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t Reai 1 Che fretting hi V ^ J L, > WITH SUNDAY MOANING EDITION >*T — ■ ■■—... .-■■ I ■ II I ' — ■ ■■ ■■■■■—■■■ III —— 11 ■■■■ ' 1 ■'■■■■ I" m i II ■ ■ I. ——m • I ■ Mg^—■——————mmmamm—— __WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1937. »»_ PAGE G—1 AUGUST BUILDING i ■ Activity Up 6 Per Cent in Month, Reports From 1,456 Cities Reveal. DROP OF 4 PCT. SHOWN FROM SAME ’36 MONTH Fall of 23 Per Cent in Residential Construction Accounts for Decrease. All types of building construction activity throughout the Nation ad vanced in August as compared with the preceding month, but was some what less than in the corresponding period of 1936. Secretary Perkins stated today in announcing the results of the building survey conducted each month by the Bureau of Labor Statis tics. Reports received by the bureau from 1.456 cities in all sections of the country revealed that the total value of all types of construction for which permits were issued in August was 6 per cent higher than in July. Miss Perkins said. The value of new non-residential construction was 12 percent above the July level, while smaller increases are indicataed in permits issued for new residential buildings, and for additions, altera tions and repairs to existing structures. Compared with August of last year, the total value of building permits granted in August shows a decrease of 4 per cent. This decline was due entirely to a reduction of 23 p>er cent In the value of new residential con struction. An increase of 25 per cent is indicated in expenditures for new non-residential construction, and a gain of 3 pier cent in the value of perimts issued for additions, altera tions and repairs, comparing August w-ith the corresponding month last year. Washington Is Fourth. Total construction figures for the first eight months of this year show Washington holding fourth place among major cities of the country. Valuation of the Capital's building for this period, including projects of the Federal Government is $34,980,763, an increase of about $4,000,000 over the corresponding period of last year. The increase over last year in Wash ington is somewhat less than in other cities of the country. New York City is leading in the valuation of con struction for the two-thirds year with a total of $175,165,384. Los Angeles 1* in second place with a total of $48 497,829, and Detroit third with $40,890,221. Chicago and Philadelphia trail Washington, the reports shows. For the first eight months of the year, the aggregate value of all classes of building construction in the 1,456 cities amounted to $1,142,359,000, an increase of 15 per cent over the cor responding period of 1936. All types of construction showed gains, compar ing the two periods. The increase of residential construction amounted to 16 per cent. During the eight months of 1937, dwelling units were provided j in these cities for 127,339 families, an j Increase of 16 per cent over last year. During last month no contracts i were awarded for P. W. A. low'-cost housing projects. In the correspond ing month of last year the P. W. A. awarded contracts for such projects having a valuation in excess of $18, 800,000. Private residential construc tion, which would not include Govern ment work, was 6 per cent greater last month than in August, 1936. Drop of 20 Per Cent. There were 13.425 dwelling units provided by permits issued in the cities in August, an increase over July of 6 per cent. However, compared with August of last year a decrease of 20 per cent is shown in the number of family dwelling units provided. This was due to the activity last 7see ~august7building. Pg. C-loT) Attractive Washington Residences Recently Completed and Sold — ' -—.. .. .. ■■ _ ■--- - — Neiu dwelling, at 6609 Thir ty-second place, Barnaby Woods, which has been pur chased by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wenrich from the Barnaby