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Building Rules of Ancient Vintage Should Be Re vised, Woodbury Says. Trouble lies in store for cities plan ning municipal low-rent housing pro jects if their building codes are of an ancient vintage, Coleman Woodbury, executive director of the National Association of Housing Officials, said today. Unless these cities revise their building rories, which in some cases date back a hundred years, they will be unable to use improved construction materials now available or to build according to modern standards. The P. W. A. public housing program *f the past few years showed up aharply the deficiencies of old build ing codes, Mr. Woodbury pointed out. The discrepancy between good con struction and design practice and the requirements laid down by some lofal building codps is recognised by the recent State housing authority laws which provide that projects built by the Federal Government may be ac cepted by local housing authorities regardless of non-conformity to local codes. Under the decent raided program of housing provided by the recently ap proved Wagner-Steagall act, the new housing protects will be constructed by local housing authorities and there fore usually subject to local building codes. In cities where building codes are out of date or unscientifically worked out, it may be impossible, for example, to fireproof structures by employing tile along with brick; or to Use light structureal steel and rein forced concrete. Allowed to stand, such building code specifications would definitely limit many savings other wise possible, and make it doubly difficult, to build public housing proj ects within the cast limitations im posed by Federal legislation. Revising a city's building code is hot the routine matter it .would appear to he, Mr. Woodbury said. Thp job Is really one of a planning nature, since the physical layout of the city the nature and location of its indus tries and the efficiency of fire pro tection are among factors that must be considered. The kind of code a city adopts must be fitted to its speeial needs, he added, ' not one copied from another city or based entirely upon a model code.” Although many municipalities an nounce preparation of new building codes every year, the actual process ol adoption is often slow. New York City recently completed the revision of its building code after nine years’ effort on the part of a special committtee. Revision in Chicago has been under wsy for years without, final acceptance having been achieved. Other cities which have recently brought their codes up to date include New Haven Conn.; Wilmington, Del.: Miami, Fla. Worcester, Mass.; Montpelier. Vt. Charleston. W. Va.; Spokane. Wash. K1 Paso, Tex.; Montclair. N. J.; Detroit Moline, 111., and Santa Ana, Calif. New Residence in Greenwich Forest Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Campbell have purchased, this attractive new home at 7103 Overhill road, Greenwich Forest, Md„ from the Cajritz Constr uction Co., builders. i Silver Star (Continued Prom FirstPage.)_1 and livability of the house is an ' open porch or terrace just off the . dining room at the rear. This spot has privacy, overlooks the rear yard with its numerous pine trees, and should prove a delightful spot to spend hot Summer evenings. It Is ■ covered with a canopy which may be left the yeer round. The decoration and furnishing of thp home has drawn the praise of visitors. The old furniture and au thentic. reproductions blend well with the architecture and plan of the structure. The house was furnished I by Mary Crockett, Peebles. WRllpaper and draperies, likewise were tastefully selected. Open Two More Weeks. The house will be open to the public for two weeks more, and may be visited any day during this period j between the hours of 10 a m. and ! ' 9 p.m. Before it was indorsed for sponsor ship by The Star the Van Ness street \ I house was carefully examined by ] members of the Silver Star Homes Committee, a group of housing experts. This committee gave the home its j ! unanimous approval. James 8. Taylor of the Federal Housing Administration is chairman of the committee. Other I j members include Edwin H. Rosen garten, builder and member of the firm of Davis Wick Sc Rosengarten: John Nolen, jr„ director of planning of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission; Thomas San doz, real estate broker, who is serving ; for his father, Comdr. F. L. Sandoz, 1 i -. •/resident of the Washington Real estate Board, and Irwin S. Porter, imminent architect. Motorists may reach the new home >y driving out Massachusetts avenue o Nebraska avenue, thence east on Nebraska avenue to Forty-second itreet and north about 100 feet to Van less street. It Is located a half block rom this Intersection. An alternate minnarsmssfsaastmaiBiggs_ route la via Wisconsin avenue to Van Ness street, nnd west on Van Ness street to the house. LOCAL INITIATIVE ON SLUMS URGED Real Estate Boards Would Tut Brakes on Low-Income Home Subsidies. Shifting of initiative from the Fed eral Government to the local authori ties for construction of any Govern ment-subsidized housing for low-in come families or for slum clearance, the principal feature of the Wagner Steagall housing act, enacted on the last day of the congressional session, meets a recommendation repeatedly made by the National Association of Real Estate Boards. The association has consistently held that while governmental assist ance may be needed to attack these two difficult problems, subsidized proj ects should be undertaken only at local initiative, since they should be planned only after careful examina tion of the whole local housing situa tion and in careful conformity with the long-term needs and plan for the city’s development. The association, through its presi dent, Paul E. Stark, Madison, W)s„ has held that a truly comprehensive national housing policy must be broad enough to embrace decent housing for every family. But such an objective cannot be attained, he points out, unless housing for the lowest income group be undertaken in relation to the whole housing need. Further, such a national policy should include the aim to open home ownership to every credit-worthy family that wants * — to own It* home, whether the fami ly’s Income be large or small. It is hoped that such a comprehen sive policy may evolve from the broad gauge study of housing needs recent ly set up by the President under an informal committee, including Sec retary Morgenthau, Chairman Eccle* of the Federal Reserve Board, Ad ministrator McDonald of F. H. A., Chairman Fahey of the Home Loan Bank Board and Isador Lubln, com missioner of labor statistics. ^—— ' 4828 LELAND ST. BETHESDA, MD. New 5-room, white-brick home, nearing completion. PRICE, $8,550 I Other 5 and fi room houses in various stages of con struction. These popular-priced homes on Leland st. are selling so rapidly that we suggest your imme diate inspection, prior to completion. (Carefree Comfort with Modern Cat Apptianeet) No. 1353 Wis. 2553 4411 Davenport St. N.W. 78 Feet From Street—$11,950 These beautiful 4-bed room, 2-bath homes ere equipped with Wag ner's spacious kitchens, Aluminum Venetian Blinds and Wagner's Guaranteed (AND HI MEANS IT) dry basements. Colonial fire place, ample closet space, detached garage. Open Daily to 9 P.M. Drive out Wisconsin Ave. to River Road, lett'on River Road to Davenport St. and left one block to development. . FRINK J. WAGNER J. S. EATON iscii.nKR \ sai.fs—ci.evr. lL -Ik—. ■ !■" . "" T* s-m—IN. i -U—UU.-I—L-etaL.’ - uas-e.".