Newspaper Page Text
SUE FISHER HIT PARADE GUES1 Three Local Stations to Present Initial Program for Red Cross. □ USANNE FISHER, well-known American lyric soprano, is to be the guest artist on the Hit Pa rade program tonight, heard through WJSV at 9 o'clock. Robert Emmet Dolan's orchestra will play the 10 most popular tunes of the week, of which "Whispers in the Dark," "That Old Feeling” and "So Rare” are the three leaders. Miss Fisher studied for three years •t the Cincinnati Conservatory and three more at the Juijlard School ol Music before essaying advanced in atruction at Fontainebleau and Berlin. Bhe made her debut in this country in 1935 after Edward Johnson had heard her singing in the Opera Com ique in Paris during the previous sea son. CYLVIA FROOS headlines another half-hour program over WOL to night, beginning at 9 o'clock. 'T'HE initial radio program in con nection with the Red Cross Annual Roll Call will be presented over three local stations tonight at 7 o'clock— WOL, WMAL and WRC. yHE oldest drug store In America continuously operated by one fam ily is to be honored during the Nation Barn Dance program tonight—WMAL at 8 o'clock. experienced oy a newspaper man while oovering an assignment will be offered by Charles Martin as a feature of his program with Russ Morgan's Orchestra, a WJSV feature, at 7.30. yHE cream of N, B. C. talent in Chi cago parades before the micro phone. beginning at 9 o’clock tonight, when the Saturday Jamboree takes to the air over WRC. TyANCE music over WOL tonight be gins at 10 o'clock, with Mickey Alpert's orchestra, to be followed by the aggregations of Leo Reisman, Wayne King. Herbie Kay, Griff Wil liams, Larry Kent and Freddy Martin. --• ., — ■ — AUTO CLUB BACKS 5-YEAR ROAD PLAN tetter to Sultan Insists. However Expenditures Be From Ve hicle Fund. Indorsement of the five-year im provement program of the Highwaj Department, provided that expendi tures come entirely from the motoi vehicle highway fund, was receiver by Engineer Commissioner Dan J Sultan yesterday in a letter from th< Keystone Automobile Club. "We oppose drawing on the gen eral revenue of the District of Co lumbia for any expense in connec tion with projects included in the program.” the letter read, adding that the estimate of $259,000 made by thf director of highways and traffic foi the fiscal year 1939 was inadequate. “The (Keystone Club) board feel; that a minimum of $300,000 of th< motor vehicle highway fund, con triblted entirely by motorists, shoulc be used * * * each year to providt in administration of the departmen which will be far less inconvenient to the motoring public than it has ir the past.” The club also announced its sup port of special projects in the firs year of the program—redesigning o Dupont, Scott and Thomas Circles Including construction of under ground thoroughfares on Connection avenue and Fourteenth street. HOSPITAL BUILDING COMMITTEE NAMED Charles County Group Will Seleci Site and Erect Structure. Two Tracts Offered. fcpeclal Dispatch to The Star. LA PLATA. Mri., September 25 The county commissioners for Charle; County have selected Paul D. Browr of La Plata, Harold S. Swann o Faulkner and John F. Mudd of Bryan town, to be the Building Committei for the Charles County Hospital. It will be the duty of this board t< ielect a site and erect and equip th< hospital. Two sites have been offerei as donations. One is located withh the corporate limits of La Plata am consists of about five acres. The othe Is situated about 1 mile south of Li Plata on the La Plata-Rock Poin road. The prospective donor agrees t give as much land as needed. The funds for the building am equipment will consist of $11,00 raised by popular subscriptions am the proceeds of a $25,000 county bon Issue. I P.M. WMAL—630k | WRC—850k WQL-l,310k WJSY—1,400k I2TOO Strings and Things News—Music Theater Row ICaptivalors l2:l5|News Bulletins Escorts and Betty News Bulletins ] H. B. Derr 12:30, Farm At Home Hr. Campus Copers Orrin Tucker’s Or. Buffalo Presents 12j451 “ “_I “ "_“ - 1 “ " 1:00 Farm At Home Hr. Buffalo Is Host Three Graces ‘Afternocn Rhythms | j 15 “ “ " “ " Ann Leaf i : 30 L. Paniro’s Orch. Golden Melodies Pet Shop 1:451 Foot Ball Game " _ Hit Tunes Foot Ball Game 2:00 I not Ball Game Concert Wakeman's Sports Foot Ball Game 2:15 “ " “ News Bulletins 2:301 “ " WVek End Revue Wakeman's Sports “ " 2:451 " “_ " " " "_" "_ 3:00 Foot Ball Game Week End Revue Wakeman's Sports Foot Ball Game 3:15 " " “ " " " " - 3:30 “ “ Cup Rat e “ “ “ ” 3:451 “ ••“ •'“ -... 4:00 Fool Ball Game Vagabond Wakeman's Sports I Foot Ball Game I 4:15 “ .... •• •. Geo. Olsen's Or. 4:30 “ “ The Kindergarten “ “ 4:45 Open Gilf “ " M “ Dorothy Gordon 5:00 Star Flashes El Chi o Cocktail Capers Ben Feld’s Orch. 5:15 Bible Lesson " " " " , Music -News 5:30 Music Songs News—Music John M< ssner's Or. Eddie Dooley 5:45 Norsemen Sundown Revue “ " | Fighting Crime 6:00 Israel Message Top Hatters Wakeman's Sports On Communism 6:15 “ “ “ “ Vespers- Music Arch Mi Donald 6:30! News Bulletins Piano Duo Dinner Concert American Homes 6:45 Dinner Hour Jim Kemper At Co. News Bulletins Labor News 7:00 Red Cross Pgm. Red Cross Pgm. Red Cross Pgm. | Swing Session 7:15 " “ “ “ “ - ] " " 7:30 Piano Duo Round-up Hancock Ensemble Johnnie Presents 7:45|Nola Day Concert Hour “ " " ** 8:00 Barn Dance Concert Hour Hay ride Professor Quiz 8: ,5 “ ~ " “ “ “ " “ 8:30 “ “ Special Delivery Swing Ensemble Souveniis 8:45 “ “ “ I George Fischer Lud Glinkin's Or. 9:00:Gun-Smoke Law Jamboree Sylvia 1 roos Hit Patade 9:15! “ •' " “ 9:30 Light Opera Gems " “ George Olsen's Or. 9:45 i “ “ “ “ " " Patti Chapin 10:00 Codolban's Orch. j News—Music Mick Alpert's Or. Frank Dailey's Or. 10:15 “ “ Supper Dance 10:30! B. Strirkland's Or. E. Deutich's Or. Art Brown Happy Felton's Or. I Oj 451_“_ | “ "_“ “_" "_ 11:00 News Bulletins Whiteman’s Or. News- Reism n sO. Arthur Godfrey 11:15 Slumber Hour “ " L. Reisman's Or. 11:30 “ “ Midnight Frolic Wayne King's Or. News—Norvo's Or. 11:45 “ “ " “ " Red Noivo's Orch. 12:00 Night Watchman Sign Off Herb Kay's Orch. Witching Hour 12:15, " *' Griff William's Or. “ 12:30) “ “ Larry Kent's Or. Sign Off 12:451 “ “ Martin's Or.- News 1 :00 ,Night W'atch (I hr.) j Lights Out Air Headliners Afternoon Programs. 4:45p.m.—WMAL. International Open Golf Summary. 5:00 p.m.—WMAL, Evening Star Hashes. Evening Programs. 6:00 p.m.—WRC. Top Hatters. 7:45 p.m.—WRC, Saratoga Spa Festival. 8:00 p.m.—WMAL, National Barn Danes; WJSV, Prof. Quiz; WOL, Lou isiana Hay Ride. ? 8:30 p.m. — WJSV. Souvenirs; WRC. Special Delivery. 8:45 p.m.- -WOT,. George Fischer. 9:00 p.m.—WJSV, "Your Hit Pa rade.” | 11:00 p.m.—WJSV, Arthur God frey. 11:15 p.m.—WMAL, Slumber Hour. Short-Wave Programs. 7:00 p.m.