OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, September 25, 1937, Image 31

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1937-09-25/ed-1/seq-31/

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Week’s Figure Is Belov
Average—Is Chiefly for
Residential Work.
Permits representing a constructioi
valuation of $387,337 were issued b;
the office of Col. John W. Oehmann
District building inspector, during thi
last week. The figure was some
what below the average valuation o:
private building in recent weeks.
With exception of a number o
permits for small additions, altera
tions and repairs, to existing struc
tures, almost all of the projects ap
proved during the week were resi
dential in type. A total of 37 one
family dwellings and 15 small apart
ments and flats were included in thi
week's list of permits.
Largest permit of the period wa.
issued to E. T. Lindner, 3901 Pultoi
street, and called for erection of tw<
apartments at 4585 and 4589 Condui
road, at a cost of $54,000. Willian
Crusemire was listed as designer
Maurice Korman. 429 Farragut street
obtained the right to build a grout
of six flats in the 2500 block of Forty
first street, to cost $48,000. Georgi
T. Sharp was named architect foi
this project.
Brown Bras. Corp., 907 Fifteentl
street, was issued a permit to erec
six dwellings in the 2200 block o
Thirty-eighth slrect, with George T
Santmyers listed as architect. Thesi
houses will cost a total of $45,000.
More important permits of the weel
are as follows:
E. T. Lindner. 3901 Fulton street
owner and builder; William Cruse
mire, designer; to erect two 3-stor;
brick and concrete apartments, 458:
and 4589 Conduit road; to cost $54,000
Maurice Korman, 429 Farragu
street, owner and builder; George T
Sharp, architect; to erect six 2-stor
brick flats, 2500-24 Forty-first street
to cost $48,000.
Brown Bros. Corp.. 907 Fifteentl
street, owners and builders; George T
Santmyers, architect; to erect si:
2-story brick and concrete dwellings
2212 to 2222 Thirty-eighth street; ti
cost $45,000.
Israel Reiskin, 421 Farragut street
owner and builder; Geprge T. Sant
rovers, architect; to erect four 2-stor;
brick flats, 552-56-60-64 Lebaun
Street southeast; to cost $32,000.
Capital View Realty Co.. 925 Ncv
York avenue, owner and builder; W
Valentine, designer; to erect six 2
Story brick and cinder block dwellings
5044-46-50-52-56-58 Central avenui
Southeast; to cost $25,000.
O. T. W. A. Carr, Mills Building
owners and builders; R. B. Carr, de
signer; to erect six 2-storv brick am
tile dwellings, 5239-51 Forty-thiri
Street: to cast $4,000 each.
Israel Reiskin. 421 Farragut street
owner and builder; George T. Sant
rovers, architect: to erect two 2-stor;
brick flats, 563 and 567 Lebaum stree
Southeast; to cast $16,000.
Chester C. Ward and Hubert Klein
peter, Inc., Investment Building
owners: Chester Ward, architect
Hubert Kleinpeter, Inc., Investmen
Building, builders; to erect two 3
story brick and concrete block dwell
Ings, 3624 and 3626 Prospect avenue
to cost $7,000 each.
L. E. Breuninger & Sons, Inc., 1731
K street, owners and builders; Jame:
J. Baldwin, architect; to erect one 2
story brick and concrete block dwell
ing, 2636 Forty-fourth street; to cas
Esther Hirsh. 634 Kenyon street
owner: L. W. Giles, architect; Harr
Poretsky. 4515 Thirteenth street
builder: to erect one 2-story brick am
cinder block flat. 1390 Nicholsoi
street: to cost $10,000.
George D. Taylor, 7 Fifth stree
southeast, owner; Thomas M. Med
ford, architect; Jaseph Hopkinson
4700 Brandywine street, builder; ti
erect one 2-story brick and tile dwell
ing. 504 East Capitol street; to cos
C. R. Matheny, 6147 Thirty-firs
street, owner and builder: Louis R
Moss, architect; to erect one 2-stor;
brick and cinder block dwelling, 372:
Chesapeake street; to cost $9,000,
M. C. Oliphant, Chevy Chase, Md.
Owner, designer and builder: to erec
'one 2'2-story brick dwelling, 3311
Fessenden street; to cost $9,000.
Howard A. Thomas, 1730 Fifteentl
Street, owner; Hilyard R. Robinson
architect; R. A.. A. W. and U. W. Free
1509 Girard street northeast, builders
to erect one 2-story brick and frarm
dwelling, 1422 Franklin street north
east; to cost $8,400.
