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F3p Ahead of Public Con struction, With Increase of 41 Per Cent. A bright picture of building con *truction in the Washington metro politan area was presemted today by the Dodge reports division of F. W. Dodge Corp. Private classifications showed up over public work with particular brilliance. Residential ac tivity continued to outshine the aver age gain established throughout the 37 Eastern States. “Privately financed work in Wash ington during January through Au gust was far ahead of public building expenditures, with, a broad margin of *22,386.500,’’ says H. A. Johns, man ager of the Dodge Corp.’s Washing ton office. The value of private con tracts on August 31 had reached ♦48.088.000, a gain of 41 per cent over the corresponding 1936 total of $34, 225.200. The public construction con tracts had an eight-month total of $25,701,500. Residential contracts awarded dur ing the eight months in the Washing ton metropolitan area, including Ar lington and Fairfax Counties, Va.. and Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties, Md.. jumped 64 per cent over the awards during those months of 1936. This is far ahead of the average gain of 32 per cent recorded for all of the 37 States east of the Rocky Mountains. Contracts awarded here during August amounted to $4,259, 400 and that brought the current total for the year to $42,029,100. The cor responding total for 1936 was $25, 603.800, of which contracts for $3,395,400 were awarded in August. The 37 States’ average gain of 23 ppr cent in non-residential activity during the eight-month period was exceeded here with a gain of 27 per cent. During the eight-month period contracts in this classification amount ed to $26,305,200, substantially more than in 1936, when the August total Was $20,725,800 Johns concludes with a grouping of 811 private and all public contracts awarded during the January-August period. Total construction gained 42 per cent here, while the Eastern States averaged a gain of only 16 per cent. At the close of August all construction In and near Washington amounted to $73,789,500, which compares favorably with $52,126,000, last year's August 31 total. Green a Cool Color. Green is basically a cool color, al though there are warm shades ot green. The fact that all green hues are restful makes it a popular color for decoration. Walls painted a cool blue-green are splendid in rooms re ceiving direct sunlight. I-1 ■■ ' BY LAWRENCE CROLIUS. IF YOU have been contemplating the erection of one of the many types of wall-board paneling you have probably met face to face | with the problem of what to do about | the joints. With the majority of ma terials now' available it is necessary I to cover over each intersection of panels with some sort of a decorative moulding using painted wood strips, metal strips or a combination of both. Some people are a bit averse to the idea of having a wall covered with small trimming strips, and we don't blame them a bit because it certainly does much to break up a decorative scheme if you have to consider cer tain size panels, the type of molding | to use and all that sort of thing. This one drawback has no doubt prevented many home modernizers from using these efficient, economical materials in many rooms about their houses, and they will hail heartily a new product which recently made its bow to a long i suffering public. To eliminate this strip-between ; panel business a new' wall board has | been brought out which will .enable ‘ you to place new paneling in any . ..-gn | room, and you need not worry about i its decoration any more than you would a newly plastered wall. This remarkable idea utilizes the simple process of using boards which have recessed edges which are filled j in with a convenient tape and cement so that they are as perfectly flush as any one could desire. The boards are made of an asbestos composition which is fireproof and highly impervious to moisture absorp tion. They can be used on walls or ceilings with equal ease and the handy man about the house will find that it is an extremely simple matter for him to place the boards In place on the old wall surfaces and make a quite pro fessional job of it. Of course, a caj> | penter can do an excellent installa j tion in rooms where fine workmanship will show up after completion, and a shoddy Job would be a great lost of time and money. A recessed edge on each side of the half-inch panel boards provides the space In which the joint-hiding ma terials are placed. After the boards have been put In place the channel is filled with a special cement provided for the purpose. A strong, perforated fiber tape is then placed along on top of the cement and the excess cement is smoothed off, leaving a nicely fllled-in Joint which can be papered over or painted without the bother of placing trimming strips. * * * * YlfE SAW a thermostat the other day which looks as though it would do a great job of smoothing out the operation