—BUENOS AIRES. Tipica Band, LRX, 31.06 m . 9.66 meg. ! 9:00 p.m.—CARACAS, Conchito Ascanio, singer, YV5RC, 51.7 m , 5.8 meg. 9:30p.m. -LONDON. Walter Collins’ Light Orchestra, GSG. 168 m.. 17.79 meg : GSI. 19.6 m.. 15.26 meg.; GSD, 25.5 m., 11.75 meg.; GSB, 31.5 m., 9.51 meg. ARMY MEDICAL TESTS Ten Vacancies to Be Filled From Among Pharmacists. Examinations to qualify candidates for appointment as second lieutenants in the Medical Administrative Corps, Regular Army, will be held December 13-17, according to a War Depart ment announcement. Ten vacancies are to be filled. Appointments will be made from among applicants who are pharma cists, United States citizens, between the ages of 21 and 32 years. They must, be graduates of recognised schools or colleges of pharmacy. Ap plicants will be given physical, writ ten and adaptability tests. Pepys Painted True Picture. Pepys, the famous English diarist, was a twaddling old gossiper, but he sets down the circumstances of the events as they transpire with such clear and accurate detail, utters no [ feelings but in a word or two in ' troduces us to the scenery of both the out-of-doors and in-doors life of J the time. i Job's Daughters Elect. t MOUNT RAINIER. Md„ September > 25 iSpecial).—Mrs. R. Milton has been elected president of the Mothers’ Club i of Bethel No. 10, Job's Daughters, 1 Other officers named include Mrs. Sam i Fort, vice president; Mrs. Louis Eberly, 1 1 secretary, and Mrs. C. Rassmussen, treasurer. BIUTUUbl KILLtU IN HIT-RUN CRASH Companion Seriously Injured. Motorist Jailed on Three Serious Charges. B.t (he Associated Press. FREDERICKSBURG. Va„ Septem ber 25.—Henry Watson, 25. was fa tally injured and Walter Lee Kellam. 16-year-old messenger boy, was seri ously hurt Thursday night when the bicycle they were riding was struck by an automobile one mile south of here on Route 1. The car did not stop at the scene of the accident. Leonard Myers, 50, of near Ash land, was arrested five miles away by Fredericksburg Policeman Warfield Stone, who said he witnessed the acci dent and gave chase. Myers was jailed on charges of driving while drunk, hit and run and manslaughter. Kellam and Watson lived together in Spotsylvania County about three miles from here and were going home when their bicycle was struck. Po liceman Stone said the bicycle was several feet off the highway when it was hit from the rear by the south bound car. Watson was knocked 90 feet and Kellam 20 feet. LU5T.__ CHANGE PURSE small, brown, with a city name engraved, between F and 14th and I and 15th n.w.; reward. Met. 8N22. DIAMOND—Lost Sept. 2.2. diamond and emerald ring. Reward. Cali Shepherd 34HO. 2H* DIAMOND RING .solitaire, yellow gold. Reward. .‘5220 17th st. n.w.. Apt. 401*. Adams 7500. DOG, black. Chesapeake Bav retriever. Rew ard B E. Bean, 5017 Battery lane, Bethe.sda. Md. _ 20* HALF CROWN gold pin. Thursday: ' M. S. C.” Reward. Call Cleveland 57 02. HANDBAG, small tan. containing Clothing, probably left on running board of auto. i Potomac golf links. Georgia 1052._20* j HORNED-RIMMED SPECTACLES. Wed. I night, in taxi between 11th and E sts. n.w. j and Georgetown: reward._Dec. 242G.2G* | PEARL RING in embroidery shop. 82!* 11th [ st. n.w. Sentimental keepsake. Liberal I reward. Call Emerson ui.to_ 25* 1 PIN. oval turquoise, set m .silver. Reward. , Phone Lincoln 82.2!*-M. PUPPY, young, female, tan. white feet; vie. • Woodrow Wilson High School, rew’ard. :ti»«>] Albemarle st. n.w. Cleveland 00.25. ! PURSE, with keys and papers, bet. 2120 Conn. ave. and Gth and Que. Tues.. Sept. 21st: reward National 1472 or North Apr. 4(1, after H. TOY FOX TERRIER, very small, white with black spots: children's pet. Reward. Wis consin n.D’.G-J. WATCH, lady's, small, white gold. Hamil ton: Tuesday. 1.2th st. between I. C. C. Bldg, and Earle Cafeteria; reward. Geo. 2055._ WHITE DOG. long-haired, tan face, two tan spots near his tail. Sept. JO; reward. Lincoln 10*127. 010 A st. s.e. 20* WRIST WATCH (lady's*. Thursday eve ning. white gold band. Reward. Randolph 2045. __ SPECIAL NOTICES. APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! Hand-picked Delicious apples. 3 bushels $1.(10. Delicious cider. 25c gallon. Bring containers. R. COLTON LEWIS, nr. Cen terville. Va._______ A DEAL FUNERAL AT $75 Provides .ame service as one costing $500. Don't waste "insurance money " Cell DEAL, with 25 years' experience Ltn coln $200 _ PHAMRTT'RS I* one ol the largest L'-rl.nlVl.D.Ej.tvo undertakers in the world. Complete lunerals as low as $7 6 up Six chapels, twelve parlors, seventeen ears, hearses, twenty-five undertakers and agsistants Ambulances now only $3 1400 Chapin it. n.w. Columbia 0432 617 11th st. sc Atlantic G700 FIRE ESCAPES. We specialize in this work. Consult us bout your problem. National .‘17 W>. DUPONT IRON WORKS, INC. ■ _ mo*_ 3rapes, Apples, Sweet Cider. At Quaint Acres. Silver Spring. Colesville Pike. Route Cfl. Dnly 5 miles from th« District. Open 3tlly until 7 p m. _____ PLAINFIELD ORCHARDS. Apples and Sweet Cider. Special Sale—N. W. Greenings. 5<fc Bu Out Ga. ave. ft miles, turn 'right. Rt. J 82. (V. W. MOORE. Sandy Spring^Md. 28» HELP MEN. ADDING MACHINE SALESMAN, with expe rience. to sell popular price machines, 3ive experience and proposition expected Box 222-T. Star.___ ATTORNEY—-Large law firm In New York City has opening for tax specialist; If to JR years' experience; must be thorough ly conversant will all phases of tax lav with particular stress In field of incomt tax. Box 4S8-R. Star. _ _2.A* AUTOMOBILE USED CAR SALESMEN— We can use a few high-grade men for oui large lot at 15th st. and Pa. ave. s.e.; larti stock to sell from at all times: liberal prop osition; full co-operation given in even deal. L. P. Sleuart. Inc., 15.18 Pa. ave ».e. See Mr. Stup._ BOY. young, over 18 years old. lor deli catessen work, 1119 N st. n.w.____ CARPENTERS, call Mel! Ml 85, between 1 and 8 Saturday.__ COLORED MEN. 100, to Join flying club Apply between n and 10 a m. or 7-0 p.m Must be over 18 years of age and want t< learn to fly. Hanson's Technical Schoo of Aviation. Inc.. J018 4th st. n.w. Met sopolitan 2888. CURB ATTENDANTS, over 18; guarantee! salary. Apply fllll Georgia ave. n.w. DRIVERS (2), white, with D. C. permits good salary. Apply 82M 11th at. n.w. _• ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR and moto repair man wanted. Steady work, go™ pay Experienced only. Apply at For Electric Co- -181R I ttH st. n.w._ ELECTRICIAN and experienced helper white non-union; reference; salary. Bot 104-H, Sta*. i HELP MEN. < Continued ) ENGINEER i white*. third-class license, for apt, house; steady Job. Box 1IH-M. Star. __ _ _ ESTIMATORS WANTED, to estimate re pairing and cleaning of furnaces and chimneys: salary and commission: do not apply unless you have D C. driver's per mit. Atlas Service Co . 