M. L. Stone. 1415 Chapin street
cwner and builder; Robert K. Smith
erchitect; to erect one 2-storv bricl
• nd cinder block dwelling, 4309 Rent
road; to cost $7,500.
Cafritz Construction Co., 1404 F
itreet, owner and builder; to erec
concrete swimming pool, 2301 Foxhall
road: to cost $5,000.
J. F. Paton, 2524 Seventeenth street,
owner; Robert K. Smith, designer;
builder not selected; to erect one 1
story brick dwelling, 3233 M street; to
cost $5,000.
John S. Haufman, 4205 Twelfth
street northeast, owner, builder and
designer; to erect one 2-story brick
dwelling, 5409 First street northeast;
to cost $6,000.
John Hesse. 1824 Park road, owner
and builder: Dillon and Abel, design
ers; to erect one 2-story brick and tile
| dwelling, 3705 Jenifer street; to cast
Robert E. and Tessie M. Cox. 1010
( Vermont avenue, owners; Jaseph O.
Blair, designer; George C. Burns, Sil
ver Spring, Md., builder; to erect one
; 2-story brick and frame dwelling. 3516
j Texas avenue southeast: to cast $4 000.
I P. J. Dallman, owner; E. Mortenson,
Landover, Md., designer and builder;
' ; to erect one 1-story stone, stucco and
frame dwelling, 4821 Quarles street
! ; northeast; to cost $5,000.
Webster Eddy, 119 Sixteenth street
southeast, owner and builder; R. M.
Briscoe, designer; to erect one 2-story
. frame dwelling, 5200 Fitch street
southeast; to cost $3,000.
. Cyril E. Albrecht, 4448 Alabama
avenue southeast, owner and builder;
, ! T. N. Roberts, designer; to erect one
. ; l12-story frame dwelling. 3009 Clinton
I J street northeast; to cost $3,000.
i i Mrs. Hattie W. Mills, 1844 Kendall
| street northeast, owner: R. I. Vaughn,
, architect; to erect one 1-story brick
■ and concrete addition, 1844 Kendall
• street northeast; to cost $2,000.
: Brown Brothers Corp., 907 Fifteenth
1 street, owner and builder: to erect
four brick garages, 2912 to 2920 Thir
ty-eighth street; to cast $2,000.
William Callahan, 93 Myrtle streel
! northeast, owner; to erect one l-storj
j frame dwelling (two roomsi, 5400 5
street southeast; to cost $400.
Dr. Guy L. Alexander, 7214 Blaii
road, owner; Interstate Roofing &
Siding Co., 1244 Fifth street north
. east, builders: apply siding, 7214 Blaii
road; to cost $595.
C. E. Spliedt. 6600 Sixteenth street
owner; to erect concrete retaining
j wall, rear 6600 Sixteenth street; tc
. cost $350.
A. Levy, 413 K street, owner anc
. ! builder; J. Marcus Hallett, designer
I —
i I,.... '-g
to erect one 1-story brick addition, I
415 K street; to cost $1,100.
Max Singleton, 2835 Georgia ave
nue, owner, designer and builder; to
erect one 2-story frame dwelling, 5024
C street southeast; to cost $900.
Dr. H. E. Osborn, 3407 Woodley road,
owner; William I. Doming, architect; !
Charles C. Kennon, Inc., 814 Eight- j
eenth street, builders; to erect one 2- I
story frame and stucco addition and
repairs, 3407 Woodley road; to cost;
J. J. McLean, owner; J. M. Hal-1
lett, designer; National Engineering1
Co., Tower Building, builders; to erect |
one 2-story frame addition, 1601 •
Evarts street northeast; to cost $1,500. I
Charles W. Heitmuller. 1312 Fifth
street, owner; Samuel Alpher, 1207
fcrragut street, designer and builder;
3 erect three 2-story brick and ron
rete additions, 1312, 14 and 16 Fifth
treet northeast; to cost $1,000.
National Savings & Trust Co., Fif
teenth and New York avenue, owners;
R. C. Archer, jr., architect; Conrad
Co., builders; to erect brick garage,
1715 Twenty-second street; to cost
Mrs. Fred Telford, 4728 Fourteenth
street, owner; R. C. Archer, jr., archi
tect; Fred Telford, 4728 Fourteenth
street, builder; to erect second-story
addition, 4728 Fourteenth street; to
cost $1,000.
L. Dell ’Erva, 6020 North Dakota
avenue, ownfer and builder; to erect
cinder block garage, 6020 North Da
kota avenue; to cost $500.