—i. j •Hern FIRST SHOWING OF A FINE NEW HOME V 4326 42nd St. N.W. THIS new home is one of the finest we have ever built. Contains 8 rooms, 3 baths, and lavatory on 1st floor. . One of the most magnificent views con be obtained from the windows in this house. Lovely recreation room with fireplace, maid's room, oil furnace. Air conditioned. Open flail;/ and Sunday Out Wis. Ave. to Yuma St., left on Yuma one block to 42nd St. and home. BUILT BY MONROE WARREN EARLE M. DAWSON—SALES EMERSON 5744 1820 IRVING ST. N.W. *8,450 FOR QUICK SALE EIGHT WELL-PLANNED ROOMS I This delightful English-type stone-front residence in the I quiet, exclusive Mount Pleasant section incprporates the features that the discriminating home-setfker looks for, but which, of course, he naturally expects to find only in the higher-priced homes. Eight pleasingly arranged rooms, beautiful bordered parquet floors, built-in bath with shower, extra lavatory to master bedroom, modern kitchen, bright cheerful sunroom, excellent environment, architectural dis tinction, last-word housekeeping facilities, overlooking Rock Creek Park and very handy to car line, 16th St. buses, schools and stores. The property is entirely modern, has just been / : so beautifully refinished that you would take it to be brand | new, and the price made so low that we predict a very quick sale. We urge that you see it without, delay, as so much | value in a modern home has never before been offered in this fine, close-in section. ' Open For Your Convenience Until 9 P.M. X" R. M. HOOKER &S v REAL VALUE 305 Lincoln St. Bethesda, Md. EASY TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED New white brick bunga low. 5 large rooms and bath. Service room. At tic. Attached garage. Weather-stripped, insu lated and screened. Slate roof. Corner lot. (Carefree Comfort with Modern (Ins A pplinnces) To Reach: Out Wisconsin Are. to Rank of Rethesda, left on Georgetoim Rd. to Lincoln St. GOSS REALTY CO. 1405 lye SI. Noll. 1353 6600 Wiie. Ave. Wi*. 2551 j=====aa= "EXCEPTIONAL VALUES'' Beautiful New Brick in | "Bannockburn Heights" Wilson Lone, Md. $11,250 On a lovely plot of ground <3', nr-re) in this attractive new wooded subdivision. This home is well designed and contains six large rooms, two baths, oil heat, furred walls, rock wool in sulation, 1-car garage. Drive nut MKQQQPlHH River Rnnii In IllilijirjdlHiiJJ H ilsnn I nnr, > j;'| —7'"" Left—First Hnuse. I Beautiful Raw Bricks GLOVER PARK $9,250 3907 W St. N.W, 8 large rooms, 2 baths, den on 1st floor, modern kitchen, rec reation room, pas heat, rock wool insulation, built-in garage. Others in this group including a large corner home priced up to $11,500. Built by W. G. Irvin & Son Open Daily Until 9 P.M. i PHILLIPS & CANBY, Inc. 1012 15th St. N.W. NA. 4600 Quality on "Quality Street" In Wesley Heights mnnsssrr:--1 4655 Garfield Street, $22,500 j A beautiful home, perfectly constructed, in one of Washingtdn's finer neighborhoods. • 4 bed rooms • Game room • 2-cor garage • 4 baths • 3rd floor study • Lot 70'xl25' • 1st floor lavatory • Hug* screened porch • Lovely garden • 3 fireplaces • Butler's pantry • Air-conditioned When inspecting this charming home don't miss: The unique 3rd floor; the 1st floor den; the huge bright game room; the court yard, the rock garden, the beautiful stone work. Open Sunday and Daily FRANK S. PHILLIPS, 927 15th St. N.W. Ownrr-Buildrr Dl. 1411 i SELLING FAST These new homes are abso lutely the last word in quality con struction—architecturally perfect in design and arrangement and priced within your means. 7 SOLD—4 LEFT *9,950 | $1,500 Down—Balance Like Rent 6 ROOMS—3 BATHS Beautifully finished throughout—warm, glowing color* will give a new tone to your life! Six lovely room*, with French paneled and *tlppled walls throughout the downstairs. Kitchen ha* gas range, Electrolux refrigerator, sink and cabinet* grouped so that one merely turns to reach any unit. Breakfast nook in kitchen. Archway between dining room and living room adds spacious ness. Finished eellar-way allows door to be open, connecting random width paneled recreation room with rest of home. Built in bookshelves and alcove for bar in recreation room. Whits cellar, laundry tubs and gas heat. Cellar is arranged for con version into living quarters. 