01.3 12th st. rnw. FURNITURE REFINISHER knowledge of repairing. 4222 Fessenden st. n.w. Cleve land 8626. 26* FURNITURE REFTNISHER or those who can make their own color* and do high grade reflnishlng: all nr part time. Call 12.35 I "th st n w. for Interview and wapr*. MAGAZINE MAN. experienced. .See JHr. Haywood. 219 Stewart Bldg.. 8 a m. New proposition.__ __ MAN. white, to work on small farm, re siding near Colesville; must be able to ride and jump show horses. Georgia 3206 MAN. colored, store and hnusewmk: ffi week: give church, age and height. Box 186-M. Star. MAN to sell intercommunication equip ment. 8alary and commission. Capable of contracting business executives and professional men. Room .310, Insurance Bldg.. 1 to 4 p.m __ MAN experienced in men s clothing. Ap ply Leonard's. .3122 M st. n.w_ MEN WANTED who understand chimney repairs: pointing up or capping: must have some experience on bricklaying: do not apply unless you have D C. driver's per mit. Atlas Service Co. !'I:: 12th m n.w. MEN to contact prospects. Finest propo sition In Washington. No competition, no selling, excellent remuneration. Phone De catur 3554 for aPDOintmen? and ask for Mr. Hausman. Call between 9:00 and 1 I 00 a m MEN. experienced only, tor vacuum clean ing furnaces and chimneys: also furnace repair men: do not apply unless you have D C. driver's permit. Atlas Service Co.. :»13 12th si u w MEN (2) interested in making a real in come. Excellent future. 100r* assistance In learning the highest paid business of its kind Inquire Mr. Davis, 1,36J Wallach pi. n w . [O Itld 2 daily. PAINTERS, two. must he fast and clean, inside work: '5c hour to suitable me chanics. Call after tJ:.30 p.m., Clarendon .345-J._ presser. 1st class; also experienced on alterations. Apply at once. 5422 1st pi. n.w. Randolph 044T._ SERVICE STATION BOY. for nights, expe rienced with tires and battery work. Call North 9668 SHEET AIR-CONDITIONING layout man. $1.25 hour to right man. Apply.302 Cedar ! st n.w. SODA DISPENSER Must be experienced.! have local references. Tenleytown Phar macy. 4425 Wisconsin ave. TIRE SALESMEN, experienced with>stab- I lished record of recent date selling to commercial accounts in Washington: basis of compensation open Right man can name his own terms. Box 2.32-J. Star. _ I TRUCK DRIVERS, young men. who must ‘ know the streets and apts. well and handy ! with hammer and chisel, wo to start and learn the business. 1235 10th at. n w. UPHOLSTERER WANTED -Good pav. steady Job. P. L. Armstrong 58 Mary land ave.. Hyattsville. Md. Phone Green wood 2884 26* YOUNG MAN. for grocery clerk; must have some experience in cutting meat; references Glover Park Market, 2411 arth st. n.w young man for delivery department give age. experience and references. Box .321 -T. Star. WILL START training salesmen for part time work in new field where honesty and conscientious effort will result in steadily increasing income._Dlst. 4101. _______ UNUSUAL 'OPPORTUNITY. High-grade salesman, accustomed to narn worn ana gooa income m specialties such as cash registers, scales, refrigeration, siore fixtures, coin-operated machines and kindred lines, has unusual opportunity to act as direct factory rep resentative for large manufacturer rated . AAA-1, territory in and around Washing ton. you will he given thorough training and supplied with leads secured from gi gantic advertising campaign: every oppor tunity for steady advancement; write details. Box 305-T. Star _ _3H* YOUNG MAN. AROUND 30 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE MECHANICALLY INCLINED. HAVING SOME KNOWLEDGE OF MOTOR PARTS. MACHINERY. ETC ; STOCK ROOM EXPERIENCE AND GEN ERAL OFFICE WORK. TO LEARN BUSI NESS. IN REPLY STATE EXPERIENCE AGE. SALARY EXPECTED AND GIVE THREE BUSINESS AND THREE CHAR ACTER REFERENCES. APPLY IN OWN HANDWRITING. BOX 540, ALEXANDRIA. VA._ _30*_ ATTENTION. We have a few openings for neat, am bitious men. at least 3 1. with D. C drivers' permits Salary. $1150 per week plus bonus and commission. Willing worker* ran earn S3u-$4n per week. Absolutely no selling 1 *2HO 33nd at n.w. 4 RADIO SERVICE MEN. " Two for bench work, must be good; two for outside we furnish cars; big salaries to right men: answer at once. Box 307-8. REPRESENTATIVES. The distributor for one of the oldest manufacturers of heating equipment in the country is desirous oi placing *1 men on the sales force in Washington and vicinity. Only those having a high degree of in itiative need apply. See sales manager be fore P 45 a m. Lee D. Butler Air Conditioning. Inc., 113P 1 Mth St N.W. SALESMEN. RETAIL .SALESMAN familiar with rftail arocpry tradr. spllma well-known product. ; S ate aae experience »nd salary expected, i Box .TIK-T. Star. _ SALESMEN. Will Interview for immediate employ : ment men who are vitally interested in a permanent future: the caliber of men must be iho>e whose living standards dr , iniind an income exceeding 575 per week. I Box_1 4-S. Star.___ ___ SALESMEN. Experienced automobile men '3L gpt Into the Ford business with one of Washington s oldest dealers. Very attractive proposition; ideal working condition*. See a)e^ man ager. Northeast Motor Co., 0:10 Bladensburg rd. n.e.__ SALESMEN. Men of neat appearance, mentally alert, looking for permanency, there are openings in our organisation that will .-ol\e the problem confronting most men seeking incomes ranging trom 515 to .$150 per week. When renlving. please 1 ei\e sales experience for past 5 years. ! Box 13-8 Star. HELP MEN AND WOMEN. COUPLE, neat, experienced, intelligent, as cook-housekeeper and chaufTeur-gardener: only best cook, exceptional driver and ex perienced gardener need apply: excellent, separate living quarters; 30 minutes from Washington family of two: good wages for right Party. Write qualifications, ref j erences. Box 314-T. Star._ ! WANTED — Experienced couple, cook, houseman and chauffeur; first-class refer ences. Good home for right parties. 1005 Van Buren st. n.w. INSTRUCTION COURSES. j BARONESS UNGERN S ACADEMY of lan i guages. 1137 Conn. ave. n.w. Telephone I North f.fhsn. Register now. Russian. French. German, Spanish. Groups, 35c per hour; private. $1.50. POTTERY AND CERAMIC SCULPTURE classes, day and evening; reasonable. Ray Murray. 1335 P_ st. n.w._37*_ DIESEL IS BOOMING, Invading all branches of industry, creating opportunities for trained men. For free booklet write Registrar. Hemphill Diesel School. 