Modem Apartments Corp., Arling
ton, Va., owner, to excavate for foun
dations, 3100 Thirty-ninth street; to
cast $1,500.
Virginia Hotel Co., Inc., 1401 Penn
sylvania avenue, owner; Harry F. Cun
ningham, architect; Mohler Construc
tion Co., 1223 Connecticut avenue,
builder; to remodel 1401 Pennsylvania
avenue; to cost $1,500.
Julius Berman, 27 Sixteenth street,
owner; W. Bowers, 4505 Wisconsin
I, " ' 1 ' . =
avenue, builder; to make repair*, 27
Sixteenth street; to co*t *400.
Judge Hobart Newman, 2608 Tildren
street, owner; Enos Newman, builder;
to repair basement, 2608 Tilden
street; to cost *500.
Outdoor-Indoor Type Seen as Re
ducing Variation.
A new and improved type of ther
mostat controls the heat output of
rediators both in accordance with the
temperature requirements of the room
as well as the outdoor temperature,
says the Plumbing and Heating In
dustries Bureau. The result of the
dual control is to anticipate the
heating needs of the room and thus
provide an even temperature which
will not vary more than a fraction of
a degree.
Army Officer Buys New Home
Dwelling, at 3514 Twenty-fourth street, which lias been sold to Col. John Potts by John D.
Rnodcs through the office of Boss <&■ Phelps, realtors. —Star Staff Photo.
SI 2.500
1813 N. Glebe Rd.
This beautiful brick home
with every modern convenience
and refinement; first floor has
four rooms and sun parlor,
open fireplace, oak floors
i throughout; second floor has
three bed rooms and two baths,
one moster bed room with
private bath. Basement recre
ation room with open fireplace,
lavatory, oil heat and garage. !
' Slate roof, copper guttering and
downspouts. Large corner lot. !
TO RFACH: Drive out l.re Highway i
to traffic tight at H Glebe Road,
left at Glebe Road to tilth Street
and home.
417 North Edgewood St.
2 Blocks From Lyon Park
Slat ion
j 5 rooms and bath, open fire
placeX,' oak floors, hot-water
heat, full cellar, screened
porch, beautiful oak trees;
finished like new, very good
location ond reasonable terms.
Often Daily and Sunday
Arlington, Virginia
Phone Clarendon 383
Open Sunday 2 to 6 P.M.
Harrison St.
Chevy Chose, D. C.
THIS charming detached home on a street of beau
tiful homes is being sold for less than the assessed i
value on terms that are like rent. Three bedrooms, oil
heat; excellent condition.
1512 L Street N.W. National 0415
Open Sunday Afternoon
1807 Varnum St. N.W.
Center-entrance detached brick
—k rooms. •! baths. larae porches.
Close-in. new-home section. An
other cut In price of 51.000. Must
be sold this week.
4702 Morgan Drive
Practically brand-new detached
brick Modern kitchen concealed
radiation. A real home.
4703 De Russey
o rooms. *31 a hafhs. detached
brick Price reduced for imme
diate sale.
lC'9f!5thST N W #LI10D
Chevy Chase, Md.
Fireproof Bungalow
This beautiful new bungalow
is built of latest steel frame
method of construction, and
offers last word in improve
ments. This is a carefree
gas appliance home, includ
ing Chrysler's gas-fired air
conditioned heat. There are
five rooms, bath and garage.
All the comforts of an apart
ment with the advantage of
a private residence.
4 Bed Rooms—
2 Baths
For the large family this is
truly an outstanding value
for Chevy Chase. Think of
it—a detached new home
wi,th 4 bedrooms and 2 baths
at this low price.
Open Daily
To reach prnpertv driie out
Conn. Ate. to traffic light at
Columbia Club, turn west ileitt
.'a squares to Montgomery Ate
Sample furnished home, i-U)6
Montgomery a re. [
Homes, Inc.
1108 16th St. Natl. 9452 j
The desirability of any home depends in a very
great degree on the established character of the
neighborhood. A visit to—
—will convince you that the wide space allotted
to most of the homes makes possible a privacy
and independence rarely found in the modern
A steady, healthy growth over a period of fifteen
years assures stability of great value to the
home seeker.
Several fine home sites are
yet available at 1935 prices.
Beached iha 16th. or (7a. Are. to Sih’er Spring Traffic Light,
up either Pike to sipns.
8955 Ga. Ave., Sil. Sp. Shep. 2145
Just Completed
a Beautiful Chevy Chase Home
216 East Underwood Street,
Chevy Chase, Maryland
Corner of Brookeville Road
SITUATED on a large corner lot. This home contains
fi spacious rooms and 2 baths, French paneled and
stippled living room and dining room. 2-car garage, and
many other unusual features found In Brown Bros, homes.