of your automatic heating plant this Winter. It makes use of a small thermostat located out side which works in conjunction with your regular one inside. The little outside device Is on the order of a sentry box which finds out what Is going on and transmits the message Inside before the effect is felt of a quick cold blast or a sudden rise in temperature. Thus your heating plant is kept advised in advance of what to ex pect from the elements, and even though you may be hurrying about blissfully unaware of an impending cold period, this thermostat will keep the heating plant going along smoothly so that a constant temperature will be maintained with a minimum of cold spots, or hot moments. ■ I HABITUAL SAVERS INCREASE RATIO Building and Loan Official Finds People of Moderate Means Systematic. During the past six months sys tematic savers have increased their percentage of the total capital which building and loan associations have al their disposal for home lending, ac cording to associations reporting tc the United States Building and Loar League as of the end of July. Theli contributions to the hundred-million dollars-a-month lending program ol the institutions now constitute just about dollar for dollar with the large) investments in the form of full-pai< income shares and the less systematli savings accounts. In contrast at th< end of January they accounted for on!; 49 per cent of the total capital. Harold T. Donaldson, president o the league, attributes this lncreasi not only to the accumulation of semi annual dividends on the installmen accounts of several million investor nrTTrTTirTTTTTTTrTiTrrfr on July 1, but quite as significantly t< the growing ability of people of mod erate circumstances to save money sys tematlcally. • Prom the reports received, repre senting a cross section of the State in various parts of the country, th league estimates that the net increas in Installment capital has been ap proximately <48,000.000 over th : amount shown in January. The other 50 per cent of the saving! ' building and loan associations' volum of capital comes from Income ac ■ counts where the investments are mad ( in lump sums, and from spasmodl ■ savings accounts which are becomin t a more and more popular feature c i the savings, building and loan in Tirr nrTTTTTTfnnTnnTni __ ^—I ' vestment offering. Donaldson said that the net gain in Installment savings is really larger than the figures actually show be. • cause there Has been a decided trend in ( favor of the direct-reduction loan in ; savings, building and loan practice, as 1 a substitute for the more traditional ■ method of having the borrower ac ! cumulate installment shares to offset the mortgage indebtedness. Thus there , has been a decrease in Installment ; saving pledged to cancel the loans, - and in order to offset this and to e achieve a net gain in installment sav* c ing, the amount put in these past few ? months by investors who are not bor f rowers had to be much greater than - the actual figures reveal. TirT^TinnrTirnFTirrnrTifr-r-m-r n _ ffl Most Naturally Beautiful Spot Around Washington IWOODMOOR® ffl 7/te (Pe/i^ectAf (fflamted Cwmmwictif Adjoining Indian Spring Golf Course Features That Make Woodmoor Different Located right next to Indion Spring Golf Course. Every lot of leost 70-foot frontage. • New type Bungalows; coxy Cepe Cod Cottages; imposing Colonial homes — of varying sizes. • Every detail of equipment end fixtures representing the lat est designs and types. • • t • Here's How This Home is Finished and Equipped Basement: Wolls waterproofed outside and sprayed white inside; direct outside entrance; automatic heating and hot-water equip ment; double laundry trays; toilet. Exterior Masonry Walls: Damp-proofed ond furred in side. Roof: Slote, laid over heovy water proof roofing felt. First Floor Joists: Fir. Insulation: Full thick )4 inches) rock wool. Heating System: Automatic hot water; Esse ail burner, with 550-gallon buried tank, Domestic Hot Water: Automatic storage system — abundance of hot water alweys. Bath: Tiled floor and woinscot; latest type shower over tub; best grade fixtures and accessories. Kitchen: Murphy cabinets; acid-resisting sink with latest type Standard accessories, including handy spray with rubber tube; General Electric range; Generol Electric refrigerator; Armstrong lino leum cemented over felt. Screens: Full bronze, heavy frames, with reinforced heavy mesh on lower panels of doors. Weather-stripping: Metal. Plastering: Over plaster board, with metal angles and corner beads throughout. Shades: Dupont's Tontine washable, guaranteed for a period of five years not to fode, crack or break. Miscellaneous: Reol fireplace; obundont floor plugs; radio plug; front door bell and rear door buzzer; floor plugs in living room connected to switch; No Fuse circuit breaker (no fuses to blow); 15 gallon concealed garbage con tainer in bock yard; removable laundry tree with buried base. Garage: Concrete floor, with over-head door; hord