Woods Development Co. Mr. Wenrich is with the Post Office Department. AHMETS ENTER LOW-COST FIELD Accept Challenge to Cut Home Prices, Says Head of Institute Unit. A movement to mobilize “all the man power and intellect of the archi tectural profession’’ in support of the national housing program authorized by Congress has been launched by the American Institute of Architects, ac cording to an announcement made public by Walter R. McCornack of Cleveland, chairman of the institute's Committee on Housing. Architects will immediately take steps to enter the housing field as leaders and to rid it of social hysteria and false notions of the American standard of living, McCornack said. “The architect is the unbiased arbiter between the building public and the building industry,” he declared. Sixty nine chapters of the institute through out the country will unite in carrying out the institute's plans. Congress has thrown down the gaunt let to the building industry, and im mediate action by this industry to (See ARCHITECTS, Page C-12.) The dwelling, at 107 Anne street, Kilmarock. which received the Silver Star award, which has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. George I. Dewey by William M. Throckmorton, realtor. The house was built by the Gregory B. Mason Co. —Star Staff Photos. ALEXANDRIA SALES OFF Special Dispatch to The Star. ALEXANDRIA, Va„ September 25— Real estate transfers totaling $63,200 were made during the past week, ac cording to figures complied in the office of Elliott F. HofTman, clerk of the Corporation Court. The largest sale was for $7,800 and the smallest $700. Surfacing of Floors. Regardless of the kind of paint or varnish finish you are applying, the surface to be finished must be in proper condition or the results will be disappointing. This home, ai 4333 Forty-sixth street, has been sold to an undisclosed purchaser by Korzendorfer & Brooks, builders. Sale was made through the office of Phillips & Canby. JEW HEATHERINGTON \PARTMENTSOPENED Majority of Suites at 1421 Massachusetts Avenue Are Smaller Units. The Heatherington Apartments, new eight-story building at 1421 Massachu- j ;etts avenue, was opened to the public : his week. The building was designed j md construction supervised by Harry rrancis Cunningham, architect, with ] he collaboration of Thomas W. Mar- j hall, structural engineer, and the ! Weller Corp., mechanical and electri cal engineers. It was built by the j firm of Skinker & Garrett. Exterior of the new building is faced with red Colonial brick wdth limestone irst story and trim. The style is an nterpretation of the "early Federal,” especially appropriate to Washington, rhe structure provides 88 apartments. 22 of which contain living room, bed room, kitchen and bath. The remain ing units have one room, kitchen and bath. The smaller suites, so popular in Washington, have large entrance halls Bnd several closets, one of which is of sufficient size to serve as a dressing room. The larger apartments on the south front will have dining alcoves opening from the living rooms and directly accessible from the kitchens. The kitchens, which are unusually large for a Washington apartment, are equipped with modem fixtures, in cluding electric refrigerators, gas ranges, cabinet sinks, ventilating fans and storage cabinets above the range, sink and refrigerator. Kitchens will accommodate table and chairs to serve as •'dinnette" if desired. The bath rooms, tiled in black and white, are fitted with attractive plumbing fix tures. showers, mirror cabinets, utility outlets, towel bars and built-in -ttings. MOST POPULAR OF _ Charleston Colonial Type Dwelling Has Unusually Livable Qualities. OPEN TERRACE ADDS TO CHARM OF HOUSE Old Furniture and Reproduction! Draw Praise of Many Visitors. Visited by nearly 10,000 persons in the two weeks it has been shown, the tenth Silver Star Home of the year, situated at 4221 Van Ness street, tomorrow will enter