Price $H#950
Carefree Comfort with Modern Gas Appliances
Open Daily and Sunday
To Inspect drii'e out Conn. are. to Under
wood, b squares east on Underwood to home.
Builders and Owners
907 15th St. Dl. 2724
A unique ond restricted residentiol community. Beautiful shade trees
ond scenic beauty unequoled in any location in suburban Washington
"25 minutes from your office to home." Our homes feature 3 ond 4
bed rooms, 2 ond 3 baths, recreation rooms, etc. Large, landscaped
lots, high elevation, ond wide concrete streets, installed and paid for.
The home location you have dreamed about.
See This New Innovation in Home Construction
Sunday to
9 P.M.
We Build Houses to Order Anywhere
To Reach: Drive out Wisconsin Ave. to Rethesda. Rear left at
bank on old Georgetown Road. Turn left on Wilson Lane to
Bradley Boulevard. Turn right on Bradley Roulevard and pro
ceed S-IO of a mile to home. Or drive out Conn. Ave. to Fast
West Highway. Turn left to Rethesda ond proceed as above.
Wisconsin 1549
■ -.— . .-n>: .*gt ~ . I
JLr A New Connecticut Avenue Development in One of 1
the Finest Sections of Chevy Chaset D. C.—Just j
15 Minutes From the Heart of Washington. £
Fine Ecrly Arr.pr an Hon^e In at^d !ao r ' • wc:t Co: e'1 1
A*, jst no" of A oemorio St TrT'-oott'" '■ e, q -
f e schools sutr.o a few rr "utes' nan 4 Kidmorr?, 2 bo*ns, 2-"r
garcge. OT-'.ordsftoned. Iitce landseaped let. C,re . fc' ."'r1"’ ai
doily end Sunday unt 9 PM
.$16,850 . 513,500
738 15th St. N.W. Dlst. 6830
Designed for the
More Abundant Life
3018 Tennyson St. N.W.
• Living Room 13'4"x2rS" • 3 Large Bed Rooms
• Large Dining Room _ 3 n-.u.
• Well Planned ELECTRIC # l C p Boths
| Kitchen • Finished Attic
• Delightful Living Porch • Insulated
• H’9h Elevation • Oil Heat with Summer,
• Two-Car Garage Winter Hook-up
Open Daily and Sunday
TO REACH: At Chery Che** Cirri*, rtoht on
Western Are. to Tennyson St., turn naht to property.
i 1
An Aristocratic Home of Unusual
Spaciousness, Ideal for 2 Families
This is one of the Capital's finer residential properties
offered because of foreclosure at thousands of dollars
under reproduction value.
Reception hall 20 feet square,, living room library
about 35 feet long; large kitchen, butler's pantry, rec
reation room, fine sleeping porch, 8 bed rooms, 3 baths,
first-floor lavatory, immense closets, air conditioning;
beautiful terraced garden. Close-in location and en
vironment will appeal to a discriminating purchaser of
social prominence.
Open Saturday afternoon, 2 to 6 P.M.—All day Sunday
or at any time by appointment
Co out Connecticut Avenue to Newark
Street and left to the top of the firat riae.
Louis P. Shoemaker
1719 K St. N.W. NA. 1166
in Woodlawn Village, Va.
THESE new five and six room
homes feature the most
substantial construction plus
conveniences you would never
?xpect to find at their moderate
fully insulated and weather
stripped. Modern step - saving
kitchens. Beautiful tiled baths,
screened porches, large space
for recreation rooms in base
ments. Large lots, perfectly
landscaped and shaded.
You'll not find better values in
the metropolitan area. Drive
out Lee Highway to traffic light
at Glebe Road, left to North
16th St., right 2 blocks to home.
Monthly Terms
Less Than Rent
P. W. SHARPE CO., Buildert
4711 North 16th Street, Woodlawn Village, Va.
4807 North 16th Street, Woodlawn Village, Va.
4 Bedrooms—2 Baths
! Large reception hall and living room with open fireplace, dining room, breakfast
nook and modern kitchen. Maids’ room, two-car detached garage. A well
planned home on a large lot. This represents an unusual value and is on a
beautiful street.
Drive out Wisconsin Ave. opposite Chevy Chase
Club grounds. Turn left on De Russey Parkway.
Open Sat. P.M. and All Day Sunday
NA. 4600 1012 15th St. N.W. j
L --- ■ 1

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