTHERAf (MISSOURI SYNODI 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W REV. J. FREDERIC WENCHEL. Pastor. 9:45—Sunday School. 11:00—Sermon on "An Apostolic Mode Church.” 5:00—Junior Iz-ague Meeting. TAKOMA Seventh and Ddhfia St*. N.W. (Three blocks ra*? nf Walter Reed on Dahlia. • The Rev. ,f. Adrian Pfeiffer. Pa*»or Morning Worship o' II a mF F e* p INCARNATION VL.Vt’w I 'Maryland S\nnd. United l.utheran rhnrrb ! Worship 11 am._S 8 P t_ (Sratr Totiwca <Durt1} tf'mk Ysnium Si VV & til E. Lmjki , Pastor. ^— P 45 a m.—Sundav Srhoo’ Rally pa~ Frr’ Ire Addrer by M. Erlrh Mee 11:00 a m.—“Derision Da\ in Israel.” §e; mr*n by P?r’*r lVf H'flrnmr Vi*i(or*! I--— ST. PAULS ( Conn. Ave. and Everett St. REV. HENRY W SNYDER, D. D Ta^tor P 30 a m —Sunday School. 11.00 a m.—Rally Day Addre." “Inder Two Finn.” Keiler Memorial Maryland Arenue and Ninth St. N.E. S. T. Nicholas, D. D., Pastor Bible School.._9:30A.M. RALLY DAY * Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Sermon by Prof. H. D. Hoover Evening Worship 7:45 Subject—"Service." Young People's Societies 6:45 The Homelike Church Church of the Reformation Opposite FoUer Shakespeare Library 212 East Capitol Street DR. OSCAR F. BLACK WELDER, Pastor. Dr. John Weidley, Pastor Emeritus. 9.30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship, ser mon: "The Hebrew Trince.*’—Luther League. 8:00 p.m —Evening Worship, ser mon: “Crumbs." Dr. Rlarkw elr|#»r Will rr«*arh. The Tuhlir I« Cordially Innted. gpfampal {jHamtial r*f WashingtonCathedral Wisconsin and Massachusetts Avenues and Woodley Road Holy Communion _ 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon 11:00 a m. t Preacher, the Rev. Edward S. Dunlap. Open-air Service in the Cathe dral Amphitheater commemo rating the 14th Anniversary of the Consecration of } Bishop Freeman 3 30 n m. Preacher, the Bishop pf Washington. St. Thomas’ Church 18th St. Bet. P and Q Near Dupont Circle Rev. Howard 8. Wilkinson. D. D.. Rector 8:00 a m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 am.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon by Dr. Wilkinson. Thursday, if:00a.m.—Holy Communion.: &aint jHarfe’g "ON CAPITOL HILL" Third and A Streets Southeast REV. WILLIAM R. MOODY, Rector 7:30 s m.—Holy Communion. 0:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Mornina Prayer and Ser mon by the Hector. CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN AND THE INCARNATION Sixteenth and Newton Streets N.W. Th* REV. PAUL I). WILBCR. S. T. B.. Rector. The Rev. George F. Dudley. D. D.. Rector Emeritus. Holy Communion_7:30 a.m. Church School P:30 a m. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00 a.m. WEEK DAYS. 8T. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. Tuesday. Holy Communion 7:30 a m. Thursday* i Holy Communion _10:00 a.m. ST. ALBAN’S PARISH 8t. Alban's Church St. Alban’s Sunday School Maftftarhuftetts and Wi«con«in Avenues. Opening Doy, September 26th The Winter term of St Alban's Sun i day 8rhool will beam Sunday SeDtember 2Sth. at P:3fl a m All children in tn« vicinity of the church are invited to attend and realster. ST. JAMES’CHURCH 222 8th St. N.E.—Tel. Atl. 1716 THE REV. A. Q. PLANK Sunday Masses. 7:30 and ll Church school ai 0:30 a m Vespers 7:30 pm. Daily Mass. 7 am: Holy Hour. Thurs.. 8 p.m. Confessions. Sat.. 7-0 p m I 7-; M ST. MARGARET’S Conn. Are. and Bancroft Flare. RE\. HERBERT SCOTT SMITH. P D RECTOR REV. G. BERKEEF.Y GRIFFITH * nr—Holy Communion. P.'iOa.m.—Reopening of the Church School. 11:00 a.m.— Morninc Prayer. Rev Stew art r. Keoline. p p 6:00 p.m.—Young Peoples Socie'v. tpipljaiui 1317 G Street N.W. REV. Z. B. PHILLIPS. P. P.. LL. D. REV. RICHARD A. CARTMELL. B. D. 8:00 a m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Morninc Prayer and Sermon by Pr Phillips 8:00 p m.— Evensong and Sermon by the Rev. Mr Cartmell. The Nativity, « - „ *” ,* * « Both Church Schools, p oo A M. Rev. Enoch M. Thompson, Reetnr, New Pariah urges all to attend ST. .JOHN’S CHURCH 16th And H Sts. 8:00 a m.—Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.—Morninc Prayer. The Rev Oliver J. Hart. P p. will preach on ‘‘The ^Meaning of Holy Baptism." THE GOOD SHEPHERD In Northeast Washington Sixth St. Let H amt 1 REV. rORNF.LII'S S. ABBOTT. Virar. rk\. t. k. r. coeimu, uniiiiii. ■T:.'iO a.m.—Holy Communion. 11 :ot) a m.—Morning Prayrr and Srrmon. Children's Srrvire and Churrh 8rho»l Resumes Sunday Morning at, »:45 A M. * ROCK CREEK PARISH REV. F. J. BOII WAN, D. D. The Country Church in the City. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Webster St. and Rock Creek Church Rd. Services. 8:.'S0 and 11:00 am HOLY COMFORTER CHAPF.L Georeia Ave. and Madison fit. 7:.‘K>. P.;io. ll a m.. 8 p.m. All Souls’ Memorial Church Cathedral and Conn. Area. N.W. RF.Y. H. II. I). STERRETT. Rertor 9:45 a m.—8unday 8chool Rally. 11 .on a m Morning Prayer and Sermon. ST. JOHN'S, GEORGETOWN 3‘*10 O ST. N.W REV. F. BLAND TUCKER Rertor. 1:30 a m —Holy Communion. 9:30 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.- Morning Prayer end Serrr.o® Wedne'riay in A.M Start the Children in Sunday School COVENANT-FIRST Conn. Ave. at 18th & N Sts. N.W. Dr. Albert Joseph McCartney, Rev. Samnel R. Allison, Ministers Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Dr. William L. Darby* Preaching Sunday School in all Departments, 9:45 a.m, -5-- - l