surface drivewoy. Yard: Attractively landscaped; sodded to rear line. Woodmoor is not a proposed project. It is a completely finished community. One in which you can see exactly its character —and realize that there is nothing left for you to do. It hos all been done for you— streets are in; sewers are in; gas and elec tricity functioning; artistic landscaping mul tiplying the natural beauties. And 25 hand some homes of varying types already con structed. You don't have to pioneer in WOODMOOR. Rigid Restriction* Protect W oodmoor and You Features That Make Woodmoor Different Terminal of the Copitol Tran sit Company's "Four Corners" busses, routed directly out 16th St. • Convenient shopping center being provided—screened from view by ortistie planting. • Our own construction; not speculatively built. Graded, public and parochial sehools handy by. Here’s one of the homes we especially' want you to inspect 101 Pierce Drive—Price, $10,500 Terms which will make financing easy « • X An Electric Kitchen Health Home This imposing Coloniol brick home on a large corner facing Indian Spring Golf Course commands the admiration of all who enter Woodmoor by way of the Old Bladensburg Road. It has two spacious bed rooms and bath on the second floor and a convenient bed room and bath on the first floor. Semi-secluded rear porch with concrete floor entered off the living room. Attached garage of consistent design. Other Homes from $8,450 to $10,750 Only a short 20 minutes' ride from downtown by this direct route out 16th St. or Georgia Ave.—Ad joining Indian Spring Golf Course A few exceptional home sites for sale in Woodmoor. 70 feet or more frontage— from $1,000 to $1,850— with no assessment for paved streets. k ■ - i m Moss Realty Company Owner and Developer Tower Building Woodmoor Office Met. 1776 Shep. 4517 ■‘t. . MO. V Loam for Refinancing Also Construction Loans Long Term Monthly Payment Loans and Straight Three-Year Loans which can be converted Into month!? payment loans at any time without expense. IQUItAtU ■* ” LI Ft INSUftANCt COMPANY Ittf 14* Sr. MS. B4S7 Attractive Home Sold i-—Tn C. G. Chandler recently bought this home, at 108 Leland street, Chevy Chase, Md., from Mrs. Helen M. Davis through the office of Realty Associates. It contains 10 rooms and 4 baths. -—Star Staff Photo. First Offering 4714 Upton St. N.W. Center-hall plan, all-brick, 6 rooms, 2 boths, breokfast room, screened back porch, recreation room, gas heat, electric refrigeration, De Luxe kitchen, plenty of closets, floored attic fully insulated, furred walls, slate roof, detached garage, all copper downspouts and flashings. Price, $14,250 Open Daily and Sunday to 9 P.M. To Inspect—Drive out Mass. Ave. to Upton St., turn left to houses. Capital City Finance Co., Inc. | Owners and Builders No. 1 Thomos Circle Na. 0652 I 110 Walnut St. N.W. | Near Corner 2nd St. | Large living quarters. Main floor includes spacious living I | I room with brick fireplace and recessed1 bookcases, Colonial I | , dining room, modern kitchen and lavatory; three bed rooms || ' and main bath on second floor; beamed game room With wood j:.| burning fireplace in basement. Pergola-garage. | Decorations of simplicity and unusual good taste and quality | Construction equal to finest homes; all masonry dampproofed, | ! furred walls, rock-wool insulation, Buckingham slate roof, Ij | caulked, weather-stripped, Arco automatic heat and oil !’?, I | burner, with instantaneous hot-water hook-up; bronze p | screened; completely finished. I; Drive out Georgia ave. to Van Buren St., turn I east to 2nd St., left to Walnut St. and new homes. |j Matching the Sylvan Beauty of the Park 35 WOODED ACRES Fronting Western Avenue and Beach Drive — Over One-Half Mile Along Rock Creek Park. Preserved Valuation and Prestige of Address ore assured in the "Village" by location, environment, and im posed restrictions—the best guar antees tor the everlasting appeal of its environs. Here architectural character and sound construction is the test of fitness for a place in the com munity. Spacious Wooded Homesites From $2,250 Up To Reach Property—Drive north erly on Beach Drive thru Rock Creek Park to District Line. EDSON W. BRIGGS, Inc. DEVELOPERS Office on Property Wit. 1681 6303 OAKRIDGE AVENUE | CHEVY CHASE, MD. ONE OF THREE I A SETTING OF NATURAL BEAUTY OPEN DAILY *14,750 up Beauty and practicability of design, the charm of a refined community, the best materials and workman- j ship available, PLUS A MODERATE PRICE, make this j one of the outstanding values in today's market. Three bed rooms, two baths, first-floor and basement lava t | tory, two fireplaces, A LARGE KITCHEN, recreation room paneled in KNOTTY OAK, built-in garage, ; FLAGSTONE PORCH AND WALK, copper water pipes, gutters and downspouts, slate roof, rock wool insulatfon. REYNOLD'S AIR CONDITIONING I To reach: Out Conv. Are. to Bradley Lane, left to Maple Ave., right to Elm St., left % block to property. HARRY LUSTINE 819 11th St. N.W. NA. 2844 I rV ’ P