the third week of its exhibition period. The attractive structure, designed along lines of the Charleston Colonial, has proven to be the most popular display home of the year in Wash inton. Its graceful lines and gleaming white columns, sound construction and convenient floor plan, have been praised highly by the thousands who have Inspected it. Beautiful antique pieces and authentic reproductions of classical types of furniture add greatly to the appeal of the dwellling. Located in the estate section of Nebraska avenue, the new home was erected by Samuel S. Spruce, realtor builder. It was designed by George N. Bell, while the lot has been attractively landscaped by J. H. Small & Sons. The home contains 9 rooms, 4 of which are bed rooms, and 4 baths. The Star home is an unusually liv able house. In addition to the spa cious first-floor living room, there is an upstairs sitting room with fire place. A huge room on the third floor could be used either for games or as an extra bed room. There is a full bath on this third floor. A feature that adds to the charm (See SILVER STAR, Page C-8.) Ill _ i H iwm t i I I I jjjg M Dignified Colonial—Quality Envronment—$10,600 S This Home Positively Cannot be Duplicated at the |1 H Price. Six spacious rooms, fully tiled bath, generous ® S grounds, covered living porch. Includes Reynolds Oil » H Burner and Air Conditioning Unit, Ruud Hot Water * S Heater. Fully Insulated and Weather-stripped. Close Jf ■ to schools. Near public transportation. ■ ■ TO REACH: Dries out Wisconsin Ass. to River M , left to B Ellieott gt. H Owners-Bullders-Architects H Just Completed by Cooley Bros. A Beautiful Georgian Colonial In Chevy Chase Gardens r— g-1 4621 De Russey Parkway Furnished by P. J. Nee Featuring Cooley finer construction plus many exclu sive Cooley refinements and innovations. 4 large bedrooms, 2 baths, door opening leading to upstairs patio, large side porch. Spacious living room with fireplace. Oxford kitchen cabinets, double drain sink, Westinghouse refrigerator. Finished third floor. Recreation room. Copper gutters and down spouts. Insulated, furred walls, caulked. Weather stripped and screened. Closets galore, with mirror doors. Large comer lot. High elevation, near schools, stores and transportation. Bryant Air Conditioned. CAREFREE COMFORT WITH MODERN GAS APPLIANCES To Reach: Drive out Wisconsin Ave. 8-10 mile past Friend ship Heights trolley station. Turn left on De Russey Park way at our sign. De Russey Parkway is opposite Chevy Chase golf course. Tower ffOOfeV BrOS. na, | Bldfo 9240 •* V I The Week's Best i a I | New Home | ! VALUES s 1 | OPEN DAILY FROM 10 TO 10 | I 4 Cr 8 I 1 Longfellow St., N.W. | Ideal for a doctor or dentist. Large gj I;§J corner lot. colonial design, three (S bedrooms, two baths, two extra lav- S atories. numerous large closets. B beautiful recreation room and fln- S ished attic. Quality construction b in every detail. 5 $11,500 up To Reach: Out New Hampshire gj Are., bearing left on North Capitol g to Longfellow St. end hornet. Bj 5713 Sixth Street N.W. 1 On the highest elevation fn Mari- E etta Park, these substantial stone gJ with timber trim homes include gJ every modern convenience feature. 3 There are seven larxe. bright rooms, n] two tiled baths, attractive kitchen jg and the nicest club-recreation room you have seen. Near every eon- l|, venienee. Also an eight-room de- £ -l tached corner home with baths, gj i $11,500 up 1 S To Reach: Out Fifth Street to Con- gj gj cord Ave.. left one block to Sixth gj S St. and right to homes. ra g 319 g | Rittenhouse St. N.W. I |i 2 Sold ■ 3 Loft ffi Delightful air • conditioned homes S] (3 with K and 7 spacious rooms. 2 and n] g 3 baths. Featuring Norge oil burn- bi raj er. refrigerator, concentrator and ^ g gas range. Located on deep, level IS aj lots near fi-aere Van Buren recrea- isj S tlon center, close to schools, stores gj IS and transportation. IS} I® $10,950 up | To Reach: Out Georgia Avenue or jf) Filth Street to Rittenhouse. right (3 fo homes. js ! 