4iml Cold Spring lane. Baltimore. WASHINGTON ACADEMY Of Hair and Beauty Culture, loth ST * N. Y. AVE . :tr>(l WASH. BLDG. Washington's newest and finest equipped beauty school. American and European latest methods. Daily demand for our graduates. Lowest rates. Pay as you learn. Free booklet. Investigate and compare. Formerly With Wilfred's N. Y. Expert Dent. H ELP WOM E NL BEAUTY CONSULTANT—Vacancy to be filled by woman of intelligence and Initi ative. Liberal commission while training for salaried position. Apply 0-13. Der metics. Inc. 15is Conn ave. n.w._ BEAUTY OPERATORS, experienced with following: vicinity 1 Mth and Columbia rd.; $35. Columbia 10413. BEAUTY OPERATOR. Apply Carnell Beau ty Shop. 3111 14th st. n.w._ BEAUTY OPERATOR, with following, very good prrposition. Box 410-8. Star. CALIFORNIA SPORTSWEAR COMPANY has opening in this vicinity for high-type woman, over 35. to sell beautiful line of sportswear made to measure. We are larg est factory of its kind in U. S . and repre sentative selected can earn substantial in come For personal interview, Box 409-S. Star.___ COOK. Swedish, for Stockholm Bar and Restaurant. Laurel. Md. Phone Laurel__2#n. CURB ATTENDANTS, over IS; guaranteed saiary._ Apply 5111 Georgia ave. n.w. GIRL, white, to live with family in n.w. section, care for children, help with g.h.w. Call Emerson 2394.__ _ GIRLS, age 20 to 39. for cosmetic work. Good opportunity for ambitious people. 1223 Vermont ave. n.w., Apt. 44, between 4 and 8.____ GIRLS over'l 8 years for car service. Apply Beck s Frozen Custard, Washington Air port._2®_ HAIRDRESSER, experienced shampoo girl and manicurist, to work 60-60. Call De catur 0264-J._ HOSTESS for exclusive restaurant, between 25 and 35 years of age. Write, stating age. experience, refs. Box 33H-S. Star._ LABORATORY- TECHNICIAN, well trained, in physician's office; state qualifications and experience. Apply Box 141-8. Star. SALESWOMAN, experienced, with car. for an established real estate office, to fill va cancy. A. J. Levtngton 8c Son, 14th and Uhle sts.. Arlington. JVa._ 28* SOCIAL SECRETARY; part-time work; must be stenographer: give *ge. educa tional advantages and references. Box 324-T. Star.___ STENOGRAPHER with some bookkeeping experience; stage age. experience, refer ences. also salary. Box 1H-S Star.__ i STENOGRAPHER in office of legal pub lications; must have had several years 1 experience and be able to handle routine correspondence, fair salary with excellent, chance for promotion. Write fully gs to all experience, age, education, etc. Box 234-J, Star. • 4 rOO LAT£ TO CLASSIFY "I GOT THESE STEERING WHEELS THROUGH AN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY IN THE EVENING STAR CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR OUR MECHANICS TO WiPE THEIR GREASY HANDS ON.” HELP WOMEN. (Continued ) WAITRESSES — Scandinavian birth or )arkaround essential. Apply THE SMOR GASBORD 1H.T2 K st. n.w. WAITRESSES <4' Italian preferred, also lirl for entertaining must have good voice. Lido Restaurant, J••«»X 1*th st. n w. • YOUNG LADY for typing about IS vrs. Did state salary and education. Box Star.__ CORONE! Has openings for .3 women In sales depart ment no selling experience reqirired lib eral commission and bonus. 715 !»th st. 11. w._ _ IMMEDIATE VACANCY FOR AN EDUCATED WOMAN A Re, *77-45. with above aveiaRe intelli gence. permanent position leading to ex ecutive work in educational service dept : ; to qualify must be able to meet public | easily, assume responsibility and unincum bered. to applicant selected position should pay over yf non per year; hours, 0-4; per sonal Interview necessary. Write aer. edu cation. experience and phone number. Box :7»*n-T. Star. CENSUS TAKER. Young woman of neat appearance to secure house-to-house census for NA TIONAL FOUNDATION. Absolutely no sellinR Pleasant work with liberal re muneration on commission basis, phone District 4101. . HELP DOMESTIC. COOK and general housework, white, will ing. reliable Jive in unstairs room, small family: refs, required: do not answer unless able to fulfill requirements. Box 331-3. Star COOK help with child: General housp work no iatindry Phone Emerson *2.30.3. COOK colored for g.h.w dependable; small family; references. 710*2 C st. n.e.. Apt COUNTRY GIRL, white as cook and gen eral houseworkei: live in. small family; ipfv Call North 1*771 GENERAL HOUSEWORKER cook experi enced sleep in; no laundry. 57 15 Colo rado hvp n w. GIRL, white, exp for v h w family of three adults; live in. $7 weekly. Wiscon sin 4*7*24. GIRL, colored for General housework good wages; city references. Apply 3544 Tsl :• Hi * GIRL colored, neat, for general house work stay nights. 300* Macomb st. n.w. Emerson *1*27. References required. GIRL colored, excellent cook general housework, stay in; references. Shep herd IfitUi. _ _________ _7o*__ GIRL, colored g.h.w. mothers helper, neat. 7."»-:t.v. city refs.; stay nights. mo. Randolph oKJ»7. WANTED — Middle - aged, experienced woman for general housework and cook; permanent employment room and board furnished good references required Call or write Mrs. J. E. Noonan, Fort Beivoir. Virginia. WOMAN, colored lor genera! housework, cooking and laundry; only one with expe rience and good city reference need ap ply. Salary, $40 month. Box :us-T, WOMAN for general homework: stay nights, reference."'. !* 7 th s; n.w. WOMAN, colored, for cooking and g.h w suburban. in lamily. musi have refer* fines and stay nights. Shepherd IJ WOMAN nnddle-aged or elderly, capable. a""S housekeeper in widower s home: no children, salary, room and board: preier German-American or Scandinavian. Col. 5MM-W e\entngs or Sunday after Jl a m. _SITU ATI ONSMEN.__ ACCOUNTANT expert; books started, bal anced audited kept part time: tax prob lems: most, reasonab!e:_refs. Adams !»7:»G. ACCOUNTANT. bright, auditing, bookkeep ing: teas Line. 7t»N.‘> for estimates, COLORED MAN wants work of any kind: willim* worker. North S3 7ft, ask for M ;! phy * FARMER ami dairy man wishes to make change; middle-aged small family, refer ences. Box 773-M Star. MAN. colored, wants job as second cook or any kind work. North .V.Tti-J. Ask for c toodail. MAN, colored, wants work ol most any kind. Dec. :t47s-J. _ 7.7* PHARMIST. over in years experience in n.w Washington, in prescription pharmacy; best references. Box lMft-M. Star._ PRINTER-PROOFREADER wants part time work.__ Phone Columbia MSN. STUDENT desires part-time work for room and board. Box 7<>7-T. Star. 7P* SITUATIONS MEN b WOMEN._ MAN AND wife! colored, want job as Janitor with small wanes where man can work out. or (rood wases and stay there. Phone North 41 OK. 25* SITUATIONS WOMEN._ NURSE, infant: capable taking full charge; excellent references; moderate salary. Phone Sterling 1*743. _ _7b* STENOGRAPHER. 10 years civil service, technical dictation, good statistical typist, middle-aged, will accept small salary. Adams NO 1 7 or write Box 731 -T. Star. *.0* rtvnne.Raphrr AND TYPIST (white). competent; references; small salary. Mrs. Crow. National UiHItl. _ 2*l* STENOGRAPHER. H yrs.' legal experience, temporary or permanent; local references. Phone District 3*73, Ext. .‘nus-A. 80 SITUATIONS DOMESTIC._ COLORED WOMAN wants work. 2 days week. Call Lincoln 75411 between 4-, pm. COLORED WOMAN wants general house work: no Sunday; good references. 1.33 BUI st. n.w.___ COOK, colored, desires work, private fam ily; no Sunday; city reference. North 2581. GENERAL HOUSEWORK, cooking, maid service. 2540 14th n.w. Phone Col. 10407. Elizabeth Carson. _ GIRL! colored, wishes job as waitress or chambermaid; with ref. Call Po tomac 5108._____* _ GIRL colored, with refs., wants work as chambermaid laundress; day or week. Box 313-T Star____SB* _ GIRL, colored reliable, wants work for Tuesdays, regular; ref. Phone Atlantic 0778-J._.___* GIRL, colored, from South, wants g.h.w. of any kind. Good reference._Met. 0802. GIRL, colored, wants g.h.w.; stay nights; city references._2301. M st. n.w._ GIRL, colored, g.h.w.; lull time: experi enced: good references._234 W st. n.w. GIRL, coldred. wishes cleaning or care of child after school; honest and neat. Call Lincoln 8082-J.______ GIRL, colored, with city reference, wants day's w ork. 2013 8th at. »■»._ GIRL, colored, wants work, part time; good houseworker. Phone North 4198. GIRL, colored, wants work as waitress. Potomac 3008.______ GIRL. neat, colored, as general house worker. cook, nurse; stay nights; refer ences. 1124_5th st. n.w.__ HOUSEKEEPER- - White, middle-aged lady wishes to share home with lady or couple In exchange for room, board and small salary. Cull West (1551-J. _ 2H* HOUSEKEEPER companionable, for moth erless home, elderly or employed couple; refined: no laundry; Protestant; $7 week. Box 342-T. Star.___2H*_ WHITE GIRL, experienced, desires work in private family as cook, chambermaid, wait ress: clty_reference. Met. niioH. . * WOMAN, white, middle-aged as l.h.k. or care children or invalid; live In. Wisconsin 3S10. ____ WOMAN. cnlorPd. wants day's work or part time. 1205 T st. Decatur 4435-W. MOTOR TRAVEL. LEAVING FOR PORTLAND OREG . about Oct. 3. 1036 Terraplane; want 3 passengers: reas. 13 7th st. s.e. CAMERA REPAIRS. CAMERA REPAIRING. FULLER * 4 ALBERT. INC.. 816 IOth St. N.W. Phona National 4718, ¥ _PERSONAL.__ FALSE TEETH REPAIRS WHILE YOU wait. Emergency Laboratory. Room (501. Wes tor y Bldg.. 14th and F_ Met. 18.TT_ HEMORRHOIDS ERADICATED BY MY own method. Results effective for a life time or money back. Write for booklet No drugs or * artery DR. SOMMERWERCK. J .'{»i.-#_CoIumbia id._Adams o:iks. i; .'l KENYON ST. NW PVT. FAMILY. 'I adult*, studio rm . v.’h. adj. sun room, optianal. $]0; gentleman. Col.. ;ii:pj or Col. KIND EXPERIENCED MOTHER WILL care for one 01 two children under ♦» years; reasonable: private home, knows small children. Wise. .VM.VM. NURSE WILL CARE FOR CONVALES cents and elderly persons in her home. Special attention to diets. Clew FALL REOPENING OF THE ‘FIBRE Flower Studio' ; complete linp materials for flower making._1 :t_l 7 F_st. n w Rio. so:. CHEVY CHASE. D C CLOSE TO schools and Bureau of Standards: newly re modeled and reconditioned detached cor ner home; top floor, two double rooms and complete bath; second floor, three double communicating or private rooms bath and opening onto porch, and one single room and hath opening onto porch I am anxious to share my home, furnished or unfurnished, with or w.thout meals. Cleve land 057 1. FRENCH AND REAL FRENCH ONLY* taught by experienced, native teacher rea sonable. Col. T*!oo, Apt. :;o\\ Please leave phone number GENTLEMAN WANTS TO PUT* HIS rt year-old son in a refined home m n w sec tion of the city, near school If possible he wants to room and board himself. Box \*n:-T. Star * WO.MAW' WISHES TO CONTACT ~CON cenial woman to join her in trip South for Y inter; expenses to be shared. Box :*4d-T. Star. HILLTOP HOME. NEARBY VA : GRAD~ nurse; convalescent, elderly or rest cases cared for; beautiful, large rooms; quiet; good food. Walnut 101«». _ ELM LANE SCHOOL Problem Boys. »i-!4 Years. Limited to f» Boys. Trained Staff _Annapolis. Phone 1801-F-4. HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. ROOFS. Asphalt. tin slaa. built-up roofs Guar antppd vpars. Roofs roDairpri and pHinipn. r'ir«* wnue waterproofed a« oestos s:rie wall. Celo'ex rock Tyool We • re applicators for R rd A Sons roofing m bestos and Bric-Sidewall. Three-year pay men* clan THE AMERICAN RE-ROOFING CO nm:i i uh st n.w. coi. 4551. HOUSES BUILT. REMODELED, RENOVATED. RECREATION ROOMS. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. THE GORE CO., BUILDERS. 5run GA. AVE. N.W. RANDOLPH 1 “M7. _REPAIRS €r SERVICE. _ BEDDING MATTRESSES box springs and pillow:, reno.; best prices and prompt del. m • re Ci• l *; • w- Na R( CARPENTER, white, independent porches screened, repaired or inclosed, attics and basements finished: fences, all type>: book shelves. cabinets, closets, modern built-in furniture; gen. repairs. Douglas. Atl. 2201. ELECTRIC WIRING, r8‘$lu£ pairs: (>-r. house fixtures & base plugs. 500 Re cal glee. Co,. MO Upshur n.w Col fl::0 1 ITT Sanding finishing. Reason r uuuno abIe L T Folk 5 ;57 Sherrler ol n.w Claveiand 0528 FLOOR WORK, sanding and finishing: prices reasonable: work guaranteed. C. C Deaton. IMi.l Longfellow at. n.w. Georgia 84 ____________ PAINTING, papering and plastering. 1 do my own work. Work guaranteed Cal alter 5 o'clock. N Raine. Col 0505-W. 1* PAPERING. PAINTING. REPAIRS. “BETTER HOME IMPROVEMENTS '* PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CO. 250.1 Georgia A\e. N.W. Adams 1207. Eves. Atlantic 2040. PAPERING -5 ROOMS. 2-STORY HALL S55 ard up. Quick service. Call aro time. Not cheap wcrk._Randolph .2445._2«^ PAPERING, painting: responsible work man. prices reas work guaranteed: be.v references:_extimates._ Greenwood 1 052-J PAPERING. PAINTING work guaranteed rock-bottom nrices: father and son. Co lumbia _H7 5ns Kenyon st. n.w. 25* PAPER HANGING this week only. $G.5< prr roorr: washable, sunfast paper 0! 1027 :_work rub rant eed ._ Adams 1501. PLUMBING AND HEATING. Jobbing and Remodeling a Specialty. _HARRY E WILLIAMS. NORTH H74S. ROOFING SIDING INSULATION Terms If Dpsired. ENTERPRISE ROOFING COMPANY. 2125 R. I. Ave. N.E. Potomac 0700. DllClkJCCC ABDABTI IMITirt ANTIQUE STORE and furniture repait shop with apt.: cheap rent. 2433 18th st. n.w._Adams 0701. MUST SACRIFICE small grocery and con fectionery. residential neighborhood: n< competition; excellent living quarters tea son able. North 9739. 27* CORNER. 100x240. RUNNING THROUG1 from street to street, located on W Vernoi Blvd. in Alex.. Va.; splendid location; vie* of river and hills of Md. and Va. Los than AOC per ft. See Mr. Hftrtung..GRAHAN A OGDEN. INC., Realtors. 8i>3 King st. Alexandi Im. Va /Uexandi la 1300 FOR SALE—Lone established auto rrpai business on wide alley in downtown section near Thomas Circle. $300 including tool and equipment: rent, $00. Apply ren 1224 13th ll n w GAS AND OIL FILLING STATION FOF LEASE. ALSO PARKING LOTS. BEH REND. J[ 317 F I * LUNCH ROOM with class C liquor li cense for sale. Box 305-T, Star. 37* LIQUOR LICENSE, class C. for sale. Bo: 394 I Star 3;* GROCERY and meat market for sale; rea sonable. For information call Lincoli 10305. 20* ROOMING HOUSE for sale. 13 rooms filled sacrifice. Call Met. 4t;.*>4. FOR RENT—Coat room and cigarette con cession in a leading night club. For infor mat ion. call National 0233. ATTRACTIVE ROOMING HOUSE -La rg income will rent and sacrifice furnishings 13H5 Euclid st. Long lease; $100 month. HOME WITH INCOME, facing Cong. Li brary; 5-rm. apt., well furn.; sell fur niture very reasonable; rent. $55. in eluding heat, hot water. Frigidaire: : rms. pay rent._Lincoln_7973._ • GAS STATION—On U. S. No. 1 highway in D. C.: ti pumps; 10,000 gals, per mo Call North 9433._ BEAUTY SHOP on Conn. ave. for sale a sacrifice; modern, up to date, doing nic< business; excellent reasons for selling Owner. Box 105-T, Star._'.“I* BEST TRIANGULAR LOT ON NO. 1 HIGH way, suitable for store, gas station, touris and trailer camp or barbecue stand; ]' miles from Wash., in Va ; 800 ft. on high way for only $2,000./ BOX 180-T. Star office FRUIT, grocery and delicatessen; will pa: for itself before May first: thirty-five hun dred dollars needed quick. Box 333-T. Star _ D~G. S.. corner, with 8 rms.: northwes section: mixed trade: $700 weekly, mostl: cash: long lease; rent. $100; $4,000. plu stock. _ Adams 231 8._ 2H• BASEMENT for beauty parlor or o'be business, with 3 rms. and bath; nea Senate Office. Metropolitan 7518. 26* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. (Continued.) QUICK~ACfiON will secure store In Ideal location for delicatessen or grocery; mod erate rent, sell futures at sacrifice, dis solving partnership. 3503 Conn. ave. Emerson H4S4. 26* MILLINERY AND DRES8 SHOP for tale excellent uptown location; low rental; terms. Box 301-T star BEER TAVERN and license, fully equipped, good location: excellent business, selling through Illness. Greenwood l 737-R. 30* 9300.000.00 ORGANIZATION wants''young man or middie-aged man v.ith 91.5(H) capital who wants to go into an honorubip. very profitable cash business; exceptional opportunity; no canvassing or sales. Box -1. BtHI MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. Books BOUGHT, all kinds, any quantity. Bring them or phone G. David Pearlman. 1407 G st. n.w._Met. 54 1 5._ BOOKS—Highest prices paid for good books and old Natl. Geographies. Bargain Book Shop 80S Oth n.w Dist. 5007. 30* FURNITURE, rugs, stoves, household goods, etc.; positively highest cash prices. For best results call any time. District 4304. FURNITURE AND PIANO-" Best cash prices for all kinds household goods also Electro lux. Call after H p.m.. Met. 37k»j. :Jti* HOUSEWIVES We are paying 35 cwt. for newspapers delivered: equivalent high prices for all other junk. Federal Junk Co. 1135 1st st. n.w. District 0501. LARGE BABY CRIB, reasonable. Call North 8533-J before 3:30 p.m. or after 6 P Ml. PIANO, grand Steinway. used, in good condition. In reply please state terms. Box 00-M. Star. i-TON CHAIN HOIST, pair of 30-inch steel wheels. Robert's Paving Company. Falls Church #Mio. GOLD- BRING YOUR OLD GOLD. SIL VER PLATINUM TEETH. DISCARDED JEWEIRY WE PAY CASH A KAHN. INC.^45 YEARS AT 035 F_ OLD GOLD, silver piatlnum purchased for manufacturing use: maximum price paid. BURNSTINES 031 G ST N.W. Since lhflfl. CASH FOR OLD GOLD. Sllvpr watches diamonds and old dis carded Jewelry Full cash value paid*. _8ELTNGER’S._R18 F St. N.W _ Household Furnishings. Highest prices paid. Call National 0707. 3»i* I Buy Furniture. Atl. 8050. 1 PIECE OR 1.000. DAY AND NIGHT. CASH—PROMPT REMOVAL • 1 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. ANTIQUE FRENCH CABINET, afl inlaid: French marqueirie bed rin. furniture, day bed maple ends. No dealers. Sacrifice. 50(H) Oth st. n w. ANTIQUE pine Victorian furniture, glass. | pictures, family pieces. No dealers 53oi ! Wisconsin ave. _ 3d* | AUTOMATIC BURNER for to !* room house also gas ironing machine. Phone ; West 304 7. 31 1 1 G st. n.w. BABY CARRIAGE Heywood Wakefield stroller M5 Storkline play pen, 93; J. B. scales. 9l.5o Nor’h 3753-J. BEAUTY PARLOR EQUIPMENT for eight booths complete excellent condition, a sacrifice. Box 335-M Star BED ROOM davenport suite, breakfast set. 1 .studio couch rugs, kitchen cabinet, re- I frigerator wardrobe. Edelman. 33.03 I BED ROOM SET complete other miseel- i ianeous household furniture velvet and grass rugs, curtains, draperies .sacrifice, quick sale 30*27 Ordway st. n.w. BLOWERS >7.fin to >17.50; thermostat. $rt. installed small charge; repaired, rewound; | exhaust fans. Carty. lf>Q8 14th._ BLUE PRINTS, two sets, for Cape Cod cottage apartment-size china closet. >!o black velvet evening coat, size IX. Phone District 3104 after 0:30. .0* BOILER 7-A Capitol hot-water boiler. 7 50 ft. capacity. Bethlehem-Doe oil burn I er. 3n-ga.. automatic gas storage tank ’ heater. Outfit 1 yr. old. Installing larger, i complete oil-burning unit. 1000 Randolph | st. n.e. Phone Potomac 4153._ BOOKCASE* 3-door mahogany, ooxlxxl*!, >35 Humphrey Radiant Fire" gas heat er. >7 <cost >35. ; dresser. $7.5o; felt mattress ooxllxo. >:: 5o. small tools: o ther items, final clearance. Walnut 1M05-J BUSINESS CARDS printed for only >1.14 per thousand. Write for free samples. Ball Enterprises. *24 \ S;h st. n.e. CADET OFFICER'S UNIFORM, size 4"? 1 cap Sam Brown belt: >14. Cleveland 4 17 1 evenings and Saturday and Sunday.__ CANDY VENDING MACHINES H» Magna, new, phone Geo. *2171. Mr. Potter. *.'♦>• CASH REGISTER, show cases, counters, coffee urns, steam table, stools, scales and store fixtures of every description. Edgar Baum Inc.. 307 Oth st. n w._ CASH REGISTER, small, chromium plated *ood condition >:5. Granville Beauty Shop. 34 18 14th st. n w._ COAL BLOWER and control. Westing house, for buckwheat: like new. Cali after 0 p.m., Cleveland 3J»n>. COLUMBIA TECH INSTITUTE COMMER CIAL ART OUTFIT Georgia 0S34 CONCERT XYLOPHONE Honduras rose wood; exquisite tone, cheap. Call Sun. or Mon Adams xTlo Holah. DESK. Universal rely . >15: sew. math., elec, portable Oriental rug. Electrolux, maple bed 1733 N nw ‘20* DINING ROOM SUITE oak: library table' mahogany; both excellent condition: reas onable for quick sale. Potomac I7ttx-w. DINING ROOM SUITE 0-piece: paid **2 70. wnl sell for *Tti *2*21! Perj;y st. n.e. DINING ROOM and bed room furniture; also dishes. Phone after M p.m, Saturday, Georgia 5 7 4b._ DINING ROOM SUITE; walnut, new Call Columbia no44-J. *20• DINING ROOM SET. mahogany: godti con dition. Leaving town will -ell reasonably. No dealers. 1X58 Mint wood pi. n.w. Ad ams 4 1 ;»4 DINING ROOM SUITE, walnut. D'-pc •*5: cost >4o«». N* w Maytag washing machine. >55 cos’ >57.5«* Mahogany davenport table. >20; cos* >14«*. Spinet desk. >5. Console and mirror: >10. Mis cellaneous books, etc. 1303 Quincy st. n.w. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. 4 cu. ft.: good condition: must seli immediately; rear.: cash. West 14oO-W._ *20* ELECRIC REFRIGERATOR, Crosley Shel v.dor; cost >140. sell lor >»>5 cash o mo. old. Columbia 81*23. 1713 Lanier pi. n w . Apt. *2*2._ EXERCISER, Battle Creek, electric. Very reasonable. Adams 3*2ox. FLORISTS REFRIGERATOR <ice>, splen did condition. >7 5 cash. Met. 51 8<». • 1 FRIGIDAIRE. genuine, late model, slight ly used; 0 cubic ft.: guaranteed, very low price. Apply 508 H st. n.e. FURNITURE—3-piece living room suite chan, ottoman, secretary, davenport table; ♦'•-piece walnut bed room suite, wicker sun room suite, rug. picture-; other pieces. Rea sonable Cleveland 1434. FURNITURE, studio room, all modernistic; price. $50. Apt. 7«)*2, 1314 Mass. ave. n.w., Sunday and evenings. FURNITURE—Business couple, no chil dren: transferred from City; furniture 10 months old; original condition Chip pendale sofa and matching chair, green upholstery, sapless construction original cost >180. will sell for $80; maple bed room set. complete with double bed. >*5; Chippendale open bookcases, mahog any. pair. >5i»; misc. kitchen articles: also Franciscan breakfast set. green; terms, cash. 54*25 Connecticut ave.. Apt 508. Cleveland 0070. ‘20* FURNITURE — Living rm.. dining rm.; rues, table, crib, twin beds; excellent con dition._No dealers. Emerson_77*20._ FURNITURE—7-piece maple bed room suite, mahogany desk, chair, occasional chair. Call between 5 and 8 p.m. Sat . lo am. and 4 p.m Sunday. Phone National 8081. Apt. X10. *20* fUKiNii uke complete ior living room and bod room: radio. 7-cu.-ft. Frigid aire 3133 l!Mh st. n.w. Adams 0!»on. * FURNITURE, consisting of 5 rooms: excel lent condition: must dispose of immediate ly: moving away. Apply m»4 Independence ave. s w. FURNITURE — Mahogany dresser. 42* with large mirror: excellent condition: $15. Georgia T135. 5303 Seventh st. n.w. • FURNITURE—Can you pay cash? Then you don't have to buy used furn.: 4 floors fine, new furn. at savings up to 4 0'.- tor cash: come in. see what your cash dollar will do. Washington’s only cash furn. store. Household Furn Co.. S2!» 7 th n.w. Open_every Sat. and Moil._until_8:3(>. GAS HEATER. Janitrol: used one season: i purchased from Washington Gas Light Co.; cost SI!»P sell *75. Pot._1707. G. F REFRIGERATOR. Hamilton piano oierstuffed davenport: reasonably priced . for cush only. No dealers. Wise 3P5P-W, ; GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK, almost new; ; beautiful chimes; cost $400; sacrifice for • cash. Randolph 4118. HEATING BOILER. National Radiator Co make. 5oo-ft. capacity: good condition: $20. 730 Marietta pi. n.w. Georgia 4175 HOT-WATER BOILER for H-room house; iRdiation. 400 ft.: Hart-Crouse; reason able. Call Columbia 0415-W. HOT-WATER BOILER, radiators and used pipe. Call Clarendon 1021. HOT-WATER BOILER. National, reason I able. Mr. J. M. King. 28 R. I. ave. n.w. 1 North 1X32-.J. _ _ HOI-WATER BOILER 'Kohler*, suitable 0-room house: Apex Ever-Hot gas heater, 30 gal.: 1 year old. Call after 5:30 p m., Lincoln 0847. HUDSON SKAI CCA I', sr/e 4<* full length: fine condition; $50. Phone Wisconsin 4087._ _‘-7*__ LADIES' FALL DRESSES, perfect condi tion: black, brown, blue; size 42; cheap. 1X20 G st. n.w. LB MAR TRUMPET (new), beau I il. deal tone; big sacrifice, case included; owner leaving city. Atlantic 1012. LIVING ROOM SUITE, beautiful, over stuffed. 2 pieces. $45: kitchen cabinet, $2 50; old-fashioned square dining table, $2.50. 4010 4th st. n.w._ MEDICAL BOOKS, cheap first-year Cun ninghant s Anatomy and Spaltholtz Anat omy._Cleveland 3810._• MILL EQUIPMENT -Oo-h. p„ 3-cylinder Fairbanks-Morse Diesel engine, as good as new: rolling mills, cornmeal burr, buckwheat flour mill, .belts, pulleys, line shafts, clutches, elevators, wheat fan. corn crusher, etc. Inspection by ap pointment. Fqr further information ad dress George P. Fraley. Dr: wood Md i * MILLINERY HEADS AND STANDS- :*"c each; millinery tables, $5 to $10. 1108 F^st. n.w._ OFFICE FURNITURE new, used desks chair*, filing cabinets Washington Salvage Co. new location. 8oo E n.w jgatl PIANO. UPRIGHT BA YEP. gnorfronrlt! ton $m.on down. $5.oo per month for 8 month*. Call Cleveland 5134. f MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued > ■IANO fine puoi'rt, r*prnourina m»7iT. Vth h^hcn. roll* and cabinet, tnod cnndi Inn, Columbia 0200. jyiNo R°pM SUITE beautiful 2-pleeeT [Teratuffed. Ilk* new. coat *125. aarrlftm m Also .{-pc. bed-davenport suite, ex- i ellent condition. $7o. 1428 K st. n.w. RADIOS brand-new 1938 model*.' R cX^ Victor. Phllco and O. K.. as low as ten _cats & day; buy here and save money. Iona? 88~^enter' 614 10th 4t' n w 4Ai>io. • Mantola." In exce 1 lenfcond f ttofi: <acnflce. $15. Phone Emerson 3242 _ REFRIGERATORS, rebuilt and guaranteed. *“1 *.i»o: al*;o new floor samples at a great Sflving; terms as low as 15 cents a day. Electrical Center. 514 10th st. n.w. Na tional 8872. R EFR io ERATOR* * O. E." 4 cubic- fE7 slightly used: real bargain, term*. 3313 Rhode Island ave n.e.. Greenwood 0975. REFRIGERATORS—Elec., $39.50 ’ $55: guaranteed a.c.-d.c. motors: ventilating exhaust and ceilingj[ans. Cartel «08 14th. REFRIGERATORS, electric; easy term* New and used as low as *25. P. O. Smith* 4 13 H st. n.e. Lincoln 6050. RUGS. Oriental, antique and seml-ftn- I tique: room and scatter sizes. Rare Rut Shop. 1204 18th st. n.w. RUGS, genuine “Gold Seal ” discontinued patterns. $4.98. Apply 508 H st. n.e. RUGS. Bigelow Oriental: one 9x12. one 3x5: matching; excellent condition. $40 for 2. North 8759-W. RUGS. FUR COATS at real' bargains— <9x1 2». 25; iHxlli. $20; <7x1 in. $15. Scatters and hall runners bargain prices. Fur coats as low as $19.95. A liberal allowance on your old rug New York Sample Fur A Rug Co., 1772 Columbia rd. n.w. Oppn to 9 p m 26* SEWING MACHINE Singer, practically new; regular price. *148; will .sacrifice for $05. 037 H st. n.e. SODA FOUNTAIN. 15-foot. A -I condition; for sale cheap. Apply Mr. Gay. Lafayettt Hotel._ STEAM BOILER. No. *.12 Hart A* Crousf Royal, down draft, suitable for large apt. house. Box 423-R. Star. STONES MERCANTILE REPORTS xfxty. unused; regular price $1.25; will xell for 8t»c ea. or less for entire lo*. Box 20R-T# Star. _ SUIT, lady's, navy blue tailored, size 36, new. District. 5438 after 7 pm._26* TENT. wall, heavy khaki canvas, unused. Box 243-T. Star. _ _26* TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT—Rent,! by week, month or longer; prices reason able. Excellent values in used trailers, also complete display of new trailers Buy today, travel tomorrow. American Trailer Co. Inc. 1511 Wis ave. Cleveland 3232. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES —Removal sale; large stock must be aold: prices slashed. Capitol Typewriter Co. 822 13th st. n.w. TYPEWRITERS—Save 4<»G on machine* of quality direct from factory Rental*. *3 month Expert repairing. Natl. 8129. Central Typewriter Co.. 923 G st. n w TYPEWRITERS—American Typewriter Co., established 25 years, sales, rents and repairs. Open evenings. 1431 E. Capitol st.. Lincoln 0082.__ TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. Geo. 1 V V ’ - * lit IPlI, n „ IT.- «•> mo: 4 mov. in adv.. $0: no del.; $1 deposit. VACUUM CLEANER. Apex hand cleaner included late model, guaranteed, very low price^ Apply 508 H st. n.e._ VACUUM CLEANERS rebuilt, one-year guarantee: Hoover Eureka. Royal. Airway Electrolux, etc.- $5.95 and up. Also new G. E. We Royal Apex at great savings: !o days' free trial: terms as low as 1 o cents a day Electrical Center, 614 loth s‘._n w_Nat ional_8J*77._ VACUUM CLEANERS *4.75 up Eureka*. Hoovers. Electrolux and many others, fac tory rebuilt, like new 1-vear guar W> deliver and demonstrate REST BRANDS CO. 805 11th st. n.w. National 7773 VIOLET RAY MACHINE A-l condition, elec. refrigerator. bed rm. suit® and be«u uful chaise longue; rcas. Phon® Shepherd 3090. _ \ WALL PAPER! room lots. 81 per room for rooms 12x1 7./ Mahoney Wall Paper Co.. 374 Penn. av<*. s.e. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE. 10-oe7 84o 7 beds, springs and mattresses *8; dresser. *7. 1730 30th st. n.w CIV* ___ WASHING MACHINES A B C. Apex. Thor. Maytag: rebuilt and guaranteed also floor samples and factory seconds at a great saving terms as low as 10 cents a day. Electrical Center 514 10th at. n.w. Na tional SS77.__ WESTING HOUSE WATER COOLERS, with individual cups, brand-new Apply 304*2 14th st. nw and 57* 12th at. n.w LEAVING CITY must dispose of grand father s clock «Wes?minster chime* ma hogany bed room suite (twin bed** over stuffed living room set. rugs picture.*, ma hoaanv secre’arv. Philco radio. Call after 12 noon. 1030 R st. n.w.. Apt. 849. Pot, 1909._ _ _ r RUGS. New Fall stock, all sixes: Imported. Oriental. Persian and Chinese designs, low prices; room sizes from *P.P5. CAPITOL RUG CO . 2871 14th ST.. 'AT HARVARD), Open Evenings and_Sundays. ARLINGTON COAL CO. 2,740 po nas to the ton. Bapvert and stored free SPECIAL PRICES. Virginia hard nut **50 ! Virginia hard stove _ $8 76 Blue Banner eeg _$7 50 ; Pocahontas nut ___ $8 00 Pocahontas stove _*P oo Pocahontas egg _ _ *P 50 Pennsylvania nut __ $1100 Oak wood, seasoned $P.O0 _JACKSON 1 8RO. __ TWINPHONE INTERCOMMUNICATING SYSTEM. $29.95. Simple direct, inexpensive method of inter-room conversation. Permits instant natural conversations between rooms, no i matter how w.dely separated. Price ln I eludes ordinary installation Phone for demonstration F O. Linkens. P24 5th ft. n.w. National 8TP7. _— V Durlnr our filth Sepiemher §*'• we have made great reduction* tn price* on slightly n*ed and reconditioned grands and uprights. Grands from SI.VI up and upright* as loir as 140. all instruments In perfect condition. One used apartment npright. #138.50. one Gulhranson grand. §155. Pianos for rent in .Vs to 6 octave sires. Hugo Worch. 1110 G N.W.. home of the celebrated Hardman Tianos. Don't fail to examine the Minnepiano. the most popular small upright. HUGO WORCH mo G SI. N.w. BOATS 20-FT. FAST SAILBOAT. $100 Langan’i Boat Shop 1 Shipwright »t . Annapolis. Md 1 S-FT. SLOOP, roomy seaworthy, built 1 !»;!♦». Sisn with sails. For inspection, fall Alexandria 1615 _ 45-FT. BOAT for charter. $25.00 per day lor races. Call Alexandria 1129-W. _25*_ For: s a LB cabin cruiser 2 8-h n Redwinu marine engine toilet and other accessories: no reasonable offer refused. Line. IK77-J alter »• p m. _25* CATTLE AND LIVE STOCK._ 12 FRESH COWS AND SPRINGERS for sale. J. Preston Rogers, McLean, Va. Falls Church sol -F-4._ BAY GELDING. 3 years old, sound; bar gain for quick sale. Georgia 3206._ 6 LARGE WORK HORSES. 2 maros in foal. 3 mules, cheap. Rear of 2230 Pa. % s.e. End of Pa Bridge s.e _ 2ft* PONIES (3». J Shetland. 2 Welsh; one all white one white with black head one black with white fret, all prizewinners; $7 5. $100. All for $200. Shepherd S26ft. RIDING HORSE thoroughbred. « years old. small. $125. Hillandale or call Adams 0022. *26* DOGS PETS, ETC. COCKER SPANIELS registered litter, black. 2 months old Wisconsin 3100._ BOSTON TERRIERS for sale, on account of sickness am compelled to dispose of all puppies and grown stock. Sacrifice for immediate sale. Greenwood 1003-M SCOTTY PUPPIES, black; registered A. K. C : championship stock. 4614 N. 22nd at* Arlington. Va Walnut 121 7-J. _ FOR SALE German shepherd puppies. Write for particulars. Andrew Lindner, Glenn Dale. Md_26* PERSIAN KITTENS pedigreed. Call Wis consin 5327. 7 a m. to 11 a m._ POLICE PUPPIES. 6 weeks old. reason^ able. 3712 South 16th st., Arlington. Vg, 26* 3 POINTERS, one setter, at Ager Road Skeet Club, between Queens Chapel rd. and Rliigs rd., on Ager rd. Phone Green wood 234JL _26* GREAT DANES. Beautiful harlequin, blark and fawn puppies; wonderful pets and watchdogs. Mrs. R. D. Lindsey. Colesville. Md.. RVfc miles north of Silver Spring signal light. POULTRY & EGGS. BABY CHICKS blood test'd. *11 breed,; Wm. James & Son. 019 K st. n.w. Metro politan 0088. FARM AND GARDEN. FARMING EQUIPMENT to be used with tractor International plow, drill and har row only used a lew months. In new condi tion. at a bis discount. Morton J Luchs’ farm. Old Georgetown rd., between Bethes ds and Rock Wile Md. _ BONE MEAL •-’ for ion pounds MlC ton Hopfenmaler Estate. 3.100 K st. •.*. Phone West 1132. i ( Vou Can’t Afford NOT to Renovize The Eberly Way □Our Interest Is Deeper Than Just the “Job" The Eberly Plan has reduced renovizing and modernizing to things on exact science. There's for nothing that can be needed Immediate around your premises that isn't attention included in our forty different • services—every one of which about* will be performed by a master Insulating ®t his craft. and' - But a part of our service is to 0l t advise with our clients—as to Caulking WHAT is needed; and HOW it up the can best be done. You will □always enjoy the saving of the Eberly Plan's organization. A. Eberly’s Sons 1108 KN.W. olrllh Ui- 6557 One Standard—One Responsibility—One Modest Profit r /