3 superb bed rooms, light and airy, perfectly finished; ample closets, two smart tile baths with shower—solid, lasting construction, including furred wall*. Ter raced landscaped lawn and detached garage. EXHIBIT HOME 310 Farragut St. N.W. To Reach—Out Kantat Ave. to Farragut ji Open Darly and Sunday to 9 P.M. Brown Bros. Corp. Builders and Owner* 907 15th St. Dl. 2724 . ti f | NEIGHBORS m In Wesley Heights. Spring Valley and Westerleigh you are near fine schools, churches and the resi dences of many leading citizens. You are con veniently located m & most, delightful and nat~ 0 urally beautiful part of Washington. The value of your home in Miller r • a X X i C ted. protected properties will never be detracted from by mis fit or unattractive arch itecture and building next door. See the beau tifully situated new homes available now on *'• Tiklen street, Wester leigh. Drive out Massa chusetts avenue, past Amtrlrtn University, turn left on Fordham road. •* w.c-A.n.Mills* ft# 111* 11th IMreet VW. ' Fvt/der* nf V*nc Hovi r* /or Ticevtv-Six Year t '_ # I ' ■ ■ ‘ . >* < ■* 13 McDonald PI N.E. • Brick ft stone construction • 7 rooms • 2 baths • oil heat • furred walls • insulated • large lot with tree* • slate roof $8,950 Ovt New Hamvfhnr 4»*. frt MePonald Plnre N F. I L. E. BRASHEAR Owner-BuilAtr fat. 2415 You will find your ideal of o small country estate at PAINT BRANCH FARMS \ C ole.tville, Montgomery County, Maryland This magnificent development, comprising nearly 200 acres, is located in one of the most beautiful sections of nearby Montgomery County. The ground is high and rolling, part meadow and part wooded. Several beautifully designed early American homes, each with an acre of ground, are now s ready for your inspection. Their price, you will find, is surprisingly low. Also available are choice building sites of from one to five acres with facilities for building and financing your own home. Representa tive on premises. i Directions for reaching PAINT BRANCH FARMS: Tate Colesville Pike at Silver Spring traffic light I Route 21). Entrance to property % if " mile beyond Colesville. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC. 1519 K Strtet N.W. District 1015 i— ■ -L--- ~ A Practical Home for a Discriminating Purchaser at a Remarkable Price 2802 30th Street S.E. I ' u ' Lovely Detached Six Rooms and Bath Completely detoched—on lot 50x150. 6 large, cheer ji ful rooms—bath ond electric kitchen—three open jj porches—cellor under entire house—hot-water heat I irig plant. Make a reosOnable down payment—and ! then a monthly payment same as rent—and you can own a better home than you ever expected to own at so reasonable a price. II (From Top of Good Hope Hill go South ** Naylor Rd. to 30th) National Mortgage b INVESTMENT COUP. 1312 New York Ave. NA. 5833 an Achievement IN DESIGN and VALUE—$8,250 This home, located in beautiful wooded Sonoma, warrants your immediate and critical inspection. A duplicate of one of the monthly selections at Better Homes and Gardens, it has 5 large rooms—breakfost room—attached garage—basement—dining terrace—large, wooded lot, 60x141; slate roof— copper metol work, insulated attic and side walls, copper plumbing, full length bronze screens, automatic heat, weather-stripped and caulked, ex ceptional kitchen equipment, tile and monel metal sink, ventilating fan, 8 large closets, paneled fireploce. Stop paying rent and start owning a borne. 1214 KEUKA Yf> W«»*rh Prnn*rtv: At Bank nl Pethfiirlff hear 1*>H in dcntoe rnv:*i Rncfj, thence I*4 miles to Sonoma Road, left to Xeuka Lane, I **Carefree Comfort With Modern Gas Appliances” I A. II. SORERSTROM Owner-Builder 4115 Wisconsin Ave. , Cley. 6500 v:. ' V-~ -- / COLONY HILL AN EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD OK EXCLUSIVE HOMES 1710 HOBAN RD. N.W. CORNER HADFIEI.D LANE Price, $33,500 The gracious dignity and unique charm of this Georgian home will appeal to the cultured bu-,*r. We believe this home has more detailed designing, inside and out, than any new house in the city up to $50,000. The refined color scheme, we are convinced, will appeal to those whose tastes are above the average. Built by Madison Building Co. OPEN DAILY From Wisconsin just north of Que St. drive west on Reservoir Rd. to Hoban Rd. and north to home, about 7-10 mile west of Western High School at 35th Street. BOSS & PHELPS 1 POT—REALTORS—1937