1023 Varnum St. N.E. | Reduced $2,500 1 | Beautiful tapestry brick containing a ,-j six large rooms, tiled bath, modern b I kitchen and large side porch. Oil S heat, two-car built-in garage. Large E{ landscaped lot in a splendid neigh- g| borhood. Completely reconditioned w like new. Overlooking beautiful St. [S Joseph Seminary ground. p $10,650 To Reach: Out Michigan Ave. a N.E. to 12th St., lelt to Varnum g and lelt to home. g ( 5021 45th Street N.W. § ra At the price this fine, new center- g H hall colonial is a value not often bi &} duplicated. It is situated on a g b roojny corner lot and features four Ej gj bedrooms, modern kitchen and oil @ Ej heat. Will consider trade and ar- gJ g range convenient terms. ' $10,500 | ij To Reach: Out Wisconsin Ave. to * B Garrison St., left to Hth St. ant » ffi homes. jm 1 WE WILL ACCEPT FIDELITY I g BUILDING ASSOCIATION f 1 CERTIFICATES AS CASH ON | | ANY OF THE ABOVE HOUSES, jg I _ • HOMEWOOD • II A Restricted Community 4726 Albemarle St. N.W. This home offers a most convenient floor plan with complete BED ROOM AND BATH ON FIRST FLOOR and three rooms and bath on seoond floor. Con tains every feature of finest modern home construction and equipment. Three other homes of various sites and floor plans now ready for inspection. Hiih elevation, quiet, refined neichborhood. wooded aites. wide, deep lots. 15 minutes to downtown, one block to bus line, three blocks to Shopptnt Center, Convenient to schools, churches and elubi. Reasonably Priced Built by L. E. F. Prince OPEN AND LIGHTED DAILY Drive out Mass. Ave. to 49th St., turn right on I 49th St. to Albemarle, then right to houses. | C. H. HILLEGEIST CO. 1621 K St. N.W. Natl 8500 A jompir mi imi* s 4211 Schley Ave. S.E. One of seven new brick homes that feature construction details you would only expect in expensive houses H rooms—first floor has large living room, two bedrooms, kitchen, breakfast room and bath Second floor nicely finished Full basement. Double oak doors, hot i water heat, screens, electric refrig eration. metal kitchen cabinets. Easy terms; pay less than rent. OTHER HOMES 1210 Stanley Art. S.E. 4300 to 1308 Dewey Aye. S.E. Open Daily and Sunday Until 9 P.M. Tn insnect: Drive out Pennsylvania | Ave.. turn left on Alabama Ave. to District Line, then right on South 1 ern Ave. to Schley Ave. southeast. JOSEPH C. ZIRKLE Owner— —Builder 007 15th St. N.W. District 8888 =:■=•■' -- , ,ll . Georgetown 3342 RESERVOIR RD. Built bv Madison Bids. Co. A typical Williamsburg house. Beautifully built and decorated. Four bed rooms, 3 baths, tap room and bar, charming small garden. A new home with old at mosphere. OPEN TODAY 3 to 6, SUNDAY 11 to 6. BOSS b PHELPS REALTORS HIT K St. Na. 9300 II 25 BUILT—24 SOLD III THESE STURDY HOMES OF ST ONE 4 Bedrooms Roberts Built mm-■ Exhibit Home Furnished by Hutchison, Inc. 5311 FIRST ST. N.W. At Concord Avo. gIG, beautiful 21-ft. stone homes with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, studio attic bedroom or study, 2 stone fireplaces, big recre ation room, big lot and garage. See MODEL HOME TODAY OR TOMORROW NIGHT. Dlst. 3100 REDUCED! Builder Sayt “Sell” 4631 4th St. N.W. NEW CORNER BRICK 7 rooms, 1% haths, recreation room, automatic heat, built-in yara*e. $9,950 (Reduced from $11,950.) INSPECTION WILL CONVINCE YOU THERE ISNT ANYTHING IN THE CITY TO COMPARE WITH THIS MOST UNUSUAL OFFER. An Electric Kitchen Health Home. Open for Inspection Daily Till 9 P.M. CAFRITZ __ 14th and K N.W. DIst. 9080 I The Homes We Have Built At 12th and : Geranium Sts. N.W. | . Show What We Can Do PM, On YOUR Vacant Lot |j|g To Make It Fay You Splendid Dividends To Offset the Expense of Taxes, Upkeep, Etc. Investigate NOW! | You Can Depend on Us! j: H "Stone-Built Hornet Are Better-Built Hornet." Paul T. Stone, Inc. 927 15th St.N.W. NA.0856 =4 Residence Phone, Cleve